#cfwc holiday 2022
The First Christmas Together
Book: The Freshman Pairing: Chris Powell x F!MC Rating: Teen Written by: @eadanga
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bebepac · 2 years
Holiday Vibes 🎄
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I am participating in @choicesficwriterscreations  holiday event 2022.  
I am also participating in @choicesflashfics prompt #21 “it looks like Santa threw up in here.” will appear in bold
I am also participating in  @choicesholidays​ prompt well that’s the holiday spirit which is the overall theme of this story.
Series: School Dayz
The Book:  TRR (no royals) 
Pairings: Liam x Riley
Word Count: 1036
Song Inspiration:  Silent Night by the Temptations
Warnings and Ratings:  None. Everyone.  A total fluff piece.
Original Post: 12/18/22 at 10:45PM EST.
“Thanks for driving me to the mall today, and driving me around when Jaiden can’t.”
“It’s no problem, and I like driving you around, makes me feel manly. Like i'm a super boyfriend.”  
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Liam’s face turned bright pink.  
“I…..said that out loud didn’t I?”
“You did but it’s okay. And you are a ‘Super Boyfriend.’ I like that you’re always adorkably honest with me.”
The smile faded from her face and her face was replaced with a serious look.
“You know, the car accident sliding on the ice during the storm really scared me Liam.”
“I know it did, but I’m glad you and Taylor were okay.  When I saw your Jeep…. My heart stopped, Riley. I was so worried you were hurt.”
Liam took her hand and held it.  
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“I’m okay.  It means a lot that you care so much.”
Riley gently squeezed his hand in return.  She still had bruising to the side of her face, and arm because when they skidded out of control, Taylor wasn't wearing her seatbelt, and Riley reached out to hold Taylor back, when the airbags deployed.
“I just want you to know I do, and I’ll drive you around as long as you need me to or want me to.”
“Thank you Liam.”
“You’re welcome.  So what’s on the agenda for the rest of the afternoon?”  
“Well if you want to hang out with us for a bit, we might be doing some Christmas tree decorating.  Dad said you could stay for dinner.”  
“That sounds nice.  He’s warming up to me, don’t you think?”
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“Yeah maybe he is.  I mean as much as my dad can warm  up to people.”
When they pulled to a stop in front of the Brooks’s residence Riley laughed at the look on Liam’s face.
“Whoa…. Looks like Mr. Brooks has been busy.”  
“Dad loves Christmas, it is by far his favorite holiday.”
When they left the Brooks household that morning, there was no Christmas decor up. Coming back that evening the yard was filled with Christmas decorations 
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and the house had been strung with lots of Christmas lights.  
Liam grabbed some of Riley’s shopping bags to assist her bringing them inside.  No one appeared to be nearby, so Liam spoke freely.
“Whoa…. It looks like Santa threw up in here.” 
And the Brooks family came out the woodworks like ninjas, starting with Mr. Brooks.
“No Liam, tell me how you feel about our Christmas decorations.” 
Taylor burst out laughing from the couch as Mr. Brooks stepped out into the foyer holding yet another a string of Christmas lights.
“Damn Liam. You just like stepping on landmines don’t you?”
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“Jai! Language!”  Mrs. Brooks exclaimed.
“I’m sorry. I’m just not used to a lot of Christmas decorations. My family doesn’t really do holidays like this.  I think it’s really nice.”  
Ren affectionately rubbed Mr. Brooks’s shoulders.  
“Jason and I grew up in the foster care system, and holidays were hard when you were living in foster homes at the holidays.  We both vowed if we ever had families, we would celebrate.  It’s very important to us.  So we always go all out.”  
“Wow, I really meant no disrespect with what I said.”  
“It’s okay Liam. Go help Riley put her presents away in her room, and you can come back and help us decorate.”  
Liam hurried and helped Riley put her gifts in her closet to hide them and almost ran back down stairs to  the living room area.  He looked excited to be helping with decorating the Christmas tree.
“That’s some very meticulous placing of the Christmas ornaments Liam.  I could almost take a ruler to those and i’m sure their spacing would be identical.”  
“I don’t want to mess the tree up Mr. Brooks.”
“You can’t mess decorating a Christmas tree up.  At least not on my year.  I like bright colorful trees.  So does Taylor.”
He pointed to the box of ornaments.  There were so many different colored ornaments and trinkets in the box.  “We bring out the crazy.  Next year is Ren and Riley’s year,  they like a silver and gold tree with white lights.”
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“And Jaiden, what about you? What type of tree do you like?” Liam asked Jaiden.
“I don’t care either way, as long as there are presents for me under said tree.”
“Seems legit.”  
Mrs. Brooks had disappeared from the decorating and had been in the kitchen for a little bit and emerged from the kitchen with a tray sitting down first a tray of cookies, then coming back shortly with a tray of cups of hot cocoa.  Mr. Brooks was still admiring their handiwork.  
“I think it’s time.”  
Ren looked at Jai.  “You know what to do.”  
“I’m on it Mom.”
As the lights in the living room started to dim slowly, Jason’s favorite Christmas song started  playing over the living room surround sound.  It was never officially Christmas in the Brooks’s household unless he heard The Temptation’s version of Silent Night.    
When the song hit its iconic first verse, the Brooks’s living room, the Brook's tree erupted with colorful light.
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There was silence for a few moments while Jason wrapped his arm around Ren sipping some cocoa.
"This was a good one, Ren."
"You're right it is. Liam, you did a good job."
"Thank you sir."
After dinner Mr. Brooks pulled Liam aside.
"Yes sir?"
"What are you doing for Christmas, Liam?"
His face turned bright pink.
"Nothing, my Dad will be away, it's going to be just me and Leo. The cooks will make us dinner."
"What does your father do for a living Liam?"
"He's a corporate lawyer. They call him Constantine the Cutthroat."
"Sounds like he's a great lawyer."
"He is. Just a crappy father."
Jason looked at Liam sympathetically.
"You and your brother have plans now.  You're spending Christmas Eve and Day with us."
"Seriously Dad?!?!"
"We'll have plenty of food, and it's the least we can do, because Liam refuses to take gas money to chauffeur you around."
"Thank you Dad."
Riley hugged Jason.
"You're welcome, Jelly Bean."
When Riley's dad left the room, she turned to Liam with a huge smile.
"See! you were right, my Dad is warming up to you. This is huge."
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Liam smiled back at her.  It was a bittersweet moment for Liam, but deep down the excitement outweighed the sadness. This was going to be the first Christmas he would really be celebrating since the passing of his mother.
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genevievemd · 2 years
Your Midnights
Book: Open Heart Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Genevieve McClure) Word Count: 1996 Rating: G Category: fluff, Ethan POV Trope(s):
Summary: Two New Years, four years apart. 
Warnings: none
A/N: No, I will never stop naming fics after Taylor Swift lyrics. I am who I am, besties lol Enjoy the fluff. 
Also another entry for @choicesficwriterscreations​ Holiday Event!
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December 31, 2018
Dr. Ethan Ramsey hated most, if not all, holidays. The pomp and circumstance, the commercialism, the fakes niceties, none of it appealed to him. 
And New Years Eve was no different. In fact, it may be the one he has the greatest disdain for. Simply for the existence of New Years resolutions. 
They were completely pointless, most forgotten by February and if not, came with disappointment when the year ends and expectations were not met. 
He’d given up the silly tradition decades ago and hasn’t even celebrated the holiday since his med school days. Now, Ethan does what he has for every other holiday…
He works. 
And this year, with his mentor and dearest friend fighting for his life in a hidden corner of the hospital, Ethan had even less desire to party and celebrate. 
Though, it seems the interns are still planning to. Their laughter and cheers echoing down the halls, as if they were at a bar and not the most prestigious hospital on the East Coast. He rolls his eyes, quickening his pace towards Naveen’s room. He had no desire to be around the group of cackling hyenas any longer than necessary. 
Soon enough, he makes his way to the construction zone. Pushing back the plastic curtains and avoiding the forgotten power tools and piles of supplies. He takes a deep breath, enjoying the piece and quiet. 
Until a delightful little laugh dances down the hall. 
He’d recognize it anywhere, the sound now imprinted in his mind. 
His stomach swoops involuntarily every time he hears it, even more so when he’s the cause of it and that fact alone make Ethan want to flee to the most remote place on Earth. 
But, run towards the woman who owns that laugh at the very same time. 
He straightens his white coat and takes a deep breath before opening the door to Naveen’s room. He makes it no more than a foot inside when he stops, staring blankly at his mentor and intern. 
“What in God’s name is on your head, Rookie?” 
The petite blonde turns to face him, her smile so bright its almost blinding.
“My New Year’s Eve hat, duh.” Genevieve laughs, taking a second to adjust the pointed monstrosity. “Don’t tell me you’re a scrooge about New Year’s, too?” 
“Scrooge is Christmas, Dr. McClure. Which has, thankfully, come and gone.” Ethan rolls his eyes, then closes the door. Walking over to Naveen’s bedside. “Please tell me you’re not interrupting Dr. Banerji’s rest.” 
“Of course she’s not! I was up when she came to check on me.” Naveen smiles at the intern and it was clear that her presence had cheered the old man up. 
And effect Genevieve seems to have on most people. 
“We’re making resolutions and discussing our plans for the new year.” Gen offers Ethan a hat from the stack on the bedside table, to which he declines. 
He still has zero desire to partake in the festivities, no matter how adorable she looks in the party hat. 
“You need to loosen up, Dr. Ramsey.” 
“I do not.” 
“You do.” She laughs again, and his insides melt like they had in the hall only minutes ago. 
He feels like a fool; getting butterflies like some prepubescent teen, having a crush on an intern in his charge. And there was nothing he could do to quell the fire that was slowly growing for her. He needed her help with Naveen, he oversaw majority of her cases, and despite his best efforts, she was becoming his friend, as well. 
He enjoyed her company and hated the idea of losing it. So, he was determined to keep his crush at just that, a meaningless little crush. Nothing more, nothing less. 
Even if his wayward heart had other ideas. 
“Well, will I make it to the new year?” Naveen quips, breaking Ethan out of his thoughts. 
He looks down at his watch, and shakes his head. “With three minutes to twelve, I’d think so.” 
“Good. Now, you two should get out of here and go ring in the new year properly.” Naveen nestles down in his hospital bed, pulling up the blankets. “This old man is going to attempt to get some sleep.” 
“As you should.” Ethan smiles down at his friend, patting his shoulder gently then walking to the door. “I’ll see you in the morning, Naveen.” 
“Goodnight, Dr. Banerji.” Gen squeezes the older man’s hand. “Happy New Year.” 
“The same to you, my dear.” 
They share another smile before she joins Ethan at the door. The pair taking one more look at their sickening friend then leaving. 
“Any plans for tonight?” Gen breaks the silence as they walk down the hall, looking up at him. 
Even in the dim lighting, he can see how green her eyes are. Like two emeralds sparkling in a dark cave. Enchanting. 
“Home. To a glass of scotch.” 
“That’s so boring.” She shakes her pretty head at him, though she smiles playfully. 
“On the contrary, Dr. McClure, its–” He stops when he sees her about to trip on a pile of tiles, quickly reaching out to grab her arms. “Watch your step.” 
He pulls her away, and inevitably into his space. The air around them suddenly gone when their eyes meet, faces inches apart. 
Time stops and the world fades away, neither doing any more than breathing. It’s like something out of one of the myriad of romantic comedies Harper used to make him watch. Something so fantastical it couldn’t possibly be possible or real. But, clearly, it was. 
“I…” She’s the first to speak, a fractured word between breaths. “Thank you.” 
The small embers have now turned into a raging fire and its consuming every inch of him the longer they stand so close. 
He was truly playing with fire now, and, for the first time in a long time, Ethan found he didn’t care. 
“You’re welcome.” He offers her a small smile, forcing his eyes to stay connected with hers and not travel down to her lips . 
The moment is interrupted by cheers coming from beyond the plastic door to the secluded wing. Finally pulling them both out of the fog.
Ethan steps away, clearing his throat and fixing his coat. “It would appear that it’s midnight.” 
“Yeah.” She’s quiet, her voice barely above a whisper and her eyes still focused on his face. 
“We should go.” 
“We should.” Gen nods, then takes a breath. 
She steps back into his space, quickly but with determination. Reaching up on her tiptoes, she ever so gently kisses his cheek. It barely lasts a second, but the action still has him frozen. 
It was a bold move by an intern, and he was impressed by her gall. But, she wasn’t just an intern. Something they both clearly knew. 
“Happy New Year, Dr. Ramsey.” Gen smiles and without looking back, she leaves him there. 
His cheek still tingling from her kiss, and his heart beating rapidly. Thundering against his ribcage. 
Struck with on singular thought, he wanted more. 
Four Years Later; January 1, 2023
The sunlight slowly begins to creep in from between the closed curtains. The soft rays dancing across the floor and the king sized bed. But he’s been awake long before the sun began to rise. Even on a mini vacation to Dagger Mountain, and after a night of festivities, his body is unable to sleep in past his usual wake up time. 
Though, he doesn’t mind, instead using the time to catch up on emails and, of course, stare longingly and lovingly at the woman sleeping peacefully beside him. Amazed at where life has taken them. 
Four years ago, he’d woken up on New Year’s Day, alone, thinking about the unexpected kiss he’d received the night before from an intern who he had an unwanted crush on. How he wanted her to do it again. How he wanted it to be a real kiss, and not just a quick peck on the cheek. 
How damaging and dangerous his ever growing feelings where. And now…
Now he’s woken up on New Year’s Day, happier than he’s ever been with that very same intern. Only now Genevieve isn’t just an intern, she’s his wife and his equal in every way. 
So much had happened in those four years, but the one constant through it all was their love for each other. Even when Ethan didn’t know it, or tried to deny it. It was always there, behind every action he took with her, and every ounce of patience she had with him. Like an eternal flame that could never and would never be extinguished. 
He turns on his side to face her, gingerly brushing the hair from her face. She was so beautiful, even with last nights mascara smudged under her eyes. It took his breath away. Has his heart skipping a beat. 
She stirs, shuffling closer and reaching out to ensure he’s still there beside her– like she does every morning. 
Ethan grabs her hand with a smile, kissing it gently. “Good morning, sweetheart.” 
“Morning.” Her reply is nothing more than a sleep drenched murmur. Eyes still closed as she burrows into his chest. “More sleeping.” 
“Unfortunately for me, I’m wide awake.” He leans down, kissing her head. “But you’re more than welcome to go back to sleep, we don’t need to check out until noon.” 
“No, just cuddling is good.” Gen drapes an arm around his waist, her fingers lightly scratching his back. “Did you sleep good?” 
“I always do with you next to me, my love.” 
“You’re very romantic this morning, Chief Ramsey.” She leans back, face scrunched with suspicion as she looks up at him. “What’s gotten into you?” 
“Nothing. I was merely thinking of you and us before you woke up. That’s all.”
“What about?” 
Ethan sits up against the headboard, pulling her to sit with him. His arm wrapped securely around her shoulder as she settles. “Our first New Year’s Eve together.” 
“First, like our first as a couple or first as in my intern year.” 
“The latter.” 
“Oh, when I kissed your cheek like a crazy person.” 
“I still can’t believe I did that.” She laughs, “Like, I have no idea what came over me that night. I just knew it was midnight and I wanted you to be my New Year’s kiss.” 
“Hm.” Ethan nods.
He wasn’t blind back then, he could see she had feelings for him, as well. He had assumed it was just a crush like him, brought on by the amount of time they’d spent together. As he said would happen months prior during the fMRI. Of course he was wrong, it wasn’t just a fleeting crush, and their first real kiss three weeks later in Miami was the proof. 
Not to mention all the things that happened after that.
She was always meant to be the love of his life. 
“You know what I just realized.” Gen sits up to face him, her hand moving to rest over his heart. “You’ve been my New Year’s kiss every year since.” 
“Have I really?” He covers her hand with his own, thumb running across her soft skin. 
“Yeah. We were secretly dating unofficially the following year, and then dating for real the year after that, engaged last year and now this year we’re married.”  
“And what about next year?” 
He already knows what comes next, what will be for the rest of his life. But he’ll never tire of hearing her say it. 
“Who knows, maybe we’ll have a baby, but,” She changes positions again, this time moving sit in his lap. One leg on either side and her arms wrapped around his neck. “We’ll still be husband and wife, and be each other’s midnights forever.” 
“Sounds amazing, G.” He smiles, then pulls her into him. 
Sharing their first kiss of the year, one with the promise of a million more to come.
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A/N: I might do one more NYE themed fic but we’ll see. Either way, Happy New Year peanuts! 
(tagging separately)
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liaromancewriter · 2 years
The Best Present
Premise: It’s his first Christmas as a married man, and Ethan reflects on how he got here.
Book: Open Heart (post series) Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine) Rating/Category: Teen. Fluff. Words: 1,315
A/N: This is set today (Christmas 2022). Submission for @choicesficwriterscreations Holiday event; @choicesdecember2022 prompt Day 4 “snow on the beach”; @choicesflashfics Holiday prompt 17 in bold; @choicesholidays​ week 5 “Meet me at midnight”
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The frigid wind coming off the Atlantic was howling outside, swirling snow on the beach like tiny crystals in the air. Inside the Newport mansion facing away from the sea, the rooms were decked out for the holidays in festive reds, greens and golds.
The family room was warm from the central heating and a roaring fire; the drapes across the French doors pulled aside to let in the sunshine but keep out the cold.
The beautiful tree in the corner with its matching ornaments and gold star topper no longer sheltered colorful presents. Those had long since been opened by their recipients over hot cocoa and eggnog. Exclamations of surprise, gratitude and laughter filled the air as each gift was unwrapped.
Ethan Ramsey sipped coffee from a holiday-themed mug chockful of sarcasm, a present from his wife. The fire popped and crackled in the large fireplace, but his mind wasn’t in the here and now. It was in the past and the events that led him to this moment.
When he was a little boy, Ethan still believed in the magic of Christmas and Santa Claus. He remembered trying to stay awake one Christmas Eve, hoping to catch Santa in the act. Maybe give him the card he had drawn just for him. But he’d fallen asleep curled up next to the upstairs banister.
The last thing he remembered was watching his parents kissing under the mistletoe while Christmas music played on the radio. His dad must have found him because he woke up on Christmas morning tucked inside his bed, clutching his favorite teddy bear. He never did get to meet Santa.
Over the years, he’d stopped believing in Christmas and all it entailed. The season had been a good way to make extra money in high school and college. He’d been too busy with his studies in med school to give it much thought, except when Tobias dragged him out to celebrate.
During residency and after, he preferred working. He’d often rang in the season with any of the revolving door of women in his life that happened to be free. He didn’t want permanency. But something about the holidays made others wish for it. So, he’d been careful to keep things casual.
Fast forward almost ten years later, Ethan still had difficulty believing he was in the most permanent relationship of his life. Marriage. And with someone for whom family was as essential as breathing.
He glanced over his shoulder, searching and then he saw her. Cassie Valentine. His first and only love. His wife. His partner in everything.
She was laughing with her brother and cousins on the other side of the room. And he wondered again how he’d gotten so lucky.
He had finally met his match. Someone who was his equal professionally, challenged him personally and made him laugh and feel lighthearted even on the darkest days. And was happy with who he was and not who she wished he could be.
“I fell in love with the real Ethan Ramsey, not a figment of my imagination,” she told him the night before their wedding when his nerves had gotten the better of him.
He’d found himself standing outside her bedroom door, a speech prepared, convinced that it was only fair to offer her an out. No hard feelings. He wasn’t sure he could ever give her what she deserved. But he should have known she’d see right through him.
“I don’t want an out, Ethan,” she said quietly. “But if you do….”
She stood in the open doorway looking beautiful in a simple green gown, her hair in a messy bun, and her face shiny from the night cream she liked to slather before going to bed.
And he realized what an idiot he was at that very moment.
“I don’t,” he said vehemently. “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life than I am about marrying you.”
“Then I’ll see you tomorrow at the altar.”
She started to close the door, but he wasn’t satisfied with leaving things like this. He yanked her into his arms; his mouth descended on hers, swallowing her sighs, imprinting himself on her. Reaffirming the promise of what was to come and thank her for giving him endless chances.
Six months later, his nerves were still there, and so was his fear of messing up. But he also knew that he was a product of his DNA. Not the half that was restless and had chosen to walk away but the one that had stayed, devoted to the last.
He looked over at the armchairs near the fireplace where Alan was enjoying mulled wine with Olivia, their conversation too low for his ears. His father was the symbol of constancy in his life. A man who loved his family and had endless patience and forgiveness in his heart.
Once upon a time, Ethan had worried about the differences in his and Cassie’s family backgrounds. But his father and in-laws had gotten along exceptionally well from the first meeting. And he realized that at the core, where it mattered, they were similar people.
When his phone pinged, he fished it out of his pocket; his thumb automatically clicking on the notification when he saw Cassie’s name on the screen.
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He was still grinning like a fool at the screen when he felt the air shift around him, and he quickly locked the phone. They were surrounded by Cassie’s family, and the last thing he wanted was someone to see the risqué text.
Ethan let out a sigh of relief when he realized it was Cassie. She joined him on the couch, draping his arm over her shoulder as she nestled into his side. She kissed the underside of his jaw and grinned.
“Excited for your present?” she asked wickedly.
“Are you sure we have to wait until midnight?”
He cupped the side of her face, the pad of his thumb moving against her lower lip as he stared into her eyes. She was already wearing the earrings he’d given her, the sparkle of diamonds no match against the emerald green of her eyes.
“Yes! I want you panting in anticipation.”
“You do that just by breathing. I can prove it. Right now, in fact,” Ethan smirked.
“Nice try, Dr. Ramsey,” she said, throwing him a mock steely-eyed gaze, a teasing smile hovering on her lips. “I plan to drive you crazy today, and you will play along.”
Before he could convince her otherwise, she shot her arm up in the air, held it still above their heads and looked up. “Look, there’s mistletoe. We have to kiss, it’s the law.”
Ethan followed her gaze and saw she clutched a sprig of mistletoe in her hand. He smiled when she gently shook it, a not-so-subtle hint. She straddled his lap, uncaring about who might be watching.
“Well, if it’s the law, who am I to break it?” he drawled, taking her face between his hands.
They both closed the distance between their lips, neither certain who kissed who first. Not that it mattered. Mistletoe was forgotten, and her arms circled the back of his neck. He wrapped his arms around her back and pulled her close
Lost in each other, they didn’t notice the secret smiles on their parents’ faces or the hollering and teasing laughter from her cousins.
Later that night, after he’d unwrapped and enjoyed his final Christmas present, he lay in bed, staring at the ceiling with eyes struggling to stay awake. He tightened his arm around Cassie, already asleep beside him.
His last thought before sleep took him was that today had been the best Christmas ever. He wouldn’t change a thing because everything in his life had led him to this moment. This woman.
And that was the best present of all.
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All Fics & Edits: @a-crepusculo​ @annfg8​ @bex-la-get​ @bluebelle08​ @cariantha​ @choicesaddict5​ @coffeeheartaddict2​ @crazy-loca-blog​ @doriopenheart​ @genevievemd​ @headoverheelsforramsey​ @lucy-268​ @jamespotterthefirst​ @jerzwriter​ @mysticalgalaxysstuff​ @openheartforeverinmyheart​ @peonierose​ @takemyopenheart​ @potionsprefect​ @queencarb​ @quixoticdreamer16​ @rookiemartin​ @trappedinfanfiction​ @vi-writes-stuff​ @zahrachoices​
Submissions: @openheartfanfics​
Ethan & Cassie only: @custaroonie​ @lady-calypso​ @hopelessromantic1352​
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jerzwriter · 2 years
Comfort & Joy
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Artwork done by the amazing @rosefuckinggenius - it will be posted alone, but I had to use it as part of my holiday fic for Eli & Zoe! :)
Book:                   Wake the Dead
Pairing:                Eli Sipes x F!MC (Zoe Rivera)
Rating:                 Teen
Warnings:          Discussion of loved ones who have died
Category:            Fluffy Angst
Summary:           Zoe and her friends make good on the plans they made that day at the amusement park, and their winter holiday celebration is underway.  The night is almost perfect until memories take a toll on Zoe, and she slips away. Eli finds her, and together, they create a precious new memory together.
Words:                 2428
A/N:                     It’s not exactly Christmas, but their own version of it.  A little reprieve in the craziness of their world, something I hope each of you will find this year. ❤️
  Participating @choicesdecember2022 – Day 28 - I hope I never lose you @choicesflashfics - I never want to stop making memories with you
WTD Masterlist
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It had been one of the best nights of her life. At least of the nights she could remember. It was possible that another had topped it, but if so, it would have been before the world changed, taking every semblance of safety and normalcy along with it. She didn’t have much recollection of that time, back when she shared a home with Ana and their two loving fathers. But the memories she had were warm and full of love… just like tonight. She moved to the stairs some time ago, quietly observing to take in the scene. 
Her once timid friend Shannon may have had too much of that homemade wine. Nevertheless, she was beaming. Flitting around the dancefloor and making sure everyone joined in. The children of Olympus had determined that Angel was their favorite person that night. While she pretended that it was an annoyance, Zoe knew better. That laughter that echoed down the hall and the smile on her face could only come from someone truly happy, finding companionship after a lifetime alone. Troy… well, Troy was Troy. Happy, laughing, the life of the party itself, but even he had changed. His sarcastic charm and wit were ever present, but he was different, in a better way. And then there was Eli. While most of the children had commandeered Angel, Maya had decided Eli was hers for the night. Zoe had been confident that his patience would have worn thin hours ago, yet there he sat next to Maya’s stuffed animal as the young girl fed them cookies and read them a “bedtime story.”
Zoe’s hand covered her chest, wondering if her heart could burst from so much joy, but then again, not everything had changed for the better. She quietly snuck outside while no one was watching. Alone on the deck, she listened to the silence as she gazed at the bucolic setting surrounding them. She made a mental note to thank Troy for what seemed like a ludicrous idea less than a year ago. Who knew that the dreaded Red Meadows would be their home, and who knew that the young woman who needed a sweater when it was seventy degrees would find that winter was her favorite season of all.
It wasn’t the billowing snow that covered every surface, blanketing a horrid world in a sort of peace she never knew. It wasn’t how it glowed like an enchanted forest in the moonlight. It would be easy to assume it was because most zombies were in hibernation this time of year. Having that burden lifted did usher in a relief she couldn’t express. But none of these things were the reason why. It was something… more.  
A warm glow emitted from inside, beckoning her to take another peek. The residents of the new colony were having a desperately needed night of levity. Each had endured losses and horrors that the minds of previous generations could not have conceived. But tonight, they ate, drank, conversed, played games, and, most importantly, they laughed and knew how it felt to be surrounded by love. In this ragtag group, Zoe had found something she had been longing for her entire life without even knowing what it was. She found a home.
Tears welled in her eyes, and she was unsure if they were born of sadness or joy. This was the best her life had ever been in almost every way. Yet, her heart ached for what was lost. As grateful as she was, the joy she held in her heart was tempered because the one person who enabled her to lead this life was no longer there.
Lowering her head, she took in a deep breath of the crisp winter air. She didn’t mind how it assaulted her lungs; she deserved to have some pain. That’s what she believed, for she was reaping the rewards her sister didn’t live to see. She was about to surrender to the darkness that never seemed too far away. The torrent of tears building inside her was about to overflow when a strong arm gently encircled her waist and pulled her near. 
Neither words nor sight was needed; she knew who it was. She knew his scent, the sound of his breath, and the gentle bliss his touch brought to her heart. Each day was a gift in their world, and tomorrow was unpromised. She knew their happiness was on borrowed time, so she memorized everything. Every sound, feeling, and caress was cataloged in her memory. For if the day were to come when they could no longer be together, that’s what she’d have to rely on because letting him go would never be an option.
“I knew I find you here,” he whispered. “Why are you out in the cold?”
“I’m so happy,” she said with a broken voice, “… and I’m so sad.”
He rested his chin on her shoulder, and she welcomed the warmth of lips on her icy cheek. He had come to know her so well, and now his presence was needed most of all.
“You can talk to me if you want,” he muttered in her ear.
“I know… I…” she started, but the words wouldn’t come.
“But you don’t have to,” he smiled, pulling her under his arm.
“Tonight was amazing, Eli, because of you.”
The snort that escaped him confirmed that he didn’t agree. “Hardly!” He scoffed. “This was a group effort, and you were a big part of that group.”
“It was your idea,” she said with a shake of her head. “You and the others came up with it that day at the amusement park.”
“Yeah, but some of us are more talk than action. You make sure that we see things through.”
“Hmmm, you give me too much credit.”
“Yeah, well, turnaround is fair play,” he smiled, and with that, most of her sadness disappeared. “You’re guilty of doing that with me.”
“But when it comes to you, it’s accurate.”
“That’s your opinion,” he stated, spinning her around to face him. “Why don’t we go inside? You’re freezing, and most have gone to bed, so we’ll be alone. We can talk if you want.”
“I do,” she said, slipping her freezing hand into his. “Let’s go.”
He placed a blanket over her when she sunk into the couch, then stepped away to get her a warm drink, but she pulled him near.
“No. Just stay with me.”
“Sure,” he replied, taking the spot next to her.
“I feel guilty,” she whispered so low he almost didn’t hear.
“For what?”
“For being alive… for being here… having this beautiful night,” she lifted her head to look into his eyes, as hers brimmed with tears, “for having you.”
Eli’s expression softened, and words were unnecessary to express how much he understood. He raised a calloused thumb to her cheek, stroking soft circles against her skin.
“I get it, but a wise woman once told me that our loved ones who had passed would want us to find happiness in whatever time we have left. I didn’t always believe that, but she made me see she was right.”
“Throwing my words back at me, Eli?” she smirked.
“What? Do you think you’re the only wise woman I’ve ever known?” He grinned as she nuzzled against his chest.
“Oh, I keep forgetting you were Mr. Social Butterfuly before I came along,” she teased. 
“I know you miss Ana. I miss my family, too, every day. But I’m grateful for the people I have in my life, you most of all. I know that’s what they’d want for me. I know they’re happy I’ve found this. I only got to meet Ana once, but in that little time, I know she’d feel the same way for you.”
“She would,” Zoe smiled. “Sometimes I feel like it’s my obligation to be happy… or all her sacrifices weren’t worthwhile.”
“You should take happiness where you can find it. But you need to be true to what you’re feeling, and you’re allowed to be sad, too.”  
Zoe sat up and faced him; much of the pain present on her face had melted away. 
“I know. But I want to be happy. Tonight was magical. It almost felt like a scene in one of those Christmas movies from the Old World that Troy plays.”
“That’s what we were aiming for.”
“We succeed,” she beamed, her face aglow from the firelight. He wasn’t sure if she had ever looked more beautiful.
“We did,” he smiled, caressing her hand. “We did good. But… the night is not over.”
“It’s not?”
“No. I have a present for you.”
“Eli! We mentioned exchanging gifts at first, but then we agreed we’d save gifts for the next time. It would be too difficult to….”
“Fortunately, I ignored that,” he smirked as he retrieved a small bag from the back of a shelf. “Because I noticed you had a package with my name in your closet after I got this.”
“Snooping?” She mocked.
“No! Getting you a blanket for the five-hundredth time.”
Zoe narrowed her eyes as she got the package hid in a rarely used desk in the corner. Looking almost bashful, she returned to the seat next to him.
“So how do we do this? I’ve never exchanged gifts before. I know in the movies it’s usually a big chaotic scene where no one knows what they’re opening….”
“That never seemed appealing.”
“I’m glad you agree,” she smiled. “So, you open mine, and then I’ll open yours?”
“We can do that,” he said, accepting the gift wrapped in an old t-shirt from her hands.
A shocked expression registered on his face as he stared at the drawing Zoe had created for him. His body trembled gently as he looked at her, then back to the drawing again.
“Is this,” he swallowed, taking a moment before speaking again. “Is this… my family?”
“That’s what I wanted it to be. I never got to see them, but I really listen when you talk, and this is how I imagine them… I hope I got it….”
The wind escaped her when Eli grabbed her in his arms, pulling her tightly against his chest. Her sweater and hair absorbed his tears as his face nuzzled in her shoulder. He looked at the picture again, and a soft sob escaped him. “It’s remarkable how much it looks like them…. it’s like you knew them. I don’t even know what to….”
“Shhh,” she cradled him close against her chest, kissing softly atop his head. “You don’t have to say anything, Eli. I’m just happy you like it.”
“I love it,” he whispered, wiping away a tear. “Thank you.”
They sat in comfortable silence for several moments. Eli never took his eyes off his gift, and by the time he looked back at Zoe, he appeared more at peace than she had seen him in some time.
“I almost forgot. I have something for you, too.”
He placed the small burlap bag on her lap, gently leaving his hand on her knee as she opened it. She took out a small stack of worn books tied together with a red ribbon. 
“Before you open it,” he interrupted. “I know you love to read, and there are two things you always seem to want to know more about…the old world and me… so I think you’ll like this.”
He watched her intently, her eyes wide with wonder as she turned the tattered pages, each covered with writing in beautiful penmanship.
“Eli… are these journals?”
“They are,” he whispered. “They were my mother’s.”
Zoe reflexively dropped the books to her lap, her hands reaching up to cover her mouth. “No!” she gasped, tears already rolling down her cheeks. “That’s impossible…. How?”
“Troy and I were scavenging one day, and I realized we weren’t all that far from my old cabin….”
“Eli!” She wailed. “You went back there! It’s too dangerous and too close to The Tower! And you two went alone!”
“This is why I didn’t tell you,” he chuckled nervously, “but Troy and I….”
“Troy!” she interrupted, “I’m going to kill him! I’m going to kill you! If anything would have happened, I would….”
“Zoe,” he said, steadying her in his arms. “Nothing happened. I’m here.”
“It must have been so hard on you… to be there. If you insisted on going, why didn’t you tell me? I would have come….”
“It wasn’t planned. It’s just one of those things. And, no, it wasn’t easy… but it was better than I would have thought. The place was pretty picked over, and most of our stuff was gone. But Mom kept these hidden under a footboard in her room… I can’t tell you how happy I was to find them. I was going to show you the second we got back, but… then I realized these would make the perfect gift for you.”
“For me,” she breathed, as her hand covered her heart. “Eli, I’ve never been more honored, but I… I can’t accept these. These belong to you, and no one but you, I couldn’t imagine….”
Eli placed his hand atop hers, trembling on her lap. 
“If they’re with you, they’ll be with me. Because if I have one or twenty-thousand days left, I’m spending them at your side.”
Zoe fell into his arms, not worried that her crying might wake the others; after all, they were the only two people in the world. 
“I love you, Eli Sipes,” she cried into his shoulder. “I love you so much, and… I don’t care what world it’s in, I don’t care what wealth anyone could have… no one could ever give me anything this precious.”
Pulling back, he gazed into her eyes. The pain, sorrow, and tragedy she had endured were all present, but they were obscured, hiding behind the love and wonder they held whenever she looked at him.
“You gave me a reason to be alive again, not survive, but live… who knew that troublemaking pain in the ass that came onto my property….”
Zoe laughed nervously through her tears, “The one you nearly killed?”
“I’ve apologized,” he grinned. “I hope you get to know my Mom a little when you read these. And maybe you’ll get to know me better, too. She wrote about conversations we used to have. In one, she told me how she still held out hope that I’d find happiness one day, even in this world. I didn’t believe it at all… but as usual, she was right… you’ve brought that to me. You’re the most precious gift, Zoe. I’m just glad we found each other.”
“Eli, I’m going to read every word, I promise, and the memory of this night will always be among the happiest in my life.”
“Good. But I never want to stop making memories with you.”
“Neither do I. Is this where we’re supposed to say Merry Christmas?”
“We could,” he smiled.  “Or we can make up something of our own.”
“How about I just say I love you.”
“I like that.  I love you, too.”
Eli's Family - fan art by @rosefuckinggenius
A/N 2: Someone recently asked me if Eli ever found his mother’s journals, so it got me thinking… I thought this was a great way for it to go. If you wish to learn more about them, you can find i for here:
Tagging separately.
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angelasscribbles · 2 years
The Best Christmas Ever
Series: None, this is a one-shot and you can find those here.
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairing: Riley x Max
Rating: G
Warnings for this chapter: none
Word Count: 2,181
A/N: This is an ask from @squid-princess-teach-swallow from my follower prompt list/wheel event. The ask was for Max x fluff x embarrassing.
I'm also submitting it to @choicesholidays for the prompt "I'm so glad we found each other" and tagging @maxwell-beaumont-appreciation
My other stuff: Master List.
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Maxwell Beaumont flung his car door open and jumped out. He was late.
He hurried up the driveway to his childhood home hoping they hadn’t started dinner without him.
“Sorry, I’m late!” He called as he stomped the snow from his boots and flung his jacket in the general direction of the coat rack.
The sound of laughter floated out of the sitting room as he made his way down the hall. An affectionate smile played across his face as he regarded his friends and family getting along.
Bertrand was seated on the plush, oversized beige sofa with his wife Savannah on one side of him and Riley on the other. Liam and Drake stood behind the sofa looking over his shoulders at something.
“What’s everyone doing?” He asked then his steps faltered as he noticed the large photo album in his brother’s lap. His good mood turned to horror, “No!”
Riley looked up with a sparkle in her eye, “Bert’s been showing us pictures from your childhood, Max! And telling us stories!”
“Oh, no…we don’t have to do that! Isn’t dinner ready?” Max asked in distress.
“We were waiting for you!” Riley told him.
“It’s fine,” Savannah said, “a few more minutes won’t hurt.”
“But-“ Max was sure that he did not want his friends and family telling the woman he was secretly in love with about his childhood.
“Ah, what a cute dog!” Riley pointed to a photo of both boys hugging a Labrador retriever.
Max smiled, “Her name was Penny. She was a great dog!” This wasn’t so bad. Just focus on the dog.
“Wasn’t she a rescue?” Liam asked.
“She was,” Max agreed, “She was one when we got her and I was seven. Our father explained how dog years worked and I thought it was really cool that we were the same age!”
“Oh Max, that’s so cute!” Riley smiled at him and a flush of pleasure crept across his face.
Of course, his brother had to ruin it, “Yes but when she turned two, Max cried for a week.”
“Why?” Savannah asked in puzzlement.
“He thought since she was turning fourteen, she wouldn’t want to hang out with him anymore,” Bertrand answered, “because he was still only eight.”
“That’s hilarious!” Drake said.
“I think it’s cute!” Riley gave him a sympathetic glance as everyone else laughed.
“Thank you,” Max said as he walked around to stand in front of the sofa ready to snatch the album from his brother’s grasp if necessary.
Bertrand flipped the page.
“Oh, I didn’t know you wore glasses when you were younger!” Riley glanced from the photo album to his face.
“He didn’t,” Bertrand explained, “Somehow he got it in his head that wearing glasses was what made you smart.”
“Oh, so they were fake.”
“Yeah, yeah, they were fake!” Max agreed shooting a death glare at his brother.
“No,” Bertrand contradicted him, “he convinced our parents that he was having trouble seeing and got them to take him to an ophthalmologist where he pretended he couldn’t read the eye chart.”
“No!” Riley gasped in delight, “He did not!”
“Oh, he did,” Bertrand assured her, “then he suffered with blurry vision for a month before finally confessing.”
“I hate you,” Max said yanking the album out of Bertrand’s hands.
“Oh, come on!” Bertrand protested, “We’re just having fun!”
“Yeah, Max!” Riley agreed, “I love hearing stories about your childhood!”
“Really?” He felt his heart do a little flip.
“Really.” She assured him.
“Oh! I have one!” Drake exclaimed, “You’re going to love this one, Brooks!”
Max ran a hand down his face with a groan, “Not the fucking closet story!”
“Yes, the closet story!” Drake chortled, “They had come to the palace to visit. We were playing hide and seek-“
“No, we weren’t!” Max interrupted, “I was hiding from you because I broke your favorite action figure and I was afraid you were going to murder me!”
“Whatever,” Drake said dismissively before plunging on, “He wouldn’t come out of the damn closet and his parents were ready to leave so I threatened to suck the air out of the closet!”
“But he still wouldn’t come out,” Liam added.
“He was a very stubborn child.” Bertrand supplied.
“What happened?” Riley asked, looking from Liam to Drake to Max.
Max picked up the story, “I was sitting in that closet and I see a straw slide under the door and I hear a sucking sound….”
“He came hauling ass out of that closet like he was about to die!” Drake howled.
“Yeah,” Liam broke in, “he broke the door, it had to be replaced.”
“I really thought I was going to die!” Max shook his head, “You were all assholes!”
“It was a straw under a closet door!” Drake scoffed.
“I was six!”
“Remember when you fell out of the window and broke your arm?” Liam asked.
Max sighed as his head tipped back and he looked up to heaven for guidance.
“How did he fall out a window?” Riley asked.
“Our parents sent him to his room for setting his pet crabs loose in the house and he was leaning out the window crying-“
“Wait, you had pet crabs?” she asked in astonishment.
“They were the little ones that go in the aquarium with your fish.” Bertrand offered.
“Okay. Why were you leaning out the window?” Riley directed the question to Max.
“I wanted my peacocks to hear, and any servants that were outside,” he answered, “I was being dramatic. I wanted the world to know I’d been wronged. Those crabs were falsely imprisoned and they wanted to be free!”
“Anyway,” Bertrand continued, “he leaned too far and fell out! But no one knew it had happened, he had to ring the doorbell to get back in!”
The room was howling with laughter.
“Okay, okay, I was a dork but why are we only picking on me?” Max asked, “Remember the time you asked mom why there were different colors of people?”
“Yes,” Bertrand responded, “She told me it was because God wanted a variety of flavors.”
“Unfortunate word choice,” Max said, “for three years, Bert thought that when people died, God ate them!”
“No, he did not!” Savannah wiped tears of mirth from her eyes.
“Yes, he did!” Max replied smugly.
“Fine, but one time when he was about eight, Max found dad’s driver’s permit and started crying hysterically,” Bertrand put the focus right back on his brother, “It took us almost an hour to get him to calm down enough to tell us what was wrong.”
“What was it?” Riley asked.
“He saw the expiration date and thought that was when he was going to die.”
“Yes, well….in my defense, when things expire, we throw them away, I thought the expiration date was for him, not the permit.”
“Ah, Max, that’s sweet!” Riley said, “You were a sensitive child!”
“We should probably get to dinner now,” Bertrand stood up and turned back to help Savannah up.
Max had been returning the photo album to the shelf, he turned and tripped over the coffee table, “Ow!”
He caught himself but his shin was going to be bruised.
“You okay?” Riley stayed behind as the rest of the group trailed out of the sitting room and into the dining room.
“I’m fine,” he assured her as he sank onto the loveseat grasping his leg, “nothing hurt but my pride.”
Riley sat down next to him, “Hey, I hope you aren’t upset about the pictures and the stories.”
“What?” he glanced at her face then back down at his leg as he mumbled, “No, I mean, they were just embarrassing…”
“I don’t think they were embarrassing, Max,” she told him, “I think you were an adorable child and the stories were funny but cute.”
“Yeah?” He looked back up at her and his heart skipped a beat. His face flushed.
Why couldn’t he just tell her how he felt?
She and Liam had formed a close friendship during the social season but had agreed that a romantic connection wasn’t in the cards. There had been a spark, yes. But it had never exploded into a flame.
He had been terrified she would leave at the end of the season but she had decided to stay and finish out her graduate studies at Cordonia University.
“Yeah,” she said, “Now, why were you late? Is everything okay?”
“Oh, I, ah…” he flushed an even deeper shade of red as he fumbled in his pocket, “I was picking something up. I wanted to give you this before you left to spend Christmas with your family.”
She glanced down as he thrust a small velvet box into her hands, “I can open it now?”
“If you want.” He still hadn’t met her eyes.
She opened the lid to reveal a delicate gold chain with a golden phoenix curled around a brilliant sapphire. Her mouth fell open as she pulled it out of the case, “Max!”
“You don’t like it! It’s okay, I can return it-“
“Shut up!” She slapped his chest, “It’s beautiful and I love it!”
“You do?” He asked hopefully.
“I do! It’s gorgeous! But-“
His face fell, “But what?”                   
“Nothing, just, this had to be really expensive and-“
“And it’s too much, isn’t it? I’m sorry! I knew I shouldn’t have-“
“Max, stop! That’s not what I was going to say!”
“Sorry, what were you going to say?” He stared down at his lap while silently cursing himself for being so utterly bad at this.
“It is expensive…I’m just wondering what it means.”
“I saw it and it reminded me of you. All the crap you’ve been through in your life but you just rise from the ashes every time….what?” The way she was looking at him made him stop breathing.
“Nothing,” She said slowly, “could you put it on for me?”
She handed him the necklace then turned her back and lifted her hair.
His hands shook as he attempted to fasten the clasp. He was successful on the third try.
When she turned back toward him, she fingered the necklace thoughtfully. Her voice was soft as she said, “You know, this is the kind of thing you usually give a girlfriend, not just a friend.”
Max froze as panic sliced through him.
Shit! Shit! Shit!
As he struggled to formulate a response, she reached out and touched his cheek gently, “Do you ever think of me like that?”
“I….yes…I just didn’t think that you…I mean, you probably don’t …..I’m sure you don’t-“
She leaned forward and pressed her lips to his.
His body jolted in surprise before melting into her with relief, happiness, and awed amazement.
“Maxwell! Riley!” Bertrand’s voice boomed from the other room, “Are you coming to dinner or not?”
They pulled apart, both a little breathless.
“In a minute!” Max yelled back.
“We should go,” Riley said.
“Can we talk when you get back from the states?”
“About that,” she replied, “I got you something too, I wasn’t sure if you’d like it, but now…”
“You didn’t have to get me anything, Riley!” He told her, “The fact that you like me is already the greatest gift I could get!”
“That’s so sweet, Max! And I know I didn’t have to, but, this is as much for me as it is for you.”
Curiosity swirled through him, “What is it?”
“A plane ticket,” she answered shyly.
“A plane ticket?” He repeated in confusion.
“Yeah, I was hoping you’d come with me.”
He blinked in surprise, “You want me to come with you to visit your family for Christmas?”
Riley felt her face heat as she responded, “Only if you want to! It’s okay if you don’t!”
Max’s face broke into the widest grin she’d ever seen, and that was saying a lot, “I would love to spend Christmas with you! I’d go anywhere with you, Riley!”
“Seriously you two! What’s taking so long?” Liam called.
“We’re not waiting anymore, I’m hungry!” Drake yelled.
“Coming!” They yelled back together.
Max jumped up from the loveseat and offered her his hand.
She took it.
He pulled her to her feet and they started for the dining room, hand in hand.
“So, am I like your boyfriend now?” He asked, his heart pounding in his chest.
She smiled as she cut a sidelong glance at him, “Oh, absolutely!”
“This is the best Christmas ever!” He told her as joy suffused his entire being.
And he meant it. Everything in his life had come down to this.
He had been slowly falling in love with her since that first night in New York. He’d never dreamed she would return those feelings.
As the snow continued to fall outside, they gathered around the table with family and friends. It was almost Christmas, he had a sister-in-law, a nephew on the way, and a girlfriend.
Riley was his girlfriend.
The thought made him feel like he might explode from happiness overload, and for the first time since his mother died, Christmas actually felt joyous.
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potionsprefect · 2 years
Pairings: Ethan Ramsey x Victoria Clarke
Word Count: 819
Summary: Victoria sets herself a challenge
Rating: General Audiences
Category: Fluff
For @choicesficwriterscreations Holiday Event 2022
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The green item was clutched tightly in her hand, she stood on her tiptoes and hung it above her head, attaching the mistletoe with some tape.
Footsteps echoed throughout the house as Ethan walked down the stairs. Victoria stood in the doorway, waiting for his arrival.
“You’re up to something.” He narrowed his eyes with a laugh.
Victoria looked up which made Ethan do the same. He rolled his eyes when he saw the mistletoe. “Seriously? That’s what you’re doing?”
“It’s a Christmas tradition! Kissing under the mistletoe is very important.” Victoria said.
Ethan reached up to touch the object. “It’s plastic.”
“It’s not real. If you want to kiss me under the mistletoe, then you’ve got to use real mistletoe. I’m not kissing you otherwise.” Ethan said as he headed into the kitchen.
“So you don’t want to kiss me?” Victoria asked.
“That’s not what I said Rookie.”
“Sure sounds like it.” Victoria shrugged.
Ethan couldn’t hide the amusement on his face. “I am more than happy to kiss you at any moment. But when it comes to mistletoe, it has to be real, otherwise in my opinion it doesn’t count.”
“You’re so annoying, do you know that?” Victoria rolled her eyes.
Ethan laughed. “Yes. And you love it.”
“I couldn’t find any real mistletoe in the shops.”
“Well then, no mistletoe kissing for us this Christmas.” Ethan grinned as he turned the oven on.
Victoria huffed as she walked into the kitchen. “Would you still give me a kiss anyway? I could do with one.”
Ethan chuckled as he pulled her into his embrace and cupped her cheeks in his large hands. “Gladly.”
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Victoria scoured every shop Boston had to offer, seeing if there was any place that did real mistletoe, so far she hadn’t been lucky.
Ethan was being so annoying by telling her she needed real mistletoe. She knew he found the whole practice ridiculous and that he was taking great pleasure in how annoyed she was. It was like he was doing it on purpose.
He was sure she wouldn’t be able to find real mistletoe considering how popular it was. She was determined to find some so she could prove him wrong.
Victoria headed into her last shop, praying that they had what she needed.
“Hello there ma’am. Is there anything I can help you with?” A shop assistant said with a friendly smile.
“Do you sell real mistletoe? I tried to get my husband to kiss me under some yesterday but he said it didn’t count because it wasn’t real.”
The woman laughed. “I have the same problem with my husband. He’s very particular like that too. I’m glad it’s not just me that has to deal with that.”
“It’s so annoying. I’m determined to prove him wrong though.”
“Well you’re in luck because we do have some. It’s very popular but that’s to be expected.” The woman guided Victoria to a shelf.
That will wipe the smirk off of his face Victoria thought.
“Thank you so much! I can’t wait to see his face later on.” Victoria grinned.
“You’re welcome. And happy kissing!” The woman laughed as she walked away.
Victoria grabbed the item and paid for it and then headed out the shop, ready to prove Ethan wrong.
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Victoria hung the ornament above her head and patiently waited for Ethan to get home. He was convinced she wouldn’t have been able to find real mistletoe but here she was, stood with it hanging above her head. And Victoria couldn’t wait to tell him.
She heard the car pull onto the drive; the car lights shining brightly before being turned off. A shadowy figure approached the door, putting the key in the lock before the door opened.
Ethan, looking rather grumpy stepped into the warm house. “How long have you been standing there?”
“Long enough to be able to prove my point.” Victoria replied.
Ethan set his bag down and took his shoes off. He walked slowly to Victoria, the smirk on his face widening with every step.
He reached up to grab the item, his eyes widening when he realised she had found real mistletoe. “I’m impressed. I didn’t think you could pull it off.”
“I’m surprising in many ways.” Victoria grinned, wrapping her arms around his neck.
“I agree. Now I believe I owe you something.” Ethan said.
“You do.” Victoria smiled.
Ethan laughed as he leaned in and Victoria met him half way. They stayed that way for a few minutes, their lips fused together as they held onto each other tightly.
Ethan was the first to pull away. “Our first Christmas as husband and wife.” He smiled.
Victoria rested her forehead against his. “The first of many.”
“I agree, but only if it can be like this every Christmas going forward.
Victoria pressed a quick kiss to his lips. “You’ve got yourself a deal Mr Ramsey.”
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Ethan can be very particular when he wants to be lol
Hope you enjoyed this little fluff fest
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alj4890 · 2 years
The Christmas Card
A Choices: The Royal Romance Drabble for CFWC Holidays 2022 prompts
(Liam x Madeleine) (Liam x Riley)
Prompt: A holiday card is delivered twenty years after it was sent.
Rating G for holiday fluff, brief mentions of a death of a parent and spouse
@gkittylove99 @kingliam2019 @texaskitten30 @yourmajesty09 @mom2000aggie @ofpixelsandscribbles @twinkleallnight @lodberg  @amandablink @neotericthemis  @mm2305 @sfb123 @tessa-liam @thesvnsins @krsnlove @choicesficwriterscreations
A/N: Not a part of any of my AU's, but this was the first inspiration I've had since RCD Appreciation Week ended 😂 So here we go.
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The Royal Palace, Cordonia...
"The mail, your majesty."
Liam gave a brief nod to the footman as he continued to peruse a report from Kiara about her ongoing trade negotiation with Greece.
He looked up at the sound of his daughter's voice.
Her eyes were narrowed somewhat in concern. She was already dressed for the evening's holiday event. The deep hunter green of her velvet evening gown set off her vibrant eyes and golden hair.
His expression softened instantly at the sight of her.
"You look lovely, Charlotte."
She smiled as she came into the room.
"Thank you."
"I see you're wearing your mother's colors this evening."
Her smile dimmed some. "I thought I should since this is our first Christmas without her."
Liam got to his feet to wrap her in his arms. "You honor Madeleine in everything you do, dearest."
Charlotte blinked back tears. "I hope so."
She straightened her posture. "I know she was anxious for me to choose a suitor before she died." She rested her head on Liam's shoulder when he kept his arm around her. "I know I should have to give her peace, but I couldn't help but hope that maybe I could find someone I could care for."
"Do not feel guilty." He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "I want you to marry someone you love."
She nodded, lowering her eyes.
"Perhaps you'll meet someone this evening." He dropped his arm on his way back to his desk. "You never know who might show up."
She chuckled. "You never lose hope, do you Father?"
"Never." He winked at her.
"Shouldn't you be getting ready for the ball?"
Liam took his glasses off to look over at the mantle clock.
"I suppose you're right." He grimaced at the sight of Christmas cards he knew he needed to open
"I can go through some of those for you." She offered.
"I'll hurry and come back to help." He got up. "Start with the international piles."
She sat down behind his desk and began to do as he said.
Liam watched her with pride and love shining in his eyes. He couldn't be more thankful for his daughter's existence.
As he made his way to his chambers, he felt a little guilty that he did not miss her mother like one should.
Madeleine had been a phenomenal queen. Her cancer diagnosis a year earlier had been a blow that everyone across Cordonia deeply felt. Liam, the ever dutiful husband and king, remained by her side for three months as she suffered with slowly wasting away.
Though neither ever fell in love with the other, there was an affection that developed. A close friendship had grown between them, especially when they had their daughter. Their immense love for Charlotte drew them closer than they ever expected. That closeness made them a family that all Cordonians longed to be a part of.
For nearly twenty years, Liam had those two along with Regina and Leo as his family. He had his friends. He had a prosperous kingdom. He had everything a man could possibly have wished for.
He opened the top drawer of his nightstand and pulled out the tarnished key chain he'd received nearly twenty-one years ago.
His fingers rubbed the Statute of Liberty figure while he thought back to the lady who'd given it to him. He wondered what would have happened if he'd been able to marry her.
He knew he wouldn't have Charlotte. He couldn't imagine a world without his daughter in it. The past nineteen years were some of the happiest of his life by simply being her father. She had an innate gentleness about her. She possessed her parents' deep sense of duty and honor, yet had a heart that was even more tender than his.
Madeleine told Liam she was worried about her getting her hurt one day because of it. Yet, she didn't want to try and mold her the way her parents had made her. The coldness and stoic indifference she'd been raised in was not going to be part of their daughter's upbringing.
She was thankful their daughter was warm and caring.
Madeleine finally had someone who loved her unconditionally and she was able to do the same. Having a child changed her for the better. It made her relax, or at least relax as much as she could, and simply enjoy the moments out of the public eye to be with her daughter.
Liam and Madeleine spent a great deal of time with Charlotte at Applewood. Seeing their daughter crawl, learn to walk, and play helped create new memories for them both that no longer held bitterness of those hallowed halls.
Madeleine soon forgot the press release she had to give in the apple orchard over being dumped by Leo. Seeing Charlotte running to play hide and seek amongst the trees had quickly taken over that place in her mind.
And Liam learned to love his once beloved childhood home again.
Applewood. The very place where all Liam's dreams were destroyed. After all these years, he was still in disbelief that someone had managed to capture images of Riley in Tariq's arms.
He wondered what would have happened if he hadn't given in to his father's demands to choose someone else the night of his coronation.
Would the public have eventually forgiven Riley and accepted her as queen?
He set the key chain down. He shouldn't dwell on what if's. He'd been able to not think about it as often as he used to for years. Now that he was a widower and it being the holiday season, he found his thoughts returning more and more to the American he'd once loved.
Going to his closet, he began to get ready for the evening.
Charlotte set aside a card from yet another political figure and reached for the next one in the stack. Her brow furrowed as she studied the faded stamp and holiday sticker. The red envelope was no longer as vibrant as the creases along the edges.
She then noticed the postal date.
"Oh my!" She slit it open and pulled the card out.
She quickly scanned the contents before seeing the name at the bottom.
Jumping to her feet, she dashed out of the study.
"Princess Charlotte!" One of the guards yelled in alarm.
Ignoring him, she hurried up the palace's stairs to her father's room.
Liam heard the commotion. He paused in tying his tie and peeked out the door.
"Charlotte!" He nearly fell backwards with her colliding into him. "What's wrong? Why did you--"
She was breathless. Gasping for air, she handed him the Christmas card.
Liam eyed her for another second or two to make certain she was alright before slipping his glasses on. He then read it's contents.
His jaw dropped.
"Father?" Charlotte gently laid her hand upon his arm. "This from her isn't it? The one you told me about?"
"It is." He shook his head in disbelief. "I can't believe after all these years she would send me a card."
"She didn't." Charlotte handed him the envelope. "Riley sent it to you twenty years ago."
Liam's eyes bulged as he read towards the bottom of her card.
"Do you think it's true?" Charlotte asked.
He set it down. Liam began to pace as him mind whirled with this unexpected surprise. He knew he needed to calm down and think everything through.
Charlotte watched him quietly. Her hands were gripped tightly while she too wondered what should be done.
"I think we should go to New York." She decided.
Liam whirled around in surprise. He should have known with Charlotte's tender heart that she would believe that they both should go.
"Shall I go tell the flight staff?" She asked.
He nodded. "Tell them we'll leave first thing tomorrow morning."
New York...
"I'm home!" Riley stomped her boots at the door to knock the snow and sludge free.
"Hey Mom!" Her daughter yelled out from the kitchen. "How was your day?"
"Busy." She took her coat off and collapsed on the sofa. "How about yours?"
"Pretty good." Her daughter, Hope, came out to set the table. "Professor Simmons offered me an internship for next semester."
Riley perked up over that news. "That's wonderful! Did you accept?"
Hope playfully rolled her eyes. "You mean, did I accept my dream job of curating The Met's Egyptian displays while working with my all-time favorite mentor?" Her lips curved into a smile Riley easily recognized as her father's. "Of course I said, no."
Riley threw a throw pillow at her, laughing when it was thrown back.
She got up and hugged her tight.
"I'm so happy for you, sweetheart."
Hope squeezed her. "You'll be even happier to know I thought we should celebrate."
Riley leaned back. "Is that egg rolls I smell?"
"And everything else we love." Hope dashed back to the kitchen to gather the takeout cartons.
"That's my girl." Riley sat down and propped her aching feet up on the chair next to her.
"How bad was it today?" Hope asked.
"It wasn't horrible. Just a lot of new cases." Riley smiled at her. "As long as I can sit down, we can party all night to celebrate."
Hope laughed, shaking her head as she went back to get them something to drink.
"I hope Rapaport appreciate the greatest paralegal in the world."
Riley snorted. "I think they see us all as one entity sometimes." She sighed. "But they have been promising amazing Christmas bonuses this year."
"Good. You deserve it." Hope sat down and began to fill their plates. "I think you should take a cruise or something to reward yourself. You never do anything for you."
"Yes, I do." Riley reached over and took her daughter's hand. "All the little vacations you and I have taken over the years have been wonderful."
"But you always go where I want to." Hope squeezed her hand. "Don't get me wrong, I loved that you did, but I wish now I had realized it sooner so that we could go where you wanted to go."
"Trust me. I loved all those trips to Hershey's Park when you were little." Riley teased. "And Macy's loved that I'd have to buy bigger clothes after gorging myself on chocolate during each visit."
Hope giggled at the memories.
For nearly twenty years, it'd always been just the two of them on their many road trip adventures. Neither would have had it any other way.
Riley sat back and quietly watched her daughter as she told her about what she would be doing at The Met. Her mind drifted to one particular trip she took before her daughter came into the world. Of all the trips she'd taken in her life, she would never regret that one whirlwind of a vacation to Cordonia.
At times though, she wished she had given in to the Beaumont Brother's pleas and remained to discover who had destroyed her chance to be with her Prince Charming. Her heart broke when she heard Liam choose Madeleine over her after having just told Riley he loved her.
After all they shared in that hedge maze, she couldn't go back.
Still, she wondered what would have happened if she had...
As they settled in to eat, a knock sounded at the door.
"That's probably Sean." Hope jumped up. "I'd texted him about my internship."
She rushed over and opened the door.
"Hello." She greeted the two strangers with a warm smile. "May I help you with something?"
Speechless, Liam stared at Hope. It was as if all his memories of Riley had come to life in the young woman in front of him.
Charlotte smiled softly and took over once she saw her father unable to do so. "Does a Riley Brooks live here?"
"She does." Hope turned around. "Hey, Mom? You have some visitors."
She stepped back and invited them in.
Riley came into the living room and stopped short at the sight of Liam.
"Mom?" Hope hurried over when she saw the color drain from her mother's face. "You okay?"
Trembling, Riley sank down on the arm of the loveseat, never once taking her eyes off of Liam.
Swallowing nervously, he stepped toward her.
"Liam?" She said hesitantly.
She did not quite believe he was really in her apartment.
He nodded, his smile coming forth.
"Hello, my love." He held up the Christmas Card. "I finally received this."
Riley covered her mouth with a gasp.
"I never knew, Riley." He took her hands. "If I had, you know I would have been there for you."
Tears fell as she threw herself in his arms.
Hope glanced back at the young lady he'd come in with to see if she had some idea what was going on.
Charlotte's shy smile flashed at her as she held her hand out.
Hope took it with a soft laugh. She was used to her mom being emotional when seeing old friends.
"Hi, I'm Hope."
Tears formed in Charlotte's eyes.
"How ironic."
Hope tilted her head in question over that odd statement.
Charlotte took a deep breath. "I've secretly hoped for a sister each Christmas for as long as I can remember." She beamed at her clueless half sibling. "And at long last, I have one."
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Remember, these prompts are suggestions, but any seasonal holiday fic can be submitted. Just mention @choicesficwriterscreations, and use the tag #cfwc holidays 2022
For complete rules and contest information, please see here.
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twinkleallnight · 2 years
Hii 😍
I saw these pics for fall and thought of you. Maybe they’ll inspire a fic or an edit. Whatever your feel most comfortable with (no pressure 🥰)
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I know it's almost Christmas and I promised this one just "tomorrow" ( that was a week ago) but as suggested by few it's fall technically till 19 December and half of earth is still living in that date zone, here's this lovely ask , before it's too- too late.
Thank you @peonierose for these autumn pics that made me churn out a fluff with my OTP.
Previously the things that happened are mentioned in this fic I am thankful for... and Lilith's birth happened in the fic - the Nevrakis-Walker Christmas
It's Fall Y'all...
Book: TRR AU
Characters: Drake x Olivia and their daughter Lilith, Riley and her daughter Eleanor, Bianca. Mentioned: Liam, Maxwell.
Word count: 1,547
Disclaimer: All characters belong to pixelberry except Lilith
Rating: teens
Warning: fluff
1. prompt day 19 , take me home, by @choicesdecemberchallenge2022
2. your OTP takes a holiday trip. Holiday prompts @choicesficwriterscreations
3. Prompt 84. “You said not to buy you any gifts, so I made you one instead.” @choicesflashfics holiday prompt
4. Prompt 3 by @choicesflashfics “Ok, this whole thing you’re doing? I’m gonna need you to stop."
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The azure of the sky was speckled with fluff of the white clouds. The winds were calm and often let out a soft breath in the form of a breeze. The trees seemed to be changing their dresses in a shade brighter than last month’s.
On such a pleasant day, Drake was rocking softly in a hammock, tied between the two trees that stood on the way to the barn. The usually quiet ranch home was bustling with activities, this time of the year. The Cordonian royal family was on their annual trip to Texas along with Drake’s family. A feeling of bliss ran through his veins as he looked at all of them.
His mother, Bianca sat nearby on a picnic table knitting a sweater. His wife, Olivia was busy taming the fiery red mane of their daughter, Lilith and his best friend’s wife Riley was entangled with her daughter’s golden curls.
He took a deep breath and focused back on reading Maxwell’s latest release.
A week ago...
{ “You are seriously going to spend time reading this?” Olivia had asked him when they had packed their bags in Lythikos.
“I am curious to read what he has written about our children. I let him be when he wrote a one-sided story about us but I won’t let him do that to my kido.”
“What will you do?” Olivia had raised an eyebrow, challenging him.
“ I… I…I will tell you. You can handle that Beaumont better than me.”
Olivia threw a pillow at him. “Such a marshmallow!”
Drake had just smiled. He knew, the presence of his daughter in his life had mellowed him down so much. }
He was half way through the story of the Royal heir and it felt a nice walk down the memory lane, as he read about the shenanigans of their little ones described in the book.
A sudden babbling around the picnic table caught his attention. He knew the girls were getting ready for the evening fire pit party, but this time it was his mother’s turn to dress up, it seemed.
Bianca was protesting, squeezed in between Lilith and Eleanor. Her hands were pinned down by both the girls who were engrossed in colouring the nails of her wrinkled hands.
“Girls, I seriously feel this is not a good idea.” Bianca said the umpteenth time.
“Shhh”, Lilith seated to her right, reacted.
Bianca shut her eyes, “This is going to be so awkward. “Ellie,” She coaxed Riley’s daughter seated to her left, “You are the wise one. Can you not reason?” Eleanor just giggled and concentrated back at the work in hand.
Bianca gave a pleading look to Olivia and Riley sitting in front of her but they shrugged and continued scrolling through their cell phones.
“Drake!” She called out to her last resort.
“Have fun, mom!” He replied.
“No use.” Bianca gave out a heavy sigh. She had not indulged in any such girlie acts for years. ‘Since Jackson’ she thought. And now she had to give in to the persistence of the young girls.
Riley and Olivia went to the kitchen to get some snacks. By the time they came back Bianca’s nails were painted bright.
Lilith squealed. “Grandma, isn’t it a beautiful piece of art?”
Before Bianca could respond, Eleanor sitting on the other side affirmed, “It surely is.”
Lilith lifted her arms in excitement, “You are getting ready for Ellie and Lily’s party tonight!”
“For which, we still have few things to arrange.” Reminded Eleanor.
“Oh yes, excuse us please.” Lilith got up. “We need to catch hold of Uncle Liam for our next plan.”
“He is almost done with his meeting. You can meet him upstairs.” Riley informed them.
Lilith pulled Eleanor along with her as they rushed to the house.
“Bye, Uncle Drake.” Eleanor waved.
“Bye Dad!” Lilith screamed.
“See you soon.” Drake waved at them and walked down to join the rest of the ladies at the picnic table, sitting next to his mother.
Bianca rolled her eyes and smiled at their retreating figures, “She never gets tired, does she?”
“And she loves to party.” Drake dismissed.
“Unlike you two.” Riley moved her finger between Drake and Olivia.
“I wonder where she got it from?” Bianca pondered.
“Oh, you don’t know? She was conceived in Maxwell’s library.” Riley snickered.
Olivia glared at Riley while Drake looked away in embarrassment.
“That’s a ridiculous reason. Bianca made light of it, “Anyways, I love how these girls bring all the brightness and joy to my otherwise quiet home. I am thankful to all of you for spending fall with me here, every year. I don’t know what I would do without you.” Her eyes welled up.
Drake reached out to hold her hand and comfort her.
Riley assured her, “Aww, believe me, I and Liam look forward to this time of the year. It’s a nice break from the Cordonian court and a much needed family time for us.”
Bianca dabbed her eyes with her free hand.
“Mom?” Drake sought her attention, still holding and observing her right hand. “Your hands are looking so pretty with this colour. He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed.”
Amidst the tears, Bianca laughed and retrieved her hand from his to slap his shoulder.
“Let’s eat.” Olivia tried to distract them. She preferred giving a blind eye to the emotional moments.
The four of them settled down around the table to munch on some Nachos. As they were eating, they discussed their plans for the evening.
“Olivia, what’s on your menu ?” Riley asked.
“Chicken fried steak, Drake’s barbeque ribs, pecan pie…”
“I love the pie you make, Olivia” Bianca chimed in.
Drake and Olivia exchanged a knowing look, some old memories replaying in their eyes.
“When you make it everyday, you achieve that perfection.” Riley stated.
“Everyday? Why would Olivia make pie everyday?” Bianca gave them both a puzzled look while Olivia tried to elbow Riley.
But Riley seemed to be in an elated mood as she explained further. “The Thanksgiving, a year before their wedding, Olivia burnt down the whole kitchen, trying to cook for Drake.”
Bianca gasped and Olivia covered her face with her hand. Drake grimaced helplessly. ‘What’s wrong with you Riley?’ he thought. He knew Olivia won’t like the details spoken out. But what came next surprised him too.
“She decided to make pie every single day for the next 21 days.”
“Really?” Drake and Bianca asked in unison.
“But why?” Bianca questioned again.
Olivia understood that there was no backing off now. She sighed before revealing, “I read somewhere that if you repeat anything for 21 days, the habit gets well ingrained. I didn’t want to repeat my mistakes.
“Oh dear” Bianca sympathized.
Drake got up to sit besides her. He gave her a hug, “I am proud of you wifey. I wish you included me for those 21 days too. I can never get enough of your culinary skills.” He kissed her hair and gave Riley a stare.
“What was that for?” Riley asked innocently.
Drake retorted, “Ok, this whole thing you’re doing? I’m gonna need you to stop. Do you realize, you are acting a lot like Maxwell today?
Bianca commanded, “Stop nudging her, Drake. She is just sharing those childhood memories one has. They are always a bit funny for everyone to hear.”
“Yeah, and a tad embarrassing for the grown up child.” Drake fussed.
Olivia placed her hand on Drake’s thigh and he looked at her. It was her silent way of saying, ‘let it go.’ He smiled at her and leaned down to leave a peck on her cheek.
“Olivia,” Bianca grabbed their attention, “I have something for you.” She dug in her bag of yarn balls to pull out and place a pair of neatly knitted socks on the table. “You said not to buy you any gifts, so I made you one instead.”
Olivia kept looking at her dumbfounded.
“Mom, I hope you remember that Olivia is from Lythikos? More than her, your poor son needs all the wool to survive the Lythikan winters.” Drake made a puppy face.
Bianca waved off Drake with a smile and continued, “I had thought of giving it to you later, but this seems to be the right time. Give me your hands.”
Olivia stretched out her arms. Bianca placed the socks in her open palms and rested her hands over them.
“Olivia, you refined my son into a fine man. You gave me a beautiful granddaughter and you brought us all together. As a woman, I know what it takes to build up a cozy little family. Hope this pair of socks keeps you warm on those awful days when nothing seems to go right and reminds you that you will always be right.”
Olivia was definitely not prepared for this. She felt the moistness in her eyes and feared that it would spill over the brim. She just looked down at the socks in her hands and Bianca’s hands over them. “You know that nail colour looks really beautiful on you.”
Bianca swatted on her hands and they all laughed together.
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Tags: @3pawandme @alj4890 @angelasscribbles @bascmve01 @bebepac @busywoman @dcbbw @gkittylove99 @harleybeaumont @iaminlovewithtrr @karahalloway @kingliam2019 @lovingchoices14 @nestledonthaveone @neotericthemis @mom2000aggie @phoenixrising0308 @princess-geek @riseandshinelittleblossom @secretaryunpaid @sfb123 @sillydg @tessa-liam @tinkie1973 @txemrn @walkerdrakewalker @yourmajesty09
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genevievemd · 2 years
A Special Gift
Book: Open Heart (Beyond) Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Genevieve McClure) Word Count: 785 Rating: G Category: fluff Trope(s): 
Summary: Gen and Ethan have a special gift for their parents on Christmas morning. 
Warnings: none
A/N: Shoutout to @coffeeheartaddict2​ for helping me figure out how far along G would be come Christmas 2023. You’re a real MVP
Also this little ficlet is another entry for @choicesficwriterscreations​ Holiday Event! 
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December 25, 2023 
She watches the snow fall outside the kitchen window, mentally cataloguing how beautiful her hometown is when covered in a fresh blanket of snow. And of course, how magical it is to have a white Christmas. 
They had decided last year to spend this Christmas in Maine with her family, for the first time in almost five years. Her mother had insisted that Alan join them as well, and if Natalie wasn’t back in Boston almost 9 months pregnant and unable to attend, it would be the first time Genevieve had her whole family together in one place in over a decade. 
She can hear Ethan in the living room of her childhood home, talking quite loudly and happily with their fathers. Their laughter bounces off the walls and it warms her heart. 
Gen had everything she’s ever wanted and more. 
On its own accord, her hand travels down to her stomach. She and Ethan had found out a week ago that she was pregnant with their first, after almost seven months of trying. Gen had almost given up hope that it would happen without medical intervention, but then after a fainting spell at work and quick blood test, she and Ethan got the news they’d been hoping for since May. 
“Hey Mom, before Henry, Clara and the kids get here, Ethan and I wanted to give you, Dad and Alan a special gift.” Gen turns to her mom, still washing and putting away their breakfast dishes. None the wiser to the secret her daughter was about to spill. 
“Oh? What is it?” Marie puts the dish towel down, her full attention on Genevieve. 
“Come in the living room.” 
Marie follows her into the living room, Ethan and Gen sharing a knowing look as they enter the room.
“Come sit here.” Ethan stands, gesturing to the couch. He quickly walks over to the tree to grab two small boxes. 
“What’s going on?” Alan looks at his in-laws and then at his son, curiosity on his aging face. “Are we in trouble?” 
“If anyone is, it’s probably me.” Robert joins Alan in laughter, the two getting an eyeroll from her mother. 
“Stop it.” Marie playfully hits her husband’s arm, before once again giving her daughter her full attention. “I’m ready for my present.”
“You and Robert are sharing one.” Ethan happily hands Marie a gift and the other to his father. He moves away to stand at Gen’s side, as if he could tell she was nervous.  Her arm coming around her waist and pulling her tightly against him.
“Open them.” Gen’s voice trembles, her eyes watering as she watches the soon to be grandparents rip at the wrapping paper.  
Within seconds Marie lifts up a handmade ornament and then screams, the plastic bauble falling to the floor. “Oh, honey! Really?” She runs over to Gen and gathers her in a tight hug. 
Now it was impossible for Gen to keep the tears at bay, looking over her mom’s shoulder to her husband. Who was all smiles himself, waiting anxiously for his dad to read his own ornament. 
“Ethan, this is...” Alan smiles widely, standing to embrace his only child. “I’m gonna be a grandpa!” 
“How far along are you?” Marie pulls away from Gen, full of tears of joy as well. 
“About 8 weeks, so, it’s still early.” Gen places a hand on her stomach and reaching for Ethan again. “We aren’t telling anyone else until after my first trimester, but we wanted to tell you three.” 
“We won’t say a word.” Alan pats Ethan on the shoulder, sniffling. “A family of your own?” 
“Yes. Never thought you’d see the day, did you?” Ethan can’t help but laugh, knowing it wasn’t long ago that his father was convinced Ethan would never settle down completely. 
“I did not.” Alan moves to pull Genevieve into a hug, the pair sharing a tear smile. “Congrats, to you both.”
“Thank you, Alan.” 
After a few more moments of more tearful hugs and excited cheers, the five of them settle on the couch and love seat. Gen and Ethan offering their parents all the details they know, the prospective due date of August 4th and the slightly dramatic ordeal of how they found out themselves. And all of them full of smiles. 
Though it all still felt like a dream to her, and that Gen would wake up any moment in her and Ethan’s Boston apartment with no baby in site. But it was real, and her husband’s hand in hers and pregnancy test on the counter back at their home was the proof. 
They were having a baby, and their Christmases would never be the same again. 
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A/N: I think this will be my last Christmas fic for the year, I might do a NYE one but we’ll see. 
Hope you’re all having a wonderful holiday!
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liaromancewriter · 2 years
Santa Baby
Premise: When Sienna takes her daughter to meet Santa, things take a turn for the bizarre.
Book: Open Heart (post series) Pairing: Sienna Trinh x Max Valentine (M!OC); feat. OC children Rating/Category: General. Fluff. Words: 1,580
A/N: This was a request from @trappedinfanfiction​, Prompt 9 from this list. Sorry it took me a while to figure out what to do and for which pairing.
Submission for @choicesficwriterscreations Holiday event and @choicesholidays Week 5 “Save Christmas”. Also submitting to @choicesdecember2022​ Day 22 prompt “Everything will be alright.”
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The shopping mall was decked out for the season. The holiday shoppers largely ignored Christmas music piped through the overhead speakers as they rushed to complete their to-do lists.
The line to Santa’s grotto was long, and distracted parents corralled their overly eager children. Children of various ages bubbled over in excitement at seeing Santa and telling him exactly what they wanted for Christmas. 
A little boy, about six years old, took out a crumbled list from his pocket and scanned it for the third time, anxious to not have left anything out.
The four-year-old girl waiting behind him wasn’t so excited as she was determined. Her small hand was tucked inside her mother’s larger one, and her green eyes were locked on Santa. 
He was sitting on a throne-like chair on the stage. Like a king, she thought. There was another chair right next to him, and that’s where everyone else sat when it was their turn.
She was not feeling the holiday cheer. Her shoulders were slumped, but her body vibrated with impatience as she scuffed her pink sneakers against the floor.
The boy in front of her shuffled forward, and she hoped he wouldn’t take too long. She had a lot to discuss with Santa and wouldn’t be rushed!
Sienna Valentine (née Trinh) couldn’t help but feel her mood lift at the holiday spirit in the air. She loved this time of year, always had. The only thing that would’ve made it better was Max returning early from his business trip. But his text earlier this morning saying he’d been delayed kiboshed that hope.
She looked down at the top of her daughter’s sunny head, and her heart filled with love.  Amelia was the only one of their children that had inherited Max’s blond hair and green eyes, the soft curls a throwback to his grandmother, Myra.
Amelia’s shoulders were slightly hunched in dejection, and her expression was likely still morose. But at least she wasn’t quietly weeping anymore as she had when Sienna gave her the news earlier.
She knew Amelia had been looking forward to doing this with her dad, and she was likely a poor substitute. Still, she was determined to ensure her daughter enjoyed herself.
In a way, she was glad that Noah and Isabelle didn’t want to come. Amelia would get her alone time with Santa and not share it with the others. It was easy for a shy and quiet child like Amelia to feel lost when the others were around.
Thirty minutes later, they were finally at the top of the line. Amelia was next.
“Are you excited to meet Santa, honey?” Sienna asked softly, sighing in dismay when Amelia just shrugged.
She crouched down to adjust her daughter’s headband and then the straps of her corduroy overalls, making sure they were buttoned up tight. Amelia liked to tuck her thumbs into the straps, which tended to loosen them whenever she pulled.
Sienna kept Amelia’s hand in hers as she helped her up the short steps leading up the stage. She started to lift her up and set her down on the adjoining chair, but Amelia pulled away.
“I can do it by myself, Mommy,” she said resolutely. “I’m four and three-quarters now.”
She quickly climbed up on the chair, pushing against her feet to boost herself up, and tucked herself against the plush back. Amelia folded her hands in her lap and twisted sideways to face the old man in the Santa suit.
Sienna left her daughter to join the elf-costumed helper below the stage, standing behind a tripod and camera. Even in her wildest dreams, she could not have imagined what would happen next.
“Ho, ho, ho. Have you been good this year, little girl?” Santa asked, his voice booming across the stage as he leaned down and smiled at her.
Amelia gazed into the kind, blue eyes and decided this was the best idea she’d ever had.
“I’ve been good, Santa, but my brother and sister could use some work,” Amelia nodded, her voice solemn.
When Santa continued smiling, Amelia figured that was all the permission she needed to keep going. She placed her hand on Santa’s arm and giggled at the soft, white fluffy material that tickled her palm.
And then she leaned closer and said in a quiet, serious voice. “Noah won’t play with me, Santa. He’s my bigger brother, and he said I’m a baby and can’t play video games with him.”
“I see,” Santa said, nodding in understanding. “How about you….”
“I’m not done,” Amelia cut in, determined to get it all out. “Belle won’t let me touch her crayons. She said I always lose them and then cry about it, so I can’t borrow ‘em anymore.”
Amelia paused and then thought Santa might not know who Belle was. “She’s my bigger sister. You know her as Isabelle. We all call her Belle, like the Disney princess.”
Her face fell as she suddenly remembered she’d lost a red crayon yesterday that her sister hadn’t noticed yet. She was pretty sure it had rolled under her bed but was too scared to check. The monster had likely eaten it by now, anyway.
“Anyways,” she continued, shrugging that particular worry away. “She said I was a pain in her bottom, only she used the bad word. I didn’t tell Mommy ‘cos I don’t want Belle to get into trouble. Does that make me a bad girl?”
Her tone was worried as she thought about it some more. Was Santa more important than Mommy? Santa must have understood because he looked worried too.
“Well,” he began, stopped, and scratched his head before continuing. “You know what? I think you did the right thing, and that makes you good. Now, how about we talk about your….”
“Did I tell you my Daddy was ‘spose to bring me to see you? He promised! But then Mommy said she would take me because he’s traveling for work. I don’t want him to miss Chris’mas too. You have to fix it right now!”
“Don’t worry so,” Santa said. “I’m sure your dad won’t miss the holiday. Not when he knows you’re waiting for him. But at least you have your mom, and I’m sure she’ll make Christmas fun.”
Amelia thought about that for a second and then wrinkled her nose. “I guess, but she doesn’t always listen to me, not like she does Noah. I told her I wanted to wear my best dress to come see you. It’s green and has red sparkles on it. But she said it was too cold outside, and I had to wear this instead.”
She glanced down at her outfit — a purple sweater and pink overalls. At least it had two of her favorite colors, but it was not nearly as pretty as the green dress with the skirt that danced around her knees when she spun around in circles.
“Well, I think that’s a pretty outfit, too,” Santa said kindly. “Now, is there something special you want for Christmas?”
Amelia let out a plaintive cry. “Pay attention, Santa! I already told you. I want my Daddy to come home.”
Below the stage just across from them, Sienna stood frozen in shock. Her mouth was open as she listened to her daughter tell Santa everything on her mind. Mortified beyond belief, she groaned aloud and frantically glanced around, hoping none of the other parents could hear.
Of course, the man in the elf costume standing beside her had heard everything. But he’d likely heard worse; at least, she hoped he had. His expression had gone from surprise to bewilderment to trying to hold back his laughter the longer the conversation continued.
When Santa threw her a panicked look, Sienna’s legs unfroze, and she rushed up the stage to grab Amelia.
“I’m so sorry…” she began, embarrassed.
She reached for Amelia only to have her daughter scramble back and away from her hands.
“I’m not done, Mommy! I still have to tell Santa about Bailey. She’s our dog,” Amelia added, turning toward Santa. “Do you bring presents for dogs? Bailey is a good dog; maybe you can put something small in your sack. She likes milk bone treats.”
“Amelia Mai Valentine, that’s enough,” Sienna said sternly. “Other people are waiting. Say thank you to Santa, and let’s go.”
“But Mommy…”
Amelia’s voice trailed away when she recognized that look on her mother’s face. She looked up at Santa, smiled and then patted his hand. “Thank you, Santa. If you can also bring me a bicycle, I promise to be good next year too.”
“I’ll try my best,” he said, glancing quickly at Mommy and then back at her. His blue eyes behind the glasses twinkled when he smiled. “Tell Noah and Belle that I’m watching them. They’ll be nice to you then.”
“You were listening!” Amelia exclaimed as she jumped off the chair and hugged his knees. “Bye, Santa.”
She tucked her hand in her mom’s and followed her off the stage. She peeked over her shoulder as they reached the grotto’s exit and saw Santa was still watching her. She lifted her hand to wave at him, and he waved back.
By the time they left the mall, Amelia felt happier than she had all day. Santa would take care of everything. He would save Christmas. With Santa on the case, she just knew it would be the best one ever!
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All Fics & Edits: @a-crepusculo​ @annfg8​ @bex-la-get​ @bluebelle08​ @cariantha​ @choicesaddict5​ @coffeeheartaddict2​ @crazy-loca-blog​ @doriopenheart​ @genevievemd​ @headoverheelsforramsey​ @lucy-268​ @jamespotterthefirst​ @jerzwriter​ @mysticalgalaxysstuff​ @openheartforeverinmyheart​ @peonierose​ @takemyopenheart​ @potionsprefect​ @queencarb​ @quixoticdreamer16​ @rookiemartin​ @trappedinfanfiction​ @vi-writes-stuff​ @zahrachoices​
Submissions: @openheartfanfics​
Max & Sienna only: @aallotarenunelma​
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jerzwriter · 2 years
Replies & Returns
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Book:                   Open Heart (Book 3 Timeline)
Pairing:                Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Kaycee MacClennan)
Rating:                 Mature – it’s NSFW-ish- just a little.  
Category:            Holiday/Fluff  Mini-Fic/Text Fic
Summary:           Ethan is usually the one to mess up texting, but as Kaycee and Bryce are out shopping for Christmas gifts, it’s her turn to screw up.  
A/N:                    Thanks so much for this prompt from @peonierose. I just saw the photo included in this, and I was like PERFECT! This is a text fic, but it has a little story with it to tie it all together. I hope you enjoy it! Ethan x Kaycee Masterlist My Full Masterlist
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"Ah!" Kaycee screeched as she felt her body being shoved forward.
"Sorry!" a burly man in a Patriots jersey and Santa hat yelled after bumping into her.
She tried not to let the annoying parts of the holiday season get to her; she really did. But after Mr. Wanna-be-Linebacker ran off after nearly knocking her to the ground, she was done.
"Not sorry enough to help me pick up the packages you made me drop!" She yelled after him. Leaning over to pick up her bags, she was thrilled to receive a text from Bryce. He had had enough too. But she had one task to complete before they could leave the mall.
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She had just paid for her purchase and was heading to the food court when she was jostled by yet another shopper as she was replying to Bryce. In her frustration, her focus wasn't what it would usually be.
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About to step onto the escalator, someone pushed past Kaycee to take her spot. But her faith in humanity was restored... a little... when a woman standing next to her leaned down to get her phone, which was knocked out of her hand.
"Thank you," Kaycee smiled. "You didn't have to...."
"Hey, not everyone is rude this time of year!" The young woman smiled as she rushed away and Kaycee returned to her text.
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Back at Edenbrook, it was Ethan who was getting worried now. It was all a joke. He had never been offended, but Kaycee hadn't replied in quite some time, and he knew her too well. Convinced she was making her way back to wait in another long line to needlessly return his gift, he reached out at once.
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And she was done. She threw her phone in her coat pocket as she approached the food court and smiled when she saw that Bryce had managed to obtain a table. And they say Christmas miracles don't still exist?
A loud, grateful sigh escaped her as she fell into the chair, only then realizing how exhausted she was and just how much her feet ached.
"Need some nourishment," Bryce grinned as he slid a shrimp taco her way.
"Mmmmh," she replied while biting into her first meal of the day. "Desperately. But how far are we parked from here? Now that I've sat down, I don't think I can stand up again."
"Be nice to me, and I'll go get the car for you," he winked. "So, what was this gift for Ethan that delayed our escaping mall hell? I hope it was worth it."
"Well," she rolled her eyes, "I ended up sending him the picture instead of you. So, we probably should have just left while we were ahead."
"You didn't!"
"I did," she shrugged.
"Well, what was it anyway."
"Mmmh, right there," she motioned, her mouth full of food. "In the little bag."
Kaycee closed her eyes, gleefully eating a french fry. Bryce was the best friend, she thought. But when she opened her eyes, her cheeks turned as red as the lace lingerie in her friend's hand.
"Uhhh, this?" he asked with a chuckle.
"Oh shit!" Not THAT little bag," she said, shoving the barely there bits of fabric back into the package. "The other one!"
"You didn't specify," Bryce laughed. "You're having quite a day, aren't you?"
"I am," she moaned. "Can we leave? I think it's best if I just go home."
"I think you may be right. But why don't you wait here?"
"What? No, Bryce. I was just joking. I'll walk with you."
"Kaycee, I'd rather you didn't."
"No offense, but the way things are going today, you'll likely get into the wrong car," he pat the top of her head with a smile. "Meet me by that door in ten minutes?"
She raised her hands in surrender. "You're right. It's probably for the best."
A/N 2: Have you ever had that day Kaycee is having? I have had that day Kaycee is having! lol Don't worry. Bryce will get her home soon enough, and she can put on comfy pajamas and chill in front of the TV with a cup of hot chocolate and watch Love, Actually. That's what I'd do. lol
Will tag from sideblog because... tumblr issues.
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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potionsprefect · 2 years
Pairings: Ethan Ramsey x Victoria Clarke
Word Count: 613
Summary: Victoria and Ethan count down the New Year in Dagger Mountain
Rating: General Audiences
Category: Fluff
For @choicesficwriterscreations Holiday Event 2022
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Dagger Mountain was a place that bustled with people almost constantly but in a quiet spot that overlooked the snowy scenery, Ethan and Victoria Ramsey found themselves all alone.
It was their first New Year’s Eve as husband and wife and they had come to the wintry spot in New Hampshire to celebrate the upcoming year.
“As much as I love that we are alone, I would’ve thought this spot would have more people in it.” Ethan laughed.
Victoria stood up from her seat on the bench and walked to Ethan’s side. “Maybe those people have found where the party is. Whereas we are having our own party here.” She wrapped her arms around his neck.
“Hrm. I suppose that makes sense.”
“Talking sense is one of my many talents. Amongst other things.” Victoria whispered the last part in his ear.
Ethan leaned in to kiss her but Victoria held back, teasing him as her lips hovered over his.
“Don’t you want to kiss me?” Ethan asked.
“I’m waiting till midnight which is in…” Victoria grabbed her phone. “Three minutes.”
“So we can’t kiss before then?”
“Well we could.” Victoria shrugged, amusement in her eyes. “But if we start kissing, knowing us we won’t stop. And we’ll miss it turning midnight.”
“And it we start kissing it will lead to other activities.” Ethan grinned.
“Precisely. And out here is not the best place.”
Ethan laughed. “That’s never stopped you and I before.” He began whispering all the public places in her ear.
“And some of them we nearly got caught. Yet you didn’t seem bothered.” Victoria replied.
“I was too busy focusing on my gorgeous wife to care. Especially when you were wearing that gorgeous bikini.”
“It was a good one wasn’t it?” Victoria laughed.
“The best.” Ethan grinned.
The giant speaker down near the front started the New Year’s countdown.
“This is it. Any last thoughts on this year?” Victoria looked up at her husband.
“Just that it was the best year ever. And 2023 can only get better.” Ethan smiled.
“With you by my side, I have no doubt that it will.” Victoria said.
“Happy New Year Victoria.”
“Happy New Year Ethan.”
The couple kissed just as the first firework exploded above them. They held each other close, tongues dancing amongst each other.
When they finally broke for air, there were multiple fireworks lighting up the sky above them.
“What a way to start the year.” Ethan took her hand.
“Indeed. And I have a surprise for you.” Victoria lead him back down to the main part of the complex.
“Does it involve you, me and our bed?” Ethan chuckled.
“That’s part two. This is part one.” Victoria led him into one of the buildings.
“Happy New Year you two!” Rodney handed Ethan and Victoria a glass of champagne.
“What’s all this?” Ethan turned to Victoria.
“A little surprise for my hardworking husband.” Victoria directed him to the quiet alcove by the window.
“You didn’t need to.”
“Yes I did. You deserve to be spoilt too. Rodney put the “cleaning in progress” sign outside the door. He says we can stay for as long as the fireworks keep going.” Victoria smiled.
“You’re amazing Mrs Ramsey.” Ethan smiled putting an arm around Victoria.
“I’m alright.”
“You’re more than that. Thank you.” Ethan pressed a kiss to her lips.
As the New Year rang in around them, the couple stayed wrapped in each other, celebrating the New Year in their own way.
If every New Year was as magical as this one, then Ethan and Victoria always had something to look forward to.
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Happy New Year everyone! Hope 2023 is good to you! 💕
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CFWC Holiday Event 2022
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It's the end of the year and time for us all to have some holiday fun! We wanted to make this event less structured to allow writers more freedom to create, so while prompts are being provided to spur creativity, any seasonal holiday-themed fics can be submitted for this event and contest.
The six-week event will run from November 27 through January 7.
To participate, mention @choicesficwriterscreations on your post and use the tag #cfwc holidays 2022.
As a thank you to all of our talented creators who have been working so hard to keep our fandom going through 2022, we will be offering a prize for this event. One lucky winner will be selected at random to win a commission by @/artbyainna (IG). The drawing will take place no later than Monday, January 9th, and the winner will be announced on the blog. Please see full rules for contest eligibility below the break.
For rules and prize eligibility, please see below the break. Happy writing!
Any newly created fic with a seasonal holiday theme can be submitted. You may use one of the prompts, but it is not required.
Fics of any length can be submitted, but in order to be eligible for the contest, they must be a minimum of 750 words.
Your fic must be a fanfic based on one or more Choices stories.
Your fic can be cross-tagged with other events such as @choicesmonthlychallenge, @choicesflashfics, @choicesholidays, etc.
To participate, you must mention @choicesficwriterscreations on your post, and you must use the tag #cfwc holidays 2022
If your fic is NSFW, it must be labeled appropriately, and Tumblr community labels will be used in our reblog.
Fics must be submitted during the event dates of Sunday, November 27th through Saturday, January 7th.
All other CFWC rules must be adhered to.
Each eligible participant can get up to 6 chances to win: 1) You will receive 1 entry per fic per week 2) You can only earn one entry per week (Sunday through Saturday) 3) To receive more than 1 chance, you must submit fics in different weeks
Prize Eligibility:
A raffle for a fanart commission by @/artbyainna (IG) will be held no later than Monday, January 9, 2023. To be in the raffle, you must:
Submit a fic that meets the rules of the contest, including using proper tags.
You must be following @choicesficwriterscreations 
You must follow all other rules set forth above
While everyone is encouraged to write for this event, the following are not eligible to win the prize:
CFWC Moderators or Administrators
Writers who are not following CFWC
Anyone who has won a prize from CFWC during the 6-month period preceding the date of the raffle (1/7/2023). (This does not include being selected as CFWC Writer of the Month. Only those who have won prizes.)
If you have any questions about this event, please contact @jerzwriter or @lucy-268.
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Watch "A Ride-or-Die Christmas Story ~ Part One" on YouTube
Fast forward 14 years Logan and Bronwyn still ride or die, only now with three very eager and impressionable teenaged children determined to learn their secrets and maybe even follow in their footsteps. Follows #therideordiechronicles previous series
Fanfic written and designed by KRYounger also known as Choices.lady
*DISCLAIMER - Some characters, most background art, and some audio are property of Pixelberry Studios. All rights reserved by Pixelberry Studios.
*Contains original music:
Underneath the Tree by Kelly Clarkson
Last Christmas by Wham
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