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Ba Baquuunbuquiim Be Becun Ben Bencaqueem Benve Bequae Bequeom Bete Betom Binrequoem Biquiinan Biquui Bo Bonpuquain Bopu Boquia Boquiu Boquuom Boquuontaquua Bu Bundoquie Buqueam Buquiem Buquiontoquaim Buquoerom Buquoumon Buquuenzo Cansiquuo Caquean Caquiam Caquiuzi Caquuizaquiu Caquuu Cecaquiam Cem Cequaici Cequeemiquie Cequeiham Ciquain Ciqueinpi Ciquoummiquaon Ciquuu Ciquuusuquei Co Com Comran Coquiancim Coquii Coquiotequaem Cosuqueo Cubequou Cum Cuqueen Cuqueupequue Da Dahun Dan Daquaan Daquiira Daquiudem Daquoon Dejiquaun Denluqueen Dequaem Dequoon Dequuemkequoan Din Dinem Dinnequao Diquaubi Diqueamkaquai Diqueemmoquuu Diquuolom Dizun Domco Domlo Don Donpa Doqueacim Doquiumvuqueu Du Dumdoquium Dumhoquaim Duquaamla Duquoi Duquoo Duquuikon
Ham Hanpaquua Haquaa Haqueudoquie Haqueumnuquaan Haquoimji Heju Henzon Hequaen Hequaoto Hequoamze Hequuunnum Hi Hinloqueu Hiqueemciquiam Hiqueende Hiquie Hiquounsaquian Hiquuimri Hiquuin Ho Honpem Hoquei Hoquoam Hoquooloquuem Hudoquuem Humhen Huncim Huqueepoquau Huqueom Huquienjiquaon Huquionsen Huquuu Ja Jacom Jam Jamnoquaum Jaqueunben Jaquiu Jenkon Jequaonnen Jequee Jequeuzo Jequiedo Jequien Jequoahe Jequoem Jequou Jequuan Ji Jim Jinre Jiquaa Jiquiinduquio Jon Joquaanvun Joquiijuquoo Joquio Joquooram Joquoumbequeu Joquuancoquaun Jumnuquoa Jumvi Jundaquean Juqueem Juquiomciquiom Ka Kahin Kamzi Kaquaimnaquiu Kaquainvan Kaquiim Kasuquoi Ke Kequean Kequiem Kim Kin Kiquaem Kiquiecun Ko Kohaquui Kon Konni Koquaan Koquain Koquouzo Kujoqueon Kuquainsuquein Kuquianvuquua Kuquoo Kuquuomjequuom Lam Lan Laquau Laquiumman Laquuozen Le Lejoqueun Lemcequea Lemequuon Len Leni Lequaun Lequeunaquui Lequienraqueu Lequiu Lequookiquaa Limzan Liquiom Liquoantom Liquuomzim Lo Loho Lom Loquae Loquii Loquoe Lovequoe Lummequeon Lun Luquaam Luquiin Luquounbam Ma Mam Man Maquoenbo Maquounvin Me Menoquau Mequaemzequui Mequiim Mequoam Mikiquuu Miqueem Miquiim Mo Mom Mompo Mon Moquaan Moquea Mu Munsem Muquaenloquain Muquaim Muqueumjuquoum Muquoum Nam Nan Nanjam Naquooden Naquuum Ne Neloquii Nenaquia Nequia Ni Niquiom Niquiu Niquuunhu Nomvaquea Nonvuquaum Nopo Noquainsa Noqueanjiquiem Noquue Noquuevoquua Nu Nuduquae Nujiquio Nun Nunko Nuquio Nuquuemmiquui Pa Pam Pan Paqueo Pe Pen Pequeam Pequeasa Petaquaum Pezon Pim Pin Piquuenbi Po Poquaemra Poquai Poquiinkequao Poquoa Poquoem Pu Pumpaquaun Puqueamhaqueim Puqueebon Puquiomsa Puquoi Puquoombin Puquuenuquuim Puve Ra Ram Ranpequean Raquian Raquuomlim Rehoquio Requeemsuquaan Requeum Requoitaquoam Requue Ricem Rimhaquiu Rimnuquoem Rin Rinhoquae Riqueom Riquiivam Riquuimmuquiim Ro Rokoquai Roqueumkoquui Roquousaquion Run Ruquiampuquea Ruquiepom Ruquiumna Sa San Saquaamvuquuo Saquaube Saquauboquou Saqueizuquien Saquoe Saquuem Saquuilequee Saquuum Se Sen Sequaem Sequeurequuan Sequoemhom Si Sibiquion Sicuquie Siquaon Siqueonsoquuu Siqueu Siquiopi Siquoon Sivo Sizen Som Son Sonvoquio Soquaa Soquao Soquee Soquiu Soquuam Soquuem Su Sucaquein Sunco Sunpequou Suqueeduqueum Suqueon Suquuo Tan Taquaem Taquuaroquoi Taquuem Taquui Taquuonba Te Teba Tecem Tehiquoe Tem Tequeeko Tequeensoquia Tequou Tequuim Ti Tiquoe To Tonzoquian Toqueo Toqueu Toquuepo Tu Tuquailaquau Tuquainboquaon Tuquiilon Tuquoanrequaen Tuquui Van Vaquiiho Vaquiimhom Vaquuun Ve Venjuquaem Venlaquaa Vequailom Vequien Vequoumduquoem Vere Vezom Vi Vin Viquiamdo Viquiu Viroquoon Viva Vo Vom Vomrem Voquaomlo Voquean Voquiizu Vu Vuquaipoquaim Vuquoe Zadaquaa Zaqueonnoquua Zaquionhe Zaquoicun Zekom Zequaan Zequaom Zequuembiquea Zequuen Zeram Zi Zin Ziquaa Ziquaim Ziqueumrun Ziquousequio Ziquuuvun Zobequeon Zom Zonpiquoom Zoquieraquai Zoquoaduqueam Zoquoam Zoquue Zu Zun Zuquiomci Zuquionmu Zuquue
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7 + 31 with all stars!au jankie/sportkura? :)))
ok this kinda turned into jankie + third wheel rock but i swear that wasnt my original intent lmao
7. “You are a rotted, evil bitch.” / 31. “You can’t fraternize with the enemy.”
The All Stars lineup looked to be a solid cast. Jan, Jackie, and Rock were representing their season, and naturally gravitated towards each other. While they had promised not to make any official alliances, it didn’t take long for Rock to notice that Jan and Jackie might have trouble adhering to that rule.
“Congrats on your win,” Rock said to Jan after the girl group challenge. “Did you get the redemption from the Madonna fiasco?”
Jan smiled broadly. “I like to think so, yeah.”
Jackie came up behind Jan, wrapping his arms around him from behind. “Hey, what have I told you?” he playfully scolded, “you can’t fraternize with the enemy.”
Rock gasped in mock-offense. “Oh, so I’m the enemy now?”
“You were on another team, so this week, yes,” Jackie replied with certainty. He had been the team captain that week, and Ru had hardly gotten a chance to ask who he wanted to pick first before he blurted out Jan’s name. Of course, no one would question his motives when it came to picking Jan for a girl group challenge.
But if there was anyone that might know differently, it would be Rock. And while he wouldn’t blow up their spot on camera, he would still make fun of them whenever the opportunity presented itself. He watched the way Jan leaned comfortably into Jackie’s arms and smirked. “So, what, I have to suck your dick to stay on your good side too?”
While Jan threw his head back in laughter, Jackie turned bright red and hid his face in his hands. “That is slander, Rock!”
“Was it that bad?” Jan teased, pretending to sound sincerely hurt.
“You can’t take her side,” Jackie huffed indignantly, then redirected his attention to Rock. “You are a rotted, evil bitch,” he chastised.
Rock just grinned even wider. “Me thinks thou doth protest too much, Jacqueline,” he cooed before getting called over to do his confessionals.
Once Rock - and anyone else for that matter - was out of earshot, Jackie focused back on Jan. “To answer your question: no, it was fantastic, just like everything else you do.” The change in his tone was almost comically obvious, especially when he followed it up by pressing a kiss to Jan’s forehead.
Jan hummed contently, leaning back into him. “Good save, babe.”
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#chrocks @ch_rocks_ Gefunden im @tierparkgoldau Nun werden wir den Stein wieder verstecken. Wer findet ihn? Viel Spass bei der Steinsuche. (hier: Natur- und Tierpark Goldau) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8WpRtlnXUV/?igshid=1bx1h8h7io2k4
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don't you mean... his father's... CHROCK - vetra
#NEVER#♔⋮ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴍᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ'ʟʟ sɪɴɢ. ⋮ answered asks.#♔⋮ ᴜɴᴋɴᴏᴡɴ sᴇɴᴅᴇʀ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴀɴᴅs. ⋮ anon.#♔⋮ ɪ'ᴍ ᴛʜᴇ ғᴜᴄᴋ��ɴɢ ᴋɪɴɢ sᴏ ʏᴇs ɪ ᴡɪʟʟ ᴅᴀʙ ᴀs ᴍʏ ᴠɪᴄᴛᴏʀʏ ᴘᴏsᴇ. ⋮ crack.
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CB4 (1993)
“If you removed this film and the films of Eddie Murphy from my memory, I would essentially be mute. I don’t have a personality, I have a collection of phrases I have been reusing for close to 30 years. Entire conversations with Dorf Gazelle take place that are composed strictly from soundbites from 80s-90s action and comedy films. One might say, a form of sampling! Like the music of rap. Sigh...I love this shit. Deeply. The lyrics to STRAIGHT OUTTA LOCASH are actually just as good as NWA lyrics, which are great in and of themselves. Flat on her back/I gave her some crack/it’s ten o’clock/do you know where your mama’s at?” -Tommy Gazelle
“Chrock’s best (only?) great movie. Yo! MTV Raps peak era. Ice Cube being a good sport about his own MortDrucker-ing. I haven’t seen this nearly as many times as Tommy but I do remember howling. The truth is I was as scared of gangsta rap as I much as I was fascinated by it. You could not resist watching every Dre video all the way through every time MTV played it (every 15 minutes). But I didn’t play it if my parents were around. I wish Chris Elliot was in more stuff. I wish Phil Hartman was immortal.” -Sonny Gazelle
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Wer es findet, darf es bahalten 😊 . . . #beziehungen #moustachelipstick #creativefactory #Coronatagchallenge #beziehungstipps #liebedich #paarchallenge #liebe❤ #unsgehtsgut #lieblingsmensch❤ #gefühle #glücksgefühle #geschenkidee #hochzeitsgeschenk #selbstgemachtes #getestet #aktivität #darum #lebensfroh #glücklich #leidenschaft #zürich #chrocksoriginal🇨🇭 #chrocksoriginal #swissrocks #chrocks #ch_rocks_ch #promoideas #unbezahltewerbungwegenmarkennennung @creative_factory_ch @moustachelips (hier: Volketswil, Switzerland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGpYJuolcZP/?igshid=s13w29s1wbvn
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Debate stifled in Cambodia as crackdown spreads fear
"We speak our mind", says the website of a group of young Cambodians who have met at weekends for the past six years to discuss politics over mugs of coffee.
But discussions by the Politikoffee group were postponed indefinitely by the organisers after the main opposition party was dissolved last week at the request of authoritarian Prime Minister Hun Sen's government.
For participants, the suspension of their meetings because of the difficult environment was just one more sign of debate being shut down in what has been one of Southeast Asia's most open societies.
"People are sensitive in talking about politics or talking about what the government is doing right now," said Noan Sereiboth, 28, a researcher for health projects who was a regular attendee at the Politikoffee gatherings.
"Sometimes people's parents tell them not to talk about politics to stay safe," he said.
The arrest of opposition leader Kem Sokha for alleged treason in September and the ban on his party have eliminated the main obstacles to Hun Sen extending more than three decades in power in a general election next year.
NGOs paralyzed
But the crackdown by the government has been felt much deeper: to once vocal civil society groups nurtured by Western donors, to independent media and to anyone posting subversive comment on social media.
"Local NGOs have been paralysed and scattered," said Naly Pilorge of the Licadho human rights group, which has a long record of reporting on detentions and land seizures.
"People say space is shrinking. It's not shrinking, it's closed," she told Reuters at her office in Phnom Penh.
Three other groups declined to comment or did not respond to requests for official comment.
It was not lost on the groups that their names featured as associates of the opposition during testimony at the Supreme Court on banning the Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP), which was accused of plotting a revolution with American help.
The opposition says there was never a plot, dismissing accusations as a ploy to eliminate Hun Sen's rival.
'Graduated from fear'
The government said nobody had reason to fear in a country that has been transformed since the devastation wrought by the Khmer Rouge genocide in the 1970s.
"Everyone has full freedom of expression in every way," said Huy Vannak, undersecretary of state at the Interior Ministry. "We have long graduated from fear."
Civil rights groups and other non-governmental organisations flourished in Cambodia with the help of Western countries that hoped to build a liberal democracy after the first multiparty elections in 1993.
That brought a more open environment than in neighbouring countries such as communist Vietnam and Laos or military-ruled Thailand, with its harsh sentences for criticising the monarchy.
But Western donors lack the weight they one had in Cambodia and Hun Sen has brushed of their criticism of the crackdown.
China is now the biggest aid giver. Since the ban on the CNRP, it has voiced support for Cambodia in the name of protecting political stability and economic development.
Not giving up
Politikoffee, which gets speakers from all sides for its debates, said that postponing its recent events because of the difficult environment did not mean it was giving up.
"We hope we can weather the dramatically changing political order," team leader Aun Chhengpor told Reuters. "The forum will be back in place soon."
Although the debates among a few dozen participants cost little to organise, Politikoffee uses space provided by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, a German pro-democracy group which said it had no say over the group's discussions.
The political troubles are not evident in the daily bustle of Phnom Penh, capital of a country of 16 million people which has recorded economic growth of around seven percent for the past six years.
But few wish to speak about politics.
"We must just keep quiet and let it pass," said Chrock Soth, 46, who just about makes a living selling bananas from his bicycle on the outskirts of the city.
In an informal survey of more than 30 people in and around Phnom Penh, traditionally a stronghold of the opposition, roughly half declined to comment on the situation or said they did not care about politics.
The rest were unhappy, but said they could do nothing.
"Youths care about politics," Noan Sereiboth said. "But in the current situation they can't do anything except watch."
from Tin mới nhất - VnExpress RSS http://ift.tt/2A8fw4q via IFTTT
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for the prompt thing: jan/rock please bc of rocks latest ig story lmao
“You really fell in love with him, huh?” Nicky observed with a soft smile, noting how Rock had never stopped staring with quiet admiration.
Rock had stopped watching Jan talk animatedly with Jackie and Brita long enough to respond. “Of course I love him, what’s not to love?”
His friend rolled his eyes, “you know that’s not what I meant.”
“Maybe so,” he conceded.
But Nicky didn’t take that as enough. “What are you waiting for then, it’s a Christmas party, make something cute happen.”
“Like what, catch him under the mistletoe?”
Nicky looked up, then noticed Jan coming their way, and with a smirk, stepped out of the way to let things fall into place.
send me a ship + prompt for a 10 sentence drabble
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i have to ask, for the prompts, 23/1/13 with sportkuradoll/jockdoll thank you for this
why do yall like this corny ass line so much lol
23. “Nothing and no one could break our bond.” / 1. College AU / 13. Love Triangle to Polyamory
“You wouldn’t be so jealous if you met her,” Jan insisted, trying to catch up to her girlfriend as she stormed ahead of her.
“Why? So I can see her amazing personality on top of her gorgeous model body?” Rock huffed.
“No! Well… Yes, actually. Rock, you can’t tell me you’re okay with an open relationship and then get mad when I get a crush on someone.” Jan pointed out.
Rock finally slowed down and turned to face her. “I said I was okay with the idea of it, I didn’t say it needed to happen.”
Jan sighed softly. “And nothing has happened. We’ve just gone for coffee a few times,” she assured, then took her girlfriend’s hand. “Listen to me, nothing and no one could break our bond. If you meet her and decide it can’t work, I’ll drop the subject completely.”
After a moment’s hesitation, Rock nodded. “Okay, fine, I’ll meet her.”
So, Jan and Rock made their way to Nicky’s dorm - they didn’t know what sort of sweet foreign exchange deal she got that gave her a single room, but they were definitely a little jealous when they walked in. “Okay, so, Nicky, this is Rock,” she introduced, “Rock, Nicky.”
While Nicky was warm and friendly right off the bat, Rock still took some time to relax. It wasn’t until they had locked onto the same niche, nerdy interest that they were suddenly talking about with a new wave of enthusiasm.
Jan had no idea what was going on, she was just happy they were getting along, watching them talk and smiling contently.
Rock turned to Jan with a bright smile. “Baby, can we keep her?” she asked, throwing her arms around Nicky.
Jan giggled and nodded. “If she wants to stay, I don’t see why not.”
Nicky grinned. “Of course I do.”
Rock bounced excitedly. “Then it’s settled.”
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7 + 14, coffee shop meetcute?
god i love a meetcute
7 & 14 - Gigi Goode and Rock M. Sakura
Normally, when Rock encountered a line at her favorite coffee shop, it put her in a bad mood and set her day off on the wrong foot. And while she had started to feel a bit cranky, it was all erased when the girl in front of her absentmindedly looked over her shoulder and Rock’s breath hitched in her throat when she realized she was standing behind the most beautiful girl she’d ever seen.
And the way she was looking at her must not have been completely subtle, because the girl offered a polite smile and nod, as if to gently acknowledge that she’d caught her looking. But then the girl was next in line, and her attention was solely with placing her order.
After Rock placed her order, she casually kept an eye out for the mystery girl, hoping that, if nothing else, she would at least learn her name.
“Order for Gigi!”
Rock watched as the girl she’d had her eyes on go up and take her drink from the barista, and nearly tripped over herself to get her own drink when it was called shortly after. She didn’t look right at Gigi this time, embarrassed at how she’d floundered about, and went quickly to go to the table with the sweeteners. She exhaled deeply, pouring a decent amount of sugar into her drink.
“Can you pass that to me when you’re done?” Gigi asked, giggling softly when Rock jumped slightly. “Didn’t mean to startle you.”
“Oh, no, I’m fine, here,” Rock assured, handing the shaker over.
Gigi smiled, her hand grazing Rock’s as she took it, pouring a significantly less amount into her own coffee. “Thanks…” her voice trailed off, subtly implying the other girl should finish the sentence with her name.
“Rock,” she answered, putting the lid back on her cup.
“Gigi,” she replied, then looked down at her phone. “I have to go, but, um…” she grabbed a pen from her purse and a napkin, scribbling on it. “Text me sometime,” she folded the napkin into Rock’s hand before turning on her heel and leaving.
And Rock stood there in shock, hardly believing that that’d actually just happened.
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3 + 14 soulmate au?
3 & 14 - Abhora and Rock M. Sakura
As a teenager, Rock constantly made jokes about her soulmate quote. It was so on brand for her, it was funny. Even as an adult she couldn’t resist poking fun at it with her friends. “Holy shit, that costume is insane,” she read off her wrist. “See? I was destined to be a cosplay nerd.”
“Maybe you will meet them today, then,” Nicky mused. The two of them were walking to an anime expo, both of them in well-designed outfits of characters they liked.
Rock laughed softly. “I mean, if there was ever a time, it would be now,” she mused. And throughout the day, she had many close encounters, but the words never matched up just right. She and Nicky went to sit in the food court after a while and she was just frustrated.
“We still have a lot of day left, it could still happen,” Nicky offered.
She sighed. “It’s easy for you to say, you already found yours.”
“This is not about me, though. I have faith that it will work out for you,” she assured.
“Maybe,” Rock murmured as she got up. “I’ll be right back,” she said before getting in line for the bathroom.
“Holy shit,” a voice coming up behind her said, “that costume is insane.”
Rock blinked in surprise, turning around to look at the girl, though she couldn’t quite discern her features through the layer of makeup and prosthetics. “Wait, can you say that again?” She wanted to make sure she heard it right.
But instead, the girl laughed, and it took her a few moments before she could collect herself. “Sorry, sorry,” she took a deep breath. “It’s just… look,” she held out her wrist, where sure enough, it read ‘wait, can you say that again?’
“I… wow, oh my god,” Rock beamed. “I, um… I’m Rock, hi.”
“Abhora,” she replied. They hugged, a warmth and satisfaction washing over them. The rest of their time in line was spent getting to know their soulmate.
“She’s not gonna believe this,” Rock was saying as they were walking back to the food court. “Nicky, I found her!”
Nicky furrowed her brows, looking from Abhora to Rock and back. “Am I supposed to know her? I do not watch all the same animes as you.”
“No, she said the thing! She’s my soulmate,” Rock explained, bouncing on the balls of her feet.
Nicky looked at the two of them again and giggled. “Oh yes, this makes sense.”
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Rock and Nicky (Sakuradoll?) + Y plz.
i feel like im the experimental lab for all the s12 ships and ive never been so honored
Y - tears
No one made Nicky laugh in the same way that Rock did. They both had the same off-beat sense of humor, the same history of being complete anime nerds. It was why the live shows they did together garnered so much attention. They played off each other so well.
Needless to say, when they were in the same room, that energy multiplied tenfold.
Sometimes it wouldn’t be a joke, it’d just be a word said oddly, or a phrase that triggered an inside joke.
Or like this time on tour, where they’d managed to get Jackie to be their next victim of their ‘look up rule 34’ gag.
“Oh my god, I’m actually crying,” Nicky said when he caught his breath, wiping tears from his eyes.
“I love Nicky’s laugh,” Rock added with a grin. “Listen to her, she fully snorts. Nothing’s funnier than hot people with dorky laughs.”
Nicky looked at him, a grin on his tear-stained face. “You think I’m hot?”
Rock blinked and cleared his throat. “I thought that was a popular opinion,” he defended quickly. “Am I the only one that’s said so?”
“You’re the only one that’s gotten flustered about it,” Gigi pointed out with a smirk.
“I feel like this is a major digression from the important topic of Jackie discovering rule 34,” he mumbled with a bit of a pout.
“Oh no, I’m out. You can dig yourself out of this hole,” Jackie chuckled and shook his head.
Nicky was grinning smugly. “Don’t be afraid of your feelings for me, Rock,” he cooed, then fell back into a fit of giggles.
Rock had no idea how to interpret that, and kind of just hoped they could ignore it for a little while.
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hiya there, if ya still taking prompts and are up to it could you do “Why are the cute ones always the dumbest?” with Z. Other (specify) like a lesbian au with jan/rock, thanks will give you my heart if ya can
hi sorry this took so long lol
49. “Why are the cute ones always the dumbest?” / Z. Other
Rock didn’t mind being asked to tutor another student. It’d look good on her transcript, if nothing else. But when she found out she’d be tutoring the bubbly head cheerleader and most popular girl in school, she wasn’t sure how to react. She knew Jan wasn’t mean like aforementioned titles may suggest, but she still felt a bit intimidated by the idea of being alone with her.
“Is it because you’ve had a crush on her on and off since seventh grade?” Crystal asked as they walked to school.
“I have not!” she huffed, then quietly added, “since sixth grade.” When she first heard Jan had come out, there was a moment when she felt hopeful, but that year she came back from winter break with a girlfriend, and even though she was single now, Rock didn’t think it was even worth daydreaming about.
Her friend chuckled as they rounded the corner onto the block where the building was. “Listen, Jan’s a really nice person. Worst case scenario she feels bad about rejecting you and bakes you cookies or something.” They stopped when they got to Crystal’s locker. “Either way, ask her to put in a good word with Gigi, will you?”
“Fuck all the way off,” Rock laughed before turning on her heel and leaving. She got what she needed from her locker and closed it, then jumped at the sudden realization that Jan was standing right there. “I… didn’t see you there,” she offered with an awkward laugh.
“No worries!” Jan chirped. “I was just wondering if we could have our first tutoring session during free period. I have a chemistry test right after and I just was too wiped from practice to study last night.”
She blinked, having never realized just how fast the other girl spoke, and needing a moment to process. “Sure, no problem,” she finally answered. “I’ll see you then.”
Rock couldn’t focus on a single thing between first and free periods, far too busy mentally rehearsing how she would talk to Jan, determined not to embarrass herself. But by the time they actually sat together in the library, she wasn’t feeling a whole lot better.
“Okay, I know what you’re thinking,” Jan started. “‘Why are the cute ones always the dumbest?’ But I swear it’s just a bad combo of ADHD and a lot of extracurriculars.”
“I don’t think you’re dumb at all,” she quickly assured. “I mean, if you were a genius on top of being beautiful and athletic and talented, I’d probably assume you were a robot. Even now I’m not fully convinced,” she joked lightly.
Jan laughed, and Rock felt her heart swell in her chest. “You’re sweet,” she told her, and they made eye contact, which made her brows knit together. “Are you alright? You look a little… lightheaded. I have water in my bag if you need it.”
Rock didn’t actually answer before Jan thrust a bottle of water into her hands. “Oh, well, thank you,” she took a swig from it before opening the textbooks up and trying her best to actually help her study.
To her pleasant surprise, Jan proved to be an eager, attentive learner. She knew when to listen, when to ask questions, Rock was impressed. “You catch on quick,” she remarked offhandedly.
“I try,” Jan hummed. “You’re a great teacher, I can’t wait to learn more from you,” she cooed, batting her lashes.
The obvious flirtation went right over Rock’s head. “What other subjects do you need help with?”
That made Jan laugh until she realized Rock really didn’t understand what she meant. “Has no one ever come onto you before?”
She blinked. “No?”
“You’re cute, Rock. I’d like to get to know you better.”
Her mouth hung partially agape. “Me?”
Jan’s smile softened. “Yes you,” she leaned over and kissed her cheek. “After school?”
Rock, still a bit dumbfounded, nodded. “Um, yeah, totally.”
Not long after that, the bell rang and they packed up. “I’ll… see you later then,” Rock said as she got up.
Jan grinned and gave her a quick hug. “Later!” She hummed as she headed out of the library, leaving Rock alone with the biggest smile.
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27 + Rock M. /???
ok im doing rock/jan bcs there was a hot minute before rock got eliminated where i thought it was gonna be the fanon ship i brought in lmao
27. “Why the hell is there glitter everywhere?”
Jan and Rock had very different creative processes. Separately, they worked perfectly, but once they moved in together, it served to be an occasional point of contention.
“Why the hell is there glitter everywhere?” Jan asked as he looked around the living room. He swore he’d been gone for less than an hour, but it looked like a Michael’s Craft Store threw up all over the table and floor.
“I told you I was working on a dress today,” Rock defended with a shrug.
He exhaled deeply, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Yes, yes you did tell me that. But this is very much not what I anticipated. I don’t even see the dress.”
“Here it is,” he offered, holding the garment up, effectively spilling even more glitter and offering an apology when he saw Jan’s face contort in what he assumed was an attempt to suppress rage.
Jan carefully walked over towards him, trying to maintain his composure. “Okay, sweetie, honey, darling…”
“That’s too many pet names, you’re definitely mad.”
“Oh I am, but we’re going to work through this and find a solution that doesn’t end in a body count,” he retorted before taking another deep breath. “I’m gonna make some phone calls, send some emails, see if we can find a studio or something that another queen uses, find out if they can rent out some space.”
Rock nodded. “In the meantime, I should clean up?”
Jan nodded and kissed his forehead. “In the meantime, you should clean up,” he confirmed.
And of course it didn’t take long before they were both apologizing - over apologizing, really, because they both hated fighting, they both hated any form of confrontation between the two of them. That was probably the closest they’d come to a fight in the entirety of the time they knew each other.
But it worked, they never went to bed angry, never held onto any resentment. The apartment, however, did hold onto a lot of glitter.
#jan x rock m#idk i just have in my mind that every time jan makes something shes meticulous about it#and rock is as chaotic as his ball ball gown#thehonorarybeaumont#chrock#chjan#shother
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random ship generator: 13 and 14, maybe a movie night?
13 & 14 - Evah Destruction and Rock M. Sakura
Horror movie marathons were a tradition for Rock and Evah ever since they were thirteen years old. They would spend the whole week leading up to it curating the perfect list and make the night into a whole event just for the two of them.
But this movie night felt different. There was a sadness in the air that they tried to ignore by drowning it out with junk food and the latest slasher flick. The somber tone was undoubtedly due to the fact that this would be their last movie night together for a while. While Rock was about to start college in the area, Evah was flying across the country in two days.
It would be the longest the two of them had been apart since they had met, and to say neither of them were ready to say goodbye was an understatement.
“We’re still gonna FaceTime every night, right?” Rock asked once the movie had ended, knowing they weren’t going to have any fun if they didn’t just address how they felt. “It won’t be so bad.”
“Right,” Evah agreed, though she couldn’t make eye contact. She was hesitating, conflicted, until she finally confessed, “I know this is probably the actual worst time to say so, but I think I’ll regret it more if I don’t. I’ve had a crush on you since ninth grade, basically since we both came out.”
Rock’s mouth hung open until she made a conscious effort to close it. “Really? I had no idea… I mean I’d hoped… but I never thought…”
“You hoped?”
She nodded. “I guess I thought it was obvious, but that you just didn’t want to hurt my feelings,” she explained.
Evah sighed and laughed. “God, we’re useless, aren’t we?”
Rock grinned, feeling calm for the first time in days. “Absolutely. Does this mean we’re gonna try something long distance now?”
“I’m willing to try if you are,” she replied.
There was a brief pause before they both leaned in and shared a chaste kiss. “Yeah,” Rock confirmed, “I am.”
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73 with rock/jan :)
73. “You still need your baby blanket?”
The room situation for this stop of the tour didn’t really bother any of the queens. It was two beds to a room, so everyone got a roommate - it was a nice hotel so they decided it all balanced out.
Jan and Rock were in a room together, making themselves comfortable, setting up their things and getting everything as they’d normally like it, when something caught Jan’s eye.
“You still need your baby blanket?” His tone wasn’t mean or condescending, just genuinely curious.
Rock looked at Jan, then to the blanket he’d spread on his bed. “This? Yeah,” he smiled and shrugged. “It’s nice having a piece of home with me on the road. I know that sounds cheesy, but it works.”
“I think that’s very sweet,” he cooed. “So, if I can’t sleep, can I come cuddle with you and your blanket?”
“My bed is always open to you, Janice.”
And sure enough, at about four in the morning, Jan lay awake, staring up at the ceiling after a lot of tossing and turning, trying to get in any position that’d be comfortable enough for him to sleep in.
“Might as well,” he mumbled to himself and moved over to Rock’s bed, getting under the covers.
“Hm?” Rock stirred, barely awake.
“Can’t sleep, trying to get comfy,” Jan whispered in explanation.
Rock yawned and nodded, taking the baby blanket and tossing it onto Jan. “Sleep tight.”
Jan grinned softly, it was a kind gesture regardless of how barely conscious Rock was, and cuddled both him and the blanket as he finally went to sleep.
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