#clexa assassin au
vmplvr1977 · 2 years
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An older fic of mine that got a fresh coat of paint today, after re-reading it. I can't believe I wrote it all on my phone 🥺. Thankfully, I did some edits, and plan to do the same for Parts Two and Three. Maybe I'll even update it while I'm at it. 😉
A Tale of Two Queens
Following her parents' murder, Princess Clarke becomes a slave to the man who stole her father's throne. King Alexander is a cruel man who takes enjoyment in making the blonde suffer.
Clarke quickly learns to survive in the fighting pits, becoming a fearsome warrior at a young age. Her only comfort is Lexa, King Alexander's daughter, who visits her each night in her cage. Realizing his daughter's bond puts him at risk, Alexander sends Clarke to Azgeda to train as a Royal Assassin.
Read it here.
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talktomeinclexa · 10 months
Our Revolution
By: TalktomeinClexa
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: None in this chapter; Blood and Injury, Violence in others
Status: Complete
Summary: Lexa, an Assassin saved by Titus when she was a child and trained by him since, is injured during a mission and saved by a young physician named Clarke. The two of them rapidly become close, despite Lexa's dangerous life. As the French Revolution plays around them and the Templar threat increases, will the two women survive long enough to see it through and get their happy ending
Chapter 52: February 1793
An odd silence lingered over the city of Bordeaux on that evening of early February 1793. The streets, usually filled with people chatting about their day before strolling home for supper, were mostly deserted. Only a few groups of men hung out by the inns and cafés, talking in hushed voices that contradicted the jerky moves of their hands.
“As if Austria and Prussia weren’t enough, now we’re at war with Britain, too.”
“Not only Britain. I heard the Netherlands as well.”
“My brother says we might declare war against Spain soon.”
“This is insane. How do they expect to fight on so many fronts?”
“And with what army? Many of the volunteers of last year have left. I’m telling you; there’ll be a draft. There’s no other way.”
“I’ve already paid my dues,” the tallest man said, lifting his right arm to show the stump that had been his hand. “And for what? The king’s gone, and it’s not like we lot are eating any better. If the Convention1 wants a war, they can go fight it themselves.”
In the midst of their conversation, the men didn’t see the boy approaching. Aden had been listening to them for a few minutes, hidden in the shadows, and decided to strike before they left. His clothes were too thin for the winter, and many holes let the icy wind bite his pale skin. But despite his shivers, he made quick work of the ties holding the coin purse of the man with his back to him.
He was retreating slowly when a shout came, “Hey, you! Come back here.”
Aden spun around and ran as fast as his skinny legs could carry him. His feet protested in his too-small shoes, soon joined by his empty stomach, yet he sped up when the steps of the men chasing him grew nearer. If they caught him, he would be in for a thrashing. Or worse.
Keep reading
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unchartedcloud · 2 years
Killing Strangers - Clexaweek 2023 Edition
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Day 6: Workplace Romance
John Wick/Modern Assassins AU
TW: Gun violence, physical violence, minor character death (enemies)
Rating: M
"You working tonight?"
The question is in Russian – the northern dialect, to be exact – and she doesn't have to look up to know who asked it. She spotted Rafe at the taps as soon as she walked in, the only person she cared to ensure was here. His bald head gleams in one sickly yellow light fixture, and he scratches his perpetual five o'clock shadow as he regards her, waiting for an answer.
His jaw tenses as she reaches into her suit jacket. The Glock is comfortable, familiar in her hand, and she lays it on the bar with far more nonchalance than any normal person should. Grey eyes flick from her face to the gunmetal and back again, but before he can protest Lexa has withdrawn a handful of gold coins from her pocket. She stacks them – one, two, three – one on top of the other on the bar, closer to him than the gun is, and his shoulders deflate with a heavy sigh.
"Fuck," he breathes, and reaches out a hand to scoop them up.
No one else reacts to the gun.
"The usual?" Rafe asks, already pulling a bottle of Glenfarclas off the shelf.
"Triple," Lexa answers. The accent drops so easily from her tongue she hardly notices the switch. "Please."
He grunts his acknowledgement and dumps half a rock's glass worth of whisky into a cup. Without a second look at the Glock, he drops the cup in front of her and turns to help another customer.
A customer who turns out to be small man in a very wrinkled tweed blazer and a fedora, in fact – who happens to be talking to Clarke Griffin.
Lexa takes a long pull of her drink and shakes her head. How is this woman everywhere?
Read on Ao3.
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butmakeitgayblog · 3 months
“You’re not you when you’re hungry” Clarke or Lexa gives a crabby Clarke or Lexa a snickers bar. Whatever au or a new one
Ooo imagine this for canon au Clexa tho 👀
After years of being together and sloughing through the minutea of being together in an apocalyptic world, fighting off assassination attempts and a half dozen failed coups and constantly dealing with the politics of being in love and making their relationship work while dragging their people into a new era of peace, kicking and screaming.
They know each others eccentricities and all the things that make each other tick. Can sniff out a foul mood or a playful wink or a sexually charged stare from across the room.
So when Lexa is on the war path for seemingly no discernable reason; biting ambassador's heads off and even making one of her poor handmaids cry, Clarke is the only one who has the good sense to slip out of the meeting hall when Lexa barks that they'll take a ten minute break so the grand leaders of their respective realms can pull their head's out of their asses and find one cohesive brain cell among them 😠 — tho not in quite so colorful words... But close.
The slipping out part is only a tiny bit easier than shoving her way back in, ignoring muttered huffs about "why do I even bother putting guards at the doors" after not even pausing to knock as she barges into Lexa's personal study ala Wanheda Wifey Style™ and plunking the fresh box of Lexa's favorite sugared and spiced jobi nut clusters she'd just gotten from the market onto the table and ordering her to shush it and eat.
Because Lexa kom Trikru, feared warrior and blood soaked Heda of the United Thirteen Clans... gets just a liiiiiittle bit grumpy when she's craving a sweet treat 🥺
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gravitywonagain · 2 years
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it.
hehehe... hahahahaha... oh this is gonna be... embarrassing, mostly, but also very fun!! thank you for tagging me @amethyst-noir <3<3<3
A Necessary Evil [wangxian]
All the Monsters Come Out at Night [wlw wangxian]
Alone on Lunar New Year? Mad at your dad? [wangxian fam]
Assassin's Creed AU [wangxian]
Beating Like a Hammer [wlw wangxian]
Boy Meets Sword [mxy&suibian]
Breathing You In (I Don't Wanna Stop) [wangxian]
Bury the Sunlight [burial mounds fam]
Caiyi Town (Gilmore Girls AU) [wangxian fam]
Can't Cheat Death While You're Digging Your Own Grave [nhs&wwx]
Control [beefleaf]
Do you like apples? [wangxian]
Dreaming in Red [wangxian]
Dresden AU [wangxian fam]
Edges that Scratch (and notes on the Expanded Monterey Genderverse) [wlw wangxian]
Fierce Corpse JYL [yunmeng siblings]
Fire in the Back of My Throat (Sunshot Band AU) [wangningxian]
Fresh Powder in the Pine Trees [wangxian]
Gui Daifu | 鬼大夫 [burial mounds siblings]
Gun Oil [sunny bees]
Hand in Hand with a Brother (Demonic Shuangjie AU) [yunmeng sibs]
High Fidelity [wangningxian]
Homeless AU (and a treatise on the US treatment of felons by librarian LWJ) [wangxian fam]
Hot for Teacher [wangxian]
I am Not a Vessel for Your Good Intent [wangxian]
I Got Dumped in Tokyo [wlw wangxian]
Immortals [lan wangji/&wen ning]
In the Parking Lot Between a Dairy Queen and a PL$ Check Cashers [junior quartet, zhuiyi]
Inquiring Minds [wangxian, wwx&jc]
Let Your Brain Run Wild (Everybody's Nephew Band AU) [junior quartet, zhuiyi]
Let Yourself be Loved (Definitely Not a Queer Eye fic) [wwx&fab5]
My Heart's Like Yours [wangxian fam]
Paint My Body Gold [wangxian]
Parker [leverage ot3]
Ramen House [wangxian]
Rope Burns [clexa]
Roses Don't Know When They're Dead [xuanli]
Sign Your Name Across My Body [wangxian]
Teal Eyes [fair game]
The Bar [thunderblink]
The Korrasami Sexcapades Playlist [korrasami]
The Too Personal AU [wangxian]
The Trashbag AU [korrasami]
The Water's Right, It's Sinking In [wangxian]
Turnt Up at the Club [sunny bees]
Under Streetlights [wangxian]
Undergrad Groupchat [wangxian]
Urban Fantasy AU (What Does the Huli Jing Say?) [wlw foxxian/dragonji]
WAGBFM: Can You Hear That (Whistle) -- A Nighthunt [junior quartet]
WAGBFM: Devil's Worst Nightmare -- A Rendezvous [mianqing]
WAGBFM: Nails in My Coffin -- A Marriage [songxiao]
WAGBFM: The Killing Kind -- A Prequel [wangxian]
Weird West AU [wangxian]
Words are Gonna Bleed from Me [wangxian]
WQ Soul Sacrifice Ritual AU [burial mounds siblings]
You Got Me Bloodshot [wangxian]
水 | Paradoxes [xue yang, yiling wei sect]
wow. okay. sure. at least 50 is a nice round number?
(i put the main focus in brackets when i start writing a thing, but sometimes that changes and i forget to update so... idk if all of those are super accurate or not? i guess we'll find out!)
Tagging: anyone who wants to do this! it's very fun! and also painful. but mostly fun! and i'm super excited for questions!
ask away! i'll answer whatever, whenever :)
ETA: still open. open forever. maybe i'll even try to keep it updated if people want that?
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sunspill · 2 years
happy to see you update the married assassin au :) I think a lot of clexa authors are on hold or have left.
Oh, is that so? I guess it makes sense since the show ended a while ago now didn't it? I have been busy with life stuff so I just assumed people unsubbed from me or moved on to a different ship. I tried to watch the warrior nun show and I can't remember why but I didn't make it thru the first episode.
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xofantasycloud · 1 year
4 16 24 53
These were also great, thank you!!🌸
4 - Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
Everywhere! No but I really don’t know where half of my ideas come from lol, often times it’s inspired by like books, movies, shows and music, but recently I’ve been really inspired by the people around me as well! It’s both a blessing and a curse lol.
16 - How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
Too many haha. Maybe 5 multi chapter ones? Can’t even count how many one shots. And share one - well I’ve been playing around with the idea of writing a heavier fic, possibly an Assassin AU? It has potential to become something haha, but it’s still too early to tell if it’s actually any good.
24 - Worst writing advice anyone ever gave you?
Hm, good question. Maybe - and this is going to sound weird - to wait for inspiration to hit you before starting to write? Inspiration is something that comes and goes and if I were to only write when being inspired I would not have any completed works in my folders. It's great to have as fuel, but inspiration alone will only get you so far.
53 - How do you spend your time when it comes to fanfiction? Are you primarily a fic reader, writer, or a perfect 50/50 split of both?
I think I’m like 25/75?? Like I always try (I’ve been awful at it recently bc I’ve just been crazy busy) to read everyone’s new works and updates bc everything coming out is just amazing and I love cheering my fellow writer friends on, but I mostly spend my time writing if I’m honest. I think that’s both because I’ve already read everything in the so’hara tag (crying) plus me just being really busy and having to prioritize writing when I can so stuff actually gets written. But when I wrote for clexa I could be reading for days and days and the fics would just never end lol, so then I was also maybe at 25/75 but switched around. 
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puthyflapps · 5 years
Assassin Lexa contracted to kill Clarke but ends up falling in love with her?
Um, rude, who would want to kill Clarke? 
Lexa probably has to tail Clarke for a while. Learn her routine, where she goes for fun, what she does for work, who her friends are. It’s from doing this that the assassin begins to fall for her mark
I mean for the life of her she can't figure out why anyone would want the woman dead. For Christ’s sake, she volunteers at animal shelters and youth centers in her spare time when she’s not working as a nurse
Whoever hired Lexa begins to tire at the fact it’s taking her so long to kill the woman so they end up hiring another killer to finish the job
It’s then that Lexa is forced to come out of the shadows and into the light. She has to stop being the bad guy for once and save Clarke from this other assassin
As the two get closer aka Lexa has saved her life a couple times which was sexy and terrifying, Clarke shares with Lexa the reason people might be coming after her. 
On her way home after one of her shifts at the hospital, she had heard a commotion in an alleyway. So she decided to pull her phone out and start recording. The nurse now has video evidence of several dirty cops carrying out a hit for the mayor. 
Needless to say, there are certain people who would do anything to keep that from getting out.
So now Lexa has to race against the clock to keep the woman she’s fallen in love with safe while also trying to figure out just how far up the totem pole the corruption goes
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lostwithoutclexa · 3 years
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How about an assassin au??
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femininenachos · 4 years
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@syngularitysyn Viking!Klork is about to raid Lexa’s smallholdings.
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thessclexa · 5 years
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Creed of the Commander
Read here
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bottom-lexa · 5 years
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Assassin’s Creed Odyssey AU - Clarke as a political leader’s daughter
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sabrinushka · 6 years
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On her way to steal your girl drachmae XD
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unchartedcloud · 2 years
Just read Killing Strangers(I save fic from my favorite writers to read later like squirrel hoarding nuts🤣). Did I have a fever dream where you teased this might be a multi-chapter story? Anyway, love it, love all your fics. Have a great day 🌻
I've been sitting on this ask for so. long. because I knew. I just knew.
Unfortunately, we don't have any plans to continue Killing Strangers. We wrote it as a one shot, and intend to keep it limited to that one chapter.
Which is why you, dear reader, should absolutely ignore the ao3 link behind this curtain. It definitely doesn't lead to another chapter of the fic, because there is no additional chapter of that fic. Don't worry about it.
(also, thank you for hoarding our fics like tree nuts. the squirrel-esque joy is very sweet, and extremely kind)
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butmakeitgayblog · 2 years
I cannot wait for your medusa au. Coz thanks to ac odyssey i know now how to pronounce the names correctly lol
Lol welllllll I'll be real with ya it's 99% just Clexa alone together on the island. This is gonna be an entirely self indulgent excuse to write grumpy and churlish Medusa Lexa slowly transforming into the softest gay little snake haired bean you've ever seen for this obnoxious but annoyingly charming beautiful blonde would-be assassin/house crasher. So there's not gonna be a ton of like myth lore involved beyond Medusa Lexa's backstory which I'm twisting anyway. But anyway. I think you'll like it. It's gay and obscenely soft
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clexaasassinau · 5 years
Chapter 11 is up!!!
I am so very sorry to all my faithful readers and followers that this took so long. life has been a little cray cray of late.
I just want to assure you all that I have not and will not ever abandon this fic!
thank you for sticking around
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