asktheghb · 10 months
Okay so how can i get involved in clown religion? I live in the middle of nowhere and dont know where to start
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gesturedprophecies · 6 months
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don't you hate when that happens?
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madhatscats · 8 months
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Here is my little OC baby Xaila. A purple blooded troll dedicated to the messiahs of Music and Combat. Has chucklevoodoo powers but the range is different from Kurloz's and Grand's displayed powers in source. Not seen are the hidden gills as I HC some purple bloods being so close to the sea trolls in color to have lingering gills due to evolution. The degree of functionality varies between gill owners. Xaila's function decently but should not be used for longer than 2 to 3 hours at a time. ALSO FLOPPY EARS!
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ceabu · 6 months
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don't talk to me my favorite ao3 author just orphaned their account within the past week, I had an open tab listing their works and everything
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nintendont2502 · 1 year
Thief of Blood who steals caste specific abilities from other trolls. Is that anything
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holisticblight · 4 months
back on my bullshit!!! did this get retconned or what because i never see anyone talk about it. like ever. im just now learning of this and ive been a proud member of Seinru Nation for like a month or two
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calamarispiderart · 2 years
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sorry for homestuck. it will keep happening
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birdbeep1s · 8 months
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we knew it was gonna happen but i'm still in misery - Gliese, shortly after having their mouth stitched shut
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tekiescythe · 7 months
Open letter to ChuckleVoodoos. You were by far my favorite Daredevil writer, every single one of your stories made me smile or laugh out loud. I genuinely mourn not being able to interact with you anymore, I hope you are well and you made that decision with a sound mind.
Best wishes with all of your endeavors.
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starsnores · 2 years
Dave is the reason why Gamzee no longer accepts gifts
dave is the reason gamzee Doesn't Trust Humans
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fiendingforalover · 2 years
when i get the time to I wanna sketch a little something of like. chahut bringing gamzee to his block late and he's obviously intoxicated and acts a lot more like young gamzee. He's docile and easy for karkat to control and he somehow ends up between karkat's legs asking "please?" and karkat bites his lip watching gamzee's hazy eyes blinking up slow at him, pressing cold little kisses to his inner thighs. eventually decides fuck it, rips off his pants and roughly grabs gamzee's horns to pull his face into his nook and the sound gamzee makes when his blunt claws scrape against gamzee's scalp and horn beds is going to haunt him for the rest of his life, even if he manages to escape one day.
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raitrolling · 1 year
was thinking about chucklevoodoos earlier cuz while i dont enjoy writing subjugs at all i do like my Funky Fucked Up Mind Powers
glasya’s astral projection / dream walking ability is related to their dormant chucklevoodoos, which would have been the ability to trap trolls in their own worst nightmare. in their current state, they can warp the dreams belonging to those they astral project into, but instead it changes the dreamscape to match their own (aka Horrible Flesh Hell based on their own nightmares)
viltau and shirei presumably have their own dormant chucklevoodoos, but i havent thought too much about them. i had originally considered viltau’s to be emotion manipulation of some description (such as making trolls feel more excitable, but also more violent), but i think manipulation of the senses could be more interesting. maybe making trolls feel hunger cravings for certain things, or making non-food items smell irresistibly tasty. shirei ive got no fuckin clue lmao
lanthi is just an npc, but shes also the only troll of mine who is actually part of the cult. her chucklevoodoos allow her to implant and manipulate memories via suggestion. she uses this to insert herself into people’s lives by asking if they remember her from their childhood, and then uses that to gain their trust. because of course youd want to welcome an old childhood friend back into your life, wouldnt you?
belial (the trenchcoat guy i drew the other week) is a troll so old he actually predates chucklevoodoos being a Thing in canon - from what i could tell the concept was introduced in august 2011, but i’ve got sprites and doodles of him dating around june-july 2011. in his original concept he had psiionics that were constantly active and made anyone who spent prolonged amounts of time around him start to feel depressed. if i were to properly revisit him i think i would make his powers chucklevoodoos and have him be an ex-subjug. his voodoos would be either be emotion manipulation or emotional vampirism, and some circumstances forced him to overclock his powers until they just straight-up broke and now they affect him more than they affect other people (and then got ousted from the cult as a result). man literally out here weaponising sadness
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emberoops · 1 year
oh btw things that do not have brains, i cannot insta-kill currently.
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sugarcull · 1 year
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You'll never forget me
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razzle-zazzle · 2 years
oh goodness a homestuck scenario
What blood type would everyone be? Or at least the Aquatos.
First thought is indigo because clown and I have a soft spot for indigos. Second thought is violet because water and seadwellers funky. Final thought is to just say "fuck it, trolls already have a weird way of reproducing so each Aquato can be whatever blood color I want and I can say they're a found fambly group who travel together bc safety in numbers and common ground as performers" so. Augustus, Lucrecia, and Raz are all violet, Frazie & Dion are indigo, Dona & Queepie are blue, and Mirtala's fuchsia because it's fitting and funny. Little fish princess that the rest of the family adores. None of the Aquatos quite care for the hemospectrum they are just here to have a good time and perform. Frazie doesn't wear face paint but Dion does and he's obnoxious about it. Lucrecia is centuries old and very powerful but likes doting on all these obnoxious younger trolls that decided to follow her around.
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