#chromameta (kinda)
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chromatic-lamina · 1 year ago
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a heavy
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in one piece
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for the beloved
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chromatic-lamina · 10 months ago
oof! Chapter 1114 Spoilers
Okay, as ever, brief, because someone has and will cover the monumental stuff, BUT do you think that a certain poor self-sacrificing doctor
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might be in need of another self-sacrificing doctor who can extract poisons?
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It's be very nice for Robin and me, and Chopper of course! (In this delulu, all of the Hearts are alive and well and on Elbaf!)
Or maybe Bonney will age-regress him and somehow they'll get the poison out, or Poison Pink might appear? Or the poison reacts with some of Caesar's engineered rumble balls, and it strengthens him somehow? Anyway, I'm worried for our reindeer.
And really, I'm here for
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this guy ⬆️ Doflamingo—One Piece's perennial chorus. Never absent for long and the Mock Town dudes are still using his goods.
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Still pulling the strings in the slammer and outside of it. But yeah, but no, but really he does get all the good lines
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Mariejois, here we come! And, 5 metres is Kid (2.05m) standing on Doflamingo's (3.05) shoulders, or a little taller. To him, 5 metres would be like 2!
But I do worry about him getting bed sores and a sore back spreadeagled like that constantly. At least he always seems to have chatty visitors.
And, you'll just need to read the chapter for the real meat. And read chapter 1089 while you're at it. Another poster recommended it, and oof.
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chromatic-lamina · 3 years ago
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The Height Thing, Again
Law is 1.91 metres tall (6'3.2"—Wiki says, let’s just run with a little less than 6′3. The OP Wiki can’t math, it seems, or maybe they’re using another form of meter/metre?). 
You can see how much taller Kiku is than him above and below.
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Kiku is 2.87 m. Raizo’s 3.11m.  Ashura Doji is 5.44m and Inuarashi 5.11m
Along with obviously being taller than Law, Kiku seems to be keeping her canon height with other members of the Akazaya Nine in the two pictures above.
Izou is 1 centimetre (0.39 of an inch) taller than Law. (1.91 vs 1.92m or 6'3.2" vs 6'3"??—lol, Wiki, you’re not helping me. The Wiki heights have Law nominally taller than Izou in the imperial system. It’s obviously [slightly] wrong). 
Just saying, in metric and non-metric terms they’re almost the same height. Metric converters are giving me 6.2664 vs 6.2992. Talking feet and inches there.
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I thought the animators making Kiku and Izou similar heights (picture above) could be explained away with perspective in episode 192, but episode 193 seems they are maintaining the similarity, and this means that Izou is closer in height to Raizo than to Law, and closer to a metre taller than Marco than not (Marco’s 2.08m).
Kawamatsu is 2.71m, so he should appear smaller than Kiku (which he kind of does above on the Polar Tang), but he doesn’t appear taller than Izou, although that’s a bird’s eye view shot below.
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I don’t really know why they did this. Like, it can’t just be the male/female dynamic, considering they gave Kiku her height when she’s with the Scabbards, and also when travelling with Law. She’s pretty tall compared to Bepo, I think. 
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Again, I know it’s down to perspective above, but Kiku should appear a lot shorter than Inuarashi, like she does on the deck of the Polar Tang.
Bepo’s 2.40m, and if Kiku stood up in the picture below, she’d be taller than him. She’s also got height on a lot of the more standard humans of Law’s crew. Bepo’s at the back. I thought he was standing, but maybe he’s sitting.
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But he looks taller than her here (below) and the anime doesn’t actually make her look as large as she does in that manga cap above. She should be taller than Kawamatsu too in the cap below! Maybe she is, and it’s just Kawamatsu’s headwear that gets in the way. Guess not everyone has  their nerdy tape-measure handy when animating things, but the manga is obviously a ref.
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Taller here:
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I’m guessing that they’re going to retrofit Izou’s height to make him taller than he currently is? Or once we get off the snowy terrain, maybe the difference will be more noticeable. 
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And the reunion was incredibly touching in both episodes, and is one of my favourite parts of the Wano Arc and fight on Onigashima, but give my girl her gams. Let the little sister be bigger than her older brother! I wrote a little about it here with manga caps for comparison with episode 992. 
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chromatic-lamina · 3 years ago
one piece heights
Yeah, just going from some posts I see on here sometimes, 1.88cm (Robin), 1.91cm (Law), 1.92 cm (Izou) is really pretty tall. Of course the heights in OP are ludicrous, so they seem short, but if you are average-height and have ever stood next to someone who’s almost 2 metres (or even closer to 1.90) it can be a bit disconcerting.
I don’t really get extreme height difference kinks. No shaming, but I’m just more comfortable when someone’s about my height or a little taller than me. Like, most OP characters aren’t just taller than average humans, they tower over them. I guess there’s something sexy about being hugged by kneecaps or ankles. Probably depends upon whether you’re upright or horizontal.
The global average height is 159.5 cm for women, and 171 cm for men (I’ll put the link in the comments). Not to say there aren’t steady variations within that scale, and heights outside of it as well. 
The expected average height of a healthy population should be 163 cm for women and 176.5 cm for men – as defined by the WHO growth reference standards. 
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chromatic-lamina · 4 years ago
the crux
of Sengoku and Law is
 just as proxy son had a hand in killing his proxy father through a series of tragic events, 
proxy father had a hand in killing his own proxy son through a series of tragic events
Whether Sengoku or Law are aware that Sengoku’s actions affected Cora’s fate isn’t clear in canon yet. But, I liked the idea, so thought I’d isolate it from a meta I wrote last year.
The common denominator—other than Cora—is Vergo.
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