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Gooigi had never seen a real castle before, let alone one with real lava- this was exciting! Sure, Castle MacFrights looked like a castle, but that was just a fancy hotel floor for the purposes of medieval reenactments. A real castle with real lava was new, especially if it contained boos that they could capture and bring home to E. Gadd to study.
Of course, Gooigi needed to get inside first. It always struggled with doors, but this door was big, across a huge moat, and didn't even have a doorknob. That didn't matter though, right? A door is a door, and it knew from Luigi that if you need help opening a door, you knock. Scoping out a nearby rock, it sucked it into the end of its poltergust, and launched it ahead at the 'door' with a loud thunk!
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Gooigi accepted the bond without hesitation. It was fascinating to interact in such a way; they had experienced something vaguely similar with Luigi after his extended use of the control chip and the consciousness transfers it brought about, but even that subtle connection was fundamentally different from what was happening now. There was no technology needed here– the two types of Goo bonded naturally and easily.
He held Mar.io securely, responding to their noise of contentment with one of his own and a happy little “ Ᏸ ʳ ᵒ !! ”
Hugging the goo closer, Gooigi walked carefully over to E. Gadd to show him how well the two clones were getting on and how Mar.io was doing outside of his chassis.
Mar.io, upon hearing Gooigi’s own exclamation, decided to respond back with a ‘Bro!’ to his goo bro, extending some of his own mass out to grip Gooigi’s hands. Being so gently held almost made them want to stay outside of the chassis forever, but he knew he’d have to go back in eventually, but for now, they were cherishing the moment and comfort of their goo sibling more than anything.
As the 2 goo clones approached, E gadd shuffled some of his blueprints aside and adjusted his glasses, looking at his 2 creations with glee. “Well, look at you two! Seems you’re getting along wonderfully, huh?” He clapped his hands together, chuckling a bit. “Nice to see how well you’re getting along!”
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“ !! ” Gooigi gurgled out a vague noise of alarm as he rushed to do, well, something for his poor brother. Luckily, however, Mar.io’s goo came forward before the chassis’s abrupt shutdown could worry Gooigi too much.
It was… wonderful. Gooigi didn’t have any experience with Goo that was not themself, and they found themself fascinated and excited by the opportunity meet someone so similar. When they reached out to hold the offered nub and support the goo’s side to ensure that it didn’t fall, they extended the energy of their consciousness along with their physical form. Green Goo could communicate with itself when touching, making coordination among the entire form possible; could it do the same with red Goo?
“ ⵔ ᵏ ꜟ ᵉ ᑯ ₒ ₖ 𝗂 ᵉ ! ҉ ” they called out verbally to the professor, fully intending to follow E. Gadd’s instructions; Mar.io had trusted him enough to emerge from his protective shell, and Gooigi would be sure that they returned to it safely.
But first–
Gooigi held his arms open to his sibling, letting them know that he would hold and carry them if Mar.io wanted to try spilling off the hand of their chassis.
The red goo more or less nuzzled Gooigi’s extended hand, offering with it a bond of their being. Red goo couldn’t add itself tot he mass conscious of green goo, but what it could do was offer a deep, psychic bond that could alert it to any distress of its ‘family’. This was, of course, a product of the data used to create it; Mario had an eerie ability where he could almost sense when Luigi was in danger and where, and Mar.io was offering this bond to Gooigi.
When Gooigi offered their hands out, mar.io immediately slipped into his hands, enjoying the comfort of their brother’s hold and letting out a happy gurgle, this one sounding quite distinctly like regular goo- but also distinctly a mario-like voice.
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➥ @dreamy-muses-hub asked:
E gadd is calling- but not through the virtual boo, the dual scream, or even the gameboy horror. No, he’s calling Luigi’s phone, which is something he’s never done before. (gadd-science-inc)
At any given moment, Luigi could easily be found sleeping and this was no exception. The green bro had dozed off, Switch in hand after playing Stardew Valley. The abrupt rumble of his green-cased phone and the quirky tune that followed it woke Luigi with a start. He quickly sat up straight, making Polty, who was resting in his lap grumble.
Squinting at the caller ID on his phone, Luigi felt a small pit form in his stomach when he saw that it was E. Gadd. He rarely called using technology that he didn’t invent himself and Luigi really didn’t feel like hunting more ghosts tonight. Swallowing, the wary ghostbuster picked up— ❝Y-Y’ellooo?❞
“Luigi, sonny, glad to hear from you! I was worried you may’ve dozed off and wouldn’t have picked up!” His tone was exceptionally upbeat. He usually had a generally happy tone, but never to this degree. “I was studying some of the ghost data you gathered for me from that trip to the Last Resort, when...” There was a sound of objects being knocked over, and the faint voice of the professor.... scolding somebody..?
“I think it would be best if I showed you, actually! I think you’ll really enjoy this!” There was another pause. “And don’t worry about having to catch any ghosts- No need for that. I’ve got a lovely surprise for you!”
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Oh– oh no! They had confused him.
“ ട ᵉ ﺍ ᵳ ᵢ ⳽ ᥑ ‘ ᶬ ᵉ ,’ ɳ ⚬ 𝚝 - ﮐ ᵉ ا ғ ᵢ ⳽ ᥑ ‘ 𐒦 ᴼ ᵁ ’,” Gooigi corrected hastily, rushing to provide more accurate information before he confused his brother even further. He didn’t want to teach Robario anything wrong!
The way Robario tapped at themself was interesting, though– humans seemed to tend to focus on heads and faces, but Robario was pointing very distinctly at their chest.
Gooigi leaned forward to get a better look. Was that… Goo? He hadn’t noticed the similarities before, too caught up in the difference in color and in the Mario-like features of his brother’s chassis. This must have been the organic substance to which E. Gadd had referred before.
Gooigi wanted to hold it, but the professor’s warning rang clear in their mind– without his armor, Robario was helpless. There weren’t many threats here in the lab (at least, not at the moment) but Gooigi still didn’t want to bring his brother out into the open where they might get hurt.
“ ડ ᵃ ᶬ ₑ ? ” he asked instead, using one hand to point at himself, and the other to copy Robario’s tapping against the glass at his chest.
Listening intently to Gooigi’s words caused Mar.io’s antennae like ‘ears’ to perk up, and he nodded, echoing back to Gooigi. [Same!] holding one hand cupped below the glass panel, they tapped it with their other hand to a rhythm- which then caused Mar.io’s chassis to lean forwards, power leaving its framework.
The glass slid in slightly, and then off to the side within the chestplate- and a small, basket-ball sized amount of red goo came out to rest within the steel hand.
being outside their robot body wasn’t unfamilar to the red goo, but of course, they’d always been inside of a beaker or other container. being outside entirely was slightly scary, and it formed a small ‘nub’ to reach out to Gooigi, as if asking to hold a hand.
“i hope you kids are palying nice, hehehe!” E gadd piped up from his desk, eyes still on his work, as he heard Mar.io’s shut down. “Be gentle with eachother!”
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Huh? Him?
Gooigi copied his brother, pointing curiously at himself until Robario spoke. Oh! Yes, Gooigi! That was right!
Love was a curious thing, fluttering and bright like the gentle light of his flashlight in a dark room. It wasn’t soft, though– it hit hard enough to send Gooigi vibrating with the unexpected strength of the emotion. It was almost bewildering, feeling such a spike of affection amidst their usual muted feelings, and they glanced around once for Professor E. Gadd before deciding that if he had left to keep working, then Gooigi could try to handle their feelings on their own.
“ ጦ ᥱ … ” they confirmed, listening happily to the pleasant sound of Robario’s voice. It wasn’t exactly like his own– it had an overlay of something metallic and fascinating that was beautiful to hear. ‘Gooigi’ certainly sounded nice when Robario said it, but could they also say their own name? Or the professor’s?
Gooigi pointed at Robario next to test if their sibling could say–
“ 𐍅 ʸ ₒ ᵘ ᵤ ? ”
Seeing as Gooigi suddenly began to vibrate caused Robario to instinctually reach his hands out, should his brother be in need of aid- But fortunately, Gooigi seemed to be fine. Robario had only been ‘awake’ prior in a beaker- only able to react to basic feelings as (assumedly) E gadd performed tests, but being within their steel chassis gave them a whole new set of abilities to interact with and perceive the world. Even with his little knowledge and understanding, even despite only just waking up and finally seeing the world, he had a deep feeling he couldn't deny. Gooigi was his brother. he had to ensure Gooigi’s safety. be it reactionary Data from Mario or not, Robario’s mind had been set.
Watching curiously as Gooigi pointed to him, he listened intently ‘you’. But the professor had stated his name was ‘Robo mario two-point-oh.’ Unless this was his brother naming him? [You.] They pointed back at themself, their steel fingertip gently tapping against a glass compartment on their chestplate that contained a viscous red substance- their real form. [You..?] Was this correct?
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“ i care about you. here’s a pine cone on a stick.”
he takes the pinecone on a stick, and exams it form multiple angles, before gargling back in a slightly metallic voice; [Pinecone on stick. Care about you.]
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Gooigi eventually pulled back from the hug, worried he would gum up Robario’s works if his Goo had too much time to settle in the slim cracks and joints of his brother’s body. Professor E. Gadd was explaining something that Gooigi didn’t entirely understand, but it sounded like a good thing– besides the part about Robario being completely helpless without his chassis, of course. Gooigi would never let him go without it– they would protect their sibling no matter what!
“ ዘ ᵒ ⲩ ₑ ᵅ ʱ ! ” he said, giving the professor a thumbs-up with one hand and taking Robario’s hand in his other. Gooigi wouldn’t mind going out on a mission right now, truth be told, but the other clone had only just woken up– Robario probably needed a little time to adjust before they ran off after ghosts.
Turning back to his brother, Gooigi gestured quizzically in the direction of the rest of the lab. Did Robario want to go exploring? Did he want a tour, or was he already familiar with the space?
by this point, E gadd had already made his way back to his desk and resumed his work, leaving the clone brothers to themselves.
Feeling their goo sibling’s hand clasping around their own, Robario glanced down at it, processing it for a moment, before closing their hand around Gooigi’s. This was.... nice. At least, that’s what they perceived the feeling as. Glancing around at the lab following Gooigi’s gesture, the steel clone merely blinked a few times, before looking back at Gooigi and merely pointing a finger at him.
[Gooigi!] Eventually rang out from his head, sounds of goo and metal mixing together into an almost mesmerizing- yet unnatural voice. [Gooigi! Gooigi!!] Well, he got one word down. At least a couple dozen more to go before he can string together any sentences, but their sibling’s name was a start.
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hey so I’ve legit had NO luck trying to fix the rules page currently, so for now as a workaround check the rules over at my hub blog @dreamy-muses-hub as they’re the same rules. Sorry about that! @boobusterbro
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Gooigi shrank away when the construct began to jitter, pressing themself closer to E. Gadd until the metal Mario awoke fully. Upon being addressed, however, Gooigi slowly approached Robario, mirrored the wave, and fixed his new sibling with an unabashed, open-mouthed stare.
“ …Ʀ…Ʀ ᵣ ʳ ⁰ ♭ ₐ ᵣ ⁱ ⚬ ! ”
It was never easy for Gooigi to identify their emotions (or even to be sure that they were experiencing any to begin with) but they were fairly confident that what they were feeling now could be classified as affection. It was something they had felt before, something pleasant and exciting that sent them mimicking Luigi’s reconciliation with his own brother; moving closer, Gooigi put their arms around Robario in their best approximation of a hug.
He had wanted to wait to get to know the construct before deciding how to feel about him, but it seemed it was too late for that.
Given that this was the first time Robario had been booted up, it took him a few seconds to process his surroundings and come up with a reaction, But this reaction was most certainly to return the hug to Gooigi.
“Unlike the last time I tried to create a robotic clone of Mario,” E gadd piped up upon seeing the two share an embrace. “The power source and computing in Robario 2.0 is handled by a more.... organic substance, instead of a computer and battery. So, in a sense, his chassis is more of a very dense suit of armour to protect this new one- but of course, without it, He’s completely helpless.”
Approaching the 2 clones, E gadd clasped his hands together, smiling. “I do hope you two enjoy eachother’s company, though! Outside of ghost-hunting missions, I’ll let you two have free range over the lab, so you can adjust to eachother’s company.”
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It was true; Gooigi was extremely well-suited for working with others. Having a partner also tended to motivate them– while it didn’t always keep them from recklessly charging at every ghost they saw, it did give them someone to help and look after and work sensibly to protect.
…Luigi… Gooigi’s good mood faltered. They missed Luigi. They still didn’t fully understand why he couldn’t just stay here. He was a ghostbuster, so this was where he belonged, right? Why did he have to go home?
Gooigi was jolted from their thoughts by a loud clang!.
…oh? It seemed that the coffee wasn’t E. Gadd’s only surprise for him today. This metal Mario was his brother?
He tottered closer, glancing between the robot and his creator. Having a brother did sound nice– as long as he didn’t get captured– and the compartment that the professor had included would be a good replacement for being carried around in the Poltergust by Luigi…
“ ⵔ̴h̛ơ!̨ ”
He was intrigued, but he wanted to meet Robo Mario properly before he decided what to think about his new partner. Tugging at E. Gadd’s sleeve, he pointed at his brother’s inanimate expression. Wasn’t there any way to wake him up?
“I take it you’re excited for me to wake him up for you, huh, Gooigi?” Smiling widely, he clasped his hands together. “Worry not! he should be just about charged up now, which means you get to introduce yourself to your new brother!” Walking around to behind the metal construct, E gadd leaned the robotic doppelganger forwards slightly, tinkering away at something on its upper back, before closing it off and returning to Gooigi’s side. Nothing for a few seconds, until the steel being across from them began to jitter slightly...
[initializing...] After a few moments, the jittering stopped, and the robotic mario stoods fully upright, its eyes glowing a pale yellow. [Greetings. Robo mario 2.0, fully operational.] Excitedly clapping his hands together, E gadd eagerly watched as his creation came to life, turning to glance at Gooigi and then back to his robot. “Gooigi, This is your new brother, Robario! Robario, say hello to your brother, Gooigi!” With a tilt of his metal head, Robario blinked, and then raised up a hand and waved. [Greetings, goo brother.]
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He followed curiously, surprised when he saw what was in the offered cup.
“ !! ” What? Another him?
…no, not exactly, but the professor was right– the coffee bore a striking resemblance to the blend that made up so much of his own form. E. Gadd was also right about Gooigi liking the surprise; while plain coffee lacked the life and animation of goo, it was still pleasantly familiar. The ghostbuster gave a happy little thumbs-up as he stared down into the cup. It was awfully nice of E. Gadd to think of him!
“ …ന ₐ ɾ ⁱ ٥ …? ” he warbled out, momentarily distracted from the professor’s gift. Yes, he remembered Mario. Luigi’s reaction to reuniting with his brother had made quite an impact on the gooey doppelganger. Mario himself was a fascinating person, even if he didn’t have much to offer in the way of ghost-hunting techniques, but he seemed like quite the non sequitur in a conversation about coffee.
Hands hovering at either side of the cup, Gooigi looked up and fixed E. Gadd with another blank look and quizzical tilt of his head.
“I take it you remember him!” With a few claps, E gadd walked to the other end of the room, standing next to an object covered in a sheet. “Y’see, back in that hotel, I noticed something about you. You work much better when you have somebody by your side, and of course, Luigi has his own life and can’t be here constantly, and I’m far too old to be catching ghosts- namely why I created you.”
Slapping a hand on the sheet, it clanged with a loud metal sound. “So, I’ve decided to resurrect an old project of mine, and I was wondering if you’d want to spend some time with it! I do hope you enjoy it-” Gripping the sheet, he gave it a good yank, revealing the surprise underneath- A robotic clone of Mario. “It’s a brother for you!” Chuckling, he placed his hand gently on the dormant robot that was beneath the sheets. “He’s even got a compartment on his backpack for you to settle in for when you’re hurt or tired and need to settle for a moment.” Clasping his hands together, he looked intently at Gooigi. “Well...? What do you think of Robo Mario?”
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Gooigi could hear the professor calling, but they didn’t immediately emerge. They had squeezed themself into a jar in a far, dusty corner of the lab, and was in no hurry to leave it; they had learned through prior experience that “surprises” from E. Gadd could mean anything from popcorn and a movie to testing how much force it took to send Gooigi splattering into bits around a testing chamber. He didn’t mind getting squashed and stretched and melted– not exactly– but he certainly didn’t prefer it over staying comfortably settled in his jar.
…after a few minutes, however, Gooigi tentatively oozed out of the glass and reformed by E. Gadd’s side. It wouldn’t do to keep the professor waiting for too long, and he couldn’t help but be curious despite himself.
“ ҉ …͜? ”
What was this mysterious, lovely surprise that his creator couldn’t wait to share with him?
“Gooigi! There you are!~” he clapped his hands excitedly as the green gooey figure formed next to him, taking a small step to the side to allow room. “I’ve got a lovely little gift for you, and i think you’ll quite like it!” Taking a few steps towartds his desk, he reached up, pulling down a small cup filled to near the brim with nothing other than coffee. Of course, this one was more of a lighter green than Lunoman greenie blend.
“This is a Woohoo bean blend of coffee. The beans are native to the Beanbean kingdom, and i do run a coffee shop there. I was just checking inventory and the sight and smell of this blend specifically reminded me of you! So, I brought home a good sized bag of the beans to make some Woohoo blend just for you, Gooigi!”
Just as he was holding out the cup of Woohoo coffee, he looked down, then back up at Gooigi. “Say... You remember Mario, yes?”
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@goobuster (surprise!)
“Gooooiiiigiii? Gooigi, sonny, where are you?” E gadd was wandering around his lab, searching around for any traces of his gooey green creation. “Gooigi, where’d you run off to? I’ve got a lovely surprise for you!”
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[System booting... Downloading data... Integrating new OS...]
[Boot-up success. Robo Mario 2.0 operational and ready to carry out commands.]
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blink, blink.
wait this was for real?? it took him a second to respond, mouth agape as he wrapped his head around what was said. a job? was someone actually gonna give him a job?? bonus points,, a place to stay?! this was like a miracle honestly.
instantly he lowered himself down slightly, eyes full of surprise. “ Weh?! Ny-Nyeah Waluigi is! He’s bween needin wahn fow a while… and ….a pwace t’ stay.. bwut uh! …y weally don’t gottwah let him stay at yer plwace if y’ feel it’d be a nwuisance fella. “
He dismissively waved his hand, chuckling. “Nonesense, you wouldn’t be a nuisance at all!”
Reaching a hand into his pocket, he pulled out a small, red device with a green screen on it. “If you’d like, I can take us to my lab right now, and I can show you around the place and explain the job to you. Fortunately, I never leave my lab without a link to the Pixelator- It’s a genius device I created that allows for instantaneous teleportation!”
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