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ironstrangle · 2 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Hawkeye (Comics) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Clint Barton Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Clint Barton Additional Tags: Comic Inspired MCU AU, Clint Barton Feels, Power Outage Summary:
Clint's building has a power outage and Bucky comes to the rescue.
MCU AU with a Hawkeye Comic inspired version of Clint. Saw the prompt "power outage" and just wanted to play with this dynamic.
@marvelrarepairbingo2022 - prompt power outage.
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averyrogers83writes · 3 years ago
Title: Change of Routine
Summary: Bucky was having the worst morning and it only got worse when he found out his favorite coffee shop gets shut down for renovations now he has to figure out where to go to get his morning addiction.
Warnings: General, Fluff, mostly fluff and more fluff.
Square Filled: Hot Cocoa @avengersbingo Christmas bingo 2021
Word Count: 2101
A/N: This is written for @pleasetakethis for the @winterhawkwonderland gift exchange.
Pairing: WinterHawk, Bucky Barnes and Clint Barton
@one-crazy-writer @winterhawkwonderland @everyones-fangirl @phoenixwithoutadoubt
James Bucky Barnes, Bucky to his friends and only his friends, was a creature of habit. He lived for routines from the moment he opened his eyes in the morning till he closed them at night. He didn’t deviate from that routine, waking up to go for his workout even before the sun said good morning, showered and got dressed with enough time to stop at the corner cafe to grab his large cup of black coffee and blueberry muffin.
It was like that every morning it was the same, he probably even scheduled when he’d jack off and take a piss. When he was asked why he was so strict with his routine he just laughed it off and mumbled something incoherently. Truth be told it all started because of his loser of a dad. The man was strict, making sure that no matter what Bucky always stuck to the schedule that he laid out there was no time for Bucky to enjoy his childhood. There was too much for a young capable man to do. If he did try to seek out some fun, his father would make sure he wouldn’t slip up again.
As Bucky got older it didn’t seem to matter so much and he continued to live on with that thought that his father instilled in his mind. There was no room for fun when there was so much to do. So every day it was the same. The same workouts, the same suit, and the same large cup of black coffee and blueberry muffin.
That all suddenly changed though. Bucky got up like normal, put in his workout, got showered and dressed and nothing had changed, that is until he made his way to the corner cafe and found that it was closed down for renovations. Needless to say the new revelations did not leave Bucky with a smile on his face. For the rest of the morning he was a grump until his assistant Wanda set a cup of coffee in front of him and told him to stop being such an ass. Wanda was the only one that could ever really talk to him that way and get away with it. He just huffed and took a sip of coffee.
The moment the cup touched his lips, smelled the rich aroma cast from the beans, and when the liquid touched his lips his whole perspective changed. He had never tasted anything like it before. It was the best cup of coffee he had ever had and he had to find out where his assistant had gone to get it.
Wanda knew Bucky was hooked by the way he kept bugging her throughout the day trying to find out where this amazing new coffee shop was. She wasn’t going to make it easy for him either. In the end she wrote down the address and not without getting a few things for herself. Like some extra days off, a paid spa day for her and her best friend, as well as a little raise, which honestly Bucky would have given her anyway because she very much deserved it for putting up with him.
The next morning Bucky got up a little earlier than normal, did his usual workout, got dressed and made a trip to the side of the city he hadn’t been to since he had moved. He looked around the city streets noticing how different things looked since he had last been to the West Side. Little restaurants and shops that he used to frequent have closed down and others came in their place, others were either vacant or had little business trickling in, except for one cafe on the corner that had a line out it’s door of customers waiting to get their caffeine fix.
Bucky checked his emails and messages as he stood in line until he got closer to look over the menu board filled with some obscure names for their different drinks. Who the hell knew what an Affogato or Kaffeost or even Cafezinho was or what was in a Hawkeye or Bulletproof drink. All he wanted was a large cup of straight black coffee preferably hot, some of those drinks came in hot or cold and what the hell was a Nitro cold brew. The longer Bucky looked at the menu the more his head hurt and the longer the line got behind him.
People started to get gruff behind him asking him to hurry up and make a decision, he had just about turned around to give the little old lady behind him a piece of his mind until the blonde barista behind the counter slid a large cup in front of him.
“Here you go, one large cup of Hawkey on the house.”
“I didn’t order this.”
“I know, but trust me this is the one you want to go with” he said “don’t worry, it’s just one large cup of straight black coffee.” Was his response when Bucky hesitated.
Bucky wasn’t sure what happened. He was stunned into silence and all he could do was turn his attention to the concoction in his hand. He was partly scared and yet intrigued, he had no idea what the barista could have put in his cup, but the moment he took that first sip all he could do was smile. It was the best cup of coffee he had ever had and from then on he was hooked.
Every morning he got up a little earlier each time so that he could make his way back to that same coffee shop, to get another cup of the delicious piping ping hot cup of liquid gold.He couldn’t get enough and if he had an earlier meeting he would make sure to get up even earlier so that he still had time to stop at the cafe. Everyday he made it to the cafe and every day the same blonde smiling barista would hand him his cup of coffee and every day Bucky savored his first sip before making his way to the office. Everyday until the day things changed.
That Friday Bucky went to the cafe like normal, but before he got up to the counter he knew there was something different about the day. The familiar smiling barista was missing and even though Bucky had ordered the same cup of coffee and even though it was the same it just didn’t taste the same. The first sip didn’t taste like all those other times and it didn’t leave Bucky with the same feeling as before. He went about his day as usual, but without the pep in his step and it showed. Wanda could sense d there was something wrong and when she tried to ask him about it he just grumbled at her and went about his work.
The next morning he found himself close to the cafe where he shrugged his shoulders and decided that he would go in even though he knew that he would end up disappointed when he didn’t see his favorite blonde. When he approached the counter he was surprised to see that the blonde was there after all and Bucky’s whole demeanor changed.
“Hey…uh sorry can I get a large…”
“Hawkeye….yeah man of course.”
“You remember.”
“I never forget an order. So what brings you in on a Saturday, you usually don’t come in during the weekends. I almost didn’t recognize you looking all casual.”
“Yeah…um I was just out running some errands and thought I would come in.” Bucky wasn’t sure why, but he found himself suddenly nervous around the other man.
“Personally I think you pull off the casual nicely” the blonde smiled
Bucky could feel his face flush as he tried to find the words only to leave the other man to laugh at him. It wasn’t a mean laugh, it was more cute and seemed to come off even a little sympathetic, if that was even possible.
“Uhh, thanks” he chuckled as he looked up at the menu.
“So your usual?”
“You know I was thinking I might be a little adventurous today and try something different. What would you suggest?”
“Well…the Cafezinho is pretty popular as well as the Kaffeost, but if you want my honest opinion I usually just stick to the plain black or if I’m having a bit of a bad day I might get the bullet proof, it has a shot of Nitro brew in it. Sometimes if I really need a little pick me up, I put in two shots.”
“Wow, really? Well maybe I’ll try that one then.”
“Someone is being adventurous today. One Nitro Bulletproof coming up. Why don’t you find a table and I’ll bring it out to you…unless you want it to go.”
“No, I'll have it here.”
Bucky watched from his seat as the man seemed to dance around effortlessly making his coffee and in no time was placing a hot mug of coffee in front of him along with a blueberry muffin and sat down opposite him.
“I hope you like it. I actually put a little bit of Baileys in it too.”
Bucky’s face lit up the moment he took a sip “I don’t know what you do, but this is the best cup I’ve ever had. I seem to say that every time I come here.…well except for maybe yesterday.”
“Wait, what happened yesterday?”
“You weren’t here.” Bucky could just tell his face was probably three shades of red at this point. He wasn't expecting those words to come out so freely the way they did.
Clint gave him a big smile “sorry about that, I had to take my dog to the vet yesterday..”
“Is he or she ok?”
“Yeah, just a little check up that’s all. His name is Lucky or I sometimes call him pizza dog.”
Bucky looks and gives him a funny luck “Pizza dog?”
“Yeah the guy loves pizza. Dog after my own heart.”
The two of them talked for hours before the foot traffic started to pick up and Clint had to go back behind the counter. “My name is Clint by the way.”
“Bucky, Bucky Barnes”
“Well Bucky, I close up shop here in about an hour if you aren’t in a hurry. Maybe you can be like our test subject on some new flavors one of the employees suggested. Personally I like just straight coffee and not all that frilly stuff, but you know got to give the people what they want.”
“Sure, I mean I don’t know much about all these different fancy coffee drinks, but I wouldn’t mind helping out.”
“Great. Well I’ll be back to check on you in a minute.”
Bucky spent his time checking his emails, reading and occasionally peeking over at Clint while he worked. The guy was like a magician or something and he had that kind of personality that could make even the grumpiest person leave with a smile.
“Hey, I thought instead of coffee you might enjoy a nice cup of hot cocoa. I don’t want you to be too wired when it’s time for the taste test. Nat can sometimes get a little over zealous when she comes up with some new drink ideas.”
“Who’s Nat?”
“She’s an old friend of mine. She’s the one that convinced me to open this place up when I retired from my government job and now she comes by sometimes to use me as a Guinea pig.” He chuckled “I don’t mind though, she’s my best friend so I would do just about anything for her.”
For the next hour the two of them were at Nat’s mercy. Tasting every kind of concoction she had come up with and in the end they narrowed it down to three new menu items. The three of them cleaned up the cafe and closed up.
“Hey Bucky I was wondering if you would like to maybe grab a pizza or something one of these nights.”
“Uh yeah, I mean yes. How about tomorrow night?”
“Tomorrow night it is.” There was an awkward silence between them as they smiled at each other “Well I better go check on Lucky…I’ll see you later Bucky.”
James Bucky Barnes, Bucky to his friends and only his friends, was a creature of habit. He lived for routines from the moment he opened his eyes in the morning till he closed them at night. He didn’t deviate from that routine, waking up to go for his workout even before the sun said good morning, showered and got dressed with enough time to stop at the corner cafe to grab his large cup of black coffee and blueberry muffin.
It was like that every morning it was the same, he probably even scheduled when he’d jack off and take a piss. When he was asked why he was so strict with his routine he just laughed it off and mumbled something incoherently. Truth be told it all started because of his loser of a dad. The man was strict, making sure that no matter what Bucky always stuck to the schedule that he laid out there was no time for Bucky to enjoy his childhood. There was too much for a young capable man to do. If he did try to seek out some fun, his father would make sure he wouldn’t slip up again.
As Bucky got older it didn’t seem to matter so much and he continued to live on with that thought that his father instilled in his mind. There was no room for fun when there was so much to do. So every day it was the same. The same workouts, the same suit, and the same large cup of black coffee and blueberry muffin.
That all suddenly changed though. Bucky got up like normal, put in his workout, got showered and dressed and nothing had changed, that is until he made his way to the corner cafe and found that it was closed down for renovations. Needless to say the new revelations did not leave Bucky with a smile on his face. For the rest of the morning he was a grump until his assistant Wanda set a cup of coffee in front of him and told him to stop being such an ass. Wanda was the only one that could ever really talk to him that way and get away with it. He just huffed and took a sip of coffee.
The moment the cup touched his lips, smelled the rich aroma cast from the beans, and when the liquid touched his lips his whole perspective changed. He had never tasted anything like it before. It was the best cup of coffee he had ever had and he had to find out where his assistant had gone to get it.
Wanda knew Bucky was hooked by the way he kept bugging her throughout the day trying to find out where this amazing new coffee shop was. She wasn’t going to make it easy for him either. In the end she wrote down the address and not without getting a few things for herself. Like some extra days off, a paid spa day for her and her best friend, as well as a little raise, which honestly Bucky would have given her anyway because she very much deserved it for putting up with him.
The next morning Bucky got up a little earlier than normal, did his usual workout, got dressed and made a trip to the side of the city he hadn’t been to since he had moved. He looked around the city streets noticing how different things looked since he had last been to the West Side. Little restaurants and shops that he used to frequent have closed down and others came in their place, others were either vacant or had little business trickling in, except for one cafe on the corner that had a line out it’s door of customers waiting to get their caffeine fix.
Bucky checked his emails and messages as he stood in line until he got closer to look over the menu board filled with some obscure names for their different drinks. Who the hell knew what an Affogato or Kaffeost or even Cafezinho was or what was in a Hawkeye or Bulletproof drink. All he wanted was a large cup of straight black coffee preferably hot, some of those drinks came in hot or cold and what the hell was a Nitro cold brew. The longer Bucky looked at the menu the more his head hurt and the longer the line got behind him.
People started to get gruff behind him asking him to hurry up and make a decision, he had just about turned around to give the little old lady behind him a piece of his mind until the blonde barista behind the counter slid a large cup in front of him.
“Here you go, one large cup of Hawkey on the house.”
“I didn’t order this.”
“I know, but trust me this is the one you want to go with” he said “don’t worry, it’s just one large cup of straight black coffee.” Was his response when Bucky hesitated.
Bucky wasn’t sure what happened. He was stunned into silence and all he could do was turn his attention to the concoction in his hand. He was partly scared and yet intrigued, he had no idea what the barista could have put in his cup, but the moment he took that first sip all he could do was smile. It was the best cup of coffee he had ever had and from then on he was hooked.
Every morning he got up a little earlier each time so that he could make his way back to that same coffee shop, to get another cup of the delicious piping ping hot cup of liquid gold.He couldn’t get enough and if he had an earlier meeting he would make sure to get up even earlier so that he still had time to stop at the cafe. Everyday he made it to the cafe and every day the same blonde smiling barista would hand him his cup of coffee and every day Bucky savored his first sip before making his way to the office. Everyday until the day things changed.
That Friday Bucky went to the cafe like normal, but before he got up to the counter he knew there was something different about the day. The familiar smiling barista was missing and even though Bucky had ordered the same cup of coffee and even though it was the same it just didn’t taste the same. The first sip didn’t taste like all those other times and it didn’t leave Bucky with the same feeling as before. He went about his day as usual, but without the pep in his step and it showed. Wanda could sense d there was something wrong and when she tried to ask him about it he just grumbled at her and went about his work.
The next morning he found himself close to the cafe where he shrugged his shoulders and decided that he would go in even though he knew that he would end up disappointed when he didn’t see his favorite blonde. When he approached the counter he was surprised to see that the blonde was there after all and Bucky’s whole demeanor changed.
“Hey…uh sorry can I get a large…”
“Hawkeye….yeah man of course.”
“You remember.”
“I never forget an order. So what brings you in on a Saturday, you usually don’t come in during the weekends. I almost didn’t recognize you looking all casual.”
“Yeah…um I was just out running some errands and thought I would come in.” Bucky wasn’t sure why, but he found himself suddenly nervous around the other man.
“Personally I think you pull off the casual nicely” the blonde smiled
Bucky could feel his face flush as he tried to find the words only to leave the other man to laugh at him. It wasn’t a mean laugh, it was more cute and seemed to come off even a little sympathetic, if that was even possible.
“Uhh, thanks” he chuckled as he looked up at the menu.
“So your usual?”
“You know I was thinking I might be a little adventurous today and try something different. What would you suggest?”
“Well…the Cafezinho is pretty popular as well as the Kaffeost, but if you want my honest opinion I usually just stick to the plain black or if I’m having a bit of a bad day I might get the bullet proof, it has a shot of Nitro brew in it. Sometimes if I really need a little pick me up, I put in two shots.”
“Wow, really? Well maybe I’ll try that one then.”
“Someone is being adventurous today. One Nitro Bulletproof coming up. Why don’t you find a table and I’ll bring it out to you…unless you want it to go.”
“No, I'll have it here.”
Bucky watched from his seat as the man seemed to dance around effortlessly making his coffee and in no time was placing a hot mug of coffee in front of him along with a blueberry muffin and sat down opposite him.
“I hope you like it. I actually put a little bit of Baileys in it too.”
Bucky’s face lit up the moment he took a sip “I don’t know what you do, but this is the best cup I’ve ever had. I seem to say that every time I come here.…well except for maybe yesterday.”
“Wait, what happened yesterday?”
“You weren’t here.” Bucky could just tell his face was probably three shades of red at this point. He wasn't expecting those words to come out so freely the way they did.
Clint gave him a big smile “sorry about that, I had to take my dog to the vet yesterday..”
“Is he or she ok?”
“Yeah, just a little check up that’s all. His name is Lucky or I sometimes call him pizza dog.”
Bucky looks and gives him a funny luck “Pizza dog?”
“Yeah the guy loves pizza. Dog after my own heart.”
The two of them talked for hours before the foot traffic started to pick up and Clint had to go back behind the counter. “My name is Clint by the way.”
“Bucky, Bucky Barnes”
“Well Bucky, I close up shop here in about an hour if you aren’t in a hurry. Maybe you can be like our test subject on some new flavors one of the employees suggested. Personally I like just straight coffee and not all that frilly stuff, but you know got to give the people what they want.”
“Sure, I mean I don’t know much about all these different fancy coffee drinks, but I wouldn’t mind helping out.”
“Great. Well I’ll be back to check on you in a minute.”
Bucky spent his time checking his emails, reading and occasionally peeking over at Clint while he worked. The guy was like a magician or something and he had that kind of personality that could make even the grumpiest person leave with a smile.
“Hey, I thought instead of coffee you might enjoy a nice cup of hot cocoa. I don’t want you to be too wired when it’s time for the taste test. Nat can sometimes get a little over zealous when she comes up with some new drink ideas.”
“Who’s Nat?”
“She’s an old friend of mine. She’s the one that convinced me to open this place up when I retired from my government job and now she comes by sometimes to use me as a Guinea pig.” He chuckled “I don’t mind though, she’s my best friend so I would do just about anything for her.”
For the next hour the two of them were at Nat’s mercy. Tasting every kind of concoction she had come up with and in the end they narrowed it down to three new menu items. The three of them cleaned up the cafe and closed up.
“Hey Bucky I was wondering if you would like to maybe grab a pizza or something one of these nights.”
“Uh yeah, I mean yes. How about tomorrow night?”
“Tomorrow night it is.” There was an awkward silence between them as they smiled at each other “Well I better go check on Lucky…I’ll see you later Bucky.”
“See ya later Clint.”
Bucky didn’t want to say goodbye, after he had spent the whole day there with Clint enjoying his company and being Nat’s taste tester but in the end it was all worth it. He had a date with a hot blonde barista who made the best coffee he had ever tasted.
“See ya later Clint.”
Bucky didn’t want to say goodbye, after he had spent the whole day there with Clint enjoying his company and being Nat’s taste tester but in the end it was all worth it. He had a date with a hot blonde barista who made the best coffee he had ever tasted.
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awarrows-clintbarton · 5 years ago
hi! this is pretty general, but got any winterhawk headcanons?
Oh, boy do I ever!
Clint treating Bucky like he does everyone else. Sometimes it back firing quite spectacularly on him. But Bucky still appreciates it. Even if Clint did give him a panic attack when he fell out of the vent above his bed room at some ungodly hour.
Both of them basically dating for a crazy long time while insisting they’re ‘just friends’ who occasionally sleep together, hold hands and cuddle.
Natasha and Sam basically staging an intervention for the two to finally figure out their feelings.
Both Clint and Bucky showing their love for each other through actions more than words. Most of the time grossing Sam and Kate out by it.
Steve and Natasha both being so so happy for the pair.
Bucky constantly saving Clint’s ass.
Those joke pillows that say ‘We had sex here.’ Are no joke in their apartment.
One of them pulling something during extremely creative sex and almost humanly impossible positions.
Bucky does all the cooking
Clint is a total pro at untangling Buckys arm from his hair and Luckys Fur.
Lucky and alpine being the most spoiled animals on the planet.
Bucky is always at Clint’s side in medical to tell him how much of an idiot he was/is. (Though he really means to say how scared he was for the other man.)
All the sex jokes.
When they get their act together being almost unstoppable.
“Clint, would it kill you to use a glass.”
“Why are their knives in the sugar Bucky?”
An insane amount of PDA.
Their apparmemt being the most disorganized organized place on the planet. (And probably has more weapons than a SHIELD armory.)
Lots of random competitions and bets with one and other.
Neither of them sleeping with out the other.
Bucky being a total blanket hog
Clint is like a human octopus in his sleep.
Lucky and alpine take up the majority of the the bed.
Almost daily coffee runs
Stupid nicknames like Tin man and feathers
Really intense snowball fights
Prank wars where no one is safe. (Especially when they’ve teamed up.)
Natasha threatening to do unspeakable things to them if they don’t lock the door when they have sex.
The building they live in being the safest in NY next to the tower.
Their block also having the lowest crime rate in the city.
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aw-doll-no · 5 years ago
"The Way You Flirt Is Shameful"
(1775 words)
Pairings: Bucky Barnes/Clint Barton
Warnings: /
Tags: humor
Summary: "The way you flirt is shameful." He recognizes the voice as Tony's and sure enough Bucky walks around the corner to see a offended Clint and an even more offended looking Tony. They both stand side by side, ignoring each other. Natasha sits at the table, arms around her knees holding a cup, watching both men with amusement.
Note: Finally a new story, I'm sorry for taking so long. There are some other news too... I hate to say it but there won't be another one anytime soon :( (here's why) but I will be back.
The elevator doors open, Bucky steps out and walks in the direction of the kitchen when he starts hearing voices.
"It's not that bad." That's Clint, no question.
There is the sound of someone huffing in response but Bucky doesn't know who's doing it.
"Oh come on." Clint again.
"The way you flirt is shameful." He recognizes the voice as Tony's and sure enough Bucky walks around the corner to see a offended Clint and an even more offended looking Tony. They both stand side by side, ignoring each other. Natasha sits at the table, arms around her knees holding a cup, watching both men with amusement.
Clint turns to her with an pleading expression. "Tasha I'm good at flirting."
"Of course you are. It's a mystery why I never fell for it myself," she says smirking.
Clint's face falls. "You are supposed to be on my side." He folds his arms and mumbles, "Traitor."
"I am on your side but I also have to save you from yourself."
"And you my friend need some serious saving." Tony points out.
"Easy for you to say," Clint huffs, "you have a big name and a huge amount of money."
"That's not it." Tony waves him off before pointing to Bucky. "Take him for example. In the 40s? A nobody and a poor one at that but he got the ladies. No offense."
Bucky raises a brow not quite sure what to make out of the situation.
"But he got called smooth and the only way I can pull off being smooth is when I'm on a mission. It's an act. Private me is different, you know, I'm funny. That's the route I'm taking and people like funny guys, some even look especially for them for dating."
"Clint, Clint please listen to me," Tony puts a hand on his shoulder. "You are right. Funny is good, funny is great and I'm the living proof of that but," Tony takes a deep breath, "your puns aren't funny and least of all flirty. Listening to them just hurts."
"Aw fuck you, Stark."
Bucky wonders if he should have gone to the kitchen later. He asks anyway. "What is this all about?"
"Clint is a hopeless case." "Tony is an idiot that thinks you can't flirt in a humorous way." They both answer at the same time before looking at each other affronted.
"I never said that. It's absolutely possible but humorous flirting is not whatever that is what you do." Tony waves his arms.
Unimpressed Natasha looks over to Bucky to explain. "Clint's way of flirting is taking in your situation or rather your environment and making a cheesy pun out of it." She looks thoughtful to the ceiling. "There was this market place, where was that again? Anyway I still remember there being so many fruits and vegetables and he tried to make every single one of them a pun."
Clint switches his glare from Tony to Natasha. "You laughed."
"Because I thought you were doing awful jokes on purpose. I didn't know that you actually tried out new lines."
Tony shakes his head unbelieving. Bucky on the other hand is curious. "Is it really that bad?"
"Of course not," Clint declines.
"I can't listen to this anymore. I'm done." Immediately Tony leaves the room with big steps. Natasha seems very interested in her cup all of sudden.
"But it's not that bad." Clint repeats again starting to look unsure.
Bucky feels a pinch in his chest watching this. Before he knows it his mouth opens. "Try it on me."
Clint blinks a few times, his eyes start to roam around and Bucky feels like a fool for even suggesting but before he can take it back Clint speaks.
"You must be a banana," he waits a beat and continues, "because I find you very a-peeling." A lopsided smile spreads over Clints face in a somehow awkward manner.
Nothing happens at first but then Bucky let's out a soft, "oh," before leaving the room without another word.
"That was your best fruit related pun flirt I wonder why it didn't work," Natasha wonders sarcastically.
Clint looks thoughtful without acknowledging her.
It's dinner time and the team sits together to enjoy it. Several conversations take place at the same time and Bucky finds himself enjoying the familiarity of it.
"I heard there is a new steak house not far from here," Clint says and for a moment Bucky is confused because nobody responds to it. It's just then that he realizes that he's the one Clint is talking to.
Clint smiles. "I just thought you should know."
"I'm pretty sure that you would enjoy it. At least you would fit in really well." Clint's smile becomes wider. "Because they're serving BBQ and you're barbe-cute."
Bucky can feel Steve's eyes on him while looking at Clint's expecting face but he chooses to ignore both of them and continues with his food. It doesn't take long for Clint to join another conversation and Steve to stop looking.
Bucky finds himself on the same seat as the night before because it's breakfast time. At least for him. The team usually eats together in the evening but the rest of the day everyone is on their own because of the different schedules. Clint comes in but Bucky doesn't bother to say anything because at this time of the day any word will fall on deaf ears. Literally.
Clint seats himself opposite of Bucky with a mug and a half asleep expression. They sit in silence for awhile. Bucky is still eating his toast when Clint starts to gaze intensely at the ingredients. His look turns up and with a big toothy grin he says, "There is nothing butter than you."
Bucky stops in the middle of chewing and just stares. Clint doesn't seem bothered by it at all. Bucky decides that he is done with eating and gets up to bring his dishes to the kitchen sink before leaving.
They meet again in the corridor. Clint is carrying the same cup as this morning but it's probably his fifth refill. He holds it up in greeting.
"We should get coffee together sometime, because I like you a latte."
Once again he's smiling but this time he doesn't wait for Bucky to respond, he just walks past him into the elevator.
It's movie night and everyone sits quietly together to follow the plot of the film. It's finally something Bucky is actually interested in. Together with the popcorn and the comfortable couch, he doesn't have anything to complain about.
In the middle of a landscape shot Clint leans over. Bucky holds out the bowl but instead of getting a handful, Clint just takes a single one and holds it up to Bucky.
"I know it's corny but I think you are a-maize-ing."
"Jarvis stop the movie," Tony shouts before turning around to glare at Clint. "You! Get out! Now!"
"No. I don't want to hear it. That was two mistakes at once."
Clint huffs but does so.
Bucky doesn't pay attention for the rest of the movie.
The team trains and while Bucky is not a part of the avengers team, he still trains with them. He refuses to do one on one fights and keeps mostly to himself. Nobody asks him about it. He's on the treadmill when a grinning Clint appears in front of him. Bucky raises a brow in question.
"You should take a break soon."
Bucky frowns. He just started running and Clint knows it because he was there first. It slowly dawns on what's going to happen next.
"Just thought you must be tired because you've been running through my mind all day."
Bucky wonders what to do but is saved when Natasha calls Clint over to her.
You can't stop now. That would be too obvious. Bucky needs someone to talk to but he pushes himself to run more and faster. Just another moment. Just- ah fuck it. He gets off the treadmill and walks over to the punching bag where Steve trains.
"He did it again."
"I said he did it again."
Bucky grabs the punching bag and glares at Steve.
"Sorry," sheepishly Steve rubs his neck, "who did what again?"
"Clint. He does this awful punny flirt thing and I don't know why but he's started trying it on me. I mean, ok, I asked him to in the beginning but only because I didn't know what the fuss was about. And now he doesn't stop." Frustrated Bucky runs a hand through his hair. "It's ridiculous, honestly. But the worst thing is," he sighs, "I kinda think it's endearing."
Steve's eyes get big and a smile creeps on his face. "No way."
"I know." Bucky rests his forehead against the punching bag. "I can't even respond. Every time he says a line I have to concentrate to keep a neutral face and because of that I can't get a single word out."
"Why are you resisting?"
Bucky throws him a dirty look. "He's testing out lines because he thinks I'm good at flirting. So he is probably looking for advice and nothing more."
Steve holds up a finger. "Probably," he points out smug.
"Why did I thought you would be any help? Continue your training, punk."
Bucky walks away while Steve laughs.
It doesn't take long for the elevator to arrive. When the doors open Bucky isn't much surprised to find Clint already on it. Placing himself next to the other man, he notices the silence.
Bucky looks over expectant but Clint just sighs. "I've have nothing to say."
Keeping his eyes on the elevator doors, Bucky hums in response, smiling to himself. "I think I must have got on the wrong elevator," he says in a low voice. Catching Clint looking over in the corner of his eye, "I didn't mean to go straight to heaven."
There is a beat silence before Clint barks out a laugh.
"That was smooth." He pats Bucky on the shoulder. "Tony will probably say otherwise but I think he just doesn't get it. Anyway it's better than the stuff I tried. I'm really flattered. Hey, can I have it?"
"You can, on one condition." He waits for Clint to look at him. "You only use it one me."
Clint starts laughing again but Bucky just smirks back. The laughter dies down when the doors open.
"Wait, you're not serious, are you?"
Bucky doesn't answer, instead he gets off the elevator. One last look over his shoulder reveals a flabbergasted Clint as the doors close.
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ineedapuppyandsomevodka · 5 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Marvel Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Clint Barton Characters: Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes Additional Tags: Whumptober?, Clint Barton Bingo 2019, Mentions of past abuse, brief mention of rape? nothing is in detail though, Trust Issues, Clint Barton Has Issues, Hurt Clint Barton Summary:
Clint's been hurt a lot, but he's never really been broken.
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Marshmallows & Lemonade:
A WinterHawk oneshot.
Warnings/Tags: Fluffy at the start then angst, injury- no detail just what it is-
-gunshot wound*, Angsty phone call with injured Clint, slurring, worry, sad, Mention of sleazy guy no noncon tho, Bucky & his bad feelings (as in feeling as if shits gonna go down), mention of blowjobs (in a joke), swearing, alcohol, gay bois in love- don't like don't read, Winterhawk, so Clint x Buck, mentions of Tony being a sweetie, a cute petname & Jarvis being a helpful buddy, flashbacks, phone convos & Also starts then goes back a bit, with Bucky b4 an event & reminiscing!
*Clint talking in purple*
*flashbacks in this*
*Jarvis voice in this*
Yeah wrote this at 4am so yeah don't judge, only lightly edited!
Read & review & let me know if you want a part 2. Welp here goes! Enjoy!!
Trying not to have a (tw) panic attack actually posting something I wrote and especially so unedited & rewritten ok right here goes-
Ok enjoy:
Bucky heard the phone ring at 3am. He wasn't asleep anyway. Clint left an hour ago to get them marshmallows & lemonade for their late night movie night. Bucky was tense for some reason, he had a feeling something was about to go wrong. He pushed it down- breathed- stretched- ran his finger tips over the smiley face his boyfriend had drawn on his metal arm. He'd been pissed- till he hadn't.
It made him smile- made him feel safe. They'd been working on him getting more confident about his arm. Stark- Tony- had done some upgrades- changed the silver- he liked silver but that shade made him quiver & cry if he was being honest- too many memories. They'd tinted it a different colour, got rid of the star- reworked the mechanisms till it was smoother in a soft toned down way- but still powerful- he still wanted to fight- just for the good guys this time.
He grinned at the smiley face slightly. He liked his new arm- and he liked his smiley face.
The purple & black hoodie he was wearing tickled his neck slightly & he buried his face into its sleeve- it smelt like Clint. God. When'd he become such a sap!! He blamed Clint. & his soft puppy persona. He stretched again- it was getting a little late- the store wasn't that far away- he quashed down the little spark of fear & was about to call his annoying making him worry dammit boyfriend when the phone started blaring its usual tune. He breathed out a sharp breath and answered stomach in slight knots.
Buck heard the breathless exhale of his Hawk.
"Clint? You ok?"
The air was dead for a moment making Bucky break & shake slightly before replying hurriedly-
"You didn't buy out the whole walmart did you- I said only three bags max- I know what you're like- I'll have to wrestle them off you or in exchange for a blowjob"
Bucky waited for a huffed laugh or sharp and or dirty quip but none came- now he was worried.
"Baby you ok?" He broke. He heard a sharp gasp that seemed hastily muffled.
"Acushla" he heard Clint stutter. It was an Irish term of endearment that they'd heard on one of their missions.
They'd been staying in rooms above a pub in Galway whilst inbetween a mission in Dublin & some long name they couldn't pronounce- & frequented the pub by the name of something Bucky couldn't remember- but anyway- Bucky had been sat by the bar for a while nursing a rum & coke waiting for Clint to come down when a 6"5 slim dark haired man had approached grinning merrily- he'd introduced himself as David & proceeded to say he'd seen Bucky across the bar & wouldn't mind a piece. Creep.
Bucky growled silently- but was momentarily stunned when the guy had the audicity to lean forward and stroke his leg despite firmly telling him he wasn't interested- he would've broken his arm for being such a sleaze- Buck could handle it-but some other poor person didn't deserve this shit- but begrudgingly remembered what Fury had said about keeping a low profile- so cue the growling & just as he was about to walk off & escape sleazy's clutches-
-(Damn man kept repeating that Bucky was "Acushla" whatever the fuck that meant)-
Was when his wonderful boyfriend tapped the guy on the back and half snarled -
"Whats that your calling my boyfriend?"
The guy looked slightly stunned eyeing Clint's muscles.
Clint questioned tilting his head.
"What in the fuck does that mean?"
The guy stumbled.
"Um- My heartbeat"
"huh" Clint pondered.
"Cute actually"
"Well come on Acushla" - he addressed Bucky-
"Lets go & watch tv - the new series of Timeless is up on hulu"
Bucky had grinned & they'd had a fantastic night. He'd teased Clint about being possessive but lightheartidly. Clint had shoved him & they'd kissed for a solid minute b4 Clint had whispered "Acushla".
Bucky had laughed. "Alright you can stop now"
"No- because you really are- my heartbeat" he had placed Buckys hand on his chest- and Bucky had damn near melted- not that he'd ever tell Clint that of course- but he had a feeling he already knew- and his feelings were usually right.
Bucky jolted out of the memory as Clint continued breathlessly-
"Acushla" "I-I don't t-think I'm coming home"
"I love you- r-remember tt-hat"
His words were slurred & breathy. Bucky felt as tho someone had dowsed him in ice water & he could feel the cold setting in-
"W-What? What do you mean- sweetheart your scaring me- Clint- baby where are you- what happened-"
"Baby tell me where you are"
"Jarvis get me a visual? Track his phone"
"Of course Agent Barnes"
Clint was slurring through the phone but Bucky blocked him out trying to focus on the back ground noises. He could hear sirens, the wind, no close cars-off the track perhaps- he heard a scrape too as if Clint was dragging himself along barely coherently- Buckys chest clenched tightly with fear. He should've gone with him- he knew it was just marshmallows & lemonade but dammit he should have gone with him. He should have trusted his gut- his bad feeling. Godammit.
That word rang through Bucky's brain.
"Shot?" He asked quickly.
"Fuck- no- baby please"
"Jarvis quickly!"
"Thirty seconds Sir"
"Ss-love you"
"Hold on Clint please- I'm coming- just hold on it'll be ok"
"N-no dontttt you- hherurt"
Bucky heard a thump & a slight sob. He almost sobbed himself.
"Location aqquired"
Bucky was pulling on boots & grabbing a gun and knife from under the bed & tucking it into his boot- hed been scratching his back with it earlier & remembered Clint staring him as if he was mad for using his knife as a back-scratcher. How relaxed he'd been then- How he'd give anything to have Clint safe & sound with him now- He had to save the love of his life- He had to-
"Do you want me to call to Assemble sir?"
"Let them know- I'm going now though- tell them to meet me there as soon as possible- bring medical evac & let them know of the situation" Bucky hurried as calm as possible- he could get there - but he was no medic.
"Stay strong baby- I'm coming-"
Authors note: Please Read:
Okay let me know what u think I'm panic-ing will probably edit this a bit in the morning its literally almost 6am & I've not slept this could be crap-
This is super outside my comfort zone but yeah here goes. Posting ahh.
Leave some comments and reviews bc i am literally stressed but hope you enjoyed.
*sorry for any spelling mistakes or grammar errors- English is my first & only language (i speak a pitiful amount of french for all the lessons I've had-) but I'm only human*
For my masterlist (literally only this on it but sure- might add a few other bits I've written from things tho so have a looksee (who says looksee oh well)
Anyway for my masterlist see the hashtag #mp&i writes masterlist (my account name in short form!)
Thanks & goodnight/morning- not kidding- almost 6am.
Also fun fact this is my first & only Winterhawk story I've written! Tho there might be a draft somewhere but I really don't remember.
Anyway- thanks for reading- hope it wasn't crap & have a good. (Day, night, afternoon, life ect)
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english-coffee · 6 years ago
A concept: Bucky obviously knows sign language, so when Clint first see’s him using it he becomes a whirlwind of hand movements.
Now that they’re dating, Clint will take his hearing aids out and him and Bucky will go on cute silent dates
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maesonc · 7 years ago
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Some winterhawk doodles. I’m pretty sure it’s cannon at this point that Clint only has like 3 shirts and they’re all varying shades of purple.
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iomeglerp · 6 years ago
Stranger, I don’t know if you dced or lost the connection but I’d really love to continue this, you played Clint so amazingly :cri:
If you see this, please hit me up, or if anyone else wants to pick it up I’d love you forever, this was amazing and I love it so much I had shit planned :cri:
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king-starkrogers · 8 years ago
Am i the only one loving the idea of Tony and Natasha meddling in Clint and Bucky's love life while the others watch their plans fail and yet they try again and again
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8ami · 8 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Clint Barton Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Clint Barton Additional Tags: preslash, Someone's Dead but IDK Who, nothing graphic, flowershop au, Uh...angst-ish, a little sad Series: Part 2 of Kiss From Cupid Event Summary:
Prompt: “Sometimes I steal flowers from your garden on my way to the cemetery, but today you’ve caught me and have demanded to come with me to make sure the ‘girl is pretty enough to warrant flower theft’ and I’m trying to figure out how to break it to you that... we’re on our way to a graveyard.”
Kisses From Cupid Challenge :: Day 3 Flowershop AU
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gayspacesprinkles · 3 years ago
Have you seen ClintxBucky is sometimes called Clintucky (fried chicken)
AHAKAHAKAJKAA I did not know that was the name and I love it. I have seen the ship and I think they are neat!
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wdova-archive · 4 years ago
slides my url at
Send me a url and I'll write some positivity for it. || @arrowbled
SAMMY SAMMY. we have known each other for like, what? a week? and I already love you so much. your multi and your clint, just, i saw you interacting with siren and I just knew you were the real deal because I love siren and now I have a new friend at a time where I needed more new faces around. I love the little tease of clintxbucky we have and also clint and yel and everything we have. I think you are a wonderful person and writer, and I'm so happy someone decided to pick clint up and we get to interact. we have discord friendship level and I don't regret it one bit. so keep it up, alright? I think you are wonderful and just glad to have you around as a friend.
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ineedapuppyandsomevodka · 7 years ago
Pls send your favorite winterhawk fics.
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feuer-bluete · 6 years ago
Well in the long run you might be right but what's like the headcount right now?
I was talking about them as TonyXSteve and ClintXBucky but Tony and Clint together? Complete adopting chaos!
Time to ask the real questions, who adopts more strays? Clint or Tony?
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sagittaargentum · 8 years ago
So I got lost in the clintxbucky tag on another site....
I now need some Winter Hawk in my life, guys. This is not funny.
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