#chris martinez
bueckerslover · 4 months
tag, you’re it - m. sturniolo
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pairing: stalker ! Matt x OC
warnings: stalking, cursing, pictures being taken without consent.
summary: daisy just moved to a new home in a new town what happens when matt takes interest in her?
the triplets live in boston and aren’t famous during this.
ALL OF THIS IS FAKE! THIS IS PURE FICTION! matt will never do anything that is written in this.
PASSWORD: ********
open up file 5521?
yes no
NAME: Daisy Rose Larson
BIRTHDAY: July 10th, 2004
SIBLINGS: one sister. Alison Larson(12 years old)
PARENTS: Violet and James Larson
Daisy just moved a few houses down from me, she currently lives alone and moved here for college. She is nineteen years old, she loves to read and write she graduated from high school as a valedictorian. from what I could gather she has never had a boyfriend, she takes her studies very seriously.
matt looked away from his screen just in time to see her running around the block like she usually did every day in the afternoons, he ducked down a little to keep a closer look at her without letting her see him.
“MATT!” screamed Nick from the kitchen making matt quickly get up close his laptop and get out of his room “what?” he said looking at nick “i realized that we never properly introduced ourselves to the new girl that moved in a few houses down so we were wondering if you wanted to join us on saying hi” spoke chris while putting on his shoes “yea, i’ll go” replied matt putting his shoes on.
knock knock
the knocking grabs the girls attention as she pauses the show she’s currently watching and heads to the door to check who’s there, three figures are standing outside.
“hello?” she said softly as she opened the door to the three boys in front of her “hi, sorry to show up like this but we’re your neighbors we live a few houses down” nick spoke as he stretched out his hand for her to shake “hi, im daisy nice to meet you…” “nick!” he finished with a smile “these are my brothers matt and chris” he continued pointing at each one “nice to meet you guys come in!” she said opening her door more for the boys to walk in “your house is nice” spoke matt as he took in the layout of the house.
“thank you, i’m still decorating and what not but i’m glad you like it. would you guys like water? lemonade?” the girl asked making her way to the kitchen. “water is fine” matt and nick spoke at the same time “do you have pepsi by any chance?” asked chris getting a glance from matt and nick “what i really want a pepsi right now!” whisper chris to his brothers.
the girl made her way back to them with two waters and two pepsis giving them a smile “here you go water and pepsi”
friday march 16.
her house is beautiful she said she needed to decorate more but i genuinely think it looks fine the way she has it right now.
matt added more and more information about the girl as he progressively learned more about her. always keeping his eyes on her every time she left her house he would follow her “to make sure she was safe.”
he would also constantly take pictures of her, she went out for a walk? he was a few steps behind with his camera in hand snapping a photo, she was checking her mail? he was by his window sneaking pictures of her and looking around to make sure nick and chris didn’t catch him.
matt quickly made his way into his room locking the door behind him as he made his way into the foot of his bed pushing the floorboard down making it pop up, he pulled out a box with all the pictures he’s taken of her and the pictures of things she’s showed interest in. he added a few more photos he had taken earlier that week before placing it back to its original place.
as the girl opened her door about to leave for work she saw a box no mailing address and no sign from who it was from just her name on the top. she brought it inside deciding she’ll open it after her shift.
i have a spare minute she thought as she grabbed some scissors to open up the box. she gasped once she saw what was inside, a perfume she saw at the mall the week before. but who would buy this for me? i didn’t even mention it to anyone.. she thought. she let it go thinking maybe she let it slip awhile ago. she put it on and headed to work.
and that’s how it was for weeks any time she saw something she liked a week later it will show up on her doorstep. it weirded her out at first but she thought it was probably her parents sending her those things.
april 15.
she seems to really enjoy the gifts i’ve been giving her, she obviously doesn’t know it’s me who is giving them to her. she can’t know. no matter how much i want to tell her it can’t happen. i don’t need another incident like eliana. she seems different tho i don’t think i’ll have a problem with her.
daisy was taking one of her usual afternoon walks when suddenly matt’s car appeared next to her slowing down “hey, i was going out for ice cream wanna join?” he ask her as he kept looking to the road and back to her “um sure todays my cheat day anyway!” she laughed as he stopped for her to get in.
“so where are we going?” she asked as she paused her music “we’re going to tipping cow” “holy shit i’ve heard about that place but never had the opportunity to go!” she said with a smile.
the time they spent together the girl had a smile the whole time making the boy fall even more obsessed in love with her.
during that night once she got dropped off by matt she realized she needed to go grocery shopping. the clock read 10:30pm there’s nothing like going grocery shopping at night. she made her way to the grocery store since it was just a few blocks away from her neighborhood.
she was walking out of the grocery shop with a few bags worth of groceries when she heard footsteps behind her, ignoring them thinking it was her own she continued walking. but her gut feeling made her look behind her to see a man in all black following her. she ran as fast as she could throughout the whole parking lot until she got home.
weeks passed and she always had the feeling of being followed even if she wasn’t being followed. things stopped after weeks she finally felt free and not paranoid about constantly being watched.
or so she thought one certain day she was taking one of her usual walks around the neighborhood when she saw him again, the man in all black in front of her she quickly turned around and started running towards her house that was a couple blocks away. as she got in she locked her door and closed her curtains hoping that it would make her invisible.
ring ring
“h-hello?” she hesitantly answered
“you think you could run away from me? think again daisy you can never run away from me.” he spoke his voice deep and hoarse.
before going to sleep she made sure all her doors and windows were locked, she had her curtains closed. she took out the bat her dad had given her as a ‘safety weapon’ in case of emergencies like these.
that night everything was normal. the next morning she went out to check her mailbox when looking at them a certain envelope caught her attention “Daisy Larson” was in bolded letters when she opened it she found weeks worth of pictures of her. from her going on her daily walks to her being in class. she flipped the polaroid and in the bottom was written in red ink “say cheese”.
“say cheese?” she repeated in a whisper when suddenly she felt someone grab her from behind and put a cloth into her mouth. she struggled for a moment before knocking out.
when daisy woke up she couldn’t move her arms and legs were tied up she tried screaming for help but the bandanna tied around her mouth prevented her from making any noise. she looked around the area analyzing it, it looked like an old basement or something similar to that she looked around for anything that could help her get out when her eyes landed on the wall in front of her in thick red bold letters was written:
hope y’all enjoy this um it was based off tag you’re it by melanie martinez (love her to death)
and hopefully this was good idek i feel like it’s rushed iddkkkk 😣😣😣
tags 🏷️: @breeloveschris @sturniolobendystrawsposts @hearts4chris @patscorner @lexisecretaccx @tubl-mc @junnniiieee07 @sturnioloblogs
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mattslolita · 2 months
lunchbox friends - n. sturniolo ( 002. )
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in which ... they meet at a melanie martinez concert and become best friends. platonic!nick & platonic!black!fem reader
warnings ; cussing, alcohol, vapes, matt lowkey liking reader
"𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓."
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰
the weekend came, which excited you so much. you couldn't wait to hang out with nick, as you both had been texting each other all the time and you even face timed the few times you could. you and nick's friendship was growing by the week, but now you guys would finally get to hang out again.
instead of going out to eat like you guys had originally planned, you decided on ordering some food instead.
you still had about an hour before you had to be at nick's place, so you freshened up your outfit , then you just sat down on your couch and scrolled through instagram mindlessly. one of your influencer friends vereena sayed posted a video of her at the melanie concert from last year, and you excited dmed her about her experience and asking where she sat because you would've loved to sit with her.
an hour ended up passing by quickly, so you called an uber to take you to nick's house — when it arrived, you greeted the driver sweetly and plugged your earphones in and you propped your hand under your chin as they drove to your destination.
you smiled at the la scenery, having loved being packed all together. it could be noisy sometimes, but you adored the city life. you also mentally remembered the route to nick's house in case something happened, but also because it was good to remember.
you soon arrived and nerves filled your body — even though you had already met nick, you still got nervous hanging around new people. and you were nervous to meet his brothers as well, although he expressed them to be nice people.
you thanked the uber driver and got out of the vehicle, nervously making your way towards the front door of the home. you did two knocks, feeling your stomach tighten slightly because of your nervousness.
nick — or so you thought it was — a man indentical to nick opened the door, his blue eyes widening slightly as he gives you a smile, to which you return.
"you must be y/n," he says, holding one hand out towards you, "i'm chris!"
"nice to meet you, chris!" you smile back, already relaxing due to his demeanor, "and damn, nick should've told me how cute you were!"
chris turns a bright crimson color, stepping aside so that you could walk through — you allow him to guide up to their lounge area, and that's when your eyes land on nick in the kitchen. "nick!"
"y/n!" he grins, immediately running up to you to embrace you in a quick hug.
"you smell so good, what cologne is that?" y/n asks him, sniffing his shirt as they pull away from the hug.
"i told you my cologne smells better than yours!" nick grins triumphantly at chris, "i'll tell you later, i'm gatekeeping it from him."
"kid not everything's a fucking competition," chris says with an eyeroll, turning to you and shaking your head causing you to giggle.
"so, we're gonna order food and we can go to my room," nick says, and you nod eagerly with a smile.
"matt and i are going to target real quick, please don't burn the house down while we're gone," chris tells both of them with a knowing look, causing you to raise your eyebrows with a hand on your hip.
"boy, nobody is about to burn anything!" you tell him teasingly, "wait has somebody almost burned the house down before?"
chris gives another knowing look to nick, who groans loudly. "it was one time, chris! i had to make an important call!"
"brian or whatever his name is was not that important," chris tells him with a glare, and your eyes widen.
"i know you gon tell me bout this guy, right?" you grin, giving nick's arm a light tap.
"girl, c'mon!"
nick grabs your hand and both of you excitedly make your way upstairs towards nick's room. once you enter, you kind of stand there, as you're scared to sit anywhere even though he's been nothing but welcoming.
"sit on the bed, we can watch a movie!" nick says, patting the spot next to him.
you quickly flop down next to him, and he fishes for his remote on the bed which he finds at the foot of it — you prop your legs up on the bed as nick does the same, both of you guys giggling aimlessly at nothing in particular. nick opens youtube and when he hovers over the k-12 movie, you smack his arm slightly causing him to grin and click on the film.
you reached for your bag and pulled out a cart and a small bottle of tequila, and nick's eyes widened. "bitch, you came loaded!"
"period, i always got this shit on me!" you giggle, holding the cart out to nick to take a hit first. "did you order the food yet?"
"i got us some wingstop," nick told you, inhaling then passing it back to you as he blew the smoke away facing the other side.
"oh my gosh! i forgot to bring some shot glasses with me," you whine, pouting at nick, "do y'all got any?"
"they're in the kitchen, the cabinet closest to the fridge," nick instructs you, "and girl get your shoes off my bed."
you stick your tongue out at him playfully, sliding your shoes off now in your black ankle socks as you've gotten comfortable — you walk out of nick's bedroom, your cart in your hand as you bop your head to a song stuck in your head while you walk downstairs.
you took a hit from you cart as you skipped into the kitchen, slowing down as you see the fridge first. you look around and shrug your shoulders, before opening it and looking inside — whatever you took, you would make sure to replace.
"NICK, WHO THE FUCK IS IN OUR KITCHEN!" a loud voice boomed behind you, causing you to gasp and turn around.
a man identical to both nick and chris stood there with wide, defensive eyes, before his expression turned into one of confusion — his brown, messy locs lay scattered about his head, and he ran one ringed hand through his curls as his eyes stayed fixated on you.
"calm down, matt!" chris groans, giving his brother a light shoulder slap, nodding towards you as you stand there dumbfounded. matt is fine as fuck.
"that's y/n."
"hey..." you giggle nervously, taking another hit from your cart as you can barely handle the way his eyes stay on you, "sorry we had to meet like this."
"it's fine, i just wish i could've introduced myself properly," he chuckled, giving you a nod and a small smile, "it's nice to meet you, y/n."
the way your name rolls off his tongue causes a tingle to go down your spine, and you bite your lip and grin at the man in front of you. another small giggle erupted from your mouth as you whirled back around to fish for what you were searching for in the kitchen.
you found the shot glasses, then a ring from the doorbell caught your attention as you gasped and set the shot glasses down. matt watched as you skipped right past him and downstairs, opening the door to reveal the food nick had ordered for you both.
"nick! the food is here!" you giggled excitedly, the bags of food still in your hand as you went back into the kitchen, grabbing the shot glasses as well.
as you went back upstairs, matt noticed you forgot your cart on the counter — he watched you disappear around the corner, quickly going to grab it and pocket it, in hopes he'd end up having a way to talk to you again.
"SHE DID WHAT?" nick yelled, doubled over in laughter as you were both clutching your stomachs.
"this bitch had the nerve to invite me to her party knowing she fucked my man!" you told him, wiping tears from your eyes as you laughed, "so i fucked her ass up!"
"i would've beat her ass too," nick admits, both of you bursting into giggles once again.
you both were drunk, having almost finished the whole bottle of tequila — you ended up devouring all of your wings and fries, whereas nick still had his fries left, which you've quietly been eating to try and sober yourself up some.
the k-12 movie had been over, and now some songs softly played in the background whilst you guys laughed and talked with each other, talking about your lore.
you found out the guy nick was talking about earlier turned out to be a jerk, always wanting to do shit with him but keep him a secret, hidden in the dark. nick deserved way better than that, he deserved a guy who would show him off and not be scared to. you promised him if you caught him in the street, his ass would be as good as fried.
"niiiiick," you sang, moving your head side to side, "is matt the one who asked for my instagram?"
"yeah, he wouldn't stop bugging me about it," he snorted with an eyeroll, causing you to giggle, "oh my gosh, did you guys meet yet?"
"he scared the shit out of me when i was looking for the shot glasses earlier!" you explained to him, shaking your head, "he's so fine though, he could have my insta and my number!"
"please, don't start!" nick whined, slapping you on the shoulder, and you giggled.
suddenly like that by doja cat began playing, and you and nick looked at each other with wide eyes, getting up and beginning to dance with each other.
"i'm gon teach you how to throw it back!" you say to nick, as you danced over to him, "watch me!"
you put both your hands on your knees, arching your back slightly as your ass begins popping up and down, causing nick's eyes to widen as he begins smacking it, hyping you up.
"period, okay then!" nick hypes, causing you to giggle as you both continue dancing.
both of you are so caught up in dancing with each other that you don't realize the door to nick's room opened, and both chris and matt stand there in the doorway — chris looks a little shocked and also terrified to see his brother attempting to throw it back, whilst matt's eyes keep traveling towards you and the way your body moved.
"oh shit!" nick says with wide eyes, finally seeing his brothers standing there.
you turn around and you gasp as a small giggle leaves your lips, a new song now playing. you give matt a flirty wave, causing his cheeks to turn a dark crimson color, as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"nick whatever that was, please refrain from doing that again," chris says, shaking his head, as he points at you next, "did you teach him how to twerk?"
"you want me to teach you next?" you say drunkenly, and he shakes his head and backs out his nick's room.
"did you need something, matt?" nick asks his brother with a laugh, as you fall back onto nick's bed, feeling around the blankets for something.
"nevermind, i'll talk to you later about it," matt waves him off, shooting you one last look before he leaves your room.
"so they just came and- y/n?" nick says, looking back to see you had dozed off, that fast.
with a chuckle, nick removes everything from the bed and pulls on the covers to cover up your sleeping figure. he yawned and climbed in the bed next to you, pulling the covers over himself as well — your sleeping figure somehow snuggles up close to nick, taking his arm and throwing over you causing him to let out one last giggle as you brings you closer, both of you falling asleep next to each other.
for my birthday twin @thenickgirl ! i love u so much angel baby, hope you turning up rn stinkaa🤭💋
@luverboychris @muwapsturniolo @prettiest-poision @mattsturniolosleftnut @mrssturnioloo @guccifrog @junnniiieee07 @astrowh0r3 @v33angel @ilovechrissturniolo1 @e1ias3 @l0akkzz @hysteria-things @eyeliketoeatpoosay @sturn777 @stasiesturn @prettypinkprincess15 @breeloveschris @summerssover @mayhem-72 @riasturns @chrissturniolossidehoe @moonk1ss3d @v33angel @h3arts4harry @stargirll567 @bitchydragonparadise @heartsforchrisandmatt @pepsienthusiasts @tillies33ssss @thenickgirl @sturnprime @summerssover @k4di333 @pinksturniolo @middlepartmatt @jnkvivi
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wildaboutmnhockey · 6 months
"Well I'm not taking Biz"
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beepbeepinthecorner · 3 months
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I love imagining how characters might draw themselves, so here’s the whole Crew from the Martian :o)
Didn’t occur to me to label the characters, so it might not be clear if u haven’t seen my designs before lol. In order from left to right, the characters are Watney, Vogel, Martinez, Lewis, Beck, and Johanssen.
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chocotacoshawtybae · 3 months
and suddenly i’m his teacher😻😻😻😻
edit of the day 😼😼
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mkeyztrm · 19 days
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cw: kissing 🤢🤕
summary: After having a (drunk) meltdown at a party, you and your at the time boyfriend Christopher part ways due to the hurtful words you had both shared. A few months end up passing by and you still can’t shake the thought of him. Somehow, even after all this time you’re still attracted to him, and only him.
You’re on your way home from 7/11 whenever you make out a figure walking towards your doorstep, this out of pocket incident then turns into something more.
All the time in the world for-”
You absolutely adore Christopher, he’s on your mind everyday. Whenever you go to switch your thoughts onto something else, you always catch Chris being your main thought. No matter how hard you try, he’s always there in the back of your mind.
But you’re done trying to get him out of that void you call your brain, you don’t want him out. Not yet. Realizing that in truth he’s all you want, all you desire.
Now, no matter how hard you try you can’t seem to find the right time to contact him.
That is until tonight, when you’d least expect it.
“I've been putting too much pressure on the weekend
Think it's time, I spent a Saturday at home unrehearsed”
With your eyes aimed down towards your shoes like a dog in distress, you find your way to the local 7/11 directly down the road from your little cottage home that you had bought on your 19th birthday. Though small, that house is overflowing full of memories you wish you could’ve held onto longer. Hopefully this big gulp(gulpthisdiieekkkk😼) cherry slushie can drain out those reminders.
After paying and getting situated you walk out of the store and take a moment to put your wallet in your backpack.
When you had left your home the sun was just then setting, which had left the area in a golden hour lighting.
But now, the sun is gone and the moon has risen.
You look up to see an airplane gliding across the dark lit up night sky, embracing millions of stars and its bright moon was bolded with its crescent phase. Once the plane passes by, and after observing the gorgeous starry sky, you decide to start your little walk back to your home.
Nearly midway towards your house, you notice a dark figure who’s taller than you and has a very masculine build walking up to your doorstep. Confused, you look around your tree filled surroundings as a sense of comfort, or to ground yourself from all the thoughts racing through your head once again.
Upon getting closer and the figure becoming more visible, you recognize the boy. His hoodie that he had on wasn’t his, it was yours.
“I’ve got nothing to say, turn some pages until my eyes go long.
Listen to you sing your song”
your body freezes suddenly, as words begin to erupt out of your mouth.
“christopher? what are you doing here alone at 9 pm??”
Your heart begins to race as he turns around to face you, his face presenting a shocked yet nervous expression which made your heart feel slightly warm too.
“oh. uhhh.”
He pauses, looking around for reassurance before gently tucking his left hand into his hoodie pocket and reaching his other hand up to his neck, just below his hair.
“i came to talk things out with you, and mmm. i want to give you a genuine apology, y/n. But, I’d like an apology as well.
He sounded proud of himself when he said the last part. You’re proud of him too, honestly. You’ve never really heard him sincerely stick up for himself.
“I’ve already forgiven you, chris. you’ve done nothing wrong, you only did what you felt needed to be done in the present of that moment.”
You wanted to cry, but so did he. Now you had to hold yourself together or else you’d both be a crying mess. Plus your makeup is on point today, you can’t mess that up. Can’t have mascara running down your face. That mascara was freshly put on not even 2 hours ago and it is NOT going to waste.
You take Chris up on to your small, circular front porch and gesture him to sit down towards the top step.
as you both get settled, chris starts speaking again.
“It’s not that I want an apology, i just want what happened to be explained through your view.”
You freeze in shock, that’s it???? After a few breaths and trying to gain your thoughts, you start off explaining.
“We were both drunk, I had a little too much to drink, and i couldn’t control my words. I felt sick and so i guess I started word vomitting hard, which upset you from how sudden and stern the words were. I was overwhelmed from all the loud noises that your brothers were making while they were playing Mario Kart or something so I unpurposely hurt your feelings because im unsure how to maintain my emotions and took them out on you.”
“ That’s a lot more words, y/n. Somehow though, point proven. Neither of us were in the wrong completely and we were just drunk idiots. I was more of an idiot due to my selfish reaction but I don’t want to argue with you y/n.”
Chris reaches his arm to your shoulder and gently pulls you close to him, bringing you into a hug. Now, you’re directly next to him with your head nearly touching his. You glance over at his teary eyes, and he sticks to watching the sky.
“Beside her all the way even when we fight, can't help but know that everything's alright.
Listen to you and hit the light”
After sitting in 8 minutes worth of silence and without hesitation, you slide your hand up to his face and rest your hand over his cheek. You feel his face slightly light up and grow warmer as he turns to you in genuine confusion.
“i thought you said you’ve moved on a while ago?”
You just looked at him and nodded your head in denial before tightening your hold on his face and going in for a kiss that only he would return with the same energy, showing his feelings of longing for you.
After you both slowly move your heads back, you catch yourself smiling and beginning to laugh.
“so are you still mad at me or no…?”
All the time in the world for
Do you feel behind?
We've got time
All the time in the world for
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the middle picture made me die 😭
sorry this wasn’t long or eventful, i used up like all my motivation in the first paragraph or two and then I got hit with writers block like a whole bus 💔
this is also only my second fanfic I’ve written so um. sorry it’s if it’s horrible 🚶
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gutzfornick · 1 month
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tolerateseven · 1 month
Wheels on the bus - Matt Sturniolo
summary: before matt got a drivers license, you guys took the bus together. freshman/9th grade AU
warnings: none, just fluff!!
The school bus rumbled to a stop, and the doors creaked open, letting in a rush of cool morning air. I glanced up from my book, catching sight of my best friend, Matt, as he climbed aboard. My heart did a little flip, as it always did when i saw him.
He scanned the bus, his eyes lighting up when they landed on me. With a shy smile, he made his way down the aisle and slid into the seat next to her.
“Hey,” he said, his voice soft but warm.
“Hey,” I replied, trying to keep my voice steady despite the butterflies in my stomach.
The bus lurched forward, and we both grabbed onto the seat in front of us. As the bus settled into its route, we fell into their usual easy conversation, the world outside the window passing by in a blur.
Matt continued on with our conversation, talking more than me, i couldn’t help but to stare at his lips as he tells me about his weekend.
“then my brothers just wouldn’t leave me alone!” he exclaims throwing his arms in the air. I smile at his expressions even though we had just met this year, i feel like we’ve grown closer to each other than anyone i’ve known.
He comes to an end of the conversation, and looks over at me with a half raised eyebrow, expecting me to reply.
“oh yeah..that’s- that sucks!” i reply smiling at my friend. he responds with a slight chuckle, he could definitely tell i wasn’t listening.
soon enough our bus arrived at the school, knowing how crowded the bus gets when everyone tries to get off, Matt grabs my hand gently and pulls us off the bus before everyone else.
“i don’t want to be late but ill see you after school ‘k?” He says, still holding onto my hand giving me a gentle smile.
“yeah okay, i’ll see ya matt” i replied, then gently pulled him in for a hug, him hugging tightly.
a/n: hi sorry if this sucked it’s my first post 👿‼️
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abs0luteb4stard · 1 year
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I'm annoyed that it didn't make tons more money than it did. It's excellent.
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stonersturniolos · 2 months
just saw melanie martinez.
can not fucking speak
anyway here’s pics
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@batancha // guillermo del toro // @wormbus-art // chris abani // tye martinez // ijeoma umebinyo // mia bergeron // rainer maria rilke (tr. joanna macy)
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ozimagines · 2 months
request: what powers would each character have in a superhero comic AU (had a dream about this weeks ago and keep meaning to delve into it myself, but curious to see what others come up with...)
Thank youuuuu this gave me something to do while I’m bed-bound! Also super creative ask!
Oz Prisoners’ Powers…
Tobias Beecher: Telepathy
Chris Keller: Telekinesis
Vern Schillinger: Necromancy
James Robson: Super Strength
Agustus Hill: Super Intelligence
Bob Rebadow: Camouflage
Agamemnon Busmalis: Animal Communication
Simon Adebisi: Acid Form
Poet: Mimicry (copy others)
Ryan O’Reily: X-Ray Vision
Cyril O’Reily: Teleportation
Kareem Said: Mind Control
Chico Guerra: Shape Shifting
Miguel Alvarez: Invisibility
Carlo Ricardo: Intangibility (walk through walls)
Enrique Morales: Aquamancy
Raoul Hernandez: Pyromancy
Burr Redding: Ferrokenisis (magnetism)
Omar White: Atmokinesis (weather)
Carlos Martinez: Thermokinesis (control temp)
Timmy Kirk: Exorcism
Jaz Hoyt: Geomancy
Nikolai Stanislavsky: Elasticity
Greg Penders: Bioluminescence (glows)
Kenny Wangler: Cyber Manipulation
Antonio Nappa: Spatial Manipulation
Alonzo Torquemada: Erasing Memory
Supreme Allah: Lie Detection
Jackson Vahue: Marksmanship
Dino Ortolani: Death Touch
Peter Schibetta: Accelerated Healing
Chucky Pancamo: Self Duplication
Nino Schibetta: Precognition
Joey D’Angelo: Aeromancy
Donald Groves: Super Digestion (Acid)
Clayton Hughes: Night Vision
Ronald Barlog: Sensing Danger
Jeremiah Cloutier: Healing Others
Zahir Arif: Plant Communication
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mattslolita · 2 months
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happy birthday to my favorite singer, my favorite person ever, the love of my life, melanie martinez 🩷🍒💐💘❤‍🩹
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whos-madi · 5 days
Artists I need to see live:
Chappell Roan
One Direction (if they do a reunion tour😕)
Melanie Martinez
Charli xcx
Tate McRae
Madison Beer
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Tumblr media Tumblr media
When Mark Watney gets home, there sure is a lot of Tumblr nonsense to get caught up on.
(I just wanted to draw the crew being a friend group lol. And I think it'd be funny if Mark got to see a bunch of memes about him)
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spilladabalia · 4 months
Blondie - War Child
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