captain-mako · 4 months
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Morr (right) and her half sister, Chumani (left)
Don't have much to say other than fae are very diverse.
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Ubuntu as The Art of Cultivation: Nurturing Relationships and Personal Joy
In the hustle and struggle of modern life, slow down and savor the essence of our existence: cultivate! This thought encourages me to invest my time and energy into the things that truly matter, experiencing my life in ways that bring joy and meaningful connections. That must be why my mom named me Chumani. Let's delve into the essence of cultivation and how it can transform our relationships, our personal space, and our overall sense of happiness. Cultivating is not easy, as a matter of fact it is hard, it hurts and times. In the process you have to learn self actualization, to sit with oneself, the good and the bad, then to accept the facts, and work to do better. But the first step is to try not to get worse. In some aspects we are incapable of doing better, so there is value in starting with wanting to "not do worse or more". Sometimes the intention matters most, but I digress!
Blood is thicker than water: Families are Made, Not Born
Listen! The full saying is: "The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb." So this phrase actually conveys the opposite of the commonly shortened version "blood is thicker than water." The full saying suggests that the bonds formed through shared experiences and choices (the blood of the covenant/those who go bleed together) can be stronger than mere family (the WATER of the WOMB). In other words, it emphasizes the importance of chosen and cultivated relationships and connections over purely biological ones.
The tapestry of life is woven with threads of relationships. Like a skilled gardener tending to a cherished garden, we must nurture our relationships with care and intention. Families, in particular, are not merely a product of biology; they are crafted through shared experiences, laughter, and support. Every smile shared, every tear wiped away, contributes to the growth of these invaluable bonds. Cultivating relationships means being present, empathetic, and communicative. It's about creating a safe and nurturing environment where love and understanding can thrive.
Respect your own boundaries and those of others in order to Protect Your Space and Others'
I always took this for granted, the older I get the more I learn about boundaries. I would have obviously love to be efficient at it by now but I know the importance of unlearning. Just as a garden flourishes when the land is prepared and boundaries are respected—allowing each plant to grow without being overshadowed by another—so too do our lives prosper when we respect the personal space of others. Invading someone else's space can lead to discomfort and strained relationships. Instead, we should strive to build a culture of empathy, where we understand and honor the boundaries of those around us. By doing so, we create an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect. But most of all mutual benefits like the 3 companion sisters planting method.
Nurture Your Inner Garden
Imagine your happiness as a delicate flower, ready to bloom if given the right care. Cultivating joy involves embracing the things that bring us happiness and fulfillment, while also being mindful of not trampling upon the joy of others. Just as a mindful gardener wouldn't tread upon their freshly sprouted plants, we should approach others' feelings with sensitivity and consideration. When we allow our own joy to flourish alongside that of others, we create a harmonious environment where everyone's happiness can thrive.
The art of cultivation invites us to invest in the aspects of life that truly matter. By nurturing relationships, understanding boundaries, and cultivating joy, we create a life that is not only fulfilling but also filled with meaningful connections. Just as a garden requires time, care, and attention to blossom, so too do our lives benefit from intentional cultivation. So, let us embrace this philosophy and watch as the tapestry of our existence blooms with vibrant colors of love, respect, and happiness.
Never forget that I'm just thinking out loud. Izwe lethu!
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peter-puddle · 1 year
Bague ajustable Chumani – cuivre et labradorite
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mirabuy · 1 year
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Halskette „Chumani“ ————————————— 🌸 www.mirabuy.de 🌸 ————————————— #rosenquarz #rosenquarzschmuck #dragonfly #heilsteine #handmadewithlove #handmadejewellery #spirituality #spiritualität #unikatschmuck #hippiestyle #hippiegirl #ethnostyle #bohostyle #alternativegirl #alternativestyle #geschenkideen #geschenkidee #halskette #necklace #schmuck #schmuckliebe #besonders #unikat https://www.instagram.com/p/CqOvS8IDUP_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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misc-headcanons · 3 years
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Chumani looking proper and cute in her UA uniform, and Millie being an absolute rainbow-colored disaster as always. Finally, a Picrew that shows what her cheek marks actually look like! They look like they're drawn-on thanks to her Toon Force Quirk, and I think her eyes would be a little more cartoonish (closer to Mirio's than the more realistic ones in BNHA lol)
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leoniaart · 5 years
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I found out how to do the thing with the lines
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quantumfizz · 6 years
More Chumani headcanons that I was inspired to make after @izukulove 's lovely fic with her and Mirio!
-Frequently gets letters from her family in the States due to her younger sister Lore's Quirk, Burn Notice (any letter she puts to a flame will burn to ash, then be transported and reassembled from the ashes when the recipient is near a flame). She keeps all of them in a small drawer in her room.
-Will defend literally any student being bullied if she sees it, with varying results. She once saw a few people teasing Shinsou about his Quirk being more suited to a Villains and she went BALLISTIC, ranting about how "that mentality is what reinforces the hatred of Hero society and makes sure nothing changes for the better" until they awkwardly walked away from her.
-After her encounter with Dabi, he thinks she'd be a good asset to the League if she'd join--she hates current Hero society, and all she'd need is a little push. It would take a lot of coaxing until she would ever consider joining, and she eventually agreed to meet with the League's leader to record a small manifesto for them to spread and an interview for herself.
-"I mean, I'm not committing to anything and if all I'm doing is making a manifesto for you guys to peacefully spread your message in the midst of all the murder and kidnapping, I'm not completely complicit in what you do right? Right?"
-Hasn't met with the full League. The second time she met Dabi, Twice was with him, but those are the only two members she's met personally. She doesn't judge Twice for being a criminal, since she's reported on the sorry state of mental healthcare in Japan contributing to the rise of Villains and she could tell Twice had... Something. She gives him a scrap of paper with the names of some reputable counselors (that she knows he likely won't go to now that he's got a support system within the League).
-Tomura HATES the idea of some shitty brat from UA running a blog being the first journalist to interview the League, especially one that got famous for writing about Stain. Its one of the many things that he argues with Dabi and the Stain-supporting members about.
-Hasn't met Toga, but she has gotten some creepy notes from her written in dark red ink(?) praising her articles about Stain. Wasn't sure how to react to them. Still isn't.
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aikomitsune · 7 years
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Hello, hello, AND NO I'M NOT DEAD. I just a little bit disparesed because I'm in a dirty "blank page" period. So no idea of ​​drawing... But I still managed to draw that one MUAHAHA So it's my OC With the face melting. AND WARNING I HAVE FINALLY GIVEN A NAME . It will be called Chumani which means "drops of dew" in an ancient Indian tribe, the Sioux. ( yeah it'll look far )
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mochi-rose · 5 years
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I decided I have to tell you this (my homegirl Andreea already knew but it’s official official now so I gotta tell y’all)
So my dog had 11 puppies in February, and we knew we were going to keep one because it was going to be for my mom; however, over the 8 weeks, I got super attached to “Dark Green” because YALLL WHEN I SAY HE REMINDED ME OF YOONGI—- HE *is* YOONGI DOG FORM.
so I’d nickname him “gramps” and I kept saying how he reminded me so much of Yoongi from BTS bc of so many little quirks he had and (to me) he even looks like dog form of Yoongi in the Mic Drop era?? So long story short, I decided to keep him and his name ?!
Yoongi (ofc like how could it not be??). Anyway, I had to share my lil bundle of joy before he became a big bundle of joy~~
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izukulove · 6 years
On the Ethics of Heroes
@purple-dyed-nuka-cola thank you so much for your patience with this. I hope you like this and that I got Chumani’s personality right! Again, thank you for your patience :D
Chumani and Mirio were sitting in her dorm room. Books were splattered dangerously around the floor. There were books of every size, shape, color, and seemingly topic. Mirio hummed to himself while his eyes gazed around the dormroom. There were several books on different types of animals and insects. He wondered if there were research books to help Chumani with her quirk. He glanced over at the dark-haired beauty. The way the light filtered in through the window allowed him to see how enchanting her light green eyes were. Like little reflective sea glass. Man, she was gorgeous. Even as she sat there, laying on her stomach on the floor, pen near her mouth, she was beautiful. Chumani started to swing the pen absentminded. Her brilliant eyes scanning the page as she read on, oblivious to Mirio’s eyes on her. He found her most beautiful when she was not paying attention. 
Quietly, he reflected on moments they had together. When her quirk had turned her into a fanged spider-like creature. She was so terrified that she would lose her sense of self. 
The room was quiet and peaceful. The occasional bird outside chirped here and there. Mirio was sure he could hear water flowing peacefully outside somewhere. Maybe someone was practicing their water-based quirk? Who knows? 
His thoughts trailed back to Chumani. She was always so concerned about people and their true selves. She was amazingly brilliant that she could see past the veils people put up when they are trying to pretend to be someone they aren’t. She was like a lie detector, he realized with a little smile on his face, His little lie detector. Saving people in her own special and important way. Informing them on the dangers of those who fake their identities. She was oh-so brilliant. It might be one of his favorite things about her.
He breathed in deeply through his nose and exhaled through his mouth. He closed his eyes. He should be studying for his test, Mirio knew this, but he could not help but sit back and feel the pure relaxation that hung delicately in the air. It was hard to focus on boring school subjects when someone as lovely as Chumani lay across from you. 
He opened his eyes and watched her. She nibbled a bit on the cap of her pen. Her eyes still scanning the pages hurriedly, as if all the answers in the world lay at her fingertips. Mirio took another quiet deep breath, and felt that all was right in his world. His tiny world may only expand to the size of the room and carry all but two people--Chumani and him, of course--but that was all Mirio would ever need.
He knows he should be studying... His mind constantly nagging at him but he knows is that he should also spend every possible second enjoying this peaceful and tranquil--
“Damn it!” Chumani practically screamed. She slammed her hands down on the book. It closed violently, and she pushed it across the room. The book slid gracelessly and smacked against the wall. Chumani plopped herself against the floor, face down to the floorboards.
Mirio gingerly pushed his finger past her locks of hair, and poked at her face. Slowly she moved her head to the side and stared at Mirio. Her expression seemed exasperated. 
“Heroes nowadays,” she scoffed.
“What about them?” Mirio asked, tilting his head, and smiling at her.
“They aren’t incredibly heroic. At least not in the way it should be.” Chumani picked herself up. She sat on the ground facing Mirio with her legs crossed.
“What do you mean?” Mirio questioned her. His inquiring tone was not rude or belittling or defensive. It was curious. Curious and open-minded.
She leaned and wobbled back and forth from side to side, trying to find the right wording to explain how she feels.
“It’s like... It’s like...” She repeated. She grumbled at her frustration. She usually was so smooth-talking when it came to things. 
Mirio glanced at her opened computer. He saw the laptop and remembered Chumani had a website where she wrote about the inequality of the superhuman society. 
“Hey!” Mirio piped up, his voice loud in the quiet room. He realized how excited he had sounded and quickly fixed his volume. He scooted closer to Chumani. “Talk to me like you are writing for your blog!”
“O-okay...” Chumani said, feeling a bit unsure. She cleared her throat, feeling her face redden a bit. She covered her hands with her face, “I can’t! Written word is different than spoken!”
Mirio leaned forward and carefully peeled her hands from her face. Chumani saw Mirio smiling wide and cheerfully at her. 
“I’ll give you a prize if you explain what is on your mind to me.” Mirio bartered.
Chumani gave him a suspicious side-eye. Though her curiosity soon got the better of her. She rambled on for a half hour, maybe more, about how Stain had good ideals though he went about it horribly. That Pro-Heroes should do what they do to save people, not see victims of crisis situations as dollar signs.
Mirio nodded his head along with her speech. He may not have understood every word or ideal she spoke of, but he could recognize passion and intelligence in the way she articulated her thoughts. She spoke so passionately too. Mirio decided her passion was another thing loved about her.
Loved. Love. Yes. Love. Love her. Bigger yes.
When Chumani finally finished her long-winded speech, Mirio sat there smiling happily at her. Chumani giggled to herself, thinking that if Mirio had her quirk, she would not be surprised if he turned himself into a dog and was wagging his tail at his owner. The way he stared at her, with those wide eyes, blonde hair, and smiling face... he could almost pass off as a golden retriever even without her Organic Attribution quirk
“Okay, that took a lot out of me,” Chumani giggled, “What’s my prize?”
Mirio leaned forward, giving Chumani a gentle but passionate kiss on her lips. At first she was surprised and taken aback. Soon enough she eased into it, kissing him back, and running her fingers through his soft hair.
“You’re a true hero, Mirio,” Chumani whispered affectionately between hungrily kissing him.
“You”--kiss-- “make me”--kiss-- “want to be”--long kiss-- “a better man.”
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wknahq · 4 years
seems like calla has friends in low places
Do you think she could send a message to them from me? I wanna know what it’s like down there ( @callachumcni )
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atticray · 4 years
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peter-puddle · 2 years
Pendentif Chumani quartz fraise
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mirabuy · 2 years
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Halskette „Chumani“ ————————————— 🌸 www.mirabuy.de 🌸 ————————————— #rosenquarz #rosenquarzschmuck #dragonfly #heilsteine #handmadewithlove #handmadejewellery #spirituality #spiritualität #unikatschmuck #hippiestyle #hippiegirl #ethnostyle #bohostyle #alternativegirl #alternativestyle #geschenkideen #geschenkidee #halskette #necklace #schmuck #schmuckliebe #besonders #unikat https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm6URDnjdS6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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misc-headcanons · 3 years
Plus some extra Picrews of Adult!Ube and Adult!Fritter, Minerva, Millie, and Chumani
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leoniaart · 6 years
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A glance at the fantasy world I’m making. This is the Kachina Forest.
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