#claire and kaia are in love
cthulhum · 2 months
i lied theres no sex. were gonna sit down and watch supernatural while we analyze the way almost every character is queer coded especially dean
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take-it-on-the-run · 4 months
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shallowseeker · 3 months
The weirdest ship I've thought about?
If they'd gone the direction of Jack-and-dark Kaia. They had some odd tension in Galaxy Brain, plus some interesting themes of not fitting into the worlds they want to be a part of:
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Then Claire would have her Kaia:
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And Jack would have something weird with messy, psycho alt!Kaia who definitely unfairly expects too much from Jack:
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Dean would not approve:
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ANYWAY, on top of being weird and hilarious to me personally that Claire and Jack hate each other love doppelganger people...
They could've hammered home the theme that alternates are their very own individual people and, like Chuck and Amara, can individuate even further through their continued experiences.
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alstroemeriatea · 2 years
i refuse to let hbo!supernatural die so
Claire is a nephilim and hates that her eyes turn gold and the color itself - she wears silver jewelry exclusively
Jody has night terrors of her son dying in her arms and getting infected with the disease he carried herself. she does police work from home most of the time
Dean and Claire go for walks in the forest sometimes and end up staying out late enough they end up building campfires and talking for hours. Dean ends up giving Claire her first tattoo with a stick and poke
Cas’ hair tends to grey when he’s low on grace and it always makes dean look twice. when dean gets older and his own hair starts to grey cas tries to heal him with grace. it doesn’t work.
Sam’s hands are stained red because of the blood addiction. no matter how hard he tries to scrub it doesn’t go away
Jack takes twice the amount of adderall to deal with his ADHD which is more of a grace/soul problem than a genetic linked problem.
Kaia practices spiritualism regularly and constantly has a hamsa or an evil eye on her for protection. she smells like inscence and marijuana
Krissy Chambers writes to dean regularly and he often writes back to her. they have an unspoken agreement that they’d drop whatever they’re doing in a moments notice for one another.
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nothing-but-dreams · 2 years
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Suptober Day 21: Haunted
No matter how hard she tried to shake it, Claire couldn't stop thinking about that night. About the terrible world Kaia was trapped in. How she wouldn't rest until she rescued her first love.
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miramelindamusings · 2 years
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Ever since I did the SPN and Scooby-Doo and The Ghoul School drawings last Halloween, I’ve been wanting to do something with the Hex Girls. So here are the Hex Girls with Jack, Claire, and Kaia in the Scooby-Doo style and doodles of TFW with them :) I hope everyone has a Happy Halloween!
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Jody: "I mean anything connected to Kaia, she's a powder keg. First love strikes quick, and to lose it like that..."
first of all, love canon Dreamhunter, but also what's so interesting about spn is that it's constantly zigzagging the bury your gays trope to the point that it becomes one of the major themes: gay love can pierce through the veil of death and save the day. like yeah, the first time Kaia and Claire even hint at being into each other, Kaia dies, but then an alternate Kaia shows up when Claire's feelings are confirmed, and later it turns out original Kaia is fine (by spn standards) and she presumably gets reunited with Claire. it's so much harder to have a straightforward Bury Your Gays in a show where no one can stay dead (though it also means you can kill them over and over again)
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wayward sisters fucking slaps! we were so robbed, that's the spinoff we deserved! I want 15 seasons of those badass women hunting monsters right now!
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coolcarabiner · 1 year
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society if they’d actually made the wayward sisters series a reality
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panicroomsammy · 5 months
Jody just said “first love strikes quick, then to lose it like that” about Claire and Kaia and then IMMEDIATELY says “you two are having a time of it” about Sam and Dean. I swear Jody is convinced Sam and Dean are a couple.
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ninii-winchester · 1 month
You’d never know (Final)
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Pairing : Dean Winchester X Reader
Word count : 1.8k
Warnings : slight angst, fluff, steamy kisses (?)
A/n : just so you know I’m not a doctor.
"I just had a vision." Patience announced.
Claire who had been sobbing in Kaia's arms, looked up at her expectantly. She had been feeling guilty knowing it was meant for her but Y/n had saved her. She hated it, it was always Sam, Dean and Y/n saving her every damn time.
"What? What is it?" The blonde girl asked, looking at the psychic with hopeful eyes.
"She'll live." The moment Patience said that, couple of relived breaths were heard along with a flapping of wings.
Castiel appeared at the boatyard and knelt beside Y/n's almost lifeless body. Dean looked at his best friend with relief and gratefulness.
"I came as soon as Sam called." Cas said placing his hand over the wound, he couldn't heal her completely since he was not at his full potential but he managed to close the wound enough to stop the bleeding, however the wound was still present. Her heart rate had picked up and was beating steadily but she remained unconscious. "You need to take her to the hospital right now." The Angel added.
Dean didn't waste a second before hauling her up in his arms and running out of the boatyard. The others followed behind. While Sam and Cas went to the hospital with Dean, Jody and Donna took the girls back home, with the promise of coming to see her soon.
They arrived at the hospital soon enough and Y/n was taken to the ER. Dean had spent the past hour pacing around the hallway.
"Sammy, thank you for calling Cas. She wouldn't have made it, had you not. God I wasn't even in my senses....I" Dean rambled nervously walking back and forth, waiting for the doctors to tell him something, anything. After an hour or so a doctor emerged from the room.
"Y/n Paige's next of kin?" The doctor called out and Dean's pacing came to a halt.
"It's me." He said walking up to the doctor.
"You're her?" The doctor questioned.
"Husband." Dean nodded trying to look convincing enough. "I'm her husband."
"Well Mr. Paige your wife's condition is stable for now. The stab wound was pretty deep, but it managed to avoid any vital organs or nerve damage. We've cleaned and closed the wound. But we still need to keep her under observation for a few days. And she needs to rest." The doctors words seemed to ease Dean out of his misery. "Your wife is a lucky one Mr. Paige, and one hell of a fighter." That made Dean smile a bit. "A wound like that," the doctor trailed off with a sputter. "God saved her." He added. Dean looked back his best friend, mentally correcting the doctor.
It wasn't God who saved her, it was an Angel of the Lord.
"Can i see her, doctor?" Dean asked hopefully.
"Sure we'll shift her to a private room and then you can see her. Although she might be asleep for a long time." The doctor said before he left.
Sam came behind his brother and patted him on the back. Uncharacteristically Dean turned around and hugged his brother, shuddering a bit as he did so. He was about to lose the love of his life. Had it not been his brother's quick thinking, he would've lost her forever. Sam happily returned his brother's embrace, hoping to provide him with a sense of comfort.
After Y/n was shifted to a private room, Dean went in to see her. He settled on the chair beside her bed. His hand found hers and he held onto it for dear life. He pressed a kiss to get knuckles before he spoke,
"Baby, I'm so fucking sorry. Please just wake up." Dean sniffled a bit resting his head on her hand. "I love you. I'll be right here when you wake up."
Dean didn't know when he fell asleep but he expected Y/n to be awake he woke up. Much to his dismay she wasn't. It was around three in the morning, The machines in the room were beeping steadily, and he had hoped for her to wake up soon. The more he waited the more anxious he felt. Thousands of what ifs creeped up in his mind. What if she doesn't wake up? What if she doesn't forgive me? Hell what if she doesn't remember me?
Three hours later, Dean felt her move. Her fingers brushed against his' as she slowly blinked her eyes open. She immediately closed them back due to the bright lights. She blinked slowly before opening her eyes again.
"Goodness baby you're awake." Dean sat up straight, relieved as ever. "I'm gonna get the doctor. The doctor checked her vitals and asked her basic questions. After the doctor was sure she was okay, he left the room.
"Do you need anything? Is anything hurting?" Dean asked standing beside her bed.
"Water please." Dean nodded and grabbed her a glass of water, bringing it near her face to help her drink it.
"Why?" Y/n whispered. Dean froze as he was putting away the glass. He hadn't expected her to jump right to it. He sighed sitting back on the chair.
"Why did you say that Dean? Has that always been on your mind? Do you think that i don't know what a mother is just because i never had one?" She asked quietly and Dean would've preferred her yelling at him instead of that because her small voice just shattered his heart into a million pieces.
"No, not at all baby I'm so sorry, i really am. I never wanted to say any of that, I wasn't thinking straight." Dean said as softly as possible. "I was just too stressed and she wasn't cooperating and you then you jumped in front of my gun. I just..."
"It doesn't justify your actions, Dean. You knew it was a sensitive subject for me and you just had to home." She cried and he sat on the bed beside her.
"Don't cry baby," he said wiping her years with his thumb. "It was a low blow and i would never forgive myself for what i said. I just need you to know I'm sorry. That i love you. And I'm nothing without you." Dean rested his forehead on hers and she didn't lean away from his touch. "I want you to know that my life literally went to shit since the moment we were apart. Got stuck in a goddamn bad place and you had to come save my ass." She chuckled through her tears. "If only i hadn't been so stupid, you wouldn't be here, I am sorry sweetheart."
"Dean, you hurt me." She said stating the obvious. "I really want to forgive you but it's hard. I need time. I need some time away." Dean's face fell at her words. He wasn't ready to let her go. Not now, not ever. He'd do anything for her to forgive him but he can't let her leave.
"Away?" Y/n nodded looking away. She didn't want to look at him, not when she's vulnerable and emotional. She knows the minute she looks into those mesmerising green eyes she'll fold. And she knows she'll forgive him eventually too but she can't do it right away. She needs to stand her ground.
"Baby I'll do whatever you want me to do just don't go anywhere. I'd do anything. You can't just leave. The bunker's your home, sweetheart. You need to rest and we won't be sure of your safety anywhere else."
"Anything you want." Dean bargained pleadingly.
"I'll go back to bunker with you, on one condition."
"You'll give me space." Dean didn't want to. He wanted to refuse out right. He just wanted to hold her in his arms for as long he could.
"Let me take care of you until you heal." He caressed her cheek softly. He was making it harder for her than it already was. She was already putty in his hands and she knew she would forgive him sooner than she intended.
"You're so stubborn." Y/n groaned pushing his chest lightly. "Fine." Dean grinned at her placing a soft kiss at her forehead.
After Y/n was discharged from the hospital, Dean drove her back to the bunker. He had been the complete gentleman, from opening the car door for her to carrying her inside the bunker. He even brought her flowers before they left the hospital. He knows he fucked up big time but he's grateful that she intends to forgive him and he will never take that forgiveness for granted.
It took two weeks for Y/n's wound to heal completely and Dean had been going full on mother hen on her all through that time. All through this time Y/n had been distant and aloof. It did dishearten Dean to no end but he wasn’t willing to give up. He was taking care of her in every way possible.  Reprimanding her for walking on her own, not letting her do anything around the bunker, feeding her and reminding her to take her medicines on time. Not to forget bringing her flowers every time he went out.
Another week had passed and Y/n had been sleeping in own room for the past three weeks. She missed Dean. She knew he was remorseful of his actions. She quickly threw the blanket off her legs and made her way towards his room. She knocked on his door. The door opened revealing Dean, looking soft as ever in just a tshirt and sweatpants, his hair a bit ruffled.
"Were you sleeping?" She asked shyly.
"No." His voice a little gruff and tired. He rubbed his eyes with one hand while the other was still at the doorknob. She took a step forward.
"I missed you." She whispered before pressing her lips to his'. He was shocked at first but immediately grabbed the back of her head with his hand and kissed her roughly. The hand in her hair slipped down to her back and further down. He moved his arm under the curve of her rear and she jumped a bit wrapping her legs around his waist. He picked her up effortlessly and closed the door. He took her to bed without breaking the kiss and laying her onto the bed.
"Missed you so much, darling." He mumbled leaving open mouthed kissed onto her neck and jaw. Y/n grabbed the back of his head pulling him up for another steamy kiss. Their lips moved in perfect sync as well as their hearts beats.
"I love you." She murmured against his lips.
"God sweetheart, I love you more." He panted, pulling away, hovering above her. "I swear I'm never gonna do anything like that, ever again." Though his body was fire with insatiable lust but his eyes were filled with sincerity and adoration.
"You better not or else I'll-" He interrupted her threat.
"Cross my heart, baby." He sealed his promise with a passionate kiss.
@spnfamily-j2 @galway-girlatwork @deangirl96 @queensilber
@s0urw00lf @monkey-d-hoshizora98 @deans-baby-momma @fullbelieverheart
@riah1606 @xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx @hobby27
@starkleila @suckitands33 @m3ntally-unstable @kanekilovelove-blog @candy-coated-misery0731
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elizabebabe · 2 months
𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 ೀ 𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨
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𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡: you're scouted for love island and you and your manager think of it as a business opportunity but what happens when you actually want to find love?, you're in for the summer of your life.
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫: 7
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: use of y/n, kissing.
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 10.3k!
𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬: remind me to never write anything this long again, no i had fun lmao even when i was tweaking. 😭
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you’re manicured hands coaxed through soft and fluffy strands as a light from above beamed into your eyes, a gentle yet slightly calloused hand went over your eyes almost to protect them.
“morning!” cade jumped from the bed he was previously knocked out in.
“we’ve been here for a week!” abby quickly follows behind, earning a smile from you that quickly fades when you remember yesterday. it was a lot for you, you had been overwhelmed by a ton of emotions but that weight-lifting conversation lingered in your mind.
you just hoped he would stay true to his words that softly echoed in your ears last night.
“it’s gonna’ be okay, we’ll take things slow…okay?”
“you okay?” chris questions noticing your zoned out expression. 
he earned a subtle nod from you as you still hadn’t fully woken up, you picked yourself off his chest and rolled over to your bedside, the mic you scattered still layed on the floor, you placed it round’ your neck in a swift motion even grabbing the water off your side table and taking a quick sip, romeo was missing from the messy bed beside you, your head peeped out noticing he was thrown on the bed with leah and aidan.
leah was the first to get up well after she escaped romeos clutches, kaia quickly followed behind her, chris stretched his arm out and hesitantly placed it round your shoulders, you gave him a smile from the touch making him feel allowed to warm into the cuddle, he gave you a tight squeeze before loosening up and swinging his arm back to his lap as more islanders left the room, clair and abby walked down the strip beside each other.
“y/n”. clair commented as they stopped at the foot of your shared bed.
“get your ass up!” abby chimed in, having you giggle and look at chris before standing up and catching up to their quickened pace.
you all climbed the stairs that were moments away from the bedroom. you attempted to follow the girls to the vanities tucked in the makeup room but were interrupted by a beckon to the beach hut, your groggy attitude made for a slow walk and a gentle sit in front of a bright, warm light ahead of you.
“how was your sleep?” 
the questions start hastily, “good, had good sleep.” you yawn, a hand clutched around your water bottle you brung up the stairs, you fidgeted with it as well as the boxy t-shirt you put on the night before.
“how do you feel about your current couple?”
you slightly smile, “i’m cautious, i definitely ... .self-sabotage in situations like this…so.” you take a heavy breath before continuing.
“i’m trying to stay open-minded and not…mess it up?” you question, the grip you have on your t-shirt getting tighter as you speak.
“are there any other guys you might want to talk to?” 
you quickly shake your head, an obvious “no” exuding from the action.
“do you think chris might want to talk to anyone else?” the questions were one after the other, never really giving you a second to breathe, this particular question hit you quite hard though.
you shrug, “i don’t know.” you say softly, bringing the bottle still tucked in your palms nozzle to your lips, being something to chew on as the scrunching of your shirt wasn’t enough.
“i hope not.” your lips twist into a slight pout.
“all done.” the deep voice comments, bring their attention away from you and to the index cards and sticky notes in front of them.
you huffed as you stood up, taking a swift sip of water before opening the closed door, standing outside was clair, she warmly smiled at you before you both swapped positions, you couldn’t help noticing her soft coco aroma as she walked past you and into the beach hut.
you walked to the bathroom, noticing leah behind the foggy glass door, you placed your bottle down and picked up the toothbrush you left by the sink that was sat next to a few others cluttering the space, you placed a slab of toothpaste onto the brush and slided it on your teeth, going in slow circular motions.
rain like sound from the shower behind you was a background noise for the time being, when it stopped you closed your eyes as you continued brushing, sure you were all grown women but you didn’t want to invade her privacy especially since the mirror you were in front of faced the now empty shower, you heard a few rustling sounds behind you as you brushed to the back of your throat a few light gags slides from your soft lips but you resume briskly afterwards.
“thanks.” leah thanked you, making the corners of your mouth lift.
“you can open them now.” she continued, your eyes fluttered open, your attention was brought to the white towel wrapped around her torso, she hiked out walking on her tippy toes as the bottom of her feet left wet marks on the tile beneath you she was presumably heading to the dressing room as you saw her turn to the right.
you took your time, watching a few of the guys walk between their dressing room and the bathroom you occupied, two showers adorned the room, guys on the left hand side and the girls on the right, a few of the guys hopped in, having a good scrub before swiftly wrapping something onto themselves, while the others washed their faces or took a brush to their teeth, chris had walked back up the stairs from being called to the beach hut, only been able to take a quick shower before hand, he walked next to you as you were now washing your face, scrubbing any existing pores away.
“hi” he smiled cheerfully.
“hi” you replied, you felt  a shy smile creeping up on you.
you observed his movements, the way he grabbed his toothbrush that was laid right next to yours.
“you ‘mkay?” he asked, he must’ve noticed your slight ogling. 
“mhm” you quickly nodded, bringing the face cloth in your hands down your face a final time, “gonna shower now.” you say in an attempt to break the ‘awkward’ “silence”, truthfully it wasn’t silent, there was laughing, giggles and conversations coming from each dressing room but sometimes when you two talked it felt like you were the only ones around, you slowly backed up, your back colliding with the empty shower door.
he gave you a curious look as he watched you then continued brushing his teeth in harsh manners which reminded you of the night he first arrived. you opened the door in-front of you and stepped in, closing it behind you then pulling the t-shirt that poured on your body and hung just above your knees over your head, revealing a black bralette that flexed against your skin, you kept the shirt tucked in your palm as you slid off your shorts that were hidden underneath.
you opened the glass door, throwing the clothes you previously wore outside of it, by the time you looked up you noticed chris looking at you through the mirror in front of him, his gaze quickly averted when you made eye contact though.
he spit into the sink, before wiping his mouth, placing the brush down and walking out of the bathroom at lightning speed, the roles had reversed, he was the one ogling at you and you were the one throwing around the confused glare.
you cheekily smiled before sliding the rest of your clothes off your body and washing up, thickly lathering soap on to yourself and thinking about what you wanted to wear today.
you scrubbed for a bit longer before stepping out and wrapping a towel around yourself, it’s not like anyone was gonna see you but you still felt a bit awkward especially when you remembered the cameras placed at every corner in the villa, by the time you were done all the guys had finished changing and headed downstairs, you assumed they went to make breakfast as that was now a tradition, you hoped anyway, you were hungry this morning.
your walk to the makeup room was hurried as you were behind the other girls, being the last one to have a shower. walking in you noticed the girls were pretty far into their routines you almost had memorized, you sat down at your empty seat next to clair, the girls greeted you when you walked in.
“y/n!!” abby exclaimed as she rubbed a bit of blush onto her skin, you smiled at her excitement as you began pulling things out of your cosmetic bag.
“how are you?” clair asks.
“good.”, “you?” you redirected the attention.
“clair’s in love” kaia teased as she brushed through her straight hair.
“am not.” she brushed off the statement.
it was always fun with the girls, whether it was abby’s energy, clair’s calm tone but feisty manner, kaia’s sarcastic but bright self and leah’s quiet snickers. you always had fun with them.
“aidan was telling me–” abby pasuses, her mouth stilling open as she applies mascara, leaving the rest of you in suspense, especially kaia.
“that.” she tsks, as a bit of mascara got on her eyelid.
“ohmygod, hurry up.” kaia hurried her, shocking abby as she dabbed her eyelid, you couldn’t hold your chuckle.
“damn, he told me he really likes you.” she looked to her right where kaia sat and relayed the good news.
you hold a smile listening to the conversation as you finish your light makeup that you knew would later soak into your skin due to fiji’s hot sun.
“good, i like him too.” the conversation continues, ”might give him a kiss tonight.” she says sing songy, awes are shared between you five but is interrupted by a voice seeping through the hall.
“everyone dressed?” you recognized cade’s loud voice chiming in.
leaves abby and kaia’s mouth, the boys walk in cups and plates in hands, you have a warm feeling in your belly when you notice chris holding the usual iced coffee, but the smile turns upside down when you see the lack of plate.
he places the cup next to you before reading your expression, “what’s wrong?” he softly questions when your face waves his attention.
“i’m hungry.” you pout while you pick up the iced drink, you earn a sarcastic smile.
“what would’ya like?” he lightly sighs at the request, you place the drink back down and playfully cross your arms, “hmm.” you carefully thought.
“maybe what you made last time?” you say cheerfully a smile plastering on your face, he nods a cozy smirk plastered on his.
the boys walked back out after their delivery, you all waited for the chatter to distance from the room you all sat in before continuing your convo.
“I love when they do that.” leah comments as she takes a sip from what seemed like tea.
“me too!” abby exclaims with a bit of food tucked inside her mouth.
the chatter and chewing continued as you zoned out, focusing on setting lotion into your skin as-well as sun protectant, making sure not to flash the girls around you as you still wore the white towel from the bathroom, you lightly pushed yourself off your stool and walked a few steps over to your closet, picking out a bright one-piece that was tucked between a few bikinis after stepping into it, you think, ‘this is good enough’.
you wandered in front of a mirror, adjusting yourself and making sure everything sat correctly, clicking the mic’s belt that you scurried off while changing around your waist.
“pretty.” clair commented, you walked towards her and bent down, squeezing around her chest, her arms folded and she was careful not to spill any of the powder from her palette she held in her palm, you gently squeezed her then pulled away.
“love you.” clair stated, you lightly cheered, “love you too” 
your attention was diverted when abby stood up which gave you the opportunity to examine the bikini she was wearing, it was a blush pink and worked well with her somewhat tan.
“wanna go out together?” she questioned towards you, earning a nod, before leaving you made sure to slip on the sandals that laid on the ground, your iced coffee that was a tad melted and grabbed your sunglasses that adorned your outfit.
abby put her hair up in a claw clip, then watched as you walked towards the door, patiently waiting. she grabbed her coffee off the vanity before strolling over to you, placing her hand out for you to grab, your fingers intertwined as you both left the room and walked down the steps.
“you’ve gotta let me borrow this lotion.” you comment taking a note on the softness of her hands, but also making sure not to trip over a step.
“anytime!” she says with a thrill.
the brown doors to the yard were open and you could hear the boys chatter from a mile away, the sun's bright light and heat hit both of you immediately and it made you glad you wore sunglasses and had a cold drink, abby on the other hand was a squinting mess, the boys cheered when they first saw you both, abby quickly walks over to cade, unlinking your hands and throwing them over cade’s shoulders, you think she spilled a little bit of coffee on his back from the sudden motions.
“just in time.” chris says joyfully as he walks towards you with two plates, you softly jump up and down, almost spilling a drop or two of your drink.
“c’mon.” he nods his head towards the table you sat at last time, you strided in front of him and to the table, he delicately placed the plates down, handing you something wrapped in a napkin from his pocket, you opened it and disclosed a fork.
“short fork, yum.” you comment playfully as you sit down in front of the plate of bacon and eggs, he takes a second folded napkin out the same pocket, a slight smirk appears on his face from your “dig”.
you fork at the eggs in front of you as chris sits across the table, taking a few sips from your refreshing coffee. 
“good?” he asks with a mouthful.
after a few seconds of chewing you respond, “mhm, you’re a decent cook.” you compliment which makes him smile,
there's a bit of silence from you both for a second the noises around you only consisting of islanders in the kitchen and chewing from your mouths.
“do you miss your family?” you decided to ask as it’s now been a week in the villa, it felt like it flew by and you have been enjoying the fiji sun but at the same time you couldn’t stop thinking about your family, rhia, your job and your hobbies like reading and sketching, which you guess was apart of your job…
he took a while to answer, seeming like he wanted to be mindful of talking while shoveling food into his mouth, even the way he ate seemed to have an effect on you, “yeah, alot.”.
“i can’t imagine.” you reply, then hook your lips around the straw sticking out from the icy cup.
“because you have no siblings?” he asks, finishing your sentence, poking at his meal, you nod at him flattered that he continues to remember things you quickly mentioned to him.
he shrugs, “i mean— it’s weird, i miss them, like a lot-” he continues, “but sometimes–” he pauses in between his words, taking bites, swallowing, “sometimes, you remind me of them.” he says it nonchalantly as if it wasn’t the sweetest thing he’s ever said to you, his brothers, that he’s been attached to the hip to for twenty years?, you remind him of them?, the comment leaves you flustered, those warm feelings resurfacing in your belly.
“so, that makes it better.” he adds, smiling up at you.
“tha–that’s so sweet.” you say softly.
“miami?” he raises his eyebrow at you, changing the topic.
“hm?” a hum leaves your mouth while bacon and the conversation before-hand occupies your mind and lips.
“you live in miami?”
“when i was younger, i moved to new york, remember?” you quiz him, finishing up your last piece of breakfast.
“shit yeah, you like it there?” he lifts his cap from his hair, coursing his fingers through the curls before placing it back on, you reply with a nod as your lips were once again occupied.
“it’s good for my job.” you continue after a bit of solid chewing, he grabs your now empty plate and stacks it on top of his, picking up the used utensils and stacking them as well, “you done with that?” he nods towards the no longer iced coffee with maybe a sip or two left. 
“yes.” you bob your head up and down which results in him stacking that as well, “thank you.” you thanked him before he stood from the stool across from you, you followed behind, picking yourself off the stool and going to the empty side of his body, looping your right arm around his waist and giving it a squeeze.
he just smiles at you, a sweet, warm and cheerful smile, you slither your arm off him to your dismay and he walks towards the kitchen.
you push your sunglasses off your face and hook it onto your swimsuit.
‘i should talk to abby.’
‘and clai–’
you were thinking to yourself before those thoughts were interrupted by a knock on your shoulder, it was cyrus which shocked you.
“hi.” you said awkwardly, putting your palm on the back of your head.
“wanna go for a chat?” your eyes slightly widened, “sure.” you stated.
“swing?” he scoffed under his breath, you nodded, the sun felt a bit hotter as you were unsure of the upcoming conversation, ‘why is he talking to me?’ you and cyrus had exchanged a few words, being that you lived in the same villa but after the whole kaia situation you decided to try and “avoid” chats with him, you just didn’t get the best impression of his character.
your ass collided with the steaming cushion, but it subsided once you got comfortable.
“what’s up?” you asked in an attempt to end the awkward tension as soon as possible.
“nothin’ how are ya?” 
your face twisted at the question, ‘what is going on?’
“what’s wrong?” he continued, noticing the obvious confusion written on your face.
“i’m just surprised?” he had a dumb smile on his face and not chris’s “dumb” smile like a bad dumb smile.
“surprised?” he smirked.
you looked around the garden, unsure if any one else is witnessing what's happening in front of you.
towards the pool, ‘clair, abby sunbathing, cade in the pool.’
the fire pit, ‘kaia, leah and aidan.’
then the kitchen, ‘robert, chris.’
a set of eyes you knew well peered towards you both seeming to add more tension to the conversation you were having, your eyes crawled back to cyrus’s face.
“why’d you pull me?” you cut to the chase, an uncomfortable smile painting your lips.
“well, obviously you're an attractive girl.” a pause ensues, “i wanna get to know you more.”
“why now?” you choked out.
“i mean a week in?” you continued in his silence.
“i think i had to be surrounded by you more, see you in more of a friend sense first, you know?”
you just nod, your eyes couldn’t help darting between cyrus and the kitchen.
“yeah, sure.”, he smiled at your response, “no pressure, lets just start pulling each other.”, you gave him another nod before timidly standing up and attempting to end the conversation faster.
“cmere.” he pulls your wrist towards him into a cuddle, you stick together from the light sweat on his chest, you slowly pull yourself back, readjusting yourself from all the sudden movements.
“talk to ya later.” you comment politely before walking ahead of him and to the sun loungers, ‘clair and abby.’ you needed to speak with them to clear your thoughts, they laid peacefully every once and a while spraying or lathering a bit of sun block on their skin, you poked at clair whos gaze was focused on cade swimming in the vast pool.
she looked up towards you with an eyebrow of hers raising, you nodded your head towards the doors in need of shade and girl chat. she immediately understood, picking up her coverup she had delicately placed onto the ground beside her then grabbing abby’s attention.
abby picked herself up and they both followed you inside, you all roped around the lounge finding a comfortable seat on the sofa.
“what happened?” concern lined abby’s voice.
“cyrus took me for a chat.” abby gasps but clair stays quiet intently listening to what you have to say next.
“i know…he told me he wants to get to know me more.” you continued, “doesn't he want leah?” clair asks.
“that’s what i was thinking!” abby exclaimed, you bobbed along.
“weird right?” they validate you with praise.
“i should tell chris right?” that was all you really cared about, at the end of the day you didn’t like cyrus how you liked chris, sure your brain is telling you ‘its early days and you should get to know other people’ but you can’t help how you feel, right?
clair and abby look at eachother, “i mean i didn’t like shut it down.” you rambled, “so i should tell him?”
clair nodded but abby shook her head, they quickly looked at eachother.
“it’s not important, it’s not like she likes him.” abby argued, she was able to tell how you really felt without you having to say it.
“i think you need to be respectful, think about the roles being reversed.” clair pulled one of her curls behind her ear when she paused, “you’d want him to tell you.”
“sorry, clair’s right.” clair smirked towards the blonde beside her as abby rolled her eyes, you placed your hands flat and pumped yourself off the sofa beneath you, “thank you.” you smiled, they reciprocated the warm face towards you as you strolled outside, they were close behind you as you scanned the garden for chris.
he was standing in the gym, tucked in a corner away from the fire pit, a few of the guys seemed to scurried their way over there as well as leah doing a few pull ups with romeo, you looked behind you for a bit of reassurance then took confident strides towards him, he seemed to be watching robert do a few reps.
you quickly got his attention, “what’s up?”
“can i talk to you?” you reply, he nodded.
“later.” he nodded towards rob, ‘maybe he was spotting him?’
“do you go to the gym?” the question quickly arose as you both walked side by side to the nearby fire pit.
“nope, i'm just naturally buff.” he pulled his arms up to a flex which made you giggle.
you felt like you’ve been all over the place as you take your third seat of the day, typically your day was rotting by the pool with your girls.
“you okay?” he asks, noting your fidgeting, you didn’t even know why you were nervous. it’s not like you actually wanted to get to talk to cyrus.
“mh.” you hum, his head turns to its side out of curiosity, your silence speaks measures as he realizes what you were going to say, he peeped the conversation between you two eventually getting too annoyed to look at it.
“it’s okay, take your time.”, you hesitate before smiling unsure of how to navigate this situation, “cyrus wants to get to know me more, and i didn’t say no.” he simply nods, that reaction clearly not being enough for you as you shift your body closer to him in an attempt to see more of his face, the glaring sun casted a shadow on his features.
“it’s just weird as he told me that–”,  “nevermind.” he stops himself, laying back into the cushion underneath him.
“don’t do that.” you stated eager to know what he just dangled over you.
“don’t worry about it, can we talk about something else, 
something fun?”
your eyebrows knitted and lips twisted at his attempt to change the subject, “chris.” he looked from what felt like above you as his gaze made you feel smaller, “what’s your favorite type of music?” his ‘dark’ gaze fading once he asked the question.
you squint your eyes up at him but decide to play along for now, knowing you would find out eventually.
“pop.” you comment quietly, “sorry what was that?” he teased.
“stop playin’” you playfully pushed his arm that made its way to the back of his head, which seemed to make him snicker.
he swung the shoved arm loosely around your neck pulling you in closer causing you to snuggle up to him, “i make a killer breakfast, don’t i?” he grins, you nod along to his words which only adds to his cheerful smile.
you looked up, examining his face, the way his smile curled and his eyes squinted, ‘why would i want anyone else?’ echoed through your mind, you felt a perfect amount of comfortability and nervousness around him, the palms of your hands always clammy but your heartbeat was calm, you spoke smoothly but the butterflies that waved in your tummy never stopped.
those heartfelt thoughts quickly came to a halt when a ‘ding’ chimed near you, “was that you?” he pulled his arm off you allowing you to properly sit up and handle the phone with “y/n” on the phone case that rested on the heated cushion behind you.
your manicured hand scoops it up, “i got a text!” you shout, grabbing everyone's attention, everyone slowly starts to crowd around the place you and chris had to yourself.
“girls, it’s time to splash and ride the wave of love in today’s challenge, ‘sex-sea’, #catchoftheday, #shellingyourheart.” you all cheer in excitement, not even really for the challenge itself but for a change of environment.
all islanders head inside then upstairs for their change of clothes, instead of red you see a pink and purple ombre shell bikini hanging on the closets, you quickly throw the one-piece you just wore into the suitcase you’ve been using for your used clothes.
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you all arrived at the challenge area, running and cheering onto the wooden platform ahead of you.
in this challenge, the girls are to take part in an underwater-themed track, the first girl having to start off the track inside of a giant-clam, before then sliding into a pool and making their way to a pole, where they'd need to perform a pole-dance. then she would need to take the boy of her choice and load them into the "catch of the day" trolley down the slip and slide and then to the sea-bed, where they'd have to try and seduce them. after all of the girls' turns, the boys as a collective will vote for the winner based on ‘sexiest performance’.
kaia was first, she spun around on the clam, waving at the boys lined up on her left hand side, “do you wanna see my pearl?” her creative comment was rewarded with cheers and shouts, she slid down face forward, pumping her ass in the air, you weren’t watching as her face collided with the water as you were sharing gasps with your girls beside you, when you looked back she was on her knees, sliding her hands up from the bottom of the pool and flicking her hair up.
she rose from the pool and did a strut towards the soon to be wet pole, she hopped on, tightening her thighs around it and slowly zipping down from the water she was just in.
she grabbed ahold of aidan’s palm and brang him onto the trolley, he quickly laid down as she pushed him and the cart down the slippery slide with no issue, not even the water balloons you all threw at them being a problem, she pushed him onto the sea bed and climbed atop of him, then leaning down to give him a slow and seductive kiss, you felt a bit awkward watching so you didn’t really pay much attention, when she returned to you girls you all showered her with praise.
“you did so good!” you and clair squeal.
“you’re so hot.” leah states as they hug.
“how are we meant to top that?” abby playfully comments.
clair was next, she spun from the clam her arms were high as she wooed, “do you sea me?” she giggles with her delivery. 
everyone whoops for her as she slithers down the slide, feet first into the pool, she whips the water from the pool up, wetting her hair and her chest.
she carefully stood up and hoped over the kiddie pool, striding over to the pole, she planted her back against it and rolled her body downwards, now it was time to grab robert she strolled over to him and took his wrist, and waits for him to be her catch, she slips but doesn’t fall while she pushes him down the wet slide, water balloons hitting them at every angle, you got a good hit on rob while avoiding striking clair.
they made their way to the bed and rob climbed on-top of it clearly excited which makes you all laugh, she seemed a bit nervous maybe timid but it melted away when she seemed to get an idea, she got on her hands and knees and crawled towards him and the bed, you think you lost your voice from the amount of screaming you were doing, she made her way on top of him and pulled him closer for what seemed like a lustful kiss.
it was your turn to be in the clam and you couldn’t be more nervous, you wanted to have a good ‘performance’ but also wanted to have fun, the clam spinned and you are revealed.
“you can coral my reef.” your snicker is evident after you say your cringe statement, you dived down the clam on your chest, head first, the water splashed on impact and flushed through your nose, you picked your head up from underwater and flicked your head back.
you stood in the pool sliding your hands slowly up your body, you weren’t paying attention to anyone’s reaction but you could definitely hear the support from both sides of the platform, you took your time getting to the pole, squatting down then quickly standing up pushing your ass out. 
you let go of the pole and strided over to the line of boys, walking back and forth, playfully tapping your finger to your soft lips.
you finally stood in front of a boy and grabbed a hold of his hand, he giggled softly.
“chris, sit.” you command and he quickly follows behind, comfortably sitting on the trolley, the girls made this look easy but it definitely was heavier than you expected especially with water being sprayed at you constantly.
chris stood up and sat comfortably at the edge of the bed, nerves striked through your body when you walked towards him, your bodies fitting together like a puzzle piece when you got on-top of him, you both snicker at the flustered look you both know he’s making, ‘do i kiss him?’, ‘should this really be our first kiss infront of all these people?’
all these thoughts flooding your mind made it feel like this was going on for an hour but truthfully you’ve both only been sitting here for a few seconds, you place one of your hands to the back of his neck and tangled it in his hair almost asking for permission, once you notice his lean in you do the same, both of your lips connecting for the first time, you’ve kissed a few guys before but this felt different?
your tummy bubbled, as his gentle lip’s caressed your own, his hand finding its way to the crook of your neck as the kiss rapidly deepened, his cool thumb rested on your warm cheek, ‘is this what heavens like?’ is all that courses through your brain and body as you melt under his touch, a sudden craving for more almost taking over you, ‘how long have we been here for?’ 
quickly spread in your mind, you slowly pulled off immediately noticing the red pigment washed on his face and how worked up he got making both of you shyly chuckle, you picked yourself up off his and strided back to the girls as quickly as possible, they cheered when you came over.
“so proud of you.”
“you did it!”
ultimately you ended up blacking out, the only thing you remember was the warm feeling in your stomach that you had during that kiss. 
it lingered on your lips, yeah you’ve cuddled but you don’t think his cologne had stood out to you like that before, it was like you had cat like senses, you had heard his heartbeat and the cheering from around you so clearly.
your bikini was wet from that dive causing a stickiness against your body, hugging you tightly.
abby spun around from the clam, “clam you be mine?” she cackles at herself and her clever line, she pushes her arms down the slide, going down face first, she popped her ass up while sliding down, which cade thought was a nice touch, you could tell by his eccentric clapping, she grabbed onto the pole, arching her back as she bent over and shaking her ass side to side, she then quickly moved on making her way to cade wasting no time and pulling him to the cart, you lunged the bursting balloons at them but it didn’t stop her even though she had a few stumbles.
once he stepped off the trolley he scooped her up and placed her on top of the bed, crawling above her and sharing a full and sloppy kiss.
leah was last to go, a final spin ensued, “now you sea me.” she scoffs underneath her breath.
she slid down on her knees, the water splashed upwards, she hastily stepped out, taking a hold of the pole and doing a tip toed strut around it before heading to the line up, to no surprise she picks romeo both of their nonchalant smiles are prominent, he lays down and she begins pushing, you guess those arm workouts came in clutch as she quickly glides past the wet, slippery slide.
she whispers something in his ear which is incoherent for the rest of you, you all watch as he gets on all fours in front of her, a fish tangled in the set design being used to slap him on the ass, chatter and continuous laughter ensued.
the challenge was over, it was now time for the boys to huddle up and decide the winner of today's challenge and they did just that, taking a few minutes to make their decision.
“us boys have decided the sexist girl is…” cade starts seeming to build tension.
“kaia!” aidan continues with a shout, you all cheer her on before you run off the platform and back to the villa.
you and your fellow islanders walked back outside to the garden, the boys and girls separated going for their own chats, you and the girls rested at the swing.
“that was so fun!” abby gestures, “kaia you fucking killed that.” she continued.
“thank you!!” she covers her face, maybe flustered by all the compliments.
“y/n, your kiss..” clair starts.
you can feel warmth grow on your cheeks, your eyes dart towards the fire pit, the boys are casually chatting about what you assume is the same thing, “how was it?” abby asks, “i can’t gas him too much but, it was good that’s all i’ll say.” you snicker with delivery which makes all the girls smile.
“kaia, that was also you and aidan’s first kiss..” abby eluded, she chuckled, “it was good..” her smile was downturned as she looked towards the fire pit.
after a bit of lounging, napping and baking in the sun, it was time to get ready for the evening. truly you couldn’t wait for it to be bedtime as the day was already weighing on you, but first you had to drop by the beach hut for your daily gossip with the camera.
“how did you feel when cyrus pulled you this morning?”
you’re a little taken aback expecting your questions to be about the challenge that was more fresh on your mind, “really weird uhm…..it just reminded me of my feelings regarding chris so i guess, it was a good thing?” you’re hesitant.
“what did you think of the girls at the challenge today?”
“holy shit!” excitement lined your voice, “i love them all so much, they killed it, kaia did her thinngg!” 
“and your kiss?”
your smile twists as a scoff exits your mouth, “it was nice..”
“that’s all i wanna say.” you continue.
you mist your face with a setting spray as you finish your late night makeup then sorting through what hanged in your closet, a long dress of your own tag, it fit tightly around your curves.
the girls made sure you knew how good you looked with compliments and a plethora of praise.
all of you walked back out into the garden, the cool breeze blowing through the trees, you and chris grabbed a wine off the counter before whisking away from the group, “where do’you wanna sit?” he questioned as you walked off from the kitchen, “anywhere.” you shrugged, he hooked his arm around your neck walking you towards the fire pit, the warmth from his hoodie rubbed off on you.
you cuddled up to him on the cushions, “you okay?” he massaged circles into your back, his other hand occupied with his glass, “mhm” you hummed, feeling more comfortable with him than this morning which ‘this afternoon you’ would be thrown for a loop but once you really thought about it made sense.
“did’ya have fun today?” he watched as you slowly sank down to more of a lying position, your head stable on his lap and your body resting on your side. 
“so much fun.” you both tiptoed around the obvious elephant in the room, you fidgeted with the mic hung on your neck.
“you look pretty.” he whispered, moving his palm from your back to your head in his lap, “thank you.” you smiled, twisting your head to look up at him, your eyes connected, gaining each other's attention, small and soft laughter left both of your lips.
“got a text.” the sentence breaks the silence between you both, too enthralled in your own moment to hear the ding from romeo’s phone.
“can all islanders please gather around the fire pit immediately?” robert shouts the noise hitting every islanders ears, you slowly sit up adjusting your dress.
everyone comes toward you both, taking a seat on the circle, you and chris sat wedged between cade and abby and leah and aiden, romeo sitting on the edge by himself and cyrus and kaia sitting with lots of distance between them.
chris put his arm over your shoulder, you think it was to give you a bit of comfort and it definitely worked.
the boys stood up and walked in front of the fire pit in a line due to producers' orders. this was the first recoupling, the girls will pick the boy they want to couple up with and the boy not picked and left single will be dumped from the island.
it’s been a busy day for you girls, 
first up is abby, she sprung up, a warm smile on her face, “i would like to couple up with this boy because he's hot, funny, as loud as me, and i’m really enjoying getting to know him and hanging out with him!” she coos
“he treats me like a princess and i couldn’t feel more lucky to have found him.” you watch between the two, looking at cade’s bashful expression.
“so the boy i would like to couple up with is..”
“cade!” applauses ensue as he quickly paces over to her exchanging a few kisses before sitting down next to you, you smiled at her, happy to see her happy.
kaia stood up as it was now her turn, she took a few deep breaths before rising to a stand, “i would like to couple up with this boy because in a short amount of time he’s showed me that i might want a ‘bad boy’ but i need a sweet, mature and kind guy like him.”
he smiles, “i feel like he understands me in a unique way and i really love that sooo..the boy i want to couple up with is..”
“aidan.” similar claps start while he strides over to kaia, they wrap their arms around each other then sit beside cade and abby, small whispering between the two couples starting.
leah hastily stood up, a small smirk hiding on her face. this would be the first time you see her really open up about how she’s feeling with romeo, which made you more interested in the speech.
“i would like to couple up with this boy because we have nice chats, he’s a good listener and we just— get on really well.”
“the boy i would like to couple up with is..” 
“romeo.” you bring your palms together when you hear his name, watching as they have a few quick pecks then perch aside you, it was short but sweet he seemed to appreciate the kind words.
you notice cyrus’s face slightly twist at the sight which only reassures your ongoing decision, you cheesed as it was now clair’s go, she adjusted her dress that somewhat rides up her thighs as she stood up, “i want to couple up with this boy because i really enjoy his company, he’s handsome, he makes me laugh, and he is always taking the damn piss, 
we can have light, joyful chats but we can also have serious ones which i find attractive.” she gestures with a smile.
“soo, the boy i want to couple up with is..”
“robert..” she covers her face clearly flustered by all this, you cheer for them, he wraps his arms around her flustered state and slowly brings her down to the cushion next to him.
you were the last to go, you noticed chris was antsy, probably from standing still for so long, cyrus stood next to him assuming his fate especially after your performance in the challenge today.
you take a stance, twinkles in your eyes, “i would like to couple up with this boy because, he’s really amusing, he’s incredibly patient he’s seen me at my worst and my best and continued to stand beside me instead of doing what guys my age normally do.”
“i really like him.” you choke out, “he’s also cute, i guess..” muffled giggles were heard from your fellow islanders.
“so the boy i want to couple up with is..”
“chris!” he basically runs towards you, wrapping his arms around you for a tight embrace. those words must’ve got to him.
you both settle down mushed between the other four couples, meaning cyrus is dumped from the island, he awkwardly stood alone in front of you all which made you feel incredibly guilty for having to end someone’s time.
after a slow pause all the guys except chris huddle around him, pats and daps being handed out.
“you okay?” concern riddles his voice while you stare at the boys saying goodbye, clair and abby circle back after sharing a hug with cyrus, rubbing on your back.
“it’s okay.” abby comments.
“he knows it was time.” clair also chimes in.
he walked towards you. he had a calm manner which off the bat made you feel a little better, he opened his arms for you and you did the same, sharing a quick squeeze before pulling back.
he swiveled towards the exit of the garden, the boys followed behind him, including chris.
your friends gave you a cuddle reminding you that it’s not your fault which made you feel good enough to head inside behind the guys.
everyone crowded in the boys dressing room, sharing words with cyrus as he packed his case, you stood in the corner with chris’s arm roped on your back and palm touching your shoulder, you had your head laid against him while you watched from the sidelines. 
with his things packed he stumbled down the stairs and everyone came behind. the walk to the villa’s entrance, more importantly exit, made it more real. he shared a few more rapid goodbyes before walking out of the big door, you all clapped him out.
you all walked back out to the garden feeling deflated, chris walked you both towards the bean bags.
you just wanted to go to sleep after such a physically and emotionally draining day, but you had a feeling that it wasn’t over yet. the bean bag under you scrunched once you got comfortable the one across from you did the same, “you’re okay right?”
“mhm, just feeling a bit guilty.” you mumble.
his head turned to the side, you assumed it was out of curiosity or concern.
“you and the girls helped though.” you smile.
“good.” he states, picking his body off the bean bag and moving closer to you, you moved over as he signaled to sit beside you.
‘ding’, your heart drops.
“text.” clair exclaims from the kitchen, chris jumps up from the bag, grabbing your hand to help you up and guiding you to the kitchen, once you settled clair began reading.
 “chris and cade,” clair slightly pauses as she makes eye contact with her closest girlfriends.
“i’d recommend putting on some swim trunks as i’ve invited both of you to the hideaway hot tub.” your fingers go to your parted lips as people around you scream and gasp.
“xoxo, celia, #triplec.” the noises continuing to clair’s last syllable, you're too shocked to have a reaction or even think.
your stomach started turning, your mind already spiraling. chris’s arm that laid on your shoulder started patting you back to reality.
“alright, we’ll help you.” romeo comments, walking into the doors, the rest of the boys following behind, chris gives you one last pat on the shoulder before walking away.
you’ve never seen abby quieter, when your eyes connect you know she feels the exact same way you do.
“you guys have nothing to worry about.” leah reassures you both.
“mhm.” clair hums, her and kaia nodding along to those words.
you and abby were called to the beach hut, the previous sequence of events flooded through your mind as you walked up the steps, passing by the boys changing room you attempted to peek at the trunks chris was changing into but you didn’t get a good enough look.
you both sat down side by side, dumbfounded by everything that just occurred, she looked at you and you looked at her, speechless.
“what are you thinking?” the guy behind the camera questions.
“well..that was a lot, to say the least.” abby starts which is to be expected. 
“mh..” you hum, it was too much for your brain to focus on the words coming out of abby’s mouth and the situation at hand.
“it’s gonna be okay, we’re bad bitches.” she states looking in your eyes, 
“we’re the best in the damn game and if they mess up that’s on them.”  she continues.
“right?”, she hints for your validation, “absolutely.” you state.
you both walk out the door hand in hand, your segment swiftly done or maybe it only felt that way since you zoned out on some of the questions having abby answer them for you.
you both walked out, seeing the boys walk down the stairs, chris was in the front alongside cade so you both couldn’t see them.
“where’s the girls?” you hear cade ask, “behind you.” a feminine voice speaks, they turn around at the same time, chris is wearing red trunks while cade wore blue ones which was a change of pace as you usually see him in black.
chris comes up to you once you and abby finish stepping down, you note cade doing the same, he settles his hands on your waist pulling you closely for a deep embrace.
“it’ll be alright.” he whispered into your neck his hands that moved to rest on your back circling in soothing motions before he pulled away, the feeling of his hands lingered on your body.
you watched as cade and abby shared a longing peck before separating.
the hideaway was shoved a little away from the swings, a neon ‘hideaway’ sign pointed towards the door, you watched as they both disappeared behind said door, anxiety quickly washing over you when you can’t see his calming face any more.
everyone slowly dispersed, you abby and clair walked to the fireplace in need of a pep talk and a bit of debriefing.
the warm fire landed on your cooled skin which warmed you up, brightening your mood, “it’s gonna be fine.” clair reassured making eye contact with both of you once she grabbed your attention.
abby nodded, “i’m just not—i’m not gonna do anything if he doesn’t.” she starts which you hum along to.
“y/n, how are you?” clair asked bobbing her head to get a good look at you since abby was nuzzled between you both.
“it’s okay, i’ll get over it.” you say through deep breaths.
“i think i jus’ need a breather.” you huff as you take a stand from the cushion you just sat down at.
they follow behind you, taking a stand and huddling around you for a group hug, clair’s arms linked around you and abby’s bodies.
the cuddle was warm and tight and definitely needed to calm yourself down.
your bodies unlinked and they shared a few reassuring words before you walked off, passing a few of your fellow islanders before walking inside and up the stairs.
you took a seat at your vanity, taking this as an opportunity to do a few quick touch ups on your face, a huff of air pushed past your lips.
surely you had nothing to worry about, right? 
chris has reassured you that he doesn’t like anyone else, but ‘what if this girl changes his mind?’
after a few deep breaths you tamed your spiraling, remembering your a catch and if he can’t see that it’s his problem, you just hoped he didn’t move out of line because you didn’t want to seem crazy on national television.
you guess you needed a second to remember that.
a few moments after your private pep talk you settled beside robert and clair in the kitchen, taking large sips of water out of your nozzle, “he really likes you.” robert states, which makes you lock your head towards him, resulting in a nonchalant nod, honestly you were tired of hearing the pity, you wanted to find out his thoughts after the date, “he was stressing when you were off with him, he won’t just throw it away.”
another nod, you appreciated rob’s words but he’s only known him for a week, ‘how does he know for sure?’ 
you took a few more sips, rob must’ve assumed it was out of sadness as he continued to compensate with words, “he really does like you.” he continued as the side hug between clair and him deepened.
“whatever happens, happens” you believed what you said, sure it would suck especially after yesterday but you comforted yourself with other classics, ‘what will be will be.’
robert said other “reassuring” things but it was annoying you even though you knew he had good intentions, your eyes softly rolled before picking your shoulders off the counter in front of you and walking away with a “i’m gonna talk to abby.” 
on your voyage over to the bean bags where abby comfortably sat with leah, a certain door opened and a feminine cheer snapped your head towards it.
a latin woman linked arms with two of your islanders, her strut was perfect and her long, straight hair blew in the wind, her burgundy bikini complimented her warm complexion.
“hi, everybody!”, she unlinked her arm with cade and gave a gentle and soft wave towards the rest of you, as she walked towards you girls at the beanbags and a few islanders came towards her in different directions, you could only focus on how she wouldn’t let his arm go.
you knew you were a jealous person, it was something you couldn’t stand about yourself but you couldn’t control it, it lit a fire in the pit of your belly.
she finally let go as she shared fast hugs with the islanders coming up to greet her. you noticed chris distancing himself even with the soft smile on his face, he took a few strides towards you as she was busy with greetings.
“hi.” he smiled which caused an awkward and cheesy twist on your lips.
“hi.” you replied after a beat, he cautiously wrapped his arms around your back, snuggling you into him.
it felt like moments passed but truly it was just a few seconds strung together, he let go, moving out of your peripherals and allowing celia to take over.
she walked towards you and pulled your arms towards her for a hug which you reciprocated.
“let's go for a girls chat?” she asks as kaia and abby seem to agree, you all separate from the boys, you can’t help but feel eyes lingering on the back of your head.
you all sat at the fire pit, your legs crossed ready to learn more about ‘celia’ your mind automatically mocked her name when you thought it which made you laugh internally.
“soo..celia, how were your dates?” abby started.
“you can call me cia! my friends call me cia.” you scoff softly at the audacity to call you friends after today, you felt bad for your mean thoughts, if you were her you would’ve picked chris too, ‘she was just doing what she had to do.’
“anyway, yeah good dates, both of them, they seem sweet.” 
“are you swaying towards either one of them more?” kaia chimes in, you watch cia hesitate, “i kinda wanna keep my cards close to my chest so to speak.” she smiles which elicits an incognito eye roll from you.
“i had fun though, they’re funny.” she continues.
your eyes are averted by two guys walking to you and the rest of the girls sat at the fire pit, chris and cade, you and abby stood after a quick nod towards each other and met the boys halfway.
you and chris split off, heading towards the now empty swing as the boys had abandoned it for the kitchen, you sit comfortably on the cushion beneath you.
“how are you?” he asks as he scoots a little bit closer to you.
“fine.” you stated, the way you said it was cold which he wasn’t surprised by but he’s never seen this side of you, you weren’t trying to mean but your walls were slowly building back up as you jumped to conclusions especially after the conversation you just had with cia.
it was silent for a moment. you assumed he didn’t know what to say, “how was it?” you question your digits not stopping themselves from tumbling with the top of your dress.
“it was good, like she’s chill.”  he replies with a slight shiver as his bare chest braces the cold air.
“was the hideaway cool?” you ask almost changing the topic.
“yeah, it’s like a whole other place, it was awesome!” he seemed to get excited talking about it for some reason.
…the silence came back, a minute or so of just staring at your surroundings instead of the person in front of you.
“i think i have to talk wit’ her, but i just wanted to come back to you.” his words dragged your head back to his face, his voice was huskier, edgier but also soft and smooth when they slipped past his plump, pink lips.
your belly flipped from the sight, there was heat on your cheeks evident or not which made your lips turn into a smile, he lounged on the swing his head tilted as he awaited your response.
“tell her that.” you tease with a slight smile that you didn’t want to flash him, he scoffs lifting his head that was resting on the back of the swinging lounger.
..that silence revisited.
“m’sorry.” he whispered when your eyes met.
“not your fault.” you mumbled back while you scooted off the cushion you were nestled on, you took a stand and he did the same without hesitation.
your arm slithered along his waist coaxing him for a side hug which he happily reciprocated.
it was almost finally time to bunk down, you shifted in the oval chair accompanied by cameras staring at you as-well as a few people behind the camera. 
“what are you thinking?”
you take a second to think before starting, “i feel weird—, i don’t blame cel—cia, i would do the same.” you huff.
“and i don’t blame chris, it’s all just telling me about my feelings for chris and they’re a lot bigger than i realized and it only been a week!” you exclaim.
“imagine in fucking—“ you hesitate, “3 weeks for example, i’m doomed.” you add before your hand wisps over your dress.
“i just want to sleep.” you say lastly before being dismissed to get ready for bed.
you dragged a cotton swab down your face, the makeup you worked hard on coming down with it,  you had already thrown a shirt over your head all you had to do was put some shorts on and brush your teeth, today was exhausting for you and the islanders around you as you noticed everyone’s sluggish attitude.
“did’ya get that kiss kaia?” your head was down so you missed who asked but you could assume it was clair from her airy voice.
she nodded eagerly in response, “it was good!” she sang.
“how was your first night, cia?” leah asked.
“really fun, you guys have been so nice and welcoming which i appreciate.” she smiled, placing things from her suitcase in her new and empty closet.
she was sweet but you couldn’t help feeling a certain way, “aww, yay!” abby added, “glad you had a good night.” she continued using a wipe to rub her face.
“yeah, so ready for bed though.” she comments before walking out of the room.
after sliding out of your dress that hung to your lower half and tugging on a pair of shorts you took a stride to the bathroom, a brush clinged to your teeth.
the bathroom was crowded. you decided you were too tired to wait for the room to clear and everyone else must’ve agreed since the room piled up.
the descent down the stairs and the strides into the bedroom were pacy, the recoupling had changed the sleeping arrangements having romeo now placed at the end of the line of beds with leah, you were moved up and laid next to clair and robert, cia taking the empty bed beside you and chris was the only downside.
you snuggled under the covers, apart from the normal abby and cade conversation there wasn’t much chatter in the room between you islanders, that was until cia laid in her empty bed beside chris, you were busy taking a few sips from your water bottle when you noticed the conversation that quickly started beside you.
“all alone…” she huffed sarcastically, spreading herself on the empty bed, your head poked out as you watched the interaction, he just giggled, the giggle you love softly slipped out of him from a dumb comment about a damn bed.
his head turned towards you, “ready for bed?” he dragged his hand through his hair that’s been trapped under a cap all day, you nodded he assumed you didn’t have the energy to speak but truly you were too annoyed to.
‘should i be feeling this possessive already?’
cia and chris exchanged a few more words before the lights flickered off, his body turned towards you and yours turned towards his, the lack of mic around your chest made you feel like it was easier to breathe, easier to talk, like you weren’t being constantly listened to even though you know you are.
his hand lifted to your head which made your eyebrows knit at first but it subsided once he started giving you head rubs, “i don’t want her to feel unwelcome or ignored, okay?” he whispered after he rustled the sheets when he maneuvered closer to you.
his whisper made you smile and he had no trouble reciprocating it, the head pats and rubs were continuous even through his tired, lazy movements.
your eyes blinked shut, once again having no trouble falling asleep due to his soothing touches.
tomorrow will mark the start of the second week in the villa. what will happen next? find out next time on love island…
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i'm an ass for taking so long but i hope you enjoyed and it was worth the wait. 🩵
i'll be updating the rest of the chapters so everything looks cohesive dw, just needed a change of pace.
tag list: @fratbrochrisgf @3lizaluvs @lily-strnlo @sigmatoiletrizz @i-love-ptv @mattsturnshleuttt @venusjaynie @jetaimevous @lizzysmith110 @firexovni
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wetsocksinbed · 3 months
AU where Jack didn’t fuck off and abandon his family at the end of everything, and instead brought back Amara and gave her the power to be God, and stayed a hunter.
Amara pulls Castiel out of the Empty, and at special request of the Queen of Hell, a very confused Crowley is plonked back onto earth too. Sam marries Eleanor and has Dean Jr, and because Castiel is still around, Dean doesn’t die to a stupid metal rod in an old barn because his (fully reinstated) angel heals him. Crowley goes back to hell and finally gets to spent time with a mother that actually loves him. Amara, being god, figures out a way to let Dean and Sam come and go from heaven without dying, so they get to see Bobby, Charlie, Mary and John whenever they want. Dean and Sam finally form a relationship with Adam, and he moves into the bunker with them. Adam is surprisingly good at hunting. Kevin is finally freed from the Veil and actually goes to heaven. Claire officially starts dating Kaia, and Jody actually legally adopts the girls. Cas raises bees in his spare time when he’s not helping the boys on a hunt, and at some point he definitely adopts a cat for the bunker.
It’s called Clarence.
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shallowseeker · 1 month
Something about the greatest weapons:
ANNA: Torturing? That's God's work? Stop him, Cas, please. Before you ruin the one real weapon you have. CASTIEL: Who are we to question the will of God?
So, make no mistake, that weapon IS LOVE.
And there's something too about the name of one of the strongest weapons, the weapon that can defeat ALMOST ANYTHING, is The Colt.
Colt - Colette etc etc.
There's something scary about love being turned into a weapon, and yet it's strong because it has that dualistic quality born from its intensity.
Love asks you to stop the quest of revenge (Cole, John). In a season marked with Claire doing a lot of forgiving, even to her own "Crowley"/Randy and "Azazel"/Castiel. Followed by Cas showing mercy to Metatron and Dean showing forgiveness to Amara.
Idk, I just have thoughts.
they are all mushed up
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today-in-the-bunker · 4 months
Today, the crew celebrates Jack's birthday. Dean makes them a cherry pie and they are visited by Charlie, Jody and Donna, who brings by Claire, Kaia, Patience and Alex to celebrate the day with their new friend. Jack is very happy that they are able to spend the day with such a loving family, however they secretly wish their mother could be here with them. They catch Cas's eye while thinking about her and he replies with a bittersweet smile and a wave of love and support.
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deancas-stabfest · 9 months
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Stab me senseless by MalicMalic Art by hexentaenzerin Rated E 🔪 1,587 Pairing: Meg/Anna Milton
Finding Another Way by arlington-chamber-of-gay Art by keikakudom Rated M 🔪 3,816 Pairing:Castiel/Dean Winchester
This Blade for Hire by friendofcarlotta Art by xfancyfranart Rated E 🔪 20,011 Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Primordial Bond by hexentaenzerin Art by kayliemalinza Rated M 🔪 1,892 Pairing: Eve/Amara
Silver knives and blood stains by Pyro29k Art by neversleepuntilfive Rated M 🔪 5,636 Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester
he’s gonna take my files by autisticandroids Art by coydahlia Rated E 🔪 6,191 Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Am I Standing Still? by doctorprofessorsong Art by free-to-be-impaled Rated E 🔪 11,208 Pairing: Pamela Barnes/Tessa
there’s a danger in lovin’ somebody too much by pregstiel Art by kingdumbass Rated E 🔪 1,890 Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Soulmate At First Stab by hexentaenzerin Art by hectatess Rated E 🔪 10,811 Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Give In To No Man by Arlington Art by kayliemalinza Rated M 🔪 2,001 Pairing: Rowena MacLeod/Mary Winchester
Everlasting by entropic-saudade Art by golby-moon Rated M 🔪 10,227 Pairing: Kaia Nieves/Claire Novak
This Tainted Love You’ve Given by lazarus-rose Art by xfancyfranart Rated E 🔪 17,100 Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester
to wound as sharpened swords by duckkin Art by hexentaenzerin Rated M 🔪 3,737 Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Angels, Demons and Dogs by mbqnoyolo Art by kayliemalinza Rated M 🔪 4,764 Pairing: Anael/Ruby
the starving faithfuls by pluto Art by sidewinder Rated M 🔪 8,972 Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester
You’re In My Blood by follows-the-bees Art by hexentaenzerin Rated E 🔪 8,576 Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Laughter in a Corn Maze by castielafflicted Art by hectatess Rated M 🔪 5,804 Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester
The Man in the Rock by friendofcarlotta Art by kayliemalinza Rated E 🔪 7,331 Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Frightland by melancholictearz Art by neversleepuntilfive Rated T 🔪 7,404 Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester
900 Days by howldean Art by kayliemalinza Rated M 🔪 4,005 Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Revenge for Dummies by Ola Art by Kazi Rated M 🔪 10,060 Pairing: Jo Harvelle/Meg Masters
Desire (i want to turn into you) by an_ardent_rain Rated E 🔪 10,100 Pairing: Dean Winchester/Castiel
Tourbillon Dreams by kayliemalinza Art by coydahlia Rated M 🔪 40,402 Pairing: Dean Winchester/Castiel
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