#christopher bauder
platzhalterr · 1 year
Inverse || Dark Matter || Berlin
Creative Direction: Christopher Bauder
Music & Sounddesign: Boris Acket
Production: WHITEvoid
Motor systems& Software: KINETIC LIGHTS
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bspoquemagazine · 2 years
Summerlights @ The Dark Matter Berlin
This year, a very special highlight will shine on the outdoor area of DARK MATTER: the 16-meter-high light sculpture STALACTITE.
From Thursdays to Sundays, SUMMERLIGHTS is open with STALACTITE. The luminous sculpture by light artist Christopher Bauder and WHITEvoid can be enjoyed in the evening from 8 pm onwards with cool drinks and fine electronic music on comfortable seating. Of course, there is also plenty of room for dancing. The huge construction of 360 light rods floats above the visitors and shines in complex,…
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w0-2013-365 · 5 years
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deep web art
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beyondsomewhere · 5 years
Skalar by Dacian Groza Via Flickr: Light and sound show, Berlin
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marcoberlin · 5 years
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Deep Web Performance im Kraftwerk Berlin
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fenytkepezo · 6 years
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SKALAR by Christopher Bauder and Kangding Ray @Kraftwerk, Berlin
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mensministry · 6 years
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TETRO+A and WHITEvoid  ‘STALACTITE,’ Bright Brussels Festival 2018 
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zeroground · 3 years
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81798 · 6 years
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janhemme · 6 years
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SKALAR light & sound installation @ Kraftwerk Berlin (part of CTM Festival 2018).
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musicmapglobal · 6 years
The 5 most mind-altering performances at CTM Festival
Immerse me in turmoil!
Berlin’s CTM festival is a gamble if you’re going for the music. One moment, laser beams shoot around you in a multidimensional performance while otherworldly music guides you to unknown pleasures. The next, a guy on acid strums a single guitar cord for 30 minutes and makes mind altering substances sound like a really bad idea. And that’s exactly what CTM festival’s 2018 theme of “Turmoil” was all about – unnerving you to the point of near-madness, getting you in a state of confusion and feeling that occasional bliss.
Thus, the artists at CTM transform, dismember, recreate and transcend the normal. “Turmoil” aims to express our world’s state of unrest and anxiety, of technical progress and futuristic dreams.
So what is the sound of turmoil then and how does it feel? I was there to find out.
Here are CTM festival’s 5 most immersive performances – from slight uneasiness to total fucking oblivion. A countdown:
5. Transcend the Turmoil – NOQTURNL – Florence To & John Connell
Did you ever practice lucid dreaming in a room full of strangers to access your inner consciousness? For CTM festival, artists Florence To & John Connell invited 70 strangers to experience the collaborative “hyper­lucid” in the middle of a 4DSOUND system. In short: Falling asleep to soft sounds for seven hours. Suffice to say, my memories of the night aren’t very tangible. I recall lying there, listening to the noises coming from the speakers left, right and above of me while hazy blue and red lights flash up here and there. No escape from the sound, anxious for something to happen. Until I only hear laughing children and falling raindrops. Their laughter turns into images of children playing in the soft summer rain.
I am pushed into an in-between – a space between waking and sleeping – drifting off only to be pulled back again by some obscure noise. The sense of comfort is constantly jarred. My mind no longer knows whether it is awake or asleep. Then – suddenly – it is day outside. Confused, tired, cranky. Something had been missing. When I regain consciousness, everything is still the same.
4. SKALAR Live – Christopher Bauder & Kangding Ray
It is almost pitch-black. Quiet music starts to play and a night sky reveals itself. As the music grows louder, a row of round objects descends. Glowing, their mirror-surface reflects back bright red, yellow, blue and green beams of light. Stars and planets are circling over our heads, light and darkness interchange. Simultaneously, psychedelic sounds announce an arrival. Everybody stands entranced in a joint consciousness – one focused entity.
Suddenly the room spins around as lights hit the darkness from all sides. Loud techno music plays and disorientation settles in. Then, lights and music come to an abrupt halt. And to the electronic composition of hope, the sun comes up with beaming golden rays.
For CTM Festival, light artist Christoph Bauder had teamed up with electro experimentalist Kanding Ray to explore the tension between natural and artificial, body and mind. Here, in the massive empty space of Berlin’s “Kraftwerk”, we meet our eternal cosmos, our mystic solar system.
3. Transcend the Turmoil – Pan Daijing
Pan Daijing stands next to a 4DSOUND speaker. Photo by Becca Crawford.
A strange twilight – only every now and then, weak lights in the dim room. Soft sounds close in from all sides, above and below in 4DSOUND. “And now, start walking”, a friendly female voice orders. We are sent on a path. Slowly, we obey. Memories of Brave New World. A journey into the unconsciousness has begun, deeper and deeper we go. Resistance impossible.
©Becca Crawford
There is meaning in the flow of sounds and words. They provide a script for a story into otherworld that isn’t our own. I fall further and further, completely weightless, into darkness. Yet I am not afraid. On the contrary, I feel free from this burdening world. Falling, falling, further and further. Until, abruptly, the voice calls fiendishly, “how foolish you are. I told you to bargain.” But it isn’t addressing me; I AM the voice, a devilish creature laughing at the world and its feeble humans. The music ends, the story is over, the voice says “goodbye”. The images of the places I have been are starting to fade, and yet remain. My self is still one with an endlessly powerful force.
2. Tipping Point – Medusa’s Bed
©David Visnjic
“Society is not a disease, it’s a fucking disaster”, screams singer Lydia Lunch into the microphone. Her words are underlined with psycho-ambient sounds. Like in Alan Ginsberg’s ‘Howl’, Lunch leads into the dystopian nightmare that is our reality.
Mia Zahlbeka’s violin screeches while Lydia Lunch goes on: “No easy way out. No escape. From yourself. You had to LEARN to DEAL with the cards you were dealt.”
This multilayered performance is the result of female power trio, no-wave icon Lydia Lunch, experimental violinist Mia Zalbeka and sound artist Zahra Mani. Images on a screen reveal the ruins of civilisation, full of debris – a dirty mattress in the corner of an abandoned building, a broken mirror on the wall, distorted faces of children.
And yet, there is beauty in the grotesque. In Lunch’s words, we hear Sartre and Baudelaire, Alan Ginsberg and William S. Burroughs – every dystopian book ever written, hell as we created it. And Mani and Zalbeka provide the haunting soundtrack, a discordant melody of Lunch’s “godforsaken terrain where lost souls find even less mercy”, inhabited by the “fucking beast”, which is always the self.
1. Caustic – Boys Noize
Berghain, sometime around 5am. But in that exact moment, I have already lost all track of time and space. I am completely immersed in the vibrating beats and swirling lights around me – in the music of Alexander Ridha, aka Boys Noize. Swift changes and a strange mix of breakbeat, hip-hop, dubstep, techno and something undefinable have smothered my thoughts to pieces. No longer able to form sentences. Peace in my mind. All feelings replaced by music.
An invisible string pulls me rhythmically through the room, makes me raise my arms and shake my head. Lights speed over our heads and through our bodies. It is like a collective ritual, a state of trance. The stroboscopic light recreate an LSD experience, all spatial awareness gone, a state of utter confusion, of bliss, of otherness. Sucked into the void, we are dancing, dancing, dancing to the primal dumph dumph dumph of techno-drums into the non-existence of excess.
Words and pictures: Manon Steiner (except Pan Daijing and Boys Noize press shots)
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bitesbitesbites · 6 years
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Wall of light: 8,000 glowing balloons recreate the route of the Berlin Wall, 25 years after it fell A quarter of a century after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the border between West and East has been lit up by 8,000 glowing balloons.The bright orbs are part of the Lichtgrenze - or lightborder - art project, which has seen the balloons mark the dividing line that separated West and East Berlin for nearly 30 years.An eight-mile stretch of the former border will be lit up until dusk on Sunday, when the orbs will be untethered and released into the sky.The balloons pass landmarks such as Checkpoint Charlie, Brandenburg Gate and the Reichstag as they zig-zag their way through Berlin.Beethoven's Ode to Joy will ring out as the balls of light are released - a symbol of peace in Europe 25 years on from the Wall's demolition.
LICHTGRENZE - a monumental light art installation for 25 years fall of the Berlin Wall celebrations The brothers Christopher Bauder and Marc Bauder conceived the idea of the LICHTGRENZE in 2011 supported by the Robert-Havemann-Gesellschaft e.V. and developed with the help of Kulturprojekte Berlin. The LICHTGRENZE is part of the anniversary celebrations that were organised by Kulturprojekte Berlin GmbH as part of an initiative from the city of Berlin. KINETIC LIGHTS develops and produces 8000 units of their new product Balloon Light for the 15 kilometer long light installation along the former Berlin Wall called LICHTGRENZE. The Balloon Light is a novel lightweight and flexible outdoor decorative light. It consists of a foot with water ballast including a rechargeable battery flexible carbon fiber rod pole and white LED lit balloon top. The balloon can be filled with air or helium. When filled with helium the balloon can be released with a special mechanism as an event highlight. The Balloon Light is available for rental or purchase. Minimum purchase quantity is 50 units. 
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akaanuar · 5 years
MUTEK.MX 2019 Edición 16: A/VISIONS 2 + SKALAR
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Durante 16 años, el Festival Internacional de Creatividad Digital MUTEK.MX se ha consolidado como uno de los festivales de creatividad digital más sólidos e importantes de todo el continente, superando sucesos como el del sismo del 16 de septiembre de 2017 y cambios de sedes, siempre con la finalidad de buscar nuevos retos y espacios para artistas y público en general ávidos de arte digital.
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marcoberlin · 5 years
Deep Web Performance im Kraftwerk Berlin
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halodyne · 3 years
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DEEP WEB by Christopher Bauder & Robert Henke, exhibited in Berlin, 2016.
12 high power laser systems and 175 moving spheres constitute this large-scale audiovisual installation piece. The lasers are choreographed to an original score, creating a constantly morphing and shifting three-dimensional sculpture of light synchronized to the music.
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skalar Instalation by Christopher Bauder … skalar Instalation by Christopher Bauder #christopherbauder #skalar #berlin @christopherbauder
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