#chris powell married
fatday · 2 years
Lose weight while having fun, it's possible!
Summer is fast approaching and like every year, it's time to get rid of the few pounds accumulated during the winter. For this, there is no need to go on a drastic diet, or diet meals because in addition to the frustration due to deprivation, you will be twice as tempted by snacking. But is there a way to lose weight while having fun? Well yes ! Sens original will give you the keys to following a diet with a smile! Weight loss by eating almost everything, how to do it? Few people manage to permanently lose their pounds without regaining them after a diet. Here are some tips to get there: Healthy eating: the right meal plan This is clearly the basis: a healthy diet really helps to lose weight. So avoid “junk food”: pizzas, hamburgers, kebabs….. and opt for more varied meals with the right amounts of carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins. Of course the ideal is to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables (especially in case of cravings) and to avoid snacking between meals.
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Also take the time to cook your meals yourself rather than buying ready-made meals from supermarkets: they contain a lot of salt, sugars, and other hydrogenated fats that promote weight gain. Finally, as far as possible, also avoid buying first-price products: they often contain very low quality raw materials, sometimes even without nutritional value. Your appetite will therefore never be satisfied and you will constantly want to eat. And organic in all this? Is it really better? Let it be said: an organic pizza has as many (or even sometimes more) calories than a supermarket pizza! The organic designation allows the consumption of products less infected by pesticides and GMOs, but the caloric values ​​are not reduced. Nevertheless, organic fruits and vegetables are of better quality than those from supermarkets and sometimes tastier, which will give you much more taste pleasure when consuming! Organic products are just healthier than industrial products because they are less stuffed with salts, hydrogenated fats, etc. A diet meal is not the best way to lose weight. Practice a sporting activity at least twice a week and relearn how to eat a balanced diet to have a refined and firmer figure all year round. Let it be said for sport: you need a program with a goal. Without it, you will quickly lose the motivation, the desire and the pleasure of practicing. With practice, playing sports will become second nature. Thanks to a healthy diet and sufficient hydration (organic green tea is very good), you put the odds on your side to lose weight and keep it off. What if you lost your excess pounds while having fun while eating? Rather than opting for a drastic diet, there is an effective way to lose weight with a smile. A healthy diet is the basis for refining your figure, rather than turning to Junk Food and snacking, prefer vegetables and fruits. By cooking your own meals, you reduce the amounts of sugar, salt and fat you eat. Also be aware that an organic product does not mean that it has fewer calories, it is sometimes even the opposite. So if you want to lose weight effectively, rebalance your diet with a sports activity in addition.
Click here to no about how to lose weight
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haven-of-dusk · 10 months
Alright, it's come to my attention that there are those who do not understand the raw babygirl energy of Richard Montlaur. So here are some Janchard headcanons to right the wrongs that rive my heart.
- Jan was (privately, he'd never show it) nervous about Richard's body count when they started dating, until he found out that it's all a media exaggeration. Less than 10% of Richard's dates result in sex because he's gentlemanly enough to just go with whatever the person he's spending time with wants to do. Just eat a big meal and chat? He's down. Drink wine and watch Pixar movies? He's your man. Scroll through each others' dating apps? He's an open book. If you want to have the hot steamy sex? He'll give you a transcendent experience. So when Jan's nervous about possibly rushing things, he's pleasantly surprised to find that Richard is immensely patient and respectful.
- I mean the sex is still wonderful once they start, Richard is as much an animal in bed as he is a deadly warrior on the pitch, but again, only when and to what extent his partner wants to.
- Richard insists on big spooning sometimes, which more often than not just looks like they fell asleep while Jan was giving him a piggyback ride, but neither of them mind.
- There's one night a week where Jan gets to cook dinner, mostly because it's cuisines Richard is unfamiliar with (and most of it is Dutch Food). Otherwise, it's Richard's kitchen.
- With the other notable exception that Jan makes excellent pastries. He doesn't even remember where he learned the art, but if Richard ever opened a resturant/bistro, Jan would be in charge of all the baking.
- The wine cellar is split into three sections, usable for any occasion, private collection (the good stuff), private collection that can only be consumed when with Jan and only Jan(the exquisite stuff). Dani once brought up the wrong bottle and almost ended up in the treatment room.
- For mutual annoyance and enjoyment, Richard constantly calls Jan 'Mijn Geliefde' and Jan constantly calls Richard 'Mon Amour'
- At one point old private photos of Richard got leaked, and in response Jan attempted to do a press conference nude. They were barely able to stop him, but the whole team saw everything. Richard initially felt horribly guilty for this, thinking he'd inadvertently pressured Jan somehow, but Jan assured him that it was entirely his own idea and if anything Jan was just mad he didn't get to 'keep Richard to himself' anymore. The one unfortunate consequence was forgetting to tell Will not to touch anything in the boot room prior to them getting a chance to...*ahem*, clean up.
- They have the absolute nerdiest couple costumes (think like dressing up as Alan Turing and the Enigma Machine level dweeby).
- Richard thought Jan's family wouldn't like him, so he brought multiple gifts of food, beverage, and other stuff to compensate. Some of it went to waste because it was forgotten in favor of the Maas family excitedly showing Richard every baby picture and sharing every embarrassing story they could collectively come up with.
- The team got them 'Maas-Montlaur' jerseys as an anniversary present (before they were married ftr) in jest. Chris Powell and Arlo White were very confused when the jerseys began appearing regularly during matches.
- Richard falling asleep while Jan's giving him a piggyback ride is not an uncommon occurrence. And just in general, Richard finds Jan's hair to be a very comfortable pillow (bus rides, hotel rooms, literally anywhere).
- Richard slipping into French whenever he gets emotional, upset, or even just excited became MORE frequent because Jan took over translation duty from Zoreaux and was so good he could even sometimes predict words before they were spoken.
- Jan is unable to sleep on bus or plane rides unless Richard is seated next to him and already asleep.
- One time, an on-site commentator heavily criticized Jan's defending and even attempted to coin the term 'the Flopping Dutchman'. The day ended with a red card for Richard and a pattern since of commentators choosing their words VERY carefully when discussing Richmond's defense.
I have more, but I'll stop here for now.
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choiceswithmika · 7 months
The Freshman x The Royal Romance CrossOver Series
Rating: Mature
Summary: The Freshman and The Royal Romance Series from Pixelberrry Studios (Choices). What if The Freshman Gang and The Royal Romance Dream Team all met and even being in each other's lives through out after Hartfied and Cordonia. Are they going to get along well and even make friendships? Are they going to work together? or... this might not end well for both groups?.. A Crossover series of two well known choices books and they all meet/reunion after two to three years..
Characters: Mikaylyn Ortega, Zig Ortega, Chris Powell, Kaitlyn Liao, Zack Zilburg, Abbie Bishop, Rebecca Davenport, Tyler Allan, James Ashton, Will Williams, Sumi Ayashi, Liam Rys, Hana Lee, Maxwell Beaumont, Drake Walker, Olivia Nevrakis
- Zig and Mikaylyn are married
- TRR Mc is a guy, Will Williams and King Liam Rye are getting married.
- Abbie and James are dating
- Sumi is Mikaylyn's best friend that was not a Hartfeld student but gets along with everyone else
- The Freshman Gang are graduates
- Will Williams are still friends with Sumi, Mikaylyn and The Freshman Gang but have not met up ever since Will moved out of the state.
Warnings: NSFW, Swearing, Sensitive topics like harassment, emotion abuse and more.
Word Count: 1729
Chapter One: The Freshman Gang's POV
It was a lovely day in the city, the gang all had graduated from Hartfied and living in their new lives. Mikaylyn and her friends are living happily in their lives since graduation. Right now seems like the group all had been reunited in a buffet restaurant after a while last time they all met up. Everyone seems like having a good time by talking and having fun conversation. Some conversations were deep as continuing to have a conversation. 
"Hey guys! Check this out!" Chris says as he showed his phone to everyone at the table. 
It was a news article about King Liam Rys and Will Williams together. Mikaylyn and Sumi looked into Chris's phone and both realized that Will was getting married. Everyone else was invested about them while Sumi and Mikaylyn overthinks this, they used to have a trio with Will but when he had to leave their state to Cordonia, they kind of stopped talking to each other but they were still considered friends despite that. 
"Man.. How has it been?" Mikaylyn ask as looking at Sumi.
"I think.. like a year or two?" Sumi answered.
"Wait about what?" Zig asked. 
Mikaylyn sigh then takes a deep breath. 
"Me and Sumi used to know Will actually. He is still our friend but when he moved to Cordonia, it kind of changed and we all stopped talking to each other." Mikaylyn explains. 
Zig wrapped an arm around Mikaylyn's waist and gives her a reassuring smile. He then talks to Mikaylyn his sweet tone as looking into her eyes while holding her hand rubbing it with his thumb as he tighten her waist a little bit.
"I'm sure he still remembers you or us since Will met me before but look Mikay... It will be okay amor just remember he still is the same annoying man we knew." Zig says in an amusement trying to light up Mikaylyn's mood by saying his banter jokes about Will. It worked though, Mikaylyn chuckled a little and smiled then looks at Zig smiling.
"Yeah... You're right Zig.. I have nothing to worry.." Mikaylyn says in her normal tone that everyone knows her for.
Zig nods his head and he softly smiles, "That's my girl." Zig says in his sweet tone.
"Hey! I got an idea! We should totally go see Cordonia." Zack says with a grin.
Everyone stared at Zack with a shock, surprise and disbelief look on their faces. Like they think what Zack just said was either a stupid idea or is he actually crazy. The slience tells it all then a few minutes later Becca speaks up first. 
"Uhm. I think you are insane or double insane because huh?!" Becca says in her reaction of confused and conflict with disappointed facial expression. 
"For once, seconded because you know we are literally asking for a death wish and seeing a king and his people or friends that are literally well known everywhere!" Tyler says. 
"Okay. but Mikaylyn is famous and she has no problem with it." Zack says being defensive.
Mikaylyn then spoke up, "Zack, there is a difference with being well known writer and heroes in a kingdom. I think you are crazy for going to Cordonia, like.. there's no way we'll be accepted!" Mikaylyn stated. 
"Okay but like do you have any other ideas?" Zack said with a pointed look at Mikaylyn.
"Okay but at least we gotta let Will know that this is happening." Kaitlyn stated.
"I got it." Mikaylyn said as she got her phone out then texted Will.
It took a few minutes and after Mikaylyn putted her phone away, she looked at her friends and husband.
"Well.. Will said we can go to Cordonia in a week for his wedding with the king." Mikaylyn stated.
"But... is the King like going to be okay with it?.. More likely I am nervous of meeting the other members there.." Abbie says nervously.
"I meannn if I can meet the all time badass Olivia Nevrakis, that would be cool so I am down to give a kingdom a visit." Becca says in a small smirk on her face.
"Sooo am I a genius now?" Zack says grinning.
"I think this might be fun for all of us!" Chris says.
"Sure... But we never know what is going to happen so I say it'll be a experience.." James says.
"I guess we'll see each other at the airport next Wednesday?" Kaitlyn ask. 
Everyone nods their head in agreement.
As time went on, the dinner was over and everyone say their good byes. They all went into their separate ways, Mikaylyn and Zig headed to their car to drive home. It only took them like ten minutes to reach home. Zig parked the car in the driveway and stopped the engine. He then unlock the car for both Zig and Mikaylyn to walk out of the car and head inside. Mikaylyn gets out of the passenger seat as Zig does the same of the driver seat. They both linked their arms together and walks towards their house. They both then walk inside their house as Mikaylyn unlock the house door with the key. The couple took their time to be ready for bed since it was almost like 8:45 Pm at this time. When they finished getting ready for bed, they both hopped onto the bed and were now cuddling for a little while as talking to each other. 
"What do you think about Cordonia and I mean be totally honest with me.." Mikaylyn spoke as holding onto Zig as looking at him.
"My honest opinion? I think it'll look beautiful and fancy." Zig answers. 
Mikaylyn chuckled to Zig's answer.
"Of course hehe, I did not expect a different answer." Mikaylyn said smiling at Zig.
"Okay but babygirl think about this, I mean we are literally going to meet Will's future husband and his other friends there. It's like, we are meeting celebrities basically-" Zig said in his normal tone of reaction but bit shocking.
"Okay fair but you kind of know Liam but we have not met like you know everyone else like... Drake, Maxwell, Hana and Olivia." Mikaylyn stated.
"But we should see how this goes for all of us eh?" Mikaylyn added.
"Mhm but well we should sleep amor.." Zig says.
"Yeah alright.. Good night Mi querido esposo." Mikaylyn grins as she gives Zig one last kiss.
Zig grinned back at Mikaylyn and responded, "Good night Mi amada esposa." Zig kissed Mikaylyn's lips softly before laying down on the bed with his arms wrapped around Mikaylyn. 
Mikaylyn wrapped her arm around Zig's neck and falling asleep in his embrace. Zig does the same as he leans in closer pressed his side on Mikaylyn's peacefully now sleeping.
Time Skip: A Week Later At The Airport
Mikaylyn, Zig and their friends all met up in the airport with their bags packed, they all did the security gate and together as a group. When they went through the security, they all go walk together. Mikaylyn and Zig are holding hands, Abbie and James are holding hands as well while everyone else just talk and walk side by side.
"Okay.. so what number was our gate again?.." Sumi ask.
"I think.. Gate 9?" Tyler answers.
"Actually um.. Will texted me yesterday and told me that.. Liam was nice enough to helps us by getting into his private plane.." Mikaylyn stated.
Everyone stopped in their tracks and looked at Mikaylyn, even Zig who is still holding her hand was even shocked. 
"I'm sorry. Did you just say... PRIVATE?!" Zack shouts in shock. 
"Zack!!" Mikaylyn tried to calm him down.
"Wait.. Are you serious?.." Becca and James both ask at the same time in their shock tone. 
Mikaylyn showed everyone her phone of the text message from Will. Everyone was stunned to speak.
"Okay.. This is already scaring me.." Kaitlyn says. 
"Uh girl? You mean this is great!!" Becca says.
"I never thought we would go in a private plane.. the only fancy good thing is first class and I always did not want to take first class-" Zig said in shock tone. 
"Well... Let's go enjoy the hell out of it!" Abbie says.
Everyone nods their heads and agrees by cheering 
The group all spent their time just doing last minute things on their phones and and devices before they all head to the airplane as walking towards the private plane gate. As soon everyone sees the plane in front of them they all stopped and looks at them with their mouth dropped. 
"Okay.. Will was not joking.." James stated. 
"I still can't believe that this is real.." Tyler says. 
"Seconded.." Chris added. 
"Well let's go guys!" Zack said excitingly as going into the plane first. 
Everyone stared at each other then all head inside the plan one by one. They all taken their seats and waited for the take off. The whole plane trip was kind of fun since a lot of things to eat and drink including good signal as well so everyone could go on their phones if they needed to. Zack and Tyler were playing video games on their switches. Becca was reading a magazine as Kaitlyn was listening to music. Sumi is drawing while Chris was reading a book. Abbie and James were cuddling in their seats taking a nap. Mikaylyn and Zig were holding onto each other as looking through the window while drinking some soda. 
"I never seen the ocean this big since the last time we traveled after Japan.." Mikaylyn stated.
"Yeah me either.. I never thought Cordonia would change my opinion of that besides Japan..' Zig adds. 
The rest of the flight was more smoothing than what everyone thought. It was also kind of an over night flight so everyone fell asleep in the plane on their seats as the sun went down. 
The next day though, the plane was landing in the Cordonia's private space for the plane to land, The gang realized that they made it to Cordonia.. One by one everyone gets up and walk out of the plane carefully to not bump into each other. As everyone walks out of the place. They all admire Cordonia and how beautiful the kingdom looks. 
"This is it..." Mikaylyn says as she held ZIg's hand. 
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eadanga · 1 month
The Press Secretary Part 16
Summary: Chris the mayor of town is married to his wife Becca. When he hires a new press secretary who happens to be his lost love old feelings resurface and Chris finds it hard to resist the desire he once had for her
Parings: ChrisxMC
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Chris sits at his desk looking through some papers when he gets a text message from Emily
Hi Chris
Hey baby what’s up
You should check the news
Oh no did the idiots do something again
Just check Chris
Chris sighs as he looks at the news and sees a conference held by Becca’s father
One reporter holds a microphone out “Mr. Davenport did your daughter’s recent divorce with Mayor Powell have anything to do with you backing up Sen Jamerson
Mr. Davenport waves a dismissive hand “Davenport industries choose the most qualified person to win the upcoming election I mean what has Chris Powell done for you as mayor? Absolutely nothing his policies all broken promises Sen Jamerson will bring this state into the future”
Chris rolls his eyes as he turns it off “Stupid” He grunted “I’ve done so many things they’re just petty people” He squares his shoulders “I’ll show them who has empty promises”
Becca walked out the bedroom doo as she watched Sen Jamerson leaving the house “Thank you so much for your help”
“It’s our pleasure” He waves and walks out the door
“Hi daddy how was your meeting?”
“Went well just introducing him to some stuff that’ll help him” He smirks “You’ll see Chris’s foolish campaign burn to ashes”
Becca nods “Yes we will” She sighs then smiles “We should also include his little whore too”
“Oh yes that’ll really bring it down good idea”
“But daddy don’t do it yet can I handle this”
“Of course”
Chris walks into the office his phone buzzes with a text message
Hi there
Chris grits his teeth
What do you want Becca
Oh don’t be like that I just wanna chat say café around 3pm
Why would I go anywhere with you
You will if you care about your precious little Emily
Don’t you dare do anything to her
Then meet me at the café
Chris’s nostrils fare as he stuffs his phone in his pocket Emily walks up to him concern in her face “What’s wrong?”
“Becca wants to meet at a café I don’t want to but she threatened you”
Emily frowns “What’s wrong with her? I’m coming with you”
“No Em I really don’t want anything to happen to you”
“Nothing will I’ll come in disguise and record everything that way if she tries anything we got her red handed”
Chris smiles “Ok detective but so up a little bit after I come in so she doesn’t see you”
“Of course Chris”
They down to the café and Emily immediately spots Becca “Ok Chris you go in you’re all wired up just in case she spots me”
“Thanks Em I love you”
“I love you too now go get her”
Chris walks into the café and Emily waits a bit before she heads in making sure she covers her face
“Chris baby”
“Cut the chit chat and tell me why I’m here we settled everything in our divorce peacefully so why are you so hell bent on bothering me?”
“Well maybe if you hadn’t cheated on me”
“Yes and I own up to that mistake I shouldn’t have done in while we were married”
“You’re damn right now I’ll keep all that and Emily out of the news if you do one thing for me”
“What’s that?”
“I want you to dump her publicly and make sure everyone sees it then you can tell everyone that we got back together and that we’re trying for a baby”
“There’s no way I’m doing that”
“You can and you will I have pictures from your little affair that I’ll release imagine everything worked on crumble such a shame”
Chris clenches his fists “I can’t believe I got married to you biggest mistake of my life”
“No Chris you’re biggest mistake was leaving me and now I’m gonna make you regret it I’m not gonna let you two live happily ever after” She stands “Just think about my offer Chris and let me know what you decided and make it fast I don’t want to wait long” She flips her hair and struts out the café
Chris leans against his chair as he sighs “Did you get all that?”
“I did but does she really have pictures?”
“I wouldn’t put it pass her”
“Well we can’t release this audio without those pictures she can still spread them around and ruin our reputation”
“You’re right we’re gonna need some help to see if she’s lying or not”
Tags: @indiacater @mfackenthal @choicesgodfanatic @the-soot-sprite @darley1101 @jared2612
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veneredirose · 1 year
i just finished the sixth season of SWAT and let me say, this series is amazing i loved every single moment of this season. it never disappoints, nothing is too much, not a single thing ruined, i’m really happy atm.
possible spoilers of SWAT:
so let’s start saying there was a little lack in the plot. Chris not being there was sad, but i think Powell was a very interesting personage, and i’d love to know more about her. i hope the next season shows us her reconnection with her child, because she deserves to be happy; another thing i’d like to see is Tan with a girl that finally loves his, not that cheating girl that doesn’t deserves a thing. Street’s relationship with Chris is strange to immagine because there isn’t any scene of them together, so it was a little bit strange, and hearing they’re going to move in together… i don’t know man, i’m not sure what it’s going to happen. i also would like to see more scene of Commander Hicks with Maggie, i want them to be a real couple because with all the thing they’ve been through, they deserve to be happy. i didn’t get why at some point they stopped to show us the relationship between Luca and her sister Eva, i get that they didn’t have the best relationship, but why putting her personage away? i’m so happy Hondo and Nichelle finally had their baby, and are going to be married, i like them so much. Deacon’s personage it’s pretty much basic, it’s always the same every season, the best father you could ask for, the best husband, a great officer… boring after some time i guess, but i still like him after all. one thing i didn’t get is this switch between Powell and Cabrera, at some point i was lost, i didn’t understand who was who, what they were doing, which was the role for the two of them… completely lost :’).
in conclusion, this series is wonderful, i really like it, and this season was amazing. i know i’m gonna miss them all when it’s going to be over, but i’m glad i followed this series from the very beginning
see ya next time, -Jus
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The First Christmas Together
Book: The Freshman Pairing: Chris Powell x F!MC Rating: Teen Written by: @eadanga
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bitchinbarzal · 1 month
Do you think there’s something wrong with Glen Powell
I remember a lot of people talking about Chris Evan’s for the longest time on why he was single or not married for sooo long bc he was hot sweet and charming
Apparently there was something wrong with him
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hayleynotorious · 6 months
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below are basic connections for HAYLEY WILLIAMS. please note that Hayley is IN A RELATIONSHIP and currently living in NASHVILLE, TN. She identifies as STRAIGHT. Her date of birth is December 27th 1988. She is currently 35. if you see a connection you want, please dm me!
—— romantic. ❜
partner: Glen Powell
one night stand: Jeremy Allen White
one sided romance.
blind date.
exes on good terms.
exes on bad terms
first love.
love / hate.
unrequited crush.
previously friendzoned.
summer romance.
childhood crush / lover.
one leads the other on.
one night stand or fling that was regretted later.
—— platonic connections. ❜
mom friend: Renee Rapp, Sabrina Carpenter
best friends: Olivia Rodrigo, Taylor York, Zac Farro
close friends.
confidants: Victoria De Angelis
bromance: Dylan O'Brien
role model to:
ride or die: Chris Hemsworth
childhood friends: Taylor York, Zac Farro
drunk friends.
online friends.
secret friends.
enemies to friends: Dove Cameron
sibling like friends: Taylor Swift
platonic soulmates: Brian O'Connor
friends over holiday.
unlikely friends:
positive influence.
seem like a married couple:
former lovers to friends.
new friends, aka friends who just met.
—— family connections. ❜
Children: Luna Rose Williams - 17.3.24
baby daddy: Jeremy Allen White
Parents: Cristi and Joey Williams
family friends.
siblings: McKayla and Erica Williams
divorced partners: Chad Gilbert
in laws.
—— negative connections. ❜
former (best) friends.
fell for the same person & fought over them.
lifelong enemies.
share a secret.
rivals, direct opposition.
negative influence.
mutual jealousy.
current lover’s ex, former lover’s current partner.
have mutual friends but don’t get along:
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aurorabayrpg · 8 months
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we have 2 new wanted connections!
[ANTOINITA “ANN” THOMPSON] is looking for their [HUSBAND]
[AALIYAH KHALID (MIMI KEENE)] is looking for their [EX BOYFRIEND/BABY DADDY]. They are [32+], and look an awful lot like [BEN BARNES, HENRY CAVILL, OSCAR ISAAC, GLEN POWELL, SEBASTIAN STAN, ALPEREN DUYMAZ, JUNG SUNG-IL, CHRIS EVANS, UTP]. Muns [DO] have to contact mun before applying.
during her third year in college in LA, aaliyah met your muse and the two hit it off quickly. they simply clicked and aaliyah fell head over heels for him. it was also around this time that she has started going more into open auditions to pursue an acting career, realizing that it was definitely much harder than she thought it would be. but he supported her through all of it and she was grateful for his enduring presence. their relationship went on for around two years until ali discovered that your muse is married and that she has unwittingly become the other woman. we could plot how she found out and as if that wasn’t enough, she also learned that she was pregnant. however, she didn’t tell your muse about the pregnancy and she just up and left and went back to aurora bay. i’m pretty open to the background and their dynamics here so i would love to plot more for this. your muse could also still be married or has gone through a divorce now.
[ANTOINITA “ANN” THOMPSON] is looking for their [HUSBAND]. They are [50+], and look an awful lot like [ANY BLACK MALE FC]. Muns [DO NOT] have to contact mun before applying.
tw: Infertility, miscarriage.
These two are best friends even after all the years, neither of them were overly worried about not having kids, but through the years they’ve both adopted and taken care of hundreds of thousands of children who needed their help. They both sometimes have moments where they have heart to heart discussions about what could have happened if they never lost their child and what life would look like with their own kids.
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kevrocksicehouse · 9 months
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D: George C. Wolfe.
As Steven Spielberg’s Lincoln proved, one of the best ways to structure a biopic is to center it around a short but important period of time in its subjects life, but in Rustin, the story of a vital, though relatively obscure figure in the Civil Rights movement that approach becomes problematic. Bayard Rustin (Colman Domingo) was a central organizer in the movement who was a top adviser to Martin Luther King Jr (he introduced King to Ghandian non-violence tactics) but whose five-year membership in the Young Communist League (he left when the party abandoned non-violence) and open, though discreet, homosexuality made him vulnerable to attacks not only from racist politicians but also from moderate black leaders like Roger Wilkins (Chris Rock) and Adam Clayton Powell Jr. (Jeffrey Wright) who saw him as an increasing liability. The film finds him rudderless, estranged from King (Domingo’s face when King accepts what Rustin thought was a pro forma resignation is as good as acting gets) when he is asked by A. Philip Randolph to help organize a march for civil and economic rights that became the landmark March on Washington and the high point of Rustin’s life.
Wolfe, working from a script by Dustin Lance Black (who as he demonstrated in Milk, knows how to portray the minutiae of politics as both explicable and exciting) more than makes history come alive – aided by Tobias A. Schliesser’s vibrant cinematography, he gives it color – and Domingo gives a titanic performance as the Dynamo at the center of it all, but his story and that of the event take turns eclipsing each other (and Rustin’s affairs with a younger activist (Gus Halper) organizer and a married NAACP pastor (Johnny Ramey) are a melodramatic distraction from the main story). Rustin almost works as a depiction of history that rescues one of it’s heroes from obscurity. But finally, it can’t meld the man with the movement.
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stark-tones · 1 year
my himbo dylan o'brien has landed a spot on a popular tv show as the trashy boyfriend of one of the main beloved characters on the show. only, their chemistry has taken it off camera and not only have they tried to hide their romance, they're about to have a surprise oopsie to hide too. dylan o'brien, audreyena michelle.
mbj x open - flight pilot that has been flirting with a stewardess for months and things are about to heat up.
crew members on an expensive cruise ship, but the three week trip and their constant flirting is drawing to a climax.
nashville plot - they were both a song-writing hit duo, but when his troubled past met his partying lifestyle, he was forced to walk away and spend the next five years in and out of rehab. now, two years after that, he's finally getting his life in proper order, and she's come knocking on his door to help her fix the writing block that's been keeping her from her next album. rudy pankow
she was the daughter of the alpha, and her brother was supposed to be the next in line. only, my character stepped up and challenged him cause everyone knew he was a shitty guy and a shittier leader. now it's been five years.
Sky high villain.
Boy band celeb and fan.
vampire hunters that are getting some serious sexual tension a la vampire academy.
save the last dance insp plot
oliver stark viking has returned home with his captives and feels so out of place, and has started talking to one of the people he brought home.
glen powell hotshot lawyer
magic is addictive. and when he starts toying around in dark magic, she tries to stop him… until he's started dragging her in too. (mentions of addiction)
batman / catwoman early meetings and relationships
hollywood crappy apartment complex. his neighbor and her boyfriend have been fighting a lot, and its toxic and dv. one night after a bad fight, the boyfriend storms off and she comes over to his place to ask if she can crash on his couch. they got to hollywood around the same time, became neighbors and became kind of friendly, talking about life and random things they had in common before she got her boyfriend and became distant.
mikey madison + / lip gallagher +
cole + phoebe
his dad owns the apartment building where she lives, and as he's gotten too old to do a lot of the handy work around the place, he's picked up the slack. only, she's been here the past few months and things keep "breaking".
malia and styles, werewolf girlfriend
conman romances billionaires daughter, only to skip out of town after switching out a priceless (or not) piece of artwork for his own copy, before skipping out of town. she's noticed, but never said anything to her family, only to run into him seven years later at a family event and prepared to confront him for using her.
(ric and evie) indiana jones style character paleontologist (chris evans?) that spent fifteen years trying to find a treasure. he teamed up with another "paleontologist" to help him find it. when he found it, she poisoned him and snuck off with the treasure. they meet five years later at an art gallery and flirting ensues.
young clark and lois at the office.
30 pact that they'll get married. only, she hasn't had any luck and she's come back to their hometown after a long string of bad luck in a big city to see him happy and successful…. and engaged, and decided she never should have waited and going to win him over.
she's discovered that her boyfriend has been cheating on her, and rather than confronting him again, she's decided she's going to go to the town asshole and convince him to fuck her until she forgets.
she's one of the few females that's ever been born into the pack, so there's been "expectations". but, when she turned 18, she decided she couldn't sing up for that life in the pack and took off to college (or whatever) far away, and made a life for herself. only, she's come back and things are different. her old best friend (yay lanky friendzone vibes for a boy that filled out into a man) is the alpha now and they're going to catch up on things and new feelings for her.
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Welcome to my blog! 🤍
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Requests are closed for the foreseeable future!
Hi, and welcome to my blog! It's nice to welcome you in my little corner of Tumblr! 🤍
My name is Nicoline, and I'm a 26-year-old Dutchie! I'm a huge Potterhead (and I have been for as long as I can remember), and I've been diving head-first into the MCU world for the last few years, too. As of late, my obsession has been everything to do with Tony Stark and Robert Downey Jr., so you can expect a lot of content surrounding them on my blog.
On this Masterlist, you'll find all the links to my Masterlists that belong to both people and characters I wrote for, and they will combine angst, fluff, and smut. Each story will have its appropriate warnings when necessary, and all stories are '' x F!Reader '' unless specified otherwise.
I do not work with a tag list. If you want to be kept up to date when I post new stories, you can follow @nicoline1998enilocin-library! 🤍
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Discovering Our Love || Tony Stark x Avenger!F!Reader
Keep us warm forever || Sugar Daddy!Tony Stark x F!Reader
Lovers Garden || Tony Stark x F!Reader
The Color Of His Eyes || Pornstar!Bucky Barnes x Sexshop Owner!Tony Stark
"Marry Me" || Part 2 || Tony Stark x Nurse!F!Reader
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All graphics are made by @nicoline1998enilocin
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Chris Evans & Characters || Masterlist
Glen Powell & Characters || Masterlist
Robert Downey Jr. & Characters || Masterlist
Scarlett Johansson & Characters || Masterlist
Sebastian Stan & Characters || Masterlist
Tom Hiddleston & Characters || Masterlist
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Flufftober || 2023
Fluffcember || 2023
Fluffbruary || 2024
MultiFandom Flash || Compliments
Nicoline's Summer of Drabbles || Masterlist
Stucky Bingo || Round 5
Sweet & Spicy Bingo || Sweethearts
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eadanga · 5 months
The Press Secretary Part 12
Summary: Chris the mayor of town is married to his wife Becca. When he hires a new press secretary who happens to be his lost love old feelings resurface and Chris finds it hard to resist the desire he once had for her
Parings: ChrisxMC
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Chris sighs as he walks down the street his jaw clenched Ugh I’m so sick of her I regret the day I even married her His phone rings in his pocket and he pulls it out and frowns at the caller id Great just what I need “Hello?”
“Chris! Becca just told me everything! How dare you sleep with another girl?!”
“Mr. Davenport…”
“Come over to the house and you better have a good explanation for this!” The call clicks off
Chris sighs Ugh he’s even worse than Becca Chris calls for an Uber and heads over to the house
Emily sat in her living room she sighs I feel bad I shouldn’t have done that while he was still with her and his wife is powerful I probably messed up his entire mayor election She sighs Maybe I should end things with him to avoid a scandal but I can’t do that to him I love Chris I want to be with him I don’t know what to do
Chris walks to the house and knocks on the door the door slowly opens and the scowling face of Becca’s father appears “Come inside and we’re gonna discuss this”
Chris sighs and heads in he walks into the living room and turns to face him
He pours himself some scotch “Now what did you do to my daughter?”
Chris sighs “I’m sure she told you already”
“I want to hear it from you”
“I’ve been sleeping with my press secretary for a couple of months now”
He takes a sip “Why?”
“I’ve had feelings for her since college I know I shouldn’t have done it while I was with Becca”
“You’re damn right you shouldn’t have!” He walks up to him “She told me about you wanting to divorce her”
“Sir I’ve had that way before I was sleeping with her me and Becca can’t be compatible we fight all the time”
“You can’t divorce now everything we’ve built up together to get you to where you are today”
Chris rolls his eyes “Yeah I know you and Becca have been holding that over my head for so many years”
“Because it’s true you need the two of us to make you mayor again if you listen to us”
“I’m sick of this! I don’t need either of you!”
“Chris we made you and you think you can get far without my connections and all the help we’ve given us you’re nothing without us!”
“I rather be nothing than be your pawn I want nothing to do with the two of you!” Chris walks to the door
“You walk out that door and I’ll expose you you’re not gonna win the election you’ll be on the streets or working at a convenience store!”
“That’s just fine with me!” Chris slams the door “Jerk” He runs his hands through his hair “I don’t care anymore even if I don’t win I can still be with Emily that’s all that matters to me”
Emily sighs as she looks at her phone Nothing yet please let Chris be alright There’s a knock on her door and Emily goes to answer it she smiles “Chris”
She steps aside to let him in “What happened? I’ve been worried about you”
“Well Becca ruined my stuff and both her and her dad threatened to ruin my campaign”
“Oh Chris I’m sorry I didn’t mean to”
Chris smiles “Hey look at me it’s worth it long as I have you it’s worth it nothing is your fault don’t feel bad let them do their worse”
“You sure Chris?
“Positive I love you Emily”
Emily smiles “I love you too Chris”
He kisses her deeply then pulls away “Now I know I have to leave the house do you mind if I stay here for a while I need to find an apartment”
Emily smiles “Of course and I’ll help you out”
“Thanks Em you’re the best”
Chris’s phone buzzes in his pocket he frowns as he looks at it “Great”
“What happened?”
Chris hands her the phone “They’ve already started”
Emily looks at the article headline
Mayor Chris Powell is an unfaithful husband How will this affect his reelection?
Tags: @indiacater @mfackenthal @jared2612 @darley1101 @the-soot-sprite
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vintage1981 · 1 year
Elizabeth Montgomery: A Bewitched Life | Reelz Documentary
Among the most enduring TV sitcoms of all time Bewitched remains treasured nearly 60 years after its debut. The star of the series Elizabeth Montgomery was a complex and strong-willed woman whose life and career became an ongoing quest for love and recognition she never received from her movie star father. Bewitched was one of the biggest hits on TV during the turbulent 1960s as the playful magic on the series served as an escape from the era’s unrest that included the JFK assassination and the Vietnam War. But despite being a comedy that brought laughter to millions it was the drama on set that began to curse the show as infidelities entangled series director Bill Asher who at the time was married to Montgomery. The slight led Montgomery herself to have an affair with another Bewitched director.
Piling onto the off screen drama was a wider shift within the TV landscape as audiences were leaving fantasy hijinks behind in favor of the edgier storytelling seen in All in the Family. Following Bewitched, Montgomery unexpectedly received another wave of fame becoming the small screen’s first “Queen of the TV movies” with groundbreaking movies including A Case of Rape and The Legend of Lizzie Borden. She eventually marries a fourth and final time to actor Robert Foxworth and dies at just 62 years old from colon cancer. But like Lucille Ball before her Montgomery becomes an influential Hollywood female powerhouse and trailblazer who continues to bewitch millions of TV viewers around the world.
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In honor of what would have been Elizabeth Montgomery's 90th Birthday, the Reelz Channel will air the new TV documentary, Elizabeth Montgomery: A Bewitched Life, on Sunday, April 16 (the day after Montgomery's birthday).
The documentary also features special appearances by actress Venetta Rogers (Rowles), who is featured in the ground-breaking Bewitched episode, "Sisters at Heart" (which advocates against prejudice, one of the show's core themes); Bill Asher, one of Montgomery's three beloved real-life children with her then-husband, and Bewitched producer/director William Asher; Chris York, son of Dick York, Samantha's original TV husband (the first Darrin) on Bewitched, and Peter Ackerman, son of Bewitched executive producer Harry Ackerman.
A revealing, honest, compelling, and poignant presentation, Elizabeth Montgomery: A Bewitched Life, which was pristinely overseen by Reelz executives Steve Cheskin and Rob Swartz, features a select list of friends, family, and colleagues who knew, loved, and/or worked with the iconic actress.
Elizabeth Montgomery: A Bewitched Life was executive produced by the prestigious AMS Pictures (headed by Andy Strietfeld), co-written by Sara Gauchat, and co-executive produced by Joel Eisenberg. Those interviewed for the documentary include actors Erin Murphy and David Mandel (who played Montgomery's TV children on Bewitched), Elliott Gould (who starred with Montgomery in the legendary TV-movie, The Rules of Marriage), Bewitched guest-stars Bernie Kopell (The Love Boat), Ricky Powell (The Smith Family), Eric Scott (The Waltons), Johnny Whitaker (Family Affair), Danny Bonaduce (The Partridge Family), and the Oscar-winning Richard Dreyfuss (in one of his first screen performances).
Watch Elizabeth Montgomery: A Bewitched Life on Sunday, April 16 at 9pmET/6pmPT (repeating later at 12amET/9pmPT) on Reelz.
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choicesgodfanatic · 1 year
A story for my beautiful Queen @eadanga
in your arms chapter 1
you walk stealthly inside the hotel room of the client who hired you. A man bald and white looks over at you. he strokes his beard. ''Ah Mrs/MR Anon glad to have you here'' you sat down infront of him folding your legs. ''Professor ketchum who do you need assisinated?''you asked folding your arms. the guards shiver at your menacing tone. Above you a screen shows a man blond with green eyes smiling holding a baby. ''Chris Powel age 30. Hes running for major.'' Ketchum leans forward looking into your eyes, giving you a cold glare ''kill him and youll be rewarded'' Nodding you take the deatils and walk out of the room.
2 hours later
Putting on your Tux/dress you walk toward the bar where your friend stacy invited you too(phineas n ferb) ''Bestie glad your back'' She hugs you close. ''Im getting married next week'' gasping you smile both of you squealing ''shots are on me'' the two of you drink and drink. Eventually stacy vomits and head home . You continue drinking when a man with blond hair sits beside you,he smells of bouurbon and piss. ''barkeep ill pay his/Her tab'' Chris powell the man you are gooing to kill is paying your tab. he looks over at you grinning. ''Hello agent''
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priyas-tiddies · 5 years
So I know we’re sick of planning weddings but the one choices wedding I will 100% spend money to have is with our the Freshman LI. I miss those idiots so much!
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