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I look like an exhausted whore because France didn’t love me enough... right, US.G? What is a lead? NOT IN IMMINENT JEOPARDY SO FAR AS I CAN HOPE.
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alexindiagroup-blog · 7 years ago
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Inside the Palace Book 2 Chapter 7: We opened our third office in June of 1996 in Fort Worth, Texas. This office was on I-35. It was an old Quantsit Hut built in 1948. We later built a very nice office complex within and I also used this building as my first Wood Shop. (To be continued) #temp #temporary #temporaryservices #staffing #asa #employment #unemployment #1995 #billclinton #clintonadministration #1990s #fortworth #tempworks #1948 #office #texas #texasbusiness #i35 (at Fort Worth, Texas)
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candersonalbert · 8 years ago
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#josswhedon #healthcare #trump #itscomplicated #complicated #obamacare #aca #affordablecareact #repealandreplace #hillaryclinton #clintonadministration #trumpadministration #paulryan #gop #republican #bestwords #bestplan #imwithher #yesallwomen #womensmarch #stoppresidentbannon #bannon #mansplaining
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becausewecareatlanta · 7 years ago
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Former Surgeon General David Satcher in Stockbridge today! I struck up a conversation with a gentleman about the Stockbridge and proposed city of Eagles Landing issue at Chick-fil-A Eagles Landing and did not realize I was speaking with former Surgeon General David Satcher who lives in Atlanta South. The Stockbridge Eagles Landing area never fails to deliver in meeting someone from thr Who’s Who in America continuously. The diversity range from the wealthy to the less fortunate living side by side makes Stockbridge an American melting pot community! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Satcher
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spacebeige · 8 years ago
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TBT: this priceless photo booth souvenir I got on my 8th grade class trip to Washington DC. #1998 #summerintern #clintonadministration #8thgrade #90skid #photobooth #iwasanawesomekid #momanddadweresoproud
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ierikmonroe-blog · 8 years ago
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#tbt This is a picture of me and former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright attending a wedding in Rhode Island at the Blithe Mansion. It was a great time and a conversation with the first female SOS. This is a woman who knows diplomacy very well, which seems to be missing currently. Glad to call her a friend. -Erik #madeleinealbright #madamsecretary #diplomacy #secretaryofstate #usa #sos #tbt #thursday #friends #blithemansion #Underwood #Colorado #politics #erikunderwood #suitandtie #rhodeisland #wedding #mansion #clintonadministration #democrat #democrats #hillaryclinton #clinton #billclinton #firstsecretaryofstate #czechrepublic (at Blithewold Mansion, Gardens and Arboretum)
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klundyproductions · 2 years ago
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@nixonadministration @clintonadministration @obamafoundation @spaceforcedod here is some learning material (at US District Court Western District of New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cjj8FDnOK4N/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tessamiserus · 4 years ago
Generation X VS Generation Z ... Members of Generation X (the birth cohort born between 1965 and 1980,see Ulrich and Harris 2003) originated raves during the conservative erasof Thatcher in the UK and Reagan in the USA. Many young ‘Gen Xers’in the late 1980s and early 1990s responded to cultural tensions (e.g.,conservatism versus liberalism and fears of economic alienation) by parti-cipating in raves. Raves gained cultural significance during the Majors/Blair and Clintonadministrations of the 1990s. Rave culture developed with an alternativelifestyle that resisted mainstream conventions. Both the behaviors thattook place at raves (e.g., illegal drug use, violation of noise and publicgathering ordinances and other ‘deviant’ behaviors) and the widespreadpopularity of them caused alarm among parents and policy-makers alike.
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phungthaihy · 5 years ago
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Small Businesses Feeling Brunt Of Coronavirus Crisis | Katy Tur | MSNBC http://ehelpdesk.tk/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/logo-header.png [ad_1] Jobless claims have reached the ... #agile #amazonfba #analysis #breakingnews #business #businessfundamentals #cdc #clintonadministration #coronavirus #coronavirus-money #coronavirusprevention #coronavirusupdate #covid-19 #covid-19news #covid-19outbreak #covid-19updates #currentevents #excel #financefundamentals #financialanalysis #financialmodeling #forex #formersecretaryoflabor #health #investing #joblessclaims #katytur #katyturlive #katyturmsnbc #liberal #meetthepressdaily #microsoft #msnbc #msnbclive #nbcnews #news #outbreak #pandemic #pmbok #pmp #politics #popculture #progressive #realestateinvesting #safety #sql #stocktrading #symptoms #tableau #topstories #usnews #worldnews
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tazzescobar · 7 years ago
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Pizzagate. #photography #myphotography #nycphotography #streetphotography #nikonphotography #nikon #d3300 #streetphotographer #streetphotographers #trip #totalroyaltyindependentproductions #thewolfofflatbush #freeopinion #forthamiltonparkway #brooklyn #pizzagate #conspiracytheory #clintonadministration #literallythough #cigarettebutts #andoldgum #clintonvstrump #whoeverwinswelose #avp #thisisamerica #childishgambino #seriousmatterthough #ithinkimclever https://ift.tt/2MKW17J
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alexindiagroup-blog · 7 years ago
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Inside the Palace Book 2 Chapter 9: One more view of our headquarters on I-35 & Berry St in Fort Worth. During our time building TempWorks we built the company to 2000 temporary employees, 10 staff employees and three field offices. Then came an avalanche of problems in the summer of 1998. (To be continued) #temp #temporary #temporaryservices #staffing #oldbuilding #employment #unemployment #1995 #billclinton #clintonadministration #1990s #fortworth #tempworks #1948 #office #texas #texasbusiness #i35 #torndown #abandonedplaces #yesteryear #billboard #advertising #alexindia #parris #alexindiapalace (at Fort Worth, Texas)
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alexindiagroup-blog · 7 years ago
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Inside the Palace Book 2 Chapter 8: One more view of our headquarters on I-35 & Berry St in Fort Worth. Recently I noticed that the old building has been torn down. A bit sad. In its place is some obnoxious giant warehouse. (To be continued) #temp #temporary #temporaryservices #staffing #oldbuilding #employment #unemployment #1995 #billclinton #clintonadministration #1990s #fortworth #tempworks #1948 #office #texas #texasbusiness #i35 #torndown #abandonedplaces #yesteryear #billboard #advertising (at I-35 South)
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alexindiagroup-blog · 7 years ago
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Inside the Palace Book 2 Chapter 6: back to TempWorks Inc... we opened our second office in Jan of 1995 in Burleson Texas. This office was on the Farm to Market road next to Dr. Bowden's office. This photo is of our second location where we relocated to in 1997. A bit bigger than we required, but before long it was full. (To be continued) #temp #temporary #temporaryservices #staffing #asa #employment #unemployment #1995 #billclinton #clintonadministration #1990s #burlesontx #tempworks #stripcenter #office #texas #texasbusiness (at Burleson, Texas)
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clintonadministration · 13 years ago
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