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alomaire-art · 4 months ago
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My favorite Temtem: Chromeon (fire)!
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k1spiegel · 1 year ago
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my earth/digital chromeon pop rock :)
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clovvncrimez · 3 years ago
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Chromeon from TemTem
Btw if you haven’t played TemTem it’s actually a pretty good game 👌🏻
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puppyluver256 · 3 years ago
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[Image Description: Two fan-made Pokemon meant to be new evolved forms for the Pokemon Eevee, themed around the dragon and steel types respectively.
The first Pokemon is a jade green fox-like creature with a long draconic tail and two aqua green horns on its head. It has blue eyes, a pale green mane of hair and matching whiskers, dull aqua neck fur with an aqua green jewel on its chest, a blue ridge down its back, and blue claws. Dark blue text outlined in dark blue to the right of the image reads "Drakeon".
The second Pokemon is A metallic fox-like creature that resembles an early-2000s-era robotic animal toy. Its head and body are silver, its lower legs, ears, and tail are a light grey, and its paws, nose, neck, tail base, and midsection are grey and appear less polished than the rest of its body. It has green eyes that resemble electronic LEDs. Silver text outlined in grey to the right of the image reads "Chromeon".
End ID.]
Drakeon - Arcane Pokemon - dragon Drakeon are very haughty and prideful, seeming to have a superiority complex of sorts. It is recommended that any Trainer who intends to raise one help them learn how to be more humble, or else there will be some serious conflict in the future. / Ancient Cantessy natives regarded this Pokemon as a guardian and proud protector, and as such would often keep one in their settlements and have them roam the area to watch for intruders. Their modern descendants have kept up the tradition, often with a small figurine if they cannot house the real thing.
Chromeon - Metallic Pokemon - steel Despite their artificial appearance, Chromeon are very much organic. Their fur has solidified into plate-like structures that resemble titanium in look and texture, and to compensate for the less flexible fur-plates, parts of them have formed grooves around the joints. / Robotic toys have been created based on Chromeon, the main way to tell which are real and which are artificial is by the cry. Chromeon’s internals are still soft, meaning their voice lacks the “tinny” sound of a similar recording found in most toy replicas.
More Cantessy Fakemon and more Eeveelutions! I was a bit lost on Drakeon at first cuz I didn't wanna make it look too...reptilian, if that makes sense? Cuz from what I can tell, a lot of the dragon-types look like either reptiles, birds, or some otherworldy creature, and that presents a challenge with an Eeveelution to keep them mammalian. I think I made it work, though! Chromeon was a lot easier, as I just based them on those robot pet toys from back in the day hehe X3
Like all my Eeveelutions, these guys evolve via high friendship while knowing a new Eevee-exclusive attack. In Drakeon's case that move is called Beastly Bash, and Chromeon's is called Shiny Sheen.
Reminder that if anyone wants to suggest moves for any Cantessy Fakemon to learn and some physical stats where I haven’t yet figured them out, feel free to throw ‘em at me :3 Links to their info pages will be provided in the replies!
💖🐶 Check out my pinned post for ways to support my artwork, among other things! 🐶💖
~If you like, please reblog to show your friends! Likes are appreciated, but reblogs let more people see my content! If you have something to say, feel free to give feedback in tags/comments/replies as well!~
Pokemon and related concepts © Nintendo/GameFreak Drakeon, Chromeon, the Cantessy region, and artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
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aipom93 · 3 years ago
Hello everyone! Countdown is live for more Temtem! Now that the Tempedia is complete, let's do some Luma hunting!
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the-bronzescovy · 2 years ago
Chromeon, the Iron-Plated Pokemon
a steel-type Eeveelution. you must evolve Eevee in a mine with high friendship to gain it!
extremely magnetic and electric conditions caused Eevee's cell structure to take on an extremely magnetic form. it's fur is made of metal filaments that is stuck via. magnetization. it can spike up its tail filaments when agitated or threatened. when spiked, the spikes are tough enough to cause injuries.
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would this Eeveelution be a great addition to the next generation?
please reblog if you answer. I'd love to have as big of a sample as possible!
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yandere-trashcan · 2 years ago
Daniel Robitaille
Carrie White
Jessie Chromeons
Charles Lee Ray
Tiffany Valentine
Friday the 13th:
Jason Voorhees
Pamela Voorhees
House of 1,000 corpses:
Baby Firefly
Captain Spaulding
Otis Driftwood
Amber Freeman
Billy Loomis
Mindie Meeks-Martin
Richie Kirsch
Sam Carpenter
Stu Matcher
Tara Carpenter
Hannibal Lector (NBC)
Hannibal Lector (OG)
Will Grahm
Texas Chainsaw Massacre:
Luda Mae*
Thomas Hewitt
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sumplysilly · 2 years ago
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Did FIVE (5) chromeon radars hunting for a luma & didn't get 1. But take a break to do the winter event & get luma momo. I have been angered
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artflails · 5 years ago
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Spent some time designing Eeveelutions for all the types that don’t exist yet. The body is just Espeon traced and then tweaked as needed. 
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pines-pokemon-headcanons · 6 years ago
castreon kinda sounds like castrating to me
Hm. That is a good point, yes. Perhaps “chromeon”, or “metalleon”, or “titaneon”? “Ferreon”? “Alleon”?
Coming up with eeveelution names is surprisingly fun!
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kgyst · 4 years ago
Nekem szar a Redmi-m, Chromeon és Mi böngészőn is tök ugyanaz jelenik meg, első találat a freetibet.org, rá lehet keresni, lehet klikkelni, ugyanaz jelenik meg. Nem elég kínai.
Litvániában kidobatják az emberekkel a kínai mobiltelefonjaikat, mert cenzúrát építettek bele
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puppyluver256 · 3 years ago
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[Image Description: A woman with medium-brown skin, brown hair in a tight bun, and brown eyes. She is wearing a green headband, a teal t-shirt, light blue pants, a brown metalworking apron held on by beige strings, brown gloves, and brown steel-toed boots. She is holding a set of of metalworking tongs, with her free hand on her hip. Behind her is a fan-made Pokemon resembling a red and orange minotaur with red eyes, long golden horns, dark blue mohawk-styled hair on its head, a pale muzzle with a golden nose ring, two golden spikes on each shoulder, golden spikes on its hands resembling brass knuckles, dark cloven hooves, and a long orange tail with a tuft of hair resembling a large flame. The background is a pixelated abstraction vaguely resembling a sheet of reflective steel. End ID.]
"Welcome to the Cantessy League! Hah, I remember seeing you back in Sterbonne! Seems like you got through that Gym well enough. Well, of course you did, we wouldn't be meeting here otherwise! Just keep in mind, those eight Gym Leaders were just a warm-up. The Elite Four is like a forge for Trainers, after all, and every battle strikes you and your team against the proverbial anvil. Will you come out of this stronger than ever, or will you crumble under the pressure?"
And here's our final type specialist :D Regardless of what version you're playing, one of your opponents in Cantessy's Elite Four will be the steel-type specialist Penny. Having an interest and instruction in blacksmithing since she was very young, Penny started off her Pokemon journey by forging her own Pokeballs using books written by world-renowned craftsman Kurt as reference. Obviously it wasn't feasible for her to obtain all the materials necessary to keep doing this for too long, but one of her hand-crafted balls still houses her first Pokemon to this day. Nowadays she mostly makes decorative ironwork, like the kind of stuff you find on fancy fences and whatnot, though she may still make the occasional Pokeball if she has enough usable material on hand. She's currently working on a much smaller project, something meant for her romantic partner Cypress ;3
You've probably had some strong counters to steel-types on hand for quite some time, especially if you're playing Circuit Version and had to deal with Team Wires. In your initial battle with Penny, she'll have a Steelix at level 53, a Scizor at level 54, a Klinklang at level 55, a Magnezone at level 57, and a Minosteel at level 59 who she'll join in with for a Union Battle. When you take the Elite Four on again in rematches after post-game, her whole team will be boosted by ten levels and she'll add a level 63 Chromeon.
Now the only important Trainer left for the main game section is the Champion. I hope you're looking forward to finally meeting her :3c
💖🐶 Check out my pinned post for ways to support my artwork, among other things! 🐶💖
~If you like, please reblog to show your friends! Likes are appreciated, but reblogs let more people see my content! If you have something to say, feel free to give feedback in tags/comments/replies as well!~
Pokemon and related concepts © Nintendo/GameFreak Penny Schmidt, Minosteel, the Cantessy Region, and artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
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babeyrats · 6 years ago
bansheeon, chromeon, maybe macheon? marteon?
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Some fakemon eeveelutions
Ghost evolves holding a reaper cloth and leaving it in the PC for a week
Normal has to be taken to an eeveelution fanatic (evolves in the presence of all eeveelutions)
Fighting evolves with the macho brace and being left at the day care for a week
they need names, if you feel like suggesting <3
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puppyluver256 · 3 years ago
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[Image Description: An old woman with light skin, blue eyes, and short curly grey hair. She is wearing a pink-orange dress with dull pink trim, a pink sweater with a pink star-shaped emblem on the chest, a pink apron, pink socks, and raspberry loafers with purple soles. She is bent over slightly from an aged back, and has one hand resting on her back and the other holding a red and white Pokeball. To her left is a rock Pokemon that resembles a large chocolate-covered toffee. The background is a gradient of purple and lavender with various pink glowing spots scattered across. End ID.]
"Oh, hello there, sweetie! If you're in here, I can tell you've come for a more important reason than just buying some candy, haven't you? Yes, I can also see that spark of a promising young Trainer in your eyes. Now then, why don't we get started? And if you think I'm going to go easy on you, you'd be sorely mistaken. Giving a battle against you anything but my best effort would be an insult to the skills you've developed up until now!"
Here's Pokemon Plow's sixth Gym Leader! Y'all ever hear about cream candy? Pulled cream, Kentucky creams, it goes by a few different names. It's soooo good and the way it melts in your mouth, it's AAAAAAAA TuT ... *ahem* Yes, anyway.
In Plow Version's Sterbonne Gym, you'll face off against the fairy-type specialist Coco. She has been making confectionaries since before some of the other Gym Leaders were even born. Chocolate bars, pulled cream candies, chocolate-covered treats, bourbon balls made in partnership with a local distillery...you name it, she probably makes it. The Gym is run in the back of her candy factory, where you must navigate a series of lifts and platforms designed to look like the various items her company sells in order to reach her location in the back.
Now Coco's team is almost all pure fairy-type, so if you have Minosteel or if you evolved that Eevee you got back in Lexville into either a Toxeon or Chromeon, or otherwise just have some poison or steel Pokemon or moves, you might be able to breeze right through this. She'll have a Slurpuff at level 40, an Aromatisse at level 41, an Alcreamie at level 41, and a Toffeenie at level 42 who she'll join in with for a Union Battle. After you become the Champion, Coco will have a Slurpuff, an Aromatisse, an Alcreamie, a Cantessian Polteageist, a Sylveon, and a Toffeenie. And yes, you read that right, Cantessian Polteageist! >:3c Look, I love that lil teapot, I wanted to bring it to Cantessy so baaaaad and if you know anything about any state considered part of "the south" you can probably guess where I'm going with that one hehe. Shame we won't be seeing it for QUITE a while...probably closer to one of the eighth Gym Leaders, if I remember correctly.
💖🐶 Check out my pinned post for ways to support my artwork, among other things! 🐶💖
~If you like, please reblog to show your friends! Likes are appreciated, but reblogs let more people see my content! If you have something to say, feel free to give feedback in tags/comments/replies as well!~
Pokemon and related concepts © Nintendo/GameFreak Coco Rutherford, Toffeenie, the Cantessy region, and artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
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