#chronically ill Kaveh
sunrisepapersheets · 7 months
Al Haitham doing this to crack Kaveh's back after he fell asleep on the desk
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Kaveh being like "I do NOT trust this you're going to break me" at first but then it's actually so good and useful it turns out he asks for it every time he feels a slight discomfort.
Additionally: Them waiting for their morning coffee to be done while Haitham cracks Kaveh's knuckles gently (Kaveh is eepy and keeps his eyes closed through it until he's had some coffee in his system)
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kavehscanvas · 1 year
Happy Birthday Kaveh !!
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I am 4 days late and the reason is: I got a flare up RIGHT ON HIS BIRTHDAY that lasted like 3 days and was very tired because of it.
Which honestly is very Kavehcoric of me. Missing a deadline AND being ill? Slay
[textless and white bg below the cut]
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isnt-it-pretty · 1 year
Head empty once again only thinking of chronically ill Kaveh
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pizzapasta23045 · 2 years
Not very niche but I have a headcanon of chronically ill Kaveh w/ hypermobility :3
I like you.
I am stealing this hc it is now mine to keep forever. I will not let go my dude, I will hold onto it for dear life.
(Warning: discussion of character combat leaks)
The little robot he carries around everywhere? Yeah! That's the genshin equivalent of dogs trained to handle medical emergency. He helps Kaveh move his stuff, has the ability to keep a log of how often he eats so he's not missing meal and does the sad face if Kaveh says he will eat later, he moves the claymore for him so he doesn't need to put unnecessary strain on himself.
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ghoulish-narwhal · 1 year
kaveh fanfic🤲🏻
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araekniarchive · 1 year
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@mnvart // Kaveh Akbar, 'Calling A Wolf A Wolf' // @PinkRangerLB on Twitter // @kosmogrl // @devinsturk, '15 Proverbs for the Fellow Chronically Ill' // Jasmine Deporta // Anaïs Nin, House of Incest // the gentle wisdom uquiz by @inkskinned // Rora Blue, 'Sweet Dreams' // Hala Alyan, Dear Layal
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strxnged · 1 year
some comfort headcanons for my fellow chronically ill!/disabled!readers out there. happy disability pride month! feel free to add on; i only went off of my own experiences & knowledge for this one. 0.4k wc.
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kaveh who doesn’t touch your pills shelf/drawer without explicit permission but knows when you take each by heart and can thus remind you if you’ve forgotten. if you have them organized in a specific way and you’ve asked him to grab it for you, he (almost) always remembers to put it back in the same spot.
kaveh who will make you meals/do your dishes on your worse days. he says “it’s no big deal,” but it makes a huge difference to you and you make it up to him when you can (much to his dismay—“you weren’t supposed to pay me back!”). the only problem with the food he cooks is that he spends so long making it look appetizing… if you don’t have an appetite that day, you must be sure to remind him that it’s not because the garnishes are off.
kaveh who will not let yourself feel shame for your disability/illness. he reminds you that just because other people can do certain things doesn’t mean that you can. you start to hear his scolding in your head every time you do: “it’s no good to compare your abilities to other people’s when you are living completely different lives. give yourself a break, y/n.”
kaveh who helps you do your hair/makeup/outfit if you are feeling unable to do it yourself. you might come out of his care looking a little different than usual but at least he made sure that, if you have sensory issues, his assistance isn’t triggering them.
kaveh who doesn’t miss a chance to describe things to you, especially if you are visually impaired/blind. sometimes he gives you a few too many details about the specific dimensions of arches and booth designs and statue placements, but you don’t mind. “would you have designed it differently, kaveh?” you ask him. he says he would, “but that isn’t the point.”
kaveh who believes you when you express that you're in pain. whether or not your disability is "invisible," you've grown used to people saying you're faking it or being dramatic. kaveh will never, ever say such a thing.
kaveh who tells you how proud he is of you for pushing through even though it feels like the world is constructed to be against you.
kaveh who tells you to be proud of yourself for the same reason.
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author's note: i wrote this purely for self indulgence if that's not clear. dealing with some unfortunate side effects on top of regular pain today.
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kitsunabi · 2 years
Based on the art alone, I honestly don't even want Kaveh to wield a claymore, like he can keep it on his back. I would just love the idea of him whacking his enemies over the head with that suitcase of his.
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dootdootwriting · 3 months
hii can you do where like the genshin impact boys lovers are like taller than them?
featuring: albedo, alhaitham, ayato, baizhu, cyno, diluc, gorou, itto, kazuha, kaeya, kaveh, tighnari, venti, xiao, zhongli, (separate) tw: light foul language (scattered throughout), mention of violence/fighting (childe), mention of chronic pain/illness (baizhu), haitham is autistic because yeah. type: fluff, sfw, hcs reader: tall, gn, no pronouns, no use of y/n a/n: i was GOING to do literally all of them but i gave up after tighnari sorry i just did NOT have it in me. if you want hcs of this same scenario with different characters, do feel free to request that!
also not using canon heights for this bc they don't . make sense to me so you get mY HEADCANONS. (close to canon at least i promise)
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not hard to be taller than him tbh, he's like 5'4
i can't see him particularly caring about height in an s/o, rather just personality. if he likes you, he likes you and that's really it, you could look like just about anything
you could be three feet tall and he wouldn't care as long as you were understanding about the unholy hours of the night he has to stay up to in order to do his work
he won't deny the fact that dating someone tall has its advantages, though.
for one example, he finds it particularly difficult when an ingredient he's trying to get to is too far up for him to reach
and yes, he could just summon his geo flower and have it elevator his ass up the tree or whatever, but it's so much more convenient AND so much more comfortable to just have you pick him up so he can get higher
also, it's insanely hot
probably would be into it
he's probably just a bit taller than average, i'd place him at about 6' or so
so it's not rare that he meets someone taller than him, it just doesn't happen every day
has no qualms about your height other than he finds it slightly annoying to look up at you when you're having a conversation
it's hard to be intimidating when the person you're talking to is looking down at you with an adoring smile, as you can understand.
other than that, if need be, he has the winery mansion adjusted to suit you
just some basic things like carving a bit out of a doorframe if you're prone to bumping your head on things. nothing too drastic
thinks it's hot
he's kind of a slut for people taller than him, i think. or just a slut in general maybe. either way, thinks it's hot
he's probably just a bit shorter than diluc, maybe at 5'11. diluc won't let him hear the end of it and it pisses him off
looks are the first thing he sees in a person. it isn't nearly the end-all be-all of choosing a partner for him (he really looks for someone with more mental acuity and wit), but it does play the part
being tall helps you with this
is the type to DEFINITELY be able to reach the top shelf and pretend he can't anyway so he can grin at you while you get things for him
did someone say short-ass twink?
he's like 5'3 sorry i don't make the rules. short.
so yeah, again, not hard to be taller than him.
he's so playful about it too
"oh nooooo~ they put the apples all the way on the top shelf so i can't reach them~ whatever shall i do!"
bitch, you can fly. be fr
it doesn't matter. if there's something you can do (even if he can also do it) for him because of his height, he'll bat his eyelashes and flash you a grin so you can't help but show off and do it for him
also makes sharing the bed a hell of a lot more difficult. venti already flails around all over the place, and having someone taller sleeping next to him...? forget about it. you're both waking up on the floor.
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probably like 6'1, and lanky too
there is no cabinet he can't reach, and besides he has changsheng to slither up in the rare situation that he actually can't reach something
however, the tables are turned on him completely when he's having a flare-up. a lot of the time, if he tries to exert himself reaching for something (or just getting out of bed at all), he'll dissolve into a fit of coughing and have to sit down
this is when having a tall partner really comes in handy, and you're more than happy to get him whatever he needs to help him calm it down
extremely grateful for your help, and lucky that he has you. anytime you get him something, especially when he's not feeling well, he'll thank you and give you a kiss
joining the "it's not hard to be taller than him" club at a whopping (not really) FIVE FOOT TWO
bro is SHORT short
this doesn't bother him as much as you think it might. in xiao's own words, "height has little effect on one's ability to fight," and therefore he can protect you and fight for you even despite how small he is
will pretend not to be thankful if you help him with reaching things, but instead sends you a short glance that only you can decipher as being grateful
going out with him is a little bit like walking with a small but on edge dog
i think in his human form he's about 6'3, but he gets to like 6'8 with his draconic features out. no, i'm not counting his horns, i think he actually grows when he relaxes and stops hiding his features
is impressed that you're taller than him, and, honestly, a little worried about your back
with this tall of a couple, he definitely has to adjust his living situation. for sure has his ceilings raised and doorways sanded so the both of you can fit
walking around liyue harbor with him is a SIGHT. two giant sized folks casually going out for a stroll along the waterfront, enjoying their date as if they aren't big enough for a seagull to accidentally fly into their faces
also likes having you do things for him. he's tall, he can do them himself, but he's lying if he says he doesn't like watching you reach to screw in a lightbulb or the like.
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he's probably around 5'11, so he's tall but it's not unusual for someone to be taller than him per se
he's kind of a cheeky lil bastard? he puts everything on ridiculously high shelves on purpose so that he can watch you get them for him
"oh, sorry to trouble you my dear, but it seems the brown sugar is just a few inches out of my reach. could i trouble you to grab it for me?"
"there are like eighteen other different shelves you could have put it on."
"are there? i hadn't noticed! oh, well :)"
also likes to show you off. pulls up to the function (important dignitary meeting) with his tall ass partner
little guy! he's probably around 5'4-5'5 so if you're even like average height you're probably a little taller than him
embarrassed about it, almost as much as he is about the whole tail cuddling thing
that isn't to say he doesn't love how gorgeous and tall you are (he does for sure!), he just is a little self-conscious about his own height
he WILL hide behind you if he sees yae miko approach. benefit #1 of having a tall partner: meat shield
also bonus for you: he is a dog, so when he wants you to grab something for him, he'll look up at you with the most adorable puppy eyes you've ever seen
good lord you must be insanely tall . i think he's probably around 6'3
the first time he meets you he's blown away. bewildered. incredibly flustered. possibly already in love.
he's used to being the tallest guy around, used to being the big guy in charge. so when he finds you, and has to look up at someone else for a change, he's stupefied (in a good way)
there are no shelves he can ask you to get things from that he can't already reach. instead, he likes to watch you just pick people up
he'll gather some arataki gang members and ask them to stand in a line and have you go back to back with each one just to measure how tall you are compared to other people
he WILL give bear hugs. if you're more lanky, they may break a few bones... so, beware of that
another almost short-stack, probably around 5'6
he hasn't ever really thought about his height, he isn't insecure about it or anything.
to him, your height is just another thing that he loves about you! he doesn't care much for physical appearance, it's what's inside that counts to him
and once he gets to know you, he finds everything about you stunning!
probably writes poems about how you look standing strong in the wind or something. really he'll write poems about you no matter what.
since you're taller than him, he enjoys being the little spoon. let him recite lines to you while you hold him!
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tall ass guy. prolly around 6'1
is surprised that you're taller than him, but other than that doesn't really care all that much
while he does care for physical traits such as height, he mostly values intelligence and wit, so as long as you can keep up with him in a conversation, you're good enough to date
he has parameters, you understand. you have to fit to a certain standard in a series of specific categories, including age, wit, compatibility....
he might be a little autistic.
my point is, height doesn't really factor in there
still enjoys being the big spoon, even if there's more of you or if you don't quite slot together ideally in that position
it doesn't matter if you're 8 feet tall, this guy Will hold you
putting him in around 5'5
despite his small stature, he's a force to be reckoned with. everyone around him knows it, even if he sometimes wishes they didn't care as much
has absolutely no trouble asking you to get things for him if he can't reach them. unbothered king.
this comes less from a place of him not caring about being short and more of a place of him knowing his limitations and understanding when he needs help!
doesn't really care about being shorter than you. well... unless you tease him about being short, then he gets a little miffed. he doesn't mind being the shorter one as long as he isn't just called short
doesn't mind being the little spoon if you suggest it
i wanna say he's about average height, 5'8-5'9 ish!
he's comfortable with his height. he doesn't really think about it very often
that being said, i do think he would be very into someone who's taller than him. i just get those vibes
PLEASE please lean in a doorway and look at him or something. he thinks it's so attractive
probably will ask you to reach up and get things for him just so he can like... poke you in the side??? for no reason?? while you do it
likes to show you off but is also shy about it. will hold your hand when you walk around in public but also really doesn't want anyone to notice. there are two wolves inside of him.
I AM A 5'6 TIGHNARI TRUTHER. idk. he gives 5'6 vibes and i don't know why!!!
honestly couldn't give two shits about his height. As long as he can get to the samples he's trying to study, he doesn't care!
Thinks every part of you is stunning, so to him your height is a part of that!
Looks come second to personality to him. This isn't to say he doesn't find you attractive, just that the second he actually starts to like someone all of a sudden oh, they're really pretty actually.
lowkey wants to do like, a family gene chart of you? He wants to learn everything about you, down to where all your different traits come from!
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idyllic-affections · 1 year
employee benefits.
summary. baizhu remains constantly attuned to his chronically ill employee and their needs. it is no surprise that he knows when they are unwell.
trigger & content warnings. chronic illness flare-up.
tropes, pairings, fic length, & other notes. fluff. baizhu & reader, qiqi & reader. 0.5k words. they/them pronouns for reader. this post is an expansion of invisible disability? it's rather visible to me.
author's thoughts. in celebration of me getting baizhu within 30 pulls and me getting to soak up all of his lore like a dry sponge would to water, heres some more baizhu content!! we love him in this household <33 he and kaveh are literally the REALEST genshin characters ever with the most relatable trauma and ideals like what the fuck man..... /lh
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baizhu knows that some days, his junior herbalist just can't work; it's far too much for their body. he's had many such days himself. it's unavoidable and unpredictable—some days, his body doesn't function well even if he was completely fine the day before. the same applies to his young hire. as such, he is often the one able to see the signs as soon as the day begins.
"good morning, dr. baizhu, qiqi, changsheng," they greet, a tired smile on their face. their smile widens a little bit when qiqi tugs their sleeve to draw their attention before handing them a pastry.
"[name] needs to eat."
"hehe... yes, you're absolutely right, qiqi. thank you."
she hums, content, as they pat her head. she remains glued to their leg.
the way their chest rises and falls is blatantly irregular, as if they're trying to catch their breath. there's a slight tremble in their limbs as well. baizhu briefly wonders if qiqi is supporting their weight, if she's somehow, subconsciously aware that something is off about them this morning in particular.
"oh my," baizhu muses, observing their tired disposition. "did you not rest well?"
"what he's trying to say is that you look awful."
"jeez, it's this early and you're already bullying me, changsheng? gui isn't even here yet. it's too early... what did i do to deserve this?" they huff. "to be honest, i woke up feeling unwell. i don't know why. i just feel very weak today."
"hmm..." he's thinking. if they are unwell, he absolutely will not permit them to work, given that they may faint or collapse at any point. he simply doesn't want to see them hurt themselves. "well, there's still quite some time until we officially open. come. i'll examine you."
"do i get an employee discount?" they joked, to which he smiled.
"i won't be charging you."
"wha— no. i was joking. i was kidding. you can't not charge me. that's hardly fair, given that i can afford it. i know we're supposed to make things as easy and affordable for patients as possible, but i don't need those accomodations. i work here. i already have easy access to everything i need."
"don't be stubborn, [name]."
"i am stubborn, dr. baizhu. you can't be hypocritical and expect me to allow that."
silence. then, the liyuean doctor chuckles fondly. the way he gazes at them is soft.
what a handful they are.
"fine, fine. i'll take the cost from next month's pay, alright? just let me look at you. we can't have you collapsing on us today, now can we?"
a month later, they find something... oddly normal about their pay. not a single mora has been deducted.
"dr. baizhu, i love and respect you and would never doubt the things you say, but... you said you would take my examination cost from my next paycheck. this is the same amount of mora i get every month."
"oh, did i say that? hm, i can't seem to recall that conversation."
"...with all due respect, you're insufferable sometimes."
please consider reblogging, it helps me out quite a lot!
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zhongster · 3 months
Top 10 genshin impact male characters burping list? ✨ 👀
Can you make a list of best burpers (male) of genshin impact? A tier list or a top 10 maybe?
Absolutely i can anon :))
I did a list before of just the characters in general so the top 5 are gonna be more or less the same
Post writing note: I didn’t elaborate too much on the top four since I had already done so on a previous post that I’ll link here
10. Tighnari
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Not the largest burps on the list but in comparison to how small his frame is? He honestly made the list because of how disproportionate they are. They make his entire body jerk. His partial fox body really does a number on his digestive system.
Additional headcanons for him here
9. Kaeya
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His normal burps are pretty average it’s his DRUNK burps that are something of note. He does not get embarrassed at all when he’s drunk of course.
Additional headcanons for him here
8. Thoma
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The only reason he’s so low on the list is because I feel like he had a hard time actually getting the burps to come out. When they finally do they could probably rival some other members that sit higher on this list.
Additional headcanons for him here and here
7. Heizou
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He’s such a small guy but I feel like him having these tiny little explosions feels so correct. They’re super short but very loud. They tend to startle people around him as well, especially since he feels absolutely zero embarrassment for them. He will let them out whenever he feels like it.
Additional headcanons for him here
6. Alhaitham
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His burps are very long. He doesn’t typically get multiple back to back so they tend to be longer. They really just tend to keep going to the point where he sometimes runs out of breath in the middle of them. He does NOT like when they slip out in front of other people. Kaveh definitely teases him.
Additional headcanons for him here
5. Baizhu
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He’s one I actually haven’t done headcanons for yet but I adore this man so deeply y’all do not understand. Since he canonically has chronic illnesses i firmly believe one of those illnesses is digestive. Aka my guy had GERD. His burps are super loud and super uncomfortable. They come straight from his chest and they HURT. He really doesn’t have very much control over them either. Most of the time he just has to turn away and cover his mouth, which also proves to be a challenge most of the time because his body only gives him about a second’s warning before one comes out. I think he’s dealt with this issue for so long that he really just rolls with it now. He excuses himself, sometimes laughs it off depending on the company, but he doesn’t get horrifically embarrassed like he may have in years previous.
4. Ayato
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He’s another one that doesn’t seem like the type but given how mischievous he can be I think it fits. Plus he seems very prone to bloating. Very wet burps.
Additional headcanons for him here
3. Diluc
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For him it’s mostly a hidden talent. He really would rather keep this talent to himself but sometimes he can’t help letting out the bassiest rolling belch, especially after he drinks which is partially why he doesn’t.
I have apparently never given him his own post despite him being my second favorite character in the game. That’s so insane I could’ve sworn I had. Just this small post apparently.
2. Itto
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As i said previously this one is gonna surprise absolutely no one. Itto NOT having massive burps just feels wrong.
Additional headcanons for him here
1. Zhongli
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I may be biased in saying that peepaw’s burps are earth shattering but i truly believe it so deeply in my heart you guys. Much of what I said in my top five post still rings true. He tries very hard to be polite but he really can’t help it sometimes.
Additional headcanons for him here
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sunrisepapersheets · 10 months
Posted this on Twitter recently, I should post here too
Fashion designer Kaveh who wants to make clothes that prioritize people who aren't a priority in the fashion industry. Al Haitham who is the autistic model with sensory issues Kaveh has to take into account and work around.
Designing for his other models is fairly easier than it is for Al Haitham, mostly because of the fact that Al Haitham has to be present for every shopping trip. Every fabric has to be tested and approved, every add-on, and Al Haitham isn't easy to please in the slightest.
But seeing him comfortable and pleased is such an amazing sight that it makes Kaveh not mind it at all to have to bring him along every time.
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kavehscanvas · 2 years
*Slaps roof of Diluc, Kaeya and Kaveh* these bad boys can hold so many headcannons
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isnt-it-pretty · 1 year
Kaveh is in debt to Dori because he's chronically ill and ran himself into the ground. He borrowed momey from Dori to live off of in hopes he could get back to work soon, but he couldn't. He's been too sick to work for a while now.
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squidballsinc · 14 days
What if [your sumeru fave] had eleazar
what if nahida had eleazar. as a reflection of corruption in irminsul bc she's an offspring of irminsul (literally)
what if dehya and candace had eleazar and were still very clearly trying to do their best to protect sumeru even with racism & literal chronic illness against them
what if dehya hid her disease from her lesbain lady love bc she developed it later in life and knew her gf, who's further along, would immediately prioritize her health over her own
what if cyno had eleazar and the akademyia knew
waht if tighnari had eleazar and thats why he knows so much about treating collei and has been fighting twice as hard for both their lives
what if nilou had eleazar and used dancing as a form of escapism bc she, too, received special sympathy from kusunali for bearing the burdens of the sin she didn't commit
what if dori had eleazar and it fueled her lust or power/mora to create a legacy
what if alhaitham had eleazar but never revealed it to anyone bc he saw it as a waste of time to get close to anyone bc he'd be "leaving soon" anyways
what if sethos grew up knowing his life was on a timer just from the legacy he was born into that required them to live breathe and nearly become forbidden knowledge
what if faruzan had eleazar and was just like. mcstruggling in that temple for thousands of years in sufferage and confusion and fear until the day one day it just * poof *
what if layla had eleazar but refused to like internalized it and so other layla is the only one who acknowledges the fact they're like dying because she's the part of layla who's embraced/accepted their fears and doesnt let them control her
what if wanderer gets eleazar in the process of the god creation program bc of all that sweet sweet forbidden knowledge juice being pumped into his veins
You Have Read The Kaveh Has Eleazar Fic
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endenope · 6 months
I lean more towards kavetham usually, so I’d probably say kavetham, but for the wip(?) of what looks like office worker Kaveh, it might depend on the idea/AU. So what’s cookin’? What’s the idea that brought us to bespectacled Kaveh?
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the idea was modern teyvat (basically teyvat as it is but just. set in a slightly more modern time); akademiya student haitham, falling in love for the first time so completely, so violently (his feelings being so so much for him, not him getting physically violent !!!) when he meets the assigned physician of the akademiya, kaveh
tbh this au idea came only bc i wanna draw kinky stuff LMAO so theres not a whole thought out, deep plot like in my fantasy au. i considered prof kaveh but i already have a uni au with prof ratio/student hthm and also couldnt decide what kinda lecture they both should share. dr kaveh is actually rlly cute bc it kinda fits him/his altruistic nature and how he helps others
kaveh is basically, as it is, perfect from the outside but a mess of a human being - always helping everyone without considering himself, so kind and charming and loveable but a little pathetic and idiotic. he tries to appear like everything is fine and perfect and his life is ok but hes a mess and haitham (bc hes so observant w him) looks right through it, desires him bc of the cracks
haitham never desired or felt anything romantic or sexual before (hes in his early 20s and lived very happily and safely w his grandma all isolated) so when it hits him so hard, certainly the akademiya doctor can help w his "chronic illness"
anw ofc kaveh also wants, loves him; they get closer and *gestures* yknow
i planned stuff in like haitham having a hand/glove kink (kaveh really has quite the beautiful hands and when they slide across his skin to check on him.......) or kaveh having a thing for haithams voice/filthy words (haitham doesnt rlly talk so when he opens his mouth during their checkups its over) so yea, big question is who fucks who bc while i love and usually prefer kavetham, theres also smth hot about an older, messy kaveh getting bent over his desk by a horny, needy haitham, fucking him messily and so so eagerly like an oversized cute dog-
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