#citizen cope in may
manicgoblin · 1 year
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aux-squiggle · 3 months
To be more specific, they say the mantra "sex work is work" should be retracted by trade unionists and society at large.
Some highlights:
Women and girls should be able to secure well-paid jobs, good housing and education without the need to prostitute themselves. Prostitution is not a genuine and free choice; it is a survival behaviour, mostly engaged in by working class women and girls who suffer economic disadvantage.
Prostitution is inherently violent and requires in and of itself the subjugation of women and girls – there is no form of work where this could ever be acceptable.
Health and safety regulation is impossible in the sex trade: in any occupation that involves exposure to bodily fluids workers wear masks, gloves, gowns, and goggles to protect themselves. Prostitutes can never benefit from these levels of protection because of the nature of prostitution.
Extreme levels of violence, rape, degradation, and humiliation cannot be regulated against as they are part and parcel of prostitution. Such levels of harm against workers in work would never be tolerated. Women in prostitution experience more physical and sexual violence that women on average. A study by Germany’s federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth reports that 41% of women in prostitution experience physical or sexual violence, or both, in the context of prostitution.
The sexual sadism that prostitutes are exposed to causes the type of physical internal injuries and psychological trauma that should never be accepted in the world of work.
The murder rate is particularly high in the sex trade. Prostitutes are almost nine times more likely to be killed than soldiers in combat. Legalisation of the sex trade does not protect the lives of prostitutes. Since Germany’s legalisation of the sex trade in 2022, there have been 85 homicides of prostituted persons committed by clients. In addition, there have been at least 49 attempted homicides.
Pregnancy and even multiple pregnancies are risks arising out of prostitution which have adverse implications for the woman herself, for children born out of prostitution, and for society itself. This should never be accepted as an overhead of “employment”.
The high levels of substance use necessary to enable prostitutes to cope with the abusive practices of the men who buy sex should never be tolerated in the world of work.
Alternating bolding for readability.
Highly suggest reading the whole thing!
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haggishlyhagging · 10 months
Medieval Europeans regarded embroidery as an art, much as we today consider painting. It was considered a female task, and even chambermaids were expected to be competent in it. Yet it was a coveted line of work, as one early Irish law tract stated that "the woman who embroiders earns more profit even than queens." Embroiderers could find employment with professional clothing makers or in tapestry workshops.
By the thirteenth century, given that embroidery was held in high esteem and could bring in money, the field contained plenty of men as well. In England, over time women come up less frequently on the lists of embroiderers than men and more often in conjunction with a husband, even when their work was exceptional. In May 1317 "Rose, the wife of John de Bureford, citizen and merchant of London," sold "an embroidered cope for the choir" to the French queen Isabella (ca. 1295-1358), who gave it as a gift "to the Lord High Pontiff." Rose was clearly a very skilled artist, since she was commissioned by the queen, but was not skilled enough to be named as an artist in her own right. We don't know how many other working embroiderers were subsumed into their husbands' workshops with even their first names lost to us. Once a field became truly profitable, men nudged women out of it. It was all well and good to let ladies have fun with a needle and thread. But if there was cash to be made, men suddenly showed up front and center and excluded women from the role.
-Eleanor Janega, The Once and Future Sex: Going Medieval on Women’s Roles in Society
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Democrats will literally colonize your home then after literally 540 years of rebellion call you immature for not being satisfied with your status as a second class citizen "our president may be a genocidal colonizer but Your the immature one for not finding a better cope by now"
Tell you what. If I don't have full rights by the end of the year I'm gonna start blowing up houses
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Imagine having to hide your relationship with Zuko to secure his reign but him growing more and more tired not being able to announce your relationship
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You and Zuko had been dating for around 9 months. It all started when he came to the water tribe and Sokka introduced the two of you. Sokka claims he knew the two of you would hit it off but you both knew that was a blatant lie. For you, it was how endearingly awkward Zuko was for royalty, not to mention the armour and hair were very pleasing to the eye. For Zuko he liked how refreshing your personality was and how strong a waterbender you were. He saw you smash a drunken guy who was trying to grab you into a snow pile and knew he wanted to get to know you more. The rest was history and the two of you were very happy together. 
However Zuko’s rule hadn’t been quite as easy. Many citizens were angry when he took the throne and wanted Ozai back. The upper classes in particular didn’t like Zuko’s forward-thinking policies and saw the equality he was aiming for as a loss for them rather than a gain for everyone else. Then Azula broke out of her facility and started a rebellion. She timed it perfectly and stepped right into the unrest, promptly making it worse. Zuko was already the youngest Firelord in history and also one of the most controversial. That’s why it was decided your relationship had to be a secret. As you were from the Water Tribe, Fire Nation citizens would undoubtedly see your relationship as a threat to the throne, not even taking into account how your own tribe would react. While some now liked Zuko many still didn’t trust the fire nation, so to “lose” one of their own to the Firelord himself...it could cause trouble to say the least. 
The reactions of both your nations could be the thing that toppled Zuko from the throne and you wanted no part of that. So, it was agreed, until the nation stabilised and Zuko had been on the throne for a while longer you’d keep it between the two of you. Of course your close friends and family knew but other than that it was top secret.
The secret routine you developed worked rather well. The Fire Nation was big on privacy so you could sneak around fairly easily and once you were within the palace you were safe from prying eyes. For yourself, you hung around with Aang anyway so going away to the Fire Nation every month didn’t seem odd. It would have been perfect if you were just two individuals not expected to make formal public appearances but you weren’t. Zuko was the Firelord and you a prominent member of your tribe. You both had expectations on your shoulders and at formal events you were expected to be in attendance. 
Zuko’s POV
The Fire Nation threw a lot of parties but apparently more were needed. It was suggested Zuko throw one to mark the anniversary of his coronation a year ago to show strength and unquestionable leadership in the face of the ever-prevalent rebellions. It made sense so Zuko agreed. The upside was he could invite all his friends and you. The downside was he couldn’t admit you were more than that. He’d have to watch all night as other people got to talk to you and more annoyingly as other men tried their luck with you. The few times you’d been here officially before, you’d had quite a bit of attention and Zuko hadn’t coped very well with that (he may or may not have fired a general he saw checking you out inappropriately). Zuko figured it would be better this time as all your tribe was coming too so you should stand out less. Still Zuko wanted to ensure there would be a barrier between any Fire Nation men and yourself, so he asked Sokka to bring you to the ball. Better a friend he trusted than some nobel likely to propose before dinner was even finished. 
It wasn’t that Zuko didn’t trust you to fend off any and all proposals it was more he was worried you’d see the attraction in a straightforward relationship as opposed to your current chess level strategy based relationship. Zuko felt he was always cancelling plans due to a disaster or rearranging you to fit into his life as opposed to making time for you. He worried you’d see the non-complicated options available to you and leave him. So he tried desperately to use his power and influence to keep this from happening and luckily Sokka was game to help. 
Sokka had agreed to go to the party with you and to aid the two of you in gaining some alone time. Zuko thought it was a rather brilliant plan and your entrance boosted his already high mood. You looked beautiful and always took Zuko’s breath away when he first saw you. You were wearing a formal water tribe dress that matched your bluey green eyes perfectly. Your long dark hair hung loose and it seemed to shine in the firelight. It took Zuko a few seconds to realise Sokka was beside you but when he did, it didn’t feel great. Through planning or accident the two of you were perfectly matching. You looked like a water tribe couple and Zuko’s eyes drifted from your entwined arms to the other people in the room. It seems he’d overlooked a problem. You and Sokka were of similar ages, from the same tribe, had a close relationship and looked very good beside one another. The oversight began to dawn on Zuko and panic began to blossom in his head. Would this be interpreted as more than a friendship? Zuko searched the room and sure enough others were watching the two of you. Zuko noticed members of the Water Tribe in particular staring. Many of them smiling widely and whispering to one another, no doubt expecting the two of you were finally dating. Zuko even saw several people giving Hakoda knowing smiles and whispering congratulations to him. Hakoda tried to get to stop it from being so obvious, brushing away their comments but their meaning was painfully clear, everyone thought the two of you were a couple and they were thrilled. Zuko felt his temper nipping at him and had to look away from the scene.
It wasn’t that he was possessive and wanted everyone to know you were ”his”, it was more the opposite. He wanted everyone to know you, y/n of the water tribe liked him. Zuko had never been good at the whole flirting thing and he was still amazed he’d managed to ask you out and somehow end up dating you. He was very proud of that victory and wanted everyone to know you thought he was good enough. Of all the men you could’ve dated you chose him. Zuko. But he wasn’t just Zuko, he was also the Firelord which is why the pesky secrecy was needed. His country had to come first. 
Sighing Zuko disappeared behind a curtain where he knew he could hide for a while before Suki came to find him. As Firelord he could have small absences but nothing big, still he took every five-minute break when he could and he had a feeling he’d need them after tonight. He was brooding for only a few minutes when he was discovered but not by who he expected. 
"Are you okay?" a voice asked and Zuko needed no time distinguishing whose it was, he’d know your voice anywhere. You must have noticed him storm away and followed, discreetly of course. You’d gotten good at sneaking around and following him into corners but now Zuko was annoyed that you had to do that. He wanted everyone to see you two together, to recognise you were one another's. "Zuko?" you asked concerned when he didn’t answer and he sighed "i’m fine". He turned to see your worried expression and felt guilty. "Are you sure?" you asked "because if not you can tell me". "I just hate this" he admitted "it’s not fair to have to act like this”. You nodded "i know it must be hard being nice to the people you know helped Azula. But don’t worry you just need a bit more influence and then you won’t have to rely on them as much...". Zuko paused at your misunderstanding. You thought Zuko meant the brewing rebellion. In this situation the rebellion was almost comical to him, he was far more concerned with losing you than his crown. "I wasn’t talking about that i meant us" he said and saw your worry grow "us?". "I know it was my idea but i don’t like Sokka attending this with you, seeing you enter with him, stay by his side while your whole tribe grins like it’s christmas....I so want to show them it’s not true, to just announce how you’re not dating Sokka but me! I’m the lucky one not him! I’m the one who you'll be leaving with not him! But i can’t" he sighed. "I’ll be leaving with you will i?" you asked trying to ease the mood but even your smile couldn’t take Zuko’s mind off his frustrations. You realised and frowned "Zuko...it’s okay". "No it’s not" he told you "it’s not fair on you". "It is" you said softly "i get you’re the Firelord Zuko i went into this with that abundantly clear" you smiled "so i get that while your rule is still precarious we have to be careful, i’d never want you to lose all this just because we were careless, i can wait as long as you need me to" you finished and patted his arm softly before heading back to Sokka so your absence wouldn’t be noted. Zuko let out the sigh he’d been holding. He knew you were perfect, your response was exactly what he should’ve wanted, it should have relaxed him hearing you say that but it didn’t. Zuko didn’t want you to have to make do. He didn’t want to sneak moments with you and hide away. He wanted everyone to know the greatest woman in the Water Tribe was dating him. He was beyond caring about the Fire Nation at this point so Zuko decided to do something about it. Tomorrow night would not be like this. 
The next night
Zuko had officially been Firelord a year today but that wasn’t his proudest achievement. That was reserved for having you on his arm. 
You entered the ballroom together and the event was in full swing. Zuko saw lots of people do double-takes to see you beside one another and he struggled to stop a smug smile from appearing on his face. He knew he should always act dignified but the reality was he was grinning like an idiot. Your tribesmen stared and Zuko couldn’t tell if it was because you were with him or because of what you were both wearing. For one night only you’d traded your nation’s colours which was fairly unheard of but the results were excellent in Zuko’s opinion. He wasn’t too sure about the blue on him but the traditional Fire Nation red made your dark skin so warm and inviting, the red looked so at home on you and Zuko had to keep reminding himself not to stare. 
You reached the bottom of the staircase and the whole room seemed to be holding its breath. Several of your friends smiled and Zuko nodded to them all, other people jumped away from his gaze when he caught them staring. Zuko saw you looking down unsure how to act and glanced at you. "Would you like to dance?" he asked. You looked at him surprised "but you hate dancing". "I’m the Firelord i think they expect me to, plus it’s something we can get away with as a formality". You smiled and nodded “lead the way”. Zuko took your hand smiling like the happiest man in the world. 
Your POV
You could see people watching you, hear them whispering and tried to ignore them and just focus on Zuko. It was hard at first but then you got caught in the enjoyment of it with Zuko and when the set ended you were disappointed. Zuko led you away from the floor and the mutters followed. People looked away as you approached but you could feel their eyes on you the second you passed. Zuko led you towards Aang and the others and Sokka appeared beside you "you're aware you guys are the centre of attention, right?". Zuko swallowed but nodded “yes”. You could hear the anxiety in his voice and gave him a worried look. He'd seemed so confident but of course he had to act like that even when he wasn't. "Was it really bad?" you asked and Sokka frowned. "No of course it wasn’t" Katara smiled "you both look lovely and you were just dancing!". "Yeah screw everyone else" Toph cried and you laughed. "I have to leave my advisor is calling me over" Zuko sighed "i’ll be back" he told you and moved away.
You watched Zuko go feeling rather anxious and tried to breathe. You hadn’t done anything wrong and the world wasn’t going to end. Everything would be okay! Then you noticed a tribe elder making a beeline for you and Sokka. You tried to make a break for it but Sokka caught your arm “no come on, if you get through this then that will be the worst of it”. You tried to fight him off but Sokka had an iron grip and swung you round to come face to face with the elder. 
In your tribe a lot of emphasis was put on elders meaning whoever was older than you, regardless of if they were actually a good person, “deserved” your respect and could talk to you however they wanted without any repercussions.  So you smiled thinly and nodded your head to them. “Sarnaq” Sokka smiled “how are you enjoying the party?”. The man smiled at Sokka “very well thank you or atleast I was” and he turned to you. "I must say, your actions tonight were not good young lady" Sarnaq said in place of a greeting and despite the fact you and Zuko were both legally adults. That was another annoying elder tradition, everyone younger than them or just not married was still a child in their eyes. "You have gotten cocky haven’t you, woman always do" Sarnaq muttered to himself. "Cocky?" you asked a slight edge to your voice. The man narrowed his eyes "yes, just because you are of value in our tribe does not mean we will excuse scandalous behaviour, even if he is with the Firelord. Your loyalty is to your own people first, you would do well to remember that". "I was just dancing with Firelord Zuko" you retorted and Sarnaq glared. "Don’t talk back, I am trying to teach you the wisdom you clearly lack. You have nobody to blame but yourself for your bad behaviour, what did you expect wearing a fire nation dress? You were purposefully encouraging the Firelord and so his behaviour can be explained, yours on the otherhand cannot be". Sokka could see you slipping and frowned. "So by me wearing red i was inviting Fire Nation men to me?" you asked angrily "that’s what me choosing a colour means?". "It’s their colour" the man said partronisingly "of course covering yourself in it gives them ideas". You scoffed "well maybe you should all stop imagining everything i do is to send a message to men, maybe i just wanted to wear red". The man rolled his eyes "don’t be naive you know men pick up these signals in a woman, there’s no use denying you wore that dress to entice the firelord". You temper burst.  "i did not!” you cried “I do not have to entice the Firelord because he already likes me!" you snapped. Sokka grabbed your arm eyes wide but you didn’t care. The man only shook his head "it’s worse than i thought. I’m sure he tells you that but he doesn’t care about you, why would he? Now the only way to correct this is to go change, clean up the mess you’ve made and stay in your place from now on. I won’t hear any arguments" and with that Sarnaq walked away. You went to go follow him when Sokka grabbed you "no y/n don’t, he's not worth it!". Sokka dragged you outside where you could yell and you did. A lot of it.
How dare this man talk to you like that. He had no idea about your relationship with Zuko and who was he to give you orders. “What a sexist old fashioned sack of wrinkles” you cried “I hate how wrong our tribe is. The Fire Nation basically had a dictator for a hundred years and still they’re more progressive than us! No wonder I like Zuko, he treats me like a person not a little woman to be bossed around”. Sokka nodded unsure what to say and just a tad scared you’d direct your anger at him. “I’d love to leave and just see all their faces, they think they can tell me what to do and boss me around? They’ve got another thing coming. I don’t have to take it and I won’t. I’m going to show them all!”. Sokka frowned “wait y/n what are you planning?”. You smiled “wait and see” and marched back into the room. 
You scanned the party and spotted Sarnaq actually talking with Zuko. You glared to see him clearly sucking up to the man he’d just bad mouthed. Your anger rose again and you thought about what Zuko had said earlier and strode towards him. Sarnaq spotted your approach and frowned. "Y/n" he said stiffly "i assume you’re here to apologise, we can do that later". "Actually i’m not here for you" you said pointedly "my business is with the Firelord". The man seemed panicked "Firelord please excuse her rudeness she is just infatuated with you". You rolled your eyes "you have no idea" and yanked Zuko to you, kissing him in front of the whole ballroom. 
You heard everyone go quiet as they noticed and some people even gasped. Zuko was of course shocked but kissed you back instinctively and seemed to understand you wanted a show so he happily obliged. When you finally separated you smirked to see Sarnaq with his jaw wide open. "Firelord...see what i mean? She is desperate, i am so sorry you are not to blame". "No i am" Zuko said loudly "because i was the one who asked Y/n out 9 months ago and we’ve been dating ever since" he said loudly "Y/n and I are together so she will be spending a lot more time in the Fire nation with me". Your heart skipped at that and you grinned as Zuko took your hand. "But she’s a member of the Water Tribe...." Sarnaq babbled and Zuko nodded "yes she’s a member not a slave, so you cannot control her or tell her what to do, understand?". Zuko took a step closer to the man who paled rapidly. "Yes Firelord i am sorry". "Apologise to her" Zuko barked and Sarnaq turned to you "i am sorry Y/n". You nodded and stared at Zuko in awe. "Good" Zuko said coldly "now leave us". The man scurried away and you tried not to grin as Zuko kept his angry face on for the room. "I hope it was okay i did that" he said and you smiled "are you kidding? That was the hottest thing i’ve ever seen" you laughed your smile turning into a smirk. "I will definitely need you to act it out again for me". Zuko blushed and a small smile made it onto his angry face "well he disrespected you it had to be done...as for a repeat i am more than happy to cooperate". You grinned and tried to calm yourself. "So everyone knows" you said sobering up "i’m sorry for just kissing you but i was so sick of it". "No i’m glad you did" Zuko smiled raised your hands to his chest "this feels amazing, being here with you". "But aren’t you worried about what your people will say?" you asked not quite ready to celebrate but Zuko just smirked. "They’re angry at me no matter what i do, atleast this way i’ll be happy because you’re with me and i don’t have to hide it, that will make it all worth it". You blushed and let Zuko pull you into his arms. After a while he seperated “now...are you ready to make you debut? I want to introduce you to everyone. I mean what I said, you’ll be here as often as you like so they should get used to seeing your face”. You blushed but nodded taking his hand “let’s do this”. 
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janananarei · 10 days
hi i am in looove w ur writings esp the angsty ones will u make a part 2 for the blind gojo one where mc dies .. like how he copes or sum😭
Gojo x Reader
Part 1
Cw: Angst, mentions of blood and death
a/n: I didn't expect to be making a part 2. But this was fun to write! Tysm anon ^^
≿━━༺❀༻━━≾ ༻✧༺ ≿━━༺❀༻━━≾
After losing his family, Satoru was drowning with grief, hating himself for what he did. He went back to being a full-time sorcerer, not wanting to stay in the same house that used to feel like home. He took up extra missions, signed up to be a substitute teacher, and worked all night to complete needed documents and records, just so he can stay away from his house for a bit longer.
He put up a face of who he once was for everyone, but his eyes won't be able hide the emptiness that fills him. He hated himself whenever he saw families pass by, it only reminds him that he sacrificed his blessing for his curse. His eyes only brought him pain, he wish he could stab it and give it back in return for his family.
His colleagues started to worry about him, finding him at his office during ungodly hours. Shoko suggested to take a break for a week, his old students brought him gifts to cheer him up, but nothing worked.
It was in the middle of the night, the moonlight peeking through the windows of Satoru's office. Papers rustling, the wind blowing in, and Satoru was scanning through documents again. His eyebags heavy, clearly a sign of his lack of sleep. He was bored out of his mind, going in and out of sleep reading through documents, until he stumbled across a very familiar profile picture. His eyes widened, his sleepiness suddenly gone, as he recognizes that face.
xxx - xxx
A special grade curse user was seen in xxx. Wandering around and "granting" citizens their greatest wish. Due to this, many people have gone missing. Most of the victims were connected to the people who had an encounter with this curse user.
Location: Unknown
He is to be eliminated on sight.
'It's him'
Satoru scans through the document again. And a realization hits him.
'What if he can bring my family back?'
That's when Satoru starts working again, but with a different purpose in mind. He frantically looks for more documents about the curse user, hoping to have a clue as to where he is.
On that very night, Satoru began to have hope once again. Working day and night to find clues as to where this curse user may be. He clings to the chance that he may get his family back. Screw his eyes, if it takes for him to be blind once more to get him his family, then he would gladly accept it in a heartbeat. His obsession with finding the curse user started to grow, isolating himself from others. His colleagues and old students started to get worried when he wouldn't leave his office, but he doesn't care.
He's so close to finding the answers- he just knows it! Just a few more and he will be able to have his wife and daughter in his arms again. Searching through towns, locking himself in his office, checking through every paper and alleyways- He almost has it! One last piece in the puzzle and-
He got it
He knows where the curse user is
He can get his family back
Satoru felt thrilled now that he got his answer. He couldn't bear to wait any longer so he went out to find him.
Traveling to the town of where this curse user is supposed to be. Finding the hiding place, looking like an old house. Standing by the door.
He'll make another wish
He's getting his wife and kid back
He kicks the door down, and gets ready to tackle the person inside, but was met with a silent house. He looks around, furniture starting to collect dust, wood creaking from underneath. It was like no one had used this house in a while.
He checked the last room, and his hope died. Blood painted on the wooden floor, a knife stained with blood was left on the floor, and a few inches away was a rotting corpse of the once curse user he was trying to find in the past few months.
He killed himself
Groaning was heard behind him, as a big curse comes into the room towering over him. It was the curse that came from the dead body.
Satoru feels rage overtaking his body. He can't think straight. His hard work was all in vain. The hope was all but a twisted lie. His family never coming back.
He turns to face the curse.
'Ugly and disgusting, you don't deserve to be alive'
He kills it. He lets out all his anger on it, letting it suffer before it truly dies.
That night, Satoru comes to an empty house, empty handed.
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stormblessed95 · 3 days
You know what, whatever the nature of Jimin and JK's relationship, the absolute truth is that they have one, whatever they define it as. If they didn't, the enlistment would not have happened. That is key to me, and it is the loudest thing they have done to date. It surpasses all other jikookery, maybe even the travel show. To me it is a beautiful thing, because they have enlisted as private citizens, not as members of BTS, but because they wanted to be together. They didn't have to, they could have gone alone, made it easier on themselves, but they applied for the buddy system, and by chance got in. The happiness on Jimin's face in his production diary live, which took place days after they found out, speaks volumes. This isn't some game, they really did that. The fact that they are the only idols who have enlisted together, this makes them stand out, they know this
I don't see why people cannot see that, cannot hold that in their minds, and see how special and beautiful their bond is, whatever it is to them. It is so disrespectful to call it into question, to dissect every little thing, to invade their privacy to fulfil a need to find the truth to satisfy yourself. I know that at the end of the day, whatever we may think, it does not alter their truth, they (hopefully) pay no mind, they will still live their lives how they want to, and again, the truth is, they matter to each other.
They are the best of friends, they love each other, they enlisted together because of that.
They will always matter more to each other than any fan, solo or Army, any hate spewed their way, any blatant homophobia because people just cannot cope with the truth. We are not part of their personal story. We only see what they allow us to see, as it should be, and we are privileged with this travel show, We should enjoy what they are gifting us, because for whatever their reason, they are allowing us a peak into their bond, to see them 'as they are'. We need to nurture that, and support them, and ignore all the haters. To me, at least, that is the most important thing here, they have a bond, it is special, we should support them, and hold space for them. That is the least that they deserve.
Opinions shared
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emhahee · 6 months
Hi hi,
So like I have a question around your Hayffie headcanon’s. Because if I remember correctly you ship them? If not please ignore this.
Two questions actually
1: When do you think they went from arguing (derogatory) to bickering (affectionate)
2: What do you think happened after the war with them Book Verse v Movie Verse. (I only differentiate because a lot of people have different interpretations because of what happened with Effie book v movie)
I think the progression of Haymitch and Effie’s relationship from genuinely not being able to stand each other to making bedroom eyes at each other was a lot more gradual than what we saw as an audience. Like as readers, we only saw the last three years of the development of their relationship when they had YEARS of lore before that that we never saw. I’m sure when they first met, they were both a lot younger and Effie may not have even been an escort at that point. My guess is that they met when she was just working with the stylists, still learning the ropes, probably caught up in being a regular capitol young adult person, which probably hugely impacted their initial impressions of each other when they started having to mentor together, especially considering haymitch’s demeanor. That’s not to say Haymitch didn’t call her “sweetheart” in his Appalachian drawl just to see if he could make her blush through her makeup. Because he would, and she did. But also, for years and years before katniss and Peeta, Haymitch and Effie experienced the losses of their tributes as one. Katniss observed that each of them have different ways of coping with having to send two children to their imminent death year after year: Haymitch uses alcohol, and Effie lives in a hazy cloud of ignorance about what the games even really are, wrapping herself in the glamour and excitement leading up to the games and presumably tuning most of the event itself out. I think over the years, Haymitch and Effie certainly developed a mutual empathy for each other in this regard, because you can’t really blame someone for how they cope with unimaginable loss and suffering. But I think there was a shift in their dynamic around the time of katniss and Peetas first games, not only when they experienced the hope of having victors for the first time, but simultaneously becoming wrapped up in a rebellion. Effie was one of few constants in haymitch’s life and it is my personal belief that their feelings had been stirring for a long time but probably really took off on the victory tour. I’m sure there were nights where effie had a few too many and started sloppily confessing her feelings for Haymitch and the attendants on the train just looked the other way because it would NOT be a good look in the face of unrest and uprising to have a capitol employee fraternizing with a district citizen. But in that regard it was also 🎊forbidden🎊 which makes it so much better in my opinion. But I don’t think Haymitch would really have been able to admit his own feelings for Effie until learning she had been taken by the capitol, much like katniss wasn’t really able to know she loved peeta until he had been taken, too. And like I legitimately cannot imagine the torment Haymitch must have been experiencing at knowing someone who, on the surface, had such an innocent perception of the world being tortured for her association with him and his colleagues. I think Haymitch got home to 12 after the war, fairly soon after got a phone call, and, remembering his phone lines had been reconnected, knew exactly who was waiting on the other end of the line. And from then on it was game over. Or whatever. At least that’s how it is in my head.
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zg0nuwa · 1 year
Vendetta!Leon Kennedy x Fem!Reader where the two are in a romantic relationship but Reader is a regular citizen. She was there when Rebecca and Chris came to get Leon and Reader then gets kidnapped alongside Rebecca?
𝐥𝐞𝐨𝐧 𝐬 𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐝𝐲 ; “ 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 ”
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i suck ass at writing action scenes so this is going to be in the form of headcanons
leon s kennedy x civilian!gn!reader
warnings ; kidnapping, violence, slight obsessive behavior from leon but like itty bitty, typical re stuff
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ i picture it like this ; you were in your room settling in while leon was down at the bar. he wanted to help you but you insisted that he is here to just relax so he is not doing anything else but relaxing.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ but shit happens. as always.
you heard someone knocking at the door to your room. you thought it was leon and that he forgot his keycard to the room. so you quickly opened the door with a smile, just about when you wanted to berate him playfully for being so forgetful you realized it was not leon.
“ how may i help you? ”
but you got no response. instead you got snatched and held close to the mysterious mans chest while he held a weirdly smelling cloth up to your nose.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ when he saw you being carried to the truck he thought he was about to lose his shit. well he did lose it but chris managed to put some sense into him
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ he was ready to go after you right in that moment. all critical thinking gone just like that. it's like a switch went off in his brain.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ i think that leon would me more rigid and risk-taking during the NY mission just to get to you as fast as possible. taking the most dangerous routs, nearly getting caught in the crossfire. he's all over the place.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ when him and chris split up ; leon looking for you and chris for rebecca ; and he finds you in cell-like room, deep purple veins going up your wrists and neck, he just collapses. both physically and mentally.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ if there was anything he wanted the most it would be so that you never have to experience this part of the world you live in. of course you knew about it but you were never a part of it like you are now.
" hey sweetheart can you hear me? " his eyes desperately raced around your face, waiting for any sign that you're somewhat consious. he moved your head so it was resting on his thighs and in that moment he thought he might as well start believing in god.
" leon? " your voice was faint. everything was like a blur and it hurt to breath. was it broken ribs? punctured lung? infection? you had no clue. " it hurts. "
" i know, i know love, i'll get you out of here. "
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ after that leon is going to be paranoid about leaving you alone. he follows you everywhere, even in your own home. at first it was understandable. you thought it would be like that for a week, maybe two but it remained this way for a lot longer.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ of course you sat leon down on his ass and you two explained everything. he realised that what he was doing was a terrible way to cope with what happened but you two made a deal that in case anything like this happenes again he wants you to have some way for him to find you or so you can alert him that something is happening.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ in the end you agreed to have a watch that would work as an emergency button and a tracker. leon valued your privacy and would never use it to his advantage.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ yeah he checks it quite often but not to later question you or anything. he just wants to be sure you're safe
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I ship Huntric more than Huntlow because Huntric has more potential even though it has little screentime.
Willow's arc isn't going well with Hunter's. She's just a normal citizen in the Boiling Isles and a student at Hexside, her family has no connection to Belos or the environment that Hunter is living in, that's it. No connection to the Coven Heads or Belos. The whole ‘half a witch” thing is forced. Besides the Flyer Derby, they have nothing in common.
Meanwhile, Edric is from the Blight family that works for Belos to create weapons. Both Hunter and Edric have family issues. They understand how it feels to live in an abusive environment. Both have to cope with loneliness. Edric feels lost without Emira while Hunter feels the same without Flapjack. Both of them are interested in wild magic and especially in animals. Edric is in Beast Keeping track, he has a bat named Badric, while Hunter is interested in wolves. Both of them have to hide their true selves: Edric has an illusion stone, and Hunter has to wear a mask. Edric is flirty and mischievous, that trait is natural to him more than Willow.
Hunter can still be his sassy self when Edric is flirty and mischievous with his prank, instead of being a blushing mess who can't stand up to Willow.
Huntlow may have more screen time but their potential is zero. Like people have to change her personality to be the flirty girlboss or make her the Plant Coven Head Terra's daughter in fanon to make that ship more fitting.
I have to agree with you. Huntric isn't the best Hunter ship, and I don't really know, if it's possible to write them naturally with the time toh had, but characters-wise, they would work so much better. Not only they have many things in common, but also Hunter could have believable relationship with Edric without becoming blushy usless malewife. Not to mention that after understanding that Belos was abusive (and evil, but it's not for this theme) and running away from him, Hunter needs equal partner, not someone who would be his "captain" or "girlboss". So, on condition that Lumity is still canon and Hunter needs love interest, Huntric is the best option anyway.
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mirrorsmoonlight · 8 months
☆ ~ meet me on the beach
pairing: coral x district 12!reader summary: daydreaming always brought the possibilities of what you could’ve been. warnings: fem!reader, second person, reader kinda takes lucy gray’s place, jessup and reader friendship, mix of things from the movies and books, not much romance but a little bit a/n: yes guys i’m a coralbaird shipper
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when she’d first confronted you in the cattle truck after her and the others had an unwelcoming encounter with your mentor you’d felt an overwhelming desire for her.
it might’ve been your desire for something that’ll keep you from spiraling into the deep dark hole you were in or it could’ve been that you felt it was unfair that such a beautiful tribute would be one you would have to be against soon.
even when she was threatening to kill your mentor you didn’t once interrupt her, obsessed with the bloodthirsty smirk held on her face and the crackling of her knuckles. the only thing that ended up interrupting your adoring gaze was the back of the truck shaking, a chute unceremoniously dumping all of you onto the ground of the monkey enclosure.
you had stayed closer to jessup through the hot days and the cold nights, cuddling up together for some sort comfort. even when the brandy girl died and you and the others were heavily chained it didn’t stop you. it also didn’t stop you from taking glances at the captivating redhead that strayed even closer to her district partner.
but the days were growing longer and your bodies weaker; despite your mentor - coriolanus - bringing you food whenever he could. yet whenever you slipped away and deeply thought about it, even though on the surface his intentions seemed genuine, deep down you felt that he was doing this to gain an advantage - for what, you didn’t know.
however, the only capitol citizen that had caught your attention was the muscular but otherwise kind looking boy that had brung a huge bag of sandwiches (meatloaf if you remembered correctly) and plums. you could sense that he was seemingly different than coriolanus, never outwardly bringing the attention of the crowd and broadcasters to show that he was being a good person. only doing it because he wanted to.
you honestly wouldn’t have minded being his tribute rather than coriolanus’.
the only way you were coping was by daydreaming. your imagination ran wild with the thought of escaping with the other tributes, with coral. maybe up north, you could find a place and learn to live with what you had together - connecting in a way that you’d wouldn’t have been able to because of the separation of the district borders and the threat looming over all of your heads.
but you knew that wasn’t plausible after seeing the district 10 girl hanging from the crane while you were paraded in a cage during the capitol girl’s funeral. it wasn’t plausible when you heard the bullet shells clang against the arena floor as districts 1 and district 2’s tributes got gunned down after running. it wasn’t plausible because no matter how hard you hoped, you couldn’t develop any more of a platonic or romantic interest in the others because in a few days your hands could be tainted with their blood.
but that logic definitely didn’t stop your heart from beating a little faster when you felt her eyes on you, even when her gaze was predatory. or the blush that would take over your cheeks when she came a bit closer to you than she should’ve - even if she was just passing to grasp one of the offers from the crowd. and it definitely didn’t stop jessup from noticing, your shy smile more than enough of a hint of what you could possibly feel towards her.
“did you really have to lay your feelings for the district 4 girl,” he whispered softly towards you, ignoring your objecting nod, “don’t give me that bullshit, this bite may be deluding my senses but i’m not stupid.”
you fidgeted with your fingers, “i know, with the situation we’re in it’s probably not the best idea to get all love sick. and i know that i just..i don’t know? i can’t stop myself from wanting her, jess.”
he nodded in understanding, “i’m not saying you can’t go for it but..sooner or later one - or both - of you would end up dead.” there was a pause as he considered how to lay down the next words, “plus, she seems very determined to win so i don’t even think she would be open to your feelings..”
your face fell but you knew jessup was right, “yeah, i know. but thank you, for worrying about me. i’m happy that i was stuck with someone as kind as you in this horrible circumstance.”
he laughed with whatever energy his body had left, “yeah but it would be funny if you two did get together. you’d be some sort of star crossed lovers.” a smile appeared on your face as you leaned your head on his shoulder.
although, never knowing that despite your careful whispering, hidden in the dark was the short haired redhead who was shocked at your revelation. if not also a bit smug.
the day had finally come, a multitude of dread, fear, and nervousness radiated off of all of you as you were placed on the red markers; just minutes away from the gong ringing. weapons lined up on the cornucopia waiting to be stained with blood.
you knew your plan, despite your mentor’s advice you’d planned to grab one of the weapons before leading jessup to the tunnels. anticipation weighing heavy on your chest as you waited for the gong. and as soon as it sounded you ran as fast as you could into the bloodbath.
initially you dodged most of the others that came for you, only getting a bit knicked before quickly swiping a fair sized combat knife quickly tucking it away before searching for jessup.
once you found him you quickly escaped into the tunnels, running from whoever decided to target you two. the doors were locked but you were able to escape through the small opening at the bottom, just seconds before an axe came down on where your foot rested just moments before. gasping in relief as you heard the displeased banging on the other side.
“hey lumberjack, get in there and get her out,” her voice echoed through the tunnels. “i’m not sticking my head in there, she could be waiting with a brick.”
she scoffed, you could tell she was already impatient with them, “you’re useless.” the tunnel went quiet, and as time stretched on you assumed they were either leaving to hunt some other unfortunate soul or camping outside the door to ambush you once you got out.
averting your attention you gently patted your shoulder, allowing jessup to lean on you after noticing the prominent dark eye bags resting on his face. trying to ignore the adrenaline that felt too good, spiraling through your chest.
you didn’t remember falling asleep, and you almost cursed yourself for doing something so stupid until you realized you were temporarily protected by the door closing you in. there was a stir against your shoulder, alerting you that jessup must’ve woken up too.
he definitely looked dehydrated; fatigue shown on his face pairing with what you could remember the occasional twitching coming from him. so hoping to relinquish that, you gently cupped some water from the nearby source, holding it up to his face. barely making it to his chapped lips since he hurriedly slapped your hand down, leaving you a bit confused and scared.
“jessup?” you looked towards him, only to see his dark eyes staring at you. “what’d you do to it?”
you backed away from his intimidating stature, fear coursing to your veins - knowing if he did turn on you, you could either run or use the sharpened knife you held in your boot. “i didn’t do anything!”
sensing how this was going to escalate you dived down to the opening you had gotten through the day prior. not wasting any time in escaping the tunnels as - what you now realized - a rabid jessup hastily chased after you.
you had climbed up one of the elevated pieces of debris, knowing - hopefully - in his haste he’d probably loose his balance. but eventually there wasn’t anywhere else you could escape to.
yet it seemed like you had some outside help, the objects flying overheard now proving of that. another obstacle that jessup would have to face to get to you.
as it booked straight towards him the unreliable drones had broken the bottles open, the water splashing from the impact, making jessup react horribly. not even realizing the tilting of his feet until he’d fell smack down onto a piece of rubble.
you quickly looked down in both shock and horror. and for a moment as you watched you could see jessup’s body release all the energy he had before, it slipping away like the white foam trailing down his chin.
you carefully got down to where he was resting, scared but you knew he couldn’t hurt you anymore. his slow blinking and shallow breaths were the only sign of him being alive, although you knew he was slipping away fast.
“it’s okay jess, you can rest,” your shaky hand gripping onto his, wanting him to at least know he wasn’t going to be alone in his last moments, “how can you dream if you don’t sleep?”
his hand gave a brief squeeze in recognition since his mouth couldn’t do the job for him, him tilting his head to get a better view of you even if it was just for a second.
silence rang as you watched him take his last breaths, shakily sighing before closing his eyes. you pulled out a piece of ripped clothing you stored in your pocket, taking it to the puddle of water to soak it before cleaning his face; wanting him to atleast have one last piece of kindness.
only seconds after would your world spin, a certain redhead ready for your blood.
she’d decided that using your momentary vulnerability would be the best to get rid of you, not to mention after hearing your little confession to your district partner she knew you’d (most likely) wouldn’t be willing to hurt her. but underestimating always brought a person down.
you heard them before you saw them. you tucked the makeshift cloth under jessup’s hand before pulling out your combat knife. yet no matter how fast you ran there was always one to stop you in your place; the little one mizzen, the cowboy from 10 and the lumberjack from 7. not to mention the dangerous woman wielding a trident being the most eager.
luckily your speed and the aftermath of the drones crashing against their bodies buyed you enough time to escape. hoping that this would be the last time you’d encounter them like this.
you could sense her following you as climbed up the rubble, wanting to get as far away from the winding bodies of the holographic snakes that were out for blood. you only had gotten a safe distance away before she collapsed at your feet, the snakes wrapping around her arms and neck as they sunk their venomous teeth into her skin. a betrayed look on her face. “it’s not fair, it’s not…i couldn’t have killed them all for nothing.”
the feelings you felt so strongly when you first saw her returned. the ultimate defeat you and her both felt in the moment left you with clarity. so you tried your best to grip onto her hands, pulling her up so she rested on you.
even as more snakes came for her you tried to fight them off, pulling at them but stopping when you heard the pathetic whimpers leave her lips; the strong front she held till now disappeared.
“i’m sorry for what i did,” her voice was weak but she fought her hardest to get it out, “for hunting you.”
your eyes crinkled as you listened to her. “i’m sorry that we had such little time with one another and that we never got to experience more together.”
she fought against the venom as she pulled up her head from your chest, “i’m sorry that we couldn’t have gotten together like we both wanted.”
you gently pulled her head so it rested back on your chest, lips skimming across her forehead since it’s the last opportunity to do so. “we can still be together if you just promise to wait for me.” her eyes slipped closed as you whispered the last words, “just wait for me on the beach.”
and as coriolanus watched the other side of the screen, an astounding buzz rang through the room, your profile being the only one that was standing.
a/n: the snakes didn’t attack reader cause y’know snow cheated and made sure she’d win :3 (sorry this was so late. i appreciate everyone’s patience!)
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poppy5991 · 8 months
I’m in the mood for some meta so…
Dabi vs Shoto: The cost of perpetuating generational trauma
I want to muse on these two characters a bit as foils to one another. Let’s put their relationships with Enji and Rei aside for a moment because in my opinion: their decision to forgive their parents or not is actually irrelevant to the thematic arc.
Ok, so let’s say that Dabi is a representation of the consequences of continuing cycles of trauma. He is holding on to his father’s anger and has continued the family’s maladaptive coping mechanisms of pursuing a goal without caring who it might hurt. In his case, that goal is revenge.
And by pursuing that goal/refusing to let go of negative feelings, he may well kill himself. And this isn’t about valid anger towards his parents, it’s about the fact that he has so much internalized anger and feelings of inadequacy that it has become self-harming. And additionally, it’s going to hurt other people. It harms the random citizens who get hurt in his revenge attempts, it hurts his siblings, and it even hurts other members of the LOV who rely/look up to him (I’m thinking specifically of Toga who is presented with the choice to break out of similar patterns).
Dabi doesn’t have to forgive. But it is his responsibility to heal and stop perpetuating the violence/trauma that he experienced on other people.
Unlike Dabi, we see Shoto’s arc shift early on. He also carries his father’s anger and harmful dedication to a goal (I’ll only use my ice quirk even if it’s harmful to me/gets me injured. I want to prove that I’m good enough. -See some parallels here?)
(And in my opinion, the fear of never being enough/only loved when useful is something reflected in both Enji and Rei’s backgrounds that gets passed down to the kids as an unhealthy precedent.)
But with the “It’s your own power!” arc, Shoto gives up a lot of his anger and decides to forge his own path. We don’t know if he will land on forgiveness for both of them, but he gains enough empathy for his parents to realize “Yeah, this family’s way of coping is built on trauma and I don’t want to continue on that path.”
He’s a cycle breaker and his decision has positive repercussions for the whole family. It also has positive impacts on his friends (Iida and Deku) who later face similar dilemmas.
So the brothers make an interesting foil for one another with respect to these decisions.
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hikayunas · 2 months
Hikaru being reduced down to nothing but "horse" jokes by the wider fandom -- instead of treated as a proper character to be examined and taken seriously -- is something that's stuck with me for a while. It's ironic, if a bit sad in its irony, once you think about it for a moment or two.
Hikaru being "the Horse" isn't just a gag thrown in for a cheap laugh -- "the Horse" is Hikaru's coping mechanism; how she dehumanizes herself, and creates a mental disconnect between herself and her identity as a Futatsugi magical girl -- as a weapon -- a tool -- to further Yuna's goals, for her use alone. Hikaru may not want to stain her hands for Promised Blood's goals, but if Yuna wills it, then Torayamachi's Horse certainly does -- "the Horse" will take as many lives as it can for Yuna, or die trying.
"The Horse" started off innocently enough; Yuna suggested it when she and Hikaru were both still fresh into the ranks of Futatsugi's magical girls. It was meant as nothing more than a nickname, inspired by Hikaru's ability to summon her army of smoke-puff soldiers -- Hikaru would be Yuna's Horse; her cavalry in the shadows to assist when called upon by their general.
But it did not stay that way. At least, not entirely. "The Horse" has certainly stuck around as Hikaru's playful nickname among Promised Blood's ranks -- but it runs much deeper than that; much deeper than Yuna ever intended for it to. For a nickname, it's incredibly personal to her -- she's quick to become offended when Juri makes a mocking play on it, calling her a "stupid mule" instead of the usual "Horse." And, constantly having the "Horse" title referenced in Promised Blood just reinforces the disconnect between Kirari Hikaru, Futatsugi citizen, and Torayamachi's Horse; pack animal, weapon, and tool for Kureha Yuna's use only. In Promised Blood, she is the Horse -- she is not Kirari Hikaru.
As far as coping mechanisms go, it's not as good as she believes it to be. It certainly does get her through the harder parts of magical girl life in Futatsugi, and later on, through the Kimochi wars as a member of Promised Blood, and it serves to connect her and help her bond with the other Promised Blood members -- but it is, by exact definition, dehumanization. Kirari Hikaru -- the Horse -- is not a person, she is not a human being; it is a pack animal, a weapon, a tool, for Kureha Yuna's use. Without Yuna, it is nothing.
Hikaru cheerfully agrees when Ao says that she really is an empty shell, grinning and chirping back without hesitation that as long as she's with Yuna, she's full. A horse needs its master; a weapon needs a general to wield it; a tool needs someone skilled to put it to use. Without someone to use them, they are useless. Without Yuna, the Horse is useless. If Yuna dies, the Horse -- and Hikaru, with it -- dies, too. Where Yuna goes, the Horse follows.
Every little thing that the Horse does is for Yuna. The Horse is not its own person; it's not a person at all. Yuna is Promised Blood's general, and a general needs her loyal horse. When all is said and done, Hikaru does not need to feel any guilt nor remorse for the blood on the Horse's saber, even if their sabers are one in the same. This is simply what the horse was meant to do. It was made to do this. The horse is not its own person; it's not a person at all. It is a pack animal, a weapon, a tool. Its decisions are not its own, and certainly not Hikaru's own.
...which is to say, boiling her character down to nothing but "horse" jokes is something that I think about a normal amount.
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cantdothis-nomore · 2 years
Beast Boy, Raven, Cyborg, Robin, Starfire with a reader who can't control their powers
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Ok thank you so much for being my first ask ilysmmmmmmmmmm <3333. I decided to do these as headcannons as it wasn't really specified, so I hope that's ok but if you want I am willing to redo it <3
Beast Boy
-I imagine that beast boy would sometimes struggle with his own powers too, maybe when emotional so he'd relate to how you weren't able to control your own either.
-He'd be really sweet and loving and understanding towards you not being to control them and try and help you to understand them and control them better.
-If they hurt a citizen by accident and you threw that upon yourself as your own fault, I feel like he'd be the one to get you to take a break from crime fighting for a little while and help you train instead and support you on days when it gets really bad
-He'd probably not understand alot at first and underestimate it almost
-But after that he'd be right by your side ready to help at any point you feel it coming out of control again
-To me he'd be like the type of person to baby proof your room 💀
-Raven, to me, would be the type of person to understand straight away because of her having her own powers and obviously not knowing how to control them at first
-She'd help you work on them and improve your control but remove you from a fight if it was getting worse and there was possible harm about to be caused
-She wouldn't really know how to really comfort you if you got upset about it so she'd kinda just hold you and hope that made it better whilst whispering sweet little nothings into your ear to give some support and let you know she understands
-If you accidently hurt a citizen or a team member whilst using your powers and putting it upon yourself she'd go to amazing lengths to show you it wasn't your fault and assure you that youre doing amazing and that even though you may not be able to Control them now, that doesn't mean it can't change
-Starfire would be the type of person to believe it was so cool that you could do whatever you wanted with your powers before you had to explain you couldn't control them
-After that she'd work hard to help you train to control them and help you learn more about them too and give you ideas on how to cope when things got really bad
-She'd collect you cool things and be like, 'Oh here! This could be calming for you!', after picking up little kits for you both to do to relax and to relax your stress levels to see if that did anything to help
-She'd overall be soooooo sweet and caring and willing to learn anything to help you cope and control your powers
-She'd be the type of person to force you to start drinking healthy smoothies and getting you to go to yoga classes claiming she read they'd help
-She'd have a constant sweet drawer stocked in her room for you to take from whenever you felt like it and like pre written notes for you to read when she was away and it started getting worse to make it feel like she was physically there
-He wouldn't really relate to not being able to control your powers just adjusting to having them yknow?
-He'd be shocked at first and then start researching and asking you questions about your powers to try and find a way to make then more manageable
-He'd let you train with him as much as you want as he's like 3/4 robot so it wouldn't hurt him
-If you hurt a teammate or civilian he would encourage you to take a break to work more on your powers and help you understand how you got them and try and find the reason they started
-He'd take you out on walks away from the city and help you calm down by having a picnic or watching the sunset
-he'd just be so sweet about it and have it in his best interest to make it better for you
-I think that Robin would understand like straight away what was wrong with you because of how many people with powers he's been around his entire life (nearly)
-He'd ask others about their powers to understand your situation better and do lots of research on what he can do
-He'd (try and fail to) make you food and after that didn't work he'd probably take you out into the city and find things to practise your powers on to give you better control over them
-When you're stressed or worried about your powers and not being able to control them he'd give you a hug and invite you to come and train with him and if you didn't want to do that he'd find a cute movie for you both to watch and get you to relax through take out and movie between you both <33
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bookish-soup · 9 months
previously @bemusedrodent the era ended :(
daily click for palestine
bad at coping with change. i also seek a lot of change.
biology nerd, plant geek and england's resident bookworm :)
artists: tinyumbrellas, itzy, marina, lights and some others (kpop, bedroom pop sometimes also 60s-70s no rap)
books: priory of the orange tree, hp series (no jkr), grishaverse, good omens (also tv)
(book acc @green-glass)
i have two sides: studious, geeky and chaotic bookworm whos only goal is Corduroys, and kpop-obsessed Wearer Of Makeup And Fashion.
aetheist, 16, A LESBIAN! which i just realised properly, asexual, anxious but doesnt act it
no interacting if you: support/vaguely agree with jkr, tate, any other right wing etc, israel. im NOT in the middle ground with the gaza/israel war, but bear in mind a lot of those israeli citizens are probably living in terror afraid to speak out and not every single one of them deserves death as a lot of blogs on here seem to believe. people exhibiting racism, homo/trans/bi/aphobia, sexism/misogyny/misandry/TERFness get blocked. any offensive language/beliefs towards religions/beliefs gets blocked. also if you dont like my fandoms
i loudly hate politics but am also very opinionated on it. probably a radical leftist (not communist but if it worked...)
future biologist :) may post about study experience trying to get to a russell group uni
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mairalynn416 · 2 months
I'm just gonna say it.
Gale isn't the bad guy.
He's a teenager with a trauma response.
Gale and Katniss were meant to show the ways people can react to similar traumas differently. They both lost their fathers in a mine accident and had to take over providing for their family.
For Katniss, hunting is a means to an end, and eventually becomes a solace, somewhere for her to feel small amounts of peace during her time in 13.
For Gale, hunting is a way to provide, yes, but also a way to express his hatred for the Capital. We also see the similarities between gales area of hunting expertise (traps) and the way the bombs that killed prim worked (attracting medical workers, trapping them in the same space as the injured before killing them). But I digress.
Gale and Katniss both have a lot of anger in their systems, so does peeta to an extent. The difference is that Gale expresses it externally. He sees these things that the capital has done (bombing the district, forcing the Victors to compete again) and wants vengeance and payback in a different way than katniss does.
Katniss wants vengeance in the form of change. She wants to make them suffer but because of her time in the games she understands just how vulnerable these people are, how they're just pawns for the Capital to use and abandon. They don't know anything else. They've been fed lies their entire life. To katniss, as irritable as most capital citizens may be, they are still people at the end of the day.
Gale wants vengeance in the form of revenge. He sees that there are two sides. Those with them, and those not with them.
We see this in the discussion about how to resolve the mine situation in district 2. Gale's ideal solution is to take the mountain down, trapping and killing everyone inside. He sees them as steadfastly against their cause, so there's no use in trying to sway them or keep them alive.
Gale and Katniss had the same trauma, but gale coped with it through anger and resentment, and Katniss coped with it through anger and a sense of justice.
(at the same time though I do have to admit that I'm not sure about the justice bit bc her goal the entire series is just to save and protect those she loves)
Also, I am not reading this again to edit it. Cope with the grammar mistakes.
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