#choni x Y/n
ncsdlr · 10 months
Pick and Choose - Blossoming Love
Warnings: cheating (I do not encourage this), CHONI, hints of depression, talks of past trauma.
Pairings: Cheryl Blossom x fem!reader
Word Count: 1566
AN: Well, I finished this way faster than I thought I would, so here we are. I hope this isn't as shit as I think it is. 😃
A month. A whole ass month's worth of all this chatting, dating, and being clingy. You were so tired. You wanted a break, at least for a few minutes. In complete honesty, it wasn't all bad. You appreciated the gifts, the words of affirmation, and the romantic dates. All you wished for was a little distance. Everything was getting so serious so fast, and the fact that Cheryl made you feel so good about yourself didn't sit right with you.
Vulnerability wasn't your strong suit. It made you feel small. It made you feel like you were weak. So, to have someone act so close to you, made you feel things you didn't want to feel. "My love, what is on your mind?"
You tore your eyes away from the invisible speck on the ground and focused on your lover. You shook your head, "Nothing."
"I fear I don't believe that. Something else on your mind must have stolen your attention away from my gorgeous frame."
You internally cringed, not knowing whether to make an excuse or tell her exactly what was on your mind. "I'm just thinking of... things."
"Anything I can assist you with?"
You wrapped your arm around yourself and rubbed it on the bicep it landed on. Cheryl eyed your hand and squinted at it. "Not really. They're pretty mundane things."
Cheryl let you slide and opened her phone as it pinged. She grinned but rolled her eyes at the message she received. It read, "Fine, you win." Cheryl intended to ignore the message entirely, but then she got curious about how things would turn out. So, Cheryl being Cheryl, she let herself fall into the moment. "Meet me on our spot at Pop's."
"Dear, Y/N, I apologize, but I must leave. Something very important has come up. But do expect that once I get back to you, I will have very exciting news." Cheryl gave you a smile before she stood up and left, seemingly in a hurry. You didn't even get a word in, not that you minded.
Finally, peace and quiet. 
On second thought, your book gently fell back against the table as your mind wandered off somewhere no one would ever find. What could it have been? Cheryl would stay with you the whole day, and when she would tell you that she had to leave earlier, she'd let you give out a response before changing her mind and staying instead. You were so curious, it was, honestly, killing you. 
It took every fiber in you to take your book seriously. It was a good book. You didn't want to miss out. 
Toni sat there in all her glory waiting for Cheryl's striking entry, wearing her serpent jacket. She had made sure to dress up the way Cheryl wanted her to, knowing that if she did, their chances of getting back together would be higher. When the bell attached to the diner's door jingled, she turned her head to it, visibly lighting up as she spotted her favorite redhead strutting up to her. 
"I knew you couldn't live without me, I am, simply, the best thing anyone could ever ask for. So, dear Tee-Tee, I hope you've prepared a speech to move me enough to take you back." Cheryl sat on the stool to Toni's right and faced her ex. 
"Cheryl, I know we both can't live without each other. I can feel it. it's like we're bound together by some invisible string that makes us tied to each other. Cher, we complete each other, and this past month without you has been painful as hell." The way Toni spoke was gentle and soft. Cheryl loved this about her Toni. Her Tee-Tee could match the sensitivity of a situation with her words, and that made Cheryl feel safe. Toni handled her with so much care and patience, and she fell in love with that. She fell for Toni so hard and so fast. 
Toni meant everything to Cheryl, and losing her might as well be the world's end. With Toni, it was all or nothing for Cheryl. It was either commit or don't commit. She wanted to commit. They both did, but for Cheryl, something came up. Sure, she still wanted Toni, but not as much as before. Now, she only wanted Toni at a certain level.
They love each other dearly. They cared for each other. But there was this large strain in their bond that made it seem like fixing things or talking it out would not suffice as a fix. They felt compelled to hear the three words they dedicated to each other again, but Cheryl had restraints now.
Then in the heat of the moment, Cheryl found herself leaning back against the counter while Toni pressed her body against her's for a big kiss. It was slow and passionate, something they'd been yearning to experience from each other again. Now that Cheryl had Toni again, everything else just didn't matter, or in Cheryl's mind, fuck it.
They found themselves in Cheryl's bedroom at the Thistle house, making out against her door like they would die if they stopped. It just felt so good. Their hips gyrated against each other, the moment proving to grow hotter by the second. As Cheryl's back hit the soft mattress of her bed all the while keeping her lips locked onto Toni's, it sealed their fate for the night.
When they awoke the next morning, they did their morning routine. They shower together while making no effort to keep their hands to themselves, cooking breakfast, and holding onto each other on their way to school. They were both still reeling off from their midnight escapades the previous night, so the world was pretty much blurred around them. Their focus remained on each other, not even bothering to hide their very couple-ly PDA.
You noticed, of course. I mean, they were everywhere and they were the talk of the school. Most students murmured about Choni being back together, while the smaller half muttered sick comments saying how Cheryl used you to get Toni back.
You weren't going to lie and say you weren't hurt. You were, but not as much as you should be. Were you hurt? It wasn't like you cared about Cheryl at all. It's not like you weren't just starting to get comfortable enough to open up to her. Funny enough, you were, actually, planning on telling Cheryl everything tonight. Oh, well. It didn't matter anymore. She finally had what she wanted.
You proceeded with your day like normal. I mean, nothing really changed, it wasn't a big loss. That's what you told yourself at least. As the day dragged on, you forced yourself together, squeezing your eyes shut for a few seconds before opening them again to relieve some of the drowsiness you felt. When all of your classes for the day finished, you headed to the library and sat down on the floor between two aisles of bookshelves, resting your head in the palm of your hands as you curled your knees up to your chest.
Life, for you now, is uneventful, other than the whole Cheryl thing. Your life before coming to the North side of Riverdale was hell, but it was perfect nonetheless. Your parents were there, your family, your grandmother, your home, your serpent family. It was all you knew, so when you had to move due to Hiram's work, it really crushed your soul. Then came the day of your family slowly being ripped away from you. It was like your heart was being gripped very tightly, thus causing you to feel as if it had stopped beating entirely. But it still was. It just took you a while to realize it. 
After those traumatically tragic events, you opted to just go with the flow, sitting alone and keeping to yourself. You still hung out with the Serpents, of course, they are your only family left after all. But even if that is the case, you still felt like you were the only one who was left in the moment of grief. It looked, to you, like you were stuck in a ditch with no chance of getting out any time soon. It took something that shined as bright as the sun to find a way out, but even then, time was at a standstill for you.  
Along with that came the emptiness you felt. It was like you had something to do, but you didn't know exactly what that thing was. You were in a very complicated ditch, and there wasn't anything to grab onto around you. But there was one, only it was all the way on the other side, and you didn't have enough energy to get up and get to it. You wanted help, yet you were too tired to seek it. For you, it was exhausting to even think about, getting up to help yourself and all that. 
In this ditch, it was dark and cold. It felt like there was this big storm coming and it was nighttime, and there was no safe place around for you to nestle yourself in for, at least, the shortest amount of time. It was like, wandering around the desert, stressed, tired, and cold. It was pressuring. The world was pressuring. It motivated you yet diminished your confidence in conquering its trials. It tested your patience greatly.
And you aren't the most patient person to ever exist.
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Two Women, One Path Choni x Reader
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Plot: this fake social media will be a Series and no Cheryl and toni are not dating it's about Y/n going to a party and she meets Toni topaz. Y/n ends up falling for Toni but Toni doesn't know the Y/n is dating someone else. Y/n Realizes that she loves both Toni and Cheryl. but she doesn't want to break ether of their hearts. she wants to be with both of them. so she only has one path will toni and cheryl find out about each other? what will Y/n do? Or what will they do?
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social-media-fanfic · 4 years
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Riverdale Social Media
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bumblesimagines · 5 years
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Request: Yes or No
Sorry it's so short! I just don't feel super inspired lol
Boy, you're such a lost cause
Now your name is crossed off
How you gonna fix this?
You can't even fix yourself
It was almost two years
That I chose to spend here
All alone on New Year's
Thinkin' "What the Hell?"
You scoffed, reading the text from Archie. You shook your head, standing and leaving your bedroom. You weren't gonna spend another New Year's alone because of him. You got into your car, driving to the party Cheryl was hosting at her place. You had a slight bad feeling about it but you ignored it.
I don't wanna break your thread
A needle tryna stitch you, but I can't, I refuse
You parked your car, getting out and shoving your keys into your pocket after locking the doors. You headed up the stairs, glancing at the teens making out or stumbling around. You entered the manor, glancing around until you spotted Toni and approached her.
"(Y/N)!" She smiled widely, giving you a hug.
"Where's Cheryl?" You asked. Toni shrugged, glancing around.
"I've been looking for her too. Check upstairs." She said. You nodded, heading up the stairs and looking around, checking rooms.
Shouldn't love you, but I couldn't help it
Had a feeling that you never felt it
I always knew that you were too damn selfish
Don't know why I looked the other way
I wanted you to change, yeah
I shouldn't love you, but I couldn't help it
I always knew that you were too damn selfish
You opened the door to a room, pausing as you stared at the sight. Archie and Veronica making out. You clenched your jaw, slamming the door close and walking down the hall. He said he was gonna be at his gym, helping Mad Dog box. You headed down the steps, ignoring Toni and Cheryl's confused calls. Deep down, you had always known you were a rebound until Veronica and Archie made up.
I bet you thought you gave me real love
But we spent it all in nightclubs
All you ever wanna do is lie
Why you always such a Gemini?
Baby, who you tryna run from?
Me or all your problems?
You know you will never solve 'em
You don't even know yourself
You bumped into what felt like a wall but from the grunt, you knew it was a person.
"You okay?" You lifted your gaze, looking at Sweet Pea. You nodded, going around him as you heard Archie calling your name. You quickly unlocked your car, got in but Archie appeared in front of it.
"Baby, please, whatever you saw-"
"Archie, you know I won't hesitate in running you over." You said, knuckles turning white from how hard you gripped the steering wheel.
"Just, let me explain what happened."
"You were making out with your bitchy ex, Archie." You rolled your eyes.
I don't wanna break your thread
A needle tryna stitch you, but I can't, I refuse
"I'm done giving you chances." You huffed, reversing and driving away. You drove back home, grumbling about how stupid Archie was. You got home as it began to rain, getting out and heading inside. You turned off your phone, going to your room and sitting down. No way were you gonna let some guy ruin the beginning of the year.
Shouldn't love you, but I couldn't help it
Had a feeling that you never felt it
I always knew that you were too damn selfish
Don't know why I looked the other way
I wanted you to change, yeah
I shouldn't love you, but I couldn't help it
I always knew that you were too damn selfish
You put your books in the locker, glancing over as Archie jogged up to you.
"I've been trying to talk to you-"
"We don't need to talk, Archie. If you want Veronica, have her. We broke up the moment I opened that door." You closed your locker, shrugging.
"Also, tell your new girlfriend that I'm not Betty. She can't buy my forgiveness with sweets." You rolled your eyes, walking away from him.
(I don't wanna break your thread and needle
Tryna stitch you, but I can't, I refuse)
But it's not possible
Plus I'm not responsible
For your self-made obstacles
Put my heart in the hospital, woah, woah-oh
Shouldn't love you, but I couldn't help it
Had a feeling that you never felt it
I always knew that you were too damn selfish
Don't know why I looked the other way
I wanted you to change, yeah
I shouldn't love you, but I couldn't help it
I always knew that you were too damn selfish
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charasthetics · 5 years
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Cheryl Blossom Aesthetic
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anninhiliation · 5 years
Hurt part 4
A/N: So here we are with a part four! I am taking a summer course and its a lot of work so please be patient with me I am almost a college graduate! I also am facing some personal issues that need to be taken care of so if I am spotty with my writing I am so sorry! I also own nothing this is purely fictional! 
Masterlist (Requests are always open!) 
Part 1 Part 3 Part 5
Warnings: A lot of self-hatred, (Please be kind to yourselves you guys are so lovely and perfect!) there's also a kiss and a light mention of having sex. Cursing. 
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Tears streamed down your soft face as you thought about your past with Jughead. But the tears became harder and harder as the memories replayed in your head like sets of broken records. 
“Hey Jug!” You giggled plopping down next to him in the Blue and Gold.
“Hey Y/N.” He sighed holding onto his cup of coffee staring blankly at it.
“What's wrong Jug?” You questioned studying his features.
A from was placed upon his plump lips, he looked drained as if he had not slept well. His body language told you he was more upset than usual.
“It’s nothing I’m fine,” Jughead responded coldly still not looking at you.
You placed your hand on his forearm and the two of you locked eyes.
“Well, I am here for you.” You whispered quickly looking at his lips and back into his eyes. 
Moments after that his lips met yours. At first, you were taken off guard, but his soft lips fit right into yours as if God himself made the two of you for each other. The kiss turned heated, and things escalated faster than anyone was expecting. This was the first time you had been intimate with anyone to the extent you were with Jughead. He held a special place in your heart, as he was your first love. 
You silently sobbed into your knees as you thought more and more about that night. All the times the two of you shared kisses, and sweet nothings began to flood your mind.
I'm so fucking stupid to believe I meant anything to him. 
I'm so fucking ugly
Too fat
Not pretty 
I am such a problem
I am a fucking burden
The negative thoughts kept pouring in and the next was worse than the last. You sat there holding onto your legs, feeling the tears stream down your face and quietly hit the water from the tub. The tears flooded your eyes so hard that breathing became difficult, your sobs caused a runny nose and everything began to hurt. You were disrupted from your thoughts by the sound of your ring tone. You pondered who was calling and what time it was. The distraction had made the tears finally stop, and your breathing became a bit easier to do. The bathtub was no longer warm, and the mirrors had begun to clear up from the steam. Looking at your hands you noticed the pads from your fingers had turned pruney and you then realized you were cold. 
I should probably see who that was
You slowly stood up and grabbed your towel from the sinks counter and wrapped it around your body. You drained the tub and quietly walked back into your room. You beelined to your phone checking who the missed call was from. It was Cheryl and you noticed she left a voicemail. 
“Hey Y/N!” Cheryl squealed loudly making you flinch at the sudden loud noise screaming in your ear. “Come over as soon as you get this we are going to have a girls night in! You, me, TT, and Josie obvi. You’ve been the talk of the town since yesterday and I need to make sure you're okay and ready to face school on Monday. Plus I have not hosted a sleepover in forever. Okay bye!”
You quickly shot Cheryl a quick text:
12:49 PM Hey, are you sure you want me to come over right now? Isn't it a bit early for a girls night?
12:49 PM Y/N! Get over here now! 
12:50 PM Okay! Okay! Coming! Be there in 20
You placed your phone down and lazily put on sweat pants and a sweatshirt, throwing your towel on your chair not really caring how it landed. You slid your flip flops on and grabbed a duffle bag from the floor of your closet, throwing it on the bed. You piled clothes from around your room into the duffle, your toothbrush, and a hairbrush. Before leaving your room you grabbed your favorite sunglasses and put them on. You were in no mood to face the world with your puffy face. This time you made sure to not look in the mirror fully knowing whatever stared back at you would not make you happy or make you feel better.
“I'm going to Cheryl’s! See you guys tomorrow!” You announced as you headed out the door grabbing your car keys from the table in the foyer. 
“Wait a minute!” Your mother shouted making you stop dead in your tracks. 
You waited for her to approach as you just stared at the front door, looking out the tiny glass window in the door frame. The sound of her heels pounding on the hardwood floor became louder and louder.
“Honey your father and I are worried about you.” Your mother began as she placed her hand on your shoulder.
“Mom I just had a really bad day yesterday. I need to be with my friends.” You cut her off.
“Well, when you come back from Cheryls you better have an improved attitude young lady.” Your mother snapped. 
“Sorry.” You mumbled as you walked out the front door and darted towards your car.
You threw the duffle bag in the back seat and plopped down in the driver's seat. Sighing you turned the ignition and speeded your way to Cheryls. You rang Cheryl’s gate at Thornhill and the gates slowly opened. It seemed to have taken forever this time making a small groan escape your mouth.
“Y/N! I heard that!” Cheryl screamed in the intercom. 
“Sorry, Cheryl! My life’s been a piece of shit lately!” You shouted back.
You parked your car in the driveway and opened the door. You grabbed your duffle bag from the back seat and walked towards the front door. Cheryl swung the front door open before you even reached the front step. 
“Y/N! Thank God you're here. Holy Shit you look like a mess!” Cheryl announced from the front door. 
Tags: @trumpettay
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Hey I’m just wondering what are your favourite things that you have written? Love you ❤️
Hi!! There’s not a lot of my work that I like, especially the stuff that I wrote when I first started this blog, however I have improved somewhat over the years and some of my work I do actually like! Who would have thought? Not me! Anyway here are the imagines that I’m most proud of: 
Big Fun - Sweet Pea x reader. Basically a re-write of the Heathers episode (also instead of singing, all of the singing parts are spoken because I thought I would try something new) and my most favourite thing I have ever written. Like you have no idea how much I love this. Basically, if you only read one thing out of this list or any of my work, read this!
Fear - James and Alyssa (teotfw) x reader. Also a sort of re-write of The End of the F***ing World. The reader meets James and Alyssa when they save her from the creepy man’s house. The other parts a linked to the first part.
Problems - Sweet Pea x reader. Originally a request that I turned into a series (also my first proper series). The reader agrees to go on holiday with Sweet Pea and his family while pretending to be Sweet Pea’s girlfriend. Its funny but also very dramatic. This is just the first part, but all the other parts are linked at the top of it.
Ghost of You - Sweet Pea x reader. Based off the song by 5sos. I highly recommend you listen to it (and read this).
Meddling - Cheryl x reader. A Scooby Doo au with the core four + Cheryl and the reader. When I got this request I wasn’t sure how it was going to work out, but the more I wrote the more I loved it and I’m really proud with how it turned out.
You’re Sensational - Cheryl x Toni. A soulmate au where you have the most important quote about your relationship tattooed on you. I love this idea and I think its a really sweet imagine about Choni.
Flowers - Sweet Pea x reader. Based off a text post my girlfriend sent me about flowers. Its sweet and sad but I love it anyway.
Masterlist 1 Masterlist 2 Masterlist 3
Thank you! And I hope you like these as much as I do!!!!
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sparkles-and-trash · 6 years
Stalker, Chapter 4
A Sweet Pea x Reader fanfiction
“Do you have a light Can you make me feel alright?”
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Warnings: Abusive behavior (stalking), swearing, sexual content in later chapters
Word count: 3.5k
Notes: Tag list is still open, let me know if you want to be on it!  This chapter mentions dyslexia, which I do not have myself, but a close friend does, so I used his experience as reference! 
Ships: Sweet Pea x Reader, Kevin x Fangs (later chapters), Choni, Bughead, Varchie
Summary: Y/N is a Senior at Riverdale High with her best friends Kevin and Cheryl, and lives mostly on her own on the Southside of Riverdale. But when she starts getting weird notes, letters and pictures delivered to her, and as the feeling of being followed seems to be very real, she finds herself getting help from unexpected places and people to keep her safe, and to find out who is stalking her.
Stalker Masterpost (links to all chapters)
When Y/N met Kevin Keller around eight months ago, she instantly thought he was a cool guy. 
Then she got to know Kevin, and realized he was actually a freaking awesome guy, even cooler, nicer and more supportive than she could ever imagine. 
Then, on top of that, she realized he was actually a huge nerd, and from that moment on, they were the best of friends. 
This particular Friday afternoon, just two days after Y/N spent the afternoon at Sweet Pea’s trailer cleaning up his face, she was currently seated on Kevin’s bed, watching him going trough his closet with a rising panic. 
“Seriously, Kev, you should have seen him.” Y/N said and shook her head with a smile. 
Kevin looked up at her with raised eyebrows, holding a sweater to his torso.
Y/N shook her head.
“Kinda makes you look like a teacher, Kev, not really the kind of vibe you want to send out on a date, is it?” 
Kevin sighed, put the sweater back into the closet and sat down next to her on the bed. 
“So, Chuck called me a fag.” he said and rolled his eyes.
“That’s fun for me.” 
Y/N felt a pang of guilt at Kevins sarcastic remark, and sighed deeply before patting his arm softly.
“Well, you should have seen Sweet Pea’s reaction. Like, he was already angry, but the look in his eyes when Chuck used that word about you...” 
Y/N paused to shake her head.
“He went straight into beast mode, I tell you.” 
At least that made Kevin smile a little, before getting back up to sort of his outfit. 
“I still can’t believe you’re going on a date with Fangs tonight, of all people.” Y/N grinned at Kevin. 
“It’s not...” Kevin started, before he stopped to smile, as a faint blush colored his cheeks, making Y/N‘s heart feel all warm and soft. 
“Okay, it is a date, but... I don’t know, Y/N, we’ll see how it goes.” Kevin said, before putting a simple, dark blue button up shirt over his dark t-shirt. 
Y/N gave him a soft smile, and nodded in approval of the shirt. 
“I know, I know, you’ve dated a Serpent before, it got complicated...” Y/N sighed and laid back on the bed. 
The room was quiet for a while when Kevin did his hair, and Y/N stared up into the glow in the dark stars covered ceiling, letting her thoughts wander. 
“So, the creep actually followed you to his trailer, huh?” 
Kevins words tore Y/N back to reality, and she sighed as she sat back up. 
“I guess,” she said grimly. 
“The note I found on my car was defiantly not there when Sweets and I left the school, and it even mentioned me staying away from him and I just...” 
She shivered. 
“It’s just gross.” 
Kevin shook his head. 
“No, Y/N, it’s creepy, and borderline terrifying.” he said, shaking his head, before a sly grin took over his fine features. 
“So, you and Sweets, huh?” he asked, and Y/N chucked a Chewbacca plush at him, to which Kevin yelled about ruining his hair for a solid five minutes. 
When he finally got his hair back where he wanted it, the clock was almost 6 pm, and Y/N knew it was time for him to leave for the date with Fangs. 
She gave her friend a solid hug and a kiss on the cheek for luck as she left his house, climbed into her Jeep, and headed home. 
Honestly, the thought of spending all night alone wasn’t a thrilling one, but with Kevin on his date, and Cheryl finally having some alone-time with Toni over at Thristlehouse, she didn’t really have a lot of other friends to hit up for comfort. 
Of course, there was Jughead and Betty, but honestly, Y/N didn’t know them hat well, and she figured they were busy themselves on a Friday night. 
That, of course, left Sweet Pea, but honestly Y/N were still kind of high on the nice way the left things a couple of days ago, and didn’t want to seem too eager by contacting him on a Friday night. 
Right now, the prospect of getting killed by her stalker was better than scaring the tall, handsome serpent away. 
She may had to rethink her priorities, just a smidge.
Y/N sighed deeply as she pulled up to the small, two-storey house she and her mother used to share.
Back then it had been a home, while now, it just seemed like a dark, empty shell, reminding her of just how lonely she really was. 
Her legs felt heavy as she waled to the front door and turned the key, before entering the silent house. 
All the lights where off, and Y/N tried her best to remember if she turned them off herself that morning, but she couldn’t recall. 
A shiver travelled down her spine, as she hurried into the kitchen to grab a steak knife, and she slowly started sneaking around her house, turning on all the lights she could in the process.
When she finally reached the last room, her own, she was starting to feel kind of silly, sneaking around her house with a huge knife like a dumb blonde in a scary movie. 
She sighed softly of relief as she turned on the lights in her bedroom and didn’t seen anyone anywhere, before the slowly snuck up on the closet door, and ripped it open holding the knife in front of her, ready to stab if she had to.
Not too shocking, there was no need to stab anyone, or anything, in her closet, and she closed it with a small smile on her face. 
No one was here. 
Y/N let the arm holding the knife fall down along her side, and she put it on her nightstand, before turning towards her full-body mirror to check her hair and makeup. 
When she turned, however, she stopped dead in her tracks, feeling her lower lip starting to quiver softly, as she backed away from the mirror like it was on fire. 
She desperately started to fumbled for her phone, as she tried her best to take slow breaths, reading the bright red message on her mirror over and over again. 
The message was written with her own lipstick, the one in question was lying one the floor next to the mirror as evidence, it’s soft pink color making the message look way more innocent than it really was.
The person, this sick, sick person, had been in her house, in her room, without her leaving anything unlocked. 
She had to get out of there. 
The fact that her two best friends were both busy and probably didn’t even think to check their phones slowly dawned on her, and now, more than ever, she wished she could just go to her mother like most girls her age. 
But that wasn’t her reality, and she just had to deal with that. 
Then, Sweet Pea’s words from two days ago echoed through her head, the ones about how she could always come over, and that was enough for her to grab her keys and head towards the door as fast as she could.
Just as she left the room, she turned around, just to confirm to herself that she hadn’t imagined it all.
But of course she hadn’t. 
The message was there, loud and clear. 
Y/N shivered, and slammed the door shut before she ran downstairs and locked the door and got into her Jeep. 
But no matter where she went, the message was still on her mirror, it was still in her head, a loud voice yelling the words louder and louder. 
“I see you my love, I am everywhere, and if you’re not careful, you’ll soon be nowhere. To be found, that is.” 
- * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - 
Y/N’s heart was still racing as she pulled up next to Sweet Pea’s trailer, but not for the reason it did last time. 
The thought of someone following her was nagging at the back of her mind, and she had kept checking the rearview mirror on the way here, but she hadn’t seen anything. 
But then again, she never seemed to see this person, and still, they were always around. 
She grabbed her phone and keys, and hurried out of her car, jogging up the stairs to the small porch, and started knocking on the door, fast and hard, while trying to fight back the panic tears that were threatening to spill. 
Just as she was about to give up and go cry in her car, the door to the trailer opened, revealing a confused looking Sweet Pea.
“Oh, Y/N, hi! What, uhm, are you okay?” 
Sweet Pea’s voice changed from a slightly pleased surprised, to a very worried surprised as he realized the state she was in. 
“No, or, not really, can I please come it?” Y/N asked in a small voice, as she continued to look over her shoulder nervously. 
“Yeah, yeah, of course!” Sweet Pea said as he moved out of the way to let her in. 
Y/N hurried past him while mumbling a thanks, and felt her shoulders relax a bit as Sweet Pea shut and locket the door. 
“You look terrified Y/N, what the hell happened to you?” Sweet Pea asked in a strangely soft voice, as he moved in a little closer to her and put a hand on her shoulder. 
“He, he was in my house, or she, but, yeah, in my room actually, and I just, I couldn’t stay!” Y/N said frantically, breathing faster by the second.
“Wha-” Sweet Pea started, but she cut him off.
“Yeah, and I, I was at Kevins earlier, after school, and when I cam home it was all dark and I wasn’t sure if that was me, so I checked the house and didn’t find anyone, but... they had written on my mirror in my bedroom, Sweet Pea, about always being everywhere and making me go nowhere, and everyone else is dating or doing things tonight, and I didn’t know where to go or what to do!” 
When she was finally done, she felt her legs give in under her, and Sweet Pea hurried to her and caught her around the waist, and slowly guided her to his couch and helped her sit down. 
She looked up at him with a gratefulness she hoped he could see. 
“For fucks sake, this crazy son of a bitch broke in to your house?!” Sweet Pea asked trough gritted teeth, and Y/N nodded feebly. 
“This is getting out of hand, Y/N, I think you need to tell someone...” he said in a serious tone, as he looked in her yes with a worried look in his eyes. 
“No, please, I just...” Y/N bit her lip softly. 
“We’re meeting with the others tomorrow, at Cheryl’s, maybe Jughead and Betty found out something, or, just, please, give me a little more time?” 
Sweet Pea looked at her with a thoughtful expression, before he sighed. 
“I won’t tell anyone, Y/N, but I still think you should.” 
A wave of relief shot through her, and she nodded gratefully.
“Can we just... I don’t know, not talk more about it right now? I just, I need to think about something else.” Y/N said and looked down at her lap.
“I mean, if it’s even okay that I’m here, oh god, do you have plans? Or if you want to be alone, if you want I can totally leave, I’m sorry!” Y/N said, suddenly feeling like the biggest jerk in the world.
But to her surprise, Sweet Pea just smiled and shook his head, before gesturing to himself. 
“Do I look like a guy with big Friday night plans to you?” 
Y/N had to admit, he did not. 
It was just around 7 pm, and Sweet Pea were already in a old, but soft looking grey PJ pants, and a big, black hoodie with the Serpent logo on the back.
Seriously, how many clothes did he have with that logo? She had to ask him about it sometime. 
But maybe she should answer him, first. 
“Oh, uhm, I guess not...” Y/N said and smiled a little herself. 
She let herself take a look around Sweet Pea’s trailer for real, which she hadn’t really done the last time, when she was mostly focused on helping Sweet Pea clean up his face, and not seeming so crazy.
Now, however, she really didn’t care if he thought she was insane, as long as she was safe.
The trailer was pretty big in size, and considering a 18 year old boy lived there alone, she would have expected it to be messy and filled with pictures of basically naked girls on Harley’s, but that wasn’t the case. 
The place was pretty neat, just a few flannels tossed around, and Sweet Pea’s beat up, laptop, which was just held together with dutch tape, was lying on the kitchen counter. 
A medium sized, rather old, TV was standing on a small table in front of the couch, and to their left was a sliding door half-way open, showing a big bed filled with pillows and blankets, looking very comfortable. 
The only things on the walls were some pictures of Sweet Pea and Fangs from when they were younger, a calendar with pictures of Harleys, but no naked girls, and a few select movie posters, mostly older horror movies. 
“But, seriously, tell me to leave if you want to.” she added, after a while, but Sweet Pea shook his head. 
“I don’t want to.” 
Sweet Pea’s POV 
The second he said it, he realized how it sounded, like he really wanted her to stay, and even though that might be true, he didn’t want to sound creepy and freak her out even more tonight. 
“You know, I, I don’t want you to go home, or out, or get hurt... you know?” he added quickly, probably sounding ever more weird than before. 
Luckily, Y/N just gave him a tired smile, and leaned back on the couch. 
Sweet Pea looked at her for a while, not sure what to do or say, before he sighed himself, and leaned back next to her. 
“So, what were you doing before I came over?” Y/N asked, looking over at him without moving from he relaxed position. 
“There may or may not have been a re-run marathon of Buffy on TV, and I may og may not have been watching it since I got home from school.” Sweet Pea said, and Y/N grinned.
“Oh, I love Buffy!” she said and sat up. 
“Is it still on?” 
Sweet Pea sat up himself, and grabbed the remote to turn on the TV to check it out. 
“Sadly, no.” he said as the TV turned on and now showed some old sit-com rolling over the screen.
“That’s okay.” Y/N shrugged, as she saw the book lying on the table in front of her. 
“Oh damn, you’re reading Pet Sematary?” she asked and shivered. 
“I listened to this on audio book as a kid, because of the cat on the cover, and honestly I never really recovered.” she added and Sweet Pea raised his eyebrows. 
“I like Stephen King.” he said, and before he could stop himself, he continued.
“It kinda sucks though, I like to read, but it takes forever, you know, and audiobooks are just not my thing.” 
Y/N look at him with curious eyes, not asking out loud, but obviously waiting for him to continue. 
“I’m dyslexic.” he added simply, and shrugged, trying to act like he didn’t care. 
“Oh, I didn’t know that.” Y/N said as she was reading the back of the book with a gloomy expression. 
“My cousin is too, and he just finished reading The Lord of the Rings series, it took him a pretty long time, but he also loves reading, so, you know.” she added, and Sweet Pea felt a bit of relief. 
He hated talking about it, and honestly hadn’t told more than a couple of people, including teachers, but something about the way Y/N wasn’t making t out to be a big deal made him want to tell her about it. 
“Actually I didn’t know until we started Riverdale High, you know?” he started, and Y/N put the book back down and looked at him. 
“Seriously, no one noticed?” she asked, and he shook his head.
“Well, my parents didn’t exactly pay attention to how I did in school when they were still around, and the teachers just figured I was stupid, and I guessed I believed them.” 
He was kind of expecting Y/N to act awkward or pitying him, but she just look angry.
“That’s fucked up.” she said simply, and turned so she was sitting towards him, with her legs crossed. 
“I guess, but at least I know now, better than never.” Sweet Pea said, and Y/N nodded slowly. 
“This town is so fucked, it’s crazy how it’s so divided.” Y/N said and narrowed her eyebrows. 
“I’ve never seen a small town with two high schools, and so different high schools, you know? Not that I did see it, really, Southside High was already closed when mom decided to move here.” she said, a faraway look in her eyes. 
“You didn’t miss anything,” Sweet Pea said and shook his head. 
“I just wished it happened sooner, kind of, maybe I’d actually have a shot at getting out of here and going to college or something if I didn’t spend two years in the hellhole that was Southside High.” Sweet Pea heard himself say, shocked at how easy the words came out. 
Y/N raised her eyebrows. 
“It’s not too late to apply, is it?” she asked, and Sweet Pea shrugged. 
“Maybe not, but I don’t think any college would want me, you know.” he said with a small, ironic smile. 
“Being a gang member isn’t exactly the extracurricular most schools look for.” 
Y/N grinned a bit herself, and shrugged. 
“My mother was a Serpent, you know? She went to NYU, so it didn’t stop her.” 
Sweet Pea felt a small rush of hope, but quickly shut it down. He wasn’t just a Serpent, he was also dyslexic, and had mediocre grades, and wasn’t very charismatic. 
He probably didn’t stand a chance. 
He decided to change the subject. 
“Wait, so, if your mom was a Serpent, did she grow up here?” he asked and Y/N nodded slowly, as she un-crossed her legs, and instead leaned on the couch again, looking tired. 
“Yeah, both her and my father did, actually, but dad hated it, which is partly why mom decided to move here, I guess. Anything to spite him.” 
She sounded both tired and sad talking about it, so Sweet Pea didn’t push any further. 
“Got it.” he said, and Y/N gave him a small, grateful smile. 
“Well, wanna watch a movie or something?” Sweet Pea asked, and Y/N nodded eagerly. 
“Yea please, anything not including stalkers is great.” she said with a small smile, and Sweet Pea rolled his eyes at her, but couldn’t help but smile himself. 
“Well, I think I’m still logged into Fangs’ Netflix account, wanna take advantage of that?” he asked and Y/N nodded eagerly.
“Perfect.” she smiled, and Sweet Pea got up to grab his laptop and hook it up to the TV. 
They spent a couple minutes choosing a movie, and ended up with a horror/comedy that looked just weird enough to be fun, and Sweet Pea walked back to the couch, turned down the lights and sat next to Y/N again.
She turned around to grab a blanket and draped it over her legs, offering the rest of it to Sweet Pea, who awkwardly took it and pulled it over his own legs. 
Y/N sighed happily, and curled her legs up on the couch and leaned her head on his shoulder, making Sweet Pea’s heart beat ten times faster by the second. 
He had no idea what to do with his hands, and ended up awkwardly putting one of them on her knee, but when it was there he didn’t want to remove it and seem even more awkward, and Y/N didn’t seem to mind, so he just stayed like that. 
Sweet Pea had a feeling he wasn’t gonna remember much of this movie, but he was strangely okay with that. 
taglist:  @anotherr-fine-mess @purespidey @irishfangirlxx @jaazzzzz  @bellejeanx @poolpartyingwithjaws @enticinghell@southsidemistress  @vinylrosess @riverdal-writter @abigailcavanaghhh@floralchlxe @h-e-a-v-y-l-e-a-t-h-e-r @oldwanderingsoul @secretlovexo@magicwithaknife @corgibuttscandoanything @chaarrlieeeeee@mellxander1993 @superhalsteads @citizenofmars @woeme @madaboutlili @sweetpeasbabydoll @blogpsych @celestialcastiel @pity-mee @k-is-cray@genius2050 @thewisebosomblog @blakesvaldez @mvmakki @aframeofbones@thatangrymardleschick @chipster-21 @maybeidontwannachooseaname @soutthhsideserpentt @styomi @kateintheuntouchedspace @talesfromriverdale@floralchlxe @acidparadox @bake-motherfucka-bake @dolansbeanies@riverdaleserpents04 @anninhiliation @knights0fkylo @cassiopeia-barrow@tearsforhan @rightinthefeelers @saturnspiderman @aelinninielelain
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tayrae515imagines · 7 years
Cheryl Blossom makes me question my sexuality.
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blogginthewind · 2 years
Five Moments That Explain Your Friendship With Cheryl Blossom
Summary: You are Cheryl Blossom's best friends. Five moments that show exactly what you mean to one another. Platonic!Cherylxreader, slight Sweet Pea x reader and brief Choni mentions.
Warning: Mentions of homophobic parents, internalized homophobia, emeto-warning, vomit and nausea warning
Five Moments that Explained Your Friendship with Cheryl Blossom
One. You never even considered whether you wanted to be a River Vixen. Cheryl Blossom was the captain and your best friend. Attendance was mandatory. Resistance was futile. You loved your best friend though even you had to admit that she was a bit…self-involved. 
“Obviously I’ll be doing a solo. I’ve got the maddest skills on the squad,” Cheryl explained to Veronica, who questioned her solo choices yet again. Veronica Lodge was a self-claimed reformed mean girl and while she was actually incredibly kind, she was almost a bit…self-involved. “You had a solo last week. Betty has one. A tiny one, of course. Y/N has the biggest solo. Would you like to challenge her to a dance-off?”
Veronica looked in your direction. You shrugged and smiled. Your mother owned Riverdale’s dance studio and you were a company dancer, which required a fifteen-hour-a-week practice minimum. Being the owner's daughter made it closer to twenty-five. Truthfully, you didn’t care much about the solo. Being a River Vixen was fun and significantly less stressful than the dance competition and your goal wasn’t to be the best. If Veronica wanted to challenge you, you wouldn’t take it to heart. You stretched, touching your hands to your toes. When you came back up, you leaped into the arm and did a toe touch, something you had never seen Ronnie do. Okay, maybe you minded a little. Veronica put her hands in the hair, conceding.
“That’s what I thought, Veronica,” Cheryl said with a smirk. Your best friend turned to you. “Now, why don’t we start off by showing the girls what a real dancer can do?”
You smiled and stepped into the center of the room.
Two. Cheryl loved you always, even when you had the occasional spat. Because she loved you, she always worried about you. Your mother wore you ragged with your practice hours, you were a River Vixen (Okay. That one was for her.), and you were in the senior math class. You were chronically stressed. When she handed you a ginger tea that morning, your first sign of impending illness or burnout, she noticed the bags under your eyes. 
“Mon Amie, I believe you need to slow down. A sick day perhaps?” You laughed and Cheryl rolled her eyes. She reached for your forehead but you swatted her hand away. You were momentarily distracted as Sweet Pea walked down the hall. Cheryl was sure her eyes had disappeared based on how far back they rolled into her head. She took the opportunity to touch your forehead. It wasn’t warm but she knew it might be coming. You were known for your stomach aches, usually due to stress or exhaustion. 
“I’m just a little nauseous. Stomach ache, you know.” Cheryl raised her eyebrows and you sighed heavily. “If it’s not better by lunch…”
“Nurses’ Office, obvi.”
 Cheryl loved you enough to only say “I told you so” twice when she had to hold back your hair as you vomited during third period. She didn’t even hesitate to waltz out of the classroom when you charged out, completely ignoring whatever Mrs. Kerwin had to say about it. Riverdale was held together at its very core by Blossom Maple Syrup. There was no way Cheryl would be serving detention for helping her sick best friend. But it was for you, only you and her beloved Toni, whose hair she would ever hold back. 
Three. But Cheryl was only repaying a debt from a few months prior. Reggie Mantle’s parents had gone out of town and he had thrown a party. It was wild, of course, and you planned to spend the night sipping the soda that was used for mixers and no alcohol. Cheryl did no such thing.
You gripped your best friend’s arm and pulled her into the bathroom. Her lipstick was smudged and the strap of her tank top was falling off her shoulder. She was gorgeous, but a mess. “Cheryl, you can’t just flop into Archie Andrew’s lap. He’s dating Valerie. You know that.”
“Not for looong.” Cheryl smiled brightly. She was definitely drunk and even now she was sipping from a red solo cup. Something Sober Cheryl would never do in a room so close to a toilet. “He has red hair and I have red hair. His family though kind of poor is like the one family in Riverdale that mine doesn’t hate. So I have to have him.”
“Like ninety minutes ago you were making out with Moose.” Cheryl shrugged and reached for the doorknob. You grabbed her by her shoulders before she could. “He’s dating Midge. Since like the seventh grade. We like Midge. She’s a River Vixen. She’s our friend, Cher. Why would you do that?”
“I like boys.” Cheryl’s eyes started to water. Her hands reached for the necklace at the base of her neck. It was a cherry blossom but instead of being an expensive gold or a giant diamond, it was modest. It had been a gift from Heather, whom Cheryl was close with in middle school. “I like boys.”
“Oh, Cher,” you said, wrapping your arms around her. She never said a word about Heather but you had always had your suspicions. And you knew Cheryl’s mother. Penelope was Cheryl’s greatest and most unnecessary critic. Cheryl pulled back with a jerk.
“I’m going to vomit,” she said, dropping her drink to the floor. As the drink spilled, so did Cheryl and you could do nothing but hold back her hair.
Four. Her breakup with Toni gutted her. You knew that. Cheryl pretended not to care but each night she called you crying, under the guise of having just watched a sad movie. You’d slept over three times that week just because of those calls.  When you found Toni in the bathroom, she paused.
“I don’t want to fight,” Toni said, giving you the once over. The hours of dancing had given you a lot of muscles but Toni was tough too. 
“I don’t want to fight,” you answered. Toni seemed to lower her guard but only a little. “I just…I know you love her.”
Toni’s eyes shown with tears and she nodded. You smiled and hugged her. When you pulled back, you said “So please work this out. She’s miserable without you.”
As Toni went to leave, you spoke again. “Oh and babe? To be clear, I think you’re great. But I am team Cheryl. All day. Every day. So if you ever actually do something horrid?”
“Hell hath no fury,” Toni finished. You smiled. 
Five. There was never anyone good enough for you but when you chose Sweet Pea, Cheryl had to make a few things clear, even if you’d be furious. Luckily, your new fling was good friends with Cheryl’s love. Best friends dating best friends was a good combination. The double dates would be endless. Still, Cheryl wasn’t going to go easy on him.
“Babe, go easy,” Toni cautioned as the girls sat down across from Sweet Pea. Without a word, Fangs stood from the table and left. 
“Sweet Pea, let’s chat,” Cheryl said to an unenthused and nervous Sweet Pea.
“You are dating my best friend. My best friend. I don’t need to remind you that the “river” in Riverdale runs with maple syrup, do I?” Cheryl waited but Sweet Pea didn’t say anything. His expression, angry and defiant, made it clear she got her point across. “Now, I like you. Sort of. Toni likes you and mon amour has impeccable taste, obv. And you do seem to properly adore my bestie. But let me make one thing clear.
“My father murdered my brother - my other half over drugs and maple syrup. My mumsie is a homophobic monster who pushed my Nana down the stairs and once dated Riverdale’s best-known serial killer. I am the sole caretaker of my Nana. Through all of this? There was Y/N. I have very little family left, Serpent. You better believe that I will do everything in my power - my unforgiving power to protect it. Understood?”
Before Sweet Pea could answer, Cheryl’s agenda flipped as though someone hit a switch. “Now, darling Tee-Tee and boyfriend of bestie, shall we plan our first double date? I’m thinking something grande. Perhaps with sparkling dresses, sparkling champagne, and the most sparkling of company?”
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gingeraleluke · 3 years
🎀 dolled up: congrats on 1000 dear!!! also i have no idea how to send pictures lol but could you come up with a concept for timothée chalamet x reader based on timmy in that slytherin sweater?
(in this fic, y/n plays chani in dune, not zendaya!)
timothée sat down at the desk that buzzfeed had set up for him, wearing a plain white tee and some jeans. to his left, his girlfriend, and costar, y/n sat beside him. she wore a bright pink cropped shirt with the words ‘dune’ bedazzled on it and a pair of jeans with fuzzy heels. they were adjusting their mics as they began to get comfortable, a man dropping off two lap tops for them to use.
“oh, are we getting started?” timothée asked people behind the camera. they nodded before giving them the cue to do the intro.
“hey! im timothée chalamet and i play paul in the new movie dune.” he looked over at y/n, watching her follow his lead.
“and im y/n y/l/n and i play chani in the new movie dune!” she smiled through her red lipstick and slicked her hair back.
“today, we are finding out what dune character we are with buzzfeed.”
“okay so, do you want to read the question and i’ll read the options and we can switch off, or…?”
“yeah, i’ll go first.” timothée’s finger slid down on the pad of the laptop, scrolling to see the first question. “okay, choose a dune.”
four pictures of the desert were listed as you and timothée compared the pictures. “the first one is very orange- lots of orange sand.” you chuckled, nodding. “and the second looks kind of like arrakis, actually!”
“mmhm, so does the fourth one.” she remarked.
“the third one seems peaceful, so i’m gonna pick the third one.” timothée clicked it, making y/n look at him funny.
“what? the third one looks boring, i think.”
“yeah! i’m gonna pick the fourth one because its speaking to me.” timmy chuckled at her as she read the next question. “where would you want to live?”
“okay, so we have more deserty places— very on theme for our film.”
“yeah, there’s a lot of sand in dune, just saying.” timmy mentioned, looking down at the laptop.
“yeah!” she laughed, “so the first one is like a sand— like a human morocco sand castle with some bushes and shrubs and… signs of life. um, the second one is like an underground sand house and the last two are more rocky hills in a desert— very arizona vibes for me. i’m picking the third one with the nice blue sky and the view in the background.”
“yeah? i’m gonna pick the second one with the underground building, it’s pretty darn cool.” he nodded.
“alright, choose a space view. wait, babe, what would you do if you got paul and—“
“and you get choni? i would honestly laugh so hard, wow.”
“i swear— anyways, choose a space view, um… im picking the bright pink one because it’s really pretty and i like pink galaxies, how about you, y/n?”
“umm, im actually gonna pick the third one because it looks like the big dipper.” she tapped on it before scrolling.
“wait, what?” timothée bursted out laughing.
“what?” she chuckled, confused.
“how does it look like the big dipper? it’s literally just some stars.”
“shut up, i see the big dipper. next question.” she became flustered and quickly moved on while timmy laughed at how cute she was.
“‘the big dipper.’” timothée snickered, shaking his head. his girlfriend shoved him, “oh shut up!”
“OH! here’s a good one,” she tapped his shoulder and pointed at the screen. “‘which is your favorite: paul or chani?’ well, obviously chani.”
“yeah, i’m picking paul, because well… he’s the best.”
“mmhmm, okay.” she kissed her teeth and looked over him as he read the next question.
“which planet from dune would you want to live on? arrakis, caladan, geidi prime, or kaitain?”
y/n instinctively rested her head on his shoulder, before remembering that they were on camera and sitting back up. people knew that they were dating, but she didn’t want to be extra touchy with him, incase people would be upset.
“i’m picking arrakis, what about you?”
“um, i think i’m gonna pick caladan because it looks really peaceful there.”
“incase you guys haven’t noticed, y/n likes being alone in quiet places.” he smirked.
“i do! it’s true.” she adjusted her position and scrolled down on her laptop, making eye contact with the camera for a brief moment. “last question, what would you want to be? a fremen, an emperor, a lord, or a soldier? im definitely picking an emperor because i think i’d be a good one.”
“yeah, i can see that… i’ll pick emperor too.” they watched their screens load the results and held hands in excitement. “ready?! three…two..one!”
“IM JESSICA!” y/n squealed.
“WHAT?” you looked to see you dressed as chani on his screen. “OH MY GOD!”
“YOU’RE MY MOM?!” you buckled over laughing as you guys began to film the outro, when you were stopped by the producer.
“actually, we have a gift for you..” a lady approached them with two gift bags, handing one to y/n and one to timothée.
“what? me?”
“a gift?” timmy asked, grinning as he opened it to find a Slytherin sweater. you opened yours and found a Ravenclaw sweater, just like his. you both looked at one another before shouting;
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ncsdlr · 10 months
Pick and Choose - Love For The Dismissive
Warnings: angsty as fuck, dismissive reader, persistent Cheryl, hopeless Toni, WE LOVE CHONI, happy ending, all things considered,
Pairings: Cheryl Blossom x fem!reader
Word Count: 1798
AN: I forgot to post this here😢
Cheryl and Toni just broke up. The famous Choni is now just Cheryl and Toni. It broke hearts left and right, namely the River Vixens, Cheryl's "inner circle", and the serpents. Both women grieved in different ways. Toni drank an unnecessary amount of alcohol within the day, while Cheryl was being more of a menace than usual. 
It was only three weeks after their break-up when Cheryl approached you. Well, more like pestered you. You were the type of person to not give two shits about nearly everything. Your focus remained on your studies and Harvard. So when Cheryl Blossom spoke to you for the first time since freshmen year, you knew it could only be trouble. 
If you were being completely honest, you were indifferent to the whole shebang. You've never paid attention to Cheryl before, nor cared about daily updates about the hottest tea in the school that Cheryl would tell you about. It was fun at first, but now it was getting quite irritating. You enjoyed your solitude greatly, so to have Cheryl sticking to you, was definitely taking a toll on you. 
It started with getting distracted during class. You nearly even fell asleep during one because of how late you had to stay up the previous night just to entertain Cheryl enough to tire her out. Your mind was overtaken by the things Cheryl would talk to you about. Especially the part where she saw Betty and Archie kissing while they were both in good relationships. 
You don't know why it bothered you so much, but when you came to school, you were already expecting Cheryl to be by your locker, leaving you no time to plot an escape plan for the day. It seemed Cheryl never ran out of things to talk to you about, and boy was it tiring as fuck. 
Then came the day when Cheryl "confessed" her feelings for you. She claimed that she has liked you for longer than she could even remember and that all she wanted was for you to give her a chance. When you rejected her, you can swear you saw the anger build up within her, but to your surprise, her voice was calm and almost teasing. 
You half-expected your dynamic with Cheryl to change, and it did, for the most part. She still stuck around you, the story-telling an unending tale, but now the redhead was being touchy. Her hands would grip your biceps whenever the two of you walked the halls. When all was silent between the two of you, Cheryl would rest her head on your shoulder while holding your hand. to add to that, Cheryl also bought you gifts, and she would give them to you throughout the day randomly. Every single day, she had a gift ready to give you. So much so that it worried you she would run out of money because of it.
Cheryl would get you flowers, chocolates, and your favorite food, and she even got you a necklace and a promise ring. Once, she took you out for shopping and when you muttered about finding something cute, not knowing Cheryl heard you, she bought it and surprised you with it when the both of you got to her Thistle house. She would do all of these sweet things for you daily, and, honestly, you couldn't lie and say it didn't make you feel wanted. It was nice to finally feel like this after so much grief and agony.
Right now, you were sitting in the library reading a book while Cheryl sat on your lap, cuddling the life out of you. You tried your best to ignore the woman, but she proved to be a very persistent person. 
"Please, Y/N, I beg thee. Give me a chance," She begged the millionth time this week. "I promise to treat you so well. My love for you will be the most exquisite thing you shall ever experience."It was quite rewarding to hear the Cheryl Bombshell beg for you, but it, honestly, was starting to bother the people who were trying to do the same thing you were. 
"Will you hush? People are getting disturbed by your futile efforts to have me." You relayed, "Besides, I refuse to allow myself to become your rebound.
Cheryl gasped rather dramatically at your deduction of her emotions, "How dare you think so little of my love for you. My love is of the highest price and you shall be grateful for me giving it to you for free! I swear on Thornhill that my love for you is genuine. Believe me, Y/N, my feelings for you are true and my words are trustworthy."
You visibly cringed at Cheryl's raised voice, buried traumatic experiences rising to the surface like they were undead. Heads turned to you and Cheryl, including the librarian's, and that caused you to make the most unthought-of answer to ever exist.
"Fine, fine, I accept!" You whisper shouted, already regretting your choices in life. "Just be quiet."
"Oh, my Y/N, I knew you would come to your senses! Because of this, we must celebrate such a special occasion. Our first date being official." Cheryl spoke with the fakest bright smile you had ever seen. It made you want to roll your eyes. You had not the time for her shenanigans.
Cheryl stood, extending her hand to you, "Come, come my love. We must relocate for this special moment." You merely obeyed silently, taking your book with you.
Throughout your way to wherever Cheryl was taking you, you noticed Cheryl texting on her phone a lot. It's not like you were suspicious, you were just curious. I mean, what could be so interesting that would take her attention away from this "special moment"? It, truly, is only a matter of time. You only rolled your eyes, opting to just let your mind take you away while Cheryl led you somewhere you cared not to know.
When you finally zoned back into the present time, you noticed how you have now moved to Veronica's underground speakeasy. The whole place was mainly empty, the only people occupying the space being you, Cheryl, and a Bartender. Said bartender approached the two of you and led you to the only table in the speakeasy. 
It looked romantic, you had to give Cheryl that, but the thought of this being just a big ploy was still very persistent in your mind. The both of you sat down and you were immediately served with food that looked to be above your daily budget in a week combined. You internally inhaled deeply at this, honestly terrified that you might be the one paying for all that was being brought to your table.
You so could not afford this. Unlike Cheryl, you weren't born to a well-off family. In fact, all you knew was that you grew up in a very uncaring orphanage. Sure, you and the kids there looked out for each other, but you still were not as close to them as they were with each other. 
"My dear, I hope I got your meal right. You are allergic to peanuts, correct?" 
You perked up, "Yes, very."
"I thought so." Cheryl smiled at you and started eating, and you took that as your queue to start eating too. Until she spoke again, "So since we are now official, it would bring me great joy to know more about you."
You swallowed, "Okay?" You really had no idea what to say to that or how to respond. "What do you want me to do?"
"Why, spill the beans, of course! I mean, you don't expect us to just dine here in silence, right?" Her sass. Ugh, her sass.
"Kind of, yes. Well, I grew up in an orphanage and when I turned sixteen, they threw me out. I've been working at Pop's ever since just to get by." You didn't want to get into the nitty-gritty details of your tragic life. Even though you knew that there definitely would not be any judgment, you still wanted to keep all of those to yourself, no matter how many times the school counselor told you that it would help to relay that kind of stuff to someone you knew you could trust. 
"Oh, dear/ I'm so sorry to hear that." Cheryl grabbed your hand, "I hope you know that it can only get better from here. Keep strong, my love, you will have my full support throughout all of this pain."
And the cycle repeated. Cheryl would buy you gifts, take you on dates, be clingy with you, and tell you how much she appreciates you. It shocked you to see just how soft Cheryl truly was. This made you wonder if this was how Cheryl was with Toni. They always seemed like an unfinished chapter. Sometimes you wondered if Cheryl still had feelings for Toni. I mean, of course, she did. They made each other better, they fit each other like a glove, and they are like each other's missing puzzle pieces. They completed each other. It seemed impossible for them to be wholly over. 
As you read your book, finally in the comfort of your own home all alone one afternoon, it seemed your book was uninteresting. This disturbed you greatly considering how you saved up for this book for most of four weeks. You felt oddly dull, and this made you mark your book and toss it across your bed in frustration as the last sentence made absolutely no sense to you. You slid your body down your bed, sighing heavily when none of the activities you thought of doing seemed to interest you. 
You'd been feeling like this for three weeks and you did not understand it at all. it was like there was this weight dragging you back, making it feel like time was at a standstill. So, you just lay there, unmoving in the silence. At some point, you found yourself talking to yourself out loud yet you made no move to stop. you simply took note of the fact that you were likely going crazy. 
"I mean, it's not like it's my fault. I just don't want her." You sighed, "I mean, I do, but I don't know. it's like I want to let her in, but some part of me is saying a hard no. It's pretty stupid honestly."
It went on like that for... you don't know how long. The last thing you remember saying before coming back to the world was "This is just my defense mechanism." Now upon returning to your conscious body, you robotically sat up and went to the kitchen to fish for something to chew on. God, you were starving. To your luck, you found bread and peanut butter in your pantry. 
I guess you're going on a diet.
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king-star · 3 years
Icecream Cake
Ok so this was a request by a friend not a tumblr user. It’s smol and odd but I wrote it at 3 am so who can judge.
Warning: None
Match: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Genre: Fluff
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Natasha Romanoff has many secrets. This is a well known fact to all of the people of Earth. Yet some of these secrets are so soft, they would surprise anyone who doesn’t live with her. Such as: she sleeps with a teddy bear, or how she always cries when bambis mom dies. One of her most closely guarded secrets is her love of icecream cake.
You, being her girlfriend, are one of a few people who know the infamous Black Widows birthday. On such a joyous occasion you decided to make her a cake. Specifically, an Icecream cake. Now you know Nat hates birthdays.
“ just another reminder of how we are all crawling towards death,” she says. “ always so pessimistic,” you shot back. But you just couldn’t help but make her something special on her first birthday since you got together. You want her to feel pampered and recognized. You check the clock, making sure to pull the cake out of the freezer exactly 2 minutes before she and Clint get done with training. On time, her and Clint walk into the kitchen. You see a carefree smile grace her face. Her hair is tossled and sweat beads her forehead. Even sweaty and tired she is the most beautiful human you’ve ever seen.
You walk towards her and place a kiss on her cheek. When you hug her you feel her relax in your embrace.
“ happy birthday love,” you whisper in her ear. stepping away from her you point to the cake. Her eyes light up.
“ is that-” she asks putting a hand to her mouth. “ yup, brownie base with mint chocolate chip icecream.” she runs to give you a huge hug. Red curls bounce against your chest as she pulls you into a tight hug. “ oh Y/N! I-I” her eyes look up to yours and you can see tears welling in them. “ no one has ever payed me enough attention to do something like this for me.” a single tear drops down her usually neutral face. You pull her tighter and lace your fingers through hers. you let your thumb stroke the back of her soft skin. “ oh love,” you wanted to say more you just weren’t sure what. Natasha Understands.
Clint stil standing there taps your shoulder,“ so we going to eat the cake, or just look at it till it melts?” you role your eyes and let go of Natasha. you cut a slice and hand it to her. The cake is difficult to slice, but not wanting to look weak you put an extra bit of force into it and slice through. You hand the first slice to Natasha and she istantly takes a bite.
She audibly moans, “ I think I love you,” she mumbles through a full mouth. “ I love you too,” you laugh back at her. “ Oh I love you too but I meant the cake.”
Clint walks over to the screen in the wall and yells into it “ CAKE IN THE KITCHEN,” for all the others to hear.
“ Guess you better get some more before it’s gone.” she says to you laying her head against your chest. You give her a loving smile,“ guess so.”
(This is a repost from my original account)
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frostedfaves · 4 years
Haunt (5)
Pairing: civilian!Wanda Maximoff x fem!reader
Summary: Wanda can tell you’re losing sleep, but she doesn’t hear the devil trying to make a deal with you.
Warnings: angst, mentions of funerals and grief, ghosts/demons, heavy alcohol use, more angst
A/N: I’m planning on incorporating the blurb that started this story into the next chapter with just a few changes to fit the plot. anyway, I have nothing left to say but to ask for the very least a comment on what you thought about this! these next few parts are what motivated me to write everything that came before it, and I’d just like to hear opinions on it so :)
Previous part
A knock on Wanda’s classroom door caused her to look away from her desk with a curious frown, which instantly shifted to a grin at the sight of you. Her jacket and purse were abandoned on her chair as she skipped over, closing the door behind you and turning to pull you into a kiss. Your arms shifted to wrap around her waist, and one of her hands searched blindly to figure out where the weight pressed against her back was coming from.
“You came with food?” she asked as she pulled out of the embrace and moved your arm to bring the large paper bag into view.
“It’s an apology lunch date...for missing the last few walks with Alexei.”
“Thank you, baby.” She left a kiss on the tip of your nose before leading you by your free hand to sit at her desk. “Since you’re here, can you tell me why you missed them?”
“Yes, I can.” Your sudden moment of silence made her pause with a food dish in her hands as she studied your exhausted expression. “Waiting to hear about this promotion has been hell, and I didn’t want you to notice that I wasn’t sleeping because of it.”
“So work has been keeping you busy?” she sighed and you nodded.
“In a way, yes.”
You helped her finish taking everything out of the bag and tried to arrange things on her desk in a way similar to a fancy restaurant, working well with the limited space you had, and Wanda watched on with bright eyes and a heavy heart. A mix of worry and dread swirled together inside of her, knowing that she should trust you more given that you’d opened up a great deal since your sleepover, but also feeling compelled to believe there was more going on with you. Not wanting to ruin the surprise date, she decided to save the discussion for later.
The next few months seemed to pass by at the speed of light, and Wanda’s level of concern over you fluctuated its way into the new year. There were times when you appeared to be more refreshed than ever as you arrived for Alexei’s walks or invited Wanda in for dinner, holding the confidence of a bird that finally mastered flying. On the other side of things, there were days that it was obvious you hadn’t closed your eyes for more than a few minutes during the previous night, which usually accompanied times where you’d simply check out of whatever was happening without warning.
School was different without her, much harder. There were stares, and whether they were judgmental or sympathetic, you didn’t know. You couldn’t really tell the difference of anything anymore, now that she was gone. The administrators on the morning announcements and teachers used the words dead and passed away and killed, but to you, she was just gone.
A call of your name had you stabbing into your uneaten lunch with more force now as footsteps accompanied the voice, growing closer until you could sense a presence on the other side of the otherwise empty lunch table.
“May we sit?” 
This time the voice came from her father, the husband of the woman he stood beside, the parents of the girl you’d let down this past weekend. You made the mistake of looking into the bloodshot eyes of two equally broken souls, and one weak nod brought them into the chairs across from you.
“As you know, the service is on Saturday, and we were wondering if you could say a few things that day. Even we didn’t know our daughter quite the way you did.”
“No thanks,” you replied after a bit of hesitation, continuing to poke at whatever had been thrown on your tray this time.
“You’re her best friend! She’d want you to speak at her funeral,” her mother insisted and you snapped.
“I doubt that an eighteen-year-old girl that excited for college was sitting around thinking about who would speak at her funeral.” You took a second to glance around at the new round of staring you’d caused with your outburst before turning back to the grief-stricken parents in front of you. “I’m sorry, but I don’t feel comfortable coming.”
You moved your tray aside and grabbed your bag from the seat beside you, slinging the straps over your shoulder as you stood. The chair scraped noisily against the floor as you pushed it away from the table, the sound echoing in your mind and following you all the way to your car outside. As you walked, you could hear occasional calls of your name in different tones, and one suddenly stuck out above the rest.
You blinked rapidly as you felt hands on either side of your face, turning your head to meet the concerned gaze of Wanda beside you on the couch. Your hands gently pulled at hers until her palms were detached from your cheeks, and you kissed the inside of her knuckles with a smile.
“Sorry, I was just thinking about something.”
“I know.” she sighed as she shifted to lie sideways on the couch, wrapping her arms around you as you settled against her chest. “Is this ‘something’ the same reason you haven’t been sleeping again?”
You were slightly dragging your fingers across the tail of her sweater as you rested against her torso, and you froze at her words. Of course, you couldn’t be too surprised when even you were aware that you weren’t doing the best job of hiding it, mainly because you were tired of doing that. It was exhausting keeping the biggest part of yourself from the woman you wanted to share everything with as you found yourself falling in love with her faster than you’d like to admit. So you raised your head to meet her eyes and tell her the entire story, dropping it onto her stomach again when her phone started ringing.
“Hey, Piet--what? Oh shit, really? Yeah, I’ll be there soon.” She hung up with a sigh as she placed her phone on the coffee table with a sigh. “Pietro and Mia were on their way back home and the car suddenly died on them. Do you want to come with me to pick them up?”
“I’m too sleepy to move,” you mumbled as you sat up a bit to let her climb off the couch, flopping down onto the cushions in a dramatic fashion once she stood. “See? Even that took too much effort.”
“Okay, lazy.” She giggled as she leaned down to kiss your forehead. “Don’t walk Alexei without me!”
“I wouldn’t dare!” you called out as she hurried toward the front door with her keys, turning back to the television with a smile when you heard her pull out of the driveway.
Stuck. Dead. High. Speak.
You jumped up as the words were whispered into your ears, rubbing the heels of your palm into your eyes with a loud groan as the phrase repeated endlessly, growing a bit louder each time. Knowing you wouldn’t get any relief until Wanda returned (and maybe not even then), you decided to head to the fridge for a drink, going for a beer and not even flinching when you grabbed three instead.
Stuck. Dead. High. Speak.
“You don’t scare me anymore,” you challenged as you collapsed into the armchair in front of the window, drinking the first bottle in one go and setting it on the floor while maintaining eye contact with the horrific sight across the room.
Stuck. Dead. High. Speak.
“I’ve learned to not give a shit about you when I’m drunk.” You drained the second bottle and sat it next to the first. “And maybe it’s not the healthiest way to cope with all this, but it definitely beats letting you win.”
Stuck. Dead. High. Speak.
You held a hand to your chest as you burped harshly, and you sat still waiting for the slight pain in your chest from a third consecutive beer to go away. You were feeling a bit warm following all that alcohol, but you fight the urge to tear off your sweater, knowing you welcomed a bit of heat more than the chill that surrounded you lately.
Stuck. Dead. High. Speak.
“Go to hell!” you yelled with a bit of a slurred speech, leaning back in the chair with closed eyes and beginning to panic when you suddenly couldn’t open them.
“I can’t hold it, Y/N. My arm is stuck.”
“Stop, please.”
“Is she dead?”
“I’m sorry I yelled, just please stop!” you half begged, half yelled again as you fought to open your eyes.
“The driver was high.”
“I said stop!”
“She’d want you to speak at her funeral.”
You gave up on pleading with the voices in your mind and swirling around it, simply focusing on your breathing and the feeling of tears pouring from the corners of your eyes as you pulled at the upholstery. The phrases repeated in chronological order with an occasional shuffling, but it wasn’t until you heard those four little words join the mix again that you lost it.
Stuck. Dead. High. Speak.
“How do I make it stop?!” you screamed as you finally broke free and sat up again, the small bit of relief you gained fading just as quickly as it appeared when you locked eyes with the source of your nightmares only feet away. You waited in building anticipation for the entity to kill you on the spot or make another terrifying move that would drag you into an even deeper feeling of despair, but you were left a bit surprised when you simply heard two new words.
Go home.
Tags: @littlegasps @peggycarter-steverogers @imnotasuperhero @natasha-danvers @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @trikruismybitch @cristin-rjd @slut-for-nat @honeyvenable @creepingwolfberry @stickystudentlightmug @choni-trimberly @thedragonzland @dylxn-lee @cordeliaswhore @ravvakin96 @leximills2004 @smolgayhooman @ajlawinters @moonlightmadnessxx
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andysapril · 4 years
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Love Meme:
↳ Hands 
“Sometimes, reaching out and taking someone's hand is the beginning of a journey. At other times, it is allowing another to take yours.”
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dimitrescus-bitch · 4 years
Peacemaker (Choni x Reader)
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“No, that’s not the right one! Toni, you have to get the other one.” Cheryl’s voice called out from the closet. You groaned, knowing that if Toni argued, you’d be involved somehow. Cheryl and Toni were great, but occasionally they butted heads. Both of them had very in-charge personalities and Toni was one of the few people in the world who wasn’t in any way afraid of Cheryl’s potential wrath. 
“I think this one looks way better, so I’m wearing it,” Toni said and the words that followed sealed your fate. 
“Well, why don’t we just ask Y/n? I’m sure she’ll be able to settle our dispute,” Cheryl said and within seconds, both of their footsteps could be heard approaching you. You pretended to be asleep for as long as you could. It didn’t last long because Cheryl grabbed your cheeks and tilted your head to kiss you. You kissed her back, because that’s what you always did, and she broke the kiss to ask her question. “Tell Toni that she shouldn’t wear that jacket today.” 
“It looks good on her Cheryl-bomb,” you told your taller girlfriend. Cheryl made a face and you knew that it wasn’t going to be an easy morning. “But what is the alternative?” 
“An outfit like this one. I wanted us to match today, all three of us. I put a lot of thought into the outfits and they’re perfect,” Cheryl said. She pulled the outfits out and you looked at them. They were very nice and Toni’s jacket would have thrown off the whole vibe of what Cheryl was going for. “I wanted all three of us to wear them, together. Make a big statement.” 
“Toni, Cheryl has worked really hard on this. It obviously means a lot to her,” you said and Toni sighed. “But Cheryl, you can’t force Toni to just do what you want.” 
“I know,” Cheryl sighed. “If you want to wear your jacket, you can. We can match another day.” 
“Thank you,” Toni said to both of you. “I’m sorry we made you place peacemaker again.” 
“Oh don’t worry about saying sorry now. We’ll make sure she knows later, preferably after a couple drinks and a lavish bath,” Cheryl said and you smiled at the thought of being pampered for a second night in a row.
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