#climb every mountain ford every stream
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avoicebehindthestars · 6 months ago
Are we ever going to talk about how in GO!god's favourite film:
the protagonist is told it's okay to abandon her religious calling to pursue romantic love
the family flee the country so the father isn't forced to serve in forces that are obviously evil?
Yes? No? All right then.
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arloissomething · 11 months ago
it took me three watch-throughs to process how funny it is that god apparently regularly quotes the sound of music. like omfg that's amazing
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documentary-surrealist · 1 month ago
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Pandoro Italian Christmas Cake Follow for recipes
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swisccfinds · 1 year ago
Flowfit Mod by SimRealist
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This mod is great if you really hate the base game equipment and enhances fitness in your sims life!
creator's notes-
Mod Summary
This mod enhances the fitness experience for Sims in the Sims 4. Bringing to life some of the common activities we do in everyday life to get in shape and become healthier.    
Summary of Changes
We added/changed the following:
NEW OBJECTS: Bringing in an Elliptical, Rower, Climber, and a new Treadmill as a first step towards expanding the FlowFit experience
COMING SOON! - FlowFit Cycle
FlowFit Ellipticore 
The Ellipticore is the ultimate elliptical machine for anyone looking to get a full-body workout from their home. With its sleek design and advanced technology, the Ellipticore is perfect for those who want to stay fit and healthy without having to go to the gym. 
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FlowFit Row 
The perfect way to stay fit and feel like you're on a relaxing rowing trip at the same time! This machine is so realistic you'll swear you can hear the sound of water lapping against a boat. But don't worry, there's no chance of getting seasick on this machine - just a great workout and a lot of laughs when your friends ask why you're singing "Row, row, row your boat" at the gym. Plus, with adjustable resistance settings, you can choose to row upstream or downstream depending on your mood. So hop on board, and let's row our way to fitness!
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FlowFit Summit  
Introducing the Summit Climber, the ultimate workout machine for those who love to climb but hate the cold! With Summit, you can now climb the highest peaks from the comfort of your living room. No more frostbite, no more altitude sickness, just pure, unadulterated climbing fun!
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FlowFit Tread  
Hop on the latest and greatest that the fitness industry has to offer with the FlowFit Tread! This simple yet advanced fitness equipment will help you reach new heights in your fitness journey. It will help you climb every mountain, I mean hills. It will help you ford every stream or, ya know, rivers...allow you to follow every rainbow. Maybe there's gold on the other side? Till you find your dream of a fit new you! I mean, we can all dream, right?
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Do I need to activate this mod for it to work?
No, as soon as you load up a save, this mod becomes active in that save. No action is required. 
I have a suggestion for making this mod even more; where do I leave that suggestion?
Please post your suggestions while this mod is in Development in our Discord channel - #patrons-forum (https://discord.gg/x6bFyNT)
Compatible With: 
Patch 10/31/2023 PC: / Mac:
Conflicts/Issues/Notable Items Observed:
None that hasn't already been noted.
thepancake1: SR Animator
vidavic: SR Modeler
Nichole: SR Mod Producer
Thanks to the SR Linguists Team
Please show all your love and support to SimRealist and the credited creators above in the creator's notes!
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spaceasianmillennial · 1 month ago
"Climb Every Mountain"
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Ford every stream,
Follow every rainbow
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‘Till you find your dream.
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A dream that will need
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All the love you can give,
Every day of your life
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Based on this.
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sun-lit-garden · 4 months ago
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“Climb every mountain , Ford Every stream Follow every rainbow ,'Till you find your dream” ― Stephanie Laurens
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mimisempai · 2 years ago
My brave angel
That morning, Aziraphale wasn't expecting a visit from Gabriel. And as memories flood back, he realizes it may be time to confront the former archangel about his behavior with him over the centuries. With the help of his demon, of course.
Watching S1 and S2 again, I realized in the present time alone how many times Aziraphale is belittled by Gabriel and the archangels. And I realized that, in fact, he had suffered millennia of this behavior. And he's still the angel we know... This is my little revenge on his behalf.
On Ao3
Rating G -  1808 words
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Aziraphale opened the door to the bookshop, and as he was about to close it on him, he stopped. He had just felt the sudden appearance of a supernatural presence entering the area.
He turned, gasped, and dropped the books he was holding.
Across the street, in front of Nina's cafe, stood Gabriel.
Gabriel. In his fancy suit. Just like old times.
Aziraphale didn't answer, standing motionless.
Crowley called again, walking toward him until he saw what had made the Angel react the way he did.
The demon also gasped when he saw Gabriel, who had seen them through the window, waving his hand in a cheerful greeting.
But Crowley immediately ignored him and, out of protective instinct, stood in front of Aziraphale.
"Angel. Listen to me. He's not the fucking Archangel Gabriel anymore. You hear me. He can't hurt you."
When he got no answer, he turned and saw that his angel was deep in thought. So he gently took his hands and said, "Angel, you don't have to meet him. You set the terms. All you have to do is say the word, and I'll send him on his way to Alpha Centauri without going past 'go'."
Aziraphale could hear Crowley's reassuring voice, could feel his hands gently holding his own, but he could do nothing against the memories that came flooding back. Millennia of belittlement. Thousands of years of believing himself to be less than nothing.
"My informant suggests that the demon...Crowley may be involved." 
Aziraphale tried not to show emotion at the mention of the demon's name as Gabriel continued, " You need to keep him under observation, without letting him know, of course, that's what you're doing."
Aziraphale nodded and tried to answer in a confident voice, "I know, yes. I've been on Earth doing this -since the beginning."
Gabriel replied in a tone that didn't hide his irony, "So has Crowley. It's a miracle he hasn't spotted you yet."
Once again, Gabriel managed to make Aziraphale understand that he was an incompetent idiot, but without saying the words, of course.
Aziraphale was reporting to the 4 archangels,“I am proud to say that on a very real level, the Antichrist child is now being influenced towards the light.”
Gabriel applauded somewhat unnaturally, followed by the other three, saying, “Very commendable, Aziraphale. Excellent work, as usual.”
Archangel Michael added in an equally condescending voice,“But, Aziraphale, we will be most understanding when you fail. After all, wars are to be won. Not avoided.”
Aziraphale retorted, “But I won't fail. I mean, that would be bad.”
Gabriel stepped forward and said with a haughty smile, “Aziraphale, what you're doing is praiseworthy, but obviously doomed to failure.”
Aziraphale once again felt nothing more than a speck of dust on Gabriel's fine suit, which he brushed away with a flick of his hand as he added, "Still, as the Almighty likes to say, 'Climb every mountain,'" then he was gone, and Sandalphon continued, "Ford every stream.
Doomed to fail. 
Of course.
“Lose the gut”
“You think to much.”
“You’re ridiculous.”
“Aziraphale, maybe you should just keep your mouth shut.”
“Keep up.”
Memories looped through Aziraphale's mind, unstoppable. Centuries of veiled insults. Centuries of condescension. 
Aziraphale opened his eyes to see Crowley's worried expression.
Seeing that he had opened his eyes, the demon's expression softened and he asked him gently, "Are you with me?"
Aziraphale nodded before dropping his head onto the demon's shoulder as he wrapped his arms around him. Crowley asked him softly, still concerned, "Hey, Angel, are you okay?"
Aziraphale replied in a slightly shaky voice, "Not really. But I will be." 
Crowley grabbed his shoulders and pushed him back a little to meet his gaze before saying gently, "Angel, the choice is yours. You can either talk to him and have some closure, or you can just refuse to see him. But whatever you decide, I'm with you, I've got your back.”
Crowley's last words were all Aziraphale needed to make his decision. This was different from all the previous encounters he'd had with Gabriel. He was no longer alone. He had someone with him who loved and cherished him. He'd made up his mind.
The angel said in a clear, determined voice, "I will meet him."
Crowley asked in a slightly concerned voice, "Are you sure?"
Aziraphale nodded and answered, "Absolutely. It's time to get this over with."
The demon, seeing his determination, stepped aside to let him pass before following suit, his hand on the angel's small back in a reassuring pressure into which Aziraphale leaned lightly.
He crossed the street with a confident stride until he stood in front of Gabriel.
He said simply, "Gabriel."
The former archangel, an affable smile on his lips, exclaimed, "Aziraphale, my fr..."
Aziraphale shook his head, interrupting him, "No. We've never been friends, and we probably never will be. Maybe when you were Jim, because you had no memory of how you behaved with me, but now that you have your memory back, even though you may have changed, I can't forget. Gabriel, you behaved awfully to me, you and your... colleagues. For a long time, so long, I was so convinced that I wasn't worth much that I would go out of my way for the slightest praise, for the slightest gratification. Only to be put in my place again and again. No matter what I did. So that in the end I'd come to believe that I was no one and that whatever I did would never be enough. But that's changed. I don't care about your approval or heaven's approval anymore. I know who I am and what I'm worth, thanks to people who love and appreciate me for who I am."
Aziraphale felt Crowley's hand press a little more against his lower back. His silent support.
He continued, "Anything to add?"
Gabriel, looking sheepish, said quietly, "I would like to say something, but only to you."
Crowley stepped forward and said, "I'll stay with him."
Aziraphale put a reassuring hand on his arm and said gently, "Wait for me in the shop, my dear, please."
Crowley asked him in a worried tone, "Are you sure, Angel?"
Aziraphale nodded and looked him in the eye, "Absolutely," then remembering the last time he had gone off alone with someone and it almost separated them, he added gently, "Don't worry, it's not Metatron. I'll come back to you."
Crowley looked at him in silence for a few moments before nodding and walking away.
"So you and him...?" asked Gabriel.
Aziraphale replied curtly, "It's none of your business. Say what you have to say."
Gabriel coughed, clapped his hands and said, "Very well. Actually, it does concern Crowley. He's very... protective of you. He hasn't hesitated to threaten me several times if anything happens to you, and while I'm surprised at his virulence, it's rather nice that you have a guardian angel in your corner..."
Aziraphale interrupted, "You don't get it, he's not my guardian angel, he's not a practical tool or whatever you imagine him to be in your narrow mind. He's worth more than all of you put together. He has more morality and respect in his little finger than all the archangels in heaven. And most of all, I don't need a guardian angel, I'm not weak. I was always looking outside myself for strength and confidence, but they came from within. They were always there. And he was the one who revealed them to me. And you know what? I don't feel like justifying or explaining anything anymore. As far as I'm concerned, we have nothing more to say to each other. Goodbye, Gabriel."
Aziraphale didn't wait for an answer and turned on his heel, walking briskly to the bookshop in a hurry to find Crowley. As he stepped through the door and closed it behind him, he realized what had just happened and let out a long sigh.
He looked down at his hands and saw that they were trembling slightly, reminding him of the strain he had been under throughout the meeting. He felt the tremors begin to spread throughout his body when suddenly Crowley's hands came to rest on his shoulders, causing him to turn around and immediately calm down.
Aziraphale looked up at the demon and said in a shaking voice, as if he couldn't believe it, "I did it."
Crowley took his face in his hands and said softly, "Yes, angel, you did it."
Aziraphale went on, "I told him."
Crowley nodded, "Yes, my brave angel, you told him everything."
Aziraphale's throat tightened as he struggled to articulate, "I... this is huge... I've finally said it all. I said it."
He didn't notice the tears in his eyes until Crowley wiped them away with his thumbs. The demon said softly, "My so fucking brave angel, come here."
Crowley wrapped his arms around the angel, pressing him against his chest, and in response, Aziraphale wrapped his arms around the demon, burying his face in his neck. The angel swallowed several times, trying to hold back the sobs rising from his throat.
Crowley whispered into his hair, "Let them come, angel. It will be all right. Let go. I'll catch you."
Aziraphale still managed to articulate, "L- like always. You're always the one who catches me."
Crowley replied through his hair, "You know I like that."
The angel let out a little laugh that sounded more like a hiccup, and it was like a dam broke as the laughter turned into a cry.
Crowley held him tighter and whispered, "Yes, angel, that's it. Let go," and every sob that came out tore at his heart for his angel. But he also knew it was necessary, long overdue, so he supported him, encouraged him, comforted him, until the Angel's tears had dried. Eventually, Crowley had managed to pull him onto the sofa where they now sat, Aziraphale nestled against his chest as Crowley gently stroked his hair.
Aziraphale murmured softly, "Sorry about your shirt." 
A slight chuckle answered him, "Nothing magic can't fix," then his expression turned serious as he grabbed the Angel's chin to look at him and asked quietly, "The important thing is, are you okay?"
Aziraphale nodded slowly and replied, "Surprisingly, I'm fine," then added, "Thanks for being there to catch me."
Crowley murmured softly, "Always, Angel, always. That's what we do, isn't it? Catching each other up." 
Aziraphale agreed, and a smile slowly formed on his lips. Crowley, seeing this, smiled back and said, his voice full of adoration, "I'm so damn proud of you."
He leaned his head forward and pressed his lips to his angel's in a tender kiss that told better than words the pride, and most of all, the love he felt for him at that very moment.
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Ineffable Growing Love series : here (After season 2)
Ineffable Husbands masterlist : here (Before season 2)
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casimirt · 2 years ago
Dear Readers,
This is Movie Night, with the Ineffable Husbands. Updated version.
This particular evening, for this particular movie night, it was Aziraphale's pick. Crowley had reluctantly given up this right, after being in charge for the past ten, due to Aziraphale practically begging him.
It wasn't that he had given in to puppy eyes or pittying pleas; it was because he secretly wanted to watch the movie too. Though he would damn anyone to hell that dare mention this. And, Aziraphale touching his chest ever so gently and looking up at him with big sultry eyes, definitely helped.
And, you might like to know what movie it was that got Aziraphale banned in the first place. All I can say is that it had something to do with climbing every mountain, and fording every stream.
Regardless, they were happy to spend the time together. Aziraphale had a projector set up and a carefully ironed sheet to shine it upon. The sunken leather couch made the perfect spot to watch it all from, and they each had a hot cup of tea or coco with exactly three marshmallows to keep them warm. The angel had made Crowley a green tea. Crowley had never drunk or even hinted that he liked green tea. But he had one nonetheless and was going to drink it all if it made his angel happy.
Crowley enjoyed the bookshop being dark and empty, it meant no one could see where his hands wandered. Sat beside him happily fixated on the bright screen was Aziraphale, cup of cocoa clasped in his hands. It was nice to take time off together like this, from saving the world for a second time. They sat in comfortable silence, Crowley had one arm across the back of the couch, which with an accidental stretch, he would wrap around the angel later in the night.
His yellow eyes widened and pace quickened, heart beating so hard he couldn't hear the movie over the sound of blood rushing past his ears. So much for planning the perfect moment to lay his arm across his companions shoulders; Aziraphale's hand was tightly gripping his upper thigh, ringed pinky finger lightly tracing the seam of Crowley's jeans.
His hand was hot, from holding the cup, or from his body heat rising. Either way it felt like it was burning through the fabric and into his skin. It was a pleasant sensation though; and even if it wasn't, the demon hardly planned on changing things. Was it deliberate? An absent minded attempt to satisfy his need for touch and texture? Either way, he could think of nothing else but keeping his breathing even.
Aziraphale hadn't even seemed to notice, or if it was deliberate he was doing a bang up job of keeping it cool. His cocoa was drunk and Crowley's horrid tea was cooling on the table beside them. It wouldn't have mattered anyway, the demon couldn't have focused on anything other than that hand on his thigh.
Why the tight grip? Crowley certainly enjoyed the assertiveness, but hadn't been expecting it. His sweet little angel seemed to have a more mature side he was ever so desperate to explore. The movie could've been about the Bentley for all he cared, and he wouldn't have been focusing. Especially not after Aziraphale shifted his hand ever so slightly from the top to the inside of Crowley's thigh. It was very close to a very delicate area, that probably couldn't handle much more teasing before it became... Obvious.
With a pang of regret but mainly panic, the demon shot up off the couch and hurried to the kitchen, muttering something about wanting more tea. He walked rather quickly yet stiffly, and Aziraphale couldn't help but smirk when he noticed the only half drunk cup before him.
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bitesize-astrology · 1 year ago
Keep Climbing
Friday - December 22, 2023
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In September I traveled to southwestern France, and visited the town of Montségur. In the town is this imposing mountaintop in which the ruins of one of the last strongholds of the Cathars still remain. I, along with six other impressive women, hiked to the top and spent time in those ruins. To say that hike (or climb) was challenging for me personally is an understatement. It took some internal determination, a sturdy walking stick, and the strong and steady hand of one of my Sisters. But once at the top, everything it took to get there - from the eleven hour flight from Atlanta, to the grunting and groaning of the climb - was 100%, unequivocally worth it.
Now that the Sun has moved into Capricorn we are more aware of the "work" ahead of us. And for many of you who have already been "working," you're looking at that Mountain and wondering if you have it in you. Can you possibly put one foot in front of the other one more time.
YES you can, and it's important to keep reminding yourself of that today. A retrograde Mercury conjuncts the Sun today at 0° Capricorn, an alignment that can have your mind doing the proverbial "making a mountain out of a molehill." No mountain is scaled in one step, no problem solved with one single solution. It is the combination of steps, in a consistent walk, that puts you on the mountaintop.
Don't shy away from the climb right now, even if you are tired and a bit weary. There was a time when you wished for that mountain, for the opportunity to scale the heights ... and now it's here.
Remember, from The Sound of Music's signature song ... Climb every mountain, Ford every stream, Follow every rainbow, 'Till you find your dream.
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duinlam · 1 year ago
“Climb every mountain, ford every stream, follow every rainbow, 'til you find your dream.”
The Sound of Music (1965).
Directed by Robert Wise.
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Julie Andrews - Charmian Carr - Nicholas Hammond - Heather Menzies - Duane Chase - Angela Cartwright - Debbie Turner - Kym Karath
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pcttrailsidereader · 2 years ago
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The PCT takes many twists and turns as it makes it way. Often the route is predictable and logical as it follows a ridgeline or parallels a creek or moves toward a pass. But there are many stretches of trail where I have scratched my head about the chosen route. There are times when the trail avoids unseen hazards or swings around to touch a water source. There are other times when the trail has to avoid private land or, in the case of the trail west of Scott Mountain Summit, Camp Unalayee. What is the backstory on such routing decisions?
Tom Buoye shares the backstory on this one stretch of the PCT . . . a story that is both unique and common along the length of the trail.
Why does the PCT west of Scott Mountain Summit (Section P) get lose elevation but becomes more scenic with the vistas of the Trinity  Alps appearing to the southwest?  As you cross over the divide into Trinity County, just after entering the Trinity Alps Wilderness area, the PCT no longer hangs as close to the top of the ridges as possible,  but for 4 miles slowly drops until it crosses Mosquito Creek, with easy access to water,  and then climbs gradually until it gets as high as possible.  It does this because of an extraordinary agreement between the USFS and Camp Unalayee, a private non-profit summer camp.  
The USFS helped to  save the experiences of hundreds of children every year who attend Camp Unalayee by routing the PCT below Mosquito Lake on Camp Unalayee property.
Camp Unalayee was established on Mosquito Lake  in the Trinity Alps Primitive Area in 1959.  Ever since then Unalayee has  taken 100’s of  campers on backpacking trips all over the Klamath Mountains each year.  Unalayee is by far the biggest user of the 25 miles of the PCT that crosses the Alps.   Unalayee uses it to access the dozen of lakes and streams that campers backpack to in the Klamath River drainage.  (See earlier posts on this website about Unalayee and its unique relationship to the PCT -- https://pcttrailsidereader.com/post/58069038741/place-of-friends-part-1)
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In the early 1970s, the temporary PCT transected the Trinity Alps Primitive Area on existing trails, logging roads and highways in the north-eastern section of this 500,000 acre roadless area.  Needless to say the temporary PCT was far below Scott Mountain on Highway 3 and involved a hour long uphill hike to Mosquito Lake on the old Tangle Blue trail.
In 1975, as I remember it, the USFS personnel attended a Camp Unalayee Board of Directors (BOD) meeting and proposed to put the trail between Scott Mountain and Eagle Peak.  Several proposals were considered.  The Forest Service was very aware of Camp Unalayee concerns regarding the impact of hundreds of hikers passing right above the lake heavily used by campers.   This would be one of the few lakes PCT hikers would have seen since leaving Deadfall Lakes.
The Unalayee BOD proposed using the existing temporary trail. Too much elevation gain and loss the USFS correctly stated.  What about putting the trail on the north side of the Siskiyou-Trinity divide the Unalayee BOD suggested? Once again the USFS correctly said that route had too much snow that could and did exist into late August in some years.   And would have been much more costly due to the steep and rocky terrain.
The USFS then suggested a route that would contour through the Mosquito Lake basin 100 vertical feet above the lake.  They could have done this, as it was all public land. The Unalayee BOD freaked out. This could destroy our Unalayee or certainly impact it significantly.  No way, you can’t do this. Yes they could.
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(Double click on map image to enlarge)
Fortunately, the USFS proposed another possibility that involved routing the trail above the Unalayee access road eventually contouring below the road until it crossed onto Unalayee’s property, forded Mosquito Creek before climbing gradually to the ridge separating the Mosquito and Marshy Lake basins.
But it would require the Unalayee BOD  to grant a variance to the USFS to cut the trail on private property.  It was a brilliant suggestion and after some discussion it was approved with one exception.  One lot owner down on Little Marshy Lake was adamantly opposed.  He felt it would impact his land.  "You hippies ‘had no respect for private property’, he muttered.
Later, when the trail was being cut above Marshy Lake through massive fields of manzanita and brush, that lot owner, hiked up from Little Marshy on the Unalayee use trail and realized that the PCT would have no impact on his beautiful spot along Little Marshy Lake. And to this day there has been little if any impact on Camp Unalayee or other private property nearby. It is a PCT success story.
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As a side note, when the PCT was being laid out they (Marlboro Man, as he was called) tied yellow ribbons to the foilage.   He had to come back the following year to re-mark the proposed route with new ribbons as Unalayee campers came back from near Eagle  Peak with hundreds of feet of the yellow ribbon, tied in their hair and to their backpacks.
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adtothebone · 3 months ago
Climb every mountain
Ford every stream
Follow every rainbow
Til you find your
Get on top
You will cop
Don't you stop
Sha-boogie bop
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yhwhrulz · 6 months ago
Streams in the Desert Devotional for September 30
"As an eagle stirreth up her nest, fluttereth over her young, spreadeth abroad her wings, taketh them, beareth them on her wings: so the Lord alone did lead him, and there was no strange God with him" (Deuteronomy 32:11-12).
Our Almighty Parent delights to conduct the tender nestlings of His care to the very edge of the precipice, and even to thrust them off into the steeps of air, that they may learn their possession of unrealized power of flight, to be forever a luxury; and if, in the attempt, they be exposed to unwonted peril, He is prepared to swoop beneath them, and to bear them upward on His mighty pinions. When God brings any of His children into a position of unparalleled difficulty, they may always count upon Him to deliver them. -- The Song of Victory
"When God puts a burden upon you He puts His own arm underneath."
There is a little plant, small and stunted, growing under the shade of a broad-spreading oak; and this little plant values the shade which covers it, and greatly does it esteem the quiet rest which its noble friend affords. But a blessing is designed for this little plant.
Once upon a time there comes along the woodman, and with his sharp axe he fells the oak. The plant weeps and cries, "My shelter is departed; every rough wind will blow upon me, and every storm will seek to uproot me!"
"No, no," saith the angel of that flower; "now will the sun get at thee; now will the shower fall on thee in more copious abundance than before; now thy stunted form shall spring up into loveliness, and thy flower, which could never have expanded itself to perfection shall now laugh in the sunshine, and men shall say, ’’How greatly hath that plant increased! How glorious hath become its beauty, through the removal of that which was its shade and its delight!’’"
See you not, then, that God may take away your comforts and your privileges, to make you the better Christians? Why, the Lord always trains His soldiers, not by letting them lie on feather-beds, but by turning them out, and using them to forced marches and hard service. He makes them ford through streams, and swim through rivers, and climb mountains, and walk many a long march with heavy knapsacks of sorrow on their backs. This is the way in which He makes them soldiers-- not by dressing them up in fine uniforms, to swagger at the barrack gates, and to be fine gentlemen in the eyes of the loungers in the park. God knows that soldiers are only to be made in battle; they are not to be grown in peaceful times. We may grow the stuff of which soldiers are made; but warriors are really educated by the smell of powder, in the midst of whizzing bullets and roaring cannonades, not in soft and peaceful times. Well, Christian, may not this account for it all? Is not thy Lord bringing out thy graces and making them grow? Is He not developing in you the qualities of the soldier by throwing you into the heat of battle, and should you not use every appliance to come off conqueror? -- Spurgeon.
Copyright Statement This material is considered in the public domain.
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purple-link · 6 months ago
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Well, you could always try to climb every mountain, follow every highway and/or rainbow, ford every stream, and every path you know.
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lemon-girl-needs-outlet · 8 months ago
Climb Every Mountain Lyrics
Climb every mountain,
Search high and low,
Follow every byway,
Every path you know.
Climb every mountain,
Ford every stream,
Follow every rainbow,
‘Till you find your dream.
A dream that will need
All the love you can give,
Every day of your life
For as long as you live.
Climb every mountain,
Ford every stream,
Follow every rainbow,
Till you find your dream
A dream that will need
All the love you can give,
Every day of your life,
For as long as you live.
Climb every mountain,
Ford every stream,
Follow every rainbow,
Till you find your dream.
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babavikas · 11 months ago
The fascination of mountains
My experience in Himachal recently & unraveling the fascination of mountains
Mother Abess sings in Sound of Music: ” Climb every Mountain/ Ford every stream/ Follow every rainbow/Till you find your dream”. The Good Mother meant it as an inspiration to Maria to leave the Abbey and find purpose outside. But it is not by chance that the symbol of reaching out & doing something larger than yourself is a mountain!! The same song comes at the end of the movie when Von Trapp…
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