#christophe giacometti x reader
reallyromealone · 4 months
Title: end of beginning
Fandom: Yuuri on ice
Characters: Yuuri on ice ensemble
Fic type: series
Pairings: Chris x male reader
Warnings: male reader, reader insert, angst, reader is dense, slight fluff, reader has features technically but that's for plot, reader is in love but doesn't realize
Notes: you are going to look like Yuuri, you're siblings but reader will have some differences to make up for it for plot purposes
Every few months, the two brothers would schedule to meet up for lunch, Yuuri moving to Russia and (name) living in Canada made things hard but the two made it work.
"This is Chris and you remember Phichit!" Yuuri introduced them as (name) shook their hands, Yuuri always teasing about how westernized his brother had become but (name) knew he was happy for him.
"Pleasure to meet you, how are you enjoying Canada?" He asked as they sat down and Yuuri grinned "everytime I visit, it's like it's completely changed but hasn't at the same time!" He liked Toronto, he associated it with his brother so therefore it was perfect.
"Very loud! And the lake smells" Phichit said simply and (name) chuckled "yeah, it smells really bad... Apparently it's because of pollution" (name) was so casual and calm as he spoke, body covered in tattoos and looking at them they were obviously siblings, same smile... Though (name) looked considerably more wild and trendy where Yuuri looked more refined and conservative.
"An artist?" Chris seemed curious as (name) beamed and pulled out his phone to show all his work on Instagram "I work with all sorts of mediums-- I always try new things" Chris could see the passion in his words and his art spoke for him, it was genuinely quite impressive as Phichit was already looking through it and liking every photo "whoa! You made a sculpture of (insert celebrity)!" He gawked as he showed the photo to the others "yeah, it was for an auction..." (Name) Said shyly, Chris could now see the personality similarity.
Both were very bad with compliments.
The four chatted for about skating and life and by the end, (name) had two new numbers in his contacts as Chris kept getting closer to him "you got good cologne..." (Name) Said bluntly as he sniffed the others jacket, Yuuri sighing at the fact that Chris was clearly flirting with his brother and (name) was a dense fucker who had no qualms with getting closer to people.
"You can come to my hotel and smell it better if you like~" Chris teased and (name) raised an eyebrow and tilted his head "maybe when I see Yuuri again you can give it to me" he said simply and smiled at the other, Chris was a little shocked at how dense he was "anyways, I better get going! It was nice seeing you!" (Name) And Yuuri hugged and the other two watched how tightly they hugged, clearly missing one another.
Yuuri always worried for (name), the man tended to isolate himself in his art as he and Viktor went back to Canada two months later to check on him "(name)?" Yuuri called as he looked around the large apartment, his brothers works giving him the finances to afford this place. "Wow..." Yuuri said as he walked into the livingroom area where (name) stood in a messy t-shirt and joggers, feet bare as he painted with his bare hands on a large canvas..." Is that Chris?" Viktor asked his husband who nodded, the two looking around to see that the Japanese man had painted and drew amongst other forms of media, works of Chris everywhere.
"(Name), what the fuck" Yuuri said in Japanese, looking around in shock "oh... Hey" (name) said casually, exhausted but somehow still standing and painting "want to explain ALL THESE PAINTINGS" Yuuri waved his arms around to the paintings as Viktor let the siblings to at it "great dimension, (name)!" Viktor said pointing to a landscape painting and (name) looked proud of himself "he has excellent facial proportions, like drawing Aphrodite..." (Name) Smiled as he looked around "I don't know why... He's just perfect for painting... He's a muse"
Yuuri and Viktor looked at each other, the two knew (name) well enough to know what this was, Viktor only a few years but Yuuri... He knew what this was.
(Name) Never really shown interest in others, always in his own world and tended to do his own thing.
He was in love, even if he didn't know he was.
Yuuri ordered food for his brother, knowing the fucker didn't know how to cook for the life of him.
"How do you survive without being able to cook" Viktor said slightly horrified and (name) huffed "I can cook the important stuff! Like rice!" He said indignantly as Yuuri rolled his eyes "yes yes, you can cook the thing you ate everyday" the two siblings bickered as Viktor drank his coffee and watched, his brother in law being a shitling (fondly) as Yuuri scolded him "ordering party servings of food and eating it over a week isn't good!"
"It's called efficiency!"
It was nice despite the bickering, to see the love between the two.
"Do you even talk to him?"
"We talk like daily" (name) said crossing his arms "he's quite a chatter, though he keeps talking in cryptic messages" he said showing the texts where Chris was just blatantly flirting "I don't understand it at all!"
"(Name), never change" Yuuri said simply and his brother looked confused before looking at the messages with a squint.
Yuuri and Viktor looked at the paintings, they were detailed now to the light freckles on the Swiss man's face during the summer, (name) must have been looking at those photos intently as Yuuri set down drinks "how much was that one painting again?" Viktor asked and (name) shrugged "you can just have it if you want" he said simply and Viktor was gonna leave a few hundred, he was not taking that painting for free.
"So what brings you back so soon?" (Name) Asked curiously, sipping his iced coffee as he sat incorrectly on a chair "you have been radio silent for two months, you sent me a single picture of a snail and said 'hes for rizz' and nothing else" Yuuri said incredulously and (name) nodded "lil man had mad game with the lady snails" he said like he was inspired by the snail and Viktor felt the need for a drink with his brother in law "(name) you basically dropped off the face of the earth, you don't do that.. Im worried"
(Name) Sighed and closed his eyes for a moment before opening them "I don't know, genuinely... I got lost in my art and... Mari messaged me... I'm just freaking out" he said softly and looked at his brother "sorry for ghosting... I'm just --- mari wants me to visit and I have been putting it off for forever and I just don't want to deal with mom and dad"
It was no secret to Yuuri and Viktor that (name) had a complicated relationship with the Katsuki parents, it was partly why he moved to Canada.
"We can go together next month, how about that?"
"...fine..." He said simply and Yuuri hugged him, the conversation moving to other topics and the two ended the visit with a photo taken by Viktor who smiled at the brothers, no one realizing the painting of Chris in the background as it was posted.
"It's like looking in a mirror" Chris said simply as he stared at the photo of his friends.
He needed to call Viktor.
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bluebirdsboi · 1 year
Yuuri on Ice Masterlist | Last Updated: 6/12/23
Fluff = 🥰 | Angst = 😢 | Smut = 🥵 | Hurt Comfort = 🩹 Platonic = 🤝 Headcanons = 📝 | ABC Headcanons = 👩‍🏫 | Oneshot = 📘 | Series = 📚 AU = 🌎 | Songfic = 🎵 Male Reader = 💙 | Gender Neutral Reader = 💜 | Female x Female = 💖 Story on hold = ✋ | Character on hold = 🔒
Christophe Giacometti
Coming soon...
Emil Nikola
Coming soon...
Jean-Jacques Leroy (JJ)
Coming soon...
Michele Crispino
Coming soon...
Otabek Altin
Coming soon...
Yuri Katsuki
Coming soon...
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raiiningforever2ice · 4 years
[Yuri on Ice] Chris x Reader 🌟
Requested on Quotev: https://www.quotev.com/story/12466031/Oneshot-book/8
Gender Neutral, can be easily read by anyone!
Small fic: 400 words
TW/CW: None!
"I'm back, love!" You say in a sing-song voice as you take off your shoes and place them neatly on the shoe rack.
"Chris?" Confused by the complete silence, you let out a sigh and walk further into your apartment.
You walked into the kitchen and see a little note resting on top of the table. You grabbed the piece of paper and read it, smiling at the doodles drawn all over.
Hi my love! Practice was very tiring, so I can't wait up for you ☹️ I brought back some take out! Xoxo
Giggling, you folded the paper gently and placed it in your pocket. You found the takeout bag, noticing how it was still somewhat warm. You opened the box letting a quiet 'yes' at the sight of your favorite food.
Without wasting any time you ate your food while scrolling through your social media. After finishing and putting everything away, you went to your room to grab some fresh clothes. Rummaging through your drawers, you kept glancing back and forth to make sure that your lovely partner was still sleeping. You took a quick shower, did your night routine and went back to the bedroom.
Slowly lowering yourself on your bed, snuggling into the blankets. You lied on your side and looked at your boyfriend's face, letting an amused huff at his little snores. Leaning forward, you left a soft peck on Chris' cheek and then shimmied closer to him, burying your face at the nape of his neck.
"Welcome home, honey." he mumbled with his sleep-filled voice and brought his arm around you, bringing your bodies even closer.
"I'm sorry, did I wake you up?"
"No. My love tingles alarmed me of your presence." He let out a sigh and dropped a kiss at the top of your head.
"Mm, how was practice?"
"Eh, I pissed off Josef again. The usual. How was work?"
"Big boss had a rage fit again over nothing. The usual." You both giggled and then fell into a comfortable silence.
You were at the edge of falling asleep when he spoke up again.
"Yeah?" you murmured.
"I missed you a lot today."
"I missed you too."
"You have the day off tomorrow, right?"
"I took the day off too."
"Really? So, we get to sleep in together?"
"Yes love."
"Good." you kissed him once more, this time on the chest.
"See you in the morning love.
"See you in the morning."
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heckinhacker · 4 years
omg ur writing is so cute, could i get any hcs for christophe w his crush? like how he'd treat them and go about it?? tysm !!!!
Christophe crushing on someone headcanons!
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His realisation is not as sweet as everyone would expect.
What I mean by that?
He once just binge watches some of his fav series, and his mind wanders off to you randomly. He pets his cat and he just thinks with “...” expression “...well, shit, I think I might like them??”
Accepts it like a champ. He just goes on with it.
After realisation he starts flirting. Slowly, but surely. He’s very confident after all! 
He may be a friendly-flirting kind of person, but when he crosses the border of it - it’s noticeable.
He confesses after three months of waiting with getting official. He waits and wants to make sure it’s not a short termed thing. After his crush develops into love - he opens up directly.
He’s like...the sweetest about it ;;;;;
He buys you the biggest flowe boquet you ever seen!
And kindly asks you to be his. He’s not too stressed about it or embarrasssed, but he is, indeed, anxious about being rejected. 
But - his feelings got accepted! After that he’s the most clingy-romantic person the world will ever see. 
His social medias are full of you, he LOVES to take a pictures of himself, so taking first place on his medias? Damn, you got to be a real big deal for him! Which you are!!
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bangtan-madi · 5 years
Relationship headcanon for Chris from yuri on ice with a small feisty gal? Thank you in advance hun! Also I just found your blog and I love it
Besides the fact that I'm nearly 100000000% sure that Chris from Yuri! On Ice is super hella fkn gay, I love him and this prompt and will fulfill it as best I can! Thanks love! :)
If there's one thing that describes you and Chris' relationship, it would be fire.
The two of you have known each other for a while, but from the very first second you met, the element always drove you both to try to out-do each other. In competition, in practice, in personality, in basically every facet of your lives.
And you live for it.
It isn't an angry fire that you lit inside the other, more of a feisty passion to do better. You're both so driven by your abilities and inner motivation that finding someone with that same level of commitment and inspiration is rare.
So when you find each other, you grab hold and never let go.
If you're from the same country as him, or at least speak the same language, you can bet there will be a lot of trash talk in Swiss German.
You aren't sneaky about it either. Since next to no one understands your local dialect, and most chose to speak English at the competitions/practice due to the ease of most everyone knowing it, the two of you are free to talk smack on just about anyone or anything.
"If I had an ass like that, I wouldn't be caught dead covering it up that much."
"His choice, but I agree. Yuri is far too uptight."
"Maybe I should help...loosen him up, no?"
"No, absolutely not."
"Okay, fine. But I am going to give him some fashion pointers."
If you speak a different language that isn't English, Chris finds it hilariously amusing when you get fired up enough to revert back to your native tongue. He thinks it's hysterical seeing you get so worked up but not having a clue in the world as to what you're saying.
Especially since you're so small. That makes him laugh even harder.
"Darling, you're just too cute for the world when you do that! So tiny and cute, I can't help it!"
If you're honest, you might be a little brazen with him at times.
But trust me when I say your BF can give it just as much as he takes.
Snide and sarcastic comments are a staple in your relationship, much to the dismay of others. If the Hasetsu group thinks that Chris was bad by himself, they absolutely lose it when they meet you.
"Wait...there's TWO of them?!"
To that, you only throw a wink in the Japanese skater's direction.
"You didn't think Chrisy here was single, did you? Has he been too flirty with you? I'm sorry, but he's always been like that."
Yuri merely gawked at that.
"Wait, he's taken? You're his girlfriend?"
You curl your arm around your boyfriend's shoulders and press a kiss to his cheek.
"It takes one feisty bisexual to hold down another, right, babe?"
"How does the world not explode with them in the same room?"
Yurio rolls his eyes, and Victor merely sighs.
"We're not entirely sure..."
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izayaslaugh · 4 years
https://my.w.tt/0LOA6jSbYab Heyyy I just uploaded a smutty Chris x reader so if you like him then why not read it 😳😳
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Yuri on Ice Incorrect Quotes
Yurio: Am I a boy? Am I a girl? It doesn't matter. I'm going to burn your house down.
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mossysmolboy · 2 years
Request Rules
This post is what I will and won't write for.
I can and will delete any requests I want! And I will not give reasons!
Please, please, please! Specify what gender the reader is! Or pronouns the reader uses!!!
What I Will write for
Agere (obviously)
what is on my fandom list
Platonic and Romantic
X Readers
Including Male and Gender Neutral or Nonbinary Reader (with or without a birth gender)
SOME poly ships that include reader
I'll do a few female characters but I mainly want to be male x male/nonbinary/gender neutral
female characters will only be with nonbinary readers
I can try my best on pet regression
What I Won't write for
major age gaps romantically (platonic age gaps are okay though)
Stranger Things, Marvel, dream smp or hazbin hotel
Minoru Mineta from MHA, JJ (Jean-Jacques Leroy) and Christophe Giacometti from Yuri On Ice, Clint from Stardew Valley
Padding or whatever the agere community calls d!aper use
Female readers
I don't do just characters and ships, they have to include reader!
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New Writer - Requests Are Open
Hello anyone who see's this,
I, like many others, have read lots of fanfiction and wished for more in the form of male/male fanfiction.
I decided that I would give it a go myself after reading as much as I could find and still wanting more. I am happy to write male reader inserts or just current male character/current male character.
I am willing to write for these fandoms;
Harry Potter - Harry Potter Generation
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Draco Malfoy
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Charlie Weasley
Harry Potter - Marauder Generation
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
James Potter
Lucius Malfoy
Severus Snape
Regulus Black
Harry Potter - Tom Riddle Generation
Tom Riddle (Pretty sure he's the only one we really know of in this generation)
Steve Rogers
Tony Stark
Bucky Barnes
Clint Barton
Peter Parker
Peter Quill
Sam Wilson
Charles Xavier
Yuri on Ice
Victor Nikiforov
Yuuri Katsuki
Yuri Plisetski
Christophe Giacometti
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Lu Ten
Seven Deadly Sins
Arthur Pendragon
Natsu Dragneel
Gray Fullbuster
Laxus Dreyar
Gildarts Clive
I can't think of any others I might write for at the moment, but feel free to drop me a message if there is something you think I might like to write for (I'm always up for a new obsession).
I am new to writing fanfiction so please send in requests for anything you would like to see that is male/male.
I would lastly like to say that I am happy to take requests of character x character. For example, Zuko x Draco Malfoy.
I will happily try to put these fantastic characters into any odd situation you feel the need to put them into. Seriously, go crazy :)
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itbeajen · 7 years
Agape | Yuri Plisetsky
Many many years ago, peace was not an imaginary concept, for the witches blended in to human society, and had no grudge against them, but this is all before the Sorcerer, the White Witch and her Hunter come into play. Before the Witch Hunts began, there was no such thing as separate races, as humans and witches were seen as equals. But all of this changes due to the greed of one lone man, the Sorcerer. In order to become a witch, or have access to cast magic, there were only few ways a non-Witch was capable of becoming one, and it was through either marriage, blood bonds and pacts; these were the only legitimate methods to obtain magic. But there was one thing in common regardless of time; selfishness and greed. Many witches and their families believed in holding a pure blood lineage, and were too selfish to share, but the humans were too greedy to leave them alone. In the end, it was a struggle for power, a struggle to determine which "race" of mankind was superior, the humans or the witches. But in the end, the answer was neither, and the tragic tale that provides this answer is one that will be told over time. The Sorcerer, a wealthy rich man, one who had no lineage or ties to magic, had managed to obtain magic. No one had understood how, he was not friendly to any of the witches, and he was still a single male. As time passed, the suspicions that the witches and his own men held for him revealed that his methods were not legitimate. This revelation was the first crack in the relationship between the witches and humans in this once peaceful town. For several days after he obtained his magic, several witches had all gone missing, with their disappearance tying together to one conclusive evidence; all of them had previously visited said male the night before they had gone missing. This created a strong implications that they were killed, their blood taken, and possibly consumed. The vile and gross behavior caused an uproar and chaos that further torn into the ever growing rift between witches and humans. As though it was his plan all along, the Sorcerer slowly spread seeds of doubt and cultivated the hatred of man towards witches, clearly grooming them into believing one truth alone: That the Witches were going to take over and wipe out the humans. And thus, the final nail in the coffin was placed, and the never ending witch hunts began. His words that were filled with malice and dripping with poison tainted and corrupted the souls of any who had an open ear and was willing to listen. He drew followers that became devoted to his very being, creating a cult and spreading his teachings to the world. His words were the verbal manifestations of a curse. His curse was a never ending curse that had lasted for several years, until one brave witch and human united under the same cause to end the curse. With much difficulty and many sacrifices, the Sorcerer was finally sealed in the Lake of Oblivion, but his devote followers did not allow that to be the end of his reign. They continued to spread word, but as time passed, his curse slowly began to fade away, but the damage caused by his words and the seeds of hatred that were already embedded in the hearts of all those who were effected still persist to this day. It was the bloom of those seeds that created the situation at hand now, many many years later. Despite the Sorcerer being sealed away, his curse was still ever present, a constant plague that infected people at random... and creating a new era of the Witch Hunts. But it is said, that if the descendants of the White Witch and her Hunter are to meet again, the curse shall be removed, but at the price of- one of- -fe.
"Mother, the story doesn't finish," you pouted. Your mother laughs, and she gently kisses your forehead, "As long as you and your Hunter find each other, peace will be brought back into this world." "But how?" you frowned. You didn't quite get it. You were perched in her lap and she gently braided your hair back and over your shoulder and she smiled, "I'm sure you know, after all, the two of you are lucky. You've already found each other, you and Vitya both." She nuzzled your nose with hers and you scrunched your face together before letting out ripples of giggles, "That tickles Mommy!" "As long as you keep this pendant and they keep yours... they'll find you, my sweet." "But mother, it can be either brother or I right..?" you murmured. You grew up knowing the implications of being a witch and she nods, her smile solemn and she gently kisses your forehead, "But don't worry my love, everything will be okay."
Everything's not okay, Mother. Where are you? Are you and Father safe...? I hope Brother is safe too. You were running as fast as you could. Your hand was enclosed in his, fingers intertwined as he weaved the two of you through the collapsing buildings and rubble on the streets. He was panting, the locket around his neck slapped against him with each step he took forward. He was so close, they were almost safe. "DESTROY ALL THE HUMANS, LET NONE OF THEM HARM A WITCH AGAIN!" Your eyes widened as you glanced back. There were too many, and you were sure that you guys weren't anywhere near town.  They're not after us? Then that means... Yuratchka has to escape. I can't let him be hurt because of me. You attempted to pull your hand back and he turns back at you, surprised, "What are you doing?!" "You have to go first!" "What?!" he practically shouted as he started running again pulling you along. He didn't understand you. What is she talking about!? "It's not safe here, [F/N]!" "Please, Yuratchka you have to go, if I go with you, you won't be safe." "Wha- What are you saying?! I can't leave without-" "No, you must leave Yuratchka," you pleaded with him, and he furiously shook his head, his eyes shining with tears, "I've already lost my family, I can't lose you either [F/N]!" You took a quick glance around the village. Various buildings were already burnt down, and Yuri had managed to drag you almost to the outskirts of town with him. But as you approached, you knew you had to let go soon. With smoke and explosions sounding around you, you made the decision to skid to a stop, unintentionally stopping you with him. You shook your head, no tears had left your eyes, but deep inside, this hurt you as much as it did him. You knew that no matter what, he had to go. He wasn't safe here, unlike you. You gave him a soft smile, "Please stay safe." "We have to go Yuri!" Otabek hissed, as he pulled on his other hand. Yuri's outstretched hand was still reaching for you, as he refused to let go of yours. But you gently loosen your grip on him as Otabek carries him away. His blood curdling scream makes you wince as you slowly bring your hand to your chest, trying to save whatever warmth lingered from his hand on yours. Your name is still heard from his lips, and you can still see the tears trailing down his cheek as he doesn't turn away from you. With all the resolve you can gather, you give him a small smile and a weak wave as you watched yet another bomb drop a distance away from you. Your smaller figure is almost swept away from the impact. Sounds of electricity being charged and ice crackling as it formed is heard near you. Your silvery gray hair is whipping in the winds and you turned towards the direction of the sound, and a burly figure is standing almost behind you and he grunts, "Huh, she's one of us." A growl is ripped from his throats and he boomed, "ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL YOUR OWN KINDS YOU FOOL? WATCH WHERE YOU'RE AIMING!" "S-SORRY SIR, WE APOLOGIZE FOR OUR MISTAKE SIR." His gaze drops to you and he lowers down to a squat in order to meet your gaze, "Are you alright, my dear?" You nod weakly, and he asked, "What is your name and age?" "... Nikiforov, age 5" your voice cracks, and you didn't realize he couldn't hear you. His eyes widened and he asked, "[F/N] Nikiforov?" "Where is your older brother? Was he taken by the Black Coats?" "I..." B-Brother? You couldn't even remember where he was last, and you shook your head, "No, I don't... know." Your voice was cracking, and you saw him reach out with a small handkerchief as he gently wipes your tears, and he whispers, "Do not cry, child. You're safe. The Black Coats will not get you." You see him grit his teeth, "I will never forgive them for this... to experience such tragedy at such a tender age... "But you are a Nikiforov, perhaps it is naught but destiny that has lead this to happen yet again," he whispered the last part, hoping you wouldn't hear it. But your eyes widen upon the dawn of realization that he knows of it as well, and you whispered, "No. Things will be different, I won't-" "You are much too young... your brother should have carried the burden, not-" "[F/N]?!" Your head is swiveling as you attempt to find the location of your brother's voice. His long silver locks were whipping through the wind as he shouts your name over and over. Your eyes water, and the general before you gently picks you up before carrying you over to your brother. "Oh, sestrichka," he murmurs as he takes you into his arms. Whatever tears you had held back open like a river's dam. The general relays where he found you, and murmurs to take care of you better to your brother, but you hear none of that. Because you're still not accepting the reality of the situation. And although you register that you're being taken to safety, your heart is in turmoil and your thoughts are clunky and scattered. And all you can remember is the darkness of sleep and the safety of being in your brother's arms.
"You're awake," his voice was soft as he rolled over to face you. Your eyes fluttered open, artic blue matching artic blue and he gently sweeps a stray silver lock away from your face and he frowns, "I'm so sorry [F/N]. I shouldn't have left you, I went to go check on Yuri and-" "Is he okay?" "Yes, my Yuuri is okay, what about yours?" You hesitantly nod. He sees you shiver and he pulls you closer, your hands grip onto his shirt and you muttered, "What about father and mother?" The silence answers you and you softly whispered, "Please, brother." "They were the first," his voice cracked, and although he wanted to be strong for you, he couldn't. Every time it was the same, once the predecessor passed, the next was chosen. Victor had prayed it wouldn't be you, you were far too young for this monstrosity of a fate. But when the mark never appeared, he had known. Viktor engulfs you in a hug. He feels hopeless, absolutely useless. Despite his coming of age, he wasn't the one that they had all expected it to be; so it had to be you. Although your parents had properly trained both of you for the future, neither of you were completely prepared, and if anything, it had only ruined your childhood. He softly mumbled, "I didn't want you to experience this so young... you're only five." You don't respond right away, and instead you cling onto him tighter. You were desperate to feel safe, but with the world crashing on top of you, you couldn't. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." It's okay. But you can't voice your thoughts of reassurance, because deep inside, you knew it wasn't okay. That this destiny and fate that you were born into was not okay. And if everything is as true as your parents recollection, then this was not the way you wanted things to start off. But you had no choice, he had to stay alive; no matter how much you had to sacrifice.
"Stop your sniffling already, if they hear us, we'll all be captured!" "Don't be so rough on a child! He looks about only 5 or 6!" "Tch, to think that this village actually had children, the lot of these three are going to be nothing more than extra luggage." Otabek squeezed Yuri's hand a bit harder and he almost trips if it weren't for the other hand being held by yet another child. Katsuki Yuri was trembling with fear, but the determination that was hidden behind his somewhat dull eyes was more than enough to keep Otabek walking. "...make them pay..." "Hah! Who you?!" A young male scoffed at Plisetsky's words. The blond narrowed his eyes in anger, and the male glared, "You've never dealt with witches before. They're all innately evil and they're all out to get us. Just like how we hunt them, they hunt us. You think that we can live in peace and harmony when they're just going to use us for their-" "Shut up," someone grunted ahead of them. The two walking ahead of them were a lot older, not elderly, but definitely not young. The veteran cast the chatterbox an one-eyed glare and grumbled, "Trash like you who hasn't experienced the horrors of this world, if you think this was bad, you have yet to witness the rest of the country." His one good gaze drifts down towards Plisetsky and upon making eye contact and scanning over the young child's features, he chuckled, "The boy has potential. If you temper your emotions, you will be able to face even the worst of this world." "Do not cast your ideals on a small boy, Yakov." "Yes, I understand that, but if he wishes, even he can become strong, Lilia." "T-Teach me!" Yuri exclaims. His voice is not too loud, even if he's young and naive, he isn't dumb enough to display their location to the entire world. Yakov's eye widens and his gaze sweeps over the three children. And Lilia sighs, "You're all too young to become-" "Please!" I have someone I need to save. Yakov reads the determination in the young blonde's eyes and he grins, "What's your name, kid?" "Yuri. Yuri Plisetsky." I'll save you. I promise, [F/N].
16 years later "Oi, did you see the new Black Coats in town?" "Yeah, the three of them are siblings apparently, all disciples of Yakov and Lilia." "The Yakov and Lilia?" "Yah," the bartender grunted and slammed two beers down, "Da lads are all stayin' in da inn at da center of dis town." He chuckles, "I wager dem Blackies are gonna be comin' in an' outta here for da next coupla days." "The blonde is pretty cute," one of the female waitresses giggled, and the bartender rolled his eyes, "An' ya dink a liddle flower like ya can handle dem? Dey got hearts of steel. Dey like tools, dey don't feel, and-" The door swung open with a simple and swift kick from a Black Coat. Whatever long hair he had back then was cut short, but his bangs still covered his right eye. The long black trench coat that practically signified a witch hunter fluttered behind him. The singular aquamarine orb that observed the world before him held a defiant and stubborn gaze. Donned in almost all black save for the inner layer of his combat boots, which appeared to be leopard print, the male defiantly stood in front of the creaking door, making his way through the bar towards the bartender. His hands were shoved into his trench coat, his boots creating a stomping noise as he made his way to the bar. He made his way to the counter, and instead of the violence everyone was expecting, he asked, his voice low and slightly peeved, "Is there a Giacometti here?" There were whispers that immediately flew into the air and the bartender frowned, "No lad, Chris hasn't stopped by da bar at all. Ya better off checking da inn or da square. Wid da festivities gon' round, he bound to be lookin' for some fun, a pretty girl, or another lad to drink wid. But it's too early for him to stop by, now shoo, yer gon ruin ma business wid dat attitude ya bringin' in." The blonde narrowed his eyes, but begrudgingly grumbled a thanks before exiting the bar. The waitress that commented on his good looks sighed, "Never mind, I can't handle something like that. If only he was as sweet as that silver haired beauty at the inn." "Yer delusional I see," the bartender chuckled as he cleaned the counter, "Dem two silver coins in da inn are off limits I tell yer, off limits. Especially wid dat General fella around, dey off limits girlie."
"Excuse me," Otabek made his way into the inn. The landlord in charge stopped his conversation midway with a short silver haired male, and he asked, "May I ask if you guys have a Christophe Giacometti here?" The former silver haired male excuses himself, replacing a small black top hat onto his head as he exits the inn with his beige trench coat bellowing in his wake. Otabek doesn't manage to catch a good look at the male, but something about him felt familiar. But he shakes his head, he had more pressing issues on hand at the moment. "Chris, eh?" the landlord sighed, "Are you guys teaming up with him or something?" "Well, yes, we were sent here as reinforcements. It is around this time of the year that witches begin to stir from their slumber." "Always those chilly winters, huh?" the landlord shivers and sighs, "I lost my daughter in a Witch Hunt almost two decades ago." Otabek flinched, and the landlord shakes his head, "I apologize, that was quite inconsiderate of me. Now then, you were asking about Chris?" The black haired male nodded, and the landlord pulls up a map of town and points at three locations, "Chris is often seen at these three locations daily. The only one he frequently visits and at a set time is the one library. He always entertains the children with stories of his adventures." "I see, thank you, sir," Otabek bows and the landlord chuckles, "Of course, and if you need a place to stay, Witch Hunters are given a discounted price." Otabek's eyes widened slightly and he gives a curt nod before exiting the inn. I guess I'll meet up with Yura at the Square before heading over to the library with him since Yuri is already there. He barely makes several steps out when he catches the sight of long locks of silver fluttering in the wind. It looks like that man's hair earlier... His thoughts trail off, but when he catches just a faint glimpse of the side view of her face, he frowns. Something about her definitely felt familiar. Otabek wasn't quite sure, all he knew was that he definitely knew her, but before he could say, or do, anything, the typical grumbling and stomping of his long time friend signaled his arrival. "Yura." "Beka," Yuri scowled, "No one has seen Chris today. Did that damn fool purposely escape us knowing we were coming here?!" "Yura." "And they have the fucking audacity to get pissed off with me. Sorry that the door is so old and useless that it's just so f-" "Yura, watch your language," Otabek interrupted. His eyes glanced at the families walking around, thankfully they weren't too close to the Square where everyone was bustling about. Yuri sighed and muttered a quick apology, his hands still shoved into his trench coat pockets and he turned to his friend, "Any luck on your end?" "None," he shook his head, "But apparently Chris likes going to the library around this time." "Does he? Well, Katsudon will be there, so he can handle that for us. First, the inn. I'm not camping out in the god damn snow again."
"Excuse me," Yuuri calmly made himself into a small library. The librarian looked up and she sent him a small smile, "How can I help you?" "Ah, uhm, is Christophe Giacometti here by any chance?" "Christophe?" she hummed, "No, but he should be stopping by here soon. He never misses the children's story time, especially on Wednesdays, since she'll be here today." "She?" "Ah," the librarian smiled, "First time in town, eh? We don't get too many Witch Hunters around here, Chris is our only one and he's kept us safe for the past couple of months. Don't think witches quite like this area, not enough resources for them to work with or something like that." She tilts her head slightly to one side and she laughs, "Well, if you'd like to stay warm and cozy while waiting, you can get a drink at our cafe. It's located upstairs just across from where the reading will be held, so you'll be able to find Chris, and it looks over the entrance too." "Ah, thank you so much!" Yuuri nodded. He adjusted his glasses as he slowly made his way upstairs. He settles himself down with a hot cup of coffee and spends his time reading up on information regarding Witches around this area. There was sounds of chatter as a group of children followed by a head full of silver in a slate blue trench coat. Yuuri almost spills his coffee at how similar they looked like him. But it can't be Viktor. Viktor... would not have survived that, there's just no way and- "Miss Nyxvor! What kind of story will you be telling us today?!" one of the children chirped up at you. Yuuri definitely chokes on his coffee at the sound of your last name, it wasn't the same, but it was just way to similar. It can't be her... if it was, and she managed to survive then Viktor... "What would you like to hear about today?" you asked, your tone gentle and sweet. Just like how it always was. Yuuri noticed as you waited until all of them had found a spot. Your eyes never left their smaller figures, as though you were attempting to protect them from the harsh reality of the world around you. You gave them a soft smile and one eagerly asked, "Can you tell us that one legend that Mistah Chocolate-y keeps talking about?!" You stifle a laugh, and you softly chided them, "Now, now, his name is Giacometti, Christophe Giacometti." "Did you call my name?" the popular Witch Hunter asked. He wasn't wearing the typical black trench coat, but he did wear the typical full black outfit. He sat down beside the children and he picked one up to sit on his lap, "What'd you call me, sweet?" "Mistah Chocolate!" Chris chuckled and he turned to you, "So what will you be reading about today Miss Nyxvor?" "They were asking for the Legend of the White Witch, so I suppose I'll be retelling that story." "Is it a happy ending?!" "Hey, don't spoil it!" "But I wanna know now!" You stifled your laughter, and you gently reached for the old diary your mother's mother had given to her to give to you. One that has been passed down to its rightful successor until the curse was to break. You gently flip to the story and you begin, "It all began many years ago in a Nameless Town, where there were three very important people to this story. The White Witch, her best friend, and her soulmate." "Ooh, so it's a love story?" "Dude, shut up." "Hey, don't be mean to each other or Miss Nyxvor won't read!" "...Sorry." "Now, now, it's okay, I'll still read-" You were cut off though, by the two Black Coats that stood at the top of the stair case. The children all turned and they looked back at Chris and back at them. "I'll repeat, are you Christophe Giacometti?" The younger blonde asked with a scowl on his face. One of the children cowered, and immediately you corralled them so they sat behind you. Chris gently places the girl on his lap onto yours, shooting you a sad smile he nods his farewells and he greets them with a smile. "Now, now, don't be so upset. I'm off duty right now anyways and I know you guys are here," his gaze sweeps the entire second floor, "All three of you. Now then, let's not bother the young lady and let her resume her routine. I'll see you again, children." "Mista Chocolatey!" One cries, but Chris merely places a gentle kiss on their forehead before standing up and waiting for the other Witch Hunters to go down first. Yuri and Otabek don't make it all the way up the stairs, and neither of them even noticed your presence, but you had felt your heart stop momentarily when your gaze fell on the strong hues of aquamarine. Yuratchka's okay... He's alive. Your hand grasps at the pendant beneath your sweater. Thank the Gods.
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ao3feed-yurionice · 3 years
Reborn on the Ice (Yuri Plistesky x Reader)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3yFuugr
by Rose_Turner
(Y/N) Katsuki fell in love with figure skating the moment her older brother, Yuuri Katsuki, introduced it to her as a child; it was impossible to get her off the rink since. The whole of Japan routes for her to become the worlds youngest gold medal holder in competition.
However, the story begins to sour during The Female World Junior Figure Skating Championships. A terrible disaster occurs only a few nights before the female finals, and (Y/N) blames the accident on herself. She swears to keep the secret to protect herself and others, quitting figure skating as a result. She gives up her dream and continues with her life, regretting everything.
It is only when she hears news of Victor Nikiforov flying to her home town to coach her older brother for the up coming international competition does a spark of hope ignite. She meets the Russian Punk, Yuri Plisetsky, along the way, both of them instantly despising the other.
Two questions remain. Will (Y/N) and Yuri learn to get along and will she ever return to the ice? Reborn.
Words: 4521, Chapters: 1/36, Language: English
Fandoms: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime), Figure Skating RPF, Olympics RPF
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Yuri Plisetsky, Yurio - Character, Victor Nikiforov, Katsuki Yuuri, Pichit, Potya | Puma Tiger Scorpion, JJ, Yakov, Lilia Baranovskaya, Nishigori Axel, Nishigori Lutz, Nishigori Loop, Georgi Popovich, Celestino Cialdini, Mila Babicheva, Christophe Giacometti, Nikolai Plisetsky, Otabek Altin, Y/n - Character
Relationships: Yurio/MC, Yurio/YN
Additional Tags: Yurio x reader - Freeform, Yurio x Y/N, Yuri on Ice - Freeform, Romance, teen, Enemies to Lovers, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Heartbreak, Torment, Stalker, Cats, Kittens
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3yFuugr
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ao3feed-victuuri · 7 years
Bunnies and Blankets (Yuri Plisetsky x reader)
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2xkNEZp
by Tenfaced_matryoshka_girl
Four-year-old Yuri never suspected that his crush on (y/n) would end up saving her life. He was too young to understand why she came to practice with bruises covering her small body, or why she was always alone. Why she never smiled. He showed her kindness. Even after eleven years, he was still in love with her.
Words: 1100, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Other
Characters: Yuri Plisetsky, Nikolai Plisetsky, Katsuki Yuuri, Victor Nikiforov, Victor Nikiforov's Mother, Victor Nikiforov's Father, Mila Babicheva, Sara Crispino, Minami Kenjirou, Otabek Altin, Christophe Giacometti, Jean-Jacques Leroy, Phichit Chulanont, Phichit Chulanont's Hamsters, Lee Seung Gil, Georgi Popovich, Michele Crispino, Emil Nekola
Relationships: Yuri Plisetsky & Reader, Yuri Plisetsky/Reader, Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, Katsuki Yuuri & Victor Nikiforov, Mila Babicheva/Sara Crispino
Additional Tags: Child Abuse, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Angst, not realistic
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2xkNEZp
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light & shadows;
{Christophe Giacometti x Reader}
Sometimes it felt as you were mere spectator in your own life. Sure, you made decisions in your life, but you still more than anything enjoyed just watching the life around you. People around you, who were living completely different story than you. It was exciting.
And so that is what you did. You watched the life around you, almost forgoting that you had life of your own. But then your friends got enough and they dragged you into dancing lessons and skating lessons. 
And there it happened. There was someone who was oozing with bright light, it almost blinded you. Radiant and warm personality. That’s exactly how you would describe that man. And who was it? 
His name was Christophe Giacometti and in the world of nothing, he was something.
It was clear to most people around you, because they just loved him. Girls in the ice-skating lessons were swooning over him and guys got jealous of him. Once again you felt like that shadow in the corner of the room. Not necessary unwanted, but still not needed.
“Are you not enjoying my lessons, [Name]-san?” You were just packing your things when he spoke to you.
It took you while to answer. “Why wouldn’t I?” Something inside screamed that it’s not polite to answer answers with questions, but over the years it was easy to turn the questions to the other people.
“You never smile, you never really talk, you just watch and then work by yourself.” He said, unfazed by your tactics. “Aren’t you feeling lonely there?”
“In those shadows, that you try to merge with. Trying to hide pretty smiles like that should be illegal.” He didn’t mean to sound flirty, but almost everytime he complimented it did came out that way. In a way, he wanted to see those pale cheeks to bright up with a little bit of colour and corners of those lips to turn upwards in a smile that would snatch his heart away.
You let out faint chuckle, then you put your bag over your shoulder and replied. “From the shadows I can look into windows of bright life, it is exciting.” 
And with that you left. He stood there, with the memory of that soft chuckle. Tingle of excitement in his gut told him that this is something he was waiting for. 
But did you know? When you get too close to the sun, you get burnt. There are no shadows to hide in. Light so bright it makes your skin darken and your eyes get tired of looking into the brightness.
Christophe was someone that didn’t try hard, if there wasn’t a good reason. If he didn’t get riled up for something worth. And well, he did get that reason served right infront of him. 
He got curious, he asked what kind of book you read, if you have any pet, what about your other hobbies. 
Soon those shadows shifted and you were now right in the middle of the beam of light. 
You started seeing things differently, you were now on the other side of that window and you didn’t regret it. You laughed, you cried, you got angry and it all felt new. Everything was in different shades of colours. 
After few years you realized that shadows can’t exist without light. And finally you find yours.
“Maybe we should pick brigher colour into the baby room?” You said with a pout on your face. You were thinking of a good wall colour for your baby room for a few days now. 
“Shadows aren’t your thing anymore? Is it seasonal thing?” Chris popped behind you, hands around your waist, slowly petting your belly.
You let out a chuckle, “Shush up,hon. Shadows are where the light is.” 
“And home is where the heart is. You got two hearts now, so it’s doubled happiness.” Christ whispered, kissing your cheek before going to pick up the paint-brush. “Let’s paint it with our hearts.” 
“That’s sounded dark, actually.” 
Chris laughed. “You’re right, let’s just get to work as normal people.” 
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Yuri on Ice Incorrect Quotes
Victor: Why is Chris crying?
Yuuri Katsuki: They saw a leaf on the sidewalk and-
Victor: Please don’t say what I think you’re gonna say-
Victor: NO, NOT THAT!
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ao3feed-yurionice · 7 years
Bunnies and Blankets (Yuri Plisetsky x reader)
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2xkNEZp
by Tenfaced_matryoshka_girl
Four-year-old Yuri never suspected that his crush on (y/n) would end up saving her life. He was too young to understand why she came to practice with bruises covering her small body, or why she was always alone. Why she never smiled. He showed her kindness. Even after eleven years, he was still in love with her.
Words: 1100, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Other
Characters: Yuri Plisetsky, Nikolai Plisetsky, Katsuki Yuuri, Victor Nikiforov, Victor Nikiforov's Mother, Victor Nikiforov's Father, Mila Babicheva, Sara Crispino, Minami Kenjirou, Otabek Altin, Christophe Giacometti, Jean-Jacques Leroy, Phichit Chulanont, Phichit Chulanont's Hamsters, Lee Seung Gil, Georgi Popovich, Michele Crispino, Emil Nekola
Relationships: Yuri Plisetsky & Reader, Yuri Plisetsky/Reader, Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, Katsuki Yuuri & Victor Nikiforov, Mila Babicheva/Sara Crispino
Additional Tags: Child Abuse, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Angst, not realistic
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2xkNEZp
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ao3feed-victuuri · 7 years
Russian Roulette || Viktor Nikiforov x Reader ||
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2tSMZeO
by Haikyuutiipie09
| Viktor Nikiforov x Female!Reader | | Mafia/Hanahaki Disease AU |
‘’Did you ever hear of Russian Roulette?’ … With the Russian army in Romania, around 1917, some officer would suddenly pull out his revolver, put a single bullet in the cylinder, spin the cylinder, snap it back in place, put it to his head and pull the trigger.' - Georges Surdez, 1937.
Words: 1651, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Female Reader - Character, Viktor Nikiforov, Katsuki Yuuri, Yuri Plisetsky, Otabek Altin, Christophe Giacometti, Christophe Giacometti's Boyfriend, Lee Seung Gil, Lee Seung Gil's Dog, Makkachin (Yuri!!! on Ice), Vicchan (Yuri!!! on Ice), Phichit Chulanont, Ji Guang-Hong, Leo de la Iglesia, Jean-Jacques Leroy, Mila Babicheva, Sara Crispino, Michele Crispino, Isabella Yang, Emil Nekola, Nishigori Yuuko
Relationships: Female Reader/Viktor Nikiforov, Otabek Altin/Yuri Plisetsky, Katsuki Yuuri / Victor Nikiforov, Christophe Giacometti/Christophe Giacometti's Boyfriend, Phichit Chulanont/Lee Seung Gil, Mila Babicheva/Sara Crispino, Ji Guang-Hong/Lee Seung Gil, Christophe Giacometti/Georgi Popovich, Sara Crispino/Emil Nekola, Leo de la Iglesia/Ji Guang-Hong, Jean-Jacques Leroy/Isabella Yang
Additional Tags: Russian Mafia, Hanahaki AU, Alternate Universe, Romance, Angst, Drama & Romance, Tragic Romance, Unrequited Love, Unrequited Crush, Mutually Unrequited, Falling In Love, True Love, Love Triangles, Boys In Love, Forbidden Love, Angst and Feels, Heavy Angst, Gun Violence, Russian Roulette, Gang Violence, Violence
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2tSMZeO
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