#cleaning baby bats 🦇
grushenko · 7 months
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hypocriticaltypwriter · 5 months
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redflagshipwriter · 3 months
Halfa Cass Chapter 7 part 1/2
“I see,” said Alfie, hands full of breakfast dishes. “When can I expect you to return home, Miss Cassandra?” Calm. Composed. She followed at his back with the empty water and juice pitchers.
She hummed, doing math in her head. 90 minutes on a fast bike, unknown time there, 90 minutes back. “Dinner?” Cass guessed. “Will message again at 3 with updated estimate.” She put the pitchers down beside the sink silently.
Alfie gave a brisk nod at that sensible plan. Approval. “Very well, Miss. Please drive carefully.” He paused. “And do not forget hydration and your sunscreen.”
“Love you too,” she said, and went to put on the sunscreen. Then she was a whirlwind to get ready. Athletic undersuit, first. Pullover mask in the back, a long hood design that hooked back in on itself. Convenient! Gloves in black jeans pockets. Ankle boots, good for kicking and for driving. 
Cass put her flying suit in her student backpack and put her hands on her hips. She looked around. Room? Clean enough. Equipment? Packed. Reasonable projection of needs? Cass crinkled up her brow and made her best judgment. Probably minimal. Combat not expected, companion powerful. 
“Jacket,” Cass muttered to herself, sudden realization! She darted across the house to get it. The green jacket was important. It was a talisman. It was representative. It was a civilian flying suit that reminded her she was powerful and beautiful. 
When she had it on, she went back for her student back bag and then left from the upper level garage. Black bike, nondescript. Mid range price. 
Cass paused astride the bike, feet firmly planted on either side on the crunchy white gravel of their long driveway. She unzipped the front left pocket and withdrew her phone. To Marvel, she said,
🦇 🏍️ ⬆️ == 1.5 h ⌚ 
Then she opened a new message to Batdad. She didn’t want him to worry. So she said,
💕 👋🏼  🏍️ 
The last person to get a message was Stephanie, who was not flying because she was still in medical schooling. Cass sent,
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Just because it was funny. It would make Stephanie laugh.
Then she was off.
Cass pulled her black bat hood down when she found the right area. It was day. Many stares that she loftily ignored. The meeting spot wasn’t Gotham or Fawcett. The laughing magician was in dingy small town, smoking and drinking. Captain Marvel found him first and hauled him out, friendly arm over shoulder. Cass crouched on the roof of nextdoor building to silently peer down, batting a little for the comfort factor of bat things. He was still big-man Marvel-lie, but with new clothes. Happy face with torn jeans and t-shirt. She squinted. Same Marvel shoes. Hmm. No budget, Cass decided. If any budget, better shoes.
Constantine blinked up at Captain Marvel, dazed from alcohol but interested in big handsome man. “Where are you taking me, prettyboy?” He slurred. He was a mess. He reached up and cupped Marvel’s face.
Cass moved. 
Constantine noticed her rapid approach and stumbled upright. Eyes sharp, intelligent. Then: dismay. “Fuck,” he said. Very unhappy. Genuine dislike. “A bat. Which one are you?” Disdain. 
Cass frowned. “Hands off,” she demanded. She crossed her arms. “He’s baby.”
“What?” Marvel said, sounding distressed. Ah. He didn’t know that she knew.
“Really?” Constantine said, wrinkling his face up and looking between her and Marvel pointedly. Because he was a foolish little man who didn’t understand facts that walked into his life. “A nightmare like you pulled this bloke? Fuck my life.”
Yes. A nightmare. Your nightmare.
Cass stretched her mask mouth wider so the teeth would stretch and pull even bigger. She leered at him with all her scariness. He looked like he wished she would leave. Wondered if he made good decision. Regret. Regret. I run my big damn mouth.
“Hey!” Marvel rallied, totally missing the body language interplay. “She’s not a nightmare! Black Bat is very kind and smart.” He put his hands on his hips, which happily meant he had to stop supporting middle-aged wizard weight.
Constantine said some curses under his voice that she didn’t know. He fished around in his pocket and pulled out a packet of cigarettes. The rattling from inside told Cass: three cigarettes. No metal, no secret hidden weapon unless it closely resembled cigarette shape. Maintain wariness. He lit it on fire with his fingers.
What? No lighter? Cass saw no lighter.
While Cass was busy frowning about that the wizard turned on his heel. “Toodles,” he said, and then Marvel grabbed him. 
“Wait! We need your professional help.”
“Do I look like I’m working?” Grungy wizard demanded. He waved a hand up and down his body, showing off his sleeveless tank top and tight pants. 
“Yes.” Black Bat took a couple steps closer. She knew this. “You were working. You’re not so intoxicated. You were running a scam for funding. You need money?” She kept anything out of her tone that could sound like judgment, leaving it cold and empty. No-nonsense. “I pay for consultation.”
Grungy wizard paused, looking her up and down. He took a drag on his cigarette. Stinky wizard. He blew it out at Marvel, RUDE wizard. “Really?” He was dubious. “Where’s the catch?” Stinky wizard scrunkled his face at her. “Usually it’s all ‘you owe it to the world, it’s for the good of humanity, don’t you have any decency?” with you people.
Cass rolled her eyes. “Can we cut the-” her eyes darted to Marvel. “Bullshit?” she finished, because it was the right word even if there were little ears present. “One thousand dollars American.”
Captain Marvel looked at her, eyes wide. Shocked. Envy. Small.
Oh. She hid her sudden bad feeling. 
“...Make it one and a half thousand, Bird, that’s a love,” oozed the Stinky Wizardman. He didn’t expect, but-
“Fine.” Cass said briskly. She didn’t want to spend a lot of time on money. She pulled out her wallet and withdrew one hundred dollar bills until she had 15. The Wizard cursed jealousy and ran a hand through his hair. Marvel was fascinated. Hmm. She held it out.
The wizard wanted it. He looked. He really wanted it. But: wary. No trust. Can’t trust a bat.
She let out a disgusted sigh. Black Bat shook the bills at him impatiently. “My Black Bat fund,” she said, in a tone that meant ‘do you have a brain that thinks thoughts?’ She continued, “For my use in-suit. Obviously real money. Obviously non-consecutive legal tender.” Duh.
“Okie Dokie!” Marvel said cheerfully. “We’re back on track.”
The wizard snatched it and stuffed it in his back pocket, hungry dog, don’t take it from me, I need it. “Let’s not talk here. I have a hotel room.” 
‘Did the stinkyman invite Marvel-baby to his hotel?’
Cass cut the wizard a death look.
He coughed and avoided looking at her. 
That was a yes. “You’re a bad judge of people,” she told the wizard, voice full of disdain. “Yes. Let’s go.” She pointedly moved in between him and Marvel-baby. 
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britany1997 · 2 years
Hey bestie! if you still have requests open could i please request a blurb for a GN reader x all the boys (poly) with like helping the reader put together an outfit please? if you can ofc!!
thank you 💕💕💕💕
Queer Eye With The Vampire Guys
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Omg hey bestie! Of course! Hope you like this:)
Poly! Lost boys x GN Reader
(I’m running out of gifs y’all, dang)
(Interactions with and encouragement of my work always appreciated🥺)
You groaned loudly as you fell face first into the contents of your closet that had been piled on the floor.
“I have nothing to wear,” your muffled voice rumbled from the tower of clothes.
Paul shot the boys a confused look as he gestured to the various articles of clothing scattered across the room.
Dwayne placed a finger over his lips and shook his head, motioning for Paul to keep his mouth shut.
Paul put his hands up in surrender and moved to sit next to Marko on your bed.
Dwayne got up and kneeled down next to your groaning form and began to rub your back. “What do you need baby?” He asked.
You sighed and picked your head up from the pile of clothes to meet Dwayne’s gaze, “can you guys just pick out an outfit for me? I can’t do this right now I feel too overwhelmed and I hate everything I own.”
Marko leapt off the bed at your words, “absolutely baby!” He checked his watch, “we’ve still got two hours before the concert starts, plenty of time for a little fashion show!”
Dwayne picked you up from the pile and maneuvered you into his lap gently, wrapping his arms around you in a comforting hug. While Marko dug through your clothes for pieces to put together.
Paul, now bored as Marko’s attention had been turned, stood up and moved to your bathroom to start rummaging through your drawers. “Can I do your nails?” He asked.
You grimaced at the proposition of the most jumpy boy you knew painting your nails, but you knew it’d make him happy. “Sure,” you sighed.
Paul poked his head out of the bathroom doorway and beamed at you, before striding back into your bedroom, bottle of black nail polish in hand.
He sat across from you as Dwayne loosened his hold on you so you could lean forward. Paul took your hand and placed it on his knee, unscrewing the cap of the nail polish and beginning to brush it onto your nail…and half your finger.
You laughed quietly as Paul’s tongue popped out of the side of his mouth in concentration, his brow furrowed as he desperately attempted to keep the polish straight.
David quirked his brow from his place leaning against your drawer as he caught sight of what Marko was putting together.
David grabbed a boot and held it up, “how do we feel about pikes?” He asked.
Your face twisted as you pursed your lips.
He sighed, “ok then,” he grabbed your favorite pair of sneakers, ones Marko had painted little bats on a while back, and held them out to you, his eyebrows raised in expectantly.
You smiled and nodded your head.
“Great,” he shrugged, putting them aside as he came around to Marko’s side to riffle through your things as well.
“You’re doing great Paulie,” you told the blond vampire in front of you. He’d pulled out some Q-tips and nail polish remover to clean up the mess on your fingers. All things considered it was actually starting to look pretty good.
“Thanks baby,” he winked at you, “want me to do your toes too?”
“No time!” Marko interrupted, “we’ve got a look for you babe, c’mere,” he pushed Paul aside to grab your hands and pull you from Dwayne’s lap.
Neither Dwayne nor Paul was particularly enthusiastic about Marko’s sudden sweeping you away.
“Hey genius, be careful with their hands!” Paul called after him, “he better not smudge my masterpiece,” he mumbled as he crossed his arms.
Dwayne grunted, rolling his eyes as he stood to his feet. He checked his watch, over an hour till they had to head out, more than enough time to have held you a little longer.
Marko waved off their grumpiness as he walked you towards an awaiting David, your clothes in his grasp. “Here you go love,” he said while placing the pieces into your hands, “try these on, you’ll look amazing.”
You kissed his cheek as you took the clothes and walked to your bathroom to change.
“What and now we can’t even watch them change? This is your fault,” Paul accused Marko while pointing.
Marko rolled his eyes, “can you calm down for five seconds?” he mocked.
Paul pondered Marko’s words before flopping onto his back on your bed, “historically? No.” He told Marko while shooting him finger guns.
Marko rolled his eyes.
You came out of the bathroom wearing a plain black shirt, black pants, and a confused expression. “What the hell guys,” you scrunched your nose in disgust, “this is so boring.”
David shot Marko a knowing grin, “that’s because it isn’t finished yet love. Dwayne? Your necklace?”
You watched in awe as Dwayne pulled the accessory over his head and placed it around your neck. You touched it gently with reverence, “thank you,” you whispered earnestly.
David’s lip curled up into a half-smile as he watched the two of you. He pulled at the fingertips of his gloves, taking them off before walking up to you and slipping them over your hands.
You turned from the smiling Dwayne in front of you to look at the bleach blond vampire beside you. “They look almost as good on you as they do on me,” he teased, kissing your forehead.
You laughed, “I could never compete with you baby,” you promised him as you took his bare hand and placed it on your cheek.
Paul bounded over, breaking up the sweet moment to hold your chin and turn your face towards his. He pulled a ring from his finger and slid it onto yours, over the glove.
Your eyes welled with tears as you realized what your boys were doing. Paul pressed a kiss to your lips and wiped your eyes with his thumb.
“You like baby?” His whispered, “you can keep it sugar, it’s all yours.”
You leaned forward to kiss him again, “thank you Paul, it’s perfect.”
Marko popped up next to Paul, his jaw in his hands as he looked at you with an exaggerated, quizzical expression, “hmmm,” his eyes scanned over your outfit, “it’s still missing something.”
He turned to shrug off his jacket as the other boys stepped back. A gasp fell from your lips as he handed you the jacket. “You can’t be serious,” you said hesitantly, “I watched you punch a guy in the face just for brushing the shoulder of this thing!” You exclaimed.
Marko shrugged, “yeah so I decked some rando,” he laughed, “you’re not some rando, this jacket is mine, but so are you. You’re all of ours.” He helped you into his patchwork masterpiece before placing a kiss on your cheek.
Once the look was complete, Marko took your hand in his, “twirl for us?” He asked you, a mischievous smile stretching across his face.
You rolled your eyes, but let him twirl you anyway, show casing the look they’d put together.
“Perfect,” Marko breathed. You beamed in response.
“Ready to go?” Dwayne asked, “concert starts in forty-five minutes.”
“Ready,” you told them, smiling and offering both Paul and Marko a hand as you walked to the row of motorcycles parked outside your house.
Paul inspected your gloved hand before glaring at David.
“Ya had to do the gloves didn’tcha,” he grumbled, “yeah Paulie, I know you spent all that time doing their nails but lemme put these dumb gloves over them.” He mocked.
You rolled your eyes affectionately before bringing the hand Paul had intertwined with yours, to your lips. “I’ll know how good they look baby, it can be our little secret,” you whispered.
His lips quirked up into a smile as you mounted his bike behind him and slid your hands up to hold onto his chest. “I suppose I could be ok with that,” he told you as he turned around to shoot you a wink.
You laughed as he reved his engine and took off down the driveway, the other boys close behind.
@dwaynesbiboyfriend @xxryn @anna1306 @pixielostboy @solobagginses @its-freaking-bats @misslavenderlady @ghoulgeousimmaculate @6lostgirl6 @bloodywickedvamp @altierirose
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thehighlordishere · 9 months
Bat boys x gn!reader who got their wings clipped
Tw: violence, blood, kidnapping, protective bat boys, death
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-You two went there for high lord and high you business
-Ofc Devshit was there😒
-While in a meeting discussing over the camp you felt queasy
-When you went outside to get fresh air you were jumped on before Rhys could do anything, the poison dulled the bond and magic
-The Illyrians we’re angry with having you as their other ruler and someone who was also only half Illyrian
-you were taken to the camp’s dungeons, two men held you down
-you screamed as you felt the muscles in your wings splintered into pieces
-they decided that wasn’t enough
-one by one as you screamed as they shredded the wings off your back
-Rhys just barely missed by minutes
-mans mad af-
-would rip out all of their throats before gathering you in his arms and caressing your face while taking your pain away
-“I’m here darling”
-as you fell asleep of pain and exhaustion in his arms on the flight back, he set you down on his (absolute 20ft long) bed and accessed the damage
-prepared himself to take care of you when the realization hit
-holds you for days, won’t move or leave you till you wished for it
-would heal you personally unless your comfortable with madja
-Mistake number one, touching you, even looking at you
-like who do they think they are? 😮‍💨
-would not stop until he got you back, safe and unharmed in his arms
-he’s like a animal- a beast- he will not rest until you can peacefully
-Rhysie pieces is busy so Cassian comes with him
-kill everyone in their way, while cassian takes them out he unbinds you and holds you, rocking you back and forth and shushing, whispering sweet and comforting words softly in your ear as you sobbed for your loss
-top tier healers
-would help you bathe if you want to, only if your comfortable with it, would sit outside the door and wait
-literally throws a mini spa for you like??
-gently rubs oils and creams on your back
-his shadows cooling your back to help you feel better
-Laying on his chest as he runs his hands gently and comfortingly down your arm
-“I’ve got you dear”😮‍💨😭😘
-reads you to sleep😮‍💨📖
-have they not learned???
-making death wishes frrr
-you went with him to the camp to train with him and the females and help them emotionally with everything
-he was occupied with a conversation
-It’s amazing that someone was able to get his attention away from you, like literally impossible
-the other female Illyrians screamed as someone grabbed you swooped you away
-this was planned
-his roar of anger could have quite destroyed the mount
-immediately snapped the neck of the ones he was talking to and took off after you
-the man flying you knew that he wouldn’t make it to the ideal spot so, he tore them clean off with his dirty bulky hands midair
-your scream of horror, pin, shock, echoed through The Valley on mountains
-not even a few seconds more and something grabbed you, it was Cassian, you looked up, sobbing in pain at his face of anger
-the other man was shredded btw
-“I’ve got you sweatheart”
-cradles you like glass but holds as if he let you go you would get hurt again
-refused to leave the room of healers
-growled at anyone who came near
-protective Illyrians 🙄
-practically held you from the side of the bed
-when your squirmed in pain he would blow cold air on your wounds😭
-kisses them gently too
-gives you a long forehead kiss before pampering your face
-holds you in the medical bed while pampering you,
-big Illyrian baby🦇
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rate-every-bat · 9 months
If you haven't done it already, you should rate the Hoary Bat 💞 They're my favourite and I would love to see your opinion on them
Absolutely, let's do it!
Today's Bat: Hoary Bat
The Hoary Bat has always put me in mind of a little powdered donut. There's an abandoned mining cave that's been turned into a museum and nature preserve in my area, and bat spotters frequently find these frosted babies hanging out there during the summer. I'd really love to spot one in person, but for now, I'll settle for this precious picture:
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Environmental Impact: The Hoary Bat has an incredibly wide habitat range across North and Central America, even reaching as far as Hawaii. With such a wide range, it's no surprise that they've split into several subspecies (which is so, so cool). They migrate from north to south in the autumn, or hibernate for short bursts using a "butt blanket" and torpor state to withstand cooler temperatures. Interestingly, they predate several pest species, but have a relatively restricted diet compared to other North American insectivorous bats. These guys also catch rabies fairly frequently, which is another hit to their score here.
Beauty: Oh, these guys are angels. Their wide faces and perfectly round eyes make them look like Precious Moments dolls with wings. Their coats, multi-colored with a delicate white frost, are the peak of winter fashion. I can't think of a single thing that would make these guys more appealing... top marks!
Power: Hoary Bats are largely solitary throughout the year. Upon mating in the autumn, the female retains sperm in her reproductive tract. She'll reserve it all winter, and come spring, she will fertilize her eggs and give birth by early summer. Delayed fertilization allows them to choose whether or not conditions are right to rear young, and controls for their generally lonesome nature. I first learned about this ability with bears, and I continue to find it fascinating. I will have to deduct points from the Power score, however, for their decidedly anti-clean-power stance: their leading cause of mortality is striking wind turbines.
Overall: This upcoming summer, hit your local mine. Maybe you'll find a Hoary Bat... or me, with a camera.
(Today's sources: Animal Diversity Web, Bat Conservation International)
(PS: I couldn't find a convenient spot to mention this, but the Hawaiian Hoary bat is actually endangered. They're the only remaining native land mammal in Hawaii according to the National Parks Service. BCI lists some conservational efforts, which I'd recommend reading up on and advocating for if you're able. Thank you!)
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dairy-farmer · 4 months
Please consider this ridiculously convoluted idea inspired by my favorite Norse myth:
Basically, there are a couple of parents whose son is being threatened by a monster (ogre / trolls/giant / whatevs) and they pray to Odin for help to protect their son. Odin says no because he's busy and/or he's not interested in helping these random humans. So next they try praying to Thor for help but get a similar answer, and start to despair. But Loki happens to hear about Odin and Thor turning down this couple and their son and shows up to intervene and defeat the monster (I suspect because of how many children Loki has lost in the mythology). The story ends with the three of them giving Loki a hug in thanks.
So what does this have to do with Tim and the bat family? Consider: Justice Lords situation and let's say because of the whole 'being okay with murder/be evil but thinking they are good' thing, the Justice Lords either have no beef with or are actively friendly with Ra's. Ra's has taken an interest in the son of a wealthy Gotham couple named Tim and has sent them a message informing them that he / his minions will be coming to collect Tim.
First, Jack and Janet try asking Superman for help to protect their son, but Superman is basically 'I'm far too busy taking care of the world to worry about one random kid' about the whole thing. So next they try petitioning Batman, but since Batman has a neutral, trending-towards-positive relationship with Ra's in this universe, he declines to interfere.
But Bruce has a son; Dick Grayson, AKA Nightwing AKA formerly Robin (and everyone knows that Robins, the first one at least, are rather mischievous. Thus the Loki role)! Dick hears about the situation and how both Superman and Batman have declined to help. And maybe, even if Ra's and his League aren't enemies in this universe, let's say Dick has some animosity towards Talia ( how dare she try to date his father: Baby!Dick to the rescue cockblock) and messing with Ra's is a roundabout way of messing with her.
So Nightwing shows up and sends the assassins (possibly even Ra's himself) packing, saving the day! Jack and Janet are so grateful, and bring out Tim from the panic room they had hidden him in to meet and thank Nightwing personally. And when Dick sees Tim for the first time, he falls in love instantly: Tim is a beautiful teenager, all smooth pale skin, strong yet delicate limbs, silky black hair and intelligent blue eyes. He blushes so prettily when he thanks Dick for keeping him away from Ra's (and from definitely becoming his new little wife).
Dick plays it cool, even while he drinks in every detail of Tim, already planning how to court this beautiful young man. Nightwing even cracks a joke about getting a kiss for saving the damsel in distress. He is pleasantly surprised when Tim blushes, looking down nervously, before placing a hand on Nightwing's shoulder and leaning up to press a sweet kiss to his cheek.
Dick wants to stay longer, but unfortunately he has to figure out how to clean up the mess/get the assassins back to Ra's before it becomes an issue. He promises before he leaves that he will come back to 'check in' on Tim and make sure he's doing all right.
(That's all I really have, aside from this somehow leading to a detailed and relentless (and enthusiastically welcomed) courtship that ends up with Tim revealing that he knows who Nightwing really is and them eventually getting married (and fucking nasty style, of course 😘)
Thank you for indulging me in this myth nerd silliness! 🦇
❤️❤️❤️❤️!! dick obviously being so unable to resist sweet little tim, he's tim's knight in shining armor afterall, his little damsel which tim is all too happy to be ❤️!
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faeriekit · 1 year
Quiet Respite 🕸️❤️🦇
find the whole thing on Ao3 or read the previous updates here on tumblr
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A DC x MCU fic inspired by Dark Matter, Cassandra Cain meets Peter Parker in an exploratory romance slash “mystery” fic. (If you’ve read a lot of these before, you pretty much can tell what’s going on in the background.) Features: Cass’s turn as POV character, use of sign language, the flimsiest timeline you’ve ever seen, teen romance, hurt/comfort, implied homelessness, fight scenes, Cass’s teen rebellion arc, Spider-Man villain arc?? (whoopsie), and a good deal of sneaking around. Updates on tumblr before ao3.
Previous updates are listed above, so if you don’t want to start off with ch 15 below, click on those. This is just to consolidate a big post into something slightly smaller. Anyway, enjoy the continuation of Peter’s trauma-induced depression arc.
The next day is dance class.
Baby Bat’s school will be waiting for him tomorrow, which means Peter will either go, or not go.
That’s a tomorrow problem. Today, Cass has dance.
She hovers her hand over Peter’s stomach. “Can I…touch?” She uses her voice to ask.
He lets her touch. She gently prods his ribs.
“They don’t hurt anymore,” Peter whispers as he signs, exhausted, but awake. “I ate. I slept. I healed.”
He heals quickly, then. Some creatures do. Cass nods.
“Okay.” Cass can sign that one without even looking at him. She rolls off of her bed. “We are going.”
Peter frowns. He’s confused. “We…?” he starts, but his hands fall before finishes his thought. He’s too tired.
Cass hums a doing chores song that Alfred likes. “Mmhmm,” she vocalizes in her throat, more thought than sound. She reaches underneath her Peter, and he barely even flails. So gentle with her.
“Wait, where are we—?” He squawks. If he’s signing, it’s at the wrong angle for Cass to see. “What?? Cass— Wait—“
Having his bare skin against her arms is kind of nice. He’s kind of squishy. Cass is hopeful that with more food, he might be even squishier. His body is a little too cold. He needs clothing.
Cass makes it over to the door. An almost-free hand wiggles enough to get Cass’s fluffy purple robe from the hook on back of it, and positioning Peter beneath it makes it fall neatly onto his face.
Peter makes a wounded noise. But he’s not hurt. Cass whistles Alfred’s cleaning tune and opens the door with a careful stretch and her toes.
Cass pokes her head through the door.
Cass looks left. Cass looks right.
“I don’t think anyone is here,” Peter murmurs, close to her ear. He’s looking where she’s looking but— right. Peter and the spider are the same. He can hear things Cass can only feel whispers of. She nods. She carries him down to Bigger Bird’s room.
Bigger Bird’s not here, but his pants are. Cass pulls open a drawer with her toes (new skill!), sticks Peter closer, and let him choose.
…And prods him to choose, when he doesn’t.
“Are we stealing?” Peter mumbles, upset. But he picks a pair of shiny, dark blue shorts. “Because I stopped that now.”
“No. Giving back. Later.”
“Oh. Well, then.”
Baby Bat’s shirts fit better. Cass walks them across the hall to Baby Bat’s room, stepping over the clutter and noise to get to his closet.
“It is a little weird how comfortable you are with going into other people’s closets,” Peter says under an exhausted sigh. Cass understands most of the sentence: the part that says This is weird. The rest is probably about the clothing.
“One child,” she accuses of him easily. “Normal.”
Peter barely looks at the shirts. He picks one off the closet without examining it. “Only child?”
“Mmhmm.” What’s the difference?
The door cracks open. Cass knows it’s going to be Baby Bat, so she doesn’t worry. Baby Bat likes Peter. He appears in the doorway, head-speakers half on and half off, computer under his arm. “Ca— Peter?!”
Peter’s head lolls in Baby Bat’s direction. Cass shifts to accommodate him. “…Hi,” says Peter.
“You’re in my house?” Baby Bat asks, confused. His eyebrows are pushed together. He doesn’t understand why they’re in his room, or in his room, together.
“…I have been? For a few days?” Peter asks, more confused than Baby Bat is. Cass hasn’t told him they were hiding him.
(To be fair, she thought it was obvious.)
“Shirt, please,” Cass rasps, and gestures to Peter, clad in only her purple robe and with his stuck-up hair.
Thankfully, signing: “Okay??” only takes one hand and a strong expression. Cass loves Baby Bat. She might kiss his hair on the way out.  
Cass wheels them out into the hallway, almost backs into a fancy art thing on a tiny table, and ferries Peter back into her room.
His dirty clothes and his metal skin are still on her floor. They’ll have to stay there until Alfred cleans her room tomorrow and the laundry goes away.
Peter. Stands. He holds the clothes. He doesn’t change.
That’s okay. Cass takes his choices from his hands and carefully guides him through the process. Sometimes just touching the body is enough to bring someone back to it. His arms go up. The shirt goes over his head. Cass touches each foot to guide his legs into the shorts.
His body is dressed, although he is without shoes. Cass fetches skinny little socks from her drawer, because his body is always too cold to her touch and loving people means giving heat and warmth.
Hm. Maybe he should have her jacket too.
Bigger Bat is fending for himself in doing job things. Bigger Bird is doing day work in his very far, very smelly city. Baby Bat already likes lying to Bigger Bat for fun.
All Cass has to do is take Peter into the car with her.
…With Alfred.
Cass is very gentle with Peter. He’s strong and he’s healed and she doesn’t have to be gentle, but Bigger Bat is always gentle with Cass even though he doesn’t have to be too. She takes Peter’s hand to walk him downstairs for fear that he won’t come after her if she doesn’t. They slip through the long halls and heavy doors of Cass’s new nest on socked feet.
Alfred is already at the door when Cass and Peter get there. When Cass puts herself between Alfred and Peter, it’s almost unconscious.
Alfred looks up.
Alfred looks down.
He does not look…surprised.
“I had thought Cass was hiding a cat,” Alfred signs, slowly and precisely, as he always does.
“P-e-t-e-r,” Cass fingerspells instead. She tries not to look sheepish. She is doing a good thing. She doesn’t have to be shy about it.
“Indeed. To the car?” Alfred signs, and speaks, in case Peter doesn’t understand ASL.
Peter doesn’t sign back; but still, he’s pliable. Cass guides him into the car, and he buckles himself in.
They go to dance.
Peter doesn’t dance, but that’s okay; Alfred is clear with his words and tone that say Leave him alone and Be nice at the same time, and all the same ballerinas who had watched Cass be tossed with envy are careful and quiet with him.
The music plays. A dozen feet fall on the same beat, and Cass dances.
Arms. Legs. Bend. Twirl. Dip, and bend. Turn. Angle her head, just so, so that Cass can watch Peter without breaking the line of perfectly organized dancers.
Peter watches, legs crossed, knees up to his chin.
The lessons end, and the ballerinas leave— kindly waving to Cass, to Peter, with shy shoulders and soft-spoken concern. They’re nice. Cass loves dance-partners. They mean as much to her as fight-partners ever could.
The ballerinas leave. The teacher, in her black leotard and taut leggings, leaves.
Cass doesn’t leave. The floors smell like wood and wax. There’s the smell of sweat and emotion in the air. The mirror is the only cool part of the humid, sweaty room. Cass, not Batgirl and yet in a black bodysuit, sits beside Peter.
Peter says nothing.
Cass says nothing.
…Cass holds out a hand.
Peter. Looks at it. He isn’t sure he wants to take it, she can tell— knows what it’s for, but doesn’t have the energy to do anything about the gesture.
“Please,” Cass asks. Animals that do not move are doomed to die.
Her spider sees the expression on her face. His own falters because of it.
His grip is hesitant, but Cass is certain. She hauls him to his feet and puts them in pose: their fingers entwined, his palms to her, her body to his, her cheek to his collarbone.
For a moment, they just breathe, in silent embrace.
And then Cass moves, and Peter moves with her, two minds and one body.
Peter only follows old memories at first; muscle memory works to keep his body upright, to bend and to hold her, to keep Cass steady and sure.
But Cass knows what’s going to happen before it happens; her spider is a creature of movement, just like her.
Slowly, as she spins, as he follows, his eyes soften. His practiced care becomes intentional. Then it becomes artistic, and Peter joins her in the music.
The girl who wears Batgirl’s skin and a spider boy dance in an empty studio, arm in arm, dancing to music she has heard in her dreams. Their footsteps are a whisper of an echo against the plaster walls and glass mirror around them. Cass can see their reflections when she’s angled to— in the sunset angling through the windows, they are little more than the shadows they pretend to be.
She isn’t surprised when Peter lifts her— she knows he knows she likes it— but the relief that Peter feels safe enough to play a little makes her laugh. Openly. Loudly.
Peter’s eyes go wide with awe.
Cass can’t help but adore him for it.
He slowly lets her down. He doesn’t let go of her.
It’s good that he doesn’t. She wants to (and she does) angle Peter’s head down, until she can press a kiss to his curls. She pulls him in close and he comes to her.
Tears find Cass’s shirt. She welcomes them as long as Peter needs to cry them.
“T-they’re,” Peter hiccups, too close to her to sign. “They’re gone. Everyone’s gone. My aunt, my friends, my…my team, my uncle.”
Cass knew some of that. Not the details. Her arms circle around him so she can pull him tighter. “I’m here,” Cass whispers.
There’s a sob against her chest. “What do I do? Where do I go from here? Everyone’s…”
“I’m here,” Cass whispers again, because it’s the truth. “Let me…help. Brothers help. Dad helps.”
“They’re not…” Peter grips her back— careful not to crush her, not like Cass had hurt him days before. “They’re your family. Not mine.”
Cass clicks her tongue. That can easily change. Once upon a time, the Bat hadn’t been her parent either. Now she has two-and-more brothers and parent and a purple friend and an Alfred. “Can share.” And then, because she means it: “Stupid.” She bonks her head down onto his. Peter’s laugh is watery, but it’s bright.
Cass carries Peter to the car this time. He almost smiles.
(Alfred does.)
“I hope you understand that this does require you to be at dinner, young Masters,” Alfred says, signing the gist to Cass as they go. Cass catches most of it, though his white gloves make it hard to tell where Alfred’s fingers are.
Cass sticks out her tongue. Peter splutters, wide-eyed.
(They trade the sight of pink tongues all the ride home.)
(Alfred pretends not to see them, but Cass catches his smile in the mirror at odd glances.) 
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papacopia-crucified · 2 years
Might start something new with this. Actually it came to me unexpectedly. And actually I did not saw one fic about this kind of content so bare with me on this.
It’s basically a vampire!Popia fic where he can turn into a bat. 🦇
After Dark
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The nightclub was crowded as usual, body heat radiating off of the slightly intoxicated, dancing people. Maybe it was 2 or 3 in the morning, the sun did not come out yet.
“Can we get two beers, please?” A man stepped to the bar, he was drunk and it seemed that he would not remember this night at all. As he was so intoxicated with booze. You opened two bottle of the more expensive beer, cause you knew at this point he would not even care about the money, placing it down in front of him. He thanked you and gave you a 100 dollar bill.
“Keep the change sexy.” He winked but you just smiled and pocketed the change. Better and better songs played and you could not help but dance to the music. The theme now was rock/pop and you did enjoyed the music the dj played. The bar was the heart of the club, people come and go and get their favourite drinks etc. Truth to be told, you only accepted this job cause you love music, and you can make friends rapidly. Not so many people know that you’re much more than what you’re showing. After the end of the shift around 5 am, you clean up the bar area and change into your casual clothes. Say goodbye to the security guard and step out to the light, inhale the fresh air. That’s when your stomach growled. Luckily there was a bakery on the way home, and you decided to get something from there, maybe some coffee too. As you walk down the sidewalk, people who know you greet you with a smile. But your thoughts were cut short when you approached the bakery and oh boy, when you open the door, the smell of the various delicious pastries’ smell fill your nostrils.
“Good morning (y/n). Another night shift?” Asked the boy Brian, who’s behind the register.
“Morning. Yeah it was exhausting. Anyway, I’ll take a coffee and some chocolate croissants to go.” You smiled at him and stepped to the register.
“I see, the usual, may I suggest something new?”
“What are my options?”
“Well we have freshly baked macarons, filled with delicious creamy strawberry filling, matcha filling etc. Or we have cannolies filled white cream, sprinkled with some powdered sugar. I know you have a sweet tooth.”
“They sound yummy, then I’ll have my croissants and cannoli as well.” He nods and fill a little box with two croissants and cannolies and hands it to you.
“There you go. That’ll be 7.45 dollars.” You hand him a 10 dollar and tell him he can keep the change. He thanked you and went to serve another customer. It was a short period of time to get to your house, cause it was not far away. As you were about to open the front door you hear a squeaky sound not so far away from you. Looking around you find out that there’s something in one of your perfectly cut bush, as you come closer you realise that it’s rather large, it was a bat. One of its wing was broken and it tried to wiggle it out from the grasp of the branches.
“Oh… poor baby. Don’t worry. I’ll free you, wait a minute.” You did not hesitate and ran into the house, searching for the spare cage you have. It was big enough for the bat. You grabbed some clothe and got it into the cage, to make it more comfy looking. You were fearless when it came to not usual animals, since you already owned a rat named Penelope. The bat was a little tired when you got back to it, wing barely moving, looks like it gave up on freeing itself. When it was you and the cage it tried to get free once more, but it failed.
“Don’t worry. I want to help you, and get you into this cage and after that I’ll attend to your wound. Be a good bat and stay still.” You said and the bat just rotated it’s head as he could understand what you have just said. Little by little you motioned you hand and grasped it not too tightly. It winced due to the pain but stayed still as you put it into the cage and closed it’s door.
“Phew. Little one, you were so-so good. I think I have some raw meat in there. Just for you.” You took it inside placed it into your room along with the food and coffee you got and attended to Penelope.
“Hi sweetheart. I know I missed you too.” She squeaked excitedly and took her out of the huge aquarium that you had for her. She ran up to your shoulder and poked you with her head. It was the favourite moment of coming home, knew that she’s waiting for you. You grabbed her and held it to the cage.
“Penelope meet your new friend, Uhmmm…….” You though about a good name, and when you looked up to the wall you was your favourite band’s poster.” Copia.” The bat squeaked when you said the name of the band’s front man.
“Well Penelope, meet Copia. Copia meet Penelope.” You smiled and she seemed to like Copia too, which is odd since they predator and prey, but it did not bother you. You gave Penelope some fresh veggies and fruits, adding water to her bowl. You place her into the aquarium and went to get something to eat to Copia.
You managed to attend to the broken wing of Copia, he tried to wiggle away from you but he was too tired from all of the moving. You after placed him into the cage and he immediately fell up to the ceiling of the cage and let himself down, trying to make it comfortable. You carefully placed a piece of meat to the bowl you got for him, but he just smelled it, did not even moved.
“What’s the matter? You do not like meat?” And then you realised.” Of course, you drink blood. I dunno where I’m gonna get you.” You then started to panic a little. And remembered that there’s a butchery near your house.
“Wait for me okay? I’ll get you some. Be good boys and girls.” You left them and dressed yourself up, ran immediately to the butchery.
“Hi. Do you have blood? I mean.”
“Which type do you want miss? We have some fresh and frozen ones.”
“I’ll take a bag of fresh and 2 frozen ones.”
“Certainly Miss, here it is. It’ll be 9 dollars, would you like anything else?”
“No thank you.” You tossed the blood bags into the bag.” Goodbye.!”
“Goodbye Miss.”
When you arrived at home the first thing you see that Copia is not in the cage anymore. You panicked.
“Oh fuck. Where’d he go?” Your stress faded into thin air when you saw Copia in the aquarium with Penelope cuddling?.
“Ahh…. There you are. And you’re not hurting Penelope. Strange. But I’m glad that you two are getting along. And also how did you managed to get into?”
The bat just looked at you already listening to his name you gave him. Copia looked at you like he was adoring you.
“Never mind. You look too cute together. And even if you will be good, I’ll let you to stay with Penelope.” His little bat face lit up and squeaked happily, it made you giggle too. “Oh I got you some blood Copia. I’ll pour it into your bowl. Don’t worry I’ll place it inside so you don’t have to move.” You quickly poured some of the red liquor into his bowl and placed it in the aquarium. He left your rat’s side and started to drink the blood. And you watched him in awe, cause you never seen a bat drinking blood, heck dit not even say a bat so close. His beautiful in his own way, and you noticed that he had mismatched eyes, and they were in the middle of a black spot. Both of his eyes were surrounded by black fur. It was kind weird, but that’s what made Copia special. It kinda truly reminded him of Papa Emeritus IV.
“Aren’t you a little rockstar Copia?” His little head shot up to look at you and just stared into your eyes. Like he was surprised by your statement. He squealed happily and went back next to Penelope, who was peacefully sleeping.
“Huhh..? Weird.” You did not really paid attention after, you just wanted to eat now, cause you were hungry as hell. You sat down to your bed and unwrapped the cannolies and the croissants, sipped a little from the still warm coffee.
“Oh shoot, I should get into my pyjamas. Not like I’m going anywhere today.” You sat up from the bed and suddenly became shy. You looked over to the aquarium and saw that Copia’s little head peeked up at your words.
“Don’t look at me like that. Turn around.” His little head just moved to the left. “Good boy.” But you did not know while you undressed that the little bat was watching you. And truth to be told he liked what he saw. He wanted nothing more but to transform into Papa again and take care of your every needs, kissing you, for what you had done for him.
And it was just the beginning…
There it is….. I don’t know genuinely what to think about this. Maybe you can tell me if I should continue this.
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baby-fics · 10 months
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CG: Alexei Reznik (Turned 1934)
🩶Alexei likes being called Baba or Bubble (He was called Bubble one time when his little was really small and his heart almost started beating) calls his littles Little Bat, Sweetiling/Sweetest, Dearest.
🦇 Is the calm, soft spoken caregiver. Holding his little gently, rocking them back and forth, rubbing the words of blessings and poems into their back.
🪦 Wants to make sure his loved ones are well cared for and his littles adequately spoiled. Constantly making sure they've eaten enough and being the primary cook for the coven.
🩶Always sneaks veggies into their baby's food in a way they can't taste, good at accommodating texture issues and will work very closely with his coven members if they have issues with food.
🦇Very attentive and helps you get ready and change clothes, putting them in cozy little outfits but needs to get feedback from them as Alexei can't really feel temperature.
🪦 Is the bartender for a monster dive bar in their area, it's not unusual for you to sit there with a milkshake or shirley temple while Baba cleans up before the sun rises.
🩶 Loves setting up pillow forts and snuggling up with the whole coven and wrapping you up in blankets. Watching movies like Corpse Bride or Coraline, or shows like Over the Garden Wall. A sippy full of chocolate milk, trying not to fall asleep in Alexei's arms.
"Aren't you sweet, I think I need to hear my precious little bat call me Bubble one more time~" 🫧
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love-toxin · 2 years
honestly vampire!angelface is my new favourite daydream, especially the bat aspect 🦇 flitting around the fruity four's house in bat form and rolling around on the rugs, learning how to use your wings and your claws by working the knots out of your lover's hair, getting flying practice and having fun when you curl up into a ball and let Eddie slingshot you out the second floor window, baby-bird style. riding on Robin's shoulder around the house when you're too lazy to use your wings, and cause she always feeds you a bit of whatever she's eating--she even has a trick where she puts a grape or a cracker in her mouth so you'll lean up and bite the other end off, like a kiss! and you act as a hot water bottle for Nancy when she has cramps or a stomachache, spreading yourself out on her tummy to warm her right up, especially when she's at her desk trying to get work done at the same time. and when Steve's in the shower, you hang from the curtain rod and hand him his hair products and soap, letting him spray you clean with the showerhead and chittering along to whatever tune he's singing in a melody of squeaks and tiny howls.
(cws: blood, bones, slight yandere)
you're so cute, and when you're with your partners just spending time with them, you seem so harmless. but you're protective, extremely protective over your mates. you fly around the roof when it gets dark at night, going out several times every couple hours to watch for danger--when you're unsure or on edge, sometimes you perch at the very top and sit there all night. you don't really need sleep, so it's only a bother when the fruity four miss your warmth and want you to come back to bed, calling your name out the open window to lure you back inside. whenever one of them brings you something special, something you know they only do for you--like giving you some of their blood, or offering some animal bone for you to chew on--you promise them with that sudden, unsettlingly serious demeanor that you would kill anyone they asked you to, and you're completely devoted to them. doing things like that for you, gross things that humans would naturally shy away from, is basically like a marriage proposal to a creature of the night like you.
and they can trust that if real danger ever does arise, you'll be hunting down whatever creature dared to hurt your loves--and you won't stop until you've hunted them to death, torn them limb from limb until the people of Hawkins sit up in their beds at the sound of a democreature yowling and squealing in agony. doesn't matter how big it is either, how strong, or how terrifying it looks compared to your relatively small form. humans, demogorgons, animals--it doesn't matter what stature it has or what weapons it uses, if the fruity four run out into the darkness to find you, they'll be met with the sight of your fangs sinking into your prey's flesh as you drink all the blood you desire from it. and when you're done, you'll happily sink into the arms of one of them as they carry you home with a full belly and your protective predator instincts sated.....for now.
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sommerregenjuniluft · 11 months
HI BAT<3 ,,so *clears throat* i have dug through urs, claude's and my blog and either tumblr is having me on or i halluzinated (at least i think it was one or both of you) the post about modern day lesbian prongsfoot because I CAnnot Find It Again
anyways i have 1.5k words of them Regardless so here ya go<3
Sirius’ keychains jingle noisily against the heavy front door of their NYC apartment loft as she pushes it open. 
She is greeted by a pool of pleasantly warm pre-noon sunlight and the faint background noise of whatever Jamie’s workout playlist is shuffling up over their sound speaker system.
A smile tugs on her lips at the mental picture of her baby all flushed and sweaty on their peloton bike forming in her mind. Usually Jamie’s already fresh out of the shower when Sirius makes her way back from morning yoga down four blocks at Minnie’s but today the universe seems to be generous and Sirius will welcome the opportunity with open arms (and legs).
Minerva does always remind them to practice some cardio every now and then because perhaps you wouldn’t be out of breath so fast then, Miss Black and it is Saturday which means laundry day is conveniently right around the corner anyway. Sirius nods to herself, teeth digging into her bottom lip, as she toes off her chunky, black plateau slides and lets her tote and yoga mat fall to the floor gently before she creeps further into their apartment.
Sets her iced Matcha Latte down on the granite kitchen island next to the dirty dishes that look like there’s a huge Acai bowl waiting for the both of them in the fridge and rounds the corner, not expecting to be this affected by her fiancée’s get up. Sirius’ breath hitches as her legs lock in place, knees jelly as her eyes rake over glistening, soil dark skin. 
Up from the squeaky clean Adidas Spezial, deep forest green with the mint stripes, rubber sole black and not a flick of outside dirt in the profile, further along the dusting of dark leg hair, slightly curly, and square knees, strong calves and thick thighs, muscles working. Bunching and stretching and it’s obscene, barely covered by a pair of training shorts that are too short and tight and Sirius isn’t even sure if Jamie’s wearing any underwear beneath these. It’s mind-boggling. 
They’ve done their short mob of curls into two teeny tiny pigtails at the nape of their wide neck, shorter layers pinned aside with Sirius is pretty sure those cute sparkly hair clips she bought off of a fifteen year old on a parisian flea market two months ago, bangs extra sweat curled on Jamie’s forehead. And of course, to twist the driven knife, they’re not even wearing a shirt. Unfairly smooth skin, stretched and molded with protruding muscles and adorned by their fair chest scars that Sirius thinks of as the most precious artwork.
trick or treat fic writer ask game
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bryan360 · 2 years
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Here’s my note before I’ll get started….
🎃Inktober of 2022 - Day 10: 🔪Murder
🇵🇷Me: Hola, you guys! I’m promised myself that I’m back with costume cosplay for the characters; after yesterday that I’m stuck with a fanart of Ashley and Red. Anyways, here’s my take of Little Red Riding Hood if you read from books or on other media like “Hoodwinked!” or playing as Baby Bonnie Hood from Darkstalkers series. For Inktober though, It’s Sallie Chips’ as she cosplay herself with a murderous twist. A shocker! 😱 Don’t be alarmed that she did the horror thing. She trying to pick up her strawberries before going to her grandma’s house. However some forest animal friends said other was….
🐿Sallie Chips: Golly! I should get this clean before going to my grandma’s house for a surprise. A very good surprise that is! 😈
🇵🇷Me: Oh boy. I’m still hoping it was strawberries. 😰
Previous Inktober Posts of 2022:
Day 1: ⚫️⚪️Cartoons - Link Here
Day 2: 🎃Pumpkins - Link Here
Day 3: 👨‍⚕️Doctor - Link Here
Day 4: 💀Death - Link Here
Day 5: 🐱Cat - Link Here
Day 6: 🦇Bats - Link Here
Day 7: 😈Devil - Link Here
Day 8: 🌳Forest - Link Here
Day 9: 🧙‍♀️Witch - Link Here
Sallie Chips created by me; BryanVelasquez87 (Bryan360)
Tagged: @murumokirby360 @carmenramcat @alexander1301
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 years
🦇 Stuck 🦇
Summary; Eddie is adjusting to being in bat form, he's injured and thankfully rescued and taken care of by y/n.
She is as unaware as well as the rest of the gang that the Lil bat she's nursing back to health is Eddie who desperately wants to return to his human form.
Warnings; Cute bat Eddie hijinks, fluff. Tiny bits of angst but not much.
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Reblogs, comments etc mean a lot to me ❤ I do not give anyone permission to copy my work.
Jesus H Christ. He was a fucking bat. A lot of strange shit had happened to Eddie over the last few days but this shit had to be the most insane.
He tries to speak but all that comes out are little squeaks and it frustrates him. After being attacked by the demo bats he was sure he was a goner and felt himself slip away peacefully in Henderson's arms.
Then he woke up to...this. To his tiny fucking bat form and was suffering from an injury to his wing.
Barely just barely he managed to escape from the Upside Down and was panicking because how could he let anyone know what was wrong with him? They all thought he was dead.
Also, how did he turn back into a human? Is that even what he was now? Was he a vampire? He had no fucking clue.
"Oh my god, you poor baby". Wait! He knows that voice...
He looks up and y/n, Henderson's sister is standing over him. He begins to squeak and flap his wings, well as much as he could with the injured one.
She leans down and gently picks him up with her jacket.
"Oh, you sweet little thing. Look at your poor wing. Let's get you inside yeah?". She holds him close and he feels so grateful that she is helping him.
They had grown close over the months that he had known Dustin, the little shrimp, y/n was beautiful inside and out, smart, funny.
Thank fuck, it was her that found him.
Exhausted from his flight and everything that has happened in the last twenty-four hours, he falls asleep.
🦇 🦇 🦇 🦇 🦇
When he wakes up he is snuggled into y/n's jacket and his wing has been tended to while he slept, it's been cleaned up and bandaged.
It feels so much better, it still hurts but it isn't agonising like it was before.
Y/n comes into view and is smiling at him. She has tiny pieces of fruit and veg cut up in a little bowl and another bowl filled with water.
He nibbles it greedily and gulps down the water.
"Are you feeling better little one?" He lets out a teeny squeak and she smiles.
"You wanna meet Dustin? I'm afraid that he isn't feeling the best at the moment. His friend Eddie died, her lip wobbles, he died a hero protecting my little brother, my friends and I can never thank him enough".
He squeaks softly moving closer to her wanting to offer her some comfort. Tell her that he's right here! That he's okay.
Gently she picks him up and gathers him in a soft blanket and takes him through to Henderson.
"Dusty, I found this little guy last night, do you want to help me take care of him?". Dustin looks at him with a pained expression.
"Y/n is that one of them? The demo bats". His voice changes growing dark and she soothes him.
"No, they all died. I'm not sure where this one came from. I understand if you don't want to help after what happened with...with Eddie, Dusty".
He softens.
"No, I want to help too, it will help take my mind off things".
🦇 🦇 🦇 🦇 🦇
Eddie was slowly settling into a routine with y/n. She was the one who looked after him mainly but Dustin helped too.
Every night she read to him or told him about her day, he would perch on her shoulder or pillow and listen to her intently.
He would steal treats which would make her giggle and he loved hearing her chat about even the simplest things.
They would have dinner every night at seven and even though he was feeling better, his wing was healed and he could fly faster, he still wanted to stay with y/n and Dustin.
He knew it was stupid, especially while he was in bat form but he was beginning to fall for y/n. She was so kind and sweet, beautiful inside and out.
If only he could show her who he was.
He tried to drop hints to her and Dustin, he would sit on top of Dustin's Hellfire shirt, and he tried to pick up a pen to write his name one time but he only got so far as writing a very incomprehensible E.
He sat on the missing poster of him and squeaked until his little voice gave out but it was no use. Y/n couldn't understand him neither could Dustin.
There must be a way he could turn back himself though and he was going to do it.
There was a meeting at Jim Hopper's cabin. Y/n and Dustin had introduced him to the others and he didn't like the way Harrington was eyeing him.
"Those little bastards killed Eddie and tried to feast on my guts y/n. Can't you leave it at home".
Y/n looks at Steve affronted.
"You dingus, he isn't a demo bat, they are dead, Vecna is dead and the upside down is gone. One demo bat couldn't escape".
"It better not come near me I'm not kidding y/n". Eddie squeaks affronted and chatters into y/n's ear.
Of course she can't understand him but she gets the idea behind his little rants and nods along with him.
*Squeak* Tell Harrington. *Squeak* I'll bite him *Squeak* right on his ass *Squeak* if he doesn't shut up.
She gently tickles his little head and he calms down going for a snooze in her arms, well he would be lying if he didn't admit that he kept one eye on Harrington most times.
He wonders what y/n would think if he ever was able to turn human again. It's something that's been playing on his mind for days and when he settled down for sleep last night on her pillow.
Still half sleepy and waking up he immediately feels different. Everything feels different.
When his eyes open fully with a jolt he realises he's himself again.
He grins.
"Jesus H Christ, finally". He doesn't notice y/n who was snuggled up beside him wake up, stares at him and screams tumbling off the bed.
"E... Eddie. How are you even here right now? we thought you died! Dustin oh god Dustin".
He tries to soothe her but she is still in shock and he manages to steady her, settling her back on the bed.
"How? How did you?". Words fail her and he shows her by turning to his bat form and then back again.
She still looks like she's in shock but she throws her arms around him sobbing.
He returns the hug gently kissing her hair.
"I don't understand how are you alive Eddie?".
"I just remember slipping away in Dustin's arms and then waking up as a bat, you found me, took care of me and now I'm me again".
He strokes her cheek.
"I've missed you", she sobs and he holds her close.
"I've missed you to princess". She peers up at him and he gently thumbs her lips wanting so badly to kiss her. He moves closer and just as their lips meet Dustin rushes in.
"I heard you scream? Are you... He gapes as he sees Eddie who smiles.
"Henderson" Dustin gapes and then he rushes to Eddie throwing his arms around him.
Hearing Dustin sob makes y/n cry and he pulls her into the hug too.
"Jesus, H Christ, I need a shower man, being a bat for so fucking long has thrown me off kilter". He grins again and Dustin freezes.
"Dude! You have fangs".
🕷🍁🎃 🦇
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coffeedrgn87 · 2 years
Draco’s Bat Burrito
For the lovely @emmalovesdilemmas because 🦇 and 🌯 and cute 🥰 *swoon*
“There, there,” Draco cooed as he held the tiny baby bat, he’d swaddled in a clean cotton handkerchief, stroking the adorable creature to simulate its mother’s grooming as he bottle-fed the orphan bat.
“Who the hell are you talking you?”
Jumping nearly half a mile out of his skin, Draco spun around on his heel and glowered at Harry who’d appeared in the Manor’s attic, looking bewildered and quite possible also a bit too sexy for Draco’s continued sanity, but that was a different matter altogether. Schooling his face, Draco glared hard, piercing Harry with an icy death stare.
“Potter, you absolute troll! Have some respect, Fox is having her afternoon tea.”
Harry’s brows furrowed and if he’d looked bewildered before, he looked entirely confounded now.
Draco sighed.
He continued to pet Fox and walking up to Harry, he showed him the baby bat. As expected, Harry took half a step back, looking less than willing to make the acquaintance the tiny winged creature.
Draco chose to ignore the reaction.
“This is Fox. Sadly her mother passed away so we’ll be looking after her until she’s ready to fend for herself.”
“We?” Harry asked, his voice a little higher than usual.
“We,” Draco nodded, hoping he’d made it perfectly clear that this was non-negotiable.
Harry looked at the swaddled baby bat, watching her finish her drink and to Draco’s surprise, a small smile stretched across his face.
“She, erm, she’s, erm cute.”
Draco grinned.
“Bats usually are,” he said. “Want to hold her?”
Draco expected Harry to say no but instead he nodded. Since Fox had finished her bottle, Draco offered her a little rubber teat to chew on, then handed her over. The moment Harry held Fox in his hands, something changed about him. He became soft and a goofy grin spread across his face. Draco felt his heart stutter a little.
“Hello sweetheart.”
Harry’s voice was so gentle, so tender. Draco couldn’t help it, he welled up a little and discreetly sniffing into his shirtsleeve, he stepped forward and placed his chin on Harry’s shoulder.
“Thanks for not making a fuss,” he murmured.
Harry chuckled.
“I couldn’t.”
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