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@thebeastofblackmoor As you wish o7
more gth text posts because actually i can't stop
#only ten audios allowed per post so the last three will be in another rb#pls excuse the quality i literally just recorded these on my phone#kylerrambles#using my actual voice!#ghost of thornton hall#GTH#her interactive#nancy drew games#long post#update: there is apparently an audio upload limit per day on tumblr lol#so the final three recordings will have to wait until tomorrow???
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“Oh yeah no, the plan is definitely foolproof. I’m shipping Alice to France, where she’s going to be safer than being here.” Frank stood by the wall, in Clara’s home on a weekend, which wasn’t unusual, but their topic of conversation sure was. “I am worried for her, for Merlin’s sake. It’s getting worse out there, with the crowds and the attacks. And I would never be able to forgive myself if something happened to her.”
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“Clara...hi.” If there was someone in this world, who got him to stop on his tracks even after all these years, it would be Clara. People and places didn’t compare to the love and the loss that was them, and yet here he was again. “It’s...been a while?”
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“Look, I’m not trying to put words in your mouth, but your face kind of says it all. It’s just bad, huh? I’m burning it, do you have a trashcan?” If there was anyone’s opinion that mattered to Daisy more than Tilden’s, it had to be Clara’s. And the look on her face was indecipherable, which could have only meant that her newly drafted manuscript was bad. “I can’t write. I should just quit!”
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Luke was standing between two large trees attempting to bend them to form an arch and it wasn’t working. He’d be stuck in a rut of doing the same old spells and he wanted to stretch his magical arms so to speak. He took a step back and stared at the trees. “You fuckers are going to do this for me so I don’t feel like such I washed up old witch,” he mumbled to the trees. He took a deep breath flicked his wrist around in a few semi-circles. A few branches cracked loudly and a few fell to the forest floor. “Son of a bitch,” he called out loudly.
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Sitting in the Study Hall, Austin was trying to focus on the work before him. Essays were hard enough, and with all the reading he had to do...---he was trying his best not to panic. So instead, he plugged in his headphones, listening to Great Disaster as he tried to do his reading. But instead, the Hufflepuff got swept away by the beats, soon trying to recreate his own version of the song.
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Detention with Binns || Clisaac
Clara McLaggan & Isaac Fawcett @finestmclaggen
7th of february 2027, the evening.
Binn’s classroom
Clara & Isaac are in detention.
Okay, maybe Isaac shouldn’t have been out of bed again. But still, Isaac knew what he was doing, he waited until it was late and most prefects and teachers were back to sleep again. But he wouldn’t have expected professor Binns of all people to still be up. And instead of mumbling about some boring revolution that happened forever ago Binns was actually looking right at him. Binns had never liked Isaac and he probably had some good reasons considering Isaac didn’t like Binns or History of Magic so it hadn’t been the first time he had ended up in his detention.
Untill last year those detention were usually copying some parts of some book which actually worked in his favour. Binns always picked some book from his course and it meant that even when he wasn’t paying attention to what he was writing he was actually taking in some stuff he would have to pretend to learn later otherwise but starting this year he had actually dropped History of Magic making this detention even worse than it could have been. 10 minutes late he walked into Binns classroom and took his usual spot when he had detention with the guy: second last row right in front of Clara McLaggan
#para: clara1#//if you have any better ideas please feel free to change the para title#//or their ship name
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Cerveja: 9 maneiras diferentes de beber uma cerva
9 drinks com cerveja para fazer em casa e em poucos minutos
Já pensou que sonho seria combinar duas bebidas que você ama em uma receita refrescante e saborosa? Isso não só pode se tornar uma realidade, como há diversas opções de drinks com cerveja para se deliciar no conforto da sua casa. Fáceis e com poucos ingredientes, as misturas prometem conquistar o seu paladar e trazer uma experiência diferente para o seu happy hour. Então, pegue o seu copo, alguns cubos de gelo e se joga nestas ideias mais do que apetitosas. Prepare-se para se deliciar com essas receitas de drinks com cerveja Michelada Essa mistura tipicamente mexicana tem uma textura refrescante e temperadíssima, como marcas registradas de sua terra natal. Ingredientes: 1 lata de cerveja2 limões taiti6 gotas de molho de pimenta (por copo)8 gotas de molho inglês (½ colher de chá) (por copo)Cubos de geloSal e pimenta-do-reino moída Modo de preparo: Separe 2 copos altos. Num pires, coloque sal e pimenta a gosto, e misture. Corte os limões ao meio, e passe metade de um limão na borda dos copos; passe os copos no pires com sal e pimenta – para fazer uma borda nos copos. Esprema os limões, e divida o caldo dos limões nos dois copos. Coloque em cada copo o molho de pimenta e o molho inglês. Complete com gelo a gosto. Abra a lata de cerveja e divida nos 2 copos, inclinando o copo para a cerveja não espumar. Misture e sirva a seguir. Black and Tan
© Pexels Este é um dos mais clássicos drinks com cerveja, servido largamente em bastante bares alemães. O Black and Tan é preparado colocando uma cerveja escura em cima de uma cerveja clara. Ingredientes: 250(ml) de cerveja tipo Irish Stout250 (ml) de cerveja tipo Pale Ale Modo de preparo: Em um copo de pint, disponha a cerveja tipo Pale Ale até a metade. Em seguida, coloque uma colher virada para baixo próximo à superfície da Pale Ale e despeje a cerveja tipo Irish Stout suavemente sobre as costas da colher. À medida que o nível do líquido aumentar, suba a colher. Espresso Beer Já pensou em misturar café com cerveja? Essa combinação é perfeita e tem um gosto tipicamente brasileiro. Afinal, essas são as nossas duas bebidas favoritas! Ingredientes: 1 colher (sopa) do café solúvel1 colher (sopa) de sal1 lata de cerveja1 limão-siciliano Modo de preparo: Misture o sal com o café solúvel e coloque em um prato raso. Molhe a borda de um copo com o suco de meio limão e emborque o copo nessa mistura de café solúvel e sal, até a borda ficar desenhada com a mistura. Coloque a cerveja bem gelada no copo e sirva com uma rodela de limão. Shandy
Esse drink tem como origem a Inglaterra, no final do século XIX. O nome é de uma gíria de Londres, ao se referir a um litro de cerveja, “Shant of gatter”. Ingredientes: 200 ml de cerveja Pilsner ou Pale Ale2 limões1 fatia de limão siciliano para decorarCubos de gelo Modo de preparo: Corte e retire todo o suco dos dois limões. Em uma coqueteleira, coloque o líquido e os cubos de gelo. Chacoalhe até sentir que a mistura está fria. Em uma caneca grande, coloque o suco gelado e a cerveja. Corte um limão siciliano para decorar e passar nas beiradas do copo. Mojito de cerveja Uma releitura de um clássico é sempre bem-vinda, né? A sustância do mojito combinada com o sabor doce da cerveja podem agradar qualquer paladar. Ingredientes: 1 dose (50ml) de rum100 ml de cerveja Indian Pale Ale8 a 10 folhas de hortelã1 colher de açúcarGelo a gosto Modo de preparo: Coloque 1 colher de açúcar e 8 a 10 folhas de hortelãs em um copo. Amasse as mistura, mas sem macerar. Adicione a Indian Pale Ale e gelo a gosto. Após apurar, acrescente uma dose de rum. Misture os ingredientes até ficarem homogêneos. Decore com folhas de hortelã. Coquetel de framboesa
© Reprodução Um dos drinks com cerveja mais refrescantes para apreciar sozinho ou na companhia dos amigos. Perfeita para os dias quentes e um bom croquete de carne. Ingredientes: 1 xícara de framboesas picadas4 long necks de cerveja1 xícara de suco de limão siciliano½ xícara de suco de limão taiti½ xícara de vodka Modo de preparo: Coloque todos os ingredientes em uma taça do tipo coupe bem gelada. Misture tudo até ficar de uma forma homogênea. Beba em seguida! Gold Velvet Com um sabor suave e refrescante, ele pode fazer parte do seu dia a dia ou compor datas especiais. Afinal, o espumante é perfeito para aniversários e eventos de final de ano. Ingredientes: 1 cerveja Lager clara1 dose de suco de abacaxi½ taça de espumante Modo de preparo: Em uma taça flute, coloque o espumante até a metade, acrescente o suco de abacaxi e complete com com a cerveja. A ideia é não misturar muito as bebidas. Liverpool Kiss
© iStock Essa bebida nem precisava de receita. Afinal, ele é bastante simples e não pegará nem 10 minutos do seu dia. Também tem um gosto amargo bem saliente. Ingredientes: 1 cerveja escura1 dose de licor de cassis Modo de preparo: Em um copo alto, coloque a cerveja escura até quase completá-lo. A seguir, preencha o restante com um dedo de licor de cassis. Sirva na hora! Sangria de cerveja Quer se aventurar na cozinha e preparar um dos drinks com cerveja mais deliciosos? Essa sangria tem um gosto cítrico e bem apurado para os amantes de uma boa mistura. Ingredientes: 1 limão tahiti1 limão siciliano1 laranja200 ml de suco de abacaxi½ xícara de vodka500 ml de cerveja tipo wheat beerCubos de gelo Modo de preparo: Comece cortando os limões e as laranjas em rodelas finas e mergulhe no suco de abacaxi misturado com a vodka, e deixe descansar na geladeira por no mínimo 2h. Na hora de servir, adicione a essa mistura a cerveja e o gelo. https://dellamonica.com.br/quiche-de-abobrinha-delicia-a-base-de-vegetal/ Quiche de Abobrinha: Delícia à base de vegetal Read the full article
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Rachel by m-clara1 featuring a casual outfit ❤ liked on Polyvore
Velvet by Graham Spencer red long sleeve shirt, 5,735 INR / Reiss layering shirt, 1,935 INR / River Island ripped jeans, 5,475 INR / Charlotte Russe brown boots, 1,695 INR / Alex and ani bangle, 8,340 INR / Bling Jewelry ear cuff, 845 INR
#polyvore#fashion#style#Velvet by Graham & Spencer#Reiss#River Island#Charlotte Russe#Alex and Ani#Bling Jewelry#clothing#casual#plaid#lifeisstrange#rachelamber
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Mission Clara
Neden Claradan hoşlandığımı öğrenmek için not tuttuğum her günü sırasıyla hatırlamaya çalıştım. Uzun bi süreç oldu bu çünkü hemen hemen Clara’yı gördüğüm her gün not tutuyordum. En sonunda sebebini öğrendim. Her zamanki gibi evden çıkmıştım otobüs durağına doğru yürüyordum kulaklığımı evde unutmuştum parkın önüne yaklaştığımda sigaramı yaktım üst geçitin oralarda bir tanesi suriyeli olmak üzere en az 3 dilenci olur. Sigaramı tüttürerek köprüden geçerken teyzenin teki para istedi vermedim. Anında Allah belanı versin diye yapıştırdı. Sinirli sinirli baktım suratına yürürken. Durağa geldiğimde sigaram bitmişti ve otobüsüm hemen geldi bu kadar şanslı olamazdım hem sigaram bitti hemde durakta 1 dk bile beklemedim. Atladım otobüse meğer bu şans değil bedduaya dahil bir olaymış. Sanırım o an Allah belamı verdi. Clarayı gördüm. Sonrası malum..
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Trip To England | Clara
For the first time in her life, Rachel was finally leaving the city of New York. Her class was going on a trip across the world, taking them to the grand country of England. The brunette had begged her parents, explaining to them that it would be an amazing opportunity to get pictures for a new project she had in mind.
They had agreed, on the condition that she paid for her own expenses while she was away. She'd already spoken to her boss, who gave her two weeks of vacation. All she had to do was pack.
*** The day of the trip arrived, and Rachel was ready to go, camera around her neck, and all her photography needs in a carry-on bag. She took many pictures of the accompanying faculty, and her fellow peers. She took pictures of the airport, and the plane - both inside and out. By the time she'd boarded the aircraft, she'd used up an entire roll of film.
*** Upon landing, the entire class was taken to the hotel where their belongings were dropped off. Rachel was sharing a room with a girl named Maria, who neither spoke to her, nor really cared what she did. As long as the blonde didn't get into trouble herself.
After they had settled in their rooms, they were gathered in the hotel's foyer, and then taken for a small tour. They wouldn't be going far, but it would be easy enough for someone to get lost.
And that's exactly what happened. While Rachel was busy photographing the scenery around her, the class moved on, leaving the brunette behind. When she realized that she'd lost the group, Rachel began to panic. It wasn't that she was scared about being lost. It was that she didn't know anyone, and didn't know where she was.
She went off in the opposite direction as her classmates, and found herself more lost than before. She tired to find her way back to the hotel where her class was staying, but now the streets all looked the same. Turning around, hoping to find someone she knew, she bumped into a green haired girl.
Worried about her camera, which had been sandwiched between the two, she failed to apologize for the collision.
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Evelyn and Clara | Eternal Flame
Years ago back when she was a very young girl, Evelyn had been very close with both of her half siblings, especially Clara. When you got the two girls together, they were impossible to pull apart from one an other.
Unfortunately, as times change, people do, too. Evelyn began visiting her other family less and less frequently. She had a different group of friends, and so did Clara. Her father was made sure that she didn't fall in with Clara's crowd, and Evelyn never quite understood why until she was 13 and she saw just what the then 15 yer old Clara and her friends (some her age, some older) were doing.
However, the two were now much older. Evelyn was 17, and her half sister was 19. And Alice, their mother, felt that the two girls should try to get in touch with one an other once more. And that's how Evelyn Milne ended up on a doorstep to an apartment building in downtown London city, far from her cozy home in Chelsea.
Taking a deep breath, the brunette knocked on the door, twiddling her thumbs, anxiously and nervously awaiting her half siblings arrival.
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Drabbles: Love Me Clara.
Isaac was feelings so confused at the moment he had no idea on what to do. His head was spinning and he felt nauseous. In plain English he felt horrible and he had no idea why. He hadn't killed or offended anyone he hoped. Everything was happening so fast and he had constant flashbacks about him and Clara. He tried to shake off the memories but he couldn't. ''Too bad werewolves can't get drunk'' he sighed as he walked out of his room. He was feeling claustrophobic at that moment and he needed to get some fresh air. He walked and saw a figure standing there just staring at him. The figure looked like Clara and he noticed as if it looked like she was crying. Isaac arched an eyebrow as Clara ran towards him and hugged him tightly. He did not say a word but hugged her back. He had heard that Clara and Derek had been spending time together and that bothered him. He didn't know why but it did. Sure Derek deserved to be happy but so did he. ''Scott's in the hospital'' she managed to say been sobs. ''Everything's going to be alright'' he said in a melodic tone. Her body felt less tense as she rest her head on his chest. ''Let's go inside I'll make you some tea or something'' he said as she agreed and walked inside.
He went inside the kitchen and looked for tea as she can hear the light sobbing coming from the other room. He knew he couldn't stop it he hated comforting people because he was too blunt about it. All he found was chamomile so he quickly heated it and handed it to Clara. When she took it she was shaking so badly she almost dropped it but he caught it on time. He put it on the table and took her hands. ''Clara everything's going to be alright'' he said once again in a calming tone. ''How do you know that?!? You should have seen him!'' she yelled and he didn't know what to do. Isaac hesitated and bought her into a hug. She cried even louder into his chest. ''If he dies I won't have anyone I'll be alone Isaac'' she pulled away and looked down. He listed her chin using a single finger. ''You'll have me'' he said as he looked into her water green eyes. In that moment that single moment they were infinite. Nothing else mattered as long as they were together in that moment. ''I love you Clara Saltzman'' he said as he leaned forward and kissed her. She was surprised but of course she didn't retract. He loved her and that was all the mattered.
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