#chris Hemsworth x black!reader
deexchanel · 2 years
Celebrating my 100th post!!
Thank you everyone for the support of liking the one-shots I make! I know I am inconsistent with my posting but I am full time college student.
it's a well known fact.
To my sexy lover and friends, you choose the next post.
But to get into the groove of things, I want to finish writing where I left off. This post doesn't mean I'm not going to finish the other ones, I'm just letting you guys choose the next one.
1. Blind p.2 ↠ Bucky Barnes
-Read Blind first before selecting this! (If you haven't)
"Roles has reversed on the best friends. Monday morning Bucky starts on trying to get his best friend back but someone has caught her eye."
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2. BM 2 ↠ Chris Evans
-Read BM first before selecting this! (If you haven't)
"I mean who going to believe a man when he say he wants you but he’s supposed to be getting married?"
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3. In-love with a stripper ↠ Chris Hemsworth
"Mr. Hemsworth is the big man in the office with his personal assistant. Both with arranged relationships they don't want to be in, Chris and Niara (Knee-are-rah) has their relationship as a secret. With her double life of being a stripper; which is how they met."
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Poll Here : https://forms.gle/FHRsoRLpZu5a1K9p6
Thank you once again for all your support from the past til now! I am grateful that you guys like my post!! Much Love <3
*results will be shown when post is made*
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waltermis · 2 months
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I miss them 🥹🥲
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justalovelyblackgf · 1 month
“why you always watching superhero stuff? ” 😐
The superheroes:
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darknight3904 · 10 months
The Fourth Sanderson Sister
Masterlist / Main Masterlist
Hehe the Avengers make their story debut in this chapter :)
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Asgard 2012 
When Odin summoned Astri and Thor to the throne room, she was surprised. They had been in her room, experimenting with the strength of Astri's magic. She still couldn't completely remember how Thor had agreed to any of this since he had been thrown across the room multiple times and at one point turned into a dog. Now, they were moving towards Odin and Astri was desperately trying to fix the still canine Thor. 
   "Change me back!" He exclaimed as she trotted along 
   "Don't you see I'm trying?!" She shrieked as she tried again 
   "I thought you said Loki taught you this spell years ago!" Thor said 
   "He did but I forget how to un-do it!" She groaned, trying again. 
   "We cannot go in there to my father like this," Thor said stopping when they had reached the throne room and gesturing with a paw to his fuzzy body 
   "At least I made you cuter." Astri hissed, her hands glowing again 
   "First of all, I was always this cute. Secondly, FIX ME!" He yelled, a bark sounding at the end of his command. 
His loud voice and bark echoed through the long hall they stood in as Astri tried to suppress a laugh. 
   "Okay, okay I think I got it." She said 
   "Finally. I am never letting you use your magic on me again." Thor groaned 
   Astri ignored his comment, after all, he'd said that in the past, and it never actually came to pass. 
   Dog Thor glowed a soft blue as Astri changed him back. 
   "Finally!" Astri clapped 
   "What are you two doing? Odin and I can hear you two shouting from the throne room." Frigga suddenly interrupted, pushing the doors to the throne room open. 
Frigga stopped her scolding when she looked at Thor who was finally no longer a dog. Astri followed Frigga's gaze and was met with a very naked Thor who was looking at his hands, probably happy to have his thumbs back. 
   "I do not enjoy being kept waiting." Odin's voice joined the chaos 
Oh lord. Astri wished she could just vanish into the floor right now. 
   "Thor. Return to your chambers and dress yourself." Odin ordered stiffly. "Even if you are romantically interested in Astri, this is not the way to go about showing it."
   "Dear, I thought that your running around naked had stopped years ago," Frigga said turning away from her son "Not to mention it is in proper to be bare in front of a lady who does not wish to see you that way"
Astri kept her gaze on the wall pretending that her face wasn't going bright red as Thor stood next to her somehow unashamed about it all.
   "This is uh...you know I'll just do this." Astri stammered before snapping her fingers and letting a simple-looking shirt and pants appear on Thor's body. 
   "Thank you, Astri, do not worry I am not romantically interested in you." Thor said patting his hand on her shoulder "Father what is it you needed to see both of us for?" 
   "It is Loki." Odin started, clearly trying to move past what just transpired
   "He is alive," Frigga interjected turning around to face them once more, she seemed to be overflowing with the news.
   "He is alive, and he is on Midgard. He holds a place called New York hostage. " Odin continued "I will be spending my night gathering magic to send one of you there. Heimdall says Loki means to invade the planet with an army." 
Astri glanced at Thor whose face was stoic and serious. 
   "Why would he go there to invade? We have never wanted war with Earth." Thor said
   "Your brother yearns for a throne. I entrust that one of you will stop him and bring him home." Odin said before turning and walking away, Frigga following him closely. 
   "Why do you think he is doing this now?" Astri asked remembering the pain she had felt months ago when she had finally linked their minds. 
   "I do not know." Thor sighed "How do we decide who is sent?" 
   "What do you mean? You. If Loki has an army, you're Midgard's best bet on defense." She reasoned 
   "Yes, but you might be able to reason with him and keep him from even starting the invasion," Thor said 
   "I'm sure you're just as capable," Astri said looking down at her nails 
   "Yes, but you're better." Thor pointed out 
Astri kept her gaze down as Thor spoke of how Loki was hard to reason with and that she was better at talking with him. 
   "I can't go. He and I got in a fight before you destroyed the Bifrost." She said looking back up at him 
   "So? Loki and I fought all the time. For example, do you remember the time we fought over what the best way to kill a Bilgesnipe was? We got so heated I threw him down the steps and then nearly took his face off with my hammer. " Thor reminded her 
   "Yes, I remember that one. But this fight was different. I said that he was a monster, the same thing I vowed he wasn't just days before when he told me he was a Frost Giant." Astri admitted 
   "Everyone says something they don't mean sometimes," Thor said placing both his hands on her shoulders and gently shaking "What matters is what we do to fix our mistakes."
   "That's the thing... in the moment I think meant it," Astri said, her voice a whisper.
The next day, Odin sent Thor to Midgard. Astri had seen him before he left. She had made him promise he'd bring Loki back in one piece no matter how aggravating he got and how many times he might try to stab him. Thor had of course sworn and then disappeared into a burst of magic from the AllFather. A day had passed since then and Astri had been pouring over the same book on astral projection for hours now. It wasn't the typical kind of projection Frigga had taught her and Loki as children. Instead, it was made for much larger distances and gave her the ability to physically interact with the environment around her.
   "You know just staring at the page isn't going to get you anywhere." Frigga warmly said from her doorway 
   " I know...I just don't know if I can do it." Astri said looking up as Frigga sat next to her
   "Are you speaking of the projection, because I know you're strong enough, or seeing my son again?" She asked placing a hand on Astri's 
   "Both." She admitted, "I'm scared that if I can't talk to him he might destroy Midgard but I'm also scared to talk to him after so long." 
   "You don't have to be. I know you can project to wherever my sons are and talk to both of them. I also know that I raised you to never be afraid of anything." Frigga encouraged 
   "Thank you," Astri said 
   "Of course, darling. I'll take my leave. A projection like that requires immense focus and silence I don't want to ruin anything." Frigga smiled standing "I do suggest appearing in something other than your night dress."
Astri blushed but nodded and had her armor appear on her body. She got onto her bed and laid down. She had decided she'd find Thor first. She wanted him to fill her in on what Loki was doing before she had to see him. Her eyes fluttered shut and she took a deep breath, searching for Thor. She could do this.
Her eyes opened again and she was met with a man with one eye aiming a Midgardian weapon at her. A small woman was doing the same, her red hair stood out against her black outfit. A man who was dressed in an overly tight red white and blue suit stood about twenty feet away, his fists raised. Thor was also there, smiling at Astri while telling the humans to calm themselves. 
   "She is my friend. Everyone lower your weapons she won't hurt you." Thor reasoned
"Stark get up here, there's another Asgardian. Leave Banner in the lab. "  The redhead spoke into a table.
   "She appeared on my ship with no warning you want me to believe she isn't a threat?" One-eye said 
   "I'm here to talk to Loki, not to cause problems," Astri said raising her hands 
   "Tell me why we should believe you?" The redheaded woman said 
   "Well for starters, I grew up with him." Astri pointed to Thor 
   "So did Loki." Red white and blue said
   "Loki has always been a fan of dramatics," Astri began to explain
   "You call taking innocent lives dramatics?" Red white and blue responded 
God this guy seemed just a bit too serious for Astri's liking. He was easy on the eyes at least, Astri liked how blue his eyes were. Without the awful outfit, he might even pass as acceptable. 
   "She speaks the truth." Thor vouched for her
   "And I also know that Loki-" 
A strong scent of something filled Astri's nose and a blur of red and gold hit her. 
   "Target secured." A robotic voice sounded from above her "Do I get a pay bonus?"
   "Get off," Astri commanded angrily, her power pushing the thing off her. 
She was met with what was most likely a Midgardian clothed entirely in metal standing in front of her.  The man's hands glowed and a shot flew at her, hitting her in the stomach. Her hands glowed and she used her power to pick up the chairs she had knocked over. The metal man dodged them and came at her again. 
   "The other two had better aim." He commented, his head turned to the chair his suit had cut in half
He was seriously pissing her off. That snark was horribly annoying.
   "Really? Ever hear of distractions?" Astri smirked before hitting him with a blast that pinned him to the wall behind him. She squeezed her hand together and a loud gasp sounded from the metal man as his suit dented under Astri's will. "Knock me over like that again and I'll pull you from that ridiculous armor you think is protecting you and gut you like a fish."  
"I believe her! Thor, call the fourth Sanderson sister off!" The man exclaimed as his suit let out sparks, indicating whatever Astri was doing was working.
   "Alright everyone calm down." One-eye ordered, glaring at Astri who was watching the man's glowing hands.
The lights in the metal man's hands dimmed and its face opened up. A man with a strange beard and dark eyes looked at Astri. Astri sighed and let him go, he and his strange armor came away from the wall. 
   "How many of you are there? Because this is getting ridiculous." He said motioning to her and Thor. "By the way, I should invoice you for all this damage." 
 "Let me talk to him, I promise to not destroy your place anymore," Astri said,  turning to one eye, ignoring the metal man who was examining his damaged outfit.
He looked over at the redhead as if he was asking for her opinion. 
   "Your ship, your call." She said 
   "Fine. Thor, Romanoff show her where he is. You do anything suspicious, like try to free him, I'll kill you." He said 
Astri nodded despite knowing that the one-eyed man had a very low probability of being able to kill an Asgardian. She followed Thor and the redhead out of the room and away from red white and blue, and the strong-smelling metal man Astri wanted to toss out those large windows this place had.
   "Loki is rather angry right now Astri," Thor warned 
   "When is he not?" Astri sighed 
   "We're trying to get him to tell us where the Tesseract is. If you could help us with that it'd be appreciated." The redhead said 
   "I'll try. Loki has never been the most cooperative though. By the way, what exactly are we on? I thought Midgard's buildings didn't reach this high." Astri asked as they passed another window. They seemed to be in the clouds.
   "Some sort of floating gray palace of Fury's, he's the man with one eye," Thor explained
Astri looked over at the redhead knowing Thor's explanations could be incorrect sometimes. 
   "He's got the basics." She shrugged 
   "Oh, and this is Natasha." Thor introduced "And this is my mother's ward and my childhood friend, Astri." 
   "So, Astri what are you to Loki?" Natasha asked as she led them through a maze of hallways and stairs "Ex-girlfriend?" 
   "No...I'm a close friend, I guess." Astri asked "We haven't truly seen eye-to-eye since Thor was banished here a year ago." 
   "Well I'd suggest you put your differences aside, we'd like you to drag some more information out about him. Loki's been a serious pain in our ass recently." Natasha said 
   "What exactly has he done so far?" Astri was almost scared of the response. 
   "So far, he's killed 80 people in two days. He also managed to turn one of my closest friends into some mindless zombie." Natasha said 
   "Loki has a scepter and the Tesseract. Stark believes he's trying to open a portal for his army." Thor said
   "That would make sense. Wait who is Stark?" She asked 
   "The one you threw chairs at and then pinned against a wall. Nice job with that by the way." Natasha explained 
   "Ah, the one who smelled strange." Astri nodded 
   "That was probably the cologne he wears," Natasha responded 
   "He should change it," Astri said 
   "I'm glad we agree." Natasha smiled 
They entered another hallway and stopped at a large metal door. 
   "Thor is staying outside the door in case something goes wrong. Just so you know we can hear and see everything, cameras and audio are covering every inch of that cell. Anything you say or do we know about it, all the feeds go to the bridge we were just on." Natasha warned 
   "We were on a bridge? When?" Astri asked not remembering crossing anything
   "Never mind. Stick around long enough and I'll teach you all about Earth." Natasha offered before walking away.  
    "Loki is in a state I haven't seen him in before," Thor warned and Astri nodded.
   "How did you even get here?" He asked
   "I'm not here. I learned a new form of projection so I could talk to Loki. You were right when you said I might be able to talk him out of the invasion. " Astri explained 
   "Did you just admit that I was right about something?" Thor grinned 
   "No." Astri lied 
   "I will have to tell Mother about this upon my return," Thor said proudly as Astri stepped away from him and towards the door.
The door opened as soon as Astri stepped closer to it and slid shut again once she had fully entered. Inside the room, a large round cage of sorts sat, suspended by large metal arms. What was most interesting was who was inside. When Astri's eyes met Loki's she swore she felt her heart jump into her throat. Her palms grew sweaty as she approached the cell. 
   "Hello, Astri. It's been a while hasn't it? "  
In case anyone is wondering what dog Thor was, he got turned into a Golden Retriever. Also, Astri's armor is below, no she does not have blue hair.:
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Taglist: To join comment below
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whoreforsamwilson · 11 months
Thor Odinson's Masterlist ϟ
For my girls that love Thor just has much as I do😉
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SMUT: MDI. Content is 18+ please read at your own risk. Most of the time there is no plot.
Thunder and Lightning
┌── ⋆ ⋅ ⚡⋅⋆ ──┐┌── ⋅⋆ ⚡⋅⋆──┐┌── ⋆⋅ ⚡ ⋅⋆ ──┐┌── ⋆⋅ ⚡ ⋅⋆ ──┐
ONESHOTS: Oneshots that have smut will have a 🔥on the side.
Get Away
I love you in every universe
A King's Sacrifice
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incorectly · 2 years
✨ ✨Appreciation Post ✨ ✨
Dear Blogs that write for Black Readers x Austin Butler or any of his characters he’s played (Or any Black Reader x Any Person), Please don't stop writing, all of y'all’s work is some of THE BEST to be written, EVER. (I’ve been apart of ALOT of fandoms and have read a ton of work) None can compare, you make black women feel seen by making stories that are relatable to US.  (Even if it’s made up). So this is for you, I APPRECIATE all of you and all the time and dedication you put into your work, it does not go UNSEEN or OVERLOOKED, because if I come across your work I’m always liking and reblogging (I’m getting better at reblogging y’all’s work) because I’m always rooting for y'all even if your work isn’t getting the recognition it deserves. You are SEEN. 
Sorry for Rambling it was just on my heart to share
(Tagging a couple people who I think are amazing writers) (If I didn't tag you drop a comment I would love to see your work I’m always up to read more stories) 
@dulcewrites @mamasturn @infernalodie @that-one-anxious-mango @enchantinglyjade @chaeycunty @geminixevans-stan @mauvecherie-writes @syntheticavenger @afriendlyblackhottie @dramaqueeenamby @royallyprincesslilly @blackwomanwriter @jbrizzywrites
(Those are just a few from the Austin butler Fandom and Chris Evans Fandom (Although I need to read more of Chris Evans because I’m slacking, Austin has a tight grip on me) 
Love all of you.🤎
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tonyee · 2 years
who the fuck told them to move the search button???
this is tumblr…i though we established that we don’t like change here
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storiesavenged · 18 days
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hello!! i just made this account to post some oneshots i have in mind for mcu characters and cast. asks are open, if you have a request feel free to send it in and i may write it. check here for characters i write for and what subjects i will write.
about me;
• joy
• they/them
• 20
• newer marvel fan
• mainly tony stark, doctor strange, bruce banner and thor odinson <3
• absolutely will not write smut.
• lowercase is purposeful
• all works will have a gender neutral, non race/look specific reader unless otherwise specified (ie. plus size, disabled, etc)
Writing For;
• Bruce Banner (Hulk) // Mark Ruffalo
• Thor Odinson // Chris Hemsworth
• Tony Stark (Iron Man) // RDJ
• Doctor Stephen Strange
• Clint Barton (Hawkeye)
• Rhodey (War Machine)
• Bucky Barnes (Winter Soldier)
• Peter Parker (Spiderman) // Tom Holland
• Steve Rodgers (Captain America) // Chris Evans
• Sam Wilson (The Falcon)
i am an angst lover so there will be lots of angst. i do write lots of triggering topics (see list below), overall DD;DNE warning. my writing will contain swearing.
i am not okay with reposting, translating or copying of my work. if my stories are seen elsewhere in a different language or otherwise it has been taken without my permission.
please read at your own discretion!!
i am not responsible for the media you choose to consume.
• abuse/torture
• kidnapping
• eating disorders
• violence
• drugs/alcohol
• character death
• sexual assualt
• suicidal ideation
• anxiety/panic disorder
• bullying
etc... all works will have individual trigger warnings attached for what content is in them.
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Masterlist ;;
a : angst
f : fluff
Tony Stark // RDJ ;; assistant {a/f}
Steve Rodgers // Chris Evans ;; coming soon
Bruce Banner // Mark Ruffalo ;; experiment 03 (series) {a, f} |
Doctor Stephen Strange ;; rivalry {a, f} |
Thor Odinson // Chris Hemsworth ;; nightmare {a, f} |
Clint Barton ;; coming soon
Rhodey ;; coming soon
Bucky Barnes ;; coming soon
Sam Wilson ;; coming soon
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artemiseamoon · 2 years
Decided by Fate
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Tyler Rake x Destiny Rose Turner
About: When a wounded mercenary shows up at her door, Destiny is torn between helping him or minding her business. Once her decision is made, she comes face-to-face with aspects of her past.
An: started as a writer wed drabble now it’s a mini story 😁
Warnings so far: injuries, wounds, blood, fighting
Adult 18 + | minors DNI
Tumblr previews + A03 links
One | read in full on A03
Two | read in full on A03
Three | read in full on A03
Four | Finale - read in full on A03
Go directly on A03, for all chapters: Go here
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Previews: x
Actress fc for OFC: Emayatzy Corinealdi
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Destiny Rose Turner
Tyler Rake
Dominic Hall
Missy (Melissa) Hall + their son
Some unnamed background characters
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missreblog · 4 months
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Certainly! Let's imagine a delightful scenario featuring Chris Hemsworth and his African American wife on "The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon":
**Title: "Laughter and Love on Late Night"**
The studio lights buzzed overhead as Chris Hemsworth, the Australian heartthrob known for wielding Mjölnir as Thor, settled into the guest chair next to Jimmy Fallon. The audience erupted in applause, and Chris flashed his signature grin—a mix of charm and ruggedness.
"Chris, great to have you here!" Jimmy said, leaning forward. "And rumor has it, you've brought a special guest tonight."
Chris's eyes sparkled. "Absolutely, Jimmy. Allow me to introduce my wife, Maya."
Maya stepped into the spotlight—a vision in elegance. Her skin glowed like polished mahogany, and her smile held galaxies. She wore a midnight-blue dress that clung to curves sculpted by determination and grace. The audience hushed, captivated by her presence.
Jimmy raised an eyebrow. "Maya, welcome! How did you two meet?"
Chris leaned closer to the mic. "Funny story, Jimmy. We collided at a coffee shop in Sydney. I was fumbling with my order, and she laughed. That laugh—it hooked me."
Maya blushed. "He spilled his latte all over my notebook. But it was fate."
Jimmy grinned. "And now you're married! Chris, what's the secret to keeping the romance alive?"
Chris winked. "Well, Jimmy, it's all about spontaneity. Like that time we danced in the rain during a thunderstorm."
Maya chimed in. "Or when he surprised me with a picnic under the Eiffel Tower."
The audience swooned. Jimmy leaned back. "Chris, you've played superheroes, but what's your real-life superpower?"
Chris glanced at Maya. "Making her laugh. It's like charging up my own arc reactor."
Jimmy pulled out a deck of cards. "Let's play a game, Chris. Water War!"
Chris's eyes widened. "Wait, what's that?"
Jimmy explained the rules—the loser of each hand faced wet consequences. Chris grinned. "Bring it on!"
As the game unfolded, laughter echoed through the studio. Chris and Maya splashed each other, their love a shield against the water balloons. Jimmy pretended to referee, but really, he reveled in their joy.
In the final round, Chris lost. Water dripped from his hair, and Maya's dress clung to her curves. They leaned in for a kiss, and the audience erupted in applause.
Jimmy wiped his eyes. "Chris, Maya, you've brought magic to this show."
Maya whispered to Chris, "Our own kind of superhero team."
And so, Chris Hemsworth and his wife—two souls entwined—left the stage, leaving behind laughter, love, and a promise to dance in every thunderstorm life threw their way.
*Note: This scenario is purely fictional and created for entertainment purposes.* ¹²
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She's so lovely
Pairing: Elizabeth Olsen x Fem!Reader
Summary: Elizabeth introduces you to the world
Disclaimer: English is not my first language. We're also going to pretend here that talk shows are broadcast live, thank you very much. This was requested by one of you! Thanks you for the request, anon!
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“You’re so gorgeous, my love.”
The words were whispered against the crook of your neck and you closed your eyes when you felt slim arms wrapping around you from behind. You hummed happily, letting your body rest against your girlfriend and smiling. She pressed her lips on your neck while one of her hands pressed against your stomach to keep you in place.
You opened your eyes after a few seconds and met her gaze on the mirror in front of you. “Thank you,” you replied shyly.
Elizabeth smiled and kissed your shoulder. “Are you ready to go?”
Your eyes met through the mirror and you found yourself blushing at the way her pupils seemed to take over her very green eyes as she looked at you. Even if you had been together for over a year now, the way she looked at you at times still made you blush, her presence still made butterflies come up in your belly, and you still found yourself giggling like a schoolgirl sometimes. You had a crush on your girlfriend, that’s for sure.
“I’m ready,” you agreed with a nod as you turned your head to look at her.
Elizabeth was slightly taller than you thanks to the high heels she was wearing so you raised one hand to caress her cheek and pull her in for a quick kiss, making sure you wouldn’t smudge your lipstick and ruin your makeup. She accepted the kiss happily, humming and licking her lips when you pulled away, although she made sure to keep you close to her.
“I’m ready to go too,” she said after a second. When you turned to give yourself another glance at the mirror, Elizabeth leaned down to kiss the back of your head as her hands squeezed your waist. “You’re going to be the most beautiful woman in there.”
“Have you seen yourself?” You declared with a fond eye roll.
Elizabeth chuckled and finally took a few steps back to grab her purse from the bed. You took advantage of that to give her another look. She had chosen to wear a black dress with a big opening at her right leg and her hair was perfectly pulled into a bun with a few strays falling down her face. Her nails were painted a dark green shade and she kept her jewelry simple enough, and you could barely believe that woman was your girlfriend.
One of your friends jokingly asked you once how you managed to date her and you had playfully told them you had no idea, but it wasn’t exactly a lie. Maybe the Universe really liked you or something.
“Can you remind me who else is going to be there?” You inquired while you waited for her to check if she had everything she needed in her purse.
Elizabeth hummed. “Not many people,” she started. “I think most of our castmates couldn’t make it, but Scarlett, Robert, Hemsworth and Holland said they would be able to make it.”
It has been over a year but you still weren’t used to hearing those names being thrown around like nothing. You were still a bit starstruck when you were reminded that your girlfriend knew and worked with those people, not to mention some other big names in the industry. It also made you nervous because that was the first time you were meeting any of them. You’ve met some of Elizabeth’s friends and her family, but you kept yourself far from that artistic world until then. But then Chris Evans invited Elizabeth to his wedding - a very sudden wedding, might you add - and she asked you to be her plus one, something you couldn’t deny her.
Elizabeth had promised you everything would work out just fine and that the press didn’t even know about the wedding, not to mention that Evans had assured everyone that no pictures would be leaked anywhere, but you weren’t worried about it because of you. Elizabeth spent the last few years trying to keep her private life away from the rest of the world and you didn’t want her newfound peace to be ruined.
“Oh, can I put my phone there?” You asked when you noticed Elizabeth was about to zipper her purse.
She threw you an amused glance but nodded and reached out to take the cell phone from where you left it charging by the bed. After that, you both made sure you had the hotel room key and left to take the car that was waiting for the two of you.
“Lizzie!” You heard the chirpy voice before you noticed the woman walking towards you, but, as soon as you realized who it was, you almost choked on the champagne you had been drinking. “It’s so good to see you again!”
Elizabeth unwrapped her arm from around your waist to accept the hug Scarlett was aiming at her, smiling brightly at her friend. “Hey, Scar! Have you been here for long? Didn’t see you before.”
“Oh, no, I just got here.” Scarlett pulled away while waving a hand to someone else she saw in the crowd. “And already lost my companion to Hemsworth,” she said with a huff.
Elizabeth laughed. “He tried to take mine away too, but I threatened to tell his kids he’s not a superhero.”
Scarlett also laughed while your eyes kept going from one woman to the other, and she eventually turned her head to look at you. If she was surprised to see you, she didn’t show, although you could point out that she was a Hollywood actress. “You must be the famous girl Elizabeth told everyone about.”
You blushed and raised a hand to put your hair behind your ear all while Elizabeth looked at you with loving eyes. “Are you sure she wasn’t talking about someone else?” You joked with a chuckle.
“Nope,” Elizabeth was the one to reply, popping the word before curling her arm around you again. “Scar, that’s my girlfriend. The one and only.”
It was perhaps the way she said that with so much love in her voice, or the way she was looking at you as if you were the most important person on Earth to her, but you found yourself smiling a bit goofy at her, radiant and joyful, enough to draw a laugh from Scarlett. You felt your cheeks heating up, but you didn’t have the time to be actually ashamed of it because Elizabeth quickly pulled you closer to kiss your forehead as if she knew, just by looking at you, that you were a bit nervous and needed her touch to keep you grounded.
“Well, it’s very nice to meet you,” Scarlett said when you turned to look at her again. She had that motherly smile on her face that no one who hadn’t kids could master and it made you instantly feel more at ease with her. “I’m glad to see that Lizzie here finally found someone to hook her for good,” she joked.
You laughed while Elizabeth groaned and pinched her nose. “I’m not Evans, come on,” she mumbled.
“Evans was faster than you.” The voice that interrupted your conversation was much deeper this time and you recognized it before the man joined the small group you were in. Robert had his signature sunglasses on and a nice suit, his lips crooked in a lopsided smile as he tilted his head to look at Elizabeth from over his glasses. “Or so I heard.”
“Yes, keep making fun of me,” Elizabeth complained, albeit she also sounded amused by all of that. Her arm hadn’t left your waist and you were just happy to see her interact with her friends, people she worked with for ten years now.
“I will,” Robert replied in a provocative manner but his attention soon turned to you. “How did Hemsworth not pull you away? I haven’t seen my wife since I got here.” Before you could even think of a reply though, he was already reaching out one of his hands. “Robert, nice to meet you.”
“Hello,” you greeted him with a polite smile. “I’m Y/N.”
“Hemsworth was scared away,” Elizabeth completed. “And this is my girlfriend.” You didn’t miss the way she looked at you with dreamy eyes.
“Yes, I could tell,” Robert joked as he turned his head to Scarlett. “Her arm is, like, wrapped a thousand times around the poor girl.”
Scarlett laughed as Elizabeth shoved his shoulder playfully, but the actress soon looked over your shoulder in time to see someone else getting closer. “Hey, why is Lizzie the only one with her significant other?!” And that’s how you met Tom.
The wedding kept going without surprises after that. Hemsworth returned with everyone’s husbands, wives and girlfriends after a while and your group soon found a table to sit at while talking. You got along just fine with all of them, feeling very confident with your words after Elizabeth placed a hand on your thigh under the table to show her support. You soon forgot those people were movie stars and it was easy to laugh and joke around with all of them. Evans showed up at one point to chat and thank everyone for their presence, and he was also introduced to you. Once again, Elizabeth didn’t hide how proud and utterly happy she was when telling him you were her girlfriend, and it made you blush like all the other times she did that.
At one point, you all reunited with Evans to take photos, then you stepped to the side with everyone’s spouses to allow the Marvel cast to take pictures of their own, before Evans and his new wife started to call the other couples for more pictures. You and Elizabeth were one of the first to go, keeping your photos simple and fast before going back to the bar to grab something to drink. Hemsworth found you there and, this time, didn’t back away from grabbing you to a drinking contest.
You two stumbled back to your hotel room in the early hours of the morning, both barefoot after kicking your shoes in the cab, laughing and still talking about the party you had just left.
“So, we all know Elizabeth Olsen and Benedict Cumberbatch have some very exciting news for us with their new movie coming up!” James Corden told his audience while both actors listened to him talking while sitting in the seats next to him. “But it appears they’re also having some busy personal lives! Benedict, you have recently welcomed a newborn!”
“Oh, yes,” the man said calmly as usual and with a wide smile that showed up when he talked about his family. Elizabeth watched her coworker and friend with a soft smile of her own, her legs crossed and hands resting on a knee. “My house has been very loud for a while now.”
“I can imagine that,” the host agreed with his natural eagerness. “It’s your third one, the house is getting full now.”
“It is. The back of the car also doesn’t fit anyone else, so maybe it’s time to stop right here,” Benedict joked, earning some laughs from the audience, the host and Elizabeth.
Her laugh, though, caught James’ attention to her and he soon directed his next question to her. “Any newborns in your life?”
“No,” she replied with a chuckle. “I’m staying away from diapers, thank you very much.”
“That’s funny of you to say because people on the internet seem to enjoy calling you their mom,” James declared with a laugh as Elizabeth’s face turned a bit pink.
“I know! That’s so weird! I don’t know why they do that,” she said.
“Well, we do,” James started, “but I don’t think we should tell you just yet.”
Sitting on your couch at home, you almost choked on your food when you heard that. You had turned on the TV to watch your girlfriend’s interview for her upcoming movie but you didn’t imagine you would hear anyone addressing the fact that people were thirsty for Elizabeth all over the world. You could only laugh when it seemed that James’ words only made Elizabeth more confused and you just knew she would ask you about it again soon. You still didn’t want to tell her though because her confusion was too cute to watch.
“Anyway,” James’ voice caught your attention on the television again, “we recently found out that one of your castmates got married a few months ago and that you attended the ceremony.”
“Well, we were called to the party,” Elizabeth corrected him gently. “Benedict couldn’t go because, as you said, he had a newborn to look after, but I went and it was so much fun.”
“We saw that,” James teased her. “I think Hemsworth and Tom Holland posted a few pictures last week. It did seem like it was a good party.”
He pointed to the screen behind them where a few photos of the Marvel cast partying were flashing for the audience to see. None of the photos were compromising or too embarrassing, but Elizabeth was glad to see she only appeared in one of them. The last photo was of Elizabeth with the newlywed couple smiling at the camera and it brought a chorus of ‘aw’ from the audience. Elizabeth knew her friend had posted that picture a few days before to finally announce his marriage to the world because he asked for her permission first and she also knew what picture was being shown after that because the show’s producers told her about it.
Then one of the photos with all of the Marvel cast and their spouses appeared and she couldn’t help but smile happily at that. You looked so beautiful standing there by her side, smiling at the camera and pressed against her, and it made her remember all the fun you had that night. You also saw Hemsworth doing bunny years at Zendaya and you, Robert’s wife sharing a laugh with Scarlett, and how you and Evans had supported your arms on Holland’s shoulders since he was shorter than both of them. It was a great picture, one that Elizabeth was seriously thinking about hanging on the wall of her home office, but it also brought questions.
There you were among everyone else, someone people had never seen before and who was gladly standing there with Elizabeth’s free arm around your waist. Back home you were holding your breath. Your girlfriend told you it was going to happen, of course, since you had to agree with it as much as she had, but that didn’t stop you from feeling nervous about it. You almost wished they would go back to talk about Benedict’s son, although you were still pretty sure about it when you talked with Elizabeth the day before.
She wanted to tell the world about you and you had agreed with that, but now it was a bit unsettling to have your anonymous identity going away like that.
“We can see some familiar faces,” James declared, bringing your attention back to the interview. You noticed the way Elizabeth nodded along his words even if she still wasn’t looking at him. “And we can see someone we’re not familiar with at all! Elizabeth, care to tell who that is?”
Elizabeth laughed politely at him before tilting her head to the side to answer his questions. “Well, yes. That girl by my side, you know, the most gorgeous woman in the picture?” She playfully winked at the camera and, even miles away, you felt your face heating up. “That’s my girlfriend.” It was a statement said with pride and clear happiness, something you didn’t think you would ever get used to hearing, and it made your heart beat faster inside your chest. Elizabeth talked about you with love in her voice and her eyes even through the screen.
“What?” James pretended to be as shocked as his audience was. “You need to explain that to us, Elizabeth!”
Your girlfriend chuckled and shared a look with Benedict before going on. “We’ve been dating for a while now.”
“How long is a while?”
“Uh,” Elizabeth added a dramatic pause as she smiled. “Over a year.”
“A year?!” James exclaimed loudly. “How did you keep that from us?!” He joked.
“Oh, well, you know, I didn’t want anyone trying to steal my girlfriend from me,” Elizabeth joked as well. “But yes, that’s the thing. We have been together for a while now, we recently moved in together, and I thankfully had the best plus one at Chris’ wedding.”
“Hopefully she will be the plus one for a while,” James commented in a tone that made it clear he was moving away from that topic soon. The show’s production had agreed with Elizabeth to talk about it briefly and not have him ask for your name or any personal information.
“I’m kind of hoping I get to be her plus one forever, James,” Elizabeth laughed. “Not going to lie, that’s what I’m aiming for.”
While James made a joke about it and people laughed, you were left smiling at yourself alone in your living room. Elizabeth wouldn’t be home for another three hours as far as you knew, but you wished you could hug her and kiss her to show how much you appreciated her words. You also hoped to stay in Elizabeth’s life forever and you wanted to say that to her face.
“You’re here!” You yelped when you saw Elizabeth walking through the front door.
You barely gave her any time to prepare before you jumped in her arms, forcing her to catch you so you wouldn’t both end up on the floor. She laughed, the sound hitting your ear and making you feel giddy for a moment, but she held you tightly as she let go of her purse and phone, not caring when they hit the ground.
“I’m here,” she agreed. “Why do I get this reception?”
“I missed you,” you told her as you started to press sloppy kisses all over her face. “And you’re the best girlfriend in the world, and I also want to be your plus one forever.”
Elizabeth accepted the kisses between laughs but she eventually had to put you down when her arms started to give in. Even so, she kept her hands on your waist and you wrapped your arms around her neck to keep her close. “I love it and I love you, but I need to take a shower. I’m gross. We also need to get dinner started.”
“I love you so much,” you declared before pulling her in for a kiss.
It didn’t take long for it to get a bit heated, although you kept your hands from roaming her as you wished because you knew it wasn’t the time for that. Elizabeth was still wearing the clothes she wore to give her interviews that day and you just knew she probably hadn’t eaten at all. Even so, you finished the kiss by pecking her lips a couple of times before finally pulling away.
“Go take your shower, I will get dinner started,” you told her.
Elizabeth agreed and soon disappeared into the hallway that led to the bedrooms. You went in the opposite direction towards the kitchen where you hoped to get a few things ready before your girlfriend left the shower. Elizabeth loved to cook, but you liked making things easier for her by chopping onions and other things she might want to use.
You were putting on a song on your phone minutes later when you got a notification from Instagram saying Elizabeth had just posted something. You were surprised because it has been at least two years since she posted anything on her feed and she only used her stories to promote her upcoming works, so you wasted no time to click on it and see what it was about. As soon as the app opened, you saw a picture of the two of you taken at Chris’s wedding.
You didn’t remember who took it, but it was of you receiving a kiss on the cheek as you smiled widely and Elizabeth tried to, in vain, to put her hand in front of the camera. The photo didn’t show much, just your faces, your arms draped on Elizabeth’s shoulders and her hand, but it was pretty obvious how much you loved each other. You could almost feel it by just looking at it. It was a great photo, one that you knew Elizabeth used as her screensaver, but you soon moved to the small text she posted with it.
“Hey, world. I would like for you to meet my girlfriend, my partner. My secret for the past months, if you may, but we don’t want it to be a secret anymore because I want you all to know her. My secret is smart, she’s funny, she’s sweet, she’s so lovely, she understands me and has no problem being weird with me. Every single day I find new things to love about her and I’m pretty sure you guys will see why now that you know her too. Even so, I ask for your guys' respect and understanding to keep her life as private as possible. My love, my better half, I can’t wait to find out what our lives have prepared for us. Together.”
You had tears in your eyes when you were done reading that and one of them couldn’t be contained and slid down your cheek before you could stop it. Elizabeth hadn’t tagged you on the photo or provided your user anywhere, although you were sure people wouldn’t take that long to figure it out. You kept your socials private and they would stay like that, but you still felt thankful for her attempt to keep you out of the media for a while longer.
You would wait for Elizabeth to come back to the kitchen and then you would tell her how much you wished to navigate life with her. Forever.
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Pool party
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PAIRING | Chris Evans x Female!Reader
SUMMARY | Chris invites you along with his other Marvel co-stars for a pool party to celebrate the fact that you finished shooting your latest movie together. At this party, the sexual tension between you and Chris reaches an all time high, and you both can't take it anymore and you have to have each other right then and there.
WARNING(S) | This is your official trigger warning. Do not proceed if any of these topics upset you. Smut [ dirty talk, teasing, fingering, oral (m&f receiving), protected sex, nipple play, daddy kink, praise kink, squirting ], swearing.
A/N | Alright, I can't say anything other than the fact that this is an absolute fantasy of mine, and who else to fantasize about than Chris?! 🤤
Likes and reblogs will be very much appreciated 💜
Main Masterlist | Chris Evans Masterlist
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When you finished filming the latest Captain America movie, Chris decided to throw one of his famous pool parties for the Marvel cast, and you were no exception to this. During filming you and Chris were always flirting with each other, which started innocently but as time went on, it got more and more... sexual. The two of you had made it no secret to one another that you wanted to jump each others bones, but for some reason, it never happened. Until this pool party, where everything changed for the better.
As soon as you got the invite from Chris, you knew you had to go out and buy a new bikini to make him drool all over you, because you were planning to finally make a move this time. You absolutely loved the flirting and sexual tension, but there is only so much a person can take before they give into their deepest fantasies. When you found a coral blue bikini, you immediately knew it would be a winner, since it looked absolutely gorgeous on your skin. 'This is sure to make him go crazy!' you think to yourself as you enjoy looking at it in the mirror. You buy it and head home, because you still have some work to do.
About a week later it is finally time for Chris' pool party, and you bring a few bottles of wine, as per his request. Everyone brings a different kind of alcohol so you can all really enjoy the party and just let loose for a night, not caring about a thing in the world. The barbecue is going as well, and there is lots of music and laughter going. You put on your bikini, a pair of distressed black shorts, an oversized tank top and your favorite pair of black sandals. All you need now is your sunglasses and your keys and you will be ready to go. Since everyone plans on doing a lot of drinking, everyone decided to take cabs to his house, and you share on with Sebastian, who lives pretty close to you.
''Damn Y/N, you look absolutely HOT right now!'' Sebastian says when he arrives at your house. ''Thanks Seb, you don't look so bad yourself'' you said with a wink. Everyone knows you and Chris are flirting with each other, but that doesn't mean you don't enjoy the occasional compliment from other guys, it's always nice to have an ego boost after all. ''Ready to go?'' you ask, and you both go downstairs and get a cab. The ride there is a short 30 minute drive, and when you arrive Sebastian pays the cab driver whilst you walk into the house to greet Dodger first. ''Hi buddy, it's great to see you again!'' you say when he comes running to greet you, wanting all the back scratches he can get.
When you can finally go into the yard, you see most of your fellow cast mates have already arrived, only Chris Hemsworth and RDJ are still missing. Most of them are either laying in the pool, sitting on the edge or standing around the barbecue. Chris was standing on the edge and was about to do a flip into the water when he spotted you and his mission failed miserably, falling flat onto his stomach into the water. You can't help but laugh hard at this, and everyone immediately knows you have arrived. ''Hey Y/N, it's good to see you again!'' most of them say, as you give everyone a big hug. ''I missed you guys so much! And Chris, are you okay? We can't have that ripped body of yours hurting too much, now can we?'' you said with a wink and a smirk at him.
''It's your fault!'' he exclaimed and he climbed out of the pool and he runs to you, but you notice it soon enough so you get a little bit of a head start, running inside the house to seek shelter from him there. You run into the kitchen and hide behind the island there, waiting for Chris to come in as well. He took another way into the house and without making a sound he grabs you from behind, making you squeal in the process. ''Got you now!'' he said, and he placed a kiss right below your ear, on one of your most sensitive spots. You hate how he manages to do that every single time.
''Let's get you out of those clothes baby, I can't wait to see that gorgeous body of yours again.'' he whispers into your ear, and you get goosebumps all over your body when you feel his warm breath against your ear. He wraps his arms around your waist and lifts your shirt over your head, so you stand there in your bikini and your shorts still on, and you're glad no one can see what's going on right now. He throws your shirt somewhere and slowly reaches for the button of your shorts, stroking his way from your waist to your hips, and down to the front of your shorts. He opens it and pulls it down in one quick motion.
He kneels down behind you, to take off your shorts, and are well aware how close he is to your ass when you feel him breathing over the fabric of your swimsuit. He puts his hands up and cups both your cheeks with his hands, squeezing and kneading them both and you let out a soft moan at the feeling of his hands. ''Hmm, you sound so good when you moan, it makes me hard, baby...'' Chris says and he moves one of his hands to cup your clothed cunt. ''Fuck, you're so wet for me already, and I haven't even done anything to you yet.'' he says teasingly. Just when he's about to move your swimsuit to the side and run his fingers down your folds to gather some of the wetness, Sebastian walks in and is looking for Chris.
''Hey Y/N, have you seen Chris by any chance? There's something wrong with the barbecue and we can't seem to fix the problem.'' he says, looking around for him and coming dangerously close to where you're standing. If he takes a few more steps to you, he can see Chris sitting behind you, still with his hand on your cheeks and slowly rubbing his other hand over the fabric of your swimsuit, feeling how wet you're getting through the fabric. You try your hardest to not let a moan escape when you answer him ''I haven't seen him, but when I do I'll tell him!'' you say and Sebastian looks a little weird at you, but decides he'll ask you about it later.
''Fuck, that was hot, you're doing so good for me right now, baby,'' Chris says and it turns you on even more, he almost took you right then and there when he found out you have a praise kink, but he managed to keep himself in check. Now, however, he couldn't take it anymore and he had to feel you, taste you, be inside you, because you looked so amazing to him, he went absolutely feral for the bikini you had on. He quickly turns you around so your back is towards the island and puts his mouth on your still clothed cunt. ''I need you baby, I need to taste you so bad, I need to eat this soaking wet pussy of yours'' he says and you spread your legs a little wider to grant him more access.
''Put your leg over my shoulder, that way I can eat that dripping pussy so much better'' he says and you moan as soon as he puts his mouth on your cunt, sucking lightly over the fabric. ''Oh daddy...'' you moan and Chris can feel himself harden in his swim shorts, he didn't know he had a daddy kink until you just said that, but he goes absolutely wild for it. ''Want daddy to make you feel good? Want to be daddy's good girl?'' he says, and you nod. ''Words baby, I need words.'' ''Yes daddy, please make me feel good!'' and without a second thought he slips your swimsuit to the side and attaches his mouth to your clit. You let out a gasp and hope nobody outside hears you, although the fact that you can get caught at any moment does make both of you want it even more.
He sucks and licks all up and down your soaking wet cunt, and you can't help but moan his name. ''That's not what I want to hear baby, you know what to call me.'' he says as he stops his attack on your cunt. ''Daddy, please, make me cum...'' you say and he goes back to what he was doing before. ''Good girl'' he says and he sucks on your clit, and suddenly you feel two fingers enter you, making you moan, hard. You quickly put your hand over your mouth as Chris sets a fast and steady pace with both his fingers and tongue, licking and fingering you so good you cum within a few minutes, squirting all over his face and fingers. ''Oh daddy, you make me feel so good when I cum'' you say to him, and the fact that you came all over him, makes Chris incredibly hard.
As much as he would love to bend you over the kitchen island and fuck you senseless, he decides against it and wants to do it later, teasing you until you practically beg for his cock later. He puts your swimsuit back in place and stand back up, first readjusting his cock so it wouldn't be as obvious how hard he got from making you cum on his face and fingers, and after he leaned in for a slow, sensual kiss, showing you a little bit of what was coming later, when he would finally be able to make you scream his name when fucking the living daylight out of you. During this kiss Sebastian walks in again and says ''Oh there you are Chris!'' and the both of you immediately pull away.
Chris walks over to Sebastian with a smug look on his face, while you turn bright red at the fact that you were caught kissing Chris, but he didn't mention it so you wouldn't either. You walked outside but your knees were still a little wobbly, so you quickly decided to grab a drink and sit down by the edge of the pool and hang your legs into the water. Chris came swimming by a few times, touching your legs every time and it gave you goosebumps again thinking about the orgasm he just gave you. Other times he swam right in between your legs so he could push himself against the wall and back away from you.
After a while you decided to go in the water as well, and Chris took the opportunity to corner you in the pool and whisper dirty things in your ear where no one could hear you. ''How did daddy make you feel earlier baby? You felt so good when you came while fucking my fingers and my tongue, you were such a good girl for me...'' he said and you turned red again, but no one seemed to notice the two of you, they were all busy with their own conversations. ''You made me feel so good daddy, it felt amazing when I squirted all over you, I really want to do it again.'' you whisper in his ear, and suddenly you feel Chris' hand moving towards your breast. You are with your back to the corner and Chris is right in front of you, shielding you from what is happening.
When his hand finds your nipple, he squeezes it softly and tugs it a little, making your eyes go wide trying not to whine at the feeling. ''Hm, I love it when you have such hard nipples for me baby, they make me hard as well,'' he says and he moves your hand to his cock. You can feel how hard he is over his swim shorts and you start to palm him when he squeezes your nipple again. To everyone around you, it just looks like you and Chris are flirting again, just a little closer than usual, but everyone is having fun so they won't stop you, not that you'd want them to. ''Hm, your cock is so hard for me daddy, I want to feel it inside me...'' you say and you look at him with big, innocent eyes.
''Fuck, you can't just say things like that baby...'' he says and let's go of your nipple. He pushes away from you and goes to the edge, motioning for you to follow him, which you gladly do. He walks inside and you follow him, as soon as you're out of eyesight from everyone you put your hands around his neck and pull him in for another kiss, not wanting to be apart from him any longer. He gladly accepts and deepens the kiss right away, swiping his tongue down your bottom lip as you grant him the access you know he's asking for. His tongue slips into your mouth and passionately starts exploring every corner of your mouth in a clash of tongues. You let out a moan as Chris hooks his hands behind your thighs and lifts you up so you can hook your legs around his waist as he walks upstairs to his bedroom.
''Need you so bad daddy, need you to fill me up so good,'' you say when he kicks his bedroom door shut behind the both of you and he pushes you against it when meeting your lips again. You drop a little bit down and feel his how hard he is in his swim shorts, your hips involuntarily roll into the feeling desperate for every bit of friction they can get. ''Fuck baby, my cock is all hard because of you, been dreaming of this moment for months now'' he says and he unties the strings of your bikini top, throwing it to the side in order to get full access to your hard nipples. He attaches his mouth to one of them and starts sucking and lightly biting on it, making you moan his name hard - not realizing Chris' bedroom window is open and everyone can hear you and your escapade with Chris.
''Jesus Christ, it took them long enough!'' Anthony practically yelled outside, but neither of you heard him, too caught up in your own little bubble together. While Chris was sucking on your nipple, his hand slid over your waist and up to the other, so both could be pleasured at the same time, making your hips roll against him even more. ''So needy for me baby, can't wait to fill you up. Such a good fucking girl for me right now..'' Chris moans in your ear when he grabs both your thighs again and you feel your pussy clench around nothing with his praises in your ear. He lays you down on his bed and you scoot back to your head is on his pillows, lifting your hips when Chris hooks his fingers behind the band of your swimsuit pulling it down in one smooth motion.
He doesn't take long to attach his mouth to your soaking cunt again, saying how incredibly wet for him you are. ''Yes daddy, all for you,'' you barely get out between moans when he licks a stripe through your folds and starts sucking on your clit making you unable to breathe for a few seconds. ''D-daddy, I'm g-g-gonna-'' you say but before you finish Chris has shoved two fingers in your cunt, curling them upwards and speeding up both his tongue and fingers to make you cum all over again. ''Oh, D-DADDY!'' you whine out and just when you're about to cum, he pulls out his fingers making you squirt over his face again, just like when you were in the kitchen. ''Fucking hell, I fucking love it when you squirt over my face like a little slut. Makes daddy even harder for you baby,'' Chris says when he comes up for another kiss, you can taste his juices on his mouth and tongue, making you go crazy.
''Your turn now, daddy'' you say when you're still panting and trying to catch your breath, and Chris would be stupid to deny you sucking his hard dick. He spent so many nights thinking about this, and he can't wait to feel your wet, warm lips around him, pleasuring him in ways he didn't even think were possible. You let him lay on his back and quickly pull down his swim shorts, causing his 7 inch cock to spring free and fall against his abdomen and you audibly gasp at how thick it is, not sure how that's gonna fit. ''Fuck daddy, you're so big!'' you say trying not to drool at the sight of him. ''It's gonna fit baby, don't you worry about that. This cock is made just for you so be a good girl now and suck it real good..'' he growled, his voice going deeper towards the end of the sentence. You don't hesitate and wrap your lips around the tip of his big cock, earning you a deep growl from the back of his throat.
''Oh yeah baby, that mouth feels so good wrapped around my cock...'' he says and he grabs your hair in a ponytail so he can move you up and down, but also to ground himself a little. He thrusts his hips up into your face in a pretty fast pace and groans every time you gag around him, trying to breath through your nose but you absolutely didn't want him to slow down. You want to be his fuckdoll and let him take you whenever, wherever and however he wants, as long as he makes you cum so hard on his cock you forget your own name. ''Daddy, need you to f-fuck me, please.'' You say after you let him go with a wet pop, and immediately Chris pulls you up by your shoulders, planting a sloppy open mouth kiss on your lips which you happily give back to him.
''I love it when you beg for my cock baby, Daddy is gonna fill you up so good you will scream my name, and I don't fucking care that anyone can hear it.'' he whispered in your ear. He grabs a condom out of his nightstand and quickly rips the foil open so he can roll it on to his cock, after which he stuffs his cock deep inside you with one thrust. ''F-FUUUCK DADDY! So good...'' you say when he immediately hits your sweet spot on the first thrust, and he doesn't let you adjust as he grips your hips and bounces you up and down on his hard cock. ''Such a good girl for daddy, I'm gonna make you scream so loud when you cum for me'' he said and he picked up the pace thrusting quickly.
You moan and whine every time he thrusts into your g-spot, and when he lets one of your hips go to circle your clit, you completely lose it and have your most violent orgasm yet ripping through you, feeling all your juices flowing out of you when you squirt all over his cock and abdomen. ''D-Daddy, gonna- gonna cum'' you say before it happens but Chris already knew by the fact that you were practically milking his cock by clenching onto him and pulling him even deeper. He keeps riding you through your orgasm and finally cums when he's deep inside you whilst screaming your name, and you let yourself fall onto his shoulder in your completely fucked out state. The two of you stay like this for a little while, not wanting to let go of each other yet.
''Baby, I'm sorry but I have to pull out of you now. I'll just grab a warm washcloth to clean you up and then I'll be back for some cuddles, okay?'' he asks softly and he puts a strand of hair behind your ear. You softly nod and he pulls his now soft cock out of you with ease and takes off his condom, tying it off and throwing it into the trash in the bathroom. First he cleans himself off and he grabs a washcloth to run under warm water for you. ''I'm back baby, just lay back for me while I clean you up, I'll be careful.'' he said and placed a soft kiss on your forehead. You are still very sensitive and flinch when he rubs it over your cunt, but it does feel good to be cleaned up. ''Cuddles please...'' you say barely audible, but Chris steps into the bed and slowly pulls you onto his lap and into his arms where you fall into a deep sleep, completely unaware of the party going on outside.
About 2,5 hours later you wake up and Chris was sitting with his eyes closed, mindlessly rubbing figures onto your back. You give a soft kiss on his jaw to let him know you're awake. ''Hey baby, it's good to have you back with me.'' he says, and he tells you about his plans to get you dressed in some comfortable clothing, and if you want you can stay in bed when he grabs you some snacks. You happily agree and Chris gets out one of his shirts and a pair of boxer briefs for you to put on. He puts on some underwear and sweats as well and walks downstairs, where he is greeted by Sebastian and Anthony in his kitchen. ''So, 'daddy', having fun up there?' Anthony said with a knowing smirk and Chris immediately turned bright red, but at the same time he was proud of the way he made you fall apart multiple times like that.
''I'm happy for you man, you deserve someone like her. Assuming this wasn't a one time thing ofcourse. Everyone can see how happy she makes you, and that's all we wish for you.'' Sebastian says. ''We haven't had a chance to talk about it yet, but I have a feeling it won't be the last time.'' Chris said with a grin on his face, and he grabbed two water bottles from the fridge as well as some snacks for the both of you. ''I'll be right back, just need to bring this to Y/N so she can recover a bit.'' he said and he made his way back upstairs, letting the butterflies in his stomach go wild from the thought of what the two of you just did.
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justjams2003 · 3 months
Hiiii I'd like to request something about Chris Hemsworth......idk if your into kpop groups or if you like it or not but if you want to accept my request please kindly do a little research on it here's the story
So the reader is a part of a kpop girl group and her and Chris are dating secretly...he was also seen attending the readers group concert but the fans thought it was just because they are good friends that's why but reality is something that they are dating but fans some how people find out and start freaking out lol...... I'll leave the ending to you
Thank you so much for taking your time and reading this if you don't like the idea please feel free to ignore I totally understand....
Hi, girly pop! Sorry that this one took me like forever and a day. But I hope it's to your liking!
Pairing: Chris Hemsworth x Kpop idol!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, dirty talk, dirty thoughts, kissing, but nothing dirty actually happens. Wet cat eyes. Babygirl Chris Hemsworth. The use of Y/N. Let me know if I missed something
Word count: 1,8k+ Undeited
Divider by: @princessantisocial
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The studio lights cause the sweat to bead down your forehead. Your group’s makeup artist is quick to fix this. She wipes the sweat off and then brushes some powder there again. “Are you alright?” She asks, her black brows furrow together while she fixes the creases around your nose.  
Korean is like English to you now and you don’t even need to translate it anymore. “I’m just like a really big fan so, I’m a bit nervous.” She smiles and then takes a step back. She nods, proud of her work. Jisoo giggles, she is listening in on the conversation. You give her a slight shove. “Don’t even start.” 
She listens to your warning but she does give you a knowing wink. You feel your heartbeat rise when the other studio door opens and The Avengers Endgame actors start to fill the room. They’re on the Korean leg of their press tour. And your band released a song for the movie. And one of the actors has been your crush since the first Thor movie came out. 
You’re sitting right in front of where Chris is supposed to be sitting. Where usually there’d be an interviewer and an interviewee, now you’re both interviewing each other. You sit with the cards in front of you, each member has their own cards. You notice his presence by his delicious scent. Your head is slow to look up but you’re instantly hit with his bright blue eyes. 
You sit up straighter, and your breath gets stuck in your chest. And when he sits down you realise you have to breathe and have no choice but to let out a shaky puff of air. Your eyes glance at your managers, their eyes look dangerous and you know that this isn’t your image. You’re supposed to be the fun one, the confident one. 
The cameraman nods, three, two, one. “Hi, we’re BLACKPINK.” Your group says in unison, some making finger hearts and others a peace sign. Then it’s your turn to speak. “And we’re here to interview The Avengers Endgame cast.” Okay, yeah, it’s cool, you’ve got this. You’re sure you look cool as can be. 
You watch his every move. The way he scratches his beard when he thinks about his reply to a question. The way his bright blue eyes linger on you before quickly looking away when you notice. How he leans in when you speak. Licking his lips as if he stopping himself from saying something. 
Or when he leans back in his chair. His hips move forward as he gets comfortable. The way his slacks stretch around his huge thighs. His thighs make you think of all sorts of filthy things. You imagine yourself in his lap, his big hands on your hips. You can just see yourself bucking into the seams of his pants and- 
He speaks and your eyes snap up to him. He’s looking straight at you, did he see the lust in your eyes? “I have a question.” Chris’ voice is like hot lava against your back. “Let’s hear it.” You reply almost automatically, so badly just wanting to talk to him. His bright blue eyes fall down to his cards, they scan over the words as he reads them over. 
“Which Avenger is each member’s favourite Avenger?” Of course, this has to be the one that he asks. But he’s got this sly grin about it. Previous interviews flash through your mind. You try to think of all the times you’ve gushed over him and you can feel your face turn the same colour as the pink skirt you’re wearing. 
The four other BLACKPINK member’s heads all turn to you. They all have this shit-eating grin on their face. “Go on, tell him,” Lisa speaks, urging you on. Chris raises his brow and then RDJ interrupts. “Y/N, is there something you’d like to tell us?” Then all of the girls begin giggling. You bite your lip, trying to fight off the smile. 
“It’s sort of a...inside joke that I’m kind of...obsessed with Thor.” His eyes go big and he forms a sort of shit-eating grin. His muscular arm reaches back and rests on the chair’s top railing. You feel just about ready for the floor to swallow you whole. But luckily Jisoo saves you the embarrassment. “My favourite is Wanda, 'cause she’s a badass girl.” 
🪞♡₊˚ 🥐・₊✧ ホットチョコレート
“Y/N, we’ve got some good news and some bad news.” The director of your new music video speaks. He’s holding his clipboard like always. You can’t really nod since there are about three different people working on your look for the music video. Luckily you don’t have to. 
“You know how we have that scene where we have you lean against a guy’s chest?” Again he speaks without a reply from you. “Well, that guy cancelled. But strangely enough, we got a call right after they cancelled asking to be their replacement.” Your brows furrow together but then your director steps aside. 
It’s not very hard to see the Chris Hemsworth being oiled up by one of your makeup artists. Those wave blue eyes find you the second you see him. You can feel yourself turn bright red. He just looks so good and you can feel your hands itch to touch him. 
Your heart is racing in your ears. Chris looks so delicious lying on the set. It’s a messy bed, his abs flex as he gets comfortable in the bed. He holds out his hand for you. His hand is so much bigger than yours and so warm too. He’s so gentle when he guides your hips against his. His body heat makes your blushing cheeks so much worse. 
“Just breathe.” He whispers into your ear, his fingers tickling your waist. You try your best to touch him as little as possible. “How can I?” You mumble looking into the camera while they set it up. “Just imagine this is every day for us. Imagine that my hands are always on you like this.” Your breath hitches and the thought only makes your cheeks redder. 
The director speaks, he uses his fingers to count down to one. Then the music begins playing. You lip-sync to the song, you’re in your element, and you remind yourself just how long you’ve been working on this song. But then his lips are on your neck and for just a few seconds you lose focus. 
“Sorry, sorry,” you mutter when the cameras cut. A sigh escapes you and you lean back looking up at him. “That’s not very professional of you.” You scoff but you’re quickly shut up when his thumb grazes over your bottom lip. “How can I be professional when you’re looking at me like that, looking like this?” 
His breath smells so minty and his lips look so soft when he speaks. Breathing feels almost unnatural around him. His fingers pinch your chin and force you to look up at him. His eyes look so stormy when he speaks. “How old are you, little girl?” You understand completely how he feels when he says it’s hard to stay professional. 
“25.” You reply to him. He lets out a groan and then grabs you by the hips. He pulls you closer, higher up, adjusting so just you’re no longer lying on his groin. “Okay, we’re ready to start again.” 
🪞♡₊˚ 🥐・₊✧ ホットチョコレート 
His lips are on yours and his hands are all over your body. “Chris...” You mutter into his neck. He pushes you further against the wall. You’re trapped in his arms, in his scent, in his touch. “We shouldn’t be doing this...I’m not allowed to date.” Again you try to get his attention but Chris is just too furious for you. 
He had you cornered after the shoot. Quickly had you in some storage closet. His rugged voice and smooth touch had your knees weak and you just couldn’t resist when he placed the softest gentlest kiss on your lips. It was like his mouth was made of delicious cotton candy. And he tastes just as sweet. 
He sighs, seeing just how serious you are. His hand swipes across his lips. Trying to get rid of the feeling of your lips on his. “Come to my house. No one will see. Just me and you.” He suggests, his big blue eyes look to be pleading with you. Like he needs you more than he needs air. You sigh, crossing your arms. The way he looks at you...you just can’t say no. 
“Please.” It’s like a punch in the gut when his voice cracks. Begging to see you just once more. How are you ever supposed to resist? But the thought of your managers finding out...it could cost you your job. “If anyone asks, we’re just friends. I know the routine. I know how I’ll have to hide.” 
A sigh escapes you. He’s so smooth with his words, he knows exactly what to say. “Okay, but just this once.” 
🪞♡₊˚ 🥐・₊✧ ホットチョコレート 
His laugh is like intoxicating incense that makes your head swirl. And when he’s done laughing he fiddles with the rings on his fingers and the watch around his wrist. You look down at the empty plate. Your stomach feels full and your heart too. Your cheeks hurt from just how much he’s made you laugh. 
You look around at his big house. You took the first opportunity you could find to head to Australia and see him. Each time that the thought crossed your mind of just ignoring him you’d see those eyes and the way his voice broke. Begging for you to just see him. Now, you’re glad you came. 
Chris’ house is so empty. Everything looks like it’s come straight out of an Architectural digest. Like it’s been thoroughly cleaned before you came. Very few signs of someone living there. You can’t really imagine someone living here. “Don’t you get lonely, all on your own?” You ask, finally returning to him. It’s as if he just can’t stop looking at you. When you see him, he sees you. 
“I’m rarely home...don’t you get lonely?” He leans his chin on his intertwined hands. You smirk, eyes all over him. “I’m rarely home.” You repeat his words to him. “But...” Again a sigh escapes you. “I haven’t laughed this much in a long. I haven’t eaten this good in so long...” His hand slowly creeps up, grabbing yours in his. 
You feel this sort of magnetic draw towards him. Like the whole world just spins around him. When he smiles, you smile. When he laughs, you laugh. You feel sort of at home. Talking to him moves so smoothly. And everything inside of your heart and soul is telling you to- 
“Stay.” Chris’ deep Australian accent cuts off your obsessive ramblings. It’s as if he’s reading your mind... 
🪞♡₊˚ 🥐・₊✧ ホットチョコレート
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6rookie-writer0110 · 8 days
Place of time
Male Reader x MCU Cast
Request - Can you write short story for black Male Reader being a actor apart of the MCU and his from Australia but some people don't know because he hides his accent and during a talk show on Jimmy Fallon it's revealed that Reader has the record for most swear words in movie history with like over 400
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You are cast in the movie Avengers, playing as Charles Chandler aka 3-D Man. But you had to change your accent to American, it was easy for you to do. You get along with the cast, and on time off they invite you to dinner parties or just hang out with them. You are on a talk show with the cast and Jimmy Fallon is the host.
“Y/N, you are actually from Australia? My wife told me but I told her that you are not from Australia” Jimmy said.
“Wait, you are actually from Australia but you have an American accent,” Robert said.
“I can change accents, from American, British, and Japanese. But yes, I’m actually from Australia. The character I play is American and they told me to change my accent” You said.
“Wow. I’m surprised you didn't tell us or change back to your original accent” Chris Evans said.
“How does it feel they didn't know, Y/N?” Jimmy asked.
“I didn't give them hints or say I’m actually from Australia just like Chris,” You said.
“Wow, Y/N I feel betrayed that you didn't me at all. You are not my Aussie brother” Chris Hemsworth dramatically said to you.
You and everyone started to laugh.
“This something else, they don't know. Y/N, you have made it in the book of Guinness Book of Records. You have sworn over four hundred words in all the movies you have been in. And that is passing Samuel L Jackson. How does it feel?” Jimmy asked.
You are in the front row in the middle and everyone pats your shoulders. They are happy for you and they are surprised at the same time. Now, you started to talk in your Australian accent.
“Wow, I didn't know I made it into the book. This is so cool” You smiled.
“We are so happy for you, Y/N. Wow, now you talk in your Aussie accent” Elizabeth smiled.
“I can't believe you have said bad words over two hundred times,” Chris Evans said.
“I didn't keep count, i just repeated what was in front of me” You giggled.
“We would have shown a small clip but all we would hear is the bleep sound,” Jimmy said.
Throughout the interview, you continued to talk in your Australian accent. After the show, you go out to eat with them. You took a selfie with them and you posted it on your Instagram account.
✫ ✯ ✯ ✯
You are still filming, your last scenes for the movie Avengers. You just found out online that you will be in a movie with Ryan Reynolds and Samuel L Jackson.
“What are you watching?” Chris Hemsworth asked.
“Ryan posted a video of me and Samuel. Watch this video, is funny. And I got the role for a new movie” You said.
“Congratulations, mate,” Chris H said.
You and Chris started to laugh at the video.
Ryan posted a video and you shared it on your social media platforms. He wrote a caption; I wonder who would say the most bad words in the movie, Y/N or Samuel?? He also posted a clip of you and Samuel cursing in every scene of every movie. Many people started to comment and a lot liked the video. You couldn't help to keep laughing at what Ryan did, you and Chris kept watching the video.
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mochie85 · 2 years
Could you please do fluff prompt 48 You are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen” with Tom and shorter reader?
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Falling Star
1K Masterlist One-shot Masterlist Complete Masterlist
Summary: It's Hollywood's biggest night and Tom is hoping to win more than just an Oscar. A/N: Part of my 1k Celebration and @the-slumberparty week 3 writing challenge: Something New. I've never written short-reader trope before. Thank you to @lokisgoodgirl for being my BETA reader and @michelleleewise for some great ideas. I don't know how I could continue to write without your ladies' endless support 😘😘😘. And thank you to @huntress-artemiss for the request. Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x Female Reader Word Count: 2.1K Warnings: Fluff Dividers by: @firefly-graphics
Tom looked into the mirror as he rinsed the suds off his hands. Shaking off the excess water, he reached for a towel and dried them. He looked straight into his eyes, trying to keep the nervousness at bay.
It’s a big night for you. You’re going to do fine. You’re probably not going to win anyway, Tom sighed. Just focus on one thing and the rest of the night will go smoothly.
He ran his hands through his hair and pinched his bow tie one last time before he made his way out into the lobby. Focus on one thing, he repeated in his head.
These award shows always leave him a nervous wreck. He never expects to win. When he does, of course, it’s great, but then it brings on a whole new emotion of excitement and anxiety.
When he doesn’t win, it tends to be worse. He has to find that right balance of remorse and humbleness so that the media doesn’t portray him in an evil lie.
Oh, he could read the tabloids now, “And the Oscar goes to…, not Tom Hiddleston.” Or “Hiddles angry that he didn’t win his Oscar. Pictures and commentary on page 3.” He laughed about it internally, a smile on his face as he fixed his cufflinks.
“Come on man. Took you long enough,” Chris exclaimed patting his back. “I think they stuck most of us in the same row.”
“Oh, that’s wonderful. It’d be nice to see some familiar faces again.” Tom recounted the last time he saw anyone from The Avengers movie. The movie that brought together and cemented the friendship of seven individuals.
“I think Scarlet wants you to sit next to her.”
“Oh no. Does she?” Tom fretted.
“What?” Chris wondered.
“She’s been trying to set me up with one of her acquaintances,” Tom rolled his eyes.
“She can be quite persistent,” Hemsworth laughed.
Tom sighed as he accompanied Chris across the massive lobby. The plush red carpet matched the dramatic drapes hung from the ceiling. At the end of the hall was a grand staircase leading upstairs to the auditorium's main entrance.
The two friends stood in line waiting to ascend the stairs as photographers and reporters lined the banisters calling out their names, hoping to get an interview. Tom tried to drown out the noise. He tried to focus on one thing before he went crazy, and his anxiety took over. Tom took a deep breath. Just focus on one thing, he chanted in his head.
He opened his eyes and focused on the first thing he saw, an intricate design of beadwork and crystal that was in front of him. Tiny gold stars were scattered on a black sateen gown. They clustered at the top hem of the dress and sporadically fell towards the bottom. The back of the gown was secured by a beaded pin of a crescent moon, gracing your bare lower back. The whole gown looked like star fall plummeting in the night sky.
“Chris,” Tom whispered. “Is this whom I think it is?” Tom stared hard at your graceful figure. Not once taking his eyes off you. Chris gazed hard at you trying to see whom Tom was talking about.
“Ayee...yup. Yes, that’s her.”
“Didn’t she win the Oscar last year for…”
“Yes. I believe she did.” Chris mused.
“Is she up for anything tonight?”
“I think she’s presenting, actually.”
You gathered your dress, preparing to walk up the imposing staircase. Looking around you making sure you were not going to trip on your own outfit, you held your left hand out to steady yourself as you took that first step.
Tom, sensing you needed help, took your outstretched hand. “May I escort you up the stairs?”
The sudden voice and unexpected contact must have shocked you. You looked up at him with a startled expression and a blush on your face. A small smile graced his lips as he noted the sparkle in your eyes.
“Thank you,” you whispered, as photographers flashed their cameras at your interaction. Tom held your hand firmly as you gathered the rest of your dress in your other hand. Focused on making each step, Tom held on to you tightly, becoming the anchor you needed in such a cumbersome gown. “They must have altered this dress three times already just for me. But they can’t seem to get the length right. Even with me in heels,” you admitted shyly.
Tom laughed, finally noticing the height difference between you two. He was so used to towering over everyone, he never really gave it much thought.  “Well, it looks lovely on you. You look beautiful tonight.” You looked up suddenly at his compliment. Heat radiating down your skin. Your eyes arrested his thoughts and hitched his breathing, making him at a loss for words.
“The…uh…the dress. The dress is quite beautiful. Oh, not to say that you’re not beautiful. You are! You’re beautiful. In the dress. Oh, God. Please tell me I haven’t botched this up completely?” He stuttered, hiding his face in his palm. You laughed and squeezed his hand.
You almost fumbled at the top step, if it weren’t for him holding on to you so securely. “Thank you,” you said once again, and he reluctantly let go of you. “Good luck tonight. I hope you win,” you said, cheering him on.
“Thank you. You, too. Me too. I-I mean I hope so,” Tom stumbled on his words. You smiled at him once again, heading inside, leaving him to stare after you.
“Smooth,” Chris said, clapping Tom on his shoulder. “Real smooth.”
“Ugh, I’m a complete knob!”
“Ah, I wouldn’t worry about it. I don’t think she noticed,” Chris said laughing.
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Inside, the auditorium was stuffy and pompous. Two hours of everyone with their forged smiles and mock interests. Scarlet did manage to get Tom to sit next to her. She mentioned a friend of a friend who’s a writer for a late-night talk show in Los Angeles. Tom tried his best to be courteous but not commit to anything serious.
Minutes. Hours. They seem to drag by as the night continued up until it was time to announce Best Female Performance in a Leading Role. Tom knew you weren’t nominated for anything tonight, but that didn’t stop him from wondering where you were.
Were you sitting somewhere in the audience with other nominees? Or perhaps you were backstage mingling with some of tonight’s winners. It wouldn’t be long now till they got to the category he was nominated for, which made him nervous.
The heat in the room suddenly increased tenfold and the noise of the audience started to echo in his mind. Their clapping died down as the winner was announced and accepted her award. Focus on one thing. Focus on one thing. He closed his eyes as he took a lungful of air in. Breathing slowly.
Exhaling, Tom opened his eyes and suddenly everything else disappeared. Every sound went silent. Every light dimmed, focusing on a central spotlight on stage. And all he could see was you.
You walked out, unaccompanied, to the soundtrack of your award-winning movie. Tom watched you carefully, knowing full well that you were anxious about your dress and stumbling. With a cool look and a smile on your face, you hid your anxiety about tripping. You demonstrated exactly why you were worthy of that Oscar last year. Carefully taking a calculated step toward the podium and ignoring your long, imposing gown.
“Last year, I was very fortunate to stand up on this very stage and accept the award for Best Female Performance in a Leading Role…”
Tom tried to focus on you, instead of the nagging anxiety that was wracking his brain. Your gown had taken on a different hue under the bright spotlights. It had turned to a rich navy blue. The sequences on the stars shone brighter, glittering to gather everyone’s attention.
“This evening will be another night of firsts for me as I present the award for Best Male Performance in a Leading Role.” Tom was awestruck as he watched you on stage. Your smile was charming, and your laughter was contagious.
Tom heard you say his name twice that night. Once when you were reading the nominees. And the next, when you announced that he won. Chris and Scarlett patted him on the back and tried to wake him from his stupor.
“Mate, you better get up there,” Chris whispered, hugging him on his way. Tom was mesmerized. He couldn’t believe that he won. His nervousness threatened to eat him up whole as he stood up and made his way onstage. He remained focused on you instead, clapping for him as he made his way up more stairs.  You handed him his statue along with a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
All at once, he faced the audience and didn’t know what to say. “I- uh…” Tom held on to the statue tightly and looked back at you.  You gave him a reassuring smile and he found that your calming presence helped alleviate his anxiety. “I wasn’t expecting to win tonight. Forgive me, I had no speech prepared,” Tom continued as the audience laughed.
He concluded his speech with thanks to the Academy, other nominees, and his friends and family for all their support.  
After a rousing applause, he made his way to follow you off the stage. He’d hoped to escort you like earlier and have another intimate moment with you. As you turned, your foot caught on the front of the dress causing you to fall forward.
In a heroic move, Tom sprinted to your side and caught you. His arms wrapped around your waist as you turned right-side up. He lunged forward before you fell to the floor, cradling your head.
There was a collective gasp from the audience as they watched the scene unfold. A heated blush spread throughout your body.
“Are you all right?” he asked, alarmed.
“Oh, my God. Yes! Thank you,” you stuttered, holding onto his lapels tightly.
“Of course, darling,” he said as he helped you stand back up.
“You seemed to be saving me a great deal tonight,” you gave him an apologetic look as you ran your hands over your dress. Tom offered his arm, and you gladly took it, hoping you wouldn’t trip again. “Oh, God. I’m so embarrassed. I must’ve looked like an idiot out there.”
“Nonsense, you look magnificent,” Tom replied, kissing your hand.
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Tom sat in the dining area of the hotel room. Bright morning light shone through the windows as he read the newspapers and magazines sent to the room, along with the room service. It seemed that all anyone talked about was your tumble from last night and how he caught you. Rumors began to spread as everyone gave their opinions on the matter.
“Did Hiddleston win more than just an Oscar last night?” “Secret Relationship: How long have they been together?” “Was it staged?” These were not the headlines he was expecting to read this morning. A small smile crept on his face seeing all the pictures from different angles.
A soft moan stole his attention as you wrapped your arms around from behind him. “Come back to bed.” You gently kissed his neck, and he could still smell the lingering perfume in your hair.
“I ordered breakfast for us, darling,” he said with a soft whimper.
“How very thoughtful of you,” you teased. Tom grabbed your arm and pulled you around to sit on his lap. He noted that you were wearing nothing but his dress shirt from last night. The sleeves were rolled up and the tails sat just at your knees. You were swimming in his shirt, a look that he was starting to like more and more. Your tousled morning hair reminded him of the carnal way you both took each other last night.
“…Unnhh…” you moaned as he hoisted you against the wall. “Take this infernal dress off me. Please.” “With pleasure,” he snarled.
You sat with your legs over the handrest of the chair as you picked up the papers and read them. A scowl formed on your face the more you read. “I’m sorry, Tom. All this over me falling. I didn’t mean to take away from your big night.”
“That’s quite all right darling. As far as I’m concerned they can keep reporting it all they want.”
You looked at him through your lashes. His tall frame and long arms surround you, cherishing you.
“Why?” you asked coyly.
“Because in every picture, I get to see that mesmerizing look on your face.”
“What look?” you provoked.
“The same look I had on my face when I caught you.”
“And what was that?” you giggled.
“Like you were the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.”
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@emarich7 @coldnique @vickie5446 @psychospore @mukagentropy @silverfire475 @fictive-sl0th @springdandelixn @wheredafandomat @goldencherriess @peaches1958 @salempoe @thomase1 @kkdvkyya @a-witch-with-words @mischief2sarawr @sarawr-reads @vbecker10 @peachymallows @irishhappiness @cakesandtom @simplyholl @here4thefanfics @tallseaweed @gigglingtigger @holdmytesseract @immersed-in-mischief @joyful-enchantress @lovelysizzlingbluebird @lokisninerealms @kikster606 @glitterylokislut @loz-3 @slytherclaw1227 @chantsdemarins @the-lady-amphitrite @eleniblue @km-ffluv @lokidokieokie @loopsisloops @muddyorbsblr
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talia-rumlow · 2 years
My Works (Will be updated as I go)
First of all. Thank you so much for your likes, your comments and your support. I really appreciate it.
My writing is 18+, smut, and all that follows with it. Some stories are worse than others. Read on own risk. Warnings will be posted.
I usually write Marvel related stuff. But I can take requests for other things as well. Favorites are: The Night Manager, Supernatural, Criminal Minds, Bones, Buffy/Angel, 911, Chigaco Fire/PD/Med, Kingdom (I am currently in the process of watching the entire show), Wheelman.
Although I decided to take a step back from RPF, I could maybe take request for that too. But probably only One Shots. Send me a PM if you want me to write something for you.
I also post my stuff on Wattpad, AO3, My personal blog, TikTok and My Saviour is also ongoing on Instagram as a video story. (If you want to keep the thrill, and read the stories as I post them on here. I would recommend, NOT to visit my Blog, AO3 or Wattpad)
ON HOLD! (Given the recent news about Chris Hemsworth!)
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Yes! You are seeing correctly. I´m actually writing a Loki fic. And this is an epic one!
Given your place in Asgard, a secret relationship with the God of Mischief isn't exactly a good Idea. But you can't stop. It's an obsession, a sickness. You can't get enough of him! And Loki can't get enough of you!
This story will go back and forth in time.
Chapter One - Twisted Reality
Chapter Two - Queen Of Asgard
Chapter Three - Loki & Thor
Private Workout (Alvey Kulina One-Shot)
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Another story based on one of Frank Grillos roles. The 2017 NETFLIX movie Wheelman. I love that movie.
After a real heavy night out with the girls, you decide to sleep it off in your car. But when a bankrobbery goes South, and the Getaway driver "borrows" your car, the night takes a whole new turn. While you´re being chased around the city by his enemies, you start to see the thrill of the criminal side of things. But things aren´t always as black and white as you or he thinks.
Chapter One - Wheelman
Chapter Two - Heating Things Up
Chapter Three - This Is Going To Hurt
Chapter Four - Do You Always Fuck The Girls You Kidnap?
Chapter Five - I Told You To Run, YN!
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After tips from @nekoannie-chan I have decided to start to post my other stories on here as well.
My schedule:
MONDAY: My Saviour
TUESDAY: My Brother´s Best Friend
WEDNEDSDAY: Bound & Brockened
THURSDAY: Best Friends Forever
FRIDAY: Escort To The Multiverse
SATURDAY: Forbidden Fruit
SUNDAY: Strangers With Memories (Original Story)
You can read about the stories further down in this post!
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My Saviour is a Rumlow X Reader story. This story will contain Graphic Sexual Description, Graphic Description of Violence, Death, Murder, angst, trauma, Domestic Abuse and Past Abuse. Read on own risk. This is a story where I portray Brock Rumlow as a decent human being. He also has a backstory. If you don´t like Brock Rumlow yet. You will, after reading this story.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the Marvel characters, only my original ones.
Chapter One - We Don´t Treat Women Like That!
Chapter Two - Can I Tell You A Little Secret?
Chapter Three - What Someone Like Me, Does To Little Brats Like You
Chapter Four - Who Is In Charge?
Chapter Five - Good Girls Gets Rewarded
Chapter Six - The Morning After
Chapter Seven - First Day At Work
Chapter Eight - I Want To Protect You
Chapter Nine - That´s Right, You Disobeyed Me!
Chapter Ten - Pick One!
Chapter Eleven - Mine! Say It!
Chapter Twelve - I´ll Find Him!
Chapter Thirteen - Want To Play A Game?
Chapter Fourteen - Pull Over!
Chapter Fifteen - What Do You Want Me To Do?
Chapter Sixteen - Want Me To Look For It?
Chapter Seventeen - Did You Lock The Door?
Chapter Eighteen - That Girl You Like So Much!
Chapter Nineteen - It´s A Date!
Chapter Twenty - When You Call Me Brock
Chapter Twentyone - See What You Get When You Ask Nicely
Chapter Twentytwo - Come For Me, Brock!
Chapter Twentythree - Please Don´t Leave Me!
Chapter Twentyfour - I Fucking Love You!
Chapter Twentyfive - Are You Alright?
Chapter Twentysix - You Disobeyed Me, Brock!
Chapter Twentyseven - Will It Be Dangerous, This Mission?
Chapter Twentyeight - Have You Ever Used A Gun Before, YN?
Chapter Twentynine - SHIELD Is The Safest Place To Be!
Chapter Thirty - Alexander Pierce
Chapter Thirtyone - Why Is This Happening To You?
Chapter Thirtytwo - How Did You End Up Here?
Chapter Thirtythree - This One Is Not!
Chapter Thirtyfour - Please Don´t Be Mad At Me!
Chapter Thirtyfive - Who Said Anything About Winning?
Chapter Thirtysix - I Love You, YN!
Chapter Thirtyseven - Good Agents Don´t Disobey Orders, YN!
Chapter Thirtyeight - You Are Fired Though!
Chapter Thirtynine - What´s Wrong With You, Brock?
Chapter Fourty - Well Played, YN! You´re Still Dead Though!
Chapter Fourtyone - What Did You Do To deserve This Treatment?
Chapter Fourtytwo - She´s Messing With Your Mind, Brock! Be Careful!
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Yet another Rumlow as a decent human being story. Yes! I LOVE doing these. Give Rumlow some love.
After years not speaking to your brother, Jack Rollins. He invites you to spend the summer with him, in New York. When your flight gets cancelled, Jack tells you, that you can hitch a ride, with his best friend, driving home from a mission. Great, you've met Brock Rumlow one time before, and you hate his face. Cocky, self-righteous, arrogant bastard. Not your type at all. You're not looking forward to drive across the country with him. Will you survive this trip with him, or will past experiences make it impossible to get to your destination? Secrets will come out, the past will catch up with both you and Rumlow. This story will be kinda a slow burn, with sexual content, and a lot of humor.
Chapter One - What, Brock? He´s A Good Guy!
Chapter Two - The Stupid Obnoxious One!
Chapter Three - You´re Reading Porn!
Chapter Four - You´ll Never Understand Him!
Chapter Five - What Did You Dream About?
Chapter Six - Like What You See?
Chapter Seven - Arrg.. Piss off, Brock!!
Chapter Eight - What do you want me to say, Brock?
Chapter Nine - Get your fucking hands off!
Chapter Ten - Truth Or Dare
Chapter Eleven - His Best Friend´s Little Sister!
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This story is the fastest growing story I´ve EVER posted. I absolutely LOVE to write this story. And I hope you´ll enjoy reading it as well. Just remember the warnings. Read with care!
Brock Rumlow, a ruthless badass, with a fucked up dominant side! After a mission goes terribly wrong, he gets fired from his job. After picking up girls in bars for a while, he gets that he needs more. No more of these fucked up, girls that leaves the next morning. He needs something stable. Someone he can use, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year. Someone he can get out his frustration on.
So he decides to buy you, at an auction!
You had no money, no place to live, nothing left. That's the only reason you decided to give yourself away. To use the only thing you had, to maybe get some food and a roof over your head. You had no idea what you were walking into!
Containing graphic descriptions of non-con elements, bdsm, different forms of torture, graphic sexual descriptions.
Chapter One - Hades
Chapter Two - Owned!
Chapter Three - Choices!
Chapter Four - Play!
Chapter Five - Rules!
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Steve and Bucky have been best friends since the 30's. Steve married you and Bucky married Nat weeks apart, and you've been best friends and double dated for years. What will happen when Nat leaves Bucky, and Bucky moves in with you and Steve? Will the friendship between the four of you last. And more importantly, will your marriage to Steve last when his amazingly handsome best friend moves in.
Chapter One - Divorce?!
Chapter Two - Nightmares!
Chapter Three - Breakfast!
Chapter Four - James.
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One of my absolute favorite stories to write. This one made me tap into the darkest places of my mind. This will be a dark story. Containing graphic sexual description, Non-Con, BDSM, rough treatment, strong language, and everything else in that area. Rating X 18+! Read on own risk!
You were new to the city of New York. Your job didn't pay enough money to make rent, so you decided to start to work at a gentlemans club. Then a friend offers you a job at an escort service. To make ends meet, you says yes! One day you are sent on a mission to the SHIELD building, to take care of two agents, returning from a mission. Will it be too much for you to handle? Or will this be just what you need to get the new start you so desperately needs?
Characters includes: Tony Stark, Captain America & The Winter Soldier!
Chapter One - Jack Rollins & Brock Rumlow
Chapter Two - Can You Fuck Her Or Not?!
Chapter Three - I Think She Likes It!
Chapter Four - Shut Her Up!
Chapter Five - She´ll Fucking Listen Now!
Chapter Six - Listen Don´t Fucking Talk
Chapter Seven - She Enjoys The Fucking Pain
Chapter Eight - How Does She Taste?
Chapter Nine - Some Sort Of Super Human!
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I´ve always been a fan of the Night Manager, so of course I had to make a fic about Jonathan Pine. This will contain a lot of feelings, past trauma, abuse, murder, Non-Con elements and sexual description.
You met Jonathan Pine 5 years ago in Cairo. One steamy night was all you had time for, before Richard Roper got hold of you. Now you've been his prisoner for 5 years. When some unforeseen events led to you and Jonathan Pine to meet again. Only this time Mr. Roper calls the shot. Your job is to Seduce Jonathan Pine, and make him talk. Make him reveal his secrets before he can put a stop to Ropers plan. Your only way out of Ropers control is to finish the job. Will you reveal his secrets? Or will he reveal yours first?
Chapter One - Cairo 5 Years Ago
Chapter Two - No Way Out!
Chapter Three - A Part Of Life
Chapter Four - Daniel!
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This story means the world to me. And it´s heartbreaking, sweet and though. It´s about events from my own life, so I´m really putting myself out there with this one. It was the events in this story that got me into writing in the first place. If it wasn´t for what happened, I wouldn´t have been where I am today. So although I got my heart ripped out of my chest and stamped on. It was worth it.
What if you find love, with the most unexpected person? What if he gave you everything you missed? Only to leave you confused! What if that heartbreak gave you the chance to do everything you ever wanted. Would you risk it all? One more time...
Chapter One - Christopher He´s Good!
Chapter Two - Redecorate The Bathroom
Chapter Three - The First Date
Comment or send me a PM if you want to be on my taglist <3
And if you got as far as to this part.. THANK YOU for reading. And I hope you´ll read my stories, once I post them.
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