#cidre rainbow
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kovopedia · 1 year ago
Magical Vacation - Let's Illustrate!
Some time after Magical Vacation released in Japan, Brownie Brown opened a fanart submission page called "Let's Illustrate" (レッツイラスト) on their MV website. Submissions were categorized by "General Submission Works" (一般応募作品) and "Friends' Works" (おともだち作品).
Sadly, several images weren't preserved on the WayBack Machine, so we salvaged what we could and stored them in a Drive folder!
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ellasent · 2 years ago
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ciderrainbow · 4 years ago
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living up to my url again
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philippecombaz · 6 years ago
#Acte33 #MacronDemission #GayPride #YellowRevolution #孔八子 #GayPride2019 #Pride #ParisPride #Homosexual #LGBT #LGBTQ #Lesbian #Gay #Rainbow #Queer #Bisexual #Asexual #Transgender #Transpride #GiletsJaunes #YellowVests #ЖелтыеЖилеты #黃背心 #노란조끼 #MACRON #Ambidextrous #필립콤바자 #双手 #MarcheDesLibertés #ecoKapitalism 151 On my videos you can easily estimate more than 3'000 in Paris! 2019-06-29 黃背心運動 Police officer clubbing me like a mad man! Yelling at me: "Run, run, run or I will beat you, club you & destroy you!" And this is exactly what he did in front of his 10 colleagues who did not help me as I was on the floor, nor did they help this woman on my video who got beated by this giant bastard policeman! This is insane! We are in France, one of the oldest democracies, not under PINOCHET's dictatorship! Revolution French media are controlled by our government! "War is when the government tells you who the bad guy is. Revolution is when you decide that for yourself" Benjamin FRANKLIN Algeria Algerie SunPower SAFT CrudeOil LNG GasToMethanol PlannedObsolescence LGTBQ Methanol COH4 CH3OH Ethanol C2OH6 C2H5OH Energy BioEthanol Capitalism DimitriCOMBAZ VictorCOMBAZ PhilippeCOMBAZ GillesCOMBAZ JeanCOMBAZ BlackRock AMUNDI GNL NuclearBioMethanol CoalBioMethanol ROBESPIERRE Algerie BlackBloc Police CRS Ambidextrous Ambidexter FVMMO DETTINGER ParisOnFire SolarMethanol GasToMethanol MethaneToMethanol ProudToBeFrench ProudToBeJewish ProudToHaveMuslimFriends ProudToBeIrish ProudToBeChristian ProudToBeItalian ProudToBeSavoyard MethanolEconomy MethanolAppeal Wine Vodka Beer Whiskey Whisky Bourbon Cidre Cider Cognac Armagnac 酒 Sake 俳句 Haiku Haïkou: 高 - 01 い - 02 偉 - 03 大 - 04 さ - 05 は - 06 強 - 07 い - 08 性 - 09 格 - 10 と - 11 善 - 12 に - 13 あ - 14 り - 15 ま - 16 す - 17 高い偉大さは強い性格と善にあります "High greatness lies in strong character and goodness" Philippe COMBAZ フィリップ 孔八子 inspired by "Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character & goodness" AnneFRANK ElonMUSK MasterBullShitter TESLA SpaceX u forgot to say "thanks" to me when you created SolarCity! BENALLA МАКРОН 马克龙 GeorgeOLAH JamesBALDWIN https://www.instagram.com/p/BzjbSc2IYAV/?igshid=6iyq0fm96kq2
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interstellarhitchhiker · 7 years ago
weekend snack of champions, 4:42 pm
rainbow goldfish directly out of the bag
stella artois cidre
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cookerypokery · 6 years ago
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Welcome back to Cookery Pokery! I haven’t updated in more than two years. I blame the election. Hard to enjoy a meal in peace these days. I have a permanent gross taste in my mouth that even the best meals can hardly drown out.
So why come back? Why now?
The short answer is that 1) I am in Normandy; 2) I am drinking alone in a bed and breakfast in Normandy; 3) It reminds me of another time I drank with people in Europe; 4) Never you mind, I’m back, bébé!
Today’s post is about a threesome. Les saucisses, le fromage de chèvre, et le cidre normand. FUCKITY FUCK, IT’S GOOD! I bought them today at a market in Bayeux, the town of the famed medieval Bayeux Tapestry that depicts William the Conqueror shooting his enemy Harold Godwinson in the eye. Trust me, this ménage à trois is a sensual mélange. Close that porn tab and have yourself a real treat. Normandy, the birthplace of tarte aux pommes and Camembert, is rightfully famous for its apple and dairy products. What a happy accident that they pair so well. The only exception, I hear, is that Norman cows do not like it if you shove apples up their butt.
Let me explain. Schmear some creamy goat cheese on a baguette, take a bite and then—avant de swallowing—swig some cider. The goat cheese has a slight gaminess that just melts into the wild yeast of the cider, while the sweetness of the apples brings up the rear. Everything just melds together in a flavor rainbow.
Yes, yes, I know I said this was a threesome and I haven’t talked about la saucisse yet. Basically, it’s the phallus. Call me old-fashioned.
I am about 400 milliliters into a 750-milliliter bottle of said cider. 
In the spirit of Cookery Pokery, there will be no copy-editing or revisions. This is going up now. You’re welcome.
Photo: The author kneels at the historic altar of Lord Piggy, Duke of Normandy.
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kovopedia · 2 years ago
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philippecombaz · 6 years ago
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#Acte34 #YellowRevolution #July4th #4thOfJuly #BenjaminFRANKLIN #AlexisDeTOCQUEVILLE #EINSTEIN #SunTzu #ArtOfWar #War #PEACE #Liberty #孔八子 #GayPride #Pride #ParisPride #LGBT #LGBTQ #Rainbow #Queer #GiletsJaunes #YellowVests #ЖелтыеЖилеты #黃背心 #노란조끼 #MACRON #Ambidextrous #필립콤바자 #双手 #ecoKapitalism 107 On my videos you can easily estimate more than 3'000 in Paris! 2019-07-06 黃背心運動 Police officer clubbing me like a mad man! Yelling at me: "Run, run, run or I will beat you, club you & destroy you!" And this is exactly what he did in front of his 10 colleagues who did not help me as I was on the floor, nor did they help this woman on my video who got beated by this giant bastard policeman! This is insane! We are in France, one of the oldest democracies, not under PINOCHET's dictatorship! Revolution French media are controlled by our government! "War is when the government tells you who the bad guy is. Revolution is when you decide that for yourself" Benjamin FRANKLIN Algeria Algerie SunPower SAFT CrudeOil LNG GasToMethanol PlannedObsolescence LGTBQ Methanol COH4 CH3OH Ethanol C2OH6 C2H5OH Energy BioEthanol Capitalism DimitriCOMBAZ VictorCOMBAZ PhilippeCOMBAZ GillesCOMBAZ JeanCOMBAZ BlackRock AMUNDI GNL NuclearBioMethanol CoalBioMethanol ROBESPIERRE Algerie BlackBloc Police CRS Ambidextrous Ambidexter FVMMO DETTINGER ParisOnFire SolarMethanol GasToMethanol MethaneToMethanol ProudToBeFrench ProudToBeJewish ProudToHaveMuslimFriends ProudToBeIrish ProudToBeChristian ProudToBeItalian ProudToBeSavoyard MethanolEconomy MethanolAppeal Wine Vodka Beer Whiskey Whisky Bourbon Cidre Cider Cognac Armagnac 酒 Sake 俳句 Haiku Haïkou: 高 - 01 い - 02 偉 - 03 大 - 04 さ - 05 は - 06 強 - 07 い - 08 性 - 09 格 - 10 と - 11 善 - 12 に - 13 あ - 14 り - 15 ま - 16 す - 17 高い偉大さは強い性格と善にあります "High greatness lies in strong character and goodness" Philippe COMBAZ フィリップ 孔八子 inspired by "Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character & goodness" AnneFRANK ElonMUSK MasterBullShitter TESLA SpaceX u forgot to say "thanks" to me when you created SolarCity! BENALLA МАКРОН 马克龙 GeorgeOLAH JamesBALDWIN https://www.instagram.com/p/BzkjzOCITD6/?igshid=h9qh0p2r2jmg
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philippecombaz · 6 years ago
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#Acte34 #YellowRevolution #July4th #4thOfJuly #BenjaminFRANKLIN #AlexisDeTOCQUEVILLE #EINSTEIN #SunTzu #ArtOfWar #War #PEACE #Liberty #孔八子 #GayPride #Pride #ParisPride #LGBT #LGBTQ #Rainbow #Queer #GiletsJaunes #YellowVests #ЖелтыеЖилеты #黃背心 #노란조끼 #MACRON #Ambidextrous #필립콤바자 #双手 #ecoKapitalism 101 On my videos you can easily estimate more than 3'000 in Paris! 2019-07-06 黃背心運動 Police officer clubbing me like a mad man! Yelling at me: "Run, run, run or I will beat you, club you & destroy you!" And this is exactly what he did in front of his 10 colleagues who did not help me as I was on the floor, nor did they help this woman on my video who got beated by this giant bastard policeman! This is insane! We are in France, one of the oldest democracies, not under PINOCHET's dictatorship! Revolution French media are controlled by our government! "War is when the government tells you who the bad guy is. Revolution is when you decide that for yourself" Benjamin FRANKLIN Algeria Algerie SunPower SAFT CrudeOil LNG GasToMethanol PlannedObsolescence LGTBQ Methanol COH4 CH3OH Ethanol C2OH6 C2H5OH Energy BioEthanol Capitalism DimitriCOMBAZ VictorCOMBAZ PhilippeCOMBAZ GillesCOMBAZ JeanCOMBAZ BlackRock AMUNDI GNL NuclearBioMethanol CoalBioMethanol ROBESPIERRE Algerie BlackBloc Police CRS Ambidextrous Ambidexter FVMMO DETTINGER ParisOnFire SolarMethanol GasToMethanol MethaneToMethanol ProudToBeFrench ProudToBeJewish ProudToHaveMuslimFriends ProudToBeIrish ProudToBeChristian ProudToBeItalian ProudToBeSavoyard MethanolEconomy MethanolAppeal Wine Vodka Beer Whiskey Whisky Bourbon Cidre Cider Cognac Armagnac 酒 Sake 俳句 Haiku Haïkou: 高 - 01 い - 02 偉 - 03 大 - 04 さ - 05 は - 06 強 - 07 い - 08 性 - 09 格 - 10 と - 11 善 - 12 に - 13 あ - 14 り - 15 ま - 16 す - 17 高い偉大さは強い性格と善にあります "High greatness lies in strong character and goodness" Philippe COMBAZ フィリップ 孔八子 inspired by "Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character & goodness" AnneFRANK ElonMUSK MasterBullShitter TESLA SpaceX u forgot to say "thanks" to me when you created SolarCity! BENALLA МАКРОН 马克龙 GeorgeOLAH JamesBALDWIN https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzjq9xUoN5w/?igshid=wdcghs6zd9f
0 notes
philippecombaz · 6 years ago
#Acte34 #YellowRevolution #GiletsJaunes #YellowVests #ЖелтыеЖилеты #黃背心 #노란조끼 #MACRON #PhilippeCOMBAZ #Ambidextrous #필립콤바자 #双手 #ecoKapitalism #TotalCommittedToBullshit #PatrickPOUYANNE #BenjaminFRANKLIN #AlexisDeTOCQUEVILLE #EINSTEIN #SunTzu #ArtOfWar #War #PEACE #Liberty #孔八子 #France #Paris #ParisPride #LGBT #LGBTQ #Rainbow 163 On my videos you can easily estimate more than 3'000 in Paris! 2019-07-06 黃背心運動 Police officer clubbing me like a mad man! Yelling at me: "Run, run, run or I will beat you, club you & destroy you!" And this is exactly what he did in front of his 10 colleagues who did not help me as I was on the floor, nor did they help this woman on my video who got beated by this giant bastard policeman! This is insane! We are in France, one of the oldest democracies, not under PINOCHET's dictatorship! Revolution French media are controlled by our government! "War is when the government tells you who the bad guy is. Revolution is when you decide that for yourself" Benjamin FRANKLIN Algeria Algerie SunPower SAFT CrudeOil LNG GasToMethanol PlannedObsolescence LGTBQ Methanol COH4 CH3OH Ethanol C2OH6 C2H5OH Energy BioEthanol Capitalism DimitriCOMBAZ VictorCOMBAZ PhilippeCOMBAZ GillesCOMBAZ JeanCOMBAZ BlackRock AMUNDI GNL NuclearBioMethanol CoalBioMethanol ROBESPIERRE Algerie BlackBloc Police CRS Ambidextrous Ambidexter FVMMO DETTINGER ParisOnFire SolarMethanol GasToMethanol MethaneToMethanol ProudToBeFrench ProudToBeJewish ProudToHaveMuslimFriends ProudToBeIrish ProudToBeChristian ProudToBeItalian ProudToBeSavoyard MethanolEconomy MethanolAppeal Wine Vodka Beer Whiskey Whisky Bourbon Cidre Cider Cognac Armagnac 酒 Sake 俳句 Haiku Haïkou: 高 - 01 い - 02 偉 - 03 大 - 04 さ - 05 は - 06 強 - 07 い - 08 性 - 09 格 - 10 と - 11 善 - 12 に - 13 あ - 14 り - 15 ま - 16 す - 17 高い偉大さは強い性格と善にあります "High greatness lies in strong character and goodness" Philippe COMBAZ フィリップ 孔八子 inspired by "Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character & goodness" AnneFRANK ElonMUSK MasterBullShitter TESLA SpaceX u forgot to say "thanks" to me when you created SolarCity! BENALLA МАКРОН 马克龙 GeorgeOLAH JamesBALDWIN https://www.instagram.com/p/BzlDLomINYJ/?igshid=1r3f7avwhmcp2
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philippecombaz · 6 years ago
#Acte34 #YellowRevolution #GiletsJaunes #YellowVests #ЖелтыеЖилеты #黃背心 #노란조끼 #MACRON #PhilippeCOMBAZ #Ambidextrous #필립콤바자 #双手 #ecoKapitalism #TotalCommittedToBullshit #PatrickPOUYANNE #BenjaminFRANKLIN #AlexisDeTOCQUEVILLE #EINSTEIN #SunTzu #ArtOfWar #War #PEACE #Liberty #孔八子 #France #Paris #ParisPride #LGBT #LGBTQ #Rainbow 163 On my videos you can easily estimate more than 3'000 in Paris! 2019-07-06 黃背心運動 Police officer clubbing me like a mad man! Yelling at me: "Run, run, run or I will beat you, club you & destroy you!" And this is exactly what he did in front of his 10 colleagues who did not help me as I was on the floor, nor did they help this woman on my video who got beated by this giant bastard policeman! This is insane! We are in France, one of the oldest democracies, not under PINOCHET's dictatorship! Revolution French media are controlled by our government! "War is when the government tells you who the bad guy is. Revolution is when you decide that for yourself" Benjamin FRANKLIN Algeria Algerie SunPower SAFT CrudeOil LNG GasToMethanol PlannedObsolescence LGTBQ Methanol COH4 CH3OH Ethanol C2OH6 C2H5OH Energy BioEthanol Capitalism DimitriCOMBAZ VictorCOMBAZ PhilippeCOMBAZ GillesCOMBAZ JeanCOMBAZ BlackRock AMUNDI GNL NuclearBioMethanol CoalBioMethanol ROBESPIERRE Algerie BlackBloc Police CRS Ambidextrous Ambidexter FVMMO DETTINGER ParisOnFire SolarMethanol GasToMethanol MethaneToMethanol ProudToBeFrench ProudToBeJewish ProudToHaveMuslimFriends ProudToBeIrish ProudToBeChristian ProudToBeItalian ProudToBeSavoyard MethanolEconomy MethanolAppeal Wine Vodka Beer Whiskey Whisky Bourbon Cidre Cider Cognac Armagnac 酒 Sake 俳句 Haiku Haïkou: 高 - 01 い - 02 偉 - 03 大 - 04 さ - 05 は - 06 強 - 07 い - 08 性 - 09 格 - 10 と - 11 善 - 12 に - 13 あ - 14 り - 15 ま - 16 す - 17 高い偉大さは強い性格と善にあります "High greatness lies in strong character and goodness" Philippe COMBAZ フィリップ 孔八子 inspired by "Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character & goodness" AnneFRANK ElonMUSK MasterBullShitter TESLA SpaceX u forgot to say "thanks" to me when you created SolarCity! BENALLA МАКРОН 马克龙 GeorgeOLAH JamesBALDWIN https://www.instagram.com/p/BzlAemsINtu/?igshid=fysh5jaw4eak
0 notes
philippecombaz · 6 years ago
#Acte34 #YellowRevolution #GiletsJaunes #YellowVests #ЖелтыеЖилеты #黃背心 #노란조끼 #MACRON #PhilippeCOMBAZ #Ambidextrous #필립콤바자 #双手 #ecoKapitalism #TotalCommittedToBullshit #PatrickPOUYANNE #BenjaminFRANKLIN #AlexisDeTOCQUEVILLE #EINSTEIN #SunTzu #ArtOfWar #War #PEACE #Liberty #孔八子 #France #Paris #ParisPride #LGBT #LGBTQ #Rainbow 159 On my videos you can easily estimate more than 3'000 in Paris! 2019-07-06 黃背心運動 Police officer clubbing me like a mad man! Yelling at me: "Run, run, run or I will beat you, club you & destroy you!" And this is exactly what he did in front of his 10 colleagues who did not help me as I was on the floor, nor did they help this woman on my video who got beated by this giant bastard policeman! This is insane! We are in France, one of the oldest democracies, not under PINOCHET's dictatorship! Revolution French media are controlled by our government! "War is when the government tells you who the bad guy is. Revolution is when you decide that for yourself" Benjamin FRANKLIN Algeria Algerie SunPower SAFT CrudeOil LNG GasToMethanol PlannedObsolescence LGTBQ Methanol COH4 CH3OH Ethanol C2OH6 C2H5OH Energy BioEthanol Capitalism DimitriCOMBAZ VictorCOMBAZ PhilippeCOMBAZ GillesCOMBAZ JeanCOMBAZ BlackRock AMUNDI GNL NuclearBioMethanol CoalBioMethanol ROBESPIERRE Algerie BlackBloc Police CRS Ambidextrous Ambidexter FVMMO DETTINGER ParisOnFire SolarMethanol GasToMethanol MethaneToMethanol ProudToBeFrench ProudToBeJewish ProudToHaveMuslimFriends ProudToBeIrish ProudToBeChristian ProudToBeItalian ProudToBeSavoyard MethanolEconomy MethanolAppeal Wine Vodka Beer Whiskey Whisky Bourbon Cidre Cider Cognac Armagnac 酒 Sake 俳句 Haiku Haïkou: 高 - 01 い - 02 偉 - 03 大 - 04 さ - 05 は - 06 強 - 07 い - 08 性 - 09 格 - 10 と - 11 善 - 12 に - 13 あ - 14 り - 15 ま - 16 す - 17 高い偉大さは強い性格と善にあります "High greatness lies in strong character and goodness" Philippe COMBAZ フィリップ 孔八子 inspired by "Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character & goodness" AnneFRANK ElonMUSK MasterBullShitter TESLA SpaceX u forgot to say "thanks" to me when you created SolarCity! BENALLA МАКРОН 马克龙 GeorgeOLAH JamesBALDWIN https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzk9QNTo28U/?igshid=3euwdprbruxt
0 notes
philippecombaz · 6 years ago
#Acte34 #YellowRevolution #GiletsJaunes #YellowVests #ЖелтыеЖилеты #黃背心 #노란조끼 #MACRON #PhilippeCOMBAZ #Ambidextrous #필립콤바자 #双手 #ecoKapitalism #TotalCommittedToBullshit #PatrickPOUYANNE #BenjaminFRANKLIN #AlexisDeTOCQUEVILLE #EINSTEIN #SunTzu #ArtOfWar #War #PEACE #Liberty #孔八子 #France #Paris #ParisPride #LGBT #LGBTQ #Rainbow 157 On my videos you can easily estimate more than 3'000 in Paris! 2019-07-06 黃背心運動 Police officer clubbing me like a mad man! Yelling at me: "Run, run, run or I will beat you, club you & destroy you!" And this is exactly what he did in front of his 10 colleagues who did not help me as I was on the floor, nor did they help this woman on my video who got beated by this giant bastard policeman! This is insane! We are in France, one of the oldest democracies, not under PINOCHET's dictatorship! Revolution French media are controlled by our government! "War is when the government tells you who the bad guy is. Revolution is when you decide that for yourself" Benjamin FRANKLIN Algeria Algerie SunPower SAFT CrudeOil LNG GasToMethanol PlannedObsolescence LGTBQ Methanol COH4 CH3OH Ethanol C2OH6 C2H5OH Energy BioEthanol Capitalism DimitriCOMBAZ VictorCOMBAZ PhilippeCOMBAZ GillesCOMBAZ JeanCOMBAZ BlackRock AMUNDI GNL NuclearBioMethanol CoalBioMethanol ROBESPIERRE Algerie BlackBloc Police CRS Ambidextrous Ambidexter FVMMO DETTINGER ParisOnFire SolarMethanol GasToMethanol MethaneToMethanol ProudToBeFrench ProudToBeJewish ProudToHaveMuslimFriends ProudToBeIrish ProudToBeChristian ProudToBeItalian ProudToBeSavoyard MethanolEconomy MethanolAppeal Wine Vodka Beer Whiskey Whisky Bourbon Cidre Cider Cognac Armagnac 酒 Sake 俳句 Haiku Haïkou: 高 - 01 い - 02 偉 - 03 大 - 04 さ - 05 は - 06 強 - 07 い - 08 性 - 09 格 - 10 と - 11 善 - 12 に - 13 あ - 14 り - 15 ま - 16 す - 17 高い偉大さは強い性格と善にあります "High greatness lies in strong character and goodness" Philippe COMBAZ フィリップ 孔八子 inspired by "Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character & goodness" AnneFRANK ElonMUSK MasterBullShitter TESLA SpaceX u forgot to say "thanks" to me when you created SolarCity! BENALLA МАКРОН 马克龙 GeorgeOLAH JamesBALDWIN https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzk51RfIVKB/?igshid=10ysfe2d0zzdj
0 notes
philippecombaz · 6 years ago
#Acte34 #YellowRevolution #GiletsJaunes #YellowVests #ЖелтыеЖилеты #黃背心 #노란조끼 #MACRON #PhilippeCOMBAZ #Ambidextrous #필립콤바자 #双手 #ecoKapitalism #TotalCommittedToBullshit #PatrickPOUYANNE #BenjaminFRANKLIN #AlexisDeTOCQUEVILLE #EINSTEIN #SunTzu #ArtOfWar #War #PEACE #Liberty #孔八子 #France #Paris #ParisPride #LGBT #LGBTQ #Rainbow 153 On my videos you can easily estimate more than 3'000 in Paris! 2019-07-06 黃背心運動 Police officer clubbing me like a mad man! Yelling at me: "Run, run, run or I will beat you, club you & destroy you!" And this is exactly what he did in front of his 10 colleagues who did not help me as I was on the floor, nor did they help this woman on my video who got beated by this giant bastard policeman! This is insane! We are in France, one of the oldest democracies, not under PINOCHET's dictatorship! Revolution French media are controlled by our government! "War is when the government tells you who the bad guy is. Revolution is when you decide that for yourself" Benjamin FRANKLIN Algeria Algerie SunPower SAFT CrudeOil LNG GasToMethanol PlannedObsolescence LGTBQ Methanol COH4 CH3OH Ethanol C2OH6 C2H5OH Energy BioEthanol Capitalism DimitriCOMBAZ VictorCOMBAZ PhilippeCOMBAZ GillesCOMBAZ JeanCOMBAZ BlackRock AMUNDI GNL NuclearBioMethanol CoalBioMethanol ROBESPIERRE Algerie BlackBloc Police CRS Ambidextrous Ambidexter FVMMO DETTINGER ParisOnFire SolarMethanol GasToMethanol MethaneToMethanol ProudToBeFrench ProudToBeJewish ProudToHaveMuslimFriends ProudToBeIrish ProudToBeChristian ProudToBeItalian ProudToBeSavoyard MethanolEconomy MethanolAppeal Wine Vodka Beer Whiskey Whisky Bourbon Cidre Cider Cognac Armagnac 酒 Sake 俳句 Haiku Haïkou: 高 - 01 い - 02 偉 - 03 大 - 04 さ - 05 は - 06 強 - 07 い - 08 性 - 09 格 - 10 と - 11 善 - 12 に - 13 あ - 14 り - 15 ま - 16 す - 17 高い偉大さは強い性格と善にあります "High greatness lies in strong character and goodness" Philippe COMBAZ フィリップ 孔八子 inspired by "Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character & goodness" AnneFRANK ElonMUSK MasterBullShitter TESLA SpaceX u forgot to say "thanks" to me when you created SolarCity! BENALLA МАКРОН 马克龙 GeorgeOLAH JamesBALDWIN https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzk4JiTIIRy/?igshid=18tths0k65hm2
0 notes
philippecombaz · 6 years ago
#Acte34 #YellowRevolution #GiletsJaunes #YellowVests #ЖелтыеЖилеты #黃背心 #노란조끼 #MACRON #PhilippeCOMBAZ #Ambidextrous #필립콤바자 #双手 #ecoKapitalism #TotalCommittedToBullshit #PatrickPOUYANNE #BenjaminFRANKLIN #AlexisDeTOCQUEVILLE #EINSTEIN #SunTzu #ArtOfWar #War #PEACE #Liberty #孔八子 #France #Paris #ParisPride #LGBT #LGBTQ #Rainbow 151 On my videos you can easily estimate more than 3'000 in Paris! 2019-07-06 黃背心運動 Police officer clubbing me like a mad man! Yelling at me: "Run, run, run or I will beat you, club you & destroy you!" And this is exactly what he did in front of his 10 colleagues who did not help me as I was on the floor, nor did they help this woman on my video who got beated by this giant bastard policeman! This is insane! We are in France, one of the oldest democracies, not under PINOCHET's dictatorship! Revolution French media are controlled by our government! "War is when the government tells you who the bad guy is. Revolution is when you decide that for yourself" Benjamin FRANKLIN Algeria Algerie SunPower SAFT CrudeOil LNG GasToMethanol PlannedObsolescence LGTBQ Methanol COH4 CH3OH Ethanol C2OH6 C2H5OH Energy BioEthanol Capitalism DimitriCOMBAZ VictorCOMBAZ PhilippeCOMBAZ GillesCOMBAZ JeanCOMBAZ BlackRock AMUNDI GNL NuclearBioMethanol CoalBioMethanol ROBESPIERRE Algerie BlackBloc Police CRS Ambidextrous Ambidexter FVMMO DETTINGER ParisOnFire SolarMethanol GasToMethanol MethaneToMethanol ProudToBeFrench ProudToBeJewish ProudToHaveMuslimFriends ProudToBeIrish ProudToBeChristian ProudToBeItalian ProudToBeSavoyard MethanolEconomy MethanolAppeal Wine Vodka Beer Whiskey Whisky Bourbon Cidre Cider Cognac Armagnac 酒 Sake 俳句 Haiku Haïkou: 高 - 01 い - 02 偉 - 03 大 - 04 さ - 05 は - 06 強 - 07 い - 08 性 - 09 格 - 10 と - 11 善 - 12 に - 13 あ - 14 り - 15 ま - 16 す - 17 高い偉大さは強い性格と善にあります "High greatness lies in strong character and goodness" Philippe COMBAZ フィリップ 孔八子 inspired by "Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character & goodness" AnneFRANK ElonMUSK MasterBullShitter TESLA SpaceX u forgot to say "thanks" to me when you created SolarCity! BENALLA МАКРОН 马克龙 GeorgeOLAH JamesBALDWIN https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzk1URII7y6/?igshid=1droqf1vimv2q
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philippecombaz · 6 years ago
#Acte34 #YellowRevolution #GiletsJaunes #YellowVests #ЖелтыеЖилеты #黃背心 #노란조끼 #MACRON #Ambidextrous #필립콤바자 #双手 #ecoKapitalism #TotalCommittedToBullshit #PatrickPOUYANNE #BenjaminFRANKLIN #AlexisDeTOCQUEVILLE #EINSTEIN #SunTzu #ArtOfWar #War #PEACE #Liberty #孔八子 #France #Paris #ParisPride #LGBT #LGBTQ #Rainbow #LouisJaune 135 with Louis, 13 years old On my videos you can easily estimate more than 3'000 in Paris! 2019-07-06 黃背心運動 Police officer clubbing me like a mad man! Yelling at me: "Run, run, run or I will beat you, club you & destroy you!" And this is exactly what he did in front of his 10 colleagues who did not help me as I was on the floor, nor did they help this woman on my video who got beated by this giant bastard policeman! This is insane! We are in France, one of the oldest democracies, not under PINOCHET's dictatorship! Revolution French media are controlled by our government! "War is when the government tells you who the bad guy is. Revolution is when you decide that for yourself" Benjamin FRANKLIN Algeria Algerie SunPower SAFT CrudeOil LNG GasToMethanol PlannedObsolescence LGTBQ Methanol COH4 CH3OH Ethanol C2OH6 C2H5OH Energy BioEthanol Capitalism DimitriCOMBAZ VictorCOMBAZ PhilippeCOMBAZ GillesCOMBAZ JeanCOMBAZ BlackRock AMUNDI GNL NuclearBioMethanol CoalBioMethanol ROBESPIERRE Algerie BlackBloc Police CRS Ambidextrous Ambidexter FVMMO DETTINGER ParisOnFire SolarMethanol GasToMethanol MethaneToMethanol ProudToBeFrench ProudToBeJewish ProudToHaveMuslimFriends ProudToBeIrish ProudToBeChristian ProudToBeItalian ProudToBeSavoyard MethanolEconomy MethanolAppeal Wine Vodka Beer Whiskey Whisky Bourbon Cidre Cider Cognac Armagnac 酒 Sake 俳句 Haiku Haïkou: 高 - 01 い - 02 偉 - 03 大 - 04 さ - 05 は - 06 強 - 07 い - 08 性 - 09 格 - 10 と - 11 善 - 12 に - 13 あ - 14 り - 15 ま - 16 す - 17 高い偉大さは強い性格と善にあります "High greatness lies in strong character and goodness" Philippe COMBAZ フィリップ 孔八子 inspired by "Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character & goodness" AnneFRANK ElonMUSK MasterBullShitter TESLA SpaceX u forgot to say "thanks" to me when you created SolarCity! BENALLA МАКРОН 马克龙 GeorgeOLAH JamesBALDWIN https://www.instagram.com/p/BzkzQ1hIqiA/?igshid=111kl8kzjnkif
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