#classical muscians
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opera-ghosts · 7 months ago
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Today a rare card from 1910 that anounce the Opera and Ballet in the Season 1910/11 at the Teatro alla Scala. 
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ryanshaneowen · 1 year ago
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julymadness · 2 years ago
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No time like the present
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eptodaytommorowforever · 10 months ago
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Rare Publiciy Still Photo Of Elvis Presley Relax's Sit's Down On A Stool During The Filming Of MGM'S Elvis Thats The Way Is At The International Hotel Were He Plays Is Black Fender Guitar And Jams On Little Sister/ Get Back Medley This Clip Was Left Out Of The Finished Movie By Dumb MGM Why? In 1970 And As Been Seen As An Outtake By Warner Bros Turner Classic Movie's On You Tube The Internet But Is Yet To Be Released?
True Fact; Elvis Presley Was A Self Taught Musician From The First Time Got Is First Guitar To All Of is Guitars Including This One One Muscian Who PLayed With Him In The Studio To Live On Stage Said He Elvis Presley Had True God Given Gift As He Said Himself That Elvis Presley Had A Musical Ear He Said He Had To Attend Himself Music Learning Sessions But He Was Blown Away With Elvis Presley's Skill Like Elvis Presley Joked With Is Audience In 1977 "i Can Only Play Ladys And Gentleman Three Chords Than He Laughed And Said To Them But I Will Fake Tommorow For A Long Time"
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housefinches · 2 months ago
besides the obvious facistic implications one of the biggest bummers about the tik tok ban to me is losing a really big source of indie muscians. so in (anticipatory) remembrance here are some i found on there that i think you should listen to!
my qualifications are that i once had a 94% rating on obsurify and i listened to 54k minutes of music last year.
all links lead to spotify.
shallow alcove: they had the most beautiful, aesthetic content on tik tok i've ever seen. i will miss all their covers forever. a mix of bedroom pop and folk. (song about nostalgia) (people pleaser anthem) 117k monthly listeners on spotify
nemahsis: very dreamy pop music, i dont know if this is true but there are harp vibes. (good first song) (another) 300k monthly listeners on spotify
khatumu: for everyone whose ever wanted a song about being taken out back and put down like old yeller (another good song, more folky) 43k monthly listeners on spotify
madisinn: more dreamy bedroom pop with some grungey undertones (my favorite)
school house: a classic plunky folk band. they also have some more typical indie pop stuff. (a folk radiohead cover) 17k monthly listeners on spotify
rebecca rea: she wrote a beautiful love letter to appalachia 8000 monthly listeners on spotify
june henry: very pigeon pit esque, which is one of my favs. they make a lot of very short songs if that's something you're into. (queer) (sad) 41k monthly spotify listeners
ducksmithson: calls themself "folk-ish", found them from an unreleased song they made about challengers that i'll miss forever. very diy (good first song) 438 monthly listeners on spotify
a bit more pop and sadder
hannah mundine: soft, beakup songs with "roots in folk, indie, and contemporary pop" (my favorite) 10k montly listeners on spotify
wesley preis: think phoebe bridgers here, she makes similarly somber music with the same post adolescence themes (good first song) (my favorite) 4000 monthly listeners on spotify.
clementine was right: if you like country and you listen to one thing on here make it clementine was right!! i love their stuff so much (good first song, very country) (less country alternative) (my favorite) 697 monthly spotify listeners
lana nauphal: hippie music with a bit more of a background twang 394 monthly spotify listeners
mae valerio: a stereotypically country cover of motion sickness by phoebe bridgers, it works though 3000 monthly listeners on spotify
nussy andrews: i dont know how to describe her music but i love it a lot, lots of violin and piano and very viseral lyrics and vocals (good first song) (my favorite) 4000 monthly listeners on spotify
insert title policy: a review called him "retro, a cross-transplanted hybrid of 80's indie rock and Goth pop". (good first song) (my favorite this whole album is beautifully tactile, you should listen to it) 164 monthly listeners on spotify
rookie mistake: a classic, ive gotta get out of my home town type song that i like a lot. starts very acoustic but switches up halfway 737 monthly listeners on spotify
disclaimer: i don't know music genres like that so if it's not in their spotify description they are cateorgized mostly with vibes.
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reeve-in-a-suit · 11 months ago
I was today years old and scrolling through muscians memes on pinterest when I discovered that there are hardcore mozart/shostakovich/beethoven crushers. Like mad respect to yall for appreciating classical music so much you develop a romantic mental connection with composer absolutely but also wow was I missing out when I never made friends with other nerdy pianists
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tobacconist · 1 year ago
its often repeated how in (english) (prerestoration) theatre, women were banned from the stage, which was definitely true legally on paper, but i think 1. it ignores the (very important) role they played behind the scenes in costume making, set design, etc and 2. from what ive read this law was constantly flouted. polemicists wouldnt be writing so vehemently against it if it didnt go on. from what i gather, travelling players had a similar societal position as prostitutes and gypsies, ie, you wouldnt dream of letting your daughter on stage like some common tart, but if it was someone else you wouldnt care. as muscians and dances many women enjoyed successful careers, even queens performed at private masques, etc. i think the period where this law actually existed and was enforced was actually a very small window of time perhaps even less than two decades. theres something to be said about the obsession with classical greece current at the time also
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janewaywatches · 2 years ago
Fic where Bernie is a famous cellist and Serena runs a cafe
The day had begun fairly ordinarily for Serena she went to work at her cafe as she normally did Jason helping her clear tables and make coffee. The day was building up to a crescendo a peak in the journey of her soul a moment when she knew music would reach in to her heart and lift her to her higher ground, as it always did, as it always would.
Tonight was going to be something special she could feel it... Elgars Cello Concerto was the moment she was waiting for there would be other musicians other pieces of work but that played by THE, THE Bernie Woolf, that would be magic.
They had met one day in university Serena had attended a concert Bernie played at, a student concert she knew then she was something of a talent. Every now and again their paths would cross at christmas markets, at concerts they would smile with regret and respect.Once in the cafe a few days earlier Bernie had dropped by it was a quick and fleeting meeting as Bernie had to run of to a rehearsal at the Albert Hall which was not far from Serenas cafe as it happened. When she had bought the cafe she had pondered wether she would bump into some familar faces for time to time namely the face she was going to see tonight.
Bernie was getting ready for the concert she was doing up her bow tie and was checking her hair over in the mirror ready to face the lights.
“Nervous” a familar voice in the wings asked, it was Dom ... “ no more than any other night” she said methodically in response “ ah he said but it’s not just another night is it? Not when you have someone special waiting to have their breath taken away” he teased.
“ I don’t know what your talking about Mr Compland. Everything in order ... “ he nodded and she walked onto the stage .
Serena, trembling, walked to her seat she had thought about asking Jason to cone with her as it happened he had decided to visit a friend out of character for him but it meant this nights burden was hers alone to bear. The tension the longing the never quite knowing and that this was probably going to the only time she would see her play again...
What with her being such a big star now and the money from the cafe not really streching to grand classical concerts.
When Bernie stepped onto the stage the air was taken from Serenas lungs.
Bernie began to speak unusual for a classical performance normally there was little introduction or even if there was it would be by the conductor evidently Bernie wished to speak. “Now i am no Jacqueline du Pre but i hope you enjoy tonight i know i have some very special guests here tonight to impress ... right ... “ akwardly she took to her seat red face Serena who had a clear view of the stage giggled audibly much to the amusement of the woman next to her who gave her an ice cold stare and a supressed half smile. The performance was so expressive in its emphasis on the feeling of isolation the facial expressions Bernie created showed how much she loved the music and the pain she felt. Serena could feel everything like a hot needle had been driven into her skin she wanted to hold her to tell her she safe and not adrift like this music suggested. What bothered her more is Bernie had picked this specifically she had read it on the program and it was Serenas favourite collection. Was she making up this tenious connection?
Bernie held the bow like it was the only tool she had to express her heart. It flowed like waves and every muscian in the orchestra were fish in that beautifully winding sea made of crotchets, quavers and pain. When the show went onto Vivaldi and Bernie had excited the stage to a huge round of applause Serenas heart sank like a stone why oh why hadn’t she asked for her number a few days before. It’s rediculous are they friends? They have known each other for so long it feels odd to realise they have never been more than aquaitances yet every time they see each other long enough to hold a conversation Bernies face lights up just like when she plays Allermande from Bach’ Cello suit No. 1. Bernies beaming face was not a common sight as she was generally quite reserved when in the company of almost strangers but Serena wasn’t a stranger in fact Bernie wished she was a friend...
So Serena thought that was it till they meet again on some crowded street in London for all of two minutes like a fan. Serena wished it wasn’t like this so did Bernie when she got of stage She asked Dom to do her a favour she had to be available to come back on stage at the end but asked him to make sure Serena didn’t leave with out saying goodbye.
She pointed her out very very carefully in the intermission while she got ready to watch the second act as it were.
Dom did the sound checks and sorted out Bernies Cello, he was her roddie he helped her with everything even leaving her husband as it happened. Now there was some drama let me tell you ... affair with the makeup artist on her tour well it was a lot less scandalous than that really nothing particularly happened between them a few kisses and a broken heart.
Took a lot to damage control with the press nevertheless, Dom became her body guard from the homophobes and i have to say he did it with style poise and grace.
When the curtains went down and the show was over Dom was already working his way over to Ms Campbell who had risen from her seat teary eyed after such a moving performance.
“ Ms Campbell He shouted A Ms Serena Campbell “
Serena wipped around to see who it was and made her way towards him “ yes” apprehensivly she responded “thats me have i done something wrong?”
“ other than that lepord print top i saw you wearing that other day with Bernie no, but she wants to see you ... look at you getting the star treatment”
“ and you are” she sarcastically responded
“Dom Dominic Copeland”
“ well nice to meet you um Dom, Domenic haha”
He led her back stage to see Berenie, Serena was tense and in shock that Bernie ever wanted to see her as she was practically a stranger.
“ Serena” Bernie beamed “ i am so glad you could make it” embrassing her for a warm hug “ we really need to swap numbers listen i have this”
After some fumbling in her dressing room she handed Serena a bottle of Shiraz
“ my favourite how did you know i mean i?”
“ you told me once i well i guess I remembered “
Serena smiled Bernies number was written on a post it note on the bottle she quickly typed it into her phone “ don’t want to loose that your a VIP it’s a privalage”
“ really Ms Campbell what gives you that impression”
“ maybe the fact i just sat at listen to you play better than bloody Benjamin Zander or any one really”
Bernie interupted “ minus Jacquline du Pre”
“Well i mean”
“ we will give her that one shall we” they agreed laughing
“ come on dinner at my hotel or a drink i think it’s time we finally get to know each other”
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xtreme-cringe · 28 days ago
Hey little dude.
I saw in your introduction post that you're a muscian and that you like birds.
What kind of birds do you like? And what kind of instruments do you play, if any? What genre of music do you play/ like?
GM anon
Ooh teehee ^^ great question
So for birds it's hard because I love the entire class of Aves BUT my favorites have always been make peacocks, cranes, parrots, doves, birds of prey, water fowl and tropical birds. I love birds you have no IDEA.
And I play violin! Forgot everything about piano. And I mostly play classical but would love to learn more traditional/folk songs. Been into folk songs from the UK for a long time do some trad music from there would be fun to play.
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jakecosmosaller · 1 year ago
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Introducing the work of Jim Davidson (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1413503966-introducing-the-work-of-jim-davidson?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=JakeAller&wp_originator=86wUtqj8863F0FhfzLY5MH4Mo5kkNFNIi7px4eEPe9Te85nTcBDnTi1acwrPyR3nSpPk7MTMk7pATKT%2F6b1Dr%2FHkikThf6UwizJKzD57YR3mSLnh040e%2FKRXdNHMz2uG Jim Davidson is a high school friend from Berkeley, California. He is the world's expert on all things Perry Mason, classic TV shows and comics and is a talented muscian.
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opera-ghosts · 1 year ago
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Today we see a tenor that has been forgotten in our time: Richard Kubla makes his debut as Rodolfo in La Bohème 1914 at Volksoper Vienna. He has performed 130 roles and has been in the ensemble in Prague and at the Vienna Volksoper. Guest appearances experience him in Munich, Hamburg, Budapest, Cairo, Chicago and New York. This autograph card is from the 1920s
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kafkasapartment · 2 years ago
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Musique De Chambre (Maurice Baquet), 1957. Robert Doisneau, 1912–1994. Gelatin silver.
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kumimonster · 3 years ago
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2021 october 07 - san francisco
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heathenvegetable · 5 years ago
When that muscle memory finally kicks in
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joelsbluejeans · 5 years ago
Okay, but imagine if an musician back then wrote a song about you? Honestly, if someone ever wrote a song about me I would find it so cool and be honored.
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rocklady1973 · 4 years ago
Three talented men, blended in two genres of music...🎶
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