#Less Than Jake 2003
anarchywoofwoof · 11 months
Hey, I'm just getting into the punk music genre, and I was wondering if you had any recommendations?
oh boy anon strap in because you activated my trap card on this one. for those who may not know, punk rock is one of my true loves. here are some of my favorite albums of all time
Misfits - Everything with Danzig, particularly Static Age, Walk Among Us and Earth AD/Wolfs Blood
NOFX - Everything before 2003, particularly Punk in Drublic, White Trash, Two Heebs & A Bean and Pump Up the Valuum
Propagandhi - Everything, particularly Today's Empires, Tomorrow's Ashes
The Clash - London Calling
Ramones - Rocket to Russia
Black Flag - Damaged
Rancid - Let's Go & ...And Out Come the Wolves
The Distillers - Coral Fang
Reagan Youth - Youth Anthems for the New Order
Angry Samoans - Back from Samoa
Anti-Flag - Die for the Government
Pennywise - Land of the Free?
AFI - Answer That & Stay Fashionable, Very Proud of Ya, All Hallows EP, Sing the Sorrow, pretty much everything before 2006.
Transplants - Self Titled
Suicidal Tendencies - Self Titled
Flogging Molly - Swagger, Drunken Lullabies
Dropkick Murphys - Sing Loud, Sing Proud
Catch22 / Streetlight Manifesto - Keasbey Nights (Ska Punk)
Less Than Jake - Hello Rockview, Anthem (Ska Punk)
Against Me! - Reinventing Axl Rose (Folk Punk)
this list is not comprehensive but covers the vast majority of my most frequently played albums. feel free to add any in the tags i may have missed
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kp777 · 1 year
By Jake Johnson
Common Dreams
Oct. 4, 2023
"Medicare Advantage is just another example of the endless greed of the insurance industry poisoning American healthcare," says a new report from Physicians for a National Health Program.
A report published Wednesday estimates that privately run, government-funded Medicare Advantage plans are overcharging U.S. taxpayers by up to $140 billion per year, a sum that could be used to completely eliminate Medicare Part B premiums or fully fund Medicare's prescription drug program.
Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP), an advocacy group that supports transitioning to a single-payer health insurance system, found that Medicare Advantage (MA) overbills the federal government by at least $88 billion per year, based on 2022 spending.
That lower-end estimate accounts for common MA practices such as upcoding, whereby diagnoses are piled onto a patient's risk assessment to make them appear sicker than they actually are, resulting in a larger payment from the federal government.
But when accounting for induced utilization—"the idea that people with supplemental coverage are likely to use more health care because their insurance pays for more of their cost"—PNHP estimated that the annual overbilling total could be as high as $140 billion.
"This is unconscionable, unsustainable, and in our current healthcare system, unremarkable," says the new report. "Medicare Advantage is just another example of the endless greed of the insurance industry poisoning American healthcare, siphoning money from vulnerable patients while delaying and denying necessary and often lifesaving treatment."
Even if the more conservative figure is accurate, PNHP noted, the excess funding that MA plans are receiving each year would be more than enough to expand traditional Medicare to cover dental, hearing, and vision. Traditional Medicare does not currently cover those benefits, which often leads patients to seek out supplemental coverage—or switch to an MA plan.
The Congressional Budget Office has estimated that adding dental, vision, and hearing to Medicare and Medicaid would cost just under $84 billion in the most costly year of the expansion.
"While there is obvious reason to fix these issues in MA and to expand traditional Medicare for the sake of all beneficiaries," the new report states, "the deep structural problems with our healthcare system will only be fixed when we achieve improved Medicare for All."
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Bolstered by taxpayer subsidies, Medicare Advantage has seen explosive growth since its creation in 2003 even as it has come under fire for fraud, denying necessary care, and other abuses. Today, nearly 32 million people are enrolled in MA plans—more than half of all eligible Medicare beneficiaries.
Earlier this year, the Biden administration took steps to crack down on MA overbilling, prompting howls of protest and a furious lobbying campaign by the industry's major players, including UnitedHealth Group and Humana. Relenting to industry pressure, the Biden administration ultimately agreed to phase in its rule changes over a three-year period.
Leading MA providers have also faced backlash from lawmakers for handing their top executives massive pay packages while cutting corners on patient care and fighting reforms aimed at rooting out overbilling.
As PNHP's new report explains, MA plans are paid by the federal government as if "their enrollees have the same health needs and require the same levels of spending as their traditional Medicare counterparts," even though people who enroll in MA plans tend to be healthier—and thus have less expensive medical needs.
"There are several factors that potentially contribute to this phenomenon," PNHP's report notes. "Patients who are sicker and thus have more complicated care needs may be turned off by limited networks, the use of prior authorizations, and other care denial strategies in MA plans. By contrast, healthier patients may feel less concerned about restrictions on care and more attracted to common features of MA plans like $0 premiums and additional benefits (e.g. dental and vision coverage, gym memberships, etc.). Insurers can also use strategies such as targeted advertising to reach the patients most favorable to their profit margins."
A KFF investigation published last month found that television ads for Medicare Advantage "comprised more than 85% of all airings for the open enrollment period for 2023."
"TV ads for Medicare Advantage often showed images of a government-issued Medicare card or urged viewers to call a 'Medicare' hotline other than the official 1-800-Medicare hotline," KFF noted, a practice that has previously drawn scrutiny from the U.S. Senate and federal regulators.
PNHP's report comes days after Cigna, a major MA provider, agreed to pay $172 million to settle allegations that it submitted false patient diagnosis data to the federal government in an attempt to receive a larger payment.
Dr. Ed Weisbart, PNHP's national board secretary, toldThe Lever on Wednesday that such overpayments are "going directly into the profit lines of the Medicare Advantage companies without any additional health value."
"If seniors understood that the $165 coming out of their monthly Social Security checks was going essentially dollar for dollar into profiteering of Medicare Advantage, they would and should be angry about that," said Weisbart. "We think that we pay premiums to fund Medicare. The only reason we have to do that is because we're letting Medicare Advantage take that money from us."
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hackerqueen · 2 years
Fourth of July
summary: A story about Jake's childhood, youth and mother. (Ophelia) warnings: mention of mental health problems, a little JakexMC words: 3,5k
November 28, 1998
In a quiet and peaceful town, in a lonely hospital, at less than five o'clock in the morning, when a cold autumn morning was waking up to life, another human was born. He wasn't ordinary, he was someone else from the moment he was born. He was different.
Chestnut hair stuck to the sweaty forehead of the woman, who leaned back tiredly, trying to regain her even breathing.
– Just as we predicted. No complications, completely healthy and strong son!
A slight smile appeared on the tired woman's face.
– My little Jacob.
April 4, 2003
– Look. I found a daisy.
Hearing her son's high-pitched voice, the woman of average height looked up from the book she was reading at the little boy in front of her. His watchful gaze was focused on the tiny white flower in his hand, which he proudly held out to his mother.
This day was one of the first warm days of spring, which was the young woman's favorite season. They were surrounded by a forest in which beautiful and breathtaking plants bloomed and the warm rays of the sun enveloped them from the sky.
– It's beautiful, Jake. – she replied in a melodious voice. She sat up from the bench and leaned toward her five-year-old son. – Where did you find it?
– On the meadow. – He shrugged and held out the flower more strongly – It's for you. – added.
The incredibly sweet gesture amused and moved the young mother.
– Wouldn't you like to give it to your brother?
The woman chuckled softly as the boy rolled his eyes.
– I already gave him the stone. He threw it at my head.
She laughed again, but seeing his undisguised indignation, she accepted his gift and promised him that she will punish Kaden. The boy brightened up, and a slight smile appeared on his face, creating dimples on his cheeks.
The young mother once again admired the beauty of her son. Jake was a beautiful kid. He was a little bony for his age, even though he ate for two. His now sunlit face was like that of an angel. His thick hair, the color of dark chocolate pudding, cascaded over his forehead. But what caught his attention the most were his eyes. Beautiful, breath-taking, mesmerizing blue irises stood out on his innocent and charming face. Her heart clenched as she looked into her son's eyes, which were an identical reflection of his father's. Nathan Donfort.
She didn't want to remember the man who had completely broken her heart, so she thought back to Jake and began to fix his hair, which had been loosened by the sudden gust of wind.
She glanced at the white flower in her left hand out of the corner of her eye and swore one thing to herself. She promised herself that she would do everything in her power to keep her son exactly as he is now. Pure, innocent and free from any sin. She promised herself that she would make sure that Jake would always be as free, carefree and happy as he was now.
December 22, 2009
Christmas was fast approaching. Therefore, no one was surprised by the noise in the apartment, where a few more people were supposed to gather. In addition to Jake, Kaden and their mother, their grandmother and uncle were coming with their family. The whole apartment was nicely and climatically decorated, and the smell of home-made Christmas dishes was wafting, creating only increasing impatience in young boys.
– Kaden, how many times do I have to tell you that these gingerbread cookies are for Christmas? – she asked in a loud and slightly tired voice from the preparations, but she couldn't help but smile when she saw the boys running around the kitchen dressed in Santa hats. She went back to turning the meat in the pan when she heard a loud thump on their door. Surprised, she walked towards the entrance of the apartment, then opened the door. And it was one of the biggest mistakes of her life. Because she found no one else there but Nathan Donfort himself.
– Hello, Ophelia.
Her whole body stiffened and her heart stopped. She couldn't get a word out. She just stood there, staring at the face of the man she would sell her soul for one day.
– Mom? Who is this man?
She didn't know which of the boys had asked those questions. It didn't matter to her, even though he was the father of only one of them, she didn't want any of her sons to have anything to do with this man. So she left the apartment and quickly slammed the door. They were facing each other now, looking at each other with eyes that were so different and distant from the ones they had shared in the past.
– What do you want, Nathan? – She uttered the coldest, emotionless tone she could muster
– It's Christmas. I wanted to… – he started but got stuck in the middle. He tried a few more times, but each time he stopped as if he didn't know what he was doing here. – I wanted to meet my son.
The woman burst into a sharp, dry laugh. Damn, that asshole had more guts than she ever thought possible.
– All of a sudden? After eleven years, you remember that you have a son? – she asked, not believing in his insolence. – Spare yourself, Nathan. I'm not seventeen anymore, you can't manipulate me like you used to.
– That was never my target.
More dry lies.
– So what is it? You've had an argument with your wife again and you're looking for solace in a one-time whore you'll dump as soon as you find out she's pregnant? – she gasped as her emotions took over her. The inside screamed at her to go back inside and she wouldn't listen to a word of that son of a bitch anymore, but she couldn't. She couldn't take her eyes off the face of the man she once loved most in the world.
– I didn't come here to resolve our conflict. – he growled unpleasantly – I came because I believe that our son deserves a father. He deserves better.
– You mean our conflict is that when I told you I was pregnant, you called me names and left me alone? Right, it's nothing that bad! – she raised her voice, feeling the first burning tears under her eyelids – And he is by no means your son! You lost father's name when you abandoned us eleven years ago. He lived eleven years without you, and believe me, he deserves better than a momentary hope. Because that's who you are, Nathan. You give people momentary attention and hope and then brutally take it away and push people to the bottom.
She was about to return to her apartment after these words, but she looked at him one last time.
– By the way, what's your younger daughter's name? Ah, Lilly, that's right. Maybe you won't screw up with her like you did with Jake.
She slammed the door behind her and slid down it, finally falling to the floor. She would love to go back to the time when everything was fine. When the sun was out and Jake brought her a plucked daisy. She thought that moment would last forever. That they will always be so incredibly happy.
But the sky was not always cloudless. Unfortunately, the sun sometimes went down, and that Christmas day over Jake's house it went down too fast. And never came back.
November 28, 2012
– Happy birthday, sweetheart!
His grandmother's hand fell from his eyes, revealing a brand new, first ever computer he had ever owned. The then fourteen-year-old boy opened his eyes wide in surprise and looked at the older woman doubtfully. Well, he knew they didn't have the money for such expensive equipment.
– But from where? And how?
But his grandmother interrupted him"
– Don't worry so much, Jake. It's your birthday! Come on, grandma made you a delicious cake. Your favourite. – she smiled warmly at him, and the boy felt the warmth spreading inside him
– Is mom joining us? – he asked only hoping for an affirmative answer – I haven't seen her here for so long.
The old woman tensed up, but tried not to let him know that something was wrong. She smiled at him again, pushing him towards the table. She bit her lip and replied.
– Your mother took an extra job, which is why she's been gone so long. But I promise she'll be back soon. – she said truthfully, a little sadly.
Jake had abruptly blacked out because he had just found out that his mom was working a few jobs just to keep him entertained. Only once did he mention how much he likes IT classes, and she decided to sacrifice her well-being and exhaust herself in several jobs. It was then that he felt for the first time that he didn't deserve someone.
He felt it in such moments, when he saw empty packets of various pills, prescriptions from psychiatrists and sleepless, crying nights. For several years, Ophelia was sinking into an increasingly advanced depression, although she did not want to admit it to her sons. And it got worse as she watched the family of her ex-lover, Nathan Donfort, more and more. She saw all the photos his wife posted, which showed a complete family with two beautiful daughters. Smiling, happy and so full of love. Bitterness, sadness and rage seized her and dragged her down.
Jake was mature enough to understand the situation. It was when he turned fourteen and later fifteen that he and his mother began to have heated arguments about his father. The boy wanted to know who his father was, he wanted to meet him. No. He wanted to know why he abandoned them. Ophelia always brushed him off and never gave an answer. The boy didn't want to blame her - he had seen the condition she was in, which was mostly caused by Nathan Donfort. He never blamed her.
But he couldn't help his growing curiosity about his roots and the fact that he got in touch with his older half-sister Hannah thanks to the computer they had given him. When, after a few months of exchanging messages and talking with sister, his mother found out about it, their relation deteriorated even more. And now two people were blaming each other for Nathan's departure. Ophelia about being an insufficient woman, and Jake about being an unwanted child. Because Hannah also told the boy many things about her family, including her father. She portrayed him as a loving and caring father and husband. So what were they better at? What was the fault of a young, then seventeen-year-old girl completely blinded by love for an older man? And what was the fault of the defenseless and unawared boy with black hair and an innocent smile?
Jake felt rejected. Unwanted. Furious that, compared to him, Kaden had a perfectly normal father. Yes, he wasn't with their mom either, but he didn't abandon his son. So many times he wanted to tell Hannah the truth about what kind of man their father really was. However, he never did. He didn't want to be the reason their perfect family broke up.
When he didn't want to hurt his mother any more by soughting contact with the family of the man who broke her heart so he decided to break off contact with Hannah. But it was damn hard, because for unknown reasons, he became very attached to his unawared sister. The situation began to spiral out of control when girl began to show strange emotions towards him. Suggestions. He had no idea how he hadn't noticed it before. He was never good at interpersonal relationships. Hannah crossed the line when she sent him a picture in nothing but a bra. Jake reacted immediately, blaming himself for not finishing it sooner. He cut off contact with her, never returning to the topic in the years that followed.
November 31, 2016
He was awakened by the strong and poisonous smell of smoke. Disoriented and sleepy, he had no idea what was going on. The only sound he heard was the loud snoring of Kaden, who was sleeping on the bed next to him. He listened for a moment, and when another strange noise reached him, he stood up as if scalded. It sounded like... burning. Almost falling over the clothes scattered on the floor, he reached his sleeping brother and shook his body hard, screaming his name. A sleepy Kaden began to accuse him of interrupting his best erotic sleep with Pamela Anderson, but when he heard what was going on, he immediately turned serious and ran to wake up their mother.
Jake knew perfectly well what had caused the house fire. In the last few months he has become more and more interested in hacking and may have messed with some dangerous people. He didn't know what the consequences of his actions would be. He was just a kid who devoted himself to his passion and went down the wrong path for many. A path from which there was no return.
The three were forced to jump and escape through the window due to the flames cutting off their access to the door. Ophelia was slightly intoxicated from the sleeping pills she had taken the night before, making her unable to drive. Jake couldn't waste another moment, his pursuers might be right behind them. After all, they must have been somewhere in the area, after all, they set fire to his house.
– Jake, where are we going? – Kaden asked quietly, scared. Usually he was resolute and exuded ironic jokes, but now he knew how serious the situation was. All he knew was that his older brother was a hacker, and he was damn good at it despite his young age. It wasn't hard to guess that it was easy to get under the skin of the wrong people.
– Somewhere far. We'll stay at a hotel. And tomorrow we'll go to grandma's. – Jake tried to calm his younger brother, even though he knew perfectly well that he would never let his problems endanger another person close to him. He didn't want to admit it, but deep down he knew what he had to do.
He was driving dangerously fast, constantly veering onto country side roads, trying to avoid the traffic. With every mile that passed, he felt worse and worse, more and more guilty.
When they finally arrived at a town that was reasonably safe from being tracked until morning at least, he accommodated the three of them at the first hotel he came across. The receptionist gave a strange look to the black-haired boy who was supporting the barely conscious middle-aged woman, but she didn't ask any questions.
They entered the room they had been given, and Jake led his mother over to the couch. Just as he was about to leave her there, he felt her fists wrap tightly around his sweatshirt, not letting him leave.
– What's going on? – she hoarsed, and the boy looked at her face with a heavy heart. Her pupils were dilated and hands were shaking. Seeing her so lost broke his scarred heart. – What have you gotten yourself into, honey? Can I help you somehow?
Jake clenched his jaw tight to keep from crying.
– No. I can handle it. – he stammered, but his mother's embrace did not ease. Even though his eyesight was beginning to blur from the accumulated tears, he managed a gentle smile. – Don't worry, mom. Everything will be fine.
– Okay. I believe you, Jake. I believe you can fix everything. But promise me something. – he stopped, looking into his eyes, wiping a tear from his cheek.
– What?
– Don't get yourself into trouble any more. – she whispered, her voice breaking. –Whenever you need me, I'll be here. Please, don't ever leave me. I need you, honey.
More tears ran down Jake's cheeks.
– I promise.
But that same night he broke his promise. He broke it when he left the hotel in the morning, leaving his two closest people there. He left a part of himself that he never got back.
4 July 2022
A young woman was awakened in the middle of the night by a strange noise coming from the living room of their temporary apartment. In the dark, she touched the place next to her with her hand, but found only an empty and cold sheet. Burnt, she opened her eyes and got out of bed, listening to the sounds coming from the bedroom door.
Finally she left it and went to the living room, and the view she found there was forever etched in her memory and broke her heart.
She found Jake there, huddled behind the couch, his face red and wet from the tears that shook his body. The girl's heart completely broke when she heard his heartbreaking sobs. His matted hair fell over his forehead. Tears ran down his pale cheeks as he placed a hand over his eyes. The sight hurt. It hurt so much. She had seen Jake lose hope and be broken many times. The boy fell many times, but that night he fell for real.
He fell the moment when he fell to his knees, tears mixing with his every breath. He fell at the point where he had no strength to fight anymore. He fell the moment his last wall fell. One she had no idea about.
Jake rarely wanted to talk about his family. MC even though she was very curious, she respected his decision and never asked. But when she heard one sentence from him, in some strange, incomprehensible way, she knew.
– She is dead. – he whimpered, barely catching his breath – MC, she's dead.
Without thinking, she ran towards him, knocking over a few things in the process. But it didn't matter. Her eyes blurred with her own tears as she knelt beside him. He was still sobbing like a baby when she wrapped her arms around him with all her strength and pulled him to her chest as if she wanted to protect him from all the evil in the world. And he let her. He leaned against her breast, which he was soaking in increasingly hot tears. She squeezed her eyes shut, kissing and stroking his hair.
There were no words that could ease his pain right now.
– Kaden contacted me. – he croaked after a few minutes – Mom suffered from cancer, recently it got worse. And yesterday she left. She's gone forever, I'll never see her again. I will never hear her laugh or see her smile.
She hugged him even tighter, trying to make him even more comfortable.
– Shhh, I'm here. – she whispered, rubbing his back reassuringly – I'm here and I'm not going anywhere.
– I broke my promise to her. I left her. I should have been there for her, especially recently when she was sick. – he said, his voice breaking and a new spasm of tears seized his fragile body. – I'm just like my father.
– Don't even say that. You saved your mother because you loved her more than anything in the world. You had to do it then so as not to endanger her. I'm sure she knew it.
MC knew perfectly well that losing a loved one was one thing, but not being able to say goodbye was another. And much more hard amd painfull.
They didn't know how much time they spent like that, but the black-haired hacker finally began to calm down. She continued to hold him like a precious treasure, kissing his soft hair. With every minute that passed, he began to breathe more and more steadily, until finally the crying stopped completely. They remained silent.
– I'm destroying everything and everyone I care about.
– No. - she interrupted him with determination, and moved away from him slightly – Jake, paradoxically you are the reason why I did not destroy myself. And I'm sure your mom wasn't angry at you. She must have felt that you were protecting her in this way, just as she had protected you throughout your childhood.
His voice was empty. Exactly as he was inside now. Jake stared blankly ahead, his face red from crying for so long. Bloodshot eyes were still a bit glassy.
MC didn't know what to do next. How to fix it. How to make Jake a little lighter. But she knew that she would do anything to bring her beloved back to peace and happiness.
– Take me to her funeral. – he whispered barely audibly, which made her hug him again – I have to .. I have to say goodbye. And apologize.
At that point, it didn't matter the government or the danger they would expose themselves to. She just couldn't and didn't want to say no.
– Of course. – she replied immediately – We will go there together.
Jake gave her a light, barely noticeable smile. He regretted so much that he had lost so many precious moments that they could have shared together. He wished he had introduced MC to his mother, the woman who had completely changed his life. He was sure she would like her. Sometimes she even resembled her. Both were equally stubborn and defended their own opinion. He would turn back time just to tell his mother how much he loves her and how grateful he is for everything she has done for him. But it was too late for that.
Ophelia's spirit, however, saw it all and was finally able to leave in peace, seeing that her son had finally found his love, soulmate, and above all, the person who saved him from falling to the very bottom.
"It was night when you died, my firefly
What could I have said to raise you from the dead?
Oh could I be the sky on the fourth of july?
We're all gonna die"
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josephlikesmusic · 2 months
Anthem - Less than Jake (2003)
Anthem is album that I feel often get's overshadowed by Less than Jake's much more popular Hello Rockview, yet when I do make the time to relisten I find Anthem to be equally enjoyable. While the album started to shift away from the horn-heavy sound of the band's previous albums, Less than Jake didn't lose their ability to write extremely catchy hits.
The Ghosts of Me and You and Best Wishes to Your Black Lung were songs that brought me back to when I first discovered the band a few years ago, and while I hadn't listened to either song for a few years, they were just as catchy and put the same smile on my face that they had during my first listen. Even the songs I have continued to listen to regularly, such as Plastic Cup Politics and The Science of Selling Yourself Short, continue to get me moving and grooving no matter how much I listen. I love the vocal performances of Roger Lima and Chris DeMakes throughout the album. Roger easily has one of my favorite voices in ska, even in punk music as a whole, so I love that he really got to shine on songs like The Science of Selling Yourself Short. While I would never complain about more horns on a ska album, I do like the simpler ska-rock style of Anthem, which really allows for both singers to shine.
While I do wish such a great album didn't end on a cover song, I have little to nothing to complain about while listening to Anthem. It's not the most significant or complicated album released, but it still puts a smile on my face the entire runtime. I haven't done a full listen of this album in a few years, so many songs gave me instant nostalgia for my mid-teen years when I first started to discover ska and ska-punk, two genres that really formed my music taste today. Less than Jake continues to be one of my favorite bands, and I hope to have the chance to see them live in concert again sometime soon.
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jakeabel · 2 years
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less than jake, fall out boy - split sampler (2003)
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novumtimes · 7 days
Australia defeats England in their second ODI as Alex Carey top scores at Headingley
Australia’s pace attack has delivered again as the tourists survived a modest batting performance to take a 2-0 lead in the five-match ODI series in England. Mitchell Starc, Josh Hazlewood and Aaron Hardie made a sub-par 270 look mountainous to England’s callow batting line-up, taking five wickets in the 10-over powerplay. The hosts were ultimately dismissed for 202, giving the tourists a 68-run win at Headingley. Put in to bat after losing the toss under cloudy skies, only Mitchell Marsh (60) and Alex Carey (74) passed 50 as Australia was dismissed with 32 balls unused. Though needing less than a run-a-ball, England began the chase in a hurry, and as in Thursday’s first match, the recklessness played into Australia’s hands, with the quicks reducing the home side to 5 for 65 at the end of the powerplay with two golden ducks. There was no way back from that, despite Jamie Smith’s 49, and Australia cantered to its 14th successive ODI win, a run that has been exceeded only by another Australian side, Ricky Ponting’s World Cup winners of 2003, who achieved 21 on the run. “You always like more with the bat, these days, 270 always feels a little bit short, but the way the boys bowled was outstanding,” Marsh said. “When you welcome that much experience into your line-up that’s great. It’s also the help they give the others, having Aaron Hardie bowling with Starc and Hazlewood is a really good learning experience for him.” It was Australia’s first ODI win at Headingley since the famous 1999 World Cup victory over South Africa when Steve Waugh made a century after being dropped early on by Herschelle Gibbs. Marsh provided another captain’s knock but the key innings was by Carey, who only played as Josh Inglis has a tight quad. Booed to the crease by Yorkshire fans remembering his dismissal of local hero Jonny Bairstow at Lord’s last year, he led a superb rearguard action that included a 49-run last wicket stand with Hazlewood, who made four. Travis Head, the matchwinner at Trent Bridge with an unbeaten 154, had begun where he left off, smashing two sixes, but was caught at deep square leg for 29. Matthew Potts then dismissed both Matt Short (29), edging flat-footed to the keeper, and Steve Smith (4), bowled through the gate and the tourists were 3 for 89. Headingley has terrible memories for many Australians but not for Marsh, who revived his career with a brilliant counter-attacking Test century at the Yorkshire ground in the 2023 Ashes. He looked comfortable, smiting three sixes, and with Marnus Labuschagne (28) rebuilt the innings. However, Jacob Bethell dismissed both and caught Glenn Maxwell (7) on the ropes and Australia were 6 for 161 having lost 3 for 16. Carey, initially supported by Hardie (23), then a stubborn Hazlewood, rose to the challenge, lifting Australia to a defendable total. Then the bowlers got to work.  Hazlewood had Phil Salt (12) swishing and missing before being caught behind.  Next Starc (2 for 50) had Will Jacks (0) superbly caught by Short at second slip first ball before trapping stand-in skipper Harry Brook (4) with a trademark inswinging yorker. Can’t get enough cricket from Grandstand? Tune in for the latest cricket news, interviews and analysis from the ABC team in the Grandstand Cricket Podcast. Amid the carnage Ben Duckett (32) had been batting serenely but a slower ball from Hardie (2 for 26) foxed him and his superb return catch was matched by Carey’s legside take a ball later as Liam Livingstone (0) edged. England needed Jamie Smith to copy Carey and for a while he did.  With Bethell (25), then Brydon Carse (26) he kept England hoping. Marsh, aware wickets were the issue, brought back Hazlewood and, aided by a sharp catch at mid-wicket by substitute fielder Jake Fraser-McGurk, that did the trick.  Though Adil Rashid (27) lifted England past 200 it was just a matter of time. The third match in the series is on Tuesday (9:30pm AEST) at Durham. AAP Source link via The Novum Times
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pwblogarchive · 2 months
November 2003
November 10, 2003
6:51 pm
“paris hilton sex tape”
it's so weird to be homeless. to throw the dirtiest pillow into the corner of rooms just to get by. i never write in here anymore. i don't really feel the need to anymore for some reason. words feel stuck behind my tongue and my hand. i feel ashamed of how words make me feel and sometimes i want to stay asleep forever.
maybe i'll stop by here again soon.
November 13, 2003
“you feel first kiss good”
So. Portland. Thanks for the underground tunnels and sweet words. Couple of kids said they read this thing. Who wants to read about a kid who just complains and plays video games? You ever look in the mirror and say god I am so fucked up and that's okay. Thanks for taking the time to read this though I fear it maybe a waste of your eyesight. I'm doing guest reccomendations with roze harding over at absolutepunk.net this sunday, so go check it out. Then next week it'll be patrick. Then joe. You get the idea. Also I'm playing bass with less than jake during their encore. Maybe you'll see it. Who would have thought me in a ska band.
Portland has this system of underground tunnels called the shanghai tunnels. They go down from the river and port up to the basements of taverns and the local hoods used to sneak up them and kidnap people from bars, drug them and sell them to ships as sailors. They would wake up out at sea forced to work. How insane. Little bit of history. There is a good book on it by chuck palahuick. Read it. Hang out with us after shows.
'You'd think by now I would have died. I'm sorry girls I tried.'
November 14, 2003
“we just played a show in vietnom during the 1970s amongst guerilla warfare tactics
it was sold out.”
things have been good. we're acutally in san frantastic right now. i was pretty upset the past few days, but today i feel a lot better. the shows have been awesome, so no complaining about that. less than jake is sound checking right now and i'm humming along.
oh yea, that baby picture to the right is me, im not sure if that was ever made clear.
November 14, 2003
“i used to compare myself but i don't care anymore”
downstairs at the warfield in SF. getting fed on tours is crazy, today we got fed twice. it means i can spend my per diems on things to fill the home i don't have. a modest mouse song is reminding me of you. ive got the ipod on shuffle but i can't mess with that kind of luck so i keep skipping to it. i think my band hates it. my mom reads this thing. its pretty rad cause i know someone back home cares and i was kind of always the "mom look at this" kinnd of kid. at the same time i figure i might have to censor it a bit, haha. california is gonna be rad, theres something about driving to the coast. i can see patrick and andy talking from here, i can't hear it. its so weird that i am paid to hang out with my friends. for the record it makes me smile when you copy the things i say, its almost cute.
the show was rad- mostly because a few kids were really esxcited to hang out and talk. it made us feel at home. sweet girls and boys. got to play with less than jake, pretty amazing.
kiss me. breathe life into my old failures. i want to feel them at the speed of light.
i got paris hilton's number. what do you got?
peter pumkin eater
November 14, 2003
8:14 pm
“i want my funeral to be a party. play all the hits and dance the night away.”
morrisey.tupac.love,love will tear us apart, yes it will. unbroken. it doesn't go the way you think it does, nothing ever does. mountain drives. scars and middle fingers. club food, club stomachaches. phonecalls that feel first kiss good. northern california nights, southern california hearts. tonight is all about we miss you.
we miss you.
November 17, 2003
“when i was young, your word was the word that always won.”
so i am writing this entry and i am not really sure what to say or whats going through my head. things only go wrong when you are a half a world away. you have to read this whole thing for it to make sense, don't start and then not finish. yesterday when we were driving to las vegas i had this bad dream that my mom had chemo and died from it. i was than woken up by a phone call from my sister who told me to call home because my grandpa had just died. we were expecting it, so this didn't completely shock me.i just feel totally fucked when i think about how sad it is for someone to die completely alone, with noone there. it makes me feel really guilty for some reason- that i am out here and living. and everytime i try to talk to anyone about anything the words get choked in my throat. don't mistake this as me asking to have you say "pete you can talk to me". i know i can, but i can't. because something is messed up inside of me. i feel stupid because this is just some dumb tour journal and i am just airing the dirty laundry and catching the unaccounted for ghosts. i don't need a shoulder, i just need to figure myself out. and the only thing that gets me through anything is my three friends in this band and 30 minutes a night we play. it makes me think about how rad my own dad is and how much trouble i give him all the time. nomatter what he is a safety net. whenever i bend he doesn't let me break and it scares me that there will be a day when might not be around. i am sitting in l.a. at one of the greatest hotels around about to play the house of blues and then go hang out with blink (it doesnt feel real and doesn't feel deserved). i'll write more later tonight. my sidekick broke so i don't know when i'll get on the net again.
tonight is all about we miss you...
i miss you.
November 19, 2003
“we write music not soap operas.”
so l.a. was amazing, the kids in anaheim were amazing. anyway, p.s. i got paris hiltons number from some dumb A&R guy at a show of ours and never called it- she doesn't know i exist, i don't care. so dear drama on our webboard, if you don't like what i have to say than you can check out this other thing.... called 'the door'. leave, don't read this. stop focusing on our jeans and haircuts, stop believing gossip on the internet. we write music, not soap operas. my head has gotten so big i can barely hold it up to type this. its such a joke. if you only knew how insecure i felt, so sick in my own skin- if only you knew how nervous you all make me.
i may take a break from writing in here for a bit, maybe not. i am pretty obsessed with words. we'll see. i don't want this to feel like i am just going through the motions.
thanks, i can RU(i)N my life myself.
you are like fucking cancer.
November 21, 2003
“how does my name taste on your lips?”
yeah so i have given alot of thought on the drive. the shows have been fun. we are getting to hang out with alot of old friends. i have always thought that what i say in here is overdramatic. that is a fault of my own. but i want to give you an honest portrayal of what our/my life is like on tour and going through this process. its not all shitty. its not all fun. it is different from how my life was before. everyone in this band can write on here- i guess some of them are smarter and have better stuff to do- which i should go do now. it's hard to not let people get you down when you put yourself out there. i have to work on that.
go listen to kent "isola" if our new record doesnt sound something like that i will be disappointed.
November 22, 2003
1:35 pm
I.C. you are feeling Drake
you know how it goes. its been awhile. i hate the fucking drama everywhere. yet somehow i feel pretty attached to it. the west coast was rad. we're making our way back. i think i may be spending thanksgiving on a plane. more for me to complain about. my throats hurting pretty badly and i have van neck from sleeping in it last night. on a positive note i got "my life with morrissey" this documentary on hardcore morrissey fans (bring on the freaks). i'm hoping i might see myself hahaha. tommy two tone might jump on this tour for a minute, you know "jenny 8675309" haha how good?
it can't get much better/worse.
call me up on my cellular phone just to see how i'm doing. it would make my day.
November 24, 2003
“who could ever love a kid with eyes this blotchy and red”
joy division
the hills have eyes
vinnie and roger ltj
midwest hearts
breakfast all day
old pictures
van conversation/van sing along
when you smell like baby sweat in your sleep
headphones as medicine
complaining online, new bruises (to the face and the ego)
867-5309 (yeah they're on this tour)
love, love will tear us apart
give up the ghost
photo shoots for dirty looking tired kids
you won't understand so don't try to.
these are the lives the world would lead but they are too against injury.
peter pumpkin eater
November 25, 2003
11:29 pm
“the pity party is officially over.”
i am single if you wanna hang out, bros and stellas.
also, i am moving to another journal at some point so the drama in this stupid one can stop.
November 25, 2003
“over the years i've kept more grudges than i have kept promises and friends…”
i am sorry i have been so out of touch lately. this tour has proved to me that being in this band is the best thing that will ever happen to me.
for the record i know you are going through a hard time-
it's good to know you are doing okay and that someone is there for you.
cause i can't be anymore.
November 28, 2003
“the breaking of the fellowship”
detroit - philadelphia - d.c. three amazing shows in a row. detroit felt good, like at home. philadelphia was one of the biggest rooms we played on this tour. that being said we still felt really connected and the disco dance after party was rad. d.c. we had never played before so we were pretty nervous about it. in the end there was no need for it cause everybody had a good time. it just felt pretty right lately.
after the d.c. show everything felt weird when the band all went our seperate ways for thanksgiving. it felt off. it's like i spend all my time with these guys and it felt strange to be not doing it. it sounds dumb but if this ended i don't know what i would do. everything was so different before and i feel like they are the only people who understand me.
this thing saved my life. blah blah. who cares.
happy thanksgiving.
November 29, 2003
“the act is getting old (so are you).”
its funny with all the things you had to say.
the truth never found its way in.
see you around.
November 30, 2003
“I got you in my headphones.”
Reading: touching from a distance. I.C. I know how it feels to be off. Watching: glengary glen ross. You feel like an old lead.
Drove all night from home to pittsburgh. Thank you for making it worth it. We got the best reaction we have ever gotten there. Saw a ton of old friends and kids from other towns. Left late today for new york city. I am in love with this band. I spent most of my free time answering email though I fear I will never catch up. Why do I always pick the worst times to fall apart?
I've got the remix of sincerity playing in my head. We're all falling apart again. I must confess how much I believe in love. You're who I'm dreaming of.
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msclaritea · 8 months
Batman Begins - Wikipedia
Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne / Batman:
A billionaire socialite who, after witnessing his parents' death in a mugging at age 8, travels around the world seven years before returning home to inherit his family company Wayne Enterprises whilst operating at night as a bat-masked vigilante bringing justice upon the criminal underworld of Gotham City. Bale was relatively unknown when cast.[5] Before he was confirmed on September 11, 2003,[6] having expressed interest in the role since Darren Aronofsky was planning his own film adaptation,[7] Eion Bailey, Henry Cavill, Billy Crudup, Hugh Dancy, Jake Gyllenhaal, Joshua Jackson, David Boreanaz, Heath Ledger, who later played the Joker in The Dark Knight, and Cillian Murphy, who would later be cast as Dr. Jonathan Crane / Scarecrow, took interest in it as well.[6][8][9] Josh Hartnett met with Nolan about the role, but decided against pursuing it.[10][11][12] Bale, Bailey and Murphy auditioned using the Batman Forever sonar suit donated by Val Kilmer, but the cape was lost,[13][14][15][16][17] and Amy Adams served as the casting reader for the casting of Bruce Wayne / Batman in a favor to the casting director.[18] Bal
Cillian Murphy as Dr. Jonathan Crane / Scarecrow:
A corrupt psychopharmacologist working as Chief Administrator of Arkham Asylum. A specialist in the psychology of fear, he has secretly created a fear-inducing toxin and plots with Ra's al Ghul to expose the entire Gotham population. Nolan decided against casting an Irish actor like Murphy for Batman, before casting him as Scarecrow.[40] Murphy read numerous comics featuring the Scarecrow and discussed making the character look less theatrical with Nolan. Murphy explained, "I wanted to avoid the Worzel Gummidge look, because he's not a very physically imposing man – he's more interested in the manipulation of the mind and what that can do."
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LIAR. Why is Robert Downey Jr lying to make Cillian Murphy look bigger than he's never been? RDJ has never been mentioned once, in connection with Batman Begins and you can't change the Wikipedia page, now, fuckers. We are just SURROUNDED by actors, ruining their own reputations, with enthusiasm, these days.
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clea-speaks · 1 year
Chris Demakes and Roger Lima of Less Than Jake (TW: SA, harassment, stalking)
PART 1: When I was growing up, I had it kind of rough at home and at school so I would use music as an escape in my room.  One day during my freshman year I had been listening to the local radio station and they were playing 'Johnny Quest Thinks We’re Sellouts' by Less Than Jake and I was immediately hooked. This radio station kind of picked what they wanted to play instead of playing whatever the actual single was. Fast forward to 2003 and I go see Less Than Jake for the first time at a local venue and think they’re great. I met both Roger Manganelli and Chris Demakes after the show and got my Borders and Boundaries cd signed by them. At the time I thought Roger was nice but thought Chris was strange.  The following year they returned, and they invited my friends and I out to a tiny hole in the wall bar after the show. I was the only one of age. During our hangs at the bar Roger paid extra special attention to me and wanted a picture with me. He put his arm around me and pulled me close to him and touched the side of his head to mine. Afterwards my friends kept calling him Uncle Raj and I didn’t know why until much later. They thought he was creepy.
I don’t remember exactly when he gave me his AIM screen name and email address wanting me to keep in touch. It was probably end of 2003 or early 2004 but he found my MySpace. This was really when things started getting weird. He had added me from his other band Rehasher’s MySpace account and in the middle of the night he would slide into my DMs while he had been drinking and/or smoking. At one point I had the song 'The Science Of Selling Yourself Short' on my MySpace profile because it was one of my favorites at the time. One night he slides into my DMs asking me to remove the song so he "could masturbate in peace". At the time I didn’t see all the red flags or realize how inappropriate he was starting to get. I was kind of excited that someone was showing interest in me because I definitely wasn’t cool during my school years. He made me feel like I was part of the cool crowd. As time went on, I was getting instant messages on AIM from him saying that I should do porn, I should strip, saying he wanted to get me a toy because he wanted to see me use it, etc. He’d frequently ask for nudes, but I was hesitant because I’ve always been really uncomfortable with my body. During this time Roger was living with his girlfriend and he told me he had to wait until she was sleeping before he could talk to me. He also liked to randomly say that he was horny and loved blowjobs. Looking back now I would have blocked him and never gone to see them play again. A former friend of mine, who was visiting, and I went to 3 of their shows in 2006. Chris gave her his number, somehow convinced her to send him nudes and then he ghosted her. At a show in 2007 (I think) they were doing the wheel of fortune thing and I won a cereal box with their logo on it. They told the crowd it had a giant d*ldo inside. I was mortified. Thankfully it was just a t-shirt, guitar strings, a shot glass and a couple other little things. During the show I was drinking and drank a little too much. Before I left, I went to go say goodbye to Roger and found both him and Chris outside the bus. They started making comments about my breasts and saying they were fake. They’re not and I told them that. After I said they’re real they both touched my breasts. I never consented to this and couldn’t have with how much I had drank. Never in a million years (at that time) would I have thought they would do that to me.
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xprojectrpg · 1 year
This Day in X-Project - August 6
2003: Kitty breaks the code on the files given to her by Nathaniel Essex and reveals to Dazzler that they are government plans to create giant mutant-hunting robots; they go to the Professor about it.
2004: Moira's stomach aches grow worse. Asgard (plot): Alison is nearly burned as a witch; Manuel is taken in by Loki; Jubilee is pixified and ends up as pet to a Dark Elf.
2005: Nathan has lunch with his father in New York, learning his induction into Mistra was intentional, and he has an uncle, Gideon Faraday. Bad Blood: Remy discovers the effects of Sabretooth's attack on Alison.
2007: Bobby gives Terry an antique harp for an early birthday gift.
2008: Seven Minutes In Heaven: Nate's psimitar arrives by courier, sent by Tara Trask who took it back from Ilyas Saidullayev; Forge is less than impressed; Pete is even less impressed when he discovers Lense is now working for the Hellfire Club and smashes his laptop, to the consternation of his staff. Crystal wishes Terry an early happy birthday; Adrienne gives Terry an extra-special present. Sulaco: Amelia discovers the pills Jay has been taking as part of the drug trial and notifies Sam as Jay's family.
2009: Catseye brings ice cream to Nathan in the infirmary and the two discuss French lessons, as well as her joining the X-Men while Nathan contemplates his retirement from same. Catseye emails Kevin asking him for help with Yvette's birthday present. Kyle emails Dani to ask her to smack Jay, who is being belligerent in his own post about joining the X-Men. Dani posts about her resolve to finish college. Catseye seeks out books from Sam and discovers his attack on Kyle, which prompts a great deal of disapproval. Garrison sends a very poignant email to Jay, alluding to the funeral he is attending for his deceased teammates to make Jay understand what being part of a team means. Marius posts to the x-grads community about the maturity of the X-Men and Jay in particular, which yields quite a response from the graduates. Jay apologizes to the team for being an asshole and agrees to accept any trainee name he is given, though the apology has mixed results. Malibu Madness: Julian's father visits and informs his son that should he be able to go three weeks without exceeding a spending limit of $500, he will be given leave to visit - with his friends - the family's summer home in Malibu for a week; Julian posts to x-kids inviting his classmates to the house in Malibu, confident he can win his father's challenge. Jay emails Kyle telling him he is not apologizing for what he said to Kyle on the x-team comm. Nathan announces his retirement from active duty on the x-team comm, informing the team he will be staying on as a reserve member and taking an active role in the training of new members. The Beaubier twins discuss Alpha Flight and Jake. Jay goes to the medlab for a checkup and encounters Nathan, remaining belligerent despite Nathan's patience; Kyle arrives to visit Nathan bearing a pretzel and Jay retreats without further confrontation. Jean-Paul runs into a slightly inebriated Scott at Harry's and discuss the situation in Canada, Nathan's retirement, and Jay's addition to the X-Men. Late at night, an insomniac Lex encounters an overcharged Nori and is very intrigued by her powers. Home and Native Land: The five Alpha members who were killed are buried and Malcolm Colcord reveals not only is Walter Langkowski suspected of accidentally revealing the location of the team in a private email, but the entire Alpha Flight program is being shut down.
2010: Kevin is released from the medlab but can't stay put in his suite. He runs into Laura on his way to the rec room. Butterflies and Hurricanes: Vanessa confronts Haven at her clinic in District X and asks about the missing people. Yvette sends out birthday invitations to her friends. Crystal makes a post commemorating the third anniversary of Atillan's return to the world.
2011: Wade leaves a variety of gifts for people on his return. He chats with Molly and is briefly afraid she's drowned in the pool. Meggan thanks Wade for her gift and mentions self defence training with him. Doug thanks Wade on the journals for his gift; A kegger is proposed with Amanda's keg of Guinness. Matt thanks Wade for his gift. Molly discovers a website of cats wearing hats. Wade sms's Kyle about hangovers.
2012: Scott finds Artie practicing his powers in an empty classroom.
2013: Matt and Hope cook together in the kitchen and discuss about him getting a haircut. Matt crashes at Amanda's after aerial class and the two discuss their different teams, among other things, over Chinese food.
2014: Darkness Within: Jubilee emails Haller, asking him why Molly would hesitate in combat, which nearly caused casualties; Scott emails Namor to tell him that his parents are very unhappy about his abduction and wanted to remove him from Xavier’s. Jean shows Scott Ororo’s old attic apartment, and suggests they move in.PHASE 2
2015: Cruelty is Bitter Bane: Garrison e-mails Logan, Kitty, and Julian for help out in St. Louis; the three mutants arrive in St.Louis to help; Julian and Kane meet with the family; Logan and Kitty break into the morgue. Bobby and Amara meet and are cute while discussing their respective powers.
2016: Gabriel invites the adults of the mansion to join him watching the Olympics and getting drunk on cachaça and eating pizza. Alison posts to say that she’s in front of a huge TV watching the Olympic Games and people should join her. Darcy lets people know that women’s Rugby 7s might be her new favorite sport ever.
2017: Rogue posts up the 2017 Extreme Eating Challenge results complaining she wants to eat everything up there apart from the pasta.
2018: Amanda casually moves in with a reluctant Topaz. Tandy texts Topaz to apologize for missing dinner.
2021: Returning to the mansion, Felicia finds North already there and talks with him. As discussed, Darcy and Terry go axe-throwing.
2022: Maya shares some music she likes.
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5ft2sunflower · 1 year
This Y2K pastime is becoming a big hit among South Korean youth
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Written by Jake Kwon, CNNSeoul, South Korea Contributors Jeong Jiwon, CNN
Agroup of girls giggle as they try on a pair of pink glasses, plush pig hats and bunny ears. At another counter of the studio, one carefully straightens her hair. Together, they cram into a photo booth, pose, and then marvel at the photo strips the machine drops below. They tape one onto a wall filled with images of other young patrons.
It's a familiar scene playing out at several hundred small photo studios that have recently opened in Seoul. The spaces — with no staff visibly present — typically house three to six booths and are open 24 hours a day.
Since the pandemic, the studios have become one of the trendiest destinations among South Korean Gen Z. On the main thoroughfare of Hongdae, the city's busiest district, they're found on every block — sometimes, only a few feet apart.
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20-year-old university student Choi Hui-je told CNN he visits a studio every time he goes out with friends, which is around five to seven times a month. Once, he recalled in a phone interview, he went five times in one week.
"It's a necessary stop. We go for food, karaoke, café, and then the photo studio," Choi said.
19-year-old Jenny Dall'alba, a student in the southern city of Busan, estimates she's gone more than 70 times over the past few years.
"This is not a fad but a must-go-to every time," she said.
Many around the world may have their own memories of hopping into similar booths. In the early 2000s, they surged in popularity thanks to the development of digital technology and coveted sticker versions.
But two decades later, in the age of social media and post-pandemic, they've taken on a whole new life in South Korea.
With over 245 locations in the Seoul Metropolitan area and 200 more around the country, Life4Cuts has a major share of the market: the brand estimates 2 million people visit their studios every month.
On Instagram there are more than 1.1 million posts with the hashtag Life4Cuts (in Korean) — with everyone from K-pop stars to influencers posting the outcome of their shoots.
Some are seen copying poses from viral TikTok videos or mimicking anime characters' famous moves. Choi himself likes to channel the expressive memes of pink beaver character Zanmang Loopy from the 2003 South Korean animation Pororo the Little Penguin.
Dall'alba, who keeps all her photos together in a pouch, says she enjoys getting creative by choosing different props and frames. She adds that her friends like to pose with K-pop group members that are baked into each frame and go multiple times to make sure to get a photo with every star.
There are also Instagram accounts dedicated to teaching visitors poses to try the next time in a studio.
Booths nowadays have better lighting and features like timelapses which have contributed to their popularity.
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Business owners see the studios as a safe investment opportunity.
Kim Joo-hyun opened his Busan-based Life4Cuts studio in 2020, when his restaurant began struggling during the pandemic. With no government permit required to operate, he was able to set up a shop in less than a month, with a relatively moderate investment of 180 million won ($134,000).
"There is a widespread notion that you won't lose money opening them," Kim said over the phone, adding that it doesn't take much physical work and he's seen a profit margin of 50%. And while Kim is concerned with growing competition, he is also actively searching for another location to open a studio.
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Kim was initially skeptical of whether the studios would be a passing fad, but as people started bringing their family, older relatives, and even dogs into the booth he's since changed his mind.
"(Customers) can buy small but guaranteed happiness," he said, for little money at about 4,000 won or $3 a pop. "The day-to-day life may be difficult but they can enter and exit with a smile on their face."
The tangible aspect of the photos may be what's particularly appealing to Gen Z. But Choi says there's something deeper — the pandemic reminded him and others of how precious life is.
"We know well our youth will not last. It's to remember the precious moments."
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iamtryingtobelieve · 3 years
Promises you made back home are crumpled like the goodbye notes And last night's dirty clothes were on the floor next to the phone And it's been disconnected months ago No calls from your friends back home You lost your point of view and now it's got the best of, got the best of Got the best of you
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plontymon · 3 years
Going to see New Found Glory, Less Than Jake with your high school best friend like it's 2003.
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thepoppunkdays · 7 years
30 Albums Turning 15 in 2018
Are you guys ready to feel slightly old? All of these albums are turning 15 this year! That means 2003 was 15 years ago… Who let that happen? I still remember going into HMV or Woolworths to buy some of these on CD.
There are some absolute classics below. What are some of your favourites?
Blink 182 – Self Titled
NOFX – The War On Errorism
Yellowcard – Ocean Avenue
The Ataris – So Long Astoria
The Offspring – Splinter
Rise Against – Revolution Per Minute
Lagwagon – Blaze
Brand New – Deja Entendu
Anti Flag – The Terror State
Fall Out Boy – Take This To Your Grave
The Movielife – Forty Hour Train Back to Penn
MXPX – Before Everything & After
Rancid – Indestructible
Spitalfield – Remember Right Now
Less Than Jake – Anthem
Relient K – Two Lefts Don’t Make a Right…but Three Do
American Hi Fi – The Art Of Losing
Something Corporate – North
Dashboard Confessional – A Mark, a Mission, a Brand, a Scar
Coheed and Cambria – In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3
Alkaline Trio – Good Mourning
AFI – Sing For Sorrow
Punk Goes Acoustic
Strike Anywhere – Exit English
The All American Rejects – Self Titled
Thrice – The Artist in the Ambulance
Thursday – War All This Time
Saosin – Translating the Name
Mest – Mest
Here is a selection of the best tracks from those albums compiled into a nostalgic playlist to throw you back to 2003.
30 Albums Turning 15 in 2018 was originally published on The Pop Punk Days
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kelpieice · 3 years
My Thoughts on Captain Hook
Captain Hook is a villain. He is a good one but in some works he has had his claws snipped to become less scary. Hook is supposed to be dangerous and smart. Always plotting (till the end of the story) to kill Peter Pan and his Lost Boys. While Peter Pan is fine with letting his kids fight pirates he makes it a habit to make every boy(or kid) promise to leave Hook to him. He did that to John when they first arrived back in Neverland. Peter’s careless attitude had disappeared and he was stern when making John promise. 
2003 Captain Hook
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I love how the 2003 Peter Pan wasn’t afraid to show Hook’s bad side. Showing us how he does kill his own men. Making him scary and more in touch I felt with the original character Barrie created. 
Disney’s Captain Hook
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Disney’s Hook does at least show us a bit of Hook’s smarts and that he does kill his own men but it is shown off screen. We don’t see the body of course. But for the most part this Hook is toned down a bit and silly due to all the slapstick. He has had his claws snipped and his mouth muzzled. But it is a good introduction to the character for the youngest of audiences. 
Jake and the Neverland Pirates Captain Hook
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This Hook has not been just toned down for younger audiences. He has been strapped down completely declawed and defanged. He is no longer scary in any shape or form and now is being bested by a different kid??? 
I can see a lot of Peter Pan fans complain about this series. Which is why it leads me to make my own Headcannon over this show. Jake and his friends are just playing pretend and Jake is so innocent (even more so than Peter) that he hasn’t seen real violence. That this whole series is in his head as he is imaging himself as important. While in cannon Hook could care less about Jake and his silly little kid stuff. Hook is here for one reason and Jake is too innocent to understand. Neither Peter Pan, his Lost Boys or Darlings kids have explained to him. Hook wants Pan dead. So Hook is less scary because Jake doesn’t know how dangerous Hook actually is. 
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maddie-grove · 3 years
Little Book Review: Jake, Reinvented
Author: Gordon Korman.
Publication Date: 2003.
Genre: Contemporary YA.
Premise: High school senior Rick Paradis is intrigued by new kid Jake Garrett, long snapper on the football team and host of the wildest parties in the neighborhood. As Rick gets to know the seemingly unflappable Jake, though, he senses that his friend might be in over his head with Didi, the beautiful girlfriend of loutish quarterback Todd. That's right--it's a modern-day high school AU of The Great Gatsby!
Thoughts: I don't think that a modern-day high school AU of The Great Gatsby was doomed to fail. If I'd been a YA author in the early 2000s, I would've made it a Gossip Girl-style affair, set in a wealthy neighborhood of NYC or LA and filled with absolutely disgusting conspicuous consumption. I also would have gender-swapped most of the characters and thrown in some feminist commentary; maybe teen boys wouldn't want to read about mysterious party girl J. taking an Upper East Side prep school by storm before being brought low by unrealistic beauty standards/classism/her feckless fake-deep love interest Daniel, but that's not a good reason to write a boring book.
And Jake, Reinvented is a boring book. Gordon Korman, the beloved Canadian author of chaotic classics like No More Dead Dogs, dials back his humor, replacing it mostly with observations about the fleeting nature of popularity. It's Jerry Spinelli's Stargirl, except Rick is technically a better boyfriend than Leo. Korman also dials back a lot of what's interesting about The Great Gatsby. The Roaring Twenties parties become keggers in a middle-class suburban home, so thoroughly mundane that there's no impact when they turn sour. The reckless behavior of the characters, appalling in the original, just seems more or less developmentally appropriate when everyone's a teenager. Their misdeeds are often way less egregious; for example, instead of Daisy killing Myrtle Wilson with her reckless driving, we have Didi hitting violent football player Nelson over the head with a bottle in a desperate attempt to keep him from strangling Jake. It's natural to want to soften things in a story for and about younger people; however, to do it to this degree drains a lot of tension from the narrative.
The most hilarious part, though, is Jake's big secret: two years ago, he was a nerd. Then he started working out and bought some Banana Republic clothes. I don't know, but this doesn't seem as big a deal as the Old Money/New Money divide. ("You'll never be like us, Gatsby. You're New Popular. I'm Old Popular, which means I've been popular since eighth grade, not just since junior year.") One character even points out that it's not a big deal for a guy to get contacts and a couple of new outfits. This would be pretty hilarious if the book were a comedy.
Goodreads Hot Take: "I read this because it is on my high schooler's summer reading list. What an awful book for a high schooler! Sure, let's just inform them of all the trouble they can get into so they can find it easily!" Yeah, I bet that's what you said when the school tried to include basic anatomy in the sex ed program, too.
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