#choices zadie
werkwerkelizaaa · 2 years
This… looks…
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I get the concept they were trying to go for, but the execution…
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Snake Eyes 5
Warnings: noncon, coercion, manipulation. Proceed with caution.
Note: thanks all for reading and I hope you’re excited for this one. All feedback is more than welcome and loved and appreciated. Reblogs are most helpful.
Part of The Club AU
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The service industry is less than formal. There’s not much red tape in the hiring process and less administrative restraints. So, after a short video interview with Sif, you accept a job for the weekend. It’s not entirely your choice of venue, a yacht, but the pay even before gratuity is enough to convince you.
More peculiar about the job is that it’s not a single night. You’re slated to work through the weekend at breakfast, lunch and dinner. It beats handing out shots to tipsy coeds; these wealthy investors will have deeper pockets.
So much for being destitute all at the whim of that snake. It’s the nature of the business. Gigs don’t last long and when they do, you’re miserable. If it was up to you, you’d be working at one of the upscale cocktail bars in the downtown core but they rarely open up applications.
You pack a bag and take your time getting ready. There’s a dress code of course. All black, no pants. You know these sorts of events. They only hire women and their purpose is more than serving, they have to be nice to look at. Well, you can doll yourself up.
You put on a sleek halter blouses with a leather skirt. You’ll sweat your ass off but it’s what you got. You have just enough outfits to last you through two days. Oh, and some anti-nausea meds to counteract the sea sickness.
The job will reimburse you for the cost of the uber. You don’t think you’ve ever been to the dock. You weren’t a part of the college crowd with their party boats and aren’t generally a fan of being on the water. You tip the driver on your phone as you get out and look around.
There are two other girls in black hovering around. You approach them, assuming they're in the same boat as you. The pun barely worth thinking. 
“Hey, um, are you meeting Sif?” You ask.
“You must be the new girl,” they look at you with their drawn on brows, “Tara,” the tall redhead introduces herself.
“Zadie,” the shorter woman with the spiral curls flicks her lashes derisively.
You offer your name in return, sensing their coolness. They’ve worked together a while, that means you’re the rookie, you have to prove yourself. That isn’t difficult, you have faith in your own skills.
“You’re pretty,” Tara preens, “love the gloss.”
“Thanks,” you accept the compliment.
“I could never pull that shade off,” she continues, “very harsh.”
You nod and force a smile. You’re sure that is only the beginning of your act. You shoulder your bag and turn on your heel listlessly. You’re not here to make friends.
“Girls,” Sif’s heels draw your attention as they click across the dock, “thank you for waiting. The captain was a bit late with his safety review. Ugh, so we have to hurry with set up. The investors will be arriving shortly. Can’t have you standing out here like a bunch of stray cats.”
“What happened to Katie?” Zadie asks as she steps forward first.
“She’s at her sister’s wedding,” Sif returns smoothly, “don’t worry, she’s vetted and very capable,” the dark haired woman gives you an appraising look, “you might learn a few things, Zee.”
Zadie rolls her eyes and Tara grins over her shoulder, trying to hide her amusement. You shrug and follow them towards the boarding ramp. Right, just don’t think about the water.
The boat is a flurry. After you are shown your cramped cabin, leaving your bag on the bed, you are taken to the gala deck. There, you are acquainted with the bar and set to your prep. The familiarity of the work welcomes you in and your nerves calm even as the subtle swell of the water rocks the ship.
As you work in tandem with the other girls, the lights adjust and music begins to waft around the space. You look out at the tables, set and ready for diners. It seems a rather overdone event. You’re not sure if you had yacht money, you would waste it on these pompous displays. Maybe that’s why you don’t have any money.
The first investors begin to trickle in. You hear Sif’s voice rise above the building din as she beckons them in and shows them their seats. Some sort of auction for charity. Funny, how these things are always fundraisers…
As the crowd burgeons in, the first patrons of the night come by the bar. Tara elbows past you to take the lead. You let her. You know her type. They approach the job like a competition. No use playing that game.
“Miss, a drink,” you hear from your left. You turn to greet the man, his silty tone only registering once you face him. Loki smirks as he drapes his arm over the trim, “I believe you know my preference.”
You withhold a scowl. You don’t know how to respond. You can’t scream at him so you turn and begin to put together a dry martini. You feel him watching you. Of course, he’s one of them.
“Mr. Laufeyson,” Zadie comes up behind you, “nice to see you.”
“You too,” he says silkily.
“Hon, why don’t you let me take over for Mr. Laufeyson?” She offers as she touches your arm.
“She’s got it,” he shoos her with his fingers.
You present him the tall glass and meet his eye. He watches you with that imperious gloating grin. He reaches for it, sliding it closer with two fingers around the stem.
“Now I should be suitably bolstered to face my guests,” he declares. You squint at him, his guests? “Darling, should you require anything, you know you only need ask. I do take pride in accommodating my staff well.”
You blink, lips sealed and tight. His eyes rove up and down as he lifts his martini, “cheers.” He takes a sip and winks, before spinning on his heel and strutting off. You should’ve known it was all too easy.
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onlyjaeyun · 6 months
I have so much to say but I NEED to say this…
I saw you said that a lot of people wanted you to have Snowflake be strict with Hoon.
But… the scene you wrote…
It was perfect.
I never wanted that (the “strictness”) I’ll be honest. I never wanted her to be super hard on Hoon… And truly when you have been in relationships with real people…well. They aren’t perfect. They mess up. You mess up. And it’s not ideal sometimes.
The scene you wrote was literally so perfect. Flawless. It was absolutely excellent. It was real. Raw. Beautiful. Sometimes you just get too tired…sometimes you just don’t want to wait anymore to be happy.
Sometimes the person you love does something wrong. And you don’t need to make them wait for forgiveness. You don’t need to make them earn it. In a relationship YOU will inevitably do something wrong too… Can you imagine how terrible it would be to have your remorse and genuine apology met with a list of requirements—after you have both suffered…
No…that isn’t what anyone really wants in a relationship. And it certainly wouldn’t have fit Snowflake and Hoon because…at the end of the day there is real and abiding love between them…and doing all of that…it isn’t who they are. After spending so long pretending that they aren’t each other’s person… the punishment has already been delivered. They had to live without each other for 10 years. No one is promised tomorrow. Life changes and takes and gives without warning.
I wouldn’t waste another second away from my soulmate by having him atone… What purpose would it serve? She knows his heart already.
Life is its own atonement. It is already hard without us making it harder.
True love is such a gift and theirs was so strong that it survived 10 years of them trying to kill it.
No. I’m glad you chose to do it the way you did. Because real love isn’t about “being strict”…and “making sure he pays for what he did”… Forgive me but… such things are often petty and immature…
It’s about healing and restoration and moving forward and changing and growing for the better… and it was all there in that absolutely perfect scene you wrote.
Don’t bother with what people want from you Zadie—or what their expectations are of the story you want to tell. Those are you characters. You know them. You love them. And your instincts as a storyteller—as someone who understands people—are unparalleled. I’m so glad you followed your heart on this.
viola, my love, my partner in crime, my ride or die, my adoptive older tumblr sister ☹️🤍
you never fail to make me tear up with your asks and feedback and basically everything you text me and i cant evenr thank you enough for it. your support is literally everything to me and i hope you know you've helped me through some tough times on here 🥺🤍😭✨
it always feels like you know exactly what to say to esde all those worries in my head because i was definitely worrying about if i had made the right decisions, so reading this definitely made me feel even more secure in my decisions and choices.
i wholeheartedly agree with everytjing you've said and i honestly couldnt have said it better bc you always hit the nail on the head with your analysis. this is bery important to people who have doubted CH!hoonyn's reactions and the development in their relationship so thank you for putting it into words and tkaing that burden off of my shoulders.
i love and appreciate you so so much 🤍
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"Stop worrying about your identity and concern yourself with the people you care about, ideas that matter to you, beliefs you can stand by, tickets you can run on. Intelligent humans make those choices with their brain and hearts and they make them alone. The world does not deliver meaning to you. You have to make it meaningful … and decide what you want and need and must do. It’s a tough, unimaginably lonely and complicated way to be in the world. But that’s the deal: you have to live; you can’t live by slogans, dead ideas, clichés, or national flags. Finding an identity is easy. It’s the easy way out.”
– Zadie Smith in On Beauty
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Please clarify in the tags what you voted for on the options that are multiple choice!!!
Tagging: @wagner-fell @hahahax30 @petalsofaflower-shutupthomas
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phoenixlionme · 2 years
My Favorite Fictional Couples Part 30
NOTE: Be respectful of my choices; the OTPs are not ranked, just of who I thought when making this list.
1. The Legend of Vox Machina: Lady Kima of Vord + Allura Vysoren = Kimallura
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2. The 100: Clarke Griffin + Lexa = Clexa
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3. DC Comics: Maggie Sawyer + Alex Danvers = Sanvers
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4. Overwatch: Lena Oxton aka Tracer + Emily = Tracerily
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5. Berserk: Guts + Casca = Gutsca
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6. The Secret Saturdays: Zak Saturday + Wadi = Zadi
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7. Sword Art Online franchise: Kirito Kirigaya + Asuna Yuuki = Kirisuna
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8. Disney’s Fairies franchise: Lord Milori + Queen Clarion = Milarion
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9. Marvel Comics: Ayo + Aneka = Ayoneka
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10.  Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust:  Meier Link + Charlotte Elbourn = Meierlottte
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unfortunate-arrow · 2 years
Eloise and Phillip’s Children
Sir and Lady Crane had five children with the older two being from Sir Crane’s first marriage: Amanda, Oliver, Penelope (better known as Penny), Georgiana, and Frederick. Amanda was the eldest, by seven minutes, and preferred to stay out of the spotlight. She grew out of troublemaking ways by the age of ten, although they never fully left her. Amanda was also the one Bridgerton granddaughter not to take a season, but it wasn’t a worry. She found her match in a neighbor’s cousin. Oliver was the eldest son and the second eldest. His troublemaking ways stayed with him a lot longer than they did his sister and he was always down to cause a little bit of a scene. He was, perhaps, an unusual choice but still eligible and eventually gave his heart to a merchant’s daughter, much to the ton’s displeasure. Penny could usually be found with her cousin and best friend, Agatha Bridgerton. They were inseparable, until it came to finding their matches. Penny fell for a duke… who also happened to be a fourth son. Georgiana was the most introverted of the Crane children, inheriting her father’s temperament. She became a sort of wallflower, but was still considered a good match as she was, after all, a Bridgerton by blood. However, Georgiana refused to bend when she fell in love with a viscount (and earl’s heir), who was rumored to be illiterate. Frederick was the youngest and that could be innately obvious at moments. He was a barrister, although he also had a wild side and eventually fell in love with an earl’s daughter. 
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Amanda Mary Crane
Born in 1816, Amanda’s middle name was a play on her mother’s name. It was her father’s idea, just as he made the suggestion that Oliver’s middle name be George.
Amanda is the older twin and never lets Oliver forget that. Much to her displeasure, he ends up taller than her.
Amanda outgrows pranking shortly after her sister, Georgiana is born. However, she will still get into prank wars with Oliver. It’s part of how they love each other.
Amanda had a revolving door of interests, and tends to find a new one every few months. She’s been interested in botany, zoology, architecture, Roman history and more. 
Amanda also finds that she really enjoys writing. She ends up writing a diary, which isn’t something she shares with people. However, she does end up gifting it to a granddaughter who she sees as a kindred spirit.
Amanda is also rather close with her cousin, Caroline Basset. They just clicked.
Amanda married Charles Farraday in 1840, when she was twenty-four and he was twenty-seven. Parts of their love story can be found in the second epilogue of To Sir Phillip With Love.
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Oliver George Crane
Born in 1816, Oliver is very light-hearted. He’s always made it his mission to lighten the mood, which is usually accomplished by jokes and pranks. It takes him a while to grow out of the pranks, which truly occurs shortly after his little brother, Frederick is born. He never truly grows out of pranks, though.
Oliver never lets Amanda forget that he’s the taller twin. 
Oliver loves having cousins. He’s in-between Edmund Bridgerton and Miles Bridgerton and David Basset in age, so he doesn’t have a very close cousin. However, he is good friends with all three boys, even if he brings out the worst in Edmund.
Oliver does not enjoy his time at school. For him, the only saving grace is that his friendship grows with his cousins and he makes other friends. In a modern AU, Oliver would probably have a mild case of ADHD.
Oliver falls in love with Alice Linfield, a merchant’s daughter. She is from a middle class family that can afford to mingle with the ton. Alice is one of the few people who can understand Oliver’s impulse to lighten the mood but can also call him out. 
Oliver married Alice in 1847, when he was thirty-one and she was twenty-four. They have one of the larger age gaps. 
Oliver and Alice have four daughters, Victoria, Adelia, Vinnie and Zadie. Victoria Alice Crane is two years older than Adelia Eloise Crane. Adelia is three years older than Lavinia Amanda “Vinnie” Crane, who is four years older than Zadie Marina Crane.
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Penelope Violet “Penny” Crane
Born in 1825, Penny’s temperament is a combination of her parents’. She is generally fairly even-keeled, but can also lose her temper easily. In addition, she is a hopeless romantic and is not something people expect from her. 
Penny’s godfather is Anthony and her godmother is Francesca. 
Penny is quite close with her cousin, Agatha Bridgerton. They are almost like a Penloise 2.0, with fewer secrets. It never fails to amuse their mothers, and grandmother. However, she also really looks up to her older cousin, Amelia Basset. 
Appearance wise, Penny looks like Eloise and therefore a Bridgerton.
Penny has a wild and fun-loving side, which often masks the personality traits that she inherited from Phillip. However, Penny embraces all of it.
Penny marries Christopher “Kit” Barrington, the Duke of Morcott. He also happens to be a fourth son, which means there’s all sorts of rumors swirling around Kit while they’re courting. 
Penny married Christopher in 1849, when she was twenty-four and he was twenty-eight. 
Penny and Christopher have five children, Alexandra, Hugo, Matthew, Robbie, and Viola. Their eldest child is a daughter named Alexandra Eloise Barrington, who is two years older than the twins, Hugo Christopher Phineas Barrington and Matthew Phillip Ambrose Barrington. The twins are four years older than Robert John Edmund “Robbie” Barrington. Robbie is three years older than Viola Penelope Barrington.
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Georgiana Eloise Crane
Born in 1826, Georgiana has her father’s temperament. She’s introverted, somewhat awkward, and generally fairly even keeled. She also has her father’s love of botany and plants. Georgiana is also closer to Phillip. 
Georgiana’s godfather is Benedict and her godmother is Penelope. 
As a child, Georgiana often trailed after her sister, Penelope, and cousin, Agatha Bridgerton. They rarely let Georgiana join in, despite the fact that Georgiana was only a year younger than them. 
She is a wallflower during her entire time as a debutante. However, she does manage to form her own friend group with two other wallflower debutantes.
Georgiana and Eloise are often at odds with one another. Their arguments really hit fever pitch during Georgiana’s courtship with Viscount Wivenly.
Georgiana falls in love with Lucas Wivenly, a viscount. He’s an heir (and former spare) to an earl, and also has dyslexia. However, because this is the mid-1800s, no one knows what dyslexia is and there are many rumors swirling around Lucas’s struggles with reading and related-tasks. Eloise does not like Lucas at first. Phillip thinks that Lucas is a good man and that Georgiana truly cares for Lucas.
Georgiana married Lucas in 1850, when she was 24 and he was 27.
Georgiana and Lucas have two sons named Nicholas Phillip Edmund Wivenly and Isaac Lucas Benedict Wivenly. Nicholas is two years older than Isaac.
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Frederick Phillip Anthony Crane
Born in 1829, Frederick reminds his grandmother of his Uncle Colin. He’s jovial, friendly, and troublesome. He also has his uncle’s massive appetite. In addition, Frederick has Eloise’s temperament and takes after her more so than Phillip in personality. 
Frederick’s godfather is Colin and his godmother is Daphne.
Frederick is older than his cousins, Richard Bridgerton and John Stirling by approximately two months. He is also extremely close with Richard and John, forming a trio with similar roles and personalities to their uncles ABC with Frederick being Colin, John Benedict, and Richard Anthony. 
His siblings, parents, and grandmother are the only ones Frederick lets call him “Freddie.” Eventually, his wife is added to that list.
Frederick becomes a barrister. He decides that he would like to try and help those who are less fortunate for him. Frederick also has a strong sense of honor, something he inherited from both parents.
Frederick falls in love with Lady Beatrice Winslow, an earl’s daughter. Their match happens quite slowly, as Richard Bridgerton marries Beatrice’s twin sister and John Stirling marries Beatrice’s close friend. They are both a bit oblivious about their growing feelings over the two seasons that occur prior to their courtship beginning. 
Frederick married Beatrice in 1857, when he was 28 and she was 24.
Frederick and Beatrice have two children, Louis and Dotty. Their eldest is a son named Louis Phillip Frederick Crane, while their youngest is a daughter named Theadosia Beatrice “Dotty” Crane.
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Anthony & Kate’s children • Benedict & Sophie’s children • Colin & Penelope’s children • Daphne & Simon’s children • Francesca & Michael’s children • Gregory & Lucy’s children • Hyacinth & Gareth’s children
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the-al-chemist · 2 years
Procrastination ask! 💛
Your OCs are attending a party. The game of choice is "Never Have I Ever". What dark secrets are being spilled? Who is lying? Who is shocked at what the others reveal? Who is drunk after the first round? Tell us all.
So, the way I was taught to play Never Have I Ever is with the “Five Finger Rule” - every time you have to drink, you lower one finger to indicate that you’ve lost a life. The first person to lose all five lives finishes their drink or strawpedoes a bottle of wine. It’s good fun. It’ll be very NSFW, so I’ve put a cut in for good measure. So, without further ado, let’s begin the round…
The game was obviously Rory’s idea, so he will start, and thereby set the tone: “Never have I ever done it in public.”
Several bottles are sipped from, including Rory’s own. Also drinking, we have Dante, Artemis, Ethel, and Saffron (though, in fairness, who knows what she defines as “it”?). Jim does not drink at first, but once no one is looking, Héloïse looks at him over the wine glass she has discretely raised to her lips, and he begrudgingly sips from his own.
Ethel has never played this game before, but she is keen to get to grips with it. She grins wickedly at her twin brother, a glint of mischief in her eyes. There is a short pause before she asks, “Never have I ever done it in St Mungoes Hospital...”
Artemis drinks. Jim looks at Héloïse, aghast. She shrugs and sips her wine, and he exhales loudly before drinking himself, glaring at his sister as he does so.
But Ethel isn’t done. “…where I was working as a Healer at the time.”
Artemis and Héloïse both get a life back. Jim scowls. Ethel cackles. Dante takes out a bottle of hand sanitiser and passes it to a horrified looking Ophelia. It’s Jim’s turn next. He narrows his eyes at his sister.
“Never have I ever done it outside of wedlock.”
Ethel rolls her eyes as she drinks. All other players besides Jim, Héloïse, and Ophelia drink.
Next up, we have Cleo. She looks around the room and smirks to herself. “Never have I ever had a crush on someone in this room.”
Jim and Héloïse drink. Rory doesn’t, but he does wink at Cleo, who scowls back at him. In the corner, Zadie lowers her gaze to the floor and quietly takes a sip.
Dante’s turn. “Never have I ever done it with someone in one of our family member’s beds.”
Rory takes a sip, looks thoughtful for a few moments, and then takes another. Ethel laughs out loud and drinks, but her laughter fades as Jim and Héloïse exchange knowing glances and also raise their glasses to their lips. Artemis drinks. So does Cleo. Jacob stands up and leaves the room without saying a word.
It is time for Ophelia to make a suggestion. She has so far spent the game in complete silence, her drink untouched. She looks appalled by the mere idea of suggesting something herself.
Ethel takes a look around the circle. Her gaze settles on the one last finger her brother holds aloft. She has an idea, and leans across to whisper into Ophelia’s ear. Ophelia frowns, but Ethel nods her head encouragingly, so she says, “Never have I ever been stung by a bee.”
Ethel widens her eyes in faux-innocence.
“Time to drink up, Jimmy.”
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nzbookwyrm · 1 year
For me, being a reader, in summer or at any other time, isn't a "lifestyle choice." Rather, I made the choice—if that's what it was—so long ago, it has taken on an inescapable character in my mind. I think that if I were a very good swimmer, I would be proud to be so, but being proud of being a reader, in my case, is like being proud you have feet.
Zadie Smith
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windshield91 · 2 years
Fbi MW S04E05
''Chains'' needed a trigger warning more than ''Run-Hide-Fight''. Both remind me of other shows.
Ray first night in Hana’s revolving house. when does their ''solid friendship'' happen?
Any updates about Crosby/ Zadie?
Who told him the stories? If Not Hana, that leave Barnes. weird.
This animal reminds me Nic’s death (The Resident). Why seeing it at the end again?
Typing ''Need help?'' was smart. But why do dumb thing like confront that woman if you suspected her hence the typing?
Hana, No backup… Trail them/ License plate, Don't be that direct alone.
This man talking is horrible. Their discussion is disgusting, so the woman is okay with jail but not death.
Please No graphic scenes. This’s not criminal minds.
Hot Remy Scott in satin P.j's.  
Good. He called Barnes not Kristin.
I want to see Remy and Isabel on screen.
''Someone can. What does everyone else use? ''  ''Hana.''  
They are a tech mess without Hana. Brains over Muscles.
A second disgusting man? Would you listen to yourself? 12years, A woman?
Remy anger, Is this about his brother?
''what’s wifi? '' This poor girl. At least she still able to dream and be curious.
Casey is a teacher. Is this Hana story?
"If we can't do high tech… let’s do low tech."
Hana trying to assure this little girl that’s not her faut is heartbreaking.
A job vs. A drug habit. 7 years for a lawyer. where’s the law? Mother rights?
''I won’t let another person die on me''
why does this episode feel very long? It’s not the pace, normally this eps go by fast like in a minute but this one took forever.
Hanna hotwire an iPod.
Baby crying, A trap? who does the baby belong to? Olli has no sister. Abducted?
This is like a horror house.
Why didn’t Hana try to fight this one disgusting man on the road?
Hana and Barnes hug, where’s Remy hug?
''My nerves are shot.''
Mine too Remy.
What’s wrong with this paramedic? Dragging an abused child like that?
Hana telling her story to Ollie made her reflect in what happened with her Stalker, How Jess choices changed her view and life and may be she'll think of her future.
Can we see Ollie again in the future?
Solid episode. But dark and hard to watch.
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onlyjaeyun · 5 months
how are you zadie ?? 💗💗
WOMP WOMP WOMP!!1!1!1!1!!1!1😩
i'm okay baby, soooo not in the mood to go to class but unfortunately i have no choice (my bestie is peer pressuirng me)(no they're not) hbu ?? i hope life's been treating you well baby☹️🤍
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quoteoftheweekblog · 4 months
First sentence:
'The barbershop was strangely quiet.' (Azumah Nelson, 2021, p.vii).
On English Literature:
' "I miss being able to read anything, I'm doing English Lit at uni." ' (Azumah Nelson, 2021, p.29).
On Zadie Smith:
' " … I'll be back … Maybe for some Zadie." "Good choice." ' (Azumah Nelson, 2021, p.29).
' … pouring over the pages of a novel - Zadie Smith's "NW" "I love her writing." … She's my favourite writer. 'NW' is the book I return to most." ' (Azumah Nelson, 2023, p.39).
' "But what of 'NW', the book in which no one wins?" ' (Azumah Nelson, 2021, p.40).
On being Black:
'We are all hurting, you said. We are all trying to live, to breathe, and find ourselves stopped by that which is out of our control. We find ourselves unseen. We find ourselves unheard. We find ourselves mislabelled. We who are loud and angry, we who are loud and brash. We who are Black. We find ourselves not saying it how it is. We find ourselves scared. We find ourselves suppressed, you said.' (Azumah Nelson, 2021, p.34).
On plot:
' "There are really only two plot devices when writing: a stranger comes to town, or a person goes on a journey. All good work is just variations on these ideas." ' (Azumah Nelson, 2021, p.40).
On summer:
'It's summer now.' (Azumah Nelson, 2021, p.68).
'It's summer now, and you're craving a simpler existence. You want to read.' (Azumah Nelson, 2021, p.68).
'It's summer now, and you're looking forward to worrying less.' (Azumah Nelson, 2021, p.69).
'It's summer now, so let's slow down, and breathe.' (Azumah Nelson, 2021, p.70).
' "It's summer now." "It is, indeed." ' (Azumah Nelson, 2021, p.73).
On open water:
' "I love you, you know?" She has swum out into open water, and it is not long before you join her, You take but a moment before saying, "I love you too." ' (Azumah Nelson, 2021, p.82).
'It's like you both dived onto open water, but you have resurfaced with her elsewhere.' (Azumah Nelson, 2021, p.100).
'You came here to tell her you are sorry that you wouldn't let her hold you in the open water. You came here to tell how selfish it was to let yourself drown.' (Azumah Nelson, 2021, p.130).
Azumah Nelson, C. (2021) 'Open water'. Amazon.com [E-book]. Available at: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Open-Water-Caleb-Azumah-Nelson-ebook/dp/B088NRG888
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meiageddes · 7 months
“Stop worrying about your identity and concern yourself with the people you care about, ideas that matter to you, beliefs you can stand by, tickets you can run on. Intelligent humans make those choices with their brain and hearts and they make them alone.” -Zadie Smith
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lilianeruyters · 8 months
Benjamín Labatut || The Maniac
When my book club was given the choice between Zadie Smith’s The Fraud and Benjamín Labatut’s The Maniac, a fear of having to deal with mathematics had my book club members chose Smith. Determined not to be frightened by the tale of a mathematician I decided to read them both. Be sure I am going to tell the others they should definitely read The Maniac. We rejected a brilliant novel. The Maniac…
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alexbkrieger13 · 8 months
Why Zadi out and not Stanners?
I have no idea that was definitely a choice from Alex
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Vampires and humans were not meant to mix, Zadie knew that. She’d been taught it by her older brothers for so long it felt like she could have been cut open and the words would have been printed inside her. However, one night she finds herself coming face-to-face with a human that changes that. He helps to protect her, allows her sanctuary until nightfall.
Her older brother, Lucifer, is happy to encourage the friendship with the mortal. Happy to learn a little more about the world that they’ve been deprived. Amenadiel, not so much. However, when they learn that they are being hunted and the humans might just be the people who can help to save them, the trio have no other choice but to trust in the friends Zadie has made.
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