#we stan rareships in this account
anxiouslowercase · 4 years
dancing on the kitchen’s tiles
fandom: dc comics warning: none summary: at their sleepover-that-is-totally-not-a-date, jon learns that billy does not know how to slow dance. thankfully for him, he’s ready to fix that right away. notes: yes, another rare pair; no, i do not regret it. this prompt was picked from this list with the help of the always lovely @achinghcarts ! thank you so much for your help and support always!
Jon Kent, who so far had been eating the remaining cake batter from the bowl, letting his feet dangle gently from where he's sitting on the counter, freezes in place as he looks at the other boy's face. The spoon hangs comically from his lips, content probably already eaten but feeling too shocked to bring himself to put the utensil down. In front of him, Billy Batson smiles a mix between sheepish and endeared, arms crossed as he leans against the breakfast table.
“Are you serious? Like, for real?” Without changing his expression, Billy shakes his head. “Not even, like, for fun? As you watched movies?”
“There's not a lot of slow dancing in the movies I've watched,” is his excuse, and that seems to be enough to put the half kryptionian back in motion.
He drops the spoon on the already scrapped clean bowl and leaves it on the sink, quickly jumping down from the counter. The other boy straightens up, a slightly confused frown appearing on his face.
It had all started with Jon telling him about how he'd come back from patrol a bit earlier than usual and had caught his parents laughing and slow dancing all along the living room and the hallway. He'd made fun of Clark because he looked not nearly as smooth as the people on TV and even Tim was much better at it (which he knew because he had accidentally spied on them, but it was so accidental Billy it really shouldn't even count as spying) and, honestly, who could not know how to slow dance? And, it turns out, his boyfriend-not-boyfriend didn't, in fact, know. Jon was appalled to say the least because how was that even possible.
“We're fixing that right now,” he finally says, responding to the unsaid question on the older boy's face, as he makes a bee line for his phone.
“How come it's something to fix?” A soft smile inevitably comes back to his lips as he turns to look at the youngest Kent because dang he's cute. “People like me make people like your dad look better, you know.”
“But you are better than my dad,” is his whole explanation. “Have you seen The Lion King?” At the confused nod, he grins. “Great, so you already know the song, we're halfway there.” And just as he's done talking, the first few notes of a song Billy can't quite place right away start coming out of the speaker. It would be a lie if he said he wasn't the tiniest bit nervous when Jon started making his way back to him.
“We really don't have to do th--”
“It's actually kind of fun,” the half kryptionian cuts him off, gently grabbing his wrist and pulling him away from the table. “And we can keep talking and it's not like we're doing anything more interesting.” And Billy was ready to point out that they could always just put a timer on their cake and go watch TV or play some videogames, when the cheeks of the boy he was stupidly crushing on turns a pretty shade of pink, one that almost right away makes him forget what he planned on saying. Jon, on the other hand, looks down. “A-and... Maybe I want to. Do it.” He clears his throat. “It's... It's like a moment. F-for couples a-and... Future. Couples.” The blush extends a bit further up his face and, really, what was the Phyllis boy to do but just smile (and maybe melt a little)?
“... You want to have a... Couple moment? With me?” His voice is slow, gentle, and sounds way more in control and collected than how he actually feels. Vaguely, in the back of his mind, he seems to be able to conjure up an image of two lions in love as the music continues - go figure.
“Is that weird? Or bad?” Jon asks, suddenly shy. With a soft smile, the other boy shakes his head and uncrosses his arms, showing his open palms up towards him.
“You're the boss.”
It could be the act of trust, or how he didn't belittle his opinion, or just how he didn't start complaining when it came to doing something silly that *he* wanted. Or maybe it could be because he'd noticed he really liked Billy, and the fact that he'd basically said yes to having a cheesy, couple-y moment with him had his stomach doing flips. And maybe Jon was a textbook hopeless romantic. Whatever the case, it doesn't even take a second for a grin to paint his face.
Hoping for his palms not to be too sweaty, the half kryptionian takes the other boy's hands and doing his best to pretend he is not shaking in both nerves and anticipation, he guides one of them to his waist and keeps the other on his. Timidly, he takes half a step closer (yet refuses to look past his chin because... Because... Well, he isn't sure, but probably because his heart feels a little weird right now as it is.)
“Right, so... So you can keep your hand there and--” he swallows. “I'll keep... We can keep the other one up here, and...” His gaze falls to their feet, and he takes small steps to move them to a nearby spot in which they won't collide against a chair, for that would definitely take from the charm of it. “And now we just... I mean, my mum taught me how to count for... For the waltz? B--”
“Is this a waltz?” It's funny, because Billy's voice is nothing short of a whisper, yet it somehow manages to startle him. And so his eyes immediately move up and he is already looking at him and... And could it be, that his gaze is just as soft as his voice? Is that too cheesy?
He can feel the warmth spreading on his cheeks and slightly down his neck, and though it is a sort of reassurance to see that the other boy's face is also lightly flushed, Jon still finds that his mouth opens without any real sound coming out of it. Which is so stupid. He quickly snaps it shut, but that doesn't make is less difficult to come up with a sensible reply. And so, just as stupidly, he shrugs.
“Maybe not.” Billy just hums, contemplative yet not quite looking away, and the younger boy fidgets. “R-right, so... So then you can--” he brings the hand that was on his to his waist, and then puts his on his other shoulder. “And I do this and... We can just sway.”
“... Just sway?” There's a hint of amusement in the Phyllis boy's voice, but he still starts moving very slowly - though hardly on time with the music. “This is all there is to the great art of slow dancing?” The teasing note seems yo be enough to make Jon's shoulders relax (which he didn't know were so tense, to be honest) and he even manages to roll his eyes - though he does try to guide the other into a more rhythmic movement.
“You still have to... Let the music guide you - which you're not doing.” Billy chuckles, and he can't help but smile a little. “And my parents say it's not just the dancing, or how you do it - it's the whole experience that counts.”
“How so?” The older boy asks, head tilting to the side as his hands wrap a little bit tighter around the other's waist; he doesn't seem to notice.
“It's also the song, and where you are and who you're dancing with. Mom says that even if your partner steps on you during most of the dance, it can still be the most special one, cause it's...”
He trails off, palms already getting sweaty again because maybe his explanation is being too cheesy and he's making this moment too much of a moment and they were just supposed to be making a cake for their middle-of-the-night snack but now they're too close and he can feel the love tonight, mister Elton John, he really can, but can he?
And maybe the question is too evident on his face, or maybe Billy is also going through a similar thinking process, because he smiles a bit more confident and nods, fixing his eyes on his.
“Cause it's you. And us.” Dear Rao please don't have his father checking on his heartbeat because he's pretty sure he's going into cardiac arrest. “I get it.”
“... You do?” He nods again, and now Jon can feel the warmth going all the way down his chest, too.
“I would've tried this much sooner if I'd known I'd get this moment with you.” Now he's definitely going into cardiac arrest.
And the thing with Billy is that they have been toeing the line here and there for a while now. They've gone on dates that aren't quite dates, and they have hold hands without really putting a name on anything, and they have made comments that, according to Maya, are a way too clear indicator that they both want to keep moving forward. But that's all there is, they've both been respectful and quite timid about taking steps - or at least they had been until now, because before he can fully process the moment itself, Jon's mouth runs without his permission and softly blurts out:
“Hey, can I kiss you?”
For a second that is way too long, if the half kryptionian has any saying on it, there's only silence except for the music still playing from the phone. And, to be completely honest, he does have the knee-jerk reaction of pulling away because what if he went too far? But, thankfully, before he can actually move, Billy smiles and hugs him just a tiny bit closer.
“I'd like that, yeah.”
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greekschist · 4 years
Favorite thing about every mutual?
do i tag the mutuals? what do i do help me
@greek-mythographer you’re a horny little shit (over zeus of everyone nonetheless) but you’re steadfast and loud and unafraid to speak out when you see something that bothers you. i know life is rough but you’ve learned to breathe a little and listen to others
@greek-suitehearts you love sausage link <3 i know you do <3 but i like how you take something that is under appreciated or thrown aside and show the things that make it special. you love what you love and hardly lose sight of it 
@godsofhumanity cough simp so so so nice. you scoop people under your wing like a mother hen. you never let emotions drive you too out of hand and you’re really calm even when you strongly disagree or are under pressure. really projects a friendly feline mother aura
@incorrectgreekgods i like how you’re open to doing new things and accepting new ideas even with such a wide scale audience. you launched a youtube channel just from a tumblr blog and honestly props to you
@my-name-is-apollo apollo nerd
@the-road-is-home your!! art!! the hermes sketch (your icon) was top tier and i love your occasional shitposts because its some good stuff. i haven’t even sent you an ask or anything but i love your content and i support you!
@sansinger chaotic energy. your informative posts are super interesting and i like how you’re generally pretty light hearted even in discussing deities and heroes you worship but you correct people and explain when necessary. pft you really didn’t bat an eye at the arson ask game
@hermesisthebest can i just stop at the url? im just going to stop at the url (but really i love your content and i have to admit a few of them got a good giggle. you’re so pretty and i hope you keep doing your thing because you’re doing it right)
@mynameisshilohnow partner in crime in bullying lea <3 anyways you don’t give a shit and while you have a loud exterior you are really supportive, sweet, and know when apologies are due
@potatochipship potato bottom :) but you’re super sweet and you’re basically fearless of tumblr (i saw you tagging me in random things months before we even spoke). super dedicated to your friends and what you want
now we’re getting to the pjo mutuals phew we’re going into rough waters (uh hi you probably followed me as @simpegasus)
@skateryue i have spoken to you like once and that was because ash was being an uncooperative little bitch but i wanted to give you my congratulations in your engagement <3 know that if ash dresses as daddy smurf or willy wonka on yours and sarah’s special day ill help you attack her <3
@skaterbeth still havent forgotten you and reggie getting it up in asks also spoke to you once but i have to give you points for dedication. making a whole ass masterlist for your percabeth playlist was hardcore
@silenabeth a rareships icon and honestly gets points just for dealing with that one day when i spammed you with stupid ideas. (just go easy on my dude beckendorf. percy ill manage but let him down easy,,)
@bunkernine your edits.... maam please save some talent for the rest of us. honestly its just funny watching you trash your mutuals and i support you in it. queen’s going through schools like i go through socks,,,
@percasbeths respecting your attempts to stan account! you’re trying! also your writing is super fun and while i’m not arab i loved your arab percy headcanons and am still waiting for hot roman percy (no pressure)
@bisexualzia you called me out a few hours ago and i rbed it which is probably why im doing this right now. so supportive and nice! i don’t talk to you all that much but i saw the miss congeniality au and it was. amazing? honesly please keep going you’re doing great mwah
@jasongrape i am still a wee bit scarred over arachnabeth but your energy is so great and your interactions with your friends are really fun to watch. now im just going to mention your url without context and leave you at that
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