#chris powell trainer wiki
fatday · 2 years
Lose weight while having fun, it's possible!
Summer is fast approaching and like every year, it's time to get rid of the few pounds accumulated during the winter. For this, there is no need to go on a drastic diet, or diet meals because in addition to the frustration due to deprivation, you will be twice as tempted by snacking. But is there a way to lose weight while having fun? Well yes ! Sens original will give you the keys to following a diet with a smile! Weight loss by eating almost everything, how to do it? Few people manage to permanently lose their pounds without regaining them after a diet. Here are some tips to get there: Healthy eating: the right meal plan This is clearly the basis: a healthy diet really helps to lose weight. So avoid “junk food”: pizzas, hamburgers, kebabs….. and opt for more varied meals with the right amounts of carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins. Of course the ideal is to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables (especially in case of cravings) and to avoid snacking between meals.
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Also take the time to cook your meals yourself rather than buying ready-made meals from supermarkets: they contain a lot of salt, sugars, and other hydrogenated fats that promote weight gain. Finally, as far as possible, also avoid buying first-price products: they often contain very low quality raw materials, sometimes even without nutritional value. Your appetite will therefore never be satisfied and you will constantly want to eat. And organic in all this? Is it really better? Let it be said: an organic pizza has as many (or even sometimes more) calories than a supermarket pizza! The organic designation allows the consumption of products less infected by pesticides and GMOs, but the caloric values ​​are not reduced. Nevertheless, organic fruits and vegetables are of better quality than those from supermarkets and sometimes tastier, which will give you much more taste pleasure when consuming! Organic products are just healthier than industrial products because they are less stuffed with salts, hydrogenated fats, etc. A diet meal is not the best way to lose weight. Practice a sporting activity at least twice a week and relearn how to eat a balanced diet to have a refined and firmer figure all year round. Let it be said for sport: you need a program with a goal. Without it, you will quickly lose the motivation, the desire and the pleasure of practicing. With practice, playing sports will become second nature. Thanks to a healthy diet and sufficient hydration (organic green tea is very good), you put the odds on your side to lose weight and keep it off. What if you lost your excess pounds while having fun while eating? Rather than opting for a drastic diet, there is an effective way to lose weight with a smile. A healthy diet is the basis for refining your figure, rather than turning to Junk Food and snacking, prefer vegetables and fruits. By cooking your own meals, you reduce the amounts of sugar, salt and fat you eat. Also be aware that an organic product does not mean that it has fewer calories, it is sometimes even the opposite. So if you want to lose weight effectively, rebalance your diet with a sports activity in addition.
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health37master · 2 years
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