#cleaned itself off from all of it. with a stupid pink movie
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that movie was the nail in the coffin of feminism
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heyheyloki · 4 years
Summary: The reader begins to realize his feelings for Saiki.
Saiki x M!Reader
Word Count: 8711
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1. The Best Friends
Being friends with a psychic definitely had its ups and downs. At first, you didn’t notice a thing out of the ordinary with Saiki, well, granted you were kids when the both of you met so naturally you just wanted to be friends and thought nothing more. However, he noticed something odd with you the moment you two met.
He couldn’t read your mind.
Actually forget being about to read your mind, none of his psychic abilities worked on you. He couldn’t see through you and when he touched you without his super thin transparent gloves on nothing happened. You were basically immune to him.
At first, he thought something was wrong with you, or that maybe you had some psychic powers as well. That wasn’t the case at all. In reality, you were a normal human without any powers or tricks. That stumped Saiki even more, but it also became the soul reason he wanted to be your friend as well.
For one, he didn’t have to deal with your thoughts. Two, his image of you wasn’t ruined because he can’t see under your skin. Three, your calmer personality made him relax. And of course all those other things like your kindness and stuff, but those were irrelevant the moment he knew he couldn’t read your mind.
It’s been years since he met you in the park during recess, and now here you guys were, 16 years later and still friends. Oh, there was one thing that bothered him about you.
“What to hang out today?” You asked as you slung your bag over your shoulder.
“Sure.” Saiki said. Yep. That’s right, since he can’t get in your mind, he actually has to move his mouth when he talks to you.
It was a bit weird to others that he never did it with anyone else other than you, but he didn’t care.
On the way home he couldn’t help but notice you eyeing his antennas, the things that keep his powers stable. He turned his head towards you and gave you a curiosity look.
“Do those things poke at your head at all?” You asked, moving you hand up to poke at the top of the pink ball. “Like, does it make your head ichy?”
Saiki shook his head. He knew he had to talk to you at some points, but times like these he didn’t. He enjoyed that about you too, that you don’t force him to talk all the time. You knew it was a bit weird for him to talk, he explained it to you when he told you all about his powers.
“Hm,” you hummed out. Your hands going back at your side and into your pant pockets. “It would for me, if I was you. They just look painful, but I guess you gotta do what you gotta do if you don’t wanna blow up the world.”
Saiki nodded his head, his eyes continuing to linger on you. It was one days like these when he saw you thinking so hard about something that he wished he could just take a peak. At some points, he loved the silence, especially when the both of you were watching movies, but right now, especially in this moment, he’d give anything to know. It was mostly prominent when he’d stare at you during class and you’d have this far out look in your orbs, you drew him in, and perhaps that’s why he fell for you.
Though, there were other factors that won his favor. Mostly the fact that, unlike everyone else, he can’t stare right through you and just see your raw muscles and pumping organs. Instead, he was able to focus on your handsome face and not get side tracked about your racing thoughts. You were the only person in the world that make him feel somewhat normal. That was a love-hate relationship at times.
“Think I could sleep over tonight?” You suddenly asked, “we don’t have school tomorrow.”
Saiki stared at you for a moment just to relish in that fact that nothing worked on you. No telekinesis, mind control, no nothing. He was going to have to win your favor just like everyone else. To him, it wasn’t normal, but looking at you, he didn’t seem to mind the extra work.
“Sure,” Saiki said. He still had trouble talking aloud, hell, sometimes he will actually use telekinesis and wait for your response only to have pure silence. “My parents are leaving for a wedding, so the house should be free for a while.”
When the two of you got to Saiki’s house, it was a bit peaceful until his parents had to head out. You liked his mom and dad a lot, they were like your second family, so you wanted to wish them a good time. It was for one Saiki’s dad’s coworkers.
“Are you sure you don’t wanna come with us?” Saiki’s dad asked his son. “You’ve met Kirishima before, and you can bring [Name] as your plus one date.”
You knew Saiki wasn’t going to be interested in a wedding. He always told you normal happy events for others is misery for him since he can hear the jealousy and pity that the crowd is thinking. You felt sorry that he couldn’t turn it off, but you were glad that you were the only person he could catch a break with. However, when you looking over at Saiki, he seemed to entertain the thought.
It was a new side to Saiki, one that made you confused. It was always either you or no one. You could tell the way he wanted to get away from many of the people in his class that seemed to have declared themselves his friends from a small interaction. Sure, you felt their interest, but it was just a bit sad to you that Saiki could never actually enjoy friends unless they were pure. Otherwise, he could hear all the backstabbing thoughts or otherwise stupid comments that go around in their brain that was thought to be private to them.
“I’m going to have to pass,” you commented. “I don’t have a suit, besides, you two should enjoy the night. It’s been a while since I’ve seen you both go out alone.”
Saiki’s mom smiled widely at you. Her eyes clouding over with a wet film before wrapping her arms around you for a tight hug. “Ah, thank you, [Name]! What would we do without you?”
You chuckled softy at the comment before saying, “Who knows, I rather not think about that.”
When she finally let you go, you and Saiki waved the both of them off as they left. Honestly, you weren’t sure if they’d even make it back at a reasonable time. It was a wedding, after all. Oh well, as long as they make it back drunk and safe rather than drunk and not safe, you didn’t mind. You were sleeping over anyway, so right now, you just wanted to hang out with your childhood best friend.
“What do you wanna do?” You asked with a calming tone.
Saiki turned his head to you. “TV?”
“Sure,” you smiled. However, as soon as you turned to the living room, you noticed the absolute mess his parents left behind. So, out of the goodness of your heart, you said, “How about you find something and all clean up this in the meantime. Sound good?”
Saiki nodded once more. He truly thought your actions were kind, but he rather have you watching TV with him than picking up his dad’s dirty clothes. He knew his father tended to be sloppy, but this was just a mess.
As you were about to pick up a pair of jeans, all the clothes that were strewn about the floor suddenly started to float in the air and shoot into the open washing machine. The trash floated itself into the garage while everything else was moved around to make it look clean until otherwise.
You pressed your lips together as your brows furrowed in annoyance. Once you turned to Saiki and saw his innocence face, you knew you couldn’t be angry but you had to ask, “Do you really want me to watch TV with you that bad?”
“Yes,” Saiki stated.
You sighed, your lips parting as you left the oxygen leave your lungs. “Fine, but let’s both clean up a bit before than. It’ll be a nice surprise and a way to thank your parents for letting me stay the night.”
Saiki nodded. “Okay.”
It took a bit of convincing on your end to let him let you help out. You may not have powers, but you didn’t want to take advantage of his. You knew it was effortless and he made it seem like it didn’t affect him whatsoever, but you knew every time he does something it takes a toll. His powers aren’t perfect.
You both ended up cleaning the living room, Saiki’s room, and now you were in the kitchen sorting the trash. Saiki was using his powers to sort while you whipped down the countertops.
“Good grief,” Saiki said aloud, his voice drawing your eyes to him. He was crouched down with two bags in front of him and the garage floating upside down, it’s contents was either going in the first or second bag.
“What?” You asked curiosity. It wasn’t all the time that he speaks from his mouth without you talking first.
“How could anyone have let it get this dirty in here?” He asked aloud. “I mean, really it’s a wonder we don’t have bugs.”
You were going to respond. That was until he suddenly shut his mouth, a chest deep grunt leaving him as you notice him stare at something on the furniture next to him.
It was a cockroach.
Mind you, the moment you realized what it was you weren’t the least bit surprised when he suddenly teleported. Saiki hates bugs. He could read the minds of humans, as well as animals, but he couldn’t with bugs. He thought they were small minded icky things. Hell, he couldn’t even let his powers touch the thing.
You counted down the seconds before he came back. It was around ten, maybe fifteen. He also teleported right behind you.
“Welcome back,” you greeted and watched as his eyes dart towards the floor.
“Sorry, I may have overreacted.” He muttered. “I just hate them.”
“I know,” you hummed out before looking around and grabbing a cup and piece of paper. Saiki watched you as you let the roach crawl on the piece of paper before placing the cup over it so it didn’t run away. You were quick to put it outside and close the window after so Saiki didn’t worry about it coming back in.
“All gone,” you cheered with a smile. “Now, let’s watch TV, ya?”
2. Saiki’s Pushy Friends
PK Academy was a school were many different personalities and people collided. It was always fun to meet new people in this school, yet on the other side of the coin, sometimes they were more than a little odd. Not like you can speak, your best friend was a psychic. Though, he wasn’t delusional like this one guy in your class that declared himself Saiki’s friend. His name was Kaido. He thinks he has powers and has an evil organization following him around.
Then, you have Nendou. Basically, he’s stupid. Not that you minded, but sometimes being stupid isn’t the best thing in the world, especially now.
It was the sports festival at PK and Saiki and you had to participate in it. You both were on the same team since all the teams were decided by class. This also gave you a good idea of the friends Saiki has made. It was safe to say that Kaido was growing on you. You felt a little bad for the guy, what can you say.
Let’s not forget about Hairo as well. You knew him a bit more from hearsay than the others, plus he was class rep. Though, you had to say, he was a little too overly enthusiastic.
It was kind of a surprise to see Teruhashi, the most popular girl in school, try and interact with Saiki. Though, it was a bit amusing since to him, she’s nothing more than walking muscle. However, you did think he would swoon over her like all the other guys in your school if she was like you. However, you knew Saiki had no interest in romance so you don’t care either way.
Finally, Nendou. You were originally going to say that you didn’t mind the guy that much and thought maybe he would be a good thing for Saiki. However, after just watching him take out one of the antennas from Saiki’s head, you started to wonder how much of a danger his stupidity is to Saiki.
You watched that pink haired friend of yours collapse to the ground with a hard thud as soon as Nendou pull the thing out of his head. You were quick to rush over to him and sit by his side. When you flipped him over, since he fell face forward, worry grew about your body and infected your bloodstream.
You heard protests about turning him over, but at this point all the worried voices drowned before they were even audible to you. His lips were parted as drool leaked from his mouth and went down his chin, his eyes dead and without life as darkness surrounded them. It didn’t take you long to recover and swipe the antenna Nendou was holding and pop it back in its rightful place in his pink locks.
You didn’t know how long it would take for him to wake up, or if he’d wake up at all. All you knew was to sit and wait for him to wake up. To your surprise, he woke up rather quickly. Maybe a mere minute or so after you fixed him up. When his eyes opened, you felt yourself suddenly get surrounded as Saiki’s friends crowed over him to ask how he was.
You noticed him using telepathy to talk to everyone when Hairo said, “You passed out after Nendou took that think out of your head, lucky for you, [Name] put it back right away!”
“Yeah, he saved your life!” Kaido spit out next, their hands placing on my shoulder out of respect and gratitude. 
Saiki’s eye then direct to you, his voice never leaving his lips for a moment before you noticed him flinch.
‘Ah,’ you thought. ‘He tried to use telepathy with me again.’
When he noticed, Saiki just nodded in your direction. You knew he was thanking you, he didn’t need to word it out to you. The look in his eyes was enough.
Lunch came immediately after Saiki ended up waking up, and it was understatement to say he didn’t want to be bother with anyone else besides you. He was quick to drag you to the roof of the school to eat.
The both of you sat against the railing, lunch in your laps. You wanted I just forget about the scare that Saiki gave you, but the after effects he was having wasn’t making that easy. He was having trouble, and it was easy to see when his hands were shaking so much that he couldn’t even pick up his food without it falling back in the box.
You side eyed him, his expression one of concentration as he tried to pick up his food again. Though, he dropped it again.
He sighed quickly after that, only looking down at his food as you saw his mind wonder off.
Once you finished chewing whatever food you had in your mouth, you placed your food to the side and moved so that you weren’t side to side, but rather across from Saiki’s body now. He didn’t register your movements until he saw a hand come into his view and pick up an item of food with his chopsticks.
When he turned to you, you had the chopsticks in your dominant hand and your other under the food so it didn’t drop to the filthy ground.
“C’mon, lemme help,” you said. It was easy for Saiki to pick up the worry in your tone, however he knew not to address it or else you’ll just either deny it or baby him. “Open up.”
He obeyed your command after a moment, opening his mouth wide enough for you to place his food in his mouth. The hand that was meant to catch the food if it fell made sure Saiki closed his mouth, his fingers placed a bit of pressure under his chin to shut his jaws before slowly trailing away. The food wasn’t nearly as satisfying as the chill that ran down his spine at your lingering touch that crawled on his skin.
“I could hurt you.” He suddenly spit out. It was pained. “Having my antenna taken out messed up my powers.”
You leaned your head to the side, your eyes never falling from his. “Yeah, I kinda figured.”
“You should go.” He stated.
“I just told you.”
You smiled. “Saiki, you could never hurt me.”
He looked at you like you had something stuck in your teeth. “You don’t know that, I may not be able to read your mind, but I don’t know how my other powers react to you.”
You remained quiet for a moment before shuffling your body side by side again, your head falling to rest of Saiki’s shoulder. You felt him flinch at the contact, his muscles even began to tighten just out of fear.
“Yanno,” you started out saying, your hand coming up to play the antenna that you could reach. “It’s odd to me how these things are the only thing keeping you stable.”
“Is it?”
You chuckled and nodded. “Small things like these verses your powers. The thing that gets me is that these things actually win in that fight. Though, I suppose it does complete the look you have.”
“And what look is that?” Saiki asked as he gazed down at you to see your eyes already on him. He could feel his fingers twitch as he watched you say shamelessly, “The cute, mysterious loner type.”
Saiki’s lips parted as he gazed at you. He quickly recomposed himself when he noticed you waiting patiently for him to respond. He sighed before asking, “Mysterious loner? Where’d you get that?”
You laughed before sarcastically questioning, “yep, I wonder where.”
3. Your friends are my friends
You don’t know how you got wrapped into this, but perhaps it’ll allow you to know Saiki’s friends better.
Currently, you were walking with Kaido, Nendou, and Saiki to a good ramen shop Nendou suggested. You were dragged along when Nendou remembered you from the Sports Festival and as Saiki’s friend. They never really got the chance to speak to you since you’re usually out the door as soon as the bell rings, but today they finally caught you.
At some point Teruhashi joined the group, though you feel like she kinda took over since now the boys, except for Saiki and you, were fawning over her. Saiki and you took it upon yourselves to give them all room to talk to her, so you both sorts trailed behind.
It was silent for a while, the only noise was Nendou or Kaido talking to Teruhashi. However, you caught the, “what does that even mean,” that Saiki mumbled under his breath.
“Hm?” You hummed. “What does what mean?”
It was obvious to you he didn’t realize he said that aloud. But he just seemed to be glad that only you heard that.
“Teruhashi wants me to go ‘oh wow’ or something to her.” Saiki revealed. “I don’t even know what that means.”
You kept your gaze on Saiki for a moment. “So, she likes you?”
“I guess,” he muttered. “I think it’s more that I’m the only guy that isn’t kissing her feet.”
You watched Teruhashi interact with Nendou and Kaido. You know that, normally, she wouldn’t take time to hang out with these guys. However, because of her crush on Saiki, she bares with them. In all honesty, she seems a bit perfect. Being able to deal with them just for the person she adores. It’s easy for anyone to do, and not a lot of people would even bother.
“She seems like a good fit for you.” You suddenly uttered out.
When Saiki heard that, he felt his hands twitch. He didn’t like that, not one bit. What irked him the most was that it seemed natural, like you actually meant it. And, of course, he had no way of knowing if those words were genuine or actually forced.
“No way,” Saiki stated coldly. “Never in a million years.”
“Damn, that’s cold, Saiki.” He heard you say, a teasing tone wedged in your voice.
“Why do you keep calling me Saiki, anyway? We aren’t acquaintances.”
“Hm?” You questioned. “I thought you don’t like me calling you by your first name in public?”
Saiki sighed. “Well now I’m telling you I don’t care.”
Saiki knew this way of showing that you were closer to him than anyone would ever be may have been childish on his part, but when he heard his first name come from your lips in front of his other ‘friends’, he felt more than satisfied. 
4. Friendship Can Bring Romance
Being able to rest during class was one of your guilty pleasures. Even if you got called out by your teacher, you didn’t mind. It was better when it was raining outside, the patter of rain when it hit the window made you want to nap.
“Hey,” a voice called out to you. You didn’t listen though, it wasn’t important.
“Hey, [Name],” it called out again. Okay, maybe you should wake up. Then again, sleep. You could always sleep later though.
You fluttered your eyes open as you felt your body being pushed around. When your sight became focused, the blurry figure in front of you showed a blue hair kid. You knew him, but from where?
“Saiki asked me to wake you up, sorry,” he confessed.
Oh, right. That’s Kaido, Saiki’s friend.
“Hm? Where is Kusuo?” You asked in a groggy voice, your hand coming up to wipe your eyes.
“Oh, he went home.” Kaido informed you. “Something just came up, I guess.”
“Alright,” you hummed before the end of your lips pulled upward. “Thank you, Kaido.”
It wasn’t easy for Kaido to wake up the quiet kid. Kaido only met the guy once or twice, and when he was hanging with him, you only stayed close to Saiki. It was kinda odd, but Kaido understood your attachment to the pink haired man. Saiki was Kaido’s first friend, after all, so he knew how awesome the guy was.
Though, he’s never got the chance to speak to you. He knows Saiki never really goes anywhere with you, and somehow you always end up by his side. He just always seemed to miss you when it came to getting the chance to introduce himself so Kaido was pretty glad when you came along the trip to that ramen place, even if it was a dumb and he got distracted by Teruhashi.
Kaido knew you were the closest person to Saiki. He’s pretty sure that not even Nendou is as close to Saiki as you are. And those two are best friends. Kaido didn’t know the extend of how long you two have been friends, but he does know from watching that Saiki has respect for you. So, it was critical that he makes a great impression with you so that he can become closer to Saiki and maybe you as well.
“S-Sure, no problem!” He stuttered, his bandaged hand retracting from your shoulder and holding them up in the air in a surrendered notion.
“Do you live around here at all? I’ll walk you home as a thank you.” You said as you stood from your seat and began to search for your bag.
“What? You don’t have to do that, really, it isn’t necessary!” Kaido spit out quickly, his words jumping all over the place.
“It’s really no trouble at all,” you stated as you put your bag over your shoulder. “C’mon, let’s get going before the rain gets worse.”
The rain eventually stopped when both teens got closer to your house. Kaido’s was further ahead, so he thought it would be better if he just walked you home instead so you didn’t have to walk more than you have to already.
“So, you’ve been friends with Saiki since he was little, huh?” Kaido asked as you explained why Saiki trusts you so much. “That’s pretty awesome! What was he like back then?”
“Pretty much the same.” You answered. “Though he did get more handsome throughout the years, and he used to be kinda sweet. Now, not so much.”
“I see, so you guys have been through it all together.” Kaido replied.
“Basically, though, he did start to worry me a bit since I was his only friend for a really long time,” you confessed. You paused as you looked up at Kaido and gave him a smile, “But I’m glad he finally made a friend like you.”
Kaido could feel his heart beat a million miles an hour just at the words you strung together. He never heard kinder words than those, and he was even more thrilled that he succeeded in making a good impression on Saiki’s childhood friend!
“It’s, uh, n-no problem, really!” Kaido muttered out as his whole face began to fluster, his hands going everywhere.
“Oh,” you hummed out.
“Hm?” Kaido questioned. His nerves going down. “What is it?”
“Did you know you were dragging your scarf the whole time?” You asked curiosity as your hands started to real in the extra fabric.
“What?” He asked out of pure shock. Though, realizing that he doesn’t make a fool out of himself he said, “O-Of course I did! It’s a fashion choice.”
“Not the best one,” you stated as you stepped closer to the blue haired male.
Kaido’s eyes widened as he stated directly into your colored orbs, watching them dance solely for him. It was like getting attention from a loved one, but this attention make him nervous to the point where he thought his face was going to explode with red. Kaido’s lips slowly started to disappear as the scarf started to build up around his shoulders and neck.
“There you go,” you said, “much better. Now your scarf doesn’t get more dirty and you look even better.”
‘Even better? What’s that supposed to mean? Does it.. does it mean he thought I looked good before?!’ Kaido thought.
Kaido let out an awkward laugh as he played with the end of the scarf. “O-Oh, haha, thank you.”
“Sure,” you hummed. “Now let’s get going.”
5. Blessing Turned On Jealousy
What’s that saying, the enemy of my enemy is my friend? Yeah, that’s it. See, that could apply to this yet at the same time it would go a little different.
More like, the enemy of my best friend is my friend. At least for your situation. You see, walking home with Saiki has now turned into walking home with Saiki, Nendou, and Kaido. Not that you mind, but sometimes you really do wish it was back to when Saiki and you got to spend time alone together. However, being friends with Saiki and then having his friends automatically become your friends may have some perks.
Like now. Bumping into Kaido’s mom was totally accidental. But, in the end it payed off. Why?
Because coffee jelly.
“I know it’s not easy being friends with my son because he’s so shy, but please be patient.” Kaido’s mom announced as she placed the coffee jelly down in front of Saiki and you.
“Please don’t say that mama—I mean—mother.” Kaido pleased, his voice cracking as it got higher with embarrassment.
Overall, the beginning was a very nice. Hell, it was damn near perfect. Although, you just had to snoop around. Well, it was more like exploring Kaido’s room.
Your fingertips brushed along the spines of the many books Kaido had stacked up in his bookcase. It was seriously amazing how many books he had, he even had some original copies of some famous old books.
“This is pretty awesome,” you muttered to yourself before your eyes spotted something that didn’t quite match with the others. In all honesty, you were simply curious. However, curiosity did kill the cat. In your case, more like awakened the Saiki K.
“Hey, Kaido, what is the Jet Black Wings?” You asked aloud as the group sat down eating whatever snacks were about. You would always hear either chewing or at least some conversation, but after that question left your mouth it was dead silent. You felt like you killed something, but when you looked over you noticed Kaido’s face beat red. Seriously, his entire face was as red as a blood moon.
“P-Put that back!” He stuttered out, the blue haired boy suddenly running up to you to snatch the book from your hand.
As he reached for it, you held it higher. Even if he was about the same height or maybe a inch or so taller, you just needed to make him miss his hand from grabbing it.
“Don’t be embarrassed, I’m just curious.” You calmly said. “Is it bad or something?”
“N-No! It’s nothing, uh, bad! Just give me it back!” Kaido begged this time around, his hands trying desperately to grab it from you. Okay, maybe you were being a little mean at this point, but it was kinda fun to tease him.
You began to back up as Kaido trying to nab the book in your hand. “Just explain it!”
“No! Never!” He shouted.
You couldn’t help but laugh a little, though, that was your fatal mistake. Having yourself distracted by your own humor, your mind didn’t take into account the pile of prep books scattered about until it was too late. You quickly lost your voice, as well as your balance before slamming your head hard against the wood floors.
“Woah! You guys okay?” Nendou asked out of genuine concern.
As much as you would have liked to answer him, you were too concerned with the pain pounding into your skull like a jackhammer. Seriously, this is gonna give you one massive headache.
You scrunched your nose as your finally gave effort to open your eyes, though, they permanently remained open when you noticed a face staring down at you, a body on top of yours. You guessed that during the fall Kaido tried to save you, but only got dragged along instead.
“H-Hey, um, are you okay?” He asked under his shaky breath.
You only nodded before trying to avoid his gaze in any possible way. The position you were in didn’t help whatsoever in that department. Instead, you hoped that Kaido would take the hint and get off. That plan wasn’t looking too good cause all that was running through his mind was how you looked under him. Let’s say, the thoughts he had left a distaste in Saiki’s mouth.
Originally, he was just gonna let you handle it, but after hearing Kaido’s perverted thoughts about you, that plan blew up.
Saiki stood up, leaving his coffee jelly half eaten before grabbing Kaido by the back of his shirt and yanking him off of you. Saiki gave some strength into that but not enough to launch him into the bookshelf like he wanted too. He knelt down to come to your level and help you up, your massive headache being noticeable when you held onto the back of your head.
“Damnit, that really hurt,” you muttered to yourself but Saiki heard it clear as day.
It wasn’t long after that he took you home as well as the left over coffee jelly. Saiki advised you to stay home a day just to let the pain die down a bit before going back to school, so, the pink haired boy was all alone today. And all alone to everyone else meant to bother him more than usual.
Teruhashi, Nendou, Hairo. All of them. Though, it was a bit weird that Kaido wasn’t bothering with him today. Not that he was complaining, but he couldn’t pinpoint the answer until he heard Kaido’s thoughts, ‘I need to ask Saiki for permission. They’re best friends, it would be rude if I didn’t ask permission to ask out [Name].’
Never mind. He didn’t need to know that.
It was around lunch time that Kaido walked up to Saiki for the first one, the blush that littered his cheeks made Saiki want to gag for a moment.
“So, uh, Saiki, I have to ask you something.” Kaido uttered out lowly. Clearly, this was nerve wracking for him.
“What is it?” Saiki asked telepathically.
“Well, it’s about [Name], yanno, our [Name]?”
‘What other person has that name?’ Saiki thought. ‘And don’t say our, it’s creepy.’
“You see, I, well, I think I like him and I’d like your blessing to ask him out!” Kaido shouted, his body bowing at an almost 90 degree angle.
Normally, Saiki would just say to do whatever since he could read [Name]’s thoughts and see that he doesn’t like Kaido in that way. However, the one person in the world that Saiki actually wants is immune to his powers. He knew he needed to shut this down fast.
‘No way.’ Saiki responded.
“Thank you so much, Saiki, you won’t—wait—why not?” Kaido asked aloud, his voice getting higher the more he freaked out. He thought this would be easy, he means, it was Saiki. The most chill guy ever actually gave him a hard ‘no’ to asking out his best friend. Kaido shouldn’t be surprised, even though he is.
‘Because I said so,’ Saiki strictly put. He knew it was wrong to say this, who was he to say no to something that isn’t his business. Though, the feeling of relief that he still had a chance was more satisfying in the end.
By the time Saiki got to your house it was basically as soon as school ended. He used teleportation to get here as fast as he could, as well as just appear in your room. He wasn’t expecting you to still be asleep, though, he supposed this wasn’t too bad.
The pink haired male carefully walking up to the bedside of his best friend. It was odd to see your hair going in one direction instead of all over the place like normal, and don’t even get him started on the soft snores that came from your nose. Snoring isn’t usually the most attractive thing in the world, but this light snores from you made him think of the habit as cute.
Now, he would normally wake you up. But, just allowing himself to look at you for a moment longer without any consequences never hurt anybody. Saiki sat himself down on your floor, his eyes keeping to your closed ones as they slowly began to travel down to your lips. He doesn’t know what came over him, but it seriously began to freak him out when he started think about Kaido touching his lips with yours. After the freak out, jealousy was spiraling around in the psychic. He never knew that Kaido, of all people, would actually develop romantic feelings for you. If he did, he would have never allowed the both of you to interact the way you did at his house the other day.
Saiki let out a sigh before standing up once more, his hand came up to your shoulder slowly and began to shake it. It wasn’t long after that your eyes fluttered open and gave him that soft smile that caused his heart to skip a beat.
6. School Trip
The school trip was always the most looked forward to activity in high school. This year it was a three day trip to Okinawa. While you were excited to spend some time at a gorgeous place like Okinawa, Saiki was definitely less excited.
As kids talked with their friends in a group or just at their desks, you were currently sitting on top of Saiki’s desk with the pink haired boy sitting in the chair. This wasn’t something you always do, especially since at times Saiki has pushed you off out of retaliation, but after a moment or two of still being there, you knew he didn’t mind today.
“You excited?” You asked him.
“No. I don’t get the appeal.” He spit out, his eyes closing as he moved his head down. “I could get to Okinawa in three minutes.”
“Kusuo, not everyone is like you.” You explained. “So don’t go getting moody on this trip, I’m not letting you ruin it for me.”
“I won’t, I’m just saying a fact.” He replied.
You were about to continue with things you’re excited to do during the trip before Hairo came around to the both of you with a clip board in hand. He was responsible for dividing rooms.
“Saiki, [Name], did you guys decide on your group for the class trip?” He asked politely. “You should have three boys and three girls in your group.”
Saiki didn’t say anything, instead he just rested his head against your forearm. Perhaps he wanted Hairo to think he fell asleep and leave it to you, or maybe he was actually saying that he didn’t care as long as he was with you. Either way, you smiled at the contact and said to Hairo, “Kusuo and I will be rooming, it doesn’t matter who else is in our group.”
“Okay, great!” Hairo exclaimed as he wrote it down. “Kaido and Nendou are still available so I’ll just place Kaido with your group, and then randomly place you guys with a girls group.”
“Thanks, Hairo,” you hummed out as he walked away to probably inform Kaido about the rooming.
You never minded contact with Saiki, in fact, you sort of enjoyed it. However, seeing him still like this, even with Hario now gone, you worried.
“Hey, Kusuo,” you called out.
No answer.
“Kusuo?” You asked this time. And when he didn’t answer again you unconsciously moved your hand up to his head and moved it back to where you could look him in the eyes. Saiki’s face was still without expression, though, those eyes worried you. He seemed, almost, upset.
“Kusuo?” You asked. “What’s wrong?”
He shook his head, signaling that nothing was wrong. You knew he was lying.
You tilted your head, some of your hair moving with gravity to expose part of your forehead. “Why are you lying to me?”
“I’m not.” He said, his voice was steady and yet, that look in his eyes still bothered you.
You knew he wasn’t going to budge but still, just because you’re going to let it go now doesn’t mean that you weren’t about to keep an eye on him.
Throughout the beginning and the first day of the trip, you kept an eye on Saiki. He seemed way more tired than usual, but that didn’t startle you. Instead, it was how he was by your side more often now when Kaido was around. You weren’t an idiot, it was pretty obvious. You didn’t mind Saiki’s attention, but you didn’t want him to think just because you were friends with Kaido that he’d be put second.
“Kusuo, can we talk?” You asked him as the two of you had the room to yourselves. The others were out and about, but the two of you decided on an early night.
“About what?” He asked as he set up his sleeping area.
“Today.” You started out. “You’ve been acting weird around Kaido. Did something happen?”
You watched Saiki carefully, so carefully that you noticed his fingers lightly curl around the blanket. You didn’t want to push him, so instead of pushing him to speak, you allowed yourself to be silent and let him take his time. You don’t remember how many minutes pasted, but you swear it felt like decades.
“Nothing happened.” He informed you. “His thoughts just aren’t for my taste at the moment.”
“His thoughts?” You questioned as you slowly approached Saiki on his blanket until you were right in front of him. “Okay, then, what’s got you all bothered? Let me guess, he’s thinking dirty things, right?”
“Sort of.” He replied.
“I bet it’s about Teruhashi,” you theorized. “Is that why you don’t like it?”
“No, it’s not about Teruhashi.”
“Really? Then who?”
Saiki went quiet once more.
You sighed. Your head moving down to get a glimpse at his face. It wasn’t until you moved your hand over by his, your finger tips brushing with his accidentally to get more stability as you leaned in did you hear him finally confess.
“It was about you.”
To say that you needed a minute to take that in was an understatement. Kaido was a good guy and all, but it was kinda startling to realize he liked guys, as well as girls, since you didn’t suspect that even for a minute with him.
“Seriously?” You asked once more.
Saiki nodded. “He asked me if he could ask you out.”
“And what did you say?”
You couldn’t help a smile crawl upon your face with that one. You knew it was a bit hard to read Saiki, especially when it came to you, but you were just beyond happy to hear that.
“Good,” you suddenly shot out. Saiki’s head moving back up in an instant to see your happy features. “I don’t like Kaido like that anyway, saves me from breaking his heart.”
“You don’t?”
“Nope.” You hummed out. You knew this may backfire on you in more ways than one, but right now, you didn’t care. The happiness you felt told you to take a chance and throw out the bait. “I know you can’t read my mind, but I actually do have someone I like.”
Saiki aimlessly stared at you for a moment and took in the words you confessed to him. It was an odd feeling, the rapid beating of his heart, but perhaps this was finally the start of things going his way for once.
On the second day of the trip, everyone went to Emerald Beach. It was one of the many places were people could stare at others and no one would think anything of it. A perverts dream. Though, for Saiki, he just wanted to hang out with you.
“Where’s [Name]?” Kaido asked Nendou as Saiki stood behind the two.
“He said he had to go buy a swimsuit. The one he brought apparently went missing.” Nendou told the blue haired boy.
Now, that want a mistake. Sure, it may have been a dirty trick but Saiki rather die than see you in the swimsuit you brought. After all, you bought a shirt with it. He knew you didn’t take off your shirt often, even at the beach, but he was determined to see you with just a pair of shorts.
Much like how all the guys that crowded around the girls changing house waited patiently to see Teruhashi in a two piece swim suit.
It was a while after Teruhashi came out, and when everyone was in the water that you made your appearance. You had your hands wedged into your swim shirt pockets as you allowed your feet to take in the hot sand that felt magical between your toes. You gazed around for a moment before noticing pink hair sitting under an umbrella.
A devilish smirk crawled on your features as you began to slowly approach the male. This may give Saiki a heart attack, but it was worth it. As you stood over him from behind, you attacked. Your body shot down as your arms wrapped aruund his neck and pushed your chest into his bare back.
“Hey, what’s a cute guy like you doing all alone at a place like this?” You teased, allowing your voice to go on for some time so that he realized it was just you.
Saiki immediately flinched at the contact before noticing it was just you. However, when he noticed the touch of your skin against his, he could feel his entire body heat up. The sensation was new, he’s felt his face go hot before, but his entire body was a new one.
“What took you so long?” Saiki tried to play off.
You just sighed and got a tighter grip on the male, your chest pushing more into his back. “Someone stole my swimsuit. Sadly, I didn’t have enough money to replace the whole thing, so I had to go by some swim shorts.”
“Hm, as least you’re here.” Saiki stated, making sure not to comment on the ‘stolen swimsuit’.
“Yeah,” you uttered as you released Saiki from your grasp and sat down next to him. You gazed out at the beautiful ocean that was filled with laughing people with this loving look in your eyes, all the while not realizing Saiki’s held that same gaze as he stared at you.
When you did turn to him, he completely lost himself in his mind as his eyes wondered about your figure. You weren’t the most fit guy in the world, but you did have these subtle yet enchanting muscle lines along your upper body that made Saiki lose himself.
“I saw that.” You suddenly said. Saiki’s eyes now darting back to yours. “You just checked me out.”
Saiki saw no way out of this one. So, he just confessed it. “So what if I was?”
In all honesty, he just expected you to laugh and tell him that it’s only fair if he does the same. However, the twist was unexpected and, well, definitely appreciated. He watched as you gazed down, this bashful look in your eyes as you did everything to avoid his gaze. Your body language wasn’t helping either. Your fingers were tapping against the towel and the heel of your foot was moving back and forth.
Maybe this trip wasn’t totally for nothing.
7. All That Was A Secret
Spring break. It was one of those weeks that Saiki went to go visit his grandparents all the way in the middle fo nowhere. So, for the most of this break, you were home alone. 
It was kind of boring. This break was definitely not one that you looked forward to, more now then before, especially after the beach during the class trip. Those words always ended up repeating in your mind, way too much then you thought they would. Then again, you shouldn’t be surprised. All those days that you’d try to subtly touch him, tease him, it was just a way to relieve yourself of the pent up emotions you’ve had for him for a few years now. 
Currently, you were in your room upon your bed, hugging one of your pillows close to your chest. You never tried to dwell on if Saiki felt the same or not, but recently, it’s been clawing at you more and more. It wasn’t like you didn’t think you had a chance, but more if Saiki was more comfortable just staying friends. You would understand, even if it would hurt, you’d do it for him. You’d do anything for that guy. 
You sighed before slowly lifting your body off the bed. Today wasn’t a good day for being sad, it was summer break, after all. You knew you had to get your mind off Saiki, and him being away made it a bit easier. So, you grabbed some clothes from your closet and laid them on the bed. You weren’t sure what you were going to do, but you were determined to fine something to take your mind off him. 
You let your pants drop to the ground before taking the ones on your bed and letting your legs slip through each of the pant legs. Next, you stripped your shirt off and took in a deep breath. You paused for a moment before dropping the dirty shirt on the ground and grabbing the new one. In all honestly, you never really pay attention to your surroundings when changing. But, does anyone? It wasn’t until your head went through the hole on the top of the shirt did you realize that the bed in front of you was now missing and the wall you were staring at was not the wall of your bed room. When you turned your head, you locked eyes with Saiki in an unfamiliar room. 
“Huh?” You uttered under your breath before your eyes widened, your face felling hotter than usual before frantically pulling your shirt all the way down. Once down, you opened your mouth and said, “You can’t do that without me knowing! What if I was in the middle of a shower or something and not just changing?”
“I would have given you some of my clothes.” He replied nonchalantly.
You bit the inside of your cheek before crossing your arms over your chest. “Why did you teleport me anyway?”
“I can’t stand it here.” Saiki confessed. Of course, you knew he didn’t exactly enjoying visiting his grandparents but he has never done this before. “Just hang out with me. I’ll send you back after.”
You sighed. You can’t exactly say no after that, so, with that Saiki and you began to watch a movie. It wasn’t one you two watched before so it was easy to get lost in it. Though, it was also easy to focus on Saiki when he suddenly placed his hand on top of yours as you guys watched. You weren’t too sure if he thought you wouldn’t notice, but there was no way you were going to pull away. After all, it’s not like he placed his fingers between yours, if he did that, you don’t know if you could handle it. 
After a half an hour into the movie you finally got the plot of it, and you weren’t amused at all. It was a best friends to lovers troupe. More specifically, childhood friends that drifted apart only to be brought back together by work and now slowly are developing feelings for one another. Let’s just say now, you were a little more than nervous. 
Thank god Saiki couldn’t read your mind, because now, you feel like you’d give him a headache. You couldn’t help but ask yourself if he knows and is only doing this to taunt you, or maybe this was all just a big coincident. Yeah, one massive coincident. In reality though, Saiki was just teasing you. He had no idea of your feelings but he wanted to watch the movie with you to implant the idea in his mind of the possibility.
Well, his plan was working. Maybe a little too much. Though, as you were about to spit something out, your eyes suddenly shot down to the floor in embarrassment. Yep, a make out scene. Of course, Saiki had no idea about that, but it was better than just the sappy stuff cause now it was really ingrained in your head. 
Once it was over and you had somewhat of your cool back you couldn’t help it. You needed to ask. If it blew up in flames, then so be it. 
“Hey, Saiki,” you uttered out lowly. Saiki caught it immediately and turned his gaze on you. “I have a.. question.”
“What?” He asked.
“Well,” your voice trailed off as you moved your eyes down to where both of your hands connected. “We’ve been best friends for a long time now but, have you ever, um, thought about doing...that?
Saiki remained quiet for a moment, his thoughts going everywhere before thinking to himself, ‘All the time, actually.’
As much as he wish he could have said that telepathically, he could never try to say that vocally. So, he just opted for a nod and watched your body flinch. The hand he touched growing warm.
“You’re hot.” Saiki suddenly spit out. This time, you brought your hand back to your body so he couldn’t tell anymore. 
“S-So what?” You stuttered out.
To say that Saiki didn’t like this side of you was an understatement. He’s never never seen you so flustered before, and it was really adorable to look at.
“It’s cute.” Saiki commented, his body leaning in just to see your face closer.
You turned your head to the side, eyes darting to the tv just to look away for a moment to compose yourself. You knew that there wasn’t gonna be another perfect moment like this so, you slowly reached over to place your hand on the back of Saiki’s neck. It was warm. When he noticed what you wanted as you started to lean back and gently pull him with you, he complied quickly until he gazed at you from above. Suddenly, he was jealous at the fact that Kaido got to see this view before him. 
He stared at you for a moment before watching you bite down on your bottom lip, his mind doing backflips at the want to read your mind, but also at how good you looked under him. 
“Kiss me.” You whispered under your breath, just loud enough for him to hear. 
“If I do,” Saiki uttered lowly. “I might not be able to stop.”
“That’s okay.”
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starvine · 3 years
first date headcanons
attack on titan (modern au)
summary: some first date headcanons with some of the attack on titan characters. 
warnings: none, just fluff :)
eren jaeger: movie 
a little basic but it’s all eren could come up with
besides, it was between a movie and dinner and dinner felt too formal so y’all decided on a movie
he’d let you pick the movie tho
he might argue with you if it’s something stupid and claim that it’s horribly written (as if he knows a thing) but that’s it
eren would make sure to get the BEST snacks. spicy food? check. candy? check. popcorn? check. fruits? check.
he just wants to impress you (even if he did have to confide in his friends for some advice)
he just really likes you
during the movie, you guys would start shifting closer to each other, both a little too timid to move all the way all at once
but you guys would make commentary throughout the movie, laughing when things seem too cliché or when a character says something funny
half way throughout the movie, you guys aren’t even really paying attention it it
you’re too busy throwing popcorn at each other and trying to catch it in your mouths, feeding each other candy, and giggling at each other
it’s intimate in its own relaxed way, which makes eren realize how perfect you are
you both could make the most out of a pretty average first date situation and make it into a beyond amazing first date
and that was all he needed to ask you on a second date before he dropped you off at your car, walking with you to make sure you got there safely
and ngl you’d be a bit of a fool to say no to eren
armin arlert: aquarium 
sweetheart is so nervous 
before he came to your apartment to pick you up for your date, he was a little nervous wreck 
he was fidgeting with his fingers, playing with the buttons on his shirt--he probably accidentally opened one by accident 
but once he saw you, he felt fine 
it was as if he physically melted, you just make everything okay 
once you guys got to the aquarium, he would NOT shut up
he was probably pointing things out, telling you fun facts, asking you what is your favorite marine life 
“oh, you like pufferfish? that’s cool! i like them too. they’re very... puffy.” 
he’s like a child in a candy store 
but while he’s rambling about how the digestive system of a sea cucumber basically cleans the ocean, he’s wondering how he should make a move 
he doesn’t want to scare you off or anything, but he doesn’t want you to be disappointed 
but while you guys are looking at one of those large fish tanks, the ones where you walk through a tunnel, you guys just sort of stand there and watch in awe
or rather armin watches in awe while you look at him, a soft smile gracing his pink lips as his eyes dart across the illustriously blue colored glass
and when he feels your pinky latch onto his, he’s a little shocked that you had made the first move
he didn’t not expect it per say, he just thought that he would be the one to make the first move 
but his overthinking got in the way
and when he turns to look down at your intertwined pinkies, he caught you sending him a delicate smile that made his heart squeeze until he felt as if every part of him was on fire
but it was him who finally held your hand fully 
he just needed you to give him the extra push
mikasa ackerman: book store 
it’s a very calming atmosphere, which is something you’d both need for this first date
mikasa is probably pretty anxious for the first date, and wants to make sure you’re okay and enjoying yourself while also making sure she’s okay and enjoying herself
so the calming scent of the book store and the quietness is perfect for her to multitask between mediating the two
you’d both be tasked with picking each other books and then buying them for each other
so initially mikasa was nervous because she wasn’t sure what to get you but then you asked what she liked to read and so that allowed her to ask the same, making the situation less stressful
and all while you two are walking from isle to isle, eyes scanning the various book titles and covers, she sneaks glances at you and how pretty you look
and the fact that you seem very deep in thought, heavily concentrated on getting her the right book, makes her feel less concerned on whether or not you’d rather be with her or not
the answer is obviously a yes but mikasa has a hard time understanding that sometimes
so when you give her the book you bought for her, making sure to lightly touch her fingers while you hand it to her, she already knows that another date is what she wants you both to have or else she’ll probably explode
and based off of how flushed she looks, the possibility of her exploding is not highly unlikely
you guys will sit at this little table in the corner of the store, reading your books
i can picture mikasa annotating certain lines that remind her of you, making mental notes to show you later
overall, the date is pretty lowkey and very sweet
connie springer: dave + busters/bowling
ok there’s not much of an explanation for this one besides the point that if feels right
like connie is pretty energetic and i feel like you can learn a lot about a person based off of the games they’re drawn to 
hence the arcade
i think connie really likes those racing games or the zombie shooting games
he also claims he’s really good at ski ball (he’s not, he’s trash)
so a good portion of the date consists of you just laughing at him the whole time cuz in all honestly he’s not the best at games but he enjoys them for the fun of them
he’d definitely cheer you on when you were playing or try to mess you up if it was you two against each other
but either way he’d give you a hug or a pat on the head after every game
even if u beat him
he’d probably try to sneak a kiss when you guys were in one of those shooting games that requires a booth and the curtains drawn (does that make sense?)
it’s not really romantic like at all, especially since it smells like a million different people in there, but it’s very low stress so in all honesty that’s what makes the kiss nice
and after you guys had used up all your tokens, you’d combine your tickets and pick something together
your prizes would mostly consist of candy and him insisting he get you a plastic gem ring so you can always remember your first date together
it was also his little, strange way of asking you for a second date
levi ackerman: art museum 
unlike connie, he’s not super energetic
so a museum is right up his alley
levi’s a bit awkward, he doesn’t really know how to talk to you
and especially since you’re lovely, his words jumble together and he gets all flustered
so a nice, quiet museum exhibit is perfect for him
it’s a nice balance between casual and formal, so you both dress nice but aren’t restricted by the need to be super polite and stuff
he’d probably like it when you try to imitate the poses that are shown in the paintings or sculptures
just imagine the soft chuckle he’d be unable to prevent from escaping his lips which then melts into a soft smirk
beautiful, beautiful lad
he probably wouldn’t join you though, he doesn’t want to embarrass himself
he just smiles at you and stares at the art, reading the background info they give on those little plates near them
but he would notice when you stare at him
he could be looking at some art made during the dutch golden age, but as soon as your head slightly tilted in his direction, his cheeks would HEAT up
you almost asked him if he was feeling alright he was so red
but as the date went on, levi really just thought about how much he enjoyed your presence
and he’s not a wicked talkative guy so being able to feel comfortable with someone even if you aren’t talking or doing much is pretty important to him
as the date concludes, levi finally works up the courage to place his hand on your shoulder, asking if there was anything else you wanted to see before the museum closes for the day
his face might be bright red, but the smile you give him makes him feel a little less embarrassed
what can you say, you’ve got charm 💅
hange: the fucking zoo
ok i won’t lie when i got the idea of hange taking you to the zoo for your first date i thought it was so funny and idk why
like they’d be so excited that they’d nearly forget that they’re on a date with you
they’d drag you around from exhibit to exhibit, pointing out the exact breed of tortoise or some really strange fact about the zebras without looking at the little description panel in front of the exhibit
it’s pretty comical
but then randomly, when you guys are sitting down and eating some fries from one of the concession stands, they start going on a rant about animal cruelty and how a lot of zoos don’t treat the animals properly
and you’re just sitting there like “what 🧍‍♀️” cuz they’re mood changed so quickly LMAO
and as soon as their rant started, it finishes and they’re rushing you to the reptile exhibit
they’d probably try to figure out if they could hold one of the snakes
you’d have to drag them out of there before they start harassing one of the workers into letting them hold a snake
they’d also give all of the animals names only to forget them in 2 seconds
“hey, robert, it’s good to see you again!” “hange, i thought you named them dante?” “oh... did i? 😁”
however there’s probably like one animal they absolutely despise and idk why but i feel like it’s parrots
y’all would be walking through this rainforest exhibit, birds flying from tree to tree and the whole time they’re cursing the birds under their breath for no reason at all
just an angry person walking through a rainforest exhibit, cursing out birds
pretty normal if you ask me
however, the date itself is pretty casual and almost feels like you guys are just hanging out
or it would if they didn’t ask you out on another date before dropping you off at home, kissing your cheek as their farewell
pieck finger: café
very simple and quaint
i feel like pieck has a coffee addiction and always puts her in a better mood
so what better place to go on a date then a café?
she’s definitely an iced coffee drinker, and will occasionally go for a hot drink but usually iced coffee is her go-to
and if you get a coffee or tea that she also happens to like, you’re already practically golden in her eyes
since pieck has a very soothing and lowkey nature, i can see the date being much more just like a conversation with someone you’ve known for forever instead of interview-y which is something i’ve found coffee/lunch/dinner dates to be a bit like
but pieck knows how to keep things interesting and she’s a pretty calming person to be around so all is well
i also can’t see her getting super nervous before the date
she seems pretty calm unless in high-stress situations, but even then, she’s pretty level-headed
but since she’s so calm, it makes you wonder if she really cares for the date
and of COURSE she does, she’s so excited about it
it’s just the way pieck is
but as the date continues, she’d probably start to tease you by playing footsies under the table
you gotta keep the date interesting, you know?
you guys would talk about your interests, family, friends, shows you’re watching
literally just anything and everything that’ll allow you guys to get a feel for each other
and if all goes well she’ll definitely suggest another date ;)
also don’t expect to leave without her either writing something cute on your cup, pressing a lip-stick stained kiss to your cheek that matches the one surrounding the rim of her cup, or a promise that your game of footsies will continue next time you see each other
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shotowoki · 3 years
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PAIRING: shouto todoroki x gn!reader WARNINGS: fluff, swearing, kissing, mutual-pinning, implied nsfw, pretty much just fluffy goodness :) WORDCOUNT: 4k
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SYNOPSIS: Being roommates out of sheer convenience shouldn't have been a problem. It shouldn't have been as difficult as Shouto had made it out to be. I mean, you two barely spoke, barely found time to be together in one room and barely even came in contact with one another despite living under the same roof. It really should have been a piece of cake. But the feelings Shouto had for you grew larger with every day that passed, complicating things far more than was necessary...
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In an empty room, Shouto lay sprawled on his bed. The thought of you conquering his mind as he envisioned you in your entirety.
The lazy slither of moonlight that pierced his curtains left a gentle glow across his face, the sorrow in his eyes highlighted as he pondered over the same thing he did every night. Who were you?
It seemed like a stupid question on the outside, as to those who didn't know you two well, you seemed like good friends. After all, you did live together; it would be harder to know nothing about the other. But, in Shouto's case, he knew near nothing about you. So, every night he lays in his sheets, frustrated with his lack of knowledge, listing all the things he did know. As he balled the covers under him, intertwining his fingers with the cotton, he asked himself one thing: 'who were you?', once more.
There were a few vague things he knew. He knew you worked as an office assistant, finished your work off late at night in the kitchen, took around 45 minutes in the shower, you rarely ate food at home, and brought take out every other evening. Not to mention, you barely left your room and thus leading to this lack of relationship between you two.
But what did this random trivia on you do for him? Nothing. It provided him with zero useful information, nothing to work with, and it most certainly did not quench his curiosity for you.
A heavy exhale parted his lips, and he sunk deeper into his mattress. Maybe this was enough for today. The constant worrying about you wasn't doing him any good, and he knew it. At this point, his curiosity was turning into something more. Before Shouto knew it, his once frustrated wonders had turned to admiration. And this was his current situation, face feeling hot as reality hit him like a train. When did he start to like you, and more specifically, why?
That empty feeling filled him once more; the lack of answers to all these questions had him feeling beyond exhausted. He barely knew you, and yet even moments like these felt like enough. A small rush of nervousness always stopping him in his tracks whenever the sheer thought of you crossed his mind. It felt ridiculous and brought Shouto way too much humiliation. And so, he shook these feelings off. The mystery that was you was far beyond his reach, and it was time he submitted to that fact.
Fluttering his eyelids shut, he put his mind at rest, drifting off into dreamland.
The next day had arrived, Shouto's previously exhausting night already long passing him. A wet towel swung over his head; he exited the bathroom somewhat wet, and ready for a new day.
A cold shower did the job alright, waking him up and helping him forget about the endless thoughts of you that had him up late last evening. All that remained was to fill his stomach up, and he would forget the whole ordeal. Still slightly embarrassed at the realization that he had caught feeling for the stranger that lived in the room opposite his own.
Scrubbing his hair and patting his face dry with the towel on his head, he entered the kitchen. He expected it to be empty like every other regular morning. But instead, Shouto was greeted with arguably the worst and best thing. There you sat at the kitchen island, eyeing a cup of coffee, evidently zoned out.
Shouto stopped in his tracks, and his heart dropped to his stomach. If it was even achievable, the beating of his heart was more rapid than humanly possible and probably more audible than ever. Why were you home? Not that he was complaining, it was just rare to have you home this early in the morning. Did you not have work today? Did something happen? Why are you just sitting there staring at a cup? All these questions sprung up in Shouto's head as he stood dumfounded and nervous.
His cheeks lightly sprinkled in a pink blush; he just stood there awkwardly, not daring to even move an inch. To anyone but himself, he would look pretty composed, but internally he was malfunctioning. He had hoped for a moment like this to arise for a while now. But now that the opportunity had presented itself, he barely knew what to do. It didn't help the fact he was already a flustered mess over the thought of you last night, and now there you sat in front of him.
Taking one deep breath, Shouto resumed his walk to the fridge, waving off the nerves that had built up inside him.
"Good morning, y/n. It's rare to see you home at this time." Shouto attempted to break the silence in his signature monotone voice.
It remained pretty tranquil for a bit. The only noise being that of Shouto making himself breakfast and the sound of you taking a shy sip of your drink.
"Morning. I don't have work today, so I'm home."
Your voice simmered out into the atmosphere, but it remained looping in Shouto's mind. As his back faced you, he felt his ears get hot, and he knew for a fact, he was beet red now. How did just hearing your voice already throwing him off guard?
Shouto gently exhaled, feeling his adrenaline spike through him. He just needed to stay calm. But how could he when he wasn't accustomed to hearing your voice, especially when you spoke so softly? Having a crush on your roommate was most certainly an inconvenience, as Shouto struggled to keep his concentration on making a simple cup of coffee for himself.
"Oh. Did you finally get a day off?" Luckily Shouto's voice came out calm. He'd be damned if he stumbled and made himself look more like a fool than he already had.
Well, he looked like a fool to himself, at least. You barely took notice of the random pauses his whole body made or the way he would occasionally take self-soothing deep breaths. If anything, you wouldn't even know if this type of behavior was unusual for him since you saw him so rarely.
Come to think of it, you don't even have a baseline to work with when judging his overall character. That's partially due to the fact you two have never actually sat down and bonded, which led an idea to spark off in your mind.
"Yeah, it's my first day off in a while." You spoke in a slightly more upbeat tone now, excited for the proposition you were about to make. "So, since I'm home, how about we hang out and get to know each other properly." You smiled his way, tilting your head slightly as you awaited his response.
And just as the suggestion escaped your mouth, Shouto made the unfortunate mistake of turning around, his surprised expression out on display as he was yet to process what you just had said.
"Um, sure." is all Shouto was able to say. His heart thumped out of his chest, and his words knotted up in his throat.
The sudden proposition you offered him had him speechless. All these sudden coincidences being the last thing Shouto expected. Was it all too sudden, perhaps? Either way, he wasn't going to deny the opportunity at hand because who knew when you would be free again. Finally, this was his chance to answer the question that has been keeping up at night. And somewhat address these feelings that had started manifesting.
"Then, I was thinking... maybe we could have a movie night?" You chirped, leaning over the counter in excitement.
"You know, there's this movie my coworkers have been talking about, and I've really been wanting to watch."
For the first time, Shouto got to see you relish in your interests. A cute smile curling the corners of your lips as you spoke, rambling about this so-called movie. He couldn't help but smile at your bubbly nature, getting lost in the expressions you were making that he has never before seen. The way your eyes lit up and your hands waved around as you tried convincing him to watch the movie. Little did you know, you didn't need to convince him of anything, he would agree to watch anything with you. But he wasn't going to burst your joyful bubble now. He wanted to savor this moment, and so he let you speak whatever was on your mind, just burning this moment into his memory.
Dazing at your soft lips as you spoke, he realized how zoned out he had become; your speech becomes just a faint murmur in the back of his mind as all he could think about was how much more beautiful you looked up close.
"Ah, sorry! I completely went on a tangent there. I tend to do that when I get excited. I'm sorry!" You giggled while exaggeratingly facepalming yourself.
And with that, he was once more snapped back into reality. What were you just talking about? Aside from the mention of a movie night, Shouto couldn't remember much else. He couldn't have retained anything that fell from those pretty lips of yours. And down the gutter, his thoughts went once more. The overwhelming flustering feeling washed over him as he realized what ideas exactly he was having right in front of you. He needs to hurry up and respond to you rather than just standing there aimlessly staring at your lips.
"Don't worry about it. You look cute anyways when you're so excited about something." Those words left Shouto so fast he could barely believe he had said them himself. The humiliation already settling itself as he cursed himself for being such a creep.
The sudden affection from your roommate had you stuttering. You have had your eye on him ever since you moved in together. What was there not to like about him? He was good-looking, always left food out for you, and cleaned the apartment before you got back from work. The only issue was you. You were far too shy to admit to these feelings, your one solution being to lock yourself up in your room and avoid him like the plague. Today just so happened to be the exception as you felt a tad bit confident when he nonchalantly (as you perceived it) walked into the kitchen.
Now a compliment of this magnitude was the last thing you expected, and so your insides burnt hot as you shifted in your seat.
"Sorry! I didn't mean for it to come out that way." The concern in his voice was more than evident, the furrowing of his brows in frustration delivering his apology clearly.
"No-no, it fine! Really."
"What I was trying to say was that a movie night sounds great!" Shouto bopped his head down as he managed to completely fuck up this one opportunity that he had. To him, it seemed as though he had ruined everything, but if anything, he had succeeded a lot more than he gave himself credit.
You were still giddy at his subtle compliment, heart racing at the fact he called you cute. CUTE. Failure should have been the last thing on Shouto's mind as if he observed you a little more closely, he would have noticed the satisfactory grin on your face.
"Great! I'll meet you in the living room at 5 pm then." You hoped out of your chair, putting your empty cup away.
You definitely wanted to stay with him longer, but you needed to calm yourself down. The knots in your stomach tightening by the second as you felt flustered by his presence.
Gently, you squeezed past him as you exited the kitchen, the cozy heat that radiated from his body sending goosebumps down your skin. Even with a touch so short-lived, you couldn't help but freak out. How would you manage this evening? Only future you will know the answer to that question.
As quickly as you parted ways, the evening arrived just as fast. A golden sunset burst through the living room window and drizzled the atmosphere in sweet honey. A soft breeze floated through as Shouto sat anxiously waiting for you.
His outfit was bland, but it was expected of him. Just a pair of generic grey sweatpants paired with a white tee. As stated previously, his attire was very bland. But it was comfy, to say the least.
Just on time, you finally met him at your designated period. Your heart hammered out your chest, not only from the nervous itch that was being with your crush, but the possibility of this all being awkward. It felt like meeting a stranger, only with an odd sense of familiarity attached. Maybe then calling him a stranger would be a poor analogy. Perhaps it was more like being left alone with that person your friend was trying to introduce you to. Yeah, that's a better parallel for how this all felt right now. However, it all still felt rather exciting.
"Hi! Are you ready?" You giggled as you sunk into the couch, sitting beside him.
"Definitely. What's the movie called again, y/n?" The way your name so easily fell from his lips set off the butterflies in your stomach.
It sounded so pretty coming from him, way prettier than you could have prepared yourself for. Suddenly, you found yourself speechless, mind going blank as you fished for the name of the movie you knew.
"U-um, it seems my mind has gone blank. Give me a second."
Rubbing your arm in an attempt to calm yourself, you let out your signature laugh. The golden hue of the sun stirred the color of his heterochromatic eyes as you glanced back at them, still thinking of the name of the movie you knew just a second ago. Attentively, his eyes examed you, and you managed to catch sight of this glance.
"Don't worry, take your time." With that, his eyes shot back up meeting yours. "Do you happen to be cold? You're rubbing your arm."
That explained his gaze, but it didn't happen to settle the nerves inside you. And in your flustered state, you responded with the first thing that came to mind as you swatted your hand to your side.
"Ah, yeah! It's a bit chilly with the window open in here."
Right on cue, Shouto reached for the blanket on the sofa, wrapping it snuggly over your shoulders. The way his slender fingers brushed against your skin as he positioned the fabric on you made you freeze. You could barely hear yourself think as your heart ran wild, adrenaline surging your veins. His face was so close, so close you could see how his eyelashes softly brushed his cheeks with every blink. Fast, it all happened so fast, and yet the memory replayed in slow motion in your mind. The way he just swept in and then back out.
"There. If it gets too cold I'll close the blind." He smiled at you comfortingly before reaching for the remote.
You couldn't do anything but sit there wide-eyed, your nervousness being unbearable.
"The movie... I can't remember its name." Finally, you admitted defeat, done battling your mind that was clearly not regaining composure any time soon.
"That's fine. I guess we can just watch whatever piques our interest for now. There's always next time."
There's always next time. The implication of another hang-out was soothing. Knowing that this wasn't a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity managed to quiet you down slightly as you repositioned yourself to sit more comfortably on the sofa.
"Right!" You beamed in agreement, turning your attention to the tv.
The mindless scrolling through Netflix lasted a while as you made conversation with one another. Talk of how most movies were boring filled your discussions, exchanging laughter here and there too. It all felt so reassuring, and both of you were starting to feel more relaxed. Movie after movie, it felt like you were about to hit a dead end until you eventually landed on something intriguing.
"This one! This one looks good, right?" You explained, pointed to the digital screen that gently lit up your faces.
"Right, it doesn't sound bad."
Shouto was beginning to uncover you and your character a lot better now. Seeing as you got excited about the most random things, but also the way you were so easily caught off guard. It put a soft smile on his face as he just admired you silently.
The movie began to play, the two of you settling down as the noises from the tv exclaimed through the speakers. To say that Shouto was happy was an understatement. Looking back on the evening from just last night to now was a huge shift, and a huge shift in the direction he could have hoped for. It was the start of something he had been wishing for long while now.
Hearing you laugh at the actors on screen, turning to face him as you shared the humours moments with him had him feeling all gooey inside. Lightly, your leg would occasionally brush past his, making him more than eager to pull a move on you. Fuck it, right? Apparently, Shouto couldn’t just have his cake, he wanted to eat it too.
You were far too cute in this moment, nudging on him softly as your laugh radiated through the air. And so, in a moment when his adrenaline spiked and clouded his judgment, he snaked an arm over you shoulder, cradling you into his chest. You gave into his invitation, resting against him.
Not to say you were all calm about the exchange, you were in fact the complete opposite. It was really happening, you were laying in Shouto’s toned arms, his fingers gently gliding up and down your forearm as he sunk down onto the couch. Laying himself down and then you on top of him.
Was Shouto calm about this, then? Definitely not. His hearts rapid beating was audible as you rested your head on his chest. Smiling hazily as you realised he was just as nervous about all this as you.
As he lay under you, you soaked in his touch, the way his toned figure felt as your hands snaked around his waist. And the way his breathing gently cascaded a chilly breeze down your neck, shivers forming along your soft skin. Ever smooth shift and touch his body made against yours was thrilling.
At this point you weren’t even concentrated on the movie, and instead on the boy under you. The movie acting more as background noise to the thing you really wanted to watch. Glancing up at his soft features, the way his plump rosy lips were slightly parted as his eyes shifted across the screen. Oh how you wanted to kiss him in this moment. What was holding you back exactly?
You could lean any minute if you just so pleased.
“Shouto?” You finally spoke up, interrupting the tranquility between you two.
His response was a simple hum, eyes falling to meet yours. The way he held eye contact, smiling at you invitingly was enough to have anyone falling for him. You felt extremely lucky to be even given the chance to be in this position with him.
“Can I?” You started, lifting yourself up slightly.
“Can you?”
He quirked a brow at you as he sat up to meet your movement. Trapped under you as your two legs straddled his lap, you gave him a sheepish smile. A short moment passed without a response, and Shouto smiled at you suspiciously, leaning in to jokingly examine your face.
“What’s on your mind?”
At his unannounced actions you glanced away, but Shouto only pulled your chin to look back at him. A smirk growing on his face before his palm came to cup your cheek; his other hand resting nonchalantly on your thigh.
And like he knew exactly what you were thinking, with a light brush of his thump against you bottom lip, he dipped in for a kiss.
His plump lips meeting yours. Soft, they felt so soft as they moulded perfectly with yours, meting against the other. The tender way his lips hovered for a second as he pulled away, licking his lips and then coming back in. Glazing you in his touch, he began to move again, taking in one of your lips at a time, relishing in your sweet taste. The way his lips massaged yours with every move he made had you pressing yourself into him.
It felt relieving in a way, finally dining the dish you’ve been craving for so long. After all these months you two have lived together, finally you both were holding each other like you have been wanting. Arms wrapped around his neck, fingers weaving throw his hair as you yearned for more.
Your plush tongue came to meet his, intertwining with the other. Happily, he ventured your mouth, taking in every inch of you. Smoothly dragging his tongue to the root of your mouth then pulling himself out, until he came back in once more to suck you back in.
The only think separating you two being the string of spit that drizzled off each other’s tongues as you caught your own breaths between each embrace. Your merciful moans he swallowed, his delicate hands travelling up your spin. They left a cold trail, fireworks erupting your stomach as the adrenaline of this all began seeping in.
You two were getting too carried away, but it just goes to show how bad you wanted one another. Shouto, however, wanted to clear things up before you continued any further.
He pulled away breathily, blinking at you with delight in his eyes.
“Y/n, I’ve been wanting to tell you this for a while now, and i’m sorry if this is sudden. But, I like you.”
That sentence alone had you more flustered than your previous touches and you smiled like a kid with candy.
Was this a dream come true? Maybe it was, which in that case, you definitely didn’t want to wake up. But, lucky for you, this was in fact reality.
“I like you too, silly” You giggled only inches away from his face, and the instant grin that sprawled across his lips was the only confirmation you needed.
Instantly, he engulfed you in a tight hug, his head cradling itself into the crook of you neck.
“Then how about we finish this off in my bedroom now that you’re all mine.” Was the last thing he said, his lips resuming their bidding on the soft skin in your neck.
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bonny-kookoo · 4 years
Chivalry is dead (JJK x Reader) 💜(☁️)🔞
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🖤 Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader
🖤 Genre: CEO x Secretary AU, Fluff/Romance, Coworkers to lovers?, mild angst, Smut
🖤 Warnings: swearing, mentions of surgery, did I mention swearing, Kookster is whipped, it’s kinda cheesy, please someone get me a Jungkook like that, slow sex, gentle lovemaking, it’s nothing freaky this time, oral (f rec.) protected sex, sugary sweet live confession you might get diabetes
🖤 Summary: Jeon Jungkook was your boss. The roles were clear as day, so why did it seem so complicated?
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You had no idea who in the hell actually invented coffee- like who thought roasting some weird beans and spilling hot water over that stuff was a good idea? Well, whoever it was, that person could go fuck themselves royally; because first of all, that stuff tasted bitter as hell, and second of all, it made your early morning shift an absolute nightmare.
Maybe it wasn't the coffee, but the person who loved them- Jeon Jungkook. Self-proclaimed savior of his Dad's company after taking over at the mere age of 22. Now, at 25, he was a well known face in his business, with famous magazines naming him 'one to watch out for' when talking about deals and sudden decisions. He's headstrong, smart, and unbelievably good looking too.
And also an asshole.
Thats at least what your flatmate Jenny usually says whenever he's the main course of your conversations. You'd told her time and time again that he was merely this rough with you because he was stressed- yet she simply stated that you were just an angel too good for this world- and especially too good for him.
"2 Minutes late." Came his rough voice as he didn't even look up to greet you, simply tapping on the surface of his crisp white table where he expected you to put his coffee. (Black and bitter as his soul, as Jenny always said.) He nodded, hand raising to dismiss you as always, until his eyes turned downwards, spotting your scaped up knee; half-hazardly covered by a bandaid that already came off at one side due to the rush you'd been in. Sure, you could apologize now, tell him how you were late because that freaking dogwalker let a leash of one of his huskies slip, which basically ran you over like a truck considering your rather short height, but you'd found out early on that Jeon Jungkook didn't care about your stories. Yet with his still lingering stare, you felt like he'd glued you to the ground by the soles of your shoes, without his dismissal you were forced to stay right where you were. He took a sip of his black beverage before setting the cup down with a sigh, getting up to walk towards a small bathroom connected to his office. Emerging out of the room again with a couple of items in his hand, he sat down on his chair behind his laptop, turning it towards you.
He had to lean down a bit as he took off the bandaid, not even saying sorry as you hissed at the sting. You did notice however how he took it off more gently after that, as he threw it into his bin, opening the plastic bag of desinfectant wipes, before his large hand held the back of your knee, almost delicately. He began to clean the scrape, brows furrowing a bit at the view of the raw skin, thinking about how you probably ran with that all the way to his office just to not be even later. He wanted to apologize, at least give you some form of verbal reassurance that it was okay to put your own health before his goddamn coffee, but the words got stuck inside his throat as he gently placed a new, more properly sized bandaid over the wound, sighing as some red seeped through immediately. "Get that checked after work today." He simply said before getting up to put all of the items away into their proper place as you were left with still tingling skin from his touch. He turned around, looking at you with an almost bored, but soft look. "What're you standing there for? You're dismissed." He said, and you practically ran out of the office.
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"He wants to fuck you." Jenny simply said as she bit into her sandwich, while you were left almost spitting out your lunch. "What? That was electricity, I'm telling you! He so wants to screw you." She said, almost accusingly pointing a finger at you as she took a sip of her water, watching you.
"Stop. He only did that because he.." Oh well yeah, why did he do that? He could've simply told you to get it checked instead of taking care of it himself for that matter. But he was someone who wanted things done immediately- e rarely could wait for things to finish or to be done, so maybe he just wanted to have things more proper during your shift? Exactly. He just wanted to keep the image of his company intact- maybe even raise it by showing other employees that he cared for everyone deeply, even if he didn't. "He probably just wanted me not to look like I got scraped off the streets." You mumbled before taking a bite of your lunch, Jennies eyes rolling.
"Truth is;" She started, as she threw away her plastic waste before checking her watch, "That I still think he wants you bend over his desk." She finished, as you turned shades of pink, lowering your gaze at that. You always tried to keep those thoughts away from you, knowing how unprofessional it was. "Does he know you're leaving soon?" She asked, now a bit softer since she knew it was a touchy topic. You shook your head.
"I haven't put in my termination yet." You answered, your food suddenly looking stale. Jenny sighed, hugging your side.
"I'll buy some icecream on the way home, you're finishing later than I do I assume?" She asked, and you nodded again as a confirmation. "Alright. Let's binge on movies tonight, and have a nice weekend alright? Heads up." Came her reply as she left with a wave, to get back to her own desk in the company.
Jenny and you had met while you were waiting for your interview with Jeon to begin, and when you began to talk, you immediately hit off. You'd told her how much the driving back and forth from your old apartment to work would be, and eventually she'd decided to share her apartment with you close to the company. You were a bit hesitant at first, but eventually agreed; and it was one of your best decisions yet. The way to work was basically half an hour by foot- if it wasn't for your daily task of bringing your boss a coffee from this one specific shop downtown, almost an hour away by foot. It was okay however. Everyone had their preference.
At least you told yourself that to feel better about being Jeon Jungkooks personal slave.
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"You're in love with her." Jimin stated, as Jungkook almost choked on his instant ramen.
"What the fuck dude, I don't." He exclaimed in a scandalized manner, long dark hair successfully hiding the red tips of his ears. He simply furrowed his brows, chopsticks now digging in his cup as if to search for treasure, just so he didn't have to look up and meet the eyes of his very nosy friends who were sitting in his living room.
"So you only want to fuck her." Yoongi grumbled as he hit after Jimin, who'd tried to steal a peace of meat from his plate.
"Exactly- Wait no!" The young company leader corrected himself immediately. No, this wasn't just pleasure he was seeking with you- but he also denied every single clue that he was into you, romantically. After all, he'd had his fair share of romantic involvements in the past; all pathetically killing themselves royally simply because there was never true love involved. It was either for benefit, for public image, or most of the time- for his money. It was never truly just about him.
Jungkook was simply a number, nothing more. In a way, his success was mostly just a curse for his soul; he was convinced by now that everyone just wanted something from him at this point, as pathetic as it sounded. He was always just the punchline of a joke, elderly woman seeing him as a piece of meat on a richly designed table ready to be consumed- just to be spit out as soon as he'd loose flavor. It was sad really, how much he hated trusting at this point.
"Look." Namjoon started, putting down his empty cup as he sniffled from the spicy meal he'd just consumed. "As far as I know, she'd from a regular background, right?" He asked, and Jungkook nodded, slurping some noodles without paying much attention. "How long has she been working for you at this point, two years? Three years?" The younger in question nodded at three, remembering the moment you'd stepped into his office for your interview, back then with a different haircut and color, and a bit more shy than you were now. You'd found friends in coworkers, when it came to gatherings and dinners you were always missing, however. He'd never seen you at any afterparty or bithday gathering for that matter as well. "She also didn't eye you up at all during these years, right?" He asked, and Jungkook got a bit more serious as that, because his friend was right. You surely looked interested in him, but you kept it charmingly subtle- it was more like a shy glance every now and then, never to linger uncomfortably. Just like a mouse showing itself to the cat every now and then to keep the chase going without any intention to.
"Oh, did you ever pay her for buying you a new suit by the way? The one she spilled her strawberry milk on?" Jimin asked with a laugh as Jungkook shook his head.
"She didn't want it." He said, and suddenly everyone got quiet.
"She what?" Yoongi asked. "Is she stupid?" He got out before Jungkook threw him a serious glance.
"Shut up." He said through gritted teeth, as Jimin laughed and the oldest in the round threw his hands up in mocking defense. "No but.. I offered several times, but she said it was her fault. She even got mad at me when I simply put the money on her paycheck- she practically demanded me to take it back." He explained, and Namjoon nodded.
"Probably because she'd feel bad." He answered. He knew you longest and most personally out of everyone in the current gathering; he'd been in the same class back in school for a few years. And you'd always been like that- you hated being paid back favours, because you didn't want to seem like you did them just to gain something afterwards. You kept people at a safe distance, never to have them cross that line, so you could always push them away without getting seriously hurt in the process. You'd also never been in a romantic relationship for long as far as he knew- only having had one scandal back in school, where the guy you'd lost your virginity to had publicly shamed you for being 'bad in bed'. It was a mess really, and Namjoon had felt bad back then, but there was no way you'd let anyone close to you afterwards. "Look." Namjoon started, looking at the youngest. "I'd say go for it. From what I know, she's a genuine person. I'm more concerned about her in this situation than you, if I'm being honest." He said, and Jungkook looked at him scandalized.
Yoongi chimed in. "You're known to fuck around. Don't just use her as a place to throw your half-assed cumshots into, that's what he wants to say." He replied, making Jimin scrunch up his nose in distaste.
Jungkook only continued to eat in silence. You maybe had the role of the mouse in this chase- but he was a tiger waiting to be taimed.
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"What is this?" He asked, very unamused, and very much not pleased. It was understandable to a level- after three and a half years you'd just handed in your termination. What you did not understand however, was the amount of emotion you could spot swimming behind his eyes- he looked a bit like when he'd accidentally spilled tea over his workspace once, scared to death if that accident would mean the death of all his hard work of the day. You'd reassured him back then that everything had been saved on the main servers, so even if his laptop was to die, which it did not, everything would still be save. He could surely find a new secretary however- there was no use to make such a huge fuss over it.
"It's my termination sir. I'll be leaving at the end of this month." You answered, a bit unsure now on your spot in front of his desk, as he pushed the tip of his tongue against the inside of his cheek, a clear sign of irritation on his side.
"Thats in two weeks, Y/N." He stated, and you nodded. "As a reason you stated 'health issues'. Is there something I should be worried about?" He asked, and you swallowed, hard.
"Is it uhm.. do I need to answer-" You began, but he cut you off with a stern voice.
"You don't have to, but I'd have to decline the termination if I don't see the reasoning as fit to be taken seriously under such short notice." He began, putting down the papers as he suddenly looked at you more intensely. "We have clear rules here Y/N, I thought you knew them by now. Vacation requests three weeks prior, and terminations as well, except for important reasons." He said, and you looked down.
"I'll be having an operation that can't be pushed anymore soon sir, and I fear I won't be able to meet your standards afterwards. Which is why I'm terminating my contract." You stated, and you swore you could see a flash of concern in his gaze as he nodded.
"Is there anything I can help you with, in preparation for that?" He asked, now shifting his interest on his laptop screen again, typing something as you got confused.
"Pardon sir?" You asked, and he clicked a few times on his touchbad, seemingly searching for something before he turned his attention back onto you.
"Your severance pay will be quite high due to the quality and timespan you've worked here. I want to make sure however, that you're taken care of personally as well, if you'd let me." He said, in such a manner that you felt like he was actually growing a bit self-conscious.
"I uhm.. I will stay at the hospital for a while to recover, and afterwards I guess I'll be fine on my own. It's really fine sir, I don't uhm.. you don't need to do anything really." You said, before sending a smile his way, trying hard not to think of this chapter as finished. Your eyes already stung at the realization that you'd be leaving this comfortable environment soon. It may seemed childish for someone else, but you considered this place a second home- everything was familiar, every routine saved into the memory of your bones, it was your comfort to work here. "I uhm.. I really enjoyed working here." You finished, as Jungkook took a closer look at you.
He seemed to think about something, before he carefully stood up, slowly walking over towards you. For the first time he didn't look detached or as if he needed to do something; his gaze was soft and gentle, and it made it so much harder not to be a crybaby in this situation. You'd always thought that he merely saw you as a secretary, but this situation, as normal as it seemed, felt so intimate. "I'm glad." He simply said, slightly opening his arms to give you the option to take or not to take his invitation for a hug.
You would've been a fool not to. After all, Jungkook wasn't a physically affectionate person- he hated the act of merely shaking hands with a passion, he'd once told you.
"Will you tell me what exactly it is?" He asked, voice so much richer and deeper now that the side of your face was leaning against his chest, head growing dizzy from his presence. You could smell his faint cologne and a fabric softener similar to the one you used- again showing you that he preferred to wash his clothes himself rather than letting others do it for him. "You don't have to, but you have me worried." He simply said, now detaching himself from you hesitantly as he saw some coworkers outside the office staring. He didn't want to make you the talk of town now, only weeks before leaving. Rumors could be aggressive, after all.
"I uhm.." You started, sniffling a bit as you sat down in front of his workdesk. "I'll have a surgery on my knee, since I take a lot of medication for the pain now, and I kinda don't want that anymore so.." You explained to him, as his brows furrowed.
"Why didn't you say anything? I wouldn't have let you work so hard if I'd known you were in pain." He said, almost with a whine, which made you smile a bit in return. You waved him off, however.
"No no, it's fine really. I keep stuff like that to myself anyways." You admitted, and he thought for a moment, before he decided, no.
He wouldn't keep you working just so he could benefit from seeing you. That would be selfish- and he didn't want to be like that. Not with you, at least. He screwed up his chance, and that was okay; he'd had all the time to ask you out, to get closer with you, after all. Maybe it was simply karma. "Take those two weeks off. Don't worry, it won't affect your payment in any form- you'll need to take your vacation time anyways, or I'll get a slap on my hands for not letting you have freetime." He simply said, as you nodded. "Dismissed." He said, in his usual tone.
This time, it made you smile, as you nodded, stood up and walked towards the door. "Y/N." He said from his desk, not looking up. "I really enjoyed having you here." He mumbled, and you grinned, nodding, before leaving the office- and the building alltogether.
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"Still can't believe you haven't hired anyone else yet." Jimin accused,as he drank his soju across from Jungkook, who'd simply shrugged. It's been two months by now, and he still refused to let any secretary work as closely with him as you did before. He rather got up a bit earlier and got his morning coffee himself instead of telling anyone to do so; it was as if that was reserved to you. It wasn't the act of having you bring him his coffee like a personal assistand; it was more the fact that he got to see you first thing in the morning. In a weird way, he didn't want to see anyone so early apart form you- he was simply too grumpy for that. "What about Hannah?" He asked, and Jungkook shook his head. Hannah was a promising candidate for the role of a future girlfriend- he really liked her. But there was no romantic spark between the two, and when she'd looked at him almost as if he'd ate her dog when he'd told the waiter to split the bill of their shared dinner, he knew that it wouldn't work out. She'd been so sure that he would simply pay for everything that he had to pay the entire thing- because she didn't even carry her purse with her. "Another piranha, I see."
Namjoon came into the room, several take out boxes in hand. "What're you talking about?" He asked, and Jimin chuckled.
"Jungkookies nonexistent sex-life." He said, before getting hit with a spoon from the younger one.
"Oh, interesting actually-" He began, putting down the food before sitting down himself. "Just saw Y/N-" He started, but Jungkook, almost chomically, cut him off.
"Did she look okay? Was she alright?" He asked, and Namjoon laughed for a second before taking some chopsticks for himself, breaking them apart and making Jimin laugh when they broke the wrong way.
"She seemed okay. Walked without help, but seemed a bit wobbly still." He explained, and Jungkook nodded. "My dad said she's gonna be alright, but it's gonna take a while since she waited so long to get it done-" Suddenly, Jungkook coughed.
"Your DAD did the surgery on her?!" He yelled out, making his dog bark as if alerted, as Namjoon became wide-eyed.
"Yeah, I mean, didn't I tell you.?" He began, but Jungkook shook his head, still heavily irritated.
"No, you did not!" He began, before letting himself fall into the couch defeatedly, whining. "I could've sent her flowers or some other shit, now I fucked it up!" He exclaimed to no one in particular, his dog jumping onto his lap.
"And they say chivalry is dead." Jimin said, playfully wiggling his eyebrows as Namjoon shot him a look to shut him up.
"You can still do that though?" He asked, and Jungkook furrowed his brows.
"No, that's just.. weird. Like, imagine getting flowers from your boss MONTHS after you quit." He said, before huffing like a child. "I screwed it up, its fine." He mumbled, before Namjoon continued.
"I mean, she asked about you though.." He hummed, taking a bite of his food.
"She did what?!" Both Jimin and Jungkook asked in disbelief.
"She asked about you. How you were doing, you know, that stuff." He explained, before continuing. "Told her you fuck around, she left after that." He said, shrugging his shoulders as Jungkook yelled furiously.
"You did what?! Namjoon, what the fuck-" He started, almost tearing up before the elder one laughed. "Not funny." Jungkook commented, clearly unamused by the humor in Namjoons face.
"Sorry." He said, putting down his chopsticks. "No, but for real, she actually told me to tell you she didn't change her number or anything so.."
Jungkook looked at him quesitoningly. "So?" He asked, and Jimin groaned.
"What the fuck, is she supposed to lay on your doorstep with her legs spread out while telling you 'Oh hey come inside and make yourself at home' for you to get the message?" A grumpy Yoongi groaned out as he walked into the living room, greeting the dog. "She basically told Namjoon to tell you she wants to sit on your dick." He said, stealing a dumpling from Jimin as he took off his jacket.
"She did not-" Namjoon started, before turning to the youngest again. "But she basically did say you should message her."
"To make up a date to fuck each other!" Yoongi yelled from the kitchen. Jungkook groaned.
"I mean I do have her number.." He mumbled, and suddenly a hand was on his shoulder as the eldest came back, a glass of water in his hands.
"Then go get pussy." He said, and everyone laughed.
Everyone but the young man in question.
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"You uh.. sorry its nothing special but you said you wanted something not fancy so.." He said, as he pulled out the chair as you sat down.
"No no, its fine. I like this." You answered, now a bit shy with him sitting in front of you- all casual and not at all in the regular environment you both met in. He wore a simple black button up, ripped jeans- clothes that were so.. regular, yet he made them look so expensive. Maybe it was how his body was proportioned, with long legs and a broad chest, or maybe it was simply the way he carried himself.
"You look really nice." He casually complimented, as you blushed a bit, unfamiliar with such compliments as he smiled at your reaction, licking his lips almost impishly.
He would've been a bit more shy if it wasn't for the several conversations over the phone you both have had in the past couple of days; your answers and innuendos making it clear that you were genuinely interested in him, on a higher level than just 'hit and run'. No, you'd asked about his dog when he'd sent you a picture of him, you'd wanted to know about his family, or what he did in his freetime- you both even played several rounds of overwatch together when you'd revealed to him that you play the game as well.
It made him feel confident.
Another reason he was so adamant on making sure his impression on you was the best was that you'd openly talked about your, admittedly shitty ex partners, giving him even more reason to treat you the best he could think of.
You felt a bit weird.
Not a bad weird, but a.. tingling weird. This kind of weird where you don't know where to put your hands because wherever you began to rest them your mind thought about if it looked weird. It made you feel like a kid waiting to finally be let loose on a playground. You felt so comfortable with him, that it was important for you to make a good impression on him. So when the waitress came back after you both ate a bite, you began to search for your wallet, as he smiled at you, his larger hand covering yours in a manner that told you he'd pay. "All on me." He simply said, as he payed, making you pout a bit.
Walking outside, he made sure that you were comfortable with him walking you home before walking side by side with you, never too close to not pressure you. After a moment, you began to speak. "I could've payed, you know-" You started, but he cut you off with a question.
"Why won't you call me by my name?" He asked, and you began to chew on your lip. There was no specific reason you could think of that would make sense to him. It just felt like you'd let him in if you were to say his name out loud. It was a taboo thing to call your superior by his first name, but that had been the past. Now it would mean that you were considering him your friend. Or maybe even.. more. "Do I make you uncomfortable?" He asked, and you shook your head immediately.
"No, its just.." You started, trying to think of something.
"Don't make something up now just for me. I promise I won't be offended; just be honest." He said, and you nodded.
"I'm not someone who, you know, lets people get close to me, normally." You explained, before you continued after he'd nodded, telling you wordlessly that he was following your words. "It just seems.. so intimate, if that makes sense?" Against what you'd expected however, he simply continued his gentle smile.
"That's okay. You don't have to love me right away." He offered, looking down at you with a smile. "Say it when you feel like it. We'll do whatever is comfortable with you." He offered, and you smiled.
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"So you both did not, in fact, fuck each other." Jenny said, as she ate another spoonful of icecream.
"No, we did not." You said, and smiled a bit at the memory. Jenny had just gotten back from her business trip; a week full of torture as she'd called it. "We simply talked and he brought me home every day." You explained, and your friend fake-gagged playfully at that.
"Oh god, someone get me a grater for all that cheese!" She laughed, as she suddenly smiled a bit more seriously. "No but really, I'm happy. He seems nice." She said, and you nodded.
"He does."
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"Do you treat everyone like me?" You'd asked one night as you shared takeout with Jungkook in his living room, having agreed to meet up at his place.
He shook his head. "Not to that extend, no. But I learned from my dad was common chivalry is- it's not that deep to be honest." He explained, as he continued eating. He looked so young like this; merely wearing a sweater and sweatpants combo, hair a bit unruled and piercings on full display. With all that business on his shoulders, one could easily forget that he was just a young man, even if he did turn 26 recently.
"Its not common, though." You commented, and he shrugged his shoulders, leaning back against the couch as he finished his meal.
"Do you want to take my bed or the couch?" He asked after a moment, after you'd finished your meal as well. You shrugged. "Then we'll sleep together." He playfully said, but got a bit shy after you'd simply nodded, not having noticed that he didn't truly mean his statement. No taking it back now though.
"Are you tired?" You asked, wondering if that was why he'd brought up the question. Jungkook was an honest guy, so he affirmed.
"A bit, honestly. Sorry." He said, but you shook your head, already picking up the empty containers and plastic bags to throw them away.
"It's fine." You simply said, as he nodded, his gaze following you for a moment before he opened the door to his backyard, ushering his dog to go out to finish his business before bedtime.
You knew you should feel at least a bit nervous, after all you'd be sharing a bed with him. But for some reason you weren't- even if something was to happen, you felt comfortable with him- enough to trust you at your most vulnerable state. At this point he'd already sneaked his way around your made up walls, way too close now to be let go off without pulling on your skin painfully at the same time. Hurting him would hurt you now- so you had simply accepted the fact that he was going to stay at your side for as long as he saw fit.
"Alright, bedtime mister." He said, leading the dog to its bed by the front door- a place his pet had chosen willingly, he once told you. "Goodnight." He mumbled, gently petting his companions head before he made his way inside his bedroom, where you followed. He closed the door quietly, turning on a small lamp on his bedside desk, before opening a window. "I like to sleep with the window open, hope you don't mind." He said, as you shook your head. You simply got into the bed after him, your way of trying to find out which side he preferred as you slipped under the covers, the smell of his by now familiar fabric softener, and distinctively his smell flooding your senses. His mattress was soft, way softer than yours at home- but it was probably worth several months worth of rent as well.
"I uh.." he suddenly said, low voice cutting through the silence after he'd turned off the lights, darkness swallowing the room fully. "I have a habit of, uhm.. undressing myself during the night so. Just to warn you." He said, before groaning a bit. "Oh god that came of kind of creepy, sorry-" But you simply laughed.
"It's okay. I hug things when I sleep, so I'll probably latch onto you during the night." You admitted, and he chuckled.
"Oh I don't mind that at all." He hummed, as you felt him turn over, probably to face you as your suspicions were confirmed when a finger almost shyly brushed over your bare arm. He was silently testing the waters, trying to find out if you were comfortable enough with him to let him go that far. To his surprise you reacted by scooting closer towards him, until your nose was close to his. He couldn't quite see you, only able to make out rough outlines as the moon wasn't shining at all outside his apartment. "Is that okay?" He asked, in a whisper, careful as if he didn't want to scare you away. He felt you nod as his hand went to lay down on your cheek, thumb finding your lower lip as he guided his onto yours, slow, as if he was only testing the waters yet.
Always so considerate.
You slowly deepened the kiss, a bit hesitant since it has been a while you'd ever kissed someone; but he took the lead after noticing you accepting his gesture, his tongue gently asking for entrance as you granted his wish, making him close his eyes as he lazily continued kissing you, his desire taking over.
Everything was slow, comfortable, and warm- the way he slowly moved to lean over you, the way his hands roamed over your body underneath your clothes. It was as if you both knew eachother already, as if you didn't need to hurry anything at all. And it was true.
He slowly undressed himself, before directing his attention towards you, helping you out of your clothes as well, careful to leave the covers over his body, as if to shield you from the chilly air coming inside from the opened window. He truly enjoyed every second, every inch of skin he laid bare of you, as his head dipped downwards, placing open mouthed kisses against your neck and collarbone as his hand gently ran over your chest, squeezing the soft flesh or a moment before his thumb grazed over the hardened nipple, making you squirm underneath him. You felt torn between a feeling of being worshipped almost, and the frustration of him going so slow. Every past sexual encounter had always been straight to the point- this was entirely new territory.
"We got time darling." He hummed suddenly amused as you began to squirm more underneath his touch. You felt his hard on against your inner thigh clear as day, yet he seemed to absolutely not notice it; his attention more so on you, as he suddenly moved underneath the covers, shaking his head a bit to get his long hair out of his eyes, piercings jingling brightly at his sudden movement before he dipped downwards, making you gasp as you felt his tongue on your center. He chuckled again as his hands held down your lower belly, keeping your hips down and legs open for him as he sucked and swallowed, making you whine at the feeling. This was the first time someone had ever gone down on you, and it made you feel absolutely incredible.
Jungkook moved again as you became close to your orgasm, hands fumbling around for a moment until he found in his drawer what he'd searched for; the crinkling sound of the foil package filling the room as you still breathed heavily. He rolled the condom over his length before he moved over you again, cooing at the cold feel of your damp skin, sweat making your body cool down rapidly. "Are you cold?" He asked, and you nodded, but held out your arms, desperate to have him close to you again. "Let me warm you up." He hummed lowly, pulling the covers over his back again before he led his cock into your core with the help of his hand, groaning at the feel of your warm walls welcoming him inside. He moved after a moment, kissing you again as if he needed to confirm that this was truly happening. "You feel like home darling." He whispered out of breath as he slowly moved a bit faster, your hands searching for his as he helped you find them, fingers intertwining as he felt his soul grow fond. He loved you, he truly did, and in that moment he realized it to the full extend. It was the same for you as he kissed your neck, hot breath against your skin making you feel protected and adored as he picked up his pace, thrusts becoming more erratic as he suddenly pushed himself inside you in one swift move, hand leaving yours to desperately move over your pearl, making your back arch off the mattress as you whined in pleasure, throwing him off the edge as well as he spilled inside the condom.
His forehead rested against your shoulder as he chuckled, slowly slipping out of you as you laughed along with him.
"I swear that was not my intention when I said we'd sleep together." He said, and you laughed a bit harder at that, kissing the side of his jaw affectionately as he kissed your neck. "I love you. I really do."
"That's okay." you said still a bit out of breath, and he wished you could've seen the bright smile he sported at your next words.
"I love you too, Jungkook."
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joaquinwhorres · 3 years
The Fool (Ch. 6) {Fred Weasley x F!OC}
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SUMMARY ››››› After getting tangled up with the Weasley Twins during the events of the Quidditch World Cup, Wren Collings’ life takes a turn for the chaotic. It threatens everything she has going for her, but she’s not convinced that’s entirely a bad thing.
PAIRING ››››› Fred Weasley x Female OC
WORD COUNT ››››› 4,589
WARNINGS ››››› There is no depression or mental health issues in this story, but there are mentions of death, violence, abuse, some PTSD, etc. As most of the specific warnings revolve around major plot points or are found throughout most chapters, I’m just going to rate certain chapters on the movie scale. This is chapter PG-13.
A/N ››››› General plea for validation through reblogs and comments.
Series Masterlist | Read on ff.net | Read on AO3
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Wren felt sick all morning.
Ever since Fred and George had been escorted off to the Hospital Wing by Lee Jordan, she felt as if her stomach was twisting in on itself. She supposed this was a natural reaction to sending your friends to the Hospital Wing--a theory that was further solidified throughout the day as it seemed like everybody was talking about the failed attempts to enter the Tournament. Fred and George were not the only ones thwarted by the ageline, but their story was by far the most popular throughout the castle. Wren had even heard a group of ghosts gossiping about it, and several portraits had stopped her on her way to the common room to interrogate her about the incident and settle a debate as to whether their beards had gone down to their waist or their ankles.
The Common Room was not much safer in terms of avoiding talk of the Failure. Lee Jordan appeared to be holding court in the corner, recounting the story from his perspective to an enraptured audience, and even up in her room, Wren couldn't seem to get away from the terrible feeling that had made itself right at home in her core. Even her Potions' homework wasn't enough to distract her from the fact that Fred and George still hadn't made their way up to the common room yet, and it was nearing lunch.
Which was why right before noon, Wren found herself hovering outside the Hospital Wing.
It seemed to be busier than normal, which wasn't that much of a surprise, given how many names of unsuccessful entrants Wren'd heard other students throw around. She had to admit though, that she was a bit surprised at how raucous the noise was. Wren edged a bit closer to the open door, one voice rising above the others in an uncanny imitation of an old Scottish woman. "Albus, last year a known murderer and pack of Dementors roamed the school, and the year before that the heir of Slytherin opened the Chamber of Secrets. Perhaps, we could open it up to all students turning 17 this year?"
A slow measured voice responded, "Now, now, Minerva. Dementors and Basilisks are one thing, but a student died over 200 years ago from this Tournament. And even though it's now Ministry sanctioned, and we could potentially make it a tad bit safer, we must remain true to the spirit of the games, and only students who are of age can enter."
"But Albus, a student died--"
Footsteps rounded the corner, and Wren jumped back whirling on the couple who just came down the hallway.
Not a couple.
The bronze haired boy who was smirking as he said something to the girl walking beside him was Simon. He looked up from the blonde, his eyes landing on Wren who was just a step away from entering the Hospital Wing, and surprise quickly overtook his features. Still, he didn't look quite as surprised as Wendy Fairchild did, her cheeks turning a delicate pink.
"Wren?" Simon said, as if he couldn't believe that she was actually there. Then again, she could count the number of times she'd been to the Hospital Wing over the past six years on her fingers, so maybe it wasn't entirely unreasonable for him to be so shocked. Her eyes were drawn once again to Wendy, who suddenly looked very uncomfortable and very trapped. Simon stepped away from the blonde and towards Wren. "Did something happen? Are you alright?"
Her eyes shifted to the Hospital Wing's door, the noise suddenly quelled by the sound of a sharp admonishment. "I had a stomach ache, is all," Wren said, stepping further away from the door.  "Hi Wendy."
"Hi Wren," Wendy greeted, her eyes darting between the couple as the tension between the three thickened. The blonde Ravenclaw licked her lips, her eyes darting for Simon as if he'd provide a way out of the awkward situation but he was focused on Wren, the worry gone from his face, and a cool stoniness taking over in its place. A small sigh escaped Wendy. "Well, I best be going. Thank you again for the help, Simon," she offered a brief strained smile at the couple before hurrying off down the hallway.
Wren looked down at the stones between her and her boyfriend, eyes studying the grooves and dimples.
"I heard about what happened to Fred and George," Simon remarked, and Wren's stomach rolled. Words bubbled up, excuses and explanations and apologies all at the tip of her tongue as she looked up at him, but he continued. "I'm sure you see now why I didn't want you to do it."
Wren flushed and nodded her head, pushing a strand of hair back behind her ear. "Simon I--"
"It's ok, Wren," Simon cut her off, stepping forward and folding her into his arms. "I forgive you." He pulled back slightly, cupping her face in his hand. "At least you realized how foolish it'd be and pulled out."
Wren offered up a shaky smile which dissolved as Simon bent forward and kissed her, before releasing her and wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "Maybe next time, you'll just listen to me."
The sick feeling in her gut was worse, her insides churning in protest even as she kept her lips sealed shut, keeping her confession trapped inside. Simon looked down at her, seeming to note her silence.
He sighed, withdrawing his arm from around her. "You might as well just ask, I know what you're wondering."
Wren's brow furrowed in confusion as she cast him a look. "What I'm wondering?"
"Wren, I'm not stupid. I saw the look you gave me with Wendy, and I see the look you're giving me now. You're easy to read."
Realization dawned on Wren at what he was implying, and she quickly stumbled over her words. "Simon, I--"
"She needed help with her Alchemy work, and that's it. Nothing happened."
"I know--" Wren started again, but Simon cut her off.
"I made one mistake," Simon said. "One. And you and I both know that you're just as responsible for it happening as I am."
Wren looked to the ground, nodding her head. "I know. I…" she trailed off. "You're right. I shouldn't have even wondered. I'm sorry."
Simon sighed, his arm going around her shoulders once more. "I forgive you, I just wish you'd believe me that I love you."
"I do," Wren said, looking up into his face. "I know you love me."
He nodded solemnly. "More than anyone else ever could," he said before pressing his lips to hers and whisking her away to lunch.
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Wren spent most of her lunch picking at her food and absentmindedly listening to Alicia's ranting about her parents and their post-Hogwarts desires for her and to Katie's wondering about whether everything Professor Moody did was strictly legal.
If the other girls noticed that Wren hadn't really touched her food or seemed to be preoccupied, they didn't say anything. It's possible a look was shared, but she didn't catch it.
Instead, she sat there distracted until she noticed her dorm mates getting up from the table, and she did the same, leaving behind a half full plate to follow them up to the common room.
There, she lost four games of Exploding Snap in a row, and was in the middle of losing a fifth when Fred and George burst through the portrait hole, announcing their arrival with a chorus of "Heyyyyy".
Wren's head snapped to them, watching as the twins modeled their newly clean-shaven faces, stroking the smooth skin of their chins to a smattering of applause and laughter.
Fred scanned the common room, his eyes locking on hers once he found her. He navigated his way around the couches and chairs to her. "There she is…" Fred said as he approached, and she flinched. Alicia tapped the stack of cards and looked entirely unapologetic as Wren glared at her.
"Hardly," the other girl returned, twirling her wand between her fingers.
Fred plopped himself next to Wren as George sat next to Alicia, throwing himself into her lap. She shoved him off, and with a dramatic sigh, he switched to laying in Angelina's.
"About time you're back," Angelina said, tugging at George's ear. He winced, swatting her hand away. "How long does it take to fix a couple of beards anyway?"
"Longer when Dumbledore interrogates us for the secrets of our near success," Fred said, catching Wren's startled glance. "Don't worry--we told him we couldn't divulge any information."
"He seemed to understand but mentioned he'd be much obliged if the recipe  should ever end up under his office door," George said with a grin at Wren.
She flushed, shaking her head. "It didn't even work. I mean you two could have ended up--"
"Maybe it didn't work, Fred cut her off. But no one else even made it through the age line. We're the only ones to have crossed it."
"It was a good bit of magic, Wren," George agreed.
"But it just as easily could have landed you in the Hospital Wing for more than a few hours," Wren argued, and the group exchanged looks.
"I thought we'd been over this," George said, sitting himself up. "It was a minor risk, yeah, but we've taken bigger risks with our own testing."
"Besides, I doubt Dumbledore would have put any enchantment on the Goblet that could harm students if the whole point was to keep underage witches and wizards from entering," Angelina reasoned.
Wren wet her lips, turning this over in her mind. She still couldn't help but feel guilty for her failure, but what made her feel even worse was not the fact that she could have hurt Fred and George, but that she was disappointed her potion hadn't succeeded.
"Come on," Fred said, nudging her shoulder with his own. "You've got to admit, it was at least a bit thrilling to give it a go."
The corner of her lips traitorously twitched up. Around her, her friends made sounds of approval, George even reaching forward to shake her leg excitedly.
"He really came to ask you about the potion?" Wren asked, and Fred nodded solemnly.
"Seemed genuinely interested too," George added.
Wren offered a real smile then, and the group seemed to (accurately) take that as an end to the  conversation.
The rest of the afternoon passed happily. George finally ended Alicia's streak in Exploding Snap and Lee came into the Common Room about an hour later and recounted recent would-be entrants' failures for them. Now that Wren wasn't wracked with worry and guilt with Fred and George, she was able to laugh along with the rest of the group, especially over Lee's dramatic impersonation of Milicent Bulstrode breaking down into hysterics over her newfound beard.
By the time it was dinner, the events of the morning felt like they had passed weeks ago, and Wren traipsed down to the Great Hall with the group more than ready for the Halloween feast.
She wasn't, however, ready for the selection of Champions. Her heart stilled for a moment as Cedric's name was pulled from the cup, her eyes skipping over the group of Hufflepuffs shaking his shoulders and cheering, and instead focusing on Nora.
If Wren were in Nora's shoes, she'd be pale. But instead her cousin was alternating between clapping loudly and cupping her hands around her mouth to cheer.
She was only silenced when a fourth name came out of the cup.
In fact, the whole Great Hall went quiet for a beat. And then another one. And then the whispers started, moving through the room like wind rustling through the trees.
"Harry got his name in?" Angelina hissed next to Wren.
"How?" Katie whispered back, her eyes moving to Wren, but Wren was already focused on Harry, whipping his head around with surprise and saying something hushed and quick to his friends. Dumbledore called him up to the front table and her eyes followed his path, a clawing tightness in her chest as she watched him pass behind Fred.
How had he, a fourth year who by all accounts was not the smartest in his year, managed to get across the age line when the combined minds of her, Fred, George, and Lee hadn't managed it?
Her jaw clenched as a hand closed over hers. "Hey," George said, leaning across Angelina to get her attention. "If You-Know-Who wasn't able to kill him as a baby, you won't be able to now, even with that look."
The joke, coupled with Harry's disappearance into the chamber behind the professors' table, drew the small group's attention to Wren.
"I'm not trying to kill him," Wren protested as Dumbledore and other adults disappeared into the back room as well. With the disappearance of those in charge, the hall grew noisy once more, the chatter electric. "I just don't understand how he got in is all."
The look of mild annoyance on Fred's face melted as he took her in. "She's jealous!"
"Am not," Wren huffed.
"Come on, Wren, a win for Harry is a win for Gryffindor," Angelina said, but her smile was a bit tight, and Wren felt a bit embarrassed at being jealous when Angelina, who had legitimately entered, hadn't been chosen.
"And more than that," Fred said, bending his head forward conspiratorially. "It's a reason to party."
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By the time Harry Potter, the guest of honor and very reason for the party, arrived at the Gryffindor common room, the party was in full swing. Students had come together to lay out a solid stash of snacks on a few tables, and Fred and George had procured a few cases of Butterbeer in a suspicious amount of time. This of course meant that everyone was almost vibrating with excitement to greet Harry. Indeed, all of Wren's friends left her the moment he came through the portrait hole to bombard him with well wishes and questions.
Wren, for her part, hung back with Alicia, making her way through a bag of crisps while staring warily at Harry. "Reckon he'll tell anyone how he did it?" Wren asked as Alicia took a long sip from her butterbeer.
"Harry?" Alicia asked, her voice a bit raw from the carbonation. "Probably not. He's rather tight-lipped. It'd be easier to get it out of Ron."
Wren nodded, scanning the room for the twins' younger brother. As her gaze skipped from redhead to redhead, none of them belonged to Harry's best friend. "Where is Ron?"
"This is really bothering you, huh," Alicia asked, her expression sympathetic. "I know you wanted it to work, but honestly Wren, it was always a long shot. The twins knew that."
Wren had no intention of trying to get Ron Weasley to tell her how Harry entered, but she would have been lying if she dismissed Alicia's claim outright.
She had known it'd been a long shot too. She always had a healthy dose of skepticism throughout the endeavor.
But she couldn't get rid of the small, irritating feeling of disappointment that scratched at the back of her mind.
She doubted Dumbledore would want her potion recipe now that someone had had an actually successful workaround.
"Why the long face?" Fred asked, walking back up with George. Over their shoulders, Wren could see Lee tying the Gryffindor banner around Harry's shoulders.
The two followed her gaze and Fred snorted. "Still on about that, then?"
"No," Wren said petulantly. The twins exchanged a knowing look, and she scowled, swatting at them. "I'm not!"
Fred's eyes darted over her shoulder, and she whipped around to catch Alicia mid-nod before pretending she was sipping from her drink.
"I'm not!"
Fred and George exchanged another look, although this one seemed to be more of a conversation between two pairs of eyebrows than just a look.
"Alicia, we're stealing Wren," Fred announced, wrapping an arm around Wren's shoulders and guiding her forward before Alicia could even respond to the statement. George trailed after the two of them, the group stopping in a relatively quiet nook of the common room, away from the thick of the party.
"It has recently come to our attention that you, Wren Collings, are a natural born inventor."
Wren quirked an eyebrow, staring dubiously back at Fred. "What?"
"You're upset that you didn't find the solution to the age line and Harry did," George filled in.
"Plus, you greatly enjoyed the plotting involved in making our potion," Fred nodded.
"So we were talking…" George started
"And we think you'd be an excellent addition to the Weasley Wizard Wheezes product development team," Fred finished with a smile.
"The what?"
"Fred and I have always dreamed of opening a joke shop. We've been working on a few products over the summer," George explained.
"Fake wands."
"Tom-tongue toffees."
"Trick quills."
"And we think that your mind and potions and Herbology expertise would help us with our next  venture," Fred said.
"Your next venture?" Wren repeated.
"Puking pastilles," the twins chorused with a nod.
"Puking pastilles." What they were proposing was so ridiculous, Wren wasn't able to come up with a coherent original thought. Instead she was turning the idea over in her mind--product development with the Weasley twins. It was true she'd enjoyed developing the aging potion with them, but that had been a one time thing. A deal. And even then it hadn't worked. Now they wanted her to come up with entirely original recipes for members of the public to eventually consume? She could poison all of London. Or worse, she could--
"You're spiraling," Fred said matter of factly. "I can see it right here," he said, poking at the crease between her eyebrows, and Wren slapped his hand away. He grinned at her. "Come on Wren, this is an exciting new venture. Nothing to get too in your head about at this stage."
"I just don't think I--"
"If this is going to be another self-deprecating statement, I should warn you. You're wasting your breath," George interrupted, holding up a hand.
"We happen to think you are nothing short of a genius, and there isn't anything you can say to convince us otherwise," Fred added.
Wren blinked at them. "I--" they cast her reproachful looks and she switched directions. "Thank you."
Fred smiled. "I'm going to take that as confirmation that you're in."
Wren shook her head, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. It would be easy to tell them no. To stick to the plan of just studying for her classes and spending free moments trying to track down Simon. But she didn't want to.
"Yeah," Wren said with a tentative smile. "I'm in."
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While working with Fred and George on the creation of puking pastilles was fun and often led to Wren laughing so hard her sides hurt, it was still, at its core, work . She was fairly certain she had never used her brain so much. Not even for NEWT-level Potions or Transfiguration.
Still, there were far worse uses of her time than being tucked away in the common room or a corner of the library, drawing up plans and theories with Fred and George and sometimes Lee.
"I need a break," Wren announced, placing her book on top of the stack they had pulled.
"Breaks are for the faint of heart," George said automatically, not even bothering to look up from his reading. It had been the line the three used to keep each other on track.
"I fear I'm going into heart failure," Wren answered, dramatically, dropping in her chair. "If I have to read another line about common Italian plants' side effects, I think my heart will finally give out."
"Alright Georgie, I think a break's in order. We don't want poor Wren's heart to explode," Fred said, snapping his book shut.
"So when Wren's going through heart failure, we get a break, but when I'm dying of boredom, you just eulogize me."
"That's about the size of things," Fred nodded, and George grinned, shutting his book and looking over at the two. He opened his mouth to say something, but before he had the chance, a look of curious confusion crossed his face.
"Hullo," he greeted, and Wren turned to see Simon walking towards the group.
"Hi, love," Wren smiled up at Simon. His bronze hair curled above his eyes, and she reached out a hand for him. He shot a quick look at her and then at the Weasley twins, keeping his hands firmly in his pockets. Wren curled her hand back in, resting it on her shoulder as if that was what she intended to do. "What are you doing here?"
"Searching for my girlfriend," Simon offered a small smile. "Have you seen her?
"Simon," Wren laughed lightly as Fred and George exchanged mortified looks at the excuse of a joke.
"Oh! I hardly recognized you. Haven't seen you in ages."
"Ha ha, very funny," Wren smiled and let out an exhale as if he was joking, but he had that look in his eyes that she knew too well. He turned to Fred and George.
"So you're the reason my girlfriend's gone missing."
"What can I say, our presence is a delight." It wasn't the tone of Fred's voice as much as the look of George's face that made her stomach drop.
"Thank you for sharing Wren with us," George stepped in. "Must be hard to let this one go."
"Indeed," he swiveled to Wren. "Speaking of which, have a second?" Simon asked, flashing a seemingly charming smile. Wren looked up at him, and a flash of fear, which she hoped was unnoticeable, crossed her face. She slowly nodded.
"For you? Always," she said, standing up to follow him. Had he heard about George? What did he want? She had heard that tone of voice before, and it never ended well. She followed him a couple of rows over so that it was deserted and nobody would hear them.
"I didn't realize you three were so close," he commented, his voice still friendly, but in the dangerous phase. If Wren thought that her research was going to give her heart failure, she was certain that this conversation might give her a heart attack. It pounded away in her chest, as she racked her brain for an explanation. She had a feeling after Simon's reaction to the aging potion that he wouldn't particularly care for the truth.
"We're not that close," Wren dismissed. "We've just been studying together this year, is all. They're a whiz at Charms, and honestly this NEWT schedule is keeping me so busy--"
"Wren," Simon stopped her. "Don't insult my intelligence."
"You're lying. I can see it all over you. What are you really up to with them?"
"What am I really up to?" Wren repeated, her heart beating faster. "Studying. Simon, where is this coming from? Why are you upset?"
"Why am I upset?" Simon asked. "After how you acted when you saw me walking down the hall with Wendy? I should have seen that you were projecting--accusing me of cheating while you're off spending your  afternoon in a dark corner of the library with the Weasley twins!"
"Simon, it's not like that. You've just been busy and I—" Wren started to argue, jerking away and shutting her mouth quickly as Simon shoved a finger in her face.
"Do not turn this into my fault."
"It's nobody's fault. There's nothing wrong here!" Wren began to grow hysterical. "You're reading into things that aren't there."
"So I'm crazy?" He dropped his hand, but moved closer to her, and she took a half step back.
"No, of course not," Wren held her temples "I just--there's no reason to be upset. I would never choose them over you. I-I'll go tell them I have to go. We can go to the courtyard, or wherever you want. "
"Don't even bother. I don't want to be your pity pick. Just go back to them," Simon scoffed, shaking his head. "At this point, I'm used to being left behind. Makes sense you'd do it too."
"Simon, I'll come with you. Just let me get my stuff. Please--" Wren reached forward grabbing his arm, and he snatched it away from her, sending her toppling into a bookshelf. A few books came loose, tumbling to the floor in a messy pile.
"You always do this," Simon's lip curled. "Make a mess of everything. I wonder if your precious twins will put up with half the things I do." Wren watched him leave, trying to blink back the tears forming in her eyes. He was right. She did always make a mess of things. She knew what she should have done--what she should have said. She should have packed up as soon as he came over. She should have told the twins she'd see them in class and told him she had more than a second--she had hours for him. She shouldn't have argued.
Wren wiped away a few tears as she bent down to begin picking up the books and finding their proper places. Footsteps approached the end of the aisle, and her head snapped, hoping Simon had come back.
"Everything ok?" Fred asked, standing at the end of the aisle where Simon had been moments before. Wren quickly glanced back at the book she was shoving into the shelf, as if that would hide her splotchy red face.
"Fine," her voice came out high and not quite as lighthearted as she'd hoped.
"And that's why you've decided to take up a part time job as a librarian?"
She let out a sigh that could maybe possibly be construed as a laugh. "No, I just--um--we stumbled into the books." She hoped that would explain the red face if not for Simon's conspicuous absence.
"Ah," Fred nodded, and she could hear the disbelief in his voice. "And where is the other half then?"
“He…he had to run off. Prefect duties. I told him I'd handle it.”
Fred's eyes rested on her, as she picked up another book and shoved it between two other ones, not able to even concentrate on making sure they were in alphabetical order. She couldn't understand why Fred had taken it upon himself to interrogate her. He was silent even as she picked up another book, as if for once he were carefully choosing his words.
"Must've run off pretty quick. I came as soon as I heard the books."
It was Wren's turn to furrow her brow at him. "Why?"
“What happened here?” George appeared over Fred's shoulder, stopping him from continuing the sentence.
“Simon couldn’t keep his hands off Wren,” Fred said to George. Wren flushed from the choice of words.
George wiggled his eyebrows at Wren. “Kinky.”
She turned redder if possible and Fred’s jaw ticked.
“Need a hand?”
Despite the fact that George asked the question, Wren looked at Fred. “That would be lovely.”
George moved around Fred and picked up the last few books, sliding them onto the shelf.
“Thanks, George,” Wren smiled. He reached over and squeezed her hand. His brow furrowed slightly. Wren looked over his shoulder at Fred who caught her eye before turning and heading back towards their seats. She looked back at George and offered a tight smile, standing up. "Let's go back to take our break."
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Catholic School
Summary: Just some Smutty Smut Buuuuut I wanted to do something fun & different. For some reason I thought it was weird to me that Walker seemed so pissed about his parents putting his daughter in catholic school and of course my mind went to find a strange way to make that sexual.Soooooo yeah here’s my first Walker fic. My little black body isn’t a huge fan of glorifying lawenforcement (like we see oftenly in the show) so idk how many more Walker fics we’ll get but, I had to do this one for my Jared girls!
Word Count :2,714
Pairing:Walker x Emily/you( Idk I wrote it weird)
“Is that all of it?” He asked, mock huffing as he set down the container of things at the top of your pyramid of boxes. 
“You better not knock over my stuff.” you shout over your shoulder. As you reach out to resume setting up your bookcase, you hear a shuffle and crash. The box’s contents cover the floor,and instead of scolding him for what you knew he would do ,you turn back to the shelf, right after shooting him a look to let him know he would absolutely be held responsible for removing the mess. 
“I’m sorry babe that’s my fault.” He chuckled, getting onto his knees to begin the process of cleaning up. You just roll your eyes and return to your shelf.
“ Woah ,woah! What is this ? Why haven’t I seen you in this!?!” He exclaims whirling you around and practically smacking you in the face with the skirt from your old high school uniform.
“Because you didn’t go to Our Lady of Peace”t
You retort smartly,smacking the skirt away from your nose.
“See that’s not fair!” He says ,grabbing you by the waist and pulling you in. Cordell Walker wasn’t always the ridiculously goofy & sentimental type. In fact, he was working his way into being one of the best law enforcement officers this area had ever seen. But, as he held the skirt up to your waist, his strong arms around you, you couldn’t help but feel your stomach flip as he kissed directly below your ear before whispering “please”.
As stupid as it was a small part of you did want to know if you could still fit into the uniform. And an even larger part of you couldn’t wait to use it as your secret weapon later, to get out of doing laundry or some other menial household chore. Moving in together was a big step.It was thrilling and exciting but, so far it hasn’t been without its challenges. You noted this part particularly as you looked down at your pile of items discarded from the box; dusting the edge of your peripheral vision.
“Fine” you breathe lightly, feigning disinterest “but you’re gonna regret it.”
“Em. There’s no way that’s possible.” he calls out shooting you a toothy grin. You allow the door to slam behind you ,cutting him off from sharing whatever fantasies he had worked up with the slam of the door between you. Surprisingly, the skirt slipped on with unimaginable ease, and the rest of your time was spent judging yourself in the mirror. The skirt barely covered your butt, you were aware. And the whore in you absolutely couldn’t wait to rush out and show him. Cordell was a calm Texas boy, a sweet and simple lover, truth be told you had wondered often about how to pull out his dark side and this skirt may be just the thing to do it. You had seen him slam suspects against a wall and tackle down perps. But, that was emotion reserved specifically for when he was angry, and never directed towards you. It wasn’t that you wanted him to be upset with you. But, you had been together long enough to understand sweet Walker and something in you desperately wanted to know what was beneath that. 
You took off your t-shirt and threw it in the hamper, allowing the black lace of your bra to show itself fully in connection with the red and black plaid of the skirt.
“You’re done for Walker.” You laugh as you open the door to see him standing in the hallway, he had been waiting for you, practically on his tip-toes jumping for excitement.
“ Oh my gawd.” The Texas twang in his voice was unmistakable. You smile up at him, stepping into the hall when you are met by a large, veiny hand on the skin of your bare stomach. “No.” He says slowly pushing you back into the bedroom. “ I can’t let you go anywhere like that.” You watch the expression on his face, as his eyes turn hungry and his grip changes from pushing you to his fingers lightly digging into your skin.
“Get on the bed.” He commands. You do as you’re told, looking up at him innocently while sitting on the side of the bed.He sits next to you and begins running a hand up your thigh.
“You know you’re ridiculously hot in this outfit right?” You just look at him,pretending to be entirely unaware of what the outfit was doing to him.
“Tell me something.” he says, rubbing the expanse of your leg again. “What’s the sluttiest thing you did in this outfit?” Your eyes shot up to meet his, and then immediately looked away.  
“Unh uhhh.” he warned, moving his hand up from your thigh to meet your warmth. You gasp lightly at his touch, and your response causes a dark smirk to play at the corner of his lips. 
You can feel him push pressure onto your clit and allow yourself to close your eyes. 
“Don’t tell me you never let anyone bend you over a desk and tell you how good it feels to be inside you catholic girl?” he joked. You let out a light moan as  he pushed two fingers inside.
“Your darkest highschool secret.Come on, tell me.” You can feel his breath hitch as you lightly move your hips, changing your position on his fingers. 
“I-I wanted my history teacher.” you breathe. You had no idea why you revealed that.
“Good girl….tell me more.”
“I’d pull my skirt up so  he could see, then I’d bend over and pick up books, or lean all the way over a desk to help a classmate, anything I could do to get his attention.” Once you started talking you couldn’t stop.You wanted to tell him every filthy thing you had ever done or even thought of. 
“Mmmm he made you wet didn’t he baby?” you shut your eyes even tighter not wanting to see his face, for fear of his reaction. A highschool teacher as a student’s first real crush isn’t out of the ordinary but he had a way of bringing out your dirtiest thoughts. 
“Yes.” you allowed out in a shaky breath. He pumped his hands faster into you.
“But you’ve done dirtier things than that right babygirl?” he asks. Fuck .Why did he have to call you baby girl? He knew that was a weakness, and clearly he didn’t intend on taking it easy on you anytime soon. 
“In class” you whisper “I stayed after to finish a test once.” your breathing is becoming ragged, he has to know you don’t have much longer before his hand sends you over the edge. 
“And what happened?” he asks gently near your ear, the smoothness of his voice now, contrasting with the force he is using to fuck his hands into you. 
“I knew he liked me, he couldn’t say it but, he did.”
“So you teased him.” he pushes his fingers into you, sending you over the edge. Your head drops back between your shoulder blades and you open your eyes, to look at him as you moan your way through your orgasm. Looking up at him as innocently as possible.He gets up from the edge of the bed, running a hand through his hair. You somehow manage to recover, as he moves toward you, setting you up father onto the mattress. He places the pad of his thumb at the top of your bottom lip, running it over the puffy, pink skin of your pout.
“You’re such a beautiful little fuck doll.”he moans , pushing his thumb inside your mouth, you suck on it, submissively. You hear him undoing his pants with his other hand, and soon he’s on top of you, covering your body with his. The skin-to-skin contact is deliciously fulfilling and you want to feel every inch of him over you.
“Open your legs for me princess.” he commands but,your head is swimming with adrenaline and you barely hear him. 
“Don’t make me ask twice, baby.” He says, forcing your knees apart, opening you up wide for him to see. You feel the heat of him next to your opening and roll your hips, trying to get him into you but,he doesn’t allow you to satisfaction. Instead, he leans in, kissing you deeply, exploring your mouth. You watch as he pulls back,your lips graze his adam’s apple slowly kissing down his lightly stubbled neck. Suddenly, you feel his lips close to your ear and he begins questioning you again.
“I like that you’re a good girl.”he says calmly “ But,I know your mind is dirty…...tell me what you really did.”he commands.
“I - I -” he cuts you off from even being able to answer by pushing himself into you, filling you up and causing an involuntary moan to escape your lips. He smiled down at you but,didn’t move his hips. He allows you time to adjust to him, when your breathing steadies, you try to talk again.
“My friend had told me that her boyfriend had fingered her at the movies,I wasn’t really interested in the story but, she did say that it felt good, and I guess I was intrigued or something I don’t know.” He pushed into you slowly, and you could see the  darkness in his eyes. He was revelling in the story,turned on by both your honesty and innocence. 
“I don’t know why, I just couldn’t stay focused on my test.” you tried to return your mind to the story but, you were so enraptured by the pressure he was creating in your body you could barely focus. 
“So I finished the test.” you continued “ and then I just I guess I started day dreaming or something.I don't know-” You trailed off, bucking your hips again, and he moves a hand down to stop you from fucking him, possibly even from making him cum. Every one of his exhales seemed to accompany a moan now and you loved how this was all affecting him. You could tell how incredibly turned on he was and it only worked to make you want to fuck him more. 
“When he came back in the room, my test was finished on my desk but, my hand was down my skirt, and I was moaning out his name.” He started thrusting now, quickly moving from a light pace to a hard pumping into you. “My legs were spread wide, and I remember just cumming all over my fingers.” your voice was becoming ragged now,but you continued. 
“Something about him catching me, and knowing he could see my hand in my underwear peeking out from under my skirt.”you sigh. Quickly, he pulls off out of you, rolling you over and positioning you on all fours. This was new, you had never been opposed to doggy-style but, the good-evangelical texas christian boy he was raised as did have an obvious love for the missionary position.You were jerked out of this realization by his pulling of your hair.He lowers his mouth next to your ear “finish telling me the story.”he commands.
“I don’t remember anything else.” you say trying so hard to balance enough to rub yourself into your next orgasm. He smacks his hips into you, pulling you up even further saying “Good girls don’t lie.You get fucked when you tell the truth.” he whispers. Slowing his pace in you.You feel so frustrated by him denying you your right to orgasm and you start raising your voice at him. 
“I- I liked it.” you divulge “ I didn’t stop when he walked in on me. I wanted him to see, to catch me. It made me so fucking hot, because…… because he didn’t look away.” you exhale roughly. He picks up his pace again, really fucking into you.Grunting hard as he digs his nails into your hips. 
“He liked it babygirl.” he moans out “He loved seeing you in that skirt as much as I do.” he moaned again as, you push your hips back to meet him and he moans again,moving one arm to push your head down,as he fucks into you more forcefully than he ever has before. 
“Fuck Em-”he breathes, right before pluging himself into you. You can feel the coil snap in you,as he fills you with his cum.You become aware of how hard you had been holding onto the bed sheets and how your eyes had blissfully rolled to the back of your head, and caused your entire body to relax. It was amazing how he could do that.The two of you laid there for a few moments just panting in the silence.Eventually, he pulled himself out of you receding to the bathroom, you hear him turn on the faucet, water rushing, turning off the faucet he lightly pads his way back into the room. You had managed to roll over but not change much in appearance.He wrapped an arm around you, pulling you into him, interlacing the fingers on his opposite hand with yours.
“What’s on your mind Cordell Walker? “ you asked from a sleepy haze. He was quiet for a moment before answering, letting the silence sit as you drifted off further. 
“ I just really like that skirt.” You can hear him
Smiling to himself.  You brush a finger over his thumb to let him know you’re still awake and that he won’t get off easily, without something deeper than the skirt inspiring the incredible sexual connections you had both experienced. Your mind danced with the silence again. It was the sound of his heartbeat that brought you back to earth, to Texas, to the bed with him. He speaks quietly, his tone just above a whisper,
“ I’m sorry I didn’t use a condom. I know that’s not our thing.” The uncertainty of his voice shocked you “ I just -I wanted to try-“ 
“ I liked it .” You say cutting him off cheerfully without opening your eyes. 
“ Good.” Silence blankets the room again. “ I just don’t want you to think I’m trying to rush the kids' thing. I know we said we’d revisit it once we moved in together.But, if you’re not ready. I don’t see any reason to push it.”
“Well” you said rolling over, “we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.I just hope we don’t have a girl.”You sigh.You can feel his chuckle radiate through your body. 
“Well the one thing I do know is she will not go to catholic school.” he joked.You burst into laughter. You were right, he didn’t stand a chance.
“Catholic school creates sluts,what can I say?”you smile to yourself,snuggling in.
“I didn’t say that.” He smiles. You run your hand down his forearm,feeling the strength in his arms as your fingertips trace the vanes mapped out across his limb.” It was late, and moving in,during a Texas summer had been almost unbearable.This was the moment you had finally allowed yourself to rest, and being curled up next to him you felt safe enough to drift off to sleep. Into a world where you and Cordell Walker had a daughter, that would be some world.She’d be gorgeous just like her father of course.Probably as headstrong and emotional too. You had always pictured yourself having a boy though. 
No matter what the two of you eventually ended up with, it was clear he would be an amazing dad. You fell asleep smiling to yourself, knowing that as long as the two of you had each other, everything would be alright. Moving in, may have been the best thing the two of you had ever done.
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itcantbe · 3 years
Zelink Week 2021: Day 4
Hello and welcome to day 4 of @zelinkweek2021 (I remembered to tag it this time!). Today's prompt is "Trust: Broken/Forged." I tried to address both aspects in this chapter of "Under the Boardwalk." Just a reminder this story is rated M and will shift to E with the last chapter (but the E bit can be skipped if you want). This chapter takes place the night of the first chapter, if you're getting confused with the timeline. Yesterday's chapter took place sometime in the future. Enjoy!
chapter 1 | chapter 2 | Read chapter 3 on ao3
Under the Boardwalk: We'll be Fallin' in Love
Ice cream. Coffee. A movie.
“What’s in here?”
Dinner. Ice skating. Mini golf.
Link can’t help thinking of better date ideas than sneaking around the amusement park he works at after hours. He had hoped they might walk around a bit, Zelda would get her fill of the empty park and they could leave and go do something else. Though he holds out some hope that she might get a little scared, and maybe clutch his arm to her chest, crushing it between her breasts as she clings to him. He’s distracted by the idea for a moment, until he hears the rattle of a doorknob.
“Don’t — ! That’s an electrical room, it supplies power to some of the lights. It’s dangerous.”
“Then why isn’t the door locked?”
Link takes Zelda’s arm, hoping he can pull her away from the door plastered in signs that say WARNING! and DANGER! with pictures of little sad people surrounded by lightning bolts. He attempts a distraction.
“Why don’t we go look at The Molduga? We can sneak into the part in the middle where it’s like a little forest.”
He hears a little click before Zelda turns to him, flashing a brilliant smile that makes his insides go watery.
“Ooh yes! Let’s go!”
And then she does take his hand, and he feels a thrill, glad she can’t see the goofy grin that crosses his face as he turns to lead her into the park.
Link knew where there was an opening in part of the fence that surrounds The Molduga, the giant wooden roller coaster that’s the main attraction of Hyrule Castle Amusement Park. The Molduga has been the highlight of the park for decades, and over the years a mini-forest grew inside each of the loops and curves the ride takes as it sprawls around the north side of the park. Of course, they don’t want people going in there when the ride is open, so they put up a fence that surrounds the ride on all sides.
But the fence is nearly as old as the ride, and hasn’t been well maintained in all of its years of existence. Much like everything else at the park, regular maintenance was allowed to slide in the name of maximizing profits. The fence has developed several gaps and holes over time, and the wooded areas of the interior are a favorite place for park employees to hide out while on break, to have a smoke or a nip or just enjoy nature for a minute before you have to submerge yourself in the tourist hordes again. Link knows of a gap in the fence hidden in the backside of the ride, where the track runs by the main fence between the park and the parking lot.
Maybe she’ll get bored and we can leave, Link thinks as he leads Zelda there. Surely by now she has been satisfied with the relative spookiness of the park after closing and is willing to head off and do something that’s actually fun. He can barely see her in the darkness of this part of the park, the black ball cap she put on covering her golden hair, her dark shirt and pants hiding the rest of her. He had to admit he’d been hoping she would wear some night-time version of what she wore each time he saw her at the park, the little dresses that left her shoulders bare and showed off a lot of thigh. The dresses that often came to mind when he had some time to himself at night before bed.
He had been surprised when she arrived to meet him that night.
“You look … uh, you look nice,” he said, rather stupidly. She always made him kind of stupid.
Zelda saw right through him, smirking as he scrambled to seem gentlemanly despite his obvious disappointment.
“Well I don’t think strappy platform sandals would have been very practical for sneaking around, do you?”
No, but they did nice things for her legs and he liked the pretty pink nail polish she wore on her toes.
“I … uh … I guess not.”
He wasn’t an eloquent guy on the best day but this was getting pathetic. He was nervous, and she made him feel so flustered.
“Besides, this way I can blend into the shadows so we don’t get caught!”
She brought out a black ball cap with a flourish and put it on her head in one smooth motion before turning to him and winking.
“So let’s go!”
Link’s brain shut down when she winked at him, nothing but white noise for a moment, only coming back online once he saw her head off into the dark, and he scrambled to catch up with her.
Despite him being the supposed tour leader, it was Zelda who led him about the park, asking questions and taking off with “Ooh, what’s over there?!” so often that he felt like he was constantly just trying to keep up. He should be used to the feeling by now, he thinks. He’s always attempting to keep up, and never quite making it.
But this time he led her, pulling the fence open so that she could go in.
“Are there a lot of gaps in the fence like this?”
“Um … yeah. I only know about this one but there’s gaps all over. I don’t think they do a lot of inspections.”
“Isn’t that dangerous?”
“I guess.”
He followed her through, then took the lead again, hoping he remembered where the little clearing was that had the least amount of trash in it and had a fallen log they could sit on. It was a nice area, a little further in than most employees were willing to go, and so it was relatively clean and untouched. Maybe they could sit for a while. Maybe she would let him kiss her. Maybe she would kiss him. Maybe they could do a lot of kissing. Maybe she would push him down into the grass and let him run his hands up the inside of her shirt … Lost in his daydream, it was a minute before he realized she wasn’t behind him, and turned to see her jogging up to him.
“I stopped to tie my shoe,” she said by way of explanation.
“Oh,” Link said, confused. Why hadn’t she said anything? He would have waited for her.
“Just a bit more,” he told her.
He took a right where the tracks crossed each other, soaring a hundred feet over their heads, and followed the wooden framework that criss-crossed in a huge lattice to support the ride in the air around … and there they were. He stepped over a piece of the wooden framework that had fallen; there were a few of those around, pieces dropped off the antique ride frequently. Link realized what he’d thought was a log was actually one of the giant cross beams from the ride that had fallen who knows when and had grown soft and green with moss.
“Is this part of the ride?” Zelda asked as she sat next to him.
“Yeah, this ride is pretty old and parts fall off a lot.”
“That doesn’t seem safe!”
“Well, I’m sure they replace them.”
How was he supposed to know?
“I dunno. I’m just. Sure they do.”
“Do they ever shut the ride down for any reason? Like for safety? Or if someone gets hurt?”
Link laughed.
“No, they never shut down the Molduga. It makes them too much money.”
She hummed thoughtfully at that.
It was a lovely night, the heat of the day having dissipated, a cool breeze soughing through the trees. Without the crowds of people, the noise of the cars and the roar of the rides, it was peaceful, the noise of the city distant and muted. It was, dare Link think it, almost romantic.
“Oh!” he heard Zelda exclaim next to him. “You can see all the stars!”
Link looked up. She was right, the sky twinkled with a number of stars that couldn’t be seen normally with the light pollution of the park and the city. He leaned in a bit closer to her. He could smell her perfume, the one she wore every time he saw her, the one that had rooted itself in his brain, that he thought he could smell every time he thought of her. Which was a lot. The scent pulled his attention away from the sparkling wash of the stars and back to Zelda, and he resisted the impulse to bury his nose into her neck and breathe her in.
“Zelda, can I k—“
“Do they ever shut down any of the other rides for repairs?”
They spoke at the same time.
“I’m sorry, did you say something?”
“Ah, forget it,” he mumbled, the moment gone. “Um, I don’t think so … Can’t we … can’t we talk about something else? Why do you even want to know?”
He could see her eyes widen in the dark as she looked at him.
“Oh … I was just curious!”
He’s struck with the realization that they rarely talk about anything else. Even before, when she would come and talk to him at his booth. Questions about the security at the park. About the rides. About the money. About Mr. Ganondorf, like Link would know anything about that. An icy tendril of dread began to worm its way through his middle, wrapping around his stomach and snaking its way up to his heart.
He stared at his hands, not really seeing them, but unable to look at her, either.
“You’ve been asking me a lot of weird questions. And wanting to look at a lot of weird stuff.”
Link began to feel very, very foolish. Foolish for ever thinking someone like Zelda would actually be interested in him. He should have known.
He squeezed his eyes shut tightly.
“What is this really about?”
Because it's not about me, is it, he thought.
He heard Zelda sigh.
“Link … I’m so sorry.”
He couldn’t help the groan of dismay that crawled out of his throat at her words, pushing his hands into his hair as he dropped his head onto his knees. He laced his fingers over the back of his head as if shielding himself from more disappointment.
It had been such a shitty year. After struggling through a few semesters of college, anxiety had finally gotten the better of him, and he dropped out when his grades slipped and he was in danger of failing. He had taken the amusement park job because it was easy, and he thought it might be fun, and it would keep his dad off his back. But it turned out standing in a game booth all day was really boring, yet also exhausting, leaving him with just enough energy to get on the bus home and collapse in his bed. Of course once he dropped out his student loans had come due, and all of his income went right into the payments. He had no degree, no goal in life, no energy, and no money. And no Zelda.
His voice was hollow and muffled as he spoke into his knees.
“Do you even have a sister?”
Her silence told him all he needed to know. Zelda had told him that her family had a season pass to the park and she was chaperoning her sister while she ran around the park, which is why she was there so much.
“No,” she whispered. “I’m an only child.”
Link sat up, covering his face with his hands as if he could hide from the truth. Zelda had been the bright spot of the summer, appearing at his booth one day like some gift from the goddess. She was so beautiful, and he couldn’t believe it when she came up to talk with him one morning, not long after he started working at the park. He had mumbled and stuttered, and yet, a couple of days later, she’d come back and talked with him some more. And then a few days later, again. Soon he was jumping at every blonde head of hair he saw, scenting the breeze like a dog seeking her perfume. It made coming into work bearable, almost exciting, the hope he might see her enough to get him through the day.
She had played him. She’d used her short dresses and big green eyes and played him for the horny idiot he was. Link felt like his heart was going to crack in half.
He jerked his hands away from his face and looked over to her. Zelda sat on the log next to him, shredding a dead leaf in her fingers. She continued to stare at her hands as she spoke, as if she couldn’t bring herself to meet his eyes.
“I’m a reporter with the Hyrule Star Fragment. I think something bad is going on in the park. I needed some way to get access to the inner workings of the park so I could gather evidence.”
“And I was that access.”
Link gave a bitter laugh.
“I should have known,” he said, as much to himself as to her. “I should have known someone like you wouldn’t really want someone like me. Well, I hope you got all the information you needed. I hope it was worth it.”
Link stood up to leave. He didn’t need to sit here and continue to be humiliated.
“Come on, I’ll show you back to your car.”
“Link, wait! Please, let me explain.”
He stopped, arms wrapped around his middle like he could hold all of his heartache inside of him. He turned around to look back at her, still seated on the log, face just a light blur in the deep shadows of the trees.
“Mr. Ganondorf is not a good person. This park is dangerous, and people are getting hurt.”
“So? What does that have to do with me?”
Zelda huffed in exasperation, then stood and came over to him. She stood close to him, so close he could feel the heat of her body. It seemed so intimate, like they were the only ones in the whole world, and he felt the stupid animal part of him react to it. He squashed it down and took a step back.
“People’s lives are ruined because they get hurt here and Ganondorf just covers it up. They are injured and he makes it out to be their fault and then they lose their jobs and their homes because of their medical expenses. That he should have paid for! The rides are dangerous and are in disrepair and it won’t be long before someone is killed!”
Link really didn’t want to listen. He didn’t want her to make him care. But the park employees talked. He’d heard some stories, stories about people getting injured, employees disappearing. He’d chalked it up to gossip, but maybe there was truth to it. Maybe it wouldn’t be long until he was next.
“I’m trying to gather evidence so I can write an exposé for the paper. Help people to learn the truth about this park and what happens here. But I can’t do it alone. I’m sorry I misled you—”
“Lied to me.”
Zelda sighed.
“I’m sorry I lied to you. I didn’t think … I didn’t think you’d want to help me. So I did what I thought would work. I didn’t think I’d …”
She dropped off there, leaving whatever she thought he’d do unsaid.
“You didn't think you'd what? You used me. How far would you have gone to keep me on a leash, telling you whatever you wanted? Would you have kissed me? Would you have fucked me? And then what, just dropped me once you got what you wanted?”
Link’s hurt and anger had boiled up so hot in him it made him nasty. He never talked like this to anyone, but it was as if all of his pent up rage at failing out of college, having to move back home, having his dad on his case at all times, had come pouring out. He hated himself more in this moment than he had all year. And he already hated himself quite a bit. But the words had been said and there was no taking them back now.
“No! I’d never!”
Link suddenly felt very weary, the rage flooding out of him almost as soon as it had filled him up.
“Then what?!”
Link had wanted to shout at her, but instead, his question came out as a quiet plea. His anger was quickly replaced with desperation. He just wanted to know how he fit into her grand scheme before they left the park and he never saw her again.
Zelda was silent for a moment, as if she battled over what to say to him. Or maybe she was just cooking up more lies to string him along some more.
“I didn’t think I’d actually like you,” she said, sounding defeated. “I thought I’d … I thought I’d just flirt with you, and ask you some questions, and maybe you’d show me around the park like you did. And once I knew where to go to get the answers I needed, I could disappear from your life and do what I needed to do.”
Link scoffed. He didn’t think his self loathing could get any worse but the way his heart lifted when she said she liked him proved him wrong. He just wanted so badly to have one right thing in his life.
“I hated lying to you, but by this time I didn’t think I could tell you the truth. I had planned to do as much as I could tonight and then …”
“And then drop me after that, right when I thought I had a chance.”
The fact that she wouldn’t meet his eyes confirmed that theory.
“Let’s just go,” he sighed, and started to walk away.
“Link, please!” she cried, and grabbed his hand. In his mind he yanked his hand out of her grasp and stalked away, indignant. In reality, he stopped, once again relishing the feeling of her hand in his.
“I promise, no more lies,” Zelda said, quietly and urgently. “But I do need your help. I need employee access into the park. Ganondorf cannot be allowed to continue to ruin people’s lives just to make himself richer. And I’ll try to make it up to you.”
He huffed a disbelieving laugh.
“Let me at least buy you dinner, and I’ll answer any of your questions. And if you want to part ways after that, then fine. And if not … maybe we can do this together.”
He looked at her, her hopeful face bathed in the light of the newly risen moon. Despite the lies, despite all of the deception, he believed her. He still felt like he should say no, remain on his high horse and leave her behind, drop her just as she had planned to drop him, but as usual, he was weak to anything she asked from him. It was just one night, Link reminded himself. He wouldn’t have to see her again if he didn’t want to.
“Fine,” he said with a sigh. “But I pick the restaurant.”
Zelda exhaled in relief.
“Oh thank you, Link! I promise you won’t regret it!”
Before he knew what was happening, she’d leaned in and kissed him on the cheek before yanking on his arm and dragging him out of the trees, through the gap in the fence, and out of the park, all without being spotted by security, just as he’d said.
Link thought he probably would regret it. But in the end, he decided he didn’t care.
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peggyrose19 · 4 years
This is an idea I got a while back and just now finally had the energy/time to sit and write it! I had a really fun time with it actually, it may be one of my favorite things I’ve ever written. Inspired by Taylor Swift and Bon Iver’s song Exile. Bet you can guess what’s coming :)
It’s angst! My favorite. This song gives me very big war era Wolfstar vibes, so of course that’s what you’re getting. This is a period of time between them I’ve never explored before so it was really fun to figure out their interactions and how they’d act around each other. Y’know, based off the approximately three nuggets of canon and ten million pieces of fanon I’ve consumed. 
I am doing a part 2 to this. That will be up at some point probably. 
cw: blood and death mentions
Remus couldn’t recall the exact moment everything changed. In fact, he wasn’t sure there even was one. But he could remember the day he realized, the day everything crumbled around him in shards on the floor. Everything was fine until it wasn’t and by then only he was left to pick up the pieces. 
He woke up alone the morning before the October full moon. 1981. The war had gotten nasty by then. So many people were gone, were terrified to even leave their houses. Nothing was the same anymore. 
That morning when Remus awoke was a cold one. Typical for October, but Remus was always cold. He reached out a hand; the other side of the bed had gone cold too. Shit. Frowning, Remus sat up. Shivering in the cool air, he climbed out of bed, wincing at the ice cold floor. He pulled a jumper on as he headed for the kitchen, following the smell of coffee through the narrow hallway. 
“Sirius?” he called out, entering the dim-light kitchen and looking around. The dark-haired man was nowhere to be seen. “Sirius?” 
A fresh pot of coffee sat on the counter, a mug and a piece of paper beside it. Remus read the note first, stomach sinking. He recognized Sirius’ messy scrawl. Got called out for a quick mission, I’ll be back for dinner. Left the coffee for you. Love you.
He sighed. “Of course.” 
With a resolute breath, Remus poured himself a mug from the spelled-warm pot and got started on his work for the day.
It was becoming a common occurrence these days, waking to an empty bed or being called away himself. It seemed something was always happening, another disaster, another death. They rarely made it through a whole night undisturbed now. Remus was so tired. He kept hoping and waiting for a moment of peace, a moment of rest, but it never seemed to come. War didn’t sleep.
When Sirius got home that night it was after dinner. 
“Where have you been?” Remus asked when the door had safely been shut behind him and Sirius was shedding off his coat. Exhaustion hung in his face, his body. His grey eyes were dull, lacking the playful light they’d always held at school.
“Mission,” he replied tiredly, crossing to join Remus on the couch. It was a sad, threadbare thing but it was theirs. “You know I can’t say anything, certainly not here.” He plopped down with a sigh, leaning into Remus, and that’s when Remus knew just how tough the day had been for him. 
“You alright, love?” he asked quietly, running a soft hand through his dark locks.
“No,” Sirius answered honestly, voice raw. He buried his face in Remus’ shoulder, the soft wool of his jumper warm and comforting.
Remus sighed and held him closer. They’d done this so many times. Comforting each other, holding each other tight as their world destroyed itself around them. Nothing ever seemed to get better. Nothing seemed to help. 
“D’you want to talk about it?” he asked. As usual, Sirius shook his head. He never wanted to talk about it. Remus was never sure if he couldn’t or if he refused to. “How ‘bout a movie?” he offered instead. 
Silently, Remus switched the tv on, turning it to their usual channel, and let it play, volume low. Sirius huddled closer, pulling the blankets over them both, eyes downcast.
“Pads?” Remus asked after a while. Sirius shifted.
“Are you going to be here tomorrow night?”
Sirius looked up. “Of course. I would never leave you alone like that.”
As Sirius looked at him, eyes bright and fierce, Remus felt like he was a kid again, looking up at his best friend as he vowed to never leave. He was back in their dorm room, curtains pulled tight around his bed as Sirius sat beside him and reassured him everything would be okay, promising to be there in the morning.
“I promise,” he vowed, echoing the words of so many years ago. 
It eased his heart, to hear the words again, to know that no matter what else happened, Sirius would always be by his side. That much at least would never change. 
Remus waited impatiently in the forest, knowing what was about to happen. It had been spelled with numerous muggle-repelling charms and protective measures, but they did nothing to ease the churning in his gut. That couldn’t be helped by anything. He was used to that by now.
As the sun fell lower in the sky, the forest darkening around him, Remus felt worse and worse. It was nearly time. So where was Sirius?
“Remus? Remus!” the panicked voice broke through the haze in his mind. The first thing he registered was the warm ground beneath him and a heavy weight above him.
“Yeah, I’m here. I’m here.” Remus willed his eyes open, taking in the hazy outline of Sirius leaning over him. Beyond him the sky was pink, trees reaching tall. It was dawn. Sirius sighed in relief. “You alright?”
“Fine,” Remus grunted, forcing himself into a seating position. Sirius followed, tracking his movement carefully. “You weren’t here last night.”
Regret filled Sirius’ gaze. “I know, I’m sorry. I was called out on-”
“Another mission, yeah.”
Bitterness crept into his voice as he pushed himself to his feet, Sirius helping him up. “You promised.”
Sirius sighed, running a rough hand over his face. “I know, I’m sorry. There was… there was nothing I could do. I’m so sorry Moons.”
In that moment Remus couldn’t help but feel resentful. Towards Dumbledore, towards Voldemort and his Death Eaters, even towards Sirius. And suddenly he couldn’t do it anymore, couldn’t stand before this man he loved so much and just pretend everything was okay. He didn’t have it in him anymore.
“I’m going home.” 
Without another word, Remus brushed off Sirius’ hand and Apparated, knowing it was stupid and doing it anyways. It was pure stubbornness that got him to the front door of their flat in one piece. His whole body ached, only made worse by the journey, but he didn’t have it in him to care. He just staggered to the bathroom and turned the shower on, stripping off his torn clothes and stepping in before the water even warmed. 
It was ice cold against his skin but he welcomed the bite, sharpening his senses and washing away the drowsiness. The water grew warmer as Remus grabbed a bar of soap and scrubbed at his skin, dirt and blood washing the water dark red. He winced at a particularly bad gash on his arm, but cleaned it out efficiently, well used to the pain. 
As he washed the last bits of soap from his hair, Remus heard the front door close and knew Sirius had come home. He sighed to himself, staying in the shower a moment longer, hating himself for hiding and unwilling to leave. 
“Remus?” Sirius called out, and he knew he’d have to face the music.
“Give me a minute,” he shouted back, and reluctantly turned the water off. Cold air hit him as soon as he pulled the shower curtain back, exhaustion sweeping through his body now that the adrenaline was fading and the warmth was gone. Shivering, he toweled off and pulled on the clean set of clothes he’d grabbed before. The apartment was eerily quiet.
With quiet feet, Remus made his way to the living room, finding Sirius on the couch with a book. He wasn’t reading it, Remus knew instantly, but only pretending to, eyes flitting over the page half-hazardly. 
“Sirius?” he said hesitantly, although he knew the man had heard him come down the hallway.
He turned, looking at Remus searchingly. “We need to talk.”
“Do we?” Remus sighed, but he went and sat down on the couch beside him, fighting the longing and fear battling in his chest. 
“Yes. Remus, you walked away from me!” 
“Technically I Apparated,” Remus muttered, and the corners of Sirius’ mouth twitched upward. He fought them down.
“You weren’t there,” Remus interrupted. “You weren’t there. And you promised you would be. I know-” he held up a hand- “it wasn’t your fault. I know that now. But I didn’t last night. Sirius, I had no way of knowing if you were okay or not. I didn’t know if you were still alive or if…” he swallowed hard. “Or if you were dead. I knew nothing. I needed you and you weren’t there and I didn’t know where you were.”
Sirius squeezed his eyes shut for a moment. When he opened them once more, Remus could see the pain lingering there, the anger simmering just beneath the surface. That anger had once made Remus fall in love with him. These days it was aimed at him as a broken cry for help, helpless words shouted to the walls as if it would bring their innocence back. 
“Sirius,” Remus sighed before he could say anything. He just wanted to sleep. “Can we not? Please? I’m so sick of fighting with you, we do this every time. You get a mission and you leave and you come back worse than before. And I can’t do it anymore. You promised me. You said we’d be okay, you said-”
“I know!” Sirius shouted, and the sound startled Remus. “I know I did,” he said, quieter. “And I one hundred percent meant it. I didn’t ask for this, okay? I didn’t ask to be sent on mission, I didn’t ask for this fucking war to happen! Alright? I just…” All the fight seemed to drain out of him. “I love you. So much. And I just want to keep you, keep us, safe.” 
“I know you do,” Remus said quietly. 
“Look,” Sirius sighed frustratedly. “Can we just get some rest? C’mon, you’ve been up all night, I know how the moons drain you. You need sleep.”
Remus contemplated. He knew it was never good to go to bed angry, but he couldn’t keep doing this. “Okay.”
They got ready for bed silently, dancing around each other the way they normally did, a comfortable ease settling over them. It was nice, to have that reassurance. Even with everything they still knew each other. 
When Remus climbed into bed, Sirius silently threw another blanket over him, smoothing out the wrinkles before crawling in beside him.
“G’night Moons,” Sirius whispered.”
“Night Pads.”
For once they both slept through the night.
The next two weeks passed without incident for the pair. More battles were fought, more lives were lost. Remus and Sirius went about their days, waking early and making coffee together, kissing in the bathroom while they brushed their teeth, disappearing on missions alone and coming back bloody and haunted. 
With each passing day, Sirius slipped further from Remus’ grasp. They fought more and more often, over stupid petty things and big life-changing events that had no good outcomes. And with each passing day Remus wished more and more they could go back to school, to the days of not understanding what war meant or what love was. He wanted that happiness back, the blissfulness and eagerness that came with first crushes and being a teenager. He wondered if he’d ever feel that again. 
The morning of October 31st, Remus woke up alone, cold beneath the blankets. He found a note in the kitchen, saying Sirius had to go out and would be back by nightfall, and a fresh pot of coffee made just the way he liked it. 
He left the coffee. 
There was no work to do that day, no mission to go on or paperwork to fill out or letters to write. There was nothing and no one to fight the silence that crept in. So Remus settled on the couch with a book and stared at the pages for long hours as the clock ticked and the sun rose beyond the walls of his living room. 
It was nearing nighttime when a knock on the door shook Remus from his stupor. With a heavy sigh, he stood and went to answer it. He blinked.
“Professor.” In the doorway stood Albus Dumbledore, dressed in his typical flowing robes and a grim look on his face. 
“Hello Mr. Lupin. I’m so sorry to burst in like this. May I come in.”
“Uh, yeah. Yeah, of course, come in.”
“Thank you.” Dumbledore settled at the kitchen table, piercing eyes following Remus as he stood across from him. 
“Why are you here?” Remus asked bluntly. His opinion of his old Headmaster had lessened with each passing month. 
“I'm afraid I have some bad news.” Remus sighed internally. It was never good news these days. “I’m sorry Mr. Lupin. But they’re gone. James and Lily, Peter… and Sirius.”
For the first time in his life, Dumbledore seemed uncomfortable. ��Mr. Black betrayed us.”
“No.” Remus shook his head. “No, no he wouldn’t.”
“I’m sorry, Mr. Lupin. But he did. He’s being taken to Azkaban now.”
Remus stared at Dumbledore for a long time. For long silent minutes, he just stared, disbelief and anger and pain filling him to the core. Dumbledore’s words hit him to the core, his worst nightmare suddenly brought to life in a cruel twist of fate. He felt his knees buckle, felt himself hit the ground, The pain didn’t register. 
He hadn’t seen this coming. Hadn’t looked hard enough, had been blindsided by his own damn love for a traitor. He couldn’t find the words to demand what happened, couldn’t find them even in his own head. They were all gone. And now he was alone.
He should have seen the signs. 
Iron doors clanged shut behind Sirius. He barely heard the sound. It echoed faintly in his ears, quiet over the ringing in his mind. Too loud was the silence, the rough wind from the dementors circling his cell. Too loud were his thoughts, falling deeper and deeper with each passing moment. 
He was alone again. Trapped in the darkness. There was no one left out there, no one to save him here. And there was no saving himself, not this time. 
James, Lily, Harry, all gone. Peter. Remus. 
Voldemort. Regulus. Peter. 
He should have seen the signs.
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riceccakes · 4 years
1 & catradora :)
trope writing prompts: send a number and a pairing :)
hi anon, you didn’t pick a category so i’m choosing my favorite out of the three, hope thats okay !!
“What, you’ve never thought about us?”
Adora was leaving. She was brought into Hordak’s office and left with a bittersweet smile. Catra didn’t need to even ask; Adora got the promotion. This would’ve been something to celebrate, had the promotion not meant moving across the country to the sister company, Dryl Inc.
“Hey, this doesn’t mean I’m gonna fall off the face of Etheria,” Adora said as Catra helped her clean her desk. “I’ll still call and I’ll visit every now and then.”
Catra kept her mouth shut, biting her tongue. It was too much at that moment, to try and even put into words what she was feeling. Instead, she hastily scanned Adora’s file cabinet of folders and tossed whatever the woman wouldn’t need.
Adora was Catra’s first friend at Prime Co. The desk job was going to be temporary, answering phone calls and trying to sell merchandise to make money while she looked for something more permanent. But, her and Adora started on the same day, were in the same training session, even were in the same group for “Team Building Exercises.” When the scheduled lunch time came around, Adora sat down at Catra’s empty table with a smile.
“Do you like tuna?” she asked. She stopped, shaking her head, “Was that stereotypical? I’m sorry, I should’ve worded this better.”
Catra kept a close eye on her, not responding as Adora pulled out three sandwiches, four bags of chips, two large cookies, and four juice boxes.
“I saw you weren’t eating so I thought I might offer one of my sandwiches,” Adora started, holding two of the three up, “I have two roast beef and one tuna, but I should’ve worded this all better.”
She began muttering to herself, fiddling with the plastic wrapped sandwiches and Catra finally reacted. She laughed, taking the tuna out of her hand and opening it.
“You’re fine, dummy. I like tuna.” She bit into it, glancing up to see Adora’s pink cheeks trying to hide.
They’d been at the company together for almost two years and while Catra was still coasting along, sure she’d stay until she found a more suitable career, Adora was excelling like no other coworker. Their boss, Hordak, had been giving her a bit of extra treatment, at least Catra noticed. She was sure Adora would be chosen for the new promotion Hordak announced a few months ago and wasn’t surprised today when Hordak called out from his office for Adora to see him.
When the last bit of Adora’s desk was in the box issued by Hordak, the picture frame of the two girls from the holiday party on top, Catra sighed.
“How long until you have to leave?”
“About a week,” Adora answered, lugging the box towards the elevator. “I have to pack my apartment too and everything.”
“Right,” Catra looked at the floor, wrapping her tail around herself. She stayed a few feet from Adora, wishing the elevator door wouldn’t open. She hissed at the sound when it did.
Adora stepped in, calling out Catra’s name. “Help me move out?”
Catra rolled her eyes, “Of course, idiot.”
When Catra clocked out, she drove to Adora’s almost too quickly. She hadn’t realized how much she dreaded that office; without Adora, her deskmates were bland and boring, lunch was a drag, and the empty space next to her hurt her heart more than she wanted to admit. 
Catra called out over the next few days, opting to help Adora move rather than endure more nine hour shifts in her newfound hell. She was silent for almost all of the packing sessions, still too upset to see Adora go. (Deep down in her heart, Catra hoped Adora would say no to the promotion. She hoped Adora would want to stay with her and not leave and keep working together and play pranks on Kyle until they retired. She hoped she wouldn’t have to ask Adora this, she hoped Adora would just know.) 
Catra knew Adora was talking, but the sentences never stuck in her mind. She was too busy wrapping dinner plates in old newspaper and bubblewrap and trying her hardest to stop her shaking hands from dropping any.
When she placed the last one in the box (all of them in tact, a feat in itself) she heard Adora say, “Let’s get drinks.”
It’d be only one more day before Adora had to leave. Catra placed the last box in the moving truck and nodded. Her tail wrapped around her again and she felt her ears drop. Adora placed her hand on Catra’s shoulder and she shuddered, quickly pulling away. Another time she’d deal with all the thoughts in her head, all the words she was screaming in her throat, all the “Please don’t go.” “You don’t need a new job.” “I’ll just make Hordak give you a raise, that’ll be enough right?” “Who am I supposed to make fun of Kyle with? Lonnie? She’s all talk and no bite, she’s always eating lunch with him and Rogelio.” Another time she’d deal with all of those thoughts, that’s what Catra told herself.
At the bar, Catra and Adora found a booth in the back. It was closed off from the rest of the patrons, perhaps for the better because Catra didn’t want anyone else to see her cry. (She wasn’t banking on it happening but she’d been close to doing so the past few nights, maybe this night would be what broke her.)
“Oh, come on, Catra,” Adora kicked her leg under the table. “Lighten up, I told you this isn’t goodbye.”
She sulked in her seat, swishing the vodka soda in her cup.
“You know, I asked Hordak if I could bring you.”
Catra froze, “What?”
“I’m supposed to be some department head when I get to Dryl Inc. I asked if I’d need an assistant or something but Hordak wouldn’t budge.”
“Assistant, really?”
Adora raised an eyebrow, “Oh, so you’d rather I just go and not make an effort to try and bring you?”
Catra’s eyes widened, Adora’s tone sounded insulted. She shook her head, “Wait, that’s not what I--”
Adora laughed, kicking her leg again, “I was just joking, Catra.”
Catra’s ears fidgeted, her mind trying to understand why Adora tried to get Hordak to let her leave too. “Why’d you ask him?”
Adora gulped, taking a long sip from her beer, “Well, I just. You know, it’s always been you and me at the company and well. I don’t know, I just thought,” she paused, finishing her drink. “What, you’ve never thought about us?”
The emphasis on the word scared Catra, much deeper and closer to her core than the thought of Adora leaving at all. Of course she’d thought about them, the two of them as more than friends. All the movie nights in Adora’s apartment after a long day at work, all the fast food deliveries to the office when Catra would reluctantly stay overtime since Adora was. All the times Adora’s blue eyes sparkled in the dingy office lighting (seriously, how did her eyes do that?) and all the times Adora’s laughter perked her tail in delight. She thought about all the company parties they attended, about Adora dressed up in a long dress with her hair pulled back and her neck exposed and that stupid perfume that made Catra’s hands twitch because she just wanted to grab Adora’s waist and kiss her. Of course she thought about it all.
And even while she wanted to say all of it then, her throat closed up and Catra just stared at Adora.
“Oh.” Adora reached for her beer again and brought it to her lips, eyes widening at the clear bottom. She placed it down with a blush, looking down at the table. She whispered, “Well, I have, a lot. I’ve always been too scared to try anything, for example, right now, because clearly you haven’t and I’ve made this weird.”
Catra desperately wanted to correct her, wanted to reach across the table and yank her shirt to pull her into a kiss. But she was stuck in her spot, staring at Adora who still looked gorgeous even when she was sad.
“I just like having you around and you’re really soft and you’re always nice to me,” Adora continued. Her voice was barely audible but Catra made it her mission to hear every last word. “I’m just really gonna miss you.”
Catra heard the sentence, felt her heart jump out of her chest at the notion of Adora missing her at all. She internally slapped herself across the face and finally forced her body to move. She jolted up, slamming her knees on the underside of the table as she grabbed Adora by the collar and kissed her.
Their teeth crashed and Catra knew her knees would turn into a bluish, purple color but she didn’t care. Adora’s lips were soft and tender and that stupid perfume she wore made her quietly moan as she pulled away for air. Adora pulled her back in, placing a few more gentle kisses, more successful ones at that, and let out a shaky breath.
“What the hell was that, Catra?”
With her heart rate settling, Catra kept her eyes shut. She didn’t want to sound stupid, didn’t want Adora to know just yet she was melting like putty, so she forced her brain to regain consciousness.
“If you wanted me to come with you, you should’ve just said so,” she breathed. Adora kissed her cheek and she cursed under her breath, “You’re packing up all my shit, though.”
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qianinterprises · 3 years
Unexpected Snow Day
Author's Notes: This fic was actually created for Valentines Day and a version of it has been posted on ncta and ao3.
Synopsis: The snow on the ground was a big surprise, and you aren't sure if it's pleasant or not. Sure, you love the snow, but the thought of spending Valentines Day alone isn't super appealing. It's a good thing your neighbor, Kun, has other plans to spend the day.
Pairing: Kun x Reader
Genre(s): fluff, tiny microscopic bit of angst
Warning(s): none
Word Count: 3900
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This image is not mine. Credit to the owner!
You hadn’t been expecting to view the snow blanketing the ground when you’d woken for work that morning. Your first thought was that you must be dreaming. Upon further inspection, however, you discovered that your eyes didn’t deceive you at all. Snow covered the ground. Well, more than covering it. Coating it more like. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d seen snow like this. Actually, you hadn’t seen it snow here at all, at least, it hadn’t snowed in the three years you’d lived in the small, one bedroom, one bathroom cottage you rented from the sweet old couple a few houses down.
You let out a sigh and leaned against the window sill, pressing your nose against the cool glass. You loved the snow. You always had. However, snow today? You squeezed your eyes shut. Typically, you didn’t mind being alone; you’d gotten used to it, but you’d never had to be alone on this particular holiday. Sure, it had been a while since you had someone romantic to share it with, but you typically had friends, or, at the very least, your students to keep you company. That was actually the plan for today. Spend the day of love with your students.
Those plans were foiled now. You hadn’t checked your email yet, but guessed school would be canceled. This place hadn’t received snow in years. They had no idea what to do with it! School would be canceled indefinitely until the snow melted away or, at the very least, became more manageable.
Your phone dinged on the nightstand, drawing your attention out of your thoughts. You gave the snow one last glance, puzzled feelings bubbling in your abdomen, before moving back to your bed to retrieve your phone.
‘Look outside!’
The message had come from Kun, your neighbor.
Before you had a chance to respond, another message arrived.
‘Guess no work today! And all that time put into lesson planning!’
You let out a little giggle at that.
Kun taught cooking class at the high school, a few doors down from your class. You weren’t in the same subject, but you had hit it off instantly when Kun had brought you a batch of brownies to welcome you to the school a few years ago. You’d quickly become fast friends, something that only made living next door to one another that much better.
‘Extra vacation days for us and the kiddos!’ you replied.
You couldn’t keep the grin off your face. There was just something about Kun that made you smile. Whenever he was around, a smile broke across your rosy cheeks, even if you’d had the worst of days. Your other co-workers seemed to have picked up on this and began relentlessly teasing you for it. Thankfully (or maybe not so thankfully), Kun hadn’t seemed to notice at all.
Your phone chimed again, this time portraying a little laughing emoji that Kun used a little too often. You slipped your phone into the pocket of your gray sweatpants. You were half tempted to climb back under the warm blankets heaped atop your bed, but opted to instead pace into the kitchen for a steaming cup of your favorite coffee.
While waiting for your Keurig to finish brewing, you stole another glance out at the snow through your kitchen window. The sun had risen fully now and you could now see white sticking to the tops of the trees. It was absolutely breath-taking. Something you hadn’t experienced in many years.
The sound of liquid filling your favorite coffee mug ceased and the sweet aroma filled the air. You poured in all of your creamers. Once it was sweet enough, you took a nice, refreshing sip, sighing softly as the warm liquid slid over your tongue and down your throat, instantly warming you.
Morning coffee was an absolute must. You couldn’t function without it. Sure, the caffeine was great, but it was more of the sweetness that you enjoyed. It was the perfect combination of sweet and bitter that got you ready for the day.
With a yawn, you moved into the living room of your little cottage. Monday’s were usually hectic and tiring, something you’d be counting on for the day. Now, with the snow covering the ground, you didn’t know what to do with yourself.
Perhaps you should stuff your face with chocolate and watch sappy romance movies with a box of tissues to dry your tears at someone else's happiness and your own loneliness. Maybe you should pop open the bottle of wine chilling in your refrigerator and drink the day away.
You sighed. You didn’t have a boyfriend to spend the day with. You didn’t have your best friend, who was already married, to cheer you up. You didn’t have your students to keep you distracted long enough for Valentines Day to feel full and bountiful.
You stretched out on the couch and your cat, Effie, jumped up in your lap, laying herself across your stomach, purring softly as she curled up. You stroked your cat's head and let your head lull against the throw pillows, staring up at the ceiling fan.
The best thing to do for a day like this would be reading a good book, you thought. It wasn’t long afterwards that you got up to grab a book from your collection.
The day was drifting away slowly, just as you had predicted. You was halfway through your book, taking your time to bask in the novel with a bowl of popcorn that Effie kept stealing. As lunchtime came and went, you found yourself succumbing to boredom. Your book was nice, but not nearly as interesting as you’d been hoping. You were blue. You had hopes that perhaps Kun would invite you over like he sometimes did for food or for a riveting game of Mario Kart, but as the day trickled away, those hopes vanished.
However, as your phone, which had been silent most of the day, began to ring, your hopes began to grow ever so slightly. The frown that had stitched itself across your face easily eased as soon as you picked up the phone to find Kun’s name flashing across the screen.
Light pink dusted your cheeks before you answered.
“How's your day going?” he asked.
His velvety voice sent chills up your spine.
“Boring,” you replied.
Your voice was dull with unenthusiasm that he chuckled at.
“I was bored too, which motivated me to clean out the old shed behind the house and I happened to find my own snow sled! I was wondering if you wanted to go to the park with me to try it out?”
Your face heated up brighter than it already was. He wanted you to go? Sledding? With him? You swallowed thickly. You shouldn’t jump to conclusions.
“I’d love to but uh… I don’t have a sled.”
“That’s fine! We can share mine! I-if you want to, of course.”
The way his excitement changed to stammaring made your heart pound. You’d never heard the cool, collected man stumble over his words before.
Your face heated, but you nodded against the phone, too anxious to speak just yet, although you knew he was waiting for an answer.
“I’d love to! When should I be ready?” you managed to squeak out.
“Ten minutes?” he asked.
Ten minutes?!
“Uh… sure!” you agreed, stupidly.
With that, the conversation ended and you shot up off the couch, startling Effie who had been asleep surrounded by popcorn kernels. Hastily, you tore the gray sweatpants down your legs, stumbling as you ran toward your closet, flinging your shirt off at the same time. As you reached the closet, you ripped the door open so hard it rattled, but you didn’t have time to care. Ten minutes was nowhere even close to enough time. Why you had agreed was completely beyond you. You could only assume it was your stupid, love-drunk brain going into over-drive with excitement.
You yanked a pair of black leggings off a hanger, ignoring the hanger that dropped onto the floor with a clank. You didn’t pause to pick it up. You didn’t have time! You rolled the leggings up your legs before grabbing a pair of jeans and sliding them up as well, hoping the simple combination would keep you warm enough. You pulled a sweater from another hanger, throwing it over your head and attempting to force your hands through, your heart racing as time slipped away, causing you to get lost in the sweater, attempting to blindly shove your head through the neck of the fabric.
With a grunt, you finally had the blasted thing pulled over your head and reached into the far back of her closet to retrieve a pair of black snow boots you rarely wore. You weren't even sure they’d still fit your feet, you could only hope.
You pulled your thick winter coat off it’s hanger. It was actually an old, tan, Carhartt coat that had belonged to your younger brother, but when he grew too big for it, shoulders too wide to fit, your parents, who hardly threw any clothing item away, found you could wear it. Sure, it was a little big on you. The sleeves were too long for your arms, the bottom covered your rear end almost completely, and it sat loose against your chest. Still, you loved it. It always smelled like pine and never failed to keep you warm, even in 20 degree weather.
You laid the coat out on the bed and turned your attention to the bathroom mirror.
Kun had seen you without makeup before, once, when his heat had gone out and he was banging on your door at 4 in the morning on a Saturday asking for warmth. That still didn’t make you confident. At the time, you didn’t care how your face looked, but now, as you stood in front of the bathroom mirror, you wrinkled your nose.
Freckles were cute when they just covered the cheek-bones of pretty, skinny girls, but you was neither pretty nor skinny, and you had dark freckles all the way from the top of your forehead down to the chubbiness under your jaw.
Time was ticking down. You knew you didn’t have too much time to worry about your face, but the thought of facing Kun bare-faced made your stomach churn. So, you did the only thing you could. You opened the bottle of concealer and pulled the wand out. You used the wand to dot over the freckles all over your face before going over them all with foundation. It wouldn’t cover them all or hide them, but it made them lighter, less noticeable.
Once dressed completely, you gave one more long, unsatisfied look into the mirror. You’d covered as many of your cosmetic flaws as you could. There was nothing more you could do, and you were rapidly running out of time.
More time had passed than you realized. Just as you emerged from the bathroom, reaching for your shoes, the doorbell rang.
“Coming!” you shouted, tugging on your snow boots, over fuzzy socks. Once they were laced up, you pulled the winter coat over your shoulders and zipped it up to your chin.
Once completely ready, you shuffled over to the door, turning the lock and opening it hesitantly to reveal a grinning Kun standing on your tiny porch, clutching a dull, red sled with the paint chipping. He wore a beige jacket, hood pulled up over his head, and a pair of jeans he’d likely lined with long-johns. He was dressed casually. Much more casually than she was used to, and it forced the air to get trapped inside her throat. He was perfect, even when he was dressed for the cold.
“Ready?” he asked, voice smooth, melodic, and full of excitement.
Your heart thumped a little harder in your chest. His attire, the sled, his smile, the day; it all made this seem like a magical date. You knew it couldn’t be but… in your dreams and your diary, it would be the most perfect date you’d ever gone on.
He walked down the three small steps leading to the ground that was covered in the icy white powder. As soon as he stepped foot on the ground, his boot crunched under the snow, a sound you hadn’t heard since you were young. It brought back so many memories of a happy childhood spent building snowmen and having snowball fights.
You followed him off the porch, you own feet soon crunching into the snow.
Kun led the way from your yard into his, taking a shortcut to the park not far from where you lived, a little more than a block away. You made your way up Kun’s driveway and out onto the side of the road. A snow plow had already come through to scrape the snow and ice off the road, but it hadn’t done a very good job. It had left ice in the center of the road and the scrapped away snow leaned precariously on the shoulder, teetering between off the road and on it. Not much of anyone would be driving today anyway, you supposed.
As the two of you made the short journey to the park, you exchanged small talk, mostly about classes or students you had in common. A brief conversation about your desire to get a German Shepherd puppy and Kun discussing his goldfish, Hendery and Xiaojun.
Before long, you’d reached the park and your eyes grew wide. From the moment Kun asked if you’d wanted to go sledding, you’d held no other thought about the complications in your mind, specifically the complications of the amount of people currently running amach. More specifically, your students, both past and present, seemed to be everywhere you turned. In fact, as you were taking it all in, Billy Bridges, one of your more… challenging students, flew past on a juvenile snowboard, nearly plowing over another adult in his path.
Your heart pounded nervously in your chest. You weren't great in crowds, especially in crowds that included your students that would ask a million questions about seeing you when you saw them again. Part of you thought it would be best to just go home, ditch a Valentines Day sled date and do something else, but as Kun’s gloved hand found your bare one, your mind blanked. He didn’t say a word, but he seemed to somehow know how nervous you’d become. He slowly guided you up through the throngs of people to a tall hill on one side of the park, a hill not too many people were occupying, as surprising as it was.
Once at the top, you took a moment to survey the area below. It was amazing. The usually green field was covered in thick white like some sort of enchanted wonderland. Children with pink noses were sliding down smaller hills on homemade sleds. Teenagers threw balls of icy fun at one another and chased each other around with snow-dusted boots. Others lay on their backs, stretching their arms out and flailing them as if they were trying to signal for help, forming the wings on an angel as their legs opened and closed over and over to make the outline of a dress, creating a pile of snow between their legs. Parents stood around, watching their children have fun or tilting their heads back with opened mouths to a falling snowflake on their tongue.
“Ready?” Kun’s voice brought you out of your reverie, his hand squeezing yours gently.
You looked back at him, grinning and nodded. As snowflakes began falling around them, several flakes became trapped in his hair, making him look like a dazzling snow prince that made you weak in the knees, and the urge to throw yourself at him became more impossible to withstand.
Luckily, he gave you a smile and turned away, releasing your hand and dropping the red sled into the snow, balancing it on the top of the hill, careful not to let it slide down without passengers.
“Did you want me to push you first?” you asked once the sled was situated.
Kun turned around at your question, confusion etched into his brow until that confusion turned to mirror dejection.
“I-I was thinking we could slide together…” he said, a light pink dusting his cheeks.
He must have been getting cold.
You was flabbergasted, nevertheless, at his statement. Your mouth was agape and you silence must have come off as judging rejection.
“I mean, if you want to! But you don’t have to!” he insisted, voice wavering slightly as the words rushed out.
You was still struck dumb, but this seemed to be all the push you needed to collect yourself and respond.
“That sounds like fun!” you agreed.
Kun let out a sigh that you were sure was just a hard exhalation of air and his smile returned.
He opened his hand, offering it to you, who gladly took it, face beginning to feel warm. He led you to where the sled rested and held the sled as you settled onto it. You bent your knees and slid your feet at the base of the sled to stabilize yourself. Once you were settled, Kun released the sled and you placed your bare hands on the frozen white sheets to stabilize it as Kun slowly lowered himself behind you. Your cheeks grew hotter as he situated himself with his legs on either side of you. He scooted closer, until his feet were pressed against the head of the sled beside yours and your back was pressed against his coat-clad chest. You could feel his warmth and his heartbeat through their clothes, slow and steady. Your own heartbeat racing at the closeness.
Kun reached around you, settling his arms on your waist and grabbing hold of the steering robe that rested against your knees. He pulled it tight and let his wrists settle on the tops of your thighs.
Your face was hot. So hot you were surprised you weren't melting the snowflakes still falling around you. You fought the urge to nestle yourself back against Kun’s chest, to make yourself more comfortable in his embrace. You fought against every urge within yourself not to turn around and press a kiss against his lips.To claim this as the perfect date in the history of dates. In fact, the only thing grounding you and keeping you from acting on your feelings was your bare hands still resting in the freezing snow to stabilize the sled.
Kun’s voice was so close to your ears, you felt like you could melt. All you could do was nod, too nervous to speak.
With that, you dug your fingers into the snow and used it as a springboard to topple you over the hill. With as much strength as you could muster, you did just that, forcing the sled to slide on the ice until gravity took control and you were descending the hill. The sled was slow at first, but it gradually picked up speed.
As you sped down, wisps of hair fluttered up into the wind as elated laughter bolted from both your chests. A wide grin stretched across your face. You had forgotten how much fun this was, or maybe it was Kun’s presence behind you that made it more fun.
Your eyes began to sting from the cold wind blowing in your face, drawing liquid to your eyes that you blinked away. Kun’s hands squeezed tighter around you, holding the rope and holding you steady in his strong arms. Everyone else had seemed to disappear. The only two people left in the world seemed to be the two of you sliding down the slope, laughing the whole way, wrapped up in each other’s bliss.
Unfortunately, the best moments never last forever and all too soon, the sled was sliding to a stop at the bottom of the hill. The world came back into view. Children were running around, teenagers were throwing snowballs, parents were catching snowflakes. Nothing had changed. You were still two people riding a sled who had no idea how the other felt.
As the sled came to a stop, you collected yourself to get off, ready to ask if he wanted to go again, but Kun’s arms tightened around your middle. You paused and glanced back at him questioningly, your cheeks heating again.
The snow fell around you, bits of it collecting in your eye lashes.
Kun didn’t speak for a long moment. His brown eyes just searched your, looking for the answers to a question he hadn’t asked.
You was about to open your mouth to speak, when he beat you to it.
“How do you feel about me?” he asked
Your cheeks flamed hotter.
“W-What do you mean?” you asked, attempting to play dumb.
You had no intentions on revealing your crush if he didn’t feel the same way.
“Am I just a good friend or… more?”
You were silent. It was your turn to search him. Your eyes met his again, hoping for the correct answer. As you looked, you saw no trace of jokes or laughter. You saw seriousness. A seriousness that you drew courage from.
“I see you as a really good friend who lives next door to me that I’ve known for three years,” you began.
His face seemed to fall and he started moving away from you. It was your turn to catch his wrist.
“A really good friend whom I’ve had a massive crush on for the past two years.”
It felt good to admit it. Your cheeks heated up more as you waited for an answer.
It never came. At least, not a verbal one.
Instead, a cold, gloved hand touched your cheek, drawing you closer before a pair of cold, plump, and absolutely perfect lips fell on yours.
It took you a moment to comprehend what was happening and to respond, but when you did, you placed a hand on his shoulder, drawing him closer to deepen the kiss. Your heart pounded in your ears. This was absolutely, without a doubt, the best Valentines Day there was in the history of days.
At least until a snowball hit you in the back, drawing you from the kiss in utter shock. You spun around, eyes wide until they met the mischievous smirks of Kim Jongin, Kim Jieun, and Lee Perry, three students you and Kun had in common.
“Mr. Qian and Ms. (Y/L/N) sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!” They began singing.
Their teasing brought more heat to your cheeks, and Kun drew you closer.
“Well, that’s what we were doing until you three broke the moment,” he scolded.
This did nothing but make the three laugh as they doddled away to go bother someone else.
You whined. Your perfect moment ruined.
At least, until Kun wrapped his arms back around your waist and squeezed again.
“So you see me as someone you had a crush on. I see you as my girlfriend,” he said.
You turned to look up at him, shock written all over your face. You searched him, hoping he was serious. Deeming he was, a smile broke out across your face.
“And I want to be your girlfriend.”
He smiled and brought you in for another kiss, one that sealed the deal officially.
Definitely the best Valentine's Day ever.
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Happy Birthday, jbsaucy!
Happy belated Birthday, @jbsaucy​! We hope you had a wonderful day back on the 16th, and that you celebrated in style! To bring your party back around, the lovely @mega-aulover​ has written a story just for you!
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For this year, I am recently divorced and trying to get the nerve up to get out there. So I would like to request a 30/40s Everlark, post divorced meeting
Dear Jbsaucy I hope you had a wonderful birthday. I apologize for the lateness, and I hope you had a wonderful day. This prompt BTW was amazing and I had a great time writing it. It was a blast. Thank you to Norbertsmom for Betaing 
Rated T 
Divorce sucks. SUCKS.
Getting divorced sucks, being divorced sucked.
But nothing, not the tedious nature of dividing unwanted movies, the fear of root canals, or getting a speeding ticket, compared to dating. Dating, ladies and gentlemen, after being married for ten years sucked royally. 
After my divorce, my attorney suggested I get a hobby or join a club. I really wasn’t a social person. Not much of a talker, and avoided any and all spotlights. It was this fear of the spotlight that originally brought me in contact to my now ex-husband, Darius.
My best friend Gale pushed me to do one of those karaoke nights. I panicked and ran straight into Darius. He thought I was cute, and I was grateful he went up with me to the karaoke microphone. He sang and I laughed. The rest is history; the marriage only lasted ten years. But I knew we weren’t right for one another, partially because Darius was a very sexual person, for me sex wasn’t important. I got more enjoyment out of getting my teeth cleaned. He found someone who revved his engine and I got the fica and dates. 
Yup Dates.
How did that happen you ask?
Well, I’ll tell you I followed my divorce attorney’s suggestion. Preface-OUTSIDE OF A COURTROOM NEVER EVER FOLLOW YOUR DIVORCE ATTORNEY’S ADVICE.
With that warning sign, I digress. Taking a deep breath, I pinch the bridge of my nose. Wait for it... I joined a book club. 
It was the only natural course of action. After our divorce I got all of the books. You see one of the things Darius and I loved to do was go to bookstores. We’d buy all of these books with the intention of reading them, and we never did. We had bookshelves filled with books from the 100 Must-Read Classic Books by Penguin. So after my divorce, I sat in my newly minted apartment with a box of wine and all of these books. 
I was looking at the boxes, my divorce papers jutting out. Amongst them there was a note - with the name of a book club, the real 451 book club, with an address. I called them the Squad 451 or the Squad. The women were a hodgepodge of personalities; the right blend of sweet and crazy. There is Mags, the motherly type. She has boatloads of grandchildren. Then there is her neighbor Greasy Sae  who runs a diner in town. I used to go to her diner as a kid and consume her mystery meat soups. The older woman is bawdy and half of the things she says makes me blush redder than a red bean. Next is Annie, a shy, slightly mad girl who is a librarian. Delly has the personality of the southern bell who wears pink and believes in romance. I’ve known of Delly forever; she and I went to the same high school. 
Foxface,  has one of those names with multiple consonants and vowels but prefers to go by Foxy or Foxface. She is freakishly smart and sometimes, I think she has blackmarket dealings because she’s so secretive. Then there is Effie, the middle aged, tightly wound woman whose book choices are as repressed as she is, like Jane Eyre. And last, but not least, is my divorce lawyer, yes the very same one who suggested I get a hobby, Johanna Mason who is, well, a sex fiend. 
I started meeting up with them, and six months after my divorce, that’s when the ladies conspired against me and set up my profile on one of those dating websites looking for men, for me. I had no idea, and on my birthday, they presented me with their “gift.” 
It was the gift you didn’t want, like a pimple on your wedding day or the runs before an important interview, or bad breath before a first kiss. 
Greasy said that if I didn’t use my, well, feminine - looks around - petals. That they’ll dry up and turn into ugly petunias. I announced sex wasn’t important, and even friged Effie said a lady needed to literally, figuratively, and metaphorically, occassionally let her hair down. 
 I said NO.
I demanded.
I scowled.
Nothing helped.
They created a profile based upon themselves, and yet through describing themselves they pegged me. I was nurturing. I had a sexy edge. I was introverted, and yet mysterious. I was smart, honest, loyal and a closet romantic. But if you tell anyone that, I’ll hunt you down, even after I’m dead. 
They split me up like a kid of divorced parents being schlepped from one house to the other. They set themselves up in teams and each team got to pick my dates. And everytime we met for a book club meeting, I was to dutifully report on the date. Based upon their success, a second date would be permitted. 
It was a simple proposition. 
I was naive. A stupid idiot, or as Bugs Bunny say’s, a maroon. 
Because I hadn’t really ever been out there. 
To be honest, I met Darius right out of high school, at my first college party, and we were married - okay it wasn’t a big wedding. It really wasn’t a wedding at all. It was a spur of the moment, we got drunk and ended up at one of those Elvis chapel impersonators. Annnnd bada-bing. 
I never really dated, so I agreed with the book club’s plan, because how hard could dating be?
 And thus began my nightmare.
I must state, or emphatically note, not all of my “dates,” were catastrophically bad. To be fair, most of the time I wasn’t interested. Delly said I wasn’t romantically pulled. Johnna said my engine wasn’t revved up. Greasy said if the man didn’t make me want to orgasam with a look, then he wasn’t worth my time. I posed this question to the universe: How in blazing blue inferno does a man make a woman...well you know, with a look? Was that even possible?
A hazy yellow fuzz enters my head and my mind wanders. I conjure up blue eyes and translucent lashes that never tangle.  
…. (my brain just short circuited at the thought of large hands)
Earth to Katniss. 
Okay sorry, I spaced out for a little bit, and their words spurred me on to continue my journey. And one year after my divorcce I had stories, no I have battle scars.  To prove my point, the following are my top three worst dates. In no particular order.  
Date Disaster # 1 was with an artsy type at a chique Italian restaurant. He arrived late, and was drunk, high, or both. Then fell asleep on his plate of bolognese. Yup, in his plate of spaghetti and meat sauce. I paid for my half, tucked my tail between my legs and left.
Date Disaster #2 was with a small man with glasses and a massive intellect who didn’t stop talking about flamingos. FLAMING PINK FLAMINGOS. My brain shut down. I didn’t hear the music in the jazz themed restaurant. I didn’t even taste the heat in the gumbo. The only factoid I remembered when we said goodnight was that flamingos were gray when they were born. I couldn’t even tell you how they became pink. The man was the human form of anesthesia for my soul. 
Date Disaster #3 was a nice man. We laughed. And everything was going well. We ordered drinks, a cranberry and soda for me, the bartender special for him while we waited for our table. Turns out he has a milk allergy and the bartender special had milk. When we sat down at the table and we were talking about our hobbies, his stomach began to grumble loudly. He became pasty and then as the waiter brought out our appetizers, he threw up all over the place. It was a good thing that throwing up didn't bother me, but it bothered our waiter who gagged. Needless to say, I burned the outfit I was wearing.  
Those were the top three...but there were more, just simmering to become the top one. And for a time I thought I wasn’t made to date.  But the ladies had faith and they were really trying to choose nice, interesting guys. However, nothing, nothing that I could ever imagine could top my latest date. 
I’m rushing along the sidewalk. I don’t want to be late, but at the same time, I don’t want to tell them how much of a calamity my latest date was, but to be completely honest, I don’t want to miss it. Tonight is also the night the group meets at Mellark’s. The friendly cafe style bakery with its rich and yummy pastries, both savory and sweet. It is my favorite place to meet. Squad 451 meets twice a month in different locations, including one of the two meeting rooms in the library, one of the community rooms in the Justice Building, and on our birthdays, we meet in a restaurant, but the bakery on Main Street is our favorite location. The Mellarks owned several locations. The flagship store was always managed by one of the original family members.  
If George Senior, or the middle son Ryan Mellark is at the helm of the bakery, they allow us to cavort in the shop until close. When his older brother George Junior or their Mother Muriel was in charge, we tended to be quiet, relegating our conversations to the books. When Peeta is in charge, there are free cheese buns and chaos. 
Please, stomach gods, let Peeta be there. I skipped lunch today because I had a deadline. I also forgot my wallet at home. Thankfully, my license was at the bottom of my backpack. I need food before my stomach eats itself. I am starving when I walk into the bakery. When I see Peeta, I stop. His blue eyes meet mine and my stomach flip flops. He gives me a slow sweet smile, before his eyes slide back to the customer who is ordering.
“Katniss,” Delly squeaks, waving frantically.
Somehow, my feet carry me over to the table and there is a plate of cheese buns and I thank every celestial being in the universe. His buns are heavenly. Sitting down, I take a napkin and snatch one.  My mouth waters and my lashes close as I bring the cheese bun to my mouth.  The smell of melted cheese, fresh bread, and the hint of dill, assuage my nose, before I bite into one of Peeta’s coveted flaky concoctions. The combination of the oozing cheese, the herbs and the buttery bread elicit a moan from deep within my being. These freaking cheese buns will be the death of me. 
“Wow.” Peeta’s voice causes my lashes to fly open. 
Peeta is standing near me with a cup of tea; his face and neck splotchy and red.  
My mouth is full of delicious food, but I forgot how to chew. 
Delly is looking between us. Her pale blue eyes quizzical, like when she’s trying to understand a concept or theme in a book.
 “Okay, bitches,” Johanna says, slamming her brief down. “Where’s the rest of the motley crew?”
“Mags and Greasy just arrived,” Delly answers absentmindedly. 
“Hey, Peeta, I need a strong black coffee.” 
“Sure,” Peeta says, all the while staring at me. I finally remember to chew. “Here Katniss, your tea.”   
Taking the paper cup, I can’t help feeling bashful. “Thank you.”
“Peet,” the girl behind the counter calls. 
Whenever Peeta is here, the business is brisk. He is charming. He was always charming, even back in high school he was the most popular guy, not only because of his looks, but because he was genuinely nice. I, like all of the other girls, had a mini crush on him. 
Looking over his shoulder he says, “I’ll be right back with your coffee, Jo.” 
Now Jo is looking between him and me, but hers is a wicked grin, like right before she nails a sleazebag who doesn’t want to pay for his children. I quirk an eyebrow, clueless as to what has Johanna showing off her predatory gleam. 
“Oh, it’s chilly outside,” Mags says.
“It’s colder than Rudolph’s balls outside,” Greasy says, her gruff voice is booming. Several patrons look at her. Greasy does not care. She’s well past her sixties and it’s her motto that she should live each day as if it was her last. 
In walks Effie, Annie, and Foxface, and they all say, “Hello,” in unison. 
The book of the month is actually a YA fiction called, The Fault in Our Stars, about teens with a terminal illness. I cried when Gus...I tear up once more...at the memory. But I know we aren’t going to discuss Hazel’s predicament with her parents. 
“So,” Delly says, bouncing in her chair.
I can’t help but grimace.
“How did it go?” Foxface says. She has an accent, but I can’t place it. 
“He looked like he belonged on one of those erotic books Johanna loves to read,” Greasy says, grabbing a cheese bun.
She’s not wrong. Gloss was a blond adonis, with slate blue eyes. And abs that have a flipping twelve pack, I ought to know, I counted them. The words are out of my mouth before I am aware of what I am saying.  “He really does with a twelve pack,” I say drinking my tea.
“Did you say twelve pack?” Johanna sat up. 
My eyes widen. 
“Wait, why are you blushing Katniss?” Foxface narrows her eyes.
“Did you and he…” Annie trails off. Her doe eyes are wide. 
“Did you have your first sleepover?” Effie leaned in. 
“Or did you dry hump him like a horny-toad dog?” Greasy’s voice bounces in the bakery.
Peeta’s pauses , wiping down the counter and looks directly at me. 
“NO!” My voice sounds half strangled.
Jo and Delly exchange a look. “Peeta,” Delly calls him over. 
Oh, no, no, no, I say to myself, eyeing how quickly I can get from the back corner to the exit. It is one thing to tell the squad, it is another to have Peeta know. I think I can sprint around the chairs and clear the table near the door like an olympic hurdle jumper. 
Peet walks over. “Hey Dells, can I get you ladies anything?”
“Katniss was going to regale us with her latest date,” Delly says.
“She’s going to tell us how she knows her date has Thor’s body.” 
“You’re dating?” Peeta asks, looking at me intently.
He doesn’t know I am dating or rather, being raked through hot coals.
“Oh,” Foxface chortles. “She’s dating.”
“Remember the guy who was texting with his mother during the entire date,” Effie said.
“There’s nothing wrong with that,” Mags saids grinning.
“Only the part when he had Katniss talk to her, and it turned out she was psychoanalyzing her to make sure she wasn’t an ax murderer,” Annie said laughing.
“Or what about the guy who kept on mentioning his ex and cried through the crème brûlée,” Greasy slaps her knee, laughing.
I can’t help but laugh. 
“Man, those are pretty bad,” Peeta says.
I hold up my finger. “No, those are tame.”
“Tame?” His blue eyes are sparkling. “You mean there are worse dates?”
Delly snorts. “Oh there are worse. I am so glad I am out of the dating pool.”  
“Yeah, Gale just loves you,” Annie sighs. 
Delly and Gale met when I joined the book club. And while I floundered, they fell in love and now Delly was pregnant.  
My eyes shift to Annie. “It’s so much easier when you fall in love.”
“Oh?” I say.
“I met someone,” Annie says softly. “He wants to meet all of us.”
I wonder what type of guy would date quiet, shy, introverted Annie who sometimes says things that remind me of that song from those Freddy movies from the 80’s. I shake my head.  Then I narrow my eyes. “Bring him to the next session,” I hear myself say. I want to meet this man, and make sure he will take care of my friend. 
“Really.” Annie clasps her hands.
I nod, but I notice Peeta is looking at me with this strange gleam in his eyes.  “Ah...yeah.” My voice sounds breathy. I frown, wondering why the heck I sound like one of those girls. You know the ones that always appear in the music videos washing cars and dancing on super yachts. Darius was fascinated by those girls, heck, his new girlfriend looks like one of those girls.
The women are chatting with Annie about the new guy in her life.  
“We'll discuss Annie’s beau later,” Mags holds her hand in the air. “I want to hear about Katniss’ date.” Her white hair spills over her shoulder as she fixes me with a look. “So tell us, how do you know Thor has a twelve pack?”
Somehow or another I knew the scrutiny on Annie would be short lived. My time to shine would come, but when I open my mouth to speak I can see a conspiratorial glance between Mags and Annie. And it hits me that they chose this man, because he looked like Thor. I scowl at the women who set me up on this one. Mags and Annie both have a pink tinge to their faces. I would have expected this from Jo or Greasy, but Mags and Annie, well it’s INCONCEIVABLE! 
I begin to speak. “He asked me to meet him at the edge of town, near route twelve.”
“Isn't that where Ripper’s place is?” Effie questioned, and she couldn’t hide her revulsion. 
“Yup,” I said, popping the ‘P’, thinking of the bar that disguised itself as an eatery. It was a seedy diner with cracked linoleum floors, yellowing formica, booths that had patches, blinking lights, and rickety chairs. 
“That’s where he asked you to meet him?” Mag’s sounds outraged. “That place is…is-”
“- a bedhaven for unsavory characters,” Foxface finishes. 
“You're brainless,” Jo mutters darkly. "Ripper's isn't the type of place you can go to Katniss. You should have called me."
As protective as I am about my friends, so is Jo. She's tough on the outside but has a really soft center. It's what makes her a perfect shark in the courtroom. Not that Darius was a jerk during our divorce. He actually wasn't. Johanna was present at the restaurant where he announced he wanted a divorce. Johanna later said it was my face, the vulnerability I tried to hide was why she took my divorce pro-bono. 
“I drove and brought my bottle of mace.” I know what everyone was thinking. The area in town where Ripper’s is located at, made the bad side of town look like a tourist destination. I didn't mind meeting my date there. I was looking forward to a basket of fries. Ripper's had amazing beer-battered fries. 
I've been to Ripper's once. I was with Gale and Thom who needed to score fake IDs. I ordered the fries, since I wasn't there for an ill gotten identification. But let me tell you, those fries. Oh! Holy mother of fries, no other fries can compare. 
I love food; it's why I'm a food critic now. What's so funny is that it was those fries that began my career as Buttercup, the elusive food critic. Back then I was Buttercup, the fussy eater. I blogged about them, no, I lavished them with love. I love my job. I can go into any restaurant, order anything on the menu, blog about it and get paid handsomely. And, most importantly, I can do it anonymously. Not even Darius knew I was Buttercup. He thought I was a boring housewife. Getting back to the fries, I wasn’t deterred from getting my fries.
“So then what happened?” Annie asked.
“He was there waiting for me. He stood up and smiled. And he's massive-"
"Just like a book cover," Foxface mutters.
 "He said his name wasn't Anthony, it’s Gloss.”
“Gloss?” Everyone said at the same time.
“Yup.” I sighed. “It was a sign. I should've left." Damn those fries! 
“So Gloss…" Peeta's sparkling eyes are on mine, his are an amazing hue of blue, like the indigo milk cap mushrooms. "Looks like Thor."  He frowns. "Thor with the long hair or short?"
"Long." The women around me answered as one.
Peeta turned those gorgeous eyes back to me.
Thor isn’t my cup of tea. I shrugged to show my indifference. "Gloss was sporting the Ragnarok look, short hair with facial hair."
 I swear I watch Peeta mouth, "short hair."
"Anyway, we sat at a booth. It was packed, actually." That should've been clue number two. Men at a joint like Ripper's at 8:30 on a Friday night, it was by the highway, plausible. But packed with just as many women. "The waitress who took our drink order could barely hear me."
"Was he nice?" Annie asks.
"He was sweet." Truthfully Gloss was a sweet guy.  He talked about his mother in a positive way, even if she gave him the name that was another descriptor for shiny objects. "He was attentive too. He told me his mother worked in the makeup industry. "
"That doesn't sound too awful," Delly says.
"He sounds delightful." Mags pushes her reading glasses up the bridge of her nose.  The gang is getting tired of the story and I hope they will move on to the reason we are  gathered, discussing the book we were reading. I begin to reach into my backpack because I really hate purses.
"If he's so delightful, why did he ask you to meet him at Ripper's?" Johanna says in her cross examination voice.
I wince as I take out my book.
"Yes, you must explain." Foxface demands.
"It's not nice to leave us dangling." Effie levels a look at me that has me squirming, feeling like I was being summoned into the principal's office. 
"I wanna know how you know Gloss has a twelve pack," Greasy says.
Peeta looks at me expectantly. 
Anndddd were back. I sigh. Will he run for the hills when I tell him? Most likely.
"We were talking about dancing.” My voice loses all it’s warmth. “I don't dance."
This causes a rumble of laughter and giggles amongst the women. Peeta looks confused. Finally Delly wipes the tears from her face and gasps, “You should never dance. Ever!” 
"That poor man’s toes,” Mags says, her shoulders shaking.
“Do I need to know?” Peeta looks between them. 
“I don’t dance!” I growl. The group erupts into another bout of laughter. 
“It was a scheme, a dirty underhanded scheme,” Effie says. 
The guy I was supposed to date was a dance instructor. He used the dating app as a way to drum up business. When the women meet him, he pairs them with guys who were there for a lesson. He paired me with a poor man named Harry. My nerves got the better of me, because I don’t like to be touched. Harry’s hands were sweaty. Harry tried to dip me as per my date’s instructions. I tripped, and in the process his toes were crushed, and I ended up with a sprained ankle. 
When I arrived in crutches to the next book club, well, that was one of those dates that simmers at the surface vying to be in the top three. 
“Gloss didn’t believe me. He said anyone can dance. I told him no, and explained that there are people who are predisposed to fly in airplanes, and some who get motion sickness in a car. “
“What happened next?” Foxface asks, moving to the edge of her chair.
“He went to the jukebox.”
“Oh no,” Johanna mutters. “Did he end up in the hospital?” 
“Is that how you know he’s got a twelve pack?” Greasy questions. The ladies, and Peeta are all staring at me. 
I shake my head. Why couldn’t there be a rush of customers right now? It is calm and I know the odds are against me. 
“Spill it!” Johanna demands. 
“Well, he queued up a song and waited a beat, and then Lenny’s Kravits’ American Woman started blaring. Gloss started sauntering and spun and did the splits on the floor. Next thing I know, the women in the place go nuts. They surround him, like a rabid pack of wild dogs.”
“Wait, what!” Delly exclaims her pale eyes bright, she grips the book in her hand. 
“That doesn’t happen,” Peeta says.
“It does to her,” Foxface said, her eyes shining with ferocity, like the eyes of those women at Rippers.
“Shut it blondie,” Johanna orders. 
“Yeah,” Annie says.
Taking a deep breath I continue. “He started dancing...hips…” my brain flashing to his hips gyrating. “...jutting out and…”
“Ohhhhh yeah,” Greasy cackles.
“Gyrating, his hips gyrating,” Foxface gasps.
With eyes closed I nod. “His hips were doing that all over the place. He then jumped on the table and proceeded to rip off his shirt. He shouted my name and told me his next move was his favorite. He spun onto his knees and slid up in my face before dropping his drawers.” I lower my eyes. 
“What,” Delly squeaked. “His pants?”
“It’s like Magic Mike,” Mags whispers.
I know the movie Mag’s is referring to. I’ve never seen it. “Yes.” 
“Was he naked-” Foxface began.
“-or was he wearing-” Annie cut Foxface off only to be cut off herself. 
“A G-String!” Greasy shouted excited.
I shook my head no. He wasn’t wearing anything, I can feel the heat burning my ears.
“Well don’t stop! What happened next!” Even Effie has lost her sense of propriety. 
“As I looked for an escape. It’s then I noticed  the poster on the wall, for the Slag Heap.” I pause and sigh, “Men’s Magic Friday Night Extravaganza, and Gloss was the headliner. I realized he’s a stripper.” 
And the place erupts in laughter. 
“What did you do?” Peeta asks.
My eyes connect with his.
“I slunk down to the floor and crawled my way out...drove to the hospital and made my sister administer a tetanus shot.”
 “Can I have his number?” Johanna says laughing but her eyes are dead serious. 
Peeta is smiling at me and I grab a cheese bun because they are as delicious as the man staring at me. 
Eventually we do get to the book, and it’s a pretty good discussion. Peeta let us stay until closing. Mags and Greasy are the last of the ladies to leave. It’s just me and Peeta since he let the staff go home. I’m loitering because I feel like I need to explain to Peeta why I let the ladies talk me into dating. 
I’m putting up the chairs on the tables when Peeta comes out. 
“You’re still here?”
“Yeah.” I look down at my feet.
“Peeta.” We both say at the same time, followed by a nervous chuckle.
“You first,” Peeta insists, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Dating wasn’t my idea.”
“It wasn't?” He raised an eyebrow.
I shake my head. 
“So what happened?”
“The ladies, they got me a year long subscription for my birthday, and knowing I wouldn’t go through with it, they choose who I date...until I find someone,” I can feel the heat rising from my neck and reaching my cheeks, “I like.”
I nod, incapable of speaking.  I cannot stop watching the way he blinks, those darned translucent lashes that never tangle. 
“Dating is pretty brutal.”
“Yeah,” I snort because dating is horrible. 
“My family is constantly setting me up. I went out with a girl who sang through the entire meal. She chose the pasta and sang On Top of Spaghetti.”
“What?” I laugh.
“That was my dad’s doing. My mom’s choice was a lot scarier. She made me do an obstacle course and made me do it three times until I beat the time she wanted me to reach.”
“I was dressed in dress slacks, a nice shirt, and a tie.” He deadpans, “I even had on dress shoes.”
“I am so sorry.”
“Don’t be,” he shrugs. 
I couldn't help but smile. 
“Dating sucks until you find someone who makes you laugh, someone who makes dancing easy.”
He approaches or maybe it’s my own feet that carry me to him. But it doesn’t matter because when his arm slides along my waist, and the other cradles my hand, I have no fears. There is something familiar with him as I dance with him. A slow shuffle, that has the room spinning but none of it matters because I feel at home.
“Will you dance with me Katniss?” His voice rumbles in my ear and my heart is pounding in my chest.
His scent is a warm heady mixture of spices, dill, vanilla, and cinnamon. 
“Would you go out with me Katniss?”
“Yes,” I answer, and just like that my dating profile goes up in flames. Ladies and gentlemen, I am officially off the market.
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dimensionwriter · 5 years
My Mad Scientist
I know it's been what feel like a decade since I've released some of my work, but I'm back baby. I plan on updating every until Halloween, so hopefully I can keep that promise. I just got to fight off this writer block that's been beating my butt for months now. Anyway, I hope you enjoy. Remember to Comment and Like. Thank You.
Genderless Reader x M! Alien
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Day 243 on Sombrero's Ship
Professor went to Planet Beta to obtain a rare plant that he plans to work with to try out magic. He requested for the shipment of two other plants that he needs from Planet Xeon, but the receivers there are quite slow, so it's unknown of when they will get the message. Professor is getting quiet impatient-
"Of course I'm getting impatient," a voice yelled behind you angrily. You dropped your hands from the keyboard to tilt your head back at the voice. 
"They haven't had any connections," you teased the man. Well, I guess man would be the wrong word. 
The correct term would be a Znemorph from Planet Alpha. He was around 8 feet tall when he slouches, but could get to a height of 10'7 when he put in enough energy to actually stand up straight. His torso was humanish in a way, except his ribs expanded out more causing his waist to appear tiny. 
The skin on his body was kind of leathery with a silver holographic sheen to it. Six pair of arms extended from his torso, all thin and strangely long. The upper and lower arm had 3 thick fingers, whereas the middle arms sprouted four. He said that on his planet it meant that he was going to be something special, but you knew that was just simply him boosting his ego.
"I mean, so what? They got my call within one solar setting last time, but it's been six now," he yelled with his almond shape head twitching. His hair was styled in thick long twists of red that turned white the lower it went. On top of his head seem to be a skull mask, but was actually an evolution their body made for defense. If he feels threatened or angry, the mask cover his face, only allowing his 6 black eyes to be seen. 
"They have had non-stop fire storms that have been burning their receivers. They have to wait for them to stop in order to fix them. Then they will receive your signal," you explained slowly to him. In response, he just slowly blinks at you with a quirked circular eyebrow. "So you will have to wait longer."
A loud groan slipped from his throat as he threw himself back on your bed. The black duvet covered his upper body making his lower body stand out. Instead of normal muscular Znemorph legs, he had a pair of silvery mechanical prosthetics.
When you asked what had happened, he just simply explained that when a machine is in the red danger zone, don't continue to let it run. He also laughs really hard when in an action movie, they jump away from the explosion with their legs up above them. 
"But I want to try out magic right now. For all 509 years I've been alive, I have never gotten a chance to work with magic. And now we're at a part of the universe where it thrives and I can't do anything because their planet is dumb," he mumbled angrily.  His metal legs thrashed around as he threw another mini tantrums. 
He was the oldest creature on this ship, but somehow still manage to act like the youngest. But it was kind of adorable when he gets pouty. His cheekbones flares out in order for him to extend his tongue out of his mouth. 
"How about this? I have a lot of credits left, so I'll buy you some jello," you proposed already standing. A happy squeal came from the Professor's mouth as he tried to jump out of the bed. But in his joyous state, he failed to remember that he was wrapped up in your duvet.
A loud thump then clang followed after his body crashed onto the ground. His legs were first to move as they tried to kick the duvet off. 
"Ugh, this stupid human invention. Why can't-" his sentence was cut off as his mask slammed down over his face. He couldn't speak when the mask on, but you could see by his six eyes that he was getting more angry.
"Calm down, Professor," you sighed slowly. You took giant steps to get around your circular bed to help the Professor. The duvet had caught on a spring in his leg causing him to be stuck. An easy fix. 
"There you go," you sung out pulling the duvet from around the spring. He rolled his eyes and flipped off his back to get onto his two feet. The mask was still on his face and you could tell he was getting annoyed by not being able to talk. "So far, the key ingredient you are missing today is patience. Just be patience and the mask will go back up."
Four eyes closed leaving only the middle one. Lifting his middle left and right arm, he begin to wave them around while switching his hip. He strutted over to the duvet and in the most exaggerated motion, threw it onto the bed.
"You really shouldn't be making fun of someone who is going to be getting you some jello," you grumbled with a raised eyebrow. His four eyes slowly open before they begin to flutter at you. "Now flattery, you really trying everything in the book."
The walk to the canteen was majority you talking to him. You made the mistake of asking him a question and he went to respond but couldn't. This caused him to have another mini tantrum where he tried to shove his mask up. 
"It's going to be on there longer since you got angry again," you sighed out. You picked up the bronze spoon and bounced it on top of the jello. The two jellos sat on top of the table, uneaten, as the cold air conditioning in the room kept them in their natural state.
You didn't want to eat without the Professor. It would be quite rude for you to finish first and then have his mask come up, making him feeling like he should rush while eating. Jello was his favorite food, so he should have plenty of time to enjoy it. 
"I'm scheduled to check on Earth's veggie plants this afternoon," you whispered glancing up at him. He sat up a little and you could see his eyes starting to shine. "It's only for a little bit, so if you are free around that time you can come."
All six hands came up and started to do multiple versions of excitement: clapping, jazz hands, and a few fist pumps. His eyes were closed in happiness as he continued to so his little happy jig. He's so adorable.
A loud popping sound caught both of yours attention. You glanced up to see 6 black eyes and a flat nose. His face had a little more colour in it due to the heat from being under the mask; his cheeks had a small pink hue to it. He couldn't actually blush, since his skin was holographic, but you like to pretend that when a certain colour show up in that area that it's blush.
"Oh my gosh, finally!" he yelled quickly snatching his spoon up. In one sweep move, half of his jello was balancing on his spoon. His jaw dropped a little revealing his mouth.
They were filled with mini sharp teeth that grew blunter the farther back they went in. Two black tongues wiggled around as he tried to control his urge to snatch the jello with him.
The way Znemorph eat were quite different from humans. The can rip the food with their front teeth and use this type of acidic saliva to melt it in their mouth. In order to break it down faster, they usually shoot their tongue out to the food and wrap their tongue around it.
The Professor never said he was embarrassed by it, but it was easy to tell. When he ate in public, he tried to eat in what was deemed as 'appropriate'. But in private, he tends to do it the natural way.
It startled you when you asked him to try the human treat of jello. After a singular spoonful, his tongue shot out to the bowl and brought the entire thing in his mouth. He spent the entire week apologizing and avoiding eating around you. It took you awhile to finally coax him out of that state. 
"If you don't stop analyzing me and eat," Professor scolded narrowing his eyes. You blinked away the reverie and looked down at the food. His was completely gone, even the bowl was wiped clean. 
"How did you know I was analyzing you?" You mumbled embarrassed. You put the spoon in the bowl and brought out a small spoonful. You gently placed it into your mouth and allowed it to melt a little.
"When you are thinking real hard, your eyes gloss over and you sometimes twitch you fingers. You look like you are writing or typing," he explained waving his spoon around to drive home his point. He glanced over at your bowl of jello.
"Well," you drew out digging your spoon into your jello "I am used to taking notes of things I find interesting. So I guess you caught my attention,” you teased him with a small wiggle of your eyebrows. You pushed your spoon towards the Professor and he looked confused for a moment. “Say ah.”
He mimic the sound with his six eyes narrowed in confusion. You put the spoon in his mouth and dropped the jello onto his tongue. All movement in the Professor stopped as you brought the spoon out of his mouth. 
“Don’t think I didn’t notice you ‘analyzing’ my jello over there, Professor,” you joked. You put the spoon in the jello and took a small bite out of it. One thing the chef on this ship did was somehow make all food taste a thousand times better than anyone could imagine and somehow created new dishes while at it. Today, they recommend that you try out the new strawberry cheesecake flavored jello. You didn’t think the flavor and texture would mix, but they somehow made it tastes awesome.
A loud high pitched screech startled you causing you to drop you spoon on the table. You snapped your head up to look at the professor blue and pink holographic face. Why was his face so colourful all of a sudden?
The bottom right arm threw itself forward and reached towards the side of your head. Your earpiece was ripped out of your ear causing you to gasp at the cold air hitting your ear. 
“NIGONVNSOIENGRWSJGNiosrnJBNSDIOnO,” the Professor went off while holding the earpiece high above you. His hands were moving around in exaggerated movements as he continued to go off in gibberish.
Well, it wasn’t gibberish, it was just his native tongue. The ear piece he took out of your ear was an automatic translator that helped everyone on the ship understand each other. Everyone was able to talk to each other no matter where they came from or what species they were. So for you, everyone talked in English, but to them it was something totally different. 
“Professor, I know you know that I can’t understand you right now. Give me my translator so I can see why you’re throwing a tantrum," you grumbled sticking your hand out for your ear piece. He glances at your hand with narrowed eyes before hesitantly handing back your earpiece.
"Theraepjohtrs’ore-uxveodbwivbsj." You were trying your hardest to get the earpiece in your ear, but it was kind of hard when you felt rushed. Finally, the dang thing clicked into place and you felt a small electric shock tingle in your ear. "So, if you shall need me, I will be in my office."
The Professor spun dramatically on his prosthetic legs and marched off in the way of the offices. As he stomped away, you sat there confused and baffled at what just happened. 
You fed him some jello, which you thought was normal between the two of you. He always fed you food and you have had your share of throwing popcorn in his mouth. Maybe it was the flavoring that got to him. He's never had the cheesecake flavor, it was number 39 on his list of jello flavors to try. Was he mad at you for ruining his process of jello testing?
"I have no clue what just happened, but I know for a fact that the Professor was flustered." You glanced up to see the Cook walked towards you. They were a quite large purple alien with three arms and a lower body that resembled a horse. You forgot where they came from.
"You had your translator in, can you tell me what happened?" You begged bring your hands together with your puppy dog eyes out. The Cook let out a small coo and poked you cheeks. 
"Humans are so cute," they squealed pinching your cheek. You slapped away their hands to stop them from going overboard. They were like every grandma on Earth combine into one being. "Anyway, he was yelling about being embarrassed by how adorable something looked. And then I think he started to speak some poetry that compared the taste of the jello to his one true love."
You tapped your translator to make sure it was in all the way, because what they just said made no sense. The Professor is single from what he has told you, so who was he yelling about?
"I think he called the jello his one true love. I don't know. I was only half heartedly listening," they grumbled sadly looking down. You gave them a smile of gratitude.
"It was still some good information. Thank you so much," you said smiling gently at them. They couldn't really smile, so they opted for a thumbs up with their three fingers. 
"Oh, don't forget to check your Earth garden today. I have to do mines tomorrow," they reminded snapping their fingers at you. You glanced at the clock on the wall to see that it was later than what you wanted to leave for your garden. 
"Thanks, and good luck with your experiments," you yelled abandoning your jello to run for the transporter. A bunch of other aliens were kind of confused by you running through the ship, but one glance at the clocks and they're faces turned into their version of understatement. 
The thing was that every person on this ship was a scientist in some sort of field. Everyone on the ship got tired of calling eachother Doctor, so you guys just started giving each other nicknames.
Since the Professor was the oldest on the ship and was always going off on a tangent about something, he earned the nickname of the Professor. 
The Cook was an alien who had a hobby for making different dishes from around the galaxies and never wanted to use any of the food teleported in. So most people usually could come to the canteen and find them in the midst of cooking. They even began to take orders. 
"Um, Human," someone whispered tapping your shoulder. You turned around to see the Professor standing next to the transporter. His eyes glanced at you before bouncing back to the transporter. “You going to the Earth garden to tend to it, correct? Good, than I should follow you.”
“What the hell was that in the canteen, Professor? You yank out my ear piece, scream something, and then stomp away. And you expect me to act like nothing happened," you snapped at him pointing an accusing finger at him. He took a startled step back with his arms coming up in defense. A blue tint started to spread up his neck and covered his face. 
“I didn’t mean to make you upset, human. I was startled and I let my emotions get the best of me," he muttered out avoiding your gaze. He reached his top left hand and started pulling at his twists, a nervous habit that he grew into. "I said some stuff that I didn't want you to hear, because it would have ruined our relationship."
You raised an eyebrow at him at the last statement. But the cook said that he was talking about being embarrassed or being in love with...the jello? You've seen the Professor in all types of situations, so him being flustered or embarrassed is something you're use to. So, what did he say exactly?
"Next time, just talk it out with me. I hate that shock the translator give when you put it back in," you grumbled rubbing your ear with the translator. The Professor's eyes soften as you saw his forehead crinkle from regret. "I won't hold it against you this one time. But if you do it again, you will be punished."
A shiver went through him at your little threat. The alien here know about humans and their history, so a few aliens fear you, even though you can barely reach half their height.
The ping from the elevator startled you for a second and broke the weird atmosphere. The doors slide open revealing a circular pad that worked as a teleporter. 
You stepped on it quickly and turned to the front. The Professor went to take a step too before he stopped. He glanced hesistantly at you and back at the pad.
"Come on in," you huffed out rolling your eyes. He let out a small happy squeal ad he jumped into the pad. He seems to be vibrating with excitement at the thought of seeing Earth's vegetation.
Three solar settings has past since that incident, which is close to a week in Earth time. The two of you never brought up the incident and just continued on with your work. It's been pretty normal, well as normal as it can get with the Professor. 
That is until one day in the middle of your sleep, you get a call. The flashing blue lights and annoying ringtone going off instantly put you in a bad mood.
You rolled over and slammed the button to answer the call. Whoever it is better have a dang good reason for calling you at 4 in the morning.
"Human! So, I have good news and bad news." You let out a long groan as you heard his voice. He had to sleep a lot less than you, but he knew how important a good night of sleep was to humans. "Which would you prefer first?"
"Good news," you grumbled rolling over to turn on the light. A soft pale yellow filled the room allowing your eyes to slowly adjust. 
"So, I grew restless waiting for Planet Xeon to stop setting it self on fire, so I decided to work with what I got. And guess what," you didn't even get a chance to breathe before he was talking again," I was able to use some magic. I made a spell and casted it."
Your body tensed up. He used magic by himself, most likely unsupervised by the ship's AI. Please, don't let him have burned down half of the ship.
"And the bad news," you hesitantly asked. You prepared to launch yourself to the nearest transporter to stop whatever damage he may have caused. The Professor may be the wisest thing on this ship, but he's also the dumbest. 
"I somehow casted a truth spell on myself. I thought I could substitute some of the ingredients for this one spell and yeah, it didn't work out."
You sat there for a moment and let all of that sink in. 
"Are you okay? Is your body feeling fine? Is there anything on fire? Are you on fire?" You asked slowly to him. You heard a slight giggle come from him. 
"No, my cute little human, I am in no way in any harm. I think it's absolutely adorable how you worry for me," he hummed out with a small laugh at the end. You blinked slowly for a second before glancing over to make sure it was the Professor calling you. 
"Well, if you're okay then I'm going to go back to bed. You can call me if something goes wrong, but please don't if you just simply want to chatter," you grumbled turning back off the light. You waited for him to say good night, instead you were met with silence. "Professor?"
"Sorry, I'm having an internal turmoil on how I should respond. A part of me wants to wish you a pleasant dream, because you deserve it and you look like an angel when you sleep. But then there's a part of me that wants to lie and say I feel off, so you can come over and we can watch a scary movie together. Then I can pretend to get scared by something and have you wrap your arms around me and I can spend the rest of the night in your hold. I do believe that is my favorite place in the entire your universe, in your arms."
Your mouth hung open as you looked at the communicator in shock. "What?" You yelped in surprise. 
"I would ask if you had your translator out of your ear, but with each passing millisecond, that hope is burning faster than Planet Xenon is right now. So-so, this is very awkward and-and I'm going to hang up," he sputtered. A bunch of crash and bangs came from the other side of the line along with some curses from him. "I'm fine. I'm okay. Nothing's on fire other than my face and dignity! Bye!"
A low tone beep told that he just ended the phone call. In the darkness of your room with cold air nipping at your skin, you sat there more confused than ever in your life. You wondered if he accidently made a hallucinatory drug instead of a truth spell. 
But that was a morning problem you were going to have to deal with.
Day 251 on Sombrero's Ship
Professor has casted a truth spell on himself late yesterday. It seems to have affected him mentally more than physically. The spell makes him speaks what's on his mind rather than answering the truth to the question. Talking to other scientists that have worked with magic before, they believe the exact name of the spell is 'Release the Mind'.
You shut down the tablet and glanced at the door in front of you. The air in the lab section of the ship was always cold and dry. Luckily, the lab coats produced thermal heat to keep your body in top condition.
The small communicator on your arm buzzed for a few seconds before pulling up a holographic message that showed you had 30 minutes before you needed to return to your experiments.
Whelp, here goes nothing.
You placed your hand on a pad next to the door and pushed your fingers into the squishy fabric. The pad glowed a low orange before turning red. Access granted.
The Professor only gave you accessed to his lab because he got tired of having to constantly open the door for you when he wanted to show you something. So, he just put your fingerprints in and now you're able to go through whenever you feel like.
"Oh, I knew I forgot to do something," a voice grumbled. You looked around, but didn't see the Professor anywhere.
"Professor?" You asked scanning the room once. It was a pristine white room that held little colour in it. The white counters in the back held tubes that were slightly bubbling over. A movable silver table was haphazardly turned in the corner with a bunch of books open.
Filled with curiosity, you walked over to the books and took a tiny peak at what pages they were open too. These had to be the references he used for the spell.
'Reversal Spell'
'How to undo a spell for beginner'
'Baking Substitute'
'Human Appearance Spell'
'How to look more huma-'
Before you could get a good look at the last book's page title, it was slammed shut by a silver holographic 3 fingered hand. The hand was quick to snatch the book off the table before 4 other hands snatched up the other ones.
"Really wished you didn't see that and wished you weren't here," Professor gasped, struggling to hold the books in his arms. A book flipped out of his hand and started diving for the floor. But you were use to the Professor's clumsiness, so it was a natural movement to catch the book before it could crash.
"Sorry for being a bother Professor. I'll leave ASAP. Only wanted to check in on you," you said in a mannerly professional voice. It was there to cover up how hurt you were by the Professor saying he didn't want you to be here. He most likely did feel uncomfortable with you, a human, around while he wasn't in top shape.
"Oh, you're sad. I made you sad with my previous statement. I believe you interpreted it incorrectly," he rambled running around the room. His 6 vantablack eyes searched the room feverishly as he seem to be struggling to focus.
"I was not saying that I did not crave your presence, I always do. That's the reason I gave you access so I could discreetly ask for you to be next to me. Just you being near is enough for you to brighten my entire life. And that's not even including that god like beauty of yours. Anyway, I was saying I wish you weren't here because my mouth is like a volcano that constantly erupting stuff out of it and it isn't under my control. I mean, look, in the last 50 seconds and 23 millisecond and counting, I have poured out way too much information that should have been hidden in my mind. On that note,how was your day?"
He spun on his prosthetic and slide on a random paper. Luckily, he was capable of grabbing the metal table with his arm and pull himself back up. The skin on his face became more colourful as he spun away from you.
You tried to express any emotion other than shock, but you were struggling to. You just stared at him with a wide mouth as he moved around the room with his eyes cast down.
The Professor gave out compliments, just not as intense as those. It almost seems like he was-
No, don't even go down that path. He is a professional creature and wouldn't even go towards that area, especially in the workplace.
"Oh-oh-um it was great. Got a chance to work with Chef on some ground samples this morning," you stuttered out trying to remain cool. A wave of heat flooded up your neck as you saw him glance back at you with those black eyes.
"I love the chef, truly do. But I don't appreciate how close they try to get to you. Did you know they tried to make you their assistant when you first got on the ship?" A loud snort escaped his mouth that was followed by cute low pitch giggles. The Professor rarely giggles until something he finds really hilarious. "As if I would allow that to happen. Having six arms really came in handy to fill out all the required paperwork for you."
"Wait a minute, you said having six arms restrict you from doing paperwork because you mix up your arms," you exclaimed pointing an accusatory finger at him. A bluish tint began to form over his skin exposed from his lab coat. He turned around and pretended to busy himself by putting the books up.
"I...don't...recall...that," he spoke extremely slowly. You let out a scoff of disbelief at his obvious lie. That is some bull and he knows it.
"Professor," you growled stomping over to him. He jumped at your tone and you saw fear wash over his face. He ran to the rolling table and held it between the two of you. "Do you know how much paperwork I have done for you in the 251 days I've been under you?"
He flinched at you and covered his face with his upper hands. "I'm sorry. You just look so cute!"
All your anger dissipated for a single second as you thought about it. The Professor thought you were cute. You, a human, deemed cute. It's been so long since someone has called you cute, excluding the Cook.
But then your anger came back in ten folds. "So you gave me extra work because you thought I was cute. How does that make any sense?"
"No, well yes. It made sense to me. When you're working, you have that cute little human tongue poking out or you would drop those cute little eyebrows. Or the way your eyes would look at me when you needed me to confirm something. It didn't help my crush on you, but it made me so happy to spend so much time with you."
Wait a minute.
"Did-did I say the c word?" He stuttered out dropping his grip off the table. A pinkish tint started to take over as his body froze up.
"Yep, you used the c word," you spoke in an airy voice due to your shock. The Professor has a crush on you. The Professor that always threw tantrums in the silliest of ways. The Professor that can go on two hour rants on the randomest of subject. The Professor that is so in love with jello that he almost threw an alien across a ship for touching his jello. That Professor has a crush on you.
"Why won't this mask go down when I need it to?" he hissed gripping the top of his mask and trying to pull it down. The mask seems to be immovable as the Professor pulled the mask with all his strength.
"So, you like me? Like, like like me?" You asked just to be sure. Maybe there was a glitch in the translator and the words weren't getting translated correctly. The english word probably isn't crush, it could be something else.
"Like? In my opinion that words seems to weak for how I feel about you. I would say maybe enraptured or maybe even love. But I know that that word is very serious to your kind and I just dropped it on you right now. Oh boy do I wish this mask could go down right now. I am so scared of the rejection to come.".
"So would you like to go on a date?"
You dropped the question. You did it. My gosh you actually just asked the Professor on a date. When was the last time you asked someone on a date?
What if this is all a prank and you just put yourself out here on the line? All the scientists could kick you off the board saying you were trying to take advantage of the Professor because you thought he wasn't in the right mind. What if the spell the Professor casted was an opposite spell, so he's saying the opposite of what he thinks? He must be disgusted by you. Oh gosh, why did you ask?
"Date? Wait!" He stuttered out as his head twitched for a split second. You felt your face heat up at him repeating the word date. His blue tongue slide out and flickered around as he struggled to say something.
"I mean you don't have to if you don't want to. I was thinking maybe a scary movie or going to the Stargazing deck. I mean, we can also go as friends if you would like," you stumbled out feeling worse as he just stared at you. "You know what, never mind. Guess it was a weird translation and this is so awkward now. I'm going to go."
You spin around quickly and briskly walked towards the exit. You were a fool to think you could be romantic with an alien. They barely saw you as a friend and here you are overstepping their boundaries. Who would want to be with the creature that has a history of being cruel and brutal to their own kind? You just have to accept this lonely life your species has laid for you.
A startled cry along with the scraping of metal on the ground caught your attention. You turned in time to see the Professor running towards you with his arms reaching towards you. One of prosthetics legs' spring caught on his lab coat and didn't come forward in time.
Almost in slow motion you watch as the Professor's face filled with even more panic. Moving around frantically, his arms tried to grab something, but nothing was there. Well, unless you count yourself.
All the air in your lungs was knocked out of you from the impact of hitting the ground and some of the weight of the Professor landing on you, he stopped most of it by sticking his arms out.
"Are you okay?" He yelped using is upper two hands to check your face and body. All of his visible skin was turning into a dark blue with small hues of green appearing. It reminded you of earth, a little.
"I'm fine, Professor. How's your leg? The spring got caught again. You really need to get that fix," you scolded him with a small glare. He has been putting off going to the Torch, the engineer scientist, for a while. His excuse being he didn't feel like having to roll around in a wheelchair.
"Forget about that. I just want to say that I would love nothing more than to go on a date on you. I like you human. No that's not it. I lo-"
You watched as his mask slammed down over his face. This thing really does have the worst timing in the world.
"Calm down," you spoke softly already knowing where this was heading. The Professor pushed himself off you and sat on his knees. All six hands went to the mask and started pulling at it with such vigor that you were worried he would break it. "Professor!"
You sat up then crawled as quickly as you could over to him. You couldn't hold down his arms, so you went for the next best option.
You placed your hands over his. It was almost like you froze him with how still he got. You brushed away his hands and rested your fingers on his cheeks. His eyes begin to soften as he leaned more into your touch.
"I don't want any part of you getting hurt, no matter if you find it annoying. I want every part of you. From your childish ways to your serious dorky self. I want all of it. I want to be with you," you spoke from the heart. This was the first time you made yourself vulnerable in front of the Professor.
His black eyes started to shimmer as tears started building up in his eyes. You couldn't see his lips, but you knew he was smiling by the crinkle in his bottom eyes.
Then a loud beeping noise interrupted the moment between you two. You glanced down at your watch to see that it was time for you to head to your lab to check the experiments. Had 30 minutes really passed so fast?
The Professor's eyes narrowed down at the watch that was still beeping. You clicked it off and glanced back up at him. He widen his eyes extremely and begin fluttering his eyelashes.
"I'm not about to be late to my experiments; it could cause the data to be messed up," you grumbled looking away from those hypnotic eyes. If you keep looking at them, then your resolve would break.
The Professor jumped forward and wrapped his arms around your waist. You fell backwards again, but fell to the ground a lot gentler. The Professor's almond head dug itself into your neck allowing you to feel the coolness from his mask.
Lifting your arm, you ran your fingers around his twist and massaged his scalp. His body seemed to melt into yours at the action. Note for the future, the Professor loves to have his hair massaged.
"I have to go," you whined tapping his shoulder. He tighten his grip and shook his head. Letting out a small sigh, you stopped petting him. "How about this? I'll take the rest of the afternoon off after I check my experiments and we can have a small date in my room. I've received a new shipment of Earth's scary movies that we can watch them I'll even get us some ice cream and popcorn."
He was quick to jump off of you then. He started flickering all of his hands at you with playfully narrowed eyes. "Now you want me to leave."
He stopped the movements for a second to shake his head. Then he started them back up. So he didn't exactly want you to leave. He just wanted you to quickly return.
"Meet you in my room!" You sung out skipping out the door. The AI opened the door for you and you slide out. Before he closed it behind you, you turned around and blew the Professor a kiss. You wished he didn't have the mask on so you could see his face.
"You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life," the Professor whispered. You glanced down to see his eyes were still trained on the tv.
This is how it has been for the last 2 hours. When you returned from work, his mask was back up and he has been sputtering out compliments randomly.
You were sure he could feel how flustered you were by your body temperature. Everytime you would get a chance to calm down, he hits you with another line.
"When will this spell wear off?" You asked looking back at the movie screen. The main character managed to get away and decided it was a great idea to hide in the abandoned house. You've watched plenty of these to know where this was going.
"About 3 hours ago," he grumbled snuggling more into you. You froze as you realized what he said. So, it wasn't the spell causing him to say these things. It was just...him.
"Oh," you whispered in shock. He rolled over a bit and looked up at you. His twist flopped over his face and only allowed for half of his face to be viewed. The red from the tv was reflecting off his skin, making him seem as if he was glowing.
"Do you wish for me to stop?" His voice was barely a whisper, but was so deep. A small shiver went through your body from the intensity in his eyes.
"I-i never said I didn't like it," you sputtered out turning away. You ran your hands through the back of his hair and pushed his head back down.
"Good, because I think it's so cute when you get flustered." You rolled your eyes to try to seem like you weren't that flustered. But there he goes calling you cute again. He's being too adorable. "Wait, can you take out your translator for a second?"
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, but nonetheless did what he said. You placed it in your left hand and looked at him expectantly. He pulled himself up on his forearms and looked down at you. The skin on his face was turning into that beautiful shade of blue and pink.
"SIvnwofuwbfoqbaivne diwocb sjfiwnxo. I…….love…..zu." The smile that came onto his face as he spoke the phrase made your heart swell so much. The way his eyes shone from the words made you believe them that much more.
"I love you too," you spoke gleefully. You leaned up and pressed your foreheads together. Feeling his cool skin embrace your warmth was a sensation that made you feel like you were on cloud 9. And knowing that this feeling will always be here because you will be able to be with him.
How did you get this lucky?
I feel rusty at this. It's been so long since I've uploaded and I forgot how trash Tumblr is. But anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed. Please leave a comment, I love reading every single one fo them. They truly do make my day. And don't forget to like, this shows me that you like this type of content. Thank you guys for taking your time out of your day to read this. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day. ❤❤
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jawritter · 4 years
Request: Hi! This is my second request, first one you wrote so well so I thought of troubling you again🙈 Can you write one virgin reader and Jensen ? This would be like when Jensen is around 29 or 30 years. Reader and Jensen are dating for like 3 months and on a sleepover things get heated and she tells him that she's a virgin. Next all your smutty stuff, pain, pleasure, cuddles, talks etc! Next morning, breakfast and all fluffy moments! Thanks
Warnings: Virgin reader, insecure reader, loss of virginity, smut, light language, hint of body insecurities, fluff, I think that’s about it. 
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader
Word Count: 2745
A/N: As always all mistakes are mine! Please don’t copy my work! Feedback is golden! After I was cruel to Jensen in you and me yesterday I thought I’d give you guys a little sweet, fluffy smut! Hope you all enjoy!
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Three months. 
Three of the best months of your life really. 
That's how long you'd been dating Jensen. 
The two of you met at the coffee shop you worked at when he came in for his morning. He was running late that morning, and didn't get to make his usual cup at home, so he made Clif stop so he could grab something on the way to work. He didn't have time to get your number that morning, even though he did his best to flirt with you while you made his order, he came back later that day on his lunch break and refused to leave until you gave him your number. 
It started out slow. Texting back and forth turned into late night phone calls, late night phone calls turned into dinner dates, dinner dates turned into regular dates, regular dates turned into sleepovers and long weekends together. 
That's where you were heading right now.
It was Friday, and Fridays usually consisted of heading over to Jensen's after work instead of your small apartment. He'd have dinner ready for the two of you, whether he cooked it himself or ordered takeout, according to the text message you received an hour ago it would be takeout tonight from your favorite Chinese restaurant that wasn't far from where Jensen lived. The two of you had gotten into the habit of eating there regularly. 
This was the part of the week you looked forward to the most. Long nights of cuddling, watching movies, and just being together. 
Even though you'd come far in your relationship with Jensen there was one thing the two of you still hadn't done. One thing that taunted you because it was you that kept you from doing it.
You still hadn't had sex with Jensen.
Most people that are dating someone like Jensen would have made the leap already, I mean the man was a sight to see, you weren't blind. 
The problem for you lied with the fact that you were in your mid 20's and still a virgin. 
Jensen was a 30 year old actor that had probably been with more women than he could count. He wasn't promiscuous in any way, in fact he was  a little shy, but he wasn't innocent, and you knew that. That wasn't the problem. The problem was all you. You were afraid.
So many things that made you self contious came rushing to the forfront of your mind every time you thought about even attempting to have sex with him. What if you weren't good enough for him? What if there was something wrong with you, and you didn't even know it? Like what if you didn't look normal? What if it was painful, and you physically couldn't do it? 
Those things probably sounded stupid to most people, but your mind liked to blow thins out of perportion, and this one was it seemed to be enjoying itself doing.
Jensen never pushed you to go further than you wanted to go. He was respectful of you, and never made you feel bad or stupid for not wanting to fall into bed with him. 
It's not that you didn't want to, you were just afraid. 
You'd never really worried about this before, because all the other guys you dated never lasted that long for one reason or another, and the thought of sex wasn't ever the forefront of those relationships. With Jensen everything was intense, and different, and right. Even though it had only been three months you were already head over heels for him. It was just this one thing....
When you finally got to Jensen's apartment things went on like they usually did. Dinner in which the two of you talked about your day and his. Cleaning up the kitchen together before changing into PJs, Jensen getting the movie ready for tonight. Then your absolutely favorite part. Laying wrapped in Jensen's arms. 
Your mind a thousand miles away from whatever was playing on the screen. You were too busy focused on the set of soft pink lips that were currently brushing over yours. Soft, gentle. The kind of kiss that made you feel weak. 
When he finally broke the kiss he looked at him. His green eyes shining even in the darkened room. Brushing your hair away from your face as he looked at you. You could tell that he wanted to take that a lot further than what he did. The prominent bulge in his pants was enough to give that away. Even though he never said anything to you.
You decided then and there that enough was enough. You were in your twenties. You weren't a child anymore, and you weren't going to sit here another minute and act like a scared little kid. You trusted Jensen, and you wanted to be his, in every way possible. 
Reaching your hand around his neck playing with the little short hairs that were there you pulled him back down to you, kissing him deeper than you ever had before, and it didn't take him long to catch up to where you were thinking. Jensen pulled away gently, and rested his forehead against yours. 
"Sweetheart, we don't have to if you're not ready to...." 
You cut him off by placing your lips on his for a short moment. Just long enough to silence his worrying. It wasn't like it wasn't something that you'd discussed before. Jensen knew about your fears and hessitations towards sex, and he always told you that nothing would happen unless you were ready, and he'd always kept his word.
"I'm ready Jensen. I trust you." You tell him. Looking deep into those eyes that you could drown in. There was more love and affection there than you'd ever known, and you did trust him. You trusted him more than you trusted anyone. 
"If at any moment you feel uncomfortable or change your mind, all you have to do is tell me. Okay? I wont be mad, I just want you to feel comfortable with me." 
You nodded your head, afraid if you used your voice it would give away just how afraid you were right now, but you didn't want to let fear of the unknown rule you, and miss out on something so intimate and beautiful as being that close to someone that you love. 
Standing up from the couch Jensen scooped you up in his arms, making you squeal with surprise, as he carried you bridle style down the hallway to his bedroom. Shutting the door with his foot, and dropping you on his bed playfully. Landing on top of you with a growl that was worthy of Dean Winchester. Smiling down at you with a smirk that had you honestly melting, and he hadn't even really touched you yet. 
You giggled at him as he playfully nipped at your neck and jawline before finding your lips again, and laying a kiss on you that had your head swimming. You could tell in that moment just how much he'd been holding back with you, and you decided that he would never have to hold back again. You loved him too much to miss out on anything that he had to give you.
His tongue swept over your bottom lip, asking for entrance that you granted him without hesitation. Letting his tongue dance along with yours in a perfect rhythm. His hand sliding down your sides and gripping your hip with a firm squeeze before his fingertips trailed up the shirt and exposed the skin of your stomach to him. His touches slow and feather light. Giving you plenty of room to tell him to stop if you needed to. 
The thing about it though, was that you didn't need him to.
The moment his lips found yours there was no turning back for you. There was no fear, or hesitation. Just the need to be closer to the man that you'd fallen so deeply in love with. 
Breaking the kiss you sit up just enough to slide your shirt over your head and throw it on the floor next to the bed. Jensen does the same and returns to kiss you. Down your jaw, your neck, your shoulders. Leaving a trail of fire in his wake. Slipping his hand around you he unclasps the hook of your bra and pulls it down your shoulders slowly before removing it all together. A growl low in his throat as he took in the exposed skin. His hands make a feather light trial over the swells of your breast.
"Beautiful." He whispered before bending down and taking one of your nipples into his mouth. Swerling his tongue, and sucking gently, but enough make your back arch off the bed, and a fresh wave of slick pool in your panties. A moan falling form your lips as he moves to give your other breast the same treatment.
His hands snake their way down your sides and he left little open mouth kisses on your stomach. Down to the waistband of your leggings. Looking up at you for permission before he grabs them, and pulls them and your panties down your legs in one smooth pull. Leaving you completely exposed to him. 
His eyes explored you as his hands trailed their way up your thighs. Spreading your legs for him to settle himself in between. Looking up at you with lust blown eyes before dipping his head down to your wet folds, and licking a gentle strip through them. Your head falls back against the pillow and your hand makes its way to his short, soft hair as he slowly works over your little bundle of nerves with his tongue. Your body felt like it was on fire. Pleasure that you'd never experienced before hitting you like waves crashing over a beach. The muscles in your stomach grow tighter and tighter with each lick and suck of his beautiful mouth. Your core clenching around nothing. 
While you were lost in his administration he slips one of his fingers into you, pumping it slowly and curling it to find a spot deep inside of you that almost had you screaming. When he was confident he wasn't going to hurt you he slipped another finger in and that was it. The coil inside of you snapped, and the strongest orgasm you'd ever had washed over you. Spreading throughout your whole body as his name fell from your lips. His fingers scissoring you. Opening you up and getting you ready for him as you slick covered his fingers.
Licking himself clean Jensen pulls his pants and boxer down and throws them to the floor while you catch your breath from the most intense thing you'd ever experienced. His eyes never leave yours. His thick swollen length slapping proundly against his stomach as he was finally bare before you. Man he was the single most beautiful site you'd ever seen. He was huge though, and that made your breath catch in your throat as you started to have doubts again.
As if he could hear what you were thinking, Jensen crawls his way up your body. Hovering over you and kissing you slowly. Bringing your attention back to him.
"If you don't want to continue we can stop baby." He whispered. His forehead pressed against your own as he brushed the hair away that had fallen in front of your face. 
"No. I've come this far. I don't want to stop." 
Jensen just nodded and reached between your bodies. Pumping himself with one hand before lining himself up with your dripping entrance. His arm snacking around you, holding you close to him. 
"Do you trust me?" He ask you. His eyes search your own. You  nodded your head and his lips came down on yours as he started to slowly inched his way into your body. Each new inch added an uncomfortable stretch that was borderline painful, but the slow pace was more torchure than the pain.
You nodded as if to give him permission, and in one hard, yet surprisingly smooth thrust he buried himself deep inside of you. White hot pain shoots it's way through your body, making your breath catch in your throat, and your nails dig into his shoulders. 
Jensen started kissing every inch of your face and neck that he could reach in effort to distract you from the pain you were feeling. Staying perfectly still inside of you until you have forced yourself to relax around him. 
Once he was confident he wouldn't hurt you he pulled out slowly, and then pushed his way back in. Setting a slow, steady pace. Pain quickly turned to pleasure with each thrust of his hips. Jensen's teeth bit down into his lip, and he grunted above you. 
"Fuck your tight sweetheart this isn't going to last very long." He said burying his head in the crock of your neck. Both of you a moaning panting mess as his pace became quicker. His fingers finding your clit again. Determined to make you cum with him. His pace starts to stutter as your walls clamped down around him, and you become lost in the deepest orgasm you'd ever experienced. 
Jensen stilled and spilled himself deep inside of you, groaning and panting as your walls milked him for all he could give you.
Once you both had come down completely from you high as gently as he could he removed himself from you. Kissing you gently before standing up next to the bed, and going into the bathroom to retrieve a warm washcloth, and wearing a fresh pair of boxers. 
Gently as he could he cleaned up the mess that was between your legs, and crawled into the bed pulling you close to him. 
Laying there you fell asleep with your head over his heart, and his fingers playing with your hair. 
The next morning when you woke up you were alone, and that scared the fuck out of you. Did you do something wrong? Did he not want you anymore? Was there something wrong with you? Your anxiety was about to take over when he entered the room, A plate of waffles on a tray, along with some coffee, and your favorite syrup. You breathed out a sigh of relief as he smiled at you. Sitting the food down in front of you that he's prepared before kissing you deeply.
"Morning." He said before sitting down next to you. 
"Morning. I thought that you'd left." You tell him earnestly. His eyes narrowing at you for a moment.
"Left? Why the hell would I leave? No, I was making you breakfast. Like I do every morning you're here." Jensen said, slipping himself behind you and wrapping his arms around your middle. Kissing your neck softly.
"I don't know, I guess I was just worried that you didn't like me anymore, or something was wrong with me so you ran away." You tell him. Feeling silly all the sudden.
"What? No way? Last night was the single best night of my life. Your beautiful sweetheart! There's nothing at all wrong with you, your perfect, and I hate to break it to you, but your stuck with me." He said. Giving you a playful jab as you leaned your head back against his shoulder.
"I love you, you know." He said, kissing the top of your forehead before sliding your food closer to you so that you would start to eat it. 
"I love you to Jensen." You tell him. Lacing your fingers together for a moment. "That you for being so patient with me." 
Jensen said nothing for a moment, just stayed there holding you close to him as possible. Letting all the insecurities and everything that you were feeling melt away as the warmth of him surrounded you.
"Thank you for trusting me."
That was the first for a lot of things for you, the first time you'd ever been with someone sure, but it also was the first time you ever let your walls down, and let someone in, it was the first time you put your insecurities and fears aside, and just enjoyed the moment, not over analyzing the way you always did, or over calculating things like you had a tendency to do. You felt so much closer to him, and you couldn't wait to see what other first the two of you would tackle together. Because no matter what, as long as you had Jensen, you felt like you could overcome whatever came your way.
Tag List: 
@deanwanddamons​​ @imabitch4jensen​​ @rvgrsbrns​​ @bi-danvers0​​ @onethirstyunicorn​​ @i-love-superhero​​ @akshi8278​ @alanegaming​ @magssteenkamp​ @lemondropirwin​
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anxiouslowercase · 4 years
dancing on the kitchen’s tiles
fandom: dc comics warning: none summary: at their sleepover-that-is-totally-not-a-date, jon learns that billy does not know how to slow dance. thankfully for him, he’s ready to fix that right away. notes: yes, another rare pair; no, i do not regret it. this prompt was picked from this list with the help of the always lovely @achinghcarts ! thank you so much for your help and support always!
Jon Kent, who so far had been eating the remaining cake batter from the bowl, letting his feet dangle gently from where he's sitting on the counter, freezes in place as he looks at the other boy's face. The spoon hangs comically from his lips, content probably already eaten but feeling too shocked to bring himself to put the utensil down. In front of him, Billy Batson smiles a mix between sheepish and endeared, arms crossed as he leans against the breakfast table.
“Are you serious? Like, for real?” Without changing his expression, Billy shakes his head. “Not even, like, for fun? As you watched movies?”
“There's not a lot of slow dancing in the movies I've watched,” is his excuse, and that seems to be enough to put the half kryptionian back in motion.
He drops the spoon on the already scrapped clean bowl and leaves it on the sink, quickly jumping down from the counter. The other boy straightens up, a slightly confused frown appearing on his face.
It had all started with Jon telling him about how he'd come back from patrol a bit earlier than usual and had caught his parents laughing and slow dancing all along the living room and the hallway. He'd made fun of Clark because he looked not nearly as smooth as the people on TV and even Tim was much better at it (which he knew because he had accidentally spied on them, but it was so accidental Billy it really shouldn't even count as spying) and, honestly, who could not know how to slow dance? And, it turns out, his boyfriend-not-boyfriend didn't, in fact, know. Jon was appalled to say the least because how was that even possible.
“We're fixing that right now,” he finally says, responding to the unsaid question on the older boy's face, as he makes a bee line for his phone.
“How come it's something to fix?” A soft smile inevitably comes back to his lips as he turns to look at the youngest Kent because dang he's cute. “People like me make people like your dad look better, you know.”
“But you are better than my dad,” is his whole explanation. “Have you seen The Lion King?” At the confused nod, he grins. “Great, so you already know the song, we're halfway there.” And just as he's done talking, the first few notes of a song Billy can't quite place right away start coming out of the speaker. It would be a lie if he said he wasn't the tiniest bit nervous when Jon started making his way back to him.
“We really don't have to do th--”
“It's actually kind of fun,” the half kryptionian cuts him off, gently grabbing his wrist and pulling him away from the table. “And we can keep talking and it's not like we're doing anything more interesting.” And Billy was ready to point out that they could always just put a timer on their cake and go watch TV or play some videogames, when the cheeks of the boy he was stupidly crushing on turns a pretty shade of pink, one that almost right away makes him forget what he planned on saying. Jon, on the other hand, looks down. “A-and... Maybe I want to. Do it.” He clears his throat. “It's... It's like a moment. F-for couples a-and... Future. Couples.” The blush extends a bit further up his face and, really, what was the Phyllis boy to do but just smile (and maybe melt a little)?
“... You want to have a... Couple moment? With me?” His voice is slow, gentle, and sounds way more in control and collected than how he actually feels. Vaguely, in the back of his mind, he seems to be able to conjure up an image of two lions in love as the music continues - go figure.
“Is that weird? Or bad?” Jon asks, suddenly shy. With a soft smile, the other boy shakes his head and uncrosses his arms, showing his open palms up towards him.
“You're the boss.”
It could be the act of trust, or how he didn't belittle his opinion, or just how he didn't start complaining when it came to doing something silly that *he* wanted. Or maybe it could be because he'd noticed he really liked Billy, and the fact that he'd basically said yes to having a cheesy, couple-y moment with him had his stomach doing flips. And maybe Jon was a textbook hopeless romantic. Whatever the case, it doesn't even take a second for a grin to paint his face.
Hoping for his palms not to be too sweaty, the half kryptionian takes the other boy's hands and doing his best to pretend he is not shaking in both nerves and anticipation, he guides one of them to his waist and keeps the other on his. Timidly, he takes half a step closer (yet refuses to look past his chin because... Because... Well, he isn't sure, but probably because his heart feels a little weird right now as it is.)
“Right, so... So you can keep your hand there and--” he swallows. “I'll keep... We can keep the other one up here, and...” His gaze falls to their feet, and he takes small steps to move them to a nearby spot in which they won't collide against a chair, for that would definitely take from the charm of it. “And now we just... I mean, my mum taught me how to count for... For the waltz? B--”
“Is this a waltz?” It's funny, because Billy's voice is nothing short of a whisper, yet it somehow manages to startle him. And so his eyes immediately move up and he is already looking at him and... And could it be, that his gaze is just as soft as his voice? Is that too cheesy?
He can feel the warmth spreading on his cheeks and slightly down his neck, and though it is a sort of reassurance to see that the other boy's face is also lightly flushed, Jon still finds that his mouth opens without any real sound coming out of it. Which is so stupid. He quickly snaps it shut, but that doesn't make is less difficult to come up with a sensible reply. And so, just as stupidly, he shrugs.
“Maybe not.” Billy just hums, contemplative yet not quite looking away, and the younger boy fidgets. “R-right, so... So then you can--” he brings the hand that was on his to his waist, and then puts his on his other shoulder. “And I do this and... We can just sway.”
“... Just sway?” There's a hint of amusement in the Phyllis boy's voice, but he still starts moving very slowly - though hardly on time with the music. “This is all there is to the great art of slow dancing?” The teasing note seems yo be enough to make Jon's shoulders relax (which he didn't know were so tense, to be honest) and he even manages to roll his eyes - though he does try to guide the other into a more rhythmic movement.
“You still have to... Let the music guide you - which you're not doing.” Billy chuckles, and he can't help but smile a little. “And my parents say it's not just the dancing, or how you do it - it's the whole experience that counts.”
“How so?” The older boy asks, head tilting to the side as his hands wrap a little bit tighter around the other's waist; he doesn't seem to notice.
“It's also the song, and where you are and who you're dancing with. Mom says that even if your partner steps on you during most of the dance, it can still be the most special one, cause it's...”
He trails off, palms already getting sweaty again because maybe his explanation is being too cheesy and he's making this moment too much of a moment and they were just supposed to be making a cake for their middle-of-the-night snack but now they're too close and he can feel the love tonight, mister Elton John, he really can, but can he?
And maybe the question is too evident on his face, or maybe Billy is also going through a similar thinking process, because he smiles a bit more confident and nods, fixing his eyes on his.
“Cause it's you. And us.” Dear Rao please don't have his father checking on his heartbeat because he's pretty sure he's going into cardiac arrest. “I get it.”
“... You do?” He nods again, and now Jon can feel the warmth going all the way down his chest, too.
“I would've tried this much sooner if I'd known I'd get this moment with you.” Now he's definitely going into cardiac arrest.
And the thing with Billy is that they have been toeing the line here and there for a while now. They've gone on dates that aren't quite dates, and they have hold hands without really putting a name on anything, and they have made comments that, according to Maya, are a way too clear indicator that they both want to keep moving forward. But that's all there is, they've both been respectful and quite timid about taking steps - or at least they had been until now, because before he can fully process the moment itself, Jon's mouth runs without his permission and softly blurts out:
“Hey, can I kiss you?”
For a second that is way too long, if the half kryptionian has any saying on it, there's only silence except for the music still playing from the phone. And, to be completely honest, he does have the knee-jerk reaction of pulling away because what if he went too far? But, thankfully, before he can actually move, Billy smiles and hugs him just a tiny bit closer.
“I'd like that, yeah.”
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belladonnabear · 5 years
Tomura Shigaraki X Reader: Love At First Sight
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Scenario: The title speaks for itself. Tomura falls in love with you at first sight and wants you.  Sorry this is pretty OOC but November and December have been pretty rough so I wanted some fluff.
Tomura couldn’t stop staring, his coffee could have spilled all over his lap and he wouldn’t have cared. He was staring at the most beautiful girl he’s ever laid his eyes on. Her soft (h/c) hair that was flowing from the fan, her bright (e/c) eyes that sparkled like a diamond and unlike his own skin, hers looked as soft as freshly clean bed sheets.
    She was in line waiting to order her coffee, a blissful smile was stretched on her face as she looked at the board for specials. Tomura felt his face begin to warm up and he had a slight urge to start scratching at his neck again. She looked like an angel, while he was a ghastly demon from the underworld. He’s never felt this way about any girl before and it was suddenly beginning to irritate him. Why was he feeling this way towards her? He’s never even had a conversation with her before. What was going on with him?
    He suddenly saw her up front and turned to the cashier. With a beaming smile you made your order.
“Can I please have a medium Mocha Coconut?” you asked.
However, the cashier looked down at her head to toe with a very intense gaze. He suddenly had a very cunning smirk on his face. 
“Sure, that’s going to be ¥400 and your phone number.” he winked.
    Tomura was starting to feel his irritation turn to rage at the cashier’s attempt to flirt with you. Why was this NPC trying to get with you? He’s not even in the same league as you. Tomura was starting to see red as you began to look uncomfortable at this man’s sudden request. You held out your card for him to take.
    “Um, no thank you.” you politely declined.
    “C’mon sweetcheeks, there ain’t no harm. Let me take you out sometime.” the man ignored the card and kept on trying to woo you.
    Tomura could feel his bloodlust rising at this prick’s insistence. He wanted to murder this man. No. That would be too kind. He wanted to rip off every limb from his body and leave him disabled for life. This disgusting scumbag didn’t deserve something as merciful as death. 
    “Please don’t call me that sir.” you shake your head.
    “Sir? I like it. You should call me that after I’m done with you.” he chuckled.
    Tomura stood up from his spot with feral eyes and ill-intent for the creepy cashier. He slammed some money on the counter top and looked at the man with a deadly gaze.
    “Give her the drink asshole. She’s not interested in you.” Tomura glared.
    The man looked intimidated by Tomura’s stare and quietly took the money while getting the young woman’s drink. The girl looked over at Tomura with admiration glistening in her eyes. Tomura suddenly felt bashful by her look and tried not to make direct eye contact with her. 
    “Thank you so much. You didn’t have to pay though, I can pay you back for the drink.” you offered.
“Don’t worry about it.” Tomura shrugged.
Internally, Tomura was jubilant about talking to the girl. She was looking at him with a very happy expression on her face. She received her drink from the creepy cashier and she turned to the man.
“If it’s not too much to ask, can I sit with you please?” she wondered.
Tomura felt his head spin from her request. She wanted to sit with him? Did she not notice the scars and dry skin on him? Or did she just not care? A part of him wanted to say no but one look at her hopeful express made him weak for her.
“Sure.” he nodded.
With a grin on her face, she sat herself at his table while Tomura glanced back at the  cashier from before. He looked at Tomura in envy that he was going to be sitting down with the girl he was creeping on earlier. Tomura shot him a wicked smirk which made the man flinch before Tomura sat down to talk to the girl.
“My name is (Y/N) by the way. Sorry I didn’t introduce myself sooner. But thank you for sticking up for me.” she introduced.
Tomura felt her name ring in his head repeatedly. (Y/N) became his new favorite word.
Tomura and (Y/N) exchanged numbers and the two met up often to hang out together. He loved spending time with her. She was very supportive and understanding to him. Giving him advice when he was frustrated or confused. Even though he never mentioned he was part of the League of Villains, she still respected his need for privacy in his life. She never questioned what he did for a living or what he does in his spare time.
The two often went to movies together, arcades and she even bought him some clothes that would fit him better. It didn’t seem to matter what the two were doing, he was having fun and enjoying his time being around her. 
She also used her regeneration quirk on his skin so that the scratched marks on his neck could heal. Tomura found out that day that she was a nurse who wanted to help heal those who needed help. Which ultimately brought up the topic of heroes.
“To be honest...I’m not the biggest fan of heroes....” she admitted.
Tomura’s eyes widened at this declaration. The two were eating ramen together when you brought up the topic. He almost choked on his noodles as he heard her statement. She didn’t like heroes? Most people would never admit to not liking heroes. But you did the opposite of that. He was intrigued.
“What do you mean?” he wondered.
She scratched the back of her head awkwardly. “Most of them are very...cliquey. I went to UA for the Support Course so I could use my healing abilities to help others. But the hero students were always stuck up. They saw me and others as lesser because we weren’t as ‘strong’ as they were. That didn’t change after graduation either. I’ve healed plenty of heroes as a nurse and most of them are brash. They demand you do things a certain way, when in reality, they don’t have a clue about what they’re saying. Lots of them use each other for popularity and money. So they’re not as heroic as the public receives them. Speak out about them and you’re ostracized from society. I wish that could change.”
(Y/N) realized that Tomura was staring at her with a strange gaze and with a flustered face she waved her hands sporadically.
“I-I mean, if y-you l-like heroes that’s fine! I’ll respect your opinion on the matter!” she exclaimed.
Tomura felt his heart beat rapidly as he saw her cute face turn pink from embarrassment. That’s when he realized he wanted to be with her forever. She wasn’t only the perfect girl for him but also, she was his player two. The person who would be by his side forever while he would break society down. She would be his pillar of support and his wonderful girlfriend.
“It’s fine...I actually agree with a lot of what you said.” Tomura softly said.
She looked taken aback. Like she was surprised that he agreed with her. Tomura figured that she’s been harassed because of her opinions on heroes. But he admired her resilience and how she thought for herself. As far as Tomura was concerned, she was amazing.
“R-Really?” she stammered.
“You’re not the only one who hates heroes or how society perceives them. I know change will one day happen. And then, things will be better.” Tomura declared.
(Y/N) saw a fiery passion in Tomura’s eyes that made her blush heavier. She had always liked his determination and passion about the things he wanted. Like when he wanted to beat high score record for the House of the Dead arcade game. And seeing it here only made it more obvious to her that she was falling for him. He wasn’t perfect, but she wouldn’t have had it any other way.
She leaned over to Tomura and kissed his cheek. His eyes widened as he stared at her in amazement. Her soft lips on his face caught his breath as he felt her right next to him. He was blushing red as she pulled away. In a small smile she said. 
“I think I’m falling for you Tomura.”
Tomura and (Y/N) had started dating for about two months now. She was his candle in the dark that kept everything bright for him. Even when he was miserable, she always found a way to make him feel better. He was growing more attached to her everyday. But he was also fearful that she would leave him if he told her the truth. He didn’t want her to think any less of him or even worse, leave him.
Her finding out about his position in the League of Villains was discovered in a way he never wanted it to happen. He left his phone on the counter after texting with (Y/N) a couple of times. Toga and Dabi were curious to know who their boss kept talking to. So Toga quickly snatched the phone and looked at the contact he was texting. When they both saw (Y/N) they were surprised.
“Oh wow! I didn’t know he was dating such a cutie!” Toga squealed.
“Hm, seems to me like she’s unaware that she’s dating a murderer.” Dabi observed as he looked through the messages.
“We could always tell her if Shigaraki’s too shy!” Toga encouraged.
A part of Dabi knew that revealing that Shigaraki was affiliated with the League of Villains might backfire on them. But he also knew the boss wasn’t too stupid to reveal anything too personal if it would effect the league. Plus, he did want to push the bastard’s buttons.
“Hurry! He could come back soon!” Toga reminded.
Dabi shrugged and called the contact known as (Y/N). She picked up pretty quickly and answered.
“Hi there Tomura! Is that one asshole with no manners bothering you again?” you greeted.
Dabi knew she was referring to him. Which made him want to do this even more.
“Hey there, this is the asshole with no manners. Are you aware that you’re dating the leader of the League of Villains?” Dabi wondered.
No sooner had those words came out of his mouth, Tomura slammed the door open. A vicious look was on his face as he looked at the two culprits who were toying around with his phone. Dabi figured he must have just heard what he had said to you. Because Shigaraki looked like he was about ready to kill these two again.
“What the hell do you two think you’re doing?!” Tomura questioned hotly.
Toga pumped her fist in the air. “We just wanted to get to know your girl boss! She looks super cute!”
“He’s what...?” you said in a perplexed tone.
“You heard me.” Dabi merely said.
Silence dreaded the air as they waited for either (Y/N) to say something or Shigaraki to lose his cool in a fit of rage. Meanwhile, Tomura was thinking simultaneously about how to kill these two idiots and how to play it off as a joke when he tries to cover himself. 
“Give the phone to Tomura please.” you requested.
Dabi casually handed the phone over to Shigaraki stating. “She wants to talk to you.”
Hesitantly, he took the phone carefully and answered. “Hello?”
“Tomura, are you really part of the League of Villains?” she wondered.
He could feel his heart beginning to sink. He didn’t want to admit it to you but he also couldn’t find it in himself to lie to you. He loved you too much to do that. You meant so much to him. He doesn’t want to lose you. 
“....I am.” he quietly said.
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner Tomura? You know I care about you! I would have tried to support you! Are you guys doing okay over there?” you began rambling about how he should take care of himself.
Tomura however was stunned into silence. A slow smile began crawling on his face as he let out an elated laugh. She really was his Player Two. A wonderful, beautiful girl who cared and loved him more than anyone else has ever. He had no reason to worry about her finding out after all. She was loyal to him.
“I’m sorry. It wasn’t my intention to deceive you.” he chuckled.
Toga and Dabi were confused by the dastardly smile on his face. Dabi realized she probably was just as insane as him and realized this isn't fun anymore. He walked off shrugging his shoulders. 
“Do you guys have a healer there? I wouldn’t trust underground doctors if I were you!” you pointed out.
Tomura sheepishly smiled at his beloved’s concern. “Now, that you mention it, we really could use a healer.”
It was past midnight as Tomura was in his room playing the Walking Dead when he paused the game to look at you. In his bed, you were sound asleep in your cute pajamas. It has been three months since you found out Tomura was the leader of the League of Villains. Since then, you had moved in with him to help him and his comrades. Today was quite an eventful day for you. Twice had accidentally dislocated his wrist, Toga had twisted her ankle and you helped Dabi with the burns from his quirk. 
Now you were resting after a hard day of work. Tomura could feel himself becoming drowsy from just looking at you. He really wanted to get under the blankets and cuddle you all to himself. So, he did just that. He shut off his game and got into bed and lay in right next to you. Even when you were asleep, you instinctively clutched onto him and nuzzled yourself into his chest. A tiny smile on your face as you slept in content. 
Tomura carefully pulled you closer to him and kept his arms wrapped around you carefully. You were still as beautiful as the day you two met. He placed soft kisses on your head as he too began to drift off. 
He’s loved you since the day you met and he’ll love you for much longer than that.
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