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8.14.18 || just finished reading Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close for school, it is so good omg
Also using sticky notes to track motifs and write down thoughts is So much more satisfying and useful that writing directly in the book (and nicer to the book, too!)
#mine#extremely loud and incredibly close#books#booklr#bookish#student#studyblr#ap lit#studying#studyspo#gloomstudy#architstudy#ohlookcecilia#cinnamonelizastudies#anascoldcoffee#thesmartstudies#youngminstudies#studyingboba#chrissiestudies#eintsein#nerdastically#erasign#noodledesk#equaticns#nihaonicole#studywithjordan#studywithjacki#ittybittystudyblr#studytune#xiutingzainali
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06.05.18 || cold nights, notes to write
a week into may,, and this is the first time i’ve posted something all month lol oops
but um school is a thing which isn’t exactly the most fun thing in the world because eXAMS and i’m totally //not// freaking out about the fact that they’re in two weeks hAH
highkey stressed,, but also highkey not bothered to study lmaooo
the struggles of wanting to be a good student but also being the laziest student in the world,, relatable amrite
#studyblr#notes#student#study#studyspo#study inspiration#study motivation#studyquill#rhubarbstudies#obsidianstudy#intellectys#studytune#cinnamonelizastudies#artemistudying#studyblr2019#hogwartsstudies#moonshinestudies#studyingdaisies#architstudy#einstetic#mine#eintsein#academla#acadehmic
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—july 28, 2018 | 20/40 days of summer productivity
☁️ a little collection of photos from this week! instagram filters are a lifesaver when editing these photosets tbh
ig: jynsdesk | fill out my 5 question survey on study apps!
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7.24.18 // [2/100] turns out I actually like chemistry when I don’t have to worry about grades and exams! who knew!
#100 days of productivity#100 days challenge#college studyblr#study#study motivation#studyspo#studyblr#ap chem#chemistry#hexastudies#heysareena#celinestudies#jessiestudies#studynaire#stvdybuddies#stillstudies#cinnamonelizastudies#productivity#notes#note taking#muji pens#zebra mildliner#post it notes#emmastudies#mycontent
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Just bought a load of cute stationery items along with a few other things! I can’t wait to use them 🌻
Also, I wanted to try to hold a bullet journal, but I don’t know what kind of notebook to choose?? I usually have bleed-through problems with all of my notebooks, so I’d like to avoid that haha
#studyblr#study#studyspo#stationery#hall#student#motivation#notebooks#midliners#cute#architstudy#noodledesk#einstetic#bunnynichole#emmastudies#heyscholarly#ittybittystudyblr#cinnamonelizastudies#athenastudying#thesmartspo#adelinestudiess#kickasstudies#cute stationery#stationery hall#stationeryaddict#back to school
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first half of my purple week 🔮💜😈
🃏 my card of the day is kunzite, which almost matches my bujo! i think it’s a sign to wear my kunzite (& fluorite) necklace today 💎
[my stoned bujo]
#journalsanctuary#moonshinestudies#maristelle#obsidianstudy#cinnamonelizastudies#studyingsian#focusign#studyspo#bujo: weekly#purple#mine#bujo#bullet journal#bujo inspo#stonedbujo
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Okay I know this came out of the blue but I saw one of your posts and then checked your account. Realized that we both have the same names, Esther, lol. That's all I wanted to say really! XD
OMG HIIII ESTHERRRR!!! Haha super exciting when you meet someone with the same not-so-common name
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A before and after! ✨
This is my old way of editing (I’ve slightly altered what I do when taking the pictures), but these were conventionally in my photo library so I just used them. I might do an updated version in the future. 🙃
Not really subtle self-promo: I have an Instagram now! @cinnamonelizastudies
🎧 Listening to: Rise by Katy Perry 🎧
#studyblr#before and after#journal#30 days writing challenge#originalcontent#studyquill#studyign#tbhstudying#narglestudies#architstudy#ploverstudies#rhubarbstudies#studyrose#goldenotes#merakinotes#acaedmic#equaticns
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—august 11, 2018 | 29/30 days of summer productivity
hm the quality of this post is Awful and bothering me but oh well,,
so i’m going back to school tomorrow as a sophomore!! it still seems unreal and summer break went by so quickly without me really achieving the things i wanted to do or making myself happier. it feels like i’ve been in a rut since may, which is neither healthy or good for my academics/personal life. so this is a promise to myself that i hope future jyn will thank me for. grade 10 is a new start, and while i’ve found that a lot can change in just a short while + your life never goes exactly as you plan, i’m going to try and set some goals for the upcoming school year anyway. this is going under a cut because it got pretty long, i’m sorry if you’re on mobile and tumblr messes with the formatting.
🌻 start projects as soon as i get them - no more writing 3k design reports the night before, you can’t keep doing that!! while i’m aware that i still have a long way to go in terms of time management, i think one of the best things i can do to improve that is start things right away, when i’m still motivated to do them. the more time that passes, the less i want to start, and if i prove to myself how simple it is to just start the project, i’ll be more likely to keep on doing it.
🌻 work out everyday - i used to be very into exercising, as in i did cardio everyday and was proud of how my body looked + the time and effort it took to get it that way. i’ve really lapsed during the summer so this year i want to be able to work out regularly, even if it just a few exercises during a study break. also, i want to incorporate swimming into my workout routines and be a bit more serious about the varsity team compared to last year.
🌻 pay more attention to hygiene/routines - wow my routines were a mess during exam week. i’m not aiming for an ideal sleep schedule or anything, but i do hope that i’ll be able to have a steady morning/night routine with skincare, personal hygiene, etc. it doesn’t take that long and you’ll feel a lot better after it + it’ll pay off in the long term!
🌻 use my bullet journal daily - a lot of my more depressed moods seemed to correlate with how much i planned out my day (and vice versa). on the days that i didn’t have enough motivation to, i was aimless and unproductive. also, i ended up getting stressed because i couldn’t finish my spreads, which just added to my sense of feeling like i failed something. i’ve started a new bujo and am sort of discovering the style that i enjoy, so my goal is to add at least a basic to-do list every day.
🌻 improve korean - this was one of my goals from last year as well. i’m fluent in english and am told that i am a good writer, but i’m terrified that i’ll lose my korean-speaking abilities in exchange for that. i plan to restart the advanced memrise courses i was working on last year, watch yt channels and korean subbed videos regularly, or even listen to more kpop. also, journalling and talking to friends are both good options that don’t take up too much time! i’m hoping all of this will help me get better at least a little ;;
ig: jynsdesk | fill out my 5 question survey on study apps!
#gloomstudy#xiutingzainali#cinnamonelizastudies#eruditekid#studyquill#evergracest#intellectys#studyblr#studyspo#jynstudyblr#dosp#bujo#bullet journal
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7.25.18 // [3/100] spent the majority of the day creating my website and learning card wars. although I never quite got a hang of the game’s ins and outs, I did launch the site! oh well. you win some, you lose some. (ft. rough notes on empiricism and a half-full to-do list… at 10:30 pm) (it seems i lost more than i won today but that’s a-okay!! looking on the bright side these days)
#100 days of productivity#100 days challenge#productivity#studyblr#study#studyspo#college studyblr#study motivation#notes#studyingncoffee#studynaire#emmastudies#stillstudies#incompetentstudies#celinestudies#nerdastically#heysareena#hexastudies#cinnamonelizastudies#jessiestudies#alliestudiesx#stvdybuddies#mycontent
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i first joined the studyblr community in july of 2016 as @frappuccinostudies. at that time in my life i didn’t have a whole lot going on, or really any drive/motivation to keep up with any of my planning systems, and i certainly didn’t have any notes to re-write for my last two years of high school. well, i’m back, i’m busy, and i’m starting my first year of college next month!
what i’ll be posting
original content will be mostly bullet journal spreads, but i may start posting more notes once i start school again
my queue is also mostly bujo but also notes and reference posts
hopefully some of my graphics as i get back into it!
*find original content HERE
about me
my name is reina
im 18, a capricorn
i finished high school in december of 2017 but didn’t get my diploma until this may
i was an ib student but dropped that to do dual enrollment
i went to a technical school for graphic design while in high school for two years, earning college credit for the college i’m starting this fall
i also took three semesters of traditional (film) photography
weed: i live in denver tho c’mon, we’re all potheads lol
crystals/gemstones: i work at a crystal and bead store, so i’m hella into rocks and their energies and that metaphysical shit, and i also make gemstone jewelry
witchcraft: i don’t practice daily currently, but i try to incorporate my craft into as many mundane tasks as possible
cats: i have two baby kittens named charoite (after the crystal) and mochi
bullet journaling: i’ve always loved the aesthetic of it, especially as a designer. i find creating spreads is very therapeutic in a lot of ways, but very much so because it is a mindless way of designing without having to deal with a client, and without any real boundaries!
be productive every day until school starts (short-term)
get into the habit of using my planning system for the coming school year
practice my hand drawing by doodling in my journal
improve hand lettering
work on personal branding for my social media
make friends!
my favorite studyblrs
@obsidianstudy @studyingsian @studytherin @studyquill @focusign @smartspo @cinnamonelizastudies @eintsein @emmastudies @obliviatestudies @pridebulletjournal @moonshinestudies @tbhstudying @studybloop @lilacpancakejournal @studyskylar @adelinestudiess
my social media
my studygram
my weed blog
my personal ig
my spell blog
#studyblr#new studyblr#studyblr introduction#studyblr intro post#obliviatestudies#studyquill#adelinestudiess#mine#astralistudies
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+ Fun Tag +
thank you, the wonderful @rainbootskid, for tagging me! 😘
Name: Lady Mildred Eunice Alberta III of the Styrofoam Court.
Star sign: Pisces 😁 we’re all a bunch of emotional messes
Height: 5’3”. I’m praying that I’ll grow at least 2 more inches, but that doesn’t seem like it’ll happen at this point.
Middle name: same as my last name.
Put your itunes on shuffle, what are the 4 songs that popped out?
1. Tell Me Why I’m Waiting by Timmies
2. You by LINES
3. you should see me in a crown by Billie Eilish
4. Go to Sleep (feat. Kailee Morgue) - SYRE Remix
Grab the book nearest to you and turn to page 23. What’s line 17?
“With dazed vision unawares“
- Recollections of the Arabian Nights by Tennyson
Have you ever had a poem or song written about you?
Nope. But if I had, I’m pretty sure it would be titled ‘The Humanlike Potato.’
When was the last time you played air guitar?
Never have, and never will. None of the songs I listen to use guitars, anyway. I’m a very boring person.
Who is your celebrity crush?
Lucas Jade Zumann *he’s just a smol lil’ bean, okay?*
Emilia Clarke is also pretty cool.
What’s a sound you hate + a sound you love?
Love: the sound of thunderstorms pounding down on your roof and windows
Hate: the sound of a basketball (or any ball, really) hitting the floor. Like if you bounce a ball next to my grave while I’m dead, I will rise from the fiery depths of hell just to deflate it.
Do you believe in ghosts?
Since you’re asking me this when it’s daytime, I’d say no. But ask me when it’s midnight and the wind is rustling the trees and I’d scream yes.
How about aliens?
Yeah, I’m pretty sure that there’s some kind of extraterrestrial life out in space.
Do you drive?
Too scared to even if I could.
If so, have you ever crashed?
I dooonnn’t drriivvvvve
What was the last book you read?
I was rereading Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare a few minutes ago.
Do you like the smell of gasoline?
I could just stand in my garage happily smelling it all day long, but I’m pretty sure I’d die from some health complication because of that.
What was the last movie you saw?
Wuthering Heights (the 1939 version).
What’s the worst injury you had?
I was hit in the eye by a baseball bat in 3rd grade. :’) it was fun.
Do you have any obsessions right now?
Haha when do I not? I can’t name any off of the top of my head right now, but I know that I’m *unhealthily* obsessed with lots of things atm.
Do you tend to hold grudges against people who wrong you?
All. The. Flipping. Time. When someone does something rude to me or someone I know, I remember it for the rest of my life and never truly forgive the person even though I might say I do.
Are you in a relationship?
With eggs and bread and cheese, yes.
I tag @apricitystudies @jynsdesk @therobotstudies @cinnamonelizastudies @cotton2am @happybujopng @ohghiblies @howlsmovingdesk @so-mal @scholarlysuga @a-media-student @jestudyign @studys-more @hannybstudies to do this!
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A post from my Instagram!! ✨@cinnamonelizastudies
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Thank you @cinnamonelizastudies for tagging me! I haven’t done a tag game in a longgg time!
rules: answer questions and then tag 10 people!
relationship status: single and ready to mingleeee *jazz hands* jk lmao
favorite color: midnight blue
lipstick or chapstick: Chapstick (I like makeup but I save it for formal/semi-formal occasions)
three favorite foods: ice cream (desserts are food, don’t tell me otherwise), pasta, and pizza
last song I listened to: “New Year’s Day” - Taylor Swift, reputation
last movie I watched: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (I know, I know, I only go to the theater like twice a year, it’s so sad. And I don’t have Netflix.)
top three shows: Sherlock (andd that’s like the only show I’ve actually kept up with - sorry, I don’t watch much TV)
book I’m currently reading: nothing :(
three favorite bands: Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran, and umm Tchaikovsky (because I’ll always be an orchesdork hahaha)
Tagging: @architstudy, @artemistudying, @einstetic, @gloomstudy, and anyone who wants to do this because I’m too lazy to actually tag 10 people
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tag game 🌼
thank you joie @bujo-ie and saflin @saflinstudies for tagging me!!
rules: answer and tag 15 people you want to get to know better
relationship status: married to ramin karimloo‘s voice (single)
fave colours: black, silver dusty rose
lipstick or chapstick: aaaa this is hard but chapstick
three fave foods: pasta, california rolls, coffee (shhh coffee absolutely counts as a food)
song stuck in my head: carmen, lana del rey
last song i listened to: passenger seat, death cab for cutie
last movie i watched: infinity war?? idk i haven’t watched anything since april i think
top 3 tv shows: b99, doctor who, queer eye but this changes all the time
books i’m currently reading: the great gatsby by f scott fitzgerald
last thing i googled: “chinese conversations youtube”
time: 5:03pm
how many blankets do you sleep in: 1
dream trip: west europe (or any part of europe tbh), japan, taiwan
anything you really want: finish my pp successfully, find time to write everyday
tagging: @evergrace @hannybstudies @luciaastudies @notesbynerd @cinnamonelizastudies @gloomstudy and anyone else who wants to do this!
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i keep buying crystals to match my bujo spreads 😂💎🔮
[my stoned bujo]
#obsidianstudy#cinnamonelizastudies#bujo#bullet journal#bullet journal inspo#maristelle#studyingsian#studyspo#purple#bujo: weekly#mine#stonedbujo
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