#citadel secundus
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autoacafiles · 2 months ago
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asmoteeth · 8 months ago
Sometimes I think about how sad Citadel Secundus is that his friends are missing and that no other bot is big enough to give him a hug and I cry a little
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sphnyspinspin · 2 years ago
Y’all I’m fucking miserable because I was scrolling through my saves on tiktok, and I found this old *sniff* this old Citadel S-Secundus edit and-and-and I am really sad now and um *starts crying* now I-I really miss Secundus and I miss Secundus’s friends e-even though I’ve never *blows nose* never m-m-met them uh uh uh- AUGGH WHY WOULD RBA DO THIS TO ME!?
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titanomancy · 10 months ago
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The new edition season of Necromunda takes the action to the genestealer-infested Under-Underdark Underhells of Hive Secundus - and what a hideous collection of xenos freaks are these!
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The Spyrer Orrus Hunters have received a similarly grotesque glow-up, trading in their classic strongman suits for more obviously off-world equipment requiring voluntary dismemberment to operate. I like the minor xenos vibe these new suits give off, but I don't think they're meant to be t'au tech anymore.
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And just in case you didn't already hate assembling Van Saar gangers, the new Tek Hunters look to be every bit as fiddly as the core kit and then some.
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Meanwhile, the brood scum are... brood scum. Nothing really special, just new heads on the extant hive scum bodies. Good use of the range, especially as they already looked like Genestealer Cult neophytes minus the cult medallions.
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A strong value proposition, overall - although the most interesting part of this preview, for me, is the promise of new Zone Mortalis ruins coming at a future date.
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sonicnerd · 2 years ago
Citadel Secundus Edit
This turned out better than I thought it would, it will be posted on my TikTok:Tails_the_fox6
@sphnyspinspin @asmoteeth @blueberry-cute-cat @dragonsgirl572
Have a good day/night!!
March 9/2023
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karanseraph · 6 months ago
How many Titans do we need? (Transformers)
A list of Titans, from various continuities, which may not even be up to date in the sense it doesn't reflect the Titan Class toys of Decepticon Nemesis and Autobot Ark.
Planet    Associations  Titan
Antilla    history, rust, Alpha Trion   Croaton? 
Aquatron   water, Quintus Prime   Quintessa (Necrotitan)
Aquatron (Jellyfish City)  water     Hydratron
Arduria    cold, Alchemist Prime   Metrobase
Athenia -> colonies  Mobile Battleship    Grand Maximus
Biosphera (Eukaris, Animatron) jungle, Onyx Prime   Chela
Biosphera (Eukaris, Animatron) jungle, Scourge    Hyperborea
Botropolis (a comet)  guard     Botropolis?
Caminus (a moon)  forge, hammer, Solus Prime  Caminus
Combatron? (or Cybertron?) war, Alchemist Prime   Iaconus
Cybertron (Argon Sea)  horror     Dweller
Cybertron -> colonies  Mobile Cybertronian Embassy  Lodestar
Cybertron -> Earth  Mobile Seeker Station   Trypticon (Nemesis ship)
Devisun    combination, enigma, Nexus Prime  Devisun
Earth (Pacific NW US)  Mobile Ark Annex   Metrobase
Earth (Central US)  power, Ultra Magnus   Metroplex
Earth (Eastern US)  cube (sport), Scorch? Wedge?  Citadel Secundus
Earth (Atlantic)        Atlantis
Earth (Japan)        Brave Maximus
Elba (Garrus-9)   Mobile prison of Liege Maximo, Elita-1 Carcer (Vigilem)
Elonia    protection, Star Saber, Prima  Emissary
Gigantron   size, bridge-building   Citadel Lemuria
Gorlam Prime   death,     Necrotitan (Quintessa)
Junkion    gravity? Requiem Blaster? ???
LV-117    time, Vector Prime   Tempo 
Micron (Prion, Zone)  size, Mini-Cons, Micronus Prime  Prion
Nebulos (Dominus, Master)      Fortress Maximus
Nebulos (Dominus, Master) Zarak     Scorponok
Paradron   peace     Cargohold 
Szoria    apocalyses    Waypoint
Theophany (New Crystal City) light     Metrotitan
Titan (a moon)        Metrotitan
Tsiehshi    destruction, Megatronus   Emissary
Unicron    Galvatron    Nemesis (Titan)
Velocitron   speed, Amalgamus Prime   Navitas Delta (Ogygia)
This seems way too many to keep track of for one "All Media Types" continuity soup fanfic continuity. So, I need to combine where I can and reduce the list to the best most interesting and necessary ones.
(Soon, I have characters out scouting to find which ones are being built first.)
Opinions on which are most interesting or necessary?
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bloodilymerry · 7 months ago
Bird of Prey: Titans and Colonization
While the Quintessons had built some fairly big Cybertronians (the asteroid miner Dai Atlas comes to mind), they had never constructed a Cybertronian as large or larger than a Guardian robot. 
The first true Titans were built when Prime Nova started setting her plans for exploration and colonization in motion. Once Nova’s explorator ship found an uninhabited world suitable for Cybertronians, a Titan would be constructed: an enormous Cybertronian capable of carrying enough colonists and materials to settle a planet. However, there was one problem: Titans were not capable of communicating with much smaller robots and required a specialist for that purpose. The reason why those specialists would eventually become known as City Speakers is not entirely clear.
There were thirteen such Titans built in total to carry the Thirteen Autobot Legions, before Nova’s disappearance. 
Traditionally, the colony would be named by the Titan, which has led to some… choices.
The Titans and corresponding colonies:
Citadel (colony: Neutronia)
Chela (colony: Eukaris)
Cargohold (colony: Croteus 12)
Citadel Secundus (colony: Daffodil 2)
Devisiun (colony: Devisiun)
Emissary (colony: X)
Waypoint (colony: Gigantion)
Navitas (colony: Vehicon)
Iron Hope (colony: Junk)
Hyperion (colony: Omnitron)
Eclipse (Salvvatan V)
Xantium (colony: Vespa II)
Croaton (colony: Antilla)
The first war brought the construction of the first War Titans: where Nova’s Titans were colony ships, War Titans were dreadnaughts meant for conquest. Those Titants were constructed by rival warbands, so the first three first War Titans - Doomsday, Darksyde and Harbinger - clashed with each other almost immediately after activation, destroying themselves in the process. 
The second war saw Autobots begin to experiment with building their own War Titans. One such experiment was Omega Supreme - a reconstructed Guardian Robot now given a spark and an altmode. 
Later, during the period of peace between the second war and the Great War, a few more Titans were built for the purpose of exploration and colonization:
Lodestar (colony: Caminus)
Tempo (colony: Velocitorn)
Three more War Titans - Darkstar, Steelhaven and Battlestar- had also been constructed during this period, their task being the defense of Cybertron. Steelhaven is missing, having been lured away from Cybertron shortly before the beginning of the Great War.
The Decepticons had also constructed the War Titans Vigilem, Worldburner and Semper Tyrannis shortly before the beginning of the Great War. The three fought Darkstar and Battlestar, with Worldburner and Semper Tyrannis not surviving. However, the Autobot Titans were also destroyed. Vigilem would later be destroyed in the war by Beta. 
Finally, the Autobots have recently constructed Metroplex - Autobot city. 
The Titans mentioned here are ones of whose existence records exist. There’s a number of rumours about other Titans, such as the city of Iacon being the War Titan Iaconus in stasis, which are unproven. Megatron supposedly had also commanded a secret task group with rebuilding the Nemesis into a Titan, but the status of the project is unknown. 
Only the largest Titans require a City Speaker for communication. Metroplex and Omega Supreme are all small enough not to have this problem.
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Reasons I like rescue bots academy #462:
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"I thought perhaps we might..."
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askvectorprime · 4 years ago
What happened to the Uniend Star Seekers, Quintessons, and Junkions? Were there ever any others who sought vengeance on the Cybertronian race like Thundertron did?
Dear Alien Accountant,
Arrogant and proud, Thundertron continued to ply the starways for millennia afterwards, attacking any and all Cybertronian vessels he saw. One day, however, he finally fetched up against a foe he could not match—when his vessel attacked the Titan Citadel Secundus, he and his crew of Star Seekers failed to so much as scratch the Titan’s armor before one of his point-defense systems annihilated the Tidal Wave in a single volley.
After escaping from the Tidal Wave, Wreck-Gar plied the spaceways for a time as a free-booting junk merchant, fixing broken-down starships and selling bits of scrap when he wasn’t plying the airwaves to absorb quotes from alien television broadcasts. Eventually, however, he set up shop on Cybertron after the end of the war; though he was eager to establish a proper diplomatic alliance between his homeworld and Cybertron, the High Council would later exile him from the planet under the pretense of having once supported Optimus Prime during his search for the Star Saber. It wasn’t all bad for Wreck-Gar: he’d fallen in love with the young Nancee, and the two set off for Junkion so that he could show her “a whole new world.”
For millennia after their first defeat, the Quintessons had built their entire society around one day retaking the lost homeworld of their creator and subjugating the crude “throwbacks” that had inherited the world that’d been rightfully theirs to rule. When the day of judgement came, their invasion failed utterly, routed in a matter of hours. Faced with this devastating setback, Quintesson society splintered utterly; several colonies announced their independence from the wider Imperium, while others descended into pointless civil wars between increasingly violent factions of progressives versus traditionalists.
Within a matter of years, a number of other subjugated species who had suffered for millennia—including the Akalouthan, Occulted Dremden, and Ventaxians—took the opportunity to overthrow the weakened and divided Quintesson colonial authorities on their respective worlds, then commandeered Quintesson warships to launch a devastating strike on Quintessa itself. Their former oppressors were stripped of their robotic suits and returned to their helpless natural forms, banished back to the oceans from which they had crawled out of, and forbidden from ever using technology again. While the disparate races soon united as a new diplomatic republic, the now-helpless Quintessons slowly lost what scraps of language and culture they had managed to preserve. Within a few dozen generations, the Quintessons devolved back into mindless animals.
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bepisprime · 4 years ago
Anyway, here’s my attempt at a G1 version of  Wedge
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gm-warlic · 3 years ago
Alright, you asked. This is it. The entire DragonFable timeline, complete with every single holiday event (at least the ones that have some story to them. If the event was literally just Big Daddy sending us a “stay away” letter or Valencia asking us to look for this single clover, I didn’t count it).
Book 1
Year 1
* A Hero is Born Bored
* Oaklore
* Falconreach
* Undead Assault
* Sepulchure’s Flying Fortress
* Ice Dragon War
* Frostval Chapter 1: A Frostvale Tale
(Frostval did not exist as a holiday in-universe until this event, as it was created by the Frost Moglins to celebrate you saving them. As this is the first canonical appearance of King Alteon, it had to be before Wrath of Xan. Therefore, I have assumed that the celebration of Frostval does not literally take place on the anniversary of the initial event, but was instead decided to be celebrated at the close of the year)
* Dragon Egg Saga
* Robina
* Wrath of Xan
* Valencia
* Arachnattack
* The Hatching
* Willowshire Burns & Haunted House
* Beach Invasion
* Vampire Tower
* War at See
* Mogloween Chapter 1: First Mogloween
* Saving Lymcrest
* Thankstaking Chapters 1-3
* Sunbreeze Grove
* Frostval Chapter 2: Out in the Cold!
Year 2
* Wind Orb Saga
* HHD Chapters 1-2
* Lucky Day Chapters 1&3
* Darkness Orb Saga
* Light Orb Saga
* The Storm War
* Ice Orb Saga
* Mogloween Chapter 3: Mogloween Theft
* Thankstaking Chapter 4: Gooble-ocalypse
* Energy Orb Saga
* Frostval Chapter 3: Lumps of Coal!
Year 3
* Fire Orb Saga: A Plea for Help - The Weapon
* Vilmor Saga
* HHD Chapter 3: Change of Heart
* Lucky Day Chapter 4: (Somewhere over the Rainbow Bridge)
* Fire Orb Saga: Going East - Epilogue
* Water Orb Saga
* Mogloween Chapters 4-5
* Tomix Saga
* Thankstaking Chapter 5: Welcomegiving!
* Frostval Chapter 4: Frosty Reception
Year 4
* Earth Orb Saga
* HHD Chapter 4: Greatest Hug of All
* Lucky Day Chapter 5: Unlucky Escape
* Archknight
* The Final 13th
Book 2
* Rift War
* True Mortal: The Rise of Nivalis
* Rising Fire
* The Anomaly
* Mogloween Chapter 6: 48 Weeks Later
* Thankstaking Chapter 6: The Biggest Thankstaking Ever!
* Frostval Chapters 5-6
* Wrath of Wargoth
* Thankstaking Chapter 7: Good Gravy!
(This event actually doesn’t need the Hero to be around to happen as it did, and at the end it shows both Book 1 and Book 3 art for different characters, so in the space while the Hero was frozen was the only time that really made sense)
Book 3
Year 5/13
* The End of Magic: Hero is Thawed - Player Hatching
* Ravenloss: To Edelia - The Headmaster
* HHD Chapter 5: The Threat List!
* Calamity: 13th 13th
* Popsmashed
* Ravenloss: The Gnomes Gnow - Autumn Wind
* The End of Magic: The Rose Tree - Sands of Eternity
* Ravenloss: Desert Night - Tithril
* Blood and Roses: Full Moon War - Swamp Lake
* The Shears: Oculus Tower - Oculus Orb
* Ravenloss: Deep Void - The Codex
* The End of Magic: Discover Sulen’Eska
* The End of Magic: Song on the Wind - Dancing Breeze
* Calamity: Forest Hunt - The Evil Artifact
* Mogloween Chapter 7-8
* Thankstaking Chapters 8-10
* Frostval Chapters 7-8
Year 6/14
* The End of Magic: Smoke in the Trees - Chains of Command
* Blood and Roses: Neron’s Request - Blood Patrol: Weres
* HHD Chapter 7: The Love Ship
* Lucky Day Chapters 6-7
* Ravenloss: Ynnungap - Epilogue
* Calamity: Friday the 13th Again!
* The End of Magic: Haven on the Horizon - The Siege of Haven
* Calamity: Serenity Before the Storm
* Mogloween Chapter 9: Candy Troubles
* Calamity: The Valtrith Tomb - Breaking Down
* Thankstaking Chapter 11: Attack of the Filler Golems!
* Frostval Chapters 9-10
Year 7/15
* Calamity: Shattered - Ashes
* The End of Magic: One Step Forward - Supply and Demand
* Blood and Roses: The Locket - Blood and Roses
* HHD Chapter 8: Bubble Trouble
* Lucky Day Chapter 9: Cysero’s Golden Eggs
* The End of Magic: A Hero of the People - (Whatever Replaces Weapon Shards)
* The Shears: Ruins - Shear Destruction
* Ravenloss: Just Chillin’
* The End of Magic: Mission Possible - Starcrossed
* Calamity: Madness - Weal
* The Nest: The Nest - Leaving the Nest
* The End of Magic: Unbound - Timelines
* The Thorns: The Dark Devices
* The Nest: Epilogue
* Mogloween Chapter 10: Bubble Trouble
* Calamity: Corruption - Calamity/Epilogue
* Thankstaking Chapter 12: The Felonious Five
* Frostval Chapters 11-13
Year 8/16
* The End of Magic: Tournament of Champions
* The Thorns: Enigmatic Epidemic - Artifact Heist
* Six Heroes: Return to Lymcrest- The Burning Village
* HHD Chapters 9-11
* The Maleurous: Sinnocence - Remthalas
* The Thorns: A New Student - Theano: A Thorn’s Story
* The Maleurous: Mr. Nameless
* The Shears: A New Discovery
* Ravenloss: Secundus
* The Maleurous: Archive E-189-L
* Six Heroes: The Apprentice - ANOMALY
* The Maleurous: The Angel of Azaveyr - Myalos
* Mogloween Chapters 11-15
(Apsaydaaun is stated to have time that works differently than Lore’s time, and Jack Crescent’s story took place over the course of just one night, so since all but that one of these take place almost entirely in Apsaydaaun, these can all technically fit into the same month on Lore without issue)
* The Thorns: Fear
* Thankstaking Chapters 13-14
* The Thorns: Fortress of Thorns - Epilogue: Loose Ends
* Frostval Chapter 15: The Great Giftnapping
Year 9/17
* The End of Magic: My Spot - Khvorost
* HHD Chapter ???: AdventureFriends
* The End of Magic: A Petal Falls - Plans Entwined
* The First Weaver: Introduction - Father of Mine
* The End of Magic: Out of Control - The Royal Resistance
* The First Weaver: From the Citadel with Love - The End of the Beginning
* The End of Magic: The Awakened Depths - (The end of the Proclamation storyline)
* The Future…
It is done.
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reseau-actu · 5 years ago
Exhumées en 2017 au nord de l’Angleterre, de nouvelles tablettes détaillant la vie de soldats romains aux limes de l’empire viennent d’être traduites et publiées.
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C'est un nouveau lot de quatre plaquettes de bois couvertes d'écritures tracées à l'encre, retrouvées dans les sols boueux d'une antique forteresse romaine de l'actuel Northumberland, non loin de la frontière de l'Ecosse, que vient de divulguer la revue Britannia. De réjouissants documents vieux de 2.000 ans au nom de Julius Verecundus, alors préfet de la citadelle de Vindolanda (1er-5e siècle), une des nombreuses structures défensives situées le long des 117 kilomètres du mur édifié vers 120 de notre ère à la demande de l'empereur Hadrien (76-138).  En 2017, Sciences et Avenir avait déjà révélé les conditions dans lesquelles les arch��ologues britanniques avaient effectué les trouvailles de 24 de ces plaquettes de bois et fragments calligraphiés que les savants appellent les Tabulae vindolandenses, et dont le déchiffrement minutieux, 19 siècles plus tard, vient de s'achever.  
"Une correspondance en provenance et à destination de Julius Verecundus qui nous donne un aperçu inégalé du quotidien d'un officier supérieur en poste à l'extrême nord de l'empire romain", explique Andrew Berley, le directeur général du Vindolanda Trust, joint par Sciences et Avenir.
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Vue aérienne de la forteresse romaine de Vindolanda, à la frontière de l'Ecosse et l'Angleterre. © Vindolanda Trust
Pas d'annonces fracassantes de prime abord, mais des informations émouvantes empreintes d'une humaine proximité.
Commandant de la Première Cohorte de Tongriens (ou Tongres), un ancien peuple de la Gaule belgique, Julius Verecundus, à la tête d'une unité militaire de cavalerie, s'adresse ainsi dans un premier billet à son esclave Audax, qu'il salue avant de l'interroger sur un problème de transport d'un chargement de légumes frais autant que d'une histoire de clé envoyée par erreur, celle reçue étant affectée "à la petite réserve"…
Une autre missive, provenant cette fois d'un certain Andangius (nom germanique attesté en Rhénanie), toujours destinée au préfet Julius Verecundus, sollicite une faveur envers un dénommé Crispus le mesureur (l'arpenteur ? le planificateur ?), dans le but "d'alléger son service". Rappelons que dans l'empire romain, la durée du service militaire était de… 25 ans ! Peut-être une requête pour qu'un ami – c'est ainsi qu'il est présenté – soit exempté d'une surcharge de travail ? 
De la bière et des boutures !
Une troisième lettre fait référence à Masclus, Decurion de son état, dont des échanges épistolaires avaient déjà été signalés dans les tablettes précédemment évoquées par Sciences et Avenir. Notamment parce qu’il souhaitait que davantage de bière soit envoyée à ses hommes situés aux avant-postes du mur ! "Nous ne connaissons pas les liens entretenus entre Masclus et Julius Verecundus, mais celui-ci était visiblement stationné à proximité (de Vindolanda, NDLR) et était à la tête d’un détachement (vexillation) de cavalerie", écrivent les chercheurs. Dans ce courrier, Masclus, semble ainsi recommander auprès de Julius Verecundus un congé pour "cinq hommes", qui ne seraient ni des Tongriens, ni des Bataves, mais deux Rétiens (Suisse) et trois Vocontiens (peuple du sud de la Gaule). Il y ajoute une demande de récupération d’un couteau détenu par un certain Talempus, et signale l'envoi de… boutures de plantes ! De quoi imaginer nos légionnaires romains en train de jardiner dans les régions septentrionales de la Verte Albion, il n’y a qu’un pas ! 
La quatrième tablette, dont la lecture a été rendue difficile en raison de multiples mots devenus illisibles, a tout l’air d’être une plainte que Caecilius Secundus porte à la connaissance de Julius Verecundus, commandant du fort. Il y est question "des petites explosions de colère" d’un dénommé Decuminus, dont on ignorera à jamais les offenses, mais dont le règlement rapide du problème qu'il pose est vivement requis ! Ces messages corroborent surtout à leur façon la composition multiculturelle des armées romaines sur le limes nord de l’empire au 1er siècle de notre ère, et peut-être aussi les tensions entre hommes issus de peuples différents qu’il fallait savoir régler de temps à autre pour maintenir la paix dans les rangs !
Comment étaient constituées les armées romaines   Une légion comportait 5.000/6.000 hommes en temps de guerre offensive, et 4.000 en temps de paix. Elle était divisée en dix cohortes, constituées de trois manipules et six centuries chacune. Elles comptaient aussi 132 cavaliers qui obéissaient à des centurions, effectif porté à 726 au temps de Gallien (259-268). On ne connaît pas avec précision le nombre de légions. 23 à 25 auraient par exemple existé à la mort d’Auguste (14 après J.-C.) (soit 150.000 hommes, sans les unités auxiliaires). En effet, chaque légion – désignée par un numéro et un surnom, à l’exemple de la Legio III Augusta – était accompagnée d’unités auxiliaires. Les hommes qui la composaient étaient choisis au sein de différents peuples : Gaulois et Espagnols étaient renommés comme cavaliers, Bretons (Britannia), en tant qu’éclaireurs, Thraces et Syriens par leurs talents d’archers… et "les Germains pour effrayer les ennemis par leur cruauté". Ces unités auxiliaires étaient organisées en cohortes equitatae et numeri, chacune regroupant 500 hommes (quingénaires) ou 1.000 (miliaires, de miles, soldat) sous l'autorité de préfets. C’est le cas de la forteresse de Vindolanda, et de sa miliaire confiée à Julius Verecundus. Sous l’empire (27 avant J.-C. – 467 après J.-C.), l’armée des frontières comportait plus de 250.000 hommes au total. Source : Yann le Bohec, professeur émérite à la Sorbonne (Paris), spécialiste de la guerre romaine.  Pour en savoir plus: "La guerre romaine", Yann le Bohec, Taillandier, 2014.
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asmoteeth · 2 years ago
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Here is Polis Tertius! He's one of the Cybertronian Titans sent to navigate the unknown parts of the galaxy!
➜ Personality-wise, he's an ambivert, a lot more out-spoken than his fellow titans; Just an enthusiastic explorer who has seen many things and wants to share them with you!
➜ He was made right after Secundus (thus why he's named Tertius aka "Third") and he's a very old «friend» of him as well.
➜ Occasionally in the past, he has gone dormant for long intervals out of boredom and loneliness, this unintentionally helping him save his energy.
➜ Once he and Secundus reunite (after Hundred Thousands of years-- geez--) he also becomes another wing of the Academy, happy and content that his discoveries of his travels are finally being used for educational purposes (maybe he bumps into the lessons a little bit too much, but like Secundus, he is still very rusty on societal norms and the whole "a time and a place for everything")
Friend tags (☞^o^) ☞
@sphnyspinspin @jillz-precious-tearz @sonicnerd @blueberry-cute-cat @wildlygay @whirltherescuebot @azula-nyx
(!) as always if ur uncomfortable/bothered by tags just tell me
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sphnyspinspin · 2 years ago
Thank you so very much @novafire-is-thinking for the generous tag. The kind of music that I listen to to properly simulate my Transformer story ideas are my literal life blood. I’m not joking, there’s a syringe and everything-
Rules: Share 10 songs you like and tag 10 people.
I will listen to any Em Beihold song religiously, but all I can think about when listening to this, is a depressed Twitch arc and I don’t know why.
This time it’s a Hashtag angsty arc and I still have no clue as to what prompts this.
Holy forking shish-kabob, the nano second this came up in my recommended in the middle of class, I was trying my hardest as to not stim my f***ing brains out. Also, very good for angsty Twitch as well.
It’s literally in the name. Besides that, I will forever dream of the day when someone makes a fem-metal transformers fan song. Like come on, don’t act like you guys don’t want another transformers fan song sung by a Le Tigre and The Julie Ruin style musician, and the genre is literally called FEM-ROCK like bruh.
I had a HUGE Lindsey Stirling phase when I was a wee tot, and this song is literally for the Citadel Secundus awakening sequence.
Bro. This is literally one of Wedgeshot’s favorite songs for karaoke night, and nobody is allowed to disagree.
Hotshot. This is Hotshot, there is no in between, no comparison, that’s literally just Hotshot.
Whirl and Whirl Jr. father-daughter duet. p.s. I only know the english translation from that one vampire animatic.
- IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT, BUT MINE, AND IT WAS YOUR HEART ON THE LINE - literally a Cygate song and yet I have never read MTMTE nor Lost Light don’t judge me.
Wedge’s song he sang alone when he was a decepticon living in the neighborhood he grew up in, when his only other family member that actually cared about him - OOP - SPOOOOILERS -
The amount of restraint I had to only post one song from each of my favorite artists was challenging. Also, I now can’t listen to any music without having a transformer story arc to go with it. It’s both a gift and a curse.
Hey! Check this out @asmoteeth @geluatekurama @sonicnerd @sonia-aquamarineson @magically-maddie @shapeshiftingcloud @jessenitrogen-blog @fishbugg @viewer-of-many @thegirlwhoflies26
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titanomancy · 9 months ago
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But the good news? We got four of these robot sentries with display and scanners intact. They really kick ass, I think they'll come in handy.
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bardic-tales · 2 years ago
Word Count: 360
WIP: Cold as Ice
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Animal Abuse. Child Neglect. Mental Illness
Premise: Titus Arturis is spending a rare moment with his mother.
A/N: I have been having a difficult time lately connected with this character. I hope that this will help me understand his character a little bit more.
One-Shot Stories Tag List
@asomeoneperson @jessica-writes22 @athenswrites @elijahrichardwriteshrichardwrites @whimsyqueen @arrthurpendragon @blind-the-winds, @fearofahumanplanet, @365runesofpassion @midnight-and-his-melodiverse @bookish-galaxy @lord-fallen @perasperaadastrawriting
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Titus Secundus Arturis stared blankly down at the oaken table. He picked up the fork to his right and pressed down upon a fly who flitted from the wall and landed on the table’s surface. The empress consort of the Olessan Empire — and his mother, as well — chatted with a dark hair, skinny man he had never met before. It mattered little to him.
Mostly, adults ignored him, thus, allowing him to run the halls of the Alabaster Citadel without much supervision. When they did notice Titus, they would smile and kowtow to his whims. This was the benefit of being a son of the Emperor. Any who voiced their concerns about his behaviors would be met with a sharp reminder that his behavior was no different than his mother’s father. If they decided to speak against him, Titus would simply shift the blame upon them.
He swung his stubby legs in the seat as he applied more pressure to the fly, hearing the dull buzz as it was close to death. This was not the first animal — or even the second one — that he experimented upon. It wouldn’t even be the last.
When he was seven, he would poke the point into the furry side of the family dog. He wanted to see what color the animal’s blood was and was disappointed when it was the same as the stray cat who ventured into the Citadel.
His mother and her lady in waiting were the ones who noticed how the dog would piss and tremble whenever Titus was around him. The hound and her mother’s assistant disappeared shortly after. Whispers blazed like a wildfire amongst the nobility. Many refused to bring their sons and daughters or family pets around Titus, as they feared for their animal and children’s safety.
He couldn’t understand why they didn’t want their animals and children to play his games. When his mother felt like it, she would offer reasons why. Most were afraid of his father’s temper or that they were jealous that they were not living in the Alabaster Citadel. It was never his fault. Titus was a special boy, after all.
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