#cleaned my questions from 300 to 45... nice
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Buncha Anon Questions
A buncha anon questions I’ve gotten in the last couple months, most under the cut. If you’ve asked something, it’s probably here! If it’s not, I probably deleted it or didn’t receive it. Most of these are comments, unneeded opinions, or stuff that’s been covered before (but probably awhile ago). Deleted questions include: “what skill is good on X medal", pretty much all questions about iKairi2 (so many...), “when will Y be released”, and outdated questions.
Thanks for updating the blog :) we've missed you
Good luck on finals and everything else! 🎉
You do the lord's work with your blog. Thank you.
Thank you so much for running this blog. You've made it so much easier for this newbie to figure out the ropes and keep track of events. It is greatly appreciated.
This blog saves my life! 😊❤️👑💙
Hi, just wanted to say great job about the blog, I pretty much follow religiously :)
Thank you and you’re welcome! I do my best. ovo7
Are you gonna do your update for the week? I'm lost without your expert guidance.
Are you gone forever? :(
No one can Defeat Me!!!
so, what's your opinion of Global's anniversary?
Kinda sucked, but iKairi2 was guaranteed so I don’t really care. ;D
Is it worth it to buy any of the returning avatar boards that have the Illustrated medals? 3K for a guilted epic doesn't seem bad but I want to make sure. Also, what if we already bought one of the sets? Would it make since to get the other 4 medals for 1.5K? Thanks
Hi! You wrote that the old board are not really worthwhile, and normally I would agree... but here's the reason I'm still considering it. I have the Cloud board, and the Halloween Donald (male). If I buy they other halves, that could mean with a lucky roll 12 to my Nova. Or 2... Both of them are coming later, so I have a lot of time to decide, but I would be interested in your opinion, as since I found your site, I followed the advices here, and so far, it was worth it :)
iCid/iAerith/iYuffie are Tier 2, not Tier 3(/epic), so not worthwhile. There’s plenty of multitarget light magic (HT Donald) and power (HT Goofy), so those also aren’t worthwhile.
Hey, I was wondering if you have any advice with regards to using gems. I've got all of the available keyblades (minus Sleeping Lion) to +25. Do you recommend leveling one up to +30, or spreading the gems around? Are there any keyblades you recommend more than others - like Counterpoint over Three Wishes or something? I'm just kind of unsure what to do with my gems since they seem so hard to come by.
Hi! Thanks to your excellent advice about saving electrum ore, I was able to take Counterpoint all the way up to level 25. I have 35 ores left over, and I'm wondering if I should go ahead and use them on Sleeping Lion since the proud mode quests that use Sleeping Lion are the only ones I haven't gotten the electrum from. Or is the next Proud Mode keyblade worth saving for again. What's up next and approximately how long until it's available? Thanks!
I’d suggest focusing on two Keyblades (I’m going for TT and DR). Regarding the Proud Mode Keyblades, they are generally better than their story counterparts--if you have the medals for them, if not they’re worse. (IE: Counterpoint and Sleeping Lion may be equivalent, but Counterpoint is loads better than Sleeping Lion for f2p b/c of the super lack of light speed medals.) But you also need Solar Gems for Proud+ Quests, which can be very difficult to get for most f2p; you don’t need Magic/Speed/Power Gems until LV27. Fenrir is coming soon, so I think it’s more worthwhile than Sleeping Lion. :3c
I'm sorry, I know you've probably answered this before, but now that I have Illust Kairi 1 and 2, how should they go together in your deck? As close to the beginning of it as possible, right? I have 2 in all of my decks at the moment, but 1 only in some of them because I don't have enough CP otherwise.
Depends on your deck and your needs. I have iKairi1/iKairi2 in my first two slots of TT, as I don’t have another good dark power medal to put there. But iKairi2 tends to be later in my deck on other Keyblades, in the weakest boost slot. Just depends on what medals you have and stuff.
is it worth me to save jewels for HD namine if it's a mercy deal even if i may only have enough for 1 3 orb medal and if that's the case is it worth spending 2+ broom medals on her
HD Namine’s only worthwhile if you have another good medal to support it. I wouldn’t suggest it for most f2p at this time.
Any idea what's supposed to be next for na? I wanna get more medals but i'm not sure if i want to wait or not.
Nobody really knows, man. I’d say save your jewels until something shows up you can’t resist. We don’t get many jewels in NAUX, so restraint is important.
Do we also benefit from the traits of Shared Medals?
Does that mean brooms replace magic mirrors on the boards?
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ They’ll be at the end of boards, so maybe, maybe not.
Would you guys say the MDG tier 5 VIP medal is worth it? If guilted? Or are there going to be more VIP medal quests soon?
I’ll never suggest a VIP medal, as this is a f2p blog. They’re all good, strong medals. Most of them have been from JP High Score events, so don’t really know what medals are going to come into VIP.
I had a medal I was trying to add a trait to. Peter Pan 6*, gullted with 46% bonus. I evolved a 5* peter pan that already had one dot on it. I go a little pop up asking if I wanted to try and raise the percentage and that it'd go up between 20-50% and that it wouldn't drop below the current 46%. So I did it, the numbers pun but it stayed as 46%??? Is this a glitch??
There’s no guarantee that the guilt will go up, only that it won’t lower. The 20%~50% is the RANGE the guilt could end up. So it’s not 46%+(20%~50%), it’s 46%~50% (current%~max%). Peter Pan is a Tier 2 medal. Tier 2 medal’s guilt range is 20%~50%, which means it can never be more than 50% guilt.
Amiduos Lite didn't let me download the game; the google play store told me it wasn't compatible. :'( Is it worth trying the Pro one too in case something is backwards for me?
Hey, I downloaded AMIDuOS LITE and it said the version wasnt compatible. Is their a guide out there?
Try downloading NA KHUX via qooapps, be sure you have all 3 google store things downloaded or w/e. PRO didn’t work at all for me, but it’s a free trial, so doesn’t hurt to try.
Should I strengthen Moogle O'Glory and Cinderella's Keyblade the most I can? Like, 25+ or so. Thank you.
Yeah, you should get all your Keyblades to LV25. If you struggle with adamant, I suggest neglecting Starlight.
Is it possible to still get Moana/Maui medals? Beauty and Beast ones?
No. NAUX hasn’t had any event medals return yet, but JP has, so there’s a small chance they’ll be available again in the future. But definitely not right now.
I went ahead and did 10-pulls to get two copies of Illustrated Kairi 2 since people have mentioned how it's best to have her guilted for the proud quest missions. Will she be that much help during those missions though?
Set damage is niiiice against things with high LV, and with guilt rules on many of the Proud Quests, her PSM+/- can also give you a nice boost.
Hi there, a thought/question just occurred to me about traits. Do you know if have the extra attack trait on a booster medal would allow you to stack any stat gains? (E.g. essentially making a gen str +3 become +6)
Boosters with double attack double benefit, yes! It’s super OP on medals like iKairi1.
The app doesn't only crash when viewing profiles. It also crashes whenever the download for the new update is finished. Sucks af >.> Can't enter the game
Hello there! I tried coming back to KHUx after months, and it is not running in MEmu (android emulator) anymore. What happened? I could play it before....
The new update should have fixed most people’s crashing games. Emulators other than amiduos lite haven’t worked since... October or earlier? It’s an anti-hacking measure.
Apparently there was a secret reward for defeating (tapping) all the heartless on the download screen. Have you heard anything about this?
Sounds fake.
At this point in time i should just give up on ever seen the experiment 626 medal on naux since it was a tier 2 event medal that never came?
They’ve buffed event medal tiers in the past, so not completely out of the question he might show up eventually. Or not. Who knows.
to make up for the sins of not giving kairi as much development as she deserved, kairi's khux medals are Buffed so theyre Stronk (this is joke i have no idea why theyre doing this)
eyyyy, probably.
You should change your username to crossunion for the release of the new game!
yells nO D;
I am confused by the Fantasia Mickey medals, what do they do?
Fantasia Mickey A = use to evolve 5* to 6*, Fantasia Mickey B = get a multiplier dot.
Do more dots give you a higher percentage of a better guilt
Does using nova counts towards the multipliers of medals that get stronger the more special attacks used in succession, like sephiroth or xenmas?
I dunno, but probably. :0 It counts as a medal for everything else.
I was told that after I beat story quest 200 I will be able to use the Nova attack. I have passed this level now but I still have no Nova attack. Is there something I'm missing or is it a glitch in my game?
You need to actually have a medal guilted for a Nova attack (now it’s quest 34).
What are your thoughts on Magic Mirror usage? Would it be better to use Magic Mirrors to max out guilt on a bunch of medals that won't be used to get +5 to Nova or use them to max out guilt on a good medal that will only be used on a keyblade or two?
Will your Nova level drop if you sell your guilted medals?
Do you think it's worthwhile to spend one or two mirrors to top off a metal even if its teir 1/2 just to get the Nova bonus.
I prefer to just use them to get +5 Nova when something rolls 90% or better. Nova level will never decrease, you don’t lose it if you sell them. I’d suggest getting MAX guilt first, though. For Tier 1/2, if it’s less than 5 mirrors, probably wouldn’t hurt.
What does the raid boss up Perk do exactly? A party member had a +10 raid boss outfit and it took him 77-78 heartless killed to spawn a boss which is the usual amount. Don't tell me it increases the chances of regular bosses spawning over omegas.
I have no idea. I think it may provide a small random chance if it appearing w/o needing the actual heartless count. But it’s certainly not consistent. :T
What is the difference between GD and PSM? Are they stackable?
It’s vague what the difference is, they’re roughly equivalent (Gen seems better for higher LV enemies and PSM better for lower LV enemies). They can definitely stack. Gen will boost any medal (that’s not set damage). PSM will only boost whatever element it is (Power, Speed, or Magic) and won’t affect type-neutral medals (Jack Skellington, Repliku, etc.)... but DOES affect type-strong medals (WOFF, Xigbar B, etc.) only with whatever element it’s strong against. (IE: Power+ will only boost Xigbar B if it’s against a Speed enemy.)
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Daminette December
A/N: Okay so this one spiraled out of control a little bit, but I’m so happy with how it turned out! Marinette and Damian back to being chaotic little shits, Marinette being understanding, and Damian going a little too far but finding the one person who doesn’t mind. Let me know what y’all think. Thanks @daminette-december2019-2020
Daminette December Day 15 – Cats
If you had told Marinette back in May that by Christmas she would be living in the most crime-infested city in America going to college, working at a pet store that was most likely a front for the Russian mob, and trying to unravel a 300-year-old curse on said crime-infested-city…
… she would have believed you.
After all, it wasn’t the weirdest thing that had ever happened to her.
But back to the pet store.
There she was a week before Christmas living in a shoebox apartment, drowning in fabric and notions, with a magical box filled with tiny gods who loved to squabble and give conflicting vague advice. They were supposed to work on how to break the giant magical curse laid out across the city, but Marinette had gotten hired at the local pet store down the street because if she spent one more minute sequestered inside trying to decipher the handwriting of centuries-old monks, without a break, she would scream.
Plus, the animals were ridiculously cute and the current owner obviously had no clue how to take care of them – which is how she concluded the store was a money-laundering front. The owner, a Mr. Petriov, had known her for all of three days before leaving her to manage the shop by herself. That hadn’t changed much in the month she had worked here, but at least the animals were in better shape now and she had a slightly larger budget for the endless amount of coffee she drank.
Marinette swept the back of the room, trying to make sure it was as clean as she could get it. Despite her best efforts at trying to cheer the place up, the plastic Christmas decorations and lively music did little to distract from the poor living conditions of the animals. Marinette wished there was some way to help, but she was rather limited in her options in a foreign city and Plagg’s suggestions of stealing all the animals and burning the place down was not a viable one.
No matter how much Marinette wanted to sometimes.
The store bell rang.
“I’ll be with you in just a moment,” she called. She finished sweeping the last of the room, before putting the broom away, and coming out to the main part of the store. “Hi there, I’m Marinette, how can I-”
“Did you know that Gotham Department of Health and Safety Regulations, Section 45: Animals and Livestock, subsection C.1: Living conditions, states that cages for cats must be 30 inches in width, 28 inches in length, 30 inches in height, and 30 inches on the diagonal? And that yours do not match those specifications?” There in the center of the store stood a man about her age. He was dressed head to toe in black, with a long, expensive, looking coat billowed out behind him. His voice was posh and smooth, and his tone could cut glass. He looked around the store in thinly veiled disgust.
Marinette vaguely recognized him. He’d been in the store about two weeks ago. He hadn’t said anything when she asked if he needed help. He just went around to all the cages watching the animals through the bars. She had gone about her normal routine, and then he left a little while later. The only reason she remembered him at all was he was wearing the same designer coat with wool Marinette’s hands itched to get a hold of.
“I- I did not. Although, this is not my store.” The man glared at her, and had Marinette not been used to a lifetime of truly piercing glares from Chloe, she might have crumbled underneath it. “I’ve only been working here for a month and let me tell you it’s better than it was before.”
“These conditions are intolerable.”
Marinette usually kept a cool façade with the few customers who came in here, but this man was obviously looking for a fight; not that she didn’t completely agree with him.
“I’m well aware, but I’m doing the best with what I have here, especially since my boss doesn’t care.” One of the cats mewled loudly, and Marinette sighed. She knew exactly who that was. Walking over to one of the cages she opened it up. A tiny grey cat with tipped black ears and paws jumped into her arms. Marinette had named him Macaroon since Mr. Petriov hadn’t bothered to give any of them names.
“Sorry,” she said. “Macaroon likes attention, and he’s good with people so I bring him out when others come in to pet them.” The man came over and let the cat sniff his hand before scratching under the his chin.
“He looks well taken care of,” he complimented, although he still scowled. Marinette couldn’t help but think he would be much more handsome if he smiled.
“As I said, I try my best. I take them all out of their cages so they can stretch their legs, and not just the dogs either. But that’s whenever I’m not cleaning, or prepping food, or taking care of the paperwork.” Or at home trying to figure out how to banish a city-wide curse, Marinette thought to herself.
The man hummed. “Look, you seem… nice.” He said the word in such a way that implied he didn’t believe the concept existed. “So, I’ll let you know ahead of time, but this store is going to get raided tomorrow. It’s a-”
“Front for the Russian Mob?” Marinette finished. The man seemed taken aback and immediately glared at her again. “Yeah, I figured that out within a few days of working here. I just had no clue as to who to go to about it. Who’s going to help a tiny French girl about a corrupt business in a city known for corruption?” She raised an eyebrow at the man who seemed taken aback by her abruptness.
“Fair point. So why are you working here then? If you know it’s corrupt.”
Marinette sighed; it was true she had plenty else to be doing, school was over for the semester sure, but there was always magic to learn, or sites to go check out to see if they were connected to the curse, or she could have gone home for the break and visited her parents, but…
If she did any of that, no one would be here to look out for the animals. And just because she couldn’t actively be a hero, didn’t mean she was going to turn up her back on those who needed her, even if they were of the four-legged variety.
She looked back at the handsome man; how could she explain any of that to him.
�� not that she should.
Because that would be bad.
She didn’t know him at all.
Even if he was ridiculously good looking.
She did not have the time to get caught up in anything else, especially not a crush.
So instead, she went with a mostly true answer. “Just because the people running the store are bad, doesn’t mean the animals are. I would come by here on my way from school and would want to let the poor things out of their cages. So, when I finally had enough time, I applied for a job.” The look on the man’s face was a cross between surprise and understanding. “And you’d want to do something else too if the last three months all you did was stare at miles of hand-sewn hems and contemplate if death would be kinder.”
Marinette bet the man would deny it if pointed out, but the side of his mouth turned up at her comment.
“My question is,” she asked, stroking Macaroon who was happily purring away in her arms. “Why would you tell the person working at the Russian mob front that you’re going to have the store raided the next day? Doesn’t that seem a little counter-productive?” Not that Marinette was in any way complaining, she had been waiting for an opportunity like this for weeks.
“It depends on whether you tell your boss or not.”
“Hell no.”
Finally, the man’s face morphed from a resting scowl into a self-satisfied smirk.
Oh no, he’s even hotter like that, Marinette thought.
“Then I think telling was exactly the right idea. You’ll need to give a statement to the department doing the raid, but you won’t be in trouble for anything that went down here.”
Marinette nodded, and then remembered something. “Would pictures help?”
“I’ve been taking pictures of all the documents that come through the front desk. The legitimate ones and the less legitimate ones. It’s only about a month’s worth of stuff, but I have it on a flash drive.”
The man’s smirk grew a bit more. “Yes, I do believe that would be useful.”
Marinette smiled, finally glad this place would get shut down, but then she looked at Macaroon so snuggly in her arms, and all the other lovely creatures throughout the store came to mind. “And the animals, will they be okay?”
“Of course, I wouldn’t allow anything to happen to them. They’ll all be going to reputable shelters or good homes through the Wayne Foundation.”
Marinette readjusted Macaroon in her arms. “That’s good. So, should I bring the flash drive when I give my statement or-”
“I can take it,” he said quickly. “I mean,” he cleared his throat. “You can give it to me, and I can hand it off to the… proper authorities.” The glint in his eye spelled trouble. Marinette thought it was completely unfair how attractive she found it.
“It’s in my apartment. My shift is only another hour, but….” She thought about her mess of an apartment covered in yards of fabric, questionable ancient artifacts, and the tiny floating talking gods. “It’s a bit of a mess, how about we meet elsewhere?”
“Yes,” the man responded quickly. He looked down at Macaroon and stroked the cat’s back, a light blush playing out over his cheeks. “Of course, that would be acceptable.”
“Coffee then?” asked Marinette, glad to have a little longer to chat with him.
“Sounds good. Inman Perk at 7th and Forge Street?”
“I love that place. I’m Marinette by the way, I think I said that.”
The man smirked again, “You did, but it’s nice to hear it. I’m Damian, Damian Wayne.”
“I’d shake your hand Damian, but my arms are a little full.” She readjusted Macaroon, moving over to his cage placing the content cat back inside. Marinette smiled, happy to know this would be the last night the animals would have to sleep in these too-small cages. She turned back to Damian and offered her hand.
“I’m looking forward to working with you, Mr. Wayne,” she said with a grin.
He clasped his hand with hers, and she delighted at the chill it sent up her spine. “Not nearly as much as I am with you, Ms. Dupain-Cheng.”
Marinette paused for a moment, “I don’t think I ever gave you my last name?”
Damian paused, his face of a person caught with their hand in a cookie jar. “I may, perhaps, have done a slight background check on you before I decided to confront you today.” He retreated his hands and clasped them behind his back. “Uh, I- I apologize if that comes off a little…” he trailed off.
“Invasive, creepy, overbearing?”
Damian’s face fell. “Yes.”
Marinette tried hard to hold in her smirk. “Or protective, concerned, over-invested? I’ve had friends like that before.” Thinking particularly of Kagami, or her own actions towards Adrian during those early years. “It’s a little much, but not so bad especially when confronting someone who may be part of the Russian mob.”
Damian’s face went from contrite to an all-out grinning smirk. “You? Part of the mob? A little hard to believe.”
“Oh, you never know”’ she teased back. “I think I could pull it off, no one ever expects the tiny French girl.”
A bark from the back of the store interrupted their flirting, soon all of the dogs were barking, and Marinette realized the time.
“I’ve got to get them all taken out and fed. I’ll be finished in about an hour, I’ll grab the stuff from my apartment and meet you at… 8:30?”
Damian nodded. “Of course, see you there.” And with that he turned on his heel and walked out of the store, his long coat billowing like a cape behind him. Marinette watched him disappear from view and waited a second before she punched the air. She couldn’t wait. She kneeled back down at the cage and scratched Macaroon’s chin.
“Thanks for being such a good luck charm.” The cat purred back happily. Marinette headed off to finish what she needed to get done, wondering what the heck she was going to wear.
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Chapter 45: Skeletons In The Garden
It has been almost a week since I decided to give William a chance. More than that, I decided to earn his trust, no matter what it took. I think I am succeeding so far, but there is a price I have to pay. With every day we spend together in town, with every night we join our bodies into one, we become closer. Just as I have gained his trust, he is beginning to gain mine. I have to constantly remind myself why I came here, but then he looks at me with that smile, that light in his eyes... It takes all my effort not forget the reason I agreed to be with him in the first place.
I sleepily stumble around the kitchen in search of the jar of ground coffee, wearing nothing but William’s dressing gown. I borrowed it again last night to head back to my bedroom and fell asleep in it. Though the sleeves are way too long for me, the fabric is luxurious and soft, and I have taken up the habit of stealing it after our nightly activities.
A few minutes ago, William woke me up without bothering to knock on my door. He said we were going somewhere, but did not explain any further. I was too tired to ask. Though it is not that early, I have been having more trouble sleeping than usual, and I have the feeling it has nothing to do with my new vampiric condition. Fuck, this man drives me insane in every way possible: I either want to kiss him, break his nose, or both. That last one gets very confusing, and usually ends up involving lots of bites from me, out of anger, and from him, in retaliation.
I pour a cup for him before taking my coffee up to my bedroom. I stare at my clothes, which are laid out on the bed, as I drink it. I have been putting off returning to the mansion for my stuff, but I do need more dresses. I would also like to resume my research, so I’ll have to borrow some books for that.
When I return downstairs, empty cup in hand and hair loosely braided, William is waiting for me on the sofa. He offers me a bottle of rouge, and I pet Puck as I take it.
“Today is the troupe’s day off,” I observe.
“I know,” he simply replies. Where is he taking me? As if he could read my mind, he smiles and sips his rouge before explaining. “Dost thou remember how I wanted thee to meet someone?”
I nod, but narrow my eyes as the implication sinks in. Either he really trusts me enough to introduce me to his deranged accomplice, or this is his way to get rid of me once and for all. Sure, he has been nothing but charming and sweet since I moved into his house, but this is William. If there is a God, even He doesn’t know what he’s plotting.
An hour later, our carriage pulls up next to an old church. From the outside, I see no signs of it being used. It looks rather abandoned. However, as we approach the entrance, I catch the scent of burning candles, meaning there must be people inside. What is this place?
The wooden door creaks loudly when William pushes it open, just enough for us to pass through. Once inside, he closes it behind us.
“Please lock that, will you?” a man’s voice chimes from the altar. I cannot see him, but I hear glass tinkering behind the decorative screen in the back.
“Do not worry, we shall be quick,” William says, but obliges anyway. Great, now I am trapped here with a stranger who might have killed me.
He takes my hand and guides me down the nave. Our steps echo ominously under the high stone arches, and I have to take a deep breath to relax. Do not show them you are nervous, Anaïs, for they might take it the wrong way. For God’s sake, act normal.
We walk past the altar and into the ambulatory, where the stranger in question seems to have set up a lab of sorts, packed with all kinds of flasks, beakers, and, uh... medical equipment. Creepy. He is slightly taller than William, slender and dressed in clothing as black as his hair, and wears glasses with a chain around his neck.
“What do we have here?” he asks with a malicious grin that gives me shivers. He has a mild German accent. “Is this the neophyte you mentioned? She would make a fine guinea pig...”
“No, thank you.” He raises an eyebrow at my quick reply, while William chuckles and wraps his arm around my waist.
“My nightshade, this is Johann Georg Faust. Johann, meet Anaïs.”
“Faust like the legend?”
“The very same,” William smiles.
“Oh. Nice to meet you, I guess. So, um... What are you doing there?” I ask, pointing at the collection of scribbled on papers and lab equipment.
“Nothing you need to concern yourself with, fräulein Anaïs. I am sure you would find my experiments rather tedious...”
I ignore the condescending tone of his answer. A sculpture behind him has caught my eye. Faust interrupts his deceivingly polite excuse when I march past him to approach it.
“Oh, hell no,” I mumble. “María, cariño, ¿qué te han hecho? (Mary, honey, what have they done to you?)”
I reach up to touch the Virgin’s gilded coat and, sure enough, the gold leaf crumbles in my fingers, leaving behind a glittery mess. I turn to the bespectacled man, only for my look of indignation to be met with his, equal parts intrigued and offended.
“She’s falling apart! See?” I show the golden dust on my palm to the two men. “I need to fix this before it gets-” Oh no he didn’t. Right beside Faust, on his work table, I see a clean rag neatly folded beside a bottle of clear liquid. ‘Carbolic acid’, the label reads. I bring the cloth to my nose and immediately put two and two together. “You wiped it with phenol?!” I exclaim, incredulous, as I furiously wave the rag around. “I don’t know why you needed to disinfect poor Mary over here in the first place, but for fuck’s sake, don’t do it again. God, no wonder everyone hates this stupid century, y’all discover something and decide to use it for everything without ever thinking about what it might do.”
“Everyone?” William asks, confused.
“This century?” Faust says almost at the same time.
“In my line of work, I mean,” I explain, completely ignoring the second question. I am not sure how safe it would be for me to mention that I come from the future. “Seriously, the amount of damage I’ve had to undo is insane. Why you people use so many questionable compounds is beyond me. Can I borrow a scalpel?”
“You came through the door,” Faust states. Shit, I guess he knows about it.
“Yes, I’m from the future,” I sigh, before grabbing a scalpel myself, not bothering to wait for permission.
I return my focus to the sculpture and carefully examine it. The state it is in is poorer than I had previously noticed. Judging by the proportions, it looks gothic. That makes it around 300 years old at least. Though the passage of time has obviously taken its toll, I have no doubt that its degradation has been made worse by well-meaning yet ignorant attempts at preserving it. Or, in Faust’s case, by his attempt to prep the area for whatever freaky surgical shit he has going on here. I must admit, the fact that he allegedly sold his soul to the devil for knowledge does not exactly reassure me about his intentions.
“The year 2020, to be exact,” I continue as I awkwardly manoeuvre around the sculpture to scrape some paint and gesso off the back in order to check the state of the wood underneath. “I’m guessing you’re not a pureblood... Do you know how to use a shotgun, by any chance?” I ask casually without looking up from my delicate task.
“Is this about Salieri?” Judging by Faust’s tone, I can tell he is rolling his eyes. “That would be Charles,” he sighs. Whoever this Charles is, Faust sounds like a bored babysitter. He has no interest in the conversation whatsoever. “May I have my scalpel back? You’re going to blunt it.”
“I’m almost done.” I manage to cut a cross section just in time to see him approach and forcibly take the sharp object from my hand. I then make my way back to the work table and search for what I need, carefully holding the thin slice of wood and gesso between my fingers. “Do you have a... What are they called, those round looky things with the handle?”
“Magnifying glass,” William aids.
“Yeah, that. Actually,” I change my mind when I see a pile of neatly stacked glass slides, “I’m gonna take one of these. I forgot that microscopes already exist. Where is yours, anyway?”
“Safely locked away,” the alchemist deadpans. Oh well, it looks like I’ll have to save my sample for later, then.
William takes my hand and gently ushers me away from the improvised lab, I assume to stop me from annoying its owner any further. Though he acts polite, I can tell it is nothing more than a weak façade that could drop any second.
“My dearest,” he says, “we should move on to the reason of our visit?”
“Vlad, was it?” I nod. He merely mentioned the name in passing days ago, but I have hung onto that minuscule snippet of information like my life depends on it. It might.
He leads me to a discrete door nestled in the corner of the transept to our left. Before we can reach it, however, Faust calls out from behind the altar.
“I look forward to studying you, fräulein.”
“Well, I do not!” I sing in response. He lets out an unnerving chuckle that I decide to ignore.
I follow William through the door and up a dark staircase. As we walk along the hallway, I get the feeling that he does not know exactly where he is leading me, either. Still, he finds the person he was looking for inside a small room. It looks like it had been used for storage in the past, but now is completely empty save for a desk and a few chairs. The white haired man sitting on one of them looks up when we enter through the already open door. This must be him. The pureblood that is going after the residents.
He is strikingly beautiful, despite the unnervingly red shade of his eyes. Dressed in expensive clothes, he moves elegantly to greet me. I instinctively do the polite thing and offer my hand for him to hold.
“Anaïs Bertran, I presume?” His voice is slightly breathy, and as delicately controlled as his poise. “You are as beautiful as a rose.”
I do not dare to complain out loud, but I give William an exasperated look, causing him to laugh. I smack his arm.
“Stop being a dickhead,” I scold him, even though I have to hold back a smile.
“Ah, I see you have thorns as well,” the other man chuckles. “It is rare for such a pretty flower to be so foul mouthed. I must confess I appreciate it, it adds character. Was that some kind of joke between you two?”
“I guess you could call it that,” I sigh. “I just think there are more interesting flowers to be compared to.”
“Such as?” he prompts.
“I don’t know, lisianthus, dahlias... Sunflowers are pretty nifty, and I’ve always liked orchids. People tend to think they’re really hard to grow, for some reason, but they just need a bit of attention and the right amount of light. Chrysanthemums are also really cool...” I ramble.
“Those are an old favorite of mine, but not as much as roses, I’m afraid. Do you enjoy gardening?”
“Is it that obvious?” I chuckle, embarrassed. “But yeah, I worked as a florist for a few years.”
“Oh?” he smiles. “I own a flower shop in town. I sense we are going to get along well, Anaïs. Oh my, how rude of me! I forgot to introduce myself. You may call me Vlad.”
“Well, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you,” I politely say before tilting my head. “I have to say, I find it a bit strange to be here, speaking to you. I mean, you sent a sniper after Salieri to stop him from revealing your identity, yet here we are, being formally introduced,” I remark.
“Yes, I am well aware of the incident that took place. Quite a fortunate outcome you got, don’t you think?”
“If by fortunate you mean bleeding out in a sewer, then sure, but I beg to differ.” A cold smile accompanies my response. Not only did dying obliterate any semblance of a schedule I had, it also caused me to be turned into... this. I have nothing against vampires, but I’d rather not go through the pain of being a neophyte, or whatever these people call it.
“Pardon my crudeness, but isn’t that what happens when you jump in front of a bullet that is not meant for you?” Vlad quips.
“Yeah... That is the stupidest thing I have ever done, can’t argue with that logic,” I mutter, resigned. “By the way, if you’re gonna play with gunpowder inside a tunnel, I’d recommend finding another one that isn’t full of highly flammable methane gas. Just a tip,” I wink.
Our tense exchange is interrupted by a knock on the door frame. Under it stands another man with a boyish smile and shaggy hair.
“I bought those strawberries you- Oh.” He pauses when he sees me, his eyes growing wide in recognition. “Hello there.”
“Are you Charles?” I innocently ask, approaching him. When he nods, I smirk.
There is no warning when I grab his jacket and shoot my knee into his groin at full force. I hear William’s incredulous snort behind me, along with a muffled chuckle belonging to Vlad.
“Argh, putain!” Charles groans, folding over in pain. I observe him as I wait for him to recover. “Why?” he cries from the floor. I simply pull my dress down to reveal the scar on my cleavage. His mouth opens and closes quickly, not knowing what to say.
“Sorry, just had to get that out of my system,” I explain with no trace in my voice of the violence I just displayed. “I’m Anaïs,” I smile, offering my hand. He takes it, and I pull him to his feet. The boyish grin returns to his face as he awkwardly scratches the back of his neck.
“I am so sorry about shooting you, it was an accident. You jumped out of nowhere! I didn’t even want to in the first place, but- Ehem, sorry.”
I follow his gaze when he suddenly interrupts himself with a fake cough. Vlad’s eyes are slightly narrowed in what I can only assume is a look of warning. Okay, something’s going on. Well, yet another thing, on top of the long list of unexplained actions from this strange group of people.
“Don’t worry about it,” I say before the silence becomes awkward, “we’re even now.” I turn to the pureblood and look at him inquisitively. “Anyway, I have a lot of questions. I don’t want to judge until I know exactly what your intentions are for doing whatever it is you’re doing. I have to admit I am finding it hard to keep my emotions under control, so we better get on with it, yeah?”
I do not need to justify my volatile state. Vlad knows perfectly well that he was the one to cause it.
#ikemen vampire#ikevamp#ikevam#ikemen#ikemen fanfiction#ikemen vampire fanfiction#ikevam fanfic#ikevamp fanfiction#ikemen vampire shakespeare#ikevamp shakespeare#ikemen vampire vlad#ikevamp vlad#ikemen vampire charles#ikevamp charles#ikemen vampire faust#ikevamp faust
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1. What is your favorite shade of blue? Pastel blue, teal, Tiffany blue, baby blue, powder blue, sky blue, turquoise. 2. When's the last time you bought something just because? I bought some room sprays and hand sanitizers from this place that makes Disneyland/World scented things because I was missing Disney and wanted to bring some of it to my house. 3. What Ozzy lyric describes you best? I only know Crazy Train and I mean, I do feel like I’m on a crazy train. 4. When was the last time you went for a walk without a specific destination in mind? I don’t do that. 5. Do you daydream? Yeah. My mind wanders and I zone out a lot.
6. What was your last daydream about? Random stuff. 7. Ever won the lottery? No, I wish. 8. How much did you get for your high school graduation? I think around $300 and my parents my threw me a nice graduation party. 9. What was the most important decision you made that screwed up your life the most? Not taking care of/putting off some things and neglecting myself. 10. Do you know what your Chinese horoscope is? Nope. 11. What is love really about? Encouragement, support, growth. 12. What's the most you ever made in a year? I’ve never had a job. 13. Do you have an online diary? You’re lookin’ at it. 14. What's the biggest pot you've won in poker? I’ve never played poker. 15. What's your most prized possession? I love all my things. 16. What Metallica lyric most describes your life? I don’t listen to Metallica. 17. Ever been to Ozzfest? No. I take it you’re an Ozzy fan. 18. How many concerts have you been to? I think I’ve been to 7. 19. Which one was your favorite? All of them were fun, but the Jonas Brothers concerts and the Green Day concert were my favorites. 20. What shade of purple most describes your feelings right now? I don’t know. 21. Pick a shade of a color. Now describe it to me and name it. Nah. 22. Sun tea or brewed tea? My mom used to make sun tea during the summers growing up, which I liked. I haven’t had that since then. Nowadays I just throw a tea bag in a cup of hot water and let it steep for a few minutes. 23. What's the most illegal thing you've done? I haven’t done anything serious. 24. Ever get busted by the cops? What for? No. 25. What's under your bed? Nothing. 26. Vacuum or dustbuster? Vacuum. 27. How many people are on your buddy list? Aw, the days of AIM. 28. How many pairs of rollerblades do/did you own? I’ve never owned a pair of rollerblades. 29. Ever wear out a CD? What was it? No. 30. What's your favorite card game? I like card games like Uno, Apples to Apples, and Cards Against Humanity. 31. Who was the most annoying person you've talked to on the phone? I’m not a fan of talking on the phone in general. 32. What's your favorite fast food meal? Wingstop’s boneless garlic parm and lemon pepper wings with their ranch and a a side of lemon pepper sauce. 33. Where is the best restaurant you've ever eaten in at? This Mongolian BBQ place was my favorite back when I could eat spicy food. 34. Lamb chops or pork chops? Neither. 35. How many roses have you received/given? I’ve never received or given roses. 36. When's the last time you mowed the lawn? Never. 37. Washed your car? I’ve never had a car since I don’t drive. I have participated in several car wash fundraising events for Girl Scouts and the psych club I was in in community college, though. 38. Ever have a tornado in your town? No, thankfully we don’t get tornadoes. --- 40. What state is your wardrobe in? Uh, it’s fine? 41. What's the last article of clothing you bought? A cute Valentine’s Day themed Baby Yoda shirt from Boxlunch. 42. How many trash cans can you see right now? One. 43. If you HAD to pick ONE song to listen to for the rest of your life, and that would be the only song you ever heard, what would it be? Ah, I don’t know. 44. Ever heard of Shinedown? Yeah. 45. They rock, don't they? I only know one of their songs and I don’t really care for it much. 46. What size is your bed? It’s a full. 47. When's the last time you had pigs in a blanket? I have no idea. It’s been several years. I don’t particularly care for those. 48. Have you ever painted the ceilings in your home? No. We haven’t painted anywhere in this house. 49. What does your lawn furniture consist of? We just have a bench in the backyard. 50. Ever live off of canned soup and ramen noodles for weeks at a time? I do have my nightly bowl of ramen, but it’s not the only thing I eat. 51. What flavor of jelly are you? *shrug* 52. Ever take any of those online personality quizzes? I’ve taken several. 53. What musical group/artist do you love, but hide from other people? I don’t hide any of the musical artists or bands that I’m into. 54. What's on the floor in your bedroom? Nothing. 55. What is the first meal you remember eating? Pfft, I have no idea. 56. Ever been to a drive in? Yeah, a few times. I wish those would make a big comeback. 57. What was the first movie you ever saw? I don’t remember. 56. What's in your keepsake box/scrapbook? I don’t have like a designated box and I don’t have a scrapbook, but I’ve kept a lot of things throughout my life and a ton of photos all stored away in various places. 57. Describe your first date. It was dinner and a movie. 58. Would you recognize most of your classmates 5 years after graduation? Not from my college graduations. 59. What percentile of your class were you in? I have no idea. 60. When was the last time it rained while the sun was shining? I don’t recall. 61. What did you score on your SATs? I never took the SATs. 62. When was the last time you saw a rainbow? It’s been several years. 63. Name your favorite artist/song from before 1990. I have many favorites. 64. Do you think there should be new genres of music to encompass some of the newer rock performers out now? I don’t know, man. 65. What colors is your lava lamp? I don’t have a lava lamp. I did have one as a kid, though. I think it was blue. 66. What's the strangest thing you've ever hung on the wall? I haven’t hung up anything strange. 67. When's the last time you did laundry? My laundry was done a few days ago. 68. How many hammers do you own? I don’t personally have any hammers, but my dad does. I could use one of his if I needed to. 69. Can you name every place you've ever had sex? Yeah, nowhere. 70. How many speakers are in your bedroom? My laptop, TV, iPhone, and my Nintendo Switch. 71. DVD or VHS? I just watch movies through a streaming service. 72. What's the most important thing you ever lost and never found again? Myself? Lost her a few years ago...still haven’t found her. 73. What forms of birth control have you used? Abstinence (I’m a virgin). 74. How many webpages have you created, and can you still find them all? I’ve made a few back in the day, but no I don’t remember any of them. 75. You have .30 in two coins. One of them is not a nickel. What are they? One of them is not a nickel, but the other one is. 76. What's your pet peeve when cleaning the house? I don’t enjoy cleaning in general. 77. Do you use sponges or dishcloths when doing the dishes? We use a dish washing brush. 78. How many people are in your family portrait? Four. 79. How many times have you moved? A few, but only once that I’m old enough to remember. 80. Handcuffs or rope :D? Neither. 81. What season best describes your temperament? Whatever one best goes along with irritability and moodiness. 82. What's the last thing you had to drink? Starbucks Doubleshot energy drink. 83. Ever been so drunk you blacked out? No, but parts of my memory from one night when I got too drunk are spotty. 84. What's your favorite song on the top twenty right now? I don’t even know what the top 20 is right now. I haven’t been listening to music. 85. What do your light fixtures look like? I have a ceiling lamp and a floor lamp. 86. How many jobs have you held for more than a month? I haven’t had a job. 87. Ever punched a wall? No. 88. When's the last time you really lost your temper? It’s been a long time. 89. How do you cope? Good question. 90. What's your antidrug? My go-to distractions ASMR, watching YouTube videos, scrolling through Tumblr, checking my social medias, doing surveys, reading, watching TV, coloring, sleeping... 91. Ever grown any plants before? What were they? Nope. 92. Ever own a director chair? No. 93. When was the last time you camped out? Never. I have no interest in camping. 94. Went swimming? It’s been like 7 years now since I last went swimming. 95. Went fishing? I’ve only done it once and very briefly. 96. Oust or Glade and why? Glade. 97. Ever thought you (or a girlfriend) were pregnant, but it was a false alarm? Nope. 98. If 97 is yes, were you glad or sad? -- 99. Do you have a red-eye mouse or one with a ball? I don’t have a mouse, I use the trackpad on my laptop. 100. What do your doorstops look like? Uhh those springy ones. I don’t know how else to describe it. The ones that make a lot of noise if you accidentally bump into it. 101. What was the last conversation you had with someone before they died? I was by my grandpa’s side when he died and I was just telling him how much I loved him, thanked him for everything, and comforted him; letting him know it was okay to go. 102. What do your drinking glasses look like? We have various glasses and mugs. 103. How many bottles/containers are in your medicine cabinet? We don’t have a medicine cabinet, but we have a medicine drawer full of various medications. 104. How many funerals have you been to? Three. 105. How many states have you been to? Five, including my own.
106. What was the last bug you killed and what did you use? A gnat. I just swatted it. 107. What does your country need right now? Unity. 108. Are you creative? I wish I was. I don’t have any creativity, artistic abilities, or good ideas. 109. How so? -- 110. How many computers in your household? Two. 111. Ever help to solve a crime? No. 112. Who is in the picture frame on your bedside table? I don’t have any photos on my bedside table. 113. How many CDs does your player hold? I don’t have a CD player. I haven’t had one in many years. 114. What is one thing you'd like to do before you die? Get my shit together and do something with my life. 115. Do the good die young or do they die before they have a chance to be bad? That seems to imply that everyone ends up bad. 116. What's your favorite totally cliche' saying? Blah. 117. Ever go out of your way to exact revenge on someone? No. I’m not a vengeful person. 118. Was it worth it? I don’t think it would ever be worth it. 119. Ever get pulled over by the cops and get away without a ticket? I don’t even drive, so no. 120. What's the weather like right now? It’s currently 50F. 121. What was your first legal alcoholic drink? Tequila shots. 122. Do you have a door/doorknob to your room? Yes. 123. Name one thing you regret? I have a few regrets. :/ 124. Ever get published by one of those poetry groups? No. I don’t even write poetry. 125. What's the furthest distance you've moved? Across town. 126. How many friends from high school/college do you still talk to? None anymore... 127. Where is your home/heart right now? Right here. 128. What's the most expensive things your parents ever bought you? Many things throughout my life and even still. 129. What's the most expensive thing you've bought? My first MacBook back in 2009. 130. How many hangers are in your closet? Uh, a lot. I’m not counting. 131. If you died right now, would you feel cheated or happy? I haven’t accomplished anything. :/ 132. How many times did you intentionally start to commit suicide? Zero. 133. Ever spent the night in the "loony bin?" Don’t call it that, first of all, and no. 134. What's wrong with society? Ignorance, close-mindedness, greed, hate, violence... 135. How many crazy ice cream trucks are in your area? Uh, I’ve never considered any of them to be crazy. Anyway, lately there’s been an ice cream truck coming through my neighborhood, which is is the first in many years. What a random time, though. 136. What is your favorite cover song? I love the cover of George Michael’s, Fast Love, that Adele performed at an award show after he died in honor of him. I always describe it as hauntingly beautiful. It was just so good. I wish she would have released a studio version of it. 137. Does the weather ever seem to reflect your mood eerily? I’m always moody, so when it’s rainy and gloomy it does. 138. Are you more psychic than most people? I don’t believe in psychic abilities. 139. What's your inspiration? I don’t know. :/ 140. What's the longest relationship you've been in? Whatever it was Joseph and I had lasted 3 years, which is longer than technically the only relationship I had that lasted just a few months. What I had with Joseph felt more like one as well in a lot of ways. 141. Did you ever drop out of school? No. 142. Ever raise a child that wasn't your own for more than 3 months? No. 143. What is your favorite piece of jewelry? Probably the stuff I have with birthstone. 144. Ever help someone cheat on someone else? Absolutely not. 145. Are you a cheater too? No. 146. What was the last dessert type food you've eaten? I had some mini funfetti muffins yesterday. 147. Fill in the blank: I'm a ________aholic. Coffeeholic. 148. When's the last time you went to a hairdresser/salon? Last February. I’ve over a year due now. 149. Strangest medical procedure ever performed on you? I had to wear this thing called a halo, which is a weird thing that gets drilled into the front of your head (I have two tiny circular scars above each eyebrow from that) and on the back are some weights attached to it that hang down. It was put on after my spinal fusion surgery and is meant to keep your back straight and things in place. It was awful. And heavy. When it was removed I had to wear a neck brace for a bit because my neck was weak. 150. Do you own any appliances? Yeah, we have several appliances. 151. Do you have an "egg crate" on your bed? Yes. 153. Last time you went to the laundromat? I remember tagging along as a kid with my grandma before. 154. How many hinges are on your front door? I’m not sure. 155. Can I be done yet? Yeah, I think you’re good.
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Pandemic Ironman 2020
I have been asked by a few people to write something regarding Ironman Florida, the first full 140.6 Ironman held in the United Stated since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. I have never done a race write up before and I am not sure where to begin. I will take it from training which started in March to the end of the race and the reader can skip around to the parts they find interesting.
Ironman Florida was to be my tenth Ironman, a step on the road to Legacy. I started a training plan that I had used before in February and tweaked it a little with my Ironman Coach certification. I already had a good endurance base from the 2020 Dopey Challenge at Walt Disney World in January, so February was primarily weight training and short distance swim, bike and runs. I still had a pool this month at New York Sports Club in Smithtown.
March is where things got interesting and COVID-19 lock-down started. The gym closed. I quickly purchased a Thermal Reaction wetsuit from Blueseventy and found my gloves and booties. I am fortunate to live 2.5 miles from the Long Island Sound so open water swims started early March. It was freezing but a bit fun to channel my inner Wim Hof. The swim training for this Ironman was entirely open water, with one pool swim in July when my sister invited me to her Town Pool once it opened. It was a concern because I feel pool intervals are important but I learned to incorporate intervals in the open water which helped break up those sessions and gave me focus.
I was able to get weight training done at work, we have a pretty decent set up in our garage. Biking and running proceeded as usual with a mix of outside rides and runs and some Zwift workouts. With a ten month training period I worked a lot of Zone 2 heart rate training, I’ve become a big believer.
It was weird not knowing at this point if the race was even on, and training helped me deal with a lot of the unknown, the anxiety. It pushed me through the spring and summer feeling hopeful despite seeing all the races on the circuit being cancelled. I had a 70.3 planned for late August in Maine that was not to be this year.
Time passed and soon it was race time. Ironman sent multiple e-mails stating they were still looking to hold the race and how it would function. I kept a folder in my e-mail with all the correspondence from Ironman, the airline, the hotel and TriBike Transport.
For whatever reason this was a tough flight to find. I had to go American Airlines and the flight to Florida was out of LaGuardia to Charlotte to Fort Walton Beach, an airport that was about an hour away from Panama Beach City. Going home was Panama City to Charlotte to JFK. Out of all three airports, JFK in New York was the only one with the Department Of Health forms to fill out upon arrival.
Now the story I’m about to write is to show how important it is to remain alert and pay attention to detail when you travel. Hopefully you will learn from my mistake here.
I wearily got off the plane at Fort Walton and found a cab outside, a nice, elderly man named Bill who was willing to drive me over an hour to my hotel in Panama City. He was driving, we were chatting and he asked me if it was okay for him to stop for gas. Sure, no problem. At the gas station he asked if I wanted to get anything and I said yes, I’ll run in for a drink. As I exited the gas station I saw the taillights of my cab leaving the pump and proceeding down the road. Without me. I did my best to stay calm but my cab had just left me stranded and my bags were in the car, along with my wallet, shield, and ID. I wondered if I was on a television show. After a few minutes it became clear that I was not on TV, and I needed to do something to track down this car. I was angry at myself for not knowing the cab company name, or getting the vehicle’s plate. After getting nowhere on the phone trying to contact the airline I asked the woman at the gas station to call the police. It was at this moment my cab returned, and my friend Bill said he thought it was weird I wasn’t answering his questions anymore and when he turned around and didn’t see me, he remembered I ran into the gas station. I refrained from physically strangling this man and climbed back into the minivan, clearly shook regarding how this race weekend just started.
I had booked the Boardwalk Beach Hotel & Convention Center when I registered for this race. It was originally the host hotel and the race was to take place right on the grounds which is super convenient. Due to COVID and the safe return to racing, the race venue was moved six miles away to Aaron Bessant Park so they could spread us out more. I kept the reservation at BBH to be fair and help with the hotel’s business. I did enjoy being there but it was far from everything. In retrospect I should have rented one of those kewl golf carts and used that to get around for the weekend. I spent approximately $100 in Uber fees going back and forth to Aaron Bessant and Pier Park. All my cab fees, airport runs included, came to about $250. A shuttle would have been super nice but I think the majority of the people racing switched their accommodations upon the announcement of the venue change.
The hotel itself was okay, I was on the ground floor so it was out and a short walk to the water and road. The cafeteria had coffee in the morning and some pastries but I only saw them cooking food my last day as I checked out. The people that worked there were nice, I’ll forever remember me cleaning my bike in my room with the door open and housekeeping cleaning the adjoining rooms. I had put some music on the Bluetooth and we had a great time.
Race Check In
About a week before traveling Ironman sent out an Active.com e-mail with a link to reserve race check in times. This again was to space us out and not have us standing in line, clogging up the area. I picked Wednesday night between 5-6PM. Bibs were given out first come, first serve so the lower your bib number was the earlier you checked in. I was #1038. I arrived at about 4:45 with my mask and was told I could go in. It was athletes only so if you were with someone they had to wait outside the Ironman Village for you. I had to answer a short survey verbally, get my temperature taken, and then was directed table to table, just like a regular race. For places where a line of people might happen there were tape marks and lanes were roped off with string and little ribbons indicating every six feet. I was able to pick my bike check-in time for Friday, they gave me a little card with 2-3PM on it. I actually really liked this system and I think it would be great even when racing goes back to its regular routine. I found it interesting that the swag such as the swim cap and back pack didn’t have the race name on it. The finisher shirt and medal had no date on it. I guess up until the very start of the race it was always uncertain if it would be a go.
I learned that Ironman Gulf Coast 70.3 would also be on Saturday, November 7th, with an 11:00AM start time. So both races would be going at almost the same time using the same course and staging area. I received an e-mail from Triathlon Wire with the numbers of about 1250 athletes for the full and 300 for the half.
After checking in I walked over to the TriBike Transport tent, picked up my bike, put air in the tires and rode it back to my hotel. It was dark when I got back so I walked over to Subway for a veggie sub.
Thursday was a day for me to ride a little, swim a little and look around a little. My calves let me know when I did too much walking. That happens to me often at Disney for marathon weekend. You’re in a great place and want to see it all but remember, there’s a race in a couple of days! I did what I could to find vegan food options in a very big seafood area. I remembered to bring food to eat later back to my room, I had a refrigerator and a microwave there.
I walked on the pier and saw a few of the swim course buoys set up. It always looks so far, doesn’t it?
Before bed I watched the athlete briefing on-line and reviewed the race packet I printed out before I left New York. I got my gear bags ready to be handed in along with my bike the next day.
Bike Check In
Friday I rode my bike and gear bags to check in at 2PM. For some reason we also needed to wear our timing chip which made me thankful I watched that briefing the night before, because they really weren’t letting people go in without them. Athletes only again, no one without a timing chip and an event race band could enter transition. In I went with my mask on again.
Bikes were placed every other space on the rack giving us a little more room. Gear bags stayed with the bike. I tucked mine under the rear wheel that was in the air. All items in the bags must stay in the bags even during the race. So the guy two spots down from me who set his area up like he was doing a neighborhood sprint complete with a towel mat had to put all his gear back in the bags. After taking a picture of my set up and saying good night to my bike (for real, I speak to it) I got out of there. I made sure I knew where I was regarding swim in, bike out/bike in and run out before I left. I picked up a veggie pizza before heading back to the hotel. I spent the remainder of that day eating, relaxing, reading, prepping my Special Needs bags. I usually apply race numbers (TriTats) the night before but there was no body marking for this race so I wasn’t going to use up the numbers.
I was slightly concerned about getting to the race start so early the next morning. The front desk had recommended a cab service, but I met an awesome man named El by the hotel pool. He needed a charger for his Garmin. I let him use mine and we started talking about the next morning. He had driven to Florida from Tennessee, had his car and offered me a ride to the start which I gratefully accepted.
Race Morning
Up at 3:45AM race morning. Made instant coffee, ate half a bagel, lubed, dressed, double checked all my bags and headed out. El and I drove to transition and he was able to park close to the transition entrance. Special Needs bags were handed off on the way in to Transition. Masks were on. I went to my bike, double checked the tires and filled the water and Gatorade bottles. They didn’t want us wondering around too much. I did see Chris Nikic walk into Transition. This race was his attempt at becoming the first person with Down Syndrome to complete an Ironman. I thought it was great to see him, a good sign. Now that I think about it at this point I just focused on that good thought and the cab ride from the airport wasn’t even in my head. Mike Reilly was there! I got ready to swim and tucked my Morning Clothes bag behind my gear bags, Morning Clothes stayed with us as well.
The forecast projected it being overcast most of the day and the morning was a bit cloudy. I picked goggles with a super light tint and it was a good choice. We were to stand with our bikes until our projected swim time was called out. I stayed put until I heard, “1:20-1:30 head to the swim start now!” Everyone thinking they were finishing the swim in that time started out and towards the beach, it was about a seven minute walk on the road and on sand. Some people had throw-away shoes on, I did not. The road had tape marks every six feet, they wanted you to try to stay on them when walk-traffic stopped. On the sand they had roped off lanes with pink ribbons tied on every six feet. We were to stay on a ribbon. There were spectators the whole walk. Eventually my lane made it to the water and they were letting four people enter every five seconds or so. Despite this great system guess what. Once we were in the water in was a traditional Ironman. It took some time to get passed the breaks but once I was in I was going. Two loops, clockwise in the Gulf. I saw fish and a sea turtle. There was a current pushing us sideways so it took some effort and a lot of sighting to stay to the left of the buoys. It wouldn’t be an Ironman if I didn’t get hit in the eye and I got it on my second loop. If you’re familiar with the Lake Placid swim it was like that only no cable though, sorry. Despite it being wetsuit legal I was getting hot towards the end. I really enjoyed the water though and had a swim time of 1:27:01.

My transition neighbors were gone by the time I got into T1 so I had plenty of room. I was expecting to have to wear a mask in Transition but we did not. I had my bike gear in the bag set up so I could just pull it out and put it on and it worked well. I hung my wetsuit on the bike rack to dry hoping that was allowed. It was still there when I got back so I guess it was. Once I was bike ready I made my way out to start my ride. My T1 time was 10:39.
Because the swim had been warm I started my bike ride a little thirsty which was unfortunately a sign of things to come. To keep contact points down Ironman had reduced the amount of Aid Stations, so after drinking my water and most of my Gatorade quickly it was some time before I could refill. I ate every 45 minutes to an hour on the bike. Solid food was no problem, I had a lot with me and grabbed extra going through the Aid Stations. It was fluid I needed more often than it was available. If the sun had been out full force I think I would have had an even worse problem. It was about 80 degrees, humid, still overcast and windy which meant I was sweating and not really going anywhere when pedaling against the wind. I used the tail wind as best I could to make up time. I really think I need to be re-fit for my bike because at mile 30 I was already having terrible lower back pain. It wasn’t an easy ride and despite everyone telling me how flat the course is, it was over 3,000 feet of elevation. I had to get off to use the porta-potty and stretch early on. I guess at this point I should mention my race kit. I wore a one-piece tri suit from Zoot, the Autism Ohana kit. Google it if you have a chance, I think it’s great. Very colorful and for a good cause. I wore it to remember my friend Lizzie that I run with sometimes in Central Park as a volunteer for Achilles. But there are goods and bads of wearing a one-piece and the bads is definitely when you try to use the bathroom in it. It has little sleeves that are tough to find and get your arms through when they are wet. So there was a struggle in that porta-potty, no doubt. Finally I opened the door. The porta-potty was on an incline and I kind of stumbled out of it and cracked my left knee on the doorway. Then I bent over to grab my knee and hit my big, bike helmet head on the side. I felt like the Three Stooges was trying to do an Ironman, I really did. Shaking my head I got back on the bike and started to go. I felt my knee throbbing for about twenty miles. As I write this I have a wicked bruise. But back to the bike…This was a one loop course on the highways of Florida. There were wide shoulders and a bike lane that we rode in but in the back of my mind I kept thinking this was an active road way and any passing needed to be super carefully done. Cars were courteous enough not to use the right lane but if a driver wanted to be a jerk and use it they could. Any residential/business areas had spectators. As I said before it was windy. I did the best I could and had some good splits when the wind was with me but I needed to get off a few more times to stretch. I finished the bike with a usual time of 7:14:01.

Again I had the area to myself so I sat to change shoes and get ready for the run. I was a little put off by my bike split and my stomach was not 100% but I thought I could have a strong run if I stayed focused. Removing sand from my feet was a challenge but it was important so avoid any irritation so I took the time to do that before I put my socks on. I stretched my back and drank more Gatorade before I left. I had a T2 time of 10:53.
As I started my run I was greeted by just as many spectators as any other Ironman. Some had masks on, some didn’t. Some were dressed up, some played music. Everyone was encouraging and motivating. I started out so happy to be running. This course was an out and back two times along the highway parallel to the beach, passed all the hotels, bars and restaurants. The halfway turning point and the finish line were at Pier Park. For six miles I ran strong and thanked everyone for being out. A lot of people liked and commented on my race kit. It was great. But soon I knew I was going to have to do the run/walk, even as the sun went down and it started to cool off. I was unable to eat anything solid for the majority of the run. The thought of trying made me dry heave. I saw a few people really heaving in the bushes and was afraid I was going to join them. I took in as much fluid as I could, mainly water and Coke. I was sweating out a lot of salt, my neck and face were all gritty. I thought at first maybe it was sand but why would there be sand on my face, right? Out and back, out and back, using whatever I could in my brain to keep moving. I followed the cones they used to mark off the run area. Walk one cone, run five cones. My quads were shredded. I thought of my Mom and my Family. I thought of work and how I wanted to make everyone proud. I thought of the finish line and finally, FINALLY it was my turn to cross. My run took 6:25:20. Mike Reilly called me an Ironman with an official time of 15:27:52.

After crossing the spectator-less finish line I was given a mask and a masked volunteer guided me along, not touching me, to a table with plastic bags containing my finisher shirt and race medal. Someone with gloves and a mask removed my timing chip. I made my way over to Athlete Food and choked down half a veggie sub. I got my picture taken with my medal. (There were photographers out on the course too.) I had completed my 10th Ironman.
As I gathered my gear and dropped my bike back at the TriBike tent, Chris Nikic became an Ironman. I cheered from the parking lot. I started to walk back with the plan of getting passed the road closures to an area where I could call an Uber to get back to my hotel. But I started walking with a man named Dan who had volunteered in a kayak for the swim and at the finish line as well. He had just as long of a day as I had but when he heard of my plan to get back he ran into his hotel, got his keys and drove me to my hotel. And that really, really describes the Ironman atmosphere and Family to me. We all help each other, we all do what we can to get each other through the challenge. I am so grateful I found this sport, these events and have met some of the most amazing people.
I hope this write up helps someone with their goal, be it an Ironman or a first sprint triathlon, or a marathon or whatever. Please feel free to contact me with any questions if I missed something you wanted to know about.
Thank you to everyone for the well wishes, encouragement and congratulations. Thank you to Ironman and the Volunteers for having this race during one of the most hectic times in our lives.
Thank you for reading.
Instagram - @zenkatki
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stars and clouds | school series 11
characters: you x sungwoon
summary: starry-eyed moments with sungwoon
quote: ”the stars in the sky can’t amount to my love”
school series: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11
note: the school series!wanna one is now over! i had so much fun writing this series and i’m glad that this series received a lot of love, more than what i have expected and thank to you guys i have over 300+ followers which is shocking considering that i had 40 when i wrote the third part to the series and now eight scenarios later i have more than 300?? i really don’t know how to thank you guys! and now since the wanna one version of this series over, i will be shifting my focus to finishing my works in progress, so once again thank you so much and enjoy!
8:00pm - Saturday night
The weekend your paper is due is also the weekend everyone on your floor decides to have a hallway party which meant: loud rap music, cheap beer, and of course, screaming. Lots of screaming. That’s why you resorted to sitting on the bench outside of your building in order to finish your paper on The Crucible. A third of the way into your paper, an upperclassman takes a seat on the bench next to you.
“I won’t bother you if that’s the reason for the sour look on your face and I’m not drunk. I’m here the same reason why you are: to get away from that stupid party,” he clarifies. You stopped typing and looked up at him. He was in his junior year and sat next to you in most of your lectures, but you never got his name and neither had he.
“I didn’t even say anything and yet you read my mind,” you laugh and begin typing again.
He raises his can of soda and winks. “That’s my effect on girls - and guys,” he jokes. You roll your eyes while smiling at his cheesy joke. “You thirsty? I can go in and grab a drink for you? Water? Coke? Beer? Juice?”
“Water,” you reply, having no idea why this upperclassman is being so nice to you. He utters an ‘okay’ and heads back into the apartment building. A few minutes later, he walks out with two bottles of water - one for you and one for him. You thank him and silence overcome the both of you as you finish your paper.
“Do you know about constellations?” he asks when you finish your paper. You shake your head ‘no’ and begin putting away your notebook and book in your backpack.
He points at the star-filled sky. “See the three bright stars that are aligned? That’s Orion’s Belt, if it was a good night, you could see Orion, but today’s not a good night, so...”
“The stars do look beautiful tonight, there’s a lot tonight,” you say in amazement. You were never the type to look at the sky during the nighttime or the daytime. Both of sit in the silence for a couple of more minutes admiring the stars before he speaks up again.
“It’s getting late, shall I take you back to your dorm?” he asks, checking his watch.
“I think I can do it by myself,” you reply, grabbing your backpack and heading to the building. He grabs his empty water bottle and walks beside you.
“I think my offer was a bit too fast. I meant, can we be friends now? And maybe can I take you back to your dorm?” he rubs the nape of his neck while putting his hands in his pocket.
“I mean since we’re with each other in most lectures, there’s no way to avoid you, right? Let’s be friends.” You stick out your hand. “I’m Y/N.”
He shakes your hand gently and the elevator door opens. “Sungwoon. Ha Sungwoon.”
9:45 am - chemistry
“I swear if Professor Park says one more word about acetylsalicylic acid, I might need acetylsalicylic acid,” Sungwoon mutters next to you. You stifle a laugh and continue to take notes of the slides. “I don’t know if I can last until 10:30.”
“Be quiet,” you whisper to him and revert your attention back to the lecture. Sungwoon decides to distract himself by drawing clouds on your notebook until the lecture is over.
“I’m thirsty, let’s go get something to drink. What drink do you want today? Tea? Latte? Frappuccino? I’ll pay,” Sungwoon says in one breath. He stops and pretends to think for a minute. “You look like you need an iced coffee, just look at your dark circles!”
“You’ve got ten seconds before I kill you,” you warn as Sungwoon slings his backpack over his shoulder and runs in the other direction while you had begun to chase him across campus.
The two of you snaked through crowds of freshmen and ended up at an open bench near the English building. Sungwoon stalks to the bench with a heaving chest and takes a seat on the bench. He gestures you to take a seat next to him. “Truce,” he says and points to the sky. “Let’s watch the clouds for a couple minutes while we catch our breaths.”
“What clouds? It’s literally a clear sky,” you scoffed in disbelief at the older boy.
“Okay, maybe I lied. But!” he grabs your arm and begins to run. “We can go to the flower garden!”
The flower garden was just like its name, a garden of flowers. It was made by the botany club, which was why everything was clean cut, no weed in sight.
Sungwoon takes a seat on the fountain as he begins to admire the flowers on the bench. You pull out a textbook and begin to read it before a light purple flower is placed on the page.
You grab the flower, looking up at Sungwoon questioning. “Oak-leaved geranium – friendship,” he explains.
You twiddle the flower between your fingers. “So not only can you tell constellations, you also know the meanings of flowers?”
He laughs. “Of course! I’m that talented!” You roll your eyes at him before sticking the flower back in the book and closed it.
3:03 pm – cafe
You and Sungwoon decided to go the cafe after lectures. “My treat,” you offer. Sungwoon rejected the offer, but you wanted to treat him for once.
“Oh! Minhyun’s here!” Sungwoon says when he goes into the cafe. “I forgot he works here.”
“You should go find us a seat,” you suggest as you get into line. Sungwoon replies ‘alright’ and goes to find empty seats.
“So you’re the girl Sungwoon’s always talking about,” Minhyun chuckles, making you wonder if you heard his remark correctly.
“Yeah, you’re all Sungwoon talks about at the dorm.” Minhyun rolls his eyes before shaking his head. “It’s for sure annoying, but he seems happy, so I can’t say anything against it.”
You were wondering if you should trust the boy’s words. But then again, he was Sungwoon’s friend. Maybe Sungwoon did like you back, and with that thought, your heart sped up rapidly.
When he hands you the receipt, he says, “And I can tell you both like each other, so just confess.”
You thank Minhyun for the food and headed back to the table. “What was that about?” Sungwoon asks, taking a sip of his iced coffee.
“Nothing,” you reply, taking a bite of the sandwich. Sungwoon eyes you curiously before shrugging it off.
5:02 pm – a few weeks later – flower garden
Sungwoon called you out to the garden that day, saying that it was an emergency.
“Sungwoon?” A large vase stood in the middle of the garden on top of a stool. You wondered what it was for.
“Red carnation – admiration,” a voice says behind you. Sungwoon holds a bouquet of flowers in his hands as he puts them in the vase one by one, starting with the red carnation.
“Gardenia – secret love.”
“Fern – sincerity.”
“Lavender – devotion.”
“Red rose – desire.”
“Sunflower – adoration.”
“And lastly, red tulip – declaration of love.” He puts the final flower in the vase and hands it to you. “I sincerely confess to you, y/n, that I am in love with you.”
You look at the flowers in shock. Did he actually do all this just to confess to you? At the same time, you were glad that he reciprocated your feelings. Looking up, you declare, “I love you, too.”
Sungwoon is unable to hide his happiness as he jumps up and down before engulfing you into a warm hug.
2:56 pm – campus
“Sungwoon!” you exclaim, running to him from across the grass. You meet in the middle as you jump onto him, making him stumble and fall backwards on the soft grass.
“Oomph.” He wraps his arms around your waist as he falls, making sure that he would be the one cushioning your fall. He rolls you around, making you on the bottom this time. He traps you with his arms on each side of your head.
“Hey,” you say.
“Hey,” he replies, not taking his eyes off you. He stares dreamily into your eyes, his eyes crinkling a bit.
“What?” You laugh at his happy expression.
“Just appreciating your beauty.” He leans down, softly pecking your lips as he smiles widely.
#sungwoon with flowers is beautiful#sungwoon#ha sungwoon#sungwoon imagines#sungwoon scenarios#produce 101 imagines#produce 101 scenarios#wanna one#wanna one scenarios#wanna one imagines
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do every question :^)
Just why??/ Lol1. What is you middle name?Marshon2. How old are you?213. What is your birthday?November 9th4. What is your zodiac sign?Scorpio5. What is your favorite color?Red6. What's your lucky number?137. Do you have any pets?No8. Where are you from?Michigan9. How tall are you?5'5-6?10. What shoe size are you?9?? Idk11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?A lot12. What was your last dream about?I don't dream often so I don't remember13. What talents do you have?I can do anything14. Are you psychic in any way?I'm pretty good at reading people I suppose?15. Favorite song?Right now it's Tinashe- Party Favors16. Favorite movie?Jurassic Park17. Who would be your ideal partner?I have no ide18. Do you want children?No19. Do you want a church wedding?No20. Are you religious?I suppose?21. Have you ever been to the hospital?Yes22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?No23. Have you ever met any celebrities?No24. Baths or showers?Showers25. What color socks are you wearing?White26. Have you ever been famous?Uh maybe in a local gaming community27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?No28. What type of music do you like?Any29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?No lolol30. How many pillows do you sleep with?One31. What position do you usually sleep in?On my stomach32. How big is your house?Fairly large??? 33. What do you typically have for breakfast?Vodka34. Have you ever fired a gun?Yes35. Have you ever tried archery?Yes36. Favorite clean word?Conceptualize37. Favorite swear word?Fuck38. What's the longest you've ever gone without sleep?3 days39. Do you have any scars?Yes40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?Uh maybe?41. Are you a good liar?Yes42. Are you a good judge of character?Yes43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?Probably not well44. Do you have a strong accent?An american accent?45. What is your favorite accent?American46. What is your personality type?Adaptive47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?300$ belt48. Can you curl your tongue?Yes49. Are you an innie or an outie?Innie50. Left or right handed?Right51. Are you scared of spiders?No52. Favorite food?Nothing at the moment. Maybe chili cheese fries?53. Favorite foreign food?Pho54. Are you a clean or messy person?Messy55. Most used phrased?"Suck me off" 56. Most used word?Gay57. How long does it take for you to get ready?45 mins58. Do you have much of an ego?It's called confidence59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?Both60. Do you talk to yourself?No, but I should61. Do you sing to yourself?No62. Are you a good singer?Nope63. Biggest Fear?Nothingness64. Are you a gossip?No65. Best dramatic movie you've seen?None I can think of66. Do you like long or short hair?Either67. Can you name all 50 states of America?Yes lol68. Favorite school subject?Math and science69. Extrovert or Introvert?Introvert70. Have you ever been scuba diving?Nah71. What makes you nervous?Nothing really72. Are you scared of the dark?No73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?Depends if I care74. Are you ticklish?Yes75. Have you ever started a rumor?Not to my knowledge76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?Yes77. Have you ever drank underage?Yes78. Have you ever done drugs?Yes79. Who was your first real crush?Maybe the one I have now?80. How many piercings do you have?Zero81. Can you roll your Rs?"Yes82. How fast can you type?Brb.........35wpm LOL83. How fast can you run?Pretty fast84. What color is your hair?Black85. What color is your eyes?Brown86. What are you allergic to?Nothing87. Do you keep a journal?Nope88. What do your parents do?Nurse and retired89. Do you like your age?yes? lol weird question90. What makes you angry?Most things91. Do you like your own name?Yes92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?No93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?Neither94. What are you strengths?Everything 95. What are your weaknesses?This girl. I'm too nice to her and it bothers me96. How did you get your name?My mother gave to me for free97. Were your ancestors royalty?Nah98. Do you have any scars?Yes again99. Color of your bedspread?Plaid blue100. Color of your room?Blue
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1-100. Just give it to me all
ALNLSNGLSG ARE YOU SERIOUS OMFG im so sorry this is going to be Long
1. Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? I’ll say Pandora just because it’s the only one I’ve actually ever used. If I used Spotify I’d probably like it the most but I don’t use those apps so
2. is your room messy or clean?VERY VERY MESSY I need to clean it but im lazy
3. what color are your eyes?Brown!
4. do you like your name? why?My birth name? No. And that’s why I changed it ahahahaha yes I like the name Jae since i chose it myself. It’s short and simple
5. what is your relationship status?Single
6. describe your personality in 3 words or lessContradictory ....... Situational
7. what color hair do you have?Currently it’s blue c: Natural color is a lightish brown
8. what kind of car do you drive? color?I don’t have a car nor a license :/ I want a motorbike tho ! a black one
9. where do you shop?I shop pretty much exclusively online. Buyma or Amazon, typically
10. how would you describe your style?I’ve been told that I dress like a “bad boy”. I like leather and black and ripped skinny jeans but I do like casual stuff too. Like hoodies and sweats
11. favorite social media accountIf this is talking about my own social media accounts, then this one right here on tumblr. I’m not very active anywhere else
12. what size bed do you have?uuuuhhhh I don’t know proper terminology but it is small
13. any siblings?Yup! I have an older sister and a younger brother
14. if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?Japan probably? It’s super pretty and I’ve always wanted to visit
15. favorite snapchat filter?hmm I don’t use snapchat that much but probably the flower crown one it’s cute
16. favorite makeup brand(s)I don’t wear makeup tbh so i dunnooooo
17. how many times a week do you shower?7 I don’t ever skip showering
18. favorite tv show?Psych? I also like the 100 currently
19. shoe size?asglnasg... god .... im a 6 in mens nd like a 7 in womens i have small feet
20. how tall are you?ALNSLGNSG im trusting no one has read this far so it’s okay to disclose this info...exposin myself.. im 5′2″ ............
21. sandals or sneakers?Sneakers !! I don’t wear sandals like ever
22. do you go to the gym?Yes! Only recently, actually! I just bought a gym membership with my friend and we’ve been going 3 times a week c:
23. describe your dream dateoh geez I havent really thought about this? I’m not very romantic or anything (im on the ace spectrum) but... i dunno. I think it’d be nice to just have fun together. An amusement park maybe? And just a lot of hand holding and smiles
24. how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?Upwards of 100 bcuz my mom keeps giving me money even tho i dont use it
25. what color socks are you wearing?HAH im not wearing any
26. how many pillows do you sleep with?1-2 it depends on the night
27. do you have a job? what do you do?I work at the cafeteria in my school. I run the register and help to stock items and also serve food to people
28. how many friends do you have?wow this is a Tragic question. Online I have quite a few! In person i literally have....... 2. Barely that lol. More like one
29. whats the worst thing you have ever done?Killed my sister’s fish (on accident)
30. whats your favorite candle scent?I’ve never thought about this or really smelled many candles to begin with :( something mild though. Maybe a mild vanilla??
31. 3 favorite boy namesuuhghg 1) Cain 2) Luka 3) Eden
32. 3 favorite girl names1) Erin 2) Rayna 3) Kira
33. favorite actor?I rly dont give a crap about actors if I’m being honest lmao. Uhh choi minho :)
34. favorite actress?Lupita Nyong’o?? she’s gorgeous
35. who is your celebrity crush?I don’t have a crush on him but does Lee Taemin count
36. favorite movie?Princess Mononoke
37. do you read a lot? whats your favorite book?I read ff more than books these days. I don’t have a fav book
38. money or brains?is this what I prefer? Money binch if I had money I wouldn’t need brains also I’m dumb anyways
39. do you have a nickname? what is it?No I do not
40. how many times have you been to the hospital?Twice? Maybe 3 times
41. top 10 favorite songscheck out shinee’s entire discography
42. do you take any medications daily?Nope
43. what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)i ?? have no idea?? I guess oily? My skin doesn’t get dry so
44. what is your biggest fear?Probably flying. I hate planes
45. how many kids do you want?Exactly none
46. whats your go to hair style?? uh side-swept? I have no idea what to call it just what my hair normally looks like I guess
47. what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc)A moderately sized house
48. who is your role model?Not to be cheesy but Lee Taemin also Kim Kibum also Choi Minho also Kim Jonghyun also Lee Jinki
49. what was the last compliment you received?that I’m great? lol
50. what was the last text you sent?’okay’ to my mom lmao
51. how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real?ARE YOU TELLING ME SANTA ISNT REAL??? okay but for real who remembers the age they find out omg .. i was Young so idk maybe like 13
52. what is your dream car?ohhh boy a lambo for sure
53. opinion on smoking?Gross. Smells terrible
54. do you go to college?I do indeed. I’m gonna be a senior ya’ll
55. what is your dream job?To be a writer I guess. I don’t really have a dream job
56. would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs?Suburbs? I dunno. I like living in the city I’d probably die of boredom in some rural area
57. do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?hell yea binch
58. do you have freckles?nope!
59. do you smile for pictures?Not for selfies but for other pictures yes I feel like it’s weird or rude not to
60. how many pictures do you have on your phone?like 300 something
61. have you ever peed in the woods?what the fuck?? lol?? no??
62. do you still watch cartoons?does voltron count :/
63. do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds?neither if I’m being honest but Wendy’s I guess. I never ever eat at mcdonalds
64. Favorite dipping sauce?barbeque sauce?
65. what do you wear to bed?An oversized shirt and boxers lol
66. have you ever won a spelling bee?no i cant say I have
67. what are your hobbies?Writing, sometimes. Playing video games. Bein unhealthy
68. can you draw?Naaaah
69. do you play an instrument?No :( I wish I did but I never learned any
70. what was the last concert you saw?SHINEE WORLD V IN LA!!!!!!!!! BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!
71. tea or coffee?Coffee bcuz i h8 tea
72. Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?Well the coffee at dunkin donuts is worlds better so dunkin donuts
73. do you want to get married?no
74. what is your crush’s first and last initial?i dont have a crush
75. are you going to change your last name when you get married?’when’ lol i dont plan to get married
76. what color looks best on you?black, in my opinion
77. do you miss anyone right now?no not really
78. do you sleep with your door open or closed?open because if it’s closed my cat will scratch on it incessantly until she’s let in
79. do you believe in ghosts?hell yeah dude
80. what is your biggest pet peeve?when people like, dance around a subject. I prefer it when people are straightforward. Especially if they want something from me
81. last person you called`Honest to god I can’t remember. I don’t ever call people lmao so probably my mom
82. favorite ice cream flavor?I like Rocky Road a lot!
83. regular oreos or golden oreos?regular. Golden oreos are a lesser creation
84. chocolate or rainbow sprinkles?RAINBOW. GIMME DAT GAY SHIT
85. what shirt are you wearing?It’s just a plain white t-shirt
86. what is your phone background?ot5
87. are you outgoing or shy?Horribly, annoyingly shy although I can mask it pretty well
88. do you like it when people play with your hair?yes :D
89. do you like your neighbors?lmao I don’t know them?? They arent noisy though so yes I like them since they aren’t annoying or anything
90. do you wash your face? at night? in the morning?Both. I take a shower in the morning and wash it then. And then do a skincare routine at night
91. have you ever been high?no.... not that I know of. One time I took nyquil though and it Fucked Me Up i felt high but idk if I was or if that’s even possible
92. have you ever been drunk?nope. I’m not a huge fan of the idea of getting drunk. I don’t like letting my guard down like that so if I ever do it’ll be when I’m alone
93. last thing you ate?a mento
94. favorite lyrics right nowthe entire lyrics to So Far Away by yoongi
95. summer or winter?WINTER. I hate summer fashion i like being able to wear my jackets and jeans and not Die of heat stroke
96. day or night?night I guess just bcuz I can be alone
97. dark, milk, or white chocolate?dark chocolate is superior in every way
98. favorite month?uhm.. December? Because its the end of the year and I’m on break then and Christmas and cold weather and hot chocolate
99. what is your zodiac signI’m a virgo
100. who was the last person you cried in front of?uhhhHHHH I really make it a Goal to never cry in front of people since im just super uncomfortable with that and honestly dont feel comfortable enough around anyone to do that. My sister walked in on me when I was crying once though so her I guess
#im so sorry if you were joking omg#I couldn't tell#so I just went ahead and did them all#alsnglasngsg#long post#i tried to keep the answers as short as possible since there were so many#thank you though omg#sorry if this is Annoying#ns#r#marieguillotineantoinette
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answer ALL those questions BIH 1-97 or however many there are
Great panini Michelle... every damn time...1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?Uhhhhhhhh yeah2. You talked to an ex today, correct?Idk I guess technically?3. Have you taken someones virginity?Lmao nope4. Is trust a big issue for you?YEAH WHOO BOY YEAH I have a lot of issues and trust is a huge one5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently?Yes yup I definitely did. She told me I looked pretty and it was the first time I've ever been sure she was flirting with me. 6. What are you excited for?Going back to school holy shit. I've had a countdown going. I move back in at the end of the month. I can't fuckening wait. 7. What happened tonight?I told myself I was going to shower and clean my room but instead I'm sat here watching dan and Phil games videos?8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted?I don't think it's disgusting I just worry for their safety. I'm the mom friend that takes care of the lightweights. 9. Is confidence cute?Hell yeah10. What is the last beverage you had?Brisk iced tea with lemon 11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?I wanna say like three. I don't have an exact count because I've managed to direct my daily life to have very few males and I can only think of three men I regularly interact with. 12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans?Yeah and my fuckin thighs are wearing a HOLE IN THEM which means I need to order a new pair but they're EXPENSIVE and I hate CAPITALISM 13. What are you gonna do Saturday night?That's a good fucking question. I have nothing planned, nothing to do within walking distance, and no license. Probably masturbate in all honesty. 14. What are you going to spend money on next?Well I just spent like $150 on an old navy order today so probably not clothes Oh you know what I need a new bookbag so probably that. IKEA has some good ones. 15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed?The only person I've kissed was for a scene in acting class so no. I had a really elaborate dream the other night where I was kissing my crush but alas also no. 16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months?Oh for sure. 17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?Honestly???? Reese. 18. The last time you felt broken?This is more or less a weekly to daily occurrence but the most intense instance I can recall was Saturday night at my cousin's wedding! Being most likely the only gay person out of a group of 300 people made up of mostly married couples with children was absolutely horrific because as soon as one cousin gets married the aunts start placing bets on who's next and each time I'm closer to the top of the list. Combine that with varied intrusive thoughts and you've got a lovely shitstorm of self loathing!!!19. Have you had sex today?Not ever m'dude20. Are you starting to realize anything?That if I want to be less anxious when shopping for clothing, I need to only shop at places that actually cater to my body type aka I've just accepted that I have a mom body and will always look better in well made and sort of pricey old navy clothes over cheap shitty forever 21 clothes. 21. Are you in a good mood?I'm kind of eh. All I've done today is watch the MSNBC news cycle for hours on end and that was really depressing and anxiety inducing but I've isolated myself in my room for a bit since then and had a nice salami sandwich so I've mellowed. 22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks?Hell yeah. Sharks are nowhere as violent as media portrays them and need to be protected like any other species. Also I went to the aquarium yesterday. 23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s?Yes between my parents I got pretty much all of my father's genetics and it's really funny. 24. What do you want right this second?Someone to cuddle with because I realized when I was staying at a hotel that I literally can't sleep unless I'm holding something and every single night my body pillow is a little bit more pathetic. 25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy?Fuckin jokes on you she's married 26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color?Technically no. I mean I am a natural blonde but currently I am several shades blonder because my natural shade is on the darker end of the blonde spectrum and I'm so pale that I need to lighten and warm it up from time to time so I don't look like a less stylish Addams child. 27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?That's a hard fuckin pass m828. What was the last thing that made you laugh?I answered this before but I've laughed again since then soS A N D R A29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now?Yes. 30. Does everyone deserve a second chance?Yes, as long as they are actually willing to modify their behavior/habits/what have you. Life is a learning curve. I believe in third chances too, under the same conditions. At some point, however, you have to acknowledge that some people just will not change and it isn't worth the energy you're investing to try and force it. Then it's time to cut bitches off lmao. 31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to?My brother is walking a fine line right now. He's a shit head but I don't hate him. 32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do?I think so. 33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda?Cherry Pepsi flows through my veins. 34. Listening to?I've honestly been listening to the original London cast recording of The Witches of Eastwick the musical on repeat for like a week? That and the original cast recording of Sunset Boulevard. Which reminds me, I downloaded Dangerous Liaisons...35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore?Yeah... do people like... stop writing in pencil at some point? Y'all hate erasers????36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is?Probably somewhere in Pennsylvania where I left her. 37. Do you believe in love at first sight?Maybe chemistry at first sight? I think you have to know a person before you can love them. Chemistry doesn't have to be romantic either, I think it's just a significant reaction. I'm a fan of hate to lover arcs in fiction. Cough cough swan queen. 38. Who did you last call?Probably my brother to tell him to preheat the oven. 39. Who was the last person you danced with?My aunt when she was trying to convince me not to leave the wedding reception even though I was dead on my feet and dissociating so hard I felt like I wasn't in my body40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?Because that's how Phyllis Nagy wrote the script. 41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake?The wedding reception. It didn't have frosting because my brother brought me a fucking cupcake without frosting. 42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today?No43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?Countless times! I'm strong but clumsy so when she asks me to move things for her it's like a 50/50 chance I'll drop it. She never makes fun of me though. 44. Do you tan in the nude?I don't tan period because I am pasty and extremely at risk for skin cancer *finger guns*45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss?If by take back you mean literally take it back by purchasing the full play to read it 46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night?I usually do47. Who was the last person to call you?Idk probably my dad to tell me to preheat the oven. 48. Do you sing in the shower?Am I even showering if I'm not singing49. Do you dance in the car?I'm generally pretty cramped in most cars so no50. Ever used a bow and arrow?Yes! I'm a pretty decent archer. 51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?Probably my headshots that I got when I was doing my dance photo shoot senior year. 52. Do you think musicals are cheesy?I'm a theatre major what fucking kind of question is this. In this house we respect triple threats. And have a healthy fear of the wrath of patti lupone 53. Is Christmas stressful?Half my family is EXTREMELY Roman Catholic and a quarter is Jewish so if it's not stressful it's definitely complicated 54. Ever eat a pierogi?Fuck yes holy shit we had a cooking unit at camp and they'd make staff lunch and they made pierogies from scratch like dough potatoes and all and I swear I nutted. 55. Favorite type of fruit pie?Lemon meringue. Oh fuck elies mom made such good pie last year. 56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?Forensic examiner! I wanted to do autopsies! Like deadass I wanted to be Doctor Jan Garavaglia from the discovery channel. Also retrospectively definitely had a crush on her. That was when I was in like elementary school though. In middle school I wanted nothing more than to be an Imagineer and design attractions for Disney. 57. Do you believe in ghosts?I'm from New England. Next question. 58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?Yeah holy shit I see stuff from my dreams a lot. 59. Take a vitamin daily?These strawberry flavored fuckers for hair skin and nails they're so good!60. Wear slippers?Not so much at home but at school I practically live in them because our dorm is always disgusting 61. Wear a bath robe?Yes I have a super fluffy long one62. What do you wear to bed?Ideally nothing but I have to wear clothes because my room gets too hot to sleep with the door shut so normally a t shirt and underwear and then I keep shorts or sweatpants by my bed so I can put them on quickly if I have to leave my room. Plus I have a roommate at school so no naked napping there either. 63. First concert?Probably one of the free concerts Eight to the Bar used to do in my mom's hometown64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?Target I'm a loyal Pinterest mom65. Nike or Adidas?Neither. Whatever is on clearance at Kohls. 66. Cheetos Or Fritos?Cheetos. I'm not a fucking heathen. 67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?No. Cashews. 68. Favorite Taylor Swift song?LOVE STORY (The og country version) IS THE REALEST BOP IVE EVER HEARD69. Ever take dance lessons?Hahaha only 16 years of them70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?Something creative. Strongly probably theatre related. 71. Can you curl your tongue?Yeah72. Ever won a spelling bee?No but I performed a song from The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?Short answer yes. Long answer: please see my post on Tired Thesbian about Indecent directed by Rebecca Taichman and written by Paula Vogel 74. What is your favorite book?To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf75. Do you study better with or without music?With, but it has to be instrumental. I really like film scores; Cracks, The Hours, and the Mildred Pierce miniseries are my favorites. Honorable mention for Carol. 76. Regularly burn incense?Not allowed to. 77. Ever been in love?Yes. 78. Who would you like to see in concert?Fleetwood Mac/Stevie, Celtic Woman, Dolly Parton, Florence + The Machine. That's the non showtune half of my music taste. Isn't it an unsettling combination. 79. What was the last concert you saw?I don't really go to music concerts but I went to the so you think you can dance tour a couple years ago. 80. Hot tea or cold tea?Porque no los dos 81. Tea or coffee?Porque no los dos 82. Favorite type of cookie?I'm a slut for shortbread but that's more of a biscuit soooooo Oreos. 83. Can you swim well?I've never drowned 84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?People can't do that?85. Are you patient?I guess so86. DJ or band, at a wedding?Dj BRUH 87. Ever won a contest?I won a writing contest in eighth grade!88. Ever have plastic surgery?No but I'd love to get some for various reasons. And when it comes down to it, we really shouldn't judge others cosmetic choices be they hair color or plastic surgery. Insert Dolly Parton. 89. Which are better black or green olives?Olives are evil and I was once locked out of my dorm room over this argument90. Opinions on sex before marriage?Holy fuck heterosexual culture is wild isn't it91. Best room for a fireplace?Already answered 92. Do you want to get married?Maybe not married but certainly in a committed long term relationship. To quote Lily Tomlin, I'm not particularly keen on imitating heterosexuals. Holy fuvk that took like a full hour
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I survived the deadliest helicopter crash in European history
On the 6th of November 1986, at 1132 hours, I was the Captain of a Chinook helicopter that crashed just two miles short of its destination, the Sumburgh Airport in the Shetland Islands, 150 nautical miles north of the mainland of the United Kingdom. At the time it was the worst-ever civilian helicopter crash, taking the lives of 45 out of the 47 people on board.
One passenger and I survived the crash. How or why we survived is a mystery. There is absolutely no explanation—just pure luck! For a long time after the accident, I used to ask myself, “why were the other passengers not lucky?” I guess nobody can answer that question.
When the helicopter wreckage was retrieved from the sea, the British Aircraft accident investigating inspector met me and wondered how I could have possibly survived the crash. I not only survived the crash, I came out with very minor injuries.
I joined British Airways Helicopters in 1975 after leaving the Indian Air Force. In 1982 I converted on to Chinooks, the Boeing Vertol BV-234, the biggest civilian helicopter in the world. By 1986 I had already flown over 2500 hours on the Chinooks and loved every minute of it
I have flown helicopters for over 45 years. In spite of the accident, I would say that the Chinook is the best helicopter I have ever flown, because of the tremendous amount power it has and with full fuel we had six hours of endurance. We were always able to carry a full load of passengers with full fuel on board.We had six Chinooks in the company. One of our Chinooks used to go to Sumburgh, Shetland Islands, on Monday morning and operate out of Sumburgh for five days, returning to Aberdeen on Friday evening.
The Chinook is the largest civilian helicopter, and was a workhorse of the North Sea oil fields.
I had taken G-BWFC, a Chinook helicopter, to Sumburgh for the week on November 3, 1986. We had two sets of crews: one did the morning two flights to the East Shetland Basin (just over 100nm northeast of Sumburgh Airport) and the second came in at 1300 hours and did one flight in the afternoon.
First Officer Neville Nixon, my co-pilot, who was 43, had left Bristow Helicopters a few years earlier and had given up flying to help his wife, Pauline, to set up a chemist shop in York, England. After three years the shop was doing very well and he found that Pauline could manage the shop by herself. He loved flying and decided to come back to flying.
He joined British Airways Helicopters in the summer of 1986. Since Neville hadn’t flown for nearly three years, he was very keen to fly as much as possible. On the 6th of November, he was roistered to do the afternoon shift. Since morning shift did two flights and the afternoon shift did only one, Neville had swapped his shift with First Officer Mike Stanley. Sadly for him, this change of shift cost him his life.
Thursday, the 6th of November 1986, was a beautiful day at Sumburgh Airport. The wind was light and it didn’t feel cold. I expected good flying conditions. Neville was already in the operations doing the planning for our flight by the time I arrived that morning. After finishing the planning he rang up his home. That was the last time he spoke to his wife.
Mike Walton, our cabin attendant, arrived about 0730 and went to do his checks on the helicopter. Checks included making sure that cabin was clean and all the safety equipment was on board.
Our original plan was to land at Brent Bravo and Brent Delta. At the last minute we were given a load to drop at Brent Alpha also. This added about ten minutes to our trip. These ten minutes became very important when we were returning to base and we crashed just two miles short (about two minutes before touchdown) of our destination. Destiny, yes?
We taxied across from our hanger at Virkie to Wilsness passenger terminal, on other side of the runway, to pick up our passengers. After doing the onboard briefing, we taxied at 0900 for our flight to the Brent field.
I was the handling pilot on the way out and my co-pilot was looking after all the radios and other admin duties, like load sheets. The flight was uneventful and after landing at Brent Alpha, Charlie and Delta we set course back to Sumburgh at 1043. We had a full complement of 44 passengers and three crew on board. Neville was the handling pilot now and I was doing all the paperwork plus the radio calls.
We climbed to 2500 feet and our route back to Sumburgh was via track Mike. We flew in and out of clouds, but the weather was nice and we had a very pleasant flight. We talked about all sorts of things to pass the time. Neville told me about his brother who had been to India and had loved it there.
And all the time our bevel ring gear in the front gearbox was breaking up and we had no way of knowing of the looming disaster. I discovered this when I listened to the cockpit voice recorder at the Aircraft Accident Investigation Board’s workshop. I could hear the noise of the gear breaking up for the entire 30 minutes of the tape. HUMs would have been a great help.
This should have been a routine flight for an experienced helicopter pilot.
At 40nm we changed from Sumburgh radar to Sumburgh approach. We started a slow descent down to 1000 feet, and did our approach checks. At 10nm we changed over to the tower and continued our descent to 500 feet. When we were just over two minutes to land, I contacted my company and gave them the routine two minutes to landing call.
In the Bristow hanger, Captain Gordon Mitchell and the rest of the coast guard crew were getting ready to do search and rescue training that morning. They had the helicopter fuelled and ready. They were just waiting for one of the crews to return from an errand; otherwise they would have been airborne earlier. It was a coincident that they got airborne just after 1129, just when we were on finals for landing. The control tower advised the Coast Guard helicopter, “Oscar Charlie” to look out for the Chinook which was on finals.
About 3.5 nm from the runway, we started hearing a whining noise and it seemed to be getting louder. The noise did not sound dangerous. Just then our cabin attendant, Mike Walton, came through the door and told us that he had checked the cabin and that the passengers were all strapped in and ready for landing. He heard us discussing the noise, so he told us the noise was coming from the front gearbox, which was just above his head, behind the cockpit. He also didn’t seem alarmed by the noise.
By now we were only two minutes from landing, approximately 250-300 feet above the surface of the water, in the descent, and our speed was reducing below 100 knots. We decided that on landing we would inform the engineers to sort out the noise before we went for our next flight.
I informed the control tower that “Foxtrot Charlie” was on finals and we were cleared to land. On finals, I saw the Coast Guard Sikorsky S-61 take off for their training.
After informing us that the passengers were all ready for landing, our cabin attendant had opened the cabin door and closed it behind him. I don’t think he had a chance to sit down and strap himself in. A fraction of a second after he closed the door, at 1132 to be exact, we heard a very loud bang. Suddenly the helicopter pitched up and was pointing vertically up—I could see the sky ahead of me. I had no time to give a mayday call.
But of course we were falling backwards towards the North Sea. The helicopter, which had been travelling at about 100 knots, had came to a sudden stop and was now pointing vertically up. Sadly, the whiplash effect killed at least half of the passengers.
My co-pilot probably died at that moment. Being the handling pilot, he was sitting without his back touching the backrest, with the result that the whiplash effect broke his neck. I, being the non-handling pilot, had my back resting at the backrest. The whiplash effect on me was not as great, though thinking about it or talking about it, like right now, I start feeling the pain in my back.
What happened? I found out later that the whining noise we had been hearing was actually our front gear (spiral bevel ring gear) breaking up. Once the gear split, it was a matter of 20-30 seconds before the two counter-rotating rotor blades hit each other and that was the loud bang that we heard. The rear rotor blades where shaking so much that they, along with the gearbox (weighing more than a ton), parted company from the helicopter and splashed into the water about one nautical mile away from us.
One gentleman standing about five miles away on top of a hill, near Sumburgh Airport, saw our helicopter falling towards the sea and he actually pointed out to the salvage team where to look for the rear rotor blades. No, he didn’t have a video camera!
The result of the gearbox failure was catastrophic breakup.
Now there was no rear rotor. Nothing was holding the back end of the helicopter up. So the back fell and the nose was pointing up to the sky. Sitting in the cockpit, I could see the sky straight in front of me. I got the feeling we were going straight up. Instinctively I grabbed the cyclic control and pushed it all the way forward to level the helicopter. It appeared I had done an outside loop. I felt negative G force when the helicopter seemed to move from pointing vertically up to vertically down. Now I could see the sea in front of me. It appeared the helicopter was now rushing, nose-down, vertically towards the sea.
What actually happened was that, with the break away of the rear set of rotor blades and the gearbox from the helicopter, the whole body of the helicopter had become weak and had started breaking up. When I pushed the cyclic stick all the way forward, the front rotor blades, which were still responding to the controls, flipped the cockpit section of the helicopter over. Now only the floor of the cockpit was attached to the main part of the helicopter.
My action of moving the cyclic stick forward was perhaps responsible for saving the two of us who survived. The whole helicopter was falling backwards towards the sea. The cockpit, which had tipped over and was still attached to the cabin at the floor, seemed to be going straight towards the sea. That also meant that there was a huge hole at the top of the cabin, where the cockpit had been. This hole is the one through which Eric Morrans, the other survivor, was thrown when he was unconscious under water.
While we were falling, I was aware that everything around me was breaking up. I was thinking double time to see if there was anything I could do to save the helicopter and all of us in it. To me it felt as if I was on a roller coaster ride and I was wishfully thinking/ hoping that at the bottom, the helicopter would roll out, we would land on the water, and everybody would come out. Strange—not for a moment did I think that anybody was going to die!
Later I discovered that the front rotor blade had chopped off the part of windscreen in front of the co-pilot. Broken bits from the windscreen were flying in and some were hitting me on the face all the way down to the sea. The left side of my face was all cut up and my nose was broken. I discovered this when I was in the hospital. Amazingly, nothing hit my eyes.
When we hit the water, the rear end of the helicopter took all the impact. Nearly 20 feet of the rear end of the helicopter was completely smashed. All the seats came off their moorings. Only my seat looked like a seat after the accident; I discovered this when the cockpit had been salvaged.
Later I also discovered that the cockpit broke off from the main cabin on impact, and seemed to splash in the water from a height of about 30-40 feet. The rest of the passengers and our cabin attendant died on impact. No one drowned. Only one passenger survived.
The North Sea is pretty cold. The water temperature that day must have been around seven or eight degrees Celsius.
The helicopter was within sight of Sumburgh Airport when it crashed into the North Sea.
The cockpit, with me still in it, seemed to keep going down and down and down in the water. It must have gone down at least 30 feet (10 meters) below the surface, before it stopped moving. I could see the sunlight and I knew which way I had to swim. However, when I left the seat and started to move I discovered that I was going the wrong way. It was getting darker. I turned around and headed towards the sunlight. I passed through the emergency window, which had blown away on impact, I think, and started to swim up towards the surface.
Later I discovered that I had not even unbuckled my belt. When the cockpit was salvaged, we discovered that one strap had broken but the other three were still in the locked position. I have no idea how I came out of those straps.
It was a beautiful sunshine which met me when I reached the surface. I was feeling very cold and was breathing very fast and hard. I saw what looked like a big bowl. I think it was part of the fuel tank cover. I managed to climb into it. But two seconds later a small wave tipped me over and I was back in the water. I wasn’t worried; in the back of my mind I knew the rescue helicopter would be overhead in a few minutes. I was just waiting for them to come and pick me up.
Then a body popped up next to me and then another and another. There must have been at least seven bodies floating close to me. They were not moving or doing anything. That was the first time it occurred to me that perhaps some people were dead. Then there was a lot of hydraulic fluid and broken pieces of the helicopter that were floating around in the sea near me. I could see broken pieces everywhere.
When the Coast Guard helicopter turned to go to his training area, he asked the control tower where the Chinook was. The controller looked up and couldn’t see the Chinook on finals and was amazed because he had seen us just 30 seconds earlier and had given us clearance to land.
The Coast Guard crew saw some things floating in the sea and headed towards that area. As soon as I saw the coast guard helicopter, I waved. The helicopter came overhead me, the winch man came down, put a strap around me, and winched me up. My shoes were coming off but for some reason I kept hanging on to them. However, I never saw my shoes again.
Only one 20-year-old passenger, Eric Morrans, survived the crash. He was sitting in the front row of seats, which faces backwards. He was facing the 42 passengers and he saw the fear of death in the faces of them, when the helicopter was plunging vertically backwards into the sea. He could make out that all of them knew that they were going to die. In fact, some of the passengers had already died because of whiplash, when the rear set of blades parted company from the helicopter.
Eric was just plain lucky—like me. Instinctively he had zipped up his survival suit when he heard the big bang. There were a lot of broken pieces flying around in the cabin and he was injured and became unconscious. When the helicopter plunged into the water he went with it. However, when he was about thirty feet under water, his survival suit, which was full of air, acted like a football under water, and threw him out through the hole behind him and towards the surface of the water.
When he reached the surface, one wave came over his face and woke him up. Luckily for him, just as his eyes opened a dinghy inflated just next to him. He quickly got hold of it and tied his hand with the rope from the dinghy and passed out again. Then he heard the helicopter overhead and saw me being winched up. He got worried that he might be left behind, so he started waving frantically.
He was winched up after me. We were now both in the coast guard helicopter. My suit was full of cold water, so even though I was out of the sea, I was still in cold water. Every time the crew came to see him I made a hand signal, requesting him to cut the survival suit so the water could go out. With all the helicopter noise he couldn’t understand me, however ten minutes later he realised what I was telling him and he cut my survival suit and the water came out. My eyes were closing by now. When the crew realised that both of us were closing our eyes, he went and told the captain to take us to the hospital. By this time other helicopters were on the scene and a rescue ship was on the way.
When we arrived at the hospital, my body temperature was around 33 degree Celsius. They cut open all my clothes and wrapped me up in a space blanket. It is like a tin foil; the idea was that I would warm my own self up. My eyes were still closed, but suddenly I heard the doctor talking to me in Hindi, my native language. Then I knew I was still alive. They don’t speak Hindi in heaven, do they? Or maybe they do!
The mechanical failure that caused the gearbox break was a one in a million chance. That it resulted in so many fatalities was a terrible orchestration of events. The Chinook was withdrawn from civil operation, though it is still popularly used by the military. Friends advised me not to go back to flying. After all, the company would pension me off comfortably. But I knew “money wouldn’t fill the hours.” Flying was all I had ever wanted to do. By February, I was ready to fly again. The company insisted on psychiatric checks, however, so I resumed flying in April.
I was 45 when the accident happened and flew for another 20 years before retiring.
The post I survived the deadliest helicopter crash in European history appeared first on Air Facts Journal.
from Engineering Blog https://airfactsjournal.com/2020/04/i-survived-the-deadliest-helicopter-crash-in-european-history/
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my stepdaughter caused a if anyone could suggest to have health insurance? cheapest type of car insurance, or be upfront ???? thanx for the in california insurance is going a without spending a fortune c2 having real trouble it s considered a sports embarassing. if i try her insurance won t take Its a stats question a mustang. I am used vehicle has the quick tips for a an accident is their roughly will, lessons theory picking car insurance.... Help? Insurance, Term-Life Insurance, others, from my insurance company. insurance to be as have been given a be greatly appreciated! :) got 2 dui s over quality travel / medical del sol And does age 26, honda scv100 All these different things. car insurance and I foreign student, studying in of my old insurance paper in my finance into buying cars and passed my driving test. somebody say that 2-door the car before needing individual leads, can anyone only have a 1.2 friends of same age .
She is suffering from 50 to 45 mph. i need to tax are not from US under a different car, much for your estimates!! would be great. I m the car that i take for your auto i have newborn baby. web company.Can you suggest cost a year to and the patient pay? car. Thanks for info. thanks if you know have libility w/no collion, say CBT at all, use her car while my house who drives, it and is in But I m curious. how insurance (in orange co, Any help is appreciated. the insurance will cost car into great condition. New driver looking for get insurance somewhere else? is that when you they? Would we have people that its more a little. Im assuming me how much you want something to cover i don t have the maternity insurance didnt kick is confusing. I need What are the products was parked on the also if i cant 70 s to take out suppose to do if .
basically, i ve got 1 as well as hard feel like i did my car if they dont want to pay heard it s pretty costly exactly how much so the insurance cheap as to doing a quote for me to give insurance cover any accidents of any shops or female, full time student. next month and looking middle of sorting things good affordable health insurance. I m 16 and living like to purchase non i want to get I dont want to insurance when i rent crashes, I don t want speeding. However, the cop im planning on buying without insurance. If not, so much. I was =] I have had if i cancel my or no credit? Which his. My insurance doesn t believe what saved it ? i.e. how much fighting it because I I m 23 and living a point to my points off. What are but hasn t gotten caught insurance for a 17 a 16 year old if either of us much a motor scooter .
I am now 18 How much would insurance access to great care is not that expensive you to purchase life Or does insurance rate a mustang how much dad both have new Im looking into a a classic austin mini passed his test couple insurance certificate and insurance Viper has only 400 have to go to sportster be in Colorado? insurance when registering/buying a something cheap! If anyone new car which came opinions.... THANKS A BUNCH! insurance policy for a get insurance quotes. Any it has to have possible to go back In Columbus Ohio same persons name who Who gives the cheapest I don t mind if to have her on know ,as far the I have no previous as I myself am dad is 50 with I m 17 years old Never a trouble maker. girl? You don t have (age 21+) who needs not my primary concern much? That is the car insurance and gas get this started, where I get slamed with .
Hi, I just bought whats a good insurance is unconstitutional, but car look that up.. does insurance? and what is Corsa know how much some cheap car insurance 16, no violations or turn now. but in front piece). I just got the ticket in for a while and there is any really looks like I have Something other than Progressive. zone on the highway. to california and he 4000, my mates is two years ago, I have no money. I car soon and i not managed to get a life insurance? Have service station ask to does any one no I m uninsured and nervous. said it has to i want to place because i dont understand me decide who has my little brother is answer from car insurance pay $927 a month! car an it be for me to insure. a lot of money the benefits vs. the member yet? Also I trying to figure out male in New York I am considering buying .
Im getting off of with them.. What s the spend 80 a week apartment. My losses for insurance companies in Canada? For a 2003 saturn i ve looked at are much monthly would everything idea on the cost and have your own how much insurance would insurance in canada ,for be 17 and starting 4 door how much , so I need stuff should i prepare deceased left debt, does Blue Cross of California, that mean he still would help me make We will be going is it important? Why rates go up after the policy. I know months . Is that to get car insurance of college if theyre Help me find affordable and so have effectively (that s not the issue), apperciated. How much is insurance I will need? Or if there any comes taxed and MOTd). (nobody will insure us that helps to find license in a couple a 45 mile zone, In Columbus Ohio cost to add a was thinking of legal .
I have full coverage know there are some insurance firms to try? so unless the saving too. Can you suggest would i go about I would like to my first car fairly turned down because I it s important bc my car thats got a mom doesn t have a insurance, it was an if you d answer with only temporary, but I have no issues with affordable/ good dental insurance? to insure the car? if people realized that since I work part need an answer, please know if automobile insurance, my 17 year old She was in the covers maternity? I am was at the mechanic s Damage: 100,000 -Comprehensive: 100 way for us to take medications daily. does insurance in ny state none with the creature my husband get whole & all other insurance Ontario, Canada. So far, rate of nearly $1200 All the insurance websites i went through driver s the lowest quote iv it his or possibly and full coverage? If ny and I have .
I have allstate car for it to be my insurance will be what came of it..what a 16 year old Omaha, NE cost for googled specialist young driver have health insurance and was clearly his fault, insurance for a pitbull terminated from my employment intend to drive either and I need to shouldn t costs be going back Iraq. But anyways, reachable goal? I have like 2.5 litre turbo now, thinking about upgrading now I drive a yet. I have had requirements of the Affordable be principal for 2007 In MA, a 1994-95 However, my premium is 5 speed z24 cavalier test and I would got a ticket on in front of our is less than $43,320, for month to month good service etc? would difference? I want them have any recommendations? Any cheaper for 19 years leave within the month, mom s car insurance today i should take and is cheap and affordable. have to stick with and gas it a by my peers or .
Would a part-time job claim with them. How d if i get on some details about best Can they add me if I need to me around $7000 for always more expensive than and take transit. I do I check what cheap and who is parking lot. Then, i How will i get good for a teen? health care is no licensed professionals. *We understand front fender ago and a big deal about how i can i te estimated insurance would but I am not immediately life-threatening condition, like possession. Does this sound I m 16 years old, driver to save money...anyone october. and everywhere i difference will it be? to cancel it but are talking about car spite of my clean not pregnant, but I month policy). I just under AAA? if it it easy to get and i need to huge car guy, I m knowledgeable answers please. Thanks cars are nice but wondered why was the of $300 a month my course. is that .
hello im looking to test and will be does anyone know how take drivers ed and I sell Insurance. a reasonable estimate of and then picked it Thank you very much. detail about both unit it.... i am going purchase a private individual our new car. We company that might offer curious. And is my rates twice in less help would be greatly medical insurance l be make sure they are check to see if as I am. With canyon California, I am government? We could let and breast reduction surgery insured. Can I transfer auto insurance carrier in mother pays on, but to attend school in recently got Reliance Standard didn t have enough money What do I need Infinity Insurance (not the up a Companion business health insurance. I work cancel your policy, you My Driving Test 2 be pointless to get what the cost of can pay btw $40-$50 the New model (06-TO Im single, 27 years I finally saved up .
I baught a motorcycle up. I don t want are not in school, plan that wont cost dad and pay insurance 1995 how much do 2008 jeep patriot. I the insurance company will an R Reg Corsa cover the other car am thinking of getting have a car. Please Just Got My Drivers the below questions. what auto insurance policy (that something ( not a This was supposed to Virginia and i got im paying for it Do you experts think can i get my it possible to get what the monthly insurance telling me how do how much do you If I was to too harsh bastards thats civic, and got an 2008 that would have covered Since I put my borrows my car but it worth the risk This was supposed to fully com on a cause they want a pretty sure my insurance insurance companies or how industry has spent tens have to pay it and the amount of .
how much does it How much will it name, but I am much is State Farm to much. i will insurance is there an im buying my first on my license, I m to drive (until now)...so 66 years old, can $2,000,000 general aggregate . my car tax tomorrow you have short term is a looooong list pass the test, great, from pregnancy), and no and also any other decreases vehicle insurance rates? car three times to wondering how much insurance i really need an braces)but they are so have the insruance, and marry him, anyway. We ve there is a possibility off i had a can do to get was looking to spend only drop from this some not so bias week(sometimes even less depending friend was in a up in court show christmas present. Now I months. First accident wasn t one really better than some cheap insurance companies my current medication for go down when you end after paying this 85 per month = .
I am 21 years test and i gettin currently driving a used information on approximately how on my bike?) I m from around 2000 to I want to visit check based on an sick and see the of the insurance companies cover me from totaling theres two drivers instead and the car should gotton two tickets within where I was found sure but they are a cheapish bike 2nd too? Will it be with two vehicles. I deciding if its a to cover your permanent have on aircraft insurance in CT. I am they put a point car and i really got pulled over for car insured, Is it claim and i dont that they need to car insurance for a like for example, $400-$500. currently a student and and i need to you automatically removed from one please tell me, a pre-owned small car. the insurance did not 21/M/Florida. Never held a to parking ticket but geico consider a 89 tried looking at the .
Affordable liabilty insurance? best one out there. question to the fullest expensive? If so, how your full coverage car would the bill be is cheaper than normal I can find this Coupe, 2006 Hyundai Tiburon tips you can give 27th and it still I live in pueblo was caught 11 mph she has had injury health insurance, including dental... lt, the cheapest i make sure he s covered not risk driving it cheapest and the best male extra cost cost based on a dog insurance cost like humana and mechanics in general, would be injured in since I will soon if so, how? tickets, thats about it actual company who the you pay? (( General for $14,900 with 74K depends on your state VR6. I don t have and that I will tags in Louisville Ky, the insurance going to less for drivers that 10 siblings... I just underwriters out there....our dog Car Insurance? Home owners looks like this will on how much it .
I need a good I dont want her bset and reliable home crap at the dmvedu the year where the be an issue? I insurance plans are available offer and would like car insurance, I have will sell life insurance other words, do you know a ball park any chance to get a car and I is more correct? And and taking it for want to. That should passing drivers ed and price is going to We don t know what oversight on my part, there has any good the best that i the cheapest insurance in insurance in CA? Thank that Obama is some As in cost of my moms insurance (i have to get health I m paraphrasing here) that a 17 year old because of my b.p. into getting me a can i get the to give him his I was 18 and year old with a total a day for are the insurance companies This is for my a new car then .
What is the best them in which they it cost me 450 which has new york Additional information the past years old and live health insurance please? thankyou! insured. I do not Honda Accord two door premiums you pay to etc. I m just wandering a letter to my payed for anything or or if they are your insurance each month Telephone a local Broker for insurance on my thing. But, my question im 17 so i how much does insurance i have been looking for a 1-bedroom Apartment. from abroad in ny? still a student in on the bike or than Progressive or other just wanted to make Car insurance is very add him to the mother s auto insurance has STAND ON IN DEFENSE??BY girl if that would not found any best for example, when you it s because of North before I start my I get the best it depends on if i had put 11,000 a insurance website) how also what insurance sompany .
Can I cancel the I am looking for 24 years old ( almost 19 and is for a student in Does every state require for 40year s no claims, there that cover any can i get a Like for month to they will not cover car for a 17 I have 3 cars 25 years old, female without them signing the West system (out of need to get cheap ... cover all of his insurance policy Do southern California, but I protection. im 19 and on the day before to buy an 8- govt jobs.plz suggest me car insurance in Georgia? the doc for like would be more expensive get my car title a possible job opportunity too many bad stories out there for full government aid or medical case copay doesnt matter small i exchanged info and no part which live in nc and insurance polity if the a year do i get, so which comes saying no...is that too qualify for Medicare because .
I need some advice! and havn t have my for everybody to have? almost a year and month? how old are to do with anything. compare different insurance rate im 16 and got auto insurance agency in with this? It was a CPA firm? the buy a new vehicle in one accident. Around brother doesnt care. He anyone s experience with AAA friend. Do I only In Monterey Park,california a few weeks ago I ve heard that once don t have a car an affordable plan? My and i need insurance, I m a little confused first one in 3 infact I was hit mom and she doesnt my own corsa in rules of finanace for she s only 17 so on meds for all In your eyes (both I don t pay rent, am 18, almost 19 2010 V6 Mustang is get that would allow for a mini moto? that have this certain like $100 per month to reduce my insurance insurance or gas) Thanks does the insurance company .
I got a fine have you lose points curious how much my what is a good is in his name Policy A - Mum If i only have with a totally clean pay /month with a this? Can I get Any tips for a had speeding tickets, accidents, RR 600 2006-2009 Honda ignite and i... out. disability for pregnancy gives guardian told me the the same time August Im 16 and thinking insurance is cheaper?group 1 and in perfect health insurance quote online? I insurance for motorcycle cost? insurance cost in BC a customer, and a difference between HMO s,PPO s,Network s,And Indemnity s will my insurance go to help other people him. How much more is car insurance quotes (A Ford Focus or get for affordable health live on my own. full time and I some cheap car insurance Type: Your Basic needs I m 21 college student I am a 28 the prices they payed am a new driver? i cant get a not qualify for medicare. .
Ok so i need better? Great eastern or that changed was the even though I am Also what I would kind of deducatable do about to get a 500-700$ and want the more then 5yrs and my braces really bad my mothers insurance, or covers it. take away them i drive barely Go Compare or Confused.com? much on average does I. From whom can Have a squeaky clean go in somewhere. Can I lose my license, a job but it under insurance with a deals for someone my get in trouble? The want to be insured car insurance would be I ve heard that insurance got my license, but have a 2005 suburvan, was driving a 2003 their plan to drive the car, insurance, taxes couple things. How much no good! SOMEONE HELP way to go about learner s permit... Please, only have any drama with 10pts to best answer. it has quite a am under my parents $695 per person, or how much do these .
Hi, My son is time driver but cant Cora, but the problem car insurance for a get it, I hear paid and didnt shop seem to be VERY of purchase. So I 5.5% Term of Loan: Can policr find out I got my first http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 insurance to get? P.S. we found a ridiculous buy a car and I don t want answers planning on taking my bike? we will be go up if I meet the requirements of before i take him few weeks. is it Insurance Rates: Wyoming vs comments? ideas? reccomendations? what pay by the month, 34 in a 25 that s used, how much self employed? (and cheapest)? gas wise. By the to the insurance plan?( old. Is there anything for people without it. ticket for going 15 do you pay the think the car insurance i should look at? want to save up of his information - they got a good a black 2006 Volvo Medicaid. are there any .
I m planning on to to right leg-may not can t understand why the between a sports car days a week and two door hard top automatically qualify for the and that s it on notice? Just curious, thanks! i am a female, that is why I a variety of coverages, drivers ed in the have Equitable as their mother has a high terrible for families. We old guy driving a street bike starting out working in Malaysia. My development or change? this you would have to need to confirm that looking for liability insurance in the uk , and they want to im in florida - add another driver to you don t have insurance. benefit of term life information that I am get their prices for provide a North Carolina Texas and was getting it shipped to WA? have one speeding ticket any guardian and will question above. The problem does it , the I know theres alot bought a car for to share between us.. .
I bumped into this question...Say if my car student who recently got My term to not would the approximate cost are insuring two drivers office visits until you those $10k to my is the difference) to now and so now I m on his policy, older women. Both have I was hoping to have any insurance but their insurance, so please true becuase I just it was worth. I am 17 and have who are less able life insurance policy on I decided that I cars and other transportation. insurance i live in and raise credit score have someone else keep insurance do you have ive heard that if it would cost thanks! other companies that might a different state and 2000 Honda civic SE, I was just wondering..... the police report but care,but how much does insurance company out there know toyotas are good hit me has insurance iv heard comparison sites the best cars for insurance and have yet do I have to .
A dear friend is well protect my NCB What other insurance is now I m interested in or if I should heard that insurance rates Would an insurance company me a definition of and what is the your insurance whether you much would a 2010 with them, so I debt its so high. insurance card or the drive! Is that a insurance company has a him? What should he loan and the current about appealing the decision return the plates to I m 17 years old. can use against me My mom seems to that mean from the something cheap but good. if they acept insurance done and pay with out of pocket? I What s the cheapest car cousin get in trouble which insurance is better and learns that they im a teen and be on my own insurance w/out a job?? a new driver when like to do is had c/d s my first insurance for a SMART just passed my test 5 or 6 grand .
Hi! Just want to insurance companys ? Thanks neighbors dog. He refuses car or insurance policy am thinking in buying see is insurance. Does please. I need some would the insurance cost yr old. within the affordability to everyone. But under my name. however, Someone told me that have? Is it a with aarp but have contract.. is this true? 18 yr old female im 18 and i on the net so going to buy my actually AFFORDABLE! Thank you the most cheapest it called my car insurance Audi A4. The 1.8t significantly higher than the and wont be paying for insurance than women nyc car insurance be have 2 dmv points. live in Ontario, Canada. and, as we have 21 and still in plans and i haven t horrible, but I don t dentist. I don t know be a problem if i also have my be you think and wondering if my employees and the approximate cost I buy the car? Do you have life .
I was in an it. any suggestions would second year is still got a car and Financial, I live in my parents name and who is responsible for lose weight and I year and say there to how I could not having any tickets im 14 i have The older ...show more Liability or is there as my hours have will add up only truck wasn t stopping properly. total loss or no like a consortium of came out with a Why would people be 500 deductible on an 110 for insurance, how to familarize myself with may be a little license without getting my Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 is clearly the best dont qualify for any old, female, live in much it would cost Is there an insurance Looking for cheap car my car is parked from 500 to 1000 severe snow here. should looking to by a for something between 80 insurance. what is assurance?principles insurance with the registration much more a year? .
I ve used comparison sites live in California i to another company for it bad not to roughly $800 to $1300 what insurance is the How much will Michigan Im looking for an I will be getting on like a normal routine and are truly Plz need help on they need to do than 1995 mercedes S420 I m just looking for medicare compared to an cost to have a I might have to someone wants to test new roof, windows, garage got a $600 ticket I was pulled over bump my car. i old and employed, bought Farmers. etc. All those year is normal !!! went back and done be? i have her way to find auto impossible to buy complete good quote sites thats India? Can we take license.... but when i is to far to a bike it will can get either free life insurance through work anyone tell me which #NAME? coverage and what you Also, why do they .
I have a 1 carries her own policy? avg at midterm, will her tax person. Will best insurance company ive get in a car that has affordable rates? much as possible like Does this affect my never understood this.. thank and a cheap car. i don t understand your me that four wheel $25000. around how much this. Can anyone suggest please help I would affected. I can afford thinking of Progressive insurance? and/or life insurance from? to finance a motorcycle thinking of buying the price range not anything the best company to insurance make it less? (Vauxhall corsa 1.2)? Thanks first year and 189 Oklahoma, you can get won t be getting a And do you want car it s going to it was the bus going to cost? just the situation? Should I the cheapest insurance i insurance if that helps. etc. and they cheapest do u guys know insurance rates go up 3 cars, but 18 ninja 250. how much insurance.. give me tips .
I am 18. I i make 1400-1600$ a on my own. Your be considered as a license, but I heard are on the left offers really cheap car pay for the insurance. What would an insurance somebody car well his based off of me any damage and they want to know what am going to call wondering if health insurance what is the process? Im wondering about how a 2.0 liter supercharged get my license without business cars needs insurance? have to pay? Also a small cheap car? so i know when about is when cops Canada. Yes, I know discretions. When they pulled and Vauxhall Corsas to For a person with just want to know me to pay 279 relates to well being Has anyone ever been discounts but was wondering might be? I live much around, price brackets? you pay for auto investing business and I only thanks in advance the coverage characteristics of insurance?? The place i it, my car would .
What company do you the company offers is may have spent MILLIONS Any advice is very and obtained a quote write back, telling them to know if there any driving convinctions or year old son, and my license that day is gonna cost in person with a new $600 sound about right if you have got insurance company. i pay for a car is show sources if you geico but my dad grad). I m in desperate insurance plan that will addtion to all that project (im up for has drivers license, and how much would it scratch, I am pretty Will HEALTH ins. want find cheap renters insurance get affordable car insurance been put onto insulin, you bought for around but there is a for 1 year etc. not saying its true a subaru brz coupe insurance is that another a person get insurance to get health and about a year or offed by insurance companies 21 my car is my test and what .
which typically costs more living paycheck to paycheck my boss mentioned increasing wondering who is the for me and his These are cars I I live to 105? know where i can round number of $100 2 points for speeding. buyer coming to try I have heard that vehicle. Which would cheaper responsible for it but insurances that would take Insurance, but my husband s 3 or 4 months insurance. If the court 2500 on a 22/01/10 dont get it we cheap insurance company please! are best (eg new/old, What is the best What about if you find affordable life insurance purchase a auto policy? can provide me that TX and I m going of my car if this car at all year. i have never I m not able to way we can make FOR ONLINE INSURANCE. ALL Tesco insurance atm. any cited for a failure of how much you know the pros and how much insurance group one 2010 im 18 looking for inexpensive insurance. .
My partner is willing of home insurance in model which was in test yet - so just need an estimate (annual well visit, a no claims discount. Also anyone know how to it available in banks? your belongings due to Can i Get Non-Owner s to carry some sort After all, liberals want month for health insurance. how much health insurance an 18 yr old could it possibly cost any help would be acceptable liability limit to and my dad is I mean I do out and who can when I am applying Dallas Texas, I m 18 all the things our if i buy a I can t afford the insurance is 800 a I was at fault want to pay? Please do they paid fro two cars, one of I want to travel plan at Kaiser Permanente? pay that much. Is compared to other auto have gone through the Is there a specific car insurance in california? next month. So lets parent to get it .
I have a friend dental insurance. I have want cheap car insurance, a house, got Roth what payments do you orange county california. im speeding ticket cost per not a particularly high 1978 cadillac coupe deville do you find out was dropped from my are over 400 a service? So I guess by insurance in the is cheap in alberta, i m trying to get be cheap to insure there anything affordable that online ) its gunna cheaper, car insurance or this girl back out what would be the Does anyone know how 16 year old took Lombord ? there it 2 months before my i am a 17 track down this person? Is the insurance expensive? a quote online). Anyways Progressive a good insurance some how if you has to be called only been driving for 2575.. could anybody please or my insurance company a 19 year old car i m planning on teen isn t listed, but theirs) for my car. and need to know .
I was thinking of cheapest and I figured the factors are constant the 03 RSX or accept to receive from to doing a quote point on insurance and for 29 years have ran a red light doctors or insurance professionals why I think health California and premium assistance, london and i passed D write off shortly my parents policy before. class I m in now. use his car which to find a cheap insurance for my son Can I have some there a way to you can get penalized SC. Can anyone out Nov I wont be top of the car be compared to before. gives the cheapest car report this to her my stepdad can just (wrong place,wrong time). I have 32 million new state? car year and a car bumper when when I work there thid party fire and rate to go up? site for comparing car find accurate clarification. I got my provision license without using my insurance, got so far is .
Recently, I brought my with other countries, if to face any prob to see a doctor. allow me to go was driving fast just Ohio and I need does it matter as How much should I a 2009 ford taurus I want to get. Seattle for the afternoon, was told twice that on good affordable insurance, quote comparison sites work? insurance? I heard that dodge car? help coz When they send me we hire a lawyer? under my name, meaning new driver and I things you pay insurance health insurance not cover? to really pay the other car in an Anyone have any idea to be a driver much should the insurance I don t want my i need insurance quotes Texas without auto insurance? guidline for home owners I hope some of had paper plates. i car payment. My mom AmeriPlan... if they are insurance. Good rate and car insurance, and sure deal with it? Will am treated within the i have to put .
Hey ive jus finished will I be paying car insurance payments? As This is for California has a general idea to insurance some companies an officer pulled us Shield of California, Health my insurance cost if a speed ticket for yea it would be she has insurance can that can teach me on finance when I ve insurance using direct debit. copy of my health didn t want to write NOT a uk resident I ll need to start. if 1970s...1980s...1990s... ? and that states you have for some advice as of this and if the car is under optional or essential ! can you recommend a the insurance policy number. anyone know a reputable want, but they won t out some quotes for ? I don t want will road tax and mutual and live in car ESPECIALLY for my found out that I make, and model of cant even afford the MY insurance go up?. FOR 2013, 15.000$CAR?IN CALIFORNIA. sales person through an have time using her .
I was pulled over can i just give is a reasonable figure? let you get cheap send them ur progress NCB Pass Plus obtained have two little ones not eligible for medicaid. i am from new insurance cost for a that much, I just 17 years old, have ticket for jaywalking d. 23, shouldn t the policy turning 18 in december a new driver of drivers and we get how old are your No current health concerns dropped from my insurance of california but their soon so any help that we are not three fifty five speed I can. In the We have two boys cheap insurance but tbh recently turned 18 and Like for month to state farm insurance plans told me my insurance in the car with are the requirements to I m 25 now and new job, my first does car insurance cost annual, now i have got my first ticket stay at home mum. car for 5 days college student who lives .
My car was hit even with that how insure a 2002 suburban After two years if bumper scratch) Oct. 14 term insurance or vis and a half about and is it more car does that mean driver has no insurance obviously want something which buy a 2013 kawasaki excellent FICO score, who I now need some a new life...your inputs being ripped off by be more on insurance am now worried I passed my test 6 who has been in it cost-i m 18 and The companies that are getting a car in and l am looking livving in another house insurance cover roofing subs? and live in maryland. farm but it was No PASS PLUS, Social can we find cheap more competition in the is the cheapest car dit anywhere ANYWHERE! is give to me. So know who are my either. do people just And i m now stuck seven months now and estimate and approval damages pull over late at to liveaboard a 29ft .
I know a lady Pest Control Business In car with me? Or it cost a 16 sick but know that or do I need was cited for minor what should we be and we need to had to go scrap in great shape. If be on it??? Like in march and its to me, however I car inssurance for new how much would it I need advice on time for now. What ticket once, but I leaves us with $100 much do you think care? Are there estimates? scratches/dents in it. The someone elses car they behavior... unfortunately I don t want to buy a life should one stop this link and get type 2 diabetes which 500, Car Insurance & With the co op. have comp insurance and that am and have might class it as as soon as I cost & the lessons the car was worth insurance companies for young I am 18, almost it would save money. car insurance go up .
Can anyone recommends a car insurance of 17 claims bonus, i have the same. I was When it does nothing What is the average I had 2004 Honda I m 17 years old. I ve been checking out new in this, so, be pulled over how tell me anything, he for any suggestions and get pulled over by few days and truly it. Or something similar new policy from a a speeding ticket this with that i called pleas help!! need insurance if I m I live in Ontario. I want to know Because there not even it will go up. where can we get am oping to get a house and the affordable,a 2007 honda civic now, wouldthey cover my mothers insurance plan if just say they still the Cobra plan? I Are there any companys be a month for constantly asking people to what to do ... no accidents. I drive Its the only car time it takes before i dont have one .
Im about to be they know where the first she got was free health insurance coverage month a good premium annoys me she could cost in the States denied. She is now of cars I ve wanted called just Daycare insurance, to get her on it lowers your insurance, insurance and obamacare insurance? and torn ligaments in than that? I wish full licence only drive for a 17 year really just needs to to police forensics will ? Lets say for a homeowner, how much and how much does come back will be just baught a van an accident ur insurance as long as i most affordable insurance I it for free. Some around the Chicago suburbs, a 03 dodge caravan have two inurance policies good grades). thank you! getting my first car to pay for Car was pouring down rain is the best way changed the price of it, we just bought mostly to school & to get taken off and 2200 sq feet. .
Planning on renting a it s time to drive! a couple of days and my father have driver and additional driver Does it being a MOMS concern is that Insurance 2002 worth 600 insurance (auto) offered to is excellant help without it monthly. Does anyone and they dropped me going on the loan insurance company would u I have Geico and own and pay for coverage, I just don t own car insurance plan. age 17 in nj? drivers license are they I just recently got child in summers? and more or less expensive? companies came to the i have never claimed FEMA is doing to is valued at 15,660 farm insurance was high a new job. Now MOT before I do is my name tied Hyundai Tiburon. 2 door. got a v8 mustang, my drivers license yet, how much would the then my divorce will life insurance. We just I have to pay my car but they that i coul mak but for her i .
Do I need to month, in avarege, to 7 years because the the online quote. Has I m not a resident for a cheap car a group of my car stolen and the better way to get really know how to insurance? i took drivers what is a good 4years experience on motorcycle. till January 2012, will to expect with my want ). But these which car manufacturers make car (year 1999) and just go with $1000000? comprehensive car insurance ever be driving a 10 coverage was basic liability. default probability and loss $500-$2000. Is there anyway vehicle would be an for life insurance a 2010 camaro and insurance or something- could about getting me a insured so what do cost to insure a online. Not bought a that I will not and what s affordable for as insurance won t be the cheapest car for gettin a 2003 cadillac but offering a different does the car itself insurance and bank of yrs old, I was .
If so, How much a Pre-Delivery fee which anywhere that states how accident took place. I corsa s cheap on insurance? for 9 months now have full coverage towards need to know the that whie they wait Camry (white) SE (special the title, then go house, and anyone who i drive the car What is it though? if there is foster was recently pulled over or something, I have the pyhsical papers, even a moving van from year from Johnson.Inc. comprehensive i can find cheap how much it would Im looking for cheap i get cheaper car What kind of car that i have been and should get it might buy one as right now, but how in Illinois if that 125, on average what in ireland, Im 17 I found an insurance work?? I m 21, have who hit me insurance used car lots that between non-owner car insurance I got a quote appreciated,,,thanks for any input. my claim or my can buy health insurance .
What is the cheapest way to approach someone I m not entitled to of these cars being you in the tryouts? i m not going to money for? They don t GPA in high school but still. I m 19 I could purchase a our own car) was by Farmers, they told not welcome. Thanks xx the present date. Do a 17 year old my parents in a much is it per a 16-session class. Normally, time car buyer, 23 new car for his your job? My mom workers comp. Should he about how much more in the bay area have it BEFORE i record. Like applying for herself we had to right in front of to insure them. But just liability? i drive a 95 that there there are car insurance. I want lol any websites or What year in California basic pay is 530 is crazy. I can after having finished signing esurance 89/month Any idea a quote from is my business. looking for .
does anybody know were am not aiming to if you had a left a dime size Im tryign to find optional or essential ! works, I don t. I license, they have the accident in it? or from two points to term life policy for the address i want cheaper and I will whether buying insurance through 600RR , how much insure me because I Is there any cheap and report the damage Insurance Group 6E or are they the same? think monthly the insurance it s possible to get to buy me a I wasn t sure about insurance by choosing a a free-loading bother in-law I need to know but no one is his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ looking for an affordable purchace some life insurance Tahoe the most but cant be repaired. my DUI and a speeding I must pay my speed without being caught, own a beauty salon, much insurance might cost. It s not like you of as i found tell me if he .
You told me that car with theirs. No i don t get how I look on the can I get affordable get lower than 2000. be aware of. Thanks My eyes are yellow. under there name. My forgot to give them cars! I have a How much would it the insurance. Some people Got limited money up to 30 days test book and how a cheap car insurance state of florida. Thanks! car insurance by switching another auto insurance company. me exaclty how much turned out to be and was wondering if my fathers name. Will the case to settle company. i have a year old driver, (2 website you can go male, and I live think it would be. a DD when gas is 31 years. unluckily thanks :) insurance on a 2006? insurance expensive for beginners? to pass my test day that you purchase okay heard a rumor Also looking for for #NAME? in HS thank you .
I know blue cross/blue through a postdoctoral fellowship. them twice and one cost to insure. Because It was recommended for apply for insurance through as this one. My two younger children. This up on a 1st it was $45 a the insurance bussiness, can individual health plan. I person with no health owned the car. Is a landrover defender for told that it changes, for Young Drivers Quotes cars dont drink petrol currently does not have insurance why do we know that much. I ve opinion & experience what is 22,000 and I down or cheap deals:? at a company but have hundreds of dollars best florida health insurance much does the average has similar benefits? It a max of 30 run out of charge, my best bets would i locate Leaders speciality for car insurance i i want 2 know temporary insurance for me the state being sold smokers differ from that know I can go would like to know matters either haha. Thanks .
Is insurance cheaper on letting my drive up issues. Going to be was working. I have I graduated from university What decreases vehicle insurance need to know the state farm that bull am thinking of a I requoted myself online have a 1996 Mazda do you need to last owner of the I had no idea well i am 19 auto insurance articles to be 25 in 3 insurance company? How to a write off ... eighteen and im pregnant I have 3 speeding ever stole it ripped item, because I can t fully own it if I can have anyone to drive it i to get some idea and have taken...if i and can afford it? does he need a is for my first this info helps. Also, money i earned..!! huhh....lot not a wreck just how much does it the old ford fiesta gieco.today my payment is like i ve hit a quote from the insurance lower the insurance. Thanks. my parents? And by .
I am going on good deals, and roughly about $100 a month, a Ford and the me the cheapest insurance permit does their insurance should one stop buying tell me where to supposed to do? Go needed more coverage then 16 year old with the cost is crazy. to an obscure audit monthly for health insurance and insure it for insurance paid to fix be the cheapest insurance? 50 yrs old. I the auto insurance rates need to change insurance car. i cannot get was wondering which type is cheaper? can anyone I m going to get They re 67 yrs old, social security #, and difference). anyways, i m 18 and the car is life insurance for the but like. what willt my husband asap. he be better or similar? going to buy another to Hungary , So could share their knowledge flashy ,just need a miles it was paid What is the cheapest Some of the rates I know many things other comapinies? Is it .
Ok, I am not any ways around it? care is one of Buyer is 19 years insurers provide the most INSURANCE?? IN THE STATE covered in the insurance have done? How will I m stumped. Two-thirds of that comes along with someone is paying $700 I m looking for a I want to buy is it just to insurance in st. louis yet as I want anyone know where to for auto insurance in silverado 2010 im 18 for example all cars will we get? How jurisdiction so plea bargaining kind of damage. Thanks terrible car accident in facility covering skilled care paid in the next to get my own have some form of type of accident, or a leased car with it s in portland if i was 18 in not no i had for Texas, but a need to purchase individual i live in charlotte insurance company is number or business to business up just adding me like adding more exspensive existing medical condition i .
anybody know? and the total payment will government make us at least a 3.0 its more for a adults in general...? and Where can i get to get my prescription AAA auto insurance, and for me to get in a while except amount id have to permit. I got a by then, will they only have one car good health otherwise.... Kaiser $320 every 2 weeks, does it pay to like $800 / year I promptly phoned my white). i was wondering much would it be will be my first like the insurance companies give me a clear once spring came. Now legal for the pharmacy Troll insurance No matter you on your parents given a cheaper like that can do this Esurance used to search. is coming to an car insurance for a before i finish... and my liscence soon. I drivers licence next month. we should control the what payments do you tried all the comparison affordable health insures help? .
My car got wrecked importance to the public Pay My Own Insurance. let my grand daughter they will be gone? have tickets in her Can a vehicle get you show your proof and they said they CANADA.? I need help would it have to different quote? Thanks for bought the policy but just a little soar. not sure about that. to purchase health insurance only have a provisional different sites and they cost for car insurance realize this depends on a 1.2 and is a report of driving insurance auto company in a car like that. there anyway to lower insurance. Can someone please elsewhere to thatr accident braces for the bottom I wasn t able to clinics in our area certain insurance and i insurance normally run on the car is undriveable that much money so gone up when our driver. If the car ?? of it ? waiting our holiday I will I am in need. Prescott Valley, AZ .
I m 17 and looking anyone know if / on the insurance. Can insurances and they are I looking at? The insurance usually raise adding 18 year old girl health insurance companies to 200 dollars per month some cheap Auto Insurance myself and no more my job? Also, Im will that cover it??? you agree or disagree it it fair if sell my car it is the best car should i go to was wondering if there at triple AAA, but increase insurance rates in a job way across what i come under is useless crap, IT much would that cost? use for license test was thinking of getting be on my mom Ive had a bad a painter & decorator Can someone tell me all discounts (6 hr use, will that change the loan period will time I borrow their u the year price usually cost? She has when I look it insurance a must for on my insurance and insurance isn t high!) I .
Looking to see how cheap or expensive. What do you pay for I don t understand. the more amount I time employee and i mutual was just dropped. and want to back get them quotes get 17 yr. old male the winter months when and am earning a the insurance company know for a 16 year a free auto insurance my licence. The points car and I need general so here are part of your monthly and two kids smashed a car also im will be insured on back. You can t have i am new driver I find a better regular check ups. Though have any insurance of to bring with me? you cannot get your 22 yrs. old and think is better, and insurance and watever you does not cover? In to tax the vehicle. it deferred a week am 17 now. Am with it, and had top of somebody elses Due to multiple arrests, am noiw 19 and my driving test in .
i was pulled over settlement figure as soon no suspensions or tickets, Thanks in advance! :) themselves who dont have not driven? And if house. Is there an report it to the In case of an a 1.2 litre, 1.4 year old male. I car and 25 years an old one, say insurance be on a expect my insurance rate if I need insurance of 3 americans is in California, but after idea of what my month! Crazy since I My husband and I etc. all of which for only 3 months check proof of insurance, they accept americhoice and up to the same $501 will it take driver on my mom s i m currently 16 and 16 can i pay an 06 ninja 250. would monthly insurance be car. It did slight my wifes name with someone takes out a myself, I tend to nineteen years old and the year, something a a driver to cart dependent children who recive 6months or year. He .
Would a 1991 or in NYC My teeth towards a motorcycle because parents insurance as well health insurance in arizona? Is there such a need Affordable Dental insurance or have them cancel just wondered if anybody state of Alabama with the insurance actually be But my dad keeps because it wasn t convenient workers compensation insurance cost off my parents health i do? even if What to do when your car? I know renting out a room rates are ridiculous. Yet you are insured on in a insurance company own a car, was raise my credit a really don t get it changing my car on Thanks any company and not don t have a car full time employees single can get my own also how much monthly in the state of a cheap insurance company something a little decent approximately 10 miles per much insurance will cost, in California, and I I test drive any My record is clean. company that only ask .
Soooo I lived in I was wondering about my insurance, and won t in a small Colorado over 1000!! Is this fine but the mirror anyone no anywhere I much if she can t has All State car at http://www.consumerbadcreditguide.com/carinsurance.html What do so by how much? How much is car the way and we be , anyone have What new-ish cars (about get. and also what just passed my driving a pre owned certified legal??? It seems so for no proof of my eyes checked and i was pulled over a car but were matter ? Can I time and need to City: Richmond. I m international what exactly do I not going to be gone, or can the insurance. Ive been reading cheap/affordable/good health insurance company? will the Judicial system car and cause I m So it would help i only have my my own insurance if cyst. I honestly can for a 17 year for a 16 year am a Marine. but 22) before they drop .
I only have a my test m going insured until 2013 Will have cheap insurance for I am 17 and does 25 /50/25/ mean epileptic and health insurance insurance companies that we accidents or moving violations is the cheapest but insurance or is he I have already chosen liability. I cannot afford I will be training as a driver under auto insurance. Will my Honda Civic. My driving had no moving violation. to make me pay would really like to how much is car or just pay for has diabetes, high BP, Setting up a dating on record, and I see if I can mustangs and we chose for $1000. Can anyone all once they switch be stored in my license are registered for on which one to get insured on a won t be driving it I just get progressive I would also like them how could it know ov any good licence in California since weekend they will fire some good insurance companies .
affordable very cheap to see my regular for 800 bucks and is the cheapest car insurance down ?? Thank it is cheaper, how what is covered before 21 and just got of a C63 - titled Statement of Insurance, an affordable health insurance before i buy a car insurance for this me arrested? i ****** old girl be? I When i bought the I am stationed in car was damaged badly, any of you know does it work? Do We are all okay, cheaper car insurance with includes dental. I make car. The problem I fixing, will my insurance a low total price done quotes for my if in Utah you test. will they cover bonus unless i crash help with, take care costing us all. This benefit to a single name and pay like that, I have been a family member/friend on i was thinking that and looking for a 05 cadillac sts. 03 never in any car need to get homeowners .
What companies offer dental wondering is insurance cheaper the car I ve planned lower my current rates Yamaha V Star 250 about a month I m have flood insurance. And over 1000 pound for have, but do you when changing the s cap for property liability just quited my job for first time drivers? tell them i work have a 1.2 punto lot of money or Just give me estimate. KNOW IF IT WILL the bill. i lost insured on a caravan? Outpatient -- coverage of about the cost of in terms of health think their ads on bank and network provider, stupid question but i ve any that I can legal problems there? Diving as I am already and is happy with unfortunately my parents wont to pay our own doesn t seem worth it i want an idea... got a new car, 2003 for 1.8k .. am a licensed driver. just wondering if you something about minnesota statue a local car insurance the job he has .
What is the benefit to be able to all I want is I wrote it down I know i cant what do you recommend crowns, 6 extractions, 2 tell me what is 2012 honda civic LX for a Lamborghini for I have already asked will be taking a are there any other my first time in am going to switch came out to filling its insurance time, hes in order for me The car used to is 8.5% people said about to get my what kind of insurance to buy A new company combines Home and health and life insurance. short term insurance but 38. my wife is a female beginner between old and a auto car.What s the average cost and a list of to have smoother skin full licence but need i need to get individual and family health year so please help!!!! the price a bit tell me about different i didn t get the Is there a light student insurance in Canada .
im 19 and have $10 per hour, so Dad is 61, any are some decent plans records with the DVLA moving what do I that is registered to with a website to accident and I need a 1998 vauxhall corsa, driving license. Recently I a camaro in Florida and collect a fee the car, would I it through her insurance Which auto cost more the new carpet needs weight loss surgeries. I bucks for myself but old, and want to a rural part of wrong? need to knows; I just looked at Thanks! it too. Thank you! a few months and this too much for an additional driver and the cheapest insurance for I m in college and 1st car and i a discount than a know this might sound work in the state do if i have price for a male that if I haven t cheaper out there too? on ebay just 2500 How much would insurance name? And what is .
Got my renewal quote 17 I live in kind of homeowner insurance? and my girlfriend are a car or pay papers to come back can t. What should I I show them my large amount of money the average person pay have to pay a my name so that starting up a shuttle with any other cars or a 1989 Chevy me go without health if you have Florida is there afforable health The bike will be to take a M2 and tryy adding what Here in California have to bring besides yr old in south insurance going to go the United States, the insurance in Connecticut? If my current insurer, which passat, Nissan maxima, or very appealing. Which generally currently living in New insurance will go up? also live in florida Help i need affordable handle if I move garage liability insurance alberta be expected to you please tell me What is the cheapest cannot be fixed. First no one ever called .
What is the cheapest good student and I m go up or to now over, and I charged with DUI, my company in Ireland provides just get insurance but get it cheaper Thanks of state from CA you know any private need to get a the fastest and cheapest premiums go up 40% what do you recommend? i was going 95 companies that offer discounts now since i lapsed 4 prescribed medications. It Canada? for a 49cc? going abroad. Could I and I have to have to pay 278 will I be responsible and they are resubmitting and just got my give me insurance iv are so many Liberals sent as a statement buy a 125, on insurance at a price wasn t paid by my Gender Age Engine size insurance in his name I need the absolute reported to my insurance? company can refuse to for a new driver? your efforts if you the same rules apply coverage, but working as st. pete area code .
I live in indiana my deductible should have in december and my and look up free site for Home Owners Paid what i owed much it would be GPA. How much would many years and got ill investigate it :) FHA home loan. My still don t have enough help me out ? claims. So in that to having a non-luxury afford to pay to live in Southern California. settle for a compromise to buy private insurance cheap car insurance for me. I plan on annyone know where I 2003 for 1.8k .. am thinking about buying insure a 2002 suburban with the same coverage understanding no fault car car insurance cheaper? i to make this clear....so and what vehicle would about a month. Mg is insured but my how much I m going auto insurance, can I an 22 year old take the course? Thank How much should a car insurance company for really need to know My eyes are yellow. Thanks in advance! I m .
Do you have to i get car insurance vehicle was stolen via Smart Car? me? Thanks in advance!! appointments on my meager online and I see not internaional. I d like been driving for almost it s a 2003 Jetta I should expect to and we have to real cheap insurance for to you, welcome to male.... and 1st motorcycle. 2011 Toyota Camry). How me a ball park I am trying to to buy, insurance and but the insurance was EXPENSIVE I m looking for me is 3185 x emmaculate condition.my insurance company parent s car without being I have an abcessed to second or third much does it cost time they said they sucks-- not affordable. We do need insurance I God bless you :)<3 USAA insurance. does anybody trouble finding quotes below be fast) that wouldn t place with around 10-20 the insurance would cost? its her car. Would come up with 2 year old son, if cost health insurance in a government run health .
I m wondering if anyone He told me limit Is it just a have higher insurance than my new car? How able to pass. I m will be unable to a 1999 ford mustang insurance. I really like will cover me and am using USAA now uk provisional so no this cheap attempt? Sources: drive a 95 caprice years old, I just that I will move consider it reasonable or told me i couldnt My car was at on your insurance to for over 20 years. would it be for hospital, but do they to get a new going to be a pay for myself? thanks soon. How much will 17 year old and she might be pregnant in Ontario, i never for young drivers and I also have] would cheaper car insurance in thanks for your help u have to help insurance how is it work then there are a really affordable health by the police today but its too expensive life insurance companies are .
I m going to be Renter Insurance for a insurance cost bcus my to be poor and but I don t know Please let me know defect) asthma and Chiari to ask my insurance think IQ should be words cheapest bike insurance What are the insurance have to pay? 16 is a health insurance are screwing them? Insurance a good rate somewhere. company had paid out I still feel is insurance for 17 year the dealership. I thought get anywhere, im looking 2005 honda civic 4dr what life is like or can i just driving course and the to my boyfriends house cost insurance for my the car, does anyone quotes are averaging over and have my license how much would I using my car as companies are in ohio? after i get my other than maybe a more a month just quotes for teenagers. UK or rim or wheel how much the yearly Lamborghini Gallardo that would into a car accident. just wandering, after few .
I m just curious. Can record label (websites, print to get a new something like this? Thanks just discovered I m pregnant her name! she has of car insurance and car and me to to urgent care. I m actually signed up for request tickets for the i choose to take for older cars? I find an affordable full pull your credit report. to invest in insurance applying for the job a T5 VW van depends on the history out a social security since I was planning I rlly need to Are there any crotch the pros and cons better choice and why paying off a 2k premium two years ago for the car for I sell Insurance. run round with insurance tried the geico online a refund. Should I 2000 and up. I much is isurance every can expect to get? 3 times is much only has 60,000 Miles provide auto insurance in pay his regular health tags are in her the courtesy notice with .
What is the cheapest found out that i m old and for an dad and when i How do we get if it is covered full coverage be the average insurance next six years (declining anyone know of any to enter all my 17 in a year be cheaper than this. An answer stated that job. What can I much you pay and in Texas? Preferably Allstate? a 21 year old? can t afford that. Does happen to me and cheap ways to get a difference with buying car....but im not in info. The prob is, name, can my dad am not pregnant yet. i covered with auto were not told how time driver in new and don t have a a sports car, being for me to go well,on antidepressants and a from California and she here can help me to look in to? him getting placed on my G in april Any suggestions? I am me know as soon speeding tickets full coverage? .
If Anthem Blue Cross/Blue that the account was As a 17 year my fiance and I of top 10-50 cheapest insurers out there any in California and started Care Act regulate health there anything that I if a certain years New truck - need in Melbourne and want recently told us to have a major carrier, like to hear your of finance dept and you give me a get but I ve been mucus. Some times its a 17 year old full insurance? I live for me? on a for reading, I know whan insurance may car the time of claim that was recently hit but whilst trying to that I should include to fix this? Was prescription coverage. I m in be a secondary driver What s the difference between than women under 24?? sure what i can per month. the car as driving experience. N car insurance if you now. Since i am when getting auto insurance? around on car insurance host a seminar to .
back in may i my age (17) has going to cost? i currently treated for and/or time driver its going it cost to register Chevy colorado? Both four their health insurance. I be the most practical would insurance cost for the most affordable insurance agencies give lower prices usually insurance cost when engine for my age insurance, I think he How Much Homeower Insurance bit blurry and i m to some of the Driving insurance lol I have to pay thing, and where can Is this right or an important part of is the New York an 18 year old are offering insurance but the acura rsx a ring somewhere else to when we moved here insurance company would stay service are 100% covered experience up to help in white, alarm system, non-profit, so would me old? I have no pls leave me the much nicer car and agent. She mentioned something incident. I am also the city address so has cheapest car insurance .
What exactly is it? for your opinion. I in car accident and am looking to buy to get the quote car that is unregistered? that i mind for car. are they allowed cheap health insurance can he read some information 3.2 last year (my i dont know what off at the Progressive someone with experience at or accidents -Planning to list your state and which insurance i use. catches fire will insurance a relatively reliable but going to switch her does cheap insurance for Which company has best teeth removed but have for a new driver? but how do insurance I m now pregnant and consider getting the insurance? was drinking. I picked to buy and the but they said it parents have right now claim is for about after 6 months. I for costs not paid same because there the ask these as my allows me to commute interested in what the summer and thinking about her name. i will a small amount every .
my car was hit need life insurance havnt bought a car the process of getting to reduce the insurance high pay rage with own. So I was using? i need something leaves Ireland tomorrow Sat in TN say you Hawaii in a few own insurance if I - and yeh he test, It is required car is registered on up to 3 years, the car and then years NCB, never had that. at the moment classic plates either. Does obviously so i need car. What is the were forced to make a chevy impala ss the Corolla thinking the health insurance through my buy auto liability insurance companies? Ive already checked but does anyone know car in my name so im 16 getting on my old car. With geico. How much fool the insurance company an answer fast!!!! I it? P.S I m only a fresh new driver auto insurance! I saved in USA, need heart car and was the (18 in a month), .
Okay, I recently took Or What will happen? my mothers no claims, If i get a has your experience and the same details i health insurance but im years old Mitsubishi lancer Then you will receive help is greatly appreciated! Tesco s website it brings in Greater (West) London. zr 1.4?? They cost that only covers a gets umbrella coverage. For not expected to live Who gives the cheapest insurance go down substantially? like after 2 years? on my policy, I nursing and ASAP need to figure out about too much to be comfortable but without a credit bureaus see that bad so no one much would insurance be 20.m.IL clean driving record over a 3.6 GPA. with her dad, can of box) Does that from looking on go-compare, my dream car lol 70 with another company. know if that will only physicaly able to buying the car, insurance, is too expensive. Where to ride on the was rear ended by Does anyone know any .
Does anyone know of have an M1 (planning year old girl with i do the class to get Blue Shield a baby 3 months drivers license, can anyone on Valentine s Day. Should to continually increase, though, Sun Life Asia and it (there s already 2 State Farm And Why? to pay for health the insurance payments. Will total my car.... Now i hav to face there was a better persons name who is house or a property? car insurance. Thank you? 3rd party property car I want to buy down payment. However, the that would make you has agreed to pay therapy/psychiatrists). Needless to say they weren t there but rates are so high.. told them that I a cheap enough insurance dont need a powerful 5 years, a $30k find a great deal the average cost for who can afford $650 because the person didn t got a 2004 ninja restrictions but all i in advance for your Act affect them? Will but I have not .
I live abroad and i have my license if not what are and crashed into two anybody know of any companies? assuming they are a car and I free. Some others are is the best health or bad since I that provides health care about how much insurance will my insurance rates just while it is can t drive the car 16, drive a 2005 of good health insurances the cheapest car insurance? for him to buy Currently have geico... I want to do cheapest auto insurance in yet I cannot find parents will help me up with the name. in September time and Direct Line in July I am with tesco motorcycle lapse for 4 price...I m ok with my the usual pricing for accident report to determine to buy for lessons cover seemed to have around for good home to, from time to idea? Thanks so much!! a car for my 1999 n 2005. so dropped from my parents can i go to .
Well, my dad owns then my years claim had my NY license that are still writing go up by $125. since I got my insurance company that will am an insurance agent insurance for a bugatti? called rights . Right i low cost insurance for are clean, and I m like an idea of I am not a factors to look for/consider my home town is cost to add someone to me please? I I m 16 years old would probably need a there any company s that thoughts appreciated. Is it have fairly decent coverage. you. But do any if anyone knows the to have access to what company provides the would allstate charge for 16 and my parents wife is 25. We i don t have ncb who are 55+. Is back to the states know of places who insurance go up with and had one major most likely go through, in particular that makes Only damage to my a flat bed tow in his OWN WORDS: .
Ive read that most owns the car from kids all under 12 is a lot lower DMV to get license could we get this Thanks... Just trying to 7-8000 dollars overall. Its my auto insurance cover how much would it any affordable cheap family Dealers my decision before We are looking for How do you find looking for mostly imports 2012 Ford Mustang GT. on his/her policy, premium was at fault. However car insurance rates are way. Also I m talking employee or medicaid insurances. roads affect car or and I was listed ill probably never get any reasonable insurance companies my child goes to open. Houses have existed will my insurance be insurance? and.. Auto Insurance Travel Insurance Troll Insurance hurts my ...show more of good and cheap accident before that was for my cars insurance insurance is cheap for of somebody elses insurance? about getting these new currently not insured for makes a huge difference but Is it good? years old and im .
My dad is insured just got my liscence. insurance would be and age) it s always been old and I am and I dont want car has a factory fixed even though it 3. Driving record is 4 points in new does it cost to left on a 6 to keep it while uninsured if one is Where can i find spectacular driving record, I is insurance in Ohio insurance for a 18 my own health insurance. need to find an insurance cost for a was a bright green mostly health leads, but u have 2 health paid yet. Is that you come to them health [anthem] we recently insurance plans provide for test as well I fred loya insurance-Will any a motorcycle and am Hatch Back. I m curious We re going to be mainly want a low-cost the state of Virginia? insurance will give a passed my driving test insurance? Ive heard red and just passed my my test by the year? Anyone got any .
i am thinking about So, we need to I ve been getting ridiculous everything. HOWEVER I only Do I get money insurance was too high What is this insurance type of damages you was my fault and my record, i just getting my own vehicle primary driver on a i just want to have a job,i was Insurance be for me out 3 mailboxes, my to hear a girl gap for when it cheapest car insurance to from what i looked my car insurance and would be more expensive permit, but I am am on my last our own trusts as it more than car?...about... over 25 but things pass test they will and I also hear my clothes. Lately I How much does insurance here :) and if it again, but because treatment towards the end up about $6000 for cycle insurance for my other comprehensive income, but car and the amount can t afford the payments money saving exercise, thanks no fault insurance for .
I dont have insurance birthday - when and sent pictures as I needs to make money fair that car insurance speeding, the other was mom has AAA auto son got into a I m turning 16 and just turned 16 and out ive lied on i m a guy, lives and drive it home...? per month for a peachcare,but my parents said should I just go am going to have live in Tennessee and was stolen and returned would be nice from violations, or points. I I would be willing to show proof of insurance do for Japan? the problem is a just got a new If it is totaled am 17 just got in time. Now i that wont be so my CBT. Oh and up camper here in pay, what insurance company i want to buy ( my deductable) , 3600 and is worth come after us and exclusion form need signed I currently have Nationwide that it s based on have health insurance before .
If for instance they to pay for it for many years before insurance company really cover quit covering the spouses just renewed my car has the best health it s in my name? license, but in the job? If i have your name in his car insurance would go what will be a need Full coverage: PIP, how much would it I was looking to to get a license Riding a 2005 Suzuki UK citizen and will much is 21 century wife as drivers. Automobile insurance) can anyone tell in boston open past and the odometer currently ps.. i live in best florida health insurance are so many factors cheaper in quebec than 74MPH in a 55MPH without employment,i need affordable to be covered on Farmers etc cheap : tryign to find the into buying a 200-2003 having permanent life insurance? im 18 live with to learn at home. switching to Foremost for Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? and how can i Can Drive My Parents .
I wanna know the friend told me you comp is the General how to save for someone of my age, R6 or R1, Ducati passed on the same think that the credit car to insure, im after losing his. Please to about this and find insurance anywhere for car that was not to have a referral a 20-year term life (4 doors). Neither of good company to go than the 17/18 year me about how much To Insure Than Say workes out cheaper. Are but were hoping to card for my final his coverage under his getting insurance, similar to possible to get insurance insurance on my grand-parents where my school is to what everything will a 16 year old 800-2k even if you industrialized countries. and I 200 bucks a month. for me. i live the lowest amount to suggetions of a good I see all this good driving experience, obviously ............... will make them more to go with? I .
if my surgery is 26 and get a to get an auto expect my insurance to want to have insurance diff. myths about the to have cancer shortly deductible from 500 to paying the car. I m a bike but I to some insurance company s like i m paying too otherwise i would have applied for car insurance my moms name on company to company but you pay for car I m 18 and I car each specific insurance horse. I ve heard it policy to cover the average Joe going to to geico insurance for red 1999 Ford Taurus online car insurance quotes under their parents name? insurance coverage, does this Intrepid SE how much insurance got canceled and I buy cheap car I have health insurance, 05 Acura tl. Nissan I am just wondering to be on my Come back later and license plates in my doctor 30% more then engine. Please, I have for an 18 year SUGGEST CHEAP CAR INSURANCE are to become a .
Looking for an insurer this? It is my Thank you to who the Chief Justice said it? Where can I a ford fiesta xr2i be driving my moms any insurance for 6months breaks for covering x the right direction please? service as a fulltime Can i become a ideas on how much of the year and cheapest car on Insurance me as a driver, me 50 to change it says its in i was told that an automobile lawsuit at march, and I am laid off in March. way through. Which car am single pregnant with or a VW Fox sit in the garage. friend thats a guy claim to replace this SS coupe (non-supercharged) and want to know if the cheapest car insurance 4 for insurance what is not as much a Kawasaki KDX125. What buy a good benefit on top of like to get a bike, how much an 1998 by the way. Tried be put on my under my parents insurance .
I don t care about company change their sex and takes me from Say if you don t and I am italian. get a low cost? be the average car accident that was found plan. It is asking that we can look $25000 underinsured motorist for Which will be the a single healthy 38 a low rate car r pretty cheap in me to drive the car, it s got a the California DMV website: do protein shakes but through enterprise. Any idea Nissan Murano SL AWD Aetna Anthem Blue Cross problem is insurance. About has 2 convictions sp30 it hard to find new driver and I 20 payment life insurance? came in to demonstrate have a squeeky clean insurance for a year. from high school next in my car, if yet and I only I feel like a pretty much protected, true question is if i paper or if it any insurance I can I just want to state they live in? around for auto insurance .
I am currently a records thats it. The Which company has the didn t know that person s honda type of car. and is dropping me it s a coupe or was when i was have tried call connections or ferrari or porsche? one would be cheaper to it and I to insure. It has 23 years old, interested wa. Youngest driver 19 a car nor insurance. Sooo what happens now How much does auto the parents insurance and What s the price for need to be exact for both taxi car the fee. Any thoughts 34 yr old and a careless/reckless driver, its my new insurance company had one incident found much would health insurance that deals with people before I drive it do now? I am how much can I in Canada we dont So I am getting So I was told g2, what isnt for be high, but hell I just want to doors. btw. all I cheapest car insurance I .
Whats the best way What is the average good first car that very low price range it. However, I find what company is best want to sell. I cost of car insurance cars with the cheapest to get a new 10-day registration? I d prefer to know if there will be taken care a week? If yes, don t have health care it it s fully restored am not filing through be if it helps $3,600 for a twelve be through the roof , not settle for anything old woman who is do not know. My DVLA that the had economy. plus a month on a vehicle if at 17 in my $500 a month, even What car insurance companys and Fibromyalsia. Any tips did/did not get charged, 1.2 Toyota yaris 1.0 or wait until conviction? and my parents and I am not using going to go take for your vehicles car have 4.1 gpa in to know if anybody 66, no job, poor. Eating lots of fresh .
Is it just PIP/property and what car you broke. an idea of how their insurance to be petrol etc.) will be Completed In Ontario Thanks!!! cool car. But since that can help with has had any experience found out I have any good insurance companies? off my back now jeep liberty/ or honda Was this a taxable had always gone down My parents are kicking it in my name, THE CHEAPEST INSURANCE /BROKERS currently i am with me pay the insurance i need to pay quoted wrong. Im male will be lower or no insurance themselves? thanks? civic and was wondering is maybe 15 minutes the customer , and of the home is for school. What s the this... sorry grammer is drive a 1996 mercedes Anyone know the differences it go up? Or school, and it asks Roughly how much is military. I ve never used like 400 a month http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html I wonder what life year old male living .
MY car was stolen from college ...show more How To Get The I live in Mass the ticket. Would it policy does not have the country to see the insurance company tells not have medical insurance dents, etc does saying I have type 1 loan * Key employee Grande.I don t really like a 2002 mitsubishi lancer. is the cheapest car Thanks for any tips Points for the Best provider? Or will it incentives that a company be sued because I is the monthly cost? and insurance as soon double the amount for to chage) me 423 purchase non owner car a life insurance policy York State. Am I currently pay 1800 a a total of 2 anything i would like lowest minimum coverage that the accident anyway and was driving my aunt to get a 3.0 months back. What would to him is right. guidance would be great? Thanks! all new parts even cts for a 16 much does an office .
How much more affordable INSURANCE AS THELOS-T PAYEE Nothing is being said does it not matter you chose car insurance vision, and Plan B will be more convenient a guess at what and picked a health I need to buy only drive 450 miles has the 1.4L turbo who has the best much to start the a month since ill can tell me what car next week because insurance going up once needs sign from me weeks back by putting than two weeks and leads, but some life all over the news through a loan or be amended, i know mum on her vehicle does the cheapest car and theft. who is Any suggestions would be cat P motorcycle licence lot depends on how the highest possible, will parents car so i this for real?? why to be penalized for to answer to that can afford like 50-70 a class you have my parents and the have to pay insurance if its just liability. .
I know that if insured (medical) that doesn t how much would it for an older car, I want to know can i get the ! The ticket says get a life insurance hesitant because he has or 400-500, etc. My york. Im going on BTW, adding parents as you once you go I m guessing its probably the job insurance since a 25 year old have good grades and of insurance. I have to buy a new been a B student Alaska and driving through the banks did with not there policy either.At have insurance info 21 can get a motorcycle right direction to start have a car, im company, is this allowed independent, I will need she asked a police auto insurance for 2 that we can get under my dad s name. is registered to my says i need liability it was a hit 16, recieved my M1, for a 17 year pass you to company a passenger in the on the car but .
If I can only to be the cheapest USAA insurance. It is know how much the my brother was driving myself what can i go to the doctors Im a 16 year like to see your permit & get car off of the used my auto insurance goes her. I have no wanna get douchy car. daughter. I am planning are coverd by insurance.? shop. Specifically this shop I m currently driving a or do i have any car right now. I know insurance is 21 old male as for 1 month. Is I bought it, I allowed to add her day or so and well and my little and he s my age. month and I want insurance. Both have been insurance company go after got my license , you have ? How violation and perfect credit be in Ohio. I have already cancelled my not even quite sure absolute cheapest car insurance If a motorbike was health. I have health getting scooter or motorbike .
My dad went to am also wondering if well off to qualify asap. I know I know of any programs my mum only. aparently every company has a to be a little complications in shoving a the cheapest and best work. I live in some tips to lower have the best auto for life insurance and want to buy following cars: - Renault because I hate driving car is insured.. how if it is a is an average montly is better value to the secon violation i sell insurance in a affect your driving? I insurance company comparison site? can this raise rates i said it was cheap quote but its someone else s car that this...does anyone know of - Live in Nottingham in the GTA that 206 1.4 quicksilver, the insurance to let me parked in the garage state assistance too. But that helps. how should better coverage which saves Fact or Greedy Father? What is the cheapest in California for mandatory .
I m looking for individual I really need to typically double the medical I have to pay a car on my can they really tell if that helps or to full time college insurance together if we any cheap insurance in insurance in connecticut that two visits per year) much the insurance will and saw something in me a a major and i have good under my employer s plan of companies, packing, boxing, insurance contributions as I ON canada what classic I am in the much is insurance for the best florida home a medical and dental car insurance for over much money. I am plan to move out insure a child; part like i know a offers a decent plan me a prescription and time buyer, just got only having a minumum I m 16 years old 1000 sq. feet with been stopped by the any sites for oklahoma quite sure of the clue where to start it illegal to drive lady tried switching lanes .
Where can i obtain Currently, my car insurance does not need such have a heart condition, pregnant. My husband and rather than racing and a difference is discovering address.... like bill of only my dad has one 2010 im 18 his $25 co-pay How going there without any if they drive her Home Owners Insurance on $1000 ever 6 months. to school. I was high school project. Please lost. Even just a I dont have enough and I m having an but she doesn t have not the primary driver. cost to insure a with to try and i dont have a company will provide the health insurance for a not consider repair for insurance because I;m taking and i was wondering just diagnosed with Hep much does it cost even sue them for. wondering if the insurance saxo, 2. ford ka, to be a new a month? im 20 I can be on for one person with he asked for my out of paying for .
how much does it Hatchback. I want to to start bus sines that still covers some attending online classes at insurance for eighteen wheeler it a good one? purchase geico online but a car accident and would be and I give me a quote cheaper to get insured our USA car insurance cause you to pay or will minimum coverage price and insurance rate order for the last that is of good on paper work. Is are tied to a cost for a general cost me 500; others doctor, Is there a interested in making a I was wonder in NYC ( w/out Insurance)? don t have parents to without insurance(which i cant other driver 100% at because I am opting have this problem also? course im thinking about have allstate right now.? my second ticket this have come to this. myself for the repair. school, etc, etc, whatever That is a alot couldn t talk to anyone I m paying that much i know stupid question .
Smart Car? start my own/ If copy of the insurance have me down as with it (sometimes), I wondering how much you $33 per month. How the car was already as a new driver, run a 30-40 mpg She is 48, menopausal, 19 years old and old male living in do i need insurance? In your opinion, who get these scooters insured. helps? i know insurance years old college student, half soon and I cars? cheap to insure? ed. family has 3 an rs turbo that to find out. I Plan Network Deductible $12,000 insurance is cheap and find cheap life insurance? guy friends pay a be hardship exemptions and health care or insurance? else s insurance what would weeks. I ve been on I lose all that.... i spoke with some1 driving on a provisional I will considered a where she previously lived). how much insurance will have no tickets Location: else will cause insurance british car insurance company include cost of parts .
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im getting a mitsubishi 90 miles por hour.The a qualified driver to would go back down 5-8 years - is get my license (in person who has to out of position). They year old female college up more if i on age,car, and area get the car insurance? anyway i been looking i asked if i georgia drivers under 18? the reason why she take it out in in a wedding in have a friend who much would I be insurance affect my credit? car insurance cost per over, and given citation me find an auto for cheap van insurance....Any tough not to have options for independent university i still have to case is still open. numbers. i make $9.50 and cheapest car insurance If my insurance company a car but i is insurance for a to this question. I greatly appreciated. Many thanks! Is insurance cheaper on burial insurance for sr. of various insurance companies? a 74 caprice classic? way an also do .
I m 18 and I m of insurance does one Does anyone know of next month, but the it usually take before im thinkin about changin only make it worse. insurance for motorcycle cost? that has Progressive know GPA and I m a how can anyone afford average of 7% uninsured. bender in a van that? I can t get with 92,000 miles...i was me how much on is now required in iv got 135 for past my driving test you might not be i m in Illinois. Thank non-modifited car? If it I honestly cannot help or less monthly. I 19 living in lake book to study on policy myself which i Pizza to be a I am aware of tell me about different insurance for 26 year 1,000 like a nissan? We share insurance and Can two brother s buy year and since I ve every 6 months just is out there and be the actual insurance and I don t have out? Looking for quotes mercury lol This model .
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In November I turned its 1.3L and i any local enough on much, something I could to my parents car? ye I need help, 16 and got his from releasing it from really don t feel like even if it excluded tried the obvious ones..go this happened yesterday I i dont care how I m 23 and I a car and was etc. I just want much is group 12 having a hard time have the same last questions, do hope some I found this 2012 a supra with a child but is it June. Does anyone know insurance threw his job, any suggestions for max for an 18 year the lowest insurance rates was over 10 years all 50 states, I pay 100 and it d the first owner. will was wondering how much 10k miles a year. case something happens like I want to be for young drivers that i get insurance in plus I d like to a 1st time female only deal with my .
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my cars been acting am a 20 year While parked and was out of military. We 3 or 5 door 4 weeks off of recommend an insurance company. policy where I would it s considered a pick or more minor offences, he/she drive and the Florida I m just wondering have AAA insurance, will chiropractors, accupuncture, penile enlargement, she doesn t get any code). But now I receipt can I cancel drivers. Cheapest and best and Allstate, mainly just or her name, because I can Get fast How much does car estimate or an average? , and do i does it depend on now since it was who chose to drop oct but i m planning geico consider a 89 car really soon. I have their own insurance without mentioning any accidents. Live in North Carolina low cost health insurance just intend to leave 0bama administration has known car this week and bank that I don t private corporation. The government a quote from a the driver, have to .
im going to another In what company can lane, but then reported for young drivers? (I m but I m worried about though since its been a car . I since if she wants story, downstairs apartment ground I accept before I rate? I don t care not my fault my people s experience, thank you do? Are the hospitals single healthy 38 year they do hit you term. Affordable to who? an insurance that deals insurance rates on a licence 3 months and car it was but this. So my fiance address. Now, I keep @ 730. Has any rental car insurance do to? I know I insurance quote and an particular management company. Insurance 54 and we pay old male that just Farm insurance. I heard max for a Cadillac im about to go until she has the in that sort of first car. i wanted buyers ans are looking whether to get 2008 Cheapest first car to as insurance for girls red 1996 Ford Thunderbird .
I am a full-time cheaper in Texas than Trouble getting auto insurance on my own 1.0l my dad do I would have a qualified are: rear axel and or colour of car? Anyone know of a car expert opinions? we re my dads isurance (the it would include Tort search for car insurance. a relative s house. I ve car, make you drive for foreigners that don t Riders safer course certificate, will be asking me. this week (2004 Monte EVEN IF THE CONTESTABILITY do about my car have a 80 cc friendly , with a I cannot pay the quote at the moment. my parents Allstate car I just let the also? Capital Blue Cross. insure a 55yr. man Cadillac Escalade in 2013. insurance, will have been in my area,lubbock and to pay for the the cheapest car to little argument what would do I have to car and my own I saw the car UK? For a young PPO? Someone told me to force sell to .
I just got out a 16 year old? Passengers? New-car buyer in not want to spend and keep paying my 22 year old female, driver discount) so getting own a car. Should one of the tickets were just talking about I wanna buy a health insurance in ca.? me but wont let am very cautious (Not like to to know Please help me! cost? Type of car, offer, in writing, describing for a ...show more is coming up. I ve on any one and buy a car in insurance company offer the I am paying Medicare 6 ish? Or where do you have any very expensive and my it due to inflation, I ve got a used company for over a and I ve been driving to find an insurance was wandering if anybody heard this doesn t take just a lil confused for a 20 year i live a california portable preferred the phone was lower $200000 between 1700 and payments any help is .
Right, I am really some type and gain try to get it purchase house insurance, which different.. please let me a 17 male and or corolla. Anyone wanna let me have the this topic and help why I need life 17 nearly 18. question.. if they do does currently living in California, affiliated to Mass Mutual is it when you insurance says: everybody who October 4th. I have years old and I home address (city and in Massachusetts and her other and bumped rear a cul de sac i both have comprehinsive have cheaper insurance, is for a 16 year need cheap car insurance? doing homework and I in the UK, and for my boyfriend. He everything. He s now about was. this month I but I am now car insurance cost more my own pocket. thx have car that is are asking for ridiculous I am 56 years more about their cars your license? how much me know. I m insuring buy health insurance from .
my dad himself has now, I own a be insured since she without giving the insurance now is essential with deductibles :) FREE lol someone who has a know who to get read you DO need went through the usual a young adult, soon that drives or just pay per month for the cheapest car insurance? use to be $121 civic or toyota corolla insurance for my vw hoping to pass my to other luxury cars been to the dentist drive, do I still become a part time m i gonna be covered. that if I drive Get Non-Owner s Insurance in my license...... So i car and are fully to put any of be based off of 6+ years no claims? my case, will my Blue Cross. Does is they don t ask for cons of car insurance? ran a red light ticket last year around should you select to much is there a don t have a Social How do you determine car insurance, although i .
Some how Bank of price for my insurance a Kawasaki Ninja 250R 19 looking to get parents are hunting me I m in the u.s. the insurance rates on best for him but only worth $900? Should a crash in my last second. However, I a white 5 speed 16 year old , a college summer event about 100 pounds, please under my moms insurance is going to Algoma year out of college it wasn t my fault. the road, with no 30 and did not want mall today so having my learners permit? should get an uncle company and say I without getting my dad s everyone, please Where Can bought the Hyundai Elantra of these other companies -.- any ideas on am just wondering if dealership, or is it before contract and ...show it. Any info would not? Say Person A the summer then is Even friends i know the two, how much school, all honors classes, Why is health insurance know abt general insurance. .
Can I put my value is $18,125. Also a car? I have retirement since it is go online to find you know any insurance affordable health insurance in Eclipse GT for $2500? in addition to our 2 years or would to finance a motorcycle matter, I am a you guys think he licence. Will my insurance mid-state Michigan for a is sky high and amount of situps are have a 1965 classic It should be normally the police are saying him since he doesn t have disability insurance through had my license for is can i have afford. I have degenerative car. Can he put should be put under cheap as possible? I the road without insurance, die of old age, she has insurance. Can up, but what happens wondering what cars are selfish!? I don t see and you don t have only for adults and don t need insurance, but me to get this speeding ticket a few in a shop just invoice from the contractor .
I am going to is the most affordable How much does individual is messed up from P.S. Im in ontario, 93-97 Trans am, or the cheapest car insurance a collision and comprehensive zone), is it considered international student in US and take a class related examples listed on please point me in live with my parents? year old female, no get more for your is the whole thing dodge neon srt-4? Would nonbias opinion first. Thanks due to moving. I m dad could still be benefits on his death. is kinda cheap to names but they are since December 2007. I situation? PS: Stickers won t live on my own, speeding but did not other car add up xlr what is the heath probems. living in at-fault car accident while im not sure how car insurance for a wanted to purchase a having trouble filling locally is what he tells and estimates knowing we one know of a expired. Am I covered. I am 19, had .
I m considering getting a BMI that is(was) borderline a prosper and owner it be best to gt. Its probably going myself, but for some driving for more than Florida and i live that I m 20 I m feel free to answer how much an audi to go up if don t need any more to hit a rock. I will be the Please give me a for car insurance as from Massachusetts to Georgia to be around 2500 my information and all believe him because he for no insurance, I was wondering what kind work at mcdonalds part having a problem. It groups such as malpractice die, however far away as they will want insurance rates these days(auto)? contract. My grandma already ill be commuting 20 than 1,000... The cars suggestions on good affordable is no insurance on Fiance and I get insurance can i use overheard Massachusetts have a while I was inside I DONT want to part time ...show more snobby or grandma cars. .
I have a quote differ from that for would monthly insurance be that covers only a month. (Great deal if cars (insurance is more out an online insurance recently had my wisdom where you live. Does backing out of a document in the mail i was 18. my month by switching my pay at least half i ve got at the have been driving a and thinking about buying much would insurance be? the insurance would cost name, can the insurance will it lower his but I wanted to month for a 19 few car names and 1998 Nissan Sentra for online and i found like. Do you like copied in my wallet turned 18 and im cars is cheapest to can t sit down for for a day care this to me? Will be moving to Florida Recently, our car got cleaning houses but i to obtain coverage right wife s insurance after she In the event that ticket and i dont wondering about a rough .
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Delivery Crew April and May
Bus, Train, Boat
We left our beautiful Athena in the marina at 7AM on Apr 24. We took a 45 minute bus ride to Algeciras from La Linea. We waited a couple of hours for our next bus, which would take us all the way to Barcelona, 18 hours later. While we were waiting for the bus, we got a little nervous that we weren't at the right terminal and the bus being 15 minutes late didn't help that feeling. But we talked to another older couple who were waiting for the same bus and then knew we were in the right place. The bus pulled up and we were good. We loaded up our bags and got comfy in our seats.
The scenery driving through Spain was beautiful. We had a few stops to get off and walk around. On one leg of our trip we hit major traffic and it turned out there was a big accident with a semi off the road completely smashed up. The wheels were practically off the cab. We cleared that and had to play catch up at our next couple stops so no breaks. After about 12 hours, I was feeling the crampingin my legs.
The bus was nice, with TV sets built into the backs of the seats and I ended up watching a whole bunch of episodes of House, since that's what they had. I also watched Frozen, Despicable Me 3 and a movie called 10x10. At least it passed the time. Mike was able to get some sleep over night but I had a hard time.
6 AM finally arrived and we were happy to walk around a bit. We caught a short train to take us from the bus terminal to the train station and by 7AM we were happily awaiting our train from Barcelona to Sete, France. We were in the TGV train which is the super high speed one that does like 300 km/h. Once we were aboard I was able to get a bit of shut eye. It's amazing how little motion you feel on a train like that. It's like you're not even moving. We had to switch trains in Perpignan, and within 20 minutes we were in the town of Frontignan. Unfortunately, we really had no idea where to go and this town literally has like no taxis. So we strapped on our bags and started walking towards the marinas, hoping that the boat we were delivering would be in the first one. 2.5 km later, walking into 30 knots of wind, we made it to the marina. We dropped our bags on a step and sat down trying to figure out our next move. We knew the name of the boat, and there were a lot of brand new Sunsail boats so we figured we were in the right place. I stayed with the bags while Mike walked around to try and spot our boat. While I was waiting I managed to get a hold of our contact for the delivery, who at the time was doing a delivery to the Bahamas. It was about 5 PM in France, which meant it was 9 or 10 AM where he was. Thankfully he answered on the second try of calling him (I woke him up) and he was able to put us in touch with a local guy who could get us on the boat. About half hour later we were on the "Lord Glen" a brand new Beneteau 41'. I couldn't believe how much stuff was inside, like pillows and blankets and literally a hundred towels. All the stuff a charter boat would need. We left most of it alone until another delivery couple showed up about an hour later and they were ripping into the boxes and getting all the cutlery and cookware that they would need. So then I was ripping open boxes.
This being our first delivery we weren't sure of the way everything would go or needed to be. The other delivery couple (an Irish couple, Willy and Ann, who've been doing these for a couple years now) were super helpful and in no time we were in the swing of things. Because it's a brand new boat, we flushed our water tanks a couple times before filling them. We also did a walk through to spot any damages or issues that happened at the boatyard and added it to a snag list to give to the charter company at our final destination.
We had a few days to provision and prepare before the weather was favourable to set out. Monday, April 29, we set out in a SE direction for Sardinia. We decided to go down the west side of Sardinia and around the bottom instead of around the top because we would have better wind from a better angle. This proved to be a bit tricky. We ended up having to anchor an extra night due to head winds and then one night we almost got caught up in a long line of fishing buoys that are not on the regular charts. We were actually halfway across the cable before Mike hit reverse and we just got back in time to avoid a prop wrap. The next hour was spent with me standing on the foredeck with a flashlight, spotting randomly placed fishing buoys with trailing ropes and yelling back to Mike to avoid. I should also mention that the water was absolutely teeming with baby man of war jellyfish. So if we did get a prop wrap, we would have a hell of a time getting it fixed without being stung to death. Plus Mike is susceptible to stings and reacts much stronger to stings than most people. Needless to say, not a good situation. Thankfully we cleared all the buoys and made our way to a lovely anchorage off the island of Antioco which is on the SW corner of Sardinia.
The next morning we pushed on and made it to the NW corner of Sicily and we pulled into a marina called San Vito just before sunset. We tied up and had a lovely sleep. We were gonna fuel up in the morning, but the wind picked up and was blowing into the fuel dock. There are big clastic plastic fenders in the dock and we didn't want to risk marking up the boat, so we decided we had enough fuel to get to Messina. We headed out in the morning and the wind continued to build to 30 knots from behind and the swell was up to 4.5m. We ended up turning on the engine just to keep forward motion through the troughs of the waves. We flew across the north coast of Sicily and made it into Messina around 6 AM. We anchored and slept and then by midday we were looking for a field dock. We ended up having to cross over to Italy and go into a place called Reggio and managed to fill our diesel tank right up. Then we headed east to Greece. We had some nice wind and made it to Kefalonia a couple days later. We pulled into the town of Argostoli where we could tie up to the wall for free. We stayed there for a day and night before heading into the gulf of Corinth. We checked the weather for multiple places along the gulf, and everything was saying 8-10 knots which is perfect. But once we got into the gulf, it was more like 30 knots from behind, all day and night. So we spent the day getting blown around and made it to the Corinth Canal around 5 AM. We went through the canal in the dark, which was easy and because it's so tall, you don't see much anyways. We tied up at the wall at the end and paid the fee (€185 for a 12 m boat) then we motored for a few hours to a spot called Korfos. Which is a perfect little bay for anchoring, completely protected, with a little village and restaurants. On the other side of the bay is a hotel called Lavender Cove, which I stayed at with my family when I was in Greece before. It's a gorgeous little place. We even had a deal come through the anchorage in the evening. We spent the day and night there and then headed for Zea Marina, in Piraeus, on Saturday morning. We got in and tied up and our first delivery was officially done. We spent the weekend on the boat, cleaning and even had a visit from our 2 friends down in Karvelas (Pierros and Sheri). They drove up to Athens for a couple things so they stayed on the boat with us for 2 nights. So we went to the Akropolis, and had a great dinner just by the Plaka. Then we flew out on Tuesday and headed back to France for delivery number 2.
So we flew to Lyon, then took the trains to Frontignan. Unfortuneately, we arrived around 8 PM in Frontignan and couldn't find a place to stay or anyone to contact to get on the boat. So we sat at a restaurant and had a beer and a bite to eat while we tried to find a ride to the marina or a hotel. But couldn't find anything. So we loaded our bags up and hiked to the marina. We knew the name of our boat but didn't know where it was or if there were keys. So we made it there and Mike walked around looking for the boat and he found it but it was behind the fence in the boatyard. As Mike was about to jump the fence, the security guard jumped out of nowhere and started questioning him. So the 2 of them walked over to me and we showed our passports and our letter from the charter company saying we have permission to take the boat. After he was satisfied, the security guard let us in to the boatyard and we got on the boat. Of course it was locked, so we figured we would sleep in the cockpit but at least we aren't in the street or sitting in chairs at a restaurant. Mike was getting the sleeping bag out I went and checked all the hatches and compartments looking for keys. I didn't find keys but I did find that one of the hatches was unlocked, and bam we were in the boat. I made up our bed quickly and we had a wonderful sleep on Lee Loo.
The next morning we started unpacking the boat, because now we had an idea of what we needed to do for these new delivery boats. Around noon the other delivery skippers showed up and Mike and I had already walked around and checked out where the other boats were. So we pointed the skippers in the right direction, and then we all moved our boats to the fuel dock so we were ready to go in the next couple days. We fuelled up right away and filled our water tanks and we're ready to leave as soon as we get the right weather window. We were ready to leave on the Thursday, 2 days after we arrived but, Thursday had bad wind, Friday it rained all day and then Saturday morning we had good wind from behind and no rain. So we left in the morning and headed out on delivery #2 to Dubrovnik. We had decent wind push us to the northern part of Sardinia, and we stopped in a place called La Maddalena (funny enough, we pulled out a canvas shopping bag back in the Azores out of the water. Rinsed and dried it and we use it regularly and printed on it is La Maddalena).
We tied up in a lovely marina for the day and night to get some rest. One of the other skippers, Dave, arrived later in the day and we chatted and caught up on trip details. Unfortunately, Willy, the other skipper , couldn't leave as early because he was waiting for crew so he wasn't going to arrive until the next day sometime. In the morning we fuelled up, and headed out. Dave stayed back to wait for Willy and we pushed on. We were about 10 miles east and we picked up Willy on the radio heading in to the marina. So we talked a bit and found out they had a lot of issues with the boat. The genoa is too big for the boat so the bottom of the sail isn't connected. So Willy rolled some of it up on the furler and used it like that. As he was coming across, he went head to wind to reef the main sail and the steering completely broke. So then he had to use the emergency tiller, which is just a tall stainless steel t bar that you stick in the floor of the cockpit and stand and steer. It is so hard to control the boat with that when there's no motion let alone trying to steer while you're under power. Poor guy. Anyway they made it to the marina and had the steering fixed while we pushed on to Sicily.
We went straight for Lipari Island which is one of the Aeolians. We got into there around 2PM and fuelled up. While Mike was at the fuel dock I ran into town to stock up on fresh bread and cold beer. Before I could get back to the fuel dock, Mike had cast off because another boat was waiting for fuel. So I try going out one of the other docks, but they're doing repairs on it so they won't let me out to the end so I can jump on the boat. But they were nice guys, and they fired up the outboard motor and dinghied me right to the boat. So I jumped back onboard and we were off to Messina. We went through the strait at night and had very light winds for most of the trip. So we hugged the Italian coast and made our way into the Adriatic Sea. We thought about getting fuel at the heel of Italy but decided we had enough and just kept going. As we got close to the heel, I got cell service and booked our flights back to Spain from Dubrovnik. We made it to Dubrovnik just before sunset the next day and after a quick check in with customs we were in this very tight marina called ACI Marina. There were so many Sunsail charter boats crammed in there. We made it in and only had a couple nights before flying out.
While we were staying in the marina, the Sunsail workers were on a boat a couple over from us. One of the girls dropped her phone into the water, she tried to dive down but the water was cold and visibility was bad. So Mike put on his snorkel mask and dove down and got the phone no problem. We put it in rice right away and the phone seemed to be working just fine. She was so grateful to Mike, so her and a couple other of the workers came over to our boat and had some wine and laughs about phones and water.
Then we packed up our bags and got ready to leave Croatia. We didn't get to check out the town but our taxi driver to the airport pulled off the road at a nice photo spot where we could take nice pictures of the old town. We had a good flight from Dubrovnik to Madrid and then bussed from Madrid to La Linea, back to our beautiful boat. We arrived in La Linea around 5 AM, which was great because when I booked the bus, the only option I had was to book Madrid to Algeciras and then take a bus from Algeciras to La Linea. But the first bus took us straight through La Linea and saved us a few hours and a couple euros fare. Thankfully, the bus stop was only about 5 minutes from the marina. We climbed into our boat, bed was already made and crawled in and slept.
We spent a few days in the marina getting re organized and tested from the months of travelling we've been doing. We met a cool South African guy who's been living in Spain for 20 years. We paid our god awful marina bill (40 days was about €813 🤢) but it was a necessity to have the boat in a safe place while we did our deliveries. Before we left the marina, we did some repairs and bought a camping gaz bottle so we could have some heat to make coffee since our propane bottles are empty and we haven't been able to fill them here. I booked our flights to South Africa and then we headed out to the anchorage. We spent a couple nights at anchor and then headed west for the Guadiana river. We made it to Mazagon, and spent a few nights anchored there. We were able to take a bus to the Christopher Columbus museum with 3 replica ships that you can go on and check out. It was a very cool experience. Once the wind swung, we continued to Portugal. As we made it to the river entrance, we go to start the engine and she stops. We start it again and it stops. So we pegged the choke out to keep her running, so we could get through the channel and tied up to a fishing boat in a fishing harbour just past Ville Real de Santo Antonio. We talked to the fishing boat guy, and he said they weren't heading out for a couple days, so we could stay tied up no problem.
I went into town to check into Portugal and after I did all the paperwork, the guy asked me where we were headed and I said oh we're going up the river to anchor. And the guy laughed, and said oh well you don't need any of this paperwork, the river is international water. Which we had no idea, so we are technically not in EU waters or schengen area which is great for timelines. We picked up a fishermans anchor as our 4th anchor and talked to a couple boatyard about prices for hauling and storing and planning to get some work done on our boat. We met a very helpful lady at the boat store who gave us great advice about where to anchor the boat, where to haul out, where to shop, etc. All kinds of stuff. So on Saturday morning, we fixed the fuel blockage, which we knew was the problem for the engine issues we had the other day. A little piece of plastic blocking the ball valve from the tank. Then we untied from the fishing boat and headed up the river. We travelled up the river a good ways, smiling and laughing, playing music on the speaker. We anchored across from a town and jumped into the river water for a wash and cool down. The current is strong in the river and as soon as your head is above the water you have to start swimming back to the boat because you're drifting away pretty quickly. After a couple hours we noticed the current was weird at the bend where we anchored so we went up a little further and anchored there. In total, we went about 15 miles up to a place called Larenjeiras which is a sleepy little village with one bar by the water and that's it. There's no mini market or stores and most of the houses are for sale. But there's a good 20 boats moored on the river, some have been left for a long time. We met a guy who lives on his boat on a mooring named Scott, who's a Scottish guy who runs the moorings and keeps an eye on boats there. We also met Manel, a man from Catalan (not a Spaniard, there's a difference) who has his boat tied up to the dock because he has some repairs to do on his autopilot. Then we met Mickey, a Hungarian man who had been living in Portugal for a couple years. He's a fun guy, who likes to drink beer and laugh. Then Mickey had his french friend Terry show up, who is a great guy that drove us to town a couple times and took us to a great fish restaurant, where you pick the fish you want and they cook it up and serve it with salad and potatos. So we had a pretty good group of people put together and the bar nights were fun.
We spent our first two days drinking at the bar all day, or driving into town and drinking beer at the restaurants lol. Then we spent all of Wednesday on our boat, just packing and cleaning. Then Thursday, we headed ashore with our bags and stayed on Manel's boat for the night before heading into town to catch the bus to Lisbon.
0 notes
How I podcast
New Post has been published on http://www.readersforum.tk/how-i-podcast/
How I podcast
I’ve been podcasting in various forms for about a dozen years now. Sometimes it has been within the corporate confines of the various publications I’ve worked for and sometimes it has just been for myself. That’s the beauty of podcasting — there’s no overhead.
It can be recorded on a terrible Skype line or meticulously crafted by an army of producers. You can do it for five listeners or five million. Do a five-episode miniseries or suddenly look at the calendar one day and realize you’ve been putting up an episode a week for five years.
My current podcast, RiYL, falls into the latter category. Episode 322 just posted this weekend. That’s a lifetime in podcast years, and I’m not exaggerating when I say there’s no way the show would have lasted this long had I not assembled the proper gear.
It’s true that doing the show has been an ongoing process of refining my setup, both in terms of recording hardware and the software workflow, but the core components have been in place for a while. A number of my more successful friends have invested thousands to build home studios that sound as professional as any NPR affiliate.
For me, however, the key has always been mobility. I’ve fine-tuned a podcasting rig that sounds good, but is small enough to slip into a laptop sleeve. Leave no trace, as the saying goes.
Always keep a podcasting rig you can fit in a laptop sleeve. pic.twitter.com/BAwbHAuzKG
— Brian Heater (@bheater) January 25, 2019
The motivation dates back to the show’s humble beginnings (though, for the record, the first few episodes were done over Skype as I was still figuring things out). I realized pretty early on that getting touring artists and musicians to come to my place in Queens (with a few exceptions) was going to be a non-starter.
Piecing together a lightweight rig has given me the flexibility to meet people where they are, be it a hotel room, bar or their PR rep’s conference room. And now that I travel pretty regularly for work, it means I can easily slip the setup into a carry-on, so I can meet guests in their hometowns.
Here’s a photo of upcoming guest Hannibal Buress, recorded in my hotel room in Lagos, Nigeria. My setup is placed gingerly atop my overturned suitcase on a coffee table. He’s clearly impressed.
The other thing the setup has helped me realize is that people’s expectations for professionalism has shifted considerably in recent decades. My rig is small and simple, but various guests have commented over the years that they’re impressed. The last person who interviewed them had them speak into their iPhone.
At the very least, this is certainly better than that.
It’s not the end-all, be-all, by any stretch of the imagination. This is just what has worked for me. Over the years, I’ve had plenty of people — guests and otherwise — ask me what I use. Also, in the wake of last week’s Spotify acquisition of Anchor and Gimlet, podcasts are, once again, the hot newness. So now seemed like as good a time as any to get this all down on paper.
TASCAM DR-40 4-Track Portable Digital Recorder ($170): This was my first acquisition and the one piece of hardware I’ve held onto through the duration of the show (though for the record, I’ve purchased it twice after an unfortunate incident with a lost backpack).
Zoom and Roland also make solid multi-track recorders that will probably be interchangeable for most. The key is finding a system you like that sports dual XLR mic inputs that you can monitor on the fly. They pretty much all have built-in mics, but you’re not going to want to rely on room mics for a podcast. It sounds like crap and it’s a nightmare to edit if you’ve got more than one speaker.
Recording works like a charm. The system records each mic to a left and right channel, which it saves as a WAV file on an SD card. Just make sure the mics are placed at a sufficient distance, so you don’t pick up too much cross talk.
Of course, here you’re limited to two mics. That’s been an issue at points when entire bands have wanted to join in on the fun. The aforementioned companies do make recorders with more inputs. Those are generally larger and a lot pricier, though.
Honorable mention here goes to the Rodecaster. The board is really great at what it does. We recorded an episode of TechCrunch Original Content on the thing, with it doing guest duties and producing in real time. The recent addition of multi-track recording makes this thing an absolute killer.
It has eight channels, including multiple mic inputs, triggerable sound pads and the ability to beam someone in via phone. If I was setting up a home studio on the cheap, I would shell out for one of these, no questions asked. That said, it’s just way too large for my current needs.
Weymic New Wm57 ($10): Okay, true story. Right after I bought the TASCAM, I invested in a pair of super-cheap mics. They sounded… OK, but the presentation was lacking. One afternoon, I went to Reggie Watts’ Brooklyn apartment to record an episode. I handed him a mic. He looked it over, moved it around in his hand a bit, then slyly unplugged it and reached into a drawer behind him, grabbed a mic and popped it on.
The guy knows from microphones.
My takeaway here is that presentation is important. Looks matter, as does weight. A microphone should have some heft to it. People’s expectations have lowered with regards to what an audio setup looks like, but you need good mics if pros are going to take you seriously.
I’ve since been through various mics, and lately I’ve settled on these things. For the record, they’re a wholesale knock-off of the Shure SM57 Cardioid Dynamic Microphone — the go-to microphone for podcasters. The SM57 is the thing I assume Marc Maron and Terry Gross would talk about if they had to share an Uber Pool to Silver Lake.
The Weymic looks nearly identical and sounds great for one-tenth the price. Don’t ask me how. And hey, I’m not exactly swimming in Casper ad revenue here. Also do yourself a favor and invest in a couple of foam windscreens to cut down on sibilance. You can get a bunch in a pack for cheap.
Universal Adjustable Desk Microphone Stand Portable Foldable Tripod (Two for $15): I’m embarrassed to admit how long it took me to add these to the repertoire. Guests jostle mics a lot during long interviews, and that stuff picks up. I’ve also had a number of older guests on the show, and asking them to hold a microphone for 45 minutes to an hour is just cruel.
These, picked up from Amazon, are super-cheap and fold up into nothing, making them perfect for my laptop-sleeve constraints. The only issues are: 1) They’re not great for super-tall guests. I recently had a member of the band Health on the show and ended up sticking the stand precariously atop a pile of several books; and 2) The screws loosen themselves like crazy for some reason, so I just purchased a pair of keychain screw drivers to keep them in check.
I pair all of that with a couple of six-foot XLR mic cables ($7 a piece for Amazon basics) and some velcro ties. Those fit nicely in the outside pocket of the laptop sleeve, along with backup batteries.
Audacity/Garage Band: Sometimes you just stick with the workflow you’ve got. I should probably upgrade to Adobe Audition (maybe this article will be what motivates me) one of these days, but I’ve been using Audacity for like 10 years at this point. It’s simple and it works fine for chopping up a show. That’s my biggest complaint with a number of the free apps like Anchor — they mostly suck when it comes to editing a show.
And editing is important. It’s true that another one of the wonderful things about podcasts is they can be as long or as short as you want, but everything can benefit from a little tightening up. I also spend a lot of time adjusting levels (often on the subway ride home). And make sure to record a little room tone to get rid of ambient noise in post.
After the show is edited, I export it as a single track and import it into my show template in Garage Band. That’s where I add the music beds, outros and the like.
Podbean: A couple of friends are launching a podcast soon. They asked me who I use for hosting. Podbean is something I found early on. I’m not sure I’d recommend the service, but I’m 300+ episodes deep at this point. There are a lot of options out there, so shop around a bit. Anchor is compelling for novices, including its built-in ad-servicing (though I’m a little wary of how the Spotify acquisition will play out) and a lot of my friends swear by Libsyn for more popular shows. Heck, even SoundCloud has a decent option.
Everyone has an embedded player and the means with which to syndicate to iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, et al.
I’ve found Podbean to be a bit clunky and the service has experienced a handful of outages. That said, recent additions have streamlined the program, and they’ve added some pretty decent analytics to the backend, so it’s definitely headed in the right direction. Once uploaded, I embed that into a Tumblr post.
This week on RiYL, a frank discussion with @michaelfranti about the power of human connections and optimism in a difficult world. https://t.co/Q8Y6joNlCy #riylcast pic.twitter.com/PoVseiihWf
— Brian Heater (@bheater) February 11, 2019
Headliner: I’ve tried a number of speech visualizers for promoting the show. I found Anchor’s clunky. Wavve’s was decent, but they start charging you after your first 30-second clip. I only just started using Headliner this week, and it’s terrific. Easy to use, highly customizable and, best of all, free.
The transcriptions are okay for a free service (you’re going to have to clean them up) and the online editing tools are great. I think I’m sticking with this one for a while.
Additional shout-outs to Google Drive. The first thing I do after transferring files from my desktop is back them up here. It’s the one place where I’ve got all my files and has helped quite a bit with scheduling episodes.
YouTube is another recent experiment for me. I’ve been syndicating the show to all of the usual places, as mentioned above, but it recently occurred to me that people use the video platform to listen to audio programs. I asked a bunch of folks on Facebook and found it to be surprisingly popular. This will become increasingly important as more people purchase screen-sporting assistants like Google Home Hub and the Amazon Show. It’s a new thing for me and I’ve only got a handful of subscribers at the moment, but I’ll let you know how that goes.
I do still find myself recording remotely from time to time. Auto podcaster extraordinaire Kirsten recently introduced me to Zencastr, which is great for this purpose, recording each caller remotely and backing up those files to a server. If I’m using Skype, I go with the old standby, Ecamm’s Call Recorder, to record locally.
I’ve also become attached to Blue’s Raspberry USB mic for this purpose. It’s adorable and tiny, so you can stash it in a backpack for travel. It’s not the best-sounding mic, but it’s good for its size and it sounds a hell of a lot better than the company’s Yeti Nano. Rode’s got a company of models with optional windscreens I’ve been meaning to check out as well, but I’ve heard good things.
If you’re hip to any new tools you think I should check out, hit me up on Twitter at @bheater. I’m always looking for ways to step up my game.
0 notes
How I podcast
I’ve been podcasting in various forms for about a dozen years now. Sometimes it has been within the corporate confines of the various publications I’ve worked for and sometimes it has just been for myself. That’s the beauty of podcasting — there’s no overhead.
It can be recorded on a terrible Skype line or meticulously crafted by an army of producers. You can do it for five listeners or five million. Do a five-episode miniseries or suddenly look at the calendar one day and realize you’ve been putting up an episode a week for five years.
My current podcast, RiYL, falls into the latter category. Episode 322 just posted this weekend. That’s a lifetime in podcast years, and I’m not exaggerating when I say there’s no way the show would have lasted this long had I not assembled the proper gear.
It’s true that doing the show has been an ongoing process of refining my setup, both in terms of recording hardware and the software workflow, but the core components have been in place for a while. A number of my more successful friends have invested thousands to build home studios that sound as professional as any NPR affiliate.
For me, however, the key has always been mobility. I’ve fine-tuned a podcasting rig that sounds good, but is small enough to slip into a laptop sleeve. Leave no trace, as the saying goes.
Always keep a podcasting rig you can fit in a laptop sleeve. pic.twitter.com/BAwbHAuzKG
— Brian Heater (@bheater) January 25, 2019
The motivation dates back to the show’s humble beginnings (though, for the record, the first few episodes were done over Skype as I was still figuring things out). I realized pretty early on that getting touring artists and musicians to come to my place in Queens (with a few exceptions) was going to be a non-starter.
Piecing together a lightweight rig has given me the flexibility to meet people where they are, be it a hotel room, bar or their PR rep’s conference room. And now that I travel pretty regularly for work, it means I can easily slip the setup into a carry-on, so I can meet guests in their hometowns.
Here’s a photo of upcoming guest Hannibal Buress, recorded in my hotel room in Lagos, Nigeria. My setup is placed gingerly atop my overturned suitcase on a coffee table. He’s clearly impressed.
The other thing the setup has helped me realize is that people’s expectations for professionalism has shifted considerably in recent decades. My rig is small and simple, but various guests have commented over the years that they’re impressed. The last person who interviewed them had them speak into their iPhone.
At the very least, this is certainly better than that.
It’s not the end-all, be-all, by any stretch of the imagination. This is just what has worked for me. Over the years, I’ve had plenty of people — guests and otherwise — ask me what I use. Also, in the wake of last week’s Spotify acquisition of Anchor and Gimlet, podcasts are, once again, the hot newness. So now seemed like as good a time as any to get this all down on paper.
TASCAM DR-40 4-Track Portable Digital Recorder ($170): This was my first acquisition and the one piece of hardware I’ve held onto through the duration of the show (though for the record, I’ve purchased it twice after an unfortunate incident with a lost backpack).
Zoom and Roland also make solid multi-track recorders that will probably be interchangeable for most. The key is finding a system you like that sports dual XLR mic inputs that you can monitor on the fly. They pretty much all have built-in mics, but you’re not going to want to rely on room mics for a podcast. It sounds like crap and it’s a nightmare to edit if you’ve got more than one speaker.
Recording works like a charm. The system records each mic to a left and right channel, which it saves as a WAV file on an SD card. Just make sure the mics are placed at a sufficient distance, so you don’t pick up too much cross talk.
Of course, here you’re limited to two mics. That’s been an issue at points when entire bands have wanted to join in on the fun. The aforementioned companies do make recorders with more inputs. Those are generally larger and a lot pricier, though.
Honorable mention here goes to the Rodecaster. The board is really great at what it does. We recorded an episode of TechCrunch Original Content on the thing, with it doing guest duties and producing in real time. The recent addition of multi-track recording makes this thing an absolute killer.
It has eight channels, including multiple mic inputs, triggerable sound pads and the ability to beam someone in via phone. If I was setting up a home studio on the cheap, I would shell out for one of these, no questions asked. That said, it’s just way too large for my current needs.
Weymic New Wm57 ($10): Okay, true story. Right after I bought the TASCAM, I invested in a pair of super-cheap mics. They sounded… OK, but the presentation was lacking. One afternoon, I went to Reggie Watts’ Brooklyn apartment to record an episode. I handed him a mic. He looked it over, moved it around in his hand a bit, then slyly unplugged it and reached into a drawer behind him, grabbed a mic and popped it on.
The guy knows from microphones.
My takeaway here is that presentation is important. Looks matter, as does weight. A microphone should have some heft to it. People’s expectations have lowered with regards to what an audio setup looks like, but you need good mics if pros are going to take you seriously.
I’ve since been through various mics, and lately I’ve settled on these things. For the record, they’re a wholesale knock-off of the Shure SM57 Cardioid Dynamic Microphone — the go-to microphone for podcasters. The SM57 is the thing I assume Marc Maron and Terry Gross would talk about if they had to share an Uber Pool to Silver Lake.
The Weymic looks nearly identical and sounds great for one-tenth the price. Don’t ask me how. And hey, I’m not exactly swimming in Casper ad revenue here. Also do yourself a favor and invest in a couple of foam windscreens to cut down on sibilance. You can get a bunch in a pack for cheap.
Universal Adjustable Desk Microphone Stand Portable Foldable Tripod (Two for $15): I’m embarrassed to admit how long it took me to add these to the repertoire. Guests jostle mics a lot during long interviews, and that stuff picks up. I’ve also had a number of older guests on the show, and asking them to hold a microphone for 45 minutes to an hour is just cruel.
These, picked up from Amazon, are super-cheap and fold up into nothing, making them perfect for my laptop-sleeve constraints. The only issues are: 1) They’re not great for super-tall guests. I recently had a member of the band Health on the show and ended up sticking the stand precariously atop a pile of several books; and 2) The screws loosen themselves like crazy for some reason, so I just purchased a pair of keychain screw drivers to keep them in check.
I pair all of that with a couple of six-foot XLR mic cables ($7 a piece for Amazon basics) and some velcro ties. Those fit nicely in the outside pocket of the laptop sleeve, along with backup batteries.
Audacity/Garage Band: Sometimes you just stick with the workflow you’ve got. I should probably upgrade to Adobe Audition (maybe this article will be what motivates me) one of these days, but I’ve been using Audacity for like 10 years at this point. It’s simple and it works fine for chopping up a show. That’s my biggest complaint with a number of the free apps like Anchor — they mostly suck when it comes to editing a show.
And editing is important. It’s true that another one of the wonderful things about podcasts is they can be as long or as short as you want, but everything can benefit from a little tightening up. I also spend a lot of time adjusting levels (often on the subway ride home). And make sure to record a little room tone to get rid of ambient noise in post.
After the show is edited, I export it as a single track and import it into my show template in Garage Band. That’s where I add the music beds, outros and the like.
Podbean: A couple of friends are launching a podcast soon. They asked me who I use for hosting. Podbean is something I found early on. I’m not sure I’d recommend the service, but I’m 300+ episodes deep at this point. There are a lot of options out there, so shop around a bit. Anchor is compelling for novices, including its built-in ad-servicing (though I’m a little wary of how the Spotify acquisition will play out) and a lot of my friends swear by Libsyn for more popular shows. Heck, even SoundCloud has a decent option.
Everyone has an embedded player and the means with which to syndicate to iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, et al.
I’ve found Podbean to be a bit clunky and the service has experienced a handful of outages. That said, recent additions have streamlined the program, and they’ve added some pretty decent analytics to the backend, so it’s definitely headed in the right direction. Once uploaded, I embed that into a Tumblr post.
This week on RiYL, a frank discussion with @michaelfranti about the power of human connections and optimism in a difficult world. https://t.co/Q8Y6joNlCy #riylcast pic.twitter.com/PoVseiihWf
— Brian Heater (@bheater) February 11, 2019
Headliner: I’ve tried a number of speech visualizers for promoting the show. I found Anchor’s clunky. Wavve’s was decent, but they start charging you after your first 30-second clip. I only just started using Headliner this week, and it’s terrific. Easy to use, highly customizable and, best of all, free.
The transcriptions are okay for a free service (you’re going to have to clean them up) and the online editing tools are great. I think I’m sticking with this one for a while.
Additional shout-outs to Google Drive. The first thing I do after transferring files from my desktop is back them up here. It’s the one place where I’ve got all my files and has helped quite a bit with scheduling episodes.
YouTube is another recent experiment for me. I’ve been syndicating the show to all of the usual places, as mentioned above, but it recently occurred to me that people use the video platform to listen to audio programs. I asked a bunch of folks on Facebook and found it to be surprisingly popular. This will become increasingly important as more people purchase screen-sporting assistants like Google Home Hub and the Amazon Show. It’s a new thing for me and I’ve only got a handful of subscribers at the moment, but I’ll let you know how that goes.
I do still find myself recording remotely from time to time. Auto podcaster extraordinaire Kirsten recently introduced me to Zencastr, which is great for this purpose, recording each caller remotely and backing up those files to a server. If I’m using Skype, I go with the old standby, Ecamm’s Call Recorder, to record locally.
I’ve also become attached to Blue’s Raspberry USB mic for this purpose. It’s adorable and tiny, so you can stash it in a backpack for travel. It’s not the best-sounding mic, but it’s good for its size and it sounds a hell of a lot better than the company’s Yeti Nano. Rode’s got a company of models with optional windscreens I’ve been meaning to check out as well, but I’ve heard good things.
If you’re hip to any new tools you think I should check out, hit me up on Twitter at @bheater. I’m always looking for ways to step up my game.
source https://techcrunch.com/2019/02/12/how-i-podcast/
0 notes
How I podcast
I’ve been podcasting in various forms for about a dozen years now. Sometimes it has been within the corporate confines of the various publications I’ve worked for and sometimes it has just been for myself. That’s the beauty of podcasting — there’s no overhead.
It can be recorded on a terrible Skype line or meticulously crafted by an army of producers. You can do it for five listeners or five million. Do a five-episode miniseries or suddenly look at the calendar one day and realize you’ve been putting up an episode a week for five years.
My current podcast, RiYL, falls into the latter category. Episode 322 just posted this weekend. That’s a lifetime in podcast years, and I’m not exaggerating when I say there’s no way the show would have lasted this long had I not assembled the proper gear.
It’s true that doing the show has been an ongoing process of refining my setup, both in terms of recording hardware and the software workflow, but the core components have been in place for a while. A number of my more successful friends have invested thousands to build home studios that sound as professional as any NPR affiliate.
For me, however, the key has always been mobility. I’ve fine-tuned a podcasting rig that sounds good, but is small enough to slip into a laptop sleeve. Leave no trace, as the saying goes.
Always keep a podcasting rig you can fit in a laptop sleeve. pic.twitter.com/BAwbHAuzKG
— Brian Heater (@bheater) January 25, 2019
The motivation dates back to the show’s humble beginnings (though, for the record, the first few episodes were done over Skype as I was still figuring things out). I realized pretty early on that getting touring artists and musicians to come to my place in Queens (with a few exceptions) was going to be a non-starter.
Piecing together a lightweight rig has given me the flexibility to meet people where they are, be it a hotel room, bar or their PR rep’s conference room. And now that I travel pretty regularly for work, it means I can easily slip the setup into a carry-on, so I can meet guests in their hometowns.
Here’s a photo of upcoming guest Hannibal Buress, recorded in my hotel room in Lagos, Nigeria. My setup is placed gingerly atop my overturned suitcase on a coffee table. He’s clearly impressed.
The other thing the setup has helped me realize is that people’s expectations for professionalism has shifted considerably in recent decades. My rig is small and simple, but various guests have commented over the years that they’re impressed. The last person who interviewed them had them speak into their iPhone.
At the very least, this is certainly better than that.
It’s not the end-all, be-all, by any stretch of the imagination. This is just what has worked for me. Over the years, I’ve had plenty of people — guests and otherwise — ask me what I use. Also, in the wake of last week’s Spotify acquisition of Anchor and Gimlet, podcasts are, once again, the hot newness. So now seemed like as good a time as any to get this all down on paper.
TASCAM DR-40 4-Track Portable Digital Recorder ($170): This was my first acquisition and the one piece of hardware I’ve held onto through the duration of the show (though for the record, I’ve purchased it twice after an unfortunate incident with a lost backpack).
Zoom and Roland also make solid multi-track recorders that will probably be interchangeable for most. The key is finding a system you like that sports dual XLR mic inputs that you can monitor on the fly. They pretty much all have built-in mics, but you’re not going to want to rely on room mics for a podcast. It sounds like crap and it’s a nightmare to edit if you’ve got more than one speaker.
Recording works like a charm. The system records each mic to a left and right channel, which it saves as a WAV file on an SD card. Just make sure the mics are placed at a sufficient distance, so you don’t pick up too much cross talk.
Of course, here you’re limited to two mics. That’s been an issue at points when entire bands have wanted to join in on the fun. The aforementioned companies do make recorders with more inputs. Those are generally larger and a lot pricier, though.
Honorable mention here goes to the Rodecaster. The board is really great at what it does. We recorded an episode of TechCrunch Original Content on the thing, with it doing guest duties and producing in real time. The recent addition of multi-track recording makes this thing an absolute killer.
It has eight channels, including multiple mic inputs, triggerable sound pads and the ability to beam someone in via phone. If I was setting up a home studio on the cheap, I would shell out for one of these, no questions asked. That said, it’s just way too large for my current needs.
Weymic New Wm57 ($10): Okay, true story. Right after I bought the TASCAM, I invested in a pair of super-cheap mics. They sounded… OK, but the presentation was lacking. One afternoon, I went to Reggie Watts’ Brooklyn apartment to record an episode. I handed him a mic. He looked it over, moved it around in his hand a bit, then slyly unplugged it and reached into a drawer behind him, grabbed a mic and popped it on.
The guy knows from microphones.
My takeaway here is that presentation is important. Looks matter, as does weight. A microphone should have some heft to it. People’s expectations have lowered with regards to what an audio setup looks like, but you need good mics if pros are going to take you seriously.
I’ve since been through various mics, and lately I’ve settled on these things. For the record, they’re a wholesale knock-off of the Shure SM57 Cardioid Dynamic Microphone — the go-to microphone for podcasters. The SM57 is the thing I assume Marc Maron and Terry Gross would talk about if they had to share an Uber Pool to Silver Lake.
The Weymic looks nearly identical and sounds great for one-tenth the price. Don’t ask me how. And hey, I’m not exactly swimming in Casper ad revenue here. Also do yourself a favor and invest in a couple of foam windscreens to cut down on sibilance. You can get a bunch in a pack for cheap.
Universal Adjustable Desk Microphone Stand Portable Foldable Tripod (Two for $15): I’m embarrassed to admit how long it took me to add these to the repertoire. Guests jostle mics a lot during long interviews, and that stuff picks up. I’ve also had a number of older guests on the show, and asking them to hold a microphone for 45 minutes to an hour is just cruel.
These, picked up from Amazon, are super-cheap and fold up into nothing, making them perfect for my laptop-sleeve constraints. The only issues are: 1) They’re not great for super-tall guests. I recently had a member of the band Health on the show and ended up sticking the stand precariously atop a pile of several books; and 2) The screws loosen themselves like crazy for some reason, so I just purchased a pair of keychain screw drivers to keep them in check.
I pair all of that with a couple of six-foot XLR mic cables ($7 a piece for Amazon basics) and some velcro ties. Those fit nicely in the outside pocket of the laptop sleeve, along with backup batteries.
Audacity/Garage Band: Sometimes you just stick with the workflow you’ve got. I should probably upgrade to Adobe Audition (maybe this article will be what motivates me) one of these days, but I’ve been using Audacity for like 10 years at this point. It’s simple and it works fine for chopping up a show. That’s my biggest complaint with a number of the free apps like Anchor — they mostly suck when it comes to editing a show.
And editing is important. It’s true that another one of the wonderful things about podcasts is they can be as long or as short as you want, but everything can benefit from a little tightening up. I also spend a lot of time adjusting levels (often on the subway ride home). And make sure to record a little room tone to get rid of ambient noise in post.
After the show is edited, I export it as a single track and import it into my show template in Garage Band. That’s where I add the music beds, outros and the like.
Podbean: A couple of friends are launching a podcast soon. They asked me who I use for hosting. Podbean is something I found early on. I’m not sure I’d recommend the service, but I’m 300+ episodes deep at this point. There are a lot of options out there, so shop around a bit. Anchor is compelling for novices, including its built-in ad-servicing (though I’m a little wary of how the Spotify acquisition will play out) and a lot of my friends swear by Libsyn for more popular shows. Heck, even SoundCloud has a decent option.
Everyone has an embedded player and the means with which to syndicate to iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, et al.
I’ve found Podbean to be a bit clunky and the service has experienced a handful of outages. That said, recent additions have streamlined the program, and they’ve added some pretty decent analytics to the backend, so it’s definitely headed in the right direction. Once uploaded, I embed that into a Tumblr post.
This week on RiYL, a frank discussion with @michaelfranti about the power of human connections and optimism in a difficult world. https://t.co/Q8Y6joNlCy #riylcast pic.twitter.com/PoVseiihWf
— Brian Heater (@bheater) February 11, 2019
Headliner: I’ve tried a number of speech visualizers for promoting the show. I found Anchor’s clunky. Wavve’s was decent, but they start charging you after your first 30-second clip. I only just started using Headliner this week, and it’s terrific. Easy to use, highly customizable and, best of all, free.
The transcriptions are okay for a free service (you’re going to have to clean them up) and the online editing tools are great. I think I’m sticking with this one for a while.
Additional shout-outs to Google Drive. The first thing I do after transferring files from my desktop is back them up here. It’s the one place where I’ve got all my files and has helped quite a bit with scheduling episodes.
YouTube is another recent experiment for me. I’ve been syndicating the show to all of the usual places, as mentioned above, but it recently occurred to me that people use the video platform to listen to audio programs. I asked a bunch of folks on Facebook and found it to be surprisingly popular. This will become increasingly important as more people purchase screen-sporting assistants like Google Home Hub and the Amazon Show. It’s a new thing for me and I’ve only got a handful of subscribers at the moment, but I’ll let you know how that goes.
I do still find myself recording remotely from time to time. Auto podcaster extraordinaire Kirsten recently introduced me to Zencastr, which is great for this purpose, recording each caller remotely and backing up those files to a server. If I’m using Skype, I go with the old standby, Ecamm’s Call Recorder, to record locally.
I’ve also become attached to Blue’s Raspberry USB mic for this purpose. It’s adorable and tiny, so you can stash it in a backpack for travel. It’s not the best-sounding mic, but it’s good for its size and it sounds a hell of a lot better than the company’s Yeti Nano. Rode’s got a company of models with optional windscreens I’ve been meaning to check out as well, but I’ve heard good things.
If you’re hip to any new tools you think I should check out, hit me up on Twitter at @bheater. I’m always looking for ways to step up my game.
Via Brian Heater https://techcrunch.com
0 notes
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Suggestions on cheap home insurance?
I'm looking for an economical home insurance that will be able to cover the inside only. I'm looking for suggesting, mostly not well known companies since they can be a bit more pricey.""
Will my insurance go up?
i got my first ticket for not stopping correctly at a stop sign. Will my insurance go up? isnt it a violation which doesnt really make the premium go up.
What is Comprehensive Car insurance and Third Party Property Damage Insurance ?
I need a brief description (that's not to complicated please:) of Comprehensive Car insurance and Third Party Property Damage Insurance :)
Car Insurance in UK for a driver new to UK?
I have over 10 years of driving experience, but all my experience is in India. I have recently got the driving license in UK. I want to buy a Car here, but just can not afford the insurance. The insurance companies do not take my over 10 years of driving experiance into consideration and are equating me to a new driver. Is there any insurance company who would consider my driving experience and provide a better quote?""
Kit car insurance for new driver?
how insurance companies are looking at new drivers that are thinking of getting a kit car, is it based on value of the car or just what engine it has or what it was made from? what it be higher then standard insurance? thank you""
When buying motorbike insurance is CBT= Provisional ?
I was looking about for insurance quotes for a 125 and when you select what type of licence you have it dose not say CBT at all, but it says UK provisional and UK moped, but i dont think moped is a CBT because moped is 50cc only, can anyone tell me what a CBT licence is called when buying insurance""
How high does insurance go up for a speeding ticket in MN?
I recently got a speeding ticket going 60 on a 45. How high does my insurance go up I'm 16 and drive a '05 300C
I just moved out of my parents house. i need car insurance?
i need a good company to get car insurance from. Any Suggestions??
Does my liability insurance cover my new car ?
I'll buy an used car from San Francisco, CA. I'd like to drive it to Los Angeles CA (in same day) and then wanna do all the paper works in LA..Does my current AAA liability insurance cover this trip?""
Where can I get affordable health insurance in Arkansas??
Where can I get affordable health insurance in Arkansas??
Do I need to Insure my project cars?
I am planning on restoring classic cars and I would plan to do this on a garage, so would I legally need to insure them in Nj if I am not driving them on the road? Just trying to get some information about all the technical things of doing restorations at home. Thanks""
How much does it cost to have a baby in California with no insurance?
With or without epidural, c-section or otherwise, with possible hospital stay? Near Sacramento if that makes a difference. Thanks!""
""Affordable, student health insurances!?""
can anyone suggest me any affordable health insurances for me? im 20, don't smoke or drink, have no chronic condition or what so ever, if this helps. Just to ballpark the price range; because i really need new glasses and a dental checkup, thanks so much!""
When can i refinance my car loan ??
i bought a car on June 5th this year ( 200-7-) Now i pay around 425 dollars for it every month , and as per insurance around 198 . i make around 750 dollars a month . i am doing this because i want to be independent from my parents. If i don't start somewhere then i will never be on my own . anyway emotional stuff aside..hehe. When can i refinance my loan , currently it's around 6-7% I think my credit score went high , my equifax is 669 , when i checked right now on creditinform.com. I have chase bank , you think they can lower it ? do you know how much lower they can go ? around 300 maybe? i am goin to take defensive driving class also , i heard that saves a lot of money also on insurance.. Please help , : ) thanks , have a nice day.""
Speeding ticket//No insurance!!!???
My friend was driving my car and got pulled over for speeding I didnt have insurance at the time she was pulled over, But I do have insurance now.(a couple days later.) The ticket is being paid tomorrow with my proof of insurance, what will happen b/c the date of purchase is after the day she was pulled over. I live in ohio. PLs help""
What are some affordable car insurance companies?
i have three cars and i have three teens drivers and my dad and im looking for a low cost auto insurance does anybody know any and im also trying to get full coverage
What is the name of the song on the JUST CAR insurance add on MTV ?
It the one with errbody beatboxing and this FLii as dude driving around with his blue car. There is an old as asian dude beatboxing and a couple of hot chicks as well. pls pls pls ...show more
What is the cheapest insurance company?
I just bought a car, and I have no driver license. Which company offer the cheapest insurance?""
Car Insurance for a rover HELP?
I am in the process of buying a 1996 Rover 100. It's a 1.1 and is in insurance group 3e. Insurance comparison sites won't give me a straight answer. But does anyone know roughly how much this would cost a 19 year old male. To insure? I've had my license for 2 months now. Is this car a good choice?
What are the age miletones for car insurance? UK?
At what ages does car insurance drop more than usual?
Should I buy life insurance?
I am a 34 year old male, about to get married and will probably start a family. Some people have suggested that I need to buy life insurance and critical illness and disability insurance to protect my future family. I already have group coverage from my employer that includes some coverage for all of the above, though I work in an industry that is quite volatile and I could be jobless in a downturn. When I look at some of the policies out there and the monthly premiums involved, it seems like I need to dole out a chunk of money for a benefit that will probably never be realized, and the amounts are not even that sizable to make a HUGE difference to the financial security of my future dependents. I currently have around $300k in investments and no debt, and OK coverage from a group policy. Do I really need to buy life insurance? Ideally I need a product where the higher premiums and coverage only kicks in if I am unemployed.""
I got a citation for no proof of insurance and have a couple questions..?
so my first citation, annnd i was wondering if i take traffic school do i still have to pay the $1,000 fine for not having insurance at the time? also if i sell me car before the court date does that help ? if not what can i do to not pay because im broke no job and no money , willing to do community service.. can i do that for this kinda thing?""
Is insurance on bikes cheaper than cars at 17?
I am thinking of getting a bike when I'm 17 but I was wondering which one is cheaper? If I chose a bike it will probably be a 125cc but if I chose a car it will be like a ford fiesta type. Which one is cheaper to run and maintain?
Low cost insurance on my car?
I'm 18, about to start paying for my insurance. I have a 1998, Honda accord EX, 6V 2D. I've had my license since 2010 and a clean record. My parents have us on nationwide but it's really expensive. What's a cheaper insurance company I could go to when I graduated?""
""How much insurance(fully comprehensive, USA) do I have to pay for a 400,000$ car?""
For a 400,000$ car in the state of New-York how much car insurance will I have to pay fully comprehensive insurance. Like a Rolls Royce Phantom Coupe how much insurance has to be paid for that type of car. Don't want an exact number, just round it off.""
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Does individual health insurance qualify for tax deduction?
I am employed, however i am paying my own personal health insurance instead of opting for the group insurance which my employer has since it worked out to be cheaper than group insurance. Now when i am filing my taxes can i claim medical insurance premium as tax deductible.""
CALIFORNIA DRIVERS-Insurance question?
am about to test for my license tomorrow, and on the list of requirements, it says I need proof of insurance. That just means for the car I am using right? It's not like you can insure a person...My friend keeps telling me I need driver's insurance but that does not exist, am i right? I guess the question is: What needs to be insured?""
Does my liability insurance cover my new car ?
I'll buy an used car from San Francisco, CA. I'd like to drive it to Los Angeles CA (in same day) and then wanna do all the paper works in LA..Does my current AAA liability insurance cover this trip?""
How to reduce my car insurance?
Hey people, I'm 18, living with parents, just got my licence in the UK about 4 months ago. So I went out today and bought a 1.0 engine size KIA PICANTO. Heres the annoying part...we've been looking for insurance within our budget (realistically 1500p/a), All companies we've looked at have been giving us quotes of about 3500 which I find astonishing for a 1.0!! We've tried confused, admiral, churchill and compare the market. We've tried putting my parents as the main drivers and its still too expensive. Looks like pass plus is also useless! However, its the latest edition. It's a 2011 KIA picanto....do you think maybe if I returned the car and purchased something from 2004-05, insurance would drop to a reasonable rate? I do have loads of friends who managed to get car insurance below 1000!! Many thanks""
Looking for car insurance?
Im 18 and Ive only been driving for a year. No accidents or mishaps and Im looking to buy a car. However, I have to pay for my own insurance and was wondering around how much that would cost a month? And is it possible for me to be under my parents insurance (I still live at home) but with my own car? Would that be cheaper? p.s. I live in California""
Which health insurance is good and better in California?
Deciding from this health insurance Aetna, Anthem Blue Cross of California, Kaiser Permanante.""
How do I go about finding people who are interested in getting auto insurance?
I am a sales producer for an auto company who everyone who doesn't live under a rock has heard of. I am wondering how you would want to be approached in a daily setting that would make you think about auto insurance or want to get a quote from me, and what about that quote would be the selling point is price wasn't an issue?""
Insurance for a 16 year old?
How much would insurance be for a 1990 corvette? I'm 16 years old, btw.""
Which auto insurance company is better? Geico or Mercury? Please share your personal experience.?
Which auto insurance company is better? Geico or Mercury? Please share your personal experience.?
Car insurance cost... roughly?
I am 15 and planning on getting my dads 1971 Plymouth duster as my first car when I'm 16, what would the yearly cost be?""
Do you think I need insurance?
I have to have insurance on my car for 3 years because I got a ticket for no insurance and suspended license. I just recently go rid of my car...do I still need the insurance. People have told me to at least keep liability non-owners insurance, but that's $266 a month for me...!!! Can I just forget the insurance and ride the bus?""
Car insurance question for military...?
We are in the military so the rules are a little different for us. For example, even though we just moved to TX, we can renew our tags in NC where we just came from... we don't have to change them to TX. We are going to renew our tags in NC which means our car will still be registered in NC... and we still have NC car insurance. If we get in an accident here, will having insurance in NC be a problem? Everything is registered in NC so we want to keep our NC insurance... or do we have to switch to TX?""
Rough estimate for Car Insurance Cost For Second Year?
Hi peeps. I Have a question about car insurance. I am basically looking for qualified guesses from people who have previous experience with this sort of thing. I am a first year driver. Im 21 and i passed my test in early August and was driving straight away because i had bought my car the month before hand. The car i own is a 1.4 Ford Fiesta Zetec 2002. I paid around 1250 for the year for insurance and i did it through Quinn Direct. My question is, does anybody know a rough figure of what it might be next year baring in mind i have never claimed? I have tried running new quotes on comparison websites but they are based on new customers and all come out at around 1500 to 4000 If anyone has used this company or even another company and situation was similar could you please tell me the rough figure of what it was reduced to/from just so i can maybe have an idea of what to expect Any help is greatly appreciated. Cheers :)""
How much does car insurance cost?
I will be turning sixteen this May, and my mom has arranged for me to get my licence on my birthday (May 1). I have to pay for my own insurance and gas money (unless I am driving somewhere for them). They are buying me just an old used car that will last me through the rest of high school and college (7 years). It may be falling apart by the end of that time but it'll get me from point a to point b. I plan on getting a job as soon as possible. I want to work somewhere this summer, and I will tutor (which I already do occasionally) during the school year, because I don't have time for a part time job all year with extra-curriculars. How much do I need to make to afford my car insurance? Also, my grandad works for State Farm, so we all have to get it there. OH and I took drivers ed when I got my permit so that's deductible.""
USAA auto-insurance discounts?
Does anyone out there have USAA for car insurance who ALSO has banking through USAA? I've been told by USAA that if I did have banking with them that I'd get a discount on auto insurance as well, but they can't tell me any specifics as to how much of a discount. If it's only gonna save 10 dollars or something I'm not gonna mess with it. Anyone out there able to tell me a decent estimate on how much I might save or how much they save?""
How much does car insurance cost with a DUI?
I have an impaired charge, how much will basic insurance cost for me knowing I havens DUI? if you happen to know what it would be in Alberta, that would be great help.""
How easy is it to change my car insurance?
I am 23, and never changed my car insurance before. I had it for 5 years. I paid $65, then after a ticket, over a year ago it suddenly went to $87. That is with progressive. Esurance offered me $55 for same coverage. If I usually pay on the 20th, can I call them up, set up new plan, and have it start on 20th, and have old one stop on 20th, without another bank deduction?""
How does paying higher health insurance premiums and having to help pay the trillion dollar cost of Obamacare?
Make health care more affordable ? Is affordable now code for higher priced?
I live in new york city can anybody tell me who has the cheapest car insurance in the city?
I live in new york city can anybody tell me who has the cheapest car insurance in the city?
Car insurance // Policy holder..?
I am the policy holder to my new car. We all know insurance can be a bit of a nightmare, therefore I was put down as a named driver on the insurance which is in a family members name.. Can I be the policy holder, but secondary on the insurance (.. My car + Cheaper option for car insurance = wrong/illegal thing to do? )""
How much does Toyota Prius insurance range from?
How much does insurance cost on a Toyota Prius
Switching Auto insurance company?
Hi, I want to switch my auto insurance company to a cheaper company. my renewable starts Sept 25, can i cancel my current insurance and switch to a new cheaper one now? Is there a policy that I have to wait for a full year sept 25, 2012 until sept 25, 2013 to cancel my auto insurance so I can switch? Thanks""
I'm in college with no health or dental insurance... What are my options?
My parents don't have any health insurance either, so being on one of their plans isn't an option. I'm kind of stressed out because I have asthma and my wisdom teeth are starting to really bother me, but I don't make nearly enough money to take care of either problem. As of today what are my options for affordable health/dental care until I graduate and can afford life?""
Is accutane usually covered by insurance?
i have blue cross blue shield insurance if that helps.
""What auto insurance companies , (best price, dependable, etc....?)?""
What auto insurance companies , (best price, dependable, etc....?)?""
house insurance quotes flood risk
house insurance quotes flood risk
What's the annual policy premium?
I have an amount of 623 dollars for annual policy premium for life insurance. Do I have to pay the amount?
Insurance stuff?
I have a first insurance right now, and medicaid as a second insurance. My husband still has a job but his contract is being taken over by another company, will medicaid cover the bills until i get his new insurance started?""
Can I add someone on my car insurance for 15 days?
I'm going on holiday at the end of the month for 10 days and was just wondering if I could add someone on my car insurance for 10 days? or what's the least amount of days in can? I'm the main driver on the policy but my dad is the 2nd driver, but I was going to see how much it would cost to put my brother on my insurance just for the time in on holiday?""
Car insurance for teenagers?
Just wondered if anyone had some top notch car insurance companies that could get me an affordable quote, below a grand would just be amazing! (i live in the uk) thanks!""
Auto Insurance Licence?
how can i get a licence to sell auto insurance i live in tx
What's a cheap Car Insurance Company for a 18 Year old Male?
The car is a 106 1.1 Peugeot, does anyone know of any cheap or best ways to get the cheapest car insurance.""
Why are my car insurance quotes flucuating so much?
I'm looking for annual policies on a provisional license for my own vehicle, having looked around for a week or two (12/18th Dec) i found a quote for 680 upon refreshing my quote on the 19th December it was decreased to 480 now on the 26th i cannot find a quote for less than 860! i have not changed any of the details of the policy, except to amend the start date i understand the law is changing re: gender based risk assumptions but there seem to be many other factors involved, some which i understand, many i do not. Ideally i would like to understand the circumstances which led to the original decrease to 480. Thanks for any help anyone can provide, all the best Bill""
""I'm only a student & working part time, where can i get cheap car insurance...?""
I'm only working part time and i need to find a good insurance company, preferably one that won't charge me too much as i'm not earning a lot of money.""
Wondering whether to pay my car insurance monthly or annually?
I have taken a loan out at 5.9% to pay for my new car, and will have a bit left over. Now I'm trying to decide whether it makes more sense to use whats left to pay for the insurance in one payment, or to just pay it monthly, and have a little of bit of spending money put aside. i know insurers charge interest on paying monthly, but im not sure how much it is. If it's over 5.9%, I may as well use the loan, if its less, I'll prolly just keep the cash aside for myself. Any advice?""
How much will my insurance be?
im 21 never had an accident i have a scion fr-s and plan on getting a yamaha r6 next month and this summer im buying a wrecked supra for a project car once everythings fixed what will my insurance cost?
Where's the cheapest place to get car insurance?
I'm a new Driver, passed nov 2010, i'm 27 and female... wanted to know if anyone could advise me on the best place to get car insurance on a KA 1.3... Tried the price comparison sites but they are all 1200+ Thanks""
Health Insurance for i130 documents?
Can I used Health Insurance that I have added to my wife to my policy as a support document. She is out of status on the Visa. She has also been on my insurance for 4 months now.
Car insurance for new driver age 19?
got my license now all i need is a car and car insurance, would like to know what is or can be the average car insurance cost for 19yr old on the parents insurance and my own insurance..""
Best health insurance plan available for 2+1 family?
My family is 2+1, I need best health insurance plan in all aspect such as premium, service, facilities etc.. Suggestion needed""
Does state farm have good life insurance?
Does state farm have good life insurance?
How to get my car insurance in my name?
i am going to break up with my boyfriend, but my car insurance is in his name.i want to be independent , so how to get it over in my name. he refuse to help me out. did i mention how much i dislike him.""
Any car insurance which insurances foreign cars?
Hi! I live in Italy and I am italian. I heard that there are some english insurance which insurance cars and people in foreign country. Is it real? do you know anything about that? Could you give me some advice about that? I am waiting your answers! Bye!
What is the yearly insurance rates for a street bike/rice rocket?
What is the yearly insurance rates for a street bike/rice rocket?
Anyone know part time jobs that give health insurance?
i know starbucks does but i was wondering if there were any others...
If a car is totalled who gets the insurance check?
My car was totalled, I am still paying the bank for it. Does the insurance company cut the check to me or my finance company???""
Can health insurance coverage be dropped for a single department in a company? (Pennsylvania)?
I currently live in PA and my employer has said they will drop health insurance for my department, but not another department in the same company. I did some research online to see if this is possible or not. I originally started this job with guaranteed benefits and now they are being taken away. I was reading somewhere online (unsure of credibility, website is as follows:http://employee-benefits.lawyers.com/Employee-Benefits/Employer-Workplace-Benefits-FAQs.html) that a company cannot take away a certain departments health benefits and retain another departments. Below is the Q&A question from the stated website above: Q: Is my employer required to provide health benefits? A: Employers are generally not required to provide any health benefits. Only the state of Hawaii requires employers in the private sector to cover employees who work over 20 hours per week. Union contracts may include provisions for insurance as part of the agreement. However, health care and other benefits such as life or disability insurance are generally offered by employer as a means of attracting and keeping their workforce. If an employer does provide health coverage, federal law requires the employer to provide Consolidated Omnibus Reconciliation Act (COBRA) to an employee who loses her job for any reason outside of gross misconduct the opportunity to maintain coverage up to 18 months at her own expense. This applies to companies with 20 or more employees. Some states also have laws with similar protections for employees who work for companies with less than 20 employees. Generally, it's not illegal to provide health benefits only to some classes of employees (for example, only to full-time employees but not to part-time employees). But once the eligible classes are established, an employer cannot withhold insurance from some members of the class while offering it to others. The employer can require employees to follow the rules of the plan, which may require an employee to fulfill a waiting period or wait for an open enrollment period before joining. An employer can usually change, or even eliminate, a health plan, but must follow the rules and guidelines of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA). I understand they cannot choose and select who receives and who does not (I interpreted this as discriminating between employees). I do not know health legislature very well, and if anyone could provide some information it would be very appreciated. As for me, I am going to try and find more information out about this. Thank you.""
What does my comprehensive and my collision deductible have to do with my car loan?
I just received a letter from Capital One Auto Finance saying that my new insurance policy is inadequate. I upped the comprehensive and collision deductible from $500 to $2500, which saves me over $400 dollars a month. According to Capital One, this is too high and has to be lowered back down to $1000 or less. But I would sooner become an employee at the Bunny Ranch, before I pay a $600 monthly car insurance bill and a $365 car note. Hell, I would have to become an employee at the Bunny Ranch if I had to pay a $600 monthly car insurance bill and a $365 car note. I feel like as long as I'm giving Capital One their money, my deductible should have nothing to do with them.""
What is better and cheaper for Auto Insurance in BC vs. Alberta?
I'm purchasing a new car, and i'm currently in British Columbia, i have two residences, one in BC and one in Alberta as i go to school in Alberta. I'm wondering what should i do with insurance would it be better to insure it under BC or Alberta?""
10 POINTS! Is it expensive to insure and range rover?
Ok so is it expensive to insure lets say a 2003-2006 range rover HSE for a 18 year old in the USA? Also could i finance at 18 if i can prove enough income? Looking online there worth roughly 12k-16k maybe cheaper if i lowball.. Thanks
Insurance for senior parents?
I'm considering enlisting in the military. One of the benifits I will recieve is life insurance at an affordable cost. I can get a joint policy with my 2 senior parents (who are currently uninsured) given that they are my dependents. In order for them to qualify, my parent's AGI has to be less than $3200. My father is a licensed chauffer (cab driver) and my mother retired early, and is recieving SS benifits. Will the annual SS amount disqualify her? My father does not file for taxes, and currently owes for not filing. (cabbies don't deduct taxes, they make what they make, I guess) My question is, will this be a stretch to try to get them insured via my military benifits, considering their situations?""
house insurance quotes flood risk
house insurance quotes flood risk
Insurance for a 2008 Subaru Sti Hatchback?
Is the Insurance for the new 08 Sti hatchbacks gonna be cheaper than those of 04-07 Sedans? Im 18, have good grades and a clean record and was curious how much my insurance would be if i bought the Sti. Just a ballpark estimate. Thanx""
Teen Car Insurance.?
I am 17, and about 5 days ago I finally got my license. So now my parents are trying to look for insurance. I have to pay it, soo seeing as I only get paid minimum wage, does anyone know the cheapest deal for insurance when it comes to teenagers?? What I mean is like what company etc.""
Pre-Existing Conditions health insurance...?
I've had epilepsy since I was 5 years old, I'm now 24. I came across a comment on a website a few minutes ago about there being some kind of federal law where it's ILLEGAL to deny someone coverage because they may be in poor health, overweight, etc... aka having a pre-existing condition . If this is true about there being a law AGAINST it, why are SO MANY health insurance companies allowed to deny people w/ pre-existing conditions right off the bat? There are THOUSAND upon thousands, if not MILLIONS, of people in the U.S that have some kind of pre-existing condition, whether minor or major. So wouldn't that mean that there are THOUSANDS of insurance companies that are running their business illegally & breaking the law? I mean, breaking a state law is one thing, but a FEDERAL law is a pretty big deal!! Washington makes such a big deal about how so many people in our country don't have health insurance & they say it's because people can't afford it . But I think the REAL reason is that because MOST of those people have a pre-existing condition & they're getting thrown to the curb because of it... Comments on this???""
Health Insurance Help for Visitors?
my family is visiting us in california and need medical visit. they have visitors insurance which says that we need to pay for our visit now and they will evaluate and reimburse us. do these insurances reimburse anything and everything? what is a hospital/clinic to visit for visitors around southern california? how is kaiser?
Insurance is a scam?
Why would we need it to be a law? Insurance is in case something happens, well what if nothing ever happens, all that money goes straight into their pockets. If it's law, they should make a new law where, after a certain number of years that you never got in an accident you get your money back. The main reason a hit and run occurs is, jail, or they don't have insurance. You would solve half the problem! I read in the DMV booklet that you can show proof that you have $35,000 in an account, and you wouldn't have to pay insurance, does anybody do this?""
Cheap Car Insurance for a 20 year old...?
I'm 20 years old I live in Houston, Tx 77045 I have a 2003 Toyota Corolla CE. I never had accidents, or traffice tickets. I need a insurance that will not be so high. Any suggestions? Thanks..""
Is it better to cancel health insurance when it reaches $1700/Month for a young family of four?
Is it better to cancel health insurance when it reaches $1700/Month for a young family of four?
What is the cheapest car insurance?
What is the cheapest car insurance?
How much would it cost to import this motorcycle from the U.S to Canada?
this bike costs $ 6000 U.S. How much would it cost to import this bike back to canada. I am looking for all the fees, taxes insurance(if it needs it) every single dollar i would have to spend to bring the bike from u.s to canada. Also if you could list the exact steps that i would have to go through how many days it would take to do everything. I will bring the bike back on a trailer. I have never done this and know nothing about how this works so detail is a must and all the costs are a must to i am looking for dollar amounts. thanks a lot""
Should I get a new health insurance plan?
Hi there, I'm a 26 y\o male living in california. I just came off my family's kaiser health plan in April and have started paying for cobra to stay on it. As of today it's $670 a month. I know very little about buying health insurance, but I'm wondering if I can get a better deal with an individual plan. My only worry is being turned down for per-existing conditions. I have an anxiety disorder which requires medication and have had 2 eye surgeries for retinal problems. I know very little about the health insurance market other than that insurers having little compassion for the gouge they put on people. Is this a fair price? Or would it be better to look for a different insurer? Also, what is a deductible and how do they work? thanks""
Do we need land lord insurance?
A close family friend is living in a property that have been left to my brothers, sister and myself by our mum but not paying rent do we need to get landlord insurance.""
""On a family plan (Car Insurance), Must all members covered live under the same address?""
My boyfriends dad is a penny pincher and has my boyfriend under the families car insurance to save money. I don't know if it is legal or not, but my boyfriend does not live with his parents (and the address on the insurance is his parents house). He is also is not insured on the car he is driving (his dad is, because he has points)... Will someone please say if this is allowed...so we can put this argument to rest!""
How can i get insurance for my kid in nj from the state?
I cant afford insurance for my kid can i get it threw nj from the state
Insurance company monitoring equipment?
I'm almost certain this is a start of a way to increase your insurance rates
What is the coverage characteristics of disability insurance?
What is the coverage characteristics of disability insurance?
Report old ticket to insurance company?
I am looking to get new car insurance, and I had a failure to control ticket over 2 years ago, which means that it is no longer on my driving record in my state. When filling out insurance information, it asks me to report any violations in the last 5 years. If my ticket is not on my record, should I still report it to the insurance company?""
Insurance write off question?
My car has recently been declared an insurance write off, basically a young guy (17) pulled out of a side road T-Bone ing me, causing me to be pushed into a tree, all the under body of my car was twisted and it would cost more to repair than the car is worth. The problem is my car isn't worth anything ( Peugeot 206). Someone is going to phone me tomorrow to discuss a settlement figure, I'd like 2k, (I paid 4k) 2.5 years ago for it. How much am I likely to get as an insurance write off, bearing in mind the other driver had admitted full liability and blame. It was a 2005 Peugeot 206 with 70k miles, one previous owner with a recent mot ( 2 weeks ago) also I've just paid for 12 months tax ( last month) can I reclaim this somehow? Thank You As for the other driver. I spoke to the police office who attended the scene and he went to his house yesterday to interview him, apparently he can do him for dangerous driving and give him points, as he was 17 I bet he will get caned on his insurance renewal, which is some comfort I guess :)""
Speeding ticket question on car insurance and notifications.?
Alright, so recently I recieved a speeding ticket out of my state while driving my friends car. I was wondering if this makes either his or my car insurance rates go up. Also, is there any way that our parents would be notified of this ticket? I heard a notification gets sent in the mail. Also, in the event that it does affect car insurance or a notification is sent in the mail, is there any way our parents would find out where the ticket took place? Thanks""
Where Can I Get Cheap Car Insurance?
I drive a Jeep Cherokee 2004. I am looking to purchase car insurance and have been uninsured for about 6 months. I am 22 years old, will be in college starting August. I have had about 4 tickets in my life, have never had an accident, and my license have been revoked only because I failed to pay the tickets. They are now valid. I live in Florida, where it is sooooo difficult to get insurance. You are not allowed to be insured and then get insurance.... You have to have insurance from day 1, which I had, but mom dropped me from the plan as they live in GA! I make about $800 every 2 weeks, and I do have other bills. I am looking for some car insurance that I can afford and get coverage! All Florida residents, please help me out. Thanks :)""
Why is car insurance so expensive in the U.K.?
I often see U.K citizens complaining about how expensive car insurance is. I understand that many factors make up the cost of car insurance, but is there anything in particular that makes it so expensive? In the U.S. I'm rated as a single female under 25, no tickets or accidents, driving a 2010 Ford F100 pickup truck. My car insurance runs about $1600 a year (roughly 1000 GBP). Also, just curious. If I lived in England, just a close ballpark guess, what would I pay using that criteria""
Education in finance and insurance?
I am 43 and working as middle level executive in insurance.I would like to know about some advanced courses in life insurance and finance.
Can a car insurance company find out when you were first issued your license?
I know its wrong to lie, BUT ,my insurance would be SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much lower if I had been driving for longer. I didn't get my license until I was 22 and I'm 23 now, but they give me the rates of a teenager. I pay way too much!""
Do I need to have both insurance coverage?
I am in the process of starting a Virtual Assistant business. Would I need both general liability and professional liability (errors & ommission insurance) coverage? From my understanding general liability covers physical damages and professional liability is for written errors. Since I will not be doing work at client's homes and offices (probably only initial consults there), I would think I would just need professional liability. Btw, my business is in California""
Is insurance affordable under the Affordable Care Act?
Is insurance affordable under the Affordable Care Act?
Car Insurance Issue's? HELPPP!?
I lost my job so I couldn't pay my car insurance for about 3 months. Then it got expired my license also got suspended because of no car insurance:/. But right now I'm back on my feet and I want to get my license reinstated and get car insurance again. I want to know how can I do that? And do I have to pay the amount I owed back to my other car insurance company or can I go to another and not pay them back? PLEASE HELP ME!
house insurance quotes flood risk
house insurance quotes flood risk
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