SHSL Hairdresser
89 posts
.... My name is Bade Haredae. SHSL Hairdresser. If that's all you wish to know, then please stop wasting my time. Formerly affiliated with Faultering Floors. Now associated with Candy Despair 2
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shsl-hair-dresser-blog · 11 years ago
Hello there. I will be announcing a hiatus for an indefinite amount of time.
I realized that I need to take a break, so I apologize for the inconvenience. I am trying to give my health priority first. 
I love you all okay? I will miss you all so much during my absence.
If you wish to know the details, it’ll be under a readmore, but be careful. It can be triggering and contains suicidal and negative thoughts.
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shsl-hair-dresser-blog · 11 years ago
Punches to Dye For | Bade Haradae | Open
As Bade tiptoed over the growing number of corpses in her room, the hairdresser stared pointedly at the foreign object nestled into her bed as if it had belonged there. Disgusting. Gingerly picking up the weapons, she exited the room with them in her hands, immediately giving it to whoever came across her vision. 
Here, person, have a pair of brass knuckles. 
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"Take them. I don’t… need it. These are… too brutal…."
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shsl-hair-dresser-blog · 11 years ago
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"....... I don't.... understand."
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shsl-hair-dresser-blog · 11 years ago
Snipping Shut | Bade Haredae | Trial | Re: Rin
Though they were trembling, she unfurled her clenched fists and brought them up. Red crescents were present on her hand, but that was from her just digging her nails into her skin for too long.
Bade even made sure to point that out.
"…….. Nerves."
Well, it was the best she could do.
"Let’s… just get this over with…. "
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shsl-hair-dresser-blog · 11 years ago
Washing Over | Bade Haredae | Trial | ATTN: Everyone
Bade did her best to take a shaky breath, trying to calm down her nerves before she attempted to speak up once more.
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"Rope was cut….. Not only that… impossible for Ohashi-san… to commit suicide through the tree. His… trousers were black, but… they didn’t have a tear…. Plus… so… many other reasons…”
There. For once, she managed to force out complete sentences. Mostly anyway. 
"….. What about smell?… If you remain in a bush… for a long period of time…. foliage… smell? I-I…. Nevermind. I’ll be quiet. Doesn’t… make sense…."
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shsl-hair-dresser-blog · 11 years ago
Hiding Behind Bangs | Bade Haredae | Trial | Re: Kali
Bade was tempted to refuse, to simply curl up into a ball right then and there and pretend she didn’t exist. However, that would be cowardly of her to do. She swallowed the building lump in her throat and gingerly straightened every pleat in her skirt. In spite that it was a rather slow process, she would rather do this than to lift her skirt up to fully show it off. As she did so, it revealed… nothing, not a single tear.
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"[Is this….. good enough, Kali?]"
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shsl-hair-dresser-blog · 11 years ago
Rinse and Repeat | Bade Haredae | Trials Re: Jorma, Everyone
It was difficult to focus on listening to the others when everything was just… quiet on her end. At least, she tried to pick up the snippets as best as she could through her deafened state. Stiffening at the mention of clothing, Bade’s eyes narrowed at everyone because there was no way she was going to allow anyone to just… examine her. At least, not without some distance. 
As for providing her fears, Bade kept her mouth shut. After all, it could be used against her. She could see it now, and she…
She shook her head.
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"Not. Talking."
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shsl-hair-dresser-blog · 11 years ago
Cutting To Point | Bade Haredae | Trial | ATTN: Everyone
Everything was muffled and garbled to her. Maybe… it wasn’t such a good idea of her to do that during her earlier hysteria. Then again, it had already been done. There was no changing the past. If she couldn’t hear, then she would make do with it. Instead, she would just make everyone listen to her instead.
As if.
There was no way she could speak up with this many people. She would just be humiliated in front of all of them and would be laughed at. It was exactly why she didn’t participate last trial. She was too afraid for her own good. 
With chattering teeth and clenched fists, she stared down at her podium as she reluctantly forced herself to speak up. The sooner she spoke, the faster she could get this over with.
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"….. Found… nothing… Just know… fabric was snagged on by… twig. That’s why…. ripped. Vomit is from… Ohashi-san though. 
Theory for murder plan. Rope around tree…. Connect to… another tree. Tied down to stake… Saw down tree… Wait. Ohashi-san in right position. Cut rope. Tree… fall. Explains why…. rope was cut. Strength doesn’t…. matter. Just time….”
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shsl-hair-dresser-blog · 11 years ago
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shsl-hair-dresser-blog · 11 years ago
Hear I Lie | Bade Haredae | Re: Motive
Slam. Slam. Slam. 
The palms of her hands kept pounding repeatedly against her ears. 
Slam. Slam. Slam.
The noises weren’t muffled no matter how much she tried to block it out. There were still the taunts… the jeers… of them still echoing in her head.
Slam. Slam. Slam.
It was illogical. Everything was. She felt so bare, and yet, she knew she was clothed. She knew it, and yet, she still fell to the ground, curling up into a helpless ball.
Slam. Slam. Slam.
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"….Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop."
She was a broken record as she desperately repeated those words over and over again. 
Slam. Slam. Slam.
Then it came. A burst of pain before numbness. Blood tricked through her fingers as she ruptured her own eardrums. Even then, it didn’t do the trick. It didn’t do anything to muffle the voices.
Bade could only lie there, whispering desperate pleas for everything to stop. Just like she would not be able to hear anyone, no one would hear her. 
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shsl-hair-dresser-blog · 11 years ago
The hairdresser could only shrug. It was strange to hear such a thing that they all had to watch themselves in fear of being harmed. Then again, she just accepted that this was their fate. They were stuck in this candy hell, and it was up to them to figure out a way to get out. It was that simple.
Bade glanced up at Jorma, craning her neck up to stare at him, and replied.
"Mm... I will try, but I cannot guarantee it. Though, I will wish the same.... thoughts towards you. Don't die. Don't be maimed. Stay... safe. Both physically and mentally. Correct?"
Good job, Bade. That was your helpful advice of the day.
Tying Back Memories | Bade Haredae | Free Time | Open
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  "……Well, that’s good to hear. I do hope you won’t get hurt in the future either, so be careful, okay?"
…Normally he’d be a bit worried over her attitude being so self-centered, but he understood it in this situation. It was probably just good, since worrying about yourself in such a manner didn’t hurt anyone and, hopefully, it’d keep her sane longer. 
…There he went, worrying over others again. Not that he could help it, could he?
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shsl-hair-dresser-blog · 11 years ago
Bade blinked in confusion, taking a moment to think over what Kali had just said to her. Mature? She was merely stating out her opinion on matters. She's heard plenty speak their mind, and she wasn't sure how that measured maturity. After all, some needed more of a filter for their mouths than anything else.
Still, it was a... compliment? Even for that, she wasn't entirely sure. Instead, she opted for answering Kali's question about her age.
"[Fifteen. That is how old I am. What about yourself, Kali?]"
She returned back to her work, placing her scissors back in her pocket, and got to braiding Kali's hair.
"[I... see. That type of activity is... unsuitable for myself as I do not care much for loud noises, but I am sure that it must be enjoyable for yourself if you like... those kinds of things. Everyone has their own interests, and it is good to find something... to use as a form of relaxation or venting."
Hairy Situation | Bade Haredae | Open
  Kali hummed a bit in response to Bade.  It sure was nice to hear things like that from someone, in a world where most people seemed eager to compare themselves to others…  It certainly sounded like a far more relaxing way to think.
"[Yeah, you’re right…~  Damn girl, you’re mature for your age, you know that?  What are you, sixteen?  Seventeen?]"
The blond chuckled a bit, merrily, now in a good mood.  
"[Eh, I just kinda fell into it.  Or more like it fell on me!]"
She laughed a bit loudly at her own morbid joke.
"[I’ve kinda got a thing for burnin’ stuff, so I put it so good use tearing down buildings scheduled for demolition~  I get my fix, and the job done: two birds with one stone!]"
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shsl-hair-dresser-blog · 11 years ago
Maybe it was because that was out of sight, her initial pallid face slowly regained its color, and her hands ceased with its infernal shaking. The hairdresser made a good move with shoving everything off onto someone else. It would have been even better if she destroyed it, but all she wanted was for it to be gone. Giving it away was the quickest solution.
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"There... is no need to thank me. I am merely giving you what I did not want. That is... considered rude, so I apologize for that. I just....."
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"..... I am fine. I have not been physically harmed unlike some of my peers, and for that, I am grateful."
Tying Back Memories | Bade Haredae | Free Time | Open
  Jorma blinked as he felt a book being shoved on him by the hairdresser, and looked down at her in surprise while holding such. The Culture of Japan…? Well, this certainly was a book he had been thinking of getting a few times, but he’d never managed to do so in the end… 
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"……Ah, thank you, Bade. I’m supposing you got these from the machine, huh?"
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"….Hey, are you alright? You look… a bit upset, if you don’t mind me asking…"
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shsl-hair-dresser-blog · 11 years ago
Whether or not Kali moved, Bade didn't mind. After all, she had dealt with worse. Children. Ugh. At least, Kali tried to keep still. That was all that mattered. It was worth it though as her fingers trailed through the blonde strands every so often. So fluffy...
"[You are.... very fluent in it. That's what matters most. There is no need to compare your skills to anyone else. It is what you accomplish yourself that matters most...."
Bade paused in the midst of her clipping, taking the moment to rake her fingers through Kali's hair to knock out the strays that were hidden. 
"[It is... a family business. My parents ran a small salon and required assistance. It was only... natural that I helped. What about you?]"
Hairy Situation | Bade Haredae | Open
  Wow, she was even trimming it?  Kali couldn’t remember the last time she had her hair properly taken care of by a professional…  Her eye remained close as she tried to remain still for Bade’s convenience, and she listened to the other’s story.
"[China, huh…?  So you speak three languages?  That’s pretty awesome.  I speak japanese every day, and I’m still not all that good at it…]"
Opening her eye, the blond attempted to peek at the other without moving her head…  With more or less success.  Wow, she looked really concentrated…
"[So how’d you get into doing hair, if you don’t mind me askin’?  Just always had a thing for it?]?"
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shsl-hair-dresser-blog · 11 years ago
Bade immediately shook her head, replying back to the other. After all, she had to point out that this wasn't out of kindness. It was more selfishness than anything else. She was only giving away what she didn't want. That was it.
"It is fine. I understand if you had your thoughts elsewhere, and there is no need to thank me. I merely gave you items that I do not want. I apologize if... that might be rather rude and inconsiderate for me to do. I... am just not interested in them."
She glanced down at the offered bathing suit, inwardly grimacing at the thought of exposing her skin to wear.... that. More importantly, there was no way she could fit into that. She wasn't that tiny... right?
"No thank you. I... would not swim, nor would I choose to do so anytime soon. Plus, I do not believe that would fit. Perhaps you should... give it to someone else if you do not want it."
With a pause, Bade then interjected.
"I do not believe we have introduced ourselves yet. My name is Bade. It is... nice to meet you."
Tying Back Memories | Bade Haredae | Free Time | Open
  It was certainly a surprise, to have several items pushed in her direction as she entered the shop. Her main thought was one of deciding what she would do with these newly-gotten items, and the next being to put them away and try her own luck at the Lollimachine.
Once the two new items were also in her possession, Fumi contemplated what she would do with the two new ones as well, until she came to a conclusion on that; she’d gift some to Nori-chan, and figure out the rest of them later.
With that figured out, her attention was finally properly turned towards the girl who gave her those items in the first place.
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"S-sorry! I wasn’t ignoring you, or anything like that. I was kinda, uh… thinking about other stuff? But never mind that, never mind! Thank you very much for giving me those things! Um, are you sure you don’t want any of it?"
After a small pause, Fumi then grabbed for the bathing suit she’d just gotten from the machine and held it out.
"I could give you this, if you want! It’s kinda cute, so it might suit you! What do you think? Do you want it?"
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shsl-hair-dresser-blog · 11 years ago
Now would be the perfect time to execute her plan. With one hand, she slowly reached into her pocket for her scissors, gingerly letting the blade slice right through..... the ends on Kali's hair.
Snip. Snip. Snip.
Bade seemed to be focused on getting rid of the stray dead hairs, making sure to cut a lock of blonde hair for herself as well. Her brows furrowed slightly in focus as she trimmed Kali's hair, catching any strands before they could touch the bed. After all, a mess was a no-no in her book. 
"[Ah, yes, I am. My family had originally migrated to the states from China, and as the only child, I was tasked with the job to learn English... sufficiently enough to act as a translator for my parents. The same applied... when we moved to Japan.]"
Bade absently murmured, brushing off the all loose and trimmed hairs into a small pile on the bed.
Hairy Situation | Bade Haredae | Open
  Kali closed her eye as Bade ran her hand gently through Kali’s hair.  It was… surprisingly relaxing.  She was a bit surprised to hear the other speaking English, and glanced over to her with a raised eyebrow and a smile.
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"[Oh!  I didn’t realize you were American, too.  Yeah man, go ahead: I can never get a good sense of which one to use, so I don’t even bother with ‘em.  Call me whatever you want to, Bade.]"
The blond seemed to be in a good mood now, totally relaxed…
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shsl-hair-dresser-blog · 11 years ago
Tying Back Memories | Bade Haredae | Free Time | Open
After using up her lollis, Bade felt a twitch of irritation upon seeing a rather familiar bracelet in the midst of all her items. It must have been a coincidence, but even then, it was enough to make her grind her teeth in her annoyance. 
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Too many flashbacks were happening. All of it involved so much guilt, pain, and yelling. 
As soon as someone walked in through the doors of the store, Bade shoved her items towards them.
"….Take them. I don’t need it."
Burning Sage And Incense Kit - A must for all people dealing in spirits. Keep your soul cleansed with these tools.
The Culture of Japan - A book filled with different Japanese habits, holidays and foods, as well as folklore and even a chapter or two on ‘internet slang’. Definitely meant for a foreigner very interested in the Japanese culture and language.
Ghost Stories Debunked - Novel by Nobuki Tateyama, a book that claims to disprove all forms of paranormal as nonsense.
Jade Bracelet - It seems like it’s made for a hand that’s way too small unless you smear on some butter or something.
A Promise Ring - A ring to promise yourself to another person forever, how romantic.
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