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Well, this just happened... My friend Tom L. Nix was just asked to play Nadia's Dream at an event this evening... for Bart Conner and Nadia Comăneci ...ha
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Barry De Vorzon & Perry Botkin Jr. - Cotton`s Dream (Nadia`s Theme)
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headknight-oh · 2 months ago
Tag Game !
Thanks for the tag @francisofthespook! I'm actually doing this one in a timely manner lol
Favorite movie: Monty Python and the Holy Grail, 2005 Pride and Prejudice, or The Danish Girl
Favorite TV show: 1995 BBC Pride and Prejudice or Good Omens
Favorite music artist: Moon Walker. Also Hozier, Chase Petra, Roe Kapara, Jhariah, and Will Wood.
Favorite color(s): Teal
Favorite season: Fall
Favorite book: Good Omens or Catechism by Julie Marie Wade
Do you have any Funko pops?: Only one. I hate those little things, but my friend got me one of Jaskier from the Witcher because I love him.
Do you play an instrument?: I played violin for eight years during school and can still play a bit.
Do you have any pets?: Three dogs. They're all labs and I love them. Mocha is my old lady, Willow is a sweet lab/border collie mix, and Phoebe is a one year old puppy
Do you read and/or write fanfiction?: Yup. Both. Though I read it significantly more than I write it. I only write it when the burning maw of inspiration gnaws at my brain in a way I can't ignore.
What song have you had on repeat recently?: New God by Moon Walker. Also Against the Kitchen Floor by Will Wood
What’s your relationship status?: I've been with my partner for two years almost exactly. Our anniversary is the 20 of this month
What’s the last song you listened to?: Circlemaker by Sparkbird
Imma tag @prismatica-the-strange @motherscarf @setthecontrolsfor and @neptunedivinity if any of them are so inclined to participate
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frank-olivier · 2 years ago
2013 Ozark Mountain Transformation Conference (Springdale, Arkansas, U.S.)
Patty Greer: Crop circles & the Real Circlemakers (July 2013)
Thursday, July 6, 2023
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vomitnest · 1 year ago
Since 1994 a group of three 'artists' has laid claim to some of England's most elaborate crop circles. The group originally named Team Satan has since changed its name to 'The circlemakers'- a name seemingly adopted to cause maximum confusion; 
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adoptionofhope · 5 years ago
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"I have a theory: over time, our favorite verses of Scripture become the script of our lives. As we live out the promises of God, those verses become the storylines of our lives. And our lives become a subplot in the story God has been writing throughout history." Mark Batterson Reading "Big Dreams & Powerful Prayers" by Mark Batterson with the kids. This line jumped out at me. My favorite verses are from the psalms. I've definitely lived some like Psalm 84:3 "Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young— a place near your altar, Lord Almighty, my King and my God." Others I'd like to see become part of my storyline but haven't yet. Like: "The Lord announces the word, and the women who proclaim it are a mighty throng: The Lord announces the word, and the women who proclaim it are a mighty throng: Kings and armies flee in haste; the women at home divide the plunder." Psalms 68:11‭-‬12 Maybe some day.... . . . #mondaymotivation #monday #bibleverses #bible #dailybibleverse #dailydevotional #reallife #storyofmylife #godsplan #godsgotthis #psalms #dailyverse #markbattersonbooks #circlemaker #kidsbooks #walkthisway https://www.instagram.com/p/CBvX1dVh1ZG/?igshid=1ds559yfbgfck
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stelliumastrology · 5 years ago
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The memories function on Facebook has a habit of dragging up some pretty cringeworthy moments, as well as some really good times like these. . . But seeing these happy memories also makes me feel sad – I remember these moments like they happened yesterday. . . I am so different now, compared to the girl I was in these photographs and these times have drifted into the distant past so quickly. . . As the moon in Gemini transits my Ascendant, I find myself reflecting on the physical, mental and emotional aspects of the maturation process, and the arduous trials of Pluto and Saturn‘s recent transits to my Sun. . . Happy as I am right now, I’m mourning a part of my life which is gone forever – a piece of myself that I’ll never get back. . . As I lament the years I spent dancing to the beat of my heart, I realise I‘ve let go of a lot – including the person I was in these pictures. . . #memories #geminiascendant #mooningemini #saturnplutoconjunction #capricorn #lettinggo #timetogrowup #realitycheck #cropcircles #camping #myyoungface #cowboyhat #wheat #circlemaker #wiltshire #avebury #honeystreet #thebargeinn #westkennetlongbarrow #youngandbrave #stellium #stelliumastrology #astrology #lament #letgo (at The Barge Inn) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8Kaff3pATB/?igshid=1wm1sgd5918gj
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assifassefi-blog · 8 years ago
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+ 👁® #circles #circlemaker#chaos #decay #crown #circlelicious #symbolism #artdistrictla 🌎 #urbanartlondon#artgallery #urbanartnyc #urbanartparis #impressionistart #cubist ☢️ #graffitiartnyc#graffitiartparis #graffitiartlondon#abstractart #graffitiartberlin#conceptual #conceptualism#photoarts #architecturegram #graphics #graffitiartwork#architecture (at Arts District Los Angeles)
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mustardfaith · 8 years ago
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what books are on your reading list this year ? I need recommendations !
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dailypassionyoutube · 4 years ago
Mysterious Crop Circles That Appeared Without Explanation
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books-dates-with-kate · 6 years ago
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This book is like a sequel to the Circle Maker. Mark Batterson expands upon the topics he discussed in the Circle Maker, but the focus of this book is how to listen for God’s voice after praying the bold prayers. I enjoyed how he includes information he has learned from his studies of a variety of subjects to explain the points he creates in the book. I love how he incorates physics principles into how great God is and how we can be deaf to God’s replies. This books is like a breath of fresh air after reading some other books.  
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daniellelynn-1981 · 7 years ago
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All signed up, now all I need to do is order the study guide 💚🙏💚🙏💚🙏💚 Take the challenge and Sign up @ studygateway.com/prayer starts on Feb 14th #40dayprayerchallenge #markbatterson #drawthecircle #circlemaker (at Washington Court House, Ohio)
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jylerana · 8 years ago
If you stop praying through before the breakthrough, you might just forfeit the miracle...
Pastor James Laing
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kchasm · 2 years ago
Ryu Number: Nick Kang Wilson
True Crime: Streets of LA may seem like your usual mediocre tryhard third-person shoot-bang violence delight, but don't be fooled—it isn't much of a delight at all. It follows player character Nick Kang Wilson, recently suspended for repeated counts of excessive force, but now reinstated into an autonomous division with authority over the entire city of Los Angeles, which is actually pretty in-line with how real departments attend to police brutality so I can't complain about that. He's been tasked with solving a series of bombings in Chinatown, but all the while, a far more personal mystery hangs over Nick Kang Wilson like a greasy specter: Who the hell gave him a gunWhat happened to his father?
Anyway, Nick Kang Wilson has a Ryu Number of 3.
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Yes, that's actually Snoop Dogg in True Crime, as opposed to just Snoop Dogg providing his likeness to a character. He says things like, "This is the Snoop Dizzle!" and, "Feels good to be the D-O-Double-G," which nicely disambiguates the issue.
Wilson is only referred to as "Nick" in the versions of Tony Hawk's Underground 2 he appears in, but both games came out through the same publisher, and the outfit "Nick" wears is an exact match for one Wilson wears in True Crime:
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(Also, can I mention how maddening it is to watch Tony Hawk's Underground 2 footage and try to figure out if it's in the correct aspect ratio or not? I kept watching video after video, thinking, okay, surely this video was uploaded to YouTube without care; look how vertically squashed the skaters are—and then something circular would come across the screen, but properly executed in infinite symmetry, as the great circlemaker intended. I am beginning to suspect that, somehow, I am watching playthroughs wherein all the skateboarding—the actual gaming bits—are in the wrong aspect ratios, while at the same time all of the menus and nondiegetic indicators are properly squared away. But that can't be possible, can it? Can it?)
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tomasorban · 7 years ago
The Octahedron of Space
The Cube of Space diagram is based upon the Sepher Yetzirah, The Book of Formation. This oldest of Qabalistic texts contains no diagrams. It is usually assumed that the correspondences given there between the 22 Hebrew letters and the directions refer to a cube. However, they can equally be placed upon an octahedron. Here the placement of the 22 letters is shown with their corresponding Tarot keys. The positions on the cube are from the Sepher Yetzirah, short version (with one change by Paul Foster Case - the positions of lamed (Justice) and nun (Death) are reversed).
Note that the Hebrew alphabet contains seven "double" letters (each has two pronunciations), twelve "single" letters, and three "mother" letters. The cube has six faces plus the center = seven, twelve edges, and three axi through the center of the faces. Similarly, the octahedron has six vertexes (plus the center), twelve edges, and three axi. Indeed, in their geometry, both the cube and the octahedron are ideally suited to representing the three sets (3 mothers, 7 doubles, 12 singles) of Hebrew letters.
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Step by step explanation can be viewed > here
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June 4, 2007: “This exciting new crop circles formation, quite gigantic at over 250 feet in width, lends dramatic support to the idea that the Circlemakers are attempting to show us these “hyperdimensional geometries” at work. This is indeed the next step in an ongoing demonstration of the geometry of “hyperdimensional physics”…
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The tetrahedral structuring of the “Local Group” galactic supercluster :
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assifassefi-blog · 7 years ago
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+ 👁® 👁‍🗨 #circles #circle #circlemaker #abstractpainting#abstractart #conceptualism#architecture #impressionistart#artdirector #graffitiartlondon#artdistrictla #architectureinstagram#color #graffitiartnyc#graffitiartparis #graffitiartberlin#graffitibristol #urbanartnyc #urbanartparis #urbanartlondon#chaos#arts #cubist #contemporaryphoto #photoarts#crown#folkartist 📷 by @sivision101
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petedirty77 · 4 years ago
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Tutta sta faccenda dei monoliti che spuntano come funghi : È semplice sono come spilli per l agopuntura messi nei punti dolenti della terra nelle Ley lines energetiche del pianeta come era stato migliaia di anni fa con i menhir e dolmen messi ad hoc nei punti di squilibrio energetico appunto nelle Ley lines che sono meridiani e paralleli della rete bio energetica che curconda la madre terra intessute nel campo magnetico terrestre . Potrebbero essere sia un opera di semplice emulazione umana o posti in loco da entita ed energia sottili come i circlemakers alieni cioè i globi di luce che creano i cerchi nel grano che cercano di riequilibrare l ecosistema spirituale energetico del pianeta e del genere umano. 🙂😉👽🖤🌌🌠🌈😇 https://www.instagram.com/p/CInBR22FkCj/?igshid=e83izu9vjhu9
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