#civic ed
timetochaing · 1 year
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littlegildedswallow · 9 months
one of the great things about living on a university campus with the punishment for sexual harassment ALLEGATIONS being immediate suspension and a 25k penalty is that i can go on a 10k step walk at midnight to burn off the calories I gained from this blueberry muffin.
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This month, thousands of Carbondale residents took to the polls to determine the way forward for our city — myself included. Civic engagement has long been incredibly important to me. I live to serve my community, with the belief that the people closest to the problem are closest to the solution, but furthest from the resources and power to advance change.
While I cast my vote with pride, I was also reminded that in spite of my service and commitment to my community, my name could never appear on that ballot, simply because of my past. In Illinois, people with criminal records are prohibited from running for local office, representing the community at their school district or local library and serving on a number of boards and commissions throughout the state.
I serve on the Carbondale United executive board, am an Illinois state-certified community health worker, chair the NAACP Carbondale branch’s criminal justice committee, am on the board development committee of the neighborhood co-op and am a doctoral candidate and former instructor mentoring young minds on and off campus. But because of a past conviction, the law prevents me from local civic leadership and community service.
Across the state, 1.2 million adults have conviction records. That is over one million Illinoisans who have served their time, paid all fines and fees related to their conviction, and are permanently barred from serving their communities. Further, we know that because of the racism that undergirds our economic, political and social systems, Black and Brown communities are disproportionately impacted by the legal system, and are therefore being shut out from these positions at higher rates. 35% of the 1.2 million adults with records are Black, two and a half times higher than the state’s Black population.
These barriers are an affront to voting rights, and at the end of the day, they are detrimental to communities themselves. Civic engagement lowers recidivism rates. When people are civically engaged, they become more invested in the long-term health, safety and stability of their community. Ensuring successful reentry for formerly incarcerated people means ensuring they are resourced with the tools to thrive independently and contribute to the community.
Our Constitution is clear that punishments and penalties for crimes should neither be cruel nor excessive. And yet, millions of people across the state — people who pay taxes, who vote, who contribute to their communities — are denied the full opportunity to improve their neighborhoods long after they’ve completed their sentence. An entire population is being denied full citizenship — and few even notice.
Directly impacted people across the state, including here in Carbondale, are pushing for commonsense legislation that would eliminate these lifelong barriers and ensure all citizens are treated with dignity and have the opportunity to serve their communities. Right now, the Illinois State Legislature is considering House Bill 2824/Senate Bill 2347, The Promoting Involvement & Empowerment Through Civic Engagement (PIECE) Act, which would allow people with felony convictions to hold local elected office and serve on key state boards and commissions. The legislation would also create common sense limits for those who have violated the election code or committed official misconduct, and it will require someone seeking appointment to a board or commission to disclose a conviction related to that board or commission’s work.
On Election Night, one of my dear partners in this work suggested I put my name in the running for a future race. Women — especially Black women — are shut out from elected office for so many reasons, and it was heartbreaking to have to tell her that I couldn’t, in spite of my motivation and ability to serve the community. Even though this issue impacts so many across the state, few people have any idea that these archaic laws still exist.
Solutions to the most difficult issues plaguing our neighborhoods are going to be best developed by those who are closest to the pain. When we bar an entire population of people from contributing to these solutions, we’re not only denying them basic civil rights; we’re harming the larger community.
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jelreth · 1 year
im doing assignmence and i showered and repierced my ears so i can wear spiders for halloween and it hurts a little but the payoff is phenomenal. why am i so productive today
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pinkflashlight · 2 years
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rurinnfane · 2 months
Once again I see that I studied the most interesting subjects at and/or shortly before the most interesting times
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gravitascivics · 1 year
This posting will address another concern of Eugene Meehan’s criteria as they are applied to the social construct, the liberated federalism model.[1]  This blog has been applying that criteria to describe the viability of that construct.  The sixth Meehan criterion asks:  does the construct align with other responsible models explaining the same phenomena?  That is, does it have compatibility? 
There is nothing in this proposed model that either contradicts the parochial/traditional federalism model or the political systems model and its offshoot models that have, to some degree, been previously reviewed in this blog.  What follows is a description of how liberated federalism is compatible.
          From this perspective, the model offered here can be seen as an open-ended one in which all of these models and theories are called into play by the activities of the deliberative process which the model in question highlights.  The federalist model of government is a more encompassing one.  These other models – those that have emanated from the political systems model – are mid-range models that describe and attempt to explain how political actors work their processes for a given context. 
As such, the mid-range models are useful in understanding political conditions, given specific political challenges, and in devising effective strategies.  As stated in an earlier posting, the model that has the closest overlapping content to liberated federalism is group theory.  Roy C. Macridis writes:
… [T]hey [group theorists] tell us that in order to understand how groups behave and how they interact, we must study the political system, the overall behavior patterns, the values and beliefs held by the actors, the formal organization of authority, the degree of legitimacy, etc., etc.  Without realizing it, they reverse their theoretical position.  They start with groups only to admit the primacy of the political phenomenon and suggest that in order to explain group behavior we must start with what group behavior purported to explain – the political system![2]
In a similar way, if the liberated federalism model were presented for purposes of generating hypotheses which would lead to empirical studies, this criticism would similarly be a serious one in terms of the model’s usefulness.  But that is not its purpose.
          The model is presented as a foundational construct for the study of American government and civics and, therefore, the Macridis statement is seen as having a functional quality because these are exactly the types of concerns that one wants secondary students to tackle in their study of government and civics.
          The literature about groups has been concerned mostly with the actions of interest groups, i.e., groups that have the on-going role of bringing demands to the political perspective of group behavior.[3]  While this type of group concern is not excluded from the liberated federalism model, it, liberated federalism, is not limited to that concern.  Besides, the emphasis is not limited to questions of effectiveness, although also included, but the emphasis is also heavily concerned with the communal interaction of entities with arrangements/associations and the moral quality of their actions.
          Therefore, the judgment here is that for pedagogical reasons, liberated federalism is not only compatible but also solicits a functional role for systems-based models in guiding civics instruction at the secondary level.  The next criterion to be addressed is predictability.
[1] That is, this posting continues the blog’s review of Eugene Meehan’s criteria by which to evaluate social science theories and models.  For readers wishing to read the previous postings relating these viability claims that the blog is making, they can read the last five postings found in the online site http://gravitascivics.blogspot.com/.  As for Meehan’s criteria, see Eugene J. Meehan, Contemporary Political Thought:  A Critical Study (Homewood, IL:  Dorsey Press, 1967).  To date the blog has reviewed comprehensiveness, power, precision, consistency/reliability, and isomorphism.
[2] Roy C. Macridis, “Groups and Group Theory” in Comparative Politics:  Notes and Readings, edited by Roy C. Macridis and Bernard E. Brown (Chicago, IL:  The Dorsey Press, 1986), 281-287, 286.
[3] Current academic political thinking concerning group theory has a mixed opinion as to its viability.  See “Political Group Analysis,” Encyclopedia.com (n.d.), accessed August 23, 2023, https://www.encyclopedia.com/social-sciences/applied-and-social-sciences-magazines/political-group-analysis AND for a more positive view, see Robert A. Heineman, Steven A. Peterson, and Thomas H. Rasmussen, American Government (New York, NY:  McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1995).
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ourfag · 1 month
love those aus where one of them is a mailman and the other one is a resident on his route. imagining one where they have a little routine when stede comes by every afternoon of standing and chatting and it’s the highlight of ed’s day so he’s not about to let a little cold interrupt it. but the fact of the matter is he’s bundled up in blankets and still shivering and noticeably subdued bc just standing there at his front door is making him feel dizzy and exhausted and suddenly stede’s sense of civic duty does not feel anywhere near as strong as his sense of get ed inside and make him some soup. OH so everybody’s mail is a couple hours late just for one day. they’ll survive. if the message was really urgent they’d be using the phone wouldn’t they
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dionysus-complex · 10 months
you mentioned you specialize in roman violence. can you rec any good works on the subject, especially during the late antique period? how much (or little) time/writing did latin authors spend on the question of the necessity/morality/glory of violence, especially when bound up with empire and borders? did rhetoric around domestic violence evolve?
It's obviously a massive topic, so it's difficult to know where to begin! For looking at violence in Late Antiquity, I highly recommend the work of Maijastina Kahlos as a starting point - most of her scholarship deals with tensions between religious communities in the Roman Empire in Late Antiquity, and I've found it extremely clear and illuminating. For Late Antique slavery, I'd look at Jennifer Trimble's work, especially "The Zoninus Collar and the Archaeology of Roman Slavery" (2016, JSTOR link here). On the intersections of violence and the legal system, I'd recommend Sarah Bond's 2014 article "Altering Infamy: Status, Violence, and Civic Exclusion in Late Antiquity" (JSTOR link here) as well as Julia Hillner's 2015 book Prison, Punishment and Penance in Late Antiquity. Amy Richlin is essential reading on Roman violence in general, and I'd highly highly recommend her piece "Cicero's Head" in Constructions of the Classical Body (ed. James Porter, 1999) if you have access to an academic library and can get a hold of it; it's explicitly framed as a Jewish, post-Holocaust reflection on the violence of the Roman proscriptions and civil wars and has been profoundly influential on my own thinking.
In general, Imperial-era Latin authors spend a lot of time thinking about the necessity/morality/glory of violence, to the point that I'd say violence is the key theme in Imperial Latin literature. It's often bound up with Stoic philosophy (in the 1st-2nd c. CE; Seneca's De Ira is a key text - you might take a look at sections 3.18-19 on torture under Caligula), and given the bias of our sources which skew toward the elite/senatorial-class perspective, it can be harder to track down texts that explicitly make the link between violence and Roman imperium. One famous example is the speech of Calgacus in Tacitus' Agricola 29-32 (link to a translation here), which purports to be the speech of a Celtic general in Britain rousing his troops to battle against the Romans in the 80s CE. Given that speeches in Roman historiography are generally regarded as being compositions by the historian, it's important to ask why exactly Tacitus of all people gives a prominent place to a scathing critique of Roman imperium - there are lots of ideas on this and few definitive answers, but it's a startling passage to say the least.
Imperial Latin epic poetry (e.g. Lucan's Bellum Civile; Statius' Thebaid) is well known for being graphically violent in the extreme (as in brutal torture, dismemberment, and one infamous instance of brain-eating in Thebaid 8), and there's a lot of work on how and why violence becomes highly aestheticized for Imperial Latin poets. There's also the genre of Roman declamation (difficult to explain, but essentially something like mock trial cases that were used for rhetorical education and showmanship), which frequently explores extremely violent scenarios involving torture, kin-killing, etc. Most scholars these days tend to read declamation as a space where (elite, male) Romans worked out and interrogated various cultural anxieties and taboos. Because of this, you get some of the strongest condemnations of violence found anywhere in Latin literature in the declamatory corpus, but it's difficult to extrapolate from that because again it's something like mock trial and rhetorical showmanship that does not necessarily map on to real-life Roman attitudes.
I've barely scratched the surface and there's a lot more I could say but I'll cut myself off here - I might be able to offer more specific recs if you're interested in e.g. violence as spectacle, aesthetics and artistic representations of violence, etc.
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aachria · 4 months
And what if I said I was gonna make a summary of each chapter so I wouldn’t have to reread every time I forgot something—what then?
Lmaooo I have all of the written fic summarized and laid out in an Obsidian map and when I tell you it is incomprehensible — like did I make it just so I could quickly find all the chapters I mention xyz or Ed has a weird dream? Yes. But that's no one’s business but my own. I love Obsidian man it’s so fun.
I’ve mentioned before that I have all of the writing split between google docs for each saga and they all have the same summary scheme and I need an excuse to tell you this shit so I’m doing it now.
East Blue
Maybe the real One Piece was the red Honda Civic we got hit by along the way.
Maybe the real One Piece was the self worth issues we resolved along the way.
Maybe the real One Piece was the hostage situation got rescued from along the way.
Water 7/Enies Lobby
Maybe the real One Piece was the poor choices with interpersonal relationships we made along the way.
Thriller Bark
Maybe the real One Piece was the disregard for personal saftey we comitted along the way.
I legally cannot show you the next ones because of SPOILERS but they do exist.
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it is my civic duty to ask what the Ed and Stede in your brain are doing right now
Hmm, right now, Ed's teaching Stede how to put his hair up in a cool complicated updo (they are going on a date later!). They're sitting in front of the mirror and Stede's holding his tongue between his teeth as he focuses so hard, and Ed's a little nervous because he's never taught someone else how to do his hair, but he knows Stede will take care of him. Ed's explaining the steps so patiently and carefully, and Stede's touching him with so much reverence and his hands are shaking just a bit because he cares so much about getting it perfect.
When they're done it's gonna look awesome and Ed's gonna get so many compliments! That hairdo is NOT gonna last all night because Stede's gonna get his hands in there eventually, but it'll make both of them so happy <3
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flowerfan2 · 1 year
They all get nightmares, it’s nothing new.  But something different is going on with Eddie, something worse, and Steve is losing his mind.
He notices it first when they are staying at his house, Eddie disappearing in the middle of the night and getting back into bed sweaty and shaky.  Then it happens again, and again.  The lack of sleep is clearly taking a toll on Eddie, and Steve will find him taking cat naps on his couch or in the car. His eyes are sunken, and he’s stopped playing D&D, stopped playing his guitar, stopped doing anything except sleep during the day and shiver with fear at night.
Finally one night when he disappears Steve confronts him, just wraps his arms tight around him and asks him what’s going on.  But Eddie won’t give any details, just mutters “nightmare” like they always do.  Steve strokes his hair and rocks him close, and doesn’t comment on the fact that Eddie seems even skinnier than ever.
It goes on for another few days, Steve starting to keep track of whether Eddie is actually eating anything at all, and thinking about whether he should say something to Wayne.  They’re spending the night at Eddie’s when Steve is startled awake by the sound of the walkie.  “What – I’m here – what’s wrong?”
It’s Dustin, and he says that he was riding his bike home from Mike’s and saw Eddie heading to Steve’s house.  On foot.  And Dustin thought Steve should know.
Steve doesn’t question this, just throws on shoes and speeds over to Loch Nora.  It’s after 1 a.m. on a hot summer night, and when he gets out of his car and bursts into his house, the air conditioning raises goosebumps on his skin.  He shouts for Eddie and runs through the halls, but he’s not there.
His heart sinking, he goes out back.  Past the pool, at the edge of the woods, he sees Eddie crouched down.  “Eddie?” he calls, and there’s movement in the trees just past the edge of his vision.
Eddie turns towards him, his eyes wide and glinting in the moonlight.  “Steve – you can’t-”
But he can, and he does, his nailbat solid in his hand as he approaches.  “Eddie, what’s going on?”
Eddie glances out at the woods and then back to Steve, shaking his head.  “It’s nothing.”  He looks as if he’s seen a ghost.  No, nothing as simple as a ghost.  A demon.
Steve reaches out for him, his whole body aching to give comfort, but Eddie ducks away.  “Really, Steve, drop it.”  Eddie skitters past him, into the house where he sits down on the couch and buries his head in his hands.
Steve comes inside, sets the nailbat aside and sits down next to Eddie, trying to get his breathing under control.
“Here’s the thing,” he starts, his voice tight.  “You’re not okay.  I don’t know what it is, but you are so not okay.”
Eddie lets out a muffled sob and presses his hands tighter against his face.
“And I am utterly unable to take it, Eds.  You know me – you know me, I am coming apart inside over this.  I love you, and I’m losing you.  I feel like my heart isn’t just breaking, it’s being chewed up by sharp demobat teeth and shredded.  You have to tell me what’s going on.  You have to let me help.  Please.”
Steve can feel the tears running down his cheeks.  
“There’s nothing anyone can to do help.”  
He’s never heard Eddie sound so broken.  “I won’t get anyone else involved if you don’t want me to.  I swear it.  Just let me in.  Even if no one can fix it.  Let me help you bear it.”
Eddie looks up at Steve and his face is streaked with tears too, but there’s a flicker of hope in his eyes. “Okay.”
If you like my tumblr ficlets, it would mean the world to me if you checked out my longer fic on A03 – I’m currently posting an AU where Eddie is a hot architect who specializes in accessibility:  How Steve Did His Civic Duty and Fell in Love With Eddie Munson.
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der-papero · 6 months
Chissà se ce la faccio a scrivere di 4 anni di ricordi, ma questo è un posto di ricordi belli, e tu sei uno di quelli, di quelli più belli. Li ho raccolti in due giorni di viaggio, perché la capa mia non è più quella di una volta, ho bisogno di tempo, e non servirà raccontarli tutti.
Ti ricordi il primo giorno? C'era un tipo che somigliava a Branduardi, vestito come un anziano in chiesa la Domenica, che per forza voleva farmi vedere come cambiavi colore, senza sapere come fare. Del resto, nessuno, persino lui che era del mestiere, aveva visto prima qualcosa di simile, il che ti rendeva ai miei occhi ancora più unica delle mie intenzioni.
Da quel giorno il mondo si è diviso in due, tra chi ti ammirava e chi ti snobbava, però penso lo sai già, il primo gruppo mi divertiva tanto e un po' ci marciavo su, ti ricordi quando uscivo dall'Autogrill di turno e vedevo sempre qualcuno ronzarti intorno, e non tornavo subito all'auto, lo lasciavo fare, guardando la scena da lontano. Per non parlare di quello svizzero che, dalle parti di Reggio Emilia, andò fuori di testa, sembrava un ragazzino di 5 anni a Disneyland, o quel tizio con quella Civic viola al casello di Venezia-non-so-dove, che mi parlava col clacson e col pollice su.
Ne abbiamo fatti di scherzoni alla Mami, la prima volta che andai a prenderla a Francoforte, allo scalo di marcia sparasti due fucilate ed esclamò "MAROOOO CHI C'A TUZZAT?" e noi a ridere, e ogni volta che provava a scendere, per via del rialzo, sbottava "ma quant t'a cagne 'sta machin, che ce vo' 'a man 'e Crist a scenner?".
Di persone che mi hanno fermato per farti i complimenti ce ne sono state, ma il top resterà quel parcheggiatore al Corso Umberto che, al ritiro, si divertì a farsi una accelerata e poi esclamò "UAAA DOTTO', 'STA MACHIN VOL!", e che gli volevi dire? Aveva ragione, una sensazione che provato ogni santa volta, ma io ho avuto tanto di più: mi hai portato da chiunque volessi bene, non è mai esistito un "è troppo lontano, lasciamo perdere", sei forse ciò che su questo pianeta ha avuto la possibilità di conoscere il vero me, senza filtri, mi hai visto piangere e ridere più di chiunque altro. Mi serviva la tua energia e la tua rabbia per scappare via da qui, eravamo entrambi in un posto dove non volevamo stare, per questo sei nata per correre, e hai lasciato che fossi io a lasciartelo fare.
Sei entrata in un momento della mia vita dove avevo bisogno di non sentirmi più trasparente, in una società che non mi ha mai accettato, al più tollerato, e credo che tu abbia capito in pieno quel nostro modo terrone di protestare, ovvero facendo bordello, perché più le cose vanno male, e più abbiamo bisogno di far rumore. Il vicino di casa non l'ha mai capita questa cosa, pensava che tu avessi qualcosa che non andava, cosa tragicomica, visto che quelli pieni di problemi sono loro, con la loro ipocrita precisione, il loro falso benessere.
Agli occhi di tanti sei solo un'auto, ma quello che sei stato per me non sono mai riuscito a farlo capire, e non penso di riuscirci manco questa volta, quindi queste parole sono solo per te, per ringraziarti di tutto quello che sei stata, per aver reso questi 4 anni più leggeri, e per dirti che non ti dimenticherò mai.
Grazie, Amica Mia ❤️.
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emeraldthelynx · 13 days
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I got into these two series at the same time, so it was pretty much inevitable that I crossed them over! Instead of loosing an arm and a leg, Edward lost the person he is supposed to be! And with Alphonse currently tethered to a cell phone, well, they kinda want to track down those shady guys with the Ouroboros tattoos so they can get their bodies back!
(More detailed explanation below.)
Think of this idea as a modern Fullmetal Alchemist AU with elements borrowed heavily from Detective Conan. Edward and Alphonse are 'civic licensed' alchemists, who basically have permission to use their alchemy to help the public when needed. (Kind of like a first-aider.) The police force often goes to them when there's an alchemy-related case that they just can't solve. One day, after Winry cashes in the brothers' promise to take her to an amusement park, Edward and Alphonse notice a couple of shady guys. A shapeshifter, and a lady with nails as sharp as glass. The two have abilities beyond that of normal humans, and the only reason they didn't kill the brothers on the spot was because they didn't want to be detected.
Edward gets poisoned, and when he wakes up, he's much, much smaller. Alphonse is nowhere to be seen, or at least his body. He transferred his mind into his cell phone after getting concussed as to call for help, a feat he usually does with alchemized suits of armour, and unlike other times, he has not returned to his body after timing out.
Edward is forced to take on a new identity to prevent the Ouroboros guys from trying to kill him again, and Alphonse still cannot return to his original body. Only Winry and Pinako know their true identities.
Team Mustang is a private detective agency that Ed finds out about and often tags along with them on cases, much to the crew's (read Mustang's) chagrin. I don't have too much beyond this, considering Detective Conan is still going, but I really felt like completing this piece of art.
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You Were Finished Drabble III
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Indie Rocker!Eddie Munson x POC!Indie Rocker!Reader “Sug” x Former Fuckboy!Steve Harrington Early 2000s Indie Rockstar AU
Eddie is playing around during sound check when Steve surprises you with a visit. Only to keep his attention mainly on you. There is no way that Eddie is going to let this slight slide.
Warnings: 18+ Only
Smutty smut smut. BDSM. There really isnt much of a plot here. Read at your own risk.
Divider by @firefly-graphics
Banner by @cafekitsune
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The loud bass can be heard far into the parking lot of the little hole in the wall bar your band is performing at tonight. Like the good little starving artists that you are, you're making sure to get a proper sound check in.
The drive over with the equipment in the back of the van and the rest of the band following you in your drummers beat up civic, has Eddie all wound up. An excess of energy that he needs to expel so he can focus on the night ahead.
So of course, he’s playing around. Dancing around the tiny stage. Grinding up against you as you're trying to sing into the mic to check your sound levels. You decide you want to play along. His energy is contagious and why not have a little fun at sound check.
“Let’s really test the speakers and play I Wanna Be Your Slave.” You announce to the band. “We can do the duet version if you're up for it, Eds.”
“Anything for you, Sugar. Let’s do this shit. Gareth, count me in, man.”
Eddie starts to sing to the steady drumbeat Gareth sets out. After a pause the bass joins in. As you start your verse Eddie brings in the guitar. Showing off his very talented fingers. Fingers you’ve been thankful for and obsessed with for years.
From there it’s just a beautiful back and forth between the two of you as you play the gritty and raunchy tune. You're so into it that you barely notice that someone has entered the bar. If it weren’t for the sunlight striding in upon it opening, you don’t think anyone would have noticed.
You clock the very familiar fluffy head of hair before registering Steve’s face as he approaches the stage. You and Eddie play it up even more when you take in your audience of one. With Eddie’s final gravelly line you greet your number one fan.
Jumping off the stage in an act of complete trust, you sail towards Steve. As you knew he would, he captures you with ease in his arms and pulls you in tight for a deep kiss. Eddie makes his way over after telling the band sound check is over and to relax til showtime.
You're running your fingers along Steve’s surprisingly stubble ridden jaw, when Eddie rests his head on your shoulder and greets your shared boyfriend. “Well hello big boy.” 
Steve leans forward and gives Eddie a chaste kiss. “Hey yourself.” His eyes focus back on you as Eddie asks him a question.
“I thought you couldn’t make it to the show tonight? Something about it being too far for you to make it in time after your shift.”
Steve runs his thumb along your bottom lip. Mesmerized by its softness. Eyes never leaving you as he responds. “I was able to switch shifts. Worked the mid morning instead. Got out and hopped right in the car. Didn’t care how early I was. Just wanted to get here.”
It doesn’t go unnoticed that Steve has yet to put you down. In fact, all of his attention at the moment seems to be focused solely on you. Eddie understands the draw of you all too well himself. But he can’t help but feel a little green with envy over the lovesick eyes you are receiving from the former fuck boy.
Being no stranger to pettiness Eddie takes it upon himself in that moment to teach Steve another valuable lesson. If he wants a dip in your honey pot tonight, he’s going to have to earn it.
“Hey Bunny.” Eddie speaks into your throat. “I need your help to make sure we got everything out of the van for tonight. Don’t want to have to run out there at the last minute and well you’re better at remembering in general so …”
You sigh. “That’s because you tend you smoke your brain cells away too often.” You tease as you lower yourself off of Steve. “Be back soon Stevie. Don’t get yourself into too much trouble while we’re gone.”
Eddie grabs your hand and kisses it, winking at Steve, before leading you out back to the van.
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“Eds the van is empty. You knew that. So what’s the real reason you brought me out here?”
“Ya got me. Never really can pull a fast one on you. I just wanted you all to myself for a moment. Steve seems to only have eyes for you today and well maybe I was feeling a little left out. Made me a little territorial. Wanted to leave my mark on you properly before the show.”
Instead of answering, you just smile wickedly and climb into the back of the van. “I’m all yours, Sir. I only have one request though.”
Eddie climbs in, shutting the door behind him as he crawls over to you. “Anything for my Bunny.”
“I really want to wear this skirt and fishnets for the show tonight. So can I at least take them off first before you ravage me?”
“Of course you can. Let me help you.”
He takes no time helping divest you of the clothing covering your bottom half, before unzipping his jeans and releasing his throbbing member.
“Oh look, I don’t even need to prep you. You’re a drippy little mess for me already, Bunny.” He runs a finger up your weeping slit. “Gonna have to make this quick. We’ve been gone a minute already. I’m sure Stevie will find himself looking for you shortly. So spin around and stick that delectable ass in the air for me, love. Be sure to keep that pretty face turned up to the doors and don’t you dare keep a single sound locked inside. I want them all to hear how good I make my little bunny feel when I’m deep inside her.”
His soft brown eyes have turned dark and sinister. He has something to prove and you’re all too excited to be the vessel for his message.
He enters you in one quick pivot of his hips and stars immediately begin to dance in front of your eyes. His thrusts are powerful and made to make you feel him all throughout the rest of you evening. Every movement on stage will be a reminder of how he took you apart before the night ever truly began.
All because he feels slighted by Steve and well Eddie is known to be petty from time to time when his ego takes a hit.
It’s not long before you're on the precipice of a stellar orgasm. Moans turning high pitched and staccato.
“That’s it bunny. You’re so close. Pussy is practically suffocating my dick. Come on. Give it to me. Come all over my cock. Let ‘em know who is making you feel so good.”
You come apart at the seams. Screaming out Eddies name into the humid air. It takes you a moment to register that the light blinding your eyes is not due to your detonation but by the vans doors being opened.
A silhouette covers the sunlight, as you come face to face with Steve as Eddie gives in to the miking grip your pussy has on him. Burying his hips deep and laying his claim by painting your walls white with his seed.
Without skipping a beat he addresses your boyfriend. “Hey Stevie. How nice of you to join us. But I have to admit you're just a little too late. We have to go eat with the band and get ready for the show. But how about this?”
He slowly pulls out of you. Making sure to scoop up any errant cum that has escaped the warmth of your cunt with his fingers and pushing it back inside you where it belongs.
He offers his fingers up to you to clean before proceeding to grab your clothes and redress you.
“Bunny is going to keep my load nice and warm inside that sweet little pussy while we rock the house tonight. If you’re a good boy through the whole show then I might just let you clean her up with your tongue for your faux pas when you got here.”
“Faux pas? What faux pas?”
“You were all eyes on our precious little bunny. I understand the feeling but come on man. We’re dating too.”
“Shit. I didn’t even realize I was doing that.”
“Figured as much. Still, I can’t just let that shit go ya know. So if you're a really good boy throughout the show I might just let you suck my dick in apology. Let you earn my forgiveness in the form of my fresh load down your throat. What do you think, big boy?”
Now fully dressed once again you watch as Steve’s Adams apple bobs as he swallows. Eyes looking a little hazy.
“Yes, sir. I’ll be a good boy.”
“Perfect.” Eddie tucks himself back into his jeans. “Now let's go eat. Can’t perform on an empty stomach now can I?”
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Your show goes on without a hitch. You're having way too much fun ratcheting up your usual sexual antics to eleven.
All for Steve who is stage left in the wings in agony. Images of you and Eddie writhing together flashing through his mind as he watches you practically have sex on stage. His dick is so hard it’s almost painful.
The end of the show could not have come quick enough for him. With the last chord finished and the crowd going crazy, you walk off backstage. Eddie grabs Steve by the collar as he passes by with you tucked under his arm. Leading the three of you into the green room as the rest of the band goes off to drink at the bar and try and score someone to bed for the night.
Steve is all eyes on Eddie once you make it inside the green room. Practically falling to his knees once the door is closed and the lock turned.
“I see someone is ready to make an apology.” Eddie states as he runs his ring clad fingers through Steve’s hair. “I always follow through on my promises and since you were in fact a very good boy during our show I’m going to let you show me how sorry you are by sucking me dry. Think you can do that for me Stevie?”
He quickly nods his head. “Yes, Sir.”
“Good boy.” He unzips his jeans and pushes them down his thighs. “Now get to work.”
With a quick lick of his lips Steve lowers his head and takes Eddie deep into the back of his throat in one move. He makes sure to swallow around the thickness obstructing his airway before bobbing his head and coating Eddie's shaft and his chin in saliva. 
It has Eddie's knees weakening. "Oh fuuuuuuck. You're forgiven. God this throat might be the death of me some day, Steven. Fuck that feels good."
He turns to find you perched on the beaten down couch. Noticing how your eyes have glazed over and you’ve gone quiet as your chest moves up and down in a panting fashion. It’s the same look you get when you submit to him completely. Watching one of your boyfriends pleasing the other so well is really making you all hot, sweet and subby.
There is no way Eddie is going to let you just sit there and watch. You’ve been his good little bunny all day and kicked ass on stage tonight. You deserve a reward as well. 
“C’mere bunny.” He grunts out.
You get up from you seat on wobbly knees and cross the short distance to your boyfriends. Eddie pulls you close and kisses you deeply. You lose yourself in the magic of his tongue while he rips your fishnets and teases your clit. Making you whine out from how sensitive your little pearl is. 
“Mmm, like music to my fucking ears. Look at my pretty bunny all pent up from performing with my pre show load still deep in her cunt. Is watching Stevie earn his reward turning you on, bunny?”
You nod your head and bite back a moan as Eddie pinches your clit. “Good girl. Now unzip your daddy’s pants and take his thick dick out. Then I want you to pull your panties to the side and warm his cock for me while I finish giving our good boy his reward.”
With a lip biting kiss he sends you on your way. Making room for you to sit in Steve’s lap as requested. With shaky legs you release Steve’s rock hard cock and slowly lower yourself down onto his girth.
Once your comfortable and settled into place, Eddie grabs on to Steve’s shiny locks and proceeds to fuck his throat like he’s still mad at him. Truly making him earn his load.
The pace is brutal and it doesn't take long before Eddie let’s out a growl and comes right down Steve’s eager throat.
Once he dick stops twitching and his last drop is spent he gently pulls himself out of Steve’s mouth. He leans down and gives him a sweet kiss. “You were such a good boy for me, making me feel like a fucking king while you sucked me dry. You did so fucking well I’ve decided you’ve earned yourself another reward. I know you can feel how worked up your apology has bunny feeling. She’s practically soaking your lap, in need of another hot load to fill her up. So you’re going to give it to her.”
You whine and squirm in Steve’s lap at Eddie’s words. “Please, Stevie. Need you so bad.”  
He is so hazy and twitterpated that he just lifts you up with him as he rises to his feet. Taking a couple steps and turning to pin you against the nearest wall. He grips your chin with his palm and pulls you in for a deep kiss. Grinding his pelvis against yours until you wrap your legs tightly around his waist. He releases your face and with a cocksure grin places your hands around his neck and pulls his hips back. With a snap forward he impales you back on his cock and rails you to the wall. 
You're so turned on and in the moment that you both come quickly. Gasping into each other's mouths as you ride out the waves of euphoria together. His seed pleasantly leaving warmth in its wake, deep within your womb. Adding to what remains of Eddie’s spend from early.
With a kiss to your forehead, Steve carries you back to the couch. Eddie appears from the bathroom, warm washcloth in his hands and makes his way over to clean you both up. 
“So Steven, are you driving back home tonight? Or are you wanting to stay in our hotel for the night before we all head back in the morning?” Eddie asks.
“I was planning on driving home since I have work tomorrow but playing hooky sounds very appealing right now.”
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missacidburn928 · 1 month
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Indie Rocker!Eddie Munson x POC!Indie Rocker!Reader “Sug” x Former Fuckboy!Steve Harrington Early 2000s Indie Rockstar AU
Eddie is playing around during sound check when Steve surprises you with a visit. Only to keep his attention mainly on you. There is no way that Eddie is going to let this slight slide.
Warnings: 18+ Only
Smutty smut smut. BDSM. There really isnt much of a plot here. Read at your own risk.
Divider by @firefly-graphics
Banner by @cafekitsune
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The loud bass can be heard far into the parking lot of the little hole in the wall bar your band is performing at tonight. Like the good little starving artists that you are, you're making sure to get a proper sound check in.
The drive over with the equipment in the back of the van and the rest of the band following you in your drummers beat up civic, has Eddie all wound up. An excess of energy that he needs to expel so he can focus on the night ahead.
So of course, he’s playing around. Dancing around the tiny stage. Grinding up against you as you're trying to sing into the mic to check your sound levels. You decide you want to play along. His energy is contagious and why not have a little fun at sound check.
“Let’s really test the speakers and play I Wanna Be Your Slave.” You announce to the band. “We can do the duet version if you're up for it, Eds.”
“Anything for you, Sugar. Let’s do this shit. Gareth, count me in, man.”
Eddie starts to sing to the steady drumbeat Gareth sets out. After a pause the bass joins in. As you start your verse Eddie brings in the guitar. Showing off his very talented fingers. Fingers you’ve been thankful for and obsessed with for years.
From there it’s just a beautiful back and forth between the two of you as you play the gritty and raunchy tune. You're so into it that you barely notice that someone has entered the bar. If it weren’t for the sunlight striding in upon it opening, you don’t think anyone would have noticed.
You clock the very familiar fluffy head of hair before registering Steve’s face as he approaches the stage. You and Eddie play it up even more when you take in your audience of one. With Eddie’s final gravelly line you greet your number one fan.
Jumping off the stage in an act of complete trust, you sail towards Steve. As you knew he would, he captures you with ease in his arms and pulls you in tight for a deep kiss. Eddie makes his way over after telling the band sound check is over and to relax til showtime.
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