#chronic babyface
ky-landfill · 2 years
I saw requests were open maybe... something that shows Tim's spleenectomy scar?
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beaft · 6 months
i've been a smoker from the tender age of 17 (almost a decade now!! woah) and recently decided to quit. today marks a full week since my last cigarette... tiny little milestone for me :--)
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shrimpalbuspotter · 3 months
Albus is the shameful crush of so many Hogwarts girls (and boys!). Like they all gag whenever the idea of dating the Slytherin Squib is brought up but when they notice him sitting in the courtyard and the sun flashes on his face in such a way that makes his olive skin glow and his usually dark eyes shine bright green, they swoon so hard.
Also yes. Albus has olive undertones, compared to his siblings neutral/cool ones . He wears winter or spring colours best.
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cowboy-robooty · 6 months
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fuyuhiko i doodled for @gussygoou please buy me headphones for my ipad young master
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simpotat · 4 months
Me being 19 going on 14 🤝 Rocky being 22 going on 12
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dreamsy990 · 1 year
the amount of video essays i would make if i had the confidence required to talk online. also im too scared of youtube for it. youtube would simple eviscerate me if i ever used it i cant do that i dont have the guts
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suncklet · 2 years
Holy cow your cat is 18?? Ancient!
I've had him since I was 4! He was a kitten but now hes all grown up 🥲
More images bc i have so many:
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threecrowsinacloak · 1 year
being in a class with mostly people 2 semesters under me is so odd because I'll be like "what are these 17 year olds doing here" while they could very well be older than me
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corvidcrybaby · 1 year
man people do not fucking talk enough about how draining day to day life is when you have ADHD, specifically with regards to how others perceive you in your day-to-day functioning. NT people truly cannot conceive what it's like to have memory issues or operating on a different sleep schedule or having a different system of doing things in GENERAL than what makes sense to their A-B-C simplistic thought patterns.
it's being accused of not paying attention to what you're doing just because you forgot something, haven't established something as muscle memory as fast as they want you to, haven't memorized a process after doing it a single time.
it's being talked down to like they're "catching you" doing something bad when you try to advocate for yourself by shutting you down with "if you were paying attention you wouldn't forget" or "you forgot? okay, so don't do that next time"
it's the constant surveillance by coworkers and supervisors once they've flagged you as "flighty" after your first minor slip-up and the targeted criticism and smug i-told-you-sos when you confirm their unfair suspicions by forgetting something else so they can go "ah-HA! CAUGHT YOU! you ARE a slacker, and i'm a Good Citizen for BUSTING YOU"
it's the being pulled aside for a condescending, paternalistic chiding and scolding by control freak managers who catch you arriving a minute later than usual - no doubt often the same managers who show up half an hour late with starbucks 24/7 (true fuckin story ask me how i know)
it's the people who claim to support you STILL going on to read hostile, malicious intent into your every move that doesn't fit nicely in with how they believe tasks should be completed - never understanding that their fuckin Big Brother meddling and nosy spying is only making everything worse, for you, for them and for everyone else trying to get things done.
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Ooh january jones as the resident mean bitch
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sergeifyodorov · 8 months
I keep on forgetting mitch and mcdavid are the same draftclass simply because mitchy looks two years old and mcdavid has the second best (quinn hughes number one) 1000 yard stare and the visual age of 75
mitch has chronic and interminable babyface and The Crown Lies Heavy on davo's head. anyway here's a photo of them as opponents when they were 7 years old
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i think it's pretty obvious who's who
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soupbabe · 10 months
Can I request la squadra with a reader with a biting problem? NOT in a kinky way, like they basically chew on anything they can like a dog. That pen that someone lost? Readers chewing on it. The strings on your hoodie are busted? They were chewed on by reader. THANK YOU 🙏
La Squadra x Reader with a Biting Problem Headcanons
I'm so sorry for taking so long to get to this 😅😅 been focusing on other stuff lately and been forgetting to write
- Oh he also has a biting problem!!
- If you had a nickel for every time you saw Formaggio get ink all over him for biting a pen too hard, you'd get two nickels
- He doesn't mind your bad habit, he thinks it's adorable!
- It's not a big deal to him, just another cute quirk you both share
- Bite him he'd bite you back <3
- He's going to act disgusted even though you know he has the same biting habit
- You'd loan him a pencil and he'd return it with the eraser accidentally bit off
- He's in complete denial about it though. Might try to convince you that you did it.
- He's a terrible liar and stubborn so it's useless trying to argue about it
- Tease him and he'd get so pouty about it, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes at you
- Okay yeah I think he's the only one who doesn't share anything with you because he fears you chewing on his stuff
- And also unfortunately for you he will always be in someone's business
- He'd see you chew on the neckline of your shirt and he'd lightly scold you like "What are you, a goat? Stop it."
- I promise you he can be caring about it
- For example he cares a lot about the condition of your clothes. That's why you don't chew on it. See, he's helpful.
- He's a chronic biter too, but he does it out of nerves!
- Constantly asks if you're okay when he sees you fidgeting and biting something
- Sure he knows you just do it when you're bored, but this man is always stressed and worries that you might be getting anxious over something too
- Pesci has a bad habit of biting his nails, thinking about you both reminding each other to break the habit!
- Pesci is just super supportive, having someone like him to help him to stop biting is a major relief
- Melone doesn't care for the most part, he just asks you to refrain from chewing around his juniors
- He doesn't like to think about the chaos that'd bring if Babyface decided to eat anything and everything they see because they wanted to copy your behavior
- But Melone is ever the teasing type, he sees you chewing on a pen or him, and he's always going to make it something more than it actually is
- Like he's the kind of guy to ask for one of your chewed up pencils just bite and lick at it, all while maintaining eye contact.
- All in the efforts to fluster, make you mad, etc. Everything you do is amusing to him
- Reader you are so lucky he likes you because it's one of his major pet peeves
- Ghiaccio doesn't like it, you will get certain privileges revoked because you chew on his things
- Things you're banned from: His pens, pencils, hoodies, erasers, literally anything in his room
- But also it irritates him that he's picked up your biting habit
- It's when he's in deep thought and working, he'll occasionally chew on a pen or bite through the wires on his headphones
- I think he tries to mind his business about it, he doesn't outwardly say his thoughts on the biting problem, but it's telling that you have never even held one of his pens
- Risotto doesn't think it's gross, he just likes to have things without bite marks, y'know?
- Literally he only cares if it's his own stuff getting bit, with everything else he believes you and the others can talk it out
- If you're even closer to him, he may find it endearing.
- It's like seeing someone focussing with their tongue poking out, it's just a weirdly cute quirk of yours
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dottie-n-stripes · 1 year
highly amused at Stripes being a little insecure about having a babyface entirely because all i can picture is him getting carded every time he goes to the Squiquer (squid liquer) store even though he's probably just buying soda and chips (unless he's suddenly gonna start throwing back bottles of Magners and chaining Superking Menthols idk). Sorry stipey, the Baby™️ diagnosis is chronic
PFFT oh he'll probably get carded for years. but it's always stuff like this
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avocadededo · 2 years
I've been looking through some Kirby gijinkas and it really baffles me how many of them make meta knights face so stoic and stern.
Like, c'mon. Have you forgotten why he has a mask in the first place. Man's suffering from chronic Babyface. The moment his Mask comes off the whole room goes "awww"
No more stoic, stern and sexy
Only soft, adorable and squishy cheeks
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sodapopsolstice · 1 year
Homestuck^2 sucked because none of the trolls actually aged like they were supposed to. Like the humans aged (even though they're MEANT to be immortal and dont give me they're mentally 40+ JOHN NO LONGER FITS IN HIS GOD TIER SUIT HE HAS AGED) but we don't ever see the natural development of the trolls.
Vriska, Aradia and Sollux I can kinda give leeway since they've went through timelines and dreambubbles and double death and half death and yada yada those 3 are kinda fucked up timeline wise so I kinda see why they never aged.
But Terezi, Karkat and Gamzee? No fucking excuse.
Kanaya is a grey area however cause you know she's "Kanaya The Vampire Fashion Queen" but like no credible sources I can find SAY anything about age when it comes to rainbow drinkers and I can't find out if The Dolorosa was actually a rainbow drinker so we don't have a naturally lived rainbow drinker example so I'm just gonna have to assume Kanaya ages like a regular troll.
However, the other 3 have no right to not be ageing. For example, I'm gonna pull up a image of Commander Vantas here:
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It's hard to tell with Cmdr. Vantas because THE ONLY TIME WE SEE HIS FACE IS IN HERO MODE OR IN A LIGHTING AND SITTING DOWN anyways. But with what we are given with Cmdr. Vantas he DOES in fact give signs he has aged, not as much as he should of, by this point he should have gotten a good bit taller than the humans and have completely red eyes, but it's better than THIS
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what the fuck. Meat Karkat SHOWS NO SIGNS OF AGING AT ALL HE LOOKS THE EXACT SAME AS HE DID WHEN HE WAS 13 WHEN HE IS 20 AT BARE MINIMUM and you may think im overreacting, cause obviously its just his symbolic sprite he doesn't ACTUALLY look like that
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You buffoon, you oaf take at look at this. HE ISN'T AGING IN THE SLIGHTEST IN MEAT.
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Other than artstyle and change of clothes he looks the fucking same, at this point in HS^2 he should be looking like The Signless but he doesn't even look older than Kankri. But maybe Karkat is a bad example maybe the poor guy has a case of eternal babyface and he's just cursed to look 13 forever.
Let's take a look at Gamzee instead.
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There's so little images I could find off sight of Gamzee in hs^2 and I did NOT want to be on that buggy ass website for long so this is the best you're getting. As expected, Gamzee ALSO has a case of chronic babyface and it's especially egregious as he's the descendant of THE GRAND HIGHBLOOD.
Tbh this is actually kinda a good image since we can semi eye measure Vrissy and Gamzee. Of which Gamzee seems imo taller than Vrissy, not in massive hulking beast like GHB but like and adult man to a 15 year old, which would be normal and expected IF HE WASN'T AGAIN THE DESCENDANT OF THE GRAND HIGHBLOOD.
That guy is literally known in fandom for 2 things, being pissed off and being huge, again Gamzee follows the trend of not having the adult troll characteristics of dark grey skin and whilst his horns are red due to being hero mode and we can't see his eyes i think we can assume he probably doesn't have some nice lavender lookers on him.
And there is a reason why I've spent the last 1 or 2 hour complaining about obtuse homestuck lore and it's simple it shows a lack of care.
It shows that Homestuck^2 on the surface is a mediocre at best adaptation of Homestuck but as soon as the thin surface layer is scrapped away, it shows a hollow project, it shows a project that generally proves itself to be a homestuck thing but it doesn't show passion, I could probably right now find you any HS fan and ask them what makes adult trolls different to young trolls and they could probably easily tell me how and why. So why couldn't a whole team of people attempt at the very least, a version like that?
Its little things like the trolls not aging/aging like humans to the damn table to the lack of acknowledgement for already accepted and semi canonised reps of queer culture in favour for rep that punches down to the outright ridiculous swivels in personality that's prove to me at least that HSE and HS^2 were dead on arrival.
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rararazaquato · 1 year
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chapter 2 is coming. here's makoto and kurumi.
a lot of design notes under the cut, both about these guys and the nda detectives
yuma was specifically given a little facial hair because, in the canon of the fic, he's been too busy to actually shave. however, the out-of-canon reason is that my art style is so chibi cutesit that it makes everyone look a bajillion years younger than they actually are. yuma's design is already a little young-looking despite most evidence in-canon pointing to him being an adult, so i wanted to give him that extra signifier of being a grown ass man.
the longer hair is also there for the same reasons - he hasn't gotten it cut for a while, and the bowl cut made him look childish.
because i have chronic same-face-syndrome, i put yuma and makoto in the same pose to emphasize that they are, genetically, the same person.
honestly, makoto's design versus yuma's in-game really makes it clear just how much a haircut and outfit change can make a character look older. with makoto wearing a suit and having hair that isn't in the perfect shape of a bowling ball, he looks a lot more like a young adult with a babyface. because i feel like he doesn't need the extra age signifiers (and because i feel like he'd want to differentiate himself from yuma more), i didn't give him the facial hair.
the "looking less like yuma" angle is also why he still bleaches and grows out his hair.
i like to think makoto starts taking better care of himself postgame, so i made his hair a bit fluffier and softer-looking to show he's actually been brushing and washing it. i mean, come on. canon makoto ily but you look like a greased-up yorkshire terrier.
i also gave makoto curtain bangs because girl... you have a forehead the size of the moon. i'm also a member of large forehead gang so i understand you pain but still.
makoto's outfit is actually loosely based on an outfit i own irl! i have a hawaiian shirt with similar colors (albeit a different pattern) and blue swim trunks with red lobsters on them.
makoto probably sunburns really easily, both as a result of being pale as fuck (yuma also has this issue) and being a homunculus (he won't die in the sun, but it does result in a mild allergy). so just imagine he's always lathered in sunscreen.\
mentally, makoto is the same age as yuma (so 20 when this fic takes place) and kurumi is 19 (i headcanon she's only a year younger than yuma). chronologically, they are both about four years old. #justhomunculusthings
i changed kurumi's hairstyle because her canon one is stupid. like why does she have two skinny ass braids hidden in her coat. give her those long luscious locks.
she's wearing disposable gloves to protect her hands, and almost all of her clothing is specifically designed to reflect uv rays.
you'll notice the inside of kurumi's mouth is actually a different color than any of the master detectives. that's the homunculus baby!!!
i gave her an ahoge because i hope she gets the protag treatment for the next game. also i hope she and shinigami become girlbesties and also that shinigami gets the fuck over herself. um ok now time for design notes abt the other people. artwork here if u didn't see the og one.
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desuhiko actually does turn 20 in the timeframe of the fic. his birthday party is a future chapter.
he gets knockoff heelys in the upcoming chapter bcuz i think he'd enjoy them. but he got them flippy floppys in the meantime.
fubuki got a new hairstyle because i think she would be a bit more loose and silly as she starts going on more adventures.
her and vivia actually have two birthdays between the time i headcanon raincode to take place (march 2XXX) and the fic (july 2XXX+1). so while yuma is 19 in mdarc and 20 in usf, fubuki is 21 in mdarc and 23 in usf (and vivia is 25-27)
yes, that is ibuki mioda on her shirt.
i'm actually scared of needles so halara's earrings get a redesign. they get new ones in the upcoming chapter as well.
their outfit might be mostly long sleeves, but the jacket is lightweight and breezy and the jeans have wide legs, so it's actually nice and cool.
just realized this outfit is primarily yellow with some red and blue acccents. i can't believe i reinvented sollux homestuck. i'm sorry halara baby i didn't mean to compare you to an ugly bitch like that (this is a joke i actually like sollux)
vivia's outfit is inspired by the stupid shit i would make in the sims before i discovered custom content. i feel like he'd be a sims girly.
your guess for why yuma got facial hair due to never shaving while vivia, who is infamously too executive-dysfunction-riddled to leave the fireplace much less shave, has the skin of a newborn baby is up to you to interpret. possible options include (un)fortunate genetics on either/both of them, he is trans and hasn't started/doesn't intend to start t, or he just pays halara to do it for him.
actually i do think he pays halara to help him out with things when the chronic fatigue/executive dysfunction gets too much to deal with. fubuki will do it for free but also she is kind of bad at being helpful as a result of being fubuki.
aaand time for the general headcanons section
every single one of these characters is some flavor of neurodivergent. halara and kurumi are autistic, desuhiko has adhd, and yuma, makoto, fubuki, and vivia have both. i'm sure some of them also have other neurodivergencies but those are the two i'm most familiar with so those are the two that worm their way into my headcanons.
not a single one of these characters doesn't have ptsd. like i'm sorry but you cannot live through chapters 4 and 5 of rain code and not be mentally ill afterwards. most of em also have a few other mental illnesses because i love projecting on fictional characters <3
vivia's also got some sort of chronic physical illness (my personal headcanon is pots), and makoto sometimes uses a cane. yuma should sometimes use a cane but he has the bodily awareness of a fucking peanut and thinks it hurts everyone to walk.
yuma's gonna realize he's any pronouns nonbinary someday, but that won't be for a hot minute. makoto is the same, but he's a lot closer to that realization than yuma is. both are also bi, as is kurumi.
desuhiko is the resident kodakaverse problematic bicon. there's always one of em!
fubuki is a lesbian. "oh but she confesses to yuma in her final gumshoe gab!" well as i said before yuma isn't a man. it's a bit confusing to her because she doesn't know that yet but turns out she's just got that Sense where she can tell that yuma isn't exactly cis.
halara is nonbinary (obviously, that's basically canon) and pan
vivia is somewhere on the aroace spectrum (both out of general lack of interest and because sex and romance are physically/mentally straining) but he's generally gay-aligned.
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