#clint: I still remember some tricks want me to show you?
headcanonthings · 18 days
Bucky: When I was a kid, I always wanted to be a magician. Steve: Tell them why you stopped? Bucky: I... I almost cut someone in half with a saw. Tony: What the fuck?? Sam: What kind of kid were you? Bucky: I didn't know a magician was fake! I thought they were real! That's why I didn't become one. Natasha: That's why?? Bruce: Not you nearly cutting a kid in half?! Bucky: The kid was fine. My dad stopped me before I could hurt him. Tony: Poor guy. At least he's safe from you now. Bucky: Huh? He's standing right beside me. Steve: I'm the kid. Bruce: And you still ended up being best friends?! Sam: I take it back. What's wrong with the both of you?!
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𝘏𝘰𝘤𝘶𝘴 𝘗𝘰𝘤𝘶𝘴 (𝘚𝘰 𝘗𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘺 𝘐 𝘊𝘢𝘯’𝘵 𝘍𝘰𝘤𝘶𝘴)
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Paring: Natasha Romanoff x GN!Reader
Summary: Happy Halloween! To celebrate the Holiday, Stark throws his annual party. But when a certain Russian spy shows up in a scandalous costume, only chaos may ensue.
Warnings: Halloween? Cursing, drinking, alcohol, more descriptive kissing? Let me know if anything else needs to be tagged.
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You took a deep breath, adding your final touches of green to your face. You were a zombie this year. It was basic, sure, but easy. Wear some dirt-stained clothes and add green splotches to your face. Maybe draw a bite mark on your neck or something if you’re extra. Which, of course, you were.
You walked out of your room and down the halls of the Compound, using the loud sounds of music playing and guests talking as a guide to where the party was. It was Tony’s annual Halloween party, and all of the Avengers were required to attend.
Hence why you were even there.
You bit your lip anxiously, standing awkwardly in the corner of the room, near the door to some hallway. Sure, you could identify every one of your friends in the large room, but they were all deep in conversations with other people. And you weren't gonna drag any of them away from that, you weren't an asshole.
A tap on your shoulder zapped you from your thoughts. You turned to look at the culprit, eyes wide.
"Sorry," she chuckled. "Did I scare you?"
"Natasha." You said aloud, you know, like an idiot. "No. Uh--no. I'm..I'm alright, don't--don't worry."
She laughed again at that. “Well, nice costume.”
“Thanks. I like yours.”
“I went a little basic this year. Clint and I went as Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable last year, so I wanted to do something a little more well known this year.” She explained.
She flashed you a smile, doing a small spin. Her short and sparkly red dress—paired with fishnet tights and bright red high heels and a devil horn headband—made her look great.
“Correct.” She grinned. “What do you think?”
“It looks great.” You look great.
“Glad you think so. Did you see Tony? Already hammered.”
“Sounds about right. I still can’t believe Sam and Clint managed to get Steve and Bucky to go as the Teletubbies with them.” You chuckled.
“They look good, though.” Nat shrugged. Then she gave you a devilish grin. “You wanna do something..wicked?”
“Was that meant to be a Halloween joke?”
“Maybe.” She bit her lip. “So..you in?”
“Hell yeah I am.” You beamed.
“Well…we’re standing under the pumpkin.” She said, pointing up with her finger.
“Huh?” You craned your neck back to look up, and sure enough, there was a small pumpkin—most likely made of plastic—hanging from a string off the doorframe.
“Like mistletoe. But Halloween.” She smiled softly, staring into your eyes.
“What..do we do?”
“Kiss me, Y/n.” She leaned in, and so did you.
You kissed her softly, as she rested her hands on your shoulders, your hands gliding down to her hips. You pulled her closer, and she didn’t pull away, the inner part of her elbow against the back of your neck.
She guided you through the doorway and into the hall, never breaking your kiss. She pushed you against the wall, her lips and tongue moving in a rhythm that you desperately wanted to remember.
“Fuck,” you whispered against her lips, and she pressed her forehead to yours.
“Trick or treat,” she whispered, letting out a breathy laugh.
You kissed her again. “Treat,” you chuckled.
She led you back to her room.
Later, in the late hours of the night, or perhaps the early hours of the morning, she pressed a kiss to your cheek.
Though the words were never spoken aloud, you knew what her expression meant. I love you.
“Happy Halloween, Y/n.” She mumbled.
“Happy Halloween.”
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A/N: trying out putting the note at the bottom lmao. Happy Halloween everybody! This is a bit shorter (and less structured) than I would’ve liked, but life has been busy. I hope you have a wonderful Halloween, and thank you to everyone who voted on the poll! 💕
beautiful dividers made by the lovely @saradika
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The Young Avengers 🦅 | Marvel Headcanon
Takes place during Phase 4 of the MCU
Link to my marvel Masterlist
Requested 📨 yes/no
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Being a young former Black Widow and forming a team with Shuri, Kate, Elijah, Joaquin, and Kid Loki would look like:
To be honest you weren’t to fazed with the idea of forming a team with the younger crowd of up and coming superheroes. Sure you had been friends with Shuri since 2018 and met the others through Sam, Clint, and Thor, but the idea of creating a team like the Avengers never crossed your mind until Shuri proposed the idea. “Ain’t that Val lady forming her own team? Or Secretary Ross is, they’re calling them the Thunderbolts? Yelena was telling me about it—anyway, point is if there’s already a new team of heroes then why make our own?” “Calling them heroes is a little…far fetched if we’re being honest. They are more like the Dark Avengers—and no I was not trying to make a joke. You look at who she’s recruiting and it’s literally that. Think of us as their antithesis.”
It didn’t take much convincing after that with you literally going, “Fuck it. Let’s do it—might actually give me shit to do now that the world has gone to shit trying to get back to the way it was.” Within the hour you were pulling up to a hangar to meet the others. They all looked excited except Kid Loki. He looked rather annoyed being there—really it was Thor’s idea to have him join to keep him out of trouble. “It was either this or join him in his adventures across space. Frankly I’d rather stay in one place after escaping the Void.”
Considering you all are some of the most powerful and intelligent kids on the planet, there is bound to be some restrictions. Likely y’all would be staying at Avengers compound or create your own base camp but there would still be oversight. If Fury is not dealing with the Kree then he and Maria are who y’all report to. Other than them, the veteran Avengers tend to look after you guys—like Sam and Clint. “So since you’re now Captain America and you’re technically retired, does that make Torres the Falcon and Bishop Hawkeye?” “If that’s what they want to go by. You’re still called Black Widow aren’t ya?” “Touché”
So there you have it. Shuri: The Black Panther, Joaquin: the Flacon, You: the Black Widow, Kate: Hawkeye, Kid Loki, & Elijah: The Patriot.
As expected you’re a rambunctious group of heroes. Sometimes y’all find yourselves in trouble when you weren’t planning on it. Trouble just finds you guys 90% of the time. Agent Everett Ross has a whole supply of advil because keeping track of you all gives him a headache. “You’re job was to get it, get the intel, and get the hell out of there. What went wrong?” “Well…….as you can see um….yeah I have no explanation. Shuri you got anything?” “Nope. Torres, you?” “I can’t even remember what we were doing there.”
One time on a mission you guys actually ran into the Thunderbolts and it was quite the scene. First of all you and Yelena were like, “Hey sis! What are you doing here?” Meanwhile Bucky was scolding Elijah & Torres and Walker was getting annoyed with Kid Loki’s tricks. Kate just looked out of place while Shuri was trying to calm everyone down, “It seems there has been a misunderstanding. Unless….it was the plan for all of us to be here.” “What are you saying, Shuri?” “I believe our teams were set up, white wolf. Why else would both of us be called to the same place, for the same exact thing, on the same day?”
Having a genius like Shuri on your team meant you guys were equipped with some of the best technological advances than anyone else. Even the Thunderbolts were envious of y’all’s artillery. Not only did Joaquin get an upgrade on his falcon wings, but Kate got high tech trick arrows, Elijah a vibranium shield, kid Loki with a scepter and you got some additions to your Widow’s bite and suit. “Shit, I feel like I could take down even Thanos with these.” “Try not to show them off to much, Widow. Secretary Ross is still trying to get me to develop stuff for the Thunderbolts and i’ve given him the impression I’m not even advancing our weaponry. So..keep it on the down low.”
After some time as a team, you guys would recruit Kamala Khan, RiRi Williams and Cassie Lang as y’all’s Ms. Marvel, IronHeart & Stinger. Peter Parker would eventually join, bringing in his buddy Ned and America Chavez who were Masters of The Mystic Arts. The team grew so large y’all could actually split you guys up when multiple missions came in. With their initiation, Dr. Strange, Captain Marvel, and Scott Lang joined Sam, Clint, Fury, Ross, and Hill as ‘chaperones’.
“So what do we call ourselves?” “The Young Avengers.” “Isn’t that a derivative?” “Yeah, but it sounds less menacing than Dark Avengers or the Thunderbolts. I mean we are Avengers…just we’re young so it fits.” “True…”
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pachel-2003 · 3 months
The Wasteland part 4
Clint and I go find Maria to discuss what we’ve decided. With Clint’s hand in mine we head to her private quarters. We arrive and Clint knocks. “Come in.” When we enter a woman with a pixie cut looks up from her desk. “(Y/N), it really is you.” She gets up from her chair and walks towards us. “When Loki came to me I wasn’t sure if he was telling the truth. I heard you came up with a plan to defeat Maestro.” We both nod and show Maria the maps we discussed earlier.  “Good work, to both of you. You’ve always been good at working together. Let me go over this in private with a few other people, you two have done enough. Go ahead and rest I will call and let you know when we plan to attack.”
“Thanks Maria, we will.” Clint says wrapping an arm around my waist. He leads us out of Maria’s room and back to his room. “I think I have something we can eat, bet your starving huh?”
“You have no idea.” Clint walks over to a cabinet and starts pulling out cans of food. I walk over and look at the food, making sure I don’t make gross faces but fail anyway.
“Sorry I don’t have much darling. But this is all we have at the moment. There might be other options in our ‘cafeteria’ but that’s probably not worth it.” He stands up and picks up a can of green beans, and opens it.
“I can deal with it, if that’s all you have I won’t complain.” I give a smile while I pick up a can of corn for me to eat.
“This coming from the picky eater.” I give him a pout and look down slightly. “Hey look at me,” he puts his index finger under my chin and lifts my head up “I’m only teasing you babe,” he pecks my forehead “I just missed you is all.”
“I know, but it feels like nothing has changed. After all this time your still the same Clint I love.”  We smile at each other and finish eating our vegetables in silence. I pretty sure It’s late because I’m getting tired.
“You can go to sleep if you want, I’m always up late keeping watch so I don’t mind.”
“You don’t plan on going to sleep? That’s not very healthy of you Clint.”
“I really don’t mind, the beds right there go ahead and go to sleep. If something happens I’ll wake you.” I give him a small nod and quick goodnight and head to the bed. It doesn’t take long when my head hits the pillow that I fall asleep. Today was exhausting and I have a long battle to prepare for tomorrow.
Clint’s POV
This morning could have started like any other. That was until I saw a big flash near the old Avengers tower. When I went over I saw someone who I thought I never seen again. The girl I was going to propose to after our battle with Modoc ended. But she was nowhere to be found. For years I thought she ran away from us, from me. After a while, when Maestro took over, I accepted the fact that she might be dead. My patrol this morning I thought Loki was pulling a cruel trick on me. But it was really her.
I don’t want her to be involved in anything battle wise. I just want her to go home back to her time, so past me doesn’t have to live this hell without her. My conversation with Loki made me realize Maestro is going to look for her, and try and come after her. I can’t let that happen. No matter what I will protect (Y/N).
As I look at the cameras I have set up in my quarters, I can’t help but take some glances at her. She looks so peaceful, no scars with all the war that’s happened, no nightmares to deal with every night. She’s at peace, and I want her to go back to her time and keep that. This plan better work, otherwise I don’t know what I’m going to do. Ever since she got here all I wanted to do was hold her, and never let her go. But I remember, she’s not my (Y/N).
Reader’s POV
I wake up and roll onto my back and stare at the celling for a bit. I don’t remember cracks being in the celling, weird. I gasp then shot up in bed in a fright. I calm down once I see Clint passed out in his chair at the desk. I forgot I’m in the future. Yesterday felt like an awful dream. I start feeling a little homesick and tear up a bit and try not letting out a sniffle. But I fail at that and Clint wakes up.
“Good morning darling, how are…” He stops as soon as he makes eye contact with me. “Hey, what’s wrong?” He gets up to sit next to me on the bed, hesitating to wrap an arm around me.
“I’m just a little homesick,’ I choke out “don’t worry I’m fine, really.” I sat up and wipe my tears, but more just fall. “Can you hold me, just for a little bit?”
“Yeah darling, or course.” Clint does as I ask and wraps me in a hug. This is honestly the closest thing I’m getting to home, and I love it. “Try not to fall asleep again. We still got work to do.”
I let out a groan and snuggle deeper in his chest. “Do we have to? I’m already a badass on the battle field. I can handle some robots.”
“Its more than just a few robots darling. You need to prepare to defeat a monster that’s 10 times stronger and bigger than you.” He says “I just don’t want to loose you again.” Clint murmurs  the last part into my hair.  “Please, just train with me for a bit. It doesn’t matter how good you are. You just need to be prepared enough to make it to the stones. Ok?”
“Ok. If it’ll put you more at ease, I’ll do it.” He kisses my forehead in response and we both get up and get ready for the day. “Is there a training area we can go to? You mentioned a few places but no training area.” “That’s the beauty of living in an old tunnel, the whole thing can be a training ground.” Clint says as he leads me the opposite direction of the base. “I like to train on this side, away from everyone.” He heads over to the target and picks up a bow and some arrows, then heads back to where I’m standing. “You wanna shoot some?” He offers me the bow with a small smile.
“I don’t know, I’m not as good as the great Hawkeye.” I said with a laugh
“Your better than you think you are, trust me. Here just try.” I take the bow and an arrow with some hesitation and get ready to aim. I raise the bow and aim at the target. I feel Clint move behind me and he adjusts my arms a bit. “Was I off a bit?”
“Just a bit. You should be good now.” He let’s go of my arms and I shoot the arrow. I hit the target, but it’s not a bullseye and I’m a little disappointed in myself for moving the bow on accident.
“Sorry Clint. I told you I’m not that good, even with your help.” I look down in embarrassment and can feel my face getting red. Before I start crying Clint speaks up and tilts my head up.
“You hit the target didn’t you? That’s all that matters. If that was a robot, you’d just have to hit it a second time and it go down. Trust me darling, you’re a better shot than you think. You  want to wipe away those tears and try hitting the target again?”
I nod and use my sleeve to dry my eyes. “Yeah I want to try again. And I’ll try not to be too nervous this time.” He gives a small nod and I get another arrow. We stay there for a while. It could’ve been hours or days, who knows. Being here with Clint felt like time didn’t exist, this felt right.
I start making shot after shot. I can feel Clint’s eyes on me as I do so. Every now and then He’ll have a turn. When it’s his turn he makes the target move, a skill I’m obviously not ready for. I’m ready to take another shot when a loud voice startles me from a speaker. “Clint Barton, can you report to the armory.”
“That’s our cue to stop darling.” Clint comes up and pats my shoulder to calm me down. “Guess I should’ve warned you that the speakers are extremely loud, huh?”
“That would’ve been nice to know.” We both gather the arrows and put them away and head to the armory.
When we get to the armory Maria, Loki, and a bunch of other people are gathered around the wall with our plan on it. “Glad you two could make it.” Maria says, “We are ready to discuss what we want done with your plan.” Maria starts going over with the recruits, the plan and schedule of the robot security. From what I’ve gathered, the security is less active around sunset. That’s when the bots are swapped out to recharge. It’s the perfect time to get in. This is also the time Maestro will be out of the tower wandering the wasteland. “If there are any questions feel free to come to my office. We strike in 3 weeks from today. So, I want you all to be prepared and train until then. Remember we are doing this to get (Y/N) back to her time. If we can’t defeat Maestro, it is not a loss. We do what we can when we are there. Understood?”
“Yes ma’am!” The group shouts.
“Good. You’re all dismissed.” Maria finishes, then heads towards me and Clint. “Cool it with the PDA you two.” she said with a teasing smile. I was confused on what she was talking about until she gestured to me and Clint holding hands. I quickly look away flustered, and I’m pretty sure my face is red. “I’m just teasing. We all know the two of you are very affectionate. In a discreet way, of course.”
“Yah well, gotta do what I can to make my little lady comfortable.” Clint said then kissed my temple. All I did was hide my face in his shoulder too flustered to speak. “We’ll be ready to strike Maria. Don’t worry much about us.”
“I won’t, you came up with this plan. I trust you 100% completely.” With that Maria walks away and Clint leads me back to his quarters.
When we arrived, Clint offered me some food and we just sat in silence, until I broke it. “Are you nervous?”
“When you’ve done this for years you don’t get nervous. But now that you’re involved, I am. So many things can go wrong, and it’s terrifying to think about.” Clint doesn’t make eye contact with me. You can hear the crack in his voice too.
“I was getting a little worried. I’m scared too. But on the bright side, we’re going to do this together.” I hate seeing him like this. Having to live for this long with his friends dead, the girl he loved for years left with no words. Then later accept her as dead. He needs to know he’s not going in on this alone.
“How is that the ‘bright side’? When we go into this who knows what’s going to happen. You could end up dead.” Clint starts yelling, and it hurts, so much. Before he needed to let it out, but the anger felt directed at me this time. “I don’t want you going. I just can’t let you go.”  
“The fuck does that mean.” I know he’s scared. I know he’s angry, but I need to go. “What the hell are you thinking, telling me I can’t go. I’m the main purpose you must do this mission. What are you going to do to get me back?” Now I’m yelling. I can’t think straight, we rarely ever fight.
“I don’t know anymore. We might have to bring the stone here or something. But you’re not going.”
“I need to go. If you try and leave the building with the stone- “
“JUST SHUT UP AND LET ME THINK!” My heart clenches when he shouts that. I start shaking and can feel the tears building. “(Y/N), I- “
“Fine. I’ll shut up. In fact, to give you quiet, I’ll go find somewhere else to sleep.” My voice started shaking the moment I opened my mouth. I don’t give him a chance to speak. Without looking at him I left. As soon as the door shuts, I let out a sob. And I cried all the way to Maria’s office.
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the-other-art-blog · 3 years
Hawkeye season finale!!!! SPOILERS
By now I have come to terms with the fact that no matter how much content Marvel gives me of Clint (and Laura), it will never be enough. I just love him too much.
I was satisfied with Wandavision, FATWS and Loki, cause I knew we’re gonna seen them again. But I’m not sure about Clint. Kate, Yelena, Maya, they will come back for sure. However, unless we get a season 2 or some series I don’t see Clint popping up in another project, and even less Laura.
That being said, I pray we get a season 2 announcement. I was hoping to see it at the end of the credits, but nothing. I think a lot of people would love to see them again, even if it’s not as the lead characters. Could they be training the next generation???
I’m gonna be reading as much fanfic content as possible this holidays. Maybe someone will write a coworkers-to-lovers story for ClintxLaura??? I know there are some of them, but it doesn’t hurt to have more.
You know, sometimes dying is the best thing it could happen to someone, at least to save their reputation. Kate’s father died and it made him a saint in her eyes. I know, I KNOW, Eleanor killed Armand, framed Jack and sent Yelena to kill Clint. HOWEVER, it was her husband who got her into that mess. He’s the one who acquired debt from Kingpin. Maybe he was also a shady guy, or maybe he just made horrible decisions and trusted the wrong people.
Clint making his own arrows!!!! YES! YES!!!!!!! Hell yes!!!!!
I love that. Ever since I saw it in the trailers, I was so happy. Clint Barton is so smart and I’m so fucking tired of people thinking of him as a stupid person. In Fury’s words, he’s one of “the sharpest men” he knows.
Also, I love that both Stark and Scott gave him tech. I don’t know how aware of that is Hank Pym, though.
Love Kate labeling the arrows.
Jack vs Armand VII
Eleanor’s dress!
Jack, sweetheart, finally some action from the Swordsman. I still don’t like they didn’t make him Clint’s mentor at the circus. But maybe he can mentor Kate now? I’d allow it.
Yelena and the mother of all braids!!!!
She looked so beautiful and badass.
As someone who loves wearing braids, I need a tutorial for that one!
The whole elevator scene was so funny.
It’s ok if you punch her or try to kill her. But don’t slap Yelena, that’s just too aggressive!
Clint stuck on a tree.
So many bros!!! They just kept coming!
Kate and that bro guy!!!
Clint did the trick with the wood arrow!!!!! I wish we would have gotten Kate’s reaction.
So the owl eat those bros, right? This show is dark.
Scott mention! I can’t believe we never got a bonding scene between Clint and Scott. They would have been bffs, talking about their kids and all. But I think this establishes that they are good friends, not just co workers.
Clint vs Yelena
I feel like Clint spent more time pulling his punches in the MCU than proving how good of a fighter he is. That’s also why it was cool to see him as Ronin. He is effective and deadly when he wants to.
But of course he wasn’t gonna really fight Yelena.
The WHISTLE!!!!!!!!
“You had so much time with her”
It was Nat’s choice!!!
Clint honestly considering Kate his partner!
He made it to Christmas morning!
Clint and Laura!
Agent 19!!! She’s Mockingbird! I think they didn’t want to have AOS fans hating on the show so they only teased it. Bobbi Morse could still exist. I like the theory that Mockingbird is like SHIELD’s Black Widow code. Like an elite female agent.
That last shot and conversation was perfect!
I think I’m in the minority here, but I loved the musical!!!!! It’s so bad that it becomes good. Its ridiculousness makes it good.
Now, there was something pretty disappointing and that was Kingpin. I don’t remember almost anything from Daredevil season 2. But they kept teasing this incredibly dangerous guy. Clint and Laura were genuinely afraid of him.
Yet, an amateur superhero like Kate defeated him in 2 minutes! Plus, he should have died. Kate shot an arrow at his chest, then the explosion! And it’s obvious he’s still alive.
We also never really learned why he was so interested in the watch. What did Laura did that he wanted to know who she was? Clint didn’t even saw him. It was disappointing. Fanfic writers, I’m counting on you.
Also, where is Clint’s backstory?!?!!? I would have really loved to see flashbacks about his difficult childhood and how he overcame that, became a good man, husband and father. It would have given so much more meaning to why he wanted to go back to his family.
Clint is a guy who could have became like his father, he could have continued the cycle of violence, but he didn’t. He also could have been alone, or never married at least. That’s what usually happen in this cases in series and movies. Instead, he became the best husband and dad ever, and a person who is always giving second chances. He’s a tough guy for sure, but he’s also so incredibly loving and caring. And that’s rare.
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thebibliomancer · 2 years
Essential Avengers: West Coast Avengers #18: Lost in Space-Time, Part Two: TIME WAS...
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March, 1987
Trapped in the OLD WEST -- it’s a SHOWDOWN -- up against the WILDEST OUTLAWS of the 1870′s!
Dangit, Englehart! You just wanted to do another cowboy story, didn’t you?
This man just can’t get enough of cowboys. He crammed one into the Celestial Madonna Saga aftermath too.
At least this trip to the olde times seems to have a more colorful cast and no Kang. I hope no Kang. I’m still Kanged out from that big Kang story that had all the Kangs.
Last time on West Coast Avengers: Hawkeye decided to recruit Firebird for the West Coast Avengers and took the team to go look for her. Instead of her, the team found some desert themed villains and their boss Dominus. Dominus tricked the West Coast Avengers into stepping on Dr Doom’s time machine and sends them back in time to get them out of his hair.
Meanwhile, Hank Pym stayed home to try to kill himself but Firebird (actually she’s calling herself La Espirita now) shows up and stops him by telling him the good news about Jesus. I’m exaggerating a little BUT ONLY A LITTLE.
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Over a two-page spread specifically to annoy me, La Espirita unpacks her less Jesusy argument in favor of life.
Although, Bonita has gotten even more into Jesus while she’s been off-page.
She tells Hank that he’s not a failure and she knows because she studied the Avengers’ files!
The coolest Avengers adjacent people are the ones who do the homework.
She points to his discovery of the Pym Particles, how he became Ant-Man, how he mastered robotics and invented Ultron-1.
Uh, hey, Bonita? That’s a bit of a sore spot?
And Hank argues that all of his accomplishments are so far back that he hardly remembers those days. He sidelined science to make superheroism his main goal and then he blew it!
La Espirita: “There’s always hope! Maybe you just didn’t do it right!”
Hank Pym: “‘Didn’t do it right’?! I did it four different ways!”
La Espirita: “But you tried to be a type of hero not in tune with your nature! You must try to be a hero as you are!”
Hank Pym: “What? The Amazing Lab-Man?”
La Espirita: “No! But use your skills as god gave them to you! Don’t try to be an Avenger like all the others! Be unique because you are unique! I came back to this compound to see the Avengers -- but I’ll stay to help you reclaim your life!”
Oh, so I guess she wasn’t just lurking in the bushes waiting to play guardian angel.
If the West Coast Avengers had waited a day, Bonita would have come to them and they wouldn’t be going on a cowboy adventure.
Makes you think.
And she’s given Hank a lot to think about too. When he protests that she doesn’t even know him, she replies “you’re a child of god, Hank -- as are we all!” and Hank throws down the gun and starts crying.
Now the healing can begin, I guess?
This is a weird subplot.
I guess I should just be glad that comics are mostly background radiation religious because otherwise I’m half expecting Hank to come out of this born again. Even though that’s not Bonita’s religion.
Anyway, the West Coast Avengers got sent back to cowboy times, right?
Well, they don’t know that yet.
They’ve just arrived in the stereotypical desert and are trying to get their bearings/having a breakdown.
Iron Man: “We’ve stopped!”
Wonder Man: “But when -- and where?”
Mockingbird: “Yes -- when? This could be prehistory! This could be any time -- there’s no way to tell in this desert! S.H.I.E.L.D. trained me in hard science, Clint -- not time travel -- !”
She’s been pretty chill about her life being comic book ridiculous but this is where she draws the line.
Hawkeye disagrees. This is all a perfectly logical chain of events to him! Which he ‘proves’ by recapping the previous issue.
Y’know, chased those four desert themed villains to a cave, met an alien spy, stood in a specific spot, sent back in time.
Nothing overwhelming there!
Mockingbird: “Oh, thank you, honey -- I understand everything now -- !”
But what she’s really thinking, in a thought bubble is: Maybe when I’ve been an Avenger as long as he has, I’ll think a story like that is logical -- but I doubt it!
Anyway, thank goodness they have Tony Stark, Iron Man, here to something something time travel!
Iron Man: “Well, any machine that Victor Von Doom can build, Tony Stark can operate -- so let me have a look at the controls -- ! Sure... there’s the temporal displace... the V.B.L. link...”
Cool technobabble, Tony.
Wonder Man Simon Williams gets annoyed with Tony here for JUST ASSUMING that he’s the only science guy here! Dangit, Simon used to science too! Sure, he seemingly hasn’t done any science in years and instead of getting back into science, he decided to become an actor but HOW DARE they not ask Wonder Man to do a science thing!
Wonder Man: They all ignored me when I was a coward, but now that I’ve gotten self-confidence, and Hollywood stardom -- Wonder Man’s getting tired of playing a supporting role!
So when Tony declares that the time machine is broken so that it can only go backwards in time and is skeptical about whether it can be repaired, Simon jumps in declaring he’ll take a look at it.
Wonder Man: “Let me take my turn at it, Iron Man! Simon Williams gave Stark International a good run for its money once!”
Iron Man: “ -- Until Stark International put you out of business -- ! Sure, Simon -- be my guest!”
Haha, ouch, Tony!
Still annoyed that Simon dissed the original Avengers and indirectly called you old, huh?
Before Simon can start trying to science harder than Tony, the West Coast Avengers hear a YA-HOOOO! beyond a nearby ridge. A YA-HOOOO! that Hawkeye recognizes.
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Hey, it’s the Rawhide Kid, the Two-Gun Kid, and Ghost Rider (but not the motorcycle guy)!
So now the West Coast Avengers know they’re in the Old West. Handy that there were a bunch of cowboys around this specific middle of nowhere.
These specific cowboys are even engaged in very cowboy activities when the Avengers spot them. Hawkeye even suggests that the Avengers hang back and just let them cowboys cowboy.
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Rawhide Kid kicks ass despite being a shortie, Two-Gun Kid shoots three guns out of three guys’ hands, and Ghost Rider lets himself get shot so the bullet can pass harmlessly through him.
Just normal, typical cowboy activity like never actually shooting bullets into a person.
After the... uh I don’t know if they were bandits or what they were up to but they sure get chased off. And while watching them go, Two-Gun spots the (West Coast) Avengers and gets really excited.
He gallops his horse forward to greet his “pard” Hawkeye.
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Hawkeye catches his old pard up on what’s up with Hawkeye. Now there’s two whole Avengers teams, Hawkeye is leading one, and he married Mockingbird.
Iron Man is pretty excited to meet the Rawhide Kid because he’s read alllll the dime novels written about him!
Rawhide Kid: “G’wan -- who’d wanna write about a cowpoke like me?”
Steve Englehart holding up his hand, jumping up and down excitedly.
Anyway, Two-Gun exposits that in the Olde West it is now 1876, three years after the last time Hawkeye was back in past times and two years after Two-Gun went back to the past after getting his fill of the future/present.
And he explains that those dudes they were just fighting were robbing a stagecoach and working for several gang leaders who are the cowboy equivalent of supervillains.
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There’s Iron Mask, the man in the iron mask who is invulnerable because he’s wearing an iron mask.
I don’t see how it matters. These good cowboys don’t seem to shoot anybody in the body anyway.
There’s Hurricane, a quick-draw guy in a snazzy shirt.
The Rattler, who brings the power of acrobatics to Old West crime.
Red Raven (yum?) who can fly thanks to a flying harness apparently made by I dunno some First Nations group or other.
Doctor Danger, Owner of Magnet.
And a guy who calls himself the Fat Man, who has a boomerang.
They were apparently inspired somehow by the stories of the cowboys and Avengers assault on Castle Kang.
The Sinister Six these ain’t. Hell, they ain’t even the Legion of Losers.
I do appreciate that their “powers” are kept within the realm of cowboy action. But Rattler and Red Raven (yum) break the aesthetic by having costumes indistinguishable from modern superhero/villain tights. They needed something more of the time period.
I imagine these outlaws having powers like “owns a magnet” is why Wonder Man is excusing himself from the plot. Iron Man could already mop up this whole group on his own; having Iron Man and Wonder Man would be over over kill kill.
So Wonder Man is going to fly off with the time machine and take it to the local blacksmith to help him repair it because he’s very sure he can do a better job than Iron Man can can.
(Part of the reason why Wonder Man thinks he can do a better job is that Doom’s time machine was invented around the time Simon Wonder Williams was in business with Williams Manufacturing. Sure, Simon hasn’t kept his hand in the science game but maybe that’s an advantage? Because Tony is probably getting himself confused by knowing about later technology. Except you’d think the time machine would be ahead of its time since I’m pretty sure that in the 60s, THE TIME MACHINE WASN’T A COMMON TECHNOLOGY.)
Since Wonder Man is going to be working on the time machine and the West Coast Avengers don’t have anything better to do, Hawkeye decides the team will help take down the Sarsaparilla Swilling Six, or whatever they call themselves.
Iron Man agrees with the decision on the basis that it will keep their minds off being TRAPPED IN THE PAST FOREVER.
Tigra volunteers to ride with Rawhide Kid and immediately starts flirting, to his consternation.
It’s going to be later revealed that he’s gay. That’s not relevant but I just remembered it. He gets a Marvel MAX miniseries.
Mockingbird rides with Ghost Rider But The Cowboy One Not The Skeleton Man.
Hawkeye rides with Two-Gun so the two pards can catch up. They’re good pards.
And Iron Man flies ahead to see if he can spot the outlaws. I don’t know how heavy his armor is and I don’t know if he can ride a horse but anyway they’re out of horses.
He’s uneasy about being trapped in the past but he’s actually more uneasy that Wonder Man will show him up by fixing the time machine where Tony couldn’t.
Iron Man: “So much for being the more mature member of the team!”
Hey, admitting it is the first step. To something. I dunno.
Anyway. Pard catching up.
Two-Gun is in a weird state. He wasn’t happy in the future/present because there was just too much strangeness for a simple cowboy like him. But after seeing all the wonders of the future/present, the year of 1876 seems... boring.
Hawkeye asks if Two-Gun would want to try the future/present again but he’s just not sure.
Tigra continues to flirt with Rawhide but he pays some compliments back, wondering why Two-Gun came back to the past/present if the future had women like Tigra.
Ghost Rider is being weird.
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After being taciturn the whole time, he suddenly decides that Mockingbird is a goddess.
Ahead of the riders, Iron Man has lost the fleeing outlaws. He chides himself for subconsciously assuming that cowboys are primitives because they seem to have outsmarted him.
Iron Man doesn’t think that he’ll be able to find them on his advanced sensors because men and meat without advanced technology doesn’t give much to detect but he tries anyway.
And his sensors ping something big and subterranean. Ah ha, thinks Tony, this is probably related to the outlaws clearly.
So he flies back to inform the others because:
Iron Man: “[The cowboys] should take the lead at the end, anyway! It must not have become permanent, since it didn’t make either the history books or the dime novels -- but just as Kang inspired this era’s ‘super-villains’, Two-Gun’s adventures with us have planted the Avengers’ spirit in this arid soil -- and this is one Avenger who wants to nurture that for all it’s worth!”
Tony be like well nothing we’re doing here is notable because I would have heard about it.
About an hour passes between Iron Man meeting with the others and telling them what he detected and Rawhide tracking the outlaws to a likely cave.
The West Coast Avengers plus cowboys charge in and see.... everyone.
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Whoops. That’s a lot.
As the flying guy that flies, Iron Man immediately confronts Red Raven who is also the flying guy that flies.
Except, as far as I can tell, Red Raven is only a flying guy that flies. And Iron Man is walking, flying armory.
So Red Raven, a guy who doesn’t do anything except fly, has a bunch of dudes lasso Iron Man and try to drag him to the ground. Because this is cowboy times, of course, there’s lassos.
But Iron Man, who is a walking, flying armory, pulls back on the lassos and starts whipping around the army of lassoin’ mooks.
Hawkeye brags that Iron Man is the weakest member of the team and starts blowing up other mooks with his exploding arrows.
But he finds his arrows yoinked away by... DOCTOR DANGER, OWNER OF MAGNET!
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Even Hawkeye, man who uses archery to be an Earth’s mightiest hero, thinks this is a ridiculous character concept.
And then Fat Man, owner of boomerang, knocks Hawkeye’s bow out of his hand with his boomerang.
Then Two-Gun shoots Fat Man’s boomerang to bits. Which. I guess. He’s just a guy now. He’s not even carrying an actual gun.
Doctor Danger, owner of magnet, tries pulling away Two-Gun’s two guns. And he also yoinks another arrow from Hawkeye.
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Or Hawkeye let the arrow go because its one of his gas arrows.
Hawkeye pulls another one of his patented arrow based hoodwinks! Classic Hawkeye!
Meanwhile, Iron Mask grabs Mockingbird to use her as a hostage.
Geez, Mockingbird. He’s in a metal suit. He cannot be stealthy.
But Ghost Rider rides out of the shadows to save her.
Tigra squares off against Hurricane as he quick draws and fires at her feet. But she just dodges away because REFLEXES.
She dodges right into the grasp of Rattler but she shreds his costume with her claws and then hurls him at Hurricane, knocking them both out.
Wow. Tigra and Hawkeye knocked out two of these jokers each. And Mockingbird got captured. She is not doing well.
Oh and Iron Man rips off Red Raven (yum)’s wings because Red Raven is a man with the superpower of equipment based flight and owns a gun and has nothing else going for him.
Iron Man hasn’t even had to use his repulsors!
Granted, these are villains that are leveled to cowboy heroes. This is like rolling into the starting world in a video game with endgame heroes.
Iron Mask: “This can’t be happening! These -- these ringers have helped the kids best all my men! But Iron Mask is never caught unprepared! I’d hoped not to use him -- to keep him secret for my assault on the territorial capital -- but now -- Come forth, my secret weapon! COME FORTH!”
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Haha what?
So Living Totem is from a 60s Rawhide Kid comic so he’s definitely in the idiom of this general cowboy times adventure, I guess.
But like.
Also: does he naturally look like this or did he decorate himself like a totem pole as camouflage when he was stranded on Earth?
In his original appearance, Rawhide Kid assumed that he was trapped underground by medicine men but I don’t know if he was just wildly speculating. Either way, this guy was buried underground but was freed when a silver mine Dug Too Deep and unleashed this hidden fun stuff.
Have no idea how Iron Mask convinced a giant alien that hates humans to work for his gang but there we are.
Anyway, Living Totem brags that he’s invulnerable to anything of Earth but that doesn’t stop the Avengers from collapsing a cliff on top of him.
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To cap things off, this big boy was what Iron Man’s sensors detected.
Two-Gun and Rawhide drag the entire captured gang and gang leaders to the town jail.
I seriously doubt that the jail has enough cells for all of them but it lets Two-Gun feel accomplished.
And the Avengers West Coast assemble over at Boom-Boom’s smithery where Wonder Man admits that welp actually an old west blacksmith can’t actually help him repair a time machine.
Dangit, the irony of the situation is that the replacement parts they really need are transistors and even though Iron Man loves transistors like they’re his own children, the ones in his suits just aren’t the right type!
I actually do miss Iron Man talking about transistors whenever he did anything.
And the thing of it was the he did that because transistor revolution started in 1959, several years before Iron Man was introduced. So it was the big new technology and comic writers don’t often understand the big new technology except that it can be peppered through a story for flavor.
So if Iron Man was invented today, would his armor be crypto powered? God I hope not. Transistors were actually useful.
Two-Gun is right on hand to try to soften the blow of being stuck in the past.
Two-Gun Kid: “Hawkeye -- I know this seems like terrible news, but you’ve lived here before! If you have to stay, I’ll do everything I can to make you and your team happy!”
There’s really a deep friendship between these two pards.
Anyway, Wonder Man isn’t ready to give up yet.
Sure, the time machine is half-broken. Which is to say, it’s half-functional. It’s stuck in reverse so why not go further back in time?
Hawkeye: “HUH?!!”
But Wonder Man’s got a Wonder Plan.
They can’t go back to the present but they can go further into the past... say to the time of Ancient Egypt where Nicer Rama-Tut ruled?
As a refresher: Rama-Tut is just younger Kang and he was a dick who fought the Fantastic Four. But then Kang got old and tired and in a very Kangish way decided he hated himself at a different point on the timeline.
He gave up conquest and returned to rule Egypt, presumably without having to conquer it. Anyway, he was a cool guy give or take being a god-king ruler of a land that required at least some force to maintain power.
So if the West Coast Avengers show up, he’d probably totally fix the time machine! Because he’s a great guy, Older, Nicer Rama-Tut is!
Ghost Rider objects that this is a really dumb idea that could strand them LOST IN TIME FOREVERRRR but Hawkeye is going to do it anyway. Because giving up without trying ever reckless idea just isn’t the Hawkeye way.
Ghost Rider keeps objecting but Mockingbird tells him hey glad he’s concerned but Hawkeye said they’re doing the reckless plan so they’re doing the reckless plan because he’s the chairman of this wacky team.
Wonder Man proposes that the team try going back one hundred years first as a test before trying to go all the way back fifty centuries. Just to make sure they can control the time machine.
But when Wonder Man activates the time platform and it starts building up power, Ghost Rider goes wild.
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He bonks Mockingbird, slings her over his horse, and rides off with her.
Ghost Rider: “Mockingbird must not be lost! The goddess must remain with the ghost!”
Hawkeye tries jumping off the time platform after his wife but Wonder Man and Iron Man hold him in place because “energy-flux” would tear him apart.
And I imagine having half of you in one century and half in another is probably bad for homeostasis.
Two-Gun and Rawhide realize that they’re going to have to go after Ghost Rider to rescue Mockingbird. Even though they have no idea how they’re going to reunite Mockingbird and Hawkeye even if they DO rescue her.
What a mess.
The Avengers -- and the PLOT -- have been split between three different centuries!
Hank Pym and La Espirita are still doing stuff in the 20th century. Mockingbird is having further mandatory cowboy adventures in the 19th. And the rest of the West Coast Avengers are on their way to the 18th!
Dammit, time travel!
Follow @essential-avengers​ because I don’t have an essential-west-coast-avengers tumblr. Like and reblog? It’s up to you.
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starshipsofstarlord · 3 years
All This Hassle, and What For?
Pairing | Loki Laufeyson x reader
Summary | getting taken hostage, along with Loki, is far more amusing than ever intended to be, despite it leaving your captors anything but impressed.
Warnings | kidnapping, mentions of depression, swearing, implied smut, innuendos
Based off this tiktok. All original rights to the plot go back to the creator.
Quick link to my masterlist, if you’re interested in reading more of my crap 😬
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Opening your aching eyes, you found yourself to be in a large room, there were plenty of feet stood at your eye level, and such a sight made you frown. You certainly didn’t remember being knocked out, but who would, the exposure to unconsciousness was most likely sudden.
But nevertheless, you raised your head, glaring up at those whom had captured you. As your eyes scoured the room, your eyes landed promptly on the god of mischief, who had his hands bound and shackled in chains, and by Odin, did he look good.
However, your attraction the man who once reigned terror down upon New York wasn’t the focus now, and so you licked your lips, and kicked the nearest guard in the leg. He stumbled, the noise loud enough to draw the attention of all others, and you were pleased to stifle a laugh. Loki frowned at your behaviour, knowing that this was not the way that you were trained to be an avenger, but it was clear that you were no longer on earth, so human pleasantries did not apply here.
“And by the gods, who in the galactic council’s name do you think you are?” The closest asked, wrapping his large hand through your hair, and tugging your face up to stare up at him, wanting you to be treated as the lesser being he thought you as.
“Actually, he’s the god.” Tilting your head, you diverted it towards Loki, who squinted feebly at your answer. “But I think you already knew that, since you have him rattled in metal. Just a word of advice, rumour has it that he likes to be restrained in such ways; really, you’re doing him a favour, and you may just earn yourself a big tip.”
You sent a wink up at the commander, watching with inward joy as he grimaced at your development within your speech. “Quite a nice sight, to see him so vulnerable and at someone’s mercy, so thank you general.”
Sending him a smile, he huffed, whilst Loki tried his darnedest to contain an amused grin. It wouldn’t be the first occasion that you had made suggestions regarding the new troop of the avengers; even when he was around causing mischief, (which he still tended to do), there were always words said that gained the god’s intrigue.
Tony at the time, and to this day, despite him being a part of the heroic team, which Thor was ‘inclined’ to drag him into, thought nothing more than disgust at your meaningful jokes. In his words, ‘you two may as well screw so we don’t have to listen to anymore of this dirty banter, you in regards to reindeer games’.
How you wished right now, preached silently even, that Tony could bare to listen again, so that he could send in the team whom could deal with these aliens that were keeping your imprisoned. But all communications were cut, and that just left you and Loki.
By no means did you doubt if Loki got the chance to escape, he would leave you. It was in his nature to do so, but if you could pose a lack of threat, they may loosen up on their efficiency in guarding you. After all, Loki was the one they wanted, not you. And then, both of you could get away from this galactic nonsense.
“Humans.” The general huffed, causing you to grimace as the stench of his breath wafted through the air, and hit your nose. “You all think that you are so special, but when it comes down to it, those who are not from your planet do not care. Loki here, this god, does not care about you little one. And he never will.”
“That’s okay with me, because I don’t care about him either. It’d called self preservation.” You informed your captor, noticing Loki staring across at you with an icy gaze. Who were you kidding? Of course you cared about the god, but right now, you would do anything to get out of this predicament.
“Aw would you look at that.” The feet moved back towards the main reward of their capture, staring down at the green eyed trickster with mocking eyes. “This woman has attitude just like yours, if either of you cared, I’d call it a match made in Asgard.” A laugh bellowed from the wide chest of the being, finding his own comedy quite humorous.
“Excuse me, I’m way out of his league!” You pretended to be offended, bringing your hands that were free of restraint to your chest. They thought not to tie you down as they did to him, after all, you were nothing but a midguardian. That was their mistake. “What’d you want with old horse shagger over there anyways? Don’t be alarmed, but he actually does some kind of good now, even if it be out of his own self interest.”
A heavy sigh fell on deaf ears, as the protector of space glanced unsurely between the pair of you. “He has the tesseract, and I wish to take it from his slippery hands, he cannot be trusted with such a powerful source of energy.” His words bellowed a laugh of absolute surprise from your mouth, earning a frown from those keeping you hear, and a cock of the head from the god of mischief.
It was clear that not only was he confused by your supple, yet somewhat pleasant burst of amusement, but he was also in the dark about what in the Hela this predominant being was speaking of. Yes, he had had the tesseract at one point , however, no longer was it in his untrustworthy grasp.
Thanos had taken ownership over it, after killing many of the people that he had saved from the events of Ragnarok. It was not just some energy source, it had been an infinity stone all along, tricking the eyes of elders and the young to believe that it was nothing more than a harbouring of power. But it had indeed been the space stone, and it was taken from him, in exchange for saving Thor’s life.
The Guardians of the Galaxy had found the pair of them upon the aftermath of the wreckage, taking them in, amongst plans of taking Thanos down. It had been a failure, up until the avengers went back in time, going to their past that would not affect their future, so that they could reverse the affects the Titan had brought upon earth and everywhere else.
During that time, Loki had nurtured his brother, watching as he fell apart with the responsibility of their people, and collapsed into a spiral of depression. You had also been there for Thor, doing your best to take the drink away from the bulky god, but to no avail did you manage to succeed. And so, during those tormenting five years, you and Loki would sit side by side, both basking silently in your failures.
“I thought you guys’d know everything, but I guess that you and your highness are stuck in one time line; all of them. But for us humans and every lesser being, there are multiple, and that Loki that stole the tesseract, yet I say again, is one much different. And we are on the search for him, to stop his disruption and crossing over of the times!” An exonerated, and audible exhale of air left you after your little speech.
Loki smirked, at the premise of you protecting him with the admission of the truth. But he couldn’t help but feel a feeling of warmth flutter within his immortal insides, it was rather a nice feeling he realised. “He is quite difficult to catch, we have been tracking him since the time heist went sideways.”
“That’s because he’s you!” You pointedly exclaimed, unable to pin some of the blame upon the god himself. Sure, in recent times he had changed, and was much different from back when he wanted all mortals to kneel before him (which you’d willingly do if it ever came to that, though you’d never tell him under which circumstances that would be), but at the end of the day, that had been him once!
The tricks and the lies still remained, but he had found a reason to thrive, and a long and enduring career that he was well at tackling. Often, he made out being an avenger, despite the government’s rouse of concern, to be a bore, and that he had far better things to do. But he stayed, with a light in his eyes, and continued following along with the heroic traditions, breaking a few rules here and there.
“Dear, why do you always have to put the blame upon me? I was not the one who decided to put that green dye within your shampoo, but I’ll have to admit, did you look so enrapturing.” He was running a ploy, dragging out the time that you spent bantering in hopes of something happening.
Unlike Heimdall, he did not have foresight, but it was a requirement whilst the pair of you were on your expediting mission, that you check in with the base, via the comms that had cracked under brutal feet. And so, he spoke, with the promise that you’d return the conversation and leave all others in the room confused with your meaningless discussion.
“I did, didn’t I?” You asked, to which he hummed in reply, lightly nodding his head, as his feline eyes ran up your body, paying ample attention to how your limbs were free, unlike his own. “But I’d say fine sir, that the blame is down to Clint, and if I’m correct, may we kick his ass as soon as we get back home?”
“Of course we can my beloved-“ you froze at his choice of words, and it appears that he did too, suddenly realising his mistake. Gulping for a second he went to speak again, but the commander felt much inclined to but in, and stop the headache that was bubbling in his large head.
“Shut up; the pair of you!” His scolding made you feel as though you were in school over again, it was impossible not to drop your head down and try to contain your laughter. Loki too found such enjoyment in this predicament, sporting a cheshire grin to emit his emotions.
“I’m sorry, can you say that again? Maybe a just a tad louder?” You pinched your thumb and forefinger together to show how much, and it was clear that you were pissing this primal being off. He began towards you, and you were prepared to fight him, you were never one to back down, which was one feature upon the various reasons that Fury had initially recruited you.
Awaiting the first strike, you stood despite the others around you, your eyes wide open as you bravely stared up at your opponent. But before the fight could begin, a distant crash assumed preference in your ears, causing you to turn your head in the direction it had came from. And then, all of a sudden, a ship crashed through the dock, guns blazing from its side.
“What are you waiting for?” The distinct voice of Rocket asked, and obediently you ran through the terror, finding Loki already upon the ship, but then, he appeared behind you also. “Quill, get ready to go!”
Taking glances, you stared between the two practically identical copies, a light frown on your face. Both were restrained, yet the one that was seated beside Groot, whom was playing a game on some nineties device, was glaring up at the pair of you.
“An avenger, really?” The seated one laughed, mocking his once future self, as you felt the ship steer clear away from the scene. Your Loki quirked his brow, smirking at his self that had avoided the wars that he had chosen to fight upon earth.
“Yes, an avenger.” He responded, causing his other to languidly scoff. An ‘I am groot’ came from the tree, and it was uncertain in your spoken languages of what he had said, but either way, you were more intrigued by the conversation that was happening between the Loki’s. “And I’ll have you know, that she is infinitely more brave than you, you cower-some fool.”
“Oh, so we’re going there?” You asked, causing the pair to snap out of their mutual rivalry, and stare haphazardly at you. “No, don’t mind me, feel free to continue.”
“We’re not going to be unable to unbind your until we reach earth.” Gamora cut in, speaking to the Loki that you knew to be the original.
“That’s fine.” He nodded humbly, before casting his attention back at his alternate reflection. “And this woman, is not only an avenger. She was there for your brother when you were not.”
“Aw.” The other Loki smirked, almost cruelly. “So she’s your beloved?” He remarked rudely, and it seemed to break something within Loki, him wishing not to listen to the other version of himself. He decided he did not like him, and understand how you must have felt upon your initial meeting.
“Yes.” You went to speak, but instead, Loki stood before you, powerlessly pulling your face to his own, and colliding his lips upon yours. On impulse, you ravenously replied with much affection, clasping his jaw and allowing him entrance into your mouth. It earned a disgusted groan out of the Loki that had caused all this hassle.
“I hate to interrupt...” Rocket returned, after putting his gun down and having gone to the front of the ship with Quill, so that he could contact Stark. “But these may get those off.” He held a pair of golden pliers, that were far larger than his body. At the sight , you pulled away from Loki’s face for a moment, raising a brow.
“It’s fine, I think I want to keep them on.” You smirked, earning another sound of disapproval from Loki’s identical rival, pulling him back to your face. Wildly, he hummed into the cavern of your mouth, as the pair of you stumbled around on the spaceship.
“Bedrooms are down the hall to the right.” Nebula informed you, her voice monotone, and in turn, you dragged the god towards said direction, finally releasing all the tension that had been pent up through the years.
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raineydays411 · 4 years
Oh,what am I supposed to do without you.
Loki x daughter!reader pt 2
Summary: You never knew your mother, but from the journal your Uncle Thor gave you, you knew she was a special women. You also knew that you were the splitting image of her.
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Loki’s POV
Silence. That's all he heard now. No more sweet laughter. No more soft humming as she walked through the garden. No more mumbled words of love and whispers of sweet nothings. No all her heard was silence. Silence in the chambers that once belonged to the both of them. Silence as he walked the halls of a busy palace. Full of people but he was always alone. Silence..in the nursery that has been empty for nearly sixteen years. The bright beautiful colors, dull and covered in a layer if dust. But what else is new, everything has been dull since his beloved has died. 
After he had his daughter sent away, Thor had been on more off world missions. He would leave for long periods of time and only come back to visit. Frigga would look at Loki with disappointed and pitiful eyes, that he would pointedly ignore. And while Loki managed to pull himself together and leave his room, he still had this dark depressing cloud over him. He was barely holding it together. 
He was just...dark. His mischievous ways became cruel. Harmless pranks he used to play turned into mean tricks. His dry wit became cruel taunts. And when he wasn’t tormented people he was distant. There have been several times maids have found him staring out windows or at walls just lost in thought. Thinking of the life he could have had. A happy life with his wife and a child. 
If only...
Millions of light years away in Midgard, or earth, there was you. Y/n Odinson. After being sent away by Loki, Thor had taken you to live with Heimdall wanting to keep you close and true to your asgardian roots. But with Heimdall being the literal guardian of worlds and you growing to be a rather curious child, it wasn’t really a good match. So Thor took you to the only other place he could think of.
The Avengers HQ.
At first the team wasn’t too fond of the idea. Having a kid running around a superhero base isn’t really ideal. But after a while you won them over. Everyone absolutely adored you. Tony bought you any and everything you ever wanted, Bruce was your go to for advice, Steve doted on you and played with you whenever you wanted, Natasha was your self proclaimed aunt, and Clint was your fun uncle. Hell even Bucky found himself wrapped around your little finger. Yes, you had a wonderful life indeed.
But even though you could have anything you ever wanted, you still felt like you were missing something. Your parents.
You knew you were an asgardian. Your uncle Thor made sure you stayed true to your roots and you remembered the little time you spent on the planet. But you had no idea who your parents were. Every time you asked, Thor would always manage to change the subject. Other than the Avengers, who were more like aunts and uncles, you didn’t really have parents.
Now you knew you didn’t need them. You had a whole family of people who loved you like their own. But you couldn’t help but feel like there was something missing.
It wasn’t until a few days after your sixteenth birthday that you learned the truth. 
See you always knew you were asgardian, but never knew who your parents truly were. You couldn’t remember your life in Asgard, much less your parents. Thor refused to tell you who your parents were. The most you got out of him was that you looked almost exactly like your mother and that she was the sweetest person he knew. 
So when your fingers started turning a light blue and ice started shooting out of them, it was a little surprising to say the least. It happened on your birthday. Tony decided that it would be a wonderful idea to throw you a surprise party. And usually, you wouldn’t mind it as you’re actually pretty good at socializing. But ever since you woke up, you haven’t been feeling too well. Your head has been hurting, you felt light headed, and you just felt cold. Your hands and toes felt as if you were standing in the snow for hours.
 As you were walking into the common room, the Avengers and some of your friends popped out, scaring the absolute crap out of you. Resulting in you pulling an Elsa and then passing out. And while everyone fussed over you, trying to figure out what the hell happened, Thor was planning on taking you to Asgard.
After persuading the team ( specifically Bucky and Tony), you found yourself behind Thor as he was greeted by a man who looks a lot like Idris Elba. 
“Heimdall!!” Thor boomed embracing the man “It’s wonderful to see you again my friend.” 
“Thor, its been too long!” Heimdall says with a smile,” Does the all father know about our dear visitor?” He says, golden eyes looking into yours. Your face grows hot under his gaze as you smile at him shyly. His face softens at the sight of you.
“Y/n, welcome home” He says with a nod of his head. Your eyes widen as you distinctly remember not telling him your name. Thor and Heimdall chuckle at the look of surprise on your face
“Moonlight, Heimdall was the first person to take care of you before the Avengers” Thor said chuckling. 
“Oh, then its lovely to see you again” You say, not really knowing what to say.
Heimdall smiles and whispers to Thor, “ Does your brother know about this?” 
Thor winces, “No...” 
Heimdall stares at him for a bit before rolling his eyes. “My dear” He says to you,”You’re uncle is a buffoon.” You giggle at his words. Not understanding the severity of your presence.
“Come Y/n, lets get you settled in.” Thor says and you say goodbye to Heimdall, walking across the rainbow bridge in awe.
As you walk through the streets of Asgard, you noticed people staring at you. They whispered to each other as you passed by. You thought it was because Thor was home, but you had a weird feeling. 
“Hey, uncle Thor?” you whisper
“Yes darling?”
“Why are they staring at me?”
“Oh...uh. ....cause you’re dressed in midgardian garments. when we get to the castle we’ll get you something to wear” Thor says nervously. You squint at his excuse. “Okayy” you say weirded out by his behavior.
Finally reaching the palace, you look around in awe. It looked like something out of a fantasy book. Thor lead you through the halls when a beautiful woman sped towards the two of you. 
“Thor!” she said wrapping him in a hug.”welcome home my son”
“Mother” Thor says hugging her back,”I have missed you”
“Oh this is Frigga” you think to yourself. You feel a slight pang of jealousy, seeing Thor be embraced by his mother. But you push that thought aside when they break apart and Thor beckons you over. 
“Mother...this is Y/n.” He says slowly. Frigga freezes at your name. 
“Y/n?” She whispers, looking at you with wide eyes. She steps closer you you and puts her hands on your face and stares into your eyes.
“Oh, I’d know those eyes anywhere.” She says. “ Oh darling”
She pulls you into a loving embrace, startling you. “I haven’t seen you since you were but a babe.” she holds you at arms length. “Oh you...you look just like..” She stops herself, shaking her head and wipes away tears. “Look at me, crying all over you” 
You smile,”It’s okay, its lovely to meet you.” 
Frigga laughs,” Yes, I am so happy you are here. Come, let me show you where you can rest.” As she leads you out of the room, she turns to Thor and says, “Thor, don’t forget to mention our guest to your brother.” And with that she wraps her arm around your shoulders and leads you to a guest room, asking about your life and interest. 
You answer, blissfully unware or the dread running through Thor's body at the thought of confronting his brother.
Loki's POV
Thor slowly walked to the chambers, regretting every choice he  has made till now. He knew there were two way Loki would handle the news. He’d either go ballistic or completely disappear for however long Y/n was there. 
For his sake and hers, he'd prefer that latter option.
Finally reaching his room, Thor stood in front of the door. He was trying to figure out how to tell Loki his long lost daughter that he disowned was in the palace. Oh and she doesn’t know who her parents are. And that him and his team of superheroes have been raising her.....and that she has ice powers. 
Loki, sat in his room reading noticed shadows under his door. Rolling his eyes, he thought it was the maids again. They always hesitated to knock on his door. 
“What do you want?” Loki says in a monotone voice, opening the door only to his his brother standing their with a sheepish look on his face.”Thor.. you’re home.”
“Brother! How lovely to see you” Thor said loudly. “ I just came to ...uh..came to..”
Loki looked at him in irritation and confusion. “Came to what?” 
“Came to invite you to dinner!” Thor said grinning nervously
“What? no flowers?” Loki deadpanned 
“Oh hush brother” Thor said. “I have been away for so long, and I would be overjoyed if you came to my welcome home dinner.” 
“If I agree, will you leave me be?” Loki said. finally irritated with his brothers presence. 
“Yes!” Thor said. “ Wonderful...”
Loki looked at him weirdly again and nodded, but before he closed the door Thor started talking.
“Brother, tell me, how have you been?” He asked
“Wonderful, now do you mi-“ “Be honest.”
Loki glares at his brothers words and stays silent for a while. Then he sighs and steps aside, letting Thor in his room.
“I don’t know.” He finally says, looking down at the floor.
“You..don’t know?” Thor repeats, not understanding the response.
“Yes. At first I was devastated, I was angry. But now...now I feel empty. Like there’s something in my life that I’m missing.” Loki sighs again, looking out the window. “Every time I look, there she is. Sometimes she’s reading in the garden. Sometimes she’s helping the maids. And sometimes...” Loki stops himself, tears forming in his eyes.
“Sometimes..?” Thor prompts gently as he slowly walks to the bookshelf, leaning against it.
“Sometimes I see her staring at me. Disappointed.” Loki finally says, his back turned to Thor as he lets his tears fall freely.
“Loki..I am certain she understand.” Thor says, “ would she be upset? Probably.” Loki tenses at his, his brothers words sting at his heart. “But, she knew you. I think she’d prefer her child to be well loved.”
Loki nodded, still not facing Thor. And because of that, he didn’t notice Thor swipe a particular journal and replace it with another book.
“Well” Thor said suddenly,” I should be off, I promised mother I’d help show our guest around.”
“Our guest?” Loki said making a face at the thought of socializing.
“ Oh yes.” Thor said walking out of the room, “ a princess of some sort, I believe”
Loki rolls his eyes, he knew if royalty was visiting, he’d be forced to dress up and make stale conversation.
Meanwhile, Thor walked down the halls, with a beautiful leather journal, that belonged to a certain girls mother. And a plan in mind.
Taglist: @mika-dannielle @brightsunanddarkmidnight2-0
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tokoyamisstuff · 3 years
Dark Side Of The Moon Ch. 2 - Dark! Loki x Reader
Chapter 2: “On The Run”
Chapter Summary: Even though you can’t help feeling drawn to the lunatic that looks like your deceased lover, you try to surpress your feelings and flee to find your friends.
Warnings: Loki is fucking crazy, Violence, Torture, Jotun! Loki, Mentions of Death, Abuse, Unhealthy Relationship, Mentions of Rape
Words: 3360
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[Story Masterlist]
Masterlist to my other works right ->Here<-
“And the shark, it has tears,
And they run down its face.
But the shark lives in the water -
So the teardrops one can’t see.”
- Rammstein - Haifisch
Taglist: @winterglcw​ @commonintrest​ @emmojoy​ @satansbra @just-someone-who-likes-to-write​​
“She died through my hands.”
That sentence replayed over and over in your head, forming a continuous loop as you silently formed those words with your own lips.
“It’s not him!” you called out to yourself, since your reason had seemingly disappeared ever  since you first saw the person that was a perfect copy of the man you once loved.
You were rolling around on the bare floor, shivering as you softly punched your head to not get lost in thought again. The emperor didn’t even have the basic decency to give you any clothes back, only having the Citauri throw you into an old dungeon to keep you prisoner - or whatever he’d plan to do with you.
That man was so different of your Loki.
And the timeline both of you were currently in had exceeded your worst expectations, making you wonder if fate just wanted to torment you.
In this universe, Thanos never even got so far as to collect all of the Infinity Stones. Loki Laufeyson had won the battle of New York and took over this world, then somehow double-crossed and killed the Titan. So right now, he possessed the power of the Tesseract, as well as the Cascet of Ancient Winters. For what reason he kept that Jotun relic was unknown, probably out of nostalgic sentiment you assumed.
Afterwards, the God of Mischief had killed his brother Thor in bad blood, as well as torturing Natasha - the exact way he threatened her back in your world, when he was in his cell. Clint was still his servant, as it seemed. You had seen him when they took you to his cell.
He couldn’t get rid of all the Avengers, however - even though their current location was unknown. They were in hiding for many years now, probably trying to get their hands on the other Infinity Stones. 
Also noticeable was the fact that this universe had neither Hela, nor Captain Marvel - so one good and one bad thing to compensate for each other. Not that they’d be a match for Loki in his current form anyway...
And there was no Dr. Strange on this version of Earth, your last bit hope to escape disappearing as you learned about this fact.
That much was all you had learned by now, mainly through tricking and manipulating some of your guards into giving you information.
All in all, you only knew for sure was that this world’s Loki was a terribly trong, murderous sociopath, intoxicated by power and loneliness.
And you had become the focus of the little emotion left in him.
It was hard trying to surpress all the voices and memory submerging in your mind. So there was nothing left for you except for rolling up into a ball, lying on the cold floor as you prepared to be washed over with sadness and guilt once again.
“Would you help me recieve the greatest honor by becoming mine and mine only, Lady Y/N?”
How could you ever forget this moment?
Back on the Asgardian refugee ship, your Loki had asked you that very question, now popping up in your mind once again.
Every detail was still as bright as daylight, preserved deep into your heart.
You clearly remembered the small, green box he had summoned out of thin air, presenting you a plain but still incredibly beautiful ring. The golden piece of jewlery formed a snake eating itself - a symbol of infinity and wholeness.
It was just his way of being thoughtful.
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“I-I prepared this a while go, to be precize...but I never thought of being worthy” he had stammered and you found yourself speechless, admiring that very scene playing in front of your eyes. “A-Anyway, after all that happened, I realized that all moments I spent happy, were when I was with you. I don’t want to lose you again, Y/N! And I feared, well...that it might be too late to ask someday.”
It was most unjust that this most blissful moment would be interrupted by a great rumbling shaking through the whole spaceship - and even before Thor would crash Loki’s proposal, both of you were aware just what kind of danger you would have to face soon:
Your numbers had already been decimated by Ragnarok, all that’s left being some civilian refugees, injured and traumatized. The only ones capable of fighting left were Loki, Thor, Heimdall, you and the Hulk.
Yet all of your struggles were to no avail, only able to watch and scream and bag at the Titan, so he’d at least spare those innocent lives as he mercilessly slaughtered woman and children alike.
“Fucking monster!” Pulling out a gun, your mind went completely blank as you gave it some last, desperate attempt to save or avenge just anyone.
No bullet would even come close enough to pierce his skin, as Ebony Maw would deflect them to hit yourself and people close to you. “I’m not the only one you should see responsible for this outcome” Thanos scoffed.
“What do you mea-” Your voice got swallowed by a pained groan as you saw Loki, kneeling in front of Thanos and revealing the one thing he was after:
The Tesseract.
“You......took it?!?” The only thing managing to escape your throat was a high-pitched yell as Loki’s face contorted in disappointment and regret - just now realizing that he had put you all in danger.
They would’ve never went after you if it wasn’t for him. He had doomed his race, failed you and what was left of his family.
“How could you put us all in danger?! I thought you had changed! You swore it with your life, Loki! That you loved me more than you desired power!”
No answer.
Instead, the god would prepare one of his speeches, directing words of undying fidelity at Thanos and his arms. And even though it was meant to be lies, a play to make the threat feel save, every single word hit your heart like knives.
“How could I ever marry someone like you?!” feeling as if Loki most recent, selfish act was suffocating you, you could only whisper - yet he understood very clearly, the facade dropping in an instant.  “I-I hate you...traitor...”
If only you knew that those would be the last words you’d ever direct at him...
Loki materializes a dagger, desperately trying to make up for his biggest mistake yet, and at least save you, the light of his cursed existence, and the only thing he had ever done in his life full of wrongs.
But Thanos looked right through the charade from the very beginning, using the stones to trap Loki in their hold - and then, grabbing the god’s throat.
“You have what you want, Thanos!” Thor tried to bargain, “There’s even less than half of my race left. Please, just let us go!”
“Oh, I will” he spoke stony, then shifting his attention to the god in his hands. “But first, I’ll do you a favor and erase that disgraceful pest all of you were too weak to take care of.”
As he was struggling for air, gasping uncontrollably as he tried to free his neck from the Giant, Loki’s glare wandered to you - and when your eyes met, both of your hearts skipped a beat.
He smiled. In the face of death, the last thing he wanted you to remember was the good things after all.
And seeing the ring on your finger, how couldn’t he? Loki knew you were about to say yes - and knowing this was more than enough for someone like him.
After all, the God of Mischief was used to happiness being taken away from him as soon as he thought it to be okay to open up to someone.
But you were safe. That’s all that counted for him!
It was like his eyes were telling you “It’s gonna be alright. I’m sorry, Y/N...I love you.”
You don’t remember much after that, having a mental breakdown as you had to watch the love of your life perish - and forever thinking about how you had turned him down just seconds before.
A part of you had died with him back then.
The creaking sound of the cell’s door made you jump from your dream - but the person which entered was one you had never seen before.
A monster.
It’s silhouette very much resembled Loki, yet his skin was painted in a dark shade of blue, with thin linings carved across his whole body. He had fangs and even horns coming out of his temple to add at that.
The beast’s eyes were shining in a threatening red, glistering contrastful in the dark hallway. But the worst were those black irises, absent of any form of compassion - there seemed to be only rage, confusion and hate.
“Fuck!” you screamed, terrified and fearing for your life. Shuffling until your back hit the wall of a corner of the room, you defendingly put your arms in front of yourself. “Go away! Don’t to-ouch me!”
Loki cleared his voice as he put the Casket away, not making any efforts to revert his outer appearance back to ‘normal’. He had admired it on his way to your cell, like he’d do many times a day when he was reminiscing about the day he learned about his heritage...
...and how he had killed Odin, his adoptive father, with that very relic, afterwards clearing the universe of that despiseful race of the Jotunn - making him the last of his kind.
“Oh my” a dark voice finally declared, “Seems like ‘your’ Loki never dared to show you his true form. Pathetic.”
No, that wasn’t completely true. Your lover had at least told you back then. But when did you ever have the time to talk things over and heal, being dragged from one fight to another?!
The Jotunn felt great joy as he towered over you, gleefully watching your naked body cowering to his knees, covered in goosebumps and shaking heavily. Your breath was clearly visible while you tried to cover your shame as best as you could, wary glare never leaving the abomination that was just lurking right in front of you.
“Wha- OUCH!” you hissed as the Frost Giant took ahold of your wrist, monitoring the pain spreading across your face as his touch would frostburn any skin he was touching with ease.
Loki grinned menacingly as he let go off of you, admiring his handywork as the first layer of your skin had already died, crumbling away to reveal your pink flesh.
“Oh, how I missed that” he explained, much to your surprise ripping a piece of his own clothing apart to cover the wound with it. “Your kind is so easily broken. It’s always fascinating to watch.”
“Just kill me already, you freak!”
Well, Loki had in fact spent hours after hours thinking about how to handle you, and yet he couldn’t decide. Obviously he would’ve killed you right away if it was otherwise, but he still had a soft spot for you somewhere deep in his heart, after all.
And it upset him more than he’d ever admit. So he tried to assert his dominance, to ease the feeling of weakness and loss of control.
“I’m only doing you a favor, woman.” The god would touch your cheek, making you flinch away - but this time, it wouldn’t hurt. Never would he dare to scar this most beautiful face!
“The man you loved was just the same as me, yet it seemed he wasn’t completely honest with you. What you are seeing right now is the form of a Frost Giant...the monstrosity you chose to love.”
It was no surprise that he saw tears filling the rim of your eyes - yet out of a whim, you pulled your arms around his neck, tears wetting his robe. He gasped, unable to act in any way as he stiffened in the pose.
That was by far not the reaction he had been expecting - and he surprised you as well. You had thought him to instantly shove you away, beat you agaib or even bite - but he just kneeled there, not daring to make a move.
"Why?” Now his voice was much softer, pained even. “I’m a monster. I hurt you. So why?”
“I’m so sorry” you whimpered, words being interrupted by heavy sobbing. “I try to fight it, I really do. But I just can’t, I-I”
“Aren’t you afraid?”
“How could I be? It’s you, Loki...no matter what you look like.” Eventually, you’d face him again, wiping the tears out of your face when for another moment, you made yourself forget that this was a completely different person. “I was just surprised, that’s all. Letting me see this form out of nowhere...”
“Y/N, I’m not the same as him” he retorted, knowing very well what it’s like to lose oneself in daydreams and illusions to ease the pain of loss. His sight wandered around the room instead of your face, stating “I did horrendous things, dear. Tormented and killed countless. It’s unforgiveable.”
“So did he” you stated, even though you knew those two Loki’s couldn’t be compared. “And you should already know: I feel dead inside, ever since he died.”
“You really loved him, didn’t you?” When you nodded confidently, Loki sighed ashamed, reluctantly touching your wrist again. A warm magic would flow through you, healing the wound in no time. “I wish she had felt the same for me...”
For a while, both of you were plainly sitting in uncomfortable silence, with Loki even lending you his cloak to warm yourself up.
“It’s not him” you told yourself once again. “It’s not him. It’s not him. IT’S NOT HIM!!! That man is dangerous and instable. He can’t be trusted!”
And then, finally, you dared asking, cutting through the thick air:
“What exactly happened to me, in this world?”
Loki’s face contorted in agony, rubbing his face as if in deep pain. “Is this really necessary? I already told you. She died because of me.”
“More details would be nice” you retorted bluntly, not really caring if he was to have a violent outburst again. Curiosity got the better of you at that moment.
The emperor’s voice was low and husky, and just now you realized how damn tired he looked - with dark rings under his eyes, and more pale than you had ever remembered him.
The weight of his sins sure had taken a stroll on that sensitive man.
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"I saw the ring” he uttered deeply affected, “That’s something I could only dream of. Thinking about it, I think she never really loved me in the first place. Or maybe she just grew tired of my lies. Understandable, I have to admit...”
“Yes, it was quite the opposite, even” he continued after a long, strained breath of his. “She hated me. Joined the Avengers and tried to kill me, several times. Only years later I learned about the truth: Already far in the past, back on Asgard, she betrayed me. After I fell off the Bifrost, she thought myself dead - and consoled herself by bedding my brother. I had to kill him, I-I-I just had to!”
Loki’s hands were shaking so frantically you could feel it from over there, mad eyes darting over your physique to take in your reaction. “After they finally lost, I took her prisoner. Seven months of trying to make her mine, no matter the methods. Mind-controlling her would not be satisfying. So I tortured her, played games with her sanity, and- I’d rather not speak about how else I violated her.”
“You, wha-” Now you were the one shivering in horrid anticipation, “You raped me...?”
No answer. Instead he just finished this disastrous story.
“One day, I went to her cell like I always did. I hoped once her mind was broken she’d stop struggling to be mine. But she never did. You Y/N’s are quite the fighters, as it seems.”
“Wha- wwhat happened to me...I mean, ‘her’?”
A loud whine escaped his vocal cords as he hit the wall right next to your face, making you suck in a pained breath.
“She used her chains to hang herself. There was nothing I could do. Ever since then I knew I’m cursed to inflict pain on anything I hold dear.”
"D-Don’t give me that self-pitying bullshit” you wanted to shout at his face - but the cramping in your heart as well as the hyperventillation made talking impossible.
How could one do something like that to a person they claimed to love?!
“Go” you whimpered, already shuffling away from him and he could hear anguish and fear drop out of every vocal, and he realized you were having a panic attack. “Please!”
Loki closed his eyes, letting out one last, deep sigh. He knew he owed you that much.
“Very well.”
That whole night, you spent crying and screaming to your hearts avail, unable to process your current situation and newfound knowledge.
So that would be your life from now on? Being hurt mentally and physically, frostburnt and hurt and violated against your will - all while looking at a face that remembered you of happier days?
Things were just like that evil Loki said: You are a fighter!
And if you couldn’t help that crazy man, you would at least help yourself! The Avengers are still out there, somewhere. You needed to escape and help them!
How could you have been so blind all those years?
Loki - your Loki - would have never wanted to you give up. He’d want you to survive and live your life to it’s fullest, trying to make the best out of everything you’ve got.
Just like he always did. That much you had learned from him.
“I’m sorry, Loki. If I die, I can’t even remember you...I love you…”
Breaking out succeeded faster than you could ever think it would take - because when you’d finally get out of your fetal courl and wandered across the cell, you realized Loki didn’t properly close the heavy steel door back when he rushed away from you.
“It’s not him. There’s no helping that man. I have to find my friends, I-”
Still shocked and scared and traumatized, you didn’t even realize that someone was watching you, not even questioning that the hallways were oddly empty.
You sneaked out of an open window, bare feet feeling the morning dew as you shook away Lokis cloak and ran as fast as your feet could carry you.
There was it - the fence.
No one could tell you what kind of world would await you outside of that property as you swiftly avoided some guards, rushing through the all so beautiful garden.
But as soon as you reached out to climb the railing, you felt someone balling a fist in your hair, harshly holding you back and causing you to stumble and fall.
“I thought you to be different…” an all too familiar voice grumbled. Loki didn’t even want to hear any apology or excuse, kicking your guts so heavily that you had to throw up, cramping on the ground.
“Don’t you dare to run away ever again!” he now yelled furiously, "She tried it too...so damn.many.times…!”
But before you could even respond, he suddenly began to cry uncontrollably. “I thought you would stay. Do you think I like to do this?!”
His voice was laced with grief and regret, yet he kept on forming countless bruises on your body. “Why can’t you fucking love me, hel?!”
You didn’t know how long his violent crying fit lasted, with him weeping as he let off some steam on your helpless self.
There was no trace of the hurt, regretful man left you talked to in your cell earlier. After being finished, having reclaimed a fraction of composure, Loki pressed your face in between his hands, ripping on your mangled body to face him.
“Fate gifted me another chance to possess you, Y/N. And I will form you into a magnificent pet, I promise.”
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summerlovingbaby · 4 years
War Torn
Y/N was walking home to find it crawling with cops, that’s when she knew something was off. Because it wasn’t just cops it was special agents, and shield agents crawling in her neighborhood, sure she lived in a rough part of town and there were always cops, it was never this many, so she knew something was wrong.
She had an escape plan, she always had an escape plan. She knew what she was doing and where she was going. She hoped that he would be there, waiting for her just like promised, but when she saw the news she knew that he wouldn’t be.  Y/N  was planning her next move when she read another headline.
All the headlines everywhere read: Winter Solider Escapes Custody With The Help of Capitan America and Sam Wilson. Millions of questions ran threw Y/N’s head. Where was he being held? Why was he being held? How did he escape? Why did he escape? And mostly how did they find him?
She had to find him, Bucky would do the same for her. She had to find him, though she would be breaking a promise. They made a deal if something happened to one of them, they wouldn’t come back for one another, but she had to. She owed Bucky a great deal, and he would do the same for her.
All Y/N knew was that The Winter Solider escaped custody, he was with two of the avengers, all the borders were locked down tight, the rest of the avengers are looking for him, and they set up a 12 mile blockade. That means that they were probably hiding out somewhere, planning for their next move. Y/N had an idea of where he would be, and she somewhat had a plan.
The next thing she knew she was at a abandoned warehouse, with an AR-15 slung over her shoulder. She could hear muffled voices, one of them was Bucky’s voice, at least he wasn’t dead. As she walked closer she heard the voices more clearly. They were talking about trust, about trusting Bucky.
“ Hands up.” Y/N said peeping around the corner her gun pointed at the black guy.
The black guy reached for his side arm and had it pointed at her within seconds , but the white guy held his hands above his head. Bucky looked up when he heard Y/N’s voice, he knew that she would be coming for him, but hoped that she wouldn’t, He didn’t want her to be apart of this right.
“ Buck-.” Y/N started to say but was stopped,
“ Y/N I’m okay. Drop it.” Bucky’s voice was breathy and he sounded tired, he looked tired and sad.
“ James-” Y/N said looking for reassurance. Her eyes still trained on Sam.
“ Put it down.” Bucky said, he was watching Y/N, he knew that there was only about a 45% chance that she would actually listen to him, but he had to try.
Y/N shrugged her shoulders and pointed her head toward Sam. Steve began to lower her hands, he took his hand and he pushed Sam’s gun down and angled it towards the floor. Y/N did the same, her finger still on the trigger.
“ Y/N you shouldn’t be here.” Bucky said, his head hung low from shame and tiredness.
“ Neither should you.”
“ I did something bad.”
“ I know, I saw.”
“ Buck who is this woman.” Steve said breaking the silence.
“ She’s a friend.” He said looking at Steve with puppy dog eyes, that he didn’t mean to use, those where just his eyes now.
“ Hate to break up this reunion but we need to leave. Like yesterday.” Sam said putting his gun away. “ We need a car.” He said, he begrudgingly looked at Y/N, who payed him no mind. Y/N was too busy looking at Bucky for any sign of trouble. To be honest he looked mostly okay, just tired.
“ Can you get us a car.” Steve looked at Y/N with those Captain America eyes.
“ Yeah I can.” Her eyes moved between Steve and Bucky. “ Should I?” She asked towards Bucky.
“ Steve.” Bucky said in a quiet shaky voice. So that was Steve, the Steve. Y/N thought he was dead by the way Bucky spoke of him.  Y/N knows how much Bucky cared for Steve, respected him a lot too. Y/N heard story’s about him, and Bucky cried for him. She just thought he would be smaller.
“ I can get you a car, not legally.” Y/N spoke, finally looking away from Bucky.
“ Go.” Steve said nodding towards the exit.
“ No, no, no, no. Go with her.” Sam said to Steve. “ Leave the gun, might get some looks.” He said with a sarcastic smile.
Y/N leaned the AR-15 against a pole, and her and Steve left. They walked for a bit in awkward silence, the parking garage that they were going too was surprisingly full, but they needed a car that wouldn’t be reported stolen. Steve broke the silence.
“ You know Bucky.”
“ Yeah.”
“ I guess I meant how do you know Bucky?”
“ I-  he’s a friend.”
“ How did you two meet?”
“ He saved me.”
“ What did he rescue you from a burning building.” Steve said half as a joke.
“ No, he shot me.”
“ He shot you?”
“ Yeah, I deserved it though, it’s not his fault.”
“ Did you do something bad?”
“Define something bad.”
There was a pause, Steve knew Y/N was playing coy, avoiding questions.
“ I am assuming that he told you about Siberia- the others. I was one of the others.”
“ Okay.”
“ Under the circumstances, the brainwashing didn’t work as well as they planned, so I got away. And then I heard about HYDRA and SHEILD, so I moved to Romania because I knew that they wouldn’t look for me there, but they found me anyway. And then they said the words and they made me someone I’m not. I guess James- or Bucky whatever you call him, he saw me on the news, and then he found me, so I tried to kill him. And then he shot me and hit me on the head really hard, helped me remember who I was. He helped me, he cared for me. I was sick, mentally and physically. HYDRA wouldn’t feed me, I was underweight had some broken ribs, my hair was falling out, I couldn’t keep food down. He kept  me alive when I didn’t want to live. Then there was the incident-”
“ What incident?”
“ I don’t think you want to know. I helped him, and then he helped me. He let me stay, at his place. It was only supposed to be for a little bit, but it felt nice to have someone looking out for you, so I stayed. And then we made plans, plans incase something happened. We promised that we wouldn’t come back for each other, but I couldn’t- I can’t leave him. I owe him, I owe him a lot. More than my life, I owe him about a dozen times- a dozen lives. So he’s my friend.” Y/N said. Steve just now noticed that she was crying, but didn’t press the issue because they found a car.
Steve started to break the window, but stopped when Y/N started to pick the lock quite eloquently. Then she popped the dash board and started cutting some wires, so the car started, The ride back to Bucky was almost silent.
“ You know he saved my life too.. fell off a train for me. I’m glad you were there for him, sense I wasn’t. If he trust you I trust you, you seem like a good person. All things considered.”
“ Thanks.” Y/N said watching the windows, it calmed her to see the tree flying by her. It made her feel like she was flying and she liked flying.
They got back to the empty warehouse, Bucky’s arm was free, and Sam was holding the AR-15 begrudgingly, aimed at Bucky. When Y/N saw him free, she fought the urge to run to him. She just wanted to hug him, to touch him, to feel him, hear his heat, his heartbeat. It looked like Bucky was fighting something too, but he opened his arms anyway. Y/N walked to him, and fell into his arms. He enveloped her in a his arms pulling her close to his chest.
Sam tried to break it up, but Steve made Sam give them a minute, he knew they needed a moment of calm before the chaos. They stopped hugging and got in the car. Steve stopped and got some gear, and when Y/N blinked they were at the airport. Something was about to go down. Y/N knew a fight was going down.
Sam noticed that Y/N and Bucky were sharing words in a language, that wasn’t English.
“ You can still leave, its not too late to back out of this.” Bucky said in Romanian
“ I’m not going anywhere.”
“ You don’t have to stay, not for me.”
“ I’m doing this.”
“ This is a suicide run, if they catch you they will kill you.”
“I could say the same to you.”
“ This is my mess, let me clean it up.”
“ Its our mess, and you’re not talking me out of this so drop it.”
“ We had plans, you made plans. You promised that you wouldn’t come back for me.”
“ You would have done the same.”
“ That’s not the point.”
“ Then what is the point?”
“ You can leave, I won’t be mad at you.”
“ I know you won’t. That’s why I have to stay.”
“Y/N-” Bucky started to started to say but was interrupted by the overhead speakers. They were evacuating the airport it was now or never.
‘ May I have my gun please?” Y/N asked. “ I won’t kill anybody I swear, just distract them.”
Steve nodded for Sam to give her the gun, but Sam was still protesting.
“ We don’t need another gun.” Sam said.
“She’s more than a gun. If you’re going to fight do it right. Show them.”
So Y/N did. She was standing next to Bucky one minute, and then she took the place of Sam. Literally. She swapped places with Sam, then Steve, then Wanda then Scott. They didn’t have much time to further press the issue, because they saw a plane landing. Sam was very thrown off, but was too busy thinking about the fact that he was about to commit a war crime.
Y/N was hiding in the hanger with Bucky and Sam. Steve and Tony seemed to be sharing unpleasant words, then something blew up and they got their signal to start running. So they ran like hell. Then a spider-child crashed through the roof, he sounded pretty young. He sounded adorable. Y/N would have found it amusing if it wasn’t for the civil war part. What really threw them for a loop was when he caught Bucky’s arm midair. He wasn’t punching to kill so it wasn’t full strength, but hard enough to knock him out.
But Sam used his drone to trick the boy into falling off the roof, so they were clear. They exited the hanger, and made a bee line to the quinjet, but were stopped. Y/N was stopped by Nat, Clint was stopped by Black Panther, Falcon was stopped by Tony. Y/N didn’t see much more though. Wanda was putting up a good fight, but Y/N was too. 
Everyone was tied up fighting someone, but they didn’t have time to fight. Steve asked for something big and we got something big. Y/N could hear Scott mumbling about tearing himself in half, then he grew. Really big, taller than the airplane hanger. Scott started swinging his arms aimlessly, then he grabbed onto Rhodey, and Ironman starting blasting at him and Vision flew threw him. This couldn’t get any weirder was all Y/N was thinking. Y/N was distracted with Nat and Black Panther. She was doing her best to hold them off, but Black Panther slipped past her.
She looked up to find Antman being tipped over, and saw the spider-ling flying through the air. He was falling, falling fast. He would hit the ground, hard. It would probably kill him. Without thinking Y/N took his place and crashed into a stack of boxes. She thought it would be fine, maybe break a few ribs, but she felt a sharp pain in her abdomen. She tried to raise herself up, but yelped groaned loudly. She looked down to see a large piece of metal through her stomach,
When she saw it she tried to muffle a loud cry. Bucky heard her scream and asked for her status, she didn’t respond. All anyone heard was heavy panting and muffled screams and moans. Suddenly spider-boy ran over to help her. His mask was half off. Wow, he was young.Y/N thought he looked like he was 15 maybe 16.  
“ Oh mu gosh are you okay? You don’t look so good. Just stay there, Mr. Stark will know what to do. “ The boy stuttered.
Y/N would have found him funny during most circumstances, but she had steel sticking out of her stomach so she wasn’t amused. She was watching when she saw war machine free falling. Crap. He was going to die if he hit the ground. She grabbed at the spiderboy and pulled herself up. She could see him falling, but her vision was fading, her wound was bleeding a lot. Her eyes were growing heavy, she tried to wait til he was closer to the ground, but she couldn’t. Her eyes started closing, and it was now or never. She switched places with him and she was now free falling through air. She was falling, she was 100 feet from the ground.
She opened her eyes slightly and could see Sam racing to her aid.This calmed her down a bit, but she knew that he wouldn’t catch her. Her eyes closed as she fell to the ground, she landed hard. It made a crater where she landed. Sam narrowly missed her, but landed beside her. All Sam could hear was Bucky asking if she was okay, but he wasn’t responding because he didn’t know.
Y/N didn’t know this but Bucky was watching the whole time. He tried to convince Steve to turn it around, so they could help her, he just wanted to help her, but Steve wasn’t budging. Then Steve heard strained gasping and heavy breathing.
“ She’s breathing.” Sam whispered.
“ Good, can anybody help.” Steve was glad that Y/N was okay, but he was still focused on the mission, and Iron Man was still tailing the plane.
“ How far away can you get in the next minute?” Y/N asked, her eyes still closed her voice barley above a whisper.
“ Y/N no.” Bucky yelled.
“ Far.” Steve said, his voice laced with confusion.
“ Y/N don’t.” Bucky repeated
“ Don’t do what?” Steve asked.
Everyone could hear Y/N straining through coms, Bucky’s eyes went wide, he started pleading for her to not be dumb and the fight was over, but it was far from over. Suddenly Y/N’s eyes opened wide, they were glowing white.
 “ What the hell?” Sam said.
Y/N’s chest started to lift from the ground, so did her whole body. A bright white light surrounded her body like a shield, as she rose higher and higher. Everyone stopped and watch Y/N go higher and higher. The energy around her glowed brighter and brighter. They could hear Y/N straining harshly, then she started yelling. She flew up higher and grew brighter, then with one final yell she pushed it outward. The energy field expanded in a wave, knocking Iron man off kilter just enough to let Bucky and Steve escape. Y/N could see them flying off in the distance which made her happy. But that’s the last thing she saw, and then she fell from the air. Sam caught her, but she didn’t know that because she was passed out.
Y/N woke up in a straight jacket, and a shock collar, in a cell. She was confused and in a lot of pain. She didn’t know a lot at the moment, but the one thing she did know was that she wanted Bucky.
part 2
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wolfish-trickster · 4 years
Show, don't tell
Loki x female!reader
Word count: 1 815
Summary: your friends dare you to tell your crush how you feel. But since you're mischievious just like him, you'll do it in your way
Warnings: none i guess (besides my bad grammar, but you already know that) and Loki is slightly ooc
Tag list: @gaitwae @lucywrites02 @hard-to-be-the-bard @birdgirl90 @laramoonworld
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When you were a kid you saw a little boy at your favourite playground. He never spoke, he only moved his fingers and hands strangely. When you asked your parent, they said it's called sign language and people who can't hear use it to comunicate.
Later in your life you met a girl in school who was deaf and lonely. You wanted to become her friend so you took few classes and learned sign. You two were always together, best friends till the end of the school. You two stayed in contact after you went your separate ways.
That was the past. Now you had another person in your life who knew sign language: Clint Barton. Actually, you taught him sign when he lost hearing in an accident on a mission. You were friends ever since. He introduced you to the rest of the Avengers and they became your friends as well. You began spending a lot of time in the tower, you slept over sometimes so Tony gave you your own room. It was smaller than the rest of the Avengers' and was practically the attic of the tower, but it was cozy and you liked it.
It was a cloudy friday and you just entered the tower. You and Natasha wanted to hang out (and how better than having a sleepover with movies, nail polish and classic girly thing Nat doesn't get to enjoy in her hero time?)
As you stumbled across the living area you heard voices. Most likely coming from the party deck. Strange, Tony didn't mention any parties.
You walked one floor upstairs and saw Clint, Nat, Steve, Bucky and Thor sitting on couches, a single glass bottle layed on the table. Everyone had their heads turned towards the ceiling. You looked up and saw Peter making a giant web.
He sticked a big spider plushie inside and swung himself down to couches. "Alright, my turn."
"What are guys doing?" you sat down next to Thor.
"Playing truth or dare of course," Peter explained as he spinned the bottle.
"We are teching Thor what people do to embarass eachother," Natasha chuckled as she was showing you her pigtails and childish make up.
"Can I join?" you asked.
"Sure, who knows, maybe it will land on you."
The bottle stopped right as Nat finished the sentence. Its openening pointing to Clint.
"Alright mister Barton, truth or dare?" Peter asked.
"For the last time kid, just Clint. Truth, I already picked dare twice. Let's hear your question."
"Alright, ummmm," Peter held his chin inbetween his fingers, thinking. He snapped. "What happened in Budapest?"
Clint and Natasha looked at eachother smirking. This will take a while.
After few more rounds the bottle finally pointed to you. Your heart pounded with excitement and fear at the same time.
"So," Steve sat a little straighter, "truth or dare?"
"Uhm...... I'm a big girl, dare!"
"Okay then, I dare you to-"
"How in the nine did that web get there?"
All of you turned to the entrance hall. Loki stood there, arms crossed, leaning against a wall.
"Uuuuuh a giant spider?" Peter smiled sheepishly trying too hard to be believable.
"We are playing a game to embarrass eachother. Join us. It's way more fun than I expected," Thor invited Loki.
Loki shook his head. "I have no interest in games today. Maybe later I shall join," his eyes locked with yours. He smiled softly and waved at you. "Hello Y/N."
You blushed and waved back. "Hi Loki."
The younger prince then turned, walked to Tony's stash of alcohol and found himself a glass.
You smiled to yourself. He ignored everyone in the room and said 'hello' to you. Only you. It felt good being noticed.
You felt stares on yourself. Everyone looking at you. Clint smirked and whispered something to Steve. Both of them smirked (almost mischeviously) as they leaned against the back of the couch.
Steve licked his lips. "I dare you to tell Loki you have a crush on him."
"What? No, no way. I change my mind, I want truth."
"I may be too old for this but even I know that's not how this game works, doll," Bucky chuckled at your poor attempt to get yourself out of the dare.
"But- I can't do that, I mean.... I like him, really but not like-," you noticed Natasha raising an eyebrow at you, "-that. Oh gosh, is it obvious?" you asked as you hid your burning face in your hands.
A loud and clear 'yes' was said in unison. You groaned and pulled your knees towards your chest hiding you even more. "This is bad guys. I can't tell him."
"A dare is a dare, you have to."
"But I can't! I can be glad a god, and a bookworm one, considers me his friend. With admitting my true feelings to him I risk looosing him for good!"
Thor huffed. "Loki is not mean. Well, not THAT mean at least. Besides, worse could have happened. Like that one time he and this maiden-"
"We are NOT discussing his previous love life infront of her!" Natasha interrupted Thor's story.
As they started to argue Clint smiled at you and started signing: *I may be deaf, but I'm not blind. I can see it in his eyes. He likes you and I doubt he will reject you. There is something pure between you two, would be a shame if not explored and deepened. * he winked at you as he signed the word "deepened".
His encouraging words helped you sooth your anxiety. He was right. There is something between you, you just aren't sure if that something is romantic.
You took a deep breath. "Okay, I'm going."
You smirked secretely when all they could see was your back. Oh, you are going to tell him, but in your way.
You found Loki sitting at a bar, book on the table, a glass of wine in his hand. You sat on a chair next to him and tapped his shoulder. "I thought you don't drink," you gestured at his drink.
He chuckled. "Just because I can't get drunk from midgardian alcohol doesn't mean I can't enjoy their taste. Do you want some?" he held out his glass to you.
You put a hand on his own and pushed the glass away. "No, thank you."
You heard a cough behind your back. Those bastards must be watching. Time to confess.
"Actually, Loki I came here because I got a dare."
"And what is that?"
You cracked your knuckles and signed out: *I love you Loki*
You made sure it was visible enough for the audience behind you. From the sound of facepalms and groans, they saw it crystal clear.
Loki on the other hand was completely confused. "Eeeh, they dared you to move your hands in my presence? How is that embarrassing? They clearly never played a REAL embarrassing game."
You shrugged. "A dare is a dare. I did it, now it's my turn. Want to help with my revenge?" you tried doing his signature smirk.
He grinned. "I would love to, my dear."
Few days passed since you 'confessed' your feelings to Loki.
Nothing changed between you two, he was still polite and charming as ever and you were comfortable in your role of a friend.
Now when you think of it, he began touching you more, not in a creepy way. He also started to make you cups of tea or hot chocolate whenever you visited or when he accidentally brusged his hand along your cold one. He let you borrow his books and when you returned them he eagerly asked you about your opinion.
Maybe something has changed. Maybe, just maybe, he started catching feelings for you too.
Your mind wandered to Loki again just as you were unlocking door to your apartment after a long day at work. You sighed, taking your clothes off and planing to sleep until it's time to sleep for real.
A giant bouquet of red roses on your kitchen table surprised you. You jumped as you heard Loki's voice behind you. "I just couldn't come bare handed now, could I?"
"Loki! What are you doing here? How did you get here?"
He scratched the back of his head. "Sorry. I had to see you."
Your heart sped up. "R-really? Well, that's nice but you could've just called, you know?"
"I still have to ask Tony to get me on of those phones. Listen, I.... do you remember that night, when you played truth or dare and you had to move your hands in front of me?"
You smiled at the memory. Everyone was so annoyed you tricked them. Loki would probably be proud of you. If he knew.
"Yes, I do. What about it?"
"Well, uh- could you do it again?" he asked with, what was it? Shyness in his voice?
"Oh, okay," you said and your hands and fingers spelled out your confession once more.
Loki smiled at you softly. He raised his hands and started signing *I love you too Y/N, I have for a long time. Can we, perhaps, be in a relationship? * he dropped his hands and looked at you hopefully.
You couldn't believe your eyes. He knew how to sign? Since when?
"I've been learning ever since that 'truth or dare' night happened. I wanted to know if your dare wasn't putting a silent curse on me."
You stared up at him. "Did I ask that out loud?"
"No, but you had it written all over your face," he chuckled and tucked stray hair from your eyes. "So, now that we know how the other one feels, can I kiss you?"
As much as you wanted to say yes, you had a different idea. "Even though I enjoy the effort you put into the confession, could you say it out loud? You know, just to be sure," you smirked.
Loki chuckled. "I know I fell in love with the right person. I love you darling."
You stood on your toes and your nose brushed his. "I love you too," you softly pecked his lips. His hands held onto your waist as your own snaked around his neck.
When you two parted he rested his forhead on yours.
"Yes dear?"
"Can you stay here and cuddle with me? I'm incredibly tired."
You felt his lips on your cheek as he led you towards your couch. "I would love nothing more."
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daydream-hobii · 4 years
Soft & Fierce | Taehyung
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Genre: Hybrid!AU; Angst with some Fluff
Pairing: Taehyung x Leopard!Reader
Summary: As a leopard hybrid who came from a fighting ring, you wanted to be left alone. You didn’t want an owner, you ran them all away to a point where on your form it said aggressive. You were totally fine with living in the shelter forever… but when a stubborn man comes to find you, it won’t be so easy getting rid of him….
Warning: Mentions of Abuse, Fighting, Drugs, Depression, Anxiety, Profanity; Read with Caution. <3
Word Count: 1,034
Author’s Note: Thanks for the request!! Sorry it’s so late!! I hope you like it!! ^_^ @vincent-j-clint-renoir​
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         It all started at the shelter. You worked for the fighting rings. You were one of the best fighters. You never wanted to fight, but survival instincts are strong when threatened. When the only home you’ve ever known was raided, and you were, “rescued,” it seemed your anger never left your body, even after the drugs came out of your system.
        So there you were, in a shelter, in a white room with white clothing…. You felt your mind slowly go insane from the blandness and, to protect yourself from getting into a worse situation than you had been in, you constantly ran potential owners away. Even with the insanity, you felt safe in your white room and white clothing, with your twin bed and nightstand, with your small white desk….
        One day, you were pacing the room, staring at a book and reading incredibly slowly. You remember learning to read at a young age, but you were taken away soon after that, so you were practicing. Your spotted tail twitched behind you, a small smile playing on your lips at a funny scene. You heard a soft tap at your window, looking over to see a tall man with a small smile on. You glared, growling softly before going to your bed and sitting down, facing him in case he tried something, but you continued to read.
        You occasionally peaked over your book to see the man still standing there, watching you kindly. You scowled at him, flashing your fangs, hoping that would do the trick. Imagine your surprise when it didn’t work…. You cursed yourself at showing a moment of weakness to the man, who merely smiled at you….
        Everyday after that, he’d be there to sit at your window, watching you. You tried everything to scare him off, even wrecking your room much to your dismay, to show that you were a literal animal, but nothing worked…. Finally, you just would look at him once before going about your day. To the man, this was amazing progress….
        Finally, after a few months of being there, the man finally came into your room, shocking you. You ran to your bed, sitting on it with your knees pulled to your chest, a glare on your face. The man put his hands up, shutting the door and sitting on the ground as far from you as he could.
        “I’m not here to hurt you,” He said, his voice incredibly deep. “I’m Taehyung….” He gave you a soft smile, making you squint your eyes.
        You never talked, just watched him, but you could feel your tension slip away. You crossed your legs, hands in your lap as you examined him. It was awkward silence between you two, but you felt yourself glaring at him.
        “You’re scrawny,” You snapped, making his eyes widen in surprise, at your voice or your comment, you didn’t know.
        “You have a nice voice,” Taehyung replied, making you scowl further.
        “You don’t,” You growled. “Too deep, too gravelly.”
        “Well, then, if you’d just like to talk since I like your voice and you don’t like mine, I’d be fine with that,” He replied with a grin. Damn, he’s good.
        “I honestly just want to be left alone,” You growled, gripping your knees.
        “Well, do you like it here?” Taehyung asked, moving his head to the side. 
        “It’s home,” You replied, squinting your eyes.
        “This isn’t a home,” Taehyung said, gently. “A home is where there’s a sitting space, a kitchen, a dining room… not just a bedroom.”
        “Well, it’s the best home I’ve ever had,” You snapped, watching him wince.
        “Would you like a new home?” Taehyung asked, kindly.
        “Not with an owner,” You growled.
        “How about a roommate?” Taehyung asked. You felt your ears perk up, making you curse under your breath. He was really good at this….
        How the fuck did you end up at his home? You’ll never know honestly… but here you are, in his apartment…. He left you alone for quite a while, saying good morning or good night. After another few months together, you really hadn’t gotten to know each other.
        Until tonight. It was late, and you knew Taehyung was still up. You had another nightmare, this one being worse than any other…. You slowly walked to the living room where Taehyung sat in the dark, watching television.
        “Tae?” You questioned, wincing at the nickname you never called him. Taehyung’s head shot to you in surprise.
        “What’s wrong?” Taehyung asked, cautiously. You walked over, sitting on the couch away from him.
        “Just… why are you so nice to me?” You asked, furrowing your brow. You felt conflicted with your own emotions.
        “Well, I like you,” Taehyung said with a kind smile. “I like how fierce you are, but I can also see a softer side of you peek through every now and again….”
        “I’ve been so horrible to you,” You replied with a frown.
        “You’ve come from a lifetime of heartbreak. It’s to be expected,” Taehyung replied. “What’s with the openness suddenly? Are you okay?”
        “I… I had a nightmare,” You mumbled, looking at your lap with a glare. “Of the ring.”
        “Would you like to talk about it?” Taehyung asked, moving a little closer to you. When you didn’t move away, he came even closer.
        “Not really,” You mumbled. “Maybe one day, but I just want to watch, or talk about, something happy….”
        “Alright…” Taehyung whispered, leaning over and patting your head. You listened to a rumble in your throat, making you confused.
        “What was that?” You asked, looking at him in shock as your tail twitched curiously. He chuckled, almost sadly.
        “It’s called purring. You like to be pet,” Taehyung replied with another soft smile. You frowned, nodding your head.
        “I’ve never done that before,” You replied, giving him a soft look.
        The rest of the night, you both stayed in the living room. When you both fell asleep, it was in each other’s arms, Taehyung having an arm wrapped around you while you hugged his torso, laying your head on his chest. Maybe, just maybe, this place would truly make you understand what it was like to have a real home….
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wannabe-fic-writer · 4 years
Natasha Romanoff x Reader : Prove Me Wrong
Summary: She can trust you, even if she doesn’t know it yet.
Warning: 18+ Mental Health, Mentions of Death, Mentions of Violence, Smut
Chapter 2
Coffee. You use to drink it every morning but that became a bad combination with the wave of emotions you took on. In which you switched to tea. It doesn’t have the exact same effect as the coffee did but it worked perfectly in it’s own way.
Pouring the hot water on the teabag causes a swirl of transparent brown to fill the mug. The steam that rises warms your hand and you release a sigh.
Being distracted means you get startled when dishes start clattering behind you. You jump, spinning around to see who came into the kitchen without you noticing. Only to instantly relax when you see Steve and Rhodey.
“Hey guys.” You smile and wave.
Both men give you a smile and say good morning. 
A small conversation breaks out about some threat over in San Diego. Not knowing anything about it, and it being none of your business, you just fix your tea and a bagel while they chat. And when they’re done Steve is more than willing to get his session started.
Your last session with the man ended with him heartbreakingly sad. The topic of Peggy arising and being addressed.
He’d admitted to you that he considered going back. After Thanos, when he had the stones, he considered staying in the past to be with her. 
When you asked why he didn’t, he told you a number of things. Two important ones making the decision for him. One, when he found her, she was on a date with a man who would later become her husband. And two, despite his regrets over the past, he had things waiting for him in the future/present.
He had built friendships with Tony, Natasha, and Sam. And he had Bucky, his best friend since the beginning of time, or at least Steve’s time.
During this session you ask him how it felt to move on, not just from his second chance with Peggy but even before that, when he woke up from being frozen.
He’d started to tell you how hard it was and how he still doesn’t think he has. But he’s interrupted when his phone rings.
Much to your dismays, he has a mission he’s been called on and has to leave.
Before he walks out you stop him,“ you want some happy?” You seriously ask with a joking smile.
That’s how you’d described your powers to him, after he didn’t get the broader description the second time. You told him that you could take away his hurt and pain and give him happy.
Steve shakes his head,“ I’m good actually. Thanks though.”
Usually, with the busy schedules and occupied minds of the team, you have to go in search for your next patient. With Bucky you don’t. In fact you find him waiting just down the hall when you step outside your office.
Even though he wasn’t eager to be sharing his memories and feelings with you, he always made it a point to show up. You appreciated it.
You wave him over and he’s quick to walk down the hall. Bucky steps in behind you and sits on the couch as you shut the door. Despite the comfortability of the furniture he sits up straight, hands rubbing his knees.
When he glances up at you, you smile comfortingly. You sit in your chair, crossing your ankles as you hold on to your fresh cup of tea.
Like always, the super soldier remains nervously silent. It was a few sessions ago that you came to understand why. He isn’t nervous because of you, it’s the idea that he should know what he’s feeling and felt.
The man hasn’t processed an emotion properly in decades only to just recently be introduced to the concept of explaining his emotions. Plus the added anxiety of letting it all in.
Knowing he won’t be the first to speak you ask him,“ you want anything to eat or drink?” 
He’s quick to shake his head. Then looks directly in your eyes, for the first time today,“ do you, um, have any cracker jacks?” 
“I do actually, they’re in the cabinet to the left of the mini fridge.” 
After he’s gotten two boxes, he turns away, before grabbing a bottle of water and then going to sit. 
If it weren’t for Steve you wouldn’t have had any. The man said it reminded him of the “good old days,” getting cracker jacks when he went to see baseball games. Steve usually eats his with a Coke.
“Me and Steve use to buy a bunch of these and sneak them into baseball games. They were always cheaper at stores than the stadium.” 
A fond, nostalgic, smirk plays on his lips and you smile as well.
“Are you also a Dodgers fan? Steve spent our whole first session talking about them.”
When he chuckles you feel good about yourself and focus on his answer.
He nods,“ yeah, I like the Dodgers, but I think the Cubs are better. I used to like the Yankees simply out of loyalty to New York.”
“Do you not like the Yankees anymore?”
A sigh falls from his lips,“ no. They’re not the same. Then again, nothing else is either.” Before you can ask anything else he continues.“ I didn’t really know how to feel about missing decades of time. For a while I just pushed it aside, especially since I didn’t remember anything.”
His long pause makes you a little anxious. He’d started to open up without much from you and you didn’t want that to stop, you couldn’t help if he chose not to continue.
You ask,“ what changed?”
“Steve.” It’s a quick answer. Obviously he’s given this particular topic some thought.“ After my memories started to come back I realized I wasn’t alone in being so out of place. Steve missed just as much time as me and after I got better, after Thanos, it was nice to have someone to remember with.” 
Throughout the session you let him do most of the talking. Every so often he starts to shut down so you prompt him with an easy to answer question that seems to guide him into opening up even further.
By the time it ends, you’re incredibly happy with the progress. Seeing Bucky’s troubled and stressed expression drives you to asking him if he’d like you to take it away.
He was hesitant at first, you know it’s because of his experience with mind altering tricks. You assure him that it’s nothing like that. You don’t take his memories or thoughts away, essentially you pull everything he has to be happy about to the forefront.
Your powers aren’t permanent on anyone but it helps.
The man accepts and while he doesn’t leave with a bubbly smile on his face like Peter does, you can see that his eyes are lighter.
“Thanks for the chat Doc.” He smirks playfully when he mentions your title.“ And thanks for being patient with me.”
You shrug,“ thanks for letting me.”
After he’s left, you sit back down and finish off your tea. 
According to you schedule, your next patient should be Natasha, but that hasn’t been a thing for months.
You can’t help but wonder if it was something you’d done that made her not want to even try. Thinking about it, you’d done nothing but be kind to the woman, offering your help at first but then just telling her you would only listen if that’s what she wanted. Each attempt at reaching out failed miserably with the woman’s emotionless denial. 
One long glance at her name written in your notebook lit something in you and you knew you couldn’t just give up on her.
Natasha moves her body effortlessly. 
She uses attack combinations and take down moves that at, one point she thought was too hard to execute, without even thinking.
Which is good. If she, even for a second, allowed too many of her thoughts to break through she’d never stop. She’d become distracted and give her opponent too big a shot to take her down.
If she focuses on anything but doing these moves perfectly she’d fail and she can’t have that.
Yet another groan from the person underneath her causes a smirk to form on her lips. 
“Jesus Nat, we’re sparring you’re not trying to kill me.” 
She lets his wrist go and rolls off his back before offering him a hand.“ I think your retirement is setting in Barton.” She teases.
Rolling his eyes, he rubs his wrist,“ what? I’m in the best shape of my life.” The man mockingly pulls a karate pose.
Natasha laughs, making Clint smile widely. 
With him knowing her so well, it’s good to see the woman happy. Still he hears the heaviness in the laugh and knows that there may always be something holding her back from being genuinely, completely happy.
Part of him wonders if talking about everything would help her. He knows it helps him and he doesn’t miss the light air that’s seemed to encompass his other teammates lately.
Clint formed a greater appreciation for you over that fact. It was about time the team took a shot at healing themselves instead of ignoring their issues to fix the world’s. 
He wasn’t pleased, and still isn’t, to see his best friend so opposed to the help. Natasha is strong but she’s still human and holding everything in the way she does isn’t healthy. 
“Alright,” with yet another groan, he steps off the mats,“ I need to get home or I won’t have a good spot for movie night.” 
He salutes to Natasha’s wave, figuring the woman is going to be in the gym for a while. 
The door almost slams into him with the force that it’s thrown open. Stepping back, he just barely avoids getting hurt.
You stand on the other side, your determined expression slipping to one of shock when you realized you might’ve hit him.
“I’m so sorry I didn’t know you were right there, are you okay?” You rush out.
Chuckling, he nods,“ all good, didn’t even graze me. What’s got you in such a rush?”
As if remembering why you’re there, you go back to being determined.“ Is Miss Romanoff in here?”
“Uh, yeah, she’s over on the mats.”
Nodding with a smile, you march past him further into the gym. 
Clint presses himself against the wall with every intent to listen in, whether Natasha knows he’s there or not. 
The woman is already looking at you when you step into view, trained eyes watching your every move as you approach. An eyebrow quirking in question when you stop at the edge of the mats.
“You didn’t show to our session Miss Romanoff.” 
She’d never heard someone’s tone be equally as warm as it is accusatory. 
She makes no effort to reply.
Moving forward, you step on to the mat, her eyes flickering to your shoe covered feet, then back up to your eyes to see how close you are now. Far enough away to not be overstepping any boundaries but close enough for her to see the fire in your eyes.
Admittedly Natasha is fascinated with seeing the emotion in your eyes. Ever since you got here she’d seen nothing but your perky, optimistic, “everything is going to be alright” attitude. Like this, she feels as though she’s seeing a new, slightly intriguing side to you.
“I know exactly what game you’re playing Natasha,” the way you say her name nearly makes her shiver. She’s not intimidated, but she could be.“ I’m sure you sized me up and categorized me as a certain type of person the second I got here but I can tell you now you were wrong.”
Her head tilts in the slightest, amusement flickering through her eyes. 
You continue,“ I am not going to accept you giving up on yourself.” That right there erases the amusement. Her expression hardens.“ I don’t know anything about you but the fact that you actively avoiding coming to see me is very telling.”
For the first time, since maybe your third day here, Natasha speaks to you. And you’d be lying if you said her voice isn’t as sexy as it is scary.
“Whatever you think you’ve figured out, you haven’t. And this power move that you’re trying to pull isn’t going to work.” Despite her control over her words you feel the emotions pouring from her statement.
The agitation radiates off her and sets your powers alight, almost enough to make you back off. Until you feel it. The smallest, microscopic, bit of fear. It’s buried behind her annoyance with you, and a mountain of other things, but you feel it.
“This isn’t a power move Miss Romanoff. This is me letting you know I’m not giving up on you. I don’t know what it’ll take to get you to come to your sessions but I’m going to try everything I can until it happens.” She’s glaring now but that fear hasn’t left.“ Tony gave me your very detailed file,” she stiffens,“ but I didn’t read it.” Que her surprise.
Her frown this time is a mix of curiosity and annoyance.
“When you come to see me I want you to be comfortable. I don’t want you to think I see you as whoever is on those papers. You will simply be Natasha Romanoff and I will accept whatever you’re willing to give.” You smile softly at the woman and step away.“ I’ll schedule you to come see me on Friday’s, that day is free for me so I will have more than enough time to chat. And you can try avoiding but I will come find you.”
Not leaving even an inch of room to argue, you turn and leave, giving Clint a little goodbye on the way.
It’s quiet for a moment. Natasha and Clint both processing what just happened. Clint gets it first and steps around the corner to look at his best friend.
“I didn’t want to push you into seeing her but after that,” he puffs out some air,“ I think it would be really good for you to go see her. She obviously cares, if that whole thing was to go based off of. She just wants to help, at least let her try.”
With one final smile, he leaves.
Standing on the mats, Natasha thinks. 
You were right. She did categorize you as the type of person who would just accept that she wasn’t coming. And if what you just did was any evidence, she was wrong.
taglist: @username23345 @muffliat-o @nat-km-mh 
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swan-of-sunrise · 3 years
Spellbinding (Chapter Seventeen)
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Summary: A special anniversary of (Y/N) and Loki’s is fast approaching and after struggling to find her boyfriend the perfect gift, (Y/N) finally decides to do something life-changing for their special evening.
Pairing: Loki X Reader
Word Count: 3.1k
Warnings/Disclaimers: None
A/N: This chapter has so much fluff, so I hope that you enjoy!
Chapter Seventeen February 9th, 2016 Brooklyn, New York City (Previous Chapter)
Before her life as an Avenger, (Y/N) had never cared much for shopping. All of the money she earned as a trainee librarian was budgeted out for rent, bills and groceries and if there was somehow money left over after all of that, it all went to purchasing secondhand books for her growing collection. She simply didn’t have the luxury to go shopping for things she knew she didn’t need, but that all changed when she joined the Avengers. Since she was earning more money and not paying any bills, she decided to divide her salary into three sections; one section went into a savings account, the second went towards various organizations and charities, and the third she kept to spend however she liked. Independent shops and small businesses were her favorite places to visit, and it was at one such shop that (Y/N) decided to purchase her anniversary gift for Loki; the couple had decided to celebrate the anniversary of when they first met instead of when they’d finally become a couple, much to the bewilderment of their teammates.
“You know, doll, I’m still a little confused as to why you brought me along and not one of the others.” Bucky remarked, glancing around the cozy boutique with a raised brow. “It’s not that I don’t enjoy hanging out with you or anything, but…well, the Winter Soldier and shopping are two things that don’t really go together.”
(Y/N) gave him a good-natured shrug and began browsing. “Bucky, I asked you to come with me because you’re an incredibly perceptive person; you tend to see things that others might miss, and you have an uncanny ability to read people. And if I’m going to find the perfect anniversary gift for Loki before the 20th, then you’re one of the best to ask for a little help.”
“And you brought Tic-Tac along because…?”
They both glanced over at Scott, who was currently reading the dust-jacket of a magic trick how-to book across the boutique. “He wanted to hang out with us before flying back to San Francisco tomorrow.” Bucky shot her a look. “What?”
“Don’t you think Lang’s a little bit…annoying?”
“Not any more annoying than the rest of my teammates.” She playfully retorted and when he scoffed, she elaborated. “Apparently, you forgot the time when you and Clint scared the hell out of me by dropping down from the ceiling vent in my suite. That was my fourth day as an Avenger, if I remember correctly.”
Bucky rolled his eyes. “Okay, you’ve got a point there, but-”
“Hey, check out this book, guys!” Scott hurried over to them with a wide grin on his face. “Slight-of-hand magic tricks! I’ve always wanted to learn how to do that; I mean, it’s not real magic like your Light Elf kind, (Y/N), but I-” He winced and lowered his voice to a stage-whisper. “Sorry, that was kinda loud! You guys should really check this stuff out, though, c’mon!”
(Y/N) met the super soldier’s ‘I-told-you-so’ expression and gave her head a small shake before adjusting her glasses and following after Scott. “I swear, it’s like I’m surrounded by children…”
The trio spent the afternoon scouring shop after shop for the perfect anniversary gift but nothing stood out to them. Sensing her growing desperation, Bucky suggested they take a break at the nearest coffee shop and brainstorm a new plan.
“How is this so difficult?” (Y/N) groaned in frustration, resting her head in her hands as she stared dejectedly at her half-empty cup of hot chocolate. “I know Loki better than anyone else on the planet. Shouldn’t that make it easier for me to get him a gift?”
In her peripheral vision, she saw Bucky and Scott exchange matching looks of apprehension before Bucky replied, “Well…do you think that maybe you’re overthinking all this?” She glanced up at him, her brow furrowed in confusion. “From what I saw, you didn’t have any problems getting Loki a Christmas present. It was a book, right?”
“A first edition of Gods and Myths of Northern Europe; he’d always joked about all the silly ways Midgardians had interpreted his life, so I thought it would make a fun gift for his first real Christmas. But I can’t get him another book.”
Scott frowned. “Why not?”
“Because I would just be repeating myself, or making myself look like I’m not putting any effort into it.” (Y/N) sighed to herself. “All I want to do is show Loki how much I care about him and I feel like…I feel like nothing I do can ever properly convey that.”
All three of them sat in silence for several long moments until Scott suddenly spoke up. “You’ve gotta be kidding me, (Y/N). You show Loki how much you love him every single day!” Bucky looked over at Scott in surprise while (Y/N) shrugged half-heartedly. “I’m serious! You look at him like he’s the only guy in the world because in your eyes, he is. You know how many people would kill to have someone look at them that way? You’re the reason why a war criminal was able to turn his entire life around and become an Avenger; your love for him is what gave him the strength to believe that he could be a better man. Believe me, Loki knows exactly how much you love him; if you’re still dead-set on doing something special for your anniversary, though, a simple gesture could do a lot more than a superficial gift.”
Bucky let out a low whistle. “I didn’t know you were a goddamn poet, Lang.”
“I’m not a poet, I’m just a guy who spent a while in prison thinking about cheesy stuff like that.” Scott shrugged good-naturedly before turning back to (Y/N). “But you know what I’m trying to say, right?”
(Y/N) nodded, a slow smile spreading across her face. “I think I do, Scott. C’mon, you two, I know exactly where we’ve got to go!”
A week later, (Y/N) found herself standing in the tower’s elevator as it journeyed to the top floor, clutching Loki’s wrapped present in one hand as the other nervously fiddled with the skirt of her lilac cocktail dress. She’d picked out his gift with such confidence but when it came down to actually giving it to him…? Well, she might’ve had a small drink of liquid courage to calm her jittery nerves as she was getting ready for their date. Stop overthinking it, (Y/N) chided herself, taking a deep breath just as the elevator stopped and its metal doors slid open. There, with his back facing her, stood Loki; he was dressed in a tailored black suit, and his shaggy black locks were perfectly styled. When he turned around and smiled at her, (Y/N)’s heart skipped a beat and she was instantly reminded of the fateful day in the library when they’d first met.
“You look radiant, darling.” Loki took her hand as she stepped out of the elevator and pressed a kiss onto her knuckles before threading his fingers through hers. “I hope you’ve brought your appetite with you.”
“Well, I was training with Thor most of the day and he swiped my only protein bar, so…” Sharing a smile, they walked through the doorway of the ballroom and halted at the top of the stairs as (Y/N) gasped. “Oh, it looks beautiful, Loki!”
The ballroom was dimly lit, illumination primarily coming from the massive floor-to-ceiling windows and the candelabra resting on the small table in the middle of the room. The table was gorgeously set for two, with a silver dome covering each plate and an arrangement of lilacs near its center.
“I simply wanted our first anniversary to be both special and unique.” Loki shrugged noncommittally as they made their way down the marble steps, but her praise had caused his pale cheeks to redden slightly; he helped her into her chair before reaching for the silver dome’s handle and grinning. “And now, your favorite meal in all the Nine Realms…” Loki removed the dome with a flourish to reveal a plate laden with a cheeseburger and French fries and a large chocolate milkshake. “A charbroiled hamburger with sharp cheddar cheese and fresh-cut lettuce, a side of air-fried French fries and a homemade chocolate milkshake.”
(Y/N) beamed as he sat down across from her and removed the dome off his own plate. “Our first date at the diner. I seem to recall you thinking that the restaurant was overly-cheesy.”
He flashed her a lopsided grin. “And I still think that, of course, but I cannot deny that the cuisine and the company more than made up for it.”
The meal was more than delicious, and (Y/N) could honestly say that it was the best cheeseburger she’d ever had. As they ate, they talked about some of the novels they’d both recently read; their numerous Avenger duties sometimes meant that they couldn’t talk to one another as often as they wanted to, so it was nice that they were able to spend a quiet evening alone for a change. After they finished eating, (Y/N) and Loki moved to stand by the massive windows and watched the snow fall over the twinkling city skyline; it took a while, but she finally summoned her courage and suggested that they exchange presents.
“Oh Loki,” (Y/N) breathed, her gaze transfixed on the beautiful music box in her hands and the two dancing figures twirling in time to the sweet melody; the two figures were her and Loki, and the music was what was playing when they danced together for the first time at Tony’s charity ball. She looked up at him once the tinkling music faded away and beamed. “It’s beautiful!”
“You like it?” He had a hesitant sort of look on his face. “I wasn’t sure you would…”
Her smile widened. “I love it, sweetheart!” After she pressed a brief kiss to his lips, she carefully set the music box down on the table and grabbed her present to him, walking back to her boyfriend and offering the package to him with slightly-quaking fingers. “Okay, your turn.”
Butterflies erupted in (Y/N)’s stomach as she watched her boyfriend carefully unwrap his gift. Her hands suddenly became clammy and her mouth went dry, and it was if time had slowed down as Loki lifted the lid of the box to reveal a shiny gold ring. He looked back up at her, his expression blank and unreadable, just as she took a shaky deep breath and spoke.
“Before we met, I had a fairly good idea of how my life would go; I’d become a full-time librarian, save up enough money so I could go see the world and maybe even meet someone special, but that didn’t matter to me as much as being able to help others. And then I met you, Loki. You understood me, my thoughts and my passions, better than anyone else in the world; you helped me open my eyes to a whole unknown part of myself and gave me the strength I needed to embrace it. I’m not as skilled at expressing my love as you are, sweetheart, but then I realized that there was no better way of showing how much I love you than…” She gently took the box from his un-moving hands and held the ring as she tearily smiled up at him. “Loki Odinson, I love you with all my heart and I can’t imagine living the rest of my life without you. Will you marry me?”
(Y/N)’s heart was hammering in her chest as she stared into his emerald-green eyes, so much so that she was afraid he’d be able to hear it. But her fears melted away the moment Loki’s face broke out into the most dazzling smile she’d ever seen; he reached for her free hand and held it firmly between his own as he choked out, “Yes. Yes, I will!”
Half-laughing and half-crying, (Y/N) surged forward and captured his lips with a passion-filled kiss that was eagerly reciprocated. Loki let go of her hand in order to wrap his arms around her waist and pull her flush against him, tightening his hold when (Y/N) ran a hand through his dark locks. After several blissful moments, she pulled away as he continued pressing kisses along her jawline. “I-I know that it’s unconventional for a woman to propose to a man, even here on Midgard, so I’m sorry if-”
“Sorry?” Loki gave her cheek a final kiss before leaning back just far enough to see her whole face, his eyes filled with unabashed adoration. “(Y/N), you shouldn’t have to apologize for such a beautiful gesture and besides, our relationship is the very definition of ‘unconventional,’ wouldn’t you say?”
“I suppose you’re right about that.” She giggled before grabbing his left hand and holding it up. “May I?” Once he gave her a nod, she slipped the ring onto the third finger of his hand and smiled. “It fits! That saves us a trip back to the shop for resizing.”
“It’s stunning, darling. May I give you your ring now?”
(Y/N) furrowed her brow in confusion. “My ring?”
It was Loki’s turn to be nervous; his fingers intertwined with hers and he gave her a sheepish smile before continuing. “Yes, well, I…I asked for one of my mother’s rings when we visited Asgard. I’ve been waiting for the right moment to propose, but…well, it would seem that you beat me to it, my clever love.” He removed his other hand from around her waist and held it palm-up before her; the air above it shimmered with green magic before a velvet ring box materialized. It was already open, revealing a glittering ring set in silver; its center stone looked like a diamond to her and the metal surrounding it was formed into delicate petal shapes, filled with a blend of small diamonds and what she guessed were peridots and purple sapphires. “I can ask my mother for another if you’re not fond of this one, or we can consult a jeweler if you’d prefer something more traditional…”
“It’s perfect, Loki, absolutely perfect.” Sharing a teary smile, (Y/N) held out her hand and allowed Loki to slip the ring onto her finger; she flexed the fingers of her left hand, unused to having something that weighty on her finger, but her smile widened as she admired just how right it looked. Looking up, she cupped his cheek and traced along his cheekbone with her thumb. “I can’t believe I’ll get to be your wife someday.”
“And I can’t believe that I’ll have the honor of being your husband.” Loki ducked his head and captured her lips in another heated kiss; without any warning, he bent down and wrapped his arms around her upper thighs, hoisting her up so that he could angle his face upwards instead of craning his neck down. (Y/N) giggled in surprise and threw her arms around his neck as he grinned into their kiss, losing herself to their passion. When they were forced to separate for air, Loki looked up at her with absolute adoration in his emerald-green eyes. “Darling, would you honor your betrothed with a dance?” (Y/N) nodded, her fingers carding through his mussed hair while he called out, “J.A.R.V.I.S., play Sergeant Barnes’ music playlist, please.”
“Of course, Prince Loki.”
(Y/N)’s brow rose in surprise when she recognized the beginning of Jo Stafford’s ‘You Belong To Me’ as it began playing throughout the ballroom, and Loki’s smile widened. “In preparation for this evening, I asked the others for music recommendations and Barnes was gracious enough to let us use his playlist.”
“Your definition of dancing seems to conflict a little with mine, sweetheart,” She quipped as Loki began slowly swaying them in a tight circle. “You’re not going to put me down, are you?”
Holding her up in one arm with ease, Loki took her hand and intertwined their fingers before resting them against his chest and gently shaking his head. “Never, my darling.”
(Y/N) smiled at that, her eyes drifting closed while she rested her forehead against Loki’s; their noses rubbed up against one another and as they continued their slow rotation, his lips ghosted over the skin of her cheek and she began to wonder if a person could actually die of happiness.
Later that night, (Y/N) lounged on Loki’s bed and admired her engagement ring while her fiancé showered, her mind already filled with wedding plans. I’ll bet my entire book collection that Tony’ll try convincing us to let him officiate, (Y/N) thought with a giggle, rolling onto her back and staring up at the ceiling of Loki’s bedroom as she rested her hands on her pajama-clad stomach and let out a content sigh. But while she laid there, her overwhelming happiness was soon replaced with a growing sense of dread as familiar words began to replay in her mind:
“It’s also about controlling your emotions and keeping them in check. Strong ones, like anger or passion, can sometimes be a trigger…”
“Layeia and her forbidden Midgardian lover reigned with an iron fist, executing any who opposed their rule, and gained a small following who worshiped her evil magic…”
“You and your mother are more alike than you realize. The fiery tempers, the forbidden lovers and most importantly, the ambition…”
Along with that, flashes of her ever-present nightmares and the brief snippets of King Tarian’s book crossed her mind, forcing her to repress her horrified gasp. My love for Loki could make me lose control of my magic and become what my mother was, (Y/N) thought as fear began to blossom in the pit of her stomach. But she and Loki had been in love for several months without any sort of problem…and that’s when she remembered all the incidents. Her magical abilities had been triggered by her desire to protect him from a Hydra agent in the library. In an attempt to defend his honor, she’d even attacked Tony and in her rage, nearly destroyed an entire floor of the tower. And while she’d tried reasoning that it had only been inside her head, she’d even physically shocked Loki with her magic back on Asgard and it had been powerful enough for the Frost Giant to feel its stinging pain.
The first thing in the morning I’m going down to the lab to speak with Doctor Cho, she thought to herself as she heard the shower head turn off in the bathroom, and I swear on my Aunt Evelyn that I won’t become the very same evil that my mother was.
A/N: Ahhhh they’re engaged!! If anyone was wondering, I took inspiration for that dancing scene from one of Tom Hiddleston’s films called The Deep Blue Sea, you guys should check it out if you haven’t already. Thank you all so much for reading and commenting! I’ve created a Spotify playlist inspired by this series, and I’ll be updating it every time I upload a new chapter. Enjoy!
Chapter Eighteen-Part One
Spellbinding Masterlist
Tagging: @nexiva @ravenclawbitch426 @cminr @confusedfandomwriter @momc95 @nickkie1129 @austynparksandpizza @brooke0297 @destructivebliss @outoftheregular​ @itscomplicatedx​ @0-artemis​ @vivloki​
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Emotive Writing
Guest Poster: @thepartyresponsible​
Emotive writing is about making people Feel Things. People use this all the time to sell you stuff, but we’re out here giving emotions away for free. Here are a few tips and tricks I’ve found to make people feel the most emotions.
Word choice:
This is the most straightforward part of emotive writing. Your word choices add an extra layer of complexity to your message. You aren’t just telling readers what happened; you’re signaling to them how they should feel. Most writers do this unconsciously, but being deliberate can make it especially effective.
Here’s a non-emotive, just-the-facts sentence: The soldier lifted his weapon and turned toward the enemy.
Here’s the same sentence reworked to make you care a bit more: The exhausted soldier raised his broken shield and faced the invading army.
The actions here are fundamentally the same, but exhausted and broken invoke sympathy while invading skews negative.
The words you choose are sign posts for the reader. They indicate how to interpret the story and help your readers orient themselves and form expectations. Subtly building expectation is important because, while surprise can be effective, shock is generally numbing and confusion tends to be irritating, so word choice helps you frame things and guide your reader along.
One of the keys here is to attempt some subtlety. If every sentence about your protagonist reads like an ad campaign (effervescent, brilliant, impervious) and every sentence about your antagonist reads like a political diatribe (cruel, spineless, malicious), you’re probably overusing your sign posts. People want to know who to root for, but too much emotive language can make them feel manipulated.
Think of word choice like adding spices to food. If you put oats in boiling water, you’re making oatmeal, and the spices you use won’t change that. But if you throw in some honey and cinnamon, I know we’re headed somewhere wholesome. If you sprinkle in little discordant notes of garlic powder and cayenne, what we’re cooking is a tragedy. And if you upend an entire bottle of cinnamon, a quarter cup of nutmeg, and toss in seventeen whole cloves, I am not staying for breakfast.
Narrative distance:
Narrative or psychic distance is the space between the reader and the character, usually navigated by the intermediary figure of the narrator. Your narrator can be an omniscient figure that knows the thoughts, feelings, and intentions of every character in the world. Or your narrator could be sitting on the shoulder of your main character, close enough to hear their thoughts and know their story but not so close that they speak with the character’s voice. Or your narrator could be your character.
If you want to ramp up emotion, you usually want a narrator who is very close to one character (or, alternatively, to separate characters in turn). But you don’t have to stay at one distance for the whole story, and, just like word choice, shifts in narrative distance can be helpful indicators to your reader about the story and the characters.
A sudden, dramatic shift in narrative distance is quite jarring, like a sudden zoom-in during a movie. It can be effective, but it’ll lose its punch if it’s overused. Generally, if you want to shift narrative distance, you should build to it slowly. Here’s an example of shifting from a distant third person to a closer third person:
They wake the Soldier because the archer is missing. He has a habit of slipping his lead, disappearing post-mission. The chase grew tedious years ago, but the Soldier runs it just the same. He’ll do as he’s told. But it bothers him, when he lets it. The why.
Why does he do this? the Soldier wonders, when he shouldn’t, when it isn’t his place. Where is he going? he thinks, when he can’t stop himself. Who is he running to? But he tries to think nothing at all.
Another trick of narrative distance is to suddenly pull back to show a character who’s been compromised, shocked, or deeply hurt by something. Imagine spending a long time in a close Bucky perspective, hearing his thoughts, and then being abruptly walloped across the face with: The machine went quiet, and the Soldier opened his eyes. Zooming out can emphasize what’s been lost. Because you aren’t just taking the soul of Bucky Barnes right out of him, you’re also taking that closeness away from the reader. You’re silencing the voice they’ve been listening to.
Whether you zoom in or out during highly emotional moments depends on what you’re trying to accomplish and also on who’s involved.  Some characters have loud, messy emotions that will get louder when they’re hurt. Some characters will freeze over and push a narrator further away. You can use narrative distance to show a character slowly opening up or suddenly slamming a door. But you need the reader to have a solid understanding of the character in order to follow what the shift means, which leads to the next component.
Know your characters:
So, here’s the thing. You gotta Velveteen Rabbit this. Every character is Tinker Bell. If you stop believing, they die.
If you want people to care about these characters, you have to treat them like living, breathing, fully feeling people. They have favorite colors. They have phobias. They have Friday night plans and blisters from new shoes and sesame seeds stuck in their teeth. They have superstitions and secrets. You don’t need to know all of these facts, but you should try to give the impression that someone could know them. The more real your characters are, the more we’re going to care about them.
Since this is fanfiction, you start with a receptive audience. Your readers are fond of these characters. Figure out why. Figure out which parts of the character you can relate to and dig in until you feel like you can understand the parts of them you can’t relate to.
Try to collect things that make you feel close to that character. I always have music playing when I’m writing, so I make playlists for characters and playlists for stories. If I feel like I’m losing a character, I’ll go back to their playlist. But you could also use Pinterest boards, reread favorite fics or comics, rewatch movies or fanvids, or spend an unreasonable amount of time researching bows and tactical knives. Whatever works!
Also, remember, your characters don’t know what story they’re in. They don’t know it’s going to end well (or terribly). Maintain that tension, because that’s where the emotions are. When you watch a good horror movie, you’re not really scared of the monster. You’re scared for the characters, because they don’t know if they’re going to survive.
Emotions come from the characters. That’s why it’s still sad that Tony Stark dies, no matter how many times you watch it happen. Tony Stark was brave and flawed and usually right and often sarcastic, and it hurts to watch him die because that’s a full, unique human we’re losing. We know him well enough to know he’s choosing to sacrifice himself and why he made that choice and who will mourn him.
Know your characters, and let them be messy and weird and wrong and hopeful and cantankerous and unique. Fear is relatable, flaws are relatable, and awkward, ungainly, stubborn progress is relatable. Just remember what it is that makes their progress their progress because, if you can swap Dominic Toretto in for Ted Lasso and have the exact same story, you’ve probably lost your characters.
Plan your emotional trajectory:
Okay, time to get a bit technical. This is for people who like to plan. For those terrifying, godlike writers who just sit down and write, this might not be helpful. For my fellow planners:
There’s a theory (which you can get a general overview about here or, if you’re very into data, right here) that there are six core emotional trajectories in narratives:
1)      Rags to riches (rise)
2)      Riches to rags (fall)
3)      Man in a hole (fall then rise)
4)      Icarus (rise then fall)
5)      Cinderella (rise then fall then rise)
6)      Oedipus (fall then rise then fall)
Since rise and fall can mean different things, I find it helpful to combine these building blocks with emotional axes, which you can find some examples of here.
So, basically, for my winterhawk baseball au Got a Heart in Me, I Swear, I planned to follow the “man in a hole” trajectory (fall then rise) along the anxiety-confidence emotional axis with some bleedover from the humiliation-pride axis. Which basically means Clint started comfortable enough, nosedived deep into anxiety and humiliation, and then slowly built his way to confidence over the rest of the fic.
If the listed axes don’t appeal to you, you can very easily create your own. Just think of an emotion, identify what links it to its inverse, and then list the related emotions between the two opposites. Disgust and adoration are opposites, but they’re linked by attention, right? You can’t ignore something you find disgusting or adorable. So, here’s an example emotional axis you could follow: Disgust – Resentment – Obsession – Fascination – Reverence – Adoration. Enemies to lovers, anyone?
Emotional axes help provide a natural framework for your character’s emotional trajectory. They can be subtle; you don’t have to start on one end of the spectrum and go all the way to the other. A story that moves just a step or two on an emotional axis can be incredibly compelling. That small progress from discomfort to hope can hit really hard if the progress feels fought-for and earned and real.
Tips for writing emotions:
·         Get physical: If you want to show an emotion instead of telling it, describe its impacts on the body. Most characters won’t think I’m embarrassed. They’ll feel a drop in their stomach like someone cut the elevator cables and a hot stinging in their face like they’ve been slapped by some disappointed version of themselves. The more visceral your descriptions, the more the reader will feel them. If you want your reader to feast on feelings, you have to set the table.
·         Dramatic zoom: When something very intense happens, shift the narrative distance. In or out is fine, but a sudden, dramatic event should result in a sudden, dramatic change in focus. Characters might hyperfocus on their physical bodies (the mechanics of breathing, the ringing in their ears, the mad animal urge toward flight) or they might be kicked so far out of their own heads that they feel like they’re dreaming or watching the scene play out from overhead. This distance is useful for two reasons: it feels real, and it allows readers to absorb the situation in pieces, without being overwhelmed by it.
·         Unreliable narrator: Some emotions can be so charged that people don’t want to own them, like grief, shame, jealousy, rage, lust, and guilt. Characters might unconsciously misrepresent these to themselves as something else. A grieving mother might insist she’s tired. A rehabilitated assassin who’s fallen in love with an absolute dork might tell himself he’s just tracking a target. Everyone knows what it’s like to lie to themselves, so this makes characters relatable. And, also, everyone likes being in on a secret, so, sometimes, this is just fun.
·         Face the monsters: We’re often conditioned not to dwell on unpleasant things, which is part of why it can be powerful to examine them in stories. From small things like inglorious emotional states (envy, cowardice, resentment) to character flaws (recklessness, withdrawal, arrogance) to personal tragedies (loss, betrayal, abandonment), the negative parts of human emotional life pack quite a punch. Acknowledge them. Not only are they relatable experiences, but redemption and recovery arcs are some of the most compelling stories we have.
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wandabanshee · 4 years
Okay I'm gonna talk for a minute.
I know every one is saying Wanda is gonna be the new MCU villain and like yeah it makes sense and all but I DONT WANT THAT.
We've seen her go through so much trauma and loss and while I'll admit that would be a pretty impressive super villain origin story I think most of the viewers (myself) don't want to see that happen to her.
SO I want to talk about what I think is happening and the little clues I've found that might mean something else :)
I think the main sword guy we'll call him Dir. Butt Face (i can't remember his name and he threatened my girl, he's done) knows Agnes. I definitely think they're working together not just because she's like mega sketch but also because she didn't have an ID attached to her profile on the board of "cast members" SO she COULD be Agatha Harkness but I'm not sure, could just be a nod (like all these damn devil jokes).
So my main thing, I'm pretty sure Tommy and Billy were the point of all this.
I think someone got to Wanda and made her think they were trying to possibly weaponize Vision? Maybe Agnes? Maybe Dir. Butt Face? Idk. Someone kind of poked the bear. Maybe gave her a reason to snatch him. She seemed pretty pissed which was sort of a drastic change from the kind of seemingly at peace Wanda we saw talking to Clint during the end of Endgame.
I'm not sure if they really were trying to weaponize him but I dont think that was the end goal. Pretty sure the end goal was to create the first Mutants.
Wanda has said herself that she just kind of found herself here and while we can see she's controlling the way the story goes it sort of seems like someone else is puppeting Wanda.
Possibly another powerful witch?!?! Again I think Agnes may just be a nod but if not......!!!
Anyways what I'm trying to get at here is THE KIDS!
In most of these tv shows they typically portray a family. Parents and kids. Thats kinda the norm. But whoever created Westview really made sure there were no children. Like someone MADE SURE that if Wanda wanted to have her perfect family that she wasn't going to just pluck out some rando youngsters and make them her own! No! No way! If she wanted to have kids like the typical picture perfect family she was going to have to manifest them herself.
Boom. Kids. Not just kids. MUTANT KIDS.
The first characters in the MCU (besides you know, Space ppl TM) to actually be born super-powered individuals!! Uh oh!
It isn't until after she has her kids that all of Westview is full of children! Kind of like whoever is doing this doesn't need Wanda to yearn for children anymore so we can fill this place to the brim with Trick R Treaters!
Plus that line from the second episode when literally everyone is chanting "FOR THE CHILDREN".
Yeah. I'm pretty sure this was all FOR THE CHILDREN.
The thing is Wanda is able to control the kids which means they have their own magic source. While it did COME from her its not COMING from her. So she's isn't able to control them like she does everyone else is Westview.
I mean Agnes even says "You can't control them. No matter how hard you try."
But boom! Now Dir. Butt Face has two mutant super-powered kids to start experimenting on which kinda seems like what he's going for. At least thats what I'm getting.
Anyway there is a lot of stuff I'm still unsure of.
The whole thing with Pietro is still super confusing to me idk if she just plucked him from the Multiverse or what. (especially since it seems like he has Pietro's and not Peter's memories??)
But that's all I've got for now. I cannot wait until we find out what the hell is happening although I'm going to be really sad when its over.
Sidenote: I'm also going to have a hard time saying goodbye to Vision after this unless she finds a way to charge him back up again.
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