#cleo need to use her butt!!!
neishroom · 3 months
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I thought I was going to take cute morning routine pics with Cleo and Gabriel, but then I randomly got a pop-up that Cleo was pregnant.
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cattimeswithjellie · 3 months
I've been trying to liveblog Cleo's stream, but I am super duper going to need to do this one from the VOD. Way too many Hermits are online, and they have horns. XD Currently my timestamps are looking like this;
59:30 A chatter asks what the bottom half of the vTuber looks like. Cleo adjusts their stream position to make the entire vTuber figure visible. Chat is impressed that Cleo has legs. FalseSymmetry, in stream chat, comments “OMG LEGS.” Cleo shows off the movements available to the full-body figure, then puts the figure back in the usual place.
1:01:00 A chatter asks if Cleo can use the figure for VR Chat and Games, but the poly count is too high. The Poe Poe horn plays outside. Cleo plays a horn of Skizz yelling, then yells for Scar to come back with a warrant. Scar plays the “This is Illegal!” horn. Cleo plays Etho’s “There was some kidnapping involved” horn. Scar plays the Trader Scar horn. Cleo plays Grian’s curly worly horn. Scar plays the “Say it and we’ll bleep it out” horn. Cleo plays the oh-nowo horn. Scar plays ren’s I’d like to see your butt horn.” Cleo has run out of horns. Scar plays the “I declare Bankruptcy” horn. Cleo heads for her mailbox and finds the “I see you” horn. False plays the “OMG hiiiiii” horn and signs out. Cleo play’s Gem’s “That’s Amazing!” horn. Th3Pooka raids into the stream.
1:05:00 Cleo thanks the raiders and welcomes subs. Scar plays a horn from The Office. Cleo plays the “”I see you” horn, explaining that even if she doesn’t see him, she has to. A chatter asks what program the vTuber model was made in. Cleo does not know but points the chatter to the link for the designer. Zedaph suffocates in a wall. Someone plays a new horn. Cleo plays the “Stop it Scar” horn. Someone plays the “Take a look at how big my booty is” horn. Cleo yells to Scar that she hasn’t got any more horn. Scar disclaims responsibiity in in-game chat.
So yeah, I'mma just kick back and watch this one, then go back and make some kind of narrative out of it later. My brain is already tired. :D
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clone high band au
clone high band au. frida obviously lead singer (bc her voice actress is a singer!!) and probs can play loads of instruments (but i envision her playing bass).
harriet gives drummer vibes and probs writes loads of their songs. confucius is a guitarist, and abe the pianist. idk what vibe i get from them tho?? i think they'd dabble in loads of styles (reggae, punk, rock... i think they dont do pop tho lol).
jfk is a solo singer, but used to be in a boy band with confucius and abe. he and cleo r exes but on good terms (give me cleojfk friendship you cowards!). i think cleo's an actress, model (and sometimes singer: when a role she does calls for it).
topher is the pretentious band manager who the record label assign the band to: once their contract is up they're def kicking him to the curb lol
joan maybe their music video producer and helps construct their image... she probably gets annoyed that the others dont like her style of film but she's definitely talented at what she does. her n cleo used to butt heads when joan was an assistant director (i think she wanted to be a director for film, until she decided to go into music).
i think the band is going through a rough patch or something bc they haven't been able to release anything yet: and topher gets contacted by cleo's agent (probably scudworth??) who needs band experience for the next role she's gonna be in... so she sits in on studio n writing sessions.
OBVIOUSLY kahlopatra, joanrriet and uh... probably jfkabe lol
but i think kahlopatra would be the focus ofc <3
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storybounded · 11 months
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Gosh, twinnie got me to watch 'G.houls Rule' yesterday, and mmm. Some good Deuce content there. One of the movies where I don't mind how the older incarnation of him is written at all, it was 🤌 chef's kiss. I just love how Deuce within the movie is VERY aware of how bad Cleo's father and sister are. He never jokes about it, it is a very serious thing he knows Cleo struggles with. And he isn't afraid to call her family out on their manipulative bullshit. Despite having a small bicker caused by Cleo's spontaneous assumption over him having a new 'best friend' in Frankie, Deuce is still immediately concerned and untrusting when Cleo greeted her father loudly by name during a facetime call. He absolutely cannot stand Rameses and Nefera due to how they manipulate and walk over Cleo. So the fact that they called her immediately put him in a position where he was ready to defend her if needed. Thus, when Rameses made a comment, Deuce was quick to butt in despite knowing that he is a bug beneath their feet in hierarchy. But he doesn't care what they think of him, but he won't stand here and watch them further lead Cleo onto a path that could get her into a lot of trouble. But once her family realized who was talking, they immediately manipulated Cleo into breaking up with him after they switched to a more private call that wasn't over speaker. Her father undoubtedly picked up on the fact that they had a small fight a few minutes beforehand, and used that against their relationship. Thus, after she hung up, she tried to break things off because he wasn't supportive enough. Which isn't true, since he always supported Cleo. But Deuce didn't immediately believe her words, especially RIGHT after a call with her vindictive family. He asked if it was HER idea, or THEIRS. But she answered that it was her idea ( as a question, I might add. As if she didn't really believe her words either). I honestly don't think Deuce believed her for a moment, but he was still understandably pissed off that she would say such things. He kept and respected the distance if Cleo TRULY wanted that, and he needed his own time to cool down and help a captured friend with the others. But when Cleo genuinely apologized to him in the end, he immediately was able to pin the fact that she wanted to please her father, and he accepted her apology.
For my portrayal of the Live Action Deuce:
He is most definitely the same way AFTER he finds out about how bad Cleo's family are.
He did NOT realize it during his bad boy phase, because Cleo did a great job at hiding it. And he was dealing with his own family struggles too that he did not want to get into. They were both dumb young teens who did not realize the power of communication.
Ultimately, Deuce saw the light and knew he needed to better himself, and when Cleo continually failed to communicate to him and continued to have a highly pompous attitude, it made it harder to stay with her.
Thus, he had to break ties in order to do what was best for him at the time. So he can further take action to help himself get mentally better.
But Twinnie and I have it planned that they DO learn about each other again within the second live action movie. They do talk more, and he begins to slowly realize the tight leash her parents have around her neck. It'll lead him to be protective and be able too be an outside perspective. The voice of reason against her family's manipulation tactics. Because he knows FULL well that family can be complicated, and it's sometimes hard for Cleo to see it clearly, and he cannot blame her for that.
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duskwoodgirl4life · 2 years
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Chapter 11
MC and Jake had finished packing their flight was in a few days, soon they would be leaving duskwood behind them. Of course everyone from the group as tried and tried too ask for forgivenes. MC stood her ground and said no not after what they all did.
While MC was packing the last few bits she heard a sudden knock at the door, MC looked through the peep hole and saw that it was Hannah.
Hannah: Jake, my love please answer the door I need too see you so bad, I need too see your bright beautiful eyes. I want you too feel me in ways I've never been felt before.
Before MC had a chance too say anything Hannah started too undress and play with her self right out side the door. MC quickly grabbed the phone and called the police they soon arrived and took Hannah away.
Jake: I can't wait too get away from this place, I can't handle her anymore
MC: the police have her now hopefully she will get sectioned, it's the best thing for her.
At the police station the officers tried too question Hannah about what happened, but she just kept screaming for Jake and trying too play with herself. In the end they were forced too have her sectioned under the mental health act.
Jake's POV
Tomorrow we finally get too say goodbye too duskwood, I always looked forward too visiting in the past but now there are too many bad memories. I have been thinking alot about the future with MC by my side I can't believe how in love I am with her. I know I want too spend the rest of my life with her.
We are now all packed and everything is ready too go, I have made sure too pack all my computers up so they can not get broken. They will be shipped tomorrow and be there when we arrive at the new apartment. MC is looking forward too this new chapter in our life's, we both get too start over this time together.
I am so happy for Jake he is now a free man and has been asked too go work for the FBI in Washington DC, we get too start a brand new chapter together I love him so much. I stand watching him finish up packing his computers, I love his butt in the black jeans he's wearing. I could get used too watching him bend over like that it's very pleasing on the eyes.
I can't wait too spend forever with the man I fall in love with more everyday, I feel like we can both put this nightmare behind us. Cleo agreed too come out with us there is nothing for her in duskwood either.
She never once doubted what we told her she believed us from the very start, unlike all the others. Who now have tried too start crawling back one by one trying too get me too talk too them. I don't think I will ever forgive them for what they did, not after the way they have treated Jake and I and as for Hannah. Well she can stay locked up in her padded cell for the rest of her life she's no sister too Jake.
As I stand watching him he turns round and see's me standing by the door. He slowly walks over too me wrapping both his arms around my waist. He leans in and whispers into my ear I feel his breath on my skin making me get a shiver all over my body.
Jake: I love you MC
MC: I love you Jake, I can't wait for tomorrow
Jake: this is the best thing that's happened we both get too start new life's
MC: what time is our flight tomorrow
Jake: we fly out at 10am so we need too be at the airport for 9am so we can check in I told Cleo too be here for 8:30am so we can all travel together.
MC: with this being our last night in the apartment, let's order Chinese get a bottle of wine and have an early night.
Jake: how can I say no too such a beautiful women
The next morning Cleo had come round early so she could travel with MC and Jake too the airport. While they where having coffee that Cleo brought round, Jake received a phone call from the FBI.
He was on the phone for about half an hour MC and Cleo both looking concerned as too what could be wrong.
MC: what's wrong Jake? They haven't gone back on their deal have they?
Jake: no it's not that, they somehow found out about Cleo coming with us and think she would be a great fit for the team.
Cleo: they want me too work for them? Wow! But I don't really know anything about all that.
Jake: it's okay, they said they can give you training in what ever area you would like too work in.
Cleo: looks like I'm not opening that bakery afterall
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femmefairytales · 2 months
// All right, People. It's Rise of Red time. Thoughts below the cut.
So it says that Mal and Ben are off making treaties with foreign lands. So are there still lands that didn't join with Auradon? And were they also sealed off like Wonderland? Or was Wonderland the only hostile one? Cause in the books, Camelot didn't join. But they just kind of chill as their own little dominion in the middle of everything.
Wonder if with Morgie, this movie's going to retcon that, though...
I love FGM's office. It's so pretty. Fay volunteers to be Uma's Deputy Headmistress / Dean of Students.
The confirmation of Carlos being dead in world hurts my heart. (And I think goes against Kenny Ortega's vision -- I believe he said that Carlos would always be alive out there somewhere). Also poor Jane.
I also don't love the retcon of Wonderland being sealed off. Mostly because earlier sources (like the books and cartoon) confirmed that the Queen of Hearts was on the Isle and had a salon. She did Cruella's hair.
I do love Red's design, though.
Yeeeah I don't love the whole Hatter being stuck in Wonderland. Cause Ally and Maddie and all that. Wonderland being sealed off will probably not be part of my own canon.
Camille would also like to fence with her father and sister. I just need entire family fencing matches.
CINDERELLA AND CHARMING ARE EVERYTHING. THE WHOLE MOVIE COULD JUST BE THEM AND I WOULD BE HAPPY. (Though while I know they had to use 'This is Love' cause Disney movie, I wish they could have reprised 'Ten Minutes Ago'....)
Empress? Seraphina likes that. She wants to be Empress.
The Charming's Car is SO CUTE. Love it.
Chad mention! Camille is probably also at college, and being so excited her dad is about to visit.
Uma's new look is fab but also giving Cleo De Nile from Monster High. (I think it's all the gold).
Seraphina can't say she's upset about the coup. She just wishes she was there.
"I will never kneel to a tyrant." -- Camille is just sitting here like THAT'S MY MOM! (Also, I'm gonna need a thread of word reaching the University and Camille and Chad and their dad mounting a rescue mission).
The glimpses of Red's future. How sad she looks :(
So I'm gonna nitpick for a second. Cause in the first movie Ben tells the VKs that his parents converted an old castle to make Auradon Prep. So even if there was a Merlin Academy, wouldn't it have been...somewhere else? Closer to Camelot, maybe? Cause Camelot is FAR from Auradon proper. Like sixish hours?
Chloe loves history! Camille just loves her baby sister.
"There are no swords in these stones". I swear. If we see Archimedes, I will die happy. Just give me an owl flying about.
So I guess Fay is named after her mom. LOL.
Camille seconds that ew.
Hades being totally uninterested in helping is a mood.
Does Chloe not know about her mom's past? Cause Chad seemed to know...and Evie definitely did....
Also I think we just found out why Chad is the way he is, if Ella and Charming's kids are getting randomly rewarded all the time.
So Cinderella's whole story plays out while she's in HS? Interesting....
Guess a rescue mission would not go well....
THE FUCK. JFC. That got dark.
ROBIN HOOD NAME DROP! HELL YEAH! Gwyn definitely thinks stealing for a good cause is okay.
How does Chloe's hair length keep changing? Cause it went from shoulder length to butt length in like an hour...
THE ROUND TABLE. I couldn't tell earlier but now you can see all the names and yessssss.
THE SWORDS RISING UP OUT OF THE TABLE. For all the Sword and the Stone / Camelot references, this may be my favorite scene thus far.
That ending was....abrupt. And not at all what I thought it was going to be. Also I feel kind of cheated we didn't see the Castlecoming dance but I am here for consequences of our actions sequels.
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azrelyn · 8 months
Cat Appreciation Post
I adopted a mama cat and her four kittens in 2023. I have had cats and dogs my whole life, I fostered for my local humane society for four years, and I only work weekends but taking care of those cats still kicked my butt. I loved it though, and I wanted to share a bit about the cats.
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The mom is Pirate, and the kittens are (left to right) Vincent, Polly, Cleo, and Jas.
They were strays living at my friend's friends house, and the owners of the house needed the cats gone and were planning on calling animal control. The shelters in my area are completely full, and I know that strays here aren't treated great and they would most likely be put to sleep. I had fostered four litters before this, so I offered to take them back to my place. I moved the furniture out of my guest room and filled it with blankets and cat beds. I had two litter boxes and two cat towers in the room.
Pirate was crazy reactive at first. I had to wear my denim jacket and thick pants going into their room because she would freak out sometimes and attack whoever opened the door. Her left eye was swollen almost shut, which I later learned was due to an untreated eye infection when she was younger. She was very malnourished, her fur was rough and patchy, and she couldn't eat much at first. Once she got used to the routine and used to me coming in and out and realized that I always brought food or treats with me she calmed down, but she still kept herself removed from me. I was totally fine with this, she still took great care of her kittens and was generally a great cat, just not into people (same here so I can't judge her).
Vincent and Jas were the Siamese cats. Beautiful kittens, bright blue eyes, pure white fur. Vincent was the only boy and he took his role to heart. He would go crazy flipping over beds and hiding in blankets. Jas was the complete opposite. The only time I saw her get excited about anything was when I brought them a leftover rotisserie chicken carcass as a treat, and even then it was a very mild excitement. But she was a sweetheart, and she loved getting scratches.
Cleo was the big sister of the group. She was almost her mom's size within a month of her coming to my house, and she always wanted to be playing or exploring. Whenever the other cats would go to sleep, she would make sure she was sleeping higher up than everyone else so she could pounce if she decided to. Crazy cat, I loved her but she drove me insane.
Polly was the runt of the litter. Tiny little fluffball. She was very calm until she saw anything string shaped, at which point she would go insane trying to catch it. Her favourite toy was a string with feathers tied onto it that I took from the bottom of a dreamcatcher. She ate like crazy but never grew.
My humane society has a program where they will spay your mama cat and give her a full vet checkup. They will also do this for any kittens and then adopt them out. I had the kittens for about three months, until I got all of their health under control and they were fully housetrained and ready to be adopted, and then I contacted the humane society. I kept Pirate and Polly (I'm a sucker for a fuzz ball), but all five cats got spayed/neutered and got complete checkups. Cleo, Vincent, and Jas got adopted out. Vincent and Jas went together to the same home, and Cleo got adopted by a family with three kids.
It's been about six months now since I adopted out the others. Pirate ended up calming down after the kittens left, and she has done a complete 180. She is the cuddliest cat I've ever met, constantly asking for attention. Her favourite thing to do is watch Cat TV videos on YouTube, basically videos of birds and squirrels, and she will sit for hours watching it. She loves food now and actually asks for it when she's hungry, which is a serious improvement. She's fat and happy, although her eye is still shut.
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Polly has grown into her fur finally, but she's still a little rascal. She's always racing around the house and trying to get her mom to chase her. She comes in the car with us a lot, and she absolutely loves it. She likes to sit up on the headrest and watch all the cars go by on the road. She and my dog Maddie have become best friends, they're always hanging out. She stuffs her face with food every chance she gets and is really bad about using the litter box but she is still a great cat, and so far improved from the timid little kitten that she was.
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Now, while I love my cats and I love this experience, IT IS NOT FOR EVERYONE. You may think you would love this, taking care of a bunch of adorable animals, and I'm not saying you won't. But you need to think it through. It's a lot of having to get up in the middle of the night to take care of them. Your house will smell like cats, you will have almost no extra money because of food and litter and vet bills. If you do want to try it out, I recommend going through your local humane society and fostering. They are almost always looking for fosters, and they supply food and blankets and everything you need. I already had most of the supplies I needed from previous cats, so my initial cost wasn't very high, but if you suddenly adopt a litter off the street you will need blankets, bowls, bottles, litter boxes, beds, puppy pads, litter, toys, medications, and probably a whole host of other stuff I'm forgetting. Go through your humane society, they will help you out with all of that.
Here's some extra kitten pictures, because that's the important thing really.
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Last Life session 3 out of context
transcript below the cut
*Impulse jumps off a wall and places water to stop damage, but as he turns to do the same to Grian, Grian hits the ground normally* Impulse: Oh. *Impulse splashes Grian with water anyway* Grian: Thanks.
Jimmy [scared tone]: He did a cough.
Scar: Could you imagine coming into a battle with some of these crystals? Think about it. Scott: I mean, I actually couldn't. Mainly because I have aphantasia so like when I shut my eyes, I can't picture anything.
Jimmy: We were just chattin' and chillin'. Grian: YOU JUST CHILLING ON THE CASTLE THAT'S ON FIRE!!!
Cleo: How are you not all dead yet? Mumbo: It IS a wonder.
Pearl: The CACTUS, Scott! Scott: What do we need it for?! Pearl: THE CACTUS!!!
Jimmy, to Impulse: He found me in the end in a wall and I had to run and he shot me.
Skizz: You see this, people? You see it? Tango, nodding: Mmhmm. Mmhmm. Skizz, laughing: You're nodding your head in the back.
Jimmy: That's like an only child move, that is.
Scott, with a bad posh English accent: And here we see the wild content creator doing their intro to the video. That is my attempt at a David Attenborough accent, which I definitely cannot do.
Scar: I think, um, I think some kind of hooligan came and tried to trash my house but they didn't find my valuable chest. Grian: Really? *Scar continues talking in the background as Grian zooms in on himself, playing a clip over the top of him breaking into Scar's house*
*Grian is taking damage due to the border and the other southlanders are frantically saying his name, worried he's going to die*
Scar: Oh, divert your eyes. Martyn, in third person front view: I would never press F5 twice.
Tango: I'm trying to figure out how to open my front door now.
Jimmy, to Scar: I will happily take my pants off right now and hand them over.
Scott: He does- Pearl: *giggles and runs away* Scott: PEARL!
Martyn, zooming in on Grian's face from a distance: Ey-up, you.
Scott: Arson is calling me.
*Martyn crouches into Mumbo's house and sneaks up to him, then giggles when Mumbo spots him*
*Bdubs, Etho, and Skizz sing "we're the BEST. around!"*
Mumbo: That seemed like it was going to descend into violence so I thought I'd go gather some quartz.
Lizzie: Cleo, please give them the table. Cleo: *drops her sword* Lizzie: That's a sword. Cleo: Oh that's my sword.
Martyn: Twenty'll give you plenty, that's what my mother's never said but let's pretend she does.
Skizz: You're not gonna do it. Tango: Skizz, I don't think he's gonna do that. Grian: I'm not gonna do that.
Scott: Etho! Etho: How's the wall going? Scott: Slowly!
Scar: I can't seem to get out. There is a big ginormous butt in my way.
Martyn: Man, don't you just love making dreams come true? Impulse: He's gonna love parenthood.
Mumbo: Is this what friendship feels like? Martyn: Nope, this is what being married feels like. *they laugh* Mumbo: Is that what just happened?
Etho, to Bdubs: Aww, my poor little fragile flower.
Martyn: I have many things, I do many things, I am many things.
Grian: We should defore- Don't do this in real life, people. *setting trees on fire* Don't- Don't- Honestly, this is the worst.
Ren: I have 15 blocks of lapis. Lizzie: That is a very questionable use of your time.
Mumbo: I feel like if someone prefaces something with "nothing to worry about", there's stuff to worry about.
Bdubs: And then your time on the surface, you blew up our front yard. *pause* Impulse [sheepish voice]: Yeaaah...
Martyn, seeing the horse hanging from its lead: What've you done? Impulse, giggling: Uh, nothin'. Martyn: WHAT've you done? Martyn: *sees pool of lava below horse* Martyn: OH MY GO-! WHAT'VE YOU DONE?!
*Etho stares at Lizzie, Ren, BigB, and Cleo in silence as they all stare back at him* BigB: Explain yourself. Etho: Oh I shouldn't be here, should I? Okay, I'm sorry, my bad.
Scar: Are you interested in some magic? Etho: Absolutely not.
Scar: Hold on hold on hold on we may have a major major issue! Martyn: Why? What's happened?! *pause* Scar: Nevermind, everything's fine.
*words come up on Lizzie's screen telling her she is the boogeyman* Lizzie: Oh, it's not me. Lizzie, narrating: But in fact, it WAS me.
*Scar is chased away by a screaming Grian* Scar: OOOOHHH I DON'T KNOW WHAT JUST HAPPENED!
Grian, on fire: The fire looks green! The fire is green!
Bdubs: I am the boogey! Etho, running away from Bdubs on soul sand with soul speed 3 boots: OH NO IT'S BDUBS NOOOOOOO!
BigB: Are you okay? Cleo: Are you okay? Lizzie: Yeah, you alright? Ren, crawling along the ground: I'm fine.
Martyn, frantically murdering chickens while Mumbo laughs at him: Oh! Alright! This is fine! I'm a professional; I do this every day! Please stand back! Professional at work! Professional at work!
Bdubs: What are you trying to get out of me? *pause* Etho [unconvincingly]: Nothin'.
Ren: The scum are incoming. Skizz: What're you calling me that for?!
Mumbo: Well, I kind of wasn't planning on taking his horse but now I have his horse and I guess this is what I live with.
Lizzie: I entrust the enchanting table to you. Cleo: Oh this is a bad idea.
*haunting music plays for several seconds as Etho creeps around the treetops above the fairy fort* Etho: Oh hey everybody! How's it going?
Jimmy: Oh he is- He is- Martyn: Oh. Oh jeez. Jimmy: He is burning a lot.
Scott, high pitched: WHAT DID I JUST WITNESS?! Lizzie: That's- That's what she gets for ruining my tra- *gasps* Oh my gosh, I nearly fell down there myself, oh my gosh.
Bdubs: YEAH, w're gonna fill it! We'll be an oreo lava sandwich!
Mumbo: -that it is impossible to find your way- I think I just found my way out.
Lizzie: I had to do it to 'em.
Grian, to Mumbo: You traded my shoes!
Cleo: Jimothy!
Grian: Are you spreading rumours, Etho? *pause* Etho: Yeah.
Lizzie: And you might be asking why why I'm not asking Cleo and BigB to help me. That is because Cleo scares me.
Grian: The sign clearly says no murder of any kind. Lizzie: *hangs her head*
Skizz: Bdubs, be a hero with me. My pants, your shirt. Bdubs: Your shirt, my pants! Ren: This is getting weird, man. This is getting real weird.
*Grian runs screaming very high pitched out of Scott and Pearl's house from the TNT trap Joel has laid*
Lizzie: I have absolutely no murderous intentions within me whatsoever.
Joel: *grumbling distinctly* Grian: *giggling* Joel: ARGH I'm SO angry! Grian: Creeper! CREEPER! Joel: *yelps and jumps away*
*Etho watches Bdubs doing work without him noticing; when Bdubs finally notices, he screeches*
Ren: I cannot tell you who it was. Lizzie: It was Etho, wasn't it? *pause* Cleo: *laughs*
Martyn: Don't say goodbye! Just leave!
Etho, about Lizzie: Is she using you, Ren? Oh, you gotta get outta that relationship, Ren. That's not a good relationship.
Grian, looking up at the dangling horse: Scar let us use the enchanting table free of charge... and this is what we do in return.
Lizzie: I've not made the best of choices so far in Last Life.
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mistasangel · 2 years
New Fanfic
I’ve been working on a fanfic where the Monster High gang are all grown up and have children of their own and yes this includes Cleo and Deuce. I’m thinking of putting it up on Wattpad but as of now I’m undecided as there is mild swearing in it..Clawd drops the F bomb. Quite a few of them including the kids as teenagers use the other word for crap and butt,lol There is nothing sexual in it unless one of the adults mention it...looking at you Holt and Deuce.  Also correcting a mistake made in another post I made, Jayson is diagnosed with Autism in 4th grade not fifth grade putting Heidi in 3rd grade but she passed a specilized test and was moved into her brother’s grade to help him when he has one of his melt downs and he still does in his teens. Also about the story Holt and Jackson are sperate people hence Jayson and Heidi. Other things brought up are being sperm doaners and other things but its about helping others out not cheating on thier husbands/wives. There are mentions of Jayson and Evan being caught doing things quite few times but no one comes right you and says what it is, though it’s easy to figure it out,lol  Jayson’s teacher drama from when he needs glasses in something I experienced when I realized I needed glasses that teacher was dealt with and I was moved to where I could see.  He wears contact lenses in his teens but does wear his blue framed glasses at times. I seen a post about Holt wearing glasses, in this story he actually does,lol He has a pair of black frames but there are flames on the arms of them, he used to only wear them when he needed to read something but as time goes on in the story, he needs them to see or else he’s like Velma from Scooby Doo,lol Jackson actually gets stronger glasses later as well and he does wear contact lenses when he doesn’t feel like wearing his glasses or they get broken some how. Holt has contact lenses as well and uses them for things like going swimming and he uses goggles to go under the water unless he’s dunked off a float or thrown into the pool then he tries to close his eyes.  Also in the story Jackson owns a pharmacy and I had him do something I bet others that work at one wish they could do to or say to some customers,lol  Holt is a muscian/DJ  as well and yes he still gets into trouble all through not as bad as when he was younger. I never mentioned it but Amber whose with both Jackson and Holt, also wears glasses or contact lenses to see and Heidi later ends up needing glasses and as for Amber’s job, she works at the local museum, she takes people (Normies, Mansters and Ghouls) through the preshistoric oceans in one of the exhibits.  So yeah I’m thinking of sharing it on Wattpad, may just edit the swearing a bit. 
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digital-corruption · 4 years
Eeeeep, this is long. I couldn’t figure out where to cut it in half. lol You'll just have to have a double length today.
Haunted by the Past Part 15
I groaned waking up the next morning and turned to look at the clock. 11:30. I hadn’t slept in this late in years. My body ached and it took me a while to remember why. I noticed a glass of water on the table next to the bed, which I was appreciative of. I drank it in one go.
I got up and shuffled around. I peeked through the gap of the bedroom door and saw Jake at his desk. He had pulled out three of his monitors and set them up for more intense work. He was completely absorbed in his work so I left him to it while I went to shower.
After the shower I looked over my torso half expecting to see love marks everywhere, but to my surprise I could not find any. The sudden cool draft drew my attention to Jake standing in the doorway. I turned to him as he stepped closer to me. His eyes were full of concern, but I reassured him with a tender kiss. We had reached the point in our relationship where we could communicate non-verbally.
He pulled out a phone and placed it in my hands, whispering “You’re not caged" in my ear. I looked at the new phone. I tried my old PIN. It didn’t work. I looked up at Jake then tried my birthday. No go. Jake smiled and whispered his birthday in my ear.
“When did you...?” I was puzzled.
“Someone nearby owed me a favor so I had them pick one up for me,” Jake smiled. “You did sleep in quite a bit.”
Jake had already set my new phone up to look exactly how my old one looked before the factory reset. All of the apps were back.
Jake kissed my forehead then before leaving the bathroom, he pinched my butt. I had to contort my body so I could see in the half-length mirror, but sure enough, there was the mark.
Jake spent most of the day working on his plan of attack against our pursuers. He apologetically asked me to let him work today as he felt he was falling behind on the operation. So while he worked in the main room, I lounged around in the bedroom, trying to catch up on all of the messages I had missed.
My parents were both equal parts worried as they were furious. There were a lot of accusations that they had raised me better than to knowingly get involved with an enemy of the state, followed by pleading for me to come home. So the same usual mixed messages from them.
My brother begged me to go to his place in the capital and he would accompany me in going to the police. He said his friend knew a good lawyer particularly with those charged with accessory, and aiding and abetting. He was confident that this lawyer would be able to get charges dropped against me.
Meanwhile there were countless messages from my friends in Duskwood. Even Phil was asking why my face was on a wanted poster in his bar. He said if go to Aurora he'd hide me, no questions asked. Good to know.
One thing stuck out to me though. I could suddenly see Jake’s chats as well? Did he intend for that?
Group Chat
Jake, Lilly, Hannah
Jake is online.
Jake: Whose idea was it to send Dan to us?
Hannah is online.
Hannah: Geez, you’re welcome for the food.
Lilly is online.
Lilly: Sorry, it was Dan’s. I shouldn’t have told everyone that I had helped you find accommodation.
Jake: And you told him where to find us?
Hannah: Hey, leave her alone! She was against the idea.
Jake: So he forced you? Is that what you are telling me?
Lilly: Argh, no.
Hannah: We had a vote.
Jake: YOU HAD A VOTE??? Lilly, I thought we were past that childish behavior.
Lilly: I didn’t start this one!
Hannah: No one had heard from either one of you and Lilly’s friend said you still hadn’t shown up when they closed the reception! Lilly was the only one who objected so leave her alone.
Jake: You did not need to acknowledge the vote.
Hannah: You know what, Cleo and I are NEVER baking anything for you again!
Lilly: Jake… I heard about the argument.
Hannah: What argument?
Lilly: It’s not my place to tell.
Jake: It is not.
Jake is offline.
Jake is online.
Jake is offline.
Hannah: What. Argument.
Lilly: Let’s just say Dan and Jake don’t see eye-to-eye on anything.
Lilly is offline.
Hannah: Well duh.
Hannah is offline.
The one person I didn’t expect messages from was Dan.
Dan: I know you didn’t mean what you said. Look that date with Jessy is in the past.
Dan: But I’m serious, that freak is controlling you. Get out of that relationship before he starts physically abusing you! I’ve seen it before!
Dan: If you need help, I will be there in a flash.
Dan: …
Dan: So your “boyfriend” just changed my profile picture to the Proud Boys logo. Is that the best he can do?
Dan: And now he’s locked me out of my email!
Dan: Fuck you, Jake!
I couldn’t help but laugh, so I sent a quick message to Jake.
MC: Could you let Dan back in his email?
Jake is online.
Jake: I already have. ;)
MC: What have you done?
Jake: ;)
MC: Jake…
Jake is online (hidden).
MC: What does that mean?
Jake: I forgot you can see that now.
MC: Wait, you mean to say you weren’t always offline!?
Jake: :)
Jake is offline.
MC: Argh!
Jake is online.
Jake: *kiss*
Jake is offline.
I sighed and decided to should try repairing the situation with Dan.
MC: Hi
Dan: He gave you your phone back?
MC: He got me a new one. This one is better protected to hide my presence on the internet.
Dan: Sure it is.
MC: He’s unlocked your email.
Dan: I know, I have spent the entire morning unsubscribing from newsletters and websites I had never signed up for.
Dan: Look, here’s an email update from the “Over 60s Swingers Club”.
MC: You do keep insulting him when all he’s ever done is try to help. And you have basically declared him a sex fiend.
Dan: And he isn’t? You two were at it the second I left.
MC: You eavesdropped!?
Dan: The whole motel eavesdropped.
Dan: I was pissed and I hate driving pissed. It is worse than driving drunk. So no, I didn’t leave right away.
Dan: WTF! He’s changed the menus to Russian!
MC: Jake, please stop.
Dan: So mature! If you’ve got something to say you can say it to my face.
Jake: You do not want that.
Dan: CHRIST! Don’t do that!
Jake: You just said you want me to say it to your face. I am not wasting my time making a threatening video for you.
MC: Aren’t you meant to be working?
Jake: I am. Why are you talking to him?
MC: I can handle myself.
Jake: Fine. Remember, this conversation is recorded.
Dan: Yada yada yada. Get lost!
Dan: How can you live with that? He monitors everything you do like it needs to meet his approval!
MC: Um, no it doesn’t. Jake may monitor what I do, but he never passes judgement on it. Not once.
Dan: Have you tried doing something that doesn’t meet his approval yet?
MC: Why does my relationship have to meet your approval?
Dan: Ugh, fine. I won’t be holding back on the I-told-you-so later. Go reproduce like rabbits.
Dan is offline.
Jake started messaging in our private chat.
Jake: Was that meant to be an insult?
MC: Yeah, it was.
Jake: How? Are they not doing what is natural to them?
MC: They are.
Jake: Are they not happy?
MC: Well they tend to overpopulate, which causes them to starve.
Jake: Put the female on the pill. Are they not happy?
MC: I suppose they are.
Jake: How is this an insult?
MC: I don’t know.
Jake: Exactly. Do not let it bother you. Do not let him make you feel what you are doing is wrong.
MC: Jake...
Jake: Yes, beautiful?
MC: You knew last night.
Jake: That there was an animal problem outside our room? I didn’t at first, but then it made it’s presence known by expressing it’s distaste for what we were doing.
MC: Then you threw salt in the wound.
Jake: No, I decided to show that animal that you wanted it just as much as I did so it would stop thinking I was forcing you. You reacted exactly how I intended.
Jake: If it offended the animal then the animal should not have been lingering outside our private room.
MC: I'm not sure how I feel about this.
Jake: Why? Nothing we did was wrong, nor was any of it his business.
MC: Still, I feel humiliated.
Jake: I am sorry that he makes you feel that way. My intention was to get him to move on without further confrontation. He is the one who decided to take it personally.
MC: He was not the one who used me for a show.
Jake: I did nothing that I wouldn’t have otherwise done last night. I just changed the order of events.
Jake: How do you think I feel? You keep letting his opinion on our relationship matter. You know how he has always casted doubt on me. He will never approve of me or of us.
Jake: You act as if I did it for a show and then stopped. We both know we didn’t end things there.
Jake: Should I join you?
MC: No, keep working.
MC: Just...
MC: Don’t do it again.
Jake: Fine, next time I will interrupt our night to shout at the animal to move on thereby ruining the mood. He will then have won.
MC: Maybe you should just ignore him. Let him be responsible for his own decisions.
Jake: You would rather I knowingly let him eavesdrop on our affairs. I fail to see how this is different.
MC: It does not involve using me for a display of testosterone.
Jake: I didn’t...
Jake: Fine. I will ignore the rodent.
Meanwhile, Jake had initiated another chat.
Jake: I swear if you even think about hurting her self-esteem one more time I will end your social life.
Dan is online.
Dan: How? Of course you found those. MC's livelihood is way more important than my social standing.
Jake: And yet you try to drag her self-confidence through the mud.
Dan: I'm not the one deluding her.
Jake: I have done no such thing.
Dan: What? So she knew you have the call recorded? The very call that would clear her name?
Dan: You could have her cleared of all charges today. If you truly cared about her, you would’ve released it to the feds already rather continuing to risk her life.
Dan: But no, instead you're keeping her bound to you.
Jake: Doing that would separate us.
Dan: No shit.
Jake: I would not be able to protect her from the psychopath hunting her.
Dan: The rest of us could do that. Hell, I’ve got three times the muscle than you.
Jake: No, you could not even find Hannah without our help. You would not be able to stop the psychopath. You are not even prepared to do what it takes to stop him.
Dan: And when you do stop him? She deserves a normal life, not a life in a cave.
Jake is offline.
I got up and peeked through the door. Jake had his head on the desk with his hands clawing at his head. I walked over and wrapped my arms around him.
“Losing you would be the opposite of freedom,” I whispered. “I accept this life.”
Jake sighed, “I want to give you a normal life. Let you live in a normal home. See you work a normal job. Maybe even have normal kids.”
“I’m not doing any of those unless you’re there with me, and we're living it together,” I insisted.
After a while Jake lifted his head, “Then I need to get back to work so I have a chance of joining you.”
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heresathreebee · 3 years
Ruby Moon Sunflower Seeds (nine)
[Colonel Rick Flag X Kaia Castle (halfblack!OC)]
Summary: Why she left and why he stayed. Previous Masterlist Next
Tags: 17+ | 1.4k words | swearing, retroactive voyeurism, yearning, flashback finally ends this chapter, Rick only POV.
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AN: unedited/ no beta. I think I might rework the structure of this story and create a part two after wrapping this up.
Back in the present...
"What on God's green earth do you motherfuckers think you're doing?" 
Cleo is the only person to have a modicum of shame– everybody else is either giggling or challenging him with their stupidity. To cover for the fact that Rick's ears were beet red, he channels his surprise at seeing these incarcerated idiots witness the intimate copulation between himself and Kaia into a commanding rage. 
Some of them weren't buying it, or taking the hint. 
"Excellent form, my man," Peacemaker gave him two thumbs up. "You should always keep a condom on you, though– a condom in the wallet would have prevented the baby, but otherwise, great performance." 
"I always knew you had a great ass," Harley said wistfully. "And that swan schlong my god–" 
"Harley," Rick growls in warning even as the flush of red in his face intensifies.  
"I dunno, should've put in her a full nelson, I couldn't get a good view of her–" 
Dick is not given a chance to finish his thought before the butt of Rick's gun cracks his nose. That vein in his neck could have been seen from space. While Blackguard writhes on the floor, Rick Flag glares at every person in the room in turn and the tone of them changes to something more akin to fear. 
"...anybody else?" 
Cleo uttered another apology and Abner definitely looked like he was not there by choice. Shameless, foolhardy Harley of course cannot help herself. 
"Ricky you looked like you found love, pal!" She gestured with her hands wildly. "Did nobody else see that?? Why didn't she stay– better yet, why did you stay with Waller?" 
"You wanna know why I stayed…" 
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Three years prior, post mission… 
The team had barely scraped by. On the extraction flight, what was left of the group was a ragged and bloodied mess. In Waller's eyes, the mission had failed. 
Rick couldn't give a rat's ass. 
Kaia sat by herself, palms upturned in her lap and full of shards of gemstone from the thing called Genesis. She rested her head on the wall away from everybody else, hiding her face. When it was safe to stand, Rick unbuckled himself and grabbed a first aid kit from the compartment closest to him and knelt before her. 
She half turned to look at him. "How often do your missions fail where the team also gets to keep their lives?" 
Rick winched. "Almost never." 
He grabbed a pair of tweezers and numbing antiseptic spray. "Not that Waller has to know, but I think this was a success, actually." 
Kaia scoffed and let him work at pulling shards from her hands. He worked methodically, starting from her fingers and working down towards her wrist. "You did good, Kaia. Nobody needs that kind of power that thing gave." 
She was silent except to utter a quiet thank you when he finished wrapping her hands in gauze and bandaids. Groaning as he gets off his knees, Rick sits next to the woman and sleeps the whole ride back to Belle Reve with a protective hand on her thigh. 
Back at the prison, the still living inmates are patched up and returned to their cells. Blackguard, Boomerang, Killercroc, Jeremy Downs, Weasel, and Calendar Man got a few more years off their sentence and Deadshot got to sign off and go home to Gotham. 
The device they were supposed to retrieve for Waller was in fact definitely not a CD as Kaia had joked, but a gemstone with cosmic levels of power of animation and matter manipulation. This was what Claremont used to bring the Mosasaurus to life, and Waller had sent them to take it and bring it back with any means necessary. 
Hart was eaten by Weasel and Zazzala was reduced to ash from making direct physical contact with Genesis. The power it radiated connected with her and became too much. Kaia was close to suffering the same fate but she managed to redirect the energy from the stone back into it which caused it to explode. 
That is why they had 'failed.' 
Rick wanted to talk about it. He needed to, because Kaia had done nothing wrong. So what if the stone was unusable? Good. It was too powerful a weapon to allow it to fall into the wrong hands. 
That's what he was going to say when he went to her room but he stopped all thoughts the second he saw the suitcase on the bedspread. 
Kaia looked up from stuffing more clothes into the case. "Hey…" 
Rick stood awkwardly in her door, clearly having come for a reason only to be derailed. Kaia turned back to her packing and zipped it closed. 
"Kaia look," Rick began, not knowing where he was going but he was saved by a decisive shake of the woman's head. 
"No, Rick," she interjected, "I'm not staying. Waller already knows."
He swallowed and stepped further into the room. Before he could speak, she cut him off again. "She's not firing me, to be clear. I'm going home. Not about to lose my life over another fucking suicide mission. America has enough superweapons already." 
"It's not like that–" 
"Yes it is!" She threw down a duffle bag to put smaller accessories from her nightstand into but made a point to glare at him. "Dona Claremont wasn't a terrorist– he was a capitalist. Just some dumb rich guy with more money than sense. He wasn't going to sell that thing to the Russians or China– he was going to keep using that unlimited reality warping power to make dinosaurs." 
She sat down heavily on the bed and took a deep breath to calm herself. "There was only one reason Waller wanted us out there. To bring Genesis back. To turn over to the US the ability to create something from nothing, unlimited power and resources. Look me in the eye and tell me that would be good for anybody." 
Rick just sighed and let his hands fall to his hips. He just… he didn't want her to go. His eyes fell on her tucking her curly hair back from her face and his eyebrows furrow. 
"Your hands…" 
Kaia looked down at them. "Oh, yeah…" 
Hours ago, her hands had been mangled. Estimated to need 2 or 3 dozen stitches and healing for 3 weeks minimum, they were now down to only three bandaids for the deepest puncture wounds which were already scabbed over last time she looked. 
"I don't know what it is but I do know that I don't usually heal this fast," Kaia nervously rubbed her upper arm and shrugged. "It could just be from the residual energy I took from Claremont when I killes him but…" 
She shook the alarming thoughts from her head and stood. "I've got a ride to catch." 
Kaia reached for her suitcase only to be stopped by Rick. "I got it." 
He let her carry the duffle bag and followed, shoulder to shoulder, through the halls of Belle Reve. They didn't talk on the way, both trapped in their own heads about what they wanted and where they were going in life. Just before stepping outside onto the flight pad, Kaia grabbed his arm. 
"Are you really going to stay?," she asked at last. Rick swallowed his tongue but did not avert his eyes and that was all the answer she needed. Kaia sighed and laid her head on his shoulder, a look of disappointment and sad acceptance that would stick with him over the coming years. 
Rick put her suitcase on the carrier and locked his hands over the staircase railing, not wanting to leave things like this. He felt something with her. Something he could pursue, something with so much potential for more. Should he kiss her goodbye? He doesn't want this to be the last time… 
Kaia waited but he never made a move. In the heat of the moment, she petted his hair and pulled him into a hug, standing a few stair steps above to reach his shoulders. Rick returned her hug fiercely and she knew she would shed a tear when she was finally alone. She breathed in the scent of his shampoo and wished she could have just a few more hours with him. 
She let him go only to pull him back by his dog tags. "Hey… if you get out before she kills you… come find me…?" 
Rick swallowed and nodded. He couldn't find the words to explain it until her ride was airborne and disappearing over the horizon. The truth was he stayed because he was a soldier. Point blank period. Dying on a mission didn't scare him– trying to live a civilian life did. 
Kaia wanted him to come with and live a normal life but…
I don't know how…
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reinerispretty · 4 years
rotations. (zuko x f!reader) pt 8
hi!! thank you all so so much for reading!! i’m having so much fun writing this and i’m glad you’re enjoying it :) this is a bit of a shorter one, but i’m gonna post one more for the night!
pt 1
pt 7
pt 9
Her fire wasn’t nearly as hot as Azula’s, but it was still fire. She remembered when she was young and what her instructors had said was her advantage against Azula and Zuko: control. They both used their anger to fuel their firebending. (Y/N) used her determination.
The group had been traveling on the sky bison’s back for a few days, ever since a suspicious looking machine had started tailing them. They were all exhausted and cranky and certainly taking it out on each other. Even Sokka and (Y/N) had begun making snide remarks to each other again. But Toph and Katara were by far the worst. The two girls led very different lives. Toph was more of a loner and a free spirit, who liked to do things on her own terms. Katara enjoyed order and regularity. Their differences caused them to butt heads and the lack of sleep wasn’t doing them any favors, either. 
After Toph and Katara’s heated argument, the group had separated. Toph ran off on her own, Aang took a bag full of Appa’s fur, and Sokka, Katara, and (Y/N) flew Appa in the opposite direction. Mai and Ty Lee quickly caught up with them, but their fight was swiftly ended when Appa sent the two Fire Nation girls into the river. 
They flew to where Aang had told them he would be. As they landed, they could see their friend fighting off the blue flames that could only belong to one person.
Once they arrived, (Y/N) could feel her limbs being weighed down from exhaustion. She knew that she was far too tired to fight, but she would push through it. The people of her nation were headstrong and determined, and she would not allow Azula to bring harm to any of her friends. 
She darted toward Azula, running up the side of one of the abandoned buildings to kick her flames at her. Her fire wasn’t nearly as hot as Azula’s, but it was still fire. She remembered when she was young and what her instructors had said was her advantage against Azula and Zuko: control. They both used their anger to fuel their firebending. (Y/N) used her determination. So she led the attack on Azula with her friends following closely behind. It felt like they were different limbs from the same body; their bending techniques complimented each other so seamlessly that she felt like they were unstoppable. Azula, of course, was always one step ahead of them. 
To say that (Y/N) was surprised to see another blast of flame pass her was an understatement. She knew she hadn’t produced it. She turned quickly to see Zuko standing at her side. His hair had grown since the last time she had seen him in the North Pole. He no longer wore his signature Fire Nation ponytail. He looked different, but in a good way. 
Still, she could not completely let her defenses down around him. She brought her hand back to shoot at him, but he ran past her. It wasn’t her that he wanted to fight. It was Azula.
With the work of their team and the additional help of Iroh and Zuko, they made quick work of cornering Azula. “That’s alright,” the girl said. “A princess accepts defeat with honor.” In the next instant, Azula struck Iroh down with lightning. She heard Zuko’s muffled shout, but her ears were ringing from the crack of light. She looked back to see Iroh on the ground and when she turned around, Azula was gone. 
It felt like she was running over to him in slow motion. Azula had hit him right in the chest, over his heart. Regardless of what side they were on, Iroh was a good man. He was kind and selfless. The few times that he had visited the palace when she was there were always filled with good memories. 
“(Y/N),” he had said, on the eve of her tenth birthday. “Your destiny is not set in stone. You have the power to change the fate that has been given to you.” Looking back on it, his words were almost like a warning of what was to come. 
He seemed to be one of the few people in the Fire Nation that had an ounce of humanity within him. 
Zuko reached Iroh before before she did. She dropped to her knees and reached out to touch him, to comfort him, but Zuko wouldn’t let her. “Zuko, please,” She begged. “Let Katara help, she can heal him--” She reached out to touch Iroh, but this time Zuko shoved her away. 
“I don’t need your help!” He shouted at her. Tears streamed from his amber eyes. They had been children, the last time she had seen him cry. “Go away, all of you!” He cradled his uncle in his arms. 
Sokka helped her get to her feet. He pulled her away and toward Appa, but she couldn’t take her eyes off of Zuko. Despite how he had treated her, she longed to comfort him like she had when they were younger. To pull him into a hug and tell him that it would be alright. She felt sick. 
She didn’t speak to anyone when they began flying away. She sat at the back of Appa’s saddle, watching as the little abandoned town became smaller and smaller. She couldn’t untangle her emotions. She thought that she had taught herself to forget about Zuko. She thought she had convinced herself that he was evil and that there was no hope for people like him. So why did she feel so sad? 
And the way that he had spoken to her... Even when she had captured her, he had never sounded that way. His voice was harsh and he was so hurt and angry. He sounded like he hated her. 
So, she did as she always did when she needed comforting. She pulled her knees into herself, wrapped her arms around them, and rested her chin atop her kneecaps. 
Sokka looked back at his friend. He knew how hard this must be for her. While he had no doubt that she was as good as good could get, he didn’t expect her to just forget her friends from her old life. They were a big part of who she was. He couldn’t imagine having to fight someone he had grown up with. 
He made his way across the saddle and sat next to her, close enough so that their arms were touching. He didn’t say anything to her. He didn’t want to make her talk if she wasn’t ready to. But much to his surprise, she turned to face him. She was so sad, but her eyes were free of tears. He suspected that she was too tired to cry. 
“He’s done so many bad things.” Sokka nodded as he started rubbing her back. “Then why do I still feel like this?” 
Sokka pulled her into a hug, resting his head atop hers. “I wish I could give you an answer.” 
Tag List!
@mdgrdians , @soft4kei , @bubblebars , @pleasantfankingdom , @vintageroses1014516 , @celamoon , @fangirlanotherjust , @gliderbudgie , @haylaansmi , @jada-cleo , @boxofteenageideas , @disgruntled-gay , @lie-ana , @jasmine-the-amazing , @svsoftie , @buckysfeet , @anime-simp , @imcravingyou , @rosetheshapeshifter , @alrightberries , @izzieserra , @hstott , @random-stupid-stuffs , @jackbamexpress , @jainaixo , @thefoxskinwalker , @kryptidkova , @bigbuckyenergy , @omgwhattheeven , @ohmigooosh , @snapchatisoverrated , @inlove-maze , @harapirena , @sooske , @sweeetteaa , @selenvx , @ilovespideyyy , @saaaasib , @mochminnie
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rjhpandapaws · 3 years
Bad to Work With
Ch 1: Never the Same One Twice
Gavin liked to joke that he had bad luck, but this was something else entirely. He had done a very ill timed walk of shame this morning from one of his best hookups in recent history; and was running late. He had gone home, cleaned up quickly, and gotten changed. Running late was usually the worst of it, but apparently karma had it out for him, because on the elevator ride up to the business floor, his company from the night before stepped into the elevator. “Good morning Gavin.” Richard said with a coy smile, his steel blue eyes were alight with amusement, “If I had known we were both headed to the same place I would have given you a ride.” There were several reasons Gavin should have kept his mouth shut, not the least of which being that Richard was technically his boss. That being said, Gavin wasn’t particularly known for his sense of self preservation, “You were hardly inclines to let me out of bed when I told you I had work, so forgive me if I doubt that.” Richard rolled his eyes and leaned into Gavin’s personal space a little more and spoke in that same low purr that had gotten Gavin into this mess, “I certainly didn’t hear you complaining this morning.” “Well I’m complaining now.” Gavin huffed trying to step away and only serving to back himself into the corner of the elevator, “Because you couldn’t keep your fucking hands to yourself I have to suffer through breakroom coffee.”
“How tragic.” Richard said in a dry tone that made it clear he couldn’t possibly care less, “Give me another night and I’ll make coffee in the morning.” Gavin hesitated. It was only a few moments, but he was aware of it, and because of that he found it safe to assume Richard had been too. “No.” He said less firmly than he would have liked, “I don’t do that sort of thing.” He ducked under Richard’s arm when he heard the elevator chime. He felt the weight of those steel blue eyes on his back even after the elevator doors had closed. Sure, Richard had been one of his better nights, but he didn’t do repeats and he wasn’t going to start now. The flash of hurt in those usually composed blue eyes had been brief enough that he could pretend he hadn’t seen it. The regret of it still lingered though. This is why he didn’t do repeats, if you came back feelings got involved. Or in this case,  if you saw each other in the elevator feelings got involved. Gavin swung by the breakroom for some coffee. He was in his own head as he made it. He’d just had a night with one of his bosses, there was bound to be consequences for that. Especially if he wasn’t careful. Richard didn’t seem the type for revenge, but Gavin didn’t want to take that chance. He was going to do his job and do it well; and more importantly he wasn’t going to fall back into bed with Richard no matter how tempting the thought was. Once good night was enough.
He got settled in at his desk drank from the poor excuse for coffee, and got to work. For now there was no reason to worry, it had only been one night and he wasn’t feeling anything. Nothing more than the ghost of a touch and the memory of how he had chased it. He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed, he didn’t do repeats and he wasn’t about to start now. He took another drink if his coffee, which didn’t help his mood, and typed on his keyboard with enough force that one might have believed it had personally wronged him. It took time, but eventually his work pulled him in. It was monotonous and easy, but there was enough of it to keep his mind from wandering too far. What ultimately pulled him away was his need for a cigarette. He hadn’t gotten a chance to smoke last night because he had been a little distracted; and he hadn’t had time this morning. It was getting distracting. In the back of his mind he could hear Tina nagging at him to quit. He saved what he had been working on and stood from his desk, he made sure his lighter and cigarettes were still in his jacket pocket and made his way toward the bank of elevators. He’d have a smoke or two, then come back inside and have some more coffee. Then maybe he would be able to concentrate. He hit the call button for the elevator and waited. He was giving Richard more thought than the night deserved. He would like to believe that he was hung up on the fact that they were coworkers, but it was more than that and he knew it. In the elevator he had almost said yes. He’d had to put thought into saying no and that had been a first.
He huffed out an annoyed sigh and stepped into the elevator that had opened, he was alone for now. The whole point of this break was to get Richard out of his head. He was tempted to light a cigarette in the elevator to chase these thoughts away with nicotine. He knew better though and didn’t, he could make it outside. He stepped into the lobby and waved to Stephanie as he passed the main desk to get to the side door. He leaned against the wall with a content sigh and pulled the box of cigarettes and his lighter from his pocket. He pressed the cigarette to his lips and lit it. He tipped his head back and let out the smoke watching it curl away into nothing. He had a moment to himself and planned to use it to try and sort out his thoughts. What was it about Richard that pulled him in? What was it that was keeping him so close? Why had he hesitated when Richard had brought up going home with him again? Gavin knew the answer to at least one of those, it was because Richard at least seemed to care. It had been a long while since any one had even pretended that much and it had been nice. It was the only thing he could think of that was worth being hung up on. At least it was the one he was willing to admit to, the rest was too close to digging up things he had reasons to keep buried. He had his reasons for not sticking around. He didn’t even normally stay the night, but he and Richard hadn’t been able to keep apart. There had to be a reason for that.
“It doesn’t fucking matter.” He snapped at the open air as he tapped the ash from his cigarette. He was thinking about him so much that he couldn’t even enjoy his fucking smoke break. He took another drag and did what he could to stop that particular train of thought. His mind had other plans. It played shadows of Richard’s touch over his body again. He had been firm with his intentions but not rough. He had known what Gavin had been chasing and gave it to him. It had been different. That was why he was stuck. It hadn’t been the quick, drunk, and desperate that he was used to. He groaned and snuffed out his cigarette, this clearly wasn’t going to help him. “Can’t even fucking smoke in peace because of that bastard.” He threw away the cigarette butt and made his way back inside. He was going to make the strongest coffee he could manage with what they had in the break room, finish his work, and then go get waisted. He was going to take someone home and he was not going to think about Richard. He was going to do what he did best; bury the problem and chase distractions until it went away. Cleo had taken over for Stephanie at the front desk and Gavin waved to him as he passed on his way to the bank of elevators. He hit the call button and pulled out his phone. He pulled up one of his hook up apps then closed it and put his phone away. He didn’t want a date, he wanted something without pretense. No familiarity and a small chance of ever crossing paths again.
The elevator at the far end of the bank opened up and a few people filed out of it. They were probably off to lunch. Gavin stepped into the elevator after they had left. He hit the button for the eleventh floor and leaned back against the wall. Ha had company for a couple of floors, but they seemed to notice that he wasn’t in the mood to make conversation and kept quiet. Once he was back on his floor he swung by the break room to make himself more coffee. With the strong coffee in hand he made his way back to his desk to find a cup from a cafe near the office that he definitely hadn’t stopped by. There was a sticky note on the lid. He sighed and sat down. He set the cup he had made by his monitor and took the sticky note off the other one and read it.
Sorry about your coffee Gavin. -Richard
Beneath that was Richard’s number. Gavin bit back a groan, apparently there was no escaping this man. He put the sticky note in his desk drawer with plans to throw it away later. Free coffee wasn’t something he was about to turn down. It was the overly flavored shit, but he would suffer through it. He finished both coffees before his work day ended. He made plans to meet Tina at their usual bar. He had blue eyes and sensual touches to drown with bad beer and cheap shots. If he thought about Richard he was going to make a mistake; assuming he hadn’t already.
“So you slept with your boss?” Tina asked once they were situated. “One of them, the CFO.” Gavin said, staring into his beer glass as though it held all the answers and to avoid the delight he knew was shining in her eyes. “And you didn’t notice this before?” She pressed, clearly hell bent on making him miserable. “I was drunk, and he’s very different outside of work Tina.” He said with a sigh that sounded a little to close to wistful for his liking, “I didn’t have to tell him anything, he seemed to just know.” “Okay so I have a couple more questions.” She continued, “You admit he’s one of the better ones and you still won’t stay?” She held up her hand to stop Gavin’s argument, “You plan to get over drunkenly sleeping with one of your bosses by getting drunk and sleeping with someone else?” “That’s the plan.” Gavin remarked, “I don’t want to take that risk. You know how last time went.” Tina didn’t respond, well not verbally at least, but her eyes said she didn’t believe him. She might have been right; but like with most other things, it would be Future Gavin’s problem. Tonight was about drinking to forget old mistakes, and to potentially make new ones. Worse ones. So long as he didn’t fall together with Richard again he would be fine. He split his time between drinking and dancing. Moving from stranger to stranger in search of someone that would help him forget. He knew he probably wouldn’t find what he was looking for, but he was determined to try. Even if it was just for show at this point. Gavin Reed didn’t fall in love and he wasn’t about to start now. He wasn’t ready.
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bxthharmon · 4 years
Pink Champagne (prologue) - Benny Watts x Reader
Words: 719
Series Warnings: Drinking, substance and alcohol abuse, addiction, smoking
Pt. Warnings: implied alcohol abuse, smoking
A/N: SO i kinda decided idc if anyone wants to read this i wanna post it lol,,, this is just the prologue and its probably gonna take a few chapters to set itself up before it goes anywhere.
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The girl was lying in the middle of the floor of the large hotel room, facing the ceiling, arms and legs thrown out over the thick maroon carpet, bare, given that the girl was only wearing her underwear. Her make-up, smudged beyond repair, last done a week ago, made her look half dead (not that she was aware of this, she didn’t look in the mirror much these days). In her right hand, she held an empty wine bottle, and scattered around the room there were countless more, even the bin was full of those mini alcohol bottles you sometimes get given at bars. The ashtray on the vanity set was full of cigarette butts, and clothes had been scattered all over the room nonchalantly.
The eerie tranquility of the room was broken by three sharp knocks at the door, then three more. “Miss Y/L/N, you have a guest waiting downstairs.” there was a pause, “Miss Y/L/N?” a quiet sigh was audible, and then footsteps as the worker left.
The girl, hair mussed, sat up slowly, digging the heels of her palms into her eyes to try and wake herself up. She looked around the room, eyebrows raising as she realised the stat it was in. She stood slowly and clumsily, leaning against the bedpost as she spotted her reflection in the mirror. Barely recognisable, the girl in front of her had make-up all down her face, unusually pale skin, and an almost sickly look about her. She shivered, making her way to the bathroom and scrubbing at her face with cold water until it was impossible to see any residues of her make-up. She dressed in a navy skirt and a well-fitted sweater. Satisfied with her appearance, the girl rushed out of the room, running to the elevator and slumping against the mirror inside it as it rattled to the ground floor. She burst out of the space into the lobby, scanning around the room desperately to spot whoever her visitor was. 
“Miss Y/L/N, your visitor is in the third conference room.” 
The girl spun around to see who had spoken, the hotel manager, and nodded quickly, ignoring the incredulous once-over he gave her. She headed to the conference rooms, only just realising her lack of shoes. She paused as she reached the door, looking down to her bare feet, and then entered the room quickly and dramatically.
“You don’t look so good.”
She focuses straight onto the auburn haired girl sat in one of the seats. The two launch towards each other, pulling each other closer than ever as they took in the other’s presence. “What are you still doing here?” the girl whispered, pulling away as they both sat down.
“I had people I wanted to hang out with, and no one had heard from you in a while, so I wanted to check up.”
“Beth,” the girl sighs, “you should be at home, or in New York.”
The other girl, Beth, leans forwards slightly, smelling her friend. “You smell like I used to.”
The girl laughs sharply, “Don’t start.”
“I’m serious.” Beth raised an eyebrow, “I don’t want you to be like I was.”
“Beth, Honey, I always was like this, and you know it.”
“Come to Kentucky with me.” she murmurs.
“If I’m going anywhere, it’s home.” 
“That could be about four different places right now.” Beth pointed out, “Do you mean Los Angeles, New York, Paris or London?”
“I don’t know yet.”
“Y/N,” Beth slumped her shoulders, “You need to stop moving so quickly, let yourself enjoy being still for once.”
Y/N paused for a minute, “You know what being still does to me. It’s the reason I’m in this mess.”
Beth sighed, “When will you leave this place?”
“Tomorrow, probably.” 
“Where to?”
“Well, where’s Cleo nowadays? Maybe I’ll go see what she’s up to. Or Anya, I miss Anya.”
“What about Benny?” 
The question changed the mood suddenly, and Y/N shifted in her seat, sitting up straighter, “No.”
“Why not?” 
Y/N cut her friend a look, and Beth mocked surrender.
“I don’t want to see him.” 
“You weren’t saying that a week ago.”
“Yeah well, a lot changed in the past week.”
“So? Where are you going?”
“Paris.” Y/N said, a sense of finality in her tone, “And I need to pack.”
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arts-and-drafts · 4 years
Unexpected Delivery
(This is the start of the Big Brother AU! I made it in fic form since my hand was out of commission at the time!)
Cleo hummed absently as she finished up the last of the DNA samples for the cloning tubes. It was routine by now; she was nearly halfway done cloning the other hermits for her zoo, the growing duplicates catatonic in their seperate tubes.
Cleo thought there was nothing wrong with her quote "questionable" science, but the other hermits seemed uncomfortable whenever she casually brought it up. Which was fine! She was sure they wouldn't mind that she didn't tell them they were being cloned this time. She'd take great care of them! It'd be a great feature of the zoo.
Cleo poured the last sample into an empty tube, having already confirmed the cells were reproducing as expected. She gave a soft smile as the tube filled with the liquid she liked to call "human fertilizer", which would help the clones grow to their correct proportions in the span of a few weeks.
Cleo removed her protective lab gear, carelessly throwing her gloves on the ground. She wasn't alive, there was no danger of hazardous disposal. And her lab was entirely Joe-proof, so not even he could mess this up. There was nothing left to do now but wait.
Cleo started in stunned panic at the last tube. Oh no. No no no.
Instead of a recognizable hermit taking shape by now, it was a small, bean shaped fetus. Something was very very wrong.
The other clones were nearly finished, already clearly resembling Cleo's friends. But instead of a nearly fully grown adult, there was a developing BABY in the last tube.
Cleo was terrified. She had no idea what could've gone wrong. She swabbed each hermits individual bases EXACTLY so this had no chance of happening. What was she going to do?! It was too small to even see any definitive traits of who the parents could be, but even if there was, what was Cleo going to do? Just walk up to them and hand them their accidental test tube baby, sorry and good luck?
Cleo paused her panicked fidgeting. That could actually work. She did just successfully create a scientific breakthrough, accidental or not. Surely that was something no-one could be mad at. All things considered she should be very proud of herself, actually. How hard could taking care of a kid be anyway? Cleo found it relatively easy; that's why she was a teacher before she died, after all. She loved the little buggers.
Surely it would be fine. Everything would be just fine.
Cleo sat in front of the cloning tube, now an artificial womb. The soft green light from the tube shone on Cleo's thoughtful face, her eyes focused on the small little creation growing in front of her.
What a miraculous turn of events.
Mumbo was awoken in the dead of night by something banging on the door to his hobbit hole.
He blearily looked around the bedroom, unsuccessfully trying to blink away the sleep from his eyes. He saw the light from his son's charging cord gently pulsing in the corner of the room, Grumbot still soundly resting in sleep mode. Rain battered the glass ceiling of the two-room house, the trees along the coast lashing in the monsoon-like winds.
The banging at the door came again, and Grian stirred at Mumbo's side. "Whazzit." Grian mumbled without opening his eyes. Mumbo listened intently at the knocks.
"Zombie." Mumbo realized, Grian groaning in annoyance in response. "You geddit." Grian stated, waving a hand vaguely towards the direction of the door. Mumbo sighed exaggeratedly, resigning himself. "It's raining," he complained, but was met with pointedly fake snores from his husband.
Mumbo shook his head with a small smile, pulling back the blanket to swing his legs over the side of the bed. He yawned and stretched as he stood up, shaking out his hands before grabbing his netherite sword from the bedside chest. Zombies weren't terribly dangerous, but Mumbo doubted he could take one on without serious damage if he was sleepy.
He swung open the door to his hobbit hole, sword poised to strike, but stopped suddenly as he recognized Cleo's face staring back at him, sopping wet and holding a mess of blankets. "I guess I was right," Mumbo stammered with a small laugh, not knowing what else to say. "There was a zombie at my door."
"Very funny." Cleo scoffed, wrinkling her nose to signify no harm done. "What--it's the middle of the night, what are you doing here?" Mumbo asked, sheathing his sword and yawning again.
Cleo opened her mouth, but was instantly cut off by a massive thunderclap. The mess of blankets she was holding suddenly came to life, squirming and bawling its lungs out.
Mumbo stared as Cleo frantically shushed the thing in her arms, gently rocking it back and forth. "Is that a baby?!" Mumbo gasped. "I would love to come in, if you don't mind." Cleo said dryly, purposely ignoring his question.
"O-Oh, of course--get out of this weather, goodness--" Mumbo stuttered, moving aside.
"Hold this." Cleo said distractedly, shoving the screaming bundle of soaked blankets into Mumbo's arms after he shut the door to the raging storm. Cleo shook off the water like a dog, spraying Mumbo and his nice furniture with a shower of droplets. "Ack--Cleo, come on!" Mumbo complained over the wailing of the creature in his arms.
"It's fiiine." Cleo responded, wringing out her hair over the doormat. "You can't just say 'it's fine' whenever you do something," Mumbo muttered, knowing he was fighting a losing battle. He turned his attention to the bundle in his arms as Cleo peeled off her soaked striped socks.
Mumbo pulled back the top covering of the screaming heap, revealing what he'd recognized from the beginning; a small human baby, very clearly newborn.
"Is that a baby?" Mumbo looked up to see Grian, out of bed and staring at the poor thing in Mumbo's arms. "Hi Cleo. Oh hi Grian! I'm doing great, thanks for asking!" Cleo flipped her hair back from her face and glared at Grian, the avian sticking his tongue out at her in return.
"Here--can you get new blankets, Gri? These are soaked." Mumbo asked, unconsciously slipping into Dad Mode. He freed the still crying baby from the soaking bundle, unceremoniously dumping the blankets on the floor.
Cleo moved to sit her wet butt on Mumbo's nice couch as he tried to quiet the baby. "Where--where did it come from? Why the middle of the night?" Mumbo stammered, wordlessly handing the child over to Grian, who had returned with clean warm blankets. The baby was dressed in a plain leather tunic, something Grian quickly replaced for an old nightshirt of Grumbot's. It was still too big, but at least it was dry.
Cleo took a breath, clasping her hands together on her knees. Mumbo and Grian sat on the couch across from her, the baby finally quieting from ear-splitting wails to snuffled fussing. "Please explain, Cleo. Who's is it?" Mumbo pleaded, moving a hand through his hair.
"Well, ah, it came from my lab." Cleo began nervously. "Yes, I have a lab." She interjected at Mumbo's surprised look. "And uh. Well, it's yours."
Grian snapped his head up from the baby, having the same shocked-slash-confused look as Mumbo. "Wh--what? Sorry?" Mumbo stammered. "We're both boys." Grian stated stupidly. "Men. We're men." He corrected, going red.
Cleo rolled her eyes. "It's not a traditional baby, dummies. It's a test tube baby. A--an accidental one." Cleo wrung her hands awkwardly at Mumbo and Grian's faces.
"How do you make an accidental test tube baby, Cleo?!" Mumbo exclaimed. He wasn't mad, just--well, extremely confused. "Why were you making a test tube baby in the first place?!" Grian continued. Cleo held her hands up in surrender. "I--okay--I'm making a hermit zoo exhibit! And I'm cloning you! For the zoo! And uh--well, THAT happened." Cleo explained, gesturing at the small being in Grian's lap. "I individually swabbed your bases, so--I'm not really sure how it happened?" Cleo stuttered.
Mumbo stared. "Cleo. We're married. We live together." Mumbo said, holding up his hand to display the ring Grian had made him.
Cleo stared back. "Oh. Well, that would make sense." She rubbed the back of her neck self consciously. "Cleo, you came to the wedding!" Grian stated incredulously. "You were my groomsmaid!!" Cleo winced. "Right. That's right. I remember now." She said apologetically.
"I--anyways. That baby is a perfect mix of your DNA, so--I mean, technically speaking, I managed to create life without the use of traditional means, so you should be not mad, you should be impressed, really." Cleo rambled.
Mumbo opened his mouth and then closed it again. His redstone brain was truly very impressed, actually, but his parent brain took over. "So you just--gave us a baby? We have a baby now, that's it?" He asked, his voice pitching.
Grian gasped quietly next to Mumbo, pulling his attention from an increasingly nervous Cleo. Grian was staring at the baby, who had finally quieted into idle murmuring. "He has your eyes, Mumby." Grian whispered, his voice catching. Mumbo leaned over, startled to see the same shade of red as his staring back at him. "Oh," Mumbo breathed, a strange feeling coming over him.
Grian held out his finger to the baby and was immediately grasped by the tiny thing's button-sized hand, letting out a coo of endearment and peeking the smallest of smiles. The baby was a naked newborn, hardly a day old, but Mumbo was instantly struck by how much the little smile reminded him of Grian.
Mumbo finally looked away from the baby to Cleo, who brandished a smug grin. Mumbo huffed in annoyance he couldn't bring himself to feel.
"Well...he needs a name." Mumbo reluctantly stated, silently accepting the new member to the family that Cleo had brought them. Cleo grinned wider, undoubtedly coming to the same conclusion that he had.
"Jrum--wait." Grian bit on a laugh. "We can't call him Jrumbot, Grian." Mumbo corrected dryly over Cleo and Grian's giggling. "Okay, how about Junior, then?"
Mumbo wrinkled his nose. "That sounds patronizing. And cliche." He disagreed. Grian hummed in thought while their unnamed son sucked on his finger.
"Okay, how about Juni? That's got a nice ring to it," Grian suggested. Mumbo smiled. "You're just saying that because you can't think of another name than Junior." He teased, letting out a laugh when Grian shoved him in response.
"I like Juni." Cleo piped up, visibly more relaxed after knowing they wouldn't be mad at her.
Mumbo looked down at their new son again, his bright red eyes now curiously swiveling around to everything he could see. He was so young, so small and fragile, and yet Mumbo could already see so much life in him.
"Yeah." Mumbo said, swallowing a sudden lump in his throat. "I like Juni too."
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gimblegamble · 4 years
Mumskall royalty AU drabble anyone? No? Just me?
Anyways, I thought about character dynamics in the currently unnamed royalty au (or is that the name?) and got carried away, despite this though I'm still not sure if I'm doing anything bigger with it... Okay I may have a little condition for myself but lets see if it pans out (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
Okay drabble below!
Iskall knew that everything's fine but he can't quite shake off the icy chill of worry clawing at his back. He stomped along the halls of the castle trying hard not to show just how panicked he was. It doesn't help that everyone he passed shot him an amused smile as if they knew exactly what had happened.
They probably do, it's the fifth time this month after all.
His hurried pace gets stopped by a heavy hand on his arm and he jolted, he must've been deep in thought because he didn't even notice it coming. He whirled around to find Beef, one of the castle's head cooks, he had a beaming, if a little mischievous, smile on his face.
"You didn't hear this from me, but I got an order for muffins and ice cream with a side of cookies to be delivered to the third floor gardens" He winked and sauntered off as quickly as he came giving Iskall no chance to thank the man. Still, he appreciates the tip and heads for the nearest staircase.
The worry dissipates almost immediately when he sees black hair poking out from a distant bush. He half runs and half stomps towards it, heart rate already returning to normal.
"Your highness!" he calls and watches as the head tries to duck out of view to no avail. Iskall snorts and walks all the way to stand beside the offending bush "your highnessssss"
"I told you not to call me that Iskall" Mumbo whines, brushing off the leaves that stuck in his hair.
"I'll stop calling you that the moment you stop disappearing under my watch" he shoots back as he crosses his arms in front of his chest. Mumbo rolls his eyes.
"and I'll stop disappearing after breakfast if you lot stop treating me like a child, I'm literally a grown adult!" Iskall's gaze turns to the half eaten bowl of ice cream with crumbled cookies on top, then back to Mumbo who's face turned considerably redder. "I'm technically older than you you know" he mutters.
Iskall tries his hardest not to laugh at the prince.
"Anyways come sit with me and tell me what you think" Mumbo pats the grass beside him and takes his notebook out, Iskall hesitates and looks around to see if anyone else was near, he gets yanked down and he falls on his butt with a huff, before he could complain a muffin was shoved into his hand.
He froze, feeling the traitorous creep of red on his face, doubling as he realized just how close they were to each other. Thankfully Mumbo was wholly unaware as he rambled on about his new theoretical redstone schematic, pointing at multiple points on his notebook. He bites his tongue and prays to any of the gods watching that the warmth on his face gets washed down by a few bites of the blueberry muffin in his hand.
Seeing Mumbo interact with foreign diplomats is always such a bizarre experience. Iskall feels like he'll never get used to it.
Mumbo was usually so clumsy and cheerful, the way his eyes would light up at the mere thought of redstone, how easy it was for him to laugh and make the people around him laugh, endearing in a lot of different ways.
It honestly feels like a completely different person. Every move is regal and captivating, there's an underlying confidence there that demands respect, you just can't take your eyes off him.
It's just so far off from how Iskall usually sees him and it makes him think of how different Mumbo would be if he were to be king.
"Have you really never thought about being the king?" The question accidentally slipped out of Iskall's mouth and he internally smacked himself in the head. Mumbo hummed, thumbing through the third book in the pile.
"Being third in line to the throne doesn't really inspire a lot of confidence" he smiled "but no, I've never really thought about it"
"why?" fuck it we're feeling curious today I guess, Iskall braced himself but Mumbo just laughed.
"Iskall how long have we known each other? Do you really think I'm fit to rule a whole kingdom?" Mumbo snickers and opens up another book.
Iskall held his tongue. He wanted to say yes, he's known Mumbo for most of his life and he'd happily say yes.
He supposes that if Mumbo did become king, moments like these, loitering around the empty library on their downtime, spending time together, it would be a lot less common.
Iskall's gaze wandered to where Mumbo was sitting, chin resting on his hand as he turned the pages of the book, the sun's rays filtering through the windows made his prince look angelic.
Yeah, Iskall wouldn't trade this for the world.
Wait- what did he just call Mumbo? 
Before he can think too hard on it the doors of the library swung open making him stand on alert. False strode in with purpose making a beeline towards Mumbo, with a hand on her chest she bowed her head in respect.
"Your highness, the King requires your attendance" she announced, Mumbo sighed.
"Duty calls Iskall!"
Being in the throne room always unnerved Iskall, he doesn't even know why, but as they walked towards the throne he thought that it may have something to do with the intimidating presence currently sitting on it.  
"You needed me Cleo?" Just like that the intimidating aura disappeared as the King jumped up to greet Mumbo. She hugged him enthusiastically ruffling his hair by the end.
"Mumbo my sweet sweet little brother I need you to do something for meeeeee" She grinned, "I just need you to secure some trading routes with our neighboring country across the sea" Mumbo grimaced
"Can Keralis not take this one?" he groaned, Cleo squished his face in between her palms and gasped.
"Mumbo Jumbo you know you're the only one I can count on when it comes to this!"  she pinched his cheeks ``Besides! I think you'd really want to visit this place" she waggled her eyebrows. Mumbo paused as his eyes widened.
"Wait are you-" Cleo smirked, pulling out a letter adorned with the royal seal from her robe, she showed it to him and watched as excitement filled his eyes.
"the redstone capital baby" Mumbo holds the letter in his hands like it was a fragile treasure.
"oh my word"
"The ship leaves in three days" Cleo grins "Happy birthday Mumbo!"
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