aveaveria · 6 years
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Mekkah on Ao3 asked about some SlaDick fic recommendations (then @gravesecret make sure to check out their art did as well). And I’m here to deliver.
Klarion’s Curse by ilyena_sylph, Merfilly
Slade hunted the wrong witch, and gets an interesting curse.
I love this one, it got me into the ship and it has so much DC lore in it! ilyena_sylph and Merfilly originally wrote it back in 2006/2007, it’s a blast full with pre-N52 canon. When I read it for the first time the DCU was like a strange new world I had only just stumbled into and it did not matter that I only understood half of it after my first read. This fic (and the creators’ other works) is one of the reasons I learned to love the DCU lore, especially the small things, the things canon likes to ignore. Additionally, the fic has a unique SlaDick dynamic and Dinah is a fun and refreshing support character.
Waiting To Be Claimed by firewolfsg
Deathstroke is unexpectedly offered custody of a depressed and lost Dick Grayson, and the two make some interesting discoveries as they plan for the future.
Fic Setting: Takes place a couple of months after Nightwing #100 and is an AU where Dick does *not* join the mob.
Written October 2005
Together with Clarion’s Curse, this is the fanfiction that pretty much defines how I view Slade’ and Dick’s relationship. It basically is what it says on the tin plus some surprising boners, ya know. There’s just a certain type of magic in old works like this, that make the relationships ring true, which is partially due to the different canon and partially due to a certain type of nostalgia. After all, what can beat “the good old days”? What can beat the magic moment of falling in love with something new?
In The Shadow Of The Bat by meyari [Trigger Warning: Slavery]
The secret sale of Bruce Wayne's slave Jason Todd to Slade Wilson set off a series of events that changed everything for everyone who lived in the shadow of the Bat. Fortunately for them, Slade wasn't the man that they'd been trained to think he was.
No story is for everyone and in this case, we dive a bit deeper into the morally dubious decent that is SlaDick. Despite the slavery theme, the story is tame. In the end, it is much more a story about choosing roles than it is about being forced into one.
That LiveJournal Fic No Search Engine Wants To Admit Hides In the Depths Of The Internet  
There was that one story in which Slade and Dick hit it off and Adeline warned Dick not to fall for him, which ended with Slade and Dick having you-know-what in front of the mirror. But for the life of me, I can’t find it anymore. 
Dark Origins by coldfiredragon [no romantic relationship]
A/U, what if Slade Wilson, rather than Bruce Wayne found and raised Dick Grayson?
This is a cheater but I love it too much to leave it out. Especially A Mother’s Decision. I’d die for that part. Additionally, it has some good Roy/Dick in it and beautifully retells Dick’s former canon through AU fanon lenses. As a rule of thumb: Definitely check out LiveJournal if you crave more &s and /s to your SlaDick stuff.
The Sensation of Falling by rocket_dreaming3D [Trigger Warning: Rape/Non-Con]
Dick decides to start down his own path as the vigilante Nightwing after a powerful falling out with his adoptive father Bruce Wayne (aka Batman). Dealing with heavy emotional issues he hunts down the mercenary known as Deathstroke (Slade Wilson), searching for either proof of his worth or a way to end it all. What happens when he finds that there are more layers to the merc than he'd ever seen in his time as the Boy Wonder, Robin?
The first ongoing of this ship I ever read. Let’s just say this: It is an Injustice AU, Deadpool is Slade’s brother, Killer Frost is the best friend Dick ever had. It’s hilarious in that “feels-like-sunshine” way, despite the warnings.
Yonder Heart and Somber Lover by overratedantihero
Dick's taken from his father's garden to join Slade in Hades, the realm of the dead. A retelling of the Abduction of Persephone.
Persephone is the perfect myth for SlaDick and orah has such extensive knowledge of Greek mythology, that the story flows nicely in a way that is all greek tragedy mixed with DC, which brings me back to the nostalgia I have mentioned before, only that this fic is so very modern despite it.
What No Man Wants to Lose by Firefright, Skalidra
Getting a call from Slade's new team, Defiance, saying that they need his help in rescuing Slade is not the call that Dick expected to get on a random Tuesday morning. But rescuing is what he does, especially when it's a team of young heroes asking. The fact that it's Slade in need of rescuing? Well, that's different, but it doesn't change anything.
Firefright and Skalidra are going all out with both recent comic canon and fanon in this one. An established relationship is always fun to explore with this pairing and if there is a real comic-y plot, even more so. It is basically a shippy love letter to Priest’s Deathstroke run.
There’s Magic in You by TimmyJaybird [Trigger Warning: Cannibalism]
Dick has a pension for nightmares, for the creatures that stalk the nights in tales that should have lulled him to sleep as a boy. Now, face to face with a beast straight from fairy tales, he's shockingly at ease with the knowledge that this could be his end... if the beast wills it. 
A dark re-telling of Red Riding Hood with a witchy twist because even as a human eating werewolf Slade cannot quite instill fear into Dick. It gets hot pretty fast, and gross, pretty gross. Check out her other works if you are in need of transgender/ftm!Dick.
Stars and Cinders-Series by victoriousscarf 
Bruce Wayne makes a really awful Jedi. His padawans are not much better. That Batman Star Wars AU no one asked for.
The package makes the deal here and you should definitely not only look into this for the pairing but for the world that victoriousscarf built. There is rape in one part of the series, so be mindful of the tags.
Blood and Iron by Zillabird
The War has been going on since Dick wasn't much bigger than his adoptive father's knee.
Dick had done a lot of things he's not proud of in search of an end to the bloodshed. Things that give the turncoat orc, Slade, every reason to dislike him. Not that Slade's hands are clean, not even close. That's why he's here at Lord Wayne's camp under the watchful eye of the man's eldest. Waiting patiently for the chance to get his revenge. Secrets are so embroiled in this world they are forged into the very steel that the armies fight with, and they may be the reason that Slade loses the chance to start a new life. One with the half-elf healer that he's fallen for in Lord Wayne's camp.
584 Days is the fic that everyone knows but this one should be loved just as much.
I’ve kept my recommended to one story per author because otherwise, the list would explode but generally speaking: If you liked one of the author’s stories, it is worth checking out more of their stuff.
That being said, I hope you enjoy reading the recs!
(Header: http://ao3commentoftheday.tumblr.com/post/173752189329/want-to-make-a-fic-rec-post-grab-yourself-a)
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high-queen-margo · 6 years
cldfiredrgn reblogged your post and added: “Magicians Tarot Cards”
I’m interested in buying a set if the price is...
Don’t worry, it won’t be insanely expensive! This is mostly a project of passion and I’m not looking to make a profit. If 6-29 people buy, which seems to be the number right now based off of people who definitively want a physical deck, it’ll be about $17 including shipping because I’ll have to order bulk and ship them out myself. 30-49 would be $15, 50-99 would be $14 based on the website prices. I’m going to look around at other options, but this seems to be the cheapest high-quality option available! 
Follow @magicianstarot for more updates :)
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sadlittlenerdking · 7 years
Prompt meme 70 'I cant stand seeing you like this' pairing Queliot, if you're willing to.write Magicians
If Margo knew, she’d give him that look and then walk out of the room like she’s not worried about his sanity, despite the worried flick of her wrists that clue him in to the truth. So, she probably does not, and she’s definitely worried about him. But, Eliot is a masochist, and he can’t help that he feels like he needs to be there for Quentin when he has his episodes. And it’s not like it’s an invasion of Quentin’s privacy or anything. It’s just a small little spell that tracks Quentins emotions and alerts Eliot anytime his motions dramatically peak.
(Though, it had been awkward when Quentin and Alice were still dating and Eliot ran into the room thinking Quentin was having a panic attack. He was so resolutely not having a panic attack, that Eliot almost felt like he deserved the shoe thrown at his head as he closed the door behind him. Though that has more to do with him pausing and saying, “Nice form,” than him rushing into the room.)
It’s needless to say he’s had to tweak the spell. Even go so far as to study, to find a way to have the spell only localize on Quentin’s darker emotions. There were . . . failures, along the way. Like Eliot accidentally linking his and Quentins emotions up to synchronize so anything either of them felt, the other felt. Obviously, he blamed that on Todd, and temporarily turned him into a toad to avoid the truth getting out. By the time he turned back, nobody but Eliot remembered—well. Nobody but Eliot, Quentin and the whole of the Brakebills teaching staff that had to break the spell.
Linking up with Quentin’s emotions did spur Eliot on to try harder, though. The only way he’d been able to get through that particular week was with a heavy —er than normal—dose of narcotics. And Quentin got through every day of with nothing more than pessism and sad, puppy dog pouts directed at nobody in particular.
So, maybe Eliot spent six months perfecting a spell that allowed him to be there for Quentin whenever he experienced any sort of negative emotions. So what? Eliot’s a perfectionist.
And he also kind of, really, cares about Quentin.
Which is why it comes as a shock—literally—when something courses through him stronger than anything Quentin’s ever felt before. He’s sitting on the living room couch, reading through a nondescript magazine, trying to pass the time by while everyone else actually studies for finals, when an electric burst of energy rushes through him. It’s like the shivers; the ones that people often describe as ‘someone walking over your future gravesite’ only it’s painful and practically paralyzes him for a moment.
When it passes, he takes no time to run out of the cottage and across campus. Honestly, if it were anybody else, he probably wouldn’t even care. But it’s Quentin.
So he runs.
And, as everyone with even half a brain can attest to, Eliot does not run. Not from monsters, not from ghosts, not to save someone about to jump off a cliff. He’s a smoker and an alcoholic. He doesn’t run for anyone.
Except Quentin.
He’d run to the ends of the Earth and back if it meant protecting him.
Not that he’d ever admit it.
If anyone asks, later, when Quentin’s calm and Eliot’s pleasantly buzzed, he’ll blame it on a doppelgänger or something even less believable.
The pulsing shivers get stronger the closer to Quentin he gets. It shouldn’t surprise Eliot that Quentin’s in the library, being an actual nerd, but somehow it does. Maybe it’s the fact that this is supposed to be Quentin’s safe space. Maybe it’s that Alice is standing over him, shocked and not doing anything but staring.
A rush of rage burns beneath the electricity shooting through his veins but he shoves that down, and pushes past her to kneel down next to Quentin.
He’s sitting on the floor, eyes wide as he gasps for breath. His left hand is grabbing desperately at his shirt, like he’s trying to push past it and into his chest to grab at something, or stop something. Tears stream down his cheeks as his eyes frantically search Eliot’s, harsh, wheezing breaths puffing out between them.
Eliot grabs Quentins hands and leans in, forehead pressing just against the top of Quentin’s scalp. He whispers something, just for the two of them into Quentin’s hair, before looking over his shoulder, “What the fuck are you staring at? Go make yourself useful and get some water, Alice.” Alice is unresponsive for a moment, but then she nods shakily and darts out of their little alcove in the library, and Eliot turns his attention back on Quentin. He pulls one hand away, and starts building a spell between them. Not quite a sedative, but something that’ll ease Quentin’s heartbeat. And Eliot’s, for that matter.
Because as calm as he can pretend to be, he can’t trick himself into believing that he’s not terrified out of his fucking mind. Can’t tell his own heart to stop pounding so angrily in his chest that it ricochets around the room and almost blocks out Quentin’s breathing.
The spell does the trick. Quentin’s facing is losing some of the pinkness, but his breath is still shallow and fast. Eliot reaches up to guide Quentins attention to Eliot’s eyes, with a gentle hand to his jaw. He raises his eyebrows, and mimics taking a deep breath. “With me, Q,” He says, voice soft and guiding just like the books told him to. “Breathe with me.”
It takes a minute, but Quentin starts taking exaggerated, slow breathes, as he follows Eliot’s movements with precision.
Eliot watches as Quentin comes down from the panic attack, and when he feels it’s safe to, he pulls him in for a hug and holds him to him as Quentin’s arms hesitantly come up to wrap around his waist. “I hate seeing you like this,” He says after a few long beats,  Quentins hot breath burning into the nape of his neck.
Quentin nods against the skin there, pretends he’s not wiping his snot and tears off on the shoulder of Eliot’s favorite vest, and says, “Then why do you always come?” His breath is hoarse, and it’s like ragged puppet strings pull at Eliot’s heart with each syllable.
Eliot quiet for a long moment, before he swallows, thick and careful, “You know why.”
Nodding again, Quentin pulls himself closer, and it’s all Eliot can do not to run across campus to punch Dean Fogg in the face for taking away Quentin’s medicine.
“Thank you, El.”
Eliot breathes him with a shrug, “Always, Q.”
It’s a lot of effort into only a few moments of action, but jesus christ if the small, relieved smile Quentin gives him when they’re finally able to get up isn’t worth it, Eliot doesn’t know what is.
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neitherlandslibrary · 7 years
cldfiredrgn ha respondido a tu publicación “Hey mods, just a friendly heads up, but i never got a halloween gift. ...”
Don't worry about the halloween gift, it's over 2 weeks past the point now.
You were great and participated and did your part on time- the least we can do is get you what you asked for. The person who got you told us they had some medical issues and would hand out their trick or treat later, but it has been quite the long time already.
Once again we are truly sorry- we trusted everyone to submit their gifts on time so we didn’t think sending ask asking for progress or anything was necessary. We’ve learnt from our mistakes though, and we’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again.
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awildnoechu · 7 years
cldfiredrgn ha respondido a tu publicación: jlarinda ha respondido a tu publicación: ...
Literally all of your tags
Thanks! I really have a lot of feelings and thought about this whole topic, tbh and it’s nice to talk about it because hey, people are free to dislike characters and have their own opinions
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quentinsquill · 7 years
Fic Recs for The Welters Challenge Fic Appreciation Day
It’s Fic Appreciation Day and writers rule! I’ve read nearly every Magicians fic on AO3, I think, so it’s the perfect day to rec some of my favorites, in no particular order: 
Like a Liar Does by @penny-royal: This is fic is everything I never knew I wanted! Sub!Eliot, reluctant Dom!Penny, and a storyline that is so compelling that I keep reading it over and over. 
Shoulder to Shoulder With You by @cldfiredrgn: A Quentin/Eliot slow burn fic that explores multiple facets of their relationship. Each character has his secrets and the way they unfold and learn to trust each other is just so beautiful. 
I’ve Got You Carved on My Heart by @sadlittlenerdking Quentin and Eliot are apart, but messages make their way through to Whitespire. The longing in this fic is so effing palatable and the way the messages come through is so damn clever! I love this fic more than life. 
Two Omegas by Bluesummers: I’m not familiar with alpha/omega relationships, but I gave this fic a try and ended up being pleasantly surprised! It’s sweet and hot at the same time. It’s a good way to dip your toe into this kind of genre. 
I hope you check out all these fics and give the hardworking writers a comment. As a writer myself, I know it means a great deal! Thanks! 
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ratcarneymain · 7 years
@cldfiredrgn @noe-gg @thechampagneking70
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brakebillskids · 7 years
cldfiredrgn replied to your post “if the magician is successful in netflix it will help its survival...”
Netflix changed it's raitings, it's either a thumbs up or down now
dominic-tyler replied to your post “if the magician is successful in netflix it will help its survival...”
Netflix changed its rating, so please go re-rate it! Every thumbs-up counts!
well fuck they did
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64%? wtf why would they switch to this shit system?
fucking netflix i swear to umber
guys go give it a thumbs up [rolls eyes very hard]
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forcestruck · 8 years
cldfiredrgn replied to your post “cldfiredrgn replied to your post “Since I have no sense of self...”
I didn't mean that! I mean I love how it breaks them down, and creates a mini universe without all the work of writing a full universe  lol, I love them is what I mean and by breaks my brain I mean in a wonderful warm happy way because anything Queliot does that
Oh, you sweet and precious darling.
One time Eliot comes in looking rather harried and it’s a bit startling to Q, who’s used to always seeing him put together and so Quentin automatically upgrades Eliot to a bigger coffee cup, glad that the coffee shop is slow. He requests two coffees and demands them quickly and Quentin, because he can’t actually snap his fingers and have the drinks ready, fills the silence by asking ‘late for a meeting with your girlfriend?’ and when Eliot goes ‘my what?’ it makes Q’s heart want to fall over sideways. Or at least that’s how he describes it.
It’s not always a hit or miss with trying to catch Quentin at the coffee shop, one time it’s almost a collision - Q trying to exit the coffee shop and Eliot trying to get in and there’s this odd moment where they’re stuck below the door as the bell grows still above them. After a moment, Eliot raises an eyebrow and asks ‘are there muffins?” and Quentin nods, goes “yeah” and he tries to slip past only for Eliot to grab his arm. Quentin stops and they looks at each other and the only explanation he gets is ‘I like it more when you make my coffee.’ It’s enough for Quentin to turn right back around.
Eliot doesn’t just buy a coffee, he buys two coffees and a muffin and the second coffee is for Quentin, a thank you for extending his shift a little. Along with the coffee comes the offer for Quentin to join Eliot and that’s how they end up properly socializing for the first time and Eliot says if it happens again, he’ll also buy Quentin a cookie. Quentin experiences the urge to tell Eliot what hours he works the next day just so Eliot will know when to show up so they can have another run in, except Quentin’s far too awkward to do that because what if Eliot’s just being nice an doesn’t mean it?
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highkingfen · 5 years
Rules: Choose 10 favourite characters/people from 10 different fandoms and tag 10 other people.
I was tagged by @fuckyeahhannibal thanks for the distraction!
Fen | The Magicians
Luna Lovegood | Harry Potter
Taako | The Adventure zone: Balance
Cullen | Dragon Age (1,2,3)
Garrus | Mass Effect
Geralt | The Witcher
Elsa | Frozen (1,2)
Captain Marvel | Marvel
Effie | Hunger Games
Aziraphale | Good Omens
Tagging @parallelbeetle @thehollowprince @queenrojpag @chaptersonetoinfinity @cldfiredrgn and everyone who wanna play
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The Mother Fish
Summary; After being rescued from the Monster’s possession, Eliot tries to take Quentin on a boat trip but it doesn’t go well.
Pairing; Quentin and Eliot
Word Count; 2,614
Authors Note; For @cldfiredrgn Happy Halloween
Quentin stands on the bow of the Muntjac. The majestic sails flutter in the wind and he grips the rail tight to stop himself from tumbling over the side as the ship flies gracefully through the air. 
He stares down at the ocean; the colours move just beneath the surface of the river, blues and reds, and purples. They sway back and forth, swooping left and then right, circling around each other. Like they’re dancing. 
There’s the tap, tap, tap of Eliot’s cane against the wooden floor and Quentin turns to face him.
“Hey,” Eliot says. There’s a glassy look in his eye. “What do you think?” 
“It’s beautiful.” 
“The mating ritual of the cullyral fish. Fen says it only happens once ever fifty years. Plover got it wrong.” Eliot stands next to Quentin and leans over the rail. 
He’s a little too careless for Quentin’s liking, swaying from side to side slightly, and in the end Quentin places his hand on Eliot’s arm, just to steady him. 
“You see, there -“ Eliot points at a green light emerging from the water, growing larger and larger, as the other fish swim around it - “the mother fish.” 
Quentin laughs. “The mother fish?” 
“That’s what Fen called it. The mother fish. The other fish flock to her, try to win her affection with their brightly coloured tails, but she’ll only pick one. And she’ll stay with that one fish until the day they both die.” 
“That’s… Sweet,” Quentin says. 
Eliot lifts his head and looks at him. “What’s wrong?” 
“Nothing. This is great.” Quentin smiles, but it’s weak, even he knows that and after a moment he allows it to just fall away. 
“I thought… I thought you’d like it.”
“I do. It’s beautiful.” 
“I don’t know,” Quentin sighs. “I guess Fillory’s just lost a little of it’s shine since we found out it was real. This looks amazing, but there’s probably something horrible going on beneath the surface, like the mother fish devouring all of the fish she chooses not to mate with, or something.” 
“It’s okay.” 
Quentin looks over at Eliot. He leans heavily on his cane. His breathing seems laboured and uneven, his shoulders are hunched. His hair messily tumbles down around his face.
“Are you okay?” Quentin asks. 
“Yeah, yeah.” Eliot tries to wave him away, but there’s a stutter in his voice and his hand is pressed against his stomach where the axe plunged in. 
“No, you’re not.” Quentin wraps his arm around Eliot’s waist, pulls him closer and Eliot immediately leans against him. “Come on.” Quentin leads Eliot away from the railing, and they head inside. 
Eliot flops onto the first sofa that they come across and slumps down against the cushions. His skin is unnaturally pale and there’s a heavy sheen of sweat across his forehead. 
Quentin kneels down in front of him. He presses his fingers against Eliot’s forehead. He’s warm. 
“Jesus, Eliot.” Quentin starts to undo the buttons on Eliot’s shirt. The three at the bottom so that the bandage on Eliot’s stomach becomes visible. There’s a small smattering of blood “We shouldn’t have come. You’re not ready to be out.” 
“I didn’t want you to miss the mother fish.” 
“Your health is more important. This wound is serious, Eliot. You could’ve died.” Quentin grabs one of the bags he managed to hurriedly pack before they left; the one he stuffed full of medical supplies. He takes out a bandage and a packet alcohol free antiseptic wipes. 
He slowly peels back the bandage on Eliot’s stomach. There’s blood on Eliot’s skin, and Quentin’s not sure but he thinks that some of the stitches have popped. 
He takes an antiseptic wipe and begins to clean away the blood. He keeps his touch gentle, almost delicate and he can feel Eliot staring down at him, watching him closely. His mouth feels dry. 
“It’s one of your favourite parts of the Secret Sea. When Jane and Rupert get lost in that little dingy and the light from the mother fish’s tail lights the way for them. I just… I wanted to do something nice for you.” 
“You have.” 
“I’m sorry.” Eliot reaches down and clasps Quentin’s hand. “I just wanted…” Eliot’s head slumps to the side. His eyes close for a few seconds, then open and they’re still glassy. Then they close again. 
“Eliot, have you taken something?” 
“Just some painkillers. I wanted to… I wanted to show you…” Eliot’s breathing becomes deep. He’s asleep. 
Quentin takes the clean bandage and gently places it over Eliot’s wound. It’s self-sticking and Quentin runs his fingers along the edges just to make sure it’s secure. 
He quickly redoes the buttons on Eliot’s shirt and then pulls it down slightly, covering up Eliot’s stomach again. 
He heads to the heart of the Muntjac and asks her (nicely) if they can turn around and head back to Castle Whitespire. She must understand because they immediately make a hard left. He thanks her and heads back to Eliot, who has slumped further into the sofa. 
He takes Eliot’s shoulders and slowly lowers him down onto the sofa. He removes Eliot’s boots and brings his legs up. There’s a cushion, which he tucks under Eliot’s hand. Eliot immediately curls into it, gripping it tight. 
Quentin takes off his jacket and gently drapes it over Eliot. 
Eliot spends the next twenty four hours in bed. Margo sends the official doctor to Castle Whitespire to check on him, but when he marvels at the stitches on Eliot’s stomach, as if he’s never seen anything like it before, Quentin decides Eliot needs somebody better. 
He sends a bunny to Julia and then waits. Fifteen minutes later the same bunny returns, this time with a message for him. 
“Incoming,” the bunny croaks. “Incoming.” 
Quentin leans down. “What?” 
“Hey dude.” 
Quentin spins around and sees Penny standing in the middle of the throne room, with Professor Lipson clinging tightly onto his arm. She has her medical kit with her. 
“Julia said Eliot needed us,” Penny says.
“Yeah, thanks for coming so quickly.” 
Penny shrugs his shoulders. “No sweat. What do you need?” 
“Actually -“ Quentin turns to Professor Lipson - “I was hoping you could check on Eliot. He tried to go out yesterday and it didn’t go well.” 
“He went out.” Professor Lipton shakes her head, in obvious frustration. “Where is he?” 
“In his room, I’ll show you.” Quentin heads out of the throne room with Professor Lipson following just behind. 
“Cool, I guess I’ll just wait here then,” Penny says. 
Quentin quietly knocks on Eliot’s door. There’s no response. Eliot might be asleep, so Quentin slowly opens the door and the light from the nearby window falls across his face. The quilt is wrapped tightly around him, almost like a cocoon, the pillow tucked underneath his head. 
Quentin steps inside. He keeps his footsteps light, almost tiptoeing over. He delicately sits on the edge of the bed and softly shakes Eliot’s shoulder. Eliot stirs gently, his eyes flutter open and a sleepy smile appears on his face as he stares up at Quentin. 
“Hey.” Eliot brushes the hair away from his eyes. 
“Hi. Sorry to wake you, but Professor Lipson is here to see you.” 
“Oh. Okay.” 
Eliot starts to lift himself up. His arms shake and he struggles slightly. Quentin puts his hands on Eliot’s shoulders and helps to lift him up, placing a pillow behind his back so he can prop himself up. 
“Better?” Quentin asks. 
“Yes, thanks.” 
Professor Lipson is standing in the doorway, her kit bag clutched tightly in her hand. 
“I’ll be right outside,” Quentin says. 
Quentin paces outside of Eliot’s room; up and down, up and down the corridor. Professor Lipson’s check up doesn’t take as long as he’s expecting, and fifteen minutes after he left the room, Professor Lipton does as well. 
“How is he? Is it bad?” Quentin asks. 
“Of course it’s bad. He was stabbed in the gut, with an axe, and because I couldn’t use magic to heal him, he needs a lot of care and a lot of bedrest. He really needs to be back at Brakebills, under my care. But if he really wants to stay here, then he needs to stay in bed, not go traipsing around on boats.”
“I know. We were just…” Quentin sighs, because he isn’t exactly sure what they were doing and even if he did, he’s not sure it would be a good enough reason. 
“Okay. Well, he did pop a couple of stitches, but it’s nothing to be too concerned about. Just keep changing his bandages and if he needs something for the pain give him two of these every four to six hours-“ she hands Quentin a pill bottle - “and not whatever he’s been taking. It’s important.” 
“I understand. I’ll take care of him.”
“I know you will.” She touches his arm and for a moment Quentin remembers her standing on that roof, and then she pulls back, and he forces the memory away. 
“While it’s nice to finally see a piece of Fillory, I need to be getting back to Brakebills.” 
“Sure, yeah. Hopefully Penny stuck around.” 
They head back to the throne room and Quentin feels a little relieved and more than a little surprised to see Penny still there, sitting on Margo’s throne. 
“All done?” Penny asks. 
“Yeah, we’re done,” Quentin replies.
“Good.” Penny jumps to his feet and holds out his hand for Professor Lipson. “Shall we get going?” 
“Thanks for coming so quickly,” Quentin says. 
“No big. I’ve come to accept my role as the group’s resident taxi service.” 
Penny sighs. “It’s cool. Well, no it isn’t but Julia asked so here I am.” 
“How are you and Julia?” 
“We’re good. She misses you. You should, I don’t know, come and visit or something. When Eliot is feeling better.” 
“I will.” 
“Cool, see you around, I guess.” Penny takes Professor Lipson’s hand and the two of them disappear. 
Quentin hovers in the throne room for a moment, almost dancing from foot to foot as he decides what to do next. Part of him wants to go and check on Eliot - a large part of him - but another part of him wants to let Eliot sleep. 
He tries to read for a bit; the Wandering Dune, his favourite of the Fillory and Further books, but he can’t focus on the words. He ends up walking aimlessly through the corridors of Castle Whitespire, and in the end he does what he was always going to do and heads to Eliot’s room. 
He knocks quietly. There’s no response and he knows that he should walk away, leave Eliot to sleep. But he doesn’t. Instead he slowly opens the door. 
Eliot is awake. 
He’s still propped up against the pillow. His head is down, his hair tumbling down around his face. The room is dark. The curtain now drawn so there’s no light from the window. 
“Eliot,” Quentin says.
Eliot quickly looks up and Quentin can see what he thinks are tear stains on his cheeks. 
“Is everything…” Quentin stops. “Are you okay?” 
“When am I not okay?” Eliot smiles. It’s wides and full, but also empty and a little hollow. 
“When you’ve been stabbed in the gut with an axe.” 
“That was nothing.” Eliot gives a dismissive wave of his hand. 
Quentin hovers by the door. “Do you need anything? Water or soup or something?” 
“No. I’m okay.” 
“Okay.” Quentin takes a breath. “I’ll let you get some rest.” He turns to leave. 
“Have you been reading?” Eliot asks, pointing to the book in Quentin’s hand. 
He hadn’t realised he was still holding it. “Yeah, just a little.” 
“It’s your favourite.” 
“Yeah. I love the part where the elves race down Mount Ardey.” 
“Yeah, it’s good. We could… We could go and see it, if you wanted. I could ask Fen, I’m sure she knows when it happens.” 
“We can go when you’re feeling better,” Quentin replies. 
“Oh, okay.” Eliot seems to visibly deflate, sinking down into the pillow. “Sure, I understand.” 
“Eliot, it’s important for you rest.” 
“I know.” 
Quentin doesn’t believe him, but he doesn’t know what else to say. 
“Isn’t this what you wanted?” Eliot asks. 
“You wanted to go on a boating quest, with me. You wanted to go with me, and I said no. I should’ve said yes.” 
“You had to stay. Margo needed you.” 
“I should’ve said yes,” Eliot whispers. 
“Eliot, what are you…” Quentin sighs. He drops his book onto a nearby table and walks over to Eliot. “Talk to me. Please. Something’s wrong and I think you should talk to me.” 
Eliot hesitates and for a moment Quentin thinks he’s going to say no. To say no and send him away. But Eliot doesn’t. 
“I should’ve said yes.” 
“But I didn’t. I just… I was afraid and so I did what I always do when I’m afraid. I ran away. I’m sorry. But I promised myself. I promised you that if I ever got out of there, if I was ever me again that I would be, I don’t know, braver. Or maybe just brave. And I’m trying, Q, I’m really trying. I want to be the person you spent fifty years with. I want to be the person you… I want to be that person. Because you’re right, we work. We worked then and we can work now. I just have to be brave. Please, I want to be brave.” 
Quentin doesn’t say a word. He holds his breath and stays perfectly still while Eliot speaks. He doesn’t know how to reply, not because he had nothing to say but because he doesn’t know where to start. 
He drops down onto the bed and runs his hands through his hair, once and then twice. His mind is swimming. Eliot spoke so quickly, almost like he was trying to get the words out as fast as possible, which Quentin understands, but it’s left him with a lot of information, and nowhere near enough time to think it all through. 
“You still want that, don’t you?” Eliot asks.
“I just want you to be safe, and well,” he says and then immediately winces because he knows that it’s not enough. That this is a moment that matters. “You were lost for so long. I thought I was never going to see you again, that the last time I would see your face it wouldn’t be you behind your eyes. When my dad died, you were the only person I wanted to talk to because you’re the person that I spent my life with. You and Arielle.” 
“But I wasn’t there.” 
“You’re here now. That’s the most important thing, don’t you see that. I don’t care about boat quests or cullyral fish or racing elves. I care that you’re here and you’re alive.” 
“I don’t want us to lose anymore time because I’m afraid.” 
“We have all the time we need.” Quentin reaches out and takes Eliot’s hand. 
“So you still… You still love me?” 
“Do you really think I stopped?” 
Eliot smiles, a real one this time. He shifts over on the bed, leaving a space next to him. Quentin shrugs off his shoes and then lies down. He shuffles around to get comfortable and when he finally settles Eliot’s arms wrap around him. Quentin snuggles into Eliot’s chest and the two of them sink into each other in a way that is so familiar and so natural despite how long it’s been. 
Together, they sleep. 
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list ten songs you’ve been listening to a lot lately and tag ten people
Thank you @parallelbeetle for tagging me. ☺🌻
Sad Waters Nick Cave
From Eden by Hozier
Guiltless by dodie
Mr Sandman by SYML
Avalanche by Nick Cave
Party Song by Keaton Henson
Evolve by Phoria
Experience by Ludovico Einaudi
Movement by Hozier
Ophelia by the Lumineers
Tagging: @sunshinequentin @alicequinnpositivity @theheartofthekoko
@knightofthelab @coldwaughterwoes @eliot--waugh @cldfiredrgn @teddyrcoldwater-waugh @zelvuska @makilade
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sadlittlenerdking · 6 years
  damn, fox, im sorry. im sorry you didnt look it...
@sadlittlenerdking hopefully someone will pick it up, but Lucifer is essentially a DC comics property, I wouldn’t expect Disney to commit if they end up being the final buyer
@cldfiredrgn maybe...the *insert gulp here because ehh* cw will purchase it?
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goddessjuliawicker · 7 years
cldfiredrgn replied to your photo: @cldfiredrgn I’m currently editing that. For what...
awesome! I’m looking forward to it. I’m glad it’ll be a decent sized update. El was in the worst place at the end of the last chapter.
Okay, yeah, maybe leaving him in the rain and having a panic attack wasn’t the...kindest thing to do. But there’s a lot of fluff and singing and I really need to update.
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neitherlandslibrary · 7 years
Hey mods, just a friendly heads up, but i never got a halloween gift. Im not mad, im not worried about it. However, dont say everyone got something last time you did an exchange when it didnt happen.
You are absolutely right about this and I apologize. I’ll go change the previous answer asap and work on getting your halloween gift problem sorted out.
Apologizes once again.
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Rare Pair Challenge - Voting!
We’re so happy with the response that we got for the Rare Pair Challenge this week! We’d like to thank everyone who participated, whether it was by writing a fic, sending in prompts, or reading and commenting on the fics.
The submissions we received are linked below.
The Silence Between by @strangerthanjonathan
For the Weekend by breathedout
Just to Bring You Home by @high-queen-margo
The Right High Queen by @featurelengthfics
Ease My Mind by @sadlittlenerdking
A Terribly Real Thing by @ourladyontheotherside
Ask by @minister-for-femslash
Brakebills’ Finest by @previouslyon-us
It’s A Wife Thing by @cirquedereve
Changeling by @witsserviceablesubstitute
You’re Okay by @strangledbythestars
For Research by @drunkforestnymph
When The Opportunity Arises by @cldfiredrgn
So many great fics to read! Voting will be open until midnight Sunday 24th February - don’t forget to tell us which you like most.
To vote, please use the link here.
Xx Sarah, V & Rae
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