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pokemonbattletournament · 3 months ago
We have Pokémon at Home!
Round 1 matchup 75
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Propaganda for Drakeon:
No propaganda has been submitted for A yet.
Propaganda for Beta Arceus:
""Mom can we have Arceus?" "We have Arceus at home." Arceus at home:"
More info under the cut
More information about Drakeon:
More information about Beta Arceus:
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southernbaphomet · 8 months ago
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some fakemon eeveelutions!
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cubic-watermelon · 2 years ago
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I drew these 3 fake eeveelutions some time ago and I really love the bug type one, Motheon. then there's Aereon the flying type, I walways wanted to try drawing asymmetric Pokemon, and Drakeon the dragon type. I never liked how the new eeveelutions got rid of the neck fluff, the original evolutions kept it, so I don't get it.
Drakeon looks a lot like Vaporeon because I always looked at Vaporeon as the odd one out in terms of design, so I gave it a friend.
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tigertaurus22 · 2 years ago
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Corvalrie, the Raven Pokémon
Name is derived from Calvary and Valkyrie
Corvalrie are known for their ferociousness in battle, but they are able to tone it down against weaker opponents so they don’t end up accidentally killing them
Tinkaton and Corvalrie are sworn enemies. In another region, Tinkaton often shot down a cousin of Corvalrie and used its remains to make their signature hammer. Corvalrie are not so weak to let that happen, and will ruthlessly attack a Tinkaton whenever it spots one.
Drakeon, the Long Pokémon
Dragon Type
Eevee can evolve into Drakeon after its leveled up to 20 and given a Dragon Elixir
Like most dragons in folklore, Drakeon likes to hoard things. Especially shiny or valuable things, but what they consider valuable differs from one Drakeon to the next.
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justakidicarus · 9 months ago
Dark Link - The Fall of a Hero (3/?) Part 2 - The Hatching's Interlude
This one has a lot of world-building. Assumptions can be found in the Prologue. This part does not actually include Link at all, but it does discuss him and builds a bit more on Drakeon as a character.
More notes for parts of the story mentioned and different pieces of worldbuilding I haven't been able to integrate into the fic are beneath the fic. Spoilers for the trailer of Echoes of Wisdom. This fic should be considered Non-canon to the events of Echoes of Wisdom and is heavily canon-divergent. Fic below the cut.
“You failed to break in the Hero. Worse, you allowed him to escape.” The demon king growled from atop his throne as the silver Lizalfos strolled into the room with an air of nonchalance. Drakeon paid little mind to Ganon’s building rage, instead busying herself with checking over her staff. The little brat gave as good as he got, she could give him that. Still, it was only a matter of time before the scouting parties found his location. Once she knew where he was, it would be whelp’s play to bring him back.
Ganon’s growl deepened and the Lizalfos winced as she heard the boar slam his staff into the ground, an echo of’ Warning’ ringing through the room. The demon king hissed “Do not ignore me Hatchling. I am your King, and you will respect me as such.” The Darkness thickened and writhed, responding to its master’s fury.
“Ah get ya the results ya want better than any o’ your stuffy Fallen-born Monster ever could an’ you know it.” Drakeon pointed out, reminding him of why her insolence is excused. The Monsters of the Fallen were weak, used to gorging on Darkness so much that they became lazy and inefficient. Her kind never got that luxury. Drakeon herself didn’t even hail from the lands of Hyrule, far removed from its dark powers. Her people worked for every bit of strength they had and earned every bit of respect they received from both the land and her spirits. No fallen-born monster had the drive to bring the best out of a Monster. Only her kind, Whelp-born with enough grit and determination to make it to adulthood, had enough drive to get things done. Drakeon was the only Whelp-born to get on this side of the veil anyway. She was irreplaceable and they both knew it.
“You failed to get results this time. I do not tolerate mistakes.” Ganon said, eyes narrowing dangerously from what she could see out of the corner of her eye.
“An ah don’t tolerate them neither,” Drakeon shrugged, rolling and unrolling her tail. It had begun to grow past her comfortable length. She’d have to see if she could cut it down soon to something more manageable.
“And yet you deign to make one.” The Demon King rumbled, like the thunder warning of an incoming storm. Drakeon took a deep breath, looking to the sky where the veil between realms was at its thinnest.
“Tha Hero’s spirit is that of ah sublime beast.” She quoted from memory. The Divine Beast of Twilight’s words wore heavily on her shoulders, alongside his canine stare and sharp fangs. She turned to look directly at Ganon himself, not hesitating to make direct eye contact with the yellow-eyed boar. She tilted her head to the side as she asked: “Do ya ‘ave any idea what that means?”
She didn’t let the demon king get a word out before standing, swinging her staff in a ‘Listen’ motion as the room quieted to let her speak. “It means tha out there is a beast that ‘as a master, you if we wanna be technical. If ya chain up ah wolf, it’ll bite ya back real hard. If ya put a horse in lock up, it’ll kick ya whenever ya get near. If ya cage a bird, it’ll fly away first chance it gets.” She drawled, strolling around the room as her staff made barely audible clicks as she moved. “Ya don’t wanna piss off ah wild animal ya hear? Mah tribe an’ I lived among them, we know how they work. Ah won’t lie, Ah’ve met tha Hero type before too. Ah know how tha’ brat works better than ‘he does. Tame at first glance, feral as all hell the next.”
Ganon moved to speak. She slammed her staff down with her next step, ‘Warning’ roaring through the silent chamber. “Tha Hero’s spirit is that of ah sublime beast.” She repeated, the shadows of the room responding with her words, her lineage, as the veil thinned imperceptibly. “An treat a beast right, let it run free on tha wind, an’ feed it when it comes tah heel, and it’ll be loyal ferever more. Ah, don’t make mistakes Ganon.” She spat, tail swaying behind her as she twisted around toward the entryway, letting her words and their meaning sink in. She had her plan, and while the hero running didn’t make it easy, she knew what she had to do to bring him in.
As she made it to the grand doors, she glared over her shoulder at the demon king who remained on his throne, seemingly considering her words and what it would mean for his future strength. She remembered his earlier words. She wouldn’t let them go uncorrected. “An yer not mah King.” She hissed, slamming the doors of the throne room behind her on her way out.
First (Prologue) -> Previous (Part 1: Recruiter's Call) -> Current (Part 2: The Hatchling's Interlude) -> Next
This is all the pre-written parts I have since Part 3 is what I hit my writer's block on. It's mostly finished too I'm just trying to get past the final bit of the part and then I could post it.
Lots of notes this time sorry for the chunks of text:
Drakeon hails from the Ordona Provence. Her tribe were reclusive and lived off the land, not encountering the Hero of Twilight until well after the events of Twilight Princess. As the tribe was considered citizens of Orodona Provenance by the Light Spirit due to a truce, Twilight was instructed by the spirit not to attack the Lizalfos. The tribe and Twilight had good albeit uneasy relations from Twilight’s side until the hero passed when his soul moved to the Twili realm post-mortem and he became the realm's divine protector. Drakeon’s tribe were gifted the ability to move through the veil between realms, which allowed them to travel to the Twili realm, where Drakeon met Twilight. Drakeon later travelled through the veil again but with different intentions, discovering the Downfall Timeline. She travelled it, met the Demon king's army, and enlisted for the fuck of it (and because she was disgusted with the attitude of the army and wanted to whip them into shape). Her strangeness made its way to Ganon and they met, Ganon promoted her to General and placed her in charge of all military training. She refuses to tell Ganon anything about her timeline, to his chagrin, but he would be a fool to kill such a valuable and irreplaceable asset.
While monsters are aware of the other timelines, they couldn’t travel to them. The Downfall Timeline calls their monsters Fallen-born (As the Hero of Time was killed), the Child Timeline Whelp-born (As the Hero of Time was a Child (a Whelp) when he thwarted Ganon), and the Adult Timeline Hero-born (as the Hero of Time was fully fledged in their timeline). Hatchling is an insult meant to poke at Drakeon’s Lineage as a Lizalfos hailing from the Child timeline, yes, Ganon is racist.
Ganon is in fact, not Drakeon’s demon king. TP Ganondorf technically is, but he never called the Ordonian Lizalfos to arms so they never caused trouble at the behest of darkness. If anything, the only being that could claim rulership of the tribe is Ordona xemself. And yes, Drakeon has an Ordonian accent and also identifies as Ordonian
Yes by locking up Link Ganon kinda fucked himself in the long run. Yes, Dark Link has obsessive loyalty to the demon king but that loyalty is magic-induced and as soon as Link is free from it he gives Ganon the mother of all wallops. Meanwhile, Drakeon gets to go free and unharmed because she was never overly cruel to Link. She treats him as she would treat a wolf pup that wandered into camp. Her more violent acts were corrections, not done out of cruelty and wanting to cause pain but more to correct his behaviour. Don’t misbehave, don’t get hurt. Drakeon gave Ganon the tools to keep Link permanently at his side. Ironically those tools are care, trust, and understanding of limits. Ganon disregarded this and paid the price while Drakeon got out of it with a free ally.
Anyway any sort of feedback is welcome within reason and if there are any questions, feedback, or suggestions feel free to comment or send an ask and I'll try to answer them.
I don't have a set time for when I'll be able to send the next part though so we'll see how it goes!
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pkmn-rainbow-gray · 3 months ago
Eevee Poll: Which eeveelution would you pick?
Size comparison/bonus info beneath poll! For shiny versions, click here!
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Size comparison - Bansheeon is the size of regular Eevee, Lanteon gets smaller upon evolution.
Fun "Facts"!
🪽 Aveon hunts like an arctic fox, but in the clouds instead of snow! It leaps into the sky, then pounces into clouds where it locates bird pokemon with its excellent hearing! Eevee gains this form by leveling up while holding the Flying Gem.
👻 Bansheeon with the Soundproof ability can use Perish Song and not get affected (this got patched out but I patch it back in 😈). Eevee gains this form by fainting while holding a Reaper Cloth - spooooky!
🪨 Eevee gains the ability to learn Ancient Power via TM, allowing it to evolve into this ancient form! With its powerful tail, Bludgeeon punches into the ground to pull up stones it uses as weapons - hammers, shields, and even projectiles!
🐉 Eevee becomes Drakeon after leveling up while holding the Dragon Scale. It is the largest eeveelution, full of boundless energy and a magpie-like desire to collect shiny things. Drakeon's purr soothes dragon-types, making it great for aspiring dragon trainers.
🐇 Eevee becomes Dusteon after leveling up while holding Stardust. Capable of burrowing rapidly and kicking up dust to blind opponents, Dusteon is a much trickier opponent than one might expect from its cute looks.
✊ Eevee transforms into Guardeeon after learning Detect or Double Kick via egg move/TM alongside high friendship. It controls its scarf-like appendages to attack from afar and manipulate objects, similar to Sylveon. Rather than fairy magic, it can sense and manipulate aura like Lucario.
🦋 Eevee becomes Lanteon after leveling up while holding a Bug Gem. Lanteon is part luna moth, part firefly. It can detach and control the glowing lights on its mane to lure prey or confuse a foe! Lanteon is even smaller than Eevee.
🧬 Mutateon was created when Eevee was exposed to a chemical called Mutagen E - formed from the DNA of Eevee, Umbreon, Espeon, Flareon, Drakeon, Lanteon, and Human. Ruthlessly intelligent hunters, Mutateon can alter its venom on the fly to be more effective against its foe, and some are known to mutate themselves into new types for a better matchup (Protean would lose its nerf for this generation 😈).
🤖 Titaneon was created in response to a rampaging giant Mutateon. In order to resist venom, recovered alien technology was used to outfit Eevee with cybernetic armor. After growing to giant size and defeating it in battle, Titaneon gained Mutateon's respect and the two became friends. Titaneon is inspired by Ultraseven, whose capsule monsters inspired Pokemon.
Hopefully you enjoyed at least one of these pocket monster ideas! Have a great day! ❤️
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lime-sketches114 · 2 months ago
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Fakemon Eeveelutions
Meet Aereon and Drakeon my Flying and Dragon type Eeveelutions!
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frigidtartaros · 9 days ago
The following post includes mentions and implications of these topics; frozen apocalypse, frozen human corpses, frozen animals [specifically pokemon], caves/caverns.
If any of these trigger you in any way, I suggest clicking off or scrollling past this.
I reached the site of the incident, the golurk things didn't touch me, they stared at me but didn't do anything. I reached a hole in the ground. This was the most intense cold I've ever felt. I dropped down, making the ice slow my fall enough.
and holy shit is this cavern something.
That's Ghetsis. I can't recognise the other boy, some kid says Nate. Trainer card out here says Nate aswell. Hm. My Drakeon tried to use dragons breath to remove the icicles, kids gone.
I found this uh... lightning ball thing, turned into a rotom when I went near, weird rotom, 4 types; Ice/Fire/Electric/Ghost. Guess it's mine now, it's following me. Gonna call it ... hmm... Temepsta.
Welp off I go. 2 little friends with me until I can get out. My heads aching but I feel.. better than I did before. Idk a little tingly, warmer though. My feeling to throw up is definitely stronger.
Theres so many frozen pokemon, holy shit- Everything from a serperior to a hydreigon and a toxicroak. Theres.. 12 from what I see. 2 teams. But they never got to fight. I've repokeballed 6, the ones I could get from the frozen kid. I grabbed the frozen kid, needs a burial. Ghetsis doesn't deserve one.
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heaven-earth-pokemon · 10 days ago
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This is Drakeon, a dragon type evolution for Eevee. it's a pure dragon type. It can be obtained by having your Eevee reach level 25 or higher while holding a Quick Scale.
Design and illustration by me, TheWonderTree.
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revenant-coining · 7 months ago
Cerbeonial | Drakeonial
(pt: Cerbeonial | Drakeonial /end pt)
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Cerbeonial; a gender connected to the fakemon cerbeon (link)!
Drakeonial; a gender connected to the fakemon drakeon (link)!
etymology; cerbeon/drakeon, “ial” meaning resembling or pertaining to
for cam!
tagging; @radiomogai
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skullboi04 · 10 months ago
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let’s make it a series
drakeon, the dragon type eeveelution
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mangakamen · 2 years ago
How about a dragon type eeveeloution or maybe a ground type?
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Sure, how about Drakeon then?
Based off of the Red-Eyes black dragon from yugioh, with it's shiny being the blue-eyes white dragon lol
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shinydrakeon15 · 6 months ago
Yo! Shiny Drakeon! I have another question about the legends luxflon AU, i know this might seem random and dumb, but, you said Alice is the protagonist that was sent to the past, right? So, is Alice in legends luxflon was sent to the past before the events of the main story & later got sent back to the present? Or did she got sent there after the pass 5? Did she got back to the present?
There is no dumb questions pls ask whenever you want this au rotates in my brain like a microwave plate <3
Alice was sent to the past after pass 5, and after resolving everything she does get to return to the present though. Time did still pass while she was gone though so everyone freaked tf out
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magia-region · 10 months ago
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Wandergeist, the Magic Wand Pokemon
Ghost type
A master wand maker died tragically while working at his craft, and their spirit went on to possess the wand they were working on.
Now the possessed wand searches for someone worthy enough to wield them.
It knows several magic spells that students at New Hogwarts would be familiar with and must learn to counteract should they encounter a Wandergeist.
The main ‘ghost’ body holding the wand is a disembodied hand. Rumors say that the wandmaker’s hand was cut off as punishment for some crime
Potiron, the Cauldron Pokémon
Pronounced like Po-Shi-Ron
Steel/Poison type
Potiron are born from unwashed cauldrons left to rust, the magical residue imbuing it with a sort of sentience. This Pokémon is used as a cautionary tale for students to always wash their cauldrons after use.
The contents of Potiron’s concave body varies, but it is most often a mixture of different known potions and elixirs that end up becoming poisonous due to long-term exposure to bacteria.  
Platypouch, the Hoarder Pokémon
Normal Type 
Platypouch are obsessed with collecting shiny objects, which they usually store in their pouch until they can return to their burrow where they hoard it. 
Platypouch are in fierce rivalry with Drakeon and Meowth over their shared love of shiny things. Platypouch are often hunted down by Drakeon and Meowth due to this.
There was one instance where a Drakeon raised a Platypouch and used its pouch to hold its hoard.
Special Ability: Payday
Based on the Niffler
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And the shinies!
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justakidicarus · 9 months ago
Dark Link - The Fall of a Hero (2/?) Part 1 - Recruiter's Call
The second instalment of the Dark Link series. This part is much longer. Assumptions are in the Prologue, and I don't have much else to say.
More notes for parts of the story mentioned and different pieces of worldbuilding I haven't been able to integrate into the fic are beneath the fic. Spoilers for the trailer of Echoes of Wisdom. This fic should be considered Non-canon to the events of Echoes of Wisdom and is heavily canon-divergent. Fic below the cut.
When Link awoke, it was to loud pacing. He silently whined as he twisted, trying to find a way to stand so he could move from his current resting place. Whatever he was lying on was coarse and a bit moist. He didn’t like it.
“Oh, finally tha brat’s awake.”
A three-fingered talon grabbed onto Link’s tunic so suddenly that he yelped, dragged up onto his feet by an unknown creature as he quickly got his footing, twisting around and reaching for his sword as he took in his surroundings. The sky was midnight black, split with purple fractures as if the sky were a broken mirror. Various islands and bodies of water floated aimlessly around the land, ignorant of the laws of nature such as gravity. Behind him were the walls of a Blackstone castle, each brick oozing waves of dark liquid into the moat at his heel. Underneath his feet was grass a strange shade of dark blue. Wherever he was, it wasn’t Hyrule. Currently, that was the least of his worries.
Before him stood an army of monsters, possibly thousands strong. Each creature from Bokoblins to Gleock’s was armed to the teeth and staring at him as if he were their next meal. In the front of the line, a silver Lizalfos stood, armed with a Hylian sage staff. The Lizalfos didn’t look like the rest that he could see in the army. While those Lizalfos had a flat snout, short legs, and long, thick tails, this one had a blockier muzzle, longer legs and a shorter, thinner, tail. It also wore a canine skull over its head, obscuring most of its face besides its golden eyes and mouth. Other bone and strangely leather ornaments decorated its body and staff, swinging in the soft breeze.
“Now, tha Bossman wants ya whipped inta shape by the next full moon. Ah reckon we can get it done in half the time. All you Hylians are the same after all. Easy tah break in. ‘Not sure why the King wants ya in tha army instead of serving in tha mines but hey, I’m just here to follow orders. Besides, we’ll make due, won't we?” The silver-coloured Lizalfos monologued, twirling its staff as it paced down the line of monsters. Link was more concerned with the fact it could speak in the first place.
“Welcome to tha Demon King’s army Hero. We’re gonna ‘ave a lot o’ fun together.” The Lizalfos grinned as it gestured almost lazily with its spear. ‘Charge’ the signal read, as the entire army of monsters descended on Link.
He wasn’t about to give them the chance to beat him.
He drew his sword and charged back, his blade slashing through the first line with ease born of a Hero who journeyed over 7 times in the past.
The battlefield was a blur as Link cut down monster after monster, taking out Lynel’s and Moblin’s left and right as anything lesser fell before he could blink. That Silver Lizalfos remained out of reach, hanging off the side of a Gleock’s flank as it seemed to record whatever was happening
Link lost track of time as he fought. The sky didn’t change, he never felt fatigued, and his enemies didn’t stop coming. Over time, his sword whittled away, and he was forced to rip the blade from a charging Lynel to continue his fight, repeating whenever his latest weapons broke. Over time, the overseeing Lizalfos became more and more irate. Link could barely spare a thought, focused on his eternal battle. If he could make it through the horde, he could find a way to escape. If he managed to escape, he would be able to get back to Zelda. Then she could make a plan so they could get the Triforce of Courage back and beat Ganon for good. He just needed to defeat the horde first.
“Alrigh’, this ain’t working.” A voice shouted out before a pair of talons slammed into his back and drove him to the ground. Link yelped as he went down. He tried to swing his stolen blade into the new threat, but a staff quickly hooked around the cross guard and threw his only weapon to the side.
“Ah can see why tha Bossman wants you on the frontline Brat. Ya know yer way with tha blade, can’t deny that, and you’se got a viciousness tha’ puts mah best Lynel’s tah shame. Still, if ah don’t figure out how to kill that blasted Light o’ yours it’s mah head on the chopping block. The bastard is making her way through her lil kingdom and if she gets out here with tha’ blasted staff then we’re all toast.” The Silver Lizalfos that had been watching everything rattled on, shifting its weight from side to side as it kept Link pinned to the ground. He listened with vague confusion. What did it mean, ‘the frontline’? ��Kill the light’? He wasn’t daft, he knew the Lizalfos was acting under orders from Ganon, but what was the demon king’s goal? What light was it talking about? Ganon already had the Triforce of Courage, what more could he want?!
“New plan. Ah can tell yer listen’n to me, Brat, so tha’ means at least the Darkness is doing something to ya. Le’s see if we can get it to do my job for me. Pheon!” The Lizalfos called out as it lept off his back. Immediately, Link jumped to his feet and whirled around, searching for a leftover weapon he could grab. Before he could move towards the nearest Bokoblin, holding its sword lax with the blade practically on the ground, he was ripped from the ground by a large talon around his body. The Gleock the Lizalfos had been riding earlier had grabbed him in its claws.
The Lizalfos twirled its staff, ‘Obey’ in its movements as the silver-scaled monster spoke “Take the brat for ah dip in the moat, will ya? Le’s see how he deals with tha Bossman’s darkness in its most concentrated form.” Link paled as he tried to pry the Gleock’s talons apart. He did not like the sound of that. The winged monster took off, heedless of his struggle, as it immediately dove for the black waters surrounding the dark castle. Link thrashed harder in its hold, but its claws never relented. He would rather land on the hard ground than in the Onyx River.
He was very suddenly freefalling.
Link sunk through the liquid like a stone as it rushed over him, dark claws tearing at his skin. He lunged for the surface but could barely tell which way was up. His breathing came panicked as his body warred with his logic. He shouldn’t be able to breathe here, he was underwater! Voices whispered in his ears, mocking him, screaming at him, laughing at him. The Hylian grit his teeth as his fingers brushed hard rock.
He felt like growling as he looked up, spying on the shimmer of the sky above him. He swam the wrong way. He hissed as he leapt from the rock bottom of the moat, kicking upwards towards the surface as he breached the surface tension of the river, swallowing down the liquid Darkness in his throat as he paddled towards the shore, intent on getting out of this stupid dark water.
A long staff was lowered down in front of him, and he grasped it without hesitation, being dragged across his front up the slope and onto flat and dry land.
“Now tha’s what ah like to see! No more o’ that stupid gold on ya. I’ve gotta say, Silver and Onyx is a good look on ya Brat.” The Lizalfos chirped, seemingly nonchalant as she inspected her claws while leaning on her staff. Behind her, the army fussed about, ignoring the General and Hylian in favour of their gossip.
Link growled and got to his feet. “Don’t call me Brat,” he huffed before he froze. His voice isn’t supposed to be that deep. Come to think of it, why did he talk in the first place? Usually, it was a fight to get his words to work properly, especially among enemy forces.
“Ah’ll gonna call ya what ah want Brat. Don’t know yer name and ah don’t care tah learn it.” The General dismissed, waving her staff in a ‘Stay put’ motion. Link felt himself freeze against his will before scowling. What was going on with that staff? Was it some kind of magic artifact of its own? Link forced himself to move, taking a shaky step forward before almost stumbling as the force holding him in place left. The General didn’t seem to know she had no more power over him, even as the nearest pack of Bokoblins startled and started chattering and pointing. “Ah’ll call it into tha Bossman tha’ we got through and we can start the evaluations and see where you’ll be placed,” She said, waving a claw lazily through the air to articulate her thoughts.
“I’m not going anywhere with you.” Link snapped; hands clenched into fists at his side. The General froze at her pace, looking back over her shoulder before groaning loudly
“Oh, Ordona ‘ave mercy! Why can’ ya jus give in?” The General roared, the surrounding monsters screeching in surprise and fear as they backed away.
“I’m not going to follow some- monster around!” Link shouted back, eyes darting to the crowd, as he tried to ignore his stutter. This wasn’t normal.
“Brat look at yerself! Yer just as much ah monster as the rest o’ us!” She growled, jabbing at him with her staff as his own eyes widened. What did she mean by that?! Link yanked his tunic into sight and his breath hitched. The normal forest green tunic was now a dark Onyx black. His tan skirt was a sharp silver colour. What he could see of his skin was this pale grey colour that looked almost sickly. The strands of his hair that dangled in the corners of his vision were a rich purple, not a hint of blond in sight. “Ya think a Hylian can see in tha Dark realm? Ya think a Hylian can breathe its air? Hero or not, yer one of us now Brat. Start actin’ like it or ah’ll bring yer insubordination to tha’ King.” The Lizalfos spat, slamming the blunt end of her staff into the ground in a ‘Warning’ motion. A jolt of fear zapped through Link at the staff’s motion, but what made it stick was her words.
He took a step back, much more mindful of the drop into the moat as his blood pumped in his ears. “No, you’re wrong. I’m not a monster,” he growled, glancing at the army before him. There was a path through, he just had to take it. The General seemed to notice what he was scheming, and her eyes narrowed under her mask. She raised her staff but Link didn’t intend on giving her the chance to thwart his escape again. He charged for the gap in the lines, monsters screaming in surprise at his sudden dash and leaping out of the way as if he were a raging Lynel, before realising that they were supposed to be stopping him.
Link dodged a Lynel Crusher bearing down on his head and leapt over a pack of Bokoblins making a dead sprint through the much thinner crowd. Behind him, he could hear the Lizalfos shouting orders as Aeralfos swooped at him and Keese shrieked in his ear. Still, he kept pace, darting for the woods surrounding the plains the army had gathered on. A couple of Chu’s sprung up in his path but his pace never relented, instead, he growled and shot forward, dashing through the Chu’s as if they were never there.
He didn’t quite notice when the attacks had stopped, but by the time he disappeared into the tree line no more monsters were chasing after him. He was free. For now.
Previous (Prologue) -> Current (Part 1: Recruiter's Call) -> Next (Part 2: (The Hatchling's Interlude)
I'm sorry if the accented writing is a bit much. The Lizalfos speaks with a country accent and I wanted to include that in the writing without having to say 'southern drawl' every so often.
Link has been unconscious for two weeks since the events of the Prologue. This has given his body time to adjust to the Darkness in the realm and adopt it for itself. In case it wasn't clear, this is the reason he can understand the monsters.
The Silver Lizalfos' name is Drakeon. Yes, she is a recurring character. She wasn't going to be but then she kept showing up and I wanted to write more on her and now we're here.
The ways Drakeon moves her staff correspond with how Ganon moves his own to command the army. The Darkness within the monsters responds to these movements. Drakeon’s training helps reinforce the commands, so they don’t fail when Ganon needs to use them. Warning (used to threaten higher-level monsters) is slamming the staff into the ground. Charge is a forward thrust. Obey (used for complex vocal commands) is a twirl. Waving side to side means Stay. Follow is swinging the staff downwards.
Note: Darkness can take any three forms without issue, often transitioning between them freely. The Darkness in Link’s lungs just became Vapor, which at this point is breathable for him
Yes, Drakeon swore to Ordona from Twilight Princess. No this isn’t set in the Child timeline. This will be elaborated on in the next part, which is set in Drakeon's POV.
When Link dashed through the Chu’s he summoned a suede weapon from Darkness and cut through them, but he didn’t realise it. I don't think I could have written it in any further so I just put it here.
Onyx is the word the monsters use for black-tier monsters.
Dark Link's appearance is sort of a mix between Shadow from the Four Sword Manga and Dark Link in BotW/TotK.
That's about it for my notes. Any questions feel free to ask them in the comments or ask me directly. See you in Part 2: The Hatchling's Interlude.
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pkmn-rainbow-gray · 3 months ago
✨SHINY✨ POLL: Which eeveelution has the best shiny?
See the original colors here! Pokedex entries and the idea for each shiny below the poll!
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Pokedex Entries/ Shiny Explanations:
Aveon 🪽
🌈: AVEON's ears can detect precise sounds from far away. When it detects prey, such as WINGULL, it will leap straight through clouds to pounce mid-air.
👽: AVEON's large feathered ears and tail allow it to soar on the sky. Padded paws allow it to land safely no matter the height.
✨: Shiny inspired by foxes (original is arctic fox-inspired).
Bansheeon 👻
🌈: BANSHEEON's haunting cry can give anyone chills. Though it can place powerful curses, it prefers to play tricks and startle people.
👽: When EEVEE pushed itself past its limits, it gained power beyond material reality and became BANSHEEON. It is said that its cry can signal imminent death.
✨: Shiny inspired by Boo Berry cereal (original is halloween colors).
Bludgeeon 🪨
🌈: BLUDGEEON punches its powerful tail straight into the earth, pulling up large stones. It uses these stones as hammers, shields, and projectiles. It grows frustrated if a problem cannot be solved in this way.
👽: It is speculated that BLUDGEEON was an ancient form of EEVEE before technology allowed the form to resurface. Living closely with humans may have encouraged them to become more gentle and adaptable over time.
✨: Shiny inspired by the Flintstones family pet, a dog-like dinosaur named Dino who is pink with black spots (original is inspired by Fred Flintstone).
Drakeon 🐉
🌈: Because its purr can soothe dragons, it is a good starting Pokemon for aspiring dragon tamers. It loves to collect shiny things regardless of worth, treating discarded soda cans equally to gold.
👽: DRAKEON is the largest of all eeveelutions, having tapped into a boundless draconic energy. They are highly intelligent creatures - some are famous for solving math problems in exchange for treats.
✨: Red dragons are cool.
Dusteon 🐇
🌈: DUSTEON burrows at alarming speeds through the ground, sensing the position of creatures above with powerful hearing. Its powerful kicks can cause huge dust clouds, blinding opponents.
👽: DUSTEON is an exceptionally tricky fighter, kicking up a huge dust devil and finishing off foes before they can see what happened. If it is not confident in a match, it burrows away at high speeds.
✨: Shiny inspired by stardust, specifically referenced the Pokemon Go colors for it.
Guardeon ✊
🌈: The means to evolve EEVEE into GUARDEON were discovered in the journal of an ancient aura guardian. They are fiercely loyal to their trainer, protecting them from any ill intent they sense.
👽: They can sense any creature's approach, no matter how stealthy. In battle, they use their silky scarf-like appendages to strike at a distance or bind their foe.
✨: Shiny swaps red and blue, referencing Sylveon's shiny.
Lanteon 🦋
🌈: LANTEON shrinks upon evolution, becoming even smaller than EEVEE! It detaches glowing orbs from its mane, which it uses to lure prey or distract foes. LANTEON loves frolicking in moonlight.
👽: LANTEON's glowing tail can be dimmed or brightened at will. They can communicate at long distances using light signals. Those startling LANTEON find themselves blinded while it escapes.
✨: Shiny inspired by fireflies (original inspired by luna moths).
Mutateon 🧬
🌈: MUTATEON was created when EEVEE was exposed to a chemical called MUTAGEN E - formed from the DNA of Eevee, Umbreon, Espeon, Flareon, Drakeon, Lanteon, and Human. Ruthlessly intelligent hunters, MUTATEON adapts its venom to be more effective against its current target.
👽: MUTATEON's unstable genetic makeup allows it to alter its physiology to hunt any target. Borrowing the adaptability of EEVEE with mutations mimicking its many evolutions, it was designed to thrive in any environment. A trainer should never underestimate their MUTATEON's intelligence.
✨: Shiny inspired by Espeon's shiny (Original is a blend of shiny Umbreon and normal Espeon). I think this shiny glows in the dark.
Titaneon 🤖
🌈: EEVEE became TITANEON after being enhanced with reverse-engineered alien technology. With unstoppable armor and impossibly sharp blades, it is known for taking down powerful threats such as TYRANITAR to defend its home.
👽: TITANEON moves with calculated precision. It has access to tremendous firepower, but even greater restraint. It fires energy beams only when it is certain to hit its intended target.
✨: Shiny inspired by the blue Ultras from the Ultraman series with a 'depleted' red color timer (Original is inspired by Ultraseven with a 'full' color timer).
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