haveyougrownthisplant · 9 months
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lunelfy · 1 year
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Cichorium ;
Wild endive; Cichorium pumilum ♥
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Common Chicory, Wild Succory Cichorium intybus Asteraceae
Photograph taken on October 7, 2021, along the Culham Trail, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada.
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It’s A Good Thing
Watercolor on Black Paper
2022, 11"x 14"
Chicory,  Cichorium intybus
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cytgen · 3 months
The influence of the culture medium without bacterial cells, obtained after the cultivation of endophytic bacteria Priestia endophytica UCM B-5715, on the growth and synthesis of some metabolites in lettuce and chicory seedlings under in vitro conditions was studied. Bacteria were cultivated in liquid LB medium at 37 ºC for 24 h with periodic stirring. The culture fluid was separated from the cell biomass. For preparing the test solution, the supernatant was sterilized by filtration through a filter with a pore diameter of 0.2 µm (Sartorius, Minisart) and diluted with sterile distilled water. The 20% culture fluid (30 µl/plant) was applied to 3-day-old seedlings. In 28 days root and shoot weights of treated chicory plants were 54.3 ± 6.9 and 260.0 ± 20.2 mg, respectively (8.0 ± 0.7 and 91.4 ± 7.0 mg for the control plants). Total flavonoid content and antioxidant activity increased only in chicory plants after the addition of the test solution. Significant changes in the metabolism of treated plants were detected. In the treated lettuce plants asparagine content increased compared to the control (90 vs 22 µg/g, p < 0.1). The median content of fructose was also higher in treated lettuce and chicory plants (1469 vs 73 µg/g and 2278 vs 1051 µg/g). Therefore, the use of culture fluid obtained after the cultivation of P. endophytica UСM B-5715 stimulated the growth of lettuce and chicory plants, affecting the synthesis of some compounds in single-treated plants. These results indicate the potential of compounds excreted during bacterial growth to create natural growth stimulators.
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victorjazz · 2 years
«Cichorium» RELAX ART THERAPY improvisation piano composer Victor Mikhailovich Anokhin
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andulkaphoto · 1 year
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on Zazzle
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crudlynaturephotos · 22 days
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coffeenewstom · 11 days
Kretisches Kaffeetagebuch: die Geister von Frangokastello
“Inseln sind in besonderen Masse Stätten, an denen mythisches Geheimnis und legendäres Geschehen miteinander verwoben sind. Von keinem anderen Teil Kretas kann man dies so sehr sagen, wie gerade von der Sfakia. Mit dem Aussprechen der Worte “Sfakiote”, “Sfakia” werden bei denen, die Kreta kennen, ganz bestimmte Vorstellungen heraufbeschworen, von einem Schlag fast übermenschlich starker…
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headspace-hotel · 8 months
The knowledge of some common plants
Since many people don't know most of the plants around them, this is information on some plants that are commonly seen in many places throughout the world
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This is Lamium purpureum, also called Purple Deadnettle.
It's called deadnettle because it looks like a nettle but it doesn't sting you
This plant is a winter annual—it grows its leaves in the fall, lasts through the winter, and blooms and dies in the spring
Its pollen is reddish orange. If you see bees with their heads stained reddish orange, it is likely because they have visited Purple Deadnettle
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This is Trifolium repens, white clover
It is a legume (belongs to the bean family) and fixes nitrogen using symbiosis with bacteria that live in little nodules on its roots, fertilizing the soil
It is a good companion plant for the other members of a lawn or garden since it is tough, adaptable, and improves soil quality. According to my professor it used to be in lawn mixes, until chemical companies wanted to sell a new herbicide that would kill broadleaved plants and spare grass, and it was slandered as a weed :(
It is native only to Europe and Central Asia, but in the lawns they are doing more good than harm most places
Honeybees love to visit clover
Four-leaf clovers are said to be lucky
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This is Achillea millefolium, Common Yarrow
It has had a relationship with humans since Neanderthals were around, at least 60,000 years, since Neanderthals have been found buried with Yarrow
Its leaves have been used to stop bleeding throughout history, and its scientific name comes from how Achilles was said to have used Yarrow to stop the blood from the wounds of his soldiers. A leaf rolled into a ball has been used to stop nosebleeds
It is a native species all throughout Eurasia and North America
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This is Cichorium intybus, known as Chicory
The leaves look a lot like dandelion leaves, until in mid-spring when it begins growing a woody green stem straight up into the air
Like many other weeds, it has a symbiotic relationship with humans, existing in a mix of domesticated or partially domesticated and wild populations
It is native to Eurasia, but widespread in North America on roadsides and disturbed places, where it descended from cultivated plants
Its root contains large amounts of inulin, which is used as a sweetener and fiber supplement (if you look at the ingredients on the granola bars that have extra fiber, they usually are partly made of chicory root) and has also been used as a coffee substitute
A large variety of bees like to feed upon it
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This is Phytolacca americana, known as Pokeweed
It is easily identified by its huge leaves and its waxy, bright magenta stem
It can grow more than nine feet tall from a sprout in a single summer!
If you squish the berries, the juice inside is a shocking magenta that is so bright it almost burns your eyes. For this reason many Native American people used it for pink and purple dye.
It is a heavy metal hyperaccumulator, particularly good for removing cadmium from the soil
All parts of the plant are poisonous and will make you very sick if you eat them, however if the leaves are picked when very young and boiled 3 times, changing out the water each time, they can be eaten, and this is a traditional food in the rural American Southeast, but I don't want to chance it
British people have introduced it as a pretty, exotic ornamental plant. I think that is very funny considering that here it is a weed associated with places where poor people live, but maybe they're right and I need to look closer to see the beauty.
If you see magenta stains in bird poop it is because they ate pokeweed berries- birds can safely eat the berries whereas humans cannot
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This is Plantago lanceolata, Ribwort Plantain
It grows in heavily disturbed soils, in fact it is considered an indicator of agricultural activity. It is successful in the poorest, heaviest and most compacted soil.
The leaves, seeds, and flower heads are said to be edible but the leaves are really stringy unless they are very young. Of course, it is important to be careful when eating wild plants, and make sure you have identified the plant correctly and the soil is not contaminated
I have also heard the strings in the leaves can be extracted and used for textile purposes
and that's some common plants you might often see throughout the world
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thebotanicalarcade · 2 years
n45_w1150 by Biodiversity Heritage Library Via Flickr: The instructive picture book, or, Lessons from the vegetable world Edinburgh :Edmonston & Douglas, 87 Princes Street,1858. biodiversitylibrary.org/page/59644132
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haveyougrownthisplant · 9 months
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noseysilverfox · 2 months
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Common chicory (lat. Cichorium intybus) by the road🌱
Цикорий обыкновенный (лат. Cichórium íntybus) у дороги🌱
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It’s A Good Thing
Watercolor on Black Paper
2022, 11"x 14"
Chicory,  Cichorium intybus
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stonesandpeaches · 8 months
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flowers and ink ☀️🌻💚
ink -> comyet
sketches, flower names and closeups under the cut hehe
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In order:
Paeonia tenuifolia
Dictamnus albus var. purpureus
Tragopogon pratensis subsp. orientalis
Cichorium intybus
Salvia nemorosa
I particularly chose these since theyre plants found in my country
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lunelfy · 1 year
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Chicory ;
Cichorium Intybus ♡
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