#choni x reader
statticscribbles · 2 years
Summary: This was a commission!! (Commission rules here!) Cheryl Blossom/Reader/Toni Topaz; soulmate AU
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“Dymon, get up! You’re going to be late for school!” You knew that staying up till five am reading the newest update for your favorite webcomic wasn’t a good idea but you couldn’t think of anything else to do, trying to avoid the panic that had been bubbling since yesterday’s pep rally. You’d been good at covering your mark. It wasn’t strange for people to cover them or have them uncovered. It was common for the popular kids to show of their marks; Cheryl Blossom always had cute little flower doodles and hearts around it; drawn by herself.
When it had been revealed her mark was the same as Toni Topaz’s notorious Serpent from the southside; no one had shut up about it for weeks. Which means you knew if they found out your symbol, a kiss print and a snake twineing around it, was the same you knew it would take a month for it to die down. If anyone believed you.
You weren’t hated at school; you stood at 4 foot 11 inches; which meant no one saw you as a threat; you introverted and quiet personality however marked you as easy prey; which in high school was basically a recipe for being bullied. The Serpents never bothered you; it was mostly the other bulldogs or northsiders that bullied you; they were never fond of differences and you were blending into the background for the wrong reasons; at least to them. You were always surprised none of them went for the obvious jabs; that you wore oversized clothes to hide something; that you were so quiet cause you weren’t smart enough to speak. That your glasses were because you were trying to be cool and fit in; not that you needed them to see. The bullying wasn’t physical; the most that happened was someone shouldered you in the hallway; it was mostly that you were ignored, occasionally their were mean names tossed around insults but it was a little easy to brush them off; none of the Bulldogs actually knew you.
“Coming down now!!” You shout before anyone else has the chance to accuse you of being late. You know that just because nothing happened yesterday doesn’t mean something will. You’d been nervous; the big end of season game was coming up; which meant there was going to be a huge pep rally. Which meant that all the bulldogs were going to have larger heads than they normally did; which meant you needed to keep yours down.
You tuck your hands into your sweater; black like the rest of your clothes. You know you’re stretching it out, the sleeves are too short; the curse of a late growth spurt.
You keep your mark hidden; it’s safer; you know everyone would just tease you for it and you’re waiting for someone to remember where they’ve seen it. It doesn’t take long for Chuck to see it; for his eyes to light up in the way you know means he knows exactly who your soulmates are.
Cheryl Blossom is wearing her signature lipstick and death glare. You're surprised it's not directed at you; you were currently on the ground, blocking her path. Chuck had shoved you down, claiming you’d faked your soulmate mark. He’d only seen it because you’d been late and the sweater you had grabbed was too short in the sleeves to cover your hand; where the mark rested on your palm. Bright red, a warning beacon to everyone you’re starting to think.
Toni and Cheryl help you up, glaring at Chuck before they pull you into an empty classroom and shut the door.
“Dymon; you should have said something..”
“You know my name?”
“Yeah you come into the comic shop on the southside all the time.”
“I’ve been meaning to ask where you got your boots.” Cheryl gestures down to the combat boots you always wear; you know she’s nodding to the spikes on them.
“Oh I took a couple of chokers and laced them through.” You shrug a little trying to downplay it but Cheryl looks pleased.
“So you’re not mad?”
“I’m a little annoyed you never said anything sooner. You clearly knew it was us when we got together last year right? You should have said something.”
“I didn’t think you’d want to be with me..”
“You’re our soulmate; there’s no one we’d rather be with. And we can announce it at the pep rally; if you’re okay with it.”
“Yes we want everyone to know you’re ours; that you’re with us; why would we want to hide you; you complete us.”
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banana789 · 1 year
- Reader is best friends with Cheryl and Toni and wants to join the Pretty Poisons. They are having none if it .
' Come on pleeeaaaassseeeeee ' you begged as you followed Cheryl around her and Tonis room while she was getting ready.
'No' she said simply.
'Please !'
No! 'She said sternly
' Whyyyy' You asked pouting.
'Look y/n it's just too dangerous ok, your too innocent, you don't know how to fight and your too sweet.' She said with a smile as she did her mascara.
'What's she too innocent for? ' Toni asked as she walked in.
'You better not be on about a date' Toni said as she crossed her arms giving you a stern look and a small smile.
You cursed under your breath. You were trying to get Cheryl on your side first and then she could persuade Toni. Although you knew Cheryl first Toni was the most protective of you. She saw you as this small shy nerd that she needed to protect (which you kinda were). You and Cheryl came as a pair and she loved you both.
'Y/n here wants to join the Pretty Poisons ' Cheryl explained with a smirk knowing how this would go.
There was a moment silence and you could feel Tonis stare burning into the side of your head. You winced before looking up at her with an innocent smile.
'Soooo that's a yes? Great. ' You tried as you went to run out of the room before getting pulled back by Cheryl and Toni.
'What hey get back here shortie. ' Toni said gripping your arm.
'Do you realise how dangerous being in a gang is! There's no way we're letting you join.' Before you could defend yourself she cut you off.
' No listen . We love you OK your our best friend and if anything happend to you we wouldn't be able to live with ourselves. Cher's right your too innocent and your tiny you wouldn't be able to fight back if anyone tried anything.' She said scared at the thought of you getting hurt.
You let out a huff as you tore your arm away from Toni and looked down at the floor. Deep down you knew she was right.
'Come on Tiny we're sorry' Cheryl said as she tried to get you to look at them .
'You don't control me you know' you said under your breath .
'I know I'm a nerd but I'm not completely helpless' you said as you stormed out and left the house walking to school instead of getting a ride eith the two girls. Sick of their overprotectiveness. You knew they were only trying to help but you wanted to be able to stick up for yourself.
You heard the beep of a horn as you saw
Archie pull up next to you in his dad's truck.
'Hey, do you need lift?' He asked.
'Oh yes please' You said thankful as you climbed in.
'So how come you aren't getting a ride with Cheryl and Toni? ' he asked
'We had a fight' you sighed
'They wouldn't let me join the Pretty Poisons. So I stormed out like a child. ' You laughed putting you head in your hands.
'You wanted to join a gang ?' Archie gasped.
'Why is everyone so shocked, what am I a kid? ' You asked frustrated .
'Look Cheryl and Toni are just protective of you, they've always been like that and if you got hurt in Toni's gang she would blame herself . And Cheryl well she's lost everyone, her brother and her family, all she has left is you and Toni. You can't blame them for being for protective, your so sweet they just don't want you being taken advantage of. 'Archie explained.
As you two drove to school you realised your friend actually had a good point. You and Cheryl had been friends since you were little and you'd helped her get through Jason's death. And as for Toni you were the one that balied on Cheryl at the movies so they could have there first date.
As you and Archie pulled into the school carpark you saw your two best friends stood next to Cheryl's red convertible.
You thanked Archie and walked over to them wracked with guilt.
What if they hated you. All they'd ever done is made you feel loved and you'd thrown it back in their faces.
Deciding to give it some more time you turned around and began walking to class. Before you heard Cheryl's voice behind you.
'Y/N' She yelled .Not an angry yell though, to your surprise.
As you turned around you felt Cheryl body slam into you, her arms wrapping around you tightly. She pulled back and checked you over before slapping you round the back of the head. 'Do that to me again and I sware to god ill tickle you until you can't breathe' She said with a glare and slight smile .
'We figured we'd let you have some time to yourself but then when we drove round school and didn't see you walking we got worried' the redhead explained.
'I'm really sorry red' you said shyly, leaning you head on her shoudler as she pulled you in for another hug.
You noticed Toni hovering behind her with a dissapointed look on her face.
'TT I'm so sorry' You said nearly in tears. As you hid behind Cheryl before she pushed you forward.
You looked up t the pink haired girl.
'I'm so so so so sorry. Please dont be mad at me I didn't mean to hurt you feelings or make you worry. I just don't want to be the helpless neerd you guys always need to protect. I thought that I'd be less of a burden to you guys if I could protect myself' You explained.
'Wait, that's why you wanted to join the Pretty Poisons?' Toni asked giving you a stern look .
Cheryl giggled silently, knowing you'd got yourself in trouble.
Toni grabbed yours and Cheryl's hands and led you both behind a tree, out of the way of everyone else.
She let go of your hands and looked you in the eye her arms in an iron grip on your shoudler.
'Y/n L/n you are not a burden to me or to Cheryl and you never will be. We know we don't have to protect you but we want to. Your our best friend. You got us together, you got us through countless fights and you got us both through really hard times ok. Now it's our turn to look after you. We have realised that your right and we are being controlling so we will back up a bit. And by that i mean like a centimetre but still. Nothing is happening to you on our watch and we are making sure of that, whether you like it or not.' She explained. Looking at you with a smile.
'You got that nerd' She said with a playfully mean look on her face. Her arms crossed and she glared at the girl with a smile.
You giggled and nodded, blushing slightly as you realised how much they cared.
' Also me and TT were talking and we agreed to some compromises' Cheryl spoke up, Toni nodded along, looking unsure though.
'So you will not be involved in any gang activity or trained with any weapons because of how clumsy you are. ' Cheryl laughed as you pouted.
'But you are welcome to come to any archery training at Thistlehouse as well as the occasional meeting. And we will even give you your own jacket, as long as you agree not to where it outside the house.' Cheryl cut younoff before you could protest.
'Ah you either wear the Jacket in the house or not at all , we don't want you painting a target on you back.' She explained as Toni nodded along.
'OK yh that's fair enough' you agreed . As you bounced on you heels slightly, a huge smile breaking across you face . You jumped up to Cheryl and hugged her tightly pulling Toni in as well.
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ncsdlr · 10 months
Pick and Choose - Blossoming Love
Warnings: cheating (I do not encourage this), CHONI, hints of depression, talks of past trauma.
Pairings: Cheryl Blossom x fem!reader
Word Count: 1566
AN: Well, I finished this way faster than I thought I would, so here we are. I hope this isn't as shit as I think it is. 😃
A month. A whole ass month's worth of all this chatting, dating, and being clingy. You were so tired. You wanted a break, at least for a few minutes. In complete honesty, it wasn't all bad. You appreciated the gifts, the words of affirmation, and the romantic dates. All you wished for was a little distance. Everything was getting so serious so fast, and the fact that Cheryl made you feel so good about yourself didn't sit right with you.
Vulnerability wasn't your strong suit. It made you feel small. It made you feel like you were weak. So, to have someone act so close to you, made you feel things you didn't want to feel. "My love, what is on your mind?"
You tore your eyes away from the invisible speck on the ground and focused on your lover. You shook your head, "Nothing."
"I fear I don't believe that. Something else on your mind must have stolen your attention away from my gorgeous frame."
You internally cringed, not knowing whether to make an excuse or tell her exactly what was on your mind. "I'm just thinking of... things."
"Anything I can assist you with?"
You wrapped your arm around yourself and rubbed it on the bicep it landed on. Cheryl eyed your hand and squinted at it. "Not really. They're pretty mundane things."
Cheryl let you slide and opened her phone as it pinged. She grinned but rolled her eyes at the message she received. It read, "Fine, you win." Cheryl intended to ignore the message entirely, but then she got curious about how things would turn out. So, Cheryl being Cheryl, she let herself fall into the moment. "Meet me on our spot at Pop's."
"Dear, Y/N, I apologize, but I must leave. Something very important has come up. But do expect that once I get back to you, I will have very exciting news." Cheryl gave you a smile before she stood up and left, seemingly in a hurry. You didn't even get a word in, not that you minded.
Finally, peace and quiet. 
On second thought, your book gently fell back against the table as your mind wandered off somewhere no one would ever find. What could it have been? Cheryl would stay with you the whole day, and when she would tell you that she had to leave earlier, she'd let you give out a response before changing her mind and staying instead. You were so curious, it was, honestly, killing you. 
It took every fiber in you to take your book seriously. It was a good book. You didn't want to miss out. 
Toni sat there in all her glory waiting for Cheryl's striking entry, wearing her serpent jacket. She had made sure to dress up the way Cheryl wanted her to, knowing that if she did, their chances of getting back together would be higher. When the bell attached to the diner's door jingled, she turned her head to it, visibly lighting up as she spotted her favorite redhead strutting up to her. 
"I knew you couldn't live without me, I am, simply, the best thing anyone could ever ask for. So, dear Tee-Tee, I hope you've prepared a speech to move me enough to take you back." Cheryl sat on the stool to Toni's right and faced her ex. 
"Cheryl, I know we both can't live without each other. I can feel it. it's like we're bound together by some invisible string that makes us tied to each other. Cher, we complete each other, and this past month without you has been painful as hell." The way Toni spoke was gentle and soft. Cheryl loved this about her Toni. Her Tee-Tee could match the sensitivity of a situation with her words, and that made Cheryl feel safe. Toni handled her with so much care and patience, and she fell in love with that. She fell for Toni so hard and so fast. 
Toni meant everything to Cheryl, and losing her might as well be the world's end. With Toni, it was all or nothing for Cheryl. It was either commit or don't commit. She wanted to commit. They both did, but for Cheryl, something came up. Sure, she still wanted Toni, but not as much as before. Now, she only wanted Toni at a certain level.
They love each other dearly. They cared for each other. But there was this large strain in their bond that made it seem like fixing things or talking it out would not suffice as a fix. They felt compelled to hear the three words they dedicated to each other again, but Cheryl had restraints now.
Then in the heat of the moment, Cheryl found herself leaning back against the counter while Toni pressed her body against her's for a big kiss. It was slow and passionate, something they'd been yearning to experience from each other again. Now that Cheryl had Toni again, everything else just didn't matter, or in Cheryl's mind, fuck it.
They found themselves in Cheryl's bedroom at the Thistle house, making out against her door like they would die if they stopped. It just felt so good. Their hips gyrated against each other, the moment proving to grow hotter by the second. As Cheryl's back hit the soft mattress of her bed all the while keeping her lips locked onto Toni's, it sealed their fate for the night.
When they awoke the next morning, they did their morning routine. They shower together while making no effort to keep their hands to themselves, cooking breakfast, and holding onto each other on their way to school. They were both still reeling off from their midnight escapades the previous night, so the world was pretty much blurred around them. Their focus remained on each other, not even bothering to hide their very couple-ly PDA.
You noticed, of course. I mean, they were everywhere and they were the talk of the school. Most students murmured about Choni being back together, while the smaller half muttered sick comments saying how Cheryl used you to get Toni back.
You weren't going to lie and say you weren't hurt. You were, but not as much as you should be. Were you hurt? It wasn't like you cared about Cheryl at all. It's not like you weren't just starting to get comfortable enough to open up to her. Funny enough, you were, actually, planning on telling Cheryl everything tonight. Oh, well. It didn't matter anymore. She finally had what she wanted.
You proceeded with your day like normal. I mean, nothing really changed, it wasn't a big loss. That's what you told yourself at least. As the day dragged on, you forced yourself together, squeezing your eyes shut for a few seconds before opening them again to relieve some of the drowsiness you felt. When all of your classes for the day finished, you headed to the library and sat down on the floor between two aisles of bookshelves, resting your head in the palm of your hands as you curled your knees up to your chest.
Life, for you now, is uneventful, other than the whole Cheryl thing. Your life before coming to the North side of Riverdale was hell, but it was perfect nonetheless. Your parents were there, your family, your grandmother, your home, your serpent family. It was all you knew, so when you had to move due to Hiram's work, it really crushed your soul. Then came the day of your family slowly being ripped away from you. It was like your heart was being gripped very tightly, thus causing you to feel as if it had stopped beating entirely. But it still was. It just took you a while to realize it. 
After those traumatically tragic events, you opted to just go with the flow, sitting alone and keeping to yourself. You still hung out with the Serpents, of course, they are your only family left after all. But even if that is the case, you still felt like you were the only one who was left in the moment of grief. It looked, to you, like you were stuck in a ditch with no chance of getting out any time soon. It took something that shined as bright as the sun to find a way out, but even then, time was at a standstill for you.  
Along with that came the emptiness you felt. It was like you had something to do, but you didn't know exactly what that thing was. You were in a very complicated ditch, and there wasn't anything to grab onto around you. But there was one, only it was all the way on the other side, and you didn't have enough energy to get up and get to it. You wanted help, yet you were too tired to seek it. For you, it was exhausting to even think about, getting up to help yourself and all that. 
In this ditch, it was dark and cold. It felt like there was this big storm coming and it was nighttime, and there was no safe place around for you to nestle yourself in for, at least, the shortest amount of time. It was like, wandering around the desert, stressed, tired, and cold. It was pressuring. The world was pressuring. It motivated you yet diminished your confidence in conquering its trials. It tested your patience greatly.
And you aren't the most patient person to ever exist.
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acaaciia · 1 year
your writing is actually incredibly like SO good my gawwwd i need Gekko smut. Like so bad
Strip Poker
relationship: Gekko x Reader || Mateo x Reader
listed tags: smut!, dom!reader, oral!, reader insert, gn reader
trigger warnnings: 18+, smut! Minors dni, head giving, spitting
synopsis: A game of poker takes a turn when you decide to raise the stakes.
Inspired by Baby Tate’s song - Slut Him Out
author note: First request! I'm very honored lol. But, I've never written smut! before that wasn't a gag for franticfanfic, so I hope this is okay.^^
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“Royal flush!” You announced. 
You displayed your hand of cards to the man in front of you, smirking as you watched him toss his cards to the carpet. “Time to drop em’.” you said, signaling to the last thing that kept Gekko from sitting in his underwear.  
“Aww man.” He exclaimed, “How do you keep winning?” 
You collected the cards laying on the ground, watching as the green haired man slowly got up from the corner of your eyes. “Beginner's luck.” You teased, shuffling up the deck of cards in your hand. 
Gekko grumbled, but said nothing as he turned his back to you. You could hear the sound of his buckle coming undone and him unzipping his pants. You couldn’t help yourself from stealing glances as he slid his pant’s down his toned legs, revealing the fabric of his underwear
Gekko turned around slowly, his anxiety peeking as he turned to face you. His face was flushed as one of his hands attempted to cover the front of his crotch, hiding away his bulge.You waved around another set of cards to the man, with an ‘innocent’ smile gracing your features.   
“How about another round?” You proposed. 
The man who was now left in nothing but his underwear, furrowed his eyebrows at the cards in your hands. His dignity was already low due to the amount of games he had managed to lose. He wasn’t sure he could take another round, where he’d end up having to find a way back to his own hotel room in his birthday suit without getting caught. 
“Come on [name], I’m down to mis pinches chonies.” He pleaded, grabbing a pillow from the couch to give him some form of decency, “You’ve still got everything, even your socks.” He pointed out. 
You merely shrugged your shoulders at the man. It was true, you had yet to lose a single piece of clothing. To be fair you hadn’t been completely honest when you had told Gekko that you had never played a game of poker in your life. You had, but you enjoyed the idea of him teaching you. Even so, to win this type of game required luck and you hadn’t expected to win every single round. 
It wasn’t your fault that he had suggested the two of you play a couple of rounds of strip poker while hanging out in your suite. You would be lying if you said the idea had unnerved you, no, if anything the idea of it sparked a flame within you. You weren’t dumb, you’d seen the way Gekko looked after training, the way his sweat dripped down his body to the point that he would get fed up with the feeling of his tank sticking to his body like a second layer of skin. Forcing him to pull the piece of clothing over his head and reveal his toned body. You had seen the same scene so many times by now, you were pretty sure your mind could play it on loop, down to the playful grin he always managed to flash at you when he noticed you eying him like your next meal. 
But this was different, more intimate. You would’ve been a fool to pass up an opportunity like this. You wouldn’t allow a shot like this to slip out of your fingers, not if you could help it. 
You stood from your spot on the floor, tossing the cards to the side. Your hands were quick to fiddle with the hem of your shirt as you pulled it over your head, leaving the man flustered as you started to strip in front of him. 
 “What if we raise the stakes then?” 
“Miereda” Gekko moaned out, his breath caught in his throat. 
His body tensed and pleasure flooded his system as you spit saliva over the top of his dick, your tongue swiped it around forming an even coat before you took the tip into your mouth. Your mouth worked on the tip, licking around each crevice before going down lower to take in more. 
As part of your agreement you made sure not to break eye contact as you forced his cock further down your throat. Your eyes were steady watching every little reaction that presented itself on his face. The way his eyebrows furrowed as he struggled to keep his head down and eyes open. The way he bit his lip in a futile attempt to hide away any noises. This was better than anything you had ever seen. 
You weren’t the only one who thought they had the best view. No, if Gekko could read your mind right now, he would argue with you about that immediately. Never in the entirety of the time that he had met you, did he ever think that he would be living out the dreams he only ever played in his head when it was just him and his hand alone. Your head between his thighs, man it was a sight to see. Your gaze was intense but jesus, the way your plump lips slid around the length of his dick? 
He was already in his own world as his pupils tried to focus on those beautiful eyes of yours, lost in the pleasure you gave him. But when you lowered your mouth even further on his cock to the point where he could feel the inside of your mouth convulse and tighten in protest, as you gagged around him.  He swore he felt his body shoot out into orbit. 
He was a goner, his eyes instinctively shutting as he felt the pressure in his abdomen building up like a dam that’s been waiting to break down. You were quick to slap the side of his thigh, reminding Gekko of his agreement as he forced his eyes to open and meet your own. 
He would have to thank you for that later. No matter how hot his face felt with the embarrassment of being put on display for you while he came, nothing was better than watching the way his semen dribbled down the sides of your mouth
You took your time pulling your mouth off of his dick. Your gaze never wavered, despite the tears that stayed in the corner of your eyes, as you finally pulled away. You were quick to open your mouth, showing off the mixture of saliva and semen that pooled in your mouth like it was some kind of trophy. 
 He knew he couldn’t expect you to swallow it. Honestly, he fully expected you to go out to the bathroom and flush it away. He wasn’t dumb, he knew there was no way it was in any way appetizing for you. 
Though he can’t say that he had anticipated what was to come next.
You gripped his thighs as you pulled yourself up from your spot on the floor to stand between his legs. You wrapped an arm around his shoulders while your other hand grabbed his chin, tilting his head back. The smile you gave him was devious, he knew you were plotting something, but with how beautiful you looked in the moment, he couldn’t find it in himself to care. You were just so alluring. 
Your thumb played with the bottom of his lip gently, that is until you forced it in his mouth to pull his jaw down. With his mouth open and on display for you, you spat into his mouth, returning all liquids that were in your mouth back to their original owner. 
His eyes widened as he felt the thick, salty, semen fill his mouth. Before he could protest your actions, you closed his mouth shut and wagged a finger in front of his face with disapproval. 
“Now, now, let’s not forget who lost the last game.” you teased, sitting yourself on his lap, “Plus I’d hate to just leave things here,” You hands lowered, circling the tip of his cock gently, sending a shiver down his spine.
Gekko rolled his eyes at your comment, he had previously considered that it would be a win no matter who won that game. But he would be a liar if he didn’t think that what you were putting him through wasn’t hot. He would swallow what little pride he had left along with his cum.. if it meant he could keep a good thing going. 
“Que maldita eres” he said, opening his mouth for your inspection.
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powderblueblood · 10 months
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i love all my children equally but bold are characters i am always super keen to write, italicised are characters i have less experience writing but am always happy to explore. this list is constantly evolving.
STRANGER THINGS — eddie munson, robin buckley, steve harrington, ronnie ecker, al munson, nancy wheeler RIVERDALE — veronica lodge, jughead jones, cheryl blossom JUSTIFIED — raylan givens, boyd crowder THE BEAR — carmen berzatto, sydney adamu, richie jermovich POKER FACE— charlie cale SUCCESSION — roman roy THE VAMPIRE DIARIES — bonnie bennett, damon salvatore, katherine pierce
SHIPS I'LL WRITE FOR — every single one of the characters above x reader, ronance, platonic!steddie, platonic!stobin, platonic!rennie, boydraylan jeronica, choni, sydcarmy, sydrichie,
TROPES I GO FERAL FOR — enemies to lovers, partners in crime, divorced couple energy, reluctant soulmates, grumpy + sunshine, pathetic lovedrunk moaning men, high status cunt women, mischievous little bastards, witches, vampires, ghosts, psychics, religious trauma, low-rent criminal enterprises, parental issues that are almost biblical, small towns with secrets that are too dark to keep
WHAT I WRITE — snark, angst, smut, fluff, dick jokes — i'm certifiably canon divergent in... almost everything
WHAT I DON'T — rpf, anything non-con, ddlg (but i'm not opposed to a reasonable age gap let's be real), m x m smut (couldn’t do it justice, could just do it dick jokes)
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banana789 · 1 year
Choni x reader. Pranks
Pov - You decided to get revenge on Cheryl and Toni
You were fuming.
Lately Cheryl and Toni had been pulling loads of pranks on you. They thought it was absolutely hilarious when they would leave rubber snakes all over the house to scare you. Or when they filled your room full of balloons. They weren't exactly smart pranks but they enjoyed it.
However don't me wrong it was the usual deal. They could prank you. But if anyone else did they would regret it milliseconds later.
For example last weekend You, Cheryl, Toni, Betty and Jughead were all in Jugheads trailer to binge watch stranger things. Cheryl and Toni had popped out to pick up more snacks after you'd fallen asleep on Cheryl halfway through the last episode. You were wrapped up lying on the sofa. But Jughead decided it would be funny to put some whipped cream on your hand and tickle your nose, leading you to smack yourself in the face and become covered. Waking yourself up. Unfortunately for him Cheryl and Toni also walked in at this moment. Let's just say it did not end well for him.
Like he now has a black eye.
So anyway Cheryl and Toni love playing pranks on you. They find it adorable when you get scared or annoyed at them. You were currently giving them the silent treatment after they'd made you believe that your house was haunted. Long story.
You walked down the stairs to be greeted with Cheryl and Toni making breakfast. They both smiled at you.
"Hey Cutie, want some pancakes?"Cheryl asked. Offering you a plate.
However instead of taking it you simply looks straight ahead of you and walked towards the cereal. Trying to stay stubborn with the delicious smell of the pancakes.
"Oh so we're still doing the silent treatment?" Toni chuckled for her seat at the table.
You ignored her and went to go sit on the other end of the table.
"Ok ignore us that's fine, we'll just eat all of these pancakes on our own... And this bacon." Cheryl sang waving the plate in front of you. Bending down and tickling your ear with her breath.
"Ugh look we're sorry" She said standing up and sitting opposite you at the table. Toni having now moved to sit next you.
"I still can't believe you don't have milk with your cereal, Weirdo." Toni said ruffling your hair as she sat down.
"Toni we're trying to get her to like us again stop bullying her." Cheryl scolded.
"Oh please she loves us. But seriously nerd you give us the silent treatment any longer and I will stuff you in a locker." Toni said glaring at you.
You stared back and were locked into a staring contest giving toni giving her a tough look. A few seconds later she crumbled.
"Omg are you actually mad we're so sorry we love you so much. I sware to god you better talk to us we can't last without you." Toni said pouting, grabbing you shoulders.
As hard as you tried you couldn't fight the smile that took over your face. You pushed Toni off and looked away.
"Haha did you see that she loves usss" Toni laughed squeezing you from behind . Cheryl walking round the table to join in.
"Come on lets go watch a movie" said Cheryl .
"No way I'm still mad at you guys"You said crossing your arms.
"We'll watch a marvel movie?" Cheryl tried.
You still shook you head with a pout.
Cheryl just nodded at Toni then walked into the living room as Toni dragged your chair out from under the table then lifted you over her shoulder amd carried you into the living room. Despite your best efforts to escape which were met by a swift slap on the ass and a giggle from Toni.
She placed you down next to Cheryl and sat next to you Cheryl pulling a blanket over you all as you sat there plotting how to get revenge.
The next day
Soooo you has finally gotten revenge on Cheryl and Toni .
But accidently.
The point had been to get revenge on Toni first. You had put green hair dye in  Tonis conditioner. (Comes out in one wash your not that mean) but what you hadn't expected was for Cheryl to be showering with Toni .
Not sure why I didn't see that coming.
Anyway as you can probably tell Cheryl takes pride in her hair. And she was not fond of the green streaks. Toni was definitely not happy either . Pink and bright green did not go well on her.
Anyway so after you had swapped the conditioner you ran to your room and pushed your desk in front of the door as you heard the shower turning on, laughing to yourself.
However ten minutes later you heard a scream.
"Y/NNNNNNNNN!!!" but it wasn't Toni.
It was Cheryl.
You gulped as everything went silent for a few minutes before you heard pounding on your door.
Huh they sounded surprisingly calm.
"Yes?"I answered
"Open the door" Cheryl requested calmly.
"Whyyy?" I asked.
"BECAUSE YOU DIED OUR HAIR GREEN" Cheryl screamed through the door.
"What no I didn't" you yelled back.
"Then who did? " Toni asked pushing on the door . The desk starting to move as I crawled under my bed.
"Ummmm Archie ? " I suggested wincing as the door was pushed open.
Everything went quiet as you listened for footsteps.
Suddenly you felt two hand wrap around your ankles and pull you out from under the bed. You looked up and gave them a cute smile and puppy dog eyes. Trying not to laugh when you noticed their green hair .
But they on the other hand did not look happy.
They both glared down at you with there arms crossed.
"So babe, what shall we do to the little nerd." Toni said tilting her head with an evil smile.
"Hmmm I don't know TT. We could die her hair like she died ours."Cheryl suggested.
"Yep or we could tickle her for an hour" Toni suggested.
"Orrrr burn her books." Cheryl suggested.  You gulped as there was a moment of silence before a friendlier smile came over there faces.
"Buttt were not gonna do any of that" Toni laughed as she grabbed your hands and helped you up.
"What? Your not gonna kill me?" You asked confused.
"No babe you were getting revenge for our pranks were proud of you" Cheryl said hugging you from behind and kissing your cheek making you squirm.
"What no you should be mad not proud." You said frustrated.
"Oh really haha cos if anyone else that wasn't you did that I would have killed them. " Toni said raising they're eyebrows.
"You would never kill meee " You laughed. Walking up to Toni and hugging her.Resting your head on her chest.
"The reason we kept praying you was because we wanted to make sure you would stand up for yourself eventually" Cheryl explained joining the hug.
"And because your angry face is really cute" Toni laughed ruffling your hair.
Two weeks later.
"I still dont believe you pranked Cheryl and Toni." Veronica insisted as you Cheryl Toni and Betty were having a girls day at thistlehouse.
"Yh no way your too innocent" Betty agreed. You three were sat in the living room while Cheryl and Toni were in the kitchen getting snacks.
"Oh yh fine then I'll mess with them now" You said smiling.
"Hey Toni, Cheryl could I habe some water please?"
The moving around in the kitchen stopped as they both froze. Suddenly they both ran in, Toni holding a bottle of water. She slowly passed it to you as they both looked down at you.
"Thank you Toni" You smiled as you took a sip.
They gave you a weird look before slowly retreating back to the kitchen.
"What the hell was that?" Veronica asked.
You smiled as you got up and eld them towards the kitchen. Pointing towards Cheryl amd Toni who were frantically running round the kitchen, rifling through the cupboards and looking throught the calender trying to see if they'd forgotten anything.
"I only ever call them by their first names when I'm mad"  You giggled causing Veronica and Betty to laugh. The sound of laughing case Cheryl and Toni to look up and catch onto the situation . Chasing you Betty and Veronica to gulp before quickly running out of the room.
Out of the house in fact. Trying to get to Veronicas car with two pissed of serpents on their tail.
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actually-phoenix · 2 years
Characters/Ships/shows/movies I write for:
I take requests for x readers tell me if you want different pronouns
Euphoria: Rules, Elliott x Jules x rue, Lexi x Rue, Maddy
The Fallout: Mia x vada
Wednesday: Wenclair, Bianca
Life is strange: Chloe x Rachel, Alex x Steph, Sean x Finn
Teen beach movie: Brady x mack, Mack x lela, Brady x Tanner
Villains of valley view: Hartley x amy
Full house: Stephanie x Gia
Cobra Kai: Sam x Tory, Robby Keene, Hawk
Karate kid: Daniel Larusso
Victorious: Jori, Beck x Jade x Tori
Riverdale: Beronica, Choni
Descendants: Malvie, jaylos
13 reasons why: Justin Foley x Jessica Davis
My babysitter's a vampire: Sarah x Erica, Benny x Ethan
Dickinson: Emisue
Bestfriend whenever: Syd x Shelby
Girl meets world: rilaya
Andi Mack: Tyrus, ambi
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dimitrescus-bitch · 4 years
Peacemaker (Choni x Reader)
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“No, that’s not the right one! Toni, you have to get the other one.” Cheryl’s voice called out from the closet. You groaned, knowing that if Toni argued, you’d be involved somehow. Cheryl and Toni were great, but occasionally they butted heads. Both of them had very in-charge personalities and Toni was one of the few people in the world who wasn’t in any way afraid of Cheryl’s potential wrath. 
“I think this one looks way better, so I’m wearing it,” Toni said and the words that followed sealed your fate. 
“Well, why don’t we just ask Y/n? I’m sure she’ll be able to settle our dispute,” Cheryl said and within seconds, both of their footsteps could be heard approaching you. You pretended to be asleep for as long as you could. It didn’t last long because Cheryl grabbed your cheeks and tilted your head to kiss you. You kissed her back, because that’s what you always did, and she broke the kiss to ask her question. “Tell Toni that she shouldn’t wear that jacket today.” 
“It looks good on her Cheryl-bomb,” you told your taller girlfriend. Cheryl made a face and you knew that it wasn’t going to be an easy morning. “But what is the alternative?” 
“An outfit like this one. I wanted us to match today, all three of us. I put a lot of thought into the outfits and they’re perfect,” Cheryl said. She pulled the outfits out and you looked at them. They were very nice and Toni’s jacket would have thrown off the whole vibe of what Cheryl was going for. “I wanted all three of us to wear them, together. Make a big statement.” 
“Toni, Cheryl has worked really hard on this. It obviously means a lot to her,” you said and Toni sighed. “But Cheryl, you can’t force Toni to just do what you want.” 
“I know,” Cheryl sighed. “If you want to wear your jacket, you can. We can match another day.” 
“Thank you,” Toni said to both of you. “I’m sorry we made you place peacemaker again.” 
“Oh don’t worry about saying sorry now. We’ll make sure she knows later, preferably after a couple drinks and a lavish bath,” Cheryl said and you smiled at the thought of being pampered for a second night in a row.
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Two Women, One Path Choni x Reader
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Plot: this fake social media will be a Series and no Cheryl and toni are not dating it's about Y/n going to a party and she meets Toni topaz. Y/n ends up falling for Toni but Toni doesn't know the Y/n is dating someone else. Y/n Realizes that she loves both Toni and Cheryl. but she doesn't want to break ether of their hearts. she wants to be with both of them. so she only has one path will toni and cheryl find out about each other? what will Y/n do? Or what will they do?
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Hey can you please help me find a fake social media of choni x Reader where she's I think is dating Cheryl or Toni but she meets Toni or Cheryl since I love it thanks if not btw love your stories
Hey!! I can certainly try! Does anyone know who made this? I really hope we can find it! And thank you!
Stay safe anon and have a lovely day/night. 
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justcallmenikki7 · 6 years
Sick Baby: Choni x Reader
Pairing: Cheryl and Toni x Reader
Genre: fluff
Summary: you’re sick and your girlfriends are there to take care of you.
Warnings: nothing but fluff and also mentions of sick (puking wise), and my terrible supernatural pun
Request: ‘if you’re still writing for choni x Reader can I get one where the reader is sick and the take care of her.’ - anon
A/N: hi! I just got this finished since I am sick (lmao what a coincidence)! I hope you enjoy it!
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A groan of pain escaped your lips as you woke up that morning. Tears were running down your face as you clutched your stomach, trying to find a way of getting rid of the awful pain that you felt in your gut. Looking at the clock, you saw that you had an hour to get ready for school, but that thought seemed to make your stomach feel worse.
Your phone began to ring, making the headache that you had worsen from the loudness of it. Reaching over to your night stand, you looked at the phone screen to see a picture of your girlfriend, Cheryl, smiling at the camera.
“Hello?” You croaked into the phone.
“Y/N? You sound like shit.” Was the first thing Cheryl said, “what’s wrong?”
“I’m sick as hell,” You answered, the feeling of nausea taking over your body. “Oh no.” You said before puking all over your floor. You could hear Cheryl talking to someone over the phone as you continued to throw up all of the poison out of your body.
“Toni and I will be there in a few, don’t move.” Cheryl stated, more like demanded you.
“As if I could,” you laughed once you were able to form coherent words. Cheryl told you that she loved you before hanging up, a laugh evident in her voice at your comment.
Thirty minutes later, the sound of your front door opening had you sitting up in bed.
“Y/N?” Toni’s voice rang through your small house.
“In here.” You answered, voice croaky.
“What’s that God awful smell?” Cheryl asked as she stepped into your room. The mixture of sorrow and disgust was on her face as soon as she saw you and the small puddle of puke on your floor.
“Sorry,” you apologize sheepishly. “I couldn’t make it to the bathroom soon enough.” You said honestly.
“Toni! You’re on cleaning duty!” Cheryl yelled at her girlfriend.
“Why am I on cleaning duty?!” Toni asked, stomping into the room with a few plastic bags. “I’m always on cleaning duty!” She whined.
“Cause I said so, and I’m going to be taking care of our girl while you’re doing so.” Cheryl stated, “now, come on. Let’s get you into the bathtub.”
Once Cheryl helped you to the bathroom and into the tub, she washed your hair and body, making sure that the water was the right temperature due to your fever. Whenever you had to throw up, she made sure to hold your hair back and wipe a cold wash cloth over your forehead and the back of your neck. When you were done with the bath and were able to go back to your bed, Cheryl helped you to your room.
You found Toni setting a big glass of ice water on your bedside table with other things. Also, you saw that your bed was made with fresh sheets and pillowcases. You gave her a grateful smile, to which she returned with one of her own.
“Now, that your bed is cleaned along with your floor, you’re going to rest. And, you’re going to be drinking lots of water so you stay hydrated.” Cheryl instructed.
Both of the girls crawled into your bed, laying on either side of you.
“And here’s a trash can so you can do your business in, to save you from having to get up every time.” Toni smiled softly at you, putting the trash can in your lap before pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“What would I do without you guys?” You asked, snuggling into their warmth.
“Crash and burn.” They both said at the same time, quoting your favorite line from Supernatural.
The rest of the day, your two girlfriends took care of you by making sure that you stayed hydrated and were able to get enough rest.
You honestly have no idea what you would do if you did not have your girlfriends by your side.
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chonisbestmistake · 6 years
Cheryl: Ugh, i feel so lonely!:(
Jughead: Cheryl, you literally have more people loving you then any of us.
Cheryl: That's not true.
Y/N and Toni: Yes, it is.
Cheryl: But...
Sweet Pea: Oh shut up, RedHood, you got two girlfriends and i got none, show some respect, would ya?
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ncsdlr · 10 months
Pick and Choose - Love For The Dismissive
Warnings: angsty as fuck, dismissive reader, persistent Cheryl, hopeless Toni, WE LOVE CHONI, happy ending, all things considered,
Pairings: Cheryl Blossom x fem!reader
Word Count: 1798
AN: I forgot to post this here😢
Cheryl and Toni just broke up. The famous Choni is now just Cheryl and Toni. It broke hearts left and right, namely the River Vixens, Cheryl's "inner circle", and the serpents. Both women grieved in different ways. Toni drank an unnecessary amount of alcohol within the day, while Cheryl was being more of a menace than usual. 
It was only three weeks after their break-up when Cheryl approached you. Well, more like pestered you. You were the type of person to not give two shits about nearly everything. Your focus remained on your studies and Harvard. So when Cheryl Blossom spoke to you for the first time since freshmen year, you knew it could only be trouble. 
If you were being completely honest, you were indifferent to the whole shebang. You've never paid attention to Cheryl before, nor cared about daily updates about the hottest tea in the school that Cheryl would tell you about. It was fun at first, but now it was getting quite irritating. You enjoyed your solitude greatly, so to have Cheryl sticking to you, was definitely taking a toll on you. 
It started with getting distracted during class. You nearly even fell asleep during one because of how late you had to stay up the previous night just to entertain Cheryl enough to tire her out. Your mind was overtaken by the things Cheryl would talk to you about. Especially the part where she saw Betty and Archie kissing while they were both in good relationships. 
You don't know why it bothered you so much, but when you came to school, you were already expecting Cheryl to be by your locker, leaving you no time to plot an escape plan for the day. It seemed Cheryl never ran out of things to talk to you about, and boy was it tiring as fuck. 
Then came the day when Cheryl "confessed" her feelings for you. She claimed that she has liked you for longer than she could even remember and that all she wanted was for you to give her a chance. When you rejected her, you can swear you saw the anger build up within her, but to your surprise, her voice was calm and almost teasing. 
You half-expected your dynamic with Cheryl to change, and it did, for the most part. She still stuck around you, the story-telling an unending tale, but now the redhead was being touchy. Her hands would grip your biceps whenever the two of you walked the halls. When all was silent between the two of you, Cheryl would rest her head on your shoulder while holding your hand. to add to that, Cheryl also bought you gifts, and she would give them to you throughout the day randomly. Every single day, she had a gift ready to give you. So much so that it worried you she would run out of money because of it.
Cheryl would get you flowers, chocolates, and your favorite food, and she even got you a necklace and a promise ring. Once, she took you out for shopping and when you muttered about finding something cute, not knowing Cheryl heard you, she bought it and surprised you with it when the both of you got to her Thistle house. She would do all of these sweet things for you daily, and, honestly, you couldn't lie and say it didn't make you feel wanted. It was nice to finally feel like this after so much grief and agony.
Right now, you were sitting in the library reading a book while Cheryl sat on your lap, cuddling the life out of you. You tried your best to ignore the woman, but she proved to be a very persistent person. 
"Please, Y/N, I beg thee. Give me a chance," She begged the millionth time this week. "I promise to treat you so well. My love for you will be the most exquisite thing you shall ever experience."It was quite rewarding to hear the Cheryl Bombshell beg for you, but it, honestly, was starting to bother the people who were trying to do the same thing you were. 
"Will you hush? People are getting disturbed by your futile efforts to have me." You relayed, "Besides, I refuse to allow myself to become your rebound.
Cheryl gasped rather dramatically at your deduction of her emotions, "How dare you think so little of my love for you. My love is of the highest price and you shall be grateful for me giving it to you for free! I swear on Thornhill that my love for you is genuine. Believe me, Y/N, my feelings for you are true and my words are trustworthy."
You visibly cringed at Cheryl's raised voice, buried traumatic experiences rising to the surface like they were undead. Heads turned to you and Cheryl, including the librarian's, and that caused you to make the most unthought-of answer to ever exist.
"Fine, fine, I accept!" You whisper shouted, already regretting your choices in life. "Just be quiet."
"Oh, my Y/N, I knew you would come to your senses! Because of this, we must celebrate such a special occasion. Our first date being official." Cheryl spoke with the fakest bright smile you had ever seen. It made you want to roll your eyes. You had not the time for her shenanigans.
Cheryl stood, extending her hand to you, "Come, come my love. We must relocate for this special moment." You merely obeyed silently, taking your book with you.
Throughout your way to wherever Cheryl was taking you, you noticed Cheryl texting on her phone a lot. It's not like you were suspicious, you were just curious. I mean, what could be so interesting that would take her attention away from this "special moment"? It, truly, is only a matter of time. You only rolled your eyes, opting to just let your mind take you away while Cheryl led you somewhere you cared not to know.
When you finally zoned back into the present time, you noticed how you have now moved to Veronica's underground speakeasy. The whole place was mainly empty, the only people occupying the space being you, Cheryl, and a Bartender. Said bartender approached the two of you and led you to the only table in the speakeasy. 
It looked romantic, you had to give Cheryl that, but the thought of this being just a big ploy was still very persistent in your mind. The both of you sat down and you were immediately served with food that looked to be above your daily budget in a week combined. You internally inhaled deeply at this, honestly terrified that you might be the one paying for all that was being brought to your table.
You so could not afford this. Unlike Cheryl, you weren't born to a well-off family. In fact, all you knew was that you grew up in a very uncaring orphanage. Sure, you and the kids there looked out for each other, but you still were not as close to them as they were with each other. 
"My dear, I hope I got your meal right. You are allergic to peanuts, correct?" 
You perked up, "Yes, very."
"I thought so." Cheryl smiled at you and started eating, and you took that as your queue to start eating too. Until she spoke again, "So since we are now official, it would bring me great joy to know more about you."
You swallowed, "Okay?" You really had no idea what to say to that or how to respond. "What do you want me to do?"
"Why, spill the beans, of course! I mean, you don't expect us to just dine here in silence, right?" Her sass. Ugh, her sass.
"Kind of, yes. Well, I grew up in an orphanage and when I turned sixteen, they threw me out. I've been working at Pop's ever since just to get by." You didn't want to get into the nitty-gritty details of your tragic life. Even though you knew that there definitely would not be any judgment, you still wanted to keep all of those to yourself, no matter how many times the school counselor told you that it would help to relay that kind of stuff to someone you knew you could trust. 
"Oh, dear/ I'm so sorry to hear that." Cheryl grabbed your hand, "I hope you know that it can only get better from here. Keep strong, my love, you will have my full support throughout all of this pain."
And the cycle repeated. Cheryl would buy you gifts, take you on dates, be clingy with you, and tell you how much she appreciates you. It shocked you to see just how soft Cheryl truly was. This made you wonder if this was how Cheryl was with Toni. They always seemed like an unfinished chapter. Sometimes you wondered if Cheryl still had feelings for Toni. I mean, of course, she did. They made each other better, they fit each other like a glove, and they are like each other's missing puzzle pieces. They completed each other. It seemed impossible for them to be wholly over. 
As you read your book, finally in the comfort of your own home all alone one afternoon, it seemed your book was uninteresting. This disturbed you greatly considering how you saved up for this book for most of four weeks. You felt oddly dull, and this made you mark your book and toss it across your bed in frustration as the last sentence made absolutely no sense to you. You slid your body down your bed, sighing heavily when none of the activities you thought of doing seemed to interest you. 
You'd been feeling like this for three weeks and you did not understand it at all. it was like there was this weight dragging you back, making it feel like time was at a standstill. So, you just lay there, unmoving in the silence. At some point, you found yourself talking to yourself out loud yet you made no move to stop. you simply took note of the fact that you were likely going crazy. 
"I mean, it's not like it's my fault. I just don't want her." You sighed, "I mean, I do, but I don't know. it's like I want to let her in, but some part of me is saying a hard no. It's pretty stupid honestly."
It went on like that for... you don't know how long. The last thing you remember saying before coming back to the world was "This is just my defense mechanism." Now upon returning to your conscious body, you robotically sat up and went to the kitchen to fish for something to chew on. God, you were starving. To your luck, you found bread and peanut butter in your pantry. 
I guess you're going on a diet.
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sparkles-and-trash · 6 years
Being a in a poly relationship with Choni would include....
trash note: This has actually been requested by several people, so I’m exited to finally have it out! Just remember that I’m not experienced with poly relationships, but I’ve done some research and I hope this is okay! Feel free to tell me what you think of this, I’m always looking to improve myself! 
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- You were new at Riverdale High after summer break, and you immediately notice these two beautiful girls 
- They kind of intimidate you at first, but you get to know the shortest one, the one with the pink hair whose name turns out to be Toni, when you get a job at this bar called The Whyte Whyrm 
- She works there as well, and is supposed to keep an eye on you for the first few weeks, and you learn a lot about her, her girlfriend, and the gang they’re a part of in that time 
- You pretty soon realize you’re starting to have feelings for Toni, but of course you don’t act on them, as you know very well she has a girlfriend 
- But then you’re formally introduced to Cheryl, Toni’s girlfriend, and you’re blown away by her, right away 
- The more you get to know them and hang out with them, you realize you’re actually developing feelings for both of them
- It’s very confusing to you, as this have never happened before 
- But you don’t know really know who to talk to here, as you don’t have that many other friends in Riverdale yet, except the other Serpents who hang out at the Whyrm, and you don’t want to talk to Cheryl and Toni’s friend about this 
- But then, you start noticing the girls acting kind of funny around you, and you’re really scared they have figured out your inner struggle 
- Then one day Cheryl basically ambushes you the second you walk into the Whyrm, dragging you into the backroom, saying you need to talk 
- When you get there, Toni is already there waiting, and your heart suddenly starts racing, because this feels very strange 
- Toni looks a little uncomfortable, but still friendly, while Cheryl’s face is straight up business 
- Cheryl asks you to sit down next to Toni, and to listen to what she have to say before you comment on anything
- You just nod, not knowing what else to do 
- She tells you that she and Toni have been talking a lot about you lately, and that they have taken a great liking to you, and that they’re both ready to try being in a relationship with you
- You’re very confused, asking if they’re asking you yo choose, or..? 
- And then Toni jumps in to explain about polyamorous relationships, which she actually have some experience with 
- You admit you don’t know much about this, but that you do have feelings for both of them and you’re very interested in trying this 
- Cheryl being all like, clapping her hands together with a “great!” and asks Toni to explain anything you might be questioning
- You find out Cheryl and Toni are very open with each other, and now you, and you get very comfortable with talking to them about this very fast 
- You expect them to want to keep this a secret, but Cheryl tell you it would be a crime to keep such an amazingly hot relationship from the public 
- Toni’s chill with it, as she is with most things, really 
- So, that Monday at school, cat’s out of the bag 
- Most of your friends are pretty cool with it, like Veronica, Kevin, Sweet Pea, Fangs and Jughead
- Some are more judgy or confused, like Josie who’s kind of confused, but at least she is grown up enough to come and talk to you, ask questions, and then she’s fine with it
- Others are not as cool tho, whispering when you walk down the hall, shouting comments after you, and being jerks in general
- Both Cheryl and Toni are very good at dealing with haters tho, people are pretty respectful and/or scared of them both
- People don’t know you that well tho, which makes the rumors worse, but after Toni threatens to beat some asses and Cheryl to straight up murder some jerks, things cool down a bit 
- When things quiet down a bit, you get some time to explore your new relationship in peace 
- Cute dates at Pop’s with milkshakes and cuddles and movie nights at the Bijou until midnight 
- Nana Rose adores you, even though she doesn’t necessary understand your relationship and you spend a lot of time a Thistlehouse 
- After a few months you end up joining the Serpents 
- It turns out you didn’t just gain two amazing girlfriends, but a whole family
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elizabethxolsenn · 2 years
But..it’s your birthday
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Mama!CherylBlossom X Little!fem!Reader
The one where R Slips on her birthday
You’re both 23
Warnings; Fluff,sweet names, mama milkies, unspecific little age
You do not have permission to, translate, post on own media. Reblogs and likes are always welcome
Today was your girlfriends birthday and you wanted everything to be perfect, you got up and wanted to make breakfast. You slipped out of bed, attempting not to wake Cheryl.
You snuck downstairs and got what you needed to make pancakes. You put the pan on the stove, and felt above it accidentally putting your hand on it. “Fudge nuggets!” You whisper-yelled. You ran it under cold water and decided breakfast was a no go.
You wrapped your hand as it started to blister. You went back to your room and slipped into bed with Cheryl. She tensed when you slipped an arm around her waist. “It’s just me Cher.” You said into her neck. She turned around and grabbed your hand.
“What happened sweetie?” She said grabbing your face. “Tried making breakfast” you giggled out. “Did my baby wrap it properly?” She asked. You almost slipped then and there. You loved it when she spoke like that, she knew it made you slip.
“Uh Yeah, Happy Birthday, M- Cherry.” You stumbled, she could tell because she smiled. “What are we doing today Love?” She asked tucking hair behind your ear. You swallow, “We’re going out for dinner tonight, but if you wanted we could hang out with the gang” you said Trying not to stumble over words. She nodded.
You two were with Veronica, Toni, Jughead, and Josie. You sat on Cheryls lap as you all watched a Disney movie. “You like it baby?” Cheryl whispered. Toni looked over at the two of you. “Yes, I really love it.” You said almost a babble.
You’d been tripping over bigger words, and almost calling Cheryl mama from Time to Time. “Yo, Y/n. Can I speak to you?” Toni said , you looked back at Cheryl and she nodded. You followed Toni upstairs, and she closed the door after you walked into your room. “You’re slipping. It’s obvious.” She said looking you directly in the eye.
“You have no pwoof.” You said realizing what you had said. “That’s proof enough” Toni giggled. “Oh don’t tell Mama!” You said to Toni who tilted her head in pure confusion. “But she loves you?” The pinkette whispered.
“I jus’ don’t wan bofer mama” you said slurring your words, “mama birfday” a whisper came from you. You heard someone coming upstairs and immediately tried to run to the restroom. Toni caught you by your arm. “Uh-uh” she said as Cheryl opened the door.
“Hey T, Hey Baby. Why’d you run away?” She said plastering a smile on her face. Toni left the room, “Toni!” You said reaching for her. “What’s happening babe?” Cheryl said, with a grin. “I-uh. Hmph.” You crossed your arms and looked away. “You know I love being your mama right?” She said dragging you to the bed. You sat on her lap. You nodded.
“So why, didn’t you tell me you were feeling small?” You hid in her neck, “it’s your birfday” you two laid like that for a bit, she could feel your tears on her neck. “It’s okay little one.” She whispered. She pulled you from her neck and wiped your tears. “No wan mama mad! Pease.” You tried to keep your tears in.
“Oh babes, I’m not mad. I love taking care of you” she said kissing your forehead.
“Let’s go down stairs” you lit up, remembering Ronnie was downstairs. “Tan I pway wif RonRon!!” You giggled out. Cheryl nodded and led you downstairs.
“Thank god you guys are back!” Josie said looking at you, “someone was feeling small” Cheryl said looking in your direction. Veronica gasped. “Does that mean my favorite baby is with us?!” She said as a rhetorical question. You nodded fast. “Where is she? I don’t see her!” The raven girl partly yelled, resending to look around.
“I wite here RonRon!!” You giggled and and ran up to her. She scooped you up and places you on her hip. She booped your nose and you fell to a giggle fit. “Let’s finish Mulan.” Cheryl said, she always admired the way you and her friends got along, even more when you were little.
After the movie you got out of Veronicas lap and went to the kitchen. “Whatcha doin.?” The voice scared you, you turn around to Jughead and Toni. “Getting milkies” you said looking them in the eyes.
“Let us help little one.” Jug said, grabbing you a cup. “Nuh-uh! I big girl!” You yelled a bit too loud. You could hear Cheryls steps into the kitchen. “What’s going on?” The taller readhead asked.
“Someone’s a big girl apparently” Toni shrugged and walked away, dragging Jughead along. “You’re a big girl?” Cheryl said with a smirk. You responded with some noise indicating that you were big.
“Baby, what’s my name?” She asked, picking you up and setting you on the counter. You tried not to stumble, “happy birfday!” You said trying to distract her.
“You’re right, it is my birthday. If you can tell me my name you can have some cake.” You lit up, but you kept being the stubborn girl you are. “Uh-uh!” You yelled. Cheryl started to walk away. “Mama! Don’t leafve!” Yiu yelled reaching for her..
“Mama, huh? Thought you were big?” She smiled and set her chin on your lap. You began to play with her hair. You huffed.
“No, I wittle girl.” You whispered drawing out strands. She nodded and picked you up, “no what did you want?”, you looked up at her, she was about 4 inches taller than you.
“Milkies!” You said reaching for the fridge, Cheryl smiled at your little words. She looked at you and bent to your level. “You want mamas milkies or the ones from the moo moo?” She asked you smiled. Cheryl had taken a pill that caused her to lactate because she wanted to try it out for you. She ended up loving it because it made you so happy.
“Mamas!” You said reaching for her breast. “Wanna do it in the living area?” She asked, she knew her friends didn’t care, and that you didn’t but she was wanted to make sure. You nodded quickly, and drug her to the living room, everyone was watching some movie while you and Cheryl sat on the couch. You sat in her lap as she pulled her shirt down and covered the two of you in a blanket. You calmly drank her milk while she rubbed your back. You could hear her laugh at something Veronica said. You pulled away and laid your head on her chest. “You done baby girl?” She asked looking down at you. “Mhm” you groaned. You looked up at Cheryl quickly. “Woah what’s got you so quick kiddo?” Veronica said.
“What about dinner!” You said in a panic, Cheryl laid you down and brushed out your hair, “you can repay me when you’re a big girl.” She said with a sly smirk, you blushed and looked away. “Take a nap Y/n, mama will be here when you awake.” You nodded and closed your eyes. You listened to the readhead hum as she played with your hair.
Part two where R repays Cheryl?
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editorandchief · 2 years
Can you make a part 2 of the Unrequited Love ||Cheryl Blossom fic where the reader becomes depressed and closed off barely showing up at school or something
Unrequired Love | Cheryl Blossom | Part ii
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Summary: Y/N deals with the fall out of her actions on Monday.
Warning: None
Requested: Yes, Unfortunately(?) I have had this part already written and posted on my Wattpad account so it doesn't really fit the request but her is part II.
Monday morning you were prepared for the worst. Knowing there would be no way to fight back with the battalion of student that would be throwing you hateful looks, in fact you would be lucky if that's all they would throw. But what could you do you were in no way a victim to in this story, you were the villain.
You had sent a girl off to the slaughter for your own selfish reasons. Not knowing or even caring if the ones she loved and loved her would ever see her again. Not thinking of how devastated Cheryl would be to learn of the demise of her first real love.
The hour in a half of sitting in your car in front of the school building did nothing to calm the raging storm inside your chest or loosen the noose you felt righting around your throat.
With one final deep breath you grab the handle and swing the car door open, step out and start marching towards the double doors with a look of false confidence on your face. Your heart jumps as you felt the cold handle of the entrance but you ouch it back yanking the door open and stepping into the crowded halls.
Making your way quickly down the hall to your locker trying to go unnoticed by your fellow peers and you were doing a good job of it until you felt both your arms being hooked to other human beings.
Your eyes travel up your arm to the face of the person you were now linked to and find a river vixen, turning your head you find another on the other arm.
"We heard about what you did." The one on your right started. "Honestly it was genius." she beamed with one of the brightest smiles you had ever seen in your life.
"Genius?" You asked so shocked a what she had just said you were 75% sure you were hearing things.
"Why of course, its about time someone sent a message to those slimy snakes." The one on the left cut in. "I mean southsiders are killing each other any ways what's the harm in giving them a little push every once in a while?" She explained.
"Don't worry the northside has you covered. #RiverdaleStrong." She said just as the bell signaled for fist period.
Breaking the link and splitting ways you make your way to your first period.
Although you were relieved that you weren't being ran from town by and angry mob with torches and pitch forks their words didn't give you the comfort you were sure they had intended. In fact they made you feel the exact opposite. You never minded that the southside student had started to attend riverdale, you were one of the ones that was all for this change it never made much sense to you that there be two schools in a town as small as riverdale,
Things didn't get any better once you arrived to first period English class, for the second time that day if felt as though your heart was going to leap out of your throat and all to the floor in front of you. As usual Cheryl was sitting in her usual seat in the middle of the classroom the seat to her left was occupied by Toni and the seat to her right was empty as it always was before you arrived.
Noticing your presence Toni stopped whatever conversation it was that she and Cheryl was having, Cheryl not long after following her gaze. You eyes locked together for no longer than a second before you broke it quickly walking father into the class. As you neared closer the you usual desk Cheryl hesitantly opened her mouth, only yo have you keep your steady pace and walk swiftly by her and to a desk that until now he's remained empty that you would not make yours. You felt her strong gaze on you the whole time, even after you had taken your seat and prepared for the class to begin. Despite being under her unwavering surveillance you kept your eyes glued to your desk, making it seem as though you were suddenly interested in the different grain design of your new desk top. Thankfully she was forced to turn around when the teacher walked into the room starting the lesson.
By the end of first period you had come to the concussion the what ever higher power controlled the corse of your life had some kind of vendetta against you. Because not only did you have a big project to do but you have been partnered with non other than Cheryl, granted it might have been all those time in the past when you and Cheryl had tried to raise hell when you weren't selected to be together to the point where teachers would just partner you together in order to avoid an argument.
Unlike everyone else in the class you had bolted out instead of trying to work out a schedule with you partner. You headed to you locker, putting in the combination quickly before reaching in and pulling out a highlighter starting to mark up the outline the teacher had passed out. Moments later you felt a presence next to you knowing exactly who it was you didn't bother to look up.
"So Y/N/N," Cheryl started. "I was thinking we could knock this out tonight like usual and then maybe a  cheesy romcom marathon for the rest of the night." Cheryl suggested with one of her brightest smile that would normally have you weak in the knees, but now you needed to stay strong.
You glance up noticing Toni standing close behind before looking back to your paper.
"Or we could do a facial night I know how much you love when we do that." She tries again.
After a few more moments of silence you cap you highlighter and place it back in you locker. Taking your outline and putting it in Cheryl's hands and taking hers which was peaking out of her bag.
"We can meet after school to go over the details of the project the highlighted lines are your responsibility, I'll take of the rest. Well meet once a week until the due the due date." You said all while switching out your book is for your next class. " if you have any questions or anything you can relay them to me in class." Closing your locker you turn and start to walk in the opposite direction.
Most of he day went by smoothly.despite having multiple classes together you managed to avoid Cheryl and the rest of the serpents. Until now when you were approached by Toni, Jughead and Sweet Pea.
"What do you want?" You asked trying not to show how scared you actually were.
"We just wanna talk." Jughead answered.
"We'll I'm not really in the mood for this particular conversation, but when  I am you'll be the first to know, Okay?" You replied attempting to push past the trio.
You felt a hand grip your upper arm and look back to see Toni, hand firmly planted on you body.
"Look you put out a hit on me the least you could do is listen to what we have to say." She said removing her hand from your arm and taking a step back.
"Oh she could do a lot less." A slightly familiar voice cuts in, not far way from your gathering you see the two girl that you have 'talked' to this morning accompanied by some bulldog including their captain Reggie Mantle.
"We don't want any trouble we were just here to tell Y/N, that all is forgiven between us." Toni said now directed at you.
"Whatever message received little snake." A bulldog replied. "Now you can all slither away.
After a few moments of glaring at each other the serpents finally walked away.
"Don't worry we have you back." Reggie said walking up to you.
"Yeah thanks." You mumbled watching Toni until she turned the corner leaving your sight.
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