#cilantro investigators
edibleartsncraftz · 2 months
orange characters in media ilysm
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Also just thought i'd share some stuff abt the design I came up for her here;
- She has eyebags bc of my hc of Cilantro usually staying up late to make the training scenarios back when she was under G.I Moe
- The glasses Cilantro wears has anti blue light properties due to her old job (again) but now that shes a (star)field agent she just wears them just bc + she feels weird going out without them on
- Her hair is supposed to represent both her tail nd crest!! the ponytail being the tail (duh) and the bangs being her crest
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dailycilantro · 2 months
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lazloorpington · 3 months
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i got inspired...
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robodoggiez · 1 year
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🔥A compilation of my most recent InvestiGators sketches🌟
Daryl from a Post-Book 5 AU of mine
Daryl/Crackerdile being angry and cute as usual :0)
Mango and Brash doing something horrible
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crackerdilez · 8 months
so, do you ever imagine an alternate timeline where cilantro fully embraces their villain arc back in ants in our P.A.N.T.S.?
Yes! I surely wonder how would that have been like! Alongside with other things, like the fact that Cilantro was planned to be Mango's rival, and not his friend.
The idea of an AU where she actually was mean, and became a villain, sounds so cool. Oh my, that would also mean Agents of S.U.I.T never happening XD
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smashpages · 2 years
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Out this week: Agents of S.U.I.T. (First Second, $10.99):
John Patrick Green’s InvestiGators gets a spinoff graphic novel, as Cilantro the Chameleon jumps into her own field assignment that features “a sheep-led worker’s rights revolt and an alien invasion conspiracy.” 
See what other comics and graphic novels will arrive at your local comic shop this week.
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macawbre · 4 months
[Fake mint candy]: Unlike the bowl of red, green and white spirals, this bowl had been filled with deep blue pieces also labeled as mints. The color is further from a mint representation so she is skeptical. She picks up one of the pieces and brings it to her nose to investigate. It has a waxy, artificial smell to it. 
Turning to the person beside her, she holds it up. “I have my doubts these are labeled correctly. What do you think they could be?”
"Huh? You want me to be your lab rat?" Henry squinted, looking at the weird deep blue bits staring back at him like sad, dinky little treats. "Nya ha ha~ Ooooh! Mysterious treats! Just make sure none of my crows get a load of these, or else they might end up croaking."
He grabbed a handful of them and CHOMP. Ugh... You visibly withered at the taste, bitter and bubbly and... "Oh Grima below, you're trying to poison me.................."
"They kind of taste like if you hexed me with a cilantro curse. Don't ask why I know what that feels like..." His entire face was scrunched up, but he still kept chewing. Henry blew a miserable bubble, despite his own emotions dusting away.
"Now its your turn, kiddo! Go on, have a taste."
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jadetheblade4 · 4 months
"Why do i even like this character" bitch that's Cilantro from InvestiGators you're talking about you shut your mouth
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edibleartsncraftz · 2 months
she in on my ves till i gators
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Figured Lisa Trammel had killed her husband. It’s telling how she tried controlling investigation from the start & her reactions any time her husband was mentioned, claimed there was no abuse but he disappeared when he could have had half her business and when she was confronted, suddenly claimed there was abuse… But burying him under the cilantro that he hated so much & tending to that every day? Her dead husband’s corpse being fertiliser for the cilantro she puts in her food?!?! MA’AM! *clutches pearls*
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adminbryantsaki · 1 year
Oboro/Kurogiri x Reader.
Caretaker (Stockholm Syndrome)
(I do not own My Hero Academia or the characters within. Anything associated with that fandom belongs to Horikoshi Kohei. This story belongs to my 2023 Spice-tober collection. I hope you enjoy. If this story isn’t your cup of tea, blend of spices, or brew of coffee move on. Reader discretion is advised.)
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(picture is the cover art from chapter 373 of the Manga. Done by Horikoshi Kohei. I didn't draw it
TW: Stockholm syndrome, mention of death, wounds.
WC: 2,913
Oboro was walking along his usual route in the forest, enjoying the fresh air. Off in the distance he saw something shivering in the cold and walked closer, finding you under a thin, ragged blanket. His blue eyes widened and something changed on him as a dark, shadowy persona took over his appearance, covering up his face until it only showed a blank face, except for two yellow glowing eyes with wavering wisps at the corners. He picked you up and carried you back down the path that he came, taking you into his cozy cabin where he set you on the couch and waited for you to wake up.
You woke up a little while later. Your head was throbbing and every part of your body was hurting. You sat up and looked around the area that you were in since it had changed from last you remember. You saw that you were in a log cabin that was small but it had all the basic needs for at least two people. You looked over and saw the man who was covered in shadows. His appearance was a bit odd though as he was completely enveloped in shadow except for his eyes which were a vibrant yellow and wisps almost wrapped around his head from the corner of his eyes if you could even tell where his head was. The top of his head where his hair would be was more shadow but it danced in a way that is like the way that the flames from the fireplace danced and gave some illumination to the otherwise dark and slightly eerie cabin. He also had a piece of metal armor that kept his neck and spinal cord protected from any kind of attack.
“It’s about time that you woke up.” The man spoke. He was sitting in a chair, not too far from where you were sitting. His elbows were on his knees and his hands… what you could tell were his hands were gently folded in his lap.
You pressed yourself against the back of the couch where you were seated in fear of the person before you. You remembered seeing him on the news with the Hosu incident when Stain was at large over a year ago. Since then, there hadn’t been much news featuring him or any of the other members of the League of Villains that he was associated with.
“You’re that Warpgate villain from the news! Why did you bring me here? Is your Master wanting to turn me into one of the monsters that looks like you?” You asked.
“No. I am no longer apart of the group known as the League of Villains. It has since then changed into the Paranormal Liberation Front. I was once captured but I have since broken free. I have been living here in peace. I found you on one of my walks through the forest and I brought you back here. You were cold and very beaten up. I could have left you out there.” The shadowy man spoke.
“I see. Thank you for saving me.” You spoke and looked down.
“You’re welcome. I’ll make you some tea to help you warm up.” Kurogiri spoke, standing from his chair and going to the kitchen part of his cabin. You waited on the couch until he came back with a mug holding a type of tea that you have never smelled before.
“What kind of tea is this?” You asked as you investigated the contents of the mug.
“Lime, cilantro, and mint. It’s good and has been known to calm nerves.” Kurogiri told you as he sat down across from you again and watched you drink the tea. You shift a little in your seat and you feel zinging pain shooting up from your leg and you hissed in pain, finally realizing how much you were really beaten up and bruised.
“I bandaged your wounds to the best of my ability with what I had here in my cabin. A couple of your wounds I had to stitch up and I’ll keep an eye on so it doesn’t get infected. But you should get as much rest as you can. If you have any questions, you should wait until you have some strength back.” He told you. You nodded and finished your tea before laying back down and closing your eyes.
You woke up to something smelling amazing. You looked over at the kitchen and saw someone in Kurogiri’s clothes but they looked a little more human-like but with pale blue hair that seemed to float on its own. He was cooking something in a pan when you sat up and stared at him blankly. He turned around and smiled.
“Well, good evening, Y/n! How did you sleep?” He asked in a cheery tone. This freaked you out a little so you backed up against the arm of the couch and panicked.
“Where did Kurogiri go?” You asked as you were confused.
“Oh, he’s right here.” The new guy spoke, making dark clouds emit from his body and wrap around him, bringing Kurogiri back. You calmed down a bit and steadied your breathing.
“I am sorry to have scared you, Y/n. I was taking a little nap. The other person is Oboro. He’s my host. He won’t hurt you at all. If you don’t mind, I’d like to continue my nap.” Kurogiri explained. You nodded and the dark shadowy clouds disappeared back into Oboro.
“Now that’s all figured out, how do you like your eggs? I’m making some for the both of us.” He offered. You told him how you liked your eggs and he went back into the kitchen. He came back a little while later with his food. He then sat down with you ate the two of you ate in silence.  You broke the silence by asking Oboro something.
“Do you remember much from before Kurogiri came into your life?” You asked. He paused and looked up at you.
“Not really. The time he came into my life was kinda blurry. But, I do remember two people that I think were my friends. I just don’t know what happened to them.” He spoke, finishing his food and looking to your plate and offering to take your plate from you as it looked as if you were finished.
You handed him your plate and he took it from you, heading into the kitchen and cleaning up the dishes. You looked around the cabin while you waited for him to finish the dishes. There was a fireplace with a decently sized television that you hadn’t noticed until now, a small radio on the mantle just below the Tv, and a few books set on either end of the mantle. Oboro came back over and started a fire within the fireplace. He looked over to you and smiled.
“How are you feeling?” He asked.
“I’m doing okay. I am a bit tired though.” You told him. He walked over and checked a bandage on your side.
“We should get this changed. I’ll go grab the bandages and gauze. Can you begin to unwrap what’s here?” He asked. You nodded and with his help, you found the end and began to unwrap the soiled bandage from your body. He came back with a fresh set of clean bandages and some antiseptic salve to put on your wounds. He began by looking over the wound in your side and checking your ribcage.
“A couple of your ribs are still bruised, but they will heal in time. There are a few open cuts that I’m going to put this salve on the cuts to help speed up the healing process. Then the bandages will go back on and I want you to rest. Is that clear?” You heard Kurogiri speak. You were noticing a change in their voices. Kurogiri would have a deeper voice than Oboro’s when he was present. He looked up at you, wondering if you had heard him, seeming to raise a figurative eyebrow. You snapped yourself out of your trance and nodded.
“Yes. I’ll get some rest.” You responded and waited for him to examine your wounds. He peels back the layer of gauze that covered the main extent of the burned out flesh in your side.
“Most of the wound is cauterized from whatever burned you but it is still a good habit to clean the wound to prevent infection.” He told you as he gingerly cleaned the wound with a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol. You hissed in pain as it stung on contact but you tried your best to stay still as he tended to your wounds. Once he was done, he applied the salve to your wound before applying gauze and bandages to the area to keep the gauze in place and any dirt out of the wound. He then put the medical supplies away and he let you be to rest on the couch. There was a gentle and caring way that he tended to your wounds that made you somehow fall in love with him a little bit more. You didn’t know why though but you liked him. He then went to the mantle and pulled down one of the books to read while you slept.
The next few days went by in a similar manner. He would make breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the both of you while attending to your wounds in-between meals and stories that he would read to you from the books and movies he would share with you when you asked if the two of you could watch a movie or a show with him. But you were getting restless and you wanted to go outside.
“Could we go outside today please? I’d like to accompany you on your walks.” You asked. Kurogiri sighed and set down the knife that he was using to prepare some vegetables for that night’s dinner.
“I thought we went over this yesterday. You’re not entirely healed yet and I don’t want to risk you getting injured further.” He told you as he turned to look at you.
“We did. But I’m getting restless and tired of walking only within the cabin. I want to go outside. Besides, the fresh air would help with my healing process anyways.” You told him.
“Fine. You may accompany me this time. But you are to stay close and don’t stray far from where I am walking, Is that understood?” He told you. You nodded and got up, finding your shoes with a pile of your clothes that had been cleaned and folded nicely on a chair next to the couch.
“Get changed. Its cold outside and I don’t want you to get sick.” Kurogiri told you and left the room to give you some privacy to get changed before the two of you would head out on a daily walk. Once you were changed, you went out into the living area and up to the front door where Kurogiri was waiting for you.
“Are you ready?” He asked. You nodded and you took his arm as the two of you left the cabin. Kurogiri locked the door behind him and walked with you down the path that he normally took with you just ahead of him so he could keep an eye on you. You enjoyed the fresh air and the ability to stretch out and not be cramped up in the cabin all day.
“Are you enjoying yourself, Y/n?” Kurogiri asked.
“Yes. It feels nice to be out of the cabin for a little while. Thanks for letting me come with you today, Kurogiri.” You told him as you walked along the path.
“I’m glad and you’re welcome. I think I’ll bring you on these walks more in the future. Being outside really brightens your personality and makes you look happier.” He told you. You nodded and walked along the path until Kurogiri stopped you.
“Its time we go back. I don’t want you pushing yourself on your first day out of the house.” He told you. You were a bit sad at this thought but you agreed. You walked back with Kurogiri to the house to see that the front door was ajar. Kurogiri perked up and stopped in his tracks.
“Wait here, Y/n. It looks like someone has broken into the house. I’ll go investigate.” He told you. You were a bit worried about who or what could be inside but you did as you were told and you waited outside. You watched as Kurogiri went inside. You waited a few minutes before you got chilled and went inside. You were also curious as to what was going on so when you went inside, you saw that Kurogiri was pinned against the wall as one of the two heroes that had broken into the house The hero that had Kurogiri pinned to the wall had black, shoulder-length, wavy hair, an eyepatch and two scars that intersected just below the eyepatch, and a gray capture weapon that held your caretaker against the wall.
“Let him go! He hasn’t done anything wrong. He hasn’t harmed me at all. Please, just let him go.” You pleaded with the heroes. The first hero’s partner who was a tall blonde that had a type of loudspeaker around his neck, a leather jacket and pants, and headphones over his ears that approached you.
“Are you Y/n?” He asked. You nodded and looked at Kurogiri.
“Listen to them. They have a reason for being here, Y/n.” He told you. You nodded and sat down with the blonde Hero.
“Your parents have been looking for you and they are worried about you. They have been searching for you for a long time now. We followed the trail of where you had been until we found this cabin. We broke in and found your clothes and belongings that matched the description that your parents gave us. Now the question is; do you want to come back with us?” He asked. You thought for a moment then shook your head no.
“I don’t want to go back. I am just fine here. Kurogiri is good to me. He hasn’t hurt me. He’s cared for me and has helped me with my healing process. If you ask him, he cares for me too. He saved me from the cold so I wouldn’t get sick and die.” You told the hero, standing up for the man that saved you.
“Alright. I hear you. We can’t force you to leave but we will send someone to come and check in on you, okay?” He spoke. You nodded and the hero left, telling his partner what was going on. The hero with the capture weapon let Kurogiri go. He immediately went to you to make sure that you were okay, Kurogiri disappeared for a moment and Oboro appeared.
“Are you okay? Did he hurt you?” He asked.
“No. I’m okay. Did that hero hurt you?” You asked him as you looked him over.
“No. He pulled his capture weapon a little tight since he remembered Kurogiri from a couple past incidents that he was still involved with the League.” He reassured you. This helped you relax but you heard metal hit the wood of the floor as the hero with the eyepatch dropped his knife, he used to cut sections of his capture weapon with as he was paused in the door way to the bedroom, staring at Oboro in disbelief.
“N-no. It can’t be. You are dead! We were at your funeral all those years ago! How can you be alive!?” He spoke. Oboro’s eyes widened.
“Shouta? Hizashi? Is that you? its me! Oboro! I am alive. I have been all this time but some mad doctor turned me into this.” He spoke, letting Kurogiri come out and cover his body again with the shadowy clouds.
Shouta and Hizashi looked at their long-lost friend and Shouta stepped forward slowly, approaching Kurogiri and hugging him. The shadowy clouds slipped away again and Oboro appeared. He hugged his friend back and they were happily reunited.
Shouta pulled away after a moment and looked at his friend.
“We will find a way to help you. Don’t worry. You and Y/n can stay here. Hizashi and I will come check on you when we can. Y/n, we will tell your parents that we found you but you didn’t want to come back. That you were happy living here on your own.” Shouta told you. You nodded, happy with the answer and you thanked the heroes.
“I am more than capable to care for Y/n on my own. But the occasional visit would be lovely.” Kurogiri told them before they left.  They agreed and walked back down the path they came up to the cabin from as you and Kurogiri watched them leave. Once they were gone, the two of you went back to living together happily, and alone.
The End.
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ivyprism · 9 months
Skeleton Boy Jobs: Revamp and New Part 3
Warnings: Death, etc.
Admiral and Sandstone are both working heroes. Incarnadine is a retired hero.
Baron and Finch are villains. Amos is a retired villain.
Veranda and Grenach are heroes.
Macchiato and Carignan are villains.
Griffin is a Judge for Angels and is also an Executioner, however, on Earth, he works at a supermarket. Sentinel is a Savior Angel, however, on Earth, he works at a flower shop. Cobalt trains Executioners and Guardians, however, on Earth, he is a professor.
Joldewin is the God of Sleep and Elio is the God of Wishes and Dreams.
Hellebore is the God of Poison and Grimoire is the God of Curses and Nightmares.
Ilarion is the God of Joy and Cyfrin is the God of Mischief and Daydreams.
Evander is an executioner angel, but in the mortal world, he is a professional lifeguard. Bronze is a Guardian Angel and he is a professor. Copper helps train new Guardians and Executioners, but in the mortal realm, he is a simple bookshop owner.
Weylin is a Corrupt Angel who is an executioner.
Odin and Theron are both Angel Hunters.
Orin is a Security Guard, but he also is a demon who handles order in Erebus. Magnar is a Crime Investigator and a demon who handles troubles in Erebus. Zinc is a Criminal Justice professor, but he's also someone who helps train others.
Regulus is a bookshop worker as well as a person who teaches kids in Erebus. Badger is a lifeguard and he takes care of kids when he is in Erebus. Shale is a professor and a teacher of kids.
Amon is a Rogue Demon who takes care of gardens.
Conlan and Runyon are both Demon Slayers.
Lock and Key are multiverse savers and they work for a wizard.
Cervil and Cane (Sugar Cane) both own an animal shelter and a diner.
Dragomir is a teacher and Cicil is an actor.
Chilion is a grocery store owner and Parfait is an actor and a part-time firefighter.
Davy is a Royal Guardsman and Diamont works at a bar.
Cilantro and Cardamom both work at Cervil and Cane's diner.
Carom works at the diner and Citrus works as a bartender.
Brine, Gale, and Lumus are all pirates (they are also partially royalty.)
Stowne, Cendis, and Diabolos are all royalty.
Cathan is a flower shop owner and a teacher for students. Clovis is a full-time teacher. Lorcan is a teacher and a bookshop owner.
Gwyddion is a personal trainer and a part-time teacher. Wischard is a full-time teacher. Aeron is a retired knight, but a teacher.
Sawyl and Valerian are both teachers.
Fjord, Titus, and Avalanche guide wayward travelers.
Strom, Pyrrhus, and Novis guide wayward travelers.
Sol, Beckett, and Infinis guide wayward travelers.
Zev is a painter. Wolfsbane is a private investigator. Ammonite is a retired ferryman.
Harrier is a bouncer. Vermillion is a renowned lawyer. Dendritic is a retired scientist.
Selenite is a royal guardsman and Blackwin is a bookseller.
Saffron is a royal guardsman and Steel is a bee-keeper.
Mahogany is a prince and Osprey is a prince.
Phlox is a duke's son and Leopard is a duke.
Falcon and Sangria are dating sim characters with no known jobs.
Aegean and Maple are dating sim characters with no known jobs.
Cynwrig and Cadell work together in science.
Lycidas and Phelan work together in science.
Arche and Almond are both survivors responsible for the care of a place.
Sriracha and Sugar are both survivors responsible for the care of a place.
Vesper and Larimar are both survivors responsible for the care of a place.
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vixletserenity · 2 years
“…You okay, Kiddo? I’m sorry I lied to you… I genuinely didn’t expect you to want to get so involved in everything. Was just tryin’ to spice things up.” She frowns, folding her arms tightly and looking at the ground “Thought that was something you and Arven could have fun solving together”
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"NO!" Celeste shouted immediately without even thinking. She had started hyperventilating with faint sounds of Celeste breathing in and out. She never liked being directly lied to; whether that'd be from a stranger or someone close to her like Rika.
A low growl came from Cilantro; though it wasn't anger directed at Rika for her role in all this. Instead it was the usual reason; Rika trying to comfort his trainer when he had already been doing it, but that wouldn't stop them from working together in the task. They both wanted the same outcome.
"It's what I get for being selfish isn't it...?" Celeste as she had hit the sides of her head a few times, "No...I was the one to find out you asked to borrow Director Clavell's Meowscarada...I should be happy enough to have that credit in all this..."
She was trying to make herself not think about this as being her fault. That even though Celeste had joined the investigation, she should have some pride that her theory of Flower Trick having distinct scents of a Meowscarada had lead to finding the true trainer of said pokemon.
"But who knows if Mr. Saguaro will even come back to the festival now...."
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magician-of-heka · 2 years
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♊️𝗢𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀♍️; Planet Mercury ☿
𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫#️⃣: 5
𝐃𝐚𝐲𝐬📅: Tuesday, Wednesday
𝐌𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐥🪙: Mercury
𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐬🌈: Sky Blue, Light Blue, Azure, Dove Gray, Violet
𝐑𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐬🪨: Agate, Tiger's Eye, Sodalite, Fluorite, Citrine, Calcite
𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐬🌿: Hazel, Mulberry, Lavender, Parsley, Valerian, Barley, Cilantro, Cinnamon, Lemongrass, Pansy, Slippery Elm, Snapdragon, Tea Tree, Hydrangea, Caraway, Valerian, Coriander, Honeysuckle, Solomon's Seal, Tumeric, Yellowdock
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐬☕️: Hazlenuts, Mushrooms, Carrots, Celery, Pickles, Pasta, Pancakes, Waffles, Marshmallow, Mandarins, Beans, Pomegranate
𝐀𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐆𝐨𝐝𝐬☀️: Sutekh, Djehuty
Mercury is beneficial for communication, wisdom, and wealth based spell work.
I actually didn't get a picture of the bath spell I did invoking Sutekh and Ma'at about some imbalance in management at my workplace (after just leaving the management position for a different one in the company) and...it's been a month now and I found out yesterday HR has been calling employees investigating, and the working staff has been reduced by more than half🙂😅
Instead I used a picture of a spell invoking Djehuty to accompany me in meeting Aset for the first time.(I learned with deity work its best to invoke both a male and female. If i invoke 3 gods, its actually gotta be 4. I'm unsure if anyone else does this and what culture this is from as I learned it from a friend's book) The spell draws power from the moon and was performed on a Wednesday, following Aset's affinitive Zodiac, Virgo. My offerings to them were coffee and documented research on Wep-Wonpet as I was furthering my understanding on the holiday.
...I just..I love them so much🙄 I'll get into alter items but I'd like to put general relevant info out as well.
My information largely comes from the books I've purchased over the years, very small amounts of credible online resources, and through correlations I have connected myself though means of research and cross-refrence, online and by book. Sources can be provided if requested 🙂 The internet wasn't as abundant on knowledge when I started my magical journey and I would like to help contribute 💜 If you see any misinformation, please don't hesitate to reach out so we can fix it!
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aarohij · 11 months
Alarming Discovery of Heavy Metals in Bengaluru's Supermarket Vegetables and Reassuring Solution by GreenChopper
In a recent revelation that has sent shockwaves throughout Bengaluru, a groundbreaking study by the Environmental Management and Policy Research Institute (EMPRI) has uncovered unsettling findings about the safety of vegetables available in the city's supermarkets. Particularly, beans, coriander, and spinach have been found to contain dangerously high levels of heavy metals, including iron and cadmium. This discovery has ignited a pressing concern for the health of consumers in the region.
The EMPRI's in-depth investigation delved into the analysis of 400 samples from ten commonly consumed vegetables. The results of this study have sparked genuine worries about the safety of these widely purchased food items, with some shocking revelations that have far-reaching implications.
The Environmental Management and Policy Research Institute (EMPRI) found high levels of heavy metals, including iron and cadmium, in these vegetables, posing health risks to consumers. Some vegetables contained excessive iron, with beans having 810.20 mg per kg, while coriander and spinach had 945.70 mg and 554.58 mg per kg, respectively. Even well-known vendor Hopcoms' vegetables had elevated iron levels.
Cadmium, a toxic element, was also a concern, exceeding permissible limits in cilantro, spinach, carrots, and other vegetables. The study revealed elevated nickel levels in various vegetables. Prolonged consumption of such contaminated vegetables can harm human health, necessitating stricter regulations and a reevaluation of agricultural practices. Experts advise against using wastewater and sewage water in agriculture to ensure food safety.
The findings of this study have prompted calls for stricter regulations and a comprehensive reassessment of agricultural practices in the region. Experts stress the importance of avoiding the use of waste water for agricultural purposes and advise farmers against using water from sewage and other waste sources to ensure the safety of the food supply chain.
The EMPRI's research has uncovered a concerning reality about the safety of vegetables available in Bengaluru's supermarkets. The presence of dangerously high levels of heavy metals, including iron and cadmium, raises serious health concerns for consumers. As the community grapples with this alarming revelation, authorities must take immediate action to safeguard the well-being of the public and ensure the safety of the food supply chain in Bengaluru.
However, GreenChopper, an organic vegetable delivery service in Bangalore has been selling ozone-washed fruits and vegetables to reduce all these health risks and unhealthy percentages of metal and Cadmium substance.
GreenChopper: A Safer Alternative
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Amid these alarming findings, there's a glimmer of hope for Bengaluru residents. GreenChopper, a chopped vegetable delivery service, is pioneering a safer alternative for accessing fresh and uncontaminated vegetables. They have introduced ozone washing as a part of their vegetable cleaning process.
Ozone washing is a powerful technique that effectively eliminates harmful pathogens and contaminants from vegetables. It is highly efficient in reducing the presence of heavy metals like iron and cadmium, ensuring that the vegetables delivered by GreenChopper meet the highest safety standards. Ozone washing also helps in reducing harmful chemicals and pesticides, providing a healthier and safer option for consumers.
By implementing this method of washing vegetables, GreenChopper is committed to providing Bengaluru residents with fresh, clean, and safe vegetables, free from the worrying levels of heavy metals and contaminants that have been plaguing supermarket produce.
In conclusion, while the discovery of heavy metal contamination in Bengaluru's supermarket vegetables is alarming, GreenChopper's commitment to utilizing ozone washing in their vegetable cleaning process is a welcome solution. This innovative approach is set to revolutionize the way Bengaluru residents’ access safe and healthy vegetables, ultimately promoting a healthier and safer food supply chain in the region.
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