#chris demakes
thelittlestmanband · 1 year
Chris Demakes a Podcast
Featuring Aaron Barrett & Scott Klopfenstein of Reel Big Fish
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adaycalledx · 9 months
going through the notes on the less than jake post because i'm noseyyyyyyyyyy what did chris demakes do 👀 also read your tag "ska king" on another post and immediately the phrase "killing ska-king" came to mind woe, my brain misfiring be upon ye
To my knowledge he has several of stalking/harassment/sexual assault allegations going as far back the early 2000s and as late at the mid-2010s. I have no clue whether or not they're true (haven't seen any proof beyond people's personal accounts, but I'm not going to be one of those people that demands concrete proof of something like SA from 15-20 years ago), but in any case, he's at least known to hang out with other skeezy people in the scene
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clea-speaks · 11 months
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This is nothing new. People were posting Chris from Less Than Jake on The Dirty years ago and the comments would say Chris didn't abuse his power. I shared my story for the first time in 2017, less than a year after the last interaction with him and people started sharing on social media where fake fan accounts popped up calling me a liar and saying that the band should "sue the sh*t out of me for slander". I believe these accounts that have been defending Chris and Roger are mostly likely them defending themselves. When people have called them out they just block everyone and never say anything. Wouldn't surprise me if they made the fake accounts. Back in August I went on Reddit to share what happened to me and there was 2 accounts spending a lot of time on my post harassing me and harassing anyone who left a comment in support or sharing their story of what happened to them calling them liars or groupies. None of which are true. I believe all the other survivors. We aren't sharing our stories for clout or money or to ruin innocent people's lives. Nothing I have shared are lies or exaggerated. Chris and Roger take advantage of their fans in one way or another. The comments above were left on posts about other bands I made. One was when I had shared a picture of the Infamous Ass Pass that Senses Fail used to give out to girls. I got this from a photographer's social media page but theirs had "ass" crossed off. The pass was discussed with Buddy on an episode of the Lead Singer Syndrome Podcast a few years ago. He seemed embarrassed they made those and regrets it. Dave and Garrett, former guitarists, are the only members that I know of that were problematic. The other post I received a comment on was when I realized that Craig Mabbitt, singer of Escape The Fate, r*ped me in 2010 after very actively persuing me for at least a month. One night I blacked out at Les Deux in Los Angeles and he took me back to my apartment and well you know what happened. I know what happened but didn't remember what happened and for over 10 years I never realized what it was. He took advantage of me when I was clearly too intoxicated to consent or really know what was going on. In the state of California this is clearly considered r*pe because I could not consent to anything. For months I was tormented by his friends who seemed to know everything. (continued in next post)
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flamingplay · 7 months
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"As if none of it matters as long as I've got you. And it's only a very small reference to being with another person or a significant other but it's like suddenly you get the sense that there are individuals in this not very nice bizarre place that I've described that are joining together and trying to find a way through it 'cause they've got each other, you know. It's like a love story but I've done it with one half of one line rather than writing the whole song about it. It's just like 'by the way, I've got you, this is why I'm still here' kinda thing"
- Jonathan commenting on "It's a dream I'm in with you" from Cold Reactor on Chris DeMakes podcast
photo @ Stockport Plaza by Nicholas O'Donnell via EE's socials // 26.02.2024 // Stockport, UK
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josephlikesmusic · 2 months
Anthem - Less than Jake (2003)
Anthem is album that I feel often get's overshadowed by Less than Jake's much more popular Hello Rockview, yet when I do make the time to relisten I find Anthem to be equally enjoyable. While the album started to shift away from the horn-heavy sound of the band's previous albums, Less than Jake didn't lose their ability to write extremely catchy hits.
The Ghosts of Me and You and Best Wishes to Your Black Lung were songs that brought me back to when I first discovered the band a few years ago, and while I hadn't listened to either song for a few years, they were just as catchy and put the same smile on my face that they had during my first listen. Even the songs I have continued to listen to regularly, such as Plastic Cup Politics and The Science of Selling Yourself Short, continue to get me moving and grooving no matter how much I listen. I love the vocal performances of Roger Lima and Chris DeMakes throughout the album. Roger easily has one of my favorite voices in ska, even in punk music as a whole, so I love that he really got to shine on songs like The Science of Selling Yourself Short. While I would never complain about more horns on a ska album, I do like the simpler ska-rock style of Anthem, which really allows for both singers to shine.
While I do wish such a great album didn't end on a cover song, I have little to nothing to complain about while listening to Anthem. It's not the most significant or complicated album released, but it still puts a smile on my face the entire runtime. I haven't done a full listen of this album in a few years, so many songs gave me instant nostalgia for my mid-teen years when I first started to discover ska and ska-punk, two genres that really formed my music taste today. Less than Jake continues to be one of my favorite bands, and I hope to have the chance to see them live in concert again sometime soon.
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chorusfm · 2 months
The Early November Discuss “Decoration”
Ace Enders of The Early November discusses “Decoration” on a recent episode of Chris DeMakes a Podcast. --- Please consider becoming a member so we can keep bringing you stories like this one. ◎ https://chorus.fm/news/the-early-november-discuss-decoration/
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reelbigfishinglicense · 5 months
ynow if chris demakes wasnt supposedly a massive piece of shit i would probably think hes cuter
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mayasapphire · 6 months
song intro: This is a fair request, and I promise I will not judge any person only as a teenager. If you will constantly remind yourself that some of my generation judges people by their race, their belief, or the color of their skin, and that this is no more right than saying all teenagers are drunken dope addicts or glue sniffers
*guitar riff that seems to beg to differ*
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tobblok · 1 year
Hello Rockview '23
We all have the band that we have listened to an embarrassing amount of, especially when we were younger. For me, that band will always be Less Than Jake, one of the Ska/Punk bands that managed to make it into the mainstream. Though I will always argue that their next album 'Anthem' is their best due to their ability to truly explore the genre of Ska, their 3rd album ‘Hello Rockview’ is still a classic. But this album has two songs that have made it a nostalgic pillar of my musical journey. 
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These two songs are “All My Best Friends Are MetalHeads” and “History of a Boring Town.” Mixing the brass instruments with a 2-Tone guitar riff, these songs to me atleast still stand up as perfect examples of what Ska/Punk can be. ‘Metalheads’ is their most popular song, deling with people judging each other based upon what they look like, whilst ‘Boring Town’ is the band talking about the small town they grew up in and struggled to leave, two things that reached my younger self on a personal level. Currently, ‘Metalheads’ is sitting at 52 million views on Spotify with ‘Boring Town’ at 20 million, showing that for many other people, these songs are still being constantly played since their release in ‘98.
This now brings us to the topic of this post. Earlier this week, Less Than Jake published from their own publishing company ‘Pure Noise Records’ their 25th anniversary single to commemorate the release of ‘Hello Rockview’. As musical language is weird, this ‘single’ contains two songs, those previously mentioned, re-recorded with the current band. Though it is disappointing not to see other songs from this album be there, ‘Five State Drive’ and ‘Nervous In The Alley’ being another two of my favourites from it, the site of this appearing in my new releases did get me excited.
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However, like many people I have seen talk about this online, I was disappointed with this release. My honest opinion on these new recordings is that they do not have the same level of quality as those recorded 25 years ago. Some things are expected. People’s voices change as they grow older and for some artists ageing can unfortunately bring an end to their careers. Though Chris Demakes can still sing, there is the presence of auto-tune in ‘Metalheads’ that does ruin the song personally for me. The levels of the recording are also off, making it seem more like a recording of a live event than a produced album. One of my favourite features of ‘Boring Town’ is the growth present in it. It starts with just vocals and a guitar riff, growing with the addition of additional instruments as the drums and brass sections join in, adding to the cathartic crescendo that makes the song for me. Though of cause this is still there as these songs have not been rewritten, it lacks the punch of the original that made it an instant classic for me as I don’t feel like the trombone and sax is going to drown me in their crescendo. 
I will say though that a positive addition to a song is the reworked introduction of ‘Metalheads’. In both, a recording of a man pretty much explains the message of the song, which is not to judge people based on their looks. Here a different introduction is made which changes little but I prefer to the old version. 
Overall, these new recordings are not great, unable to beat their original recording. But having this appear has caused me to go back over their old work, especially those two songs, and rediscover my love for them and why they work. So I guess their plan worked in the end.
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reichmark · 1 year
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Pada 27 Mei 2006 gempa bumi dengan kekuatan 5,9 pada skala Richter (sementara United States Geological Survey melaporkan kekuatan gempa 6,2 pada skala Richter) menghantam daerah Bantul dan sekitarnya. Gempa ini menyebabkan kerusakan hebat terhadap banyak bangunan dan kematian pada penduduk sekitar. Gempa ini berpusat pada patahan tektonik Opak yang patahannya sesuai arah lembah sungai Opak dekat Prambanan. Salah satu bangunan yang rusak parah adalah kompleks Candi Prambanan, khususnya Candi Brahma.
A : Ambon B : Bandung C : Cepu D: Demak E : Ende F : Flores G : Garut H : Halong I : Irian J : Jepara K : Kendal L : Lombok M : Medan N : Namlea O : Opak P : Pati Q : Quibek R : Rembang S : Solo T : Timor U : Ungaran V : Viktor W : Wilis X : Ekstra Y : Yongki Z : Zainal
Nama jalan di Belanda
Utrecht: Di Utrecht Jalan R.A. Kartini atau Kartinistraat merupakan salah satu jalan utama, berbentuk 'U' yang ukurannya lebih besar dibanding jalan-jalan yang menggunakan nama tokoh perjuangan lainnya seperti Augusto Sandino, Steve Biko, Che Guevara, Agostinho Neto.[14]
Venlo: Di Venlo Belanda Selatan, R.A. Kartinistraat berbentuk 'O' di kawasan Hagerhof, di sekitarnya terdapat nama-nama jalan tokoh wanita Anne Frank dan Mathilde Wibaut.[14]
Amsterdam: Di wilayah Amsterdam Zuidoost atau yang lebih dikenal dengan Bijlmer, jalan Raden Adjeng Kartini ditulis lengkap. Di sekitarnya adalah nama-nama wanita dari seluruh dunia yang punya kontribusi dalam sejarah: Rosa Luxemburg, Nilda Pinto, Isabella Richaards.[butuh rujukan]
Haarlem: Di Haarlem jalan Kartini berdekatan dengan jalan Mohammed Hatta, Sutan Sjahrir dan langsung tembus ke jalan Chris Soumokil presiden kedua Republik Maluku Selatan.[butuh rujukan]
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tgcnews · 2 years
Now on Kickstarter - Mitosis
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Mitosis is the family friendly game of biological warfare. RV Games has worked with the Scheliden-Theodore company to ensure safety and they recommend that you avoid exposing the game to:
direct sunlight
extreme heat or cold
walnut oil
human blood
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Is it the biological process of cellular reproduction? Yes
Is it a physical demake of the game Hexxagon? Yes
Is it a Mothership pamphlet adventure? Yes
Is it an in-universe prop? Yes
Is it pretentious post-modern meta BS? Yes
Is it an art game that can be enjoyed by non gamers? Yes
Is it Mothership Jumanji? Yes
Mitosis is a Mothership pamphlet adventure and an in-universe board game. Use the game as a prop for the adventure, play it with your friends and family, use it as a small game to break up heavy gaming sessions, or buy it for the fantastic art. 
Check out Mitosis on Kickstarter. A Game by River Schenkat Written by Violet Ballard Art by curiousfriend Adventure Pamphlet by Chris Airiau.
Mothership RPG are trademarks of Tuesday Knight Games.
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iamtryingtobelieve · 3 years
Promises you made back home are crumpled like the goodbye notes And last night's dirty clothes were on the floor next to the phone And it's been disconnected months ago No calls from your friends back home You lost your point of view and now it's got the best of, got the best of Got the best of you
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archivedatl · 3 years
Alex on Chris DeMakes podcast, 2021
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flamingplay · 7 months
Jonathan talking about "Cold Reactor" in a Chris Demakes podcast
Listen to the full podcast here:
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allpunkedupofficial · 3 years
Facebook and Spotify making it easier for artists to get streams? + New details on upcoming Stand Atlantic song
Bailey and Tyler bring you Episode 34 of The All Punked Up Podcast this week. They open the show with new music reviews from Weezer, Wolf Alice, K.Flay, Chris DeMakes and Hot Mulligan. Bailey also shares an incident in where he was recently unwantedly grinded on by an older woman at an event he was working. Tyler did some digging and found out what Stand Atlantic has been teasing. He found out…
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chorusfm · 7 months
Liner Notes (February 18th, 2024)
This week’s newsletter looks at some music released, some TV shows and movies I enjoyed, and a plug for an excellent emo coffee table book. The supporter Q&A post can be found here. If you’d like this newsletter delivered to your inbox each week (it’s free and available to everyone), you can sign up here. A Few Things * I had some time to fix a couple of bugs on the main website yesterday, and I’m now gearing up to tackle the much larger project on my list of bringing newsletter capabilities to the website. Quite a few maintenance updates will be needed along the way, so it will be nice to start working on those slowly. In Case You Missed It * 2024 Is For Lovers Fest * 4th Annual Let’s Go Music Festival Lineup Announced * Strung Out Announce New Tour * Further Seems Forever Sign With Iodine Records * The Gaslight Anthem in the Studio With Butch Walker * Liner Notes (February 11th, 2024) * Review: Yellowcard / Hammock – A Hopeful Sign * Hot Water Music Announce New Album * Mike Herrera (and Daughter) Cover NOFX * Albums in Stores – Feb 16th, 2024 Music Thoughts * A couple of fun new releases out this week caught my eye. The first is Middle Kids’ new album, which continues their trend of making solid indie rock. And I wrote about it a few weeks back, but Laura Jane Grace’s new album is also definitely worth your time. * My week was spent with a whole lot of Butch Walker and Goldfinger. I listened to Butch talk about “Freak of the Week” on the Chris Demakes a Podcast, and that was more than enough to drop me into another catalog dive for one of my all-time favorite musicians. And with Goldfinger, I’ve been trying to make a point to go back to some of the under-listened albums from my teenage years. Lagwagon, Goldfinger, Limp, and a handful of other bands that I listened to a lot but then didn’t return to much in my twenties. Also, that last Goldfinger album is ridiculously fun. * While She Sleeps’ new album comes out at the end of March; it’s similar to their previous but leans a little more into the full rock sound they were playing with. Like, almost Linkin Park or Enter Shikari at parts. I ended up playing the hell out of their last album at the gym, and I could see this quickly taking a similar spot in my rotation. * There were some great singles released this week, including Lost Stars’ “Vertigo” (for the love of all please release an album), Mike Herrera and his daughter covering “Linoleum” (adorable and too much talent in this family, save some for the rest of us), and Sasha Alex Sloan delivering another good one with “Highlights.” * Other things that caught my eye this week included a bunch of time with American Hi-Fi (and their acoustic album), which I maintain is one of the underrated pop-rock acts of the 2000s. Maisie Peters and her fantastic The Good Witch also got multiple plays. And then my early pre-coffee mornings were spent with City and Colour’s live album Guide Me Back Home—a perfect voice for easing into the day and whatever fresh horror is sitting in my inbox. And I enjoyed Nothing, Nowhere’s new mixtape Dark Magic much more than his last album. The foray into metal/hardcore/nu-metal didn’t work for me; he’s better when he mixes rap and pop influences, and this is a nice return to what he does best. The Stats: Over the past week, I listened to 31 different artists, 57 different albums, and 605 different tracks (652 scrobbles). Here is my Top 9 from last week, and you can follow me on Apple Music and/or Last.fm. Entertainment Thoughts * I read a few things this week, but my favorite thing was one of my Valentine’s Day gifts from Hannah. She got me the awesome coffee table book called Negatives: A Photographic Archive of Emo (1996-2006) that is full of photos and stories from a period in the music scene that obviously means a whole lot to me. I’ve known Amy, the author, for years, and I’m overjoyed at how this turned out. (And The Name Taken blurb that mentions… https://chorus.fm/features/articles/liner-notes-february-18th-2024/
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