#cassis lumberyard
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aforgotto · 6 months ago
I named my protagonist "FURRY" in Magical Vacation for reasons I don't understand myself
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but I acquired some incredible screencaps from it
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it just looks like everyone is bullying him for no reason. even faculty.
i also made some edits
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I'm so proud of Pistachio for his rapid character development.
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kovopedia · 1 year ago
Magical Vacation - Let's Illustrate!
Some time after Magical Vacation released in Japan, Brownie Brown opened a fanart submission page called "Let's Illustrate" (レッツイラスト) on their MV website. Submissions were categorized by "General Submission Works" (一般応募作品) and "Friends' Works" (おともだち作品).
Sadly, several images weren't preserved on the WayBack Machine, so we salvaged what we could and stored them in a Drive folder!
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normiconjun99 · 1 year ago
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Hey long time no see going on a hiatus right now
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bruisoie-blog · 7 years ago
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cassis lumberyard, a 16 year old blade mage, lookin’ for a good time and a treasure or two around the world! ( or really, the island, considering his current position. ) below’s a list of stuff that can happen. 
smash the like button if you’re interested in any of the below and i’ll hit up your IMs!  ( you can also reply with a number if you have something specific you’d want )
1. friends:
cassis is a very mixed bag of a person. on one hand, he’s a loyal friend and won’t hesitate to do a lot for you. on the other, he does tend to be the type that doesn’t help you emotionally too much and rather works more as like... someone who’ll help you just solve them? he’s pretty chill and not the kind of person to get too heated about something ( for the most part ). he’s a great guy to talk to! it’s pretty easy to be his friend, too. 
edit: typically speaking, cassis makes friends with people around his age who like to have fun. most often are they considered a sort of bad crowd, or a mischievous sort of group. other times, they just happen to be the more relaxed kinds of people. because of his maturity, he can also get along with adults, but it’s to be noted that he’s still Young so if your muse is significantly older / more mature, there’s a chance they won’t get along.
2. enemies:
you... can’t really tell when you’re his enemy? he’s more passive aggressive and likely to avoid you. unless you’re a person he REALLY hates, he’ll still talk to you, but if you are he’ll just... pass you by and ignore you unless you really try and start something. it’s hard to get under his skin, but people who’d insult his parents or friends would certainly get a few down votes in his head. ( and really if u call him weak  /  just a kid he’ll get pretty riled up on that too ) 
edit: most people who end up his enemy are just people who he really just. can never agree with. like villains or people who really really hate the concept of friendship, or those that consider him really, really weak. putting others down for no reason also gets on his nerves.
3. familial:
looking for a brother figure, younger or older? LOOK NO FURTHER! one of my favorite things about cassis is that he’d definitely be a fun brotherly character, as he’s one of the more mature members of his class. he’s done an alright job raising himself when his family wasn’t there, but he’s a little sad he didn’t get the chance to have the whole family bonding thing.
edit: parental figures will definitely have a harder time happening since cassis is an abrasive type of individual at times and does have a general disdain for authority outside of his actual mother. 
4. magic solidarity: 
use magic? well, that’s almost a guaranteed like from him. cassis is interested in almost any type of magic. the only time he wouldn’t be as interested is if it was magic of an element stronger than his, but even then that’d just make him feel competitive. ultimately, though, he’d think whatever you have is cool and be interested in learning more. i guess this bleeds into friendship?
5. rivals:
boy does he love to spar actually. he states that he wants to become the best in 1 on 1 fights especially, so if you’d be willing to be something of a rival, feel free to declare that! he can enjoy a good competition from time to time and you’re more than welcome to be the one to propose that. as long as things don’t get too serious, he’s in it to win it. if things do get too serious, though, it’ll probably bleed into enemies... he likes friendly competition, not serious competition.
6. another idea:
if what you’d want isn’t on this list, you’re still free to like this post and when i message you, just let me know what you had in mind!
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isolaradiale · 7 years ago
cassis lumberyard from magical vacation's blog is finished! the url is bruisoie ( this blog ) and the application is under /app. good luck with all the messages, mods..
Welcome to scenic Radiale, Cassis!
You’ll be living in TOWNHOUSE 231!
You’ll be able to use Batonnet five times a day!
Enjoy your stay!
–Mod Lyra
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batomette · 8 years ago
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i saw someone else do this, so i’ll go ahead and hope i do this right--
i’m cole! i’m 18 and use he/him pronouns only. my birthday is august 9th, so i actually somewhat-recently turned 18... yay?? i’m a leo, the best star sign. sorry it’s only the truth :’// 
my twitter is celestialswap. i don’t really talk much there i just rt stuff and post art sometimes. you’re still free to follow though 
below this point is kinda long, so i’ll be putting it under a cut.
this is my first time in citta and its been my dream group since i was around 15 years old or something like that... i only recently had the courage to try getting in and now that i’m in, i’m really glad to be here! 
i’m inxp. i’ve gotten a bunch of different results saying i’m intp and infp so i just put an in between at this point
i’ve been roleplaying since i was 11! at least, i think. a lot of my memories are kind of jumbled? 
i have inattentive adhd and scoliosis among other things and it does affect my performance levels, but i’m trying find a way to have the former be more manageable! i do have other mental health issues but i’d prefer not to disclose them outside of depression and anxiety
i do have another blog but it’s not in ca. you’re free to ask for it if you want it?? i’m barely active on that blog since it mostly runs on a queue, but you’re more than free to ask / follow if you’re interested
i absolutely love the magical vacation games! i grew up on magical starsign and have played it to completion 3 times. i’m working on a 4th! since the fantranslation for magical vacation came out last year, i thought i’d finally take the chance to actually rp someone from the series... 
if you’d ever like to play it yourself, you’re free to ask for a link to it if you don’t want to go finding it! the only condition is that you must always keep cassis in your party if he’s gone you’re gone ( I’M JOKING YOU’RE FREE TO USE WHOEVER i am just... passionate about cassis. he never left my party since he joined and im still screaming about him really he’s such a good kid )
please talk to me i’m always nervous and i’d love to make friends in this group? a lot of them? like literally please talk to me i just want to make friends and cry about cassis lumberyard and just be emo like the wiki calls him 
also as seen here i talk so much. beware
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kovopedia · 11 months ago
★"I see it now… A new age is beginning to unravel… I’ve become a star that will nurture countless lives… From now on, the skies are my home… Thanks…for helping me find my way."★
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kovopedia · 2 years ago
HIIIII today’s my 20th birthday so i’m gonna share this cool thing that my very cool friend made for me bc i love them sm :,,]
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kovopedia · 2 years ago
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kovopedia · 3 years ago
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so true
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bruisoie-blog · 7 years ago
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cassis  lumberyard   //   magical  vacation   ! 
a blade mage who loves what he does! 
used to go to school for magic at will o’ wisp academy, but after a certain “class trip” ( more like a magic war ) decided that he was better off just searching for treasure than getting any kind of job that requires a full education. 
this guy had to take care of himself for a good part of his life due to family circumstances ( no dad; working mother. ) he’s pretty mature for his age as a result but he’s still got a few things goin on with him.
really cocky? not without good reason, seeing as how blade magic is technically the magic with the most raw damage output towards one individual... but still pretty cocky about it
did i mention he loves cooking? if u want a guy to peel or chop up ur ingredients, he’s into it! 
he considers himself an emo but he’s really not dfskjgjsdfg
Would and Will Do Anything For His Friends. 
if u have a cool sword PLEASE interact he loves swords and blades in general. he used to even have his own knife collection
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poise-remade · 8 years ago
cassis lumberyard has moves like “call edgy” and “double edgy” and he is literally refered to as “emo”
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