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I couldn't find the original post that caused me to do this (it was make a soundtrack without using these artists, it included Will Wood, Marina and the Diamond, and The Crane Wives among others) and we did a Filipino music / OPM / P-pop version of it
I tried to make this list as easy on the eyes and screen reader friendly as possible
You want to make a Filipino music playlist? Make one without using any of the following
Eraserheads Aegis The Itchyworms Bamboo 6 Cyclemind
Soapdish Mike Hanopoi Siakol Rivermaya Jerome Abalos
Parokya ni Edgar The Youth K.Z. Tandigan Morrisette Moira Dela Torre
Jake Zyrus Grin Dept DJ Alvaro Orient Pearl Alterimage
Agaw Agimat Alamid Juan Carlos Gloc 9 Alvin (Serito) $erito
Ex Battalion This Band (Intro Voice) INTRoVOYS Men Oppose Calein
Al James Yano Angelo Garcia Bullet D Syd Haratha
Carl Beley Ace Banzuelo Michael Laygo Llyod Umali Ted Ito
Ren Verano White Lies Janine Teñoso Arthur Nery Magnus Haven
Hang N There/HNT Oranges & Lemons T.J. Monterde Lola Amour (L.D.R.) LDR
Skusta Clee Jnske Bugoy na Kokoy Yuri Dope Flow G
Nik Makino Jroa Loki Jonas Ayeeman
Bastardo Honcho, previously known as (Bos sine question mark) Bosx1ne (Saglit) Sagl1t (Chrils question mark) Chriilz J King
Anees Lance Santdas Josh Santana Alexa Ilacad K.D. Estrada
Anji Salvacion December Avenue Justin Vasquez Silent Sanctuary Keshi
(Four of Spades) IV of Spades Callalily Sue Ramirez Ben & Ben Dilaw
Janine Berdin Adie Sabihin Nobita Iluna
Mayonnaise (S.B. 19) SB19 ALAMAT Toni Fowler Pablo
Sugar High Y.R.S. LITZ RBM Felip
Sunkissed Lola Jin Ho Bae (M.N.L. 48) MNL48 (PLUS) PLUUS (VISION) VXON
Zack Tabudlo Boomerang After 5 Pop Girls 1096 Gang
Yes My Love (U.G.G.) UGG (X.L.R. 8) XLR8 Make Them Break (CHARMED) CH4RMD
NEO Sugar 'N Spice Sex Bomb Girls Mocha Girls (1 colon 43) 1:43
(Point Ten) PoinTen Eurasia Rouge Band 4th Power (or 4th Impact) (B.G.Y.O) BGYO
(B.F.F. 5) BFF5 SOULSTICE R Rules Down To Mars LUNA
BOSS Hashtags Boyband PH (Girl Trends) GirlTrends Jambayan
1st.one YGIG DAMSEL Joyden Joanna
DAYDREAM Chicser Japh Dolls Imago (X.O.X.O) XOXO
Mojofly (X GLAM) XGLAM Barbie's Cradle NITRO Color It Red
Kitchie Nadal Imago CLOVER Session Road Moonstar 88
Streetboys DIVAS (Kawaii 5) Kawaii5 Just A.S.K. (ZION) Z1ON
Autotelic Never the Strangers TONEEJAY Gabba I Belong To The Zoo
Leanne & Naara ONE CLICK STRAIGHT The Ridleys Arthur Miguel
Paolo Sandejas Cinéma Lumière Moe Cabral Ellary
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Names generated from Russian, French and Tolkienesque forenames, excluding the letter "O"
Abamine Abartel Abdanne Abdui Aberadil Aberim Aberufin Abifey Abijacquel Abine Abinel Abluglór Abrahagas Abrenbur Adakh Adamirë Adine Afantin Agabague Agafan Agaladil Agallast Aganna Agapie Agastin Agaël Agdan Agdavvalin Agduglinar Aghâl Aldar Alekaël Alentarc Alethôr Aliant Almart Almasfar Amand Amburum Amilya Amiryatr Amvre Amvrethil Anadûn Ancel Andin Andir Andis Andislast Anemmarl Aniered Anikatelse Animlimir Aniquette Anislaurt Anistisca Annia Annielbel Antan Antin Anting Anuil Aracara Aradiry Aragalin Araglúthir Arane Aratry Arcir Ardir Aredh Ariene Aringwë Arith Arthel Arthráine Arvette Arwenglina Asfalérikt Astanin Audele Aulwë Aurel Aurey Aurumbulë Aurélène Avandir Avdanmalie Avdil Avdilg Avermar Avgue Avgund Avguste Avgustien Avika Aviklian Avimiel Avite Aviya Avkse Avkser Avlanier Avrendil Avrendir Avrenise Avreth Avrika Avsern Avserry Avsile Avsim Avudette...
Barade Baste Batjant Belexandil Belyneland Bendur Benièlein Benna Benrin Berin Berina Berufth Bette Brahtangel Bramunúvar Bravainna Brertr Brety Brierven Brikt Béagnès Calantin Calim Carar Caraste Catjam Celebrann Chalir Chamûl Chane Chril Cécianyë Cécir Cédéagdan Céliestë Dacienty Dacquen Dannen Diette Dilia Dáinge Eilastë Eilgapha Elcar Eldiscalim Elene Elexey Eliel Elinaran Elisivade Ellan Elseviamar Elvenniduc Elyana Emenric Emmar Emmaridir Emnadan Endis Ervikanen Essad Eärelen Eärencie Eärna Fabarc Falcwin Fanislan Feregrian Feriel Findan Finevim Frahergy Franbry Francir Frandurin Fréawil Frégine Fréliendur Frélène Frémick Galdiner Gancalane Gapharveg Gapie Garaphieu Garchrin Gelmirin Genne Gerey Gerie Gerum Geste Gestine Gilbenrien Gilya Gislaymy Gliviar Glucir Glúvid Grick Griline Griën Gríanatrin Gríane Grómient Gurene Gusikh Gustar Gwalfwin Gwindir Gélid Hadiamit Halaeg Haraty Harice Haëlle Heleb Helli Helvi Hereg Herine Huanne Huant Huglin Huguer Hundir Hunír Hámarce Hérène Idenric Igilavguy Ildanuele Imennikh Inarce Indirë Inèsey Islaiducil Islan Jacale Jarah Jeana Jeandil Jeandilúva Jeandria Jeane Jeannicir Jeant Juliam Julidant Julin Jériam Jérènethir Jérès Kalephir Katyanmar Kentar Khaly Killand Kirin Kiyath Kúvie Ladantinel Ladar Ladiette Lairès Lance Laste Laulfhir Lavdacques Lavicila Lavvale Lebry Liendury Lique Luccal Luden Ludia Luinyë Lyaar Macir Maetlav Magana Magavena Maghâl Mahakir Mahiern Maianie Mainel Maislad Makir Malin Malinakh Mannethôn Mannie Mantim Marad Maranc Marcembas Marcil Marette Marida Mariel Marilimë Marwen Mastin Mastrie Maulë Mauma Maxislady Milad Milemmair Mirène Mitte Mulich Munglude Mélir Mélis Mírdan Mírinette Mírislaul Nalberette Naliecar Nalise Narindiya Natil Natin Nattelekas Natyavid Nerië Nicka Nifey Niquely Palda Paste Pastise Pathôr Paurucca Paurwen Paury Pergil Periel Pitinya Radarl Ragavia Rahert Raldin Raleil Ramicara Ramran Randre Ranickaël Ranwë Ratine Ravikas Rentin Régimë Rémene Rémereth Rémine Rímain Salcalfhin Sallaur Sanièlegas Sarandy Sarvé Scalas Shnárichel Silúvak Sineslad Smainyaar Smélia Smélisla Stathie Stelir Stine Stiust Stéphin Suislan Svedh Svichely Svika Sylviky Súril Tacir Tandilaur Tannya Tantil Tarad Tatate Thaël Thelas Thrin Théli Thérimen Tince Tinya Tistan Ulierily Vaildad Vakili Vakinzil Vakum Valandë Valavand Valáf Vassamvrer Vassë Vether Vieriene Vinui Vippel Vièvel Vlahalena Vlickak Vline Vánadil Vérômelm Wathaël Xavudiste Yancir Yekaël Yerumeria Yessa Yulwë Yvend Yávin Yávinzing Zendufine Élinath Élène Írdakind
#444 names#444names#dnd names#fantasy names#name stash#names#fantasy name#markov gen#character names#markovgen#random fantasy names
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read this - Star Trek
On A Whim by @captainsbabysitter-blog
Baby Makes Three by @captainsbabysitter-blog
The Cakewalk by @captainsbabysitter-blog
Five Months, Three Days by @captainsbabysitter-blog
Coffee Mistakes by @pinkamour1588
Jim Kirk
Leonard McCoy
Montgomery Scott
Knew I Loved You Then by @kaitymccoy123
Loopy by @kaitymccoy123
1250 Follower Ficlet #4 by @outside-the-government
Only the Best for the Best by @eufeme
Perfect Gifts by @kjs-s
Convergence series by @goingknowherewastaken
Pavel Chekov
One Last Time by @mybullshitsensesaretingling
Tricky Business by @outside-the-government
Turbulence by @mybullshitsensesaretingling
What Love Is by @mybullshitsensesaretingling
#fic rec#read this#star trek fic#star trek aos#benkaru#chril#jim kirk#jim kirk x reader#leonard mccoy#leonard mccoy x reader#bones x reader#mckirk#mckirk fic#montgomery scott#montgomery scott x reader#scotty x reader#pavel chekov#pavel chekov x reader#spock#spock x reader
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Chris/Phil Shorts 2/???
For @virtu-s, @starfleetisapromise and @allthewians
Chris would have sworn on the Bible, the Torah, the Quran and, most importantly, a mint condition signed first edition of The Lord of The Rings, with appendices, that he had put his contacts back in their container last night.
And that fumbling around his bathroom counter, squinting uselessly at the blurred polished surroundings was doing him no favours in proving he actually did deserve the medal for Tactical Ingenuity that Captain April pinned on his uniform a month ago.
At this rate I’m never going to get to the bridge, he thought, rubbing his eyes as they began to ache from straining to see. He could call in sick, turn his entire quarters upside down and hopefully find them before lunch so he could at least do half a shift.
Of course the moment he called in, Sarah April would be at his door with enough hypos to stun an Earth elephant and a bowl of her famous (because it was awful) chicken soup. When she found out why he called in sick, she would make him wear his glasses and go to work.
Chris hated his glasses. He had ever since he first got them back in the third grade and was the only one in the school with glasses.
He knew whether he found his contacts or not, he would be at work in an hour, and ran his hands over the counter a final time, almost praying for them to miraculously appear. When they didn’t, predictably, he dropped to his knees and opened the cupboard underneath with slumped shoulders. Inside he pushed aside various brightly coloured toiletries and personal items before his fingers closed around the hard leather case that contained his glasses.
They weren’t terribly ugly, unlike the almost insect-like spectacles he’d worn as a child. Oval in shape, with thin wire frames coated in glossy black plating. The arms were dark turtle shell with flecks of silver through the plastic and rested comfortably on the bridge of his nose and behind his ears. His eyes flicked across the countertop a final time, hoping to see his contacts now that his vision was clear.
There was no sign of them, so with a sigh he fixed the collar of his uniform and quickly exited his quarters. If he ran he’d make it to the bridge before the start of Alpha Shift.
Only slightly winded he stepped out of the turbo lift and stopped just short of the Captain’s Chair, which already contained Robert April in all his early shift glory.
Meaning, Bob was clutching a cup of black coffee like it was the only thing keeping him from oozing onto the floor and falling asleep, eyes bleary and shoulders slumped. Chris had learned pretty quickly after taking this position on Enterprise that it was best to just let Captain April wake up in his own time, or everyone would be subject to his foul temper for the entire shift.
“You’re late,” the Captain observed, not looking at him.
Chris also knew that lying to the Captain about trivial personal matters was likely to get April’s nose shoved into all of his business. “I couldn’t find my contacts,” he said.
Robert twisted in the chair to look at him, simply blinked, and turned back to stare out at the passing stars.
Half an hour into the shift, Chris was ready to throw his glasses across the room and deal with being blind for the rest of the day. The nose pads were loose, unable to stay where they were and slid down his nose every time he moved his head, which meant every time he looked down at his console to adjust their course he had to push them back into place.
“Commander Pike,” Robert said, now more awake and actually sitting in his chair instead of slouching. “Why don’t you do down to medical and have your glasses adjusted?”
“I’m fine, sir,” he lied.
“I’ll make it an order, Commander,” Robert said. “And while you’re down there have Dr April fabricate some new contacts. That is an order.”
Chris stood, reluctant, and Robert smiled at him smugly as he passed the Captain’s chair. “Thank you, Commander,” the older man said, cheerful.
Chris didn’t respond and stepped into the turbo lift, feeling agitated as he wandered down to Medical. Not only were his glasses inconvenient, they were interrupting his work and the Captain’s work. Hopefully Sarah would be able to fabricate new contacts before his next shift.
“Christopher!” Sarah called, almost waddling over to him. Sarah April never failed to astound Chris, when his own mother was in her final trimester with his younger sister she has barely been able to roll off the couch without his father’s help, but Sarah was nearly at full term and was still working full shifts.
Either she didn’t trust Phil to keep her Medbay running or she didn’t trust her husband not to do something incredibly stupid while she wasn’t on duty.
Somehow, Chris got the feeling it was both.
“What brings you down to medical?” She asked. “Don’t tell me, Bob overdid it with the caffeine again?”
“Probably,” Chris replied. “But he sent me down to get my glasses adjusted. They’re loose.”
Sarah reached up and plucked them directly off his face. He blinked at the rapid change in focus and followed her cautiously through medbay, making sure to keep at enough of a distance that he didn’t bump into her. The last thing he needed was to tell his captain he knocked over his very pregnant wife.
“Sit down, Christopher,” Sarah told him, and he found the seat she was gesturing to without much fumbling. He could hear her rummaging through a drawer, humming to herself as she did and he let himself drift a little, eyes closed and mind blank.
Sarah had a calming presence, and after a morning of stress and discomfort it was very appreciated.
“Here, try this,” she said, sliding the glasses back onto his face. He opened his eyes and looked up at her, then turned his head from left to right and then looked down. They felt secure, barely moving for all but the most violent head turns. Sarah smiled at him when he looked back up at her.
“Better?” She asked.
He smiled back. “Yes, thank you,” he replied, standing. He leaned down and kissed her cheek, which she accepted with a smile and patted his chest with the hand that currently wasn’t pressing against her pregnant belly.
“Go find Phil,” she told him, and sounded uncomfortable. “I need to have a word with my parasite.”
“You shouldn’t call them that,” he replied.
“They’re my child,” Sarah said, sitting in the seat he vacated. “And until my husband and I pick a name I can call them whatever I want.”
Chris left her to bicker with her uncooperative feotus and wandered through medical in search of his illusive boyfriend.
After a moment of fruitless searching, he stopped in the centre of Medical and folded his arms over his chest. “Phil?” He called.
“In a minute, Chris!” He heard Phil shout from one of the exam rooms.
Chris moved to stand outside of it, and as Phil walked out he fell into step beside him. Phil’s head was buried in a PADD, stylus moving furiously as he jotted down Medical jargon in horrific penmanship. “What are you doing down here?” Phil asked, impatient.
“Hello to you too.”
“Not now, Chris. I’ve got to finish this charting before end of shift or Sarah will have my ass,” Phil replied, still not looking at him. “Now what’s wrong? Do you need a new inhaler?”
“No, I still have the one you gave me last week,” Chris said. “I lost my contacts, Sarah said you could synthesise new ones?”
Phil finally looked up from his work, and two things happened simultaneously.
Chris walked through the door they had been heading towards, and Phil smacked into the wall beside it with a whack.
“Phil!” Chris shouted, rushing back through the door and falling to his knees beside Phil’s prone form.
The older man groaned, rolling onto his side before sitting up and clutching his face. “When did you start wearing glasses?” He demanded.
Chris blinked.
Phil’s face was tinted pink, the blush crawling up from his cheeks to his hairline and then down past the collar of his uniform.
Chris blinked once more.
“Do you like my glasses, Phil?” He asked carefully.
The blush grew deeper and Phil ducked his head, glaring at the ground as Chris felt a grin spread across his face.
“They’re okay,” Phil grumbled.
Chris lifted his hand to adjust his glasses.
Maybe he could put off getting new contacts for a few more days, just to see if his old ones turned up.
If you liked this consider donating to my Ko-Fi so I can make more!
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Date Disasters
Pairing: Chris Pike/Phil Boyce
Rating: T? Sex is glossed over
Length: 1236 words
Summary: The date following Stars Collide! Chris is a walking disaster, Phil’s no better, and somehow they work.
That whole week waiting for their date went like cold molasses. Time seemed to crawl up until that Saturday morning when it seemed as though there wasn’t enough time for anything anymore. One second, Chris was looking over his collection of exactly five shirts and three pairs of pants debating whether this was more a slacks date or a jeans date (maybe khakis?), and the next second he didn’t even have time to contemplate which shirt to wear or else he’d be late. He pulled on a t-shirt- he changed his mind about the white shirt last minute and instead went for navy- and pulled on his jacket. His untamable curls were a lost cause and he didn’t even bother trying to run a comb through them on his way past the mirror. Maybe one day he’d get around to cutting the damn things off.
Down one block, over two. Chris noted his usual markers as he sped, shoulders hunched against the biting February air, to his favorite source of caffeinated fuel. The heat that blasted him when he stepped inside was almost like heaven to him and he let the warmth seep into his chilled fingers as he took in the room. Saturday meant a packed house for any cafe near campus, but Chris knew most of these people would get their coffee and run back to whatever science project waited for them back in their respective labs. The tables would remain empty for the most part.
He put in his usual order and claimed a table that let him keep an eye on the door. In his haste to get out of the cold, Chris ended up five minutes early so he tried to get himself to relax in the meantime. While the minutes ticked away, Chris sipped at what his roommates called his coffee syrup.
3pm came and went. So did 3:30 and Chris was getting ready to give up and go home at about five minutes to 4 when a very harried-looking, familiar face ran in. Phil looked around wildly and his whole body seemed to relax when he saw Chris still sitting at his table.
“I’m so, so, so sorry I missed my bus and then a car splashed my first outfit so I had to run back to my dorm and I ended up just driving here and do you know parking around here really sucks?” He blurted out the second he was close enough to Chris’ table to speak without shouting over the dull but incessant murmur.
Chris bit back a laugh and nodded. “Yeah. It’s partly why I don’t have a car. You wanna get some coffee and have a seat? Preferably without dumping it on me this time?”
“I make no promises,” he grinned. “You want a refill? I feel like I owe you double down between the shirt and almost standing you up.”
“Sure… Just tell whoever’s at the counter that it’s for Chris.”
“Oh? Well known around these parts?” Phil teased with a smile.
“I, uh… Well I’m here a lot?” He floundered a little as his heart skipped a beat over that smile. Without a doubt, he was already in trouble.
With another flash of teeth, Phil turned and made his way to the counter. Chris took the opportunity to sweep his eyes along the curve of Phil’s ass approvingly. Not bad at all.
“As a future doctor, I have to inform you that the amount of sugar you drink will kill you one day.”
“So will living,” Chris quipped back.
“Touche. Here’s your sugar milk.”
Chris accepts the cup with a grateful smile and takes a sip. “So… A doctor? Premed, or…?”
“I’m in my first year of med school. Finished my pre-med last spring. What about you?”
“Astrophysics. Stars… Space stuff.”
“So you from the area?” Phil prodded. “You have a little bit of an accent, but I can’t place it.”
“Mojave. I wanted to come here to MIT and my best friend ended up at Wellesly. It was a good move. I… Didn’t really have much to leave behind, I guess. Though I miss the whole not having snow up to my ass part.”
“Oh… I’m sorry? But being so close to your friend sounds nice at least.”
“And I got to meet you. Another bonus. You’re… Yeah. Definitely a bonus…”
“You’re not used to flirting, are you?”
Chris rubbed at the back of his neck sheepishly. “No… Don’t really have much experience in that area. Or any…”
“None? You? Why? You’re hot.”
“I… Thanks? You’re… You look good, too,” he stammered his way through the words, trying to ignore the way his cheeks felt hot now.
They chatted for another couple of hours, burning their way through a few more cups of coffee and consisting primarily of Phil chattering. Chris responded when needed, but mostly tried to smartly keep his mouth shut because every time he opened it something rambled, babbled, or otherwise stuttered its way out.
He let Phil walk back to his dorm with him. Really, what Christ should have done was say good night and go back to doing his calculus homework. That’s what he should have done. What he did instead was get thoroughly distracted by Phil’s lips, the way he clung to Chris’ jacket, the feeling of another warm body pressed against his own, and soft hitches in Phil’s breath as Chris discovered new and senstive spots trailing down his neck.
The next thing either of them knew, they were hidden behind the closed door of Chris’ room. Clothes were scattered, breathing was heavy, and smouldering eyes met. Chris was happy to discover that anything he lacked in terms of conversation were more than made up for in the bedroom.
When all was said and done, Chris was half-laying across Phil’s chest while Phil traced patterns in the freckles on his shoulder. “Well… That’s not how I planned for this to go. Not that I’m complaining, mind you.”
“Me either. Holy shit I’ve never done anything like this before.” He pressed a kiss to Phil’s shoulder, his lips curling up into a little half smile. “But I thought sex was more…”
“Insertive?” Phil provided casually. When Chris’ cheek lit up an embarrassed red, he laughed. “Yeah most people do. But really… You don’t have to fuck or get fucked for sex to happen. Espeically with men. We’ll have to take that part slow. If we ever do it.”
“I’d… Be up for a repeat performance,” Chris tried not to sound so hopeful, but despite their clumsy beginnings and their stumbled attempts at a date, he found himself really wanting to see Phil again.
“I would be, too… Maybe work our way up to something a little more permanent if that’s what you’re looking for?”
“What? As in a boyfriend? Maybe.”
“How about I see about coming by again sometime next week?”
“How about we talk about it later?” Chris countered with a yawn. “I need to see when my next exam is coming up…”
“Sounds good. You get some sleep and I’ll be right here.”
Several hours, a few thoroughly scoured syllabi, and another round in the sack later found the two of them making plans for the following week. When Phil finally left to head back to Chestnut Hill the next morning, Chris found himself unable to wipe the smile off his face.
Tagging: @auduna-druitt @pinkamour1588 @thefanficfaerie @bookcaseninja @ravencourt @ussihavelovedthestarstoofondly @aishahiwatari @reading-in-moonlight @gracieminabox @its-life-jim @insane-sociopath @logicallythyla
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BoyceEpic Update
Words: 16,178. Pages: 41. Feelings: countless. Love for Phil Boyce: ∞.
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hi friends
here to inform you that my friend/surrogate big sibling @gracieminabox has stepped back into the fic writing world. since she’s no longer active on here, i’m posting it for her.
reciprocity by gracieminabox
star trek (aos universe), chril, and it’s a little bit ✨spicy✨
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Chril dads
@pinkamour1588 @thefanficfaerie @captainsbabysitter-blog @outside-the-government @gracieminabox
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Coffee Mistakes
600 Follower Celebration Drabble #1
Pairing: Chris Pike x Phil Boyce
Prompt: #7 “I think I picked up your coffee by mistake.” for @auduna-druitt
Word count: 591
Rating: Everyone
Other Note: Modern AU
Link to story on AO3
Fifteen minutes. He had fifteen minutes to get to the cafe, get his coffee, and then get back to the hospital. Phil had two patients in labor and had been awake since some godforsaken hour because of it. Not that he really minded. He just would’ve preferred if the first one hadn’t been far enough along to be admitted at five-thirty in the morning.
Despite how tired he was, though, he couldn’t help but laugh a little to himself at the man leaned against counter waiting on his coffee, looking like the counter had personally offended him. Before he could ask the man what the counter had ever done to him, the barista set two cups of coffee on the counter. Phil grabbed the one closest to him and headed out of the coffee shop. He was halfway down the street when someone ran up behind him.
“Hey, Phil!” a voice called.
Phil turned around to see the other man. How the hell do you know my name? “What? I’m kinda in a rush.”
“I think I picked up your coffee by mistake.”
The doctor looked at the side of the cup. Chris. “Did you already drink some of it?”
“Oh, no. I just opened it to add sugar and it wasn’t the vanilla latte I ordered,” Chris answered as they swapped drinks.
“You said you ordered a latte and were going to add sugar?” Phil desperately tried to hide the disgust at the thought as he took a sip of his black coffee.
“I like my coffee sweet.” Chris shrugged as he began walking along side Phil.
“Well, that would definitely make it sweet.”
Chris walked with him until they got to the hospital. Before he went back up to his patients, he stole a piece of paper and a pen from the main reception desk and scribbled down his number as clearly as he could. He handed it to Chris without a word then walked off.
Eight hours, four regular appointments with patients, two standard deliveries, and one c-section later, Phil sank down in the chair in his office and pulled out his phone. He had a missed call from his mom, who he’d have to call back the next day, and five unread texts. Four were from his sisters and one was from a number he didn’t recognize. After texting his sisters back, he opened the last message.
Hi. It’s Chris from the coffee shop.
Phil laughed a little at the blatant awkwardness before texting back. Hi, Chris from the coffee shop.
Twenty years later
“How do you drink something that sweet?” Phil asked as he watched Chris stir even more sugar into his coffee.
“It’s the perfect amount of sweet,” Chris argued.
“Sure it is. And it’s definitely not like you’re ruining the nice coffee I buy.”
“You buy it. I drink it how I like.”
Phil rolled his eyes and grabbed his bag and to-go cup of coffee. “I might be late getting home. Don’t burn the house down. Seriously, if I’m not home when it’s time for dinner, just order take-out.”
“Yes, dear,” Chris answered a bit sarcastically.
Phil narrowed his eyes playfully and pressed a quick kiss to his husband’s lips. “Seriously, I don’t want to come home to a burnt kitchen or only part of a house,” he called over his shoulder as he walked out of the house.
Chris rolled his eyes as he took a sip of his coffee, that was debatably more milk and sugar than actual coffee.
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If you would like to be tagged in future fics, add your url here.
All fics: @auduna-druitt @yourtropegirl @goodnightwife @thinkwritexpress-official @captainsbabysitter-blog @shewolf-2013 @the-space-goddess-16 @mustanglegends @outside-the-government @emmkolenn @feelmyroarrrr @anotherotter @captain-amelia-bradley @goingknowherewastaken @enterprisefeels @southernbellestatues @landlockedastronaut @bookcaseninja @taylorjacksonandtheolympians @haveyouseenmymind @destination-trekk
Chril: @linatenebris @gracieminabox
#Christopher Pike#phil boyce#pike x boyce#chril#why does chril happen to unassuming people#chril fic#fic#amanda writes
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In search of blogs to follow
If you post any Star Trek (TNG, TOS, AOS, Disco) Mckirk, Chril like this and i will most likely follow
(I'll be following as Noodle-Shrimps, since this is a second blog)
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Kisses ! I don't know if I already posted the Chril so I post it anyway ( @shroom-boi @insane-sociopath @its-life-jim and a few others...) and a Teen!Culmets because Culmets is the purest and I tried to use some kind of a new drawing style... Didn't work the way I wanted but it's cute anyway
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Which one sexts like a straight white boy? Christopher murrfucking Pike, full stop. Which one cried during a fucking disney movie? Listen. L i s t e n. They each have a disney movie that Gets Them and each of them teases the other about theirs. Who put a goddamned fork in the microwave? Phil, because he was Just That Sleep Deprived. Who does the silly hands-over-the-eyes “Guess who” thing? Chris, especially when they’re the only ones in the apartment and there’s no one else it could possibly be. Who puts their cold hands/feet on their partner? Both of them, because Vengeance. No one remembers who started the war. Who had that embarassing Reality TV marathon? PHIL. It was the 23rd century equivalent of MasterChef. He has no regrets. Who laughs more during sex? Um excuse you they laugh the same amount. WHO IS THE LITTLE SPOON? PHIL
send me a ship!
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Phil: If you get married can I have an important role in your wedding?
Chris: Well, I don't know Phil tha-
Phil: Like the groom.
Chris: Holy shit that was so smooth.
Phil: I know right
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Hello, you have been identified as An Awesome Fic Writer™. Congrats, you rock! So that all of your readers can shower you with some extra love today, please tell us your favourite five stories of yours and why you like them and then send this to another five fic authors you think deserve this title!
You and @auduna-druitt both messaged me this, so I’ll answer both in one.
Double Trouble Universe
I’m going to cheat and just give one link to three fics. This is probably my favorite of all favorites. All of the fics included, actually. So Christmas Cheer (Chril), the I Couldn’t Leave Him series (also Chril), and then the Double Trouble (McKirk) series. So I guess they take up the first three fic spots and it’s because I just really love the universe I created for it. I love the amount of thought I ended up putting into something that started out as just a “lol wouldn’t it be fun to do a Parent Trap AU for McKirk?”
On Bartenders and Escort Cards
Another fic that just kind of happened. I didn’t really intend for it to happen, and vampires have never been my forte (or my greatest love), but I came across information about escort cards and just pictured a vampire Jim still giving them out as a method of flirting. It also just spawned a bunch of spinoff fics that I love just as much.
Hot Chocolate Kisses
I think most writers have at least one heart-wrenching fic that for whatever reason they just love with all their heart. This is mine. Chril at its sweetest and then at it’s most heartbreaking and I still love mentioning it to certain friends ( @its-life-jim and @gracieminabox specifically) when I feel like being an ass.
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My finger slipped.
(For five thousand words.)
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For everyone that survives, their lives become split into Before and After. Before, things are good. Things are great, really. But after is it's own hellscape. After is worrying how many more days they're going to make it. After is the feeling of just maybe being among the last hand full of people alive. After is losing everything. After is losing everything and picking up the pieces, and hoping the pieces stay together. The pieces don't stay together. Not forever.
Star Trek Apocalypse AU written for @thevalesofanduin ‘s Star Trek Apocalypse Challenge
MY BABY IS HERE!!! Guys I am so incredibly proud of this thing. I’ve been working on it since FOREVER and it’s totally worth it. I hope so much y’all like it!
Thanks so much to Gracie ( @gracieminabox ) and Ravie ( @shroom-boi ) my favorite enablers and biggest supporters. You both let me yell in your inboxes for ages and sometimes yelled right back! This is what it is because of you two <3
And of course thanks to Laura for making this challenge in the first place!
#star trek#apocalypse challenge#star trek au#chril#chris pike#phil boyce#jim kirk#leonard mccoy#hikaru sulu#Nyota Uhura#pavel chekov#montgomery scott#spock#my stuff#PLS READ
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