#christian tours to israel
Kate Briquelet at The Daily Beast:
MAGA pastor Sean Feucht and a band of Christian nationalists are glomming on to campus protests against Israel’s war on Gaza, leading “United for Israel” marches at Columbia and the University of Southern California while professing their belief that the conflict is a harbinger of the “End Times” predicted in the Bible. On Wednesday night, Feucht’s followers and far-right extremists rallied outside USC with the help of a police escort—an image that stands in stark contrast to the LAPD officers in riot gear who previously arrested activists from the school’s pro-Palestinian camp. The Christian Zionist parade kicked off with Feucht performing contemporary worship music (“Our God is an awesome God”) and anti-LGBTQ speakers like preachers Lou Engle and Ché Ahn, who once crowed at a “Stop the Steal” rally: “We’re gonna rule and reign through President Trump and under the lordship of Jesus Christ.”
Feucht, looking every bit the part of a Jesus rocker in a black jean jacket, fired up the crowd with a concert before the march. “Lord, we stand together against hatred, bigotry, anti-semitism, violence that’s taken over this campus and the streets of the city,” Feucht said between songs. “God, I just pray today that America would see a different story tonight.” “Where they’ve seen division, they would see unity and joy,” added the 40-year-old Sammy Hagar-coiffed pastor, who once prayed over former President Trump and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and his wife Casey. Afterward, Fox News portrayed Feucht as a hero of sorts for the Jewish people. “We want Americans to see that we are fed up with this rot of anti-Semitism on the college campuses, and that we’re gathering together in unity, bringing prayer, bringing hope,” said Feucht, who’s risen to MAGA fame and riches after holding worship concerts flouting COVID rules in 2020.
The irony of divisive activists making up the “unity” flock didn’t seem to be lost on reporters and extremism researchers, including Kate Burns, Jeremy Lindenfeld, and Kelly Stuart, who documented the scene in real time. They estimated a few hundred participants showed up versus Feucht’s projection of “thousands.”
“There’s a veneer of interfaith, there’s a veneer of solidarity,” said Taylor, a senior scholar at the Institute for Islamic, Christian, and Jewish Studies (ICJS). “I do interfaith dialogue for a living. These people are not doing interfaith dialogue. They’re doing Christian supremacy, but they’re cloaking it in the garb of interfaith solidarity.”
“If Sean Feucht is an enemy of anti-Semitism, why does he hang out with Proud Boys and QAnon supporters and conspiracy theorists at places that tolerate outright anti-Semitism like the ReAwaken America tour?” Taylor added. “Why does he invite far-right militia members to be security at his own events? Color me skeptical that Sean Feucht cares one whit about anti-Semitism.” (A Proud Boy and a Jan. 6 insurrectionist reportedly belonged to Feucht’s security team at his Oregon “Let Us Worship” event in 2021.) Feucht has also palled around with podcaster Elijah Schaffer, who has made anti-Semitic remarks along with his guest speakers like white supremacist Nick Fuentes. “Do you believe Jews disproportionately control the world institutions, banks, & are waging war on white, western society?” Schaffer asked in a 2023 Twitter poll.
[...] In New York, Feucht teamed up with conservative radio host Eric Metaxas, who, according to Media Matters, uses his platform to promote the belief that Christians should control the government, and once punched an anti-Trump protester in the face. A day before descending on the Big Apple, Feucht went live on Facebook and appeared almost giddy about the “end days.” “Yes, these are the end days,” Feucht said. “I know people say all the time, ‘Everyone’s saying it’s the end days.’ ‘Jesus said it was the end days 2000 years ago.’ Well, it is the end days, and we’re one day closer to the return of Jesus.” “And as that ramps up, we’re going to see a rise of evil, we’re going to see a rise of glory, and we’re gonna see a rise of hatred for the Jewish people.”
[...] Many evangelicals like Feucht believe in an End Times prophecy where Jews will return to Israel (and convert to Christianity) as part of Jesus’s Second Coming.
Far-right Christian nationalists such as Sean Feucht have traveled to various campuses where protests against the Gaza Genocide are happening to preach a right-wing pro-Israel Apartheid rally under the guise of an “interfaith rally.”
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dramoor · 1 year
~This photo was taken at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre on a pilgrimage in May, 2019. I don't know the pilgrim who took it, but I saw it at the time, as it was passed to some of us there. I was one of the pilgrims in this group and can verify that there was no one standing at the doors to the Tomb of Christ; after the person took the photo with a camera phone, this figure was in the photo.~ (Click on the picture to view the video.)
(Video posted by John Lau)
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~This is my photo of the doors. There was no one standing there.~
(Photo © dramoor May 4, 2019, Tomb of Christ, Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem)
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mariacallous · 4 days
The New York Times once dubbed the Princeton professor Robert George, who has guided Republican elites for decades, “the reigning brain of the Christian right.” Last year, he issued a stark warning to his ideological allies. “Each time we think the horrific virus of anti-Semitism has been extirpated, it reappears,” he wrote in May 2023. “A plea to my fellow Catholics—especially Catholic young people: Stay a million miles from this evil. Do not let it infect your thinking.” When I spoke with George that summer, he likened his sense of foreboding to that of Heinrich Heine, the 19th-century German poet who prophesied the rise of Nazism in 1834.
Some 15 months later, the conservative commentator Tucker Carlson welcomed a man named Darryl Cooper onto his web-based show and introduced him to millions of followers as “the best and most honest popular historian in the United States.” The two proceeded to discuss how Adolf Hitler might have gotten a bad rap and why British Prime Minister Winston Churchill was “the chief villain of the Second World War.”
Hitler tried “to broadcast a call for peace directly to the British people” and wanted to “work with the other powers to reach an acceptable solution to the Jewish problem,” Cooper elaborated in a social-media post. “He was ignored.” Why the Jews should have been considered a “problem” in the first place—and what a satisfactory “solution” to their inconvenient existence might be—was not addressed.
Some Republican politicians spoke out against Carlson’s conversation with Cooper, and many historians, including conservative ones, debunked its Holocaust revisionism. But Carlson is no fringe figure. His show ranks as one of the top podcasts in the United States; videos of its episodes rack up millions of views. He has the ear of Donald Trump and spoke during prime time at the 2024 Republican National Convention. His anti-Jewish provocations are not a personal idiosyncrasy but the latest expression of an insurgent force on the American right—one that began to swell when Trump first declared his candidacy for president and that has come to challenge the identity of the conservative movement itself.
Anti-Semitism has always existed on the political extremes, but it began to migrate into the mainstream of the Republican coalition during the Trump administration. At first, the prejudice took the guise of protest.
In 2019, hecklers pursued the Republican congressman Dan Crenshaw—a popular former Navy SEAL from Texas—across a tour of college campuses, posing leading questions to him about Jews and Israel, and insinuating that the Jewish state was behind the 9/11 attacks. The activists called themselves “Groypers” and were led by a young white supremacist named Nick Fuentes, an internet personality who had defended racial segregation, denied the Holocaust, and participated in the 2017 rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, where marchers chanted, “Jews will not replace us.”
The slogan referred to a far-right fantasy known as the “Great Replacement,” according to which Jews are plotting to flood the country with Black and brown migrants in order to displace the white race. That belief animated Robert Bowers, who perpetrated the largest massacre of Jews on American soil at a Pittsburgh synagogue in 2018 after sharing rants about the Great Replacement on social media. The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, the gunman wrote in his final post, “likes to bring invaders in that kill our people … Screw your optics, I’m going in.”
Less than three years later, Carlson sanitized that same conspiracy theory on his top-rated cable-news show. “They’re trying to change the population of the United States,” the Fox host declared, “and they hate it when you say that because it’s true, but that’s exactly what they’re doing.” Like many before him, Carlson maintained plausible deniability by affirming an anti-Semitic accusation without explicitly naming Jews as culprits. He could rely on members of his audience to fill in the blanks.
Carlson and Fuentes weren’t the only ones who recognized the rising appeal of anti-Semitism on the right. On January 6, 2021, an influencer named Elijah Schaffer joined thousands of Trump supporters storming the U.S. Capitol, posting live from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office. Eighteen months later, Schaffer publicly polled his hundreds of thousands of Twitter followers: “Do you believe Jews disproportionately control the world institutions, banks, & are waging war on white, western society?” Social-media polls are not scientific, so the fact that more than 70 percent of respondents said some version of “yes” matters less than the fact that 94,000 people participated in the survey. Schaffer correctly gauged that this subject was something that his audience wanted to discuss, and certainly not something that would hurt his career.
With little fanfare, the tide had turned in favor of those advancing anti-Semitic arguments. In 2019, Fuentes and his faction were disrupting Republican politicians like Crenshaw. By 2022, Fuentes was shaking hands onstage with Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene and dining with Trump at Mar-a-Lago. In 2019, the Groyper activists were picketing events held by Turning Point USA, the conservative youth organization founded by the activist Charlie Kirk. By 2024, Turning Point was employing—and periodically firing and denouncing—anti-Semitic influencers who appeared at conventions run by Fuentes. “The Zionist Jews controlling our planet are all pedophiles who have no regard for the sanctity of human life and purity,” one of the organization’s ambassadors posted before she was dismissed.
In 2020, Carlson’s lead writer, Blake Neff, was compelled to resign after he was exposed as a regular contributor to a racist internet forum. Today, he produces Kirk’s podcast and recently reported alongside him at the Republican National Convention. “Why does Turning Point USA keep pushing anti-Semitism?” asked Erick Erickson, the longtime conservative radio host and activist, last October. The answer: Because that’s what a growing portion of the audience wants.
“When I began my career in 2017,” Fuentes wrote in May 2023, “I was considered radioactive in the American Right for my White Identitarian, race realist, ‘Jewish aware,’ counter-Zionist, authoritarian, traditional Catholic views … In 2023, on almost every count, our previously radioactive views are pounding on the door of the political mainstream.” Fuentes is a congenital liar, but a year after this triumphalist pronouncement, his basic point is hard to dispute. Little by little, the extreme has become mainstream—especially since October 7.
Last December, Tucker Carlson joined the popular anti-establishment podcast Breaking Points to discuss the Gaza conflict and accused a prominent Jewish political personality of disloyalty to the nation. “They don’t care about the country at all,” he told the host, “but I do … because I’m from here, my family’s been here hundreds of years, I plan to stay here. Like, I’m shocked by how little they care about the country, including the person you mentioned. And I can’t imagine how someone like that could get an audience of people who claim to care about America, because he doesn’t, obviously.”
The twist: “He” was not some far-left activist who had called America an irredeemably racist regime. Carlson was referring to Ben Shapiro, arguably the most visible Jewish conservative in America, and insinuating that despite his decades of paeans to American exceptionalism, Shapiro was a foreign implant secretly serving Israeli interests. The podcast host did not object to Carlson’s remarks.
The war in Gaza has placed Jews and their role in American politics under a microscope. Much has been written about how the conflict has divided the left and led to a spike in anti-Semitism in progressive spaces, but less attention has been paid to the similar shake-up on the right, where events in the Middle East have forced previously subterranean tensions to the surface. Today, the Republican Party’s establishment says that it stands with Israel and against anti-Semitism, but that stance is under attack by a new wave of insurgents with a very different agenda.
Since October 7, in addition to slurring Shapiro, Carlson has hosted a parade of anti-Jewish guests on his show. One was Candace Owens, the far-right podcaster known for her defenses of another anti-Jewish agitator, Kanye “Ye” West. Owens had already clashed with her employer—the conservative outlet The Daily Wire, co-founded by Shapiro—over her seeming indifference to anti-Semitism. But after the Hamas assault, she began making explicit what had previously been implicit—including liking a social-media post that accused a rabbi of being “drunk on Christian blood,” a reference to the medieval blood libel. The Daily Wire severed ties with her soon after. But this did not remotely curb her appeal.
Today, Owens can be found fulminating on her YouTube channel (2.4 million subscribers) or X feed (5.6 million followers) about how a devil-worshipping Jewish cult controls the world, and how Israel was complicit in the 9/11 attacks and killed President John F. Kennedy. Owens has also jumped aboard the Reich-Rehabilitation Express. “What is it about Hitler? Why is he the most evil?” she asked in July. “The first thing people would say is: ‘Well, an ethnic cleansing almost took place.’ And now I offer back: ‘You mean like we actually did to the Germans.’”
“Many Americans are learning that WW2 history is not as black and white as we were taught and some details were purposefully omitted from our textbooks,” she wrote after Carlson’s Holocaust conversation came under fire. The post received 15,000 likes.
Donald Trump’s entry into Republican politics intensified several forces that have contributed to the rise of anti-Semitism on the American right. One was populism, which pits the common people against a corrupt elite. Populists play on discontents that reflect genuine failures of the establishment, but their approach also readily maps onto the ancient anti-Semitic canard that clandestine string-pulling Jews are the source of society’s problems. Once people become convinced that the world is oppressed by an invisible hand, they often conclude that the hand belongs to an invisible Jew.
Another such force is isolationism, or the desire to extricate the United States from foreign entanglements, following decades of debacles in the Middle East. But like the original America First Committee, which sought to keep the country out of World War II, today’s isolationists often conceive of Jews as either rootless cosmopolitans undermining national cohesion or dual loyalists subverting the national interest in service of their own. In this regard, the Tucker Carlsons of 2024 resemble the reactionary activists of the 1930s, such as the aviator Charles Lindbergh, who infamously accused Jewish leaders of acting “for reasons which are not American,” and warned of “their large ownership and influence in our motion pictures, our press, our radio and our government.”
Populism and isolationism have legitimate expressions, but preventing them from descending into anti-Semitism requires leaders willing to restrain their movement’s worst instincts. Today’s right has fewer by the day. Trump fundamentally refuses to repudiate anyone who supports him, and by devolving power from traditional Republican elites and institutions to a diffuse array of online influencers, the former president has ensured that no one is in a position to corral the right’s excesses, even if someone wanted to.
As one conservative columnist put it to me in August 2023, “What you’re actually worried about is not Trump being Hitler. What you’re worried about is Trump incentivizing anti-Semites,” to the point where “a generation from now, you’ve got Karl Lueger,” the anti-Jewish mayor of Vienna who inspired Hitler, “and two generations from now, you do have something like that.” The accelerant that is social-media discourse, together with a war that brings Jews to the center of political attention, could shorten that timeline.
For now, the biggest obstacle to anti-Semitism’s ascent on the right is the Republican rank and file’s general commitment to Israel, which causes them to recoil when people like Owens rant about how the Jewish state is run by a cabal of satanic pedophiles. Even conservatives like Trump’s running mate, J. D. Vance, a neo-isolationist who opposes foreign aid to Ukraine, are careful to affirm their continued support for Israel, in deference to the party base.
But this residual Zionism shields only Israeli Jews from abuse, not American ones—and it certainly does not protect the large majority of American Jews who vote for Democrats. This is why Trump suffers no consequences in his own coalition when he rails against “liberal Jews” who “voted to destroy America.” But such vilification won’t end there. As hard-core anti-Israel activists who have engaged in anti-Semitism against American Jews have demonstrated, most people who hate one swath of the world’s Jews eventually turn on the rest. “If I don’t win this election,” Trump said last week, “the Jewish people would have a lot to do with a loss.”
More than populism and isolationism, the force that unites the right’s anti-Semites and explains why they have been slowly winning the war for the future of conservatism is conspiracism. To see its power in practice, one need only examine the social-media posts of Elon Musk, which serve as a window into the mindset of the insurgent right and its receptivity to anti-Semitism.
Over the past year, the world’s richest man has repeatedly shared anti-Jewish propaganda on X, only to walk it back following criticism from more traditional conservative quarters. In November, Musk affirmed the Great Replacement theory, replying to a white nationalist who expressed it with these words: “You have said the actual truth.” After a furious backlash, the magnate recanted, saying, “It might be literally the worst and dumbest post I’ve ever done.” Musk subsequently met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and accompanied Ben Shapiro on a trip to Auschwitz, but the lesson didn’t quite take. Earlier this month, he shared Carlson’s discussion of Holocaust revisionism with the approbation: “Very interesting. Worth watching.” Once again under fire, he deleted the tweet and apologized, saying he’d listened to only part of the interview.
But this lesson is also unlikely to stick, because like many on the new right, Musk is in thrall to a worldview that makes him particularly susceptible to anti-Jewish ideas. Last September, not long before Musk declared the “actual truth” of the Great Replacement, he participated in a public exchange with a group of rabbis, activists, and Jewish conservatives. The discussion was intended as an intervention to inoculate Musk against anti-Semitism, but early on, he said something that showed why the cause was likely lost before the conversation even began. “I think,” Musk cracked, “we’re running out of conspiracy theories that didn’t turn out to be true.”
The popularity of such sentiments among contemporary conservatives explains why the likes of Carlson and Owens have been gaining ground and old-guard conservatives such as Shapiro and Erickson have been losing it. Simply put, as Trump and his allies have coopted the conservative movement, it has become defined by a fundamental distrust of authority and institutions, and a concurrent embrace of conspiracy theories about elite cabals. And the more conspiratorial thinking becomes commonplace on the right, the more inevitable that its partisans will land on one of the oldest conspiracies of them all.
Conspiratorial thinking is neither new to American politics nor confined to one end of the ideological spectrum. But Trump has made foundational what was once marginal. Beginning with birtherism and culminating in election denialism, he turned anti-establishment conspiracism into a litmus test for attaining political power, compelling Republicans to either sign on to his claims of 2020 fraud or be exiled to irrelevance.
The fundamental fault line in the conservative coalition became whether someone was willing to buy into ever more elaborate fantasies. The result was to elevate those with flexible approaches to facts, such as Carlson and Owens, who were predisposed to say and do anything—no matter how hypocritical or absurd—to obtain influence. Once opened, this conspiratorial box could not be closed. After all, a movement that legitimizes crackpot schemes about rigged voting machines and microchipped vaccines cannot simply turn around and draw the line at the Jews.
For mercenary opportunists like Carlson, this moment holds incredible promise. But for Republicans with principles—those who know who won the 2020 election, or who was the bad guy in World War II, and can’t bring themselves to say otherwise—it’s a time of profound peril. And for Jews, the targets of one of the world’s deadliest conspiracy theories, such developments are even more forboding.
“It is now incumbent on all decent people, and especially those on the right, to demand that Carlson no longer be treated as a mainstream figure,” Jonathan Tobin, the pro-Trump conservative editor of the Jewish News Syndicate, wrote after Carlson’s World War II episode. “He must be put in his place, and condemned by Trump and Vance.”
Anti-Semitism’s ultimate victory in GOP politics is not assured. Musk did delete his tweets, Owens was fired, and some Republicans did condemn Carlson’s Holocaust segment. But beseeching Trump and his camp to intervene here mistakes the cause for the cure.
Three days after Carlson posted his Hitler apologetics, Vance shrugged off the controversy and recorded an interview with him, and this past Saturday, the two men yukked it up onstage at a political event in Pennsylvania before an audience of thousands. Such coziness should not surprise, given that Carlson was reportedly instrumental in securing the VP slot for the Ohio senator. Asked earlier if he took issue with Carlson’s decision to air the Holocaust revisionism, Vance retorted, “The fundamental idea here is Republicans believe not in censorship; we believe in free speech and debate.” He conveniently declined to use his own speech to debate Carlson’s.
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divinum-pacis · 10 months
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Druze faith leaders tour Kibbutz Kfar Azza with their Muslim, Jewish and Christian counterparts ahead of an interfaith joint prayer near the Israel-Gaza border, Wednesday, Nov. 29, 2023. (AP Photo/Maya Alleruzzo)
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soon-palestine · 7 months
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The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, has refused to meet with Palestinian Reverend Munther Isaac. It is important people know of Welby's involvement with the Israeli government through his role as president of the Council for Christians and Jews.
The Archbishop of Canterbury is the president of an organisation, the CCJ, which, according to its own reports, takes people on tours of occupied Palestine, where they visit illegal Israeli settlements and meet with Israeli government officials.
The CCJ also works with one of Israel's national institutions, the United Jewish Israel Appeal, which has also been found to take students on trips to illegal Israeli settlements. The Head of Israel Engagement at UJIA, Robin Moss, described Welby's organisation as carrying out "pioneering work."
The director of the Welby's group was, until recently, Elizabeth Harris-Sawczenko, who worked for the Israeli government-funded Abraham Initiatives at the same time. The Abraham Initiatives claims it exists to “increase synergy between UK and Israeli bodies and agencies."
The organisation Justin Welby heads also recommends the group Friends of Roots, an Israeli settler project founded by Jean Marc Liling, a former advisor to the Israeli Prime Minister, as a trusted resource on Palestine.
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eretzyisrael · 3 months
The Middle East needs to roll back Arab imperialism for peace
Arab, Turkish and Iranian imperialism deny non-Arabs and non-Muslims self-determination in the Middle East: Palestinian maximalism is an extension, under a different name, of post-WW1 Arab imperialism, which claimed that where Arab Muslims are a significant part of the population, they should rule. Western liberals prop up this view, and ignore the long history of Arab and Muslim oppression of minority national  groups. Ironically, they see Israel and Jews as ‘European settler colonialists’. But it is Arab imperialism which needs to be rolled back if there is to be peace. Thought-provoking article in Fathom Journal by Olga Kirschbaum-Shirazki:
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Kurds are among the MENA national groups oppressed by Arab imperialism
While there is a ubiquitous academic discourse that European imperial powers made a mess of the Middle East – and Africa – over the course of the twentieth century, little is said about the fact that Iranian, Turkish, and Arab state violence towards national groups seeking their independence – a project they have made clear over the course of the twentieth century – has been deadly, and one of the major sources of violence in the region including today. And yet our intellectual class is obsessed with Hungarian, Polish and Israeli illiberalism, which, whatever one might think about it, does not come close to the state violence, oppression, and corruption of the imperial states in Middle East.
And so sadly it is necessary to offer a macabre tour of what Arab, Iranian, and Turkish imperialism, often billed as nationalism, has done in the past century. One could point to the hundreds of thousands of dead Kurds at the hands of all three imperial groups, to the mass emigration of Assyrians due to violence and oppression, to the likewise massive emigration of Lebanese Christians and mass death and destruction brought on by the Lebanese civil war from Arab imperialism. Or the Turkish conquest of Cyprus and current bombardment of Rojava, not to mention Turkey’s indirect support for ISIS. And this is not to speak of the forced Turkification, Iranification, and Arabisation of minority populations, or the death of political dissidents in jails or on the gibbet. Or Iranian and Saudi support for the Islamists in the deadly Algerian civil war, as well as Qatar’s support for Islamists during the Arab Spring. Nor is this list comprehensive, even if already damning. One has to mention the dead in the Arab-Israeli conflict as well.
Indeed, Arab imperialism is a central source of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. With the ubiquity of the discourse about Palestinian nationalism, its Arab imperial dimensions are almost totally occluded. Yet Arab imperialism was, a serious political force in the Middle East for most of the post WWI period, and remains so. It started with the aspirations of the leaders of the Arab Revolt to create a unified Arab state in the entire Levant as well as their successful sabotage, with British and French assent, of the creation of states for the other peoples in the region, most dramatically the Kurds, but also the Assyrians, Druze, and Maronites. It continued with the policies of Arabisation and Islamification of the post WWII period in all of the Arab League countries with non-Arab, non-Muslim population without exception. And while many of these policies were carried by states seeking to create a new local Syrian, Iraqi, Palestinian identity, these identities were in practice Arab and Muslim. Indeed, the creation of a Palestinian national identity never meant the rejection of an Arab identity for the Palestinians themselves, as the documents of the major political parties involved in Palestinian politics show. Palestinian maximalism is an extension, under a different name, of the Arab imperialism present in all of the post-WWI states, which claimed that where Arab Muslims are a significant part of the population, they should rule. This attitude of entitlement, characteristic of imperial peoples and their cultures, remains deeply entrenched in many countries in the Arab League. It is also present among the intellectual classes in the West, particularly those in Middle Eastern Studies departments, which idealise Convivencia in the medieval caliphates or the multicultural rainbow of ‘Iraqi’ or ‘Lebanese’ identity, vilifies sectarianism, or simply ignores the history of the national groups of the region.
Unsurprisingly, the most fascist forms of Islam find fertile ground in historical imperial states and among historically imperial cultures. Conversely,  notable Kurdish, Amazigh, or Azeri equivalents are conspicuous by their absence. That is not to say that there aren’t any Islamists among the smaller peoples of the region. However, the Kurdish, Azeri, and Amazigh political movements tend to be comparatively liberalising, and their attitude towards Islam traditionalist rather than Islamist or jihadi. Instead, we find among the traditionally imperial peoples, the Persians, Turks, and Arabs, the state sponsors of terrorism and Islamism in the area.
Yet, imperial rollback is underway in the Middle East. One of the least discussed but in some ways most significant aspects of the Abraham Accords is that its signatories exhibit multiple signs of imperial rollback. It is not simply the recognition of the state of Israel and normalisation. Morocco has made significant steps towards recognising the Amazigh, including language rights, official holidays, and some political rights. These internal policies demonstrate a shift away from a homogenous Arabisation or Islamification, and towards an acceptance of the history of the country its peoples and their aspirations. Gulf Arab states are also making efforts to liberalise, reject Jihad and Islamism, and even more recently to open up a frank interfaith dialogue –  significant signs of imperial rollback in the context of the Arab League.
Israel, uniquely successful as a national movement in the region, is a test case for what path the region will take. This is why it is incumbent, even for those who wish to see a two-state solution, to be honest about the imperial relationship of Arabs and Islam to the areas. Yet rather than supporting these developments, and understanding their revolutionary significance, liberals across the West and in Israel minimise them or view them as part of the problem. In fact, it is they who are the problem.
One of the most damaging developments for the stability of the entire region has occurred among liberals in the West and Israel, namely the internalisation of the Arab imperial discourse in its repackaged form: Israel and Jews as European settler colonialists. Even among people who support a two-state solution, we increasingly find that they only accept Israel as a de facto reality, and agree with Palestinians that the country is indigenously Arab. Other variations of this acceptance come in the form of claiming that both Jews and Arabs are indigenous to the area. The problem with claims about Palestinian Arab indigeneity — or Arab indigeneity anywhere in the “Arab World” outside of the Gulf and Jordan — is not only that they are objectively incorrect by the UN definition of indigeneity, Arabs arrived in these regions through imperial conquest, but more importantly they serve to negate Arab imperialism past and present.  The issue at stake here is not the two-state solution as an option for solving the conflict,  or the existence of a Palestinian Arab collective identity tied to the land – a development exhibited by Arabs in Iraq, Syria, Algeria, Morrocco, etc. who have developed local land-based collective identities as well — but the acceptance of an ideology which fundamentally views any Jewish national sovereignty as unjust because it refuses to see any Arab or Muslim history as imperial.
Today the Palestinian Arab claim to indigeneity, as well any other Arab claim to indigeneity in the “Arab World” in areas outside of the Arab homeland, denies this imperial entitlement, while simultaneously granting its objectives legitimacy: it is a brilliant political manoeuvre.
The two-state solution cannot reasonably survive in the context of widespread commitment not only by Palestinian Arabs, but other Arabs in the region, to the sole legitimacy of Islamic and Arab power. Much of the so-called Israeli left, following or leading liberals in the West depending on who you ask, seems to be propping up this very view directly, in the case of anti-Zionists, and indirectly in the case of supporters of a confederation or two-state solution supporters who accept the narrative of Jewish settler colonialism or Palestinian indigeneity. This approach is dangerous for the entire region as well, as it usually goes hand in hand with an underestimation or even denial of the problem of local imperial culture and politics, as well as the overestimation of the responsibility of Western powers. That is not to say that peace, mutual respect, and compromise are not desirable: they are, but they cannot be based on historical falsehood, they cannot allow imperial entitlement to go unchecked propped up by false histories, and they cannot continue to project onto the Palestinian national movement, as it currently stands, a programme and outlook of mutual acceptance which it is does not in fact support.  The failure to achieve Arab imperial rollback will continue to breed conflict across the region.  One can see it playing out in the past year in Iraq:  the current Shia Arab-dominated government has been attacking the autonomy of the Kurdistan region.
Of course, globally there are two other forces that are upholding imperial entitlement in the region, directly and indirectly. There are the left-wing parties who have historically supported the imperial enemies of the United States, whether Russia, China, or more recently Iran and Qatar. The latter have also strongly cultivated these groups in South America, Africa, and Asia. The others are the liberals in Western Europe and the Anglosphere, as well as business people from around the world whose financial interests come first. Western financial support has contributed to the lasting power of these imperial states as it has to the maximalists among the Palestinian Arabs, most spectacularly in Gaza.
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keepsmyheartawake · 2 days
Not only sexually assaulting detainees, but a month or so ago they sexually assaulted a Palestinian man to death. The video surfaced, they did it in a room full of other detainees, and when they were going to be arrested Israelis rioted in the streets to free them, and claimed it was basically their right to rape other human beings to death.
Since then I’ve seen videos of the IDF doing a “TikTok trend” of posing in front of bombs going off in the background, a video of a burning house with a screaming Palestinian woman and crying baby inside and the Israeli who lit the fire singing as he records, a podcast called Two Nice Jewish Boys where they both claim to speak on behalf of all Israelis when they say if they had a button they’d wipe Gaza off the map and they “don’t give a fuck” about the children, a video of a man and pregnant woman that had been strung up by their necks outside of a building by the IDF, the murder and harassment in the West Bank where they cannot cry “Hamas.” And just yesterday video of Israelis taking nice little family boat tours to watch the skyline lit up by bombs. They’re taking their children on a family gathering to watch other children being murdered. These families are being considered first settlers for the “real estate” in Gaza that they’ve destroyed and will further colonize. Almost all Israelis serve in the IDF, it is a requirement unless you’re exempt from conscription, so to my mind that makes them culpable. Many have dual citizenship, I know a person who used to bounce back and forth from NY to Israel bc he served in the IDF. These people are doing the most horrendous shit imaginable and then coming home to your neighborhoods. And no, this has absolutely nothing to do with being Jewish and everything to do with racism and a sociopathic degree of entitlement via Zionism and that includes Christian Zionism because they are funding this shit, they are at the heart of our government like a malignant tumor.
It’s a year later and I still cannot believe this is life, I cannot believe there is an entire country filled with grandparents, mothers, fathers, sons, daughters who are largely content with a million children, their neighbors, being starved and being maimed at their hand, I cannot believe the people in this country fighting for Israel’s “right” to do so, I cannot believe we share the planet with people like this. Like there is still something somehow surviving in me that does not want to believe this. This thing just gnaws at me and there’s this idea many people have like then why care, why watch such disturbing things, why make yourself uncomfortable by bearing witness to the suffering of others. Can you imagine being in that situation with your babies and your loved ones and the entire world turning its back on you. Because that’s what they’ve received for 80 years already, it’s about time we all got uncomfortable with the unacceptable.
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starlightomatic · 2 years
I think asking christians to go to non-Christian countries hoping theyll get perspective is a lost cause because they willingly go to non Christian countries and they call them mission trips.
I wonder about this sometimes! Like when American evangelicals go to Israel on Jesus tours do they like… notice… all the Jewish stuff
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matan4il · 1 year
I’m at work right now, I have a double shift today.
Usually I don’t get online while I’m at work. I schedule posts in advance, so that I know I don’t have to worry about my blog providing content even when I’m away from the computer for long periods of time.
But right now I’m at work, and I came online because there are soldiers with drawn weapons standing guard at the square that leads to the entrance of our museum. I have worked here in this museum for over 8 years. There have never been soldiers at this square before, even during intensely dangerous times. I have lived in this country my entire life (save for a year and a half as a kid). I can only remember two periods of time when I was this afraid. There have been 18 people murdered in anti-Jewish terrorist attacks here since the beginning of the Gregorian year and 50 people wounded. Not all of them were Jewish, but that’s what you get when the terrorists don’t have an actually good way for distinguishing Jews from non-Jews, because despite what you may be told, non-Jews are not actually segregated from Jews in Israel. So when a terrorist drives his car into a crowd in a city in Israel, he may kill a Jew, or as in the terrorist attack that happened this February, he may even murder three Jews (including a pair of brothers, 8 and 6 years old kids), but it may happen, like in yesterday’s attack, that the terrorist may end up murdering a Christian from Italy just visiting Israel. Or like when a terrorist from Lebanon infiltrated Israel earlier in March and planted a bomb in the Megido junction, he ended up severely wounding a 21 years old Israeli Muslim Arab. There is no segregation. We all fear and we all get wounded and we all die together.
IDK what my point is. I’m just scared and I needed to vent.
Gonna schedule this to post while I’ll be offline, doing my second tour of the day, talking about the Holocaust and the lessons we should learn from it against violence and hatred.
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beardedmrbean · 7 months
Oh yes the white man burden or Woke man burden these days…please ignore the pre colonial Filipino (okay there probably a different term they used) kingdoms. Or the fact they used to terrorized China trade ships
But even their weapons implied they were sophisticated enough to created many detail weapons prior to Spain invasion. I also learn that the Disney Princess Raya sword is based off the Kris
Also about Africa, this post remind me of something
Also if you guys want to do pre colonial Africa
Where the kingdoms, the empires, the large scale conflicts. Just like the Americas, Europe, and Asia. Africans were in various stages of technological development
But one simple Google search revealed Yoruba, you know the ones who make up 64% of my African genome
Side note I know it FAR more complicated as the research just Yoruba as the basics and it probably more complex. Like say…using the Italian tribes but you probably just going to say “Roman” for most Italian descent
But they made fortresses, building kingdoms and empires. Yet African Americans want to do our ancestors just wore the most basic drabs and only hunted prior to European colonization
Also the thing they were no black Christians pre Europe…where Christianity started? Oh yeah the MIDDLE EAST. Also is Ethiopia mention in the Bible or another African country thus considered one of the oldest Christians groups in history?
But I think a lot of Africans issues that Americans (ESPECIALLY my community) still have fetishized view of Africa like it the goddamn 60’s. I want break it, but given the people who push this idea call me coon…a long long road
Spain had the Philippines as a colony for 300+ years if they were going to be "civilized ™" Spain probably would have managed it by then, then again Latin America has lagged behind the US and Canada on the HDI so maybe on that front Spain and Portugal had the wrong priorities when they decided to start out with getting everyone baptized and stripping resources instead of stripping resources and setting up infrastructure.
UK had the advantage of not having to answer to the Pope on that end, but the pearly gates will show which one had the right idea I guess.
Colony wise things didn't go as well in Eastern Asia for those two, Netherlands on the other hand did great, but that's me rambling now.
As for Rya and the Dragon, Disney managed to do a pretty good job with that one
As for the Beyonce thing well, most everything I've seen from her that's "Africa" is pretty generic, she's even skipping out on Africa this time round for her "world tour"
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26 stadiums on the continent with a capacity of 60,000 or more. Bulk of them are for their football clubs lol, those should be good enough. Those all look to be in relatively stable areas too.
Side note I know it FAR more complicated as the research just Yoruba as the basics and it probably more complex. Like say…using the Italian tribes but you probably just going to say “Roman” for most Italian descent
Map is similar to one that was floating around Red had posted, linguistic map so ya It's gonna be like that because those guys all killed each other too, look at the Franks before France was fully united, "Germanic" tribes in Europe too
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I'll have to look into those guys though, see what's going on with them, seems fascinating.
Also the thing they were no black Christians pre Europe…where Christianity started? Oh yeah the MIDDLE EAST. Also is Ethiopia mention in the Bible or another African country thus considered one of the oldest Christians groups in history?
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Link here: I imagine the discussion was much longer and more involved than this passage lets on, but ya. (also that strip of land has been called gaza forever, one place in the area that Israel even historically has never run)
Ethiopia also claims to have the Ark of the Covenant, they've never actually pinpointed where Sheba is but most consider it Ethiopia, but in Africa the only community that's gonna be older is the Egyptians, Coptics, St Mark was their first "Pope" which much like the Roman Catholics and Latin the Copts managed to keep the old language alive which helped immeasurably when it came to translating things. (was looking into the decline of their old religion, by the time Islam came round Christianity had done most of the heavy lifting on ending that one)
But I think a lot of Africans issues that Americans (ESPECIALLY my community) still have fetishized view of Africa like it the goddamn 60’s. I want break it, but given the people who push this idea call me coon…a long long road
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Damn Right, and I'm not just talkin about Shaft.
Pan Africa stuff made it easier to advertise to people, don't have to look and make sure something is appropriately Kenyan and what not.
Get a wider audience for movies that way, sadly it's resulted in what we've got going on now and hopefully the internet will get people learning more specifics now.
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Waiting out the rocket warning siren in the bomb shelter of Ben Gurion Airport, Jani Salokangas wished he could stay in Israel and not fly back to his wife and five children in Finland.
“I felt sad having to leave. I wanted to stay and do something,” said Salokangas, a 40-year-old pro-Israel Christian community leader, who was in Israel on October 7 to lead a delegation of 80 people from his church.
Four months into the war launched by Hamas’s October 7 onslaught on Israel, Salokangas last month returned to Israel with a new delegation from Finland, which he took across Israel’s south on a solidarity trip that featured volunteering, bearing witness to the crimes of Hamas, and much praying for Israel’s success.
His delegation was one of dozens of visits by Christian groups that are returning to Israel on solidarity trips...
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The earliest and most complete Hebrew Bible ever discovered – a “vital touchstone of human history” that dates back more than 1,100 years – is to be sold at auction.
The ninth-century volume, referred to as the Codex Sassoon, is a critical link between the Dead Sea scrolls and the Bible of today.
It is being offered by Sotheby’s with an estimate of $30m-$50m (£25m-£42m), making it the most valuable historical document or manuscript to appear at auction.
Composed of 24 books divided into three parts – the Pentateuch, the Prophets and the Writings – the Hebrew Bible is the foundation of Judaism and other Abrahamic faiths.
In Christianity, the texts are referred to as the Old Testament and are incorporated into the biblical canon.
Islam also holds the stories of the Hebrew Bible in special regard, with many of them included in the Qur’an and other significant works of Islamic literature.
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“The Hebrew Bible is the sacred, foundational text for peoples across the globe,” said Sharon Mintz, Sotheby’s senior Judaica specialist.
“For thousands of years, the faithful have closely studied, analysed, mediated on, and delved into the holy scriptures – it is the first book of the people of the Book – to acquire wisdom and attain spiritual enlightenment."
“In Codex Sassoon, a monumental transformation in the history of the Hebrew Bible is revealed, bringing to light the full story of the Hebrew Bible that had previously never been presented in book form.
[It] marks a critical turning point in how we perceive the history of the divine word across thousands of years and is a transformative witness to how the Hebrew Bible has influenced the pillars of civilisation – art, culture, law, politics – for centuries.”
Before the first codices (manuscripts in book form) of the Hebrew Bible, there existed only portions or sections of biblical texts in scroll form.
Known as the Dead Sea scrolls, they date to the third century BC – but they were copied without punctuation or vocalisation and contained no verses or chapters.
This meant the correct reading of the scrolls was not easily apparent; instead Jews in antiquity relied on inherited oral traditions to understand, preserve and transmit the words of the Hebrew Bible.
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The Codex Sassoon is named after its prominent modern owner, David Solomon Sassoon (1880-1942), who assembled the most significant private collection of Jewish artefacts and Hebrew manuscripts in the world.
It comes to auction from the collection of Jacqui Safra and will be sold in New York this May.
The record for the most valuable historical text and manuscript sold at auction is held by the first printing of the US constitution, which sold for $43m in November 2021.
While Codex Sassoon has been recognised for its importance by scholars for generations, it has remained virtually out of public view for centuries and will be exhibited for the first time in 40 years next week at Sotheby’s London before a worldwide tour.
The manuscript also includes annotations from several owners throughout the centuries, including an entry dating to the early 11th century referencing a sale by Khalaf ben Abraham, assumed to be a near eastern businessman active in Palestine and Syria, to Isaac ben Ezekiel al-Attar.
In the 13th century or later, the codex was dedicated to the synagogue of Makisin (present-day Markada in north-east Syria).
When the town of Makisin was destroyed, perhaps by the Mongols in the 13th century or by Tamerlane’s troops in 1400, the codex was entrusted to the care of a community member, Salama bin Abi al-Fakhr.
Sassoon ultimately acquired the codex in 1929.
Richard Austin, Sotheby’s global head of books and manuscripts, said Codex Sassoon was “undeniably one of the most important and singular texts in human history.”
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This article was amended on 16 February 2023.
The operating area of a presumed 11th century businessman was earlier given as Israel and Syria. Israel (created in 1948) has been changed to Palestine.
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yhwhrulz · 2 years
Worthy Brief - February 16, 2023
From the pit to rule!
Ephesians 2:6 And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:
When Joseph was thrown into prison, his life was thought to be over. How could anyone escape an Egyptian prison? But then, in one day, according to God's perfect timing, he was instantly promoted to reign over all of Egypt with only the Pharoah ("god on earth") as his Lord. Could there be a transformation more sudden, astounding, and dramatic! So it was for Yeshua (Jesus) as He fulfilled the identity of Mashiach ben Yosef, suffering to death for our sins, but then, on one day, supernaturally resurrected and now seated at the right hand of the Father (God in Heaven). Such an amazing parallel!
Now we need to come fully to this realization: that the moment we came to faith in Yeshua, the Father instantly and supernaturally delivered us from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of the Son He loves. In one moment, we were regenerated as sons and daughters of the Most High and spiritually seated with Him in heavenly places. Even as we remain in our flesh awaiting our incorruptible bodies, our Spirit has been born into a Holy Family and a Royal Priesthood.
So, we are called to be overcomers, to war and to win, and to exercise authority in Yeshua's name…
But are you still "in the pit"? Then please take this realization to heart: the resurrection life of Yeshua remains within you, enabling you to endure. And that, too is a kind of victory. As you submit to His discipline in faith, your day will come to exercise greater authority in His Name, just as it did for Joseph. He patiently endured his trial of faith and was raised up, so you also can, through Yeshua's indwelling Presence, arrive at a new day of release and victory…maybe tomorrow, maybe even today! Amen.
Your family in the Lord with much agape love,
George, Baht Rivka, Obadiah and Elianna (Going to Christian College in Dallas, Texas) Daytona Beach, Florida
Registration is closing soon! Join us on an epic, life changing journey through Israel, - https://worthynews.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b94ae97bb66e693a4850359ec&id=80ef149fd2&e=546629276c through the eyes of those who are well acquainted with the culture, the people and the Land. This is not your average Israel tour— bring your family, bring your friends, and experience the REAL ISRAEL with George and Baht Rivka as your personal hosts.
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mariacallous · 2 years
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(JTA) — Douglas Mastriano as Tevye would be an odd casting choice for a Republican candidate whose ties to a prominent antisemite have dogged his campaign.
But Jaymie Bellet, who serenaded a crowd of Mastriano supporters on the last day of his bid to become Pennsylvania’s governor, suggested with her adaptation of a “Fiddler on the Roof” number that she saw the connection.
“All you do is work hard, there is absolutely no one who could say you are a bum!” Bellet sang at the rally Monday in Bucks County,  to the melody of “If I Were a Rich Man.” The video was first posted by an Israeli journalist, Nadav Eyal.
“We want you to be the governor, that’s what all the people pray,” she sang in a faltering alto, strumming a guitar.
Bellet, a musician who works with Mitch Triestman, a minister of “Jewish evangelism,” adheres to Messianic Judaism, a movement that believes in the divinity of Jesus while claiming to practice Judaism. She says on her webpage that at age 42, “I became a believer in the Messiah Yeshua, through His great love, His outstretched arms, and His great judgment.” She says she had previously been a secular Jew who attended Hebrew school for two years as a child.
The performance was a notable campaign capstone for a candidate who is a favorite among Christian nationalists, who believe the United States should be governed in accordance with Christian values. Mastriano paid $5,000 to promote his campaign on Gab, a social media network favored by extremists. Gab is owned by Andrew Torba, a prominent Christian nationalist who has said he does not conduct interviews with Jews; it was the platform where the alleged shooter who killed 11 worshippers at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh in 2018 announced his plans.
Mastriano, who has embraced former President Donald Trump’s lie that he won the 2020 election, also has mocked his rival, Josh Shapiro, for sending his children to a private Jewish school, which Mastriano has said is “elitist.”
Bellet referred once to Shapiro, whom polls showed leading in the final days of the campaign, during her serenade. She noted that Mastriano, who has cosplayed as a Confederate soldier, gives tours of the Gettysburg battlefield. Mastriano’s historical knowledge, she sings, is “nothing we could get from Sha-pi-RO, God, please, No!” and she shudders.
Mastriano’s wife has defended the candidate against criticism by saying that they love Israel more than most Jews do. Mastriano in 2019 acted in a movie about the Holocaust derided by Holocaust scholars for manipulating the genocide of the Jews to turn it into an indictment of advocacy for abortion rights and gun control.
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noahide-books · 2 years
Dear God
Please, In the name of Adamide-Noahide faith and in the name of the Adamide-Noahide community,
Restore:  The Christian Church to the land of Israel, as the religion of Christianity emerged from Israel and it is there responsibility to deal with.
Restore:  The circumcised Muslim world to Saudi Arabia, as the religion of Islam emerged from Saudi Arabia, and is based on Abraham's covenant, which land is included in Saudi Arabia, and teach them thoroughly the book of Genes.
Bless the rest of the World - the Kingdom of Noah - with faithful keepers of the Rainbow Torah.
Amen Click here to Reply
Callodyn Quickwinter
10/13/13 Dear God.  By the book of Genes I mean the book of Genesis
Amen - show quoted text -
Callodyn Quickwinter
10/24/13 Dear God
I pray and humbly ask of thee:  Bless 'Rothera', which is the Capital of the British Antarctic Territory, with a Township growing into a City, over the next number of years.  Bless it with a strong economy, especially one based on Antarctic tours and Hospitaity, but also one based on Intellectual Property matters and IT related industries.  Bless the population and grow it to 10 million very quickly I do ask of thee in the holy name of my father Noah and by your abundant mercy and grace.  And, in honour of this request, I offer you this reading of Psalm 1:
Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.
2 But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.
3 And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.
4 The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away.
5 Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.
6 For the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish.
Callodyn Quickwinter
10/30/13 Dear God
In the next life, please have produced by Simpson LeMesurier Films, and distributed in DVD format by Umbrella Entertainment, 25 More initial series of 'Snowy', 1 season per year from 1950 (Second Season) to 1974 (26th Season).  The Snowy Mountains Hydro Electric Scheme was built from 1949 to 1974, totally 26 years.  So, yes, it was completed in 1974.
Further, if possible, put 'Cyril Daly' into the cast as snowy worker 'Cyril Daly' and have him as a regular at Logan's pub.
Later on, if the demand warrants it, I don't think I would mind if you wanted to do further series with Cyril and the family and other families in the Snowy Region.
I make this request in Adam and Eve and Noah's Name, as a Karaite Adamide-Noahide, as well as in - to a degree - Jesus of Nazareth's name, for many of the cast 'characters' are Christian.
Callodyn Quickwinter
10/30/13 As you suggested, 'Snowy Families' focusing on about 3 families, maybe 4, could be a follow up for about 10 seasons.  The Daly family could be one of them.
Callodyn Quickwinter
10/30/13 Dear God
Please process the sanctification of the IBM Aptiva and the HP Computer which I have owned and is now becoming part of my heavenly possessions, so that they may be utilized by my spirit, my family at 29 Merriman Crescent in Heaven, as well as extended family of grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins, as well as the Karaite Adamide-Noahide community and the Adamide-Noahide community in general, for use in the 29 Merriman Crescent 7DF General Library of the Kingdom of Noah.  Please allow the creation of LANs with my computers and cable equipment and, with my rights to the internet, please gradually allow (In proper and legal due process) the Noahide community to access my rights (as Karaite Adamide-Noahide Number One) for their gaining use and purchase rights for my Noahide possessions.
I humbly ask this of you in the Name of My Ancestors:  Adam & Eve, Enoch & Noah.
Callodyn Quickwinter
11/1/13 Dear God
I pray
In the days, weeks, months and years ahead, please bring peace, lawfulness and righteousness to Earth and Heaven.  Please rebuke lawlessness and sin, and weed out the wicked, as you do, from generation to generation, keeping faith with mankind. And in honour of this request, I offer you the following psalm:
How blessed are those who reject the advice of the wicked, don’t stand on the way of sinners or sit where scoffers sit! 2 Their delight is in Adonai’s Torah; on his Torah they meditate day and night. 3 They are like trees planted by streams — they bear their fruit in season, their leaves never wither, everything they do succeeds.
4 Not so the wicked, who are like chaff driven by the wind. 5 For this reason the wicked won’t stand up to the judgment, nor will sinners at the gathering of the righteous. 6 For Adonai watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked is doomed.
Daniel Daly
12/14/13 Lord God
May you please bless in accordance with the blessings of these psalms, inclusive of those mentioned within the psalms, the following groups:
NITV The Indigenous of Australia and Canada and USA and New Zealand and Guyana The SANFL to go on Prime Time National TV The WAFL to go on Prime Time National TV The NSWRL to go on Prime Time National TV The QRL to go on Prime Time National TV The Sheffield Shield to go on Prime Time National TV The VFL to go on Prime Time National TV The NEAFL to go on Prime Time National TV Afghanistan Cricket Australian Cricket NSW Cricket ACT Cricket NT Cricket Kent Cricket Essex Cricket Irish Cricket Scottish Cricket USA Cricket Russian Cricket North Korean Cricket English Cricket Mongolian Cricket South Korean Cricket Sri Lankan Cricket Canadian Cricket Mexican Cricket Cuban Cricket Japanese Cricket Andorran Cricket Vatican City Cricket German Cricket Italian Cricket Spanish Cricket Chinese Cricket Indonesian Cricket PNG Cricket Malaysian Cricket Fijian Cricket Tahitian Cricket NZ Cricket South African Cricket Kenyan Cricket Jerusalem Cricket Hull Cricket Ramla Cricket Nazareth Cricket Israel Cricket Jordan Cricket Saudi Arabian Cricket Iraqi Cricket Lebanese Cricket Egyptian Cricket Alegerian Cricket Tunisian Cricket Sudanese Cricket French Cricket Icelandic Cricket Vietnamese Cricket Laosian Cricket Cambodian Cricket Burman Cricket Angolan Cricket Dutch Cricket Swedish Cricket Finnish Cricket Romanian Cricket Moldovan Cricket Bosnian Cricket Croatian Cricket San Merino Cricket Mozambiquean Cricket Welsh Cricket Manxian Cricket Belgian Cricket Andorran Cricket Portuguese Cricket Venezualen Cricket Guyanan Cricket Bolivian Cricket Ecuadorian Cricket Ghanan Cricket Sierra Leone Cricket Malawi Cricket Bhutanese Cricket Indian Cricket Pakistani Cricket Iranian Cricket West Indies Cricket Bangladesh Cricket East Timor Cricket Polish Cricket Czech Cricket Slovakian Cricket Georgian Cricket Danish Cricket Norwegian Cricket Chad Cricket Rwanda Cricket Kenyan Cricket English Cricket
Psalms of Assembly of the Divine Creator
Psalm 1
Dear God of Noah
Dear God of Lamech
Dear God of Methuselah
Hear my prayer
Bless forever the
Assembly of the Divine Creator
Bless forever this
Adamide-Noahide Fellowship
Teach it your wisdom
Teach it your truth
Teach it your kindness
Teach it your love
God of Noah
God of Lamech
God of Methuselah
Hear my prayer
Psalm 2
God of Adam my father
Hear my prayer I pray
Bring Eternal Salvation
Each and every day
Forever and ever
To the members of
Assembly of the Divine Creator
God of Adam
Hear my prayer I pray
Bring Eternal Wealth
Each and every day
Forever and ever
To the members of
Assembly of the Divine Creator
God of Adam my father
Hear my prayer I pray
Bring Eternal Love
Each and every day
Forever and ever
To the members of
Assembly of the Divine Creator
Thank you Divine Creator
For your manifold blessings
Each and every day
Psalm 3
Almighty Divine Creator of the Universe
God of Absolute Glory
Sovereign of Eternal Majesty
King of Radiant Magnificence
Pinnacle of Sublime Perfection
Judge of Unparallelled Wisdom
Lord of Knowledge Unfathomable
Holy Yahweh Most Supreme
We praise your name forever
We praise your name forever
We praise your name forever
We praise your name forever
We praise your name forever
We praise your name forever
We praise your name forever
We praise your name forever
We praise your name forever
We praise your name forever
We praise your name forever
We praise your name forever
We praise your name forever
We praise your name forever
Psalm 4
Lord God
We Pray
Bless the Seven Sovereign Nations
Bless the United Kingdom
Bless the Republic of Ireland
Bless the United States of America
Bless Canada
Bless Guyana
Bless New Zealand
Bless Australia
Forever and Ever
Psalm 5
Lord God
Bless the International World
With Deflation on an ongoing and eternal basis
Bless the Economies
Bring health
Bring prosperity
Bring wealth
Bring Spiritual Blessings
Now and Forever
Psalm 6
Lord God
My Heart needs spiritual nourishment.
I Call on your grace and love, God of Noah.
Fill my Heart with your spirit
And draw me into the comfort
Of your Everlasting Presence
And Glory.
Psalm 7
God is glorious
He is the giver of law
And the laws of the Assembly of the Divine Creator,
Part of the Torah of Noah,
Are his Greatest work
And Amen
Psalm 8
God - The Infinite One
More powerful than a billion burning Suns
Creator of the Glory of Man
Creator of the Glory of Woman
Creator of the Sun's, Stars and Moons
Creator of All Creation
The Intelligent
The Wise
The Majestic
The Glory of this Eternal Universe
The Glory of this Eternal Life
The Glory of this Eternal Love
Psalm 9
In Days of Old
When Dragon's Roamed the Earth
And the sons of men were wicked in their hearts
The Most High
Called upon the Son of Lamech
And chose him for eternal salvation
And because
The Fidelity of the Chosen One
Was true, strong - perfect
Mankind was born anew
Redeemed through its father Noah
To love God for All Eternity
To Witness the Rainbow as the Everlasting Covenant
And to Praise Yahweh
And Ever
And Ever
Psalm 10
Gloryel - Seraphim Angel of Supreme Glory
Geri Halliwell - Look at her - Seraphim Angel of Supreme Glory
Sariel - Seraphim Angel of Supreme Wisdom
Hugh Grant - Look at him - Seraphim Angel of Supreme Wisdom
The Angels of Hope
Loving me and you
Follow their God
With hearts forever true
She will be your angel now
Lift you up beyond all measure
The Angel Gloryel
God's greatest little treasure
Psalm 11
In complete honesty
There are times I bloody hate God
Because all men are bastards
And I should know, being one
And as God is the biggest man of all
You do the math
But old Jehovah
Has some minor good points
On a good day
Psalm 12
And that is why
Because we speak our mind
In all honesty
The Rainbow Bibles
Speak the words of honesty and truth
Psalm 13
Of course
The irony
Is that I also really love God
And respect him
And admire him
And value and cherish him
And think he is the Lord of Creation
The Lord of Virtue
And the Lord of Salvation
And in these truths I can praise
And acknowledge
The Lord my God
My Saviour
Psalm 14
The truth
Is in accordance with the facts
And while many people believe in the resurrection
Of 21 December 2012
It may or may not come to pass
So the truth is that it is widely believed in
But this does not necessitate the truth of such a thing happening
Praise God
The truth
Is in accordance with the facts
And Judaism, Christianity and Islam
Teach an end of days
And this is historicaly true
But this does not necessitate the truth of such a thing happening
Praise God
The truth
Is in accordance with the facts
And the Angel Saruviel
Has been in my dreams
And if there is a truth
Then Whatever will be will be
And Amen
Psalm 15
Lord God of Noah
Here my prayer I humbly ask you
Protect the Seven Divine Fellowships
Protect us Spiritually
Protect us Physically
Protect us Financially
Protect us Forever in these ways
Protect our word
Protect the Noahide Torah
Protect our pastors
Protect our flock
Protect our teaching
Protect our works
Protect our offspring
Protect our loved ones
God of Salvation, security and Protection
Hear our prayer for all eternity
We humbly pray
And bless our lives
With your constant protection
And Amen
Psalm 16
Lord God
Teach us to order our lives right
Teach us to prioritise appropriately
Teach us to prioritise wisely
Help us to choose the best occupations for our lives
Help us to choose our best career path
Bless our working lives
Bless our working efforts
Guide us to raise loving children
Guide us to raise a holy family
Be with us in the mornings
Be with us in the evenings
Be with us, now and evermore
Lord God
Be our God
We pray
And Amen
Psalm 17
Dearest Lord Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh
Bless England
Bless Ireland
Bless Scotland
Bless Wales
Bless Australia
Bless New Zealand
Bless Canada
Bless the United States of America
Bless Guyana
Bless Jamaica
Bless Barbados
Bless Antigua and Barbuda
Bless the Bahamas
Bless India
Bless the Glorious Noahide Nations of the World
Now and Evermore
We Ask of You
And Amen
Psalm 18
Dear God
Please bless abundantly
The food production in the Seven Sovereign Nations
Make it possible
For us to feed luxuriously
Perhaps even Quadrillions
Of Citizens, if possible
(And Quintillions would be interesting, if at all)
And bless them also
With Amazing material wealth
And Happiness
And Spirituality
Now and Evermore
Psalm 19
Dear God
Inebriate Us With Your Love
Fill us to the brim with the intoxicating love of your holy spirit
Embellish pure and unadulterated joy into the very fibre of our beings
Place happiness beyond measure into our heart and soul
And bless us with the fantasmagorical ecstacy of your most intimate presence
Be with us
Sovereign Lord of Intimate Heavenly Divine Pleasure
And let your grace, love, purity, holiness, joy, ecstacy and eternal peace
Dwell in us
Now and Forever more
And Amen
Psalm 20
Almighty God
Bless the 7 Rainbow Bibles
I humbly pray and ask of you
Bless it with your wisdom
Bless it with your truth
Bless it with your love
Bless it with your grace
Let people universally amongst the children of Men
Find therein the kind of teaching
Which motivates them to live happy, succesful and meaningful lives
Let it be for your glory
Let it be for the glory of the Children of Noah
Let it be eternal
Let it be love
I humbly pray and ask of you
Psalm 21
To You Almighty God We bring our Prayer
To You Creator of the Universe We bring our Request
Bless the Economies of this World We Pray
Bless the Wealth Earning Systems
Provide work for those who desire it
Provide opportunities of advancement
Give Housing, Clothing, Food and Entertainment to your human family
Give Love, Kindness, Peace and Joy to the children of Adam and Eve
Have your hand upon us all to be lawful
Have your hand upon us all to be holy
Guide us throughout our earthly sojourn
Guide us throughout our eternal lives
Praise to you Lord God Almighty
Praise to you El Shaddai
Psalm 22
Almighty Father
Bless the creative talents of the Noahide community
Bless the creative talents of the Adamide fellowship
Lead us to write books, compose music and invent new things
Lead us to be actors, singers, poets, politicians, managers, administrators and Prime Ministers
Lead us to be plumbers, carpenters, electricians, accountants, lawyers, executives and Presidents
Bring truth in all our works
Bring faith in all our works
Bring joy in all our works
Bring love in all our works
We Praise Your Name Forever
We Praise Your Name Forever
We Praise Your Name Forever
We Praise Your Name Forever
We Praise Your Name Forever
Psalm 23
Lord God
Teach us the truth
Teach us Godly truth
Teach us holy truth to succeed in life
Teach us the truth in wisdom
Teach us righteous truth
Teach us the truth about love
Teach us spiritual truth
Teach us wholesome truth
Teach us scientific truth
Teach us the truth about kindness
Teach us beautiful truth
Teach us amazing truth to be blessed in life
Teach us societal truth
Teach us mathematical truth
Teach us linguistic truth
Teach us the truth about courtesy
Teach us the truth about nature
Teach us legal truth
Teach us medical truth
Teach us mechanical truth
Teach us the truth about hospitality
Teach us the truth in all acceptable areas of knowledge
Teach us the truth
Lord God
Psalm 24
Lord God
Rebuke me not when I sin
But correct me gently
And lead me against my evil inclinations
Have mercy on me
Forgive me for my weaknesses and shortcomings
And make me a better human
Even when my heart feels as if I have tried your patience too many times
Forgive me
And lead me again in the pathways of salvation
Help me to repent of sin
Help me to repent of wrongdoing
Help me to be loving, kind and merciful
Help me to forgive others even as I have been forgiven
Help me to walk with you forever
To call on the name of Yahweh
And to be found in your Kingdom
At the culmination of my lifes work
Psalm 25
Lord God
Teach me to love others
Teach me to have a generous heart, a kind heart, a caring heart
Help me to follow the leading of your holy spirit
Help me to do the right thing toward my fellow man
Develop within me a caring and lawful social conscience
Develop within me a respect for societal law
Guide my heart to obey your rules
Guide my heart to live righteously
I confess I am not perfect, and only human
I confess I have sinned at times, and let down the respect due to your name
Lord God, Help me to keep faith with you
Lord God, Help me to obey you
And trust in your holy name of 'Yahweh' forever and ever
Psalm 26
Lord God
I Pray
Bless Ireland
Bless Dublin
Bless Belfast
Bless Mullingar
Bless Sligo
Bless Tipperary
Bless Limerick
Bless the Counties
Bless the Villages
Bless the Country
Bless the City
Bless the Harvests
Bless the Markets
Bless the Flora
Bless the Fauna
Bless the People
Bless the Community
Lord God
Bless Ireland
Bless Her People
Now and Evermore
Psalm 27
Lord God Almighty
Have your hand upon Scotland
Teach her your rules
Teach her your ways
Teach her to love
Teach her to care
Help her economically
Help her spiritually
Lord God Almighty
Have your hand upon Scotland
Each and every day
Psalm 28
Lord God
Bless your Welsh Villages
Bless your Welsh Cities
Bless your Welsh Country
Bless your Welsh Towns
Bless your Welsh Commerce
Bless your Welsh Industries
Bless Wales
Bless Wales Heart
Bless their marriages
And Bless their families
Bless their Comings
And Bless their goings
Bless their little ones
And Bless their old ones
Bless the high
And Bless the low
Bless Wales
And gather them in your heart and arms
Each and every day
Now and Forever
Psalm 29
Lord God Almighty
Bless England's Competitive Spirit
Bless England's humble pride
Bless England's Sporting Endeavours
Bless England's Economic Agendas
Bless England's Virtue
Bless England's Spirit
Bless England at War
Bless England at Peace
Bless England with Truth
Bless England with Love
Bless England with Strength
Bless England with Sovereignty
Bless England in the Mornings
Bless England in the Evenings
Bless her People with food, clothing and shelter
Bless her People with Entertainment, Spirituality and Prosperity
Bless your English Daughter
Bless your English Son
Bless them each and every day
Bless them in your name
And Amen
Psalm 30
Lord God Almighty
Bless the Isle of Man
Bless the Manxians
Bless Douglas, Each and Every Day
Bless its economy
Bless its spirituality
Bless it with an amazing abundance of people
Bless its population fantasmagorically so
Bless it with Olympic success for the United Kingdom
Bless it with Commonwealth Games success
Bless the city of Douglas with one of the world's greatest populations
Bless the city of Douglas with amazing prosperity and wealth
Bless the Isle of Man and her happiness
Bless the Isle of Man and her love
Bless her each and every day
Now and Evermore
Psalm 31
Lord God Almighty
Bless the Falkland Islands
Bless her People
Grant her economic prosperity
Grant her economic wisdom
Bless her social atmosphere
Bless her camraderie
Take care of her every day
Take care of her every week
Have your hand upon the Falklands
And do your will in this land
Bless her with your spirit
Bless her with your love
And lead her in the everlasting ways
Of God Almighty's Salvation and Truth
Bless her population
Bless it abundantly
And bless her in your name
Now and Evermore
And Amen
Psalm 32
Lord God
Grant us your peace
Grant us wellbeing of soul
Grant us goodness and pleasantness in our feelings and emotions
Grant us kind spiritual experiences and feelings of joy and love
Grant us kindness and charity and happiness
Grant us good days and good nights
Lord God
Be close to us now
Be close to us foreverafter
Be at one with our hearts
Be at one with our minds
Be at one with our souls
Lord God
Show us your love
And make us so very happy
Each and Every Day
We humbly ask of you
Psalm 33
God Almighty
I should be patient, and not judge so quickly
I should be calmer, and not judge so savagely
I should be prudent, and not judge so rashly
I should be faithful, and not judge so impulsively
God, I apologize for my casual words I have said
God, I apologize for my thoughtless words I have said
God, I apologize for my pridefilled words I have said
God, I apologize for my nasty words I have said
God, I am thinking, perhaps selfishly, on my future
Because I don't want to lose opportunities in the faith
By my thoughtless words
By my lack of patience
By my lack of fidelity
God, I don't want to lose the opportunities you offer
So I need to repent of casual words, casual attitudes, casual mannerisms
But this is not easy
For I can be a passionate man, despite my often passive personality
Lord God, I desire wealth, success and prosperity in life
And it is best to be honest about this
I could wish for the nobility of Solomon
And only ask for virtue in judgement
Yet, my virtue, it must be honesty
For I can not deny my heart's desire for material success
And in my desire for success in life
I can use accusing words of your lack of concern for my material state
And this is not right
So perhaps you shouldn't forgive me
As If someone said I was just trying to use God, what could I really say?
How could I deny the charge that I want great success in life?
I couldn't. I can only tell the truth about that. Its just the way I am, I suppose.
Forgive me for my shortcomings.
Yet, if you will bless me, and If I must pray for this success,
Please allow me to focus my prayers of passion on such success
And forgive me for my shortcomings
For I am only Human
Psalm 34
May the Orient come before you Lord God Almighty
May the children of the Far East be in your heart
May you sanctify their soul, heart and spirit
May you teach them kindness, respect for other cultures and love of God
Have your hand upon China and North and South Korea Lord God
Have your hand upon Japan and Taiwan
Have your hand upon Laos, Myanmar, Nepal and Vietnam
Have your hand upon Mongolia, Tibet, Thailand and Malaysia
Touch all the orient, Lord God, with your gentle heart and gentle ways
And teach them pure and true love, love which will last forever.
In Noah's Name
Daniel Daly
12/15/13 Dearest Almighty God
by your Superlative Grace
May you direct the words of the blessings of these Psalms upon the success of
Yorkshire Cricket English Cricket English Rugby League Hull Rugby League Canterbury Bankstown Rugby League Newtown Jets Rugby League Hawthorn AFL Glenelg SANFL Canberra Basketball Cooma Basketball Moruya Basketball English Basketball Subiaco WAFL Great Britain Olympics English Commonwealth Games Team Hull Rugby Union Cooma Rugby League Cooma AFL English Rugby Union English Soccer Hull City Tigers Soccer Hull Grid Iron English Golf English Athletics English Marathon English Triathlon English Sprinters English Decathletes English Pole Vaulters English Discus Throwers English Hurdlers English Pentathletes English Long Jumpers English High Jumpers English Hop Skip and Jumpers English Handballers English Cyclists English Swimmers English Volleyballers English Tennis Players And English Equestrians Now and Forever I pray AMEN
Psalms of Haven Noahide Fellowship
A Psalm of Daniel
Psalm 1
Yahweh, the Lord, is the Centre of all that is.
He is the Supreme Power, the Omnipotent One,
Full of Glory and Majesty, Eternal in Sovereignty.
Yahweh is gracious to us mere mortals,
Granting us blessings and peace,
Giving prosperity to the works of our hands.
Yahweh watches over those who call on his name.
He watches and blesses those who repent of sin,
And Grants his grace to the humble of heart.
Yahweh is a trustworthy foundation.
Yes, in God himself I place my trust,
Forsaking the strength of my own hands,
Forsaking the strength of men, whose fidelity is fleeting.
A Psalm of Daniel
Psalm 2
How the heart of man can choose a crooked path.
How the heart of man can choose a crooked way.
Oh, heavenly father, that your grace would be upon us all,
Leading us in the right way, leading us against our own evil inclinations.
Yahweh, enthroned in heaven, looks down upon the children of men.
He knows their heart, from their youth he has known them,
Caught up in their evil ways, caught up in their malicious intent.
Oh Yahweh, how great your grace is. Oh Yahweh, how superlative your mercy.
You spoke with our father Noah.
You spoke with him and called him out of a perverse generation.
For mankind was wicked in your eyes, evil from the days of their youth.
And through Noah you rebirthed mankind, saved from the deluge of the flood.
Majestic Lord of Glory, redeem me I pray.
Hear my prayer and rescue me from the darkness of my own heart.
For only in thy goodness can the gift of eternal life be realized.
Only in thy goodness can the gift of forever have hope.
A Psalm of Daniel
Psalm 3
Can we not be so hypocritical, unfair and double-minded
Can we not be so duplicitous, fork-tongued and unfaithful
Can we not pretend to be paragons of virtue yet find shame in our hearts
Shame at betraying ones we claim to love
Let not my boasts be great, of words I can not live up to
Let me not say of my virtues qualities which I later betray as lacking
Let me be truthful in how much I can truly commit to and foreswear vain oaths
Guide me to be faithful
Show me the way of holiness which will not be questioned as shallow
Help me to grow up maturely, yet not reach for heights I later tumble from
Give me grace and mercy and remind others I am only human, not God himself
Forgive me for my shortcomings
I am only human. I can not be more than what I am. And I am so complex
That I don’t even understand myself half of the time.
But you, Oh Lord, know all the ways of humans and the choices of the heart.
Please, if you will in your mercy answer my prayer, give me the gift of wisdom
To love others in a manner which will last eternally and not be a vain oath of
Allegiance soon forgotten.
A Psalm of Daniel
Psalm 4
Let my soul rest in the calmness of nature,
the calmness of God’s creation.
Let my soul slumber and be at peace with the
simplicity of the song of the songbird
and the chirping of the sparrow.
Let the buzzing of the bees bring joy to me,
even to the days of my age and let
the sound of the sheep at pasture and the joy of the
newborn babe be always pleasant in my heart.
Let the sight of a spider’s web fill me with mystery,
and let the early morning mist always fill me with
happiness and aliven me to the new day.
Let the rushing geyser be a source of fascination,
and let me fear in the presence of the tornado and
be awestruck by the power of the lightning.
Let the gentle flow of the stream soothe my soul,
and let the thunderous waves entertain my thirst
for adventure.
Lord God Almighty, I thank you for the wonders
of creation, which give joy and happiness to my
life each and every day. This world is a wonderful
and marvellous world, and all the children of Noah
thank you for your great kindness in creating it
For us.
We are your people, Almighty God, and the servants
of your covenant. And let the sign of the Covenant,
the ‘Rainbow’, one of the greatest signs of nature,
always remind us of the beauty and wonder that comes
forth from the heart of the Almighty.
A Psalm of Daniel
Psalm 5
Lord God - You are the solace of my heart’s anxiety.
You are the peace in the storms of life which remains
Faithful and ever unchanging. You are the strength
In my weaknesses and the power of my right hand
In all that I say and do. Lord, you are God, and even
In my wrongdoing my heart still remembers the graces
And love you have shown me.
Lord God – From generation to generation mankind
Searches out the way of truth. For so many finding
God is not easy, but you have always been there, waiting
To be found. You love us, children of Adam and Eve,
Children of Enoch, children of Noah. You love us and
Teach us the right way through the teachings of our
Fathers. Lord, I pray, remain faithful to the heart which
Wants truth above all else, and remember the struggle
We have all gone through in finding our salvation.
Lord God – Remember our fathers who have gone before
Us, and our mothers who bore and fed us. Remember forever
Those who have struggled to build our wonderful world, and
The many sacrifices they have made. I pray and ask of you,
Eternal God, prepare a home of eternal joy and life as reward
For their struggle, and share with them the fruits of their
Labours and the joy and consolation their hearts truly desire.
Forget not the children of Noah who, even those who have
Not known you or understood your ways, still tried in their hearts
To live good and decent lives. Forget them not in your mercy
I do pray Lord God Almighty, and prepare a home of eternal
Blessing for each and every one of them.
Lord God – The children of Noah praise your name. We lift
Up the name of Yahweh and declare that he is God and that
There is no other. Heavenly Father, we will serve you for
All eternity, building a Haven of Salvation in your name, a
Haven of love, peace and prosperity, in true service to your
Eternal Glory. We will feed the hungry, nurse the sick and
Wounded, give homes to the homeless, and give peace and
Love to the broken of heart. We will care for all as you have
Cared for us, and we pray watch over us eternally for we are
The sheep of your eternal pasture, the children of mankind,
And we need you in all our weaknesses and all our struggles.
A Psalm of Daniel
Psalm 6
Beyond Azion lie the children of Adam in the Realm of Infinity
For Beyond Azion is Azaphon, the Heart of Infinity
And the Onaphim of God Live in the Heart of Infinity
For Azaphon is the Golden City
And Nadrazon is the Silver City
And Daron is the Bronze City
And in the Realm of Eternity, Zaphon is the Heart of Eternity
For Azion is the Heart of Heaven
Where the Children of Heaven Dwell
And there is much righteousness
And there is much love
Beyond Azion lie the children of Adam in the Realm of Infinity
For Beyond Azion is Azaphon, the Heart of Infinity
And the Onaphim of God Live in the Heart of Infinity
For Azaphon is the Golden City
And Nadrazon is the Silver City
And Daron is the Bronze City
And in the Realm of Eternity, Zaphon is the Heart of Eternity
And the Children of Adam and Eve dwell on the Discs of Azaphon
And the Children of Adam and Eve dwell on the Discs of Nadrazon
And the Children of Adam and Eve dwell on the Discs of Daron
And there is much righteousness
And there is much love
Praise Yahweh Forever
Praise Yahweh Forever
Praise Yahweh Forever
A Psalm of Daniel
Psalm 7
Wisdom is Truth
Wisdom is Truth
Wisdom is Truth
Wisdom is Truth
In praise of Wisdom
Praise the God of Truth
In Praise of Wisdom
Praise the God of Truth
Wisdom is Love
Wisdom is Love
The Heart of a Dove
Wisdom is Love
In praise of Wisdom
Praise the God of Love
The Truth from Above
The God of Love
A Psalm of Daniel
Psalm 8
Praise God
Praise the God of Noah
Praise the Immortal Creator
Praise him now and forever
Lord God
You keep faith with those who keep your covenant
Your holiest covenant given to our father Noah
Each generation who swear by the Lord the Almighty One
Who amongst the unbelievers affirm the rainbow
Who amongst the unbelievers affirm the promises of God
Receive your attention
Receive your blessing
Receive your love
We Praise you, Almighty God
We Praise you, God of Noah
We Praise you, Immortal Creator
We Praise you, now and forever
A Psalm of Daniel
Psalm 9
Almighty God
The Children of Noah
Praise your Name
Almighty God
The Children of Noah
Worship your Glory
Almighty God
The Children of Noah
Cherish your Spirit
Almighty God
The Children of Noah Give thanks for your kindness
Almighty God
The Children of Noah
Adore your Love
Almighty God
The Children of Noah
Need you now
And Forever
A Psalm of Daniel
Psalm 10
Lord God
Grant us Victory
Grant us Success
Help us to Triumph over our opposition
Help us to be undefeated
Lord God
Make us Champions
Champions of the World
Champions, Victorious
Honour bearers of True Glory
For in the name of Yahweh
Comes our triumph
In the name of Yahweh
We have true success
A Psalm of Daniel
Psalm 11
Lord God
Embellish our lives with Quality
Embellish our lives with Excellence
Place within our hearts and minds
A spirit of greatness
A spirit which accomplishes and produces things of merit
Make us a living example
Of the goodness and virtue a child of God is capable of
Produce within us an accomplishment
Of outstanding reputation
Of amazing superiority
Bless us lord God
And through us bless others
For the glory of your name
For the glory of Yahweh
A Psalm of Daniel
Psalm 12
Lord God
Let us burn brightly
Brightly full of Glory
Lut us burn brightly
Brightly as the Sun
Let us burn brightly
Brightly like the Glories of heaven
Let us burn brightly
Brightly to shine for all time
Lord God
Have your hand upon us
Those who call on your name
And let us burn as a flame
A flame of your amazing love
A flame of your amazing glory
Lord God
Have your hand upon us
And produce within us
A work of superlative, amazing, glorious majesty
A Psalm of Daniel Psalm 13
Lord God
Help me to think orderly
Help me to think rationally
Help me to think logically
Help me to think wisely
Help me to think truthfully
Help me to think compassionately
Help me to think lovingly
Help me to think caringly
Help me to think mercifully
Help me to think prudently
Help me to think carefully
Help me to think soberly
Help me to think humbly
Help me to think faithfully
Help me to think righteously
Help me to think spiritually
Help me to think perfectly
Lord God
Help me to order my thoughts
Each and every day
In a way which is pleasing to you
And brings me into good stead with you
My fellow man
And the community of eternal life
A Psalm of Daniel
Psalm 14
Lord God
Help me to love you
Open my heart and turn it towards the power of love
Open my soul and transfix it by the beauty of your loving kindness
Teach me to love gently
Teach me to love passionately
Teach me to love gracefully
Teach me to love perfectly
Help me to love you
Help me to love others
Let my heart be for the lost
Let my heart be for the found
Let my heart love the young
Let my heart love the old
Let my heart love in the morning
Let my heart love in the evening
Teach my heart to open it up to all who need grace in this life
Teach my heart to give love freely to those who are lonely
Teach my heart to show love to all who need a friendly smile
Teach my heart to be loving to all who just need a hug
Lord God
Let your love, most of all, be the central part of my life
Let your love, most of all, be the genuine part of me
The True part of me
The Real part of me
Let your love guide this lonely heart
To the shores of Eternal Salvation
And guide my ship of love
Each loving day
Each loving night
Eternally in love with you
My Lord
And Saviour
A Psalm of Daniel
Psalm 15
Praise God
Praise God
Praise God
Praise God
Praise God
Praise God
Praise God
Praise God
Praise God
Praise God
Praise God
Praise God
Praise God
Praise God
Praise God
Praise God
Praise God
Praise God
Praise God
Praise God
Praise God
Praise God
Praise God
Praise God
Praise God
Praise God
Praise God
Praise God
Praise God
Praise God
Praise God
Praise God
Praise God
Praise God
Praise God
Praise God
Praise God
Praise God
Praise God
Praise God
Praise God
Praise God
Praise God
Praise God
Praise God
A Psalm of Daniel
Psalm 16
Lord God
I thank you for making me happy
I praise you for giving joy to my soul
I adore you for the peace I have found
I worship you for the gladness my heart resounds with
Lord God
You are kind and loving
And I thank you for never leaving me nor forsaking me
In all my trials
In all my struggles
In all my weaknesses
You are God
The strength of my right hand
The deliverer of my salvation
I praise you forever
And lift up your name as holy
A Psalm of Daniel
Psalm 17
Allah Eloah Elohim El Shaddai
God Almighty
Creator of Heaven and Earth
Deity Supreme
Sovereign Adonai of Triumph
Majestic Lord of Strength
Most Beautiful King of Glory
Amazing God of Majesty
We praise you
We lift you up
We shout with our hearts
Praise be to God
Maker of Heaven and Earth
Praise be to his Glory
A Psalm of Daniel
Psalm 18
Creator of the Universe
Guide me to have the right knowledge
Guide me to have the correct knowledge
Guide me to have the true knowledge
Help me to make sensible decisions every day
Help me to get along with my fellow man
Embellish my day with sensible things
I pray
Place within my every day routine
A sensible pace of activity
Enshrouded with your wisdom
Enshrouded with your loving concern
Grant me the knowledge
Which makes me choose sensible things to do each day
To do them well
To do them correctly
And to have Godly routines in life
Were everything goes according to plan
In the decisions I make
In the plans I prepare
In the way of life and routines I establish
And through doing my work, each day, appropriately
And in the correct ways and manners
Not shirking
Not being lazy
I bring happiness to my life
Through acknowledging your guiding hand
And the truth of working according to your wisdom
In my everyday ways and routines
A Psalm of Daniel
Psalm 19
Lord God
Bless us with a repentant Heart
Turn us unto a lawful lifestyle
Remind us to apologize when we should apologize
Remind us to say sorry when we know we have said or done something wrong
Turn us unto the law of reconciliation
Bless us with your forgiveness
A Psalm of Daniel
Psalm 20
Lord God
Bless our worlds doctors
Bless our worlds nurses
Bless our worlds health workers
Bless our worlds chemists
Bless our worlds surgeons
Bless our worlds psychiatrists
Bless our worlds psychologists
Bless our worlds dentists
Bless our worlds wardens
Bless our worlds medics
Bless our worlds medical researchers
Lord God
Guide all who are dedicated
To the healing arts
To minister their work faithfully
For the health and lifestyle of our human community
Have your hand upon them to do their work professionally
Have your hand upon them to do their work in love
Bless our Carers
We Pray and hum
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Daniel Daly
12/15/13 Dearest Elohim
By your grace I formally make the following Prayer Requests.
Bless the economies of the 7 Sovereign Nations of:  UK, USA, Canada, Guyana, NZ, Australia & Ireland as well as the economies of the registered nations in the United Nations
Continue to improve the architectural standards of cities like Dubai and so forth, and implant such desires for improvements in architecture worldwide to all the great cities of earth (and heaven)
Continue to bless our workers in public servant positions, especially garbagemen, recyclists, street cleaners and others responsible for keeping our worlds cities clean and beautiful
Bless those who are underprivileged and lead them to economic success in life
Rebuke the wicked and uplift the righteous
Develop the sports of the Olympic and Commonwealth Games and their communities and bring these competitions to a yearly event.
Bless sporting clubs worldwide and promote these ideas to nations which do not have a strong sporting focus as of yet
Bless chess clubs, sword and sorcery adventure clubs, board games clubs, wargaming clubs, bridge clubs, card games clubs, craft clubs, scrabble clubs, RPG clubs and SF/Fantasy books as well as Comic Clubs worldwide I pray, and promote these clubs on a growing and permanent worldwide basis to every nation.  Please help people volunteer their own goods to these clubs and keep these clubs private where necessary, protect their resources and assets and make them a source of comfort, peace and joy and, I pray, please presence yourself amongst these clubs.  Amen and Amen.
Bless nightclubs, dance clubs, clubs, poker clubs, gambling clubs, X-Rated clubs, Sex clubs and other 'Nightlife' types of clubs with regulative activity according to the laws of their nations, and also with a lawful spirit where necessary to make sure not too many shenanigans occur.
Bless cafes, restaurants, hospitality places and other dining experience places with solid hospitality, good service, good prices, excellent food, and good customers.  Bless the hospitality industry greatly in EVERY world nation I pray.
&, Finally, teach the world the truths of the Karaite Adamide-Noahide faith I earnestly pray.
Daniel Daly
12/15/13 - show quoted text - And in honour of this prayer request I offer these 7 psalms again. - show quoted text -
Daniel Daly
12/15/13 Dear God
Please Bless Amazingly!!!!
Comic clubs worldwide. Have members pool resources, and have central locations for the activity of the club established in ongoing AFFORDABLE rents, and PURCHASES were possible by richer club members.  Have canteens/cantinas, snack machines etc available for these private clubs and keep all members very strict and private about the ongoing affairs and operations of the club and protect greatly from theft and accidents the physical assets of the club, especially the comics. Make these places a den of fantasy and excitement in discussion, presence yourself there, and let comics be read and adored in such clubs.
I pray to you HOLY Elohim that you would greatly answer this prayer request and make an economy out of this prayer request.
Daniel Daly
12/15/13 Dear God
Please BLESS and give work to
Doctors Nurses Public Servants Barmen Wardsmen Lawyers Plumbers Accountants Clerical Assistants Admi officers Database Workers Data Entry Workers Supermarket Workers Fast Food workers (and please continue to improve the health quality of such products) Mtre 10 Workers Bunnings Workers Woolworths Workers BMW Workers Mercedes Benz Workers Aston Martin Workers Holden Workers Toyota Workers Ford Workers Qantas Workers TAA Workers Ansett Workers Virgin Workers Warner Brothers Workers Paramount Workers New Line Cinema Wokers Actors Actresses Singers Songwriters Bands CD companies CD stores Records stores Itunes Computer stores Blackberry phones Nokia phones Optus Telstra Motorola Phones LG Electronics Palsonic workers Panasonic Workers Sony Workers Philipps Workers Bush Workers Dyson Workers Hoover Workers (and improve their quality please) SEGA workers Nintendo workers Commodore Computers Workers Amstrad workers 1980s computers workers (and revive these platforms I earnestly pray) X Box workers Neo Geo workers Sony Playstation Workers The various 80s, 90s and 00s video game console machines workers and this industry and continue on with older platforms and resucitate them I pray Bless the economies of Africa and Asia to produce games in large quantities of high quality games in English for the world markets for these platforms, but Especially bless the UK market for games Unemployed people who just want to work and get a good income Underemployed people who need better work to further their income and living standards Disabled people who can work certain types of jobs Peoples own initiatives that they show in trying to make a career for themselves Architect firms BP Industries Solar power technology industries Wind farm technology industries Hydro-electric technology industries Engineering workers Teachers Primary Teachers Secondary Teachers Tertiary Teachers Politicians Priests Reverends Rabbis Hakhams Clerics Religious Deacons Soft Drink manufacturing workers IT workers ICT workers graphic design workers
And all the established new industries, new types of work positions, and older ones from the ages past as well, with ONGOING and GOOD and PERMANENT WORK, AND IMPROVE THIS WORLD ON AN ONGOING BASIS, WE HUMBLY ASK OF YOU
Daniel Daly
12/15/13 Dear God
By your grace may you please answer the following prayer requests on behalf of 7DF - the 7 Divine Fellowships of Karaite Adamide-Noahide faith.
Bless 7DF with:
Partners in marriage and children Prosperity in general Economic success in life Good and prosperous homes and families Good employment contracts with Government Public Service Departments Good employment contracts with Private Companies Good employment contracts with Private Firms Work as Lawyers Work as Doctors Work as Nurses Work as Wardsmen in hospitals Work as Plumbers Work as Carpenters Work as Electricians Work as CEO's Work as Chairmen of the Board Work in NRL Bulldogs Club Work in AFL Hawthorn Club Work as Garbagemen Work as Salesmen Work as Gigolo's Work as Prostitutes Work as Working Girl's Work as Escorts Work as Models Work as Pop Stars Work as Actors Work as Actresses Work as Theologians Work as Authors Work as Book Publishers Work as Administrative Assistants Work as IT Officers Work as ICT Officers Work as Philosophers Work as Welders Work as Boilermakers Work as Sailors Work as Pilots Work as Surgeons Work as Teachers Work as Primary Teachers Work as Special Ed Teachers Work as Child Care Workers Work as Kindergarten Workers Work as Infants School Workers and Teachers Work as Secondary School Workers and Teachers Work as Tertiary Level workers and Teachers Work as Cleaners Work as Businessmen Work as Businesswomen Work as McDonalds Workers Work as KFC workers Work as Hospitality workers Work as Mental Health Workers Work as Psychologists Work as Psychiatrists Work as Circus workers Work as Entertainers Work as Hungry Jack's workers Work as Fast Food Industry Workers Work as Barmen Work as Bartenders Work as Movie Moguls Work as Movie Directors Work as Movie Producers Work as Musicians Work as Composers Work as Pianists Work as Flautists Work as Keyboarders Work as Guitarists Work as Mandolin Players Work as Tuba Players Work as Violinists Work as Viola Players Work as Members of the various instruments of the standard orchestras Work as Orchestra Conductors Work as Bus Drivers Work as Taxi Drivers Work in the Countries of USA UK Australia New Zealand Guyana Ireland Canada West Indies Nations India Pakistan Sri Lanka China Russia France Italy Germany Egypt Algeria Tunisia Morocco Venezuela Cuba Panama And all the nations of the United Nations
Also Please Bless 7DF with
Obedient children who study hard in their schooling years Obedient children who listen to their parents advice Healthy and fit children with no genetic defects Attractive children Happy children Joyful children Intelligent Children Smart Children Humble Children Playful Children Joyful Children Kind Children Humble Children Patient Children United Families Happy Families Wealthy Families Good parents with wise parenting skills Good parents with responsibility towards income Non-Drunkards Non-Alcoholics Moderate alcohol usage Minimum to moderate smoking usage Nil Illegal drug usage Conservative families on sexual ethics The acceptable degree of permissiveness by yourself on sexual ethics A good spirit in our families Successful sporting families Community-oriented families Holidaying families who holiday the right amount without going to extremes on this pleasure Working families who don't get addicted to work but keep it in sensible moderation and balance Peaceful families Kind families Loving families Just Families Fair families
Also please bless 7DF with
Creativity and creation of original designs, published works, artworks, video games, movies, musical compositions, plays, screenplays, photographs, inventions, electronic inventions, advertisements, comic authors, comic inkers, comic lettererst, comic artists, comic pencillers, comic editors, comic plotters, comics layout artists, Magazine writers, sporting magazine writers, ladies magazine writers, puzzle book creations, crossword book creations, logic problems books creations, board games designs, role playing games designs, Sega Megadrive Games designs, Commodore 64 games designs, architectural designs, carpentry designs, etc
Also please bless 7DF with
A good reputation A good work ethic A good and pleasant attitude to yourself Contribuing to the needs of society when and were we are capable of doing so
A happy life and eternity Eternal joy and salvation A huge load of possessions which make each member happy Good houses and abodes Good wealth Good prosperity Fame Fortune Nice Cars Nice clothes Nice Jewellery Nice shoes The good things in life The happy things in life The joyful things in life Good club memberships Success in sporting competitions, especially at a world level Contributions to charities on an ongoing basis Concern for mankind Concern for the salvation of those seeking the truth Concern for our neighbour Concern for lawfulness Concern for God and Divine things.
Daniel Daly
12/15/13 Dear God
Please BLESS and give work to 7DF members, being:  1) Haven Noahide Fellowship, 2) Assembly of the Divine Creator; 3) Universal Faith Assembly; 4) Assembly of the Living God; 5) Universal Truth Assembly; 6) Assembly of the Most High and 7) Haven Adamide Fellowship, in the future (in both earth and heaven)
In the following Industries - show quoted text - Clerics Hakhams Religious Deacons Soft Drink manufacturing workers IT workers ICT workers graphic design workers
And all the established new industries, new types of work positions, and older ones from the ages past as well, with ONGOING and GOOD and PERMANENT WORK, AND IMPROVE THIS 7DF WORLD ON AN ONGOING BASIS, WE HUMBLY ASK OF YOU
Daniel Daly
12/15/13 Dear God
Please bless 7DF members with
Good health Good teeth Good teeth cleanliness habits Good skin Good skin cleanliness habits Good washing habits Good handwashing habits Clean hair Clean bodies Healthy bodies Healthy lungs Healthy food intake Healthy drink intake A Good integumentary system A good circulatory system A good lymph system A good nervous system Good kidney health Good liver health Good intestine health Good genital health Good rectum health Good bone system Good bone health Good cartilage system and health Good fingernails and toe nails health protection from losing body parts through careful analysis of dangers and hazards in life which can lead to problem situations, including the losing of limbs and other body parts good occupational health and safety knowledge and good concern for such things, especially legal ramifications good concern for other peoples health in society and mankinds health as a whole concern for doctors and other health care professionals advice sensible acquisition of health care books for the home library good eye health good hand and arms and fingers health good leg and foot and toes health good brain health good tongue health good teeth health good lips health good body as a whole health good stomach health Good weight management acceptable weight non anorexic and non obese health weight good tonsils health good appendix health good hair health good plasma health good cell health good growth health good hormone health good glands health good skeletal health good nose health good nasal health good snoring health good talking health good throat health good larynx health good body health in general throughout life good psychological and psychiatric health good mental health good anatomical health good, happy and whole bodies and access to medical health and help, especially in emergencies, when needed.
PLEASE Amen and Amen Alleluia
Daniel Daly
On Sunday, December 15, 2013 10:38:57 PM UTC+11, Daniel Daly wrote: Dear God
Please bless 7DF members with
Good health good digestive health good farting health good defacating health good sexual health protection from diseases protection from accidents caution in the company we keep around people who could endanger our life safe lives safe homes safety and protection for their homes safety and protection for their bodies safety and protection for their genitalia and sexual and reproductive health of their bodies safety from mental harm safety from physical harm safety from emotional harm safety from psychological harm safety from fear safe houses protected houses secure houses secure, safe and protected assets in houses safety and divine protection from thieves guardian angels/spirit to protect our bodies and persons good psychic health good intuitive health good health wisdom good and health bodies non-tatooed bodies non-piercings on bodies responsible health attitudes towards our bodies good air health and living in good air regions protection from bombs and radiation poisonings and other adverse dangers which can damage our health living in safe envirnoments were natural disasters do not occur or only occur in minimum ways to affect our lifestyles protection from all types of harm good humility because of the safety and protection we are under and eternal gratitude to God for gracing us with good health good contributions to charities involved with safety and health issues protection and good health for all other parts of the bodies not listed in this prayer and the prior ones.
Please by your great grace Dear God AMEN
Daniel Daly
12/15/13 Dear God
Please bless 7DF with excellence in the following fields of education knowledge and qualifications and industry practice and experience etc:
Antarctica Studies
Tolkien Knowledge
SF/Fantasy Knowledge
Comics Knowledge
Trading Cards Knowledge
Christian Music Knowledge
Biblical Knowledge
War Planes Knowledge
Royal Family Knowledge
Celtic Music Knowledge
Twilight Knowledge
Harry Potter Knowledge
Star Wars Knowledge
Movie Knowledge
Star Trek Knowledge
Presenting Service - Presentation in Hospitality industry excellence
Baby care knowledge - raising baby knowledge and healthcare knowledge
Cricketing knowledge
Rugby League Knowledge
Rugby Union Knowledge
Basketball Knowledge
Names Knowledge
Golf knowledge
Marilyn Monroe Knowledge
Mental Health Wellness Knowledge
Diseases Knowledge
Lady Gaga Knowledge
Bon Jovi Knowledge
Queen Knowledge
Heavy Metal Knowledge
Hard Rock Knowledge
Pop Knowledge
Pop Culture Knowledge
Plumbing Knowledge
Photography Knowledge
Please, by your grace, AMEN
Daniel Daly
On Sunday, December 15, 2013 11:30:56 PM UTC+11, Daniel Daly wrote: Dear God
Please bless 7DF with excellence in the following fields of education knowledge and qualifications and industry practice and experience etc:
Human Development Knowledge
Legal Studies Knowledge
Physics Knowledge
English Literature Knowledge
Please, by your grace, AMEN
Daniel Daly
12/16/13 Dear God
I pray for the David Fellow - the Messianic sort of fellow - I pray the following blessing upon his life, should he indeed dwell on earth:
* A constant spending on the 10 cent books at Vinnies stores around Australia for the rest of his life, to claim a minimum of 40,000 books
* A constant spending on the cheapo CDs at the second hand, charity and revolution type stores, to accumulate $50,000 worth of CDs (in current 2013 indexed realities)
* A constant spending on CEX and Revolution stores and types of stores affordable and decent quality video games, to accumulate $20,000 worth of such things (in currente 2013 indexed realities)
* A puritanical devotion to filing in gaps on his Marvel Comics collection for all relevant issues since January cover date 1999
* Very good health
* A loving family
* Happiness, peace and joy
* An excellent collection of Raiders NRL trading cards going back to the beginning of the Canberra raiders in 1981, as well as an excellent collection of sports and comics trading cards from all eras
* An excellent collection of Cricket, Rugby League and AFL sporting equipment, magazines, books and paraphernalia
Please By your Grace In Adam and Noah's name AMEN
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lokoleyacongo · 26 days
Opposition to U.S. Christian Zionism
An interfaith group protests the Christian Zionism of Christians United for Israel at the organization’s summit July 29. (RNS photo/Jack Jenkins) In a coast to coast tour of the U.S., the Palestinian Lutheran Pastor Rev. Munther Isaac, delivered the message to U.S. Christians and their leaders that our “Silence is Complicity”.  Citing our unconditional official support for Israel’s War on Gaza…
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