#click the link to see the charts and graphs
ocean-sailor · 1 year
Our oceans are running a fever. And just like when we run a fever, it's indicative that something is very wrong.
On Monday, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reported that July ocean temperatures were the hottest they've ever been.
"The last 10 years have been the warmest since the 1880s. And all this increase in temps are not only felt at the surface of the ocean, but they can [also] be detected at thousands of metres depth," Carlos Del Castillo, chief of NASA's Ocean Ecology Laboratory at the Goddard Space Flight Center said during a press conference.
"And there are consequences — as the ocean heats, the water expands, and when you combine that with the melting of ice over land, that contributes to the increase in sea level rise — which are accelerating."
Consequences are increases in coastal flooding, coastal erosion, and marine species of economic importance migrating further north to colder waters.
And Del Castillo warned: "What happens in the oceans doesn't stay in the oceans."
It's a sobering reminder that our planet is more than 70 per cent water, that these waters help drive climate around every part of the world.
And scientists are trying to better understand how our oceans — including natural variations — are being affected by increased greenhouse gasses in our atmosphere.
Here are just a few of the ways in which our oceans are being affected by climate change.
Hot oceans, struggling marine life
Just recently, the waters off the coast of southern Florida reached about 38 C, concerning scientists, as they witnessed corals that had essentially burned to death.
Previous marine heat waves, including the longest on record, nicknamed "the Blob" in the north Pacific, hurt wild salmon and other fish, killed off swathes of kelp forests and was linked toxic algal blooms and sea-star wasting disease.
One of the biggest roles our oceans play in terms of our planet is its role in heat absorption. In fact, our oceans store roughly 90 per cent of our planet's heat.
To put it in perspective, earlier this year, Tim Boyer, an oceanographer with NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information, told CBC News that should the top 1,000 metres of the ocean drop in temperature by just 0.1 C, the heat released into our atmosphere would result in an increase of 100 C of global temperature. Of course, that's not going to happen, but it provides a glimpse as to just how much heat is taken in.
The concern is that the heat contained in the ocean won't stay there forever and will gradually be released further contributing to global warming.
Another concern is something called ocean acidification. As the water absorbs more CO2, it causes a chemical reaction that increases its acidity.
More acidic water makes it harder for shellfish such as clams, oysters and corals to make their shells. And right now, the oceans are already 20 per cent more acidic than they were at the start of the industrial era, Del Castillo said. This process also causes ocean stratification, where water is prevented from mixing, resulting in less oxygen for marine life at deeper depths.
Though it's concerning for marine life, it also has a big impact on the fishing industry. According to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), "It is estimated that up to three billion people dependent on marine and coastal biodiversity for their livelihoods could be impacted by ocean acidification. Large shellfish industries are also threatened."
El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO)
By now, most people have likely heard of either La Niña or El Niño, as we have just come out of three consecutive years of La Niña, and have now entered the El Niño phase. But what does it all mean?
The El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is a naturally occurring — and recurring — oceanic phenomenon that is coupled with the atmosphere. It has three phases: La Niña, El Niño and the neutral phase. The cycle runs roughly every three to seven years. And it's part of another naturally occurring cycle called the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), which takes place over a longer timeframe.
In the La Niña phase, a region of the central and eastern tropical Pacific Ocean cools by roughly 1 C to 3 C. In an El Niño phase, the same region can warm by the same amount. And in neutral years, the temperatures remain near normal.
But these phenomena don't just have an effect in the region: they affect the entire planet. For example, La Niña can bring higher rainfall to Indonesia and less rainfall to parts of the central and tropical Pacific.
El Niño, decreases rainfall in the same region while warming other parts of the world, including parts of Canada. And in an already warming world, El Niño can increase global temperatures.
"Given the ongoing, incipient El Niño event in the tropical Pacific, we expect that … the rest of 2023 will start to break records, too," Gavin Schmidt, director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies said in a NASA video session on Monday.
"2023 might not quite be the warmest year on record, but it will be very close. And 2024 will likely be the warmest on record." While these are naturally occurring phases of the ocean and atmospheric response, what's concerning to many scientists is the upward temperature trend of both La Niña and El Niño.
"The one thing that we know, all else being equal, an El Niño event today is warmer around the world than an identical event 100 years ago, because of climate change," said Simon Donner, a climate scientist and professor at the University of British Columbia. "And the same is true for a La Niña event."
What's important to note, however, is that the 10 hottest years on record for the globe have all occurred since 2014, whether the tropical Pacific has been in an El Niño, La Niña or neutral phase.
Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC)
Our oceans have many currents that circle the planet. One of the most important is the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC).
In this process, warm surface water that originates from the equator travels along this sort of conveyor belt towards the Arctic. It's the reason why England has warmer weather than Atlantic Canada.
It then cools and sinks to the deep ocean before travelling back down to the equator, where it eventually comes back up to the surface. The whole process takes roughly 1,000 years.
But there is been some some concern that AMOC is slowing down, which could dramatically cool parts of Europe.
"There is evidence that it has weakened, since like the mid–2000s; that the circulation has slowed down a little bit," Donner said. "And if you look into climate models, in every scenario, they do show evidence that it's going to continue to decline going forward into the future, particularly in the scenarios where there's even more warming. But scientists are pretty confident this doesn't mean that would be an abrupt collapse."
However, last week a study published in the journal Nature suggested that we may see a collapse by the mid–century, both due to natural variability and human-caused warming, specifically, the acceleration of melting glaciers. As the cold freshwater melts into the ocean, it causes a destabilizing effect in the circulation.
However, the findings are in contrast with the latest IPCC report which said it that it is "expected to slow over the coming centuries." But once again, scientists are trying to better understand AMOC and the potential role that ocean warming and glacier melt will play in its circulation.
The polar regions
The Arctic is warming at roughly three times that of the planet, which has cascading effects. First, and most importantly, the Arctic plays a major role in cooling our planet.
The Arctic Ocean has typically been covered with thick ice that reflects the sun's radiation back into space. But with more CO2 and other greenhouse gases pumped into the air, it warms the planet, and melts that ice, leaving the dark ocean surface uncovered. This further lends to more melting and thinning of that crucial polar ice, which in turn speeds up the warming. It's what scientists refer to as a "positive feedback loop."
"The projections going forward in the future is that right now, we're expecting that by mid–century, there will start to be summers where there's no ice in the Arctic or will be practically ice-free," Donner said.
It's of particular concern to the melting glaciers of Greenland which then feed into the ocean contributing to the disruption of AMOC.
All that melting Arctic ice would amplify global warming, which has cascading effects on wildlife and vital ecosystems, and deeply impact the Inuit who have relied on the region's stability for thousands of years.
The Antarctic, on the other hand, is an entirely different beast. Rather than an ocean, Antarctica is a massive continent with ice sheets. Parts of the Antarctic are warming, and as those ice sheets melt, they end up in the ocean. And there's the fear that, with increasing global temperatures, if massive amounts of ice end up in the oceans it could cause major sea level rise.
Since 2002, Antarctica has lost roughly 147 billion tonnes of ice per year. Global sea level has already risen by 98 mm since 1998. But the fear is if Greenland and Antarctic continue to melt, that sea level could rise dramatically. Even today, island nations in the Pacific are facing an existential threat.
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The Ultimate YANDERE TYPES List | Extensive Graph and List
So I was doing research for my writing and I found a really good Yandere Types chart!
Full sources and links to further reading will be below in the notes!
And before getting into it, remember to read the trigger warnings and content warnings. This is Yandere fiction we’re talking about, so it’s going to get messed up.
Themes + Trigger Warnings + Content Warnings:
Possessiveness, Obsessiveness, Unhealthy relationships, Religious themes, themes of sociopathy, themes of mental illness, hallucinations, delusions, hallucinations and delusions due to drugs, mentions of: physical abuse, sexual abuse, brainwashing, murder, suicide, murder-suicide, self-harm, stalking, panic attacks, cannibalism, necrophilia.   
{click to open and zoom in to see the details! I'm so sorry, mobile app users :(}
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Broad types. Click them to see more information!
Possessive Type
Shackling Type
"Denpa" Delusional Type
Love and Hate Type
Intoxicated Type
Stalker Type
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This does not belong to me. I only gave a summary of what I read. ORIGINAL SOURCE LINKED HERE.
It's an English translation of material from an upcoming game called Yandere Town. UNTRANSLATED, ORIGINAL JAPANESE SOURCE LINKED HERE. I do not know when this game is coming out, but darn the details that went into this is crazy! It might help you out if you're writing anything yandere!
(Original translators, I have no problem with taking this down if you don't want me reposting your translation to my blog! ^_^)
♡If you want to see more content like this check out the Writing and Yandere Masterlist and if you want to learn about this blog check out all things sketchprincess02!♡
♡Please consider REBLOGGING and COMMENTING if this helps you!♡
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pencil-peach · 1 year
G Witch Onscreen Text: Episode 1
This is the second part of a project where I try my best to document and discuss all of the (relatively important) text that appears on monitors and screens in G Witch. Cause I can.
<< Click here to see the one I did on the Prologue
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ooOOooohhh beneath the cut lie the HORRORS....
Just to give you an idea of how needlessly hard they went on the monitor text, when Suletta is rescuing Miorine, she mentions that she's almost out of oxygen, and then, when she brings her into Aerial's cockpit, on her helmet, you can faintly see text displaying the amount of oxygen.
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And THEN, when she starts talking to Miorine, the text on her helmet changes AGAIN to display that the comm link has been established
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Well clearly they did it cause they knew my stupid ass would eventually document it. Anyway, let us begin.
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TEXT: I am a HARO. You can ask me anything! (The only text on the icons I can make out are MAP and SCHOOL, unfortunately.)
This is the HARO navigation bot Suletta meets when first coming to Asticassia, and we know that it's Haro Navigation System Ver. 3.0! If that's something that interests you....
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Not much of note, it's just a hologram of a mobile craft. Exciting if you like mobile crafts. (I like mobile crafts)
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When the Docks containing the Demi Trainers are locked, the display says LOCKED. When they're in use, the display says IN OPERATION.
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The Battle Display for the first duel we see in the show, and from this we can see that Guel currently stands undefeated with 26 wins! Double digits! No wonder he's the ace pilot at Asticassia...too bad he's a dick.
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This is the graph that's shown during the Benerit Group board meeting, detailing the earnings of the groups members for the current period.
Interestingly, the 3 highest earners are: Peil Technologies - 8000 Grassley Defense Systems - 8100 Jeturk Heavy Machinery - 8300
So, funnily enough, at the beginning of the story, Jeturk Heavy Machinery is actually the most successful company within the group. It explains why Vim Jeturk felt so comfortable in his plot to assassinate Delling, and goes to show how quickly he fell from the top position after Guel lost to Suletta all those times.
Fun Fact by the way, Prospera's first appearance in the show proper is during this meeting.
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She seems kind of annoyed about something.
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We don't see it very often, but during a duel, a display stating the win condition of the duel is broadcast for the benefit of the spectators.
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When Miorine boards Aerial for the duel, we get a look at its system control menu.
We also get a brief look at the Weapon Selection Sub-Menu
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I think a lot of the main settings are interesting (what the hell is "Identification Friend?") but what's really interesting to me is that Aerial's Gundbits don't seem to be selectable via the Weapon Menu.
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We also get a brief glimpse at the Red Dilanza's control menu.
No idea what I'm looking at, to be totally honest, but yknow. It's nice!
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When Suletta intrudes into the duel and gets back in Aerial, we see that it has an emergency button (seemingly somewhere on its foot) that opens the cockpit.
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When Suletta headbutts Miorine and they start arguing about Aerial, Aerial's comms system gets set to OUTERCOM mode, which explains why everyone outside of Aerial can hear the argument.
This could have been done by accident when Suletta headbutted Miorine, but I like to believe that Eri herself did this on purpose.
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Just so it isn't left unsaid, Aerial's Permet ID is XVX-016, and when a combatant in a duel is the Holder, the Holder Symbol is displayed on their Duel Card.
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When Suletta is telling Miorine about her mother's motto, the GUND-Bits appear on the monitor and come online as Aerial 'speaks.' This, combined with the fact that the GUND-Bits aren't accessible via the Weapon Select menu, implied all the way back in episode one that it's Eri who controls them. Although interestingly, it seems that, internally, the GUND-Bits are referred to as GUNBITS.
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I obviously won't transcribe the two pages of this book, but the book El4n is reading here is actually The World as Will and Representation by German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer. We actually see its title in a later episode, and the main ideas present in this work are extremely important when it comes to understanding El4n's character. But that's a story for another post.
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I always thought it was a little funny how the transferring of the holder title was just like, an option on their phones and not an automatic process.
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Thank you to @the-eeveekins for pointing out that Aerial is currently running SYS Ver E.S (Ericht Samaya) as opposed to 2.0 in the Lfrith!
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I didn't even notice!! That's crazy!!! Thank you so much!
Also I realize I should probably point out that we see that Nika's ID is LM236 in this photo. She never duels so there's never a moment where she says it out loud.
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And that's all for episode 1! Not too much super interesting, but there's still a lot to see and think about if you're paying attention! (Like, why does Aerial have a Cockpit Voice Recorder at all, actually? We know that Suletta often talks with Aerial in the cockpit about personal stuff so...you don't think that....Prospera....?)
Click here to go to Episode 2! >>
Click here to go to the Masterpost!
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concerningwolves · 8 months
Thank you for all your help with this! your solution for the project totals worked perfectly :D
As for the difficulty deleting projects, thanks again for looking into it. I’m using Google sheets, and when I delete a project - any of them - the top stats sheet starts looking like this:
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(The clipped words image was already like that) The chart sheet otherwise deleted the data just fine, but looks like this:
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And totals like this:
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The 2024 word count in yearly comps has that same REF image instead of a number, and the chart instead says ‘Add a series to start visualising your data’. In totals and comps data the information for the deleted project also shows the REF message, unless I manually delete that column as well (idk if that’s an issue but best be thorough). Daily graph and chart remove the data fine, and if I delete a project that has its own sheet it’s replaced with the add a series message, which I assume is supposed to happen. I haven’t noticed and other adverse affects.
(Seriously, thank you for helping me so much. You’re amazing, and even if you don’t find/know a work around for this you’ve been a huge help!)
Ah, okay, I seeeeeee. So, anywhere you see that #REF! message, it's because it's trying to reference information that's not there any more. In this case, you did the right thing by deleting the project column from the Totals sheet! If you delete a project column in the Daily sheet, you also need to delete its corresponding columns in the Comps. Data and Totals sheets. This is because both of those sheets pulled information from the deleted project column in the Daily sheet, and they'll still be trying to fulfil a formula that no longer has the necessary information to work.
Once those columns are deleted, follow the instructions for deleting a series from a chart on page 7 of the instructions booklet, and delete the project's series from the Totals chart.
Something you could do in the future, instead of deleting project columns from the Daily sheet, is to hide them (right-click on the letter above the column and choose "hide column" from the drop-down menu). Choosing this method means that a) you don't need to delete any project columns elsewhere, and b) "adding" more columns, should you ever need them, becomes a matter of unhiding the column. The only change you'll need to make then is deleting the project series from the Totals chart, as explained in previous paragraph.
(And yes, deleting a project column will affect its corresponding sheet, if it has one. Pages 23–24 of the instructions explain how to make a new project-specific sheet, and you can follow those same instructions to link the sheet to a different project column, if you want to. Otherwise, feel free to hide/delete the sheet.)
However. I noticed that for some reason, removing any data from the totals chart converts the previously-invisible line for the totals into a stacked column instead. To fix that, right-click on the chart and select "Chart style" to open the Chart editor window. Then, under the "customise" tab, scroll down and click on the option that says "series". Pick "Totals" from the drop-down menu of series, and change where it says "column" to "line" and set the line opacity to 0 (Shown in the left image).
Below this section, there is a list of three tick-boxes labelled Error bars, Data labels and Trend line. Click the box for Data labels, and make sure the text colour is set to black. You'll then get a number for total words written that month appearing above the stacked columns. (Shown in right image)
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Fixing the Top Stats sheet:
In the case of the current streak counter, the issue is in two places: with the formula that counts the current streak:
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and the formula that decides whether to say "to date" or "as of yesterday":
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I've underlined the bits you'll need to change. You can find more details on how to do this and how it works on pages 9–10 (Top Sheets explanation) and 18 (how the streak counter works) of the instructions document.
also. if those squashed "words" textboxes are annoying you (they would drive me nuts lol), I think the problem is that the text box isn't set to resize itself with the text (even though I thought i did that...). Try clicking on the box, then on the little three dots symbol and choose "Edit" from the menu that appears. When the Drawing window opens, select that icon next to the box (circled), and choose "Resize shape to fit text".
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scotianostra · 1 year
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William Playfair the Scottish engineer and political economist was born on September 22nd 1759.
In a day where anniversaries are thin on the ground, thank god for William Henry Playfair.
I read one article about Playfair that describes him as "a kind of Forrest Gump of the Enlightenment" perhaps a bit harsh, I would say he was a bit of a polymath, another source in my opinion is more accurate, Playfair is without doubt to many of you out there "the most famous man you have never heard of" he rubbed shoulders with the era’s many giants, switching careers at the drop of a hat, and throwing himself headlong into history-changing events, from the storming of the Bastille to the settling of the American West.
William had a lot to live up to, his brothers were architect James Playfair and mathematician John Playfair, his father passed away when he was 13 and it was left to John to lead the family. After serving his apprenticeship with Andrew Meikle, the inventor of the threshing machine, Playfair became draftsman and personal assistant to James Watt at the Boulton and Watt steam engine factory in Soho, Birmingham then seems to have just wander from one trade to another, the way Gump wandered through life, so you can see where the analogy comes from.
William Playfair, was, during his adult life, (takes a deep breath) a millwright, engineer, draftsman, accountant, inventor, silversmith, merchant, investment broker, economist, statistician, pamphleteer, translator, publicist, land speculator, convict, banker, ardent royalist, editor, blackmailer and journalist. Okay they are not all jobs, but they do put you in the picture a wee bit on the character of the man I think.
Most interestingly in my opinion was his time as a spy in France during the Revolution and was on the scene during the storming of the Bastille. He even helps trigger the first major political scandal in the newly formed United States, a land speculation gone bad involving Washington, Hamilton, and Jefferson.
To go into all of this man's adventurers would take too long, instead I will just tell you that the one thing he did, that has been a part of all your lives, in one way or another, is he invented the graph. Before William invented the graph you had to read through pages of statistics to find things out, the graph, you "get it" in a glance. In 1786, he published The Commercial and Political Atlas, a compendium of bar and line charts representing different European countries’ imports, exports, wages, and other trends for which he had the data handy. As the man himself explained, “Men of high rank, or active business, can only pay attention to outlines… It is hoped that, with the Assistance of these Charts, such information will be got without the fatigue and trouble of studying the particulars.” he went on “No study is less alluring or more dry and tedious than statistics, unless the mind and imagination are set to work,” in the book’s introduction.
His old boss Watt, was sent a copy of the Commercial Atlas for review, and wasn't impressed, called the book “mere plummery” and its author “a Rascal.”
To finish I must say that he was a rather humble man and actually gave credit for the invention to his brother writing, “[John] taught me to know that whatever can be expressed in numbers, may be represented by lines,” Playfair wrote much later, in the introduction to one of his books of diagrams. “To the best and most affectionate of brothers, I owe the invention of [these] Charts.” He was never a success in his lifetime and was seen as a ditherer by Watt, William Playfair died in 1823, in poverty and relative obscurity, banned from any good society.
Slowly, over the next century or so, the supply of readily available data grew—as did the the public’s appetite for it. Bar, line and pie charts began trickling into newspapers and textbooks. Two hundred years later, as we barrel forward into the Information Age, you can’t click a link without stumbling upon some kind of data visualization. The next time you come across a graph, remember, like many other notable inventions in our history, take pride in that it was the work of a Scot that gave us these easy to read information "pictures".
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ghor-dranas · 2 years
Don't be suspicious: Group Stealth Checks in Critical Role - Mighty Nein edition!
Have you read this post? If not, I recommend at least glancing at it before looking at this one, because I am not going to re-explain everything I'm doing here.
But to quickly summarize for those of you who do not want to click the link: this is the second part of a our part series looking at group stealth checks [stealth checks made by four or more party members] in critical role, this time focusing on the Mighty Nein. Everything in the series will be tagged #don't-be-suspicious and #cr-stats for your convenience. All charts and graphs are mine, but a lot of the data was gathered by @critrolestats.
Got it? Good, then let's begin!
Over the course of the campaign and the Mighty Nein Reunited two-shot, the Mighty Nein made a grand total of 100 group stealth checks, with 99 of them being in the main campaign. Nice! Their overall average is 19.96291.
Let's see how each individual party member did, shall we?
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You will note here that Molly and Kingsley are grouped together. This is because they use the same base stats, and also because I didn't want to make a new column on my chart. Again, it's of no surprise that the party's rogue has the highest score, and Molly/Kingsley has the lowest due to having the smallest sample size with most of those samples at a very low level. In fact, none of the purple tiefling's checks had Pass Without Trace on.
Speaking of, here's how often they cast Pass Without Trace.
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A beautifully round number, a perfect 60/40 split! So it's important to keep in mind moving forward that they more frequently didn't cast it.
Now, let's see the comparative averages for when they did and didn't cast it. Can we get a perfect 10 point difference?
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Not quite! It's very close though.
And now it is time to see how many people participated in these group stealth checks.
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Unlike Vox Machina, they never quite reached having 8 or 9 participants in a check, and also unlike Vox Machina, their most frequent number of participants is the highest!
But this doesn't mean that they didn't have guests! In fact, they had 14 group stealth checks with guests present, 3 of them with more than one guest! They simply didn't exceed the 7 participants as this was during the arc where half the party was kidnapped.
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The Mighty Nein had a total of 6 guests participate in a group stealth check, which is all of their guests! Yes, all of them! What was that strange splatting sound I just heard? Anyway, let's see all of their individual averages!
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Pretty solid averages! Once more it is worth noting that some of these rolls had Pass Without Trace, although most did not.
And with that, the Mighty Nein's checks are done, so please stay tuned for the Bells Hells edition and the final post which will compare all three campaigns, all of which you can find under #don't-be-suspicious or #cr-stats on my blog.
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govindhtech · 2 months
Gemini’s Big Upgrade: 1.5 Flash, Faster Replies, More Access
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Google is expanding Google Gemini for Teens and mobile app experiences, adding a new related content feature, and introducing 1.5 Flash to Gemini in more than 40 languages and 230 countries and territories.
Google has hear about people using Gemini to be more industrious, imaginative, and inquisitive every day. Furthermore, Gemini is becoming more adept in assisting you in completing those activities in the methods that suit you best with today’s release.
In the free edition of Gemini, you can now access 1.5 Flash for quicker and more beneficial responses. In addition, Google is adding a new function to better handle hallucinations and extending the reach of Google Gemini for Teens mobile app and experience.
Quicker and more astute reactions with 1.5 Flash
Google had heard that individuals like using Gemini primarily because it saves them time. Whether you’re using Gemini to compose an engaging email or troubleshoot complex code, it’s critical to receive prompt, excellent responses.
Google is upgrading to Gemini 1.5 Flash today for their free tier users. You’ll experience general quality and latency improvements with Gemini 1.5 Flash, with notable gains in reasoning and picture understanding in particular. Additionally, Google is quadrupling Geminis to 32K tokens, in line with their significant expansion of the context window in Gemini Advanced. This implies that you can ask Gemini more in-depth questions and engage in lengthier, back-and-forth dialogues without paying anything.
Google will soon add the ability to upload files directly from your device or via Google Drive, which has been accessible in Gemini Advanced, so you can make the most of the larger context window. This implies that you will be able to ask Gemini to generate practice questions and upload your study guide for economics. Soon, Gemini will also be able to analyse data files on your behalf, enabling you to find patterns and visualise them with the use of graphs and charts.
All Gemini users can now access Gemini 1.5 Flash on the web and on their mobile devices, across more than 230 countries and territories, and in more than 40 languages.
Relevant material in Gemini’s answers
Additionally, Google had heard that using Gemini as their go-to research partner allows people to enjoy discovering new subjects. As part of their ongoing efforts to lessen hallucinations and make it simpler for you to visit websites that provide more information, Google is now providing links to pertinent content for fact-finding prompts in Gemini.
For English language prompts in select countries, you can now view this extra information on subjects right within Gemini’s answers as of right now. To view websites that go into further detail on a particular subject, simply click on the chip that appears at the end of a paragraph. This extends beyond websites: In the event that Gemini’s answer makes reference to data obtained through the Gmail extension, you will additionally see inline links to pertinent emails.
This advances the work Google had done to combat hallucinations. Apart from providing connections to relevant content, Gemini’s double-check function confirms answers by utilising Google Search to indicate whether claims are supported or refuted online. When information is refuted, it is simple to look further and confirm the information for yourself.
Gemini is present in numerous locations
Google made it possible to have direct conversations with Gemini in Google Messages on some Android devices earlier this year. With the option to communicate in recently added languages including French, Polish, and Spanish, Google is progressively bringing out Gemini in Google Messages to the European Economic Area (EEA), the United Kingdom, and Switzerland starting today. To begin generating ideas, organising travel, and more, click the “Start chat” icon in Messages and choose Gemini. You can do all of this without ever leaving the Google Messages app.
Additionally, Google is expanding the availability of the Gemini mobile app to other nations so that more individuals may access Gemini while they’re on the go.
Increased teen access to Gemini
Google will be making Gemini available to teenagers worldwide in more than 40 languages starting next week. Teenagers can use Gemini to aid with creative projects, better comprehend school subjects, and get ready for college if they are old enough to maintain their own Google account.
Google want to prioritise safety and address the developmental requirements of teenagers while providing them with opportunity to take advantage of all that generative AI has to offer and preparing them for a future in which AI will play an even more vital role. Google had added more rules and safeguards, created a teen-specific onboarding procedure, and provided an AI literacy guide to assist teens use AI responsibly in order to enable them use Gemini confidently and safely. Additionally, Google has worked with professionals in child safety and development including MediaSmarts (CA), Miudos Seguros na Net (PT), and Fad Juventud (ES), who continue to offer their knowledge and skills in catering to the particular needs of teenagers and families.
How Google thoughtfully created Gemini
Gemini’s growth has always been directed by a dedication to accountability and user security. Google is disclosing more about how Google designed Gemini and how they want it to react as it develops. To have a better understanding of how Google handling delicate and complicated subjects, such as reactions to matters pertaining to political, religious, or moral convictions as well as public interest problems, you can now read about their approach to Gemini and further information about google policy standards. These rules, which are based on Google AI Principles, demonstrate their continued dedication to the ethical and open development of this technology.
Read more on govindhtech.com
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sccmreporting · 4 months
A Comprehensive Guide Step-by-Step SCCM Inventory Report Creation
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Image Source: https://powerstacks.com/hardware-asset-inventory-reporting/
One of the incredible tasks when it is about Configuration Management is SCCM Inventory Report Creation. It offers value to both SCCM installation and adds visibility to your efforts towards management. Without SCCM reports, this massive management tool works effectively on all your devices, but you’re experiencing all benefits.
How to make a good SCCM report?
Data is the crucial component of all your reports. You must include  the right SQL views into the SCCM database. If you’re reflecting the wrong information, your report will be vague.
Constructing an effective SQL query is the most complicated part of report creation. Without an adequate SQL proficiency, it will be difficult to get what you desire---but you can learn it. 
Visually Compelling
A report with correct data is useful, but if it is presented poorly, the readers won’t be interested in it.
Keep it neat and clean: Include pie charts and graphs if necessary. Microsoft models this by using their cutting-edge Software Update dashboard and Office 365 dashboard.
The minute details
Incorporate links between your report to take your readers in the correct direction.
Include tooltips to demonstrate the shown data
The default SCCM Reports don’t have any of the above mentioned points. They provide you with insightful data, but they don’t adjust with the environment and are visually basic.
SCCM Report Creation
To develop SCCM inventory report, follow the steps below:
Open the SCCM console and navigate Monitoring/Overview/ Reporting
Right-click on Reports and choose Create Reports
Choose type SQL-based Report, located on the Created Report Wizard
Add the name of the report Office 365 Inventory
Include a report description if required
Browse and choose the folder where you can save the report 
Go to Next
Report Builder: It is an effective tool to develop reports. Let’s go through the steps needed to craft a report.
After launching the Report Builder, see the screen’s left part, and focus on the Report Data section.
Data Sources and Datasets folder is the crucial one to begin. The Data Source section will be use to organize the database and Dataset can be utilized for the SQL query.
In this method, we’ve not used Build-in Fields and Parameters but they are beneficial for standardizing the reports. 
SCCM Report Creation: Structure the Data Sources
Firstly, connect to the SCCM database:
Right-Click on Data Sources in Report Data on the left side of the panel and choose Add Data Source.
Enter the name for your data source in the General tab.
Choose Use a shared connection or report model
Click Browse
Browse till the end and choose SCCM database GUID and click Open
Inside the Data Source Properties, click Test connection to check your configuration and Ok when it’s done.
Develop a Dataset
Inside the Datasets section, you must create a SQL query.
Right-click datasets in the leftmost panel and choose Add Dataset.
Choose Use a dataset embedded in my report and choose the data source you have developed.
Paste the SQL query present in the Query field.
Click OK
You can get a glimpse of all fields on the right side returned by your query.
Report Design
Now, it’s the right time to create the visual aspect of the report. Include the data returned by the query.
Double click on the title and give it some other name to the Office 365 Inventory
Choose Insert/Table/Table Wizard
Choose the Dataset you’ve created, click Next
Choose desired fields to be showcased in the table and move them to the Value box.
Click Next
Once the style screen come, select Generic. Then, hit Finish.
You will obtain a basic report along with a title and the table you have developed.
Follow the steps to create  a SCCM inventory report.
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market-news-24 · 4 months
Shiba Inu enthusiasts have reason to celebrate, as analysts predict a bullish pennant pattern could catapult SHIB to new record highs. With this promising technical formation, Market experts are optimistic about the cryptocurrency's future performance. Stay tuned to see how this unfolds and what it means for Shiba Inu investors. Click to Claim Latest Airdrop for FREE Claim in 15 seconds Scroll Down to End of This Post const downloadBtn = document.getElementById('download-btn'); const timerBtn = document.getElementById('timer-btn'); const downloadLinkBtn = document.getElementById('download-link-btn'); downloadBtn.addEventListener('click', () => downloadBtn.style.display = 'none'; timerBtn.style.display = 'block'; let timeLeft = 15; const timerInterval = setInterval(() => if (timeLeft === 0) clearInterval(timerInterval); timerBtn.style.display = 'none'; downloadLinkBtn.style.display = 'inline-block'; // Add your download functionality here console.log('Download started!'); else timerBtn.textContent = `Claim in $timeLeft seconds`; timeLeft--; , 1000); ); Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] Multiple analysts have identified a bullish pennant on the Shiba Inu chart, outlining the potential for a profit of above 62% soon. Shiba Inu bulls are encountering significant resistance around the $0.000025 price level. Last week, amid SHIB engineering a mini rally, it barely crossed this range before retreating below. At the last check, SHIB succumbed to bearish pressure, falling behind by at least 5% and hitting an intraday low of $0.00002361. Despite maintaining positive gains in its 30-day trajectory, Shiba Inu is still struggling to surpass the $0.000025 level decisively. Meanwhile, prominent Market observers are confident that SHIB is counting down from its current consolidation phase. They have forecasted various breakout price targets Shiba Inu holders may look out for soon.  Incoming 62% Profit for Shiba Inu Holders Famous Bitcoin analyst Clifton has joined the roster of commentators calling attention to an impending bullish trend for Shiba Inu. In a recent update on X, Clifton highlighted the formation of a bullish pennant on the 24-hour timeframe for Shiba Inu. For context, a bullish pennant formation signals that an asset is prepared to continue an uptrend commenced much earlier before encountering brief opposition. This formation, resembling a symmetrical triangle, is characterized by consolidating prices, hinting at an imminent breakout. In Shiba Inu’s case, SHIB had an ongoing uptrend in early March but ran out of steam. It entered a downtrend that took it back to $0.000018 in April. The overall candlestick pattern SHIB established in March translated to the bullish pennant many Market watchers have spotted. Clifton asserted that an upside from the configuration could net Shiba Inu holders a short-term profit of up to 60%. Image Source: https://x.com/clifton_ideas/status/1792045985465819536 In particular, the accompanying graph proposed that Shiba Inu could rally to the $0.00004 price level at the very least within the next few weeks. Other Analysts Propose Higher Targets On the other hand, analyst Davie Satoshi, who similarly identified a bullish pennant on Shiba Inu’s chart, proposed higher targets of above $0.00005 upon breakout.  Other Market watchers like the pseudonymous “World of Charts” have conveyed similar opinions, identifying $0.00005 as SHIB’s potential target. Meanwhile, while replying to the analysis, a Bitcoin analyst suggested that SHIB enthusiasts may anticipate the $0.00008 price level next. Another even argued for the potential for a $0.00015 price point by next month.  Notably, Shiba Inu entering $0.00015 would Market a new history for the asset as it represents an uncharted territory. Disclaimer: This content is informational and should not be considered financial advice.
The views expressed in this article may include the author's personal opinions and do not reflect The Crypto Basic’s opinion. Readers are encouraged to do thorough research before making any investment decisions. The Crypto Basic is not responsible for any financial losses. -Advertisement- Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_2] What is a bullish pennant? A bullish pennant is a chart pattern that shows a strong upward price movement, suggesting that the price might keep going up. It usually happens after a big price increase and looks like a small triangle on the price chart. Why do analysts think SHIB will reach new highs? Analysts believe SHIB will hit new highs because of the bullish pennant pattern. This means the recent uptrend could continue, pushing the price even higher. How soon could SHIB hit a new high? It's hard to say exactly when SHIB will hit a new high. Market moves can be unpredictable, but the bullish pennant suggests it could happen relatively soon. Should I invest in SHIB based on this news? Investing is a personal decision. While the bullish pennant is a positive sign, it's important to do your own research and consider your risk tolerance before investing in SHIB or any other cryptocurrency. What should I do if I already own SHIB? If you already own SHIB, you might want to keep an eye on the Market and consider holding your position to benefit from potential gains. Always stay informed and be prepared for Market changes. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators Claim Airdrop now Searching FREE Airdrops 20 seconds Sorry There is No FREE Airdrops Available now. Please visit Later function claimAirdrop() document.getElementById('claim-button').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'block'; let countdownTimer = 20; const countdownInterval = setInterval(function() document.getElementById('countdown').textContent = countdownTimer; countdownTimer--; if (countdownTimer < 0) clearInterval(countdownInterval); document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('sorry-button').style.display = 'block'; , 1000);
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meltotheany · 6 months
hi hi friends! i hope you’re doing well! today, i am giving you my quarter one wrap up for 2024 – filled with all the books i’ve read, a few favorites of those, and all the statistics of my reading these last three months! in january, february, and march i read 20 things! which i am happy about, but i do wish it was a little higher, since i do always like to hit 100 books read by the end of the year, but i was traveling a lot these last few months, and i have nothing really planned until july, so hopefully i am able to compensate a little with 30 books in my q2 post! but now i am getting way ahead of myself, and i don’t want to make this year feel like it is going even quicker than it already feels all on its own, so let’s do a little deep dive on these 20 books that i was able to read! ✨ Q1 STATISTICS  (thank you to brock at let’s read, for creating this spreadsheet that i have used for so many years!) i figured that i would show my favorite graph all on its own this time! plus, i think this really encompasses that i have been having a good reading quarter. maybe not the best, maybe i wish for more fives to come, but i really can’t complain too much when more than half of the things i’ve been reading have been four stars! and only one two star which is always a good feeling to see, too! 💕 i normally stick to just showing pie charts for my reading data, but i have been really loving visually seeing my data in this format too. i am very happy with reading over 8k pages over these three months! i also really like seeing that i reread three things, because incorporating rereading books has been something i’ve struggled with in my reading life for a while now. and i also just think it’s cool to see how many pages i’ve read via audio books, as well! (shout out to spotify, i do love you and those free 15 hours every month!) as always, fantasy is my most read genre, but i really have been craving and gravitating to a lot of romance this year so far (and a lot of fantasy romance – which i categorize by what the book feels most like to me between the two)! i’ve also been reading books from my personal library so much this year, which makes me feel good, because i love buying books knowing that i am excited to pick them up soon! i am a little surprised that penguin is my most read publishing house, and not macmillan, but we do love when the graphs are changing up sometimes! but that 5% hachette, probably just because of holly black, is very wild to see. i love seeing these charts and graphs, and they bring me so much happiness all by themselves, but i also love being able to kind of reassess my reading and how i’m doing each quarter because of them! besides really wanting to read 30 books in the second quarter, i would also like to start maybe prioritizing arcs a little more. i have been so good about doing at least mini reviews for everything i’ve read (yes, all twenty things have been reviewed), but i kind of miss reviewing things before they are officially published, too! 🤍 THREE FAVORITE READS OF Q1  (click title links for full reviews with detailed thoughts, feelings, and tw/cws!) ✨ The Vanished Birds by Simon Jimenez heartfelt galaxy brain that truly touched my very soul ✨ The Secret Lives of Church Ladies by Deesha Philyaw maybe my favorite anthology of all time ✨ The Wilful Princess and the Piebald Prince by Robin Hobb the greatest tragedy i’ve read in many years Q1 BOOK HAUL  these are all the books that i’ve received since january 1st! well, i did buy other editions of the warm hands of ghosts and the prisoner’s throne, too! but the stack was getting a little too high, so i just added my favorite versions! a couple of these were gifts that i am very thankful for! and a few are arcs sent to me by publishers which i am also so very thankful for! (i have only read four of these though – so let me rectify that asap 😉 too!) okay friends, i think that’s everything! truly, i am so thankful for these last three months and i hope the rest of the ye...
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lexisglitching · 9 months
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In 2021 I got really into reading books.
One of my favorite aspects of it was getting to see my stats at the end of the year. Something about seeing it all in neat little charts and graphs was really satisfying to me. In 2022 I got back into fan fiction and was annoyed at the lack of anything similar.
I set out this year to rectify that for myself.
Starting with a Notion that eventually moved over to Sheets with an attached form to fill out, I tracked each and every fic I read this year, all 168 of them. 
The above images are the results. 
(Q&A + Fic Recs under the cut)
Q&A Time - Readers Addition
While looking around to see what other fic readers included on their AO3 Unwraps I stumbled across this fun questionnaire ask box meme. I figured instead of posting and waiting for questions I’d just answer them because I really wanted to. 
You can check out the original post of questions by clicking here! 
Fic you clicked on the most times this year?
That would be Kings and Pawns by HittoSama.  Now there are some caveats to this. First, it was the fic I was reading while building my first fic tracker over on Notion. While building it and then again when building it in Sheets, I had to go copy the link a good few times. It’s also a pretty long fic and I was reading it before I was downloading to read them in Books. Between reading on different devices, as well as going back to link it on a few rec lists I made this year for friends….it racked up the hits from me! But it is a great fic, wonderfully written, and has some of the best Shikamaru characterization I’ve come across so you should all go check it out. 
First fic you clicked on this year?
Also Kings and Pawns. It was my first read of the year. 
Your most read Fandom this year?
Naruto. It’s actually the only fandom I’ve read this year. I have plans to branch out in 2024 but we’ll see how that goes. 
Your most read pairing this year? 
Kakashi Hatake / Sasuke Uchiha.  I’ve read 72 works for them this year.
Most popular fic by hits you read this year?
In Good Company by Weialala reigns supreme with over 404,000 hits. 
Your personal favorite fic you read this year?
In Good Company and its sequel Ragnarǫkr by Weialala were both standouts this year that I ended up rereading three times. 
Most recent fic you clicked on?
Technically Ragnarǫkr as I needed to fetch the spelling but not counting stuff looked up for this challenge, last clicked on fic would be The Blood-Soaked Road to Paradise by Renyanen. I’ve not read it yet but I was compiling my tbr for 2024 and it’s one I’m looking forward to checking out. 
Highest word count fic you read this year?
An unpublished story I co-wrote with my friend. It comes in at 643,478 words and is based on the concept of Itachi taking Sasuke with him to the Akatsuki. It’s my favorite thing and honestly very self indulgent and unlikely to ever see the light of day. Ten of ten recommend every fic writer to have one of these.  
Shout out an incomplete fic you read this year?
From This Earth by Embers.  I’m really looking forward to reading more of it in the future! 
Oldest fic you read this year?
I’m pretty sure nothing else I read beats In Good Company by Weialala. She began writing it over on FF.Net back in 2008. It’s sequel is currently incomplete and I await the day she returns to finish it. 🙏🏻
That more or less wraps us up here!
As a final section, as I take my leave, I want to give a small recommendation list based on my favorite fics I read this year. Many of these were mentioned above in the questions and images, some of them weren’t but still come highly recced from me. Enjoy!
The Rec List (in no particular order):
Kings and Pawns by HittoSama Sharingan Rising Series (In Good Company / Ragnarǫkr) by Weialala Wild Things by TheAdventuresOf From This Earth by Embers Eye to Eye by Embers Scarlet Ink and Paper Swords by Renyanen Mosaic Eyes by BitchBot3000 Hold Your head Up and Run by TakaGang Why Storms Are Named After People by Naava
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wsitopwebdesigners · 1 year
Blog SEO: The Complete Guide
Want your blog to rank high in Google search engines? Well, you need to take care of Blog SEO. What is it? Blog SEO refers to writing and optimizing blog content for search engines like Google. It can help you attract more organic traffic, reach your target audience, and grow your online authority.
Here's what Blog SEO entails:
Finding Keywords for Your Blog Posts
Online searches are driven by keywords. These are the words and phrases you want Google to rank your blog posts for.
If you want to find the right keywords for your blog posts, you should use a keyword research tool such as Ahrefs, SEMrush, or Ubersuggest. With these tools, you can learn what your potential readers are searching for, how frequently they search for it, and what the level of competition is for ranking for that keyword.
Follow these steps to finding keywords for your blog posts:
Consider a broad topic or niche related to your blog's theme. For example, if you have a food blog, you might start with topics like "chicken recipes", "pasta recipes", "vegetarian recipes", etc.
Use the keyword research tool to find keyword ideas for your topic or niche. It will provide you with hundreds or thousands of related keywords that people are searching for. For example, if you enter "chicken recipes" into Ahrefs, you'll see keyword ideas like "chicken curry recipe", "chicken soup recipe", "chicken salad recipe", etc.
A keyword's search volume is how many searches it receives each month. Keyword difficulty is a measure of how difficult a keyword is to rank. A keyword's relevance determines how closely it fits your topic or niche. Filter and sort keyword ideas by search volume, keyword difficulty, and relevance. Find keywords with decent search volume, low keyword difficulty, and high relevance.
Choose one main keyword and a few secondary keywords for each blog post. Your main keyword should appear in the title, introduction, conclusion, and URL of your blog post. You should sprinkle your content with secondary keywords that support your main keyword.
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Optimizing Your Blog Posts for On-Page SEO
An on-page SEO strategy optimizes the elements of your website for search engines and users. By using it, you can improve the quality, relevance, and readability of your content.
Here’s how you can optimize blog posts for on-page SEO:
Use your main keyword in your title tag, meta description, and H1 tag. These are the elements that appear in search results and tell Google and users what your page is about. Make sure to use your main keyword naturally and include a benefit or a hook to entice clicks.
Include secondary keywords in your subheadings, body text, and image alt text. These are the elements that appear on your web page and tell Google and users what your content covers. Make sure to use secondary keywords naturally and avoid keyword stuffing.
Your blog content should be linked internally and externally. Both types of links can help you boost your authority, relevance, and user experience.
Make your content more engaging by using multimedia elements such as images, videos, charts, and graphs. With these elements, you can break up long blocks of text, illustrate your points, and engage your readers.
Some additional tips to improve and maintain your blog post rankings! 
Track your rankings using tools like Google Search Console, Ahrefs, or SEMrush. Using these tools, you can see how your blog posts rank on Google, what keywords they use, and what issues they encounter.
Analyze your competitors with tools like Ahrefs or SEMrush. They reveal who ranks above you, what keywords they target, and how they compete.
Update your content regularly using tools like Google Analytics or BuzzSumo to see how well your content resonates with your audience, what topics are trending, and what feedback they have.
Promote your content using social media, email marketing, or influencer outreach to drive more traffic, engagement, and backlinks to your blog posts.
Want to do Blog SEO professionally? Approach the best SEO Company in Arizona!
Blog SEO improves your blog’s visibility, traffic, and authority. Do you need expert guidance and support to achieve your blog SEO goals? WSI - Optimized Web Solutions can help. It is a professional SEO agency in Arizona that can help you with your blog SEO needs. In addition, it offers customized solutions for your business goals. Contact them today!
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tomreview · 1 year
Advanced Analytics For Boosting Your Email Campaigns ROI
Create Unlimited Businesses and Subdomains It is now possible to create unlimited subdomains at no additional cost. The Elite edition grants you this power, allowing you to manage each of your businesses effortlessly and without fuss from a single location, freeing up time for other business-boosting endeavors.
With our unlimited custom domain feature, you can run all of your pages on your own domains. Adding unlimited custom domains will instantly build your authority and credibility by showing pages on your own domain with your own LOGO. Additionally, it increases your visibility in search engines.
Serve Unlimited Clients in Any Niche With Elite Edition, you can serve as many clients as you want, charge them for your services, and keep 100% of your profits.
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Make limitless sites, stores and enrollment levels in totally in any specialty. It just got quicker and simpler. Utilize our cutting-edge technology to create virtually anything you require without restriction.
With Sellero, you won't have to limit what you can do to earn money. You will never again have to worry about anything.
To provide the best user experience, get unlimited bandwidth We mean every word when we say LIMITLESS. Therefore, the Elite edition provides you with UNLIMITED bandwidth, allowing you to provide the best user experience without worrying about page size, rich media content, or bandwidth limitations.
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You will see a comprehensive report on everything.
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With Sellero First class, you can see the total details like as per remarkable guests, commitment, innovation, gadget, area or as per objectives.
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Up to one hundred email lists are included in your current membership level. However, what happens if you intend to grow over time or provide services to customers and need to segment even more subscribers for improved targeting, deliverability, and open rates?
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You will see a comprehensive report on everything.
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Your opt-in rates will remain consistent if you are able to rotate new creatives.
Additionally, there's nothing extra for you to do to get these layouts. When you upgrade and log in today, they will be unlocked automatically.
Cleaning and checking of lists are included at no additional cost!
On the off chance that there's one thing that slows down receiving your messages conveyed it's shipping off terrible email addresses and getting a lot of bobs. When this occurs, most email service providers may flag you and place you in the SPAM folder.
Or, even worse, you'll be completely blacklisted!
However, don't worry. There are built-in options for cleaning and checking your lists in Sellero. Use Smart Tags to Segment Your Subscribers and Send Exclusive Emails You will also be able to tag your subscribers to various offers, interests, and more, ensuring that you are emailing a clean list with every follow-up and promotion. Because you will be able to send relevant Offers to people who want them without offending those who don't, this feature helps increase conversions.
This can increment endorser maintenance and lift your open rates. You are more likely to end up in the inbox rather than the SPAM or Promotion Folder when that occurs.
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We'll remove the "Powered by Sellero" branding from all the lead pages and popups you built with us so that your brand and business are always front and center. Say yes to this upgrade today to remove our branding from your lead pages and popups and present yourself as an authority.
This will construct moment validity and show you as an expert in anything specialty you're in.
This element alone is a Gigantic incentive for your business and worth more than whatever we are asking today for this whole redesign.
Add ten members to the team—in-house or freelancers—at some point. Your business will continue to grow and expand. Therefore, when you do, you will probably want to hire employees who can take care of the day-to-day work for you. That is the reason you'll require this choice.
It'll give you admittance to 10 individuals who can sign in and maintain your email showcasing business as per their jobs straightforwardly from the Sellero dashboard.
Unlimited Work Collaboration for Faster and Better Results This is a great way to profit while removing yourself from the business.
You, your team, clients, and partners can all work together to get results faster and better by sharing tried-and-true templates or campaigns with clients and a group of marketers.
Analyzing Team Members and Tracking Their Activities As You Hire More People, You'll Want to Make Sure They Are Performing Their Jobs. You will be able to use Sellero to keep track of each team member's input and determine who is effective and who is not with this option.
This is a great way to make sure your email marketing company is getting the most out of every employee you hire now and in the future.
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insafmedia · 1 year
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What Does EPC Mean In Affiliate Marketing
EPC means Earn per click, it is a commonly used term in affiliate marketing. It is the amount of money that you earn from each click on your affiliate link. Earn Per Click measures the effectiveness of a campaign and gives you an idea whether you are making money or not. The higher the EPC, more will be the profit for you
What does EPC mean in affiliate marketing?
EPC is an acronym for Earnings Per Click. It's a metric that is used to determine the profitability of a particular affiliate product or campaign.
EPC is a good indicator of how profitable your campaigns are, as well as helping you identify where there are opportunities for improvement.
How to calculate your EPC and how to use that number to drive your marketing strategy.
EPC is the most important metric in affiliate marketing. It's a measure of how much you can expect to earn from one visitor, and it's calculated by dividing your earnings by the number of clicks on your ads (or impressions).
The formula for EPC is:
EPC = Earnings / Clicks
How to increase EPC( Earn Per Click )
To increase your EPC, you can improve your product quality and landing page.
Share Affiliate Links With Popups on Your Site
Popups are a great way to get your visitors to convert. You can use popups to promote your affiliate links, or you can use them as an alternative to banner ads. Popups can even be used for any type of marketing campaign!
By using popups, you can increase your conversions by up to 1000%! Popups are a great way to get your visitors to convert. You can use popups to promote your affiliate links, or you can use them as an alternative to banner ads. Popups can even be used for any type of marketing campaign!
By using popups, you can increase your conversions by up to 1000%! Popups are a great way to get your visitors to convert. You can use popups to promote your affiliate links, or you can use them as an alternative to banner ads. Popups can even be used for any type of marketing campaign! By using popups, you can increase your conversions by up
to 1000%! Popups are a great way to get your visitors to convert. You can use popups to promote your affiliate links, or you can use them as an alternative to banner ads. Popups can even be used for any type of marketing campaign! By using popups, you can increase your conversions by up to 1000%!
Embed Affiliate Links in Your Blog Posts 
You can embed affiliate links in your blog posts by using a plugin. It's easy to install and use, and it will help you create more effective affiliate marketing campaigns.
The plugin is free to use, and it has a lot of great features that will help you improve your affiliate marketing. Some of these features include:
-Embed affiliate links in blog posts -Show the stats of how many times your post has been read, shared, and clicked on -Add a widget that shows you which posts are performing well -See how many people have viewed your content
-Charts and graphs that show you how many times each post has been read, shared, and clicked on -Mobile-friendly design
Embed Affiliate Links in Your Email Series
Email marketing is an effective way to drive traffic to your site. You can use email marketing to build your list, convert leads, and sell products.
You can also use it for affiliate marketing purposes. When you embed links in your emails that point back to the merchant's site (and get paid a referral fee), this is what we call "affiliate link" or "affiliate link embedding."
Affiliate link embedding has many benefits:
It helps you grow your list and build relationships with your subscribers. allows you to make money while having fun promoting products that you enjoy.
EPC allows you to build a passive income stream that can last for years. and it also helps you build authority and credibility in your industry by showcasing your expertise.
epc helps you build a community around your brand. epc allows you to become an influencer in your niche so that people trust your recommendations and buy from them.
Calculate and Track Your Metrics
An understanding of how to identify the value of a particular campaign, product or series of products will help you make better decisions about where to invest your time and money.
An understanding of how to identify the value of a particular campaign, product or series of products will help you make better decisions about where to invest your time and money.
A common way for affiliates to measure their performance is by using an EPC (earnings per click) metric. This measures how much money an affiliate makes from each click on their site or link.
You can use this metric to measure the performance of your own campaigns. To do so, you’ll want to create a unique tracking link for each campaign that you run. You can then track how many clicks each link receives and use this data to calculate how much money an affiliate makes per click (EPC).
How to succeed with Earn per click
EPC is the most important metric to track when it comes to affiliate marketing. It's basically the average amount of money you make per click on your affiliate links.
It's better than CPC (cost per click) because it takes into account how many times your link was clicked. In other words, if someone clicks on one of your links five times, but only buys something once, then their EPC would be $10 while their CPC would be $2 since they spent less money overall by clicking more often than buying something from each individual visit.
EPC is a better metric to track because it shows how effective your affiliate marketing strategy is. For example, if you have an EPC of $10 and a CPC of $5, then you should focus on increasing the average amount people spend when they visit your site instead of focusing on getting more clicks. If you have an EPC of $20 and a CPC of $3, then you should focus on bringing in more visitors who will click on your links.
EPC is also a better metric to track because it's easier to measure. You can use an affiliate marketing dashboard like AvantLink or Infusionsoft, which will automatically track your EPC and CPC for you. Alternatively, if you're using Google Analytics, then you'll have to set up some custom tracking code on your site in order to get those metrics.
We hope that this article has helped you understand EPC and how to use it to your advantage in affiliate marketing. As always, feel free to reach out if you have any questions or comments!
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creatiview · 2 years
[ad_1] Creating content isn't always a walk in the park. (In fact, it can sometimes feel more like trying to swim against the current.) While other parts of business and marketing are becoming increasingly automated, content creation is still a very manual job. That being said, there are plenty of tools out there to make creating content much easier. Below, you'll find a list of 36 fantastic tools and resources to help you research, write, edit, and design content more easily. (You'll notice there are a lot of design tools in here -- that's because visual content is often the part of the content creation process where people get the most nervous and frustrated. So don't worry, we've got a ton in there for you.) Let's get started. 36 Free Tools & Resources to Make Content Creation Easier For Researchers 1) Google Drive Research Tool Google recently added a tool to Drive that allows you to conduct Google searches without ever leaving your Drive window. All you have to do is click "Tools" from the menu bar and choose "Research" from the dropdown menu. 2) Site:search This is a handy Google hack I use every day. Basically, it allows you to do a Google search that's limited to a particular website. For example, if I wanted to search HubSpot's blog for marketing resources so I can cite one of our old blog posts, I'd do a site:search for blog.hubspot.com with the search term marketing resources. The formula for site search is site:samplewebsite.com [search query]. So my example would be site:blog.hubspot.com marketing resources. 3) Google Webmaster Tools Doing SEO and keyword research? Your marketing software should be able to help. But if it can't (or you'd like to augment your data), Google's Webmaster Tools can be a great help. You can check things like the number of indexed pages on your website, submit your site to Google so you're getting crawled and indexed, and even disavow bad inbound links. It also can give you information on search queries that have a large volume of impressions but low clickthrough rate. Within Google Webmaster Tools, go to "Your site on the web" and choose "Search queries." You'll see a table showing a search query, impressions, clicks, and clickthrough rate (CTR). Comparing this data to your other analytics data can help uncover some opportunities. 4) Percentage Change Calculator I can't even begin to tell you how useful this little calculator is when looking for and analyzing data. Ever want to know the percentage change of two values without having to remember the formula? Simply enter the two values into this calculator, and it'll spit out the percentage change. Trust me, you'll want to bookmark this one. Here are a few other handy calculators: 3-Way Percentage Calculator – Calculates answers to these questions: What is X% of Y? X is what percent of Y? X is Y% of what? Conversion Rate Calculator – Spits out a conversion rate when you enter the total visitor count during a specific time frame and the number of times during that time frame those visitors took a specific action. A/B Test Calculator – Works for a basic scenario with two groups of people (A & B) who get to see one version of your website and for whom you track the number of conversions or goals (purchases, downloads, clickthroughs, etc.). ROI Calculator – Analyzes your website's monthly sales and lead generation efforts to determine ways in which marketing efforts can be optimized. 5) Atlas Atlas is Quartz's data center, and it's chock-full of graphs, charts, and data visualizations. You can search for almost any topic or keyword, and Atlas will have a graphic based on recent research data for you. This is a great tool to get background information on a topic you're researching, or to find fresh data to use in a project you're working on. Here's a chart based on data from early 2016: Source: Atlas 6) Search in a Giphy You know that coworker who always seems to find the perfect animated GIFs for your social posts or internal chat client?
With the free Giphy Chrome extension, you'll be able to find great GIFs just as quickly. To use the tool, all you have to do is open the extension in Chrome, search, choose a GIF, and drag and drop. So far, the tool works in Gmail, Twitter, Facebook, and more -- and they're constantly expanding support. For Writers 7) Evernote I use the free version of Evernote every single day. From to-do lists and research notes to writing entire chunks of articles, it's proven helpful at every step of the writing and editing process. One great feature? Its mobile, desktop, and web apps sync automatically as long as you have an internet connection. (And if you work offline, it'll sync the next time you have internet.) Plus -- and this is super important for content creators like us -- it's constantly saving and syncing your work automatically, making it a safe place to write and store ideas. Use it to keep a running list of ideas, take notes, store inspiring articles or ebooks, or plan your editorial and social media publishing calendars. 8) Word2CleanHTML If you like drafting blog posts in programs like Microsoft Word, Evernote, or Google Drive instead of your content management system (CMS), then this simple tool can be your best friend. Why? Because when you copy a document from Microsoft Office and paste it into your CMS, lots of little, weird formatting issues can crop up in your HTML. Word2CleanHTML applies filters to fix all those things added into the HTML, resulting in well-formatted HTML you can paste directly into a web page CMS. Simply paste in your draft, click one button, and then copy the resulting HTML straight from the tool. When you paste that into your CMS (most will have buttons reading "HTML" or "" in their tool bar above your draft), it will appear nice and clean. No hair-pulling or swimming through code required. 9) WordCounter There is no "right answer" for how long a blog post should be. As long as it serves its purpose -- whether that's thought leadership, driving leads, explaining a new concept, or something else -- length doesn't matter. But although we don't recommend writing blog posts with a word count in mind, sometimes word count can come in handy. WordCounter works exactly the way you think it does: Paste in your content and it'll spit out exactly how many words you have. 10) Cofftivity According to a study out of the University of Chicago, "A moderate level of ambient noise is conducive to creative cognition." In other words, being the tiniest bit distracted actually helps you be more creative. That's why for many people, myself included, white noise helps promote focus. There are a lot of white noise generators out there, but my favorite is Cofftivity. This particular one offers non-stop café background sounds at varying intensities, from "Morning Murmur" and "University Undertones" to "Lunchtime Lounge" and "Brazil Bistro." It's available on the web and as an app on iOS and Android. 11) & 12) Zerys & eLance Need to start creating content but don't have the bandwidth? We hear about this roadblock a lot. One way to get around it is by hiring freelancers from reputable marketplaces like Zerys or eLance. These resources give you access to skilled freelance writers who can write blog posts, ebooks, whitepapers, and other pieces of written content for you. 13) HTML Hacks for Marketers While this isn't strictly a writing resource, basic coding knowledge is quickly becoming a must-have skill for the modern marketer -- bloggers and written content creators included. But learning from scratch can be daunting. Where on earth do you start? If you're a total beginner, start with HTML Hacks for Marketers, which my colleagues at HubSpot created with Codeacademy. It'll teach you quick but useful hacks anyone -- regardless of coding knowledge -- can use in their marketing. For example, you'll learn how to make small changes to HTML like altering headers and spacing, creating text in block-quote form, and inserting social share links. My personal favorite is the hack to change font colors.
Once you've mastered these basic HTML skills, move on to Codeacademy's free interactive courses. They found a way to make learning HTML and CSS actually fun -- and you can go through each lesson at your own pace. 14) Blog Topic Generator If you need to get to writing blog posts but aren't sure of an angle or title to get your creativity moving, HubSpot's Blog Topic Generator can do the work for you. Simply enter a few keywords that your blog focuses on, and the Blog Topic Generator will produce a week's worth of titles and topic ideas for you. It might not produce the final title of your blog post, but it helps get you thinking about creative new angles for topics you've written about before. Here are the blog post titles I received when I entered "content," "inbound marketing," and "blogging": 15) Blog Post Templates All blog posts aren't created equal, but we've found that there are steps you can take to make your posts comprehensive and shareable. With these blog post templates, we'll walk you through an outline to write successful how-to, listicle, newsjack, and curation blog posts. Instead of starting from scratch, you'll save time and, hopefully, nail your blog goals. For Content Editors 16) Editorial Calendar Template Creating a balanced editorial calendar can be tough, especially if you don't have one centralized calendar that you and your team can refer to. To save you time and headache, we've created editorial calendar templates for Google Calendar, Google Sheets, and Excel that you can fill in and share with your team to start the next month or year off on the right foot. 17) & 18) Grammarly & Correctica While human editors will be able to catch most grammatical errors, editing tools like Grammarly and Correctica are great tools for triple-checking before you press "publish" or "send." Both free tools check for grammatical errors -- and Grammarly even checks for plagiarism. 19) Hemingway App Ernest Hemingway, admired for his succinct writing style, is the namesake for this handy editing app. Want to make your written content easier to read? Paste your content into this free web app, and it'll assess your writing and identify opportunities to make it simpler. My favorite features include identifying passive voice and hard-to-read sentences. Check out the right-hand side of the screenshot below, where the tool has summed up how readable my writing is with a grade. (Some room for improvement here.) Their suggestion to improve readability overall? Shoot for lower than a 10th grade reading level. 20) Headline Analyzer Here's a scary stat for you: Only 60% of people who click into an article end up reading past the headline. That makes your headline both the first and possibly the only chance for you to compel readers to keep reading -- so it's totally worth it to spend the extra few minutes coming up with a really good one. What does a really good headline look like? The free tool Headline Analyzer by CoSchedule can tell you. It scores your headline quality and rates its ability to drive social shares, traffic, and SEO value. In my experience, its strength is helping you strengthen specific components of your title. For example, it reports on perceived sentiment and commonality of word types. It'll even show you how it will appear in search results. So although you should take these scores and grades with a grain of salt, you can use this to give your headlines a “once-over." (And read this blog post to learn more about writing awesome headlines.) For Designers 21) Nimbus Screenshot This is another tool I use every day. Sure, you can capture a screenshot of your entire screen or part of your screen using the old keyboard shortcut method. But what if you want your screenshot to include stuff that's not visible on your screen? Nimbus Screenshot lets you capture the visible part of a web page, a selected area, a selected scroll (my personal favorite), the entire page, or the entire browser window -- including everything below the fold.
Once you've taken the screenshot, you can crop, edit (like adding notes and callouts), and choose to print or save to your desktop or Google Drive. 22) Canva If you like creating beautiful visual content in a really short amount of time, you'll love Canva. The time and resources it takes to learn design, pay for design assets, and/or get inspired to create beauty from scratch can be really difficult when you're staring at a long list of to-dos -- but Canva offers a huge library of pre-made templates and assets that you can manipulate while also adding your own imagery. Best of all, they have so many assets and graphics available for free that you won't have to pay a cent if you don't want to. If you want to use more "premium" assets and graphics found through their image search, they'll charge you $1 for each. But there's plenty of value for free. Here's an example of something you could make: 23) ThingLink Ever wanted to make an image (or infographic) clickable? ThingLink lets you upload an image and add little icons to it that appear when a person hovers their cursor over the image. These icons allow users to visit links, watch videos, or read messages you've written. Plus, it's easy to share: Users can easily embed ThingLink images. (Click here for step-by-step instructions.) Below is part of a a clickable infographic from Thinglink my colleague Ginny Mineo created for another post:   24) Skitch Skitch is a free app by Evernote that helps you communicate more visually. It lets you mark up images, digital assets, PDFs, and other files with arrows, callout boxes, text, and more all in one place. In the example below, I opened the program on my desktop and used the "Screen Snap" button to take a screenshot of a web page -- which then opened right in Skitch for editing and exporting. Although it's free, it does require you to open an Evernote account -- but that's also free (see above). 25) Infogram While similar to Canva, Infogram is a visual content tool that focuses on helping you create infographics, charts, and data visualization. If you like to create charts using Microsoft Excel, you're in luck -- it also offers compatibility with Excel through Infogram Charts. Also, their infographics are responsive with mobile devices. 26) Infographic Templates As a content marketer, you might feel more comfortable creating written content than visual content, but that's no excuse to exclude infographics from your strategy. Visual content is growing in demand from your audience, and infographics are particularly shareable. We've created the backbones of 15 different templates that you can easily play around with to customize for your content and audience -- here's a sneak peek of one template, and you can grab the rest here.  Source: 15 Free Infographic Templates in PowerPoint 27) Google Fonts Want to spruce up your site pages, presentations, ebooks, and other content with cool and different new fonts? Little-known fact: Google has a directory of 600 free fonts ready for you to download and use. Simply find and select the fonts you like from their directory, then click "Use" to get the HTML code you can copy and paste onto your site. Alternatively, you can download the fonts to your desktop and use them when making new marketing content by clicking "Add to Collection." (Click here for step-by-step instructions for doing this in the HubSpot software.) 28) Image Color Picker Remember that time you wanted to match your call-to-action design to that color you were using on all your event swag ... but the one person who would know what that color was didn't work at your company anymore? Next time that happens, snag a picture of that swag and upload it to ImageColorPicker.com, or use any image URL to do the same thing. Select any point of the picture, and immediately see its corresponding HEX, RGB, and HSV values. 29) PowerPoint Templates Is there anything more boring than a PowerPoint presentation featuring
black text on a white background? With the help of these templates, you'll be able to put together compelling, visually appealing presentations. Whether you're driving lead generation or reporting on your blog's growth to your team, keep your audience's attention with these eye-catching presentations. 30) SlideShare Templates SlideShare doesn't need to be daunting. You can easily create shareable, embeddable SlideShare presentations in PowerPoint with the help of these templates -- no need to start from scratch or hire a freelancer. Once you've created your first presentation, check out our guide to marketing SlideShares successfully. 31) Haiku Deck If you've ever had to create a PowerPoint or SlideShare presentation in a pinch, you'll wish you knew about Haiku Deck. This tool helps you quickly find simple layouts, beautiful images, and great fonts. It's available for the web and for iPad. Want to see what one looks like? Below's an example I pulled from their list of featured decks. Note the simplicity of the design -- if you want to create super detailed slides, this may not be the right tool for you. Snowed In? - Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires 32) HubSpot's Free Stock Photos Searching for and buying stock imagery can be a pain in the you-know-what -- especially when it comes to deciphering legalese for different use cases. I have a liberal arts degree, and Nietzsche was easier to read than whatever legalese stock imagery companies tended to give me. All I wanted to know is whether to cite or not cite a stock image of a laptop. Why was it so hard? That's why our team decided to create a library of 550+ free and royalty-free stock photos. Whether it's a unique image needed for an ebook or that perfect photo you want to add to a blog post, that collection should have you covered. Here's one of our "around the kitchen" stock photos -- yum. Source: The Free Stock Photos You've Been Searching For 33) PlaceIt PlaceIt serves a very specific purpose: It allows you to upload images of your site or product into real-world environments of people holding phones, tablets, and laptops. PlaceIt will automatically alter the image to make it appear natural with the angle of the phone's screen -- which will save you time learning and/or editing in more advanced software to get the angle right. You'll have to pay per image to get really large or high-resolution versions, though I've found free images work just fine for blog posts and product page content. The paid downloads also remove that PlaceIt watermark from the bottom right. 34) LICEcap Looking for the perfect GIF to include in your blog post? If it doesn't already exist on Giphy, you can make one yourself using LICEcap. Film a screenshot and turn it into a GIF using this handy, free tool -- we use LICEcap for our blog posts, too.  35) & 36) The Noun Project & HubSpot's Resizable Icons Collection Like with stock photos, another challenge content creators face is finding elegant icons that resize without getting all fuzzy. There are a few resources out there for great, resizable icons. The Noun Project is an extensive library of thousands of icons uploaded by contributors. With a free account, you can use icons as long as you either give credit to the creator or purchase them royalty-free for $1.99 apiece. HubSpot has a library of resizeable icons, too, which you can download for free and without any licensing or attribution. The kit comes with a free guide for how to change the color of the icons using PowerPoint, Photoshop, and Illustrator. To that, we say ... (From HubSpot's Free Icon Collection.) It's Not the Wand, It's the Wizard The tools and resources listed above can help you create, but it's ultimately up to you to control the quality of your content. You still need to know your customer incredibly well, understand what challenges they face that your product or service solves, and create content that helps them address those challenges. The brains
and heart behind the content creator trump the code behind any tools and technology -- and that's a good thing for succeeding in marketing today. What other tools or apps do you use to create content more easily? Leave them in the comments so we can extend this list right here! Editor's Note: This post was originally published in December 2013 and has been updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness. [ad_2] Source link
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