#cis people texting
sualne · 1 year
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Old and new gifts.
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aropride · 3 months
i get why people aren't voting for biden but it is really awesome to be pre-transition and dysphoric and being near-certain a trump win will take away more rights for trans people even in safer states. that does feel really awesome and fine.
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sharkgirldick · 2 months
Chasers as a punchline for trans women is usually something along the lines of "What if someone cared about me as a person, even if it's only a facade for sex? What if someone found me incredibly attractive and told me so constantly, even if they didn't really mean it? What if I got to find just a little solace in being fetishized?"
Chasers as a punchline for cis people is "Lol aren't trans women annoying?"
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morethanwonderful · 1 month
Introducing: The Which MXTX Character Was/Would Be Most Insufferable Online Tournament Bracket
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Beginning the evening of August 23rd, 2024 (USA time), I’ll be running a tournament via tumblr polls to determine once and for all which Mo Xiang Tong Xiu web novel character was or would be most insufferable if given access to the internet.
Why this poll theme?
I thought it would be fun to run another big MXTX tournament bracket, since the bugpoll last year was a blast, and this was the funniest theme I could manage to think of.
Why isn't Shen Yuan/Shen Qingqiu in the bracket?
Given what we know about our dear Peerless Cucumber, I fear an SQQ sweep would be a foregone conclusion if I included him. Therefore, after the bracket finds a winner, I'll hold a bonus round and pit the winner against Shen Yuan to determine the true most internet-insufferable character.
What is wrong with you?
My goal is to hold one round per day every day for a week, but I'm contending with a full-time work schedule, so things may get slightly more stretched out than that. I'll also be splitting the first round into Round 1 Part 1 (the left side of the bracket) and Round 1 Part 2 (the right side of the bracket) to avoid spamming people's dashes with 32 separate polls in one day.
If you’d like to either search for or blacklist posts related to this event, all of mine will be tagged with “MXTX insufferapoll.”
The full list of matches is under the readmore here. Happy voting!
Round 1 Part 1:
Wen Chao vs Jin Guangshan
Quan Yizhen vs Mobei-jun
Mu Qingfang vs Ban Yue
Pei Xiu vs Jin Zixun
Xie Lian vs Jiang Yanli
Gongyi Xiao vs Lang Qianqiu
He Xuan vs Xue Yang
Lan Xichen vs Xiao Xingchen
Feng Xin vs Tianlang-jun
Wei Wuxian vs Liu Mingyan
Shi Qingxuan vs Nie Huaisang
Pei Ming vs Shang Qinghua
Jian Lan vs Qi Rong
Lan Wangji vs Song Lan
Nie Mingjue vs Liu Qingge
Mei Nianqing vs Lan Qiren
Round 1 Part 2:
Ling Wen vs Jin Guangyao
Sha Hualing vs Mo Xuanyu
Lang Ying (Present) vs Lan Sizhui
Bai Wuxiang vs Shen (Jiu) Qingqiu
Jiang Cheng vs Ning Yingying
Jin Ling vs Ming Fan
Mu Qing vs Luo "Mianmian" Qingyang
Yu Ziyuan vs Yue Qingyuan
Xuan Ji vs Qiu Haitang
A-Qing vs Yin Yu
Wen Ning vs Zhuzhi-lang
Luo Binghe vs Wang Lingjiao
Wen Qing vs Yushi Huang
Hua Cheng vs Su She
Jin Zixuan vs Shi Wudu
Ouyang Zizhen vs Lan Jingyi
Round 2:
Wen Chao vs Quan Yizhen
Mu Qingfang vs Jin Zixun
Xie Lian vs Lang Qianqiu
Xue Yang vs Xiao Xingchen
Tianlang-jun vs Wei Wuxian
Nie Huaisang vs Shang Qinghua
Qi Rong vs Lan Wangji
Nie Mingjue vs Lan Qiren
Jin Guangyao vs Sha Hualing
Lang Ying (Present) vs Shen (Jiu) Qingqiu
Jiang Cheng vs Jin Ling
Mu Qing vs Yu Ziyuan
Xuan Ji vs a-Qing
Zhuzhi-lang vs Luo Binghe
Wen Qing vs Su She
Shi Wudu vs Lan Jingyi
Round 3:
Wen Chao vs Jin Zixun
Lang Qianqiu vs Xue Yang
Tianlang-jun vs Shang Qinghua
Qi Rong vs Lan Qiren
Sha Hualing vs Shen (Jiu) Qingqiu
Jin Ling vs Mu Qing
Xuan Ji vs Luo Binghe
Su She vs Lan Jingyi
Wen Chao vs Xue Yang
Tianlang-jun vs Qi Rong
Shen (Jiu) Qingqiu vs Jin Ling
Luo Binghe vs Su She
Wen Chao vs Qi Rong
Shen (Jiu) Qingqiu vs Luo Binghe
Qi Rong vs Luo Binghe
Qi Rong vs Shen (Yuan) Qingqiu
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redysetdare · 9 months
I said it once and i'll say it again the sooner the queer community drops the idea of the straight Boogeyman the better off we will all be. The sooner y'all accept that straight people can also be queer the easier it becomes to accept identities you don't understand.
Straight and queer are not opposite. They aren't contradictory. They aren't mutually exclusive. If you can accept that cis people can still be queer then straight people can to.
Straight trans people exist. Straight aspecs exist. They are all still queer. Grow the fuck up and get over it instead of throwing a fit because things are not about you.
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sarasade · 3 months
When I see those "Fujos/fangirls only care about m/m, dudeslash, BL and ignore women" -takes it feels completely alien to me and seems like a total misunderstanding of Slash fanculture.
Someone clearly hasn't witnessed the intense lesbo pining between female(*) Naruto and Sasuke cosplayers who LARP their fave ship at a local con.
Earth-shatteringly fierce homoerotism between slash fiction fans is the corner stone of shipping culture. Always has been.
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transboysokka · 4 months
First of all, all my students think I’m 100% cis.
Also every time I talk about significant others I say “boyfriend or girlfriend” (this culture is not ready to go beyond that atp)
My students are OBSESSED with trying to find out I have a girlfriend, even though I’ve never even told them I’m straight (because I’m not)
Today with my 3rd-4th graders…
ME: Why are you guys all so obsessed with knowing if I have a boyfriend or a girlfriend?
STUDENT A: Well you wouldn’t have a boyfriend, teacher, because that would make you gay.
ME: And I’m definitely not gay?
STUDENT B: No! You’re not like gay people.
ME: So what are gay people like? You think you can tell if someone’s gay?
STUDENT B: Definitely! Gay people always hold hands with other boys
(She’s got me there)
*A group of students start listing gay stereotypes and basically conclude that I’m not gay because I’m so masculine*
ME: Wow that’s interesting. Do you guys know any gay people?
*They all insist they do*
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dont-offend-the-bees · 4 months
Fuck I hate being an adult. I need a more adult adult to help with the volatile emotional situation.
#I've sort of made a new friend? Like we met at the same art group and he's also trans which was like pleasantly surprising in our small town#but like. We have Differences Of Opinion#and it's not totally his fault because it sounds like he's had a Lot of bad shit in his past that's obviously made him wary and closed off#but like. He's slightly older than me (only 4 years) and keeps blaming a load of his problems on other trans folks?#like you know the type. The like 'all these nonbinary/other identities the kids are doing are complicating shit'#the 'it hurts to see people younger than me inc. kids get hormones thrown at them when I still can't get 'em' (which... yeah not even true)#and he's told me himself he doesn't engage much with the queer community bc it's too 'toxic'#and like. I can absolutely understand why he could've had some bad experiences esp. since he has some mental health shit going on#but he wants to be friends bc he doesn't know anyone else going through the medical shit and it's like. Yeah no shit you don't?#you decided the community you'd find them in is toxic? and that people in them are doing being trans wrong?#and I think if he was just some guy online I'd like roll my eyes and ignore him#but he's a real person in my vicinity and I feel fucking bad for him#and I can see how much self loathing he has and how much that probably informs the bullshit#like he told me he thinks that trans men and cis men are fundamentally different categories and trans men will never be cis men#but not in a 'the experiences are just different and come with different perspectives way'#in like a self defeating way. Like a I just have to settle for being a trans man way.#and it made me SO SAD#like bro#I'm so sorry for whoever the fuck made you feel like you're fighting an unwinnable battle#and I want to be a friend to him. I want him to feel like there's other queer people out there and there's friends and hope#but also I genuinely could see him being the kind of person who would get really angry at you for no fault of your own#like I already get the distinct feeling he resents me a little#like obviously not too much since he still wants to hang#but he's been trying and failing to get HRT for years and I got it super quickly basically by sheer luck/a doctor who looks out for me#like I'm so fucking lucky. And I just genuinely feel like he's the kind of person who might take that personally.#I just do not think I have the fucking. Emotional tool kit to salvage this shit#But I also can't exactly text him and say sorry I don't think we should hang out so. What do.#.....I wasn't even LOOKING for a new friend! I have enough friends!!! I wanted to make clay faces and look at pretty buildings dammit!!!#now I have to be the emotionally mature one who goes hmmm maybe let's not blame other depressed trans kids for our problems buddy#I'm just gonna have to be like. Upfront about my stance and if he doesn't like it well he doesn't have to hang out with me
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bisexualseraphim · 6 months
Alright fine I’m gonna speak my mind.
My cis followers, listen up:
Being attracted to trans people is not inherently a fetish. The way you speak about trans people CAN be fetishistic, but 99% of the time when I see cis people calling out trans fetishism it’s literally just. Someone being really horny for a trans person. That’s not inherently fetishistic.
Sorry but it actually hurts me a little when I see cis people claim that a content creator is being fetishistic for drawing a trans guy with tits and a pussy, or for writing smut where a trans guy really enjoys using his pussy for sex, or God forbid said trans guy is fem. Trans people like that exist, you know. I myself have a pussy and fuck yes do I want people I’m in a relationship with to be attracted to it. And the same goes for many transfemmes who keep their natal parts, especially butch transfemmes.
Trans people are not a monolith. We don’t all hate our bodies or experience dysphoria or express our genders the same way. I swear to God cis people are all “allies” until a trans man is fem or a trans woman is butch or an enby isn’t androgynous or we actually enjoy our bodies or we have a kink or sexual fetish you don’t like.
Cis people: I know your hearts are in the right place and I appreciate that, but spouting “oh this content is fetishistic and Bad because trans men NEVER like their vaginas and are NEVER feminine” (or something equal to other trans people) is seriously not the allyship you think it is.
There is absolutely a conversation to be had about fetishising trans people — chasers in particular — but it’s quite a bit less black and white than hating certain FICTIONAL portrayals of trans people because these types of trans people exist in real life and we can see what you say about us.
I love my dick and my pussy (because I have both — are you aware we can have both?) but I saw a post today by someone I really like that actually made me feel kind of shit about myself because it was a cis person essentially saying that smut that describes my genitals in any particularly horny light is fetishistic and that really kind of hurt me. It made me feel like people think I’m undesirable due to my body only it was said in some backwards attempt to be an ally which is almost worse than deliberate transphobia lol.
I guess my point is: not all trans people’s feelings and experiences are universal. Call out obvious transphobia when you see it, yes, but please stop speaking for us about complex situations you just can’t fully understand unless you’re trans. Trans identities and experiences can be so much more complicated than what mainstream celebrities and articles will tell you and I just really need cis people to stop behaving as though the issues we face are a quick and easy fix. It never is. Sometimes the best allyship is to listen to how WE feel and take it into consideration instead of saying whatever you think we want you to say — because a lot of the time, we don’t.
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Me explaining my gender identity:
So imagine strawberry flavoured ice cream was feminine and chocolate is masculine. My gender would be like mint chocolate. If it had to be sorted into chocolate or strawberry you would have to go with chocolate, but you might be disappointed if you asked for mint chocolate and just got regular chocolate ice-cream instead.
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dramaticsigh · 3 months
Shout out to all the people born into a world that was literally not made for you and in fact sets you up for it to be difficult to be alive- how are we all doing??? Not good huh?
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morethanwonderful · 2 years
Introducing: The Which MXTX Character do You Most Want to Study Like a Little Bug Tournament Bracket
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Starting February 20, 2023 (American time), I'll be running a tournament via tumblr polls to determine once and for all which Mo Xiang Tong Xiu webnovel character the fanbase most wants to study like a little bug.
What do you mean by "most want to study like a little bug"?
Which character makes you want to pick them up, put them in a glass jar, examine them with a little magnifying glass, and poke them with a stick to see how they react? Which character is so so small and pathetic and also truly deeply bizarre? If you don't get what I'm talking about, this poll may not be for you.
Why on earth are you doing sixty-four characters?
A perfectly even bracket has to have 16, 32, or 64 starting contestants, and since there were 33 characters that I really wanted to include, I decided to Commit.
What is wrong with you?
If you'd like to either search for or blacklist posts related to this event, all of mine will be tagged with "MXTX bugpoll."
You can find the full list of matches under the readmore. Happy voting!
Since there's so many characters, I'll be splitting the first round into two days. Round 1 Part 1 (the left side of the bracket) will begin tomorrow (Monday), and Round 1 Part 2 (the right side) will be on Tuesday. We'll continue with one round per day from there.
Round 1 Part 1:
Yin Yu vs Gongyi Xiao
Luo Binghe (Bing-mei ver.) vs Quan Yizhen
Xuan Ji vs Mei Nianqing (Guoshi)
Luo Binghe (Bing-ge ver.) vs Pei Ming
Shen (Yuan) Qingqiu vs Shi Qingxuan
Jin Ling vs Lang Qianqiu
Ban Yue vs A-Qing
Liu Mingyan vs Lan Jingyi
Mobei-jun vs Lan Wangji
Zhuzhi-lang vs Su She
Bai Wuxiang vs Jiang Fengmian
Jin Zixuan vs Tianlang-jun
Qi Qingqi vs Lan Qiren
Su Xiyan vs Yu Ziyuan
Nie Mingjue vs Mu Qing
Jin Guangyao vs Pei Xiu
Round 1 Part 2:
Shen (Jiu) Qingqiu vs Mo Xuanyu
Ning Yingying vs Luo "Mianmian" Qingyang
Xiao Xingchen vs Xie Lian
Yue Qingyuan vs Lan Xichen
Ling Wen vs Shang Qinghua
Jian Lan vs Jiang Yanli
He Xuan vs Nie Huaisang
Wen Chao vs Jin Zixun
Wei Wuxian vs Xue Yang
Wen Qing vs Mu Qingfang
Sha Hualing vs Qi Rong
Song Lan vs Jiang Cheng
Liu Qingge vs Feng Xin
Hua Cheng vs Wen Ning
Ming Fan vs Lan Sizhui
Yushi Huang vs Shi Wudu
Round 2
Yin Yu vs Luo Binghe (Bing-mei ver.)
Mei Nianqing (Guoshi) vs Luo Binghe (Bing-ge ver.)
Shen (Yuan) Qingqiu vs Jin Ling
Ban Yue vs Liu Mingyan
Lan Wangji vs Zhuzhi-lang
Bai Wuxiang vs Tianlang-jun
Lan Qiren vs Yu Ziyuan
Mu Qing vs Jin Guangyao
Shen Jiu vs Ning Yingying
Xie Lian vs Yue Qingyuan
Shang Qinghua vs Jiang Yanli
Nie Huaisang vs Jin Zixun
Wei Wuxian vs Wen Qing
Qi Rong vs Jiang Cheng
Liu Qingge vs Hua Cheng
Lan Sizhui vs Shi Wudu
Round 3
Luo Binghe (Bing-mei ver.) vs Luo Binghe (Bing-ge ver.)
Shen (Yuan) Qingqiu vs Liu Mingyan
Zhuzhi-lang vs Tianlang-jun
Yu Ziyuan vs Jin Guangyao
Shen (Jiu) Qingqiu vs Xie Lian
Shang Qinghua vs Nie Huaisang
Wei Wuxian vs Jiang Cheng
Hua Cheng vs Lan Sizhui
Luo Binghe (Bing-mei ver.) vs Shen (Yuan) Qingqiu
Tianlang-jun vs Jin Guangyao
Shen (Jiu) Qingqiu vs Nie Huaisang
Jiang Cheng vs Hua Cheng
Shen (Yuan) Qingqiu vs Tianlang-jun
Nie Huaisang vs Jiang Cheng
The Final Round
Shen (Yuan) Qingqiu vs Nie Huaisang
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scaridea · 2 years
being a transman in lgbtq spaces is a nightmare.
I have male privilege because im a man but also i cant say i experience transandrophobia because that doesnt exist and its just misogyny but also i cant say i experience transmisogyny/misogyny because thats for women only and im not a woman and actually because im a man i dont even face that much bigotry so i should be quiet and not talk about my experiences but also transmen are dominating trans spaces while also not facing that much transphobia because we're invisible.
im very tired.
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magz · 11 days
Sending bunch of job applications to international remote and local job listings.
Will figure out how manage do interview and how to work with these disabilities + irl circumstance after, as am just more and more desperate.
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sharkgirldick · 1 year
Corrected a guy today after he called me sir. He kept slipping up and apologizing a lot and also never called me ma'am.
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smilepaint · 6 months
anyway the concept of passing is a scam. we will never be liberated until the idea that a trans person's inherent value and worth and validity is directly proportional to their resemblance to a cis person. and i say this not just to those who struggle to or do not fit into that box, but to those who very much do and are counting themselves lucky.
the same way that its unhealthy and unreasonable to expect a same gender couple to conform to notions of what a heterosexual family should be, its unhealthy and unreasonable to have to expect a transgender experience of identity and a transgender body to conform to a cisgender ideal. not only does it further the marginalisation of trans people and drive a wedge in our community, but it's an unhealthy way to see the world and relate to yourself. its not fair to expect a human being to go their whole life in states of checking the value of their body and their life against a societally imposed, often unattainable model that may not even reflect their own desires or goals.
it's tough, i know how tough it is to go against everything you've been taught, and the right to seek medical intervention to reshape ourselves in a way that deepens and solidifies our connection to our bodies is and will always be important. but for your own mental health, whatever shape you take must reflect yourself first. not a cis persons. transition is about making a home out of the body you're living in, in whatever way works for you.
you deserve the mental freedom that comes with removing "passing" from your emotional radar entirely. trans bodies are good bodies.
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