#classes end friday …
otaku553 · 6 months
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I am bored and sad about schoolwork so I want to interact a little bit,,, please send me some asks!
Can’t promise any fancy pieces but if you want a small doodle of a character (preferably not ocs please) feel free to send in a request as well!
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pinktinselmonstrosity · 4 months
i want so badly to be tucked up in bed reading moby dick or maybe at brunch with my closest friends but NO I HAVE TO SIT AT MY DESK AND WRITE 4000 WORDS ABOUT DEATH
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Hi! I'm interested in working through the Hatchet field stuff while I'm on break. Is there a recommended viewing order? Or can I jump in anywhere?
ahahaaaa i am SO SORRY I am just now seeing this. in my defense i caught covid about the time you sent this (and also infected my mom who does NOT do sick well) buttt if you're still looking,
tbh you can start anywhere, because while they're all related, they aren't connected--like you'll appreciate certain jokes and callbacks, but in that way I guess it's like an anthology.
Technically, the first musical is The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals. If you know someone who doesn't like musicals, they might actually like this one (PROMISE ME YOU'LL THINK ABOUT THE IMPLICATIONS) It's the first introduction to Hatchetfield and there are some recurring characters in the next musical, which is Black Friday. It is about Black Friday and consumerism and the amazing line "I've met god. he had nothing nice to say about you" BITCH OMG. The most recent musical is Nerdy Prudes Must Die, and honestly imo it has the least connections to the first two, so you could probably start with that one if you wanted--again, you'll appreciate some jokes more if you've seen the other two. It does also have more Lore, but I still think you'd be fine not knowing anything about it. I don't know that much about it and it was still good, because--
---there's a whole series of web-icals? Social Distance Musicals? Whatever, it's called Nightmare Time and they dive deeper into the lore of Hatchetfield and I've never managed to watch more than the opening number of the first one (it's a sound quality issue, i just need to watch it on a laptop or something) but look to be really cool and interesting and maybe deal with the same Hatchetfield? Because the Hatchetfield in each of the musicals is...not the same one. Or it is, but different timelines. Or different dimensions. Something. I think Nightmare Time does more into that.
Basically, you could watch them all as standalones, there's not really a plot that goes through all three of them, but characters and concepts that do.
But that's the order I'd do them in. From a theatre nerd standpoint, it's also really cool to see how they've evolved musically. Just technically with how they're putting numbers together and adding vocal layers. NPMD has a few songs that i would LOVE to see the sheet music for so I could try and figure out who is singing what. Honestly the best comparison I can make is "Wait For It" from Hamilton.
Anyway I hope you enjoy them!!! If you want to shout opinions at me i am here for that :)
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murderballadeer · 6 months
why are weekends only two days </3
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julie-finlay · 6 months
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Finlay Friday
13x17: “Dead of the Class, script extracts. 
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kaoharu · 4 months
its yvevy bedtime . . . snorkmimimimi
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fridayyy-13th · 17 days
struggling because i want to Write and really get into my WIPs bc i genuinely love them and am really excited about them but i have this stupid class to do and there's an assignment i forgot about so i have that on top of the exam + discussion board post/responses i have to do and all of it is due tomorrow at midnight 😭😭😭
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pallases · 10 months
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kingmintyreturns · 11 months
oh the irony of a women's psychology professor enforcing strict deadlines with no grace for forgetting or executive function struggles...
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Dress rehearsals are literally my 3 favorite things about dance combined (dressing pretty actually dancing and watching dances) so idk why I complain about them every time I have them
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helenofblackthorns · 10 months
first uni class today 🥲🥲
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lynne-monstr · 4 months
hi blog, it's friday! having a bit of an admin day at work, which is both a little relaxing (can't get pulled in to too many meetings because i am shifting everything to a new computer) but also annoying (I have to set up everything again ughhh)
last night i started watching doctor slump, which is really cute and i loved the first 2 episodes so far. thought tbh i could do without the flashbacks as i don't really think they are necessary to the story.
but oof i got punched in the face by that show. because of the bit about, yeah you can grow up as an exceptional student and you think you're going to become an exceptional adult. but the real world doesn't work by giving tests and grades.
i remember the first time i realized in school that at the end of the semester, some people went to the professor to negotiate their final grade. and i remember kind of looking down on that because I always did well on my exams and assignments. but the joke's on me because that's how the world works. people don't just give you things when you do a good job, you have to demand it and fight for it or you're stuck getting 0.5% raises for the rest of your life.
anyway, that got away from me. don't get me started on my half-assed theory that a lot of "gifted kid syndrome" is really the culture shock of discovering that the things that made you successful in school, the things you were valued and praised for, only partially apply in real life.
on the fandom front, I'm still picking away at this fic i'm revamping from a tumblr ramble! if i don't get caught in an editing spiral, maybe i'll post it this weekend!
I hope everyone has a good day!
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rapidhighway · 2 years
Ngl art uni has made art kind of hell
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copepods · 6 months
maybe one semester ill get to have a friday thats actually enjoyable
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astro-inthestars · 1 year
Hi guess who feels like he just experienced 8 consecutive days in a matter of 2?
#rennikorambles#holy fuHUCK I AM SO EXHAUSTED. I AM LITERALLY EXHAUSTED#I WOULDNT BE SURPRISED IF I SAY THIS MIGHT BE THE MOST EXHAUSTING TWO DAYS OF MY FUCKING EXISTENCE...#yesterday in class our very first subject was our advisory one and since the cheer dance has been crucial we just went down to practice#great straining start to the day! (i do like our cheer dance though i think we'll beat the other sections but MAN IS IT TIRING.)#and then i had to go over to the avr to get prized and shit for winning 1st place on the spelling bee(it was nothing dont even care abt it)#and then after that immediately had to go down (since this was the end of class) and practice AGAIN for 2 more hours#good god and thats friday for you#and im pretty sure this was when i discovered that my brother (who usually goes home at 4 and my practice ended then)#had left me behind and gone home already. and like usually whenever i have practice and end at 4 we just go home w#*together#but. yeah. that didnt have me feeling good but it was okay#and when i was ready to pass out hoHOH NOO NONO#my aunt decided hey! we should celebrate your wonderful high grades by going out together (me my brother and my cousin) and h#have a sleepover! and we were just. sure ok. so we had to pack IMMEDIATELY and get on going#more stuff and more waiting in traffic happened and shit and more shit#and then we got to the street mall and hogh boy MORE WALKING. but i love the place so i didnt mind (still walking though. haugh)#and then ate at a place ive never eaten at. i liked the food really! but then my stomach decided death for me#(apparently eating dinner 9 hours after lunch isnt good..?) so the rest of the time my stomach was squeezing and i felt like throwing up#but it was fine i didnt throw up! AND THEN ALSO I FAILED TO MENTION. My class paid to reserve 4 hours at a court to practice#which was at 10 am the next day. so i had to sleep early which i did! woke up at 7 <3 watched enola holmes....#bUT I STILL GOT SO FUCKING LATE I ARRIVED AT 11. didnt even get to savor the sleepover haugh..... and then practice OH practice. sufferings#after a whole problem with a bunch of idiots at the court that barged in we decided to cut the practice at 12:30#i got picked up by my parents then we went home! .BUT ITS NOT OVER YET. WE HAD TO BRING OUR HOUSEHELP TO HER HOUSE#and they said it'd be quick. just a quick drop off to help her.#bUT NOOOOO WE WENT TO THE FILIPINO EQUIVALENT OF COSTCO AND THEN AN AMUSEMENT PARK#WHICH WAS SO COOL OH MY FUCK BUT ALSO HOLY SHIT.#first of all i got to finally try the Vikings ride and a roller coaster! good news i can handle roller coasters!#bad news i cannot handle vikings. theyre.... overwhelming- i couldnt even SCREAM from how scared i was#anyways i roamed phil costco it was so fun. but my poor feet. i have sustained 5 different kinds of body pain.
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thebirdandhersong · 2 years
well darlings it is once again essay crunch time. I can't tell you how badly I want to sleep. but nevertheless the train chugs on........ it is only 1200 words so it is manageable it is manageable it is MANAGEABLE SONGBIRD............ it's only worth a fourth of your grade (WAILS)
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